מייקל ג 'קסון מוות מתיחה ראיות mounts

ב -1 ביולי, 2009
על ידי Admin

בימים האחרונים, יש כמה התפתחויות חדשות להתגלות לטובת התיאוריה כי מייקל ג 'קסון יש מבוים של עצמו למוות ומשכה מחוץ מתיחה הגדולים של המאה. כמו שאנחנו כבר מודע, את מספר inconsistencies הסביבתי שלו 'מוות' פתחו את העיניים שלנו את העובדה שאנחנו לא סיפרו את כל הסיפור.

אנו מאמינים כי אם הוא באמת היה מת אז הוא היה פשוט היה ברור לגמרי במקרה. למשל: מייקל ג 'קסון התגלה שיש נפטרה בבית מעצר מתוך הלב, 911 חירום נקראה, הוא ענה על ידי paramedics ולאחר מכן לצערנו, מת מובהק. עם זאת, כפי שכולנו יודעים, זה לא היה ברור לגמרי במקרה והיו הרבה יותר מדי 'מוזרים' ו לקרוא אירועים לא מוסברת של אירועים שהתרחשו על יום מותו.

אנחנו כבר אמר כי הוא היה נתון ארבע שעות רפואיים, בו הוא עבר, על מנת להתקדם עם O2 קונצרטים בלונדון. יש לנו גם שמעו כי לילה לפני מותו, הוא היה מלא אנרגיה, לשים על החזרה מדהימה ביצועים (אשר פשוט קרה הווידאו להיות לגמרי ... איזה צירוף מקרים) ולאחר מכן פשוט קרה למות מהתקף לב למחרת.

יש לנו את שמעו סיפורים מוזרים שלו בנושא 'הרופא' מי שהוחדר לכאורה את הזמרת עם Demerol חצי שעה לפני שהוא התמוטט, קרה ל 'למצוא אותו על המיטה', לא התקשרו 911 עד חצי שעה לאחר מותו, סירב לחתום את תעודת הפטירה, ומי נעלמו רגעים לאחר אמבולנס לקח ג 'קסון לבית החולים.

שראינו את מדה של מייקל ג 'קסון יושב למעלה המסוק הנסיעה אל חדר מתים, אין ספק, מודה לכולם עבור בהצבת כזה גדול ב' מעשה 'ואז אומר' אני יהיה להסתלק עכשיו ', כפי שהוא wheeled לתוך חדר מתים , אז מוסוה הלכו החוצה את עצמו ואת הדלת האחורית.

עכשיו זה נראה, אפילו יותר מוזר הדברים המתרחשים, אשר מקום למתוח את התיאוריה כמו להיות מאוד אפשרי. תנו לנו לשתף כמה נקודות:

מייקל ג 'קסון ו דבורה Rowe במהלך הנישואים שלהם בשנת 1996.

הוא כבר הודיע על ידי דבורה Rowe, את אישה לשעבר של מייקל ג 'קסון, כי בסוף הוא לא כוכב הביולוגית של אבא שלהם שני ילדים. דבורה 'דבי' Rowe, אמו של הנסיך, 12, ו 'פריס, 11, הוא מדבר עליה "בלוף הנישואין" אל ג' קסון שלה הראשונה לציבור ראיון עם העיתון הבריטי עתונון חדשות של העולם.

Rowe, שנישאו ג 'קסון בבית מלון שרתון בסידני, בנובמבר 1996, אמרה שהיא מופרה מלאכותית על ידי תורם אנונימי ו likened עצמה לאחד גזעי mares עכשיו היא שומרת על אותה Ranch קליפורניה.

"אני רק על כלי שיט. זה לא היה מייקל של זרע, "אמר Rowe חדשות של העולם. "יש לי שילמו על זה, ואני כבר הלאה. אני יודע שאני לעולם לא רואה את הילדים שלי שוב. "Rowe חשף ואת מתח היא אף פעם לא היה זמר סקס ולא חולקים מיטה במהלך שלוש שנים הנישואים שלהם, המתארת את האיחוד רק בתור ידידות.

Rowe מדווח משם אז נתנו לה הורים זכויות הילדים בתמורה של 8.4 מיליון $ ארה"ב payout במשך תשע שנים. Rowe אמר שלהם היה הרובה של החתונה. "הוא רוצה להעמיד פנים שאנחנו משפחה." היא הייתה בהריון ו 37 והוא היה 38.

עם זה על ידי כניסה דבי Rowe, הוא מעביר את כל השאר של מי הם skeptics מייקל ג 'קסון טען כי "מעולם לא היה שלב של עצמו למוות כי הוא לא רוצה לעזוב את הילדים'.

למה הוא לא כאשר הם אפילו לא שלו?

שנית, יש לנו את ביזארי התנהגות של אבא של מייקל ג 'קסון, ג' ו ג 'קסון. זה היה מצוטט על אי! Online, כי "בשלב זה, ג 'ו ג' קסון יודע יותר לגבי פרויקט הרשומה שלו מאשר בנו הלוויה של תוכניות '. מאוד מפריע.

אבא של מייקל ג 'קסון, ג' ו ג 'קסון ואל Sharpton במסיבת עיתונאים לאחרונה

בשעה ההתערבות פרסים בלוס אנג 'לס לפני כמה לילות, CNN של אל לימון ניסה ג' ו ג 'קסון ראיון על מותו של הבן שלו. ג 'קסון ענה לימון עם פתאומי של שאלות, תשובות מנותק, עבר את mic שלו דובר ועו"ד, ולאחר מכן לקדם את הרשומה החברה.

התשובות של ג 'קסון היו מוזרים מיד את בת: לימון שואל אותו איך הוא עושה, ו ג' קסון מגיב: "נהדר, אני עושה די טוב", אשר נראה כמו דבר מוזר להגיד אחרי אחת יש רק איבד את בנו. לאחר מכן הוא בוררי ההילוכים ואומר, "זה כבר באמת קשה. זכור, אנחנו פשוט איבדו את הכוכב הגדול ביותר בעולם. "שגם נראה מוזר, כפי שזה נראה כמו תלוש למדי דרך נסוח הדברים.

אז אל תבקש לימון אופן ג 'אנט ג' קסון ושאר בני המשפחה הם להתמודד עם חדשות של מייקל מותו של ג 'ו ג' קסון ואת התגובה של זה,

"הם כולם בסדר, אבל אני רוצה לעשות את זה ... הצהרה זו היא הצהרה ממש טוב כאן, ואני מרשל משלו רשומה החברה התקשרה שיאים Ranch", וכן מופעים גדול ההתלהבות שהוא שיא plugs את התווית.

או שהוא פשוט רעב כסף-לב או ממזר הוא כל כך מורכב ו שאנן כי הוא יודע כי בנו מייקל הוא למעשה עדיין בחיים. או אולי זה שניהם!

שלישית, מדווחת כי נעשו באפריל השנה, כי במהלך המכרז תוכנן למכור את מספר possesions שייכות מייקל ג 'קסון, אשר היו חוץ של "ארץ לעולם לא Ranch ן.

פריטים כגון amusements, מותאם אישית עשה הסוס-שורטטו קרון, עתיקות רכב משוכפלים, בעל שם בינלאומי פרסים, Arcade Games, קונצרט תחפושות, Disneyana, גינה פסל, רהיטים, בפועל (וזה די) מפואר בכניסה שערי ארץ לעולם לא ג 'קסון ו-לבן של סמלי jeweled כפפה.

חלק זה של הכנסות המכרז היו אמר הולך להיות MusiCares, צדקה הצריבה של האקדמיה, אך בכמות גדולה של קרנות שנאמר הולך להיות ישר לתוך הכיס של אבא של המלך עצמו. זה היה אז המכרז בוטל על ידי ג 'קסון אחרי O2 קונצרטים בלונדון נמכר החוצה. מייקל ג 'קסון כנראה מצאו דרך אחרת כדי ליצור קצת אקסטרה במזומן עבור המעבר שלו לתוך מדיה חדשה חינם החיים.

בעלי חיים טענו כי דיכאון, שימוש נרחב של כאב רוצחים, חובות המשוער להיות בתוך הזירה של 400 מיליון דולר, תמיד hounded על ידי אוהדים והתקשורת, וכן לספק את הלחץ על 50 ראותני קונצרטים בגיל 50, למה לא היו לך לשקול את האפשרות של מוות מעמיד פנים משלך כדי ליהנות ושלווה החיים על אי איפשהו עם אין מה לדאוג?

שמנו כאן ציינו כי אלו מכם שאינם שאינם מאמינים כי יש לשמור את מייקל ג 'קסון אף פעם לא תצליח למשוך את זה, כפי שהוא גם recognisable, או אף פעם לא עושה את זה מעריצים שלו, אבל אנחנו רוצים להגיד תתעורר אנשים.

אם אי פעם היה שם אף אחד על פני כדור הארץ, אשר היו את האמצעים כדי לזכות מוות מתיחה עם גישה הרבה כסף מוסתרת מהמקום offshore, תחבורה לכל מקום, בכל עת ו הוא רצה ללכת, צוות אשר היה עושה אותו דבר, ו מניע את רוצה לעזוב את הקרקס של החיים ... זה בהחלט מייקל ג 'קסון.

עכשיו הוא יכול להיות 'מת' על כולנו, אבל הוא בהחלט חי ... פיזית. איפשהו.

תגיות: תיאוריות קונספירציה, מתיחה מוות, מוות Faked, מדיה, חדשות, השמעות אזנים
פורסם ב תיאוריות קונספירציה, מתיחה מוות, חדשות, השמעות אזנים | תגובות (157)

157 תגובות ל "מייקל ג 'קסון מוות מתיחה mounts ראיות"

  1. MJ4ever אומר:

    כל מה שאני רוצה להאמין שהוא עדיין חי, יש דבר אחד thats מציק לי .. למה לשים את המשפחה שלו, על גוף ציבורי לצפות אם הוא היה חי stil. קשה למות אוהדים היה אולי אוכל לראות אם זה באמת לא היה לו, אלא כפיל. הם לא היו?

  2. Hatenessx אומר:

    ובכן, אמר.
    התיאוריה האישית שלי היא כי מייקל ג 'קסון הוא חי ולבעוט, אבל לא מתחבא עם "Tupac ו אלביס".
    מייקל ג 'קסון זה סוג של חרא, החל השמעות אזנים של שינה בתוך חדר hyperbaric ו קונה את השרידים של פיל האיש. זה הכל חזית.

    לא. אני חושב שבכמה קונצרט הזיכרון בבית O2 יהיה לצאת ומיכאל יגלה את עצמו, להמשיך עם הצג, ולהציג את עצמו בתור גאון הכי גדול של כל אותם.

    מי יכול לנצח את מראה של התאוששות כשהוא יהיה חוזר של 'מת'?
    אף אחד. אנשים יהיה מעוצבן, inevitably, אבל זה יהיה גדול.

    בתור בעל כרטיס עצמי, עם זאת, אני יכול רק להיות להיות תקווה.

    מי יודע ...
    תמשיכי את האתר טוב.

  3. MJ4ever אומר:

    של משפחת ג 'קסון הודיע כי הוא פשוט לא יהיה ציבורי תצוגה Ranch כמו "ארץ לעולם לא דיווחו מוקדם יותר, כך יש קצת מקווים שם, תהיה שם אולי להיות ציבורית ב-LA כנראה הזיכרון ואני לא ממש בטוח מה משמעותו. האם תהייה תצוגה או לא ..? אם לא משהו מוזר על כל זה?!

  4. MJ4ever אומר:

    אחיו של מייקל Jermaine אמר שהוא ראה את הגוף של מייקל בבית החולים, וכי הוא החזיק את עצמו togehter כי מיכאל היה עדיין בחיים, כי את רוחו עדיין כאן, הגוף שלו היה רק פגז .. זה נשמע קצת מוזר לי .. אולי זה רק לי .. : S

  5. עלי אומר:

    אני באמת belieive הוא חי ... קדימה התחייה הסיור? הוא חי!

  6. momsword אומר:

    דבי Rowe כי למעשה הראיון היה מוכח להיות מזוייף. היא דיבר Radaronline את האמת על מה שהיה, היא גם אמרה לפני מספר שנים, כי אלה של מייקל ג 'קסון עם ילדים ביולוגים.


    אני חושב שהוא חי? אין סיכוי. ואם הוא מבוים מותו ו חזר על הקונצרט, זה יהיה מדהים ... אבל אני לא חושב שהוא. לצערי ואני באמת נפגשו לפני אותו אדם. RIP MJ. הלוואי ומקווים אני טועה.

  7. edenmalfoy אומר:

    שום דבר לא הייתי אוהב את זה יותר מאשר להיות עובדה. אהבתי את מייקל ג 'קסון כל עוד אני יכול לזכור ויש לך הרגשתי כאילו אני איבדתי חבר מאוד חשוב של המשפחה שלי מאז שמעתי את החדשות.

    אני bookmarked האתר שלך כאן כי אני באמת מודאג אחריו את דעתך על זה בשבועות הקרובים, אתה להצליח כאן נקודות.

    רק רציתי להוסיף את שתי סנט;

    שמעתי ברדיו הבוקר כי בני המשפחה יש הציע ללכת ללונדון ו לכסות את הקונצרט התאריכים עבור אוהדים. האם זה לא יהיה נהדר אם בחלק הראשון קונצרט אחד מהם יצא לשיר בילי ג 'ין כמו מחווה ל מייקל ובמהלך אותם לשיר את השיר מיכאל moonwalking מגיע על גבי הבמה, וכן גם בחיים.

    אני יהיה כל כך שמח.

    אני מקווה וברצונך זה כדי להיות אמיתי, כי הוא faked מותו ויהיה יוצא מתחבאים בתוך כמה חודשים, אבל אני פשוט לא יודע אם אני חושב שזה נכון או לא ....

