Death mānīšana Exclusive: Michael Jackson sēž atbalstīts Helicopter, lai Morgue

June 29th, 2009

Michael Jackson ķermeņa transportēja līdz Los Angeles County Morge caur Helicopter. Tas liecina, metrāžas viņa organizācija "sēdus uz augšu", kas helipcopter kā tā attālinās.

Skeptics teiks, ka viņa ķermeņa tika "pārcelts" ar kādu no nošāva, bet, ja viņš ir miris un sasprādzētas nosaka uz nestuvēm, tad kāpēc viņam būtu jāsniedz nepieciešams pārvietot?

Šī metrāžas tikai apstiprina to, ko mēs šeit MJHD jau uzskatīja, ka no paša sākuma. Paņem meklēt sevi un redzēt, kas jums šķiet, ka.

Saņemiet jaunākās ziņas un interneta TV tiešsaistē

NB: Mēs vēlētos pateikties Billy, lai šo mūsu uzmanību.

UPDATE: Atbildot uz cilvēkiem, kuri ir izteikuši atsauksmes, piemēram, "Viņš izskatījās kā maiss kartupeļu" un "Viņš ir miris, tāpēc, protams, viņa iestāde pārvietoties uz pacelšanās", lūdzu, saglabāt šādus lietas prātā:

Ar 911 Ārkārtas zvans tika veikts no Michael Jackson's savrupmāju at 12:21. Šī ir pusstundu pēc Dr Conrad Murray konstatēts Jackson "neatsaucīgajām" par viņa gulta un, iespējams, sāka veikt CPR.

Jackson ķermeņa ieradās UCLA Medical Centre at 1:14 pēc vietējā laika un komanda Ārsti un Cardiologists strādāja par viņam vairāk nekā stundu, līdz tie pametusi, un pasludināja viņam miruši 2:26.

Michael Jackson ķermeņa transportēja līdz Helicopter, kas pēc tam pārvietot uz LA County Morgue citā 35-45 minūtēm vēlāk.

Drebuļi mortis sāks, kas noteikts pēc 3 stundām. Viņa ķermeņa nebūtu kā "Sack kartupeļu" vai "pārvietojas uz pacelties", jo tas nav iespējams.

Ja vien viņš vēl bija dzīvs.


Birkas: sazvērestība, sazvērestība Theories, Death mānīšana, Faked Death, Media, News
Posted in konspirācija Theories, mānīšana Death, Media, News | Comments (137)

137 Atbildēs uz "Death mānīšana Exclusive: Michael Jackson sēž atbalstīts Helicopter, lai Morgue"

  1. Jeanine saka:

    Looks man, piemēram, vējš putu vispārējais. Tomēr, es nedomāju, ka MJ ir miris, vai nu. Im nav pat ventilators viņa bet es pārliecināts, ka kaut kas nav pareizi ar šo visu stāstu-Es uzskatu, ka tas ir tieši tā, ka, a "stāsts". Atkal, ļaujiet man uzsvērt, es neesmu michael ventilators, un tas nav karojošs domāšana

  2. Jeanine saka:

    Es gribu darīt otro komentāru attiecībā uz šo video. Man ir kopš noskatījos vēlreiz un ir ieradušies, lai realizētu, ka šķiet, ķermeņa pārvietojas, jo cirtējs bija "turning'-leņķim kameru, kā arī virzienā, kurā cirtējs griezt liek izskatīties tā, it kā struktūrai mēģina sēdēt uz augšu.

  3. Rickster saka:

    Es esmu priecīgs es neesmu vienīgais, kas uzskata, ka viss, kas jums cilvēki ir teikuši .... Mans jautājums ir .... Tā kā Oprah Winfrey? ... .. Nekad nav dzirdējuši condolences no viņas ... ...!

  4. Diana saka:

    LOL jā, kad ellē ir Oprah? Anyway, yeah, tur ir tikai kaut kas "pārdabisks" par visu lieta.

  5. jonn saka:

    Plašsaziņas līdzekļi ir teikts, ka viņam nav matu laikā, kad viņš nomira. Guess what? tikai to apskatīt ar pagājušā foto ar ātro palīdzību, viņš faktiski bija gari mati!

    Šīs veida pretrunas padarīt Jūs domājat, ka kaut kas ir liktenīgs.

  6. Oliver saka:

    Man visa lieta nav pievienot, es domāju, ka theres a lot ņemt vērā un vienu dienu kāds būs kaut visā pasaulē un redzēsi karalis un lietas sāks nāk no izlietnēm

  7. Man saka:

    Es nevaru pat aplūkotu ķermeņa! Es esmu fans, bet neesmu pārliecināts, cik happend. Es nevaru iedomāties, viņš miris, un neesmu pārliecināts, ka viņš tiešām ir miris. Ceru, ka ne!

  8. Man saka:

    OMG es redzu to tagad! wow tas izskatās viņam sēdes augšu. BTW John, viņš wears a parūka, jo viņš ir zaudējis lielāko daļu no viņa apbrīnojamo matiem.

  9. kniksis saka:

    Puiši nopietni, ja Jums ir tādas lielas MJ ventilatori I'd ir doma jūs ir nedaudz vairāk cieņu nekā šis. Par ziņu par viņa missing mati ir ievilkts, jo tie bija no ticams avots. Tas, kā viņš kustas, ir diezgan skaidri nedzīvs-you mēģiniet pagrieziena sevi vairāk nekā bez pārvietojas galvu vai ieročus. Faktiski viņš izskatās kā maiss kartupeļu. Šķiet loģiski, kas man tās ir kustības strecher, lai viņam veic durvju vieglāk. Ja jūs būtu shread un pieklājības jūs tikai piekrist viņš pagājis. Paskaties uz to, kā viņa ģimene ir reaģējuši. Ja tu būtu to nostāju jūs vēlaties no cilvēkiem, sakot "Tas viss ir tikai mānīšana"? Es esmu diezgan disgusted, ko daži no šiem komentāriem.

  10. oxmjf saka:

    Nostradamus - Century II 28

    Priekšpēdējo no uzvārds, pareģis

    Vai veikt Diana [ceturtdiena] par viņa dienu un atpūsties:

    Viņš klīst tālu, jo ir izmisīgs galvas,

    Un iedzīvināšanas liela cilvēku no atkarība.

  11. Lis saka:

    Cilvēki - GET A LIFE! Konspirācija ir aizgājusi pārāk tālu.
    Cilvēki mirst pārāk jauni katru dienu! nav pamata, tas ir tikai skumji. Pieņem to!

  12. Katie saka:

    Ja iestāde ir miris muskuļos līgums kā gaisa tiek atbrīvota no ķermeņa, tās ir zināms, ka burp, sēdēt uz augšu, pārejiet uz ilgu laiku pēc nāves joprojām.
    Es esmu medmāsa un ir to redzējuši pirmo puses daudz reizes.
    Viņš ir miris. Ļaujiet viņam atpūsties mieru!
    Es esmu fans par MJ, un vai domājat, ka to ir kaut kas nepareizi ar visu stāsts, bet es uzskatu, viņš ir miris.

  13. Jamie saka:

    Ir kāds no nošāva un, ja jūs skatīties pilnu video, pēc tam, kad helikopters nolaižas redzēsiet viņam parādās. Varbūt viņš bija padarot ķermeņa drošāku vai kaut.

    Tomēr, es gaidīt jūs liek domāt, tas ir kāds cits izliekoties ir miris ķermeņa kopš Michael bija plankumainais atstājot valsti. Tā ir visas slimnīcas darbinieki, ģimenes, policijas, helikopters un izmeklētājs darbinieki uc, kas par to?

    Es domāju, kā konspirācija teorijām iet, daži ir diezgan iespējams, bet šo nav nekādu vielu, par mani.

  14. Mrs Joy Bell saka:

    Daudz, kā es mīlu domāt, ka Džeksons ir dzīvs, tas, ka iestāde pārceļas nepierāda, Džeksons vēl joprojām ir dzīvs, pat ja organismā bija sēdēt uz augšu.
    Ja persona nomirst, viņu ķermeņa piepilda ar gaisu, un tas ir tas, kas izraisa iestādei, lai pārvietotu, varat skatīties šo faktu gada neto vai klausīties dziesmu par to sauc par "sēde ar mirušajiem" par jums caurulē.

  15. Syn kuce saka:

    I don't get it, kāpēc izmantot viņa faktisko sevi, ja tā ir mānīšana?? protams, jūs tikai izmantot manican vai summink??

  16. MJ saka:

    Hi guys, vienkārši domāju, I'd let you know, ka es esmu faktiski nav miris, i bija tikai plānojat milzīgs atriebība uz skatuves manā upcoming žebērklis. Un, yeah, i vienoties, šos komentārus, ir viltojums, bet, lai viņiem ir kāda patiesība, i am faktiski kails, bet tikai ap dzimumorgānu jomā.

  17. DJ Naija saka:

    Ja jūs zināt MJ pietiekami labi .... To var tikai citā triks, viņš ir savvaļas un liktenīgs imaginations un mašīnas pull atslēgt kā vienmēr.

