Michael Jackson Mewt Hoax Evidenza f'muntaturi

1st July, 2009
by admin

Fl-aħħar jiem, bosta żviluppi ġodda waslu għal dawl favur ta 'l-teorija li Michael Jackson għandha fi stadji tiegħu stess mewt u ġbidt off-akbar Hoax tal-Century. Kif aħna diġà huma konxji, l-bosta inkonsistenzi madwarhom tiegħu "mewt" fetħu għajnejn tagħna għall-fatt li aħna mhux qed jiġu told-totalità istorja.

Nemmnu hu li jekk verament kienet mejta allura kieku kienu sempliċiment miftuħ u shut każ. Per eżempju: Michael Jackson ġiet skoperta li jkun għadda mit-bogħod mid-dar minn arrest kardijaku, 911 Emerġenza ġie mitlub, huwa kien nnutati mill paramediċi u mbagħad sadly, ppronunzjata mejta. Madankollu, kif nafu lkoll, ma kienx miftuħ u shut-każ u kien hemm wisq "stramba" happenings inspjegabbli u avvenimenti li seħħew fil-jum imut.

We gie avzat li kien mogħti siegħa erba mediku, li hu għadda, sabiex jimxi 'l quddiem ma' l-O2 Kunċerti f'Londra. Għamilna wkoll li jinstemgħu il-lejl qabel ma miet kien sħiħa ta 'l-enerġija, li titpoġġa fuq l-aqwa prestazzjoni rehearsal (li ftit jinzerta jkun video taped ... X'taħseb koinċidenza a) biss u mbagħad ġara li jmutu minn attakk tal-qalb l-għada.

Smajna l-stramba tales tiegħu dwar "tabib" li allegatament injettat l-kantanta ma Demerol nofs siegħa qabel ma waqa ', nzerta' jsibu fuq sodda tiegħu ", ma kinitx sejħa 911 sa nofs siegħa wara l-mewt tiegħu, irrifjuta li sinjal tiegħu ċertifikat tal-mewt u momenti li sparixxew wara l-ambulanza Jackson ħa l-isptar.

Rajna l-footage ta 'Michael Jackson seduta fil-helicopter ride lill-Morgue, l-ebda dubju remerciant kulħadd għat-tpoġġija fuq tali kbir "att" u mbagħad qal "I'll ikunu mitfija issa", kif kien bir-roti fil-Morgue , imbagħad moħbija innifsu u l-mixi lura bieb.

Issa jidher, anki aktar strambi affarijiet qed isiru, li jpoġġu tagħna Hoax teorija bħala ħafna possibbli. Let us sehem ftit punti:

Michael Jackson u Deborah Rowe matul iż-żwieġ tagħhom fl-1996.

Ġie imħabbar mill Deborah Rowe, l-Ex-Mart Michael Jackson, li l-star tard mhuwiex il-missier bijoloġiku tagħhom ta 'żewġt itfal. Deborah "Debbie" Rowe, l-omm ta 'Prince, 12, u ta' Pariġi, 11, jitkellem tagħha "sham żwieġ" biex Jackson tagħha fl-ewwel intervista ma 'pubbliku British tabloid newspaper News of the World.

Rowe, li Jackson miżżewġa fil-Sheraton Hotel Sydney fl-Novembru 1996, qalet li kien inseminati artifiċjalment mill anonimu donatur u inqabblu ruħha għal waħda mill-thoroughbred dbieb hi issa jżomm tagħha dwar California Ranch.

"I kien biss il-bastiment. Ma kienx Michael's isperma, "Rowe told News of the World. "Sirt mħallas għaliha, u stajt imxiet fuq. I know I se qatt ara tiegħi tfal mill-ġdid. "Rowe kixfet hi u l-kantanta Thriller qatt ma kellha s-sess u ma sehem sodda tagħhom matul tliet snin żwieġ, li jiddeskrivi l-unjoni biss bħala ħbiberija.

Rowe Allegatament imbagħad taw bogħod drittijiet tagħha ġenituri għat-tfal bi skambju għal US $ 8.4 Million-ħlas fuq disa 'snin. Rowe qal tagħhom kien a shotgun tieġ. "Hu ried nippretendu li konna familja." Kienet 37 tqal u kien 38.

Ma 'din l-ammissjoni mill Debbie Rowe, huwa jinvoka għall-mistrieħ kollha tal-Skeptics li huma jallegaw li Michael Jackson "qatt ma istadju tiegħu stess minħabba mewt kieku ma nirtira mill tiegħu tfal".

Għaliex ma huwa meta ma jkunux anki tiegħu?

Deuxièmement, nous avons l-imġieba bizzarra ta Michael Jackson missier, Joe Jackson. Ġie kkwotati fuq E! Online li, "Fuq dan il-punt, Joe Jackson jaf aktar dwar tiegħu stess rekord proġett minn ibnu funeral tal-pjanijiet". Inkwetanti ħafna.