  8. Cassandra אומר:

    הוא יהיה לחזור כאשר המוסיקה מת באופן רשמי, שאמור להיות לא יותר מדי זמן ... עכשיו.

  9. odettebennet אומר:

    גם לי N שלי SIS HD pondered הרבה מעל thot של mj כל כך קרא באנו עד מוות על פני אתר זה .... חבר 'ה גם אני מאמין DAT הוא עדיין בחיים ואת מי מת שלו הוא נראה כמו ... אפילו א da 1 ב המסוק ... זה גדול שפוע סכימת שאנחנו אפילו לדמיין ... ועל הגיוני לחלוטין ...

  10. wishful09 אומר:

    קודם כל, כי דבי Rowe הסיפור הוא מזויף. אז, מאפשרת להשאיר את זה לבד. אבל זה בעצם גם חדשות טובות יותר. פירוש הדבר כי יש מדיה gotten כך תפסו את זה הם עצמם מאמינים כלום עד שיוכח אחרת. הם גם מאמינים מזויפים בדיקה לאחר המות את הסיפור. אז, ניתן עבור מייקל כדי לזכות זיוף מוות כי התקשורת latches על הכל. בלב שלי, אני מרגיש כאילו משהו הולך על פני הזיכרון. אני יודע את זה עלול להיות רק משתוקק לחשוב אבל הדרך אנשים הדברים כרוכים ביטוי מוזר בלשון המעטה. הם שומרים את אומרת הכל על אוהדים. ובכן, הזיכרון לא אמור להיות הכל על אוהדים. זה צריך להיות עוד על מייקל, נכון? Jermaine מדי הארור מתעקש בנושא בעל גוף Michaels קבורים בבית ארץ לעולם לא. הוא אומר את מה מייקל היה רוצה. הוא אומר מאפשר להסתכל על מה מייקל רוצה. ובכן, מייקל didn't אומר שהוא אף פעם לא לחזור אל "ארץ לעולם לא, אז זה כמעט כאילו מייקל שינה את דעתו, והוא יודע לתת את משפחתו. תבין, זה מרגיש כאילו הם מנסים לשנות את התמונה השלילית של הציבור של "ארץ לעולם לא. אם יש לך wathced לארי קינג Live, אז אתה כנראה צריך למצוא את עצמי לאהוב את המקום. אני יודע שיש לי. רק תקשיבי Jermaine כאשר הוא מדבר. אני יודע שאני תמיד אומר לאנשים להרגיש אותם הרוח, כאשר מישהו מת, אבל את הדרך Jermaine אומר שזה מעניין. גם אשתו של Miko אמר זה כמו שהוא hasn't שמאל. ואני עדיין לא רואה דמעות להתדרדר Jermaine של העיניים. הוא היה מימי העיניים, אבל לא דמעות. בכל מקרה אני מקווה לא להעליב אף אחד לפי הצעת המחשבות שלי, אבל אם אתה נמצא באתר זה, אז אתה מאמין בעצמך משהו קורה גם כן. סליחה, אם המחשבות שלי קול מעורבב. יש לי שהוא יהיה בעוד כמה, ואני באמת רוצה לעזוב את המחשבות על זה. שיהיה לך חג שמח אנשים. Remmeber, לא מאמין כל אמצעי התקשורת. התקשורת בקושי יודע מה הוא אמיתי או שקרי עצמם.

  11. Happytomato אומר:

    איזה אני לא מבין, 2005 במהלך המשפט עו"ד ג 'קסון חשב' יהרוג את עצמו 'במהלך משפטו

    בדו"ח זה (בטלוויזיה) אנו למדים כי MJ היה לוקח 7 painkillers ליום.
    (אני לא יודע את התוצאות עם אלו תרופות על הגוף), הוא יכול performe כמו שאנו רואים על זה האחרון סופי תרגול פורסם וידאו?

    מדוע יש ראיון עם ד"ר רוברט קונראד Murray?

  12. ladylee1979 אומר:

    IM afriad אני מסכים עם dont העדכנית של מדה michaels האחרון הביצועים או את שגרת זהה בתולדות העולם סיור צורך לראות את ההיסטוריה סיור 12yrs לפני ברגע שראיתי זה חדש לשוק מדה היתה לי הרגשה מזהה ראיתי אותו לפני כל כך עשיתי השוואת צפו כ ו שניהם BITS של מדה האחרונה של אחד והם dont איכפת לנו הפתעה ואת ההיסטוריה סיור של הריקוד ואת השיר בחר הם אותו הוא שר הם dont איכפת לנו אז U לשמוע את ההיסטוריה של נושא American U ואז לשמוע מכונית מ Horn היא נוסעת לי פרוע צעידה יחד עם החיילים שלו, אז למה להמשיך את שגרת זהה לאחר 12yr הפער ללא שינויים?

  13. bexuk אומר:

    אני באמת מקווה שזה הוא מעשה קונדס, Im חצי מצפה ממנו לקפוץ את ארון מתים מחר ולעשות סרט מתח או משהו.

    זה פשוט להוסיף doesn't למעלה. אם יש לו faked עצמו למוות לאחר מכן, הוא גאון לחלוטין, ואת לגמרי מצליח משטה בכל אמצעי התקשורת, אשר כל כך מהר כדי להבריח על גבי א senstaional הסיפור. זה מזכיר לי את heydey של 'Wacko Jacko' כאשר דוחות נפוץ בתחום העיתונות כי היה מייקל מאן פיל קנה את העצמות, או שהוא רוצה להיראות כמו ליז טיילור, או שהוא שכבתי בבית hyperbaric קאמרית. חלק מן הסיפורים נבחרות בתחום העיתונות כל כך סותרות עכשיו את יודעת מה קשה להאמין, את העדכני ביותר היום להיות מייקל כי הוא הולך להיות קבור בלי המוח שלו!

    אני מתכוון באמת יש מישהו ראה תעודת הפטירה? אולי הזיכרון שירות יקיים את התשובות

  14. melia8383 אומר:

    אני לא שמעתי שום דבר על תעודת הפטירה. אני לא מאמין שהוא מת. אני יודע שאנשים אומרים כי אולי הוא לא מכבד, אבל אני פשוט מרגיש כי יש לו לא. יש יותר מדי סיפורים רבים על שם אחר תחנות חדשות, כולל האינטרנט. הם אומרים 'מיכל ג' קסון היה מכור ל painkillers מאז 1984. אני מוצא את זה די קשה להאמין, כי מישהו יהיה לפחות יצא לפני שנים ואמר שהוא מכור עד כאב Meds.
    המשפחה לא נראה בכלל עצוב?
    במיוחד ג 'ו ג' קסון, וואו!

  15. melia8383 אומר:

    אמא שלו היתה קתרין קניות ראו בעצם יום מאוחר יותר? אני לא זוכר אי פעם בתקשורת מראה של גופה להיות מועף באוויר להיות לאסוף ע"י coroners? אם הוא היה מכור לסמים על בדיקה לאחר המות היה של המוצג בו או אם הוא מת הלב של מעצר זה היה ברור לגמרי במקרה. ג 'אנט הם נתנו בבית כדי לקבל את מייקל החפצים כשעה מאוחר יותר? והעברה משאיות היה שם די מהר !!!!!
    ועל O2 עיתונאים, זה היה בהחלט לא מייקל ג 'קסון, כשהוא כולל את wathcing עבור רקדנים למבחן של "זהו זה", כי הסיור לא היה לו, כי מיכאל לא שלו מסטיק לעוס כמו האיש הזה היה עושה את זה! הוא היה נפוץ בועות? משוגע! על כך קרא חדש מדה זה להיות aired. אני באמת חושב שראיתי את זה, כמו ב 1996 בחזרה! אותו ריקוד / מוזיקה בסגנון! מייקל גם נראה אותו הדבר יחד עם hair.They "אמור" יש טקס פרטית מחר בבוקר (שלישי) בשעה 8. אז, מייקל הוא לא יהיה על הזיכרון הציבורי! אני באמת מאמין שהוא רק רוצה לתת את הקריירה המוסיקלית שלו, כי הוא הפך להיות בלתי יציב נפשית בגלל איך הציבור לא טיפל בו בילדותו, זה יכול להשפיע על מישהו. קוראים את 911, פשוט נראה "בלתי ריאלי" לי! ועכשיו פתאום כולם יוצאת את "כהה" אומר כן, מייקל היה מכור לסמים, ניסיתי, כדי לקבל עזרה אבל אף אחד לא היה מקשיב? זה שטויות! אני בטוח שזה היה של "leaked" out שנים על שימוש לרעה בסמים. AEG (חברת הביטוח) הוצאתי מדיניות מקורה של ג 'קסון בשוגג "מוות", כולל מתוך "Drug מנה יתרה", אבל אם הוא לא מת טבעי גורם. אז כנראה שהוא "מת" של מנה יתרה של demeoral או prescribed תרופה? יש כל כך הרבה חורים בסיפור. אבל אף אחד לא לשלם תשומת לב, הם buzy מקשיב / האמונה התקשורת (אשר שטויות )!!!!

  16. melia8383 אומר:

    רק לדעתי! אני יודעת שהוא נמצא שם איפשהו, אבל לא באמריקה! אני לא מאשים hime עבור כל אחד עושה את זה, אם אני צודק. הוא היה כל כך רע mistreated עבור כל כך הרבה שנים. את הסיפור Hyperbaric קאמרית, מייקל עצמו למעשה "leaked" כי אחת.
    אני לא יודע, משהו פשוט מוזר!

  17. SkylinexBleedsxRed אומר:

    מייקל התחיל משלו שמועה על hyperbaric קאמרי??

  18. bexuk אומר:

    למה זה כי אנו יכולים לראות את מייקל של וויל, עם ילדים תעודות לידה, אבל אף אחד לא טרח יש לבדוק את תעודת הפטירה? אנחנו מקבלים רק את מה התקשורת מספרת לנו.

    בכבוד רב, אני מקווה שמשהו קורה בבית הזיכרון היום, אם לא אז אני רק צריך לקבל את זה מייקל ג 'קסון הוא לא יותר. מה דרך טובה יותר לבעוט מחוץ לעולם מאשר על ידי סיור חוזר מן המתים וביצוע ב-Memorial משלך כאשר כל העולם צופה!

  19. wishful09 אומר:

    אם שום דבר לא קורה הזיכרון היום, אני מוכן לקבל את עובר גם כן. אני לא יכול ללכת עם זה טירוף. עם זאת, גם אם שום דבר לא יקרה היום, אני יודע בלב שלי משהו קורה. הכל פשוט לא מוסיף למעלה. אני רוצה, אבל לא יותר מזה לחזור אתר זה לדון עם כולכם איך כולנו יודעים מה קורה. זה יהיה שובר לי את הלב, אם אני לא יכול לקבל כמה תשובות על זה. אני פשוט לא מאמין שהוא מת. זה לא אני, כי שלילת איבדו בן משפחה בעבר. אני מכיר את תהליך מתאבל. אני רק יודע משהו אינו מוסיף למעלה. טוב שלי ....

  20. wishful09 אומר:

    אתה צודק. למה אף אחד hasn't תחקר את תעודת הפטירה? Isn't זה מוזר, כי אף אחד משני הרופאים היה לחתום אותו?

  21. MyBelovedMJ אומר:

    שום דבר happent היום בבית memoriel. אנשים היו עצובים. Exept דבר אחד, פריס, היה היחיד אשר shoed רגשות של אבא שלה. גם מחיר או Blanket עשה. זה נראה קצת מוזר. אבל אני חושב שהוא נעלם. כשראיתי פריז לדבר איתו, ולהיות כל כך devasted afterwords, אני פשוט יודע את זה, בדיוק שם. הוא באמת נעלם. אלוהים. אני לא יכול להאמין לזה, הלב שלי פשוט עצר, וכן rigth לאחר שבור. הרגשתי ענק stomack כולו שלי, ואני כבר בוכה ללא הפסק מאז. מיכאל למה, למה לא ג 'ו ג' קסון? אני שונא את האיש הזה, על מה שהוא עשה מייקל

  22. MyBelovedMJ אומר:

    אבל, אני רוצה לדעת על תעודת הפטירה גם, כי אם מישהו dosen `לא לחתום עליו, אתה לא מת, על הנייר. אני מקווה שאנחנו צריכים לראות את מייקל `S גוף, אבל אנחנו לא` T .