    Lai iegūtu no Media, Controversies, parāda, kā arī jāveic apjomīgi atriebība, nāves mānīšana ir vērts katru reizi, un resursi tērēti tā, kā jau divident ir redzams, un joprojām uzstādījumā.
    Godīgi, tā bija pirmā doma, kas ienāca, manuprāt, par ziņu pārtraukuma.

  18. Brian saka:

    Viņš ir miris. tikai pieņemt to, pārejiet uz un saņemt dzīvības

  19. Cheeseball Harry saka:

    Michael ir tiesības tagad dažās mountantop Villa Brazīlijā baudīt eksotiskus zaļā tēja ar Elvis.

  20. TeddyC saka:

    Tā ir ēnas pārvietojas pāri bodybag. Maisus nekustos.

  21. Jodie saka:

    Es nevaru uzskatīt, visi tiešām domā, MJ joprojām ir dzīvs.
    Jūs, kas ir "true" faniem vajadzētu pieņemt, ka MJ devies uz labāku vietu, un tagad būtu jāļauj RIP
    Jūs daudz ir unbelieveable!
    Atstāj man alone!

  22. DV saka:

    Tas ir bēdīgi, bet mums ir ļaut viņam aiziet. Pat tad, ja tas varētu būt taisnība, mums vajadzētu atstāt viņam vien. Viņš ir nopelnījis viņa miera ... šeit vai kur viņš var būt.

  23. Jasmine saka:

    Es pilnīgi do vienoties ar admin par drebuļi mortis ..

    Te ir tas, ko es tikai lasīt Wikipedia un WikiAnswers.

    Drebuļi mortis ir viens no atpazīstamas pazīmes nāve (latīņu Mors, mortis), kas izraisa ķīmiskās izmaiņas muskuļos pēc nāves, kā rezultātā ekstremitāšu no līķis kļūt stīvs (Latin drebuļi) un grūti pārvietot vai manipulēt. [ 1]

    Drebuļi mortis, a nostiprinājuma no muskuļiem, kas parasti sāk notiks apmēram 3 stundas pēc tam, kad kāds ir miris ar pilnu drebuļi rodas aptuveni 12 stundas pēc nāves. Pēc 12 stundu atzīmētu drebuļi lēnām tiek pārtraukta, un, kas ir apmēram 72 stundas drebuļi pazūd.

    Tātad, būtībā, jūs vienkārši nevar manipulēt vai jāattālinās institūcija, kas ir drebuļi mortis kas noteikts pēc 3 stundām. Iestāde, kas ir stīvs kā kuģa.

  24. Sascha saka:

    1th: kas filmēja šo no augšas? Dievs pats?
    2th: a strecher var atcelt augšu. Ja jūs rūpīgi redzat rokas atcelt strecher uz augšu. Ja jūs atcelt upperbody augšu, pacients varētu elpot labāk. Tomēr, es domāju, ka šī filma ir reāls mānīšana

  25. Antoine1975 saka:

    Puiši, c'mon, ja jūs uzmanību uz oranža ceļasoma (ārsti gadījumā) par tiesībām vietu, kā sega, jūs redzēsiet, ka kāds ir melns uzvalks cērtes to, tādējādi radot ilūziju, ka šī iestāde pārceļas / sēž . Nr konspirācija vairāk šeit ....

  26. JC saka:

    Atvainojiet, bet viņš ir miris folks. Viņš nekad atstāt viņa bērni aiz un izraisīt viņa ģimenes sirdēsti.

    Viņš nekad nevarētu paslēpt, sakarā ar viņa plašās ķirurģijā, viņš izskatās ļoti individuāliem. Ja jūs zināt, ko es domāju.

    Ja jūs domājat, ka viņš ir izdarījusi uz nolūku, un vēlas, lai atriebība, tas būtu vispiemērotākais riebīgs lieta, ka kāds varētu darīt.

    Viņš nevar darīt to, lai viņa fani.

    Laiks pāriet uz cilvēku, viņš devies, lai apmierinātu Elvis.

    Kas? Elvis nav miris, vai nu??

  27. JC saka:


    Viņš bija kails zem parūka, ka viņš valkāja. Tieši tādēļ viņš bija gari mati, pēdējos foto šajā ambulance.

  28. Bezgaumīgs saka:

    Oh please! Are u kidding me?!
    Ko darīt līdz pat redzēt!
    Nekas redzēt! Nav pat pusi otrā. Es mīlu to, lai ļautu viņam faked savas miris!

    Ja viņš bija:
    Kāpēc šajā helikopters? Kāpēc ne lelli vai dubultu tāpat u lasīt citu stāstus?

    Get reāliem cilvēkiem!

  29. Annette saka:

    Vai nav Michael būt struktūra, soma, ja viņš bija miris vai pārklāti pār tās nav normāli ir līķis Sēdes stāvus protams

  30. Tatyana saka:

    Es nopietni vēlas šajā bija mānīšana ... kaut faking jūsu nāves kļūdās par tik daudz dažādos līmeņos. Bet puiši, viņš tiešām pagājis.

  31. Madason saka:

    tā ir mānīšana
    un viņam noteikti nav miruši.
    tas ir visu im gonna say.

  32. kanindo saka:

    Still skaņas sarežģītāka par manu beliefing. Piemēram, daļa no teorijā tiek pieņemts, ka Jacko tēvam nevar skaņu skumst viņa dēla nāvi, jo viņš slepeni zina, ka Michael joprojām ir dzīvs kaut. Jauki. Tad kā Jūs atbildēt uz Jackson ģimenes ir aizdomīgs apkārtējo Michael nāves? Vai tēvs nav spēļu un viņš par šo?

  33. brizom saka:

    kāpēc dont you all pieņemt MJ ir beigts, peolpe do mirst, tā dzīvē. ar summu, narkotikas bieži plumled vērā ir organizācija par katru dienu, tas bija tikai laika jautājums. Attiecībā uz piemānīt, tas ir kopīgs vairumam bigtime zvaigznēm, tiklīdz viena ir deklarētas miris kāds kliedziens mānīšana un tad tērē nepiemērotu laikposmu ar, apskatiet šo apskatīt, ka izskaidrot šo utt nosaukt dažas Elvis, jfk pat Opera Winfrey un viņa vēl joprojām ir dzīvs! ļauj visu baudīt viņa mūziku un ļaut viņa mantojums dzīvo nevis hoaz. King Brizo

  34. bghoppy saka:

    Ko par to, fotogrāfija, kas viņam iepazīties ambulance? Viņš ir vēnu popping uz viņa piere (ka Julia Roberts lieta) ir vienisprātis, ka medicīniski iespējama, nesen mirušā ķermeņa? Un kā jūs pat iegūt fotogrāfiju, piemēram, ka? Kāpēc neviens lūgt datus par faktisko zvanītāja līdz 911? Un, ja apsaimniekotājs stāsta viņam nokļūt Jackson uz grīdas, viņš tikai saka, "Labi, un ātri mainās šo tēmu. Ja ne viņš nepieciešams, lai palīdzētu doc tieši šeit? Man nav dzirdēt doc grunting atcelt ir nedzīvs ķermeņa uz grīdas. 120 mārciņas nedzīvs ķermeņa nav joks attiecībā uz jebkuru vienu, Man vienalga, cik liela ārpus kuģa sertificēts kardiologs ir. Viņš piedāvā līdz pat nav medicīnas info par paramedics. Un neviens, šķiet, ir skriešanās vai panikas iegūt mirst karalis, lai palīdzētu un saņemt šo transportlīdzekli no piebraucamais ceļš, nemaz nerunājot par shitty vadītāja, bija vairāk nekā minūte, lai saņemtu atbalsta out. Tās velkamas ar doc's automašīnas, kā viņš atvaļinājumu? Uz slimnīcu, viņa advokāts prasībām? Lai varētu ar ģimeni. Tas pats ģimenes kurš nezina šo ārstu? Neko piebilst, uz augšu, un pat Sheryl Crow teica tas skaļi TV, ko lielākā daļa no mums domas, es domāju, viņa runā ar Larry King, kad pirmā lieta, viņa saka, ir, jūs zināt, kad es pirmo uzklausa Es domāju, un cerams, tas bija tikai a triks, lai saņemtu no viņa milzīgs parāds, bet, ka tagad viņai lūdzu saprot, viņš ir miris. Plus, ja ir viens coroners birojs ir pasaule strādāt ar par paņēmiens kā šis, tas būtu tas, kas ir tā paša TV parādīt, Mission Road. Un labdien nāves izmeklēšanas ainas par iespējamu narkotiku pār devas, un nav pikaps ik Advil, zāļu papildina, frekvenču atbalsts, neatkarīgi, kaut ko nedaudz medicīnas, ka būtu bijis laiž pierādījumu tūlīt? Tās šķiet neticams tie būtu nepieciešams, lai dotos atpakaļ uz diviem maisiem vērts pierādījumus pēc tam, kad pārvietojas autokrāvēju un to, kas ne? Ko darīt, ja tas bija slepkavība? Nekompetences nesamērīgu proporcijās. Vai LA tiešām ir tāds, sorry?

  35. YuRiSiO saka:

    i nav noliegt viņš patiešām mirst vai nē, bet, ja MJ nav miruši Es domāju, ka viens un tikai precīzi zināt it.she 's Lisa Marie Presley elvis'daughter, jo viņa ir viens skaidri zināt par viņas tēvs patiešām mirst 1977 vai citā laikā.

