Michael Jackson Hoax Smrti

Je kralj Pop stvarno mrtav?

Michael Jackson je tijelo prevezeno je u Los Angelesu županija Morge preko helikoptera. To pokazuje snimak njegova tijela 'sjedi up' u helipcopter jer se seli daleko.

Skeptike će reći da je njegovo tijelo se 'preselio' netko iz pucao, međutim, ako je on mrtav i strapped dolje na nosila, onda zašto bi on treba preselio?

Ovaj snimak samo potvrđuje ono što smo ovdje u MJHD već od samog početka vjerovao. Bacite pogled na sebe i vidjeti što vi vjerujete.

Saznajte najnovije vijesti i internet na TV Online isoftwaretv.com

NB: Zahvaljujemo Billy za dovođenje to pažnju.

Update: Kao odgovor na ljude koji su napravili komentare poput "On je izgledao kao vreća krumpira", i "On je mrtav, pa, naravno, njegovo tijelo bi se kretati na skinu ', molimo imajte na umu sljedeće stvari:

The 911 Hitni poziv je napravljen od Michael Jackson's Mansion at 12:21. To je pola sata NAKON Dr. Conrad Murray pronašao Jackson 'reagira' na njegov krevet i navodno počeo izvedbom CPR.

Jackson tijelo stigli na UCLA Medicinski centar u 1:14 po lokalnom vremenu i tim liječnika i kardiologa radi na njemu za više od jednog sata, dok ih je dao gore i izrečena mu mrtve at 2:26.

Michael Jackson je tijelo prevezeno je u helikopter koji bi zatim prešli na drugu LA županija mrtvačnica 35-45 minuta kasnije.

Rigor Mortis će početi u nakon 3 sata. Njegovo tijelo ne bi bilo kao "vreća krumpira" ili "kretanje na poletjeti", jer to nije moguće.

Osim ako je on još živ.

Razmišljati o tome.

  1. Jeanine Said,

    Izgleda da mi je kao što je vjetar puše i deka. Međutim, ne vjerujem MJ je bilo mrtvih. Im ni navijate njegova ali ja čvrsto vjerujem da nešto nije u redu s ovom cijelu priču-ja vjerujem da je točno da je "priča". Opet, let me stress, Ja sam ne navijač michael i to nije željan razmišljanja

  2. Jeanine Said,

    Htjela bih napraviti drugi komentar u vezi ovog videa. Gledao sam od njega i opet su došli do spoznaja da se pojavljuje tijelo kreće, jer je helikopter bio "turning'-u kut kamere, uz smjeru u kojem je prekidač okrenuo pogled čini kao da je tijelo bilo Pokušavate sjediti uspravno.

  3. Rickster Said,

    Drago mi je da sam ne samo da vidi sve što vam ljudi rekli .... Moje pitanje je .... WHERES BEST OF FRIENDS? ... .. Nikad čula sućut od nje ... ...!

  4. Diana Said,

    LOL da, gdje je, dovraga, Oprah? Inače, da, postoji samo nešto 'čudno' o cijela stvar.

  5. jonn Said,

    Medijima rekavši da on nije imao dlake na vrijeme kada je umro. Guess what? samo pogledajte na zadnju sliku u ambulante, on je zapravo duga kosa!

    Ove vrste nedoslednosti učiniti vi mislite nešto čudno.

  6. Oliver Said,

    Za mene je cijela stvar ne zbrojiti, mislim theres puno se obračunava za jedan dan i netko će biti negdje oko svijeta i da će vidjeti i stvari kralj će početi izlazili su iz opere

  7. Me Said,

    Ja ne mogu vidjeti čak i tijelo! Ja sam navijač, ali nisam siguran što happend. Ne mogu zamisliti njega mrtvih i nisam siguran da je on zaista mrtav. Nadam se da ne!

  8. Me Said,

    omg Vidim ga sada! vau to izgledati poput njega sjedi gore. btw Ivana, on nosi jedan vlasulja kako je izgubila većinu svog amazing kose.

  9. Bob Said,

    Dečki ozbiljno, ako su se takve velike MJ fanovi su mislili Htio bih vas imati malo više poštovanja od toga. Vijesti njegova izvješća nedostaje dlake su retracted što dođoše iz nepouzdani izvor. Način na koji se on seli je prilično jasno živosti-vi pokušajte okreće oko sebe bez vaše glave ili premještanja naoružanja. Infact on izgleda kao vreća krumpira. Čini mi se logično da su pomicanje strecher da bi ga iz vrata lakše. Ako je bilo koji od shread pristojnost, molim vas samo prihvatiti on je otišao. Potražite na način njegova obitelj su reagirali. Ako ste bili u njihovoj poziciji bi želite da ljudi govore "Ona je sve samo hoax"? Ja sam prilično zgrožen neki od ovih komentara.

  10. oxmjf Said,

    Nostradamus - Century II 28

    The pretposljednji je prezime proroka

    Će se Diana [četvrtak] za njegov dan i ostalo:

    On će lutati daleko jer je bijesan glave,

    Isporuku i veliki ljudi iz potcinjavanja.

  11. Lis Said,

    Ljudi - GET A LIFE! Udruživanje je otišao predaleko.
    Ljudi umiru premladi SVAKI DAN! nema razloga, to je baš tužno. Prihvatite to!

  12. Katie Said,

    Kada je tijelo je umro mišiće ugovora kao zrak je pušten iz tijela, oni su poznati podrigivanje, sjediti uspravno, pomaknite je dugo vremena nakon smrti i dalje.
    Ja sam medicinska sestra i vidjeli ste ga prve ruke mnogo puta.
    On je mrtav. Neka se odmoriti u miru!
    Ja sam obožavatelj MJ i to mislim njihov je nešto krivo s cijelom pričom, ali JA obaviti vjerovati da je mrtav.

  13. Jamie Said,

    Tu je netko iz pucao i ako je puni sat video, nakon helikopter sleti ćete ga vidjeti pojaviti. Možda je on making tijela više siguran ili nešto.

    Međutim, očekujem ste sugerirajući da je netko pretvara da je mrtvo tijelo od Michael je bio umrljan izlaska iz zemlje. Zato su svi na bolničko osoblje, obitelji, policija, helikopter i mrtvozornik osoblja itd na to?

    Mislim kao teorija ide, neki su prilično moguća, ali ovo nema supstance za mene.

  14. Joy gđa Bell Said,

    Koliko ja bih ljubav vjerovati da gospodin Jackson je živ, i činjenica da je tijelo potezi ne dokaže g. Jackson je još uvijek živ, čak i ako je tijelo bilo sjediti gore.
    Kada osoba umre, njihova tijela ispunja zrak, i to je to što uzrokuje tijela za kretanje, možete gledati ovu činjenicu na net, ili slušati pjesmu o njemu zove "Sjedeći sa mrtvih 'na koju cijev.

  15. Syn kuja Said,

    I don't get it, zašto koristiti njegova stvarna samo ako je to hoax? sigurno ti bi samo koristiti manican ili summink?

  16. MJ Said,

    Hi momački, JA pravedan misao, molim Vas obavještavamo da sam zapravo NE mrtvih, bio sam samo planiranje povratak na veliku pozornicu u mojoj nadolazeće harpun. I da, slažem se, ovi komentari su lažne, ali oni obaviti imati neki istina, ja sam zapravo ćelav, ali samo oko genitalnog područja.

  17. DJ Naija Said,

    Ako znate MJ dovoljno dobro .... To može biti samo još jedan štos, on je čudan i divlji podvale i strojevima da izvadi ga van, kao i uvijek.

    Da biste dobili vanjska strana od medija, kontroverzi, dugom i napraviti Masivni comebacka, smrti hoax je vrijedan svaki put kad se i sredstva utrošena na to kako je već u divident je evidentno, a još uvijek montažu.
    Iskreno, ovo je bila prva pomisao da je došao u moje srce na vijesti break.

  18. Brian Said,

    On je mrtav. samo prihvatiti, premjestiti na, i motorizirati se život

  19. Harry Cheeseball Said,

    Michael je upravo sada u nekim mountantop Vila u Brazilu sipping zeleni čaj s Elvis.

  20. TeddyC Said,

    It's sjene koji prelaze na bodybag. U torbi ne kreće.

  21. Jodie Said,

    Ne mogu vjerovati svima stvarno misli MJ je još uvijek živ.
    Ti koji su "pravi" fanovi trebali prihvatiti da MJ je otišao na bolje mjesto, a sada bi trebalo biti dopušteno da RIP
    Vi ste mnogo unbelieveable!
    Ostavite čovjeka na miru!

  22. MS Said,

    To je tužno, ali moramo ga otpusti. Čak i ako bi to sve biti točno, trebali bismo ostaviti ga na miru. On je zaradio njegov mir ... ovdje ili gdjegod on svibanj biti.

  23. Jasmine Said,

    Ja potpuno slažete s uraditi admin o rigor Mortis ..

    Evo što sam pročitao na Wikipediji i WikiAnswers.

    Rigor mortis je jedan od prepoznatljivi znakovi smrti (Latinica Mors, mortis) koji je uzrokovan kemijske promjene u mišićima nakon smrti, uzrok udove od leš na odrveneti (Latinica tegoba) i teško premjestiti ili manipulirati. [ 1]

    Rigor Mortis, a stiffening u mišićima, obično počinje odvijati na oko 3 sata nakon što je umro netko s punim surovost mjestimičan oko 12 sati nakon smrti. Nakon 12-satni označite surovost polako prestaje i oko 72 sata tegoba nestaje.