  23. MJ אומר:

    משהו בהחלט קורה ומישהו יודע משהו. אני רק ב הקלדת http://www.mjhoax.com והוא עובר אל העולם הרשות אתר אינטרנט. MJ אולי רציתי לראות אם על ידי המוות שלו מעמיד פנים איך הוא היה פופולרי עם אוהדים. כאשר בהיסטוריה יש לנו אי פעם היה כלי כמו האינטרנט כדי לאמוד עד כמה הוא מוצלח מישהו? בנוסף, אני בטוח שהוא בחלק הסודי מיקום צופה ב דחילה קרקס איך זה נעשה יותר ויותר מצחיק ולצאת מכלל שליטה. כל מה שאני יודע זה שיש לי "גישה בכל התחומים"

  24. melia8383 אומר:

    אני מאמין "Memorial" נראה פשוט "אחר", אם הוא באמת היה "מת" למה הם לא צריכים לפתוח את ארון מתים? המשפחה לא היתה ממש קריעה למעלה. במיוחד את ילדיו, זה היה כל כך מוזר. הוא לא שואל איך הוא "מת"?
    הם פשוט לוקחים על "סמים" ו "מה יקרה עם הילדים"? אחרי Staples מרכז, עצר את במלון, ואילו קרון המת הלך במקום אחר? ברצינות, זה לא הגיוני. Supposely הוא היה "מת" כמעט 2 שבועות, איך זה שאת לא יודעת איפה לקבור את משפחה. ב בנוסף, אף אחד לא יודע איפה הגופה שלו הוא .... תעודת הפטירה, אני מאמין כי היא מזויפת, כל אחד יכול לעשות אותם. זה אפילו לא חתום על ידי כל הרופאים .. זה לא משנה אם זה דחוי, רופא עדיין יהיה לחתום על certificxate.
    דברים לא מוסיף למעלה, שוער, היה יותר מרגש, אז את "הוא" המשפחה. כן יש פריז הרגשי אחרי שהיא שיחקה עם התיק שלה straps בערך 5 דקות. אחר כך היא עשתה על 180, ברגע שהיא stepped אל המיקרופון. הבן הגדול היה גומי לעיסה כמו משוגע, הוא אפילו לא נראה עצוב. והאיש הצעיר היה עושה שום דבר, אבל ... בולט. אני בספק אם היה גוף בתוך ארון מתים. אני עדיין חושב שהוא חי.
    למה יש "פרטי" הלוויה הראשונה, ולאחר מכן להעביר את הגופה אל מרכז Staples, זה יכול היה של דרך אחרת לעקוף.
    בסופו של הזיכרון, הראו את זה "אני עדיין חי", אה? אף אחד לא שואל שום דבר, הם מאמינים בתקשורת!

  25. bexuk אומר:

    אני חייב לומר כי הזיכרון לאחר שצפה אתמול אני יודע מאמין MJ רשמית מת.

    את סיבת המוות על תעודת הפטירה הייתה 'דחוי' עד נובע toxicology בדיקות תחזור.

    יש כמה שאלות קשות, שבהן אתה צריך לשאול את עצמך '
    1. אם MJ faked המוות שלו ושל בני משפחתו יודעים אז איך הם יכלו להציג רגש כזה כמו שהם עשו אתמול בלילה?
    2. אין דרך מייקל ג 'קסון היה פעם להיות במרחק הילדים שלו, אז אם הוא מעמיד פנים שהוא זה אז תשלח להם או שהוא יחזור ל LA. אבא לא היה לשים את ילדיהם באמצעות מבחן של זיכרון שירות הלוויה היא הכל היה זיוף.
    3. אני מסכים יש כמה דברים על חשוד אשר dont להוסיף זה המצב, אבל אני מרגיש את כל זה עכשיו הלכו רחוק מדי עבור אותו אי פעם תחזור.
    4. מזכירים imposters או decoys בשימוש, וכן את האמונה כי wasn't mj בתוך האמבולנס התמונות כמה מאיתנו באמת יודע מה באמת נראה כמו MJ, אני מתכוון מבלי לפצות, תקריב?

  26. wndrwmn67 אומר:

    אני לא מאמין כי הוא מייקל ג 'קסון או מת. יש יותר מדי inconsistencies בכל זה על זה כדי להיות אמיתי. קודם כל ... את 911 המתקשר הוא מאוד רגוע, אם המעסיק שלי היו מייקל ג 'קסון והוא לא נושם, הייתי היסטרי בטלפון או שהיית לפחות יוכל לשמוע תחושה של דחיפות הקול שלי. הוא אף פעם לא מוזכר כי הוא מייקל ג 'קסון, גם. הייתי. עכשיו, אתה רוצה להגיד לי את זה עם הרופא רפואית שנות ניסיון יהיה ניסיון לבצע CPR על משטח רך כמו מיטה? C'mon! אני כבר לקחו רבים CPR כיתות ו עצם הדבר הראשון שהם מלמדים את זה כדי לנסות לקבל את הגופה על משטח קשה ... את דוקטור. היה צריך להיות אמר את זה על ידי מפעיל 911? מגוחך! וזה לא היה כאילו הוא היה תאונה ו יכלו היו עצמות שבורות וכי הסיבה שהוא לא זז ממנו את הרצפה! כמו כן ... אף אחד משפחתו מוצגת בכל סוג של רגש בדבר מותו. אני לא מאמינה זה כאשר אני רואה את אותם קטעי וידאו של. אף אחד לא בוכה או משהו כזה. כאשר מאט Laurer מרואין Jermaine לעבר ארץ לעולם לא, אולי הוא היה אחד מן הזרם דמעות בעיניים שלו, אבל זה כמעט נראה כאילו הוא היה צריך לכפות את זה. בנוסף, הוא אמר שהוא ראה את מייקל של מייקל של הגוף, משום שהוא היה צריך את ההצהרה האחרונה שלו היתה: "הוא מאוד בחיים." (הוא התכוון בליבם של כל האנשים או שהוא אמר את זה בצורה כל כך היינו מבינים את זה ככה .

    אני אישית לא מאמין כי אדם שנותנת עיתונאים בלונדון היה מייקל ג 'קסון. הוא היה ממש לא בסדר בכל אופן ... את תראי, את הקול שלו mannerisms, גם את הדרך שבה הוא הלך. אתה cannnot לשכנע אותי כי זה היה הוא. אני לא יודע בדיוק מה המשמעות של זה וכיצד זה נוגע מותו, אבל זה עדיין מאוד מוזר.

    יש עוד ... inconsistencies היה הולך להיות בתחילה ציבורי צופה וכי לא יקרה. אף אחד לא ראה את הגופה. גם כאשר אלביס מת, היתה תמונה של אותו בתוך ארון מתים. איך אנחנו יודעים את זה הגוף של מייקל היה גם כי גלוסקמה בכלל? זה יכול היה מאוד ריק עבור כל מה שאנחנו יודעים. כמו כן, אני מסכים עם האדם כאן על מי אמר שזה מוזר, כי יש משפחה פרטית הזיכרון שירות בבית הקברות לפני הזיכרון שירות ציבורי. עכשיו אנו שומעים כי מייקל הוא אפילו לא יהיה buriend באותו בית קברות בכלל.

    הייתי מאמין אם זה היה מישהו ראה את הגופה שלו, אבל אני לא מוצא שום דבר על זה בכל מקום באינטרנט.

    אני יודע שאני מטפס, אז אני יהיה סימן ממני לעת עתה, ולראות מה מתפתח.

  27. האלוהי גברת ג 'ונס אומר:

    אני סקרן בו bosy יש הלך! חשבתי שזה הולך זמנית בתוך יער מדשאות חמורה, אך על פי כלי התקשורת אף אחד לא חזר לשם אחרי שירות הזיכרון .... נראה קצת מוזר להם לעשות את זה אם לא היתה סיבה טובה! LA של המשטרה אמר כי הוא היה להיות קבור בחלק הקברות או אחר, אבל לא יכול להיות ספציפי. כל דבר נראה סבוך ב העמימות, סודיות ועל anomalies שלא להוסיף למעלה.

  28. Sosh אומר:

    אני מסכים מאוד מוזר שלה יש עדיין לא מת על תמונות של מייקל ג 'קסון. לא את ארון מתים, אין תמונות של בני המשפחה לעבר יער מדשאות. גורם לך לתהות ... כמו paparazi הבאות הן אלה אנשים כמו vultures, שם היה צריך להיות כל התצלומים.

    זה גם עושה את התמונה של מייקל להיות מהר לבית החולים יותר חשודות. באותו רגע כמעט אף אחד לא יודע על המצב שלו, איך זה אפשרי, כי רק באותו רגע את רק תמונה נלקח בדיוק באותו מקום? זה היה צריך להיות ידוע, כי זה היה כמו מייקל ג 'קסון 911 קוראים לא חושפים את שמו של ג' נטלמן.

    יש הרבה על הסיקור התקשורתי את להניח מוות, ואת כל זה התמונה לנו. את צריכה להיות הלחימה paparazi התחת שלהם מחוץ עבור תמונות בלעדיות!

  29. טיפאני אומר:

    אני שמח שיש עוד אנשים אשר מאמינים כי זה היה בבית imposter Arena 02. ראיתי את זה וידאו ב-YouTube ואני משוכנע היה מיד ברגע שראיתי את imposter ללכת, אז כמובן כשהוא דיבר. אבל אני עדיין מנסה להבין "למה" של מיכאל הנדרש מגלם. הייתי עושה הרבה מחקר, ויש לי גם לב נראה מאז 2005 חלה על עובדים אחרים imposters מייקל .. האם את המחקר השווה תמונות וסרטי וידאו. אם אתה יודע MJ של הפנים, ולאחר מכן תוכל לראות את ההבדל. אני גם חושב שזה היה בבוקר עם imposter דבוב Geraldo ו rehearsing על במה הקונצרט. אני מאמין מיכאל כבר תכנון זה תעלול של די הרבה זמן עכשיו, הוא חכם מאוד והיה לו את הכסף כדי לשכור את מיטב imposters הטובים ביותר בעולם - ואת כנראה לשלם על ניתוחים פלסטיים. או MJ אלה יש imposters לעשות את ההופעה תוך שהוא מקבל את תווי-משם,,, או שהוא נרצח בדרך לפני זה אלה היו imposters מנסה לכסות את זה זה כל הזמן ... אני באמת לא יודע במה להאמין. . לאיש יש להעיר על זה?

  30. Sosh אומר:

    כדי טיפאני:

    זה אפשרי, כי מיכאל מת כמה חודשים לפני imposters לקח את מקומו. אולי הוא היה נהרג על החוב של Bahrein נסיכים. הכל אפשרי ..

    אבל מאותה נקודה AEG היה בעיה, כמו 'זהו זה' (doubtfull שם) הסיור תוכנן כבר היה הרבה monney מעורב. אז הם שמו של imposter במקום ו crafted התוכנית לאפשר לו 'למות' כמה ימים / שבועות לפני הקונצרט הראשון בתור imposter לא היה מסוגל לעשות את מראה בלי לב כפי שונה. זה עשוי גם להיות סיבת עיכוב הראשון של קונצרטים.

    מבוים אחרי המוות, הם יודעים המכירות של תקליטורים, DVD's and other merchandising יהיה גבוה בשמיים, מנסה למזער את ההפסדים, או, כפי שזה נראה נכון לעכשיו, או שאתה הולך לעשות כדי להפוך הרבה כסף מ 'חזרה חזרה DVD' , את 'הזיכרון ה-DVD' ו מחווה קונצרטים.

    זה משאיר אותי עם שאלה אחת: איך את imposter טיפש Michaels ילדים ובני משפחה או קרובי משפחה אחרים. הם היו יודעים את ההבדלים בקלות. הוא יכול להסתכל על אותו דבר, אבל הוא לא יהיה זהה לזיכרון מייקל.

    (עם זאת השמעות אזנים / חדשות הולנד כי היא עכשיו coronor עדיין Michaels המוח להמשך החקירה)

  31. SkylinexBleedsxRed אומר:

    לאחר שצפה פריס דבר מעל שוב, האם זה הגיוני כי זה נשמע כאילו הוא מקדימה. חשבתי אותו דבר כמו לראות אותה מחייכת בכל הזיכרון ואז, בסוף, היא פשוט UPS מתנדבים עבור הציבור הנאום שלה? אני חושב שלא. מייקל היה 5'10Ft ו הראשונה חשבתי שהגיעו את דעתי כשאני ראיתי את הראשון גלוסקמה מעורגל החוצה, כי הוא היה קטן מדי! אף פעם בהיסטוריה של מקרי המוות יש אם כי שמעתי של הגוף לא קבור בתוך שבועיים. בדרך כלל זה פשוט חסר תקדים. משהו קורה, אני יודע. אני חושב הזיכרון היה מבוים. אולי הוא שילם את כולם במקרה הזה. אם, מיכאל האם אי פעם לנהל את פני השטח שוב, המשטרה לא לעצור אותו כי ההסכם של כסף. הכל אפשרי. אחרי הכל, אם מיכאל ביום הכל אפשרי, הכל אפשרי. אני מרגיש יותר נוח על הידיעה שהוא עדיין חי. נטל כבר קצת הרים מאת הכתפיים שלי. אני לא יכול לדמיין עולם ללא אותו בו.

  32. האלוהי גברת ג 'ונס אומר:

    משחק לא הוגן אם היו חשודים, אז למה לא להשאיר את suthorities הגוף???? אם זה היה ג 'ו ציבוריים, עד אז הם היו כל avenues היו חוקרים את הגוף ואז יהיה שפורסמו עבור קבורה. לא יהיה משרפה sanctioned משום שהם עשויים exume צריך את הגוף להמשך tesing. אני מכיר את זה בתור עובדה כי זה קרה אמא שלי, חברים שמתו ב 90 המוקדמות של חשוד תחת הנסיבות והם לא לאפשר משרפה. הגוף שלה היה דד עד כמה חודשים לאחר מותה לרגע בערב.
    יש לי רק זה היה דיון עם חבר מי היא האישה למשטרה והיא מסכימה איתי, כי היא בטוחה שהוא עדיין בחיים ויש לו ברח את "העולם" כדי לנסות ולצבור כמה semblamce של תקינות של שנים מאוחר יותר של חייו . היא הלכה על להגיד למה הם חושבים שהיא לא היתה פתוחה ארון מתים כמו ג 'יימס בראון היה או נסיכה גרייס של מונקו. למה אנשים לא יכולים הקובץ עבר בשקט לשלם את האחרון repects???? אם זה היה "רק התקף לב, אז את הראש יהיה שלם עבור צפייה, אפילו אם הוא רק היה voile בד על זה, זה היה באופן כלשהו לתת אישור על מותו.
    סוף סוף אני מסכים עם אחר הערות על המכירות של האלבומים שלו ושל Associated merchandising, את ן היה שוב להיות שווה מיליונים מזה לבד.

    עדיין לא משוכנע שהוא מת!