  36. bghoppy saka:

    Un Rickster, Lielo jautājumu! Herweb vietā saka viņa un viņas apkalpe ir 2 nedēļu 8 miljoni dolāru kruīzs uz Stambulu, un par viņas vietā, viņa nav komentāru, cilvēkiem ir jautā, kāpēc nav, un jums NAV rezultātus, ja jūs meklējat micheals nosaukums, varat 't pat atrast interviju 93. Bet jūs paziņojums viņa ir tāda pati draugiem viņš dara. Janet, Lisa Marie, Quincy

  37. Hatenessx saka:

    Es nekad nevarētu redzēt Michael hoaxing nāves izvairīties no viņa parādus. Viņa bērni nedrīkst bioloģiski viņa, bet viņš mīlēja vairāk nekā dzīvību. Viņš mīlēja ikvienam Dieva dēļ. Nē, ja tā ir mānīšana, tad viņš varētu atgriezties.
    Ir daudz jautājumu, daži ir aizdomīgi un jābūt atbildēja iegūt pilnu ainu.
    Tomēr, O2 biļetes kļūst atmaksā, viņa bēru plānus Neverland pakāpeniski progresē un apskati no ķermeņa ir plānots.
    Protams, jūs varētu saņemt panoptikums kā struktūru, bet, kas ir ārpus slims, un viņš nekad aiziet KA tālu.

    I love Michael Jackson, un es mīlu vairāk par visu, ja viņš bija dzīvs. Bet, dažreiz jums ir jālūdz cik tālu viņš aiziet.
    Lai gan uz ģimenes reakcija, viņi viegli varētu būt par to.

  38. vicky86 saka:

    Hi all!

    Kad es pirmo dzirdējusi, ka MJ bija miris es izpostīja, bet daļa no man radās jautājums, ja tā ir mānīšana! Bet es domāju, ka tās visas aizgājusi pārāk tālu, tagad tā ir pārāk ilgi viena lieta, ko es vienmēr uzskatīja, ka ir tas, ka MJ mīlēja viņa fani, un es tiešām dont domāju, ka viņš nodos viņa ventilatoriem (vai viņa ģimenes locekļu), izmantojot tik daudz sirds sāpes!

    Attiecībā uz visu pārvietojas uz nestuvēm lieta, šķiet skaidrs, kas man, ka kāds ir pārcēlies uz nestuvēm apaļas nedaudz, un tāpēc tas dod effect HES pārvietojas!

    Es vēlos, ka tas bija mānīšana, kā es mīlu Michael tik daudz. Man vienoties ar lielāko daļu no jums, lai gan to, ka apstākļi, kas saistīti ar viņa nāvi ir nedaudz aizdomīga, bet tas joprojām ir agrīnā dienas un attiecībā uz dažiem daļēji tabloīdiem ir tikai spekulācijas.

  39. jesse saka:

    Ja šis nāves paziņoja man bija kinda errmmm. Nākamajā rītā, kad es sāku análise to, kas presē bija teikt un faktisko atbildi, viņa ģimenes un asociētajos uzņēmumos un to, ka viss bija notiek pārāk ātri un naudas pooring in! Es smaržu milzīgs RAT! Tas pats milzīgu žurku I smelled, kad Brandon Lee nomira! Kurš bija mani apskatīt Bruce Lee un diviem citiem pasaules mēroga slavenība nāves ... errrrrmmmmmmm ... ..

  40. sobaytransplant saka:

    Es nezinu, ja viņš tiešām ir miris vai ne (Kinda ceram, ka nav) es redzu agruments abpus žoga, though. Viņš varētu būt slimības pietiekami miruši pēkšņi, ka tā ... tad atkal, viņa dzīve bija tik daudz nepatikšanu, ka tas varētu būt šķita viņa tikai izeja. (Man nav šaubu, ka viņš varētu atgriezties un iegūt viņa bērni ... kas ir iemesls, kāpēc viņa testaments SO adament, ka viņa māte iegūt tos.) Man ir atzīt, ka faking viņa nāves bija mana pirmā doma, too. Es domāju, viņš velk daži diezgan milzīgs stunts pirms un ja kāds bija resursu, lai to darīt ... kas zina? Varbūt mēs uzzināt laikā. Tas noteikti būtu lielākais nodarbojas mūzikas vēsturi, ja viņš atgriezās ar dažiem return-no-the-beigtas ceļojums vai kaut kas. Rūtiņām, bet skaņu tāpat viņam. Taču es gribētu atgādināt, ka tā šodien paziņoja, ka nebūs skatoties no Neverland kā iepriekš plānots - un tur būs arī nav bēres vai apglabājot tur. Tātad, es neesmu pārliecināts, ka kāds, ka tas stiprināt mānīšana teorijā. (?) Tagad tie nav nevēršoties let anyone SKAT viņam pat tuvu sev? Vai tie aizsargā līķis un ģimenes no throngs no ventilatoriem ... vai viņi slēpjas kaut ko? Un par viņa būs ... jūs mums, ka MEGA Superstar, piemēram, Michael Jackson sniedza būs 2002 ... un tas tikai šķiet mysteriously no dažām advokāta failus PĒC MJ ir iespējams miris? Hei, Madason ... ko tieši jūs nozīmē, ka tā ir mānīšana un tas viss, kas Jums gatavojas teikt? Vai jums ir iekšpusē info?

  41. sobaytransplant saka:

    Vēl viena lieta ... ja viņš joprojām ir dzīvs un padara kādu triumfējošs atgriešanos, viņš beigties ar to, ka vainīgs visa veida krāpšanu izmaksas vai kaut ko? Vai kāds reāli to darīt un nav nopietni (juridisko) nepatikšanas par to?

  42. bghoppy saka:

    Kad es mēģinājis meklējat savu spokeman Dr Tohme Tohme (Dr. toh (URT) mani?) Aprunāt atrast kaut ko, bet vairāk mystery. šādi no 12/23/08 raksts par mj veselību (Reuter's): The statement, piedēvēt Jackson's "oficiālā un vienīgais runātājs, Dr Tohme Tohme", un ko izdod Los Angeles firma SCOOP Marketing, citē intervija ar rakstnieci Ian Halperin British laikraksts svētdienas Express, kurā Halperin teica Jackson cieta no Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficītu.
    An endocrinologist ar specialitāti ar osteoporozi ir jūsu runasvīrs un jautājumiem, paziņojumus par savu veselību un rumors apkārtējiem tā, izmantojot sabiedrību ar nosaukumu SCOOP Marketing?
    Un kāpēc Geraldo uzskatu ", ir tikai 4 iespējas izskaidrot Michaels nāvi", un lielākā daļa sensaltionalist, konspirācija teorija ieguvuma-of-the-šaubu proponant, un viņš nevar saskarties ar 5. iespēju faked nāves? Really?
    Un Oprah klusums runā apjomi, jo vairāk es domāju, ka par to.

  43. MONij saka:

    Ja jūs apskatīt tuvāk var redzēt ēnu pie atpakaļ un ar rokām slīd zem ķermeņa, tāpēc bija kāds pārvietojas organismā. Attiecībā uz Michael ir dzīvs, tas ir mans karojošs domāšanu. I am still waiting par brīnums izdoties. Kā par jaunākajiem spekulācijas, ka viņa bēres notiks pie štāpeļšķiedrām centrs ar tādu pašu cilvēku MJ ģimenes gribēja atbildes no par viņu dēls nāvi. Un biļetes pārdod? Līdz ar to daudzi jautājumi ir atstāti unansered, atstājot mums, mums ventilatori, lai atbildētu uz tās kā mēs vēlamies, radot vairāk un vairāk satricinājuma, un izplatās arvien vairāk un vairāk mystery par to puisi. Wow, es tikai ceru, ka no apakšas manu sirdi, ka MJ nāks atpakaļ no mirušajiem jūlijā 7 veikt Infront viņa ventilatoriem pie štāpeļšķiedrām centrs. Tas ir iemesls, kādēļ tur nebūs skatītāju piektdien kā spekulējis agrāk, jo nav organismam skats. Nice pārsteigums par sērojot ventilatorus, un, iespējams, tikai nelielu sodanaudu MJ par traucējot mieru. Mani karojošs domāšana!!

  44. bghoppy saka:

    no Dec 27, 2008
    Redakcijas: Dr Tohme un Pasaules Tours Tas nekad nebūs
    Vai tu saproti, ja Jums pievienot "uc", lai Wacko's Dr 's nosaukums, viņa vārds ir Dr Touchme Touchme?
    Patiesībā, "Toh" ir Ma'ya ar "uzcelt". (Labi, cik daudzi no jums tikai screamed? Un es neesmu runājam girly / Wacko screams, es domāju reālu skaļu, garu, horrified screams?)