    Dakle, u osnovi, samo ne mogu manipulirati ili premjesti tijelo koje je u rigor mortis postaviti nakon 3 sata. Tijelo bi bilo kao krut kao odbora.

  24. Sascha Said,

    U redu,
    1th: tko snimi ovo odozgor? Sam Bog?
    2th: a strecher može se podiže. Ako ste obličje pažljivo možete vidjeti na strecher lifting ruku prema gore. Ako ste jedan lift upperbody gore, pacijent mogli bolje disati. Ipak, mislim da je ovaj film pravi hoax

  25. Antoine1975 Said,

    Dečki, c'mon, ako obratite pozornost na narančasti kofer (liječnici slučaju) na pravom mjestu u pokrivač, vidjet ćete da je netko u crno odijelo pijucima ga, i tako stvarajući privid da se tijelo pomiče / zasjeda . Nema zavjera ovamo ....

  26. JC Said,

    Žao mi je, ali on je mrtav narod. On nikada neche ostaviti iza sebe i svoju djecu uzrok njegove obitelji tuga.

    On nikada nije mogao sakriti, zbog njegove opsežne operacije, on izgleda vrlo pojedinca. Ako znate što mislim.

    Ako mislite da je to učinio namjerno, i želi napraviti comeback, bilo bi najbolje neukusan stvar da itko mogao učiniti.

    On ne htjede učiniti svojim obožavateljima.

    Došlo vrijeme da prijeđemo na ljude, on je otišao u susret Elvis.

    Što? Elvis nije bilo mrtvih?

  27. JC Said,


    Bio je ćelav ispod perika koju je on nosio. Zato je imao dugu kosu u zadnjih fotografiju u ambulante.

  28. Drečeći Said,

    Oh molim! Jesu li u kidding me?
    Što se vidi?
    Ima je ništa za vidjeti! Ni pola sekunde. Ja bih ga ljube nek lažni svojoj mrtav!

    Ako je činio:
    Zašto u ovom helikopter? Zašto ne lutka ili pročitati u dvokrevetnoj kao iu drugim pričama?

    Get real ljudi!

  29. Annette Said,

    Michael ne bi se u tijelu jastuka, ako je on mrtav ili prikriveno svojim normalnim ne imati leš sjediti uspravno sigurno

  30. Tatyana Said,

    Ja ovo ozbiljno želju bili hoax ... iako zavaravanje Vaše smrt je krivo na toliko različitim razinama. Ali dečki, on je stvarno otišao.

  31. Madason Said,

    jednoj svojoj hoax
    On definitivno nije mrtav.
    sve koji im gonna say.

  32. kanindo Said,

    Ipak više zvuči komplicirano za moj beliefing. Na primjer, dio je teorija pretpostavlja da Jacko otac ne može zvuka tuzzan do smrti njegova sina kako on zna da potajno Michael je još uvijek živ negdje. Lijepo. Tada Kako odgovoriti na obiteljski Jackson se sumnjivim okolno Michael's death? Ili je otac ne sviram njegov dio na ovo?

  33. brizom Said,

    zašto ne prihvatiti sve vas MJ je mrtav, peolpe učiniti umre, njegova života. s količinom droge često plumled u tijelu je na dnevnoj bazi je bilo samo pitanje vremena. Što se tiče hoax, to je zajedničko za većinu bigtime zvijezde čim je proglašen mrtvim netko povikala hoax a zatim potroši neprikladno količine vremena, pogledajte ovaj pogled na to, da se objasni ova etc ime nekoliko Elvis, JFK čak Opera OF FRIENDS a ona je još uvijek živ! omogućava svim uživati njegovu glazbu i neka njegova ostavština živi ne hoaz. King Brizo

  34. bghoppy Said,

    Što je s njim u fotografiju ambulante? On ima vena popping out na njegovo čelo (da stvar Julia Roberts) Da li je to medicinski moguće s nedavno preminule tijelo? A kako se čak dobiti sliku tako? Zašto se nitko ne pita identitet stvarnog pozivatelja na 911? A kad ga operater kaže da se Jackson na pod, on samo kaže OK, i brzo mijenja temu. Ne bi trebalo da on treba da pomogne doc right here? Ne slušaju grunting doc na jedan lift živosti tijelo na pod. £ 120 od živosti tijelo nije vic za bilo koje, ne zanima me koliko je velika ne-pansion certificirani je kardiologu. On se ne nude medicinsku info za paramedics. I nitko ne izgleda u rogoz ili paniku da dobiju umirući kralj da pomogne i da se to vozilo iz kolovoz, da ne spominjem shitty vožnji, bio je više od minute da biste dobili vanjska strana podlogom. Oni su towed doc's car, kako on dopusta? U bolnicu kao njegov odvjetnik tvrdi? Biti sa obitelji. Iste obitelji koji ne znaju ovaj doktor? Ništa, dodaje se, pa čak i Sheryl Crow, rekao je to na TV-glasno, ono što većina nas misli, ja vjerujem da je razgovor s Larry King prva stvar kad se kaže ona je, znate, kada sam prvi put čuo mislio sam se nadao i to je samo jedan štos, da biste dobili daleko from njegov ogroman dug, ali da ona sada bih realizira on je mrtav. Plus, ako postoji jedan coroners ureda u svijetu da rade s na štos kao što je ovaj, da će biti onaj koji ima vlastiti TV show, Mission Road. A kako ti napraviti scenu istragu smrti na moguće više doza lijeka, a ne kurva svaki Advil, biljni suplement, bend pomoć, bilo što, nešto malo medicinskim koji je trebalo staviti u dokaze odmah? Njegova se čini nevjerojatno da bi trebao vratiti za dvije vrećice vrijedi dokaza, nakon što se kreće i kamioni ne? Što ako je ovo bio ubojstvo? Nesposobnost za neracionalan razmjere. Moglo bi biti da zaista LA žao?

  35. YuRiSiO Said,

    Ja ne poriču on zaista umrijeti ili ne, ali ako ne umrem MJ Mislim da je jedan i jedini će znati točno it.she 's Lisa Marie Presley elvis'daughter jer je ona jasno zna o njezinu ocu zbilja umre 1977 ili u nekom drugom vremenu.

  36. bghoppy Said,

    A za Rickster, Velika pitanje! Herweb mjestu, kaže ona i njena ekipa su na 2 tjedna krstarenja 8 milijuna dolara u Istanbulu, a na njezinu mjestu, ona je bez komentara, postoje ljudi na molba zašto ne, i vi dobili nikakve rezultate ako se traži micheals ime, možete ni naći intervjui od 93. Ali ti to primjetiti ona ima isti prijatelji on radi. Janet, Lisa Marie, Quincy

  37. Hatenessx Said,

    Nikad ne bih mogao vidjeti Michael hoaxing pobjeći smrti njegove dugove. Njegova djeca svibanj neće biti biološki njegov, ali on ih je ljubio više nego životu. On je ljubio svakoga za boga miloga. Ne, ako je to bio hoax, onda će on vratiti.
    Ima puno pitanja, neki su sumnjivi i moraju biti odgovori kako bi dobili potpunu sliku.
    Međutim, O2 karte uzimajući Refundirano, njegov pogreb u Neverland planovi su postupno napreduju i gledaju u tijelu planiran.
    Naravno, mogli biste dobiti voštana figura kao tijelo, ali to je van bolesna, a on nikad ne bi tako daleko ići.

    Volim Michael Jackson, a ja bih ga vole više od svega, ako je on živ. Međutim, ponekad morate pitati koliko će on otići.
    Iako se na uvjete u obitelji reakciju, lako bi mogli biti na njoj.

  38. vicky86 Said,

    Bok svima!

    Kada sam prvi put čuo da je umro MJ sam bio devastiran, ali dio mene pitali, ako je to bio Hoax! Ali mislim da sve njene otišao predaleko sada njezina je previše vremena na jednu stvar sam uvijek vjerovao je da MJ volio njegove navijače, a ja stvarno ne mislim da će on stavi svoju obožavatelja (ili njegovu obitelj) kroz toliko srce boljeti!

    S obzirom na cijeli kreće na nosila stvar, čini mi se da occigledno netko je premješten na nosila okrugle i lagano, tako da daje efekt hes kreće!

    Želim da je to bila Hoax, kako volim Michael toliko. JA dont slažu sa većina od vas ipak da okolnosti smrti su nešto sumnjivo, ali još uvijek je rano za neke dane i dio su tabloidi su samo speculating.

  39. Jišaj Said,

    Kada je ova smrt bila najavila sam bio kinda errmmm. Sljedećeg jutra, kada sam počela analise što pritisnete imao za reći i stvarni odziv njegove obitelji i suradnicima i činjenica da sve što se događalo STAZNI prebrzo, a novac je u pooring! I miris ogroman RAT! Isti ogromni štakor kad sam smelled Brandon Lee je umro! Koji su mi pogled na Bruce Lee i dva druga u svijetu slavna osoba umrlih errrrrmmmmmmm ... ... ..