  33. Sosh אומר:

    יש בהחלט הרבה טועה במקרה זה. מי את הגודל של ארון מתים: מ תמונות ראיתי, גוף אינו משקר ישר בתיבה, אבל יש איזה סוג של 'כסא' לבנות בו lowers המשמשים את אורך גוף מלא. Thats אולי הסיבה גלוסקמה מסתכל קצר מדי

  34. MyBelovedMJ אומר:

    זה היה מייקל של rehearsels וידאו danceing `S ו sining. ! סט של הכל, הוא הולך על מנת לסגור את המצלמה, שהשהיתי הווידאו, ו הסתכל בעיניו, אף אחד, לא משנה כמה surgury יכולות להיות כאלה עיניים מקסימות. אם אתה צופה את זה מקרוב, אתה יכול לשמוע את מיכאל מדבר הרבה פעמים, תוך שהוא sining, כי הוא קול. כמו כן damce, prectice אתה יכול לנצח אם אתה רוצה, אבל אף אחד לא זז כמו מייקל. אני די בטוח, כי זה היה לו את rehearsels. אני חייב להסכים עם coment, שם נכתב, כי המשטרה לא לעצור את מייקל אם הוא אמור להופיע שוב פעם, הם לא רגיל. הוא יכול לפתור את זה עם כסף. אבל אם הוא חי, הוא יחזור. Probely לאחד את תאריכי הקונצרט. אני בטוח שהילדים יודעים שהוא חי. הייתי חשבתי שהוא באמת היה מת, אם אני haden `לא ראית את המשפט: Im בחיים, AM IM כאן לנצח" אני מוכן לעשות הימור על שזה סימן. אבל אף אחד לא שילם, כי תשומת לב, כמה אנשים מאמינים רק מה בתקשורת הוא אומר לנו. אני Don `T. אני חושב מיכאל חי, והעולם יהיה לגלות בקרוב מספיק.

  35. האלוהי גברת ג 'ונס אומר:

    יש לי רק את analysed הטלקהה 911 פורסם ב "Youtube" ואת מסולף התגובה של הרופא בעת שירותי החירום מדברים על זה הוא קורא "זה מייקל ג 'קסון, תגיד לו לבוא" את קולו של הרופא נשמע זר, או אירופיים או היספני - אמריקה הלטינית - אני האטה את ההקלטה למטה בשלב זה ואספה את מה שהוא אמר. מסקרן נוסף הוא חתיכת בדיוק לפני המתקשר הוא ביקש לשים אותו על הרצפה, אחר שפת אם - לא מתקשר, לא המיון מפעיל - אומר: "האם הוא על הרצפה:" למה! זה כמעט כמו להיות הנחיה להגיד דברים מסוימים במהלך השיחה. למפעיל אחר כך אומר: "האם הוא על הרצפה "!!!!! נראה שלא את "דחוף", כי אתה היית מצפה מן הקולות ברקע, נראה מי לדבר בבית באופן רגוע, במצבים כמו לעתים קרובות מידע זה עבר בין הצדדים חתיכת מיהר לעבר הדולר על מנת להבטיח כי את "נפגע" הם השתתפו ל מהר ככל האפשר. ה "גולדן Hour" הוא הראשון שעה לאחר האירוע, כאשר ברוב המקרים נפגע הצדדים יכולים לחזור לחיים מלא בריאות, הרופא צריך לדעת זאת, הגיב באופן מיידי על מנת להבטיח כי מייקל ג 'קסון היה שרד. אבל, אם הוא היה ניהול סמים שהיו הגורם האפשרי את זה, ואז הוא היה מכסה את המסלולים, או ביצוע צולע ניסיון לעשות כן.

  36. Rickster אומר:

    קראתי על זה לפני שנים ... MJ היה שלב של עצמו למוות .... (תסמונת המשיח) ... אז חוזר עם התאוששות הגדולים של כל הזמנים .... ו ony אדם כי יהיה רשאי לראיין אותו על "איך הוא משך את זה" .... שהוא OPRAH WINFREY! הוא רצה להוכיח אל העולם, כי "יכול להיות מדיה לא בסדר" ... זה יהיה שמו הסגר על הילד הצקה ... allegations. Whacko Jacko עלבונות ו ... שתיקה, espacially CNN ... .. מ jounalistic שיש כל כך על intengrity מ!

    זוהי הסיבה Oprah טרם סביב בכלל!

    החברים הכי טובים שלו היו לא aat הזיכרון ליז טיילור ... .... ... LIZA MINELLI כריס טאקר OPRAH ... .... ... .. דיאנה רוס ו ... כל כך הרבה אחרים. MJs משפחתי כולם עוזרים החוצה עם מתיחה ... לזרוק את כולם!

  37. MyBelovedMJ אומר:

    Rickster, כדי להיות לגמרי hornest, אני חושב שאתה צודק. זו הייתה המחשבה שלי אי פעם ראית את ההודעה apeared על הבמה backwall על סיב מרכז. אני מניח נצטרך לחכות ולראות אל המשפחה עושים חלק קונצרט תאריכים, וכן את "ג 'קסון 5 ראוניון"

  38. bexuk אומר:

    אולי יש Mj הלכו להתחיל חיים חדשים ב בחריין לבושים בבגדים ערבי כזה -
    או אולי ללכת hes עגולים לבוש כמו אישה, זה כמו

  39. Synthara אומר:

    האמת שאני לאחרונה הסתכלו על Oprah ראיון עם MJ Ranch לעבר ארץ לעולם לא. בשנת הפרטי של תיאטרון Ranch MJ אומר משהו כמו "אני מנסה לחקות את ישוע (אז השהיות) אני מתכוון אני לא אומר שאני אלוהים". הוא אומר לגבי זה עוזר לילדים אבל אם הוא מנסה לחקות אלוהים, למה לא לנסות "התחייה" של כלשהי גם ...? אני גם פשוט לקרוא על שמועה אומרת כי O2 קונצרטים יציג את החזרה האחרונה וידאו שהוא נורה 3D ו אמר את המאמר "כך זה כמעט כמו שהוא באמת שם". אני מוצא כי די untasteful הבחירה של משפחת ג 'קסון אם הוא באמת מת. אבל אני לא יודע, זה רק מחשבה ..

  40. heisalive אומר:

    תרומתו של כל אחד בבלוג זה מציעים שונים להציג נקודות התצפית של הפרטים, זה אומר לי את עצמי ppl חוץ מזה הם חושבים ... אנחנו יכולים להביא MJ ' "מוות" על מכנה משותף אחד וזה: מייקל ג' קסון מבוים הוא עצמו למוות ו נעלם מן נוף לעת עתה. הכל על "פרטים" המקיפה את העלמות לא מושלם מבוצע כמה יש והשאלות הביע ספקות לגבי זה "אירוע". It is simply this: the media is seducing all of us with “Michael Jackson” mania and it is exactly this ongoing seduction with ever “new information” emerging that is done to keep distracting from the real truth, a truth so many on this blog have offered bits and pieces of. What we know about the truth are 2 things: 1. it is Self-Evident, and 2. it always prevails, but it takes its time to prevail and we may never again lay eyes on Michael Jackson live on stage or otherwise. While Elvis is hiding in the US witness protection program, MJ has another agenda and might decide to do a shock and awe resurrection act, we will see how long the truth will take to at some point prevail, and, reveal itself.

    There is no CREDIBLE evidence that MJ is dead, a “death certifiate” can be forged and put in circulation to dampen the curiousity of those of us who are doubtful, and more such “evidence” will be floated, they have quite a job to do to quiet this all down, after all, this IS Michael jackson …. Michael Jackson was/is loved the world over and if he decides to “reappear”, trust me, NOT ONE SINGLE person will hold against him having staged his own death, but everyone will be in total shock/pure joy that he is back … if he decides to stay in hiding, he might find a life he was longing for and may prefer to stay clandestine, we will see, won't we ?

  41. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    Heisalive. I agree with you of most of the stuff . Michael will not be “gone” for long, like you said, he is loved all over the world and NOONE would blame him for doing this. The entire would would be in chock, but it would be the greatest plug ever pulled. I would be so happy if he decited to reveal himself, on the concert at his birthday, wich his siblings are going to do. But unfortiently i also think that i would have amidietly heart failer lol, i would just die, if he came back. So you just have to love him for me

  42. dave859 Says:

    They were showing a picture of michael from the liberian girl video set alot at the end, ive made up my mind that the show was a MJ production all but the filming. Even Bubbles would see past this hoax. There is two many cues hidden in the whole memorial.

  43. heisalive Says:

    MyBelovedMJ … I did not say MJ “will not be gone for long” at all, re-read my previous posting and you will see I did NOT say, nor imply it, my point made has a different meaning altogether. Remember this: Michael Jackson is not a healthy man physically nor emotionally as was very obvious while he was visible. Ergo: He'll require a great deal of time and care to reacquire his bearings before any “comeback” could be considered and materialize.

    “Loving him for you” is not an option on my end, the only man I really love is: JESUS and HE WILL BE BACK FOR CERTAIN, no question.

    Michael Jackson is made out of the same dirt we're all made out of, he had the added blessing of great talent which was wrapped into a gentle, vulnerable soul which shows itself as eccentricity in an artist. It occured to me just this afternoon that MJ was born into and raised in a dysfunctional family, having had to endure an abusive father (who reminds me of the devil in person btw!) having had his childhood stolen from him by force and was made into a energizer bunny-like “money machine” for years on end, an overbearing load to shoulder and bear for any human, twiceover taxing for a kindred spirit and soul as it is Michael Jackson.

    Again, all of this logically supports the “escape/run away” theory of a “staged death”. I pray he is under the best medical care by REAL doctors and is receiving the “”don't stop 'til you get enough”"-help he needs, in a safe place where noone can get to him, pray for God's love to heal him …..

  44. heisalive Says:

    Dave859, you are absolutely right about “hidden clues in the memorial service”. I am convinced there was NO body in that casket for starters and moreover, important friends didnt show, but folks who hadn't had contact with MJ in years and/or had only met him once, etc etc. This whole thing has a negligent “director”, Elvis' parting was staged far more intricately and meticulously, dont cha agree ?

    The faux pas made are mounting and mounting, however recognizable only to those of us who are unto this whole thing. Meanwhile, the media is now stoned on all the “drug stuff” coming out and keeps floating more and more “seduction” …. Thank you for reading, please post back

  45. CuteAngel Says:

    bexuk: I thought about that too. Maybe he's out on the middle east somewhere assuming a new name, new identity, and a whole new life, a life full of peace – something he's been longing for his entire life.

  46. Tiffany1 Says:

    I agree that there is an ENORMOUS amount of conflicting information starting with the chain of events beginning at Michael's home that even the media doesn't seem to be addressing, or I've missed it. When someone you care deeply about passes on it's natural to have doubts. I do have to say though that these conflicts are a bit much for me too. I do think it was him at the conference. I agree with the gal above that his gate didn't seem like his when he walked in from the vehicle outside but I think that's in part because the jacket was so large. And I do think that was him on stage at the conference. That was his face, voice and the hands were his. He seemed loopy. I think he was probably tipsy on something. Someone on another page on this site made a mention about Paris and I had to agree with him. She didn't seem that upset. This could be because the initial shock at passed – so many days had gone by. I don't doubt for one minute that she loved her daddy deeply. She was telling all the hateful people in the world how wonderful Michael was and he was. But it was when Paris spoke that I took a step back and thought hmmm….I wonder…could he still be among us. But let's be sensible I tell myself…It would be quite an undertaking for all of these people to pull off this hoax. I'd like to know what the deal is with the DOCTOR that was at the house. Why in the world would he immediately surround himself with a legal team if something wasn't amiss. Whether Michael is physically gone or not, one thing is certain..we will never see him again.

  47. bw69 Says:

    Most people around the world would attest that Michael Jackson is the greatest and most popular entertainer in the world. That said, if anyone could pull off a death hoax, it would certainly be him. Why would he do that? 1) He was in debt. His albums now occupy the top five spots on Billboard album sales and estimates indicate that within the week these sales will have paid off his debt. 2) He is very innovative, which is what keeps him at the top of his game as an entertainer. By faking his death and then reappearing, his popularity and worth will skyrocket. People will feel that they have a “second chance” to witness him perform, and they will not hesitate to pass up that opportunity. 3) The combined publicity from this event and from his future reappearance are quite strategic maneuvers, both career-wise and financially. 4) There was a recent article pointing out that Prince was now “on top” in terms of hit music, when compared to Michael Jackson. Also, Prince played for 21 nights in London last year, yet Michael's shows were already up to 50 in London. Surely, that's a sign of competition between the two.

    Possible evidence: 1) No tears were shed during the “memorial service” by any of the family members. Sure, there were several moments of choking up, but not a single tear — look at the picture from the cover of USAToday. 2) We have a symbolic tradition here in the US that when you are hopefully expecting the return of a loved one you tie or display a yellow ribbon. All of the Jackson brothers were wearing yellow ties at the memorial service. 3) Jackson's shows were scheduled to begin on July 13th and couldn't have gone on much longer before the production having to move to London for those performances. They already had Staples Center rented out for rehearsals, which seems a bit much for just rehearsals in that it just so happens to be the largest indoor venue in one of the largest cities in the US I mean, Pink Floyd practiced in an airplane hangar, not a prime venue at some exorbitant rate. So, having the largest facility in one of the largest cities already rented, they were able to pull off this “memorial service” bit.

    I'd also like to point out that James Brown, Michael Jackson's idol as a performer, died on December 25. Michael “died” on June 25 — exactly six months opposite and surely symbolic. And even JB had an open casket.