    Vai tas ir iespējams, ka kāds ir nostiepes ir ne ļoti izstrādāt un pamatīgi riebīgs joks par viņa fanu? Ak, labi, tas nav, piemēram, tie netiks buldurēt to ar cukuru uz augšu un aizstāvēt apgulties uz savu nāvi. Viņi vienmēr darīt. Galu galā, tās vēl joprojām uzskatu, Wacko gatavojas lēciens no ka ratiņkrēslu un atrast atbalstītāju un apdrošinātāji un doties uz viesulis tūre visā pasaulē, 2009 - ko es gribu atgādināt, ir tikai dažas dienas prom bez pat mājienu uz vienu kostīms ir ieskicēts vienā avīžpapīra spilventiņu.
    Neuztraucieties, tiem, kas vēlas man pastāstīt, kā traks es domāju, piemēram, to, es neesmu pārliecināts, ka Jums ir nepareizi, un, protams, nejūtos labi, jo es cenšos wrap manu galvu ap priekšmetu Es uzskatu, ka mēs visi jūtamies pieskārās ar. Visi no neprecizitātes, jautājumi, contadictions, kurā iztrūkst relavant informācija padara mani jautājumu viss. Tas ir tas pats brīvu presi, ka ir paredzēts, lai saglabātu mūs no nepazīstamā ļaunumiem, kas var apstādināt demokrātiju ir dziesmas kad neviens ziņo, ka ir patiesība?

  45. sobaytransplant saka:

    Starp citu, mans draugs (kurš ir medicīnas persona ar anamnēzē transportēšanas miris iestādes) noskatījos šo video. Viņa teica, ka, lai gan tas ir freaky, tas ir opitcal ilūzija, un viņš nav sēdēt uz augšu. Viņa teica i cer, viņas it kā ir pavadonis (vai divas pavadoņi) iekšpusē helikopters ir manevrējot ķermeņa, lai varētu iziet no helikoptera vieglāk pēc tam, kad tās teritorijā.

  46. dave859 saka:

    izlasīt šo

    "Es vēlējos, lai aplūkotu Michael, un es gribēju redzēt manu brāli, un redzēt, viņam ir nedzīvs, un bez elpas bija ļoti emocionāls man, bet es tur sevi kopā, jo es zinu, viņš ļoti daudz dzīvs," viņš teica.

  47. Happytomato saka:

    Ļoti pateicos jums interneta mājas lapā. Es sekot jūsu post. Es biju satriekts, kad es lasīt ziņas.
    nekā es vēlējos uzzināt vairāk par Michael Jackson. (I nebija reālu ventilators, bet ļoti ziņkārīgs par šo dīvaini vīrietis).

    Tāpēc es ir pamanījuši kaut ko vērā intervijas atrast interneta

    Daži slēgts draugs saka, ka MJ bija labs forma laikā preseahal, un citu piebilst, ka viņi nekad nav redzējuši viņu narkotiku lietošanu.
    Turklāt, lai atskaņotu vairākas ekskursijas, MJ ir pārāk ir laba forma, lai medicīniskā apdrošināšana ir noteikti vienojās par to, ka viņš bija ok par ekskursiju (saskaņā ar vienu, kas saka, ka viņš ir narkotiku lietošanu), tā, šķiet, ir ļoti ilgu laiks.

  48. Ali saka:

    viņš ir dzīvs ... Es patiesi uzskatu, ka

  49. wishful09 saka:

    labi, mēs visi zinām, patiesību drīz, jo Debbie Rowe tagad meklē apcietinājumā. Nav tā, Michael varētu sēdēt un ļaut viņai iegūt custdoy viņa bērniem. Ja vien, viņš zina, nav iespējams tiesnesis dos viņas uzraudzībā. Miss you Michael.

  50. nycscenie saka:

    Attiecībā uz visiem tiem, kuri bija rupjš vai tiem, kuri plāno būt rupjš izsaucēja ticīgie no mānīšana crazy, vai pasakot "get a life" ir skaidrs, tie, kas ir nepieciešams laiks. Ja jūs dont uzskatīt, ka tas bija mānīšana vai didn't aprūpi, tad y atkritumu savu laiku un izlasiet un sniegt komentārus par to. Ja u atstāt jebkura veida komentārus, protams daļas u (ieskaitot mani) uzskata, šajā vai sāk ticēt this.

  51. Happytomato saka:

    Esmu iepazinies komentāru mājas lapā teikts, ka:
    "Sērijas numuru uz helikopteru, ka kreisā Neverland ar Michael Jackson tajā, un sērijas numuru uz helikoptera, kas ir nonākuši slimnīcā ar mirušu iestādei to, nesakrīt viens otru."
    Vai tā ir taisnība?

  52. admin saka:

    Mēs esam analizēja metrāžas gan Helicopter, ka atstāja UCLA Hospital (nav Neverland), un tas, kas nonāca pie tā LA County Morgue un secināja, ka abas ir tādas pašas LA County Sherriff Glābšanas 5 Helicopter ar kārtas numuru N9500G. Šis sērijas numurs ir klāt abpus amatniecības uz priekšējā nedaudz zem pilota kabīnes. Tātad, šī baumas nav patiesas.

    MJHD Admin.

  53. OriginalDavid saka:

    ok, visiem cilvēkiem, sakot, tās ēnas, vai leņķis perspektīva ... vai jūs esat ievērojuši, ka vairāk no galda / nestuvēm kļūst redzams kā struktūru kāpumu? paskatieties tajā ... i būs jāgaida ....

    ok, to redzu? Kā var ēnas darīt, vai leņķa kameras savus plecu pārredzama?

    viņš ir faking to.

  54. OriginalDavid saka:

    arī cnn vienkārši paziņoja, ka narkotiku tie atrasti viņa māja var medicīniski izraisīšanai koma. jā, yeah, there's that.

    tie atjaunota viņu James Bond stils kā tas bija paceļoties, un viņš tikai sestdiena up mazliet pārāk agri.

  55. Andrea saka:

    Es arī vienoties ar to, ka "pēdējā metrāžas" no viņa veic iegrāmatošanas High Def, mult celiņu utt pārāk ērts.

    Man arī ir vienoties ar gandrīz visu pārējo ikvienam ir teica - ar 911 zvanu, 30 minūšu atšķirība no brīža, kad Dr Murray konstatēts MJ "nomirt", un no brīža, kad viņš nolēma ir "staffer" uzaicinājums 911. Joe Jackson nav pat žēlums piemeklētas - un tā, kas notiks, ja viņš un viņa dēls nekad got gar? Tā joprojām bija viņa dēls, jūs gaidīt, lai viņš uzrāda nedaudz vairāk smags zaudējums, nekā tas ir, kas ir redzams televīzijas intervijas, kā arī BET balvas. Es arī domāju, ka vīrietis, kas ambulance foto varētu ļoti iespējams NAV MJ. Viņa ausis ir pilnīgi atšķirīgs. Vai kāds cits pat ievēroju, ka? MJ's ausis nekad krokainajām, par kādu, kas ir redzams foto nepārprotami. Un, yeah, tas ir ļoti iespējams, ka elpošana mēģenēs ar viņa degunu, ka ir ap galvu varētu radīt ilūzija viņa ausis krokainajām, taču tas kāds cits paziņojums, ka viņa vaigubārdu ir ievērojami lielāks nekā no "pēdējā repetīcija" fotogrāfijas, kas ir laisti? Arī viņa pigments pilnīgi izslēgt. Pārāk daudz dzeltenu-ish nokrāsa.

    Un, lai noslēgtu manas spekulācijas - Es noskatījos interviju pēdējā nakts ar Matt Lauer un Jermaine Jackson par datumam NBC, un ir bijuši daži mājieni, ka es neesmu pārliecināts, ka ja kāds nozvejotas uz bet, piemēram, viņam teiciens "Es pazinu viņš joprojām ļoti dzīvs ", bet pēc tam viņš nekavējoties paužu un saka" viņa gars, es nozīmē "šaubīgs neticams ?!?!!? Un tad viņš ir minēts arī "Es joprojām uzskata, ka viņam, jo es zinu, viņš ir šeit, kaut, joprojām". COME ON?!? Vai tas nav tik acīmredzams! Yeah viņš varētu nozīmē "garīgi un fiziski nav, bet visu, kas atrodas ap viņa nāves ir tikai pārāk dīvaini. Jermaine arī pieminēja, ka viņš un MJ bija sarunas par a Jackson 5 atkalapvienošanās, un ka tie turpinās veikt Londonā. Un kā ērti, ka tagad tas ir teicis, ka Jackson ģimene ir faktiski dodas uz Londonu, lai veiktu parādīt. Hmmm ... tas tiešām padara jūs brīnums, vai ne? JUST THINK ABOUT IT. Jermaine arī minēts, ka tie let MJ's kids redzēt viņa mirušu ķermeni. NO ārsts ir atļauts let bērnu redzēt viņu vecāku mirušu ķermeni. Visbiežāk viņi var darīt, ir tikai teikt "tētis devies prom", vai "Viņš ir devusies uz labāku vietu", vai kaut kas pa šo līniju. Kam ir dzirdējuši par to labākais "psiholoģiski" attiecībā uz bērniem, lai redzētu viņu tēvs ir miris ķermeņa! Es domāju, ne jūs domājat, ka viņiem redzēt ķermeņa būtu traumatize viņiem vairāk psiholoģiski, tad ne redzēt ķermeņa! Man ir sajūta, yeah, varbūt pat kazlēniem DID saņemt redzēt viņu tētis pēc tam, kad viņš "miris", bet tikai, lai viņi varētu redzēt viņu, un saprast, viņš tiešām nebija miris un atsveicināties pagaidām, bet tētis redzēs tos drīz! Padomā par to!