  40. sobaytransplant Said,

    Ne znam, ako je on zaista mrtav ili ne (Kinda nade ne) Vidim agruments na obje strane ograde, ipak. On je možda bila bolesna dovoljno imati umro iznenada taj način ... onda opet, njegov život je bio u toliko nevolja da je ovo možda činiti kao njegov jedini izlaz. (Ja sam bez sumnje da će se vratiti i dobiti njegovu djecu ... zato što je njegova bit adament je tako da je njegova majka ih.) Ja moram priznati da zavaravanje njegove smrti bio je moj prvi misli, previše. Mislim, on je prilično izdvajali neki ogroman zaustave prije i ako bilo tko je imao sredstva da urade ... tko zna? Možda ćemo saznati pravovremeno. IT svakako bi bio najveći posao u povijesti glazbe i ako mu je vratio sa nekim povratak iz mrtvih-the-obilazak ili nešto. Taj se zvuk poput njega. Ali htio bih naglasiti da je danas najavio da neće biti u Neverland gledaju kao prethodno planirali - i ondje će biti i ne postoji sprovod ili pogreb. Dakle, nisam siguran što to čini podupirati hoax teorije. (?) Sada se ne događa da bi bilo tko ga vidi izbliza za sebe? Postavljaju li se oni štite leš i obitelji iz throngs poklonika ... ili su oni nešto skriva? A o njegovoj će ... si nam reći da je poput MEGA Superstar Michael Jackson je napravio će u 2002 ... i to samo izgleda misteriozno iz neke datoteke odvjetnik's NAKON MJ vjerojatno je umro? Hej, Madason ... što je točno to misliš da je to hoax i to je sve što ćeš reći? Imate li info iznutra?

  41. sobaytransplant Said,

    Još jedna stvar ... ako je on još uvijek živ i napravi nekakvu pobjednički vratiti, hoće li se završiti krivim za sve vrste troškova prijevare ili nešto? Može li netko zaista to, a ne biti u ozbiljnim (pravna) neprilike za to?

  42. bghoppy Said,

    Našto JA pokušao obličje svoj spokeman Dr. Tohme Tohme (dr. toh (URT) mene?) Licemjerje nađi ali ništa više misterija. sljedeće je od 12/23/08 članak o MJ's health (reuter's): U izjavi, atribuiran Jackson's "i jedini službeni glasnogovornik, Dr. Tohme Tohme" i izdaje Los Angelesu tvrtka kašičica Marketing, navodi intervjuu književnik Ian Halperin u nedjelju britanski list Express u kojoj Halperin rekao je Jackson koji pate od Alpha 1-antitrypsin nedostatak.
    An endocrinologist sa specijalnosti u osteoporoze je vaš glasnogovornik izjavama i pitanjima o svom zdravlju i glasine ga okružuje, kroz tvrtku zove kašičica Marketing?
    A zašto Geraldo vjerovati "postoje samo 4 mogućnosti da objasni michaels smrti", a većina sensaltionalist, teorije zavjera benefit-of-the-proponant sumnje, a on se ne može popeti s 5. mogućnost lažni smrti? Stvarno?
    I Oprah tiąina govori svezaka, što više mislim o tome.

  43. monij Said,

    Ako tražite bliže možete vidjeti sjena na leđa i rukom ispod kliznog tijela, tako da je neko tijelo kreće. Kao i za Michael se živ, on je moj željan razmišljanja. Ja sam pa ipak čekivanje za čudo se dogodilo. Kako o najnovijim špekulacije da njegov pogreb održat će se u Centru sortirano po isti ljudi MJ obitelji želio odgovore u vezi s njihovim sinom smrti. A ulaznice su prodane? Toliko pitanja su lijevo unansered, ostavljajući nas, nas obožavatelji, odgovoriti na njih kao što želimo, stvarajući sve više i više nemira i prolijevanja više misterija o tip. Wow, ja se nadam samo iz dna moje srce, da MJ će se vratiti iz mrtvih je 7. jula obavljati infront od svojih navijača na sortirano centar. Zato se tamo neće biti u petak gledaju kao speculated ranije budući da nema tijelo za pregled. Nice iznenađenje žalosti za navijače, a možda samo mali za fino MJ uznemirujuće za mir. Moj željan razmišljanja!

  44. bghoppy Said,

    od topix.com 27. prosinac 2008
    Uvodnik: Dr. Tohme i World Tours To nikada neće biti
    Da li vi shvatiti ako dodate "UC" da bi Wacko's Dr. 's ime, ime mu je dr. Touchme Touchme?
    U stvari, "Toh" je Ma'ya za "uzdignut". (Ok, koliko li samo vrisnula? I Im 'ne govorim girly / Wacko screams, I mean real glasno, dugo, užasnut screams?)

    Je li moguće da je netko povlačenjem jednog ne-veoma-i temeljito razraditi neukusan vic na njegov obožavatelji? Oh, well, to nije kao da neće jesti halapljivo ga sa šećerom na vrhu i braniti ležati na njenu smrt. Oni uvijek činiti. Uostalom, oni i dalje vjeruju Wacko ide skok iz invalidskih kolica i da pronađete backers i osiguravatelja i otići na izlet u vihoru širom svijeta u 2009 - što želim istaknuti je samo nekoliko dana udaljen bez čak nagovještaj jednog kostim bude crtan na jednom roto jastučić.
    Ne brinite, za one koji žele mi reći koliko luda sam ja razmišljam ovako, nisam siguran je li pogrešno, a pogotovo ne osjećam dobro još ću pokušati omotati oko moje glave materije Vjerujem smo svi osjećaju dirnuti. Sve o netočnosti, pitanja, contadictions, nestalo relavant informacije krechu pitanje mi sve. To je isti free press koja je trebala spasiti nas od zla nepoznato da mogu zaustaviti demokraciji u to staze kad nitko izvješća istinu?

  45. sobaytransplant Said,

    Uz put, moj prijatelj (koji je medicinski osobe s poviješću prevoze trupla) gledali ovaj video. Ona je rekla da dok je freaky, to je privid opitcal i nije sjediti uspravno. Ona je rekla da joj izgleda kao da je jedan satelit (ili dva polaznika) unutar helikoptera su manevriranje tijelo biti u mogućnosti za izlaz iz helikoptera lakše kad zemlju.

  46. dave859 Said,

    pročitate ovaj http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20090702/ten-jermaine-jackson-i-wish-it-was-me-5f8abb3.html

    "Htjela sam da vidite Michael, i JA ištanje vidjeti moj brat, i vidi ga ondje živosti i bez daha je bio jako emotivan za mene, ali sam ja osobno održao zajedno, jer ja znam on je itekako živ", rekao je on.

  47. Happytomato Said,

    Puno hvala za Vas website. Ja ću pratiti vaš post. Bila sam šokirana kada sam pročitao vijest.
    nego što sam htjela saznati nešto više o Michael Jackson. (Nisam bio pravi navijač, ali vrlo znatiželjan o ovom čudnom čovjeku).

    Tako sam primijetio nešto u odnosu na intervjuima naći na Internet

    Neki zatvoreno MJ prijatelj reći da je u dobroj formi tokom preseahal i drugi dodati da su ga nikada vidio uzimanje droge.
    Štoviše igrati nekoliko tura, MJ ima previše biti u dobroj formi, tako da je zdravstveno osiguranje ima definitivno dogovoreni da je ok za turneju (po tko kaže da je uzimanje droga), izgleda da se jako dugo vrijeme.

  48. Ali Said,

    On je živ ... ja doista vjerujem u to

  49. wishful09 Said,

    dobro, mi svi znamo istinu uskoro, jer Debbie Rowe je sada traže pritvor. Ne postoji način Michael bi zasjesti i neka joj se custdoy njegove djece. Ukoliko nije, on zna da nema načina sudac će dati joj pritvora. Miss vas Michael.

  50. nycscenie Said,

    Za sve one koji su bili primitivan ili one koji planiraju da se neučtiv pozivanje vjernika na hoax luda, ili govoreći: "dobiti život" očite su one kojima je potrebna života. Ako ne vjerujete da je to bila hoax ili nije briga, onda y otpada vremena i pročitati i komentar na ovo. Ako u bilo koji tip ostaviti komentar, očito NEKE dio u (uključujući sebe) vjeruje u ovo ili počinje vjerovati u to.

  51. Happytomato Said,

    Pročitao sam komentar na web rekavši da je:
    "Serijski broj na helikopter koji s lijeve Neverland Michael Jackson u njoj, i serijski broj na helikopter koji je stigao u bolnicu s mrtvaca u njoj se ne slažu jedna na drugu."
    Je li to istina?

  52. admin Said,

    Mi smo analizira snimke oba helikoptera koji je napustio UCLA Hospital (ne Neverland) i ona koja je stigla u LA županija mrtvačnica i zaključio da su obje su iste LA županija Sherriff Rescue 5 helikopter sa serijski broj N9500G. Ovaj serijski broj je prisutan na obje strane u obrtima na pročelju ispod kokpita. Dakle, ovo prepričavanje nije istina.

    MJHD Admin.

  53. OriginalDavid Said,

    ok, da sav narod govoreći svojim sjenama, ili kut perspektive ... Da li ste primjetili da više od table / nosila postaje vidljivo kao što je tijelo ustane? Samo pogled na to ... ja ću čekati ....

    ok, vidim? Kako mogu napraviti da se sjene, ili kut kamere poravnite mu rame transparentno?

    on je to zavaravanje.

  54. OriginalDavid Said,

    Također, upravo je objavila da cnn droge našli su se u njegovoj kući, medicinski indukovati komi. pa, da, tu je to.

    oni oživje mu James Bond stilu, dok su uzimajući off, a on samo sjede malo prerano.