    The difference between Michael and Elvis in the suggestion of them faking their deaths is that I don't believe that anyone had suggested that a celebrity would do this until Elvis died. I believe Elvis is dead (though that movie Bubba Ho-tep is pretty funny), but the idea of a celebrity death hoax was born with him and for 32 years Michael has been able to ponder that scenario for himself. I don't ever recall hearing that MJ loathed or disliked his celebrity; from what I understand, he always knew it to be a part of his life, and with the upcoming shows, it is obvious that he intended on staying in the spotlight. Therefore, it is unreasonable to think that he would pull a death hoax to end his career, rather, he would only use it to catapult it to a level beyond where it had been before.

    Crazy? Possibly. Unrealistic? Not hardly. Will Michael Jackson be back? We'll see.

  48. DawneVee Says:

    Good post Rickster…

    Usually Oprah is all over stuff like this and not one word has she spoken about MJ. No bantering to try and get interviews with the family, nothing.

    MJ's true friends were not at the memorial (okay maybe Stevie Wonder and uh, what's his name, I think Lionel Richie or was that Smokey Robinson, I don't remember anymore…lol… but the Jackson family requested Queen Latifah, John Mayer, Jennifer Hudson to be there and they said they had never even met MJ! (I found that out on the Huffington Post).
    Now why would the family invite people whom Michael hadn't met?

    The Huffington Post also mentioned that Usher and Mariah Carey barely knew MJ and that Brooke Shields hadn't seen / talked to him in 18 years.

    What in the world is going on?

  49. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    I have just been reading about the “disappearances” of prominent people over the years. One that stood out in my mind was the Premier of Australia – Harold Holt – He “vanished” after going swimming. No body was ever recovered, that was in 1967. There has been speculation about his disappearance since that time. Another is Lord Lucan, who vanished without a trace after, apparently murdering the families nanny back in 1974.



    I read in my local paper just after MJ “died” about one of his security men who comes from North Wales, where I live. He said that MJ had a secret companion, to whom he was absolutely devoted. She was kept from the publics gaze, and was never seen with him, but was in his life and that she may emerge after his death……Well, where is she???? Have they gone off together, has he planned this so well that he would never be alone if she were with him??? Too many questions and not enough answers. Another thing I saw today was on the front cover of The Star newspaper


    about a couple who claim to be the real parents of MJ's children…..They are all jumping on the band wagon now, but it will be interesting to see if the claims are founded!!! No smoke without fire I say. As had been said a couple of times on this forum, he would never leave “his” kids, but if he were to discover that they were not his, then he may be so devastated that this is the sort of thing he would do, the anguise and torment would be too much for him.

    Just a thought!!!!!

    WHERE IS HIS BODY???????? Still no sign of a burial!!!!!

  50. How Does It Feel Says:

    hhhmm i don't know what to say but keep praying for him where ever Mike is.

  51. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    The divine miss jones. The companion you are talking about, that Michael had. Ive heard that she got fired in December last year. But who know`s If they should be together, I hope he is happy

  52. Sosh Says:

    I don't know much about Elvis and his claimed hoax death. But if Elvis faked his death, it would hav been much easier in the 1970's. There was no Internet or Cell phone. It was much easier to cover things up.

    Now Michael possibly tried it again in the 21 century where almost evryone has acces to the internet, cell phone photo camera.

    It would be much more difficult nowadays to pull this off. There are so many things to take into account for such a fake death job. Now it seems there are some loose ends wich they cannot cover up (anymore).

    That may also be the reason why lots of negative stories about Michaels kids, his drug abuse and his debts are in the media. They try to distract people from what really happenend. Most sources of thes articles are close to the family or former employees of Michael. But none of them (OK, some exceptions) is called by name in these articles.

    I hope ther will be a comfirmation the comming days wether he really died or he faked his death.

  53. supermom75 Says:

    he did sleep in a hyperbaric chamber that is true

  54. supermom75 Says:

    he is not with anyone i know this for a fact i will not give my info out but he is single and was never involved after debbie i do not know where you heard that lol

  55. supermom75 Says:

    wow new info mother katherine gets kids and debbie rowe now asked for a delay to decide ok why the change she wanted them she said they are my children now she has to think about it who has talked to her about plans lol who is paying her off she was very determined to get her kids now she needs time to think the plot thinkens why is everything michael wanted unfolding must be for a reason i wonder how many ppl are getting paid off to complete this

  56. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    Supermon75, well one of his bodyguards, said it on an interwiev. Don`t remember his name. but he did.. well good to know that he is singel. Cause i think he is sexy

  57. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    Former bodygurds, i should say. a few days after michael “died”.

  58. Angel36 Says:

    The family was furious that the hearse was drove by a white SWAP member.They wanted it to be an African American who drove the hearse.
    After the memorial there was no body of mj in the hearse.
    What does it matter who drove the hearse.
    You can read it at the following link:

  59. Angel36 Says:

    The body of mj is being held in the crypt of Berry Gordy.
    The family has not decided “yet” wher he should be buried.

    If you still don't know that after more than 2 weeks then you'll never know.
    But then you can stretch this as long as possible.

  60. Angel36 Says:

    my other comment had to be SWAT member.And the link is:
    http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/07/exclusive-swat-team-transported-michael-jackson 's-body-family-battled-cops

  61. Angel36 Says:

    They firts said there was no evidence of foul play.
    And now they say it can turn in to a homicide case.
    Can anyone tell me what is the difference.

  62. He.is.alive Says:

    this MJ saga is getting real ugly now with all the drug info coming out and poured all over him. Was it a wonder that MJ was addicted to drugs ? Were drugs his only escape ? This is very very likely. As to his chronic insomnia: this one goes to monster Daddy Dearest Joe Jackson who when Michael was a young boy, appeared with a werewulf mask at his bedroom window to “teach im a lesson” to keep the window closed at nite. Imagine how this “trick” from Daddy Joe must have petrified little Michael at the time this took place. Incidents like this one created irreversible damage to the psyche of a human, especially a young child. This ghoulish experience and fear grew with Michael and the fear part would not let him sleep normally, so he reached for help and over did it.

    As a young child, I had several incidents with a variety of animals who attacked and hurt me, so much so, that I could never shake the fear of them and this fear is still with me very much, so in a way, I can relate to Michael's fear of going to sleep. I deliberately choose a community to live in where housepets are shunned on and are forbidden so that I can feel TOTALLY SECURE to not be attacked by an animal.

    Michael was petrified, fearful of a whole list of things, what better motivator to escape it all .. escape to: SAFETY !!!

    Anyone ?

  63. dikki Says:

    bt dont you think lapd is intelligent enough to check the dna of mj and of that imposter or the police dept. is also involved. i really want to believe that mj is still alive.

  64. dikki Says:

    every day new drug is been published to which( the media claims) that mj was addicted to. i think had mj been doing so many drugs at one go he would have died years ago . come on yaar i really wanna know the reality

  65. dikki Says:

    how can media nt hound upon a single clip of mjs dead body is beyond my understanding

  66. dikki Says:

    how can mj fool the docs the police the media and everything which goes into it. i am hoping for an answer soon..

  67. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    My husband – whose initials are MJ – runs a business from home and yesterday a woman called to ask what the MJ stood for, when I told her she went quiet, then I twigged, and said, “Did you think it stood for Michael Jackson?” to which she slammed the phone down. People are doing some very strange things.

    I have asked around about the “temporary” burial of a body. In Britain that cannot de done because it requires special permission from a Government Department called the Home Office to move the body once a burial has taken place. In order to remove it from one spot to another you would have to be granted an exumation order. I am sure that similar rules apply in the US and if this is the case, you need to be looking at City Hall records and Government Departments to find out if such a request is being made.

    Lsstly, a comment from my 11 year old son…Why did President Obama seem so unmoved by the event, during an interview he had to be prompted to say something about it. Considering MJ's popularity you would have thought that to “humour” his fans a Presidential recognition of the death for have been one of his main topics.!!!!!!

  68. dikki Says:

    i dont know how to put this bt honestly i believe whether he is gone into hiding or god forbaid he is even dead . i think he is in a better position in a better state than he was earlier. out of all this media hooplah the crazy stories.he deserved every bit of peace he wasnt able to get. it hard bt lets face it we never deserved mj we never respected him when he was alive and giving us so much to cherish . and know we are remembering him and wishing him to come back. how stupid of us. he was the best he was like jesus who went into so much of suffering for his children (the world) and what we gave him crucification ditto we have done with jackson.

  69. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    Dikki. Do not say, “WE” Never did. Speak for yourself. Some of us actuelly did

  70. dikki Says:

    i said we bcuz we were sitting silent in our homes when allegations were being charged on him. we didnt do anything we could have bought protests or something may bur tryin to over react read my sentence in the context am saying

  71. dikki Says:

    and as for me i have been fighting with my friends and relatives who have been telling me that he was what media framed him to b. i love him and i know it.

  72. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Now here's a thought, and it's just a thought. Thinking back to a personal experience of mine. My step-father died very suddenly from a heart attack about 6 weeks after having a pace maker inplanted. For the 6 weeks that he lived he said he felt great, and he looked fine, then WHAM! Gone. The PM in his case found a blood clot that had been sitting in his blood stream for goodness knows how long, once the pace maker was in place the heart beat regulated and the blood flow increased, accelerating the clot to his heart thus giving him the heart attack. He actually died mid sentence while talking to a friend.

    Now, lets do a “what if” senario for MJ. What if he too had a blood clot. Years of plane travel can apparently cause one of these beasts. “What if” the rigorous dance routines and rehearsals had acclerated the heart beat, thus pumping the clot round to his heart. He may have felt some chest pain prior to dying, he may have asked for pain relief. We don't know, we were'nt there. This could have been missed by a physical, just as my step-fathers (prior to his surgery).

    As I said, it's just a thought, but I feel it is one that I should voice.

  73. licinia09 Says:

    so everybody thinks he faked his death…..
    well to be honest if i could choose i would love that he would still be alive.
    But i got a question…..
    they have that last photo from him on the ambulance, he went to the hospital, that might have happened.
    Let me tell you this, I'm from portugal and before they broke the news in the states that michael was dead, here in postugal that had already done that, in US media there was only the news that he went to the hospital, nothing more, probably an hour later they gave the news that he died… so does this mean anything i don't……
    But why say that he faked his death????? did anyone thought of the possibility that he might be in a coma and and his managers and family faked his death??????
    Well i really don't whta to believe, maybe we all never thought that we would die someday, that he was invincible, maybe he died and just can't cope with that, we are so desperate to believe that he is still alive…..
    To be HONEST i really want him to be alive, it just feels like music died

  74. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    Okey. I hear ya. I can only speak for myself here . Im not to desperate to think that he might still be alive. But i am pretty sure that he aint dead. Look at sll the facts, all the hints at the memoriel. Nothing adds up. NOTHING. And to be hornest, the one to tank for that is Latoys, she really blew it, at that thing where she was talking. She said: Michael always said, Family 1st fans 2nd. He loves you very much, and he is watching every singel one of you right now. He loves you with all his heart. Let me just say!!! DOHH!!! That was pretty stupid of her.. She should have talked about him in pressence sence. Not like he is still here, if she wanted to keep up his cover. Im glad that she aint my sister, incase i ever needed to fake my own death. That would be bad

  75. tmorris15 Says:

    I am convinced this is a hoax at the 02 arena Michael Jackson said I am serious this is the last curtain call and gave a suspicious look He stated “This Is It”. When Oprah did not make a public announcement. Something was strange when the family managers set up a crisis line and told fans please do not kill themselves. And when his brother said Michael Jackson maybe they will leave you alone. I believe the memorial service was a goodbye to his fans and career as an entertainer. He was saying good bye to his music career to peruse a peaceful life away from the media attention. Michael Jackson if you are out their alive I don't blame you thank you for all the wonderful music. Your music will live forever

  76. He.is.alive Says:

    Well well well, somebody else besides me has FINALLY noticed that the video footage from the rehearsal the night before MJ's alleged “death” is OLD FOOTAGE. NO human as weak as MJ appearing in the media weighing only 112 lbs is physically able to pull off a dance routine like shown in the vido, no way !!!! I am a dancer myself and can say with credible certainty that it is NOT possible ! My “this cannot be MJ”-hunch with this video was right on target. This net of lies being spun and presented to the public is outrageous in that these ppl, AEG and the Jacksons think we are all stupid ???

    Not one single member of the mainstream media has so much as breathed a word that MJ staged his death, with one possible exception: Gerald Hessler from “The daily beast”, a US rag last sunday stated on the Geraldo Rivera Show that Michael “did not want to do this at all” referring to the London gig/s and said further that MJ wanted to use “Swine flu” to get “out of the gig” .. Hessler barely got the last cylable out of his mouth when he was CUT off and the subject was abruptly changed, did anyone besides me see that show ???

    Hessler was on again this evening, 7/12, but this time hummed an altogether different tune and talked “nicely” …'hint'

    LaToya's interview with some british rag is real heavy hitting, have the Jackson's become aware that the public is onto them and gave this interview to up the score ? Very possible !

    I consider it a likely possibility that MJ made away right after his appearance at the rehearsal,that is: if that was him at all OR one of his doubles; that the person in the ambulance was definitely NOT MJ is very obvious as well as the double at the London press conference; that NONE of MJ's close friends like Taylor, Ross, Minelli, Uri Geller and many others did not show at the memorial AND are still NOT speaking out is highly questioable and beyond bizarre; that LaToya “gave” an interview to some british rag to inject a new hit of crack-cocaine into more “these are the facts” media floating ??? How LONG can these ppl keep up this act ?

    What they NEED to do is button up and stay in total seclusion if they want the public to believe that MJ has really “died” …

    This is a conspiracy and whatever “information” is being floated and coming, whatever, I just pray that Michael is under the medical care of doctors he can trust and are are treating him to become well again, mentally and physically so that he can live a life he has yearned for elsewhere. We may never see him again and if that is so, remember: we did have the best of him for years and he is entitled to live a life in peace and safety.