    Arī tikai mans diviem centiem - bet es uzskatu, ja MJ tiešām vēl ir dzīvs, un faked viņa nāves, es nebūtu dusmīgs ne sajukums - faktiski NODERĪGAS viņam! Man, lūdzu sniegt viņam balstus un slavēt viņu. Viņš ir bijis un vienmēr būs MAN. Man ir sajūta, viņa "atriebība" ceļojums ir daudz lielāka nozīme, lai "atriebība", nevis visi domāja!

    Viens no pēdējo un gala doma par šo - viņa "sludinājumu" Londonā atpakaļ martam 02 koncerti .... Kas skaidri nebija viņam! Tas ir visas I'm nevēršoties say. Tas ir skaidrs, viņa mannerisms, runāt, staigāt, kustības, viņa rokās bija liels, viņa smaids bija atšķirīga, viņa zobi bija nepilnības, un kas nevarēja paziņojums viņa toni balss! PPG, IMPOSTER! Es jums!

    Es noteikti nav, kuros minēts viss cits, kas šķiet spekulēt viņš varēja hoaxed viņa nāves, kā tas jau tika minēts daudz reizes pirms tam. Bet es tikai domāju, I'd let ikvienam zināt raudzīties tālāk par plašsaziņas līdzekļiem un izskatīties cieši pie acīmredzams, un fakti. Tomēr, ja viņš faked viņa nāvi un nāk atpakaļ, OR faked viņa nāves un vēlas palikt neizcelt - Es ceru, ka viņš izpaužas miera viņš kādreiz tik longed par.

  56. Happytomato saka:

    Man ir atradis citu jaunumi. Tas ir labāk, lai pārbaudītu
    265. Michael Jackson tika noslepkavoti. Galvenie pierādījumu par 911 Zvanīt. Klausieties to rūpīgi.

    Lūk, faktisku pierādījumu, ka nediena SPĒLE

    Michael Jackson tika noslepkavoti. Ar 911 Call pierāda it.The personu, kas izteikusi 911 zvanu teica Michael ķermeņa bija par gultu, un ārsts bija veicot CPR par gultu. Papildus faktam, ka ārstam nezina, kur CPR ievadīšanas, uz grīdas, bez CPR bija kādreiz administrē uz grīdas.

    Klausieties 57 sekundes uz 911 Call
    Youtube: Michael Jackson 911 Call

    911 Dispečers: "Vai viņš uz grīdas? Ja viņš ir tieši tagad? "
    Zvanītāju mājas: "Viņš ir par gultas sir ... viņš uz gultas."
    911 nosūtītājs: "Get viņu uz grīdas"
    Zvanītāju mājas: "Ok"

    STOP tieši šeit! Zvanītājs teica: "OK?" Kā tad, ja viņš bija viens, kas CPR, kad tas bija ārstu. Zvanītājs nekad norādījis ārsts, lai saņemtu Michael uz grīdas. Jums nav uzklausīt kaut ko, kas liecina par ķermeņa tika pārvietots. Viņš nav pat zvanu Michael pēc nosaukuma, ne "Michael", "MJ", "Mike". Vai tu domā, viņš saka, kaut kas līdzīgs šim "Get Michael uz grīdas?"

    Posted at 4:43 par jūlijs 4 2009 ar MJJMurdered # comments

  57. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    I love Michael ar visu manu sirdi un dvēseli, un, cik es vēlētos, lai saldais eņģelis ir dzīvs, i don `t uzskatu, ka viņš ir. Kāpēc būtu Michael tik tālu? Viņš nekad atstāt viņa bērni i zināt, ka uz faktu, viņš mīlēja vairāk nekā dzīvību. About the family dooing the concerts, well that seems a bit strange, but i think they are doing it to honor Michael, together with the world. You see Jermaine, in the interwiev really cry, with tears, do you really think that he faked that? I don`t, and what about Janet at the BET, she was so upset. I have always loved Micheal, not for his Music, but for who he was, and that is why i don`t believe that he would hurt the ones he love, by fakeing his own death. That does not make sence to me. Allthough, you are makeing some very good, points. Even if Michael was alive, i don`t think that we would ever find out. He can`t go anywhere without consieling his face, why would he take that risk of getting “caugt” and be exploded to the world for that. Hmmm, dosen`t really make sence to me. I would like more than anything in this world, to Get Michel back, but as we all know, you cannot “come back rom the Dead” unfortiently . I just hope that my sweet angel, finally have gotten the peace that he has deserved. Rest in peace my love. You will always live in my heart. RIP My beloved. You are greatly missed, and loved.

  58. Yes555 Says:

    Jacko's coffin will be in the centre of the 11000-seat stadium. Tributes will be read out by singing legend Diana Ross and Jacko's brothers and sisters Jermain, Tito, Janet and La Toya.

  59. bghoppy Says:

    If Michael loved his kids so much, why would he allow himself to succumb to such a tragic end despite ALL these people that claim to have said something to him? I think it's BS to blame doctors and dealers for all the drug problem. The problem itself is one of demand, not supply. If you do not possess the preservation instinct within yourself to find the help needed to stop before you die, that is no one else's fault, and a weakness of your own. He kept these children from having a mother, then dies of drugs, then wills them to Katherine, who at 79 and the stress of this death and her shit marriage to the devil, could die at any minute?
    We have no proof of and I want to see a body before I believe he's gone. And if he is, it's the saddest thing I have ever seen.
    I also think the treatment of Debbie Rowe is the big shame in all this mess. I feel so sorry for her. There is no move she can make without people tearing at her SOUL. So wrong.
    And why cut her out of the will, but let Joe go unmentioned. Since his parents are still married ( I know not living together, but I guarantee she doesn't divorce for religious reasons only) when he bequeths something to her, it is also his by law, no? That makes no sense, not that one single thing about this makes one lick.
    My theory now is that he has been messing with drugs, but more like hormones and different prescriptions that would help him alter his voice and skin, ect, but at this late age it is now medically imperative to stop these actions, and so the “natural” MJ that results would be exteremly shocking (he had 20 years to get to look like this). I think with the help of Deepak and Rabbi Schmuley he has re-evaluated his whole life and has made personal changes for the better spiritually and medically. So what bigger way to totally reinvent yourself to the world that come back to life, at your own f'n funeral.
    I agree with Adrea, when she says she understands why he would do it, and would encorage almost, if that's what was best for him. I'm only going to be pissed about how hard it has been on me emotionally. I am questioning my mental sanity on an hourly basis, but then if I feel i can't be wrong, I go insane watching these people on TV not question anything, the way his family reacts. If he is not dead, the Jackson Family (and all their friends) are without a doubt the largest group of related psycopaths in the world and should be studied by scientists.
    As for Janet, she did not seem appropriately upset to me, and no one seems to notice she talked about him in the present tense. “To you he IS an icon, to us he IS family” That keeps happening alot in interviews, talking about him in present tense. Jermain is a freak one way or the other, and I don't think faking crying is hard at all. It concerns me there was not more crying, if he really is gone.

  60. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    I guess we will see Michel then.

  61. bghoppy Says:

    And surely you can't do enough drugs to kill yourself with, and have NO liver or kidney damage evident at autopsy?

  62. Wish-Tis-True Says:

    Did anyone hear about Michaels 'ghost' supposedly haunting the ranch. I would love if people just laid off his back. If he is still alive (which i would love to believe and I HOPE THAT ITS TRUE) I honestly wish its true. My heart aches for his children and his family. The media are money hungry pigs. They will go to any extent to make money. Urghh makes me sick.Whereever you are Michael we love you dearly and with all our hearts we miss you madly.

  63. bghoppy Says:

    Above is a link to an interesting article of Quincy Jones talking about MJ. Certainly a different tone than he has when on CNN.
    Why is it that every story about MJ comes from TMZ and all video is from hollywoodvideo?

    Did you guys see on e-bay someone is selling their ticket for 8G, opening bid, and another freak is selling the soil from where he died, that also contains his ghost.
    My faith in humanity and the future is being tested like no other time in my life. Isreal may launch a bomb at Iran's nuclear sites, VP Biden says the US won't try to stop such a decision, which can mean nothing but destruction for untold innocents. And I can't stop thinking about THIS.

  64. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    I totally agree with BGhoppy on everything. I won`t believe that he is dead either unless we get to see the body. Michael, we all love you so much, and you are greatly missed. I hope you are happy whereever you are our sweet angel. We love you with all our hearts.

  65. wishful09 saka:

    Paldies! People are not thinking. There would be immediate evidence of such an voerdose. His liver would be shot to hell. They either already know the answer and are not telling the public, or something fishy is going on.

    As for Joe Jackson, I can not imagine any father “feeling great” after a child has passed. It's not reasonable. No matter how strict he was, he loved his son. Even Michael admitted that. Joe wanted more for them, he just went about it the wrong way. As for people saying Joe was money hungry, that is not true. I think Michael even said Joe never took money from them. He was just too damn controlling. So, for Joe to feel great is odd. Something is wrong here! Even an abusive father would find the passing of a child unbearable. Men who beat their spouses are grief stricken, when they lose them. His reaction is as suspicious as it can get.

  66. wishful09 saka:

    Also, when I lost my father at a young age, I DID NOT see him in the hospital. I did not see my father until the funeral. So ....