  55. Andrea Said,

    I ja, složili s činjenicom da je 'posljednji snimak' o njemu izvode se evidentirati u High def, mult-track, itd. je način previše zgodan.

    Zato sam te se složiti sa skoro sve ostalo što je rekao svima - od 911 poziva, 30 minuta od kada jaz Dr. Murray pronašao MJ 'smrt', a od kada je odlučeno da se 'staffer' 911 poziva. Joe Jackson ni pogođen bolom - pa što ako su on i njegov sin nikada nije dobio zajedno? Ona je i dalje bila njegov sin, i ti bi ga očekujem da pokažu malo više žalost nego što je prikazano u televizijskim intervjuima, kao i Kladim nagrade. JA isto tako vjeruju u čovjek ambulante foto mogao vrlo vjerojatno neće biti MJ. Uši su potpuno drugačiji. Je bilo tko drukčije ni primjetio da? MJ ušiju nikada curled poput one koja je vidljiva u foto jasno radi. I da, vrlo je moguće da je u njegovoj disanja cijevi nos da je oko njegove glave mogao stvoriti privid njegove uši curled, ali bilo tko drugi tko se primijetiti da se njegovi zulufi su znatno veći od onog koji je u "posljednji probe" fotografija koje su je izdan? Također, njegov pigment je potpuno isključena. Previše je žuto-ish nijansa.

    I, da zaključimo moje spekulacije - Gledao sam je sinoć intervju sa Matt Lauer i Jermaine Jackson na Dateline NBC, a bilo je nekoliko savjeta koji Im 'ne siguran ako netko uhvaćen na njega, ali kao što je rekao:' Znao sam da je još uvijek vrlo živ ', ali onda je odmah zaustavlja i kaže' svoga duha, mislim 'bezizrazan bezizrazan ?!?!!? I onda je on isto tako spominje 'ja još uvijek osjećam ga, jer znam da je tu negdje, i dalje'. Hajde!? Nije li to očiti? Da je mogao značiti 'duhovno', a ne fizički, ali sve što je okružuje njegove smrti sve je samo previše čudno. Jermaine također spominje da je on i MJ imao razgovore imati Jackson 5 Reunion i da su idući u obaviti u Londonu. I kako zgodan, da je sada da se javi da je Jackson obitelj je zapravo događa u London napraviti show. Hmmm ... to stvarno čini čudo, zar ne? SAMO razmišljati o tome. Jermaine Napominjuchi da su neka MJ's kids vidjeti njegov mrtvaca. NE liječnik je dozvoljeno da bi BILO KOJE vidjeti svoje dijete roditelja mrtvacu. Najviše oni mogu napraviti je samo reći 'Tata je otišao daleko "ili" On je otišao na bolje mjesto' ili nešto slično uz one linije. Tko je ikada čuo za njega biti najbolje 'psihički' za djecu da se vidi njihova oca mrtvaca? Mislim, zar ne mislite da ih vidite raniti tijelo bi ih više ne vidim psihiccki onda tijelo! Imam osjećaj da, možda dobijete djecu JESTE vidjeti nakon što je njihov tata 'umro', ali samo kako bi ga vidjeti i shvatiti on stvarno nije bilo mrtvih i reći zbogom, za sada, ali tata će ih vidjeti uskoro! Razmišljati o tome!

    Također, samo moja dva centa - ali vjerujem da ako MJ je zapravo još uvijek živ, a lažni njegove smrti, ne bih se ljutiti ni uznemirila - u stvari, dobro za njega! Dajte mu rekvizite i odobravati ga. Bio je i uvijek će biti čovjek. Imam osjećaj njegove 'comeback' tura ima puno više smisla 'comeback' nego svatko misli!

    Jedan od posljednjih i završne misli na sve ovo - njegova 'najava' natrag u Londonu u ožujku na 02 koncerata .... To jasno nije ga! To je sve idem to say. To je očigledan, njegovo ponašanje, razgovor, šetnja, pokreta, njegove ruke su bile velike, njegov osmijeh je bio drugačiji, zubima je nedostataka, i koji nije mogao uočiti njegov ton glasa? Pft, IMPOSTER! Kažem vam!

    Ja sam jasno ne spomenuti da je sve ostalo što čini se da je mogao spekulirati hoaxed imaju svoje smrti, kako je rekao mnogo puta prije. Ali sam mislio bih neka svatko zna gledati dalje od medija, i izgledaju blisko na očite, i činjenica. Međutim, ako je on lažni njegove smrti i vraća, ILI lažni smrti i želi ostati u bjekstvu - Nadam se da on dobije mir je ikada tako longed for.

  56. Happytomato Said,

    Ja sam našla još jednu vijest. Bolje je provjeriti
    265. Michael Jackson je bio ubijen. Ključni dokazi u 911 poziva. Slušajte ga pažljivo.

    Evo REAL dokaze faul

    Michael Jackson je bio ubijen. The 911 Call dokazuje it.The osobe koja je 911 poziva, rekao je Michael tijelo je na krevet i liječnik je izvedbom CPR na krevet. Uz činjenicu da liječnik ne zna gdje je upravljao CPR, na podu, bez CPR ikada bio sproveden na podu.

    Poslušajte u 57 sekundi na 911 Call
    YouTube: Michael Jackson 911 Call

    911 dispečer: "Je li on na podu? Gdje je on sada na pravom? "
    Pozivatelja na početak: "On je na krevet gospodine ... on je na krevet."
    911 dispečer: "Uzmite ga na kat"
    Pozivatelja na početak: "U redu"

    STOP upravo ovdje! Pozivatelj je rekao: "U redu", kao da je on jedan davanje CPR kad je liječnika. Pozivatelj nikada uputama liječnika Michael dobiti na katu. Ne čujem predložiti tijelo je premještena. On ni ne poziva Michael po imenu, ne "Michael", "MJ", "Mike." Ne bi li mislite da će reći nešto kao ovo "Get Michael na pod?"

    Posted at 4:43 dana 4. srpnja 2009 by MJJMurdered
    http://www.tmz.com/2009/07/05/michael-jackson-doctors-propofol-drugs-billing/18 # comments

  57. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Volim Michael sa svim mojim srcem i dušom, i koliko god želio bi za slatki anđeo da je živ, i don `t vjerujem da je on. Zašto bi Michael ići tako daleko? On nikada neche ostaviti svoju djecu, znam da za stvari, on ih više nego životu. O obitelji dooing koncerata, pa se čini da je malo čudno, ali mislim da su to u čast Michaelu, zajedno sa svijetom. Vidiš Jermaine, u interwiev stvarno zavapiš, sa suzama, zar stvarno mislite da je on lažni to? I don `t, a što o Bet Janet na, bila je toliko uznemirila. Uvijek sam volio Michael, a ne za njegovu glazbu, ali za koji je bio, i to je razlog zašto sam don `t vjerujem da će ga povrijediti one ljubavi, po fakeing svoju smrt. To ne smisla za mene. Allthough, vi ste makeing neke vrlo dobre, bodova. Čak i ako Michael je živ, i don `t misliti da bismo ikada saznati. On može `t ići bilo gdje bez consieling njegovo lice, zašto bi mu se da je rizik od dobivanja" caugt "i eksplodirala u svijet za to. Hmmm, Došen `t stvarno imaju smisla za mene. Voljela bih više od svega u ovom svijetu, da biste dobili leđa Michel, ali kao što svi znamo, ne možete se "vratiti rom mrtvih" unfortiently . Upravo sam se nadam da je moj slatki anđeo, napokon imati stečen u miru da je zaslužio. Odmor u miru mojoj ljubavi. Vi ćete uvijek živjeti u mom srcu. RIP Dragi moj. Vi ste uvelike propustili, i volio.

  58. Yes555 Said,

    Jacko je lijes će biti u središtu je 11000-sjedalo stadiona. Tributes će biti pročitati po pjevačke legende Diana Ross i Jacko braća i sestre Jermain, Tito, Janet i La Toya.


  59. bghoppy Said,

    If Michael loved his kids so much, why would he allow himself to succumb to such a tragic end despite ALL these people that claim to have said something to him? I think it's BS to blame doctors and dealers for all the drug problem. The problem itself is one of demand, not supply. If you do not possess the preservation instinct within yourself to find the help needed to stop before you die, that is no one else's fault, and a weakness of your own. He kept these children from having a mother, then dies of drugs, then wills them to Katherine, who at 79 and the stress of this death and her shit marriage to the devil, could die at any minute?
    We have no proof of and I want to see a body before I believe he's gone. And if he is, it's the saddest thing I have ever seen.
    I also think the treatment of Debbie Rowe is the big shame in all this mess. I feel so sorry for her. There is no move she can make without people tearing at her SOUL. So wrong.
    And why cut her out of the will, but let Joe go unmentioned. Since his parents are still married ( I know not living together, but I guarantee she doesn't divorce for religious reasons only) when he bequeths something to her, it is also his by law, no? That makes no sense, not that one single thing about this makes one lick.
    My theory now is that he has been messing with drugs, but more like hormones and different prescriptions that would help him alter his voice and skin, ect, but at this late age it is now medically imperative to stop these actions, and so the “natural” MJ that results would be exteremly shocking (he had 20 years to get to look like this). I think with the help of Deepak and Rabbi Schmuley he has re-evaluated his whole life and has made personal changes for the better spiritually and medically. So what bigger way to totally reinvent yourself to the world that come back to life, at your own f'n funeral.
    I agree with Adrea, when she says she understands why he would do it, and would encorage almost, if that's what was best for him. I'm only going to be pissed about how hard it has been on me emotionally. I am questioning my mental sanity on an hourly basis, but then if I feel i can't be wrong, I go insane watching these people on TV not question anything, the way his family reacts. If he is not dead, the Jackson Family (and all their friends) are without a doubt the largest group of related psycopaths in the world and should be studied by scientists.
    As for Janet, she did not seem appropriately upset to me, and no one seems to notice she talked about him in the present tense. “To you he IS an icon, to us he IS family” That keeps happening alot in interviews, talking about him in present tense. Jermain is a freak one way or the other, and I don't think faking crying is hard at all. It concerns me there was not more crying, if he really is gone.