    What is everybody else thinking ?

  77. supermom75 Says:

    he was not 112 that was a lie

  78. supermom75 Says:

    they said in the autopsy michael was very helthy and no signs of foul play and they ruled out natrual causes already

  79. supermom75 Says:

    he wanted air time is is all gossip do not believe anything you here like one of his former house keeper trie to say he locked children in his room feed them wine in baby bottles come on now he would never do that

  80. Andrea Says:

    I think MJ would have been better of saying he caught Swine Flu to get out of these gigs he so obviously did not want to do and was pressured into! If only he knew what type of circus and media frenzy he would create by instead faking his death.

    Then again, he probably just didn't care anymore. I hope he is well, wherever he is.

  81. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    אני מסכים איתך. I don`t care if he ever comes back to perform. As long as he is alive, safe and well. That is the only thing that matters to me

  82. supermom75 Says:

    michael would never inject himself i do not belive he was an addict at all and the media is cooking something up cause then they will not get paid if he is not found dead by overdose as it is stated in his insurance claim for the this is it concert they cover over dose but not natrual causes

  83. supermom75 Says:

    here is another one for you all xanax if he was taking as much as they say he would be to tired to do anything he would not have sleep ap ok and most of the drugs he was doin are downers so how do they get he can not sleep out of that i do not understand

  84. He.is.alive Says:

    Correction: “The Daily Beast” reporter's name is Gerald POSNER (I am sorry I misunderstood the name and got it correctly the 2nd time) apologies – thanks

  85. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    My 11 year old son has been playing detective regarding MJ. Now here is an observation that he made about MJ's right hand….Follow me with this one because you have to be quick. I am attaching a video of “The way you make me feel” from Youtube. At 3.14 – just after he shouts “Hey”, he extends two fingers and his thumb of his right hand. The thumb is the bit you need to concentrate on…You will notice that the tumb itstself curls at quite an acute angle and the bone just above sticks out to give an almost triangular appearance.


    If you look at other footage ie the press conference in O2 arena London check out his right hand…for the same anomalies that I have already mentioned.


    You could possibly trace his entire career by just looking for that one over-riding physical – dare I say – defect – I am, but not in a malicious way.

    Now look at the “final rehearsal” video…At the end of the routine he extends his right arm and hand…check it out. Unless he had surgery to correct his hands, which could explain gloves and gauntlets in the past…then it looks to me, and this is a personal observation…to be someone else.


  86. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:


    This is the rehearsal footage that I watched. Sorry…repeated the youtube links. Take a look following the thread about the right hand.

  87. divershay Says:

    Mrs. Jones: I agree about the “defect” but if you look at this video at about 45 seconds, he extends his hand and the bump is gone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz_J_do9hzY&feature=related
    But if you look at the O2 Press Conference video, “MJ” calls the guy over and puts his hand on his shoulder and the bump is there!
    However, I do NOT think it was really MJ at the press conference. The chin, smile, moves, etc. MJ would not get up there and talk the way this guy did. He sounded like an idiot. MJ was/is very well spoken in front of the camera. Look at any of his interviews. One thing about his hands, he seems to have the longest hands on a human! Really! His fingers are so long! But at the press conf, his hands are shorter and fatter it seems. MJ's hands are so skinny too. Not at the conference, yet he doesn't appear to have put on any weight. I know when most people put on weight, your fingers get fatter too. don't they? Anyway, at the press conference, that is NAVI! Not MJ. Look at Navi's pics. He has a wide smile, and his lips look more like a normal mouth than MJ's (normal?). Whether or not MJ is really dead, that is NOT him at the conference. That is Navi! Your son is very observant! Keep it coming!

  88. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Over lunch the family came up with some other theories. One of which is this, MJ borrowed money from a Saudi prince – Yes! He was then asked to repay the money back – If he was as broke as they say, where did the cash come from? Our over lunch theorizing was this – and you have to remember that we were allowing our minds to do overtime on the conspiracy
    theory – what if he borrowed it again from the Mafia, couldn't pay it back and the doctor was paid to see him off. With the so called pain killer adiction, no one would question too deeply what the doctor did…As I said, it was over lunch, and it was a bash at a theory.

  89. bexuk Says:

    I miss him, the world was a much better place with him in it, I only wish I had appreciated him more when he was here.

  90. Mojofi Says:

    I KNOW that was MJ at the 02 confrence.

    Navi has a deeper voice then MJ.

  91. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Hi Divershay, And Hi there everyone from a warm and windy North Wales.

    Now, let us suppose that if you are told something often enough, you start to believe it!

    If we, the fans, are told that the person we are looking at is MJ, then, are we not drawn into the plot to keep the real MJ from prying eyes. A confidence trick.

    During the 2nd World War there was a chap who looked like General Montgomery. A plan was devised to use this man to impersonate Monty and go to North Africa.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Was_Monty 's_Double_(film)

    This makes the impersonator theory a good one, because we do not see the man – MJ – all the time, the person thrust infront of us, who we are told is MJ, we beieve is MJ. We only see photos that are tarted up and made to look enigmatic. We so want it to be him, that we truly believe that it is.

    Tonight, on British Television – Channel 4 – was a documentary about the passing of MJ. I am attaching a link for those who missed it. You may be able to watch it on line. I am making no comments, but will leave the story to unfold and see what you think.

    Another suggestion by Benjamin – my 11 year old – Try this for size…..The gold coffin with the seat like interior was designed so that a “living” Micheal Jacksin could attend his own memorial service. The huge bunch of flowers on the top hid an oxygen tank so that he could breath and the length of time for the service was determined by the amount of oxygen in the cylinder. Daft, but plausible!!!!!

    Hey, you know what, it's more plausible than daft.

    Previous comments about his friends who were mysteriously not at the memorial is strange. If someone of that stature passes and you are asked to attend a memorial, you would put everything on hold, pull out all the stops and turn up. No Oprah, no Liz Taylor just folk who had maybe met him once, if that. Catterwalling some tune out – some of it was terrible – it was dreadful.

    And I still wonder what the hell they did with the coffin afterwards!!!! Is it like a kind of transformer and changed from a coffin into a set of matching suitcases. Carried out so no one noticed.

  92. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:


    The link to Channel 4's documentary about MJ.

  93. ejay5131 Says:

    Here's what I don't get. The Jackson were okay with helicopters flying above Forest Lawn the days before the memorial, the day of the memorial AND even let the helicopters follow the motorcade with the hearse to the staples center BUT would not let the coffin leave staples center being recorded? It's being “said” that the coffin was taken through the tunnels under the Staples center and loaded into an unmarked van and taken away. WHY?? YOU JUST LET EVERYBODY FILM YOU BRING IT THERE!! And seriously…who lends out their family crypt(reporting that MJ is temporarily being held inside the Berry Gordy family crypt) Which he has now denied. MJ IS MISSING!!!!

  94. Andrea Says:

    @ The Divine Mrs Jones – that last paragraph made me laugh! I could just imagine the coffin turning into a bunch of suitcases. OR MAYBE LATOYA WAS HIDING MJ IN HER DAMN HUGE HAT! (not seriously, but damn that hat needed it's own zipcode!)

  95. divershay Says:

    “And I still wonder what the hell they did with the coffin afterwards!!!! Is it like a kind of transformer and changed from a coffin into a set of matching suitcases. Carried out so no one noticed.”
    HAHAAHAH!!! Priceless!
    And yes, I would have thought Liza, Liz, and several other closest friends would have been there. But no! They couldn't be “bothered” to show. Very strange.
    And what ejay5131 says makes us wonder too! The whole thing with the media is weird. Only ONE pic since MJ “died”? Come on, ONE! That's silly considering how many pics they get of everything else related to anyone famous or even a little bit famous.
    This whole thing makes me mad that they think they can pull the wool over everyone's eyes. The fans aren't stupid! We have loved him for too long and scrutinized every physical detail about him through the years.

  96. melia8383 Says:

    Ok everyone I found a song, It's really Crazy unreleased from Michiael Jackson, It talks about how he's “planning” his escape from the “system” and “pressures” he has to find a place to hide away.(thats what he says in the song) the name of the song is xscape(yes, it's actually spelled that way.
    If he faked his death, he's away from the pressures, he has to leave his children behind, if he don't want people to know he's “dead”). If the children is with his family, he will always see them. Latoya said, he didn't want to do the 50 shows, that's probably why it was an impersonator at the O2 conference! It was him rehearsing in the video, if he's planning his get away, he has to cooperate, right? AEG insured for “overdose”? WHY?

  97. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    This song tells it all. OMG. It is not a old song. He is sining of how he wants to get away from the media, and just want to be in a place where he dosen`t need to hide from everyone. Where he can be himself. He is telling it all in this song. It can be more clear. Michael has “escaped” The pressure. He just wants to be in peace. I wonder whan he made this song, it can`t be that long ago. MY GOD. Mabye he really is alive? I really hope so. I would make me smile again. I guess we just ahve to leave Michael alone. I just hopes that he is happy and in peace.

  98. supermom75 Says:

    now this should answer everything something is wrong i think the women of the family are hiding michael he is alive and his brother and father have been using michael for his money jermaine is broke his brother jermaine said that the jackson 5 were goin to have a reunion but in an interview with michael he said he was never going to sing with them again so maybe latoya knows it was her brothers father and AEG in a plot and they are protecting michael right now in hiding till the truth comes out also new news that there is another will from 2007 he wrote a new will every 5 yrs now michael might have it or they do and they are goin to pull it out saying michael wanted his sister rebbie to mother his children and debbie and katherine have agree to keep joe out of the childrens life cause he is now tryin to get costody of the chikdren and he wants to make them the jackson 3 so the ploy thickins

  99. dikki Says:

    la toya is now saying that there is a big conspiracy behind murder of mj. she is saying that $2 million are missing from his rented home when world believed him to be totally bankrupt.. she is also saying that mj was fed up of taking these drugs which some people were giving to him to keep him submissive. if it was truly there then why the family never protected mj out of all this. why they let him die and are now creating all this fuss and making autopsy over autopsy.

  100. admin Says:

    The Michael Jackson Hoax Death Forum is now up and running and ready for use. Please feel free to start new topics and continue your discussions there, in an easier to manage environment.
    MJHD Admin

  101. He.is.alive Says:

    This is LaToya's biiiiiiiiiiig chance to “shine”, to propel herself into center stage, but most importantly, make some monnnnnnney!

    Her credibility equals Zero as she is insincere and phoney. when Michael was accused of Child molestation, it was LaToya who on national US television spoke out in support of the accusers and against her brother, I remember it well, does anybody else at all ? ? Shame shame on you big sista !

    LaToya is a diva wanna-be, a sensationalist, an opportunist and extremist. Her only claim to fame is showing her coochie for a few bux to a trashrag like “Playboy Magazine” … and here, she suddenly has turned into and acts like Florence Nightingale ?

    These rags she is talking to are paying her a nice dollar for the drama queen act she's just pulled off here, she makes me sick

    Sister Janet who worked with Michael on videos is surprisingly hush hush, isn't she ? But then again,Jan had a good run in show business and has money and, all she showed was her nipple at the superbowl half-time show and called it “wardrobe malfunction”. Neither one of them has any lady-like qualities.

    The more details emerge, the more ground the 'staged death' gains. These “interviews” are nothing but a mechanism to redirect attention to a new theory they are spinning, Murder … they stop at nothing to create sensationalism and seem to think we are all stupid or something ?

    I pray that Michael is safe and secure. What must he be thinking …. ???

  102. ejay5131 Says:

    I'll tell you what Michaels thinking…True fans can NEVER be fooled!!

  103. He.is.alive Says:

    ejay, thank you for your reply, I think you are right, great answer

  104. MJJ Says:

    yes maybe michael is still alive. bt i dont think he did this. maybe a threat to him or he was kidnapped to get money? blahblah lol

  105. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    I wonder if he's reading this???? Maybe scanning the internet to find what people are saying!!!! If so – Hi Michael.

  106. He.is.alive Says:

    Divine Mrs. Jones: that not only the Jacksons and other parties, but MICHAEL HIMSElF might be reading the postings on this website occured to me too just today. I also thing the “staged death” concept is gaining traction around the internet, more and more ppl are blogging on different sites expressing their doubts that Michael “died” …

    I am wondering about if anybody is controlling this and will at some point shut websites down who are exclusively dedicated to this hoax, what is your thought on this ?

  107. supermom75 Says:

    ejay that was a tv reality show that the men of the family were tryin to start up before his death

  108. supermom75 Says:

    or should i say his disaperance

  109. He.is.alive Says:

    Bloggers: have any of you seen this ? This is a “protocol” type order of occurences synopsis of the events surround Michael Jackon's death, take a look and check it out:


  110. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Ok, I've read the Escape lyrics and seen the video on Youtube.

    Now, seeing as we are all open to speculation and possibility. Try this for size…and remember this is just me voicing an opinion…I have listened to his press conference again at the O2 Arena in London from March this year. The person speaking at the podium did NOT sound like MJ, the voice was too deep for my liking. Now, just suppose for a moment that the “This is it” Tour title is actually relating to the fact that he's had enough and by July he be out and gone. The last time he'd be in London – July – Hummmmm!!!!!
    Is he hiding in London? Was the talk at the press conference a metaphor for I'll be back, but you won't know it.

    This thought has just sailed through my head…Here goes…If you want to hide a tree you put it in a forest. If you want to hide an apple you put it with other apples. If you want to hide a person you put them with people. OK…Here it is, just suppose that the people you were hiding with had relinquished all worldly goods and chattles…monks!!!! OR even a Amish community. It may sound silly, but if we are going down hoax road then we have to explore every possible avenue that leads from it, whether it seems daft or has a dead end.