  67. wishful09 saka:


    I also find it difficult to watch people not question anything. Everyone keeps comming forward talking about this and that, and they just accept it.

  68. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    Michael will be burried tomorrow morning in Forest Lawn Memorial park, i Hollywood hils. Jermaine have said so. But they still want to try to get purmission to get Micheal burried at Neverland. So i guess that means, that we wont be allowd to see Michael for the last time, in a public wievieng. But i don`t understand why, they would have him burried at neverland. Michael didn`t want to go back after his last trial . I guess that Michael is really is gone. It will be a hard day tomorrow . Rest in peace Sweet, sweet angel. I will love you for the rest of my life

  69. Andrea Says:

    I also agree with bghoppy. Too many PRESENT tense talking when referring to MJ. That definitely raises more suspicions as well, for me at least. I guess we will all see on Tuesday at the memorial. Who knows.

  70. Happytomato saka:

    The explaination of Michaels'ghots'

  71. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    Ive just seen the full interwiev with Jermaine Jackson, and what i don`t understand is that he is saying, and i qoute: We gotta remember Michael for who he IS??? Ehh i guess he means for who he was?. And at last he is saying, My Brother IS the king, again, i though he ment, was? Why does they keep saying is?

  72. elde Says:

    Michael has left the building..

  73. Yes555 Says:

    I am afraid Elde is right.

    ^^ Paris Jackson Leaves Dad Michael's Private Family Funeral In Tears.

    Surely she couldn't have faked that?

  74. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    i have just seen all the rehersels, for last month with Michael, and i have to say, if you are totally on drugs, and sick like they said, he was, there is no way in hell, that you can dance like that. He laughed, talked, made fun, ran around, and danced like he was 25 again.. On all the rehersels. THat is why it has been such a big chok for all of us, that he died so sudden. There is no way you can perform like that, if you are near dying. That is all im gonna say

  75. bghoppy Says:

    is is legally possible to bury a body without a death certificate?
    I don't understand how those pic's “of Paris” prove anything at all. First, why are we to be convinced that is her? Second, who are those people in casual dress leaving a memorial service? Why are her pics the only ones out there? Why whould she not be in the family car?

    But more important, it's disgusting that there are people willing to take such shots, print them, and then view them. What is wrong with you folks interested in such morbidity.
    I also have a huge problem with the claims the kids asked and then were allowed, at the encouragement of the hospital therapist, to see him dead, and so soon. That's what viewings are for.
    I guess all we can do is just wait and see what happens.

    I'm praying for a Miracle.

  76. mysticallymagestically Says:

    So this entire memorial service seems like a promotional event for some, or is it just me?

  77. Andrea Says:

    I agree with you, mysticallymagestically. The entire thing seemed too thought out and planned to be a 'memorial'. And where the hell was Oprah, Dianna Ross, etc? Come on. and as I said before, BROOK SHIELDS IS AN ACTRESS. She gets payed to cry, which is exactly what I'm sure she did at the memorial. As for Paris, if ANYONE really thought that her last few words and 'emotional outbreak' was sincere, you have issues, haha. Blanket had an MJ DOLL in his hands, while Prince was chewing gum and really showed no signs of emotion or grieving. And why a closed casket? Things still don't add up to me. I'll believe it when they release either autopsy PHOTOS, or someone signs the death certificate and I actually can SEE the death certificate. And wtf is up with them not even knowing what they're gonna do with his body?! I think it's been disrespectful enough as it is that they waited this long for the 'memorial service' IF he is truly dead.

    Also, didn't anyone else notice how Janet was trying to hold in a laugh at the end after Paris turned away from the microphone and she went to comfort her? Pft. I am still not a believer till I get full proof.

  78. noisehammer Says:

    “she hold in a laugh at the end” ???????

    well, sadly as it is, loosing believe he is alive, thats what ive to watch again…
    can anyone confirm it that it was a real laugh ?

  79. Yes555 Says:

    Andrea, here is Michael's death certificate:

    And why on Earth would a little girl fake cry over something like this?

  80. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    I saw all 3 kids, chewing gum. Seems kinda normal, their father did it all the time, all day long.. But they didn`t show any emotions, that is right. Exept from Paris. Some is saying that Michael will reveal himself at the jackson 5 reunion, wich some of the family members will do, at some of his concert dates. OMG. who can believe that. He is dead. But why buy a gold Coffin, and do this memorial, if it was all a fake, would the entire family stand behind Michael?? Or, do they even know if he was really dead or what?

  81. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    Ooops, forgot something. I will have to admit, that i also thought it was kinda weird, that we didn`t get to see the body, and the fact that their havent been a 3rd otopsy. Hmmmm

  82. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    The janet thing. She didn`t smile. I seems to me like she tried not to cry, to be there for Paris

  83. bghoppy Says:

    Me too, mystic. Felt like a “comeback” for alot of fading stars, alot of self promoting statements, and the lack of emotional involvement on everyones part is unnerving. Like I said before, whatever has happened the whole Jackson clan should be studied by scientists as the largest known group of related psycopaths and/ or scitzophrenics in the world. Not one tear, until marlon mentions his twin, and Paris “cries”. once again talking about him in the present tense. The two boys looked bored and uninterested the whole time, and I think it's weird too that the youngest has a doll of him. None of these Jackson freaks should be allowed near these kids. They don't seem normal at all to me. Unless they do know he is ok. Still why is Katherine so venerated? She raised 8 kids and married a man who all have serious social and emotional problems. I question the mental health of all of them. Not to mention she could die at any minute, but since this memorial shows just how emotionally attached they all were to MJ, I;m sure her passing wont hurt them much either. If my dad or brother died, there is no way I would have been able to make it thru that whole show without completely breaking down. Especially if congress passed legistlation to honor him forever, and ever. OMG, that didn't move a single one of them.
    The absence of Liza, Oprah, Lisa marie, and diana ross is weird.
    And if he hated Debbie Rowe so much why does his guitarist look just like her, except younger.
    And the weirdest (I hope) thought I have to drop here is, check out the first guy to sing during “we are the world”. Who is that guy? A former decoy? Or him w/o make up? He's kind of what I am expecting to see, if MJ is ever to return.

    I was moved and disgusted so many times in two hours, I'm still exhausted, still not sure what to think.

  84. sobaytransplant Says:

    I would dearly, dearly love to think that he was still alive. However… I have to say that I don't believe that is true. I think he's really gone. There are LOT of things that are still a mystery and pieces to this puzzle that are absolutely missing. But I didn't see anyone “acting” at the memorial service. (I'ma trained actress of more than 35 years and can usually spot someone acting – even the good ones.) I didn't see Janet holding in a laugh… what I saw was her making a face in reaction to the child's tears. It looked more like “OMG… poor baby” to me. The other kids' demeanor was a bit strange, I agree. Then again, they were raised in a VERY strange environment. The older boy seemed to react to his sister's tears by reaching around Janet when Paris fell into her arms, but the younger one didn't seem to re-act to anything. One thing is almost certain… if he DID fake it, we probably won't ever know about it. If he's trying to start a new life, wouldn't he do just that? Somewhere out of the public eye for the rest of his (natural) life? Potential fraud charges notwithstanding, it seems like a LOT of trouble to go through to get a new life – only to blow the whole thing by showing back up again.

  85. Andrea Says:

    No matter how believable they tried to make that 'memorial' seem, I didn't buy it. Open-casket, THEN I would have thought he is TRULY dead. There is still so many things that do not add up. Give me some death photos, and I'll be happy. Haha. Till then, I will assume he is alive. Coming back? That is another story.

    If no death/autopsy photos ever emerge, but months go by with no word of him, I will have assumed he either went into hiding or is, in fact, dead. Either way, I'll continue to stick to the facts and everything I have seen so far since DAY ONE of his death and the minute I heard he was in the hospital, with a heart attack, then he died, then he was in a coma, and then he 'died' for real. Since DAY ONE the story has been off. Come on folks, get with the program.

  86. sobaytransplant Says:

    In fact… all of this sounds VERY familiar. I'm old enough to remember the “Paul McCartney is Dead” hoax of 1969 and 1970.
    I also remember the whole Elvis faked HIS death business… which is still going on to this day. All these years later, no one has ever proven EITHER rumor to be true.

  87. Andrea Says:

    Just so everyone knows, I take back what I said about Janet holding in a laugh when Paris goes to her arms. It's when Marlon is talking and turns around from his 'break down'. TO ME it seems as if she is holding back from smiling. I have re-watched that part over and over, and none of them look sincere. Tas ir tikai mans atzinums. Who knows.

  88. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    Sobytransplant. As long as no death sertifacte isn`t beoing signed, or a erd otopsy isent there, it would not be aligal to “FAKE” your when death.

  89. feyaya saka:

    in response to bghoppy…i nearly flipped out when i saw the first guy to sing “we are the world.” not because i thought he was an mj decoy, but his face just stood out so outrageously. but now that you mention it, he very well could have been a decoy. however, i'm pretty sure it's not michael without makeup. i think he really did suffer from skin complications. but even if he didn't, i know his skin was not brown and merely covered up with white makeup almost 24/7. his skin had to have been bleached, vitiligo or not.