Michael Jackson's Missier Joe Jackson u Al Sharpton f'konferenza reċenti Konferenza Stampa

Fl-BET Awards fl Los Angeles ftit iljieli ilu, CNN's Don Lemon ppruvaw intervista Joe Jackson madwar l-mewt ta 'ibnu. Jackson wieġeb għall-mistoqsijiet tal-lumi ma f'daqqa, detached tweġibiet, għadda l-mic tiegħu kelliem u avukat, u mbagħad promossi tiegħu rekord kumpanija.

Jackson's risposti kienu strambi dritt off BAT: Lemon jistaqsi lilu kif hu's doing, Jackson u twieġeb, "kbir, I'm pretty tagħmel tajjeb," li tidher qisha pekuljari ngħid ħaġa waħda wara vient mitlufa wieħed son's. Huwa mbagħad swiċċijiet gerijiet u jgħid, "Kien verament iebsa. Ftakar, aħna kemm tilfu l-akbar star fid-dinja. "Liema wkoll tidher stramba, hekk kif dehret qisha detached mod ġust ta 'frażijiet affarijiet.

Don Lemon mbagħad jitlob lill kif Janet Jackson u l-bqija tal-familja jlaħħqu ma 'l-aħbarijiet ta' Michael's Death u Joe Jackson-rispons tal hija din,

"Huma qed kollha multa, iżda Irrid nagħmel din l-istqarrija ... dan huwa veru tajba dikjarazzjoni hawn, u Marshall I stess a Record Company imsejħa Ranch Records", u turi kif entużjażmu kbir hu l-plugs Record Label.

Jew huwa biss money-ġuħ heartless Bastard jew li jkun hekk kompost carefree u minħabba li jaf li ibnu Michael huwa attwalment għadha Alive. Jew forsi huwa kemm!

Third, Rapporti li saru f'April ta 'din is-sena ddikjarat li subbasta kienet ippjanata biex ibiegħu diversi possesions jappartjenu għall Michael Jackson li kienu barra tal-Neverland Ranch Estate.

Oġġetti bħal pjaċiri, a custom magħmula horse-drawn ġarr, antikità automobile repliki, rinomati internazzjonali premjijiet, arcade games, kunċert kostumi, Disneyana, ġnien statwi, għamara, l-attwali (u pjuttost) grandiose dħul u x-xtiebi li Neverland Jackson's emblematika abjad - jeweled ingwanta.

Porzjon tal-qligħ ta 'din Irkant ntqal li kienu sejrin lejn MusiCares, ta' karità ta 'L-Akkademja Reġistrazzjoni, madankollu l-kbira tal-fondi kien jingħad li jmorru dritt ġol-but ta' r-Re tal-Konkors ta 'Mużika Pop innifsu. Irkant Dan imbagħad ġie kkanċellat mill Jackson wara l-O2 Kunċerti f'Londra mibjugħa out. Apparentement Michael Jackson kienet sabet mod ieħor biex tiġġenera xi flus addizzjonali għall-tranżizzjoni tiegħu f'kuntratt ġdid Media Free Life.

Bil-ħajja li qalu Dipressjoni, użu estensiv ta 'uġigħ, Debts stmat li hu fl-arena ta' US $ 400 miljun, jiġu kostantement hounded permezz ta 'fannijiet u l-media, u l-pressjoni li jagħti fuq 50 spettakolari kunċerti fl-età ta' 50, għaliex mhux se tikkunsidra l-possibbiltà ta 'faking tiegħek mewt jgawdu paċifika ħajja fuq gżira x'imkien ma joqogħdu jinkwetaw dwar li xejn?

Imxejna hawn innutat li dawk tal inti li mhumiex dawk li għandhom twemmin, huma jsostnu li Michael Jackson kieku qatt ma tkun tista 'pull off dan, peress li hu wisq rikonoxxibbli, jew li kieku qatt ma nagħmilha tiegħu fannijiet, iżda rridu ngħidu Wake UP nies.

Jekk qatt kien hemm xi ħadd fuq il-wiċċ tal-pjaneta li jkollhom il-mezzi biex pull off a Mewt Hoax b'aċċess għal ħafna flus moħbija bogħod offshore, trasportazzjoni kulmeta u kulfejn huwa riedu li jmorru, il-persunal li kien se jagħmel xi ħaġa għalih, u l-motive biex nirtira mill tiegħu ċirku ta 'ħajja ... huwa definittivament Michael Jackson.

Huwa issa jistgħu jiġu "mejjet" lkoll, iżda hu assolutament fiżikament ħajjin .... x'imkien.

Tags: konspirazzjoni teoriji, Mewt Hoax, iffalsifikata Mewt, Media, News, xnihat
Posted fil konspirazzjoni teoriji, Hoax Mewt, News, xnihat | Kummenti (106)

106 Responses to "Michael Jackson Mewt Hoax Evidenza f'