  60. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    I guess we will see Michel then.

  61. bghoppy Said,

    And surely you can't do enough drugs to kill yourself with, and have NO liver or kidney damage evident at autopsy?

  62. Wish-Tis-True Said,

    Did anyone hear about Michaels 'ghost' supposedly haunting the ranch. I would love if people just laid off his back. If he is still alive (which i would love to believe and I HOPE THAT ITS TRUE) I honestly wish its true. My heart aches for his children and his family. The media are money hungry pigs. They will go to any extent to make money. Urghh makes me sick.Whereever you are Michael we love you dearly and with all our hearts we miss you madly.

  63. bghoppy Said,


    Above is a link to an interesting article of Quincy Jones talking about MJ. Certainly a different tone than he has when on CNN.
    Why is it that every story about MJ comes from TMZ and all video is from hollywoodvideo?

    Did you guys see on e-bay someone is selling their ticket for 8G, opening bid, and another freak is selling the soil from where he died, that also contains his ghost.
    My faith in humanity and the future is being tested like no other time in my life. Isreal may launch a bomb at Iran's nuclear sites, VP Biden says the US won't try to stop such a decision, which can mean nothing but destruction for untold innocents. And I can't stop thinking about THIS.

  64. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    I totally agree with BGhoppy on everything. I won`t believe that he is dead either unless we get to see the body. Michael, we all love you so much, and you are greatly missed. I hope you are happy whereever you are our sweet angel. We love you with all our hearts.

  65. wishful09 Said,

    Hvala! People are not thinking. There would be immediate evidence of such an voerdose. His liver would be shot to hell. They either already know the answer and are not telling the public, or something fishy is going on.

    As for Joe Jackson, I can not imagine any father “feeling great” after a child has passed. It's not reasonable. No matter how strict he was, he loved his son. Even Michael admitted that. Joe wanted more for them, he just went about it the wrong way. As for people saying Joe was money hungry, that is not true. I think Michael even said Joe never took money from them. He was just too damn controlling. So, for Joe to feel great is odd. Something is wrong here! Even an abusive father would find the passing of a child unbearable. Men who beat their spouses are grief stricken, when they lose them. His reaction is as suspicious as it can get.

  66. wishful09 Said,

    Also, when I lost my father at a young age, I DID NOT see him in the hospital. I did not see my father until the funeral. Dakle ....

  67. wishful09 Said,


    I also find it difficult to watch people not question anything. Everyone keeps comming forward talking about this and that, and they just accept it.

  68. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Michael burried će sutra ujutro u šumi livadi Spomen parku, i Hollywood hils. Jermaine rekli tako. Ali oni i dalje želite pokušati dobiti purmission dobiti Michael burried at Neverland. Pa mislim to znači, da mi bude navika allowd vidjeti Michael za posljednje vrijeme u javnosti wievieng. Ali ja don `t shvatiti zašto, oni bi mu burried at neverland. Michael nije `t ištanje to ići leđa nakon zadnjeg suđenja . Mislim da je stvarno Michael je otišao. To će biti težak dan sutra . Odmor u miru Slatko, slatko anđeo. Ja ću vas ljubim u ostatku mog života

  69. Andrea Said,

    Također se slažete sa bghoppy. Previše prezent, kada govorimo o MJ. To definitivno više pobuđuje sumnje kao i za mene barem. Valjda ćemo sve vidjeti u utorak na spomen. Tko zna.

  70. Happytomato Said,

    The explaination od Michaels'ghots'

  71. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Ive just seen the full interwiev with Jermaine Jackson, and what i don`t understand is that he is saying, and i qoute: We gotta remember Michael for who he IS??? Ehh i guess he means for who he was?. And at last he is saying, My Brother IS the king, again, i though he ment, was? Why does they keep saying is?

  72. elde Said,

    Michael has left the building..

  73. Yes555 Said,

    I am afraid Elde is right.


    ^^ Paris Jackson Leaves Dad Michael's Private Family Funeral In Tears.

    Surely she couldn't have faked that?

  74. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    i have just seen all the rehersels, for last month with Michael, and i have to say, if you are totally on drugs, and sick like they said, he was, there is no way in hell, that you can dance like that. He laughed, talked, made fun, ran around, and danced like he was 25 again.. On all the rehersels. THat is why it has been such a big chok for all of us, that he died so sudden. There is no way you can perform like that, if you are near dying. That is all im gonna say

  75. bghoppy Said,

    is is legally possible to bury a body without a death certificate?
    I don't understand how those pic's “of Paris” prove anything at all. First, why are we to be convinced that is her? Second, who are those people in casual dress leaving a memorial service? Why are her pics the only ones out there? Why whould she not be in the family car?

    But more important, it's disgusting that there are people willing to take such shots, print them, and then view them. What is wrong with you folks interested in such morbidity.
    I also have a huge problem with the claims the kids asked and then were allowed, at the encouragement of the hospital therapist, to see him dead, and so soon. That's what viewings are for.
    I guess all we can do is just wait and see what happens.

    I'm praying for a Miracle.

  76. mysticallymagestically Said,

    So this entire memorial service seems like a promotional event for some, or is it just me?

  77. Andrea Said,

    Slažem se s vama, mysticallymagestically. Cijelu stvar činiti se previše mislio i planirao da bude 'spomen'. A gdje je dovraga bio Oprah, Dianna Ross, itd? Hajde. i kao što sam rekao prije, Brook štitića je glumica. Ona dobiva plaćeni da zavapimo, koji je upravo ono što sam siguran je učinio na spomen. Kao i za Paris, ako netko stvarno misli da je njen zadnjih nekoliko riječi i emocionalnih eksplozija 'bila je iskrena, imate pitanja, haha. Deka imala MJ lutka u njegovim rukama, a Prince je žvakaća guma i stvarno je pokazao znakove bez emocija ili grieving. A zašto zatvorena kutija? Stvari još ne dodati do mene. Vjerujem da ću ga kad otpustite bilo obdukcija fotografije ili netko potpisuje certifikat smrti, a ja stvarno mogu vidjeti smrti certifikat. I wtf je s njima ni ne znajući ono što će učiniti sa svojim tijelom? Mislim da je to bilo dovoljno neučtiv jer je čekao da ovaj dugi za 'spomen uslugu' ako je on zaista mrtav.

    Također, nije bilo tko drukčije je primijetiti kako se Janet pokušavaju držati u smijati na kraju, nakon Pariza okrenu od mikrofona i ona ode u udobnosti njom? Pft. Ja sam još uvijek ne vjeruje dok ne dobijete punu dokaz.

  78. noisehammer Said,

    Ona je čekanje u smijeh na kraju "???????

    well, sadly as it is, loosing believe he is alive, thats what ive to watch again…
    can anyone confirm it that it was a real laugh ?

  79. Yes555 Said,

    Andrea, here is Michael's death certificate:


    And why on Earth would a little girl fake cry over something like this?

  80. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    I saw all 3 kids, chewing gum. Seems kinda normal, their father did it all the time, all day long.. But they didn`t show any emotions, that is right. Exept from Paris. Some is saying that Michael will reveal himself at the jackson 5 reunion, wich some of the family members will do, at some of his concert dates. OMG. who can believe that. He is dead. But why buy a gold Coffin, and do this memorial, if it was all a fake, would the entire family stand behind Michael?? Or, do they even know if he was really dead or what?

  81. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Ooops, forgot something. I will have to admit, that i also thought it was kinda weird, that we didn`t get to see the body, and the fact that their havent been a 3rd otopsy. Hmmmm

  82. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    The Janet stvar. Ona nije `t osmijeh. I čini mi se kao ona pokušala da ne zavapiš, da se tamo za Pariz

  83. bghoppy Said,

    Me too, mystic. Felt like a “comeback” for alot of fading stars, alot of self promoting statements, and the lack of emotional involvement on everyones part is unnerving. Like I said before, whatever has happened the whole Jackson clan should be studied by scientists as the largest known group of related psycopaths and/ or scitzophrenics in the world. Not one tear, until marlon mentions his twin, and Paris “cries”. once again talking about him in the present tense. The two boys looked bored and uninterested the whole time, and I think it's weird too that the youngest has a doll of him. None of these Jackson freaks should be allowed near these kids. They don't seem normal at all to me. Unless they do know he is ok. Still why is Katherine so venerated? She raised 8 kids and married a man who all have serious social and emotional problems. I question the mental health of all of them. Not to mention she could die at any minute, but since this memorial shows just how emotionally attached they all were to MJ, I;m sure her passing wont hurt them much either. If my dad or brother died, there is no way I would have been able to make it thru that whole show without completely breaking down. Especially if congress passed legistlation to honor him forever, and ever. OMG, that didn't move a single one of them.
    The absence of Liza, Oprah, Lisa marie, and diana ross is weird.
    And if he hated Debbie Rowe so much why does his guitarist look just like her, except younger.
    And the weirdest (I hope) thought I have to drop here is, check out the first guy to sing during “we are the world”. Who is that guy? A former decoy? Or him w/o make up? He's kind of what I am expecting to see, if MJ is ever to return.