  90. feyaya saka:

    oh, and to andrea, i thought the same thing about marlon's speech; it doesn't even seem to be just janet who looks as though they are trying to hold in a laugh. it looks like it's marlon too, and i think jermaine. basically, it looked as if something funny had just happened. it was pretty odd. perhaps they just couldn't keep a straight face with trying to be so sentimental? then the comment about michael hugging brandon (marlon's twin) really took the humor up a notch! who knows.

  91. heisalive saka:

    To Andrea; I entirely agree with your statements posted and I am convinced 100+% that Michael Jackson staged his own death to escape and go on with a NORMAL live elsewhere … that is what my inner voice has been telling me since the moment his “death” was announced and it keeps quickening me ongoing. I am also a legal professional and am looking at this matter as a “case” and all the elements thereof, like Discovery to name just one. Michael Jackson certainly has the brass bleeps, the contacts, resources, loyals and most of all the MONEY and wherewithall at large to inscene such a “show” like this ! He married Elvis' DNA, Lisa Marie and while married to her, got the goods from her on how Elvis' death was staged and successfully “sold” to the public by the satanic media back in 1977. Based on extensive research and existing evidence by several credible individuals and successful tripup's by journalists of Lisa Marie and Priscilla both, it is VERY clear that Elvis did not die at Graceland and is in all likelihood in hiding via the US Witness Protection Program as a former official Federal Agent.
    No doubt in my mind that Michael Jackson, for his own set of reasons staged his “death” like Elvis did and like him is alive somewhere and is watching this “Event” as his ever greatest encore with the moneymill continually $pinning on and on. If Debbie Rowe does not receive custody of MJ's children (in lieu of cash of course), it remains with Katherine Jackson as stated by MJ's will. This arrangement will ensure 100% easy access for MJ to his kids and will they be surprised once he returns from the “grave” to visit them at some point !
    *Breaking news case update: Starwitness No. 1, Elizabeth Taylor whom MJ loves with his heart and soul and likewise has “declined” to “appear” at the “memorial” shindig at staples center stating she “loves him too much”. Ms. Taylor is the ONE person Michael trusts implicitly and was imaginably the first person to hear about his elaborate escape plan and thus proved her loyalty to him by not “appearing” at this his sendoff which, after Elvis' “death” and funeral, is by far the greatest lie ever told, a lie that billions of people have swalloed whole .. oh yea of little faith !!!!
    * Breaking news case update: Starwitness No. 2, Diana Ross announced via released statement she was not “attending”, speak: she is also in on this ! These 2 individuals, Ross and Taylor both are known to be closest to MJ, are part of his intimate inner circle of confidantes for years. and in all likelihood aided him with his “Getaway” and might admit it on their deathbeds some day, or … not ! The evidence keeps mounting and the case keeps gaining muscle.
    * Breaking news case update: 2 more importants of MJ's inner circle were missing at Staples Center: Uri Geller and Chopra Deepak, 2 more persons in on his well staged “death escape” ?? A likely possibility !
    After the end of the “Memorial Service”, did anyone other than me notice, see and read – at the stage backwall of Staples Center – these words appearing in blue lettering: “I am alive and I am here forever” ???? Did MJ leave a “message” here himself only SOME of the “mourners” caught onto and while the rosedraped, gold coffin, probably empty or with a puppet inside sat there without giving off a single whatsoever vibe that it actually contained a dead body, any “body “at all ? .... Thanks for reading what are your thoughts about this? I'd sure be interested to hear

  92. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    I didn`t see that. It was at the end of the show?? OH MY GOD. I hope he really is alive, i love him so much, not for ehat he can do with his voice or body but for who he is/was. I would give anything to get him back, everything i own. Sasodīts. Where are you angel? I have to see that. You said at the end of the show, do you mean before the casket was driven anway?

  93. sobaytransplant Says:

    MyBelovedMJ – you are mistaken. When taxpayers have to foot the bill for your memorial service (too say noting of all the other money that has been speant for various police activities and investigations) and it turns out you aren't really DEAD, it IS illegal.

  94. sobaytransplant Says:

    There have been TWO autopsies thus far and that's more than all that's necessary for him to be considered deceased officially. And according to Fox news as of today's date – “The certificate is signed by Los Angeles County Health Officer Jonathan Fielding. Other information has been redacted.”

  95. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    OH MY LORD. OH MY LORD. I just saw those words 2. Ko tas nozīmē? Is it Michael sending us a message? Why did the family cry on the stage then? Would they stand behind Michael in all of this? And the Children, do they no that he is still alive.? I believed yeasterday that he was gone, for real. I believed it, when i saw Marlon, and Paris speak. They were both so upset. But seeing that message just gave me the chills. He must be out there somewhere. He will come back to us if he is, i know it. I wish Michael, could read all of this, so he could see how many of us, who understood, him, loved him, and NEVER judge him. A wise person once said: Do not pass judgement on anyone before you have talked to them one on one, i don`t care what the story is. He was so right. If he is indeed still alive, wich i belive now more than ever, after reading those words, i am pretty sure that he will come back. Probely on one of his concert dates. I don`t know i am about to laugh or cry. If Michael, someday should be able to read this, i hope that he will give us a sign- any sign, of him beeing alive and well. That would for me, bring myself into peace again, and stop thinking about him all the time. Love you Michael

  96. sobaytransplant Says:

    By the way, his name is Deepak Chopra (you had it backwards) and he's a WELL-KNOWN author on spiritual/metaphysical matters. Has been for YEARS, which is why Michael wanted an association with him, I suspect. Doubtful he would help Michael fake his own death. Bad for his own kharma, which he takes quite seriously.

  97. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    I guess i have to find a way to learn how to live with this then . Even if i don`t know if i can. Why have they waited so long to sign teh death satificate?? Was anyone talking about that on the news aswell?? Why the hell, would someone print blue writing on the wall in stapels center with the words: I am alive, and Im here forever? I want to know who did that then, because if it wasen`t Michael, then it is a VERY sick joke. OMG

  98. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    I just have 1 question. What the hell happent to Navi? Michael`s double body, who so often has performed in public for michael, where is that dude? Has anyone heard about what has happent to him? Is that him in the ambulance. He looked so much like michael, that even the fans, thought he was the real deal. Well i guess we will never know

  99. SkylinexBleedsxRed Says:

    I read those words, I missed them on TV yesterday. I believe that is a part of a song? Even if it was part of a song, Why choose those words, “I am a alive”. I looked up that part of the memorial today, And my heart just lit up. My depression went away. I was so down and so upset since I saw the memorial yesterday because I felt he was truly gone. I then come to this site, Found out about his hands and read some of the comments about that “I'm alive” message. I can't believe it. I hope he returns! It would be amazing if he did one last final farewell tour if he doesn't ever want to perform anymore. God, I want to meet him!

  100. Yes555 Says:

    “After the end of the “Memorial Service”, did anyone other than me notice, see and read – at the stage backwall of Staples Center – these words appearing in blue lettering: “I am alive and I am here forever” ???? Did MJ leave a “message” here himself only SOME of the “mourners” caught onto and while the rosedraped, gold coffin, probably empty or with a puppet inside sat there without giving off a single whatsoever vibe that it actually contained a dead body, any “body “at all ?”

    You mean, “I am alive, and I am here forever?” They're lyrics from aa Michael Jackson song he sung with Paul McCartney called “The Man”


    There's a man
    Who plays the game of life so well
    Ooh, there's such a man
    His thoughts you can never tell, ooh
    And it's just the way he
    Thought it would be
    'cause the day has come
    For him to be free
    I'm alive and I'm here forever

    This is the man
    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man

    There's a man
    Everybody thought they knew
    Ooh, there's such a man
    He's not like me and you, ooh

    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man

    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man

    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man
    (this is the man)
    Ooh yeah
    (ooh, yeah)
    This is the man
    (this is the man)
    This is the man

  101. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    Yes that was the sentence. Pretty spooky

  102. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    You are complete right. They are lyrics from a song, but why use exactly those words, like you said, and only those. Why not the whole song? These words are telling us something, i am sure of that.

  103. dogolian Says:

    MJ seems really to be still allive. We got information that he hides in germany near berlin in a place he baught in 2006

  104. Sosh Says:

    If he really is alive and hiding in Berlin, he must have left the country before his death was publicly known. Maybe th sightings from him in Mexico are based on true stories.

    I think he most likely needed a private plane from someone to escape the american borders. Also, how did he pass the german borders?

  105. heisalive saka:

    sosh: how did he get past the german borders? For lack of a better phrase: Intricate, intelligent planning and shrewd action, and/or: Money money money .. or both, that's how ! We are talking about THE Michael Jackson here – like ?!?!?!?!

  106. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    Michael is a master in disquses. He could have done that. I am pretty sure he is alive, and we will know soon enough. Dogolian, you are sayiing: We got information”. Who is we?

  107. feyaya saka:

    yeah, who is “we”?

  108. Mojofi Says:

    We do know MJ like to wear white tops but how can we tell if it was really him sitting or maybe the body moved as the helicaptor moved? I did not see his face in that clip it was just a white top. hhmm :-s not sure. But I know he is ALIVE and i have my reasons.

  109. carelesslove46 Says:

    was the body dressed in red?
    I cant make out anything..It's just a blur to me. I dont think Michael is alive, but if he did manage to break away..There's
    no way he will ever make a comeback. I have heard of at
    least 12 sucide's associated
    with Michael's death..He wouldn't be able to come back now even if he wanted to.