    As it used to say on the X Files – “The truth is out there”

  111. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:


    There is a series of Youtube videos about MJ's home movies. On the first one, at the end, he says he doesn't like to tour because – quote “I go through hell”

    Maybe the thought of 50 shows was enough to start the ball rolling for the disappearing act. Not only the mounting debt to deal with, but being pushed by record comapnies etc to do the tour. It must be very hard work – and that's an understatement – to be consistently good, to be as viberant on day 50 as you were on day 1. Not an easy gig.

  112. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Hands up who believes in the “after life” No joke. I belong to a ghost hunting group – http://www.theorbwhisperers.com and our resident medium has something to say on the MJ subject. If you want to hear what it is I'll tell you. I do not want to offend anyone, because even I am a sceptic, but I do think I should allow for all possibilities that life – and death – has to offer. I you think that this will offend, I will gladly keep it to myself.

  113. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    I have just watched a History Channel documentary called Cities of the Underworld, and in this episode it talked about a huge complex of tunnels cris-crossing the underneath of Los Angeles. There was once a subway that ran the length and breadth of LA, but it was closed in the post war period and the “land” was bought up by GM, closing the railways meant that people would have to buy cars…I can seen their point. My point is that maybe they have accessed some of these tunnels whilst building the stadium, and after the so called memorial, have ushered MJ away through them.

    Look at season 3 “Land of Manson”

    You can google LA's underground railways as well.


    http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Downtown 's+forgotten+tunnel-a011766237



    You have to allow for the fact that I am trying to come up with every plausible possibility as to how to “magic” someone away. The memorial was the smoke screen.

  114. divershay Says:

    No, please share! This is a place for our individual opinions and thoughts. So far yours have been so insightful! I can't speak for anyone else on this page, but I would be interested to hear what you have to say.
    And I really want to thank you for posting the link to the home movies. I had not seen that! I am going to watch all the segments now. So far I have watched the first and loved it!
    As for the O2 conf, I tried to say that was Navi who was up there speaking and someone on here said it's not Navi, that Navi's voice is deeper than Michael's. Now you say you think the person's voice was too deep to be Michael. So you confirmed for me what I thought all along. Navi's voice is deeper, the person on stage has a deeper voice. We don't even need to continue on the physical differences of the two. They are clear to anyone who really looks.

  115. divershay Says:

    “Mojofi Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 5:23 am

    I KNOW that was MJ at the 02 confrence.

    Navi has a deeper voice then MJ.”

    Yeah, and uh….that's what we are saying….
    that the person on stage has a deeper voice than MJ. Hence, why we think it is not MJ but his double.

  116. divershay Says:

    As far as trying to “magic someone away” I still like the transformer casket turning into a set of luggage to be carried. I still laugh when I get a visual! This whole thing isn't funny, but the way you put it was. LOL!

  117. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    I will first set out what Dave, our group medium told me. He said that when some one passes suddenly their spirit is in shock and does not realise that they have died. Dave has a “spirit guide” and has asked from time to time whether the guide can tell him if MJ is “in spirit” and, apparently the guide has told him no, not yet. Dave takes this to mean that he is still alive and has not yet passed.

    I, on the other hand took a totally different tack, and being the EVP (electronic voice phenomena) queen of the group, I took my voice recorder and simply asked the question….”Is Michael Jackson really dead?” To which I got a quick response, a mans voice saying “No”

    If I could find some way to put the voice recording on this site I would post it for you to hear.

    Back to Dave for a moment. His spirit guide often helps him move spirits on into the “light” but it cannot find the spirit of MJ.

    I am a sceptic, but there are those amongst us who feel that some spiritual comfort is required in times like these, and this is mine through Dave…Cheers Dave.

    The “Ghost of Neverland” he says is not MJ…..Too soon, but the house has been standing for many years and has witnessed many families living there. The “ghost” is probably an old one, that has walked the halls and corridors for a long time. OR – my opinion – it's a reflection/shadow from outside. I would love to go with the group and investigate…Get some great EVP's from there.

  118. divershay Says:

    Yeah, I saw that. It was proven to be a crew person walking around in there and passed in front of a light. If you look through the window and the way the walls are on the outside, you can see there looks to be a room over in that area. It looked to me like the person was walking in that room and happened to pass in front of the window with sunlight shining through and the person's shadow was thrown out into the room. At least, that's what they are saying in this video:
    At about 2 minutes, it is clear and sharp. But I tell you what, I did get chills watching the original part in the first half again. Even after I knew they “debunked” the ghost story. Originally it was not as solid of an image so to speak. It was so transparent you almost don't see it. But when they show how it was not real, the image is more solid. I am a big skeptic as well. Then again, I am not so much a skeptic as I have to see it to believe it but I don't necessarily wanna see it! I am a big chicken so I guess it is easier to say oh, that stuff isn't real than to actually think about how I would react if I saw something paranormal.
    I too have had friends who believe in spirit guides and they would totally agree with what both you and Dave are suggesting. These are things we can never truly know.
    I just did a little poll on a website about do you think MJ faked his death and is still alive. After you vote you can see the results. Like 88% (or around there) voted yes!! After watching all of the home movie segments, I really hope he is still alive somewhere. He has the cutest personality I have ever seen. And to hear him giggle while watching the movies in his theater, I hope he is somewhere laughing again. The sweetest sound! Anyone who has not watched them really should. My favorite is the first one where he's all excited over the super soakers. Too cute!

  119. divershay Says:

    Also an awesome part is where he is saying he hates touring and they are telling him they have to redo that part. He is so sweet to watch. I know this isn't the place to discuss the home movies and such, I just wanted to throw that out there. Peace!

  120. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Hi Divershay

    I take on board everything that you have said, I to think that the home movies are fun to watch.
    That was then, we have to concentrate on “the now” That entails all of us putting our collective heads together and coming up with a rational explanation as to where the devil he might be hiding.
    On the Channel 4 documentary that I mentioned earlier, one man who knew the Jackson family well said that just before his latest tour “This is it” they had tried to get to Michael to spirit him away to “clean him up” This chap believes that MJ wanted out of the adiction spiral that he was in. His “insiders” who perpetuated the adiction kept the family from him.
    The final rehearsal footage shows some strain on MJ's face, that could be because he has been out of the loop for so long, but it could equally be withdrawal symptoms kicking in!!!! To be honest, he looks like he's in pain, he had apparently suffered from back trouble for some years. Channel 4 also interviewed a doctor who specialised in helping “well known” drug addicts. He said that he thinks that MJ was NOT taking heroin, but he was having a medication usually given to patients who they want to keep in a coma. That could explain the theory that MJ IS in a coma and it has been said that he would not come out of it. This would kind of explain the “death” announcement, and the lack of a body.
    MJ was not pleased about the fact that the tour had gone from 10 dates to 50. Ironically the dancers assigned to work with him were originally contracted for 2 years. Why so long if the tour was supposed to be ONLY 10 dates????? Makes you think what else the record company machine had up it's sleeve.

  121. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Just been looking at the supposed final photo from the ambulance – that photographer has made his annual earnings in one shot – anyway – I saved the picture and set it up so that I could rotate it for a better look.

    Now, to me it seems like he is grimacing a little, his eyebrows are not relaxed, they are furrowed slightly just over his nose, the ventialation contraption in his mouth doesn't seem to be in his mouth, he mouth looks closed. The colour of his skin is that of someone who is relatively healthy. I've someone after a heart attack and they look grey/blue and their lips go blue as well. None of it adds up to a victim of a heart attack. Even the make-up that he wore looks fresh. If I were giving CPR to someone wearing make-up I am sure that it would smudge and they for a time would look a bit of a mess. And if they are supposedly giving CPR in the back of the ambulance why is the paramedics hand on his right shoulder and not his heart. And if he is supposed to have “died” at home, why bother giving CPR at all. They were there for about half an hour or so, if they couldn't get him back in that time thay should just have covered the body and taken him out quietly. I thought then, and still think now that it was a ploy to kick start the disappearance.

  122. Andrea Says:

    @ The Divine Mrs Jones – your posts make me happy! I, too, am a strong believer in the paranormal! I wish I was a part of a ghost hunting group, though. I tend to just wander on my own and do my own 'personal' ghost huntings, if you will.

    As for MJ – I also believe that if his Family might be reading this website, it's almost quite possible he is reading it as well!

    @divershay – I know, MJ is the sweetest person ever, isn't he? he is such a sweet soul, so gentle and fragile! He would never hurt a fly <3

  123. supermom75 Says:

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31740617/ns/entertainment-music/page/2/now this guy makes me open my eyes on who jackson really was and that ppl were tryin to hurt him

  124. licinia09 Says:

    Dear The Divine Mrs Jones

    I really don't know if i should believe in what you say, even thought i truly want to……..
    But i go a question,
    if he's not dead than why is Latoya always saying that she knows who killed michael?????
    if he was still alive wouldn't they simply be quite????? Not pushing too musch atention from the media?
    if he was still alive shouldn't his kids by now be with me?
    What about those updates where they say michael had needle marks in his neck, how would they make that up????
    To bo honest as time goes by my hopes that michael is still alive keeps geting smaller. What proves that he's still alive????

    עם זאת,

    Dear The Divine Mrs. Jones if it's true that you can hear taht voice and that Dave guy can't “see” spirits, i want to ask you one thing:
    If he's still alive, is he alright?is he sick?is he safe? is he happy now?

  125. MzMi87 Says:

    I'm sorry but there's more than what meets the eye. To the administrator thanks for this site. When the imposter was at the press conference, not one time did the family step up and say “that's not Michael.” And don't tell me that the Jackson family doesn't know about all the hoax rumors going on saying that Michaek is alive, and yet still no response? Something isn't right.

    And then they have Latoya coming out saying all this stuff about her brother being murdered and that millions dollars and costly jewelry were missing from his home. Now correct me if I'm wrong but how the hell would she know what was missing in his home? Can someone answer that?

    Then she said his kids wanted to see their father when he died at the hospital and that his face was covered up with a towel. Ok, unless something changed over the years, someone who dies doesn't get covered until the medical examiner comes in and take the body and asks everyone in the room to leave. And since when they cover your face with a towel.

    I agree with who ever said they're glad they Latoya isn't their sister. I feel the same way.

  126. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:


    Hope this opens up. Read it and see what you think. The Channel 4 documentary states that MJ did NOT know he was to do 50 gigs until it was too late. The tickets were printed and sold in a flash. AEG jumped on the financial bandwagon and this poor bloke had to turn up, perform and smile like a puppet. Well, it seems that the puppet cut the strings before the puppet masters could dictate the dance. I also think that Joe Jackson is quietly enjoting his new found fame.

    Earlier someone mentioned the “Escape” song from the album “Invincible” I have checked out the lyrics and get this, in one line it says – quote -”Don't have a place to run, but there's no need to hide” And in another it says – quote -”Gotta get away (tell my Mother)I gotta get away” Is there a message in there somewhere. MJ's Mother hailed from Alabama I think…maybe there's family there who would take him in?????

    In a BBC documentary about 4 years ago MJ was asked, while looking at a replica of an Egyptian sarcophagos that was covered in gold leaf – very elaborate – “Would you like to be buried in one of these” MJ ponders for a moment and answers “I'd like to live forever”

    If you take the Peter Pan stories literally, and if you've read them, Peters friend was a girl called Wendy. Wendy grows up and Peter is the perpetual child, remaining in Neverland. He goes back to Wendy's house and is shocked to find that she is a woman, and has a daughter of her own. Peter wants Wendy to be his Mother. He has been searching for his Mother throughout the whole story. Peter returns to take Wendy's granddaughter Margaret back to Neverland to do the spring cleaning…When he remembers!!!!

    Maybe the perpetual child that is Mj has returned to Neverland. Maybe the pull of the place that he loved so much was just too great for him to resist.

    By the way. If “they” turn Neverland into a place of pilgrimage I will start taking prescription meds…LOL The audacity of it all.

    The only good thing about Joe Jackson being on TV is that I can turn him off….LOL AGAIN

  127. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    That was interresting. More proof that this so called “Death” Of Michael is a hoax

  128. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    My youngest – Benjamin – the house philosopher – has just said to me “Why don't we give people like him their 'space'” You can only slice a loaf so many times before it runs out. He has a point. We, the “fans” should back down. Although we enjoy what the entertainer is providing us with, there is an aspect of their lives that you really would not swap. He couldn't enjoy being in a crowd without being swamped with well wishers. He couldn't go shopping without about 20 people with him. His kids couldn't go to a regular school because of who he is, imagine how much of that would effect you, and then think of how it effected him. I, personally, would want to run away.

    If I found him, I would not tell any one where he was, I'd let him be. Knowing he was OK would be enough for me.

    More profound stuff from Benjamin. He's been watching me type this….Got to go to school soon hun! He has just said….Could he be hiding out at Althorp Estate…Princess Dianas family home. He and she had a “relationship” that was based solely on friendship. Their parallel lives could only be understood by them. I have to allow him his say because he thinks outside the box, whixh is what we want. To understand a child, you have to think like one!!!!!! And where does a child supposedly feel safe….HOME…..