    I was moved and disgusted so many times in two hours, I'm still exhausted, still not sure what to think.

  84. sobaytransplant Said,

    I would dearly, dearly love to think that he was still alive. However… I have to say that I don't believe that is true. I think he's really gone. There are LOT of things that are still a mystery and pieces to this puzzle that are absolutely missing. But I didn't see anyone “acting” at the memorial service. (I'ma trained actress of more than 35 years and can usually spot someone acting – even the good ones.) I didn't see Janet holding in a laugh… what I saw was her making a face in reaction to the child's tears. It looked more like “OMG… poor baby” to me. The other kids' demeanor was a bit strange, I agree. Then again, they were raised in a VERY strange environment. The older boy seemed to react to his sister's tears by reaching around Janet when Paris fell into her arms, but the younger one didn't seem to re-act to anything. One thing is almost certain… if he DID fake it, we probably won't ever know about it. If he's trying to start a new life, wouldn't he do just that? Somewhere out of the public eye for the rest of his (natural) life? Potential fraud charges notwithstanding, it seems like a LOT of trouble to go through to get a new life – only to blow the whole thing by showing back up again.

  85. Andrea Said,

    No matter how believable they tried to make that 'memorial' seem, I didn't buy it. Open-casket, THEN I would have thought he is TRULY dead. There is still so many things that do not add up. Give me some death photos, and I'll be happy. Haha. Till then, I will assume he is alive. Coming back? That is another story.

    If no death/autopsy photos ever emerge, but months go by with no word of him, I will have assumed he either went into hiding or is, in fact, dead. Either way, I'll continue to stick to the facts and everything I have seen so far since DAY ONE of his death and the minute I heard he was in the hospital, with a heart attack, then he died, then he was in a coma, and then he 'died' for real. Since DAY ONE the story has been off. Come on folks, get with the program.

  86. sobaytransplant Said,

    In fact… all of this sounds VERY familiar. I'm old enough to remember the “Paul McCartney is Dead” hoax of 1969 and 1970. http://www.turnmeondeadman.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3&Itemid=10
    I also remember the whole Elvis faked HIS death business… which is still going on to this day. All these years later, no one has ever proven EITHER rumor to be true.

  87. Andrea Said,

    Just so everyone knows, I take back what I said about Janet holding in a laugh when Paris goes to her arms. It's when Marlon is talking and turns around from his 'break down'. TO ME it seems as if she is holding back from smiling. I have re-watched that part over and over, and none of them look sincere. That's just my opinion. Tko zna.

  88. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Sobytransplant. As long as no death sertifacte isn`t beoing signed, or a erd otopsy isent there, it would not be aligal to “FAKE” your when death.

  89. feyaya Said,

    in response to bghoppy…i nearly flipped out when i saw the first guy to sing “we are the world.” not because i thought he was an mj decoy, but his face just stood out so outrageously. but now that you mention it, he very well could have been a decoy. however, i'm pretty sure it's not michael without makeup. i think he really did suffer from skin complications. but even if he didn't, i know his skin was not brown and merely covered up with white makeup almost 24/7. his skin had to have been bleached, vitiligo or not.

  90. feyaya Said,

    oh, and to andrea, i thought the same thing about marlon's speech; it doesn't even seem to be just janet who looks as though they are trying to hold in a laugh. it looks like it's marlon too, and i think jermaine. basically, it looked as if something funny had just happened. it was pretty odd. perhaps they just couldn't keep a straight face with trying to be so sentimental? then the comment about michael hugging brandon (marlon's twin) really took the humor up a notch! tko zna.

  91. heisalive Said,

    To Andrea; I entirely agree with your statements posted and I am convinced 100+% that Michael Jackson staged his own death to escape and go on with a NORMAL live elsewhere … that is what my inner voice has been telling me since the moment his “death” was announced and it keeps quickening me ongoing. I am also a legal professional and am looking at this matter as a “case” and all the elements thereof, like Discovery to name just one. Michael Jackson certainly has the brass bleeps, the contacts, resources, loyals and most of all the MONEY and wherewithall at large to inscene such a “show” like this ! He married Elvis' DNA, Lisa Marie and while married to her, got the goods from her on how Elvis' death was staged and successfully “sold” to the public by the satanic media back in 1977. Based on extensive research and existing evidence by several credible individuals and successful tripup's by journalists of Lisa Marie and Priscilla both, it is VERY clear that Elvis did not die at Graceland and is in all likelihood in hiding via the US Witness Protection Program as a former official Federal Agent.
    No doubt in my mind that Michael Jackson, for his own set of reasons staged his “death” like Elvis did and like him is alive somewhere and is watching this “Event” as his ever greatest encore with the moneymill continually $pinning on and on. If Debbie Rowe does not receive custody of MJ's children (in lieu of cash of course), it remains with Katherine Jackson as stated by MJ's will. This arrangement will ensure 100% easy access for MJ to his kids and will they be surprised once he returns from the “grave” to visit them at some point !
    *Breaking news case update: Starwitness No. 1, Elizabeth Taylor whom MJ loves with his heart and soul and likewise has “declined” to “appear” at the “memorial” shindig at staples center stating she “loves him too much”. Ms. Taylor is the ONE person Michael trusts implicitly and was imaginably the first person to hear about his elaborate escape plan and thus proved her loyalty to him by not “appearing” at this his sendoff which, after Elvis' “death” and funeral, is by far the greatest lie ever told, a lie that billions of people have swalloed whole .. oh yea of little faith !!!!
    * Breaking news case update: Starwitness No. 2, Diana Ross announced via released statement she was not “attending”, speak: she is also in on this ! These 2 individuals, Ross and Taylor both are known to be closest to MJ, are part of his intimate inner circle of confidantes for years. and in all likelihood aided him with his “Getaway” and might admit it on their deathbeds some day, or … not ! The evidence keeps mounting and the case keeps gaining muscle.
    * Breaking news case update: 2 more importants of MJ's inner circle were missing at Staples Center: Uri Geller and Chopra Deepak, 2 more persons in on his well staged “death escape” ?? A likely possibility !
    After the end of the “Memorial Service”, did anyone other than me notice, see and read – at the stage backwall of Staples Center – these words appearing in blue lettering: “I am alive and I am here forever” ???? Did MJ leave a “message” here himself only SOME of the “mourners” caught onto and while the rosedraped, gold coffin, probably empty or with a puppet inside sat there without giving off a single whatsoever vibe that it actually contained a dead body, any “body “at all ? .... Thanks for reading what are your thoughts about this? I'd sure be interested to hear

  92. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    I didn`t see that. It was at the end of the show?? OH MY GOD. I hope he really is alive, i love him so much, not for ehat he can do with his voice or body but for who he is/was. I would give anything to get him back, everything i own. Prokletstvo. Where are you angel? I have to see that. You said at the end of the show, do you mean before the casket was driven anway?

  93. sobaytransplant Said,

    MyBelovedMJ – you are mistaken. When taxpayers have to foot the bill for your memorial service (too say noting of all the other money that has been speant for various police activities and investigations) and it turns out you aren't really DEAD, it IS illegal.

  94. sobaytransplant Said,

    There have been TWO autopsies thus far and that's more than all that's necessary for him to be considered deceased officially. And according to Fox news as of today's date – “The certificate is signed by Los Angeles County Health Officer Jonathan Fielding. Other information has been redacted.”

  95. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    OH MY Jahve. OH MY Jahve. Upravo sam vidio te riječi 2. Što to znači? Da li je Michael nam šalje poruku? Zašto je obitelj zavapimo na pozornici onda? Would they stand behind Michael in all of this? And the Children, do they no that he is still alive.? I believed yeasterday that he was gone, for real. I believed it, when i saw Marlon, and Paris speak. They were both so upset. But seeing that message just gave me the chills. He must be out there somewhere. He will come back to us if he is, i know it. I wish Michael, could read all of this, so he could see how many of us, who understood, him, loved him, and NEVER judge him. A wise person once said: Do not pass judgement on anyone before you have talked to them one on one, i don`t care what the story is. He was so right. If he is indeed still alive, wich i belive now more than ever, after reading those words, i am pretty sure that he will come back. Probely on one of his concert dates. I don`t know i am about to laugh or cry. If Michael, someday should be able to read this, i hope that he will give us a sign- any sign, of him beeing alive and well. That would for me, bring myself into peace again, and stop thinking about him all the time. Love you Michael

  96. sobaytransplant Said,

    By the way, his name is Deepak Chopra (you had it backwards) and he's a WELL-KNOWN author on spiritual/metaphysical matters. Has been for YEARS, which is why Michael wanted an association with him, I suspect. Doubtful he would help Michael fake his own death. Bad for his own kharma, which he takes quite seriously.