  110. flower Says:

    mj is alive cause nothing about this whole story just dont add up nothing from the o2 thing thats not the real mj no way the only true thing about this story is im sure that it is the real mj at the clip from the staples centre the rehersal and i think this is the last time we will see the real mj but as for everything eles its a load of rubbish mj is alive and he had to do this to get away from what was going on around him i hope hes well and happy but its so sad that he had to do this MJ WE LOVE YOU ALWAYS IF THIS IS WHAT YOU FEEL YOU HAVE TO DO TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT FOR YOURSELF WE WILL STICK BY YOU WE LOVE YOU

  111. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    I agree with you flower We will always love you with all our hearts, and we will stand by you no matter what. Like dhe said, if this is what you had to do, to make it right for yourself, then it was the best thing you could do. We love you more Michael. Don`t you ever forget that

  112. Samantha Says:

    Where ever he is, wouldent someone reveal it? Like if he went to another country and got off the plane or whatever wouldent someone see him?

  113. Samantha Says:

    To MyBelovedMJ
    They had to throw a Memorial, to make it seem more real.

    The family obviously knows, MJ Just wanted to get away, i don't blame him for what his been through.

    I Love you so much Michael, i hope you're Living in peace somewhere. xxx

  114. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    Funny how people are saying that he would never come back, if he is alive. MY GOD. The man is not stupid, he has been planning this for a very long time, if you do something like this, and planning to return, you have it all figured out. TRUST me on that

  115. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    Im With you samantha

  116. wishful09 saka:


    I have not even came back on this site until now, since the funeral because I wanted to take everything in myself. I too thought they were trying to hold in laughter. I asked my sister, and she said no way! I watched with my sister and she did not notice it at all. We wathced it again and she still did not notice it. I saw it though. I saw Jermaine and I saw Janet. Of course we cant be sure of anything because true emotion is in the eyes and their eyes were hidden.

    Just to balance all of this out though… Why would Marlon mention such a sad situation about his twin, if this was all a fake? I cant comprehend anyone taking it that far.

  117. wishful09 saka:

    Also, if this was a real memorial, did anyone else find it tacky to show the title of the tour in the background? I know they were trying to be positive by showing how ready he was for the tour, but the title would be to much for me to take if I was a family member. I dont want to see a big display of “This is it” in the background.

  118. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    Wishful09. I totally agrre with you. That was a odd thing to do, i woulden`t have been able to handle that either. There is alot of mystery going on here

  119. bghoppy Says:

    I think the whole thing was generally tacky. Don't get me wrong i couldn't stop crying the whole time, but still a lot of inappropriatness. Even the gospel song refering to the king. I think it's wrong to end a memorial with I am alive, not matter what. I found usher's whole performance out of line. EWWW touching the casket! I know we were all holding our breath for a miracle there tho (precicely why he should not have done that). I love Q Latifa, but she didn't even know him? WTF? I saw the snickers, too. I also noticed Lionel Richie looking PISSED during 'we are the world', shaking his head and rolling his eyes. And am I the only one who thought Sharpton (I did love his speech tho, which is a first for me and big al) took a dig at jesse jackson when he said that jesse had 'stood with the family, until now'? What was that about. But over all, I think if MJ really is gone, this service was a shame. Where were his real friends? Aren't you socially obligated to attend, wheter it is public or not. I just didn't get the feeling people were paying their respect, seemed more like a promotional event for fading stars. And Mariah should apologize.

  120. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    I hear yoy. The latest news is that Latoya thinks that Michael wasmurdered. PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK. She signed the death satificate. HMM WTF, she is not a docter. They said she was close to Michael. BULLSHIT No she wasent. The only sibling Michael was close to is Janet. Why is all of a sudden Latoya who speaks up, and not Janet?

  121. Sosh Says:

    to BGhoppy:

    I totally agree with you on that one. Allmost all stars performing at the memorial have (at least in europe) faded away. Brooke Shields didn't make any movies or series that I remember. Last thing about her I remeber she merried that tennislpayer Andre Agassi.

    About Usher and Mariagh Carey, haven't heard from them for a while. What the fu&k where these people doing there?

  122. nyla Says:

    i agree wid you bghoppy. the whole thing was a publicity stunt and was moneymaking. Also did you kno that LA council are launching an investigation on the cost of the memorial, they felt that their being ripped off. I mean the cheek of it!!! MJ isn't dead they may have brainwashed half the world but they aynt brainwashed mine. Seriously people who just readily believe everything they hear on the news really need to get their facts straight. :X

  123. wishful09 saka:

    You are absoulutely right bghoppy.

  124. wishful09 saka:


    I can see how you found the gospel song referring to the king inappropriate. It was a bit wierd simply because this is Michael (King of Pop), but that's the same song my family used for my dad. I think a lot of black families use that song.

  125. GermanLady Says:

    latoya is changing in interviews the Story of the Day of MJs Dead again and again. Somewhere on a German site i read she said that she was at Mjs House to fetch his Children and then were driving to Hospital, and now she said she were at home and called her mother, then was driving to hispital, where katherine was sitting with the children. Then she said Michael died in his bedroom, in this room were a lot of bottles oxygene and medicines, empty pill doses and whatever, but now she said Michael was in dr.murreys bedroom while he died. i think they cannot really lie and the story is gonna change everytime they want to talk about

  126. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    IM gonna be so pissed the nest time, someone mentions, that Michael was adicted to drugs. MY GOD. What the hell are thay doing. She has changed her story 4 times now. Wich is it? They have to deside, cause everytime the story changes, there is more to believe that he is alive. DAMMIT, someone knows something. I just wrote that it can take months, to get the toxicoligy report from Michael`s body. OMG. This is getting worse everyday. Why can`t they just come forth? Some of them. Something is really wrong.

  127. bghoppy Says:

    wishful, i hated making that comment, it just seemed off, since he was the KING of Pop and we all want to see him again. Please, i hope no one took that personnally or as against a religious belief.

  128. trinidad Says:

    come on people some one thatcrazy of pain killers and abusing it like that is not likely to live remind you his kids are 7 , 11, and 12 a 7 year old knows but how much do they really know the two older kids know a little prince michael is 12 how much do they really know so what he change in to islam his mother his alive and if she wants to put her son back in to what she raise him thats her business he is dead janet was close to him when some one close to some one they whole inside shut down and plus she is the youngest se she felt it more come on guys he is dead and when god read for you he take you and you can tell his spirit already left his body when he say this is it tour i am a huge michael fan and i miss him a lot may god bless the jackson family and his kids may his soul rest in peace

  129. trinidad Says:

    you guys did not see when he was talking on the this is it tour in london looks can be deceiving you guys think he look strong and healthy
    come one his and and alll them strong pain killer druges he taking come one that shit will shut your whole system down why don;t you guys try taking them same drugs what he had in his house see if you gonna live i miss him so much if he still alive then elvis tupac biggie aaliyah left eye still alive then they on an iland by them self please they only place they is is next to god

  130. Says:

    GermanLady, guten Tag

    “Luegen haben kurze Beine” …. hence the story changes constantly and LaToya probably scored a nice paycheck with the interview she gave. Ich glaube ganz bestimmt dass Michael Jackson lebt, ja, sich sogar irgendwo in Europa aufhaelt. in the Ostblocklaendern, Rumaenien, Polen, da irgendwo.

    Lb. Gruss nach DE

  131. admin Says:

    The Michael Jackson Hoax Death Forum is now up and running and ready for use. Please feel free to start new topics and continue your discussions there, in an easier to manage environment.

    MJHD Admin

  132. wishful09 saka:

    I was not offended, bghoppy. I hope no one else was either.


    We are always on the same page. I cant take anymore of these drug stories. Either prove it or sit down. Who are some of these people comming forward? Oh, and you all are patient because I didnt bother to read any of the articles about Latoya. If she aint crazy, I dont know who is! If Michael is reading these posts, he needs to tell his family to get their stories straight or the cat will soon be let out of the bag.

  133. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    Wishful, lol i totally agree. I am so pissed about the drugs stories also. It`s all BS. MY GOD. Like you, said, they need to get their stories straigth.

  134. mm04 Says:

    Someone further up said something about the body wearing a white t-shirt in the footage…it isn'ta t-shirt it is the body bag! Hmm is it just me or are body bags usually black? Don't know what to think about all the drugs stuff…I think he's out there somewhere!

  135. GermanLady Says:

    i was looking at google for body bags, ill find them in 4 colors, white, black, Red and grey. So because of the body bag we cannot find another detail for the hoax

  136. Copenhagen Says:

    Samantha: I am sure that MJ can disquise himself so nobody can recognize him. He can wear different wigs clothing etc. You will never know – if he is alive I am sure he already has put on a new identity

  137. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    I takk it back. Liz Taylor does not now anything about if Michael “Faked” his dead. She has been comitted to a mental hospital in LA, because she can`t live without him. They were soulmates. Poor Lizzie. I guess that Means, that Michael is really gone. My worst fear just came true. And i can`t stop crying. I feel like writing her a letter or something. Nothing can remove her pain, or mine for that matter. I hope she will recover. But no matter what, they will meet in Heaven

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