  129. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Mr/Mrs Administrator… May I ask the question, where abouts in the world are you situated. This time difference is giving me a head ache…You are 8 hours ahead of me. That means, where you are I have already had my job interview….Did I get it? LOL and, here's a thought…If you are 8 hours ahead you can get the lottery numbers for me before they have even been drawn…So whats next Saturday's winning 6 LOL AGAIN

  130. admin Says:

    In regard to the headache…sorry but don't think we can help with that…if we could fix it we would Yes we are ahead of you, but want to keep our location to ourselves if that's ok…trying to keep the nasty non-believers at bay and deter them from banging on the door in the middle of the night with pitchforks and torches (we've had plenty of nasty messages from people such as this already believe me), but in regard to the lottery numbers, I've had enough trouble getting them right myself! Good luck with yours
    MJHD Admin

  131. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    I can appreciate your need for anomimity. I really CANNOT understand why people would be so nasty to you. If they were followers of MJ and believed the things that he stood for, then this would not be happening to you.

    Maybe I am being silly, but you know when you get a gut feeling about someone, and you can't shake it off!!! Well with regards to MJ's “death” it's not sitting right with me. I don't have the empty and hollow feeling I got when my parents died, or when my friend was murdered (her name was Caroline and she was beaten to death by a bus driver, who dumped her body) I knew she had gone before they found her because I felt physically sick….Now, if I am to use this as a guage, then I do firmly believe that he is still living because I don't feel anything like I have felt in the past. No hollow feeling, no sick feeling…..in fact, if I were truly honest, I feel elated…I feel that he is where he wants to be and that the “death” thing was a hoax.
    I mentioned in an earlier posting that I had been studying the so called “last photo” of him, he doesn't look ill or dead. No palour, his face looks fairly relaxed, in fact he looks better in the back of the ambulance than I have seen him look recently. Hell, he looked better than I do this morning….I look like death warmed up. LOL….To end with a little black humour, my husbands late Grandmother – Hilda – used to say to us “I'm knocking on deaths door you know” (she was in her 90's) One day I said that he can't have been in because she was still with us, but went on to say 'What colour it was?', she never mentioned it again. Bless you Hilda LOL

  132. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:


    This page may disappear becuse it's today's Daily Mirror. Basically it's saying that MJ's body was kept in Berry Gory's family crypt until the police were satisfied that they had covered all avenues of enquiry. They cannot bury him yet – apparently!!!!! It says that thousands of fans have flocked to the crypt because word has just leaked out about it…..I heard about it last week, just after the so called funeral.

  133. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    The coffin looks like an oversized jewellery box. It's a bit tacky…The man had more taste than this…..surely. I still think it's a transformer….Decept a coffin – transforms into Posh Spices matching luggage.LOL

  134. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    OK…I have just watched the footage of the helicopter taking the “body” to a waiting van…


    Dead bodies weigh a ton….no matter how large. they just lifted this one without much effort….were was the rigour mortice???? He should have been as stiff as a board, not flopping around Hummmmmmmmmm!!!!!

    It doesn't appear to me to be a dead body on the trolley….way too thin…It's just a shape, not like a dead person at all. Strange stuff, I am more convinced the more I read and look into it that it is a hoax. Some one commented that his new album was going to be called “Resurrection” co-incidence!!!!

  135. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    That turned out to be a lie. That Gary dude said so himself

  136. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Sorry “BelovedMJ” What turned out to be a lie. I've put so many comments on that I am not sure which one you are referring to.

    Ok, back to rigor mortis….I am now an expert in the field. Now, depending on temperatures etc Rigor Mortis can set in as early as 10 minutes post mortem, up to about 2 hours…Full Rigor is reached at about 12 hours and it can last around 72 hours, or 3 days. Quoting About.com, they say that “Rapid cooling can inhibit the onset of Rigor Mortis” If my memory serves me well, the day that MJ died it was about 33 degrees – give or take, it was HOT – Rigor would not be inhibited. After death the skeletal muscles contract and are unable to relax, hence the body becoming as stiff as a board, heavy and unable to bend. Now, it's the word BEND that is the magic one. Even if someone moved the body in the helicopter, if they were dead as long as MJ was supposed to be, it could not have been bent, if you watch the footage closely when the body is wheeled over to the van, the two men inside just lift the body from one trolley to another it looks like the body bends at the knees!!! Maybe it's just my imagination, but take a look and see if see what I saw.

  137. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    My kids watched the helicopter footage earlier and passed this comment. Considering who the body was supposed to be, and considering the whole episode was being filmed, they did not treat the body with any dignity and unceremoniously dumped it from one trolley to another inside the back of the van. Knowing that the eyes of the world would be watching you would have thought that the men involved at this point would have, at the very least, proceeded with a little more reverence.

  138. charmed6 Says:

    I wonder? Is this why they keep postponing the custody hearing for his children?

  139. Banessa Says:

    To The Divine Mrs. Jones: Your children are very observant, and you are right,(in my own words ) it does seem as if the men are just dumping and passing along a “rag doll” to each other. It even looks as “the body” when being handed down from the helicopter as if the head bumps onto the gurney?
    “It doesn't appear to me to be a dead body on the trolley….way too thin…It's just a shape, not like a dead person at all.” you are right about that! It looks as if they are carrying a stick or something. Now, I think Michael was a thin man but too be as thin as it appeared to have been there? I just don't know!

    I also have a friend who states to be able to perceive when someone's spirit has passed along and she like your friend does not feel in any way MJ's spirit to have passed??? I do think that if he is with us, he needs time to get himself together, and get well. I can only imagine all the pressures he must have had, poor soul!
    I am not trying to sound crazy or anything but I do think that both Michael and his family need our prayers!!! אלוהים יברך

  140. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    Michael will come back to us, and face the public when he is READY! That is for sure. But he needs time. I just hope he is at some place recocering, from all the shitty things the media did to him, and all the false alligations. My heart is with Michael. I always believed in him, and NEVER once misunderstood him. I just hope that he will get the spark back in his eyes, wivh he havent had for a very long time, and mabye he will smile again soon. I really hope so. I love him so much

  141. dikki Says:

    dear Divine Mrs Jones i totally and completly agree with you that,”If I found him, I would not tell any one where he was, I'd let him be. Knowing he was OK would be enough for me” . bcuz even after knowing what mj has been thru and if people still disclose about his whereabouts or pics then they have to be money and publicity hounding wolves.

  142. ejay5131 Says:

    Do we all agree it's not him!!!! Take a look, a REAL GOOD LOOK!! Especially at the eyebrows.

    24 hours before:


    Ambulance photo:

    Look at the shape in the eyebrows. The “ambulance MJ' has eyebrows that go right towards the bridge of his nose. The “rehearsal MJ” has eyebrows that end much further in( there is a larger gap between them). The eyebrows are also arched differently. The only way the eyebrows could meet closer to the bridge of the nose is if he was “pushing his brows together” like we do when were mad(I can't think of the descriptive name for that right now.)

  143. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    It's 8.30 in the morning here and I have to get Benjamin to school…The older offspring is sick….It is Benjamins last week at this school and the kids are giving a concert with solo performances. For weeks now (even before MJ's death) he had been practicing drumming to “Beat IT” His final performance, he said is, for MJ. Ahhhh!!! Benjamin is very sensitive and feels things really deeply. He often tells me that he does not believe for one minute that MJ is dead. My kids and I are best friends.

    Going back to the “sensitive” theme for a moment…Dave the medium often asks his “spirit guide” about MJ and the guide comes back with a poitive “NO” Not passed yet.

    On the forum of this site someone mentioned “remote viewing” which was used by the powers that be during the Cold War under the title “Stargate” It apparently worked. The government used RV because they found out that the Russians were using psychics to find locations of missiles etc. From what I have read it seems that the RV actually worked.

    I am a skeptic, but, as I have said before, I am open to all possibilities. I have lost too many family members and friends to think that there is “nothing” on the “other side” Now, the theory behind RV is that you lie comfortably some where clear you mind and wait for things to happen…You begin to see images that, at first, seem hazy, but do become clear after a while…The other thing is that you need…or so it seems…is specific geographic coordinates…that's not too hard. Pick a place you think a person will be, find the coordinates and concentrate on those….again the theory is that you can see what is happening in that place, watch the proceedings as the happen. You can see them but they cannot see you.

    The mind is a very powerful tool, we do not fully understand how it works, but if the mind is “energy” then there is no reason to suppose that it cannot be sent elsewhere.

    REad this about RV and tell me what you think!!!!Got to go to school now….We're late.


  144. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Just been talking star signs in the car on the way to school with Benjamin…Ben is an Aquarius, as is my husband. The older one, Adam is a Virgo and I am a Taurus.

    I was trying to explain the characteristics behind each sign to Ben. Aquarians have a thirst for knowledge, Taurians are slow to temper (which he said was not true in my case – hummmm!) And Virgo's were perfectionists…That sums Adam up to a tee.

    Now, Ben said if MJ is a Virgo – which he is – then wouldn't he make sure – absolutely – that his “disappearance” would be planned and timed down to the last nano second.

    Virgo's make lists, then they make lists of those lists, and so on. They like order and they like to be in control of that order. MJ will have planned and devised his escape down to the last detail.

    I think – personal opinion oly folks – that he has said “Right, enoughs enough, I'm off” Despite having numerous people around him I do not think for one minute he trusted them completely and that they only kept quiet decause of water tight contracts that they had to sign. After all, he was their BOSS. He paid their wages, the piper calls the tune so to speak.

    Over the years the British Royals have had advisers, suggesting ideas to the reigning monarchs. Ideas for their own ends – I think so. MJ had “advixers” who suggested ideas to MJ. I think that he has said to them that he is going, they can do nothing about it because of the contracts. Were the contracts binding after death, unlikely, because I think MJ thought that he would go on forever, so he wouldn't need to add that into an agreement. Why hasn't someone from the entourage come forward – post death – and spilled the beans about all that they knew…The could make oodles of cash selling the story to the media. It's because he's not dead. They are still contractually bound.

    מזון מחשבה.

  145. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Sorry about the spelling. I am trying to wax lyrical by typing in a small space. It's like Shakespear trying to write a play while sitting in a match box LOL

  146. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    I have just been washing the breakfast dishes, and while I was doing so I had a profound thought…Not again I hear you cry! LOL

    Lets go deep and spiritual for one minute. MJ's very being, his songs and his credo were that people would learn to get along because they have a common bond. They're all human…
    I am typing away at my computer everyday, passing on ideas and snippets of information to all who subscribe to this site, I don't know you, you don't know me. That, to us, doesn't matter, we have our common bond – MJ. Whether we are black or white, abled or disabled…that hasn't entered into it, what has, is our regard for the welfare of a “fellow human” who has been through hell to bring us joy, and has had only brief glimspes himeself of that joy that he brought to others.

    Thank you MJ for introducing me to some of the nicest, kindest people on the planet.

    (Wipes a tear from her eye) I love you all.

  147. dikki Says:

    VERY TRUE Divine Mrs Jones .INDEED TRUE.

  148. dikki Says:

    now tmz is coming with another one. it says the two docs( murray and klein) arent coperating with the police deptt though earlier they were. the bodyguards and the driver of mj are saying that when mj used to come out of klein's clinic he used to be in sedated condition. he said he talked to mj about it and mj would deny about the drugged condition. i was reading another site which said that yesterday only a suicide note was found in mj's clothes after 25 days of his death.. i am really not getting whats going out there..

  149. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Now then….Another opinion of mine is about to be unveiled….I have just been talking to a lady whose daughter Mara went to junior school with my eldest son, Adam. Four years ago school had closed for the Easter break, and Mara happily played with her friends, right through to the Good Friday. On the Saturday morning her Mother went to wake her to go swimming and found that Mara had died in her sleep. As you can imagine the entire school, children, staff and parents were devastated that someone so young should have passed away. The point I am getting to is coming….The funeral took place about a week later and alot of us attended, it was heart breaking to see such a tiny coffin being attended by her Father and older Brother. I sobbed my heart out…..Mara's Mother told me today that she could not control her overwhelming feeling of inconsolable grief at the funeral and virtually had to be carried into the church. She went on to say that the empty feeling that you get when you lose a child is one that can never be filled. The void it creates is vast and bottomless.

    Michael Jacksons Mother must be made of steel…If I were her and one of my babies had died, I do not think that I could be that composed.

    When my Mother died I just about held it together, but the emptiness is still there, I do not think that I will ever truly get over her dying.

    Were the emotions displayed at the Memorial Service “controlled” or were they the true one's because they knew that MJ was still living….I think that it was the latter.

    Benjamin wanted to ask why the youngest boy “Blanket” was carrying a Michael Jackson doll? Odd, carrying an effigy of one's parent!!!!!

    He is quite right, I have watched the Memorial Service again, and there it is…white arm gauntlet, socks and all. He went on to add that he would not want a doll of me or his Dad, because – quote – “It would be toooooo creepy Mum”

  150. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    I have just finished listening to the speech that MJ made in Oxford University in 2001. I think that it's the longest I have ever heard him speak at one time, and because of the audience, he was allowed to speak without interuption – a rare thing I think.

    To hear him talk passionately about the plight of “The Child” “Lost Childhood” and his own up bringing was a pleasure.

    He came across as well read, intelligent and lucid…Not at all what we are supposed to believe in the 'media' He was absolutely sure about what he was saying and didn't stumble through the speech – a daunting thing for anyone – let alone him.

    Hat's off to MJ Well Done!!!!!

    Now, listening to him speak there and then going back to the O2 Arena press conference. Can this really be the same person???? Struggling to speak – I know that the crowd were noisy and he couldn't get a word in edgewise, but – and it's a BIG BUT – what happened to the lucidity, what happened to the speech maker. What happened to MJ??????

  151. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    I think you are right. I really hope that our sweet Michael is still alive. Infact I am praying to God every night, asking him to keep Michael safe. I just hope he is listening. And i will agree with you on the part, where you are talking about Michael`s mother. I wouldent be ablt to keep myself together if i just lost my baby. NOWAY in hell i could have done that, the way she did it. It seems weird. And i wanna know aswell why Blanket had a doll of his beloved father. Hmmm. Am i sounding nuts here?

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