  97. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    I guess i have to find a way to learn how to live with this then . Even if i don`t know if i can. Why have they waited so long to sign teh death satificate?? Was anyone talking about that on the news aswell?? Why the hell, would someone print blue writing on the wall in stapels center with the words: I am alive, and Im here forever? I want to know who did that then, because if it wasen`t Michael, then it is a VERY sick joke. OMG

  98. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    I just have 1 question. What the hell happent to Navi? Michael`s double body, who so often has performed in public for michael, where is that dude? Has anyone heard about what has happent to him? Is that him in the ambulance. He looked so much like michael, that even the fans, thought he was the real deal. Well i guess we will never know

  99. SkylinexBleedsxRed Said,

    I read those words, I missed them on TV yesterday. I believe that is a part of a song? Even if it was part of a song, Why choose those words, “I am a alive”. I looked up that part of the memorial today, And my heart just lit up. My depression went away. I was so down and so upset since I saw the memorial yesterday because I felt he was truly gone. I then come to this site, Found out about his hands and read some of the comments about that “I'm alive” message. I can't believe it. I hope he returns! It would be amazing if he did one last final farewell tour if he doesn't ever want to perform anymore. God, I want to meet him!

  100. Yes555 Said,

    “After the end of the “Memorial Service”, did anyone other than me notice, see and read – at the stage backwall of Staples Center – these words appearing in blue lettering: “I am alive and I am here forever” ???? Did MJ leave a “message” here himself only SOME of the “mourners” caught onto and while the rosedraped, gold coffin, probably empty or with a puppet inside sat there without giving off a single whatsoever vibe that it actually contained a dead body, any “body “at all ?”

    You mean, “I am alive, and I am here forever?” They're lyrics from aa Michael Jackson song he sung with Paul McCartney called “The Man”



    There's a man
    Who plays the game of life so well
    Ooh, there's such a man
    His thoughts you can never tell, ooh
    And it's just the way he
    Thought it would be
    'cause the day has come
    For him to be free
    I'm alive and I'm here forever

    This is the man
    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man

    There's a man
    Everybody thought they knew
    Ooh, there's such a man
    He's not like me and you, ooh

    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man

    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man

    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man
    (this is the man)
    Ooh yeah
    (ooh, yeah)
    This is the man
    (this is the man)
    This is the man

  101. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Yes that was the sentence. Pretty spooky

  102. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    You are complete right. They are lyrics from a song, but why use exactly those words, like you said, and only those. Why not the whole song? These words are telling us something, i am sure of that.

  103. dogolian Said,

    MJ seems really to be still allive. We got information that he hides in germany near berlin in a place he baught in 2006

  104. Sosh Said,

    If he really is alive and hiding in Berlin, he must have left the country before his death was publicly known. Maybe th sightings from him in Mexico are based on true stories.

    I think he most likely needed a private plane from someone to escape the american borders. Also, how did he pass the german borders?

  105. heisalive Said,

    sosh: how did he get past the german borders? For lack of a better phrase: Intricate, intelligent planning and shrewd action, and/or: Money money money .. or both, that's how ! We are talking about THE Michael Jackson here – like ?!?!?!?!

  106. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Michael is a master in disquses. He could have done that. I am pretty sure he is alive, and we will know soon enough. Dogolian, you are sayiing: We got information”. Who is we?

  107. feyaya Said,

    yeah, who is “we”?

  108. Mojofi Said,

    We do know MJ like to wear white tops but how can we tell if it was really him sitting or maybe the body moved as the helicaptor moved? I did not see his face in that clip it was just a white top. hhmm :-s not sure. But I know he is ALIVE and i have my reasons.

  109. carelesslove46 Said,

    was the body dressed in red?
    I cant make out anything..It's just a blur to me. I dont think Michael is alive, but if he did manage to break away..There's
    no way he will ever make a comeback. I have heard of at
    least 12 sucide's associated
    with Michael's death..He wouldn't be able to come back now even if he wanted to.

  110. cvijet Said,

    mj is alive cause nothing about this whole story just dont add up nothing from the o2 thing thats not the real mj no way the only true thing about this story is im sure that it is the real mj at the clip from the staples centre the rehersal and i think this is the last time we will see the real mj but as for everything eles its a load of rubbish mj is alive and he had to do this to get away from what was going on around him i hope hes well and happy but its so sad that he had to do this MJ WE LOVE YOU ALWAYS IF THIS IS WHAT YOU FEEL YOU HAVE TO DO TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT FOR YOURSELF WE WILL STICK BY YOU WE LOVE YOU

  111. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    I agree with you flower We will always love you with all our hearts, and we will stand by you no matter what. Like dhe said, if this is what you had to do, to make it right for yourself, then it was the best thing you could do. We love you more Michael. Don`t you ever forget that

  112. Samantha Said,

    Where ever he is, wouldent someone reveal it? Like if he went to another country and got off the plane or whatever wouldent someone see him?

  113. Samantha Said,

    To MyBelovedMJ
    They had to throw a Memorial, to make it seem more real.

    The family obviously knows, MJ Just wanted to get away, i don't blame him for what his been through.

    I Love you so much Michael, i hope you're Living in peace somewhere. xxx

  114. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Funny how people are saying that he would never come back, if he is alive. Moj Bože. The man is not stupid, he has been planning this for a very long time, if you do something like this, and planning to return, you have it all figured out. TRUST me on that

  115. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Im With you samantha

  116. wishful09 Said,


    I have not even came back on this site until now, since the funeral because I wanted to take everything in myself. I too thought they were trying to hold in laughter. I asked my sister, and she said no way! I watched with my sister and she did not notice it at all. We wathced it again and she still did not notice it. I saw it though. I saw Jermaine and I saw Janet. Of course we cant be sure of anything because true emotion is in the eyes and their eyes were hidden.

    Just to balance all of this out though… Why would Marlon mention such a sad situation about his twin, if this was all a fake? I cant comprehend anyone taking it that far.

  117. wishful09 Said,

    Also, if this was a real memorial, did anyone else find it tacky to show the title of the tour in the background? I know they were trying to be positive by showing how ready he was for the tour, but the title would be to much for me to take if I was a family member. I dont want to see a big display of “This is it” in the background.

  118. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Wishful09. I totally agrre with you. That was a odd thing to do, i woulden`t have been able to handle that either. There is alot of mystery going on here

  119. bghoppy Said,

    I think the whole thing was generally tacky. Don't get me wrong i couldn't stop crying the whole time, but still a lot of inappropriatness. Even the gospel song refering to the king. I think it's wrong to end a memorial with I am alive, not matter what. I found usher's whole performance out of line. EWWW touching the casket! I know we were all holding our breath for a miracle there tho (precicely why he should not have done that). I love Q Latifa, but she didn't even know him? WTF? I saw the snickers, too. I also noticed Lionel Richie looking PISSED during 'we are the world', shaking his head and rolling his eyes. And am I the only one who thought Sharpton (I did love his speech tho, which is a first for me and big al) took a dig at jesse jackson when he said that jesse had 'stood with the family, until now'? What was that about. But over all, I think if MJ really is gone, this service was a shame. Where were his real friends? Aren't you socially obligated to attend, wheter it is public or not. I just didn't get the feeling people were paying their respect, seemed more like a promotional event for fading stars. And Mariah should apologize.

  120. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    I hear yoy. The latest news is that Latoya thinks that Michael wasmurdered. PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK. She signed the death satificate. HMM WTF, she is not a docter. They said she was close to Michael. BULLSHIT No she wasent. The only sibling Michael was close to is Janet. Why is all of a sudden Latoya who speaks up, and not Janet?

  121. Sosh Said,

    to BGhoppy:

    I totally agree with you on that one. Allmost all stars performing at the memorial have (at least in europe) faded away. Brooke Shields didn't make any movies or series that I remember. Last thing about her I remeber she merried that tennislpayer Andre Agassi.

    About Usher and Mariagh Carey, haven't heard from them for a while. What the fu&k where these people doing there?

  122. nyla Said,

    i agree wid you bghoppy. the whole thing was a publicity stunt and was moneymaking. Also did you kno that LA council are launching an investigation on the cost of the memorial, they felt that their being ripped off. I mean the cheek of it!!! MJ isn't dead they may have brainwashed half the world but they aynt brainwashed mine. Seriously people who just readily believe everything they hear on the news really need to get their facts straight. :X

  123. wishful09 Said,

    You are absoulutely right bghoppy.

  124. wishful09 Said,


    I can see how you found the gospel song referring to the king inappropriate. It was a bit wierd simply because this is Michael (King of Pop), but that's the same song my family used for my dad. I think a lot of black families use that song.

  125. GermanLady Said,

    latoya is changing in interviews the Story of the Day of MJs Dead again and again. Somewhere on a German site i read she said that she was at Mjs House to fetch his Children and then were driving to Hospital, and now she said she were at home and called her mother, then was driving to hispital, where katherine was sitting with the children. Then she said Michael died in his bedroom, in this room were a lot of bottles oxygene and medicines, empty pill doses and whatever, but now she said Michael was in dr.murreys bedroom while he died. i think they cannot really lie and the story is gonna change everytime they want to talk about

  126. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    IM gonna be so pissed the nest time, someone mentions, that Michael was adicted to drugs. Moj Bože. What the hell are thay doing. She has changed her story 4 times now. Wich is it? They have to deside, cause everytime the story changes, there is more to believe that he is alive. DAMMIT, someone knows something. I just wrote that it can take months, to get the toxicoligy report from Michael`s body. OMG. This is getting worse everyday. Why can`t they just come forth? Some of them. Something is really wrong.

  127. bghoppy Said,

    wishful, i hated making that comment, it just seemed off, since he was the KING of Pop and we all want to see him again. Please, i hope no one took that personnally or as against a religious belief.

  128. trinidad Said,

    come on people some one thatcrazy of pain killers and abusing it like that is not likely to live remind you his kids are 7 , 11, and 12 a 7 year old knows but how much do they really know the two older kids know a little prince michael is 12 how much do they really know so what he change in to islam his mother his alive and if she wants to put her son back in to what she raise him thats her business he is dead janet was close to him when some one close to some one they whole inside shut down and plus she is the youngest se she felt it more come on guys he is dead and when god read for you he take you and you can tell his spirit already left his body when he say this is it tour i am a huge michael fan and i miss him a lot may god bless the jackson family and his kids may his soul rest in peace

  129. trinidad Said,

    you guys did not see when he was talking on the this is it tour in london looks can be deceiving you guys think he look strong and healthy
    come one his and and alll them strong pain killer druges he taking come one that shit will shut your whole system down why don;t you guys try taking them same drugs what he had in his house see if you gonna live i miss him so much if he still alive then elvis tupac biggie aaliyah left eye still alive then they on an iland by them self please they only place they is is next to god

  130. He.is.alive Said,

    GermanLady, guten Tag

    “Luegen haben kurze Beine” …. hence the story changes constantly and LaToya probably scored a nice paycheck with the interview she gave. Ich glaube ganz bestimmt dass Michael Jackson lebt, ja, sich sogar irgendwo in Europa aufhaelt. in the Ostblocklaendern, Rumaenien, Polen, da irgendwo.

    Lb. Gruss nach DE

  131. admin Said,

    Michael Jackson The Hoax Forum Smrt je sada gore i trčanje i spreman za korištenje. Slobodno za pokretanje novih tema i nastaviti razgovore tamo, u lakše upravljati okoliš.

    MJHD Admin

  132. wishful09 Said,

    I was not offended, bghoppy. I hope no one else was either.


    We are always on the same page. I cant take anymore of these drug stories. Either prove it or sit down. Who are some of these people comming forward? Oh, and you all are patient because I didnt bother to read any of the articles about Latoya. If she aint crazy, I dont know who is! If Michael is reading these posts, he needs to tell his family to get their stories straight or the cat will soon be let out of the bag.

  133. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Wishful, lol i totally agree. I am so pissed about the drugs stories also. It`s all BS. Moj Bože. Like you, said, they need to get their stories straigth.

  134. mm04 Said,

    Someone further up said something about the body wearing a white t-shirt in the footage…it isn'ta t-shirt it is the body bag! Hmm is it just me or are body bags usually black? Don't know what to think about all the drugs stuff…I think he's out there somewhere!

  135. GermanLady Said,

    i was looking at google for body bags, ill find them in 4 colors, white, black, Red and grey. So because of the body bag we cannot find another detail for the hoax

  136. Copenhagen Said,

    Samantha: I am sure that MJ can disquise himself so nobody can recognize him. He can wear different wigs clothing etc. You will never know – if he is alive I am sure he already has put on a new identity

  137. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    I takk it back. Liz Taylor does not now anything about if Michael “Faked” his dead. She has been comitted to a mental hospital in LA, because she can`t live without him. They were soulmates. Poor Lizzie. I guess that Means, that Michael is really gone. My worst fear just came true. And i can`t stop crying. I feel like writing her a letter or something. Nothing can remove her pain, or mine for that matter. I hope she will recover. But no matter what, they will meet in Heaven

  138. demonhybrid13 Said,

    I'd also like to state that if u believe michael jackson is dead. Then why does his Myspace state that…….ohhh I dont know…..HE LOGGED IN YESTERDAY!!!

  139. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    His Myspace? What are you talking about?

  140. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Okey, It has been 3 weeks today since Michael “Died” and still no sign of a burrial. What is happening?. This is soon getting to much for me to handle. What is borthering me the most, is that, i am almost 100% sure that there were no body in that casket. But where is he then? I hope he is safe. My god, i pray everyday, asking God to keep Michael safe, whereever he is. I just hope he is listening. I need a sign, anything, just a tiny one. I need to know if he is alive and well, before my head explodes, and my heart breaks. Well, i have my faith in god, and that he is looking after Michael wherever he is. That is a bit compforting. Michael are you happy? Are you healthy? OHH dear god, let him be alive, and safe. Sorry, I just needed to get this of my chest, this is one of these days, where its all dark, when it comes to this thing about Michaels “Death”

  141. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    OH MY LORD. I just listen to these two songs called “Never-Neverland” and “I´m Flying”. It broke my heart. Please GOD Keep Michael protectet and safe. MIchael you will always be my Peter Pan.

  142. wozniack Said,

    I heard he was cremated before the public memorial at the Staples Center… I also heard he was buried before that, too. But someone at the hospital claimed to be “pushed” by a herd of people, and in the middle was MJ walking out.

    I didn't think about his MySpace account… Someone could have logged in for him, though I wish it's really him.

  143. wozniack Said,

    MyBelovedMJ, this might give you some peace of mind: http://blog.taragana.com/e/2009/07/16/liz-taylor-denies-jackson-death-sent-her-to-hospital-16834/

    It was already mentioned on this site that it wasn't because of MJ. I forgot to include this earlier with my other post.

  144. lillina Said,

    Mike, at the time is probably buried at the forest lawn, but the family is waiting for Neverland (money makes the world go around).
    According to Roger friedman

  145. grecialove Said,

    i wish he is still alive ..and watching our love for him

    but even if he is…
    when he will return
    and why no one tell that he is alive in magazines…

  146. lovelidae Said,

    To: @MyBelovedMJ
    I completely understand where you are coming from. I had to shake myself out of it. Since June 25th I went through this weird series of emotions ( I was lethargic with no energy and all), but then I realized that this is no way to live my life. I had a couple of days of crying it all out in the shower, but the most helpful was to write out all that I was feeling. We all have something special to offer the world and God would not want us to waste away when we can carry on Michael's legacy of striving to heal the world and make it a better place. I do truly believe he is alive and probably reading this site, so he most probably knows how you feel. Whether he comes back to us or not, we should all strive to be the beautiful people God wants each of us to be and do like Michael and look for the beauty, magic, and light in life. Take care of yourself.

  147. Brooklyn Said,

    To MyBelovedMJ

    Have faith I don't think Michael is gone. I have not seen the story on Liz Taylor yet but maybe she was ill anyway and someone evil decided this was a great opportunity to use this as yet another lie to make people believe Michael died but this time using poor Liz to fuel the fire…Don't be upset I am here for you…

    Don't give up believing we all need to be strong for each other on here… Lets all be like Michael would have wanted, a family helping each other…

  148. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    OH MY GOD. You people are so sweet, I started crying again, but this tiome it was happy tears. I also want to belive that he is alive, and if he is, i hope he is reading this, Im sure, that would make him smile again. I just wrote the thing with LIzz, and it did help. Thank you so much for posting it. I cant tell you how much it means to get this kinda support, you made me smile, i think i needed that. But im still gonna pray to god every night, asking him to look after Michael, proctect him, and keep him safe. I will continue to have faith, and i have all of you to thank for it. Thank you so much.

  149. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    I Gotta stop watching these rehearsel video`s. They always make me cry. But i feel that its the only way i can keep him alive for now. His beautyfull voice, damn i love it. And in the song “She`s out of my life” Michael is saying : There will be some stairs here, so I can hug a couple of girls” I cannot believe he just said that. That little beat thing he does, MY GOD, I just love it when he does that. He Can`t be dead. he has to be alive. I think he just needed to rest. And his eyes, his beautyful eyes, those will never be forgotten. I just wish more than anything, that I could see him smile again, that would mean the world to me. He has the voice of an Angel.

    Dear God, hear my prayer. please I beg of you, keep Michael safe, let him be alive, he has so much more to do, for himself in this life. Let him have the chance of getting the life he always wanted. He has entertaint us for many decates, now he deserves a life in peace and harmoni, with his children. He has always been loyal to you. You muct have giving him your smile of aprovel. Keep him safe, proctect him always. You dont need another Angel yet, we do, here on earth. Give him back to us. Im not ready to let him go yet, I will never be ready for that, but this is just to early. Let us know that he is alive. Proctect him, keep him safe.

  150. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    I just watched some Hollywood thing at youtube. MY GOD, those papparazi are SICK. They are all over him, even though he dosen`t want them to take his picture. I understand why he needed to get away, that was sick. Poor Michael baby. I mean he knew it came with the territory but anyway, they could have giving him some privacy. He couldent even open the windows in his car comepletely, they would have torn his arm off if he reached out. I understand why he had to disguise himself and his children. I just hope that he will live in peace for the rest of his life. Without those IDIOTS following him. And all the screaming people, I remember my first thought was ” Oh my GOD, give the man some space, would you”. That havent been a easy life for him. I totally understand why he had enough. I just love him so much, I wish the best for him.

    Michael whereever you are, I will always support you in your dission, you did what you had to do, to keep yourself safe. Noone knows how it has been for you. I dont want you to feel lonely anymore. I wish I could take your lonelyness away from you. You need to get strong again, so that you will be able to smile. That is all that matters. I want you to be happy. Just wish that people would have supportet you more, when you were with us, I hope they have found out now, what they lost. The most beautifull Human being ever lived. My heart are with you and your Children Michael. I wish I could give you a hug of love, and tell you that it would all be okey. And be there to compford you, in these hard days. Volim te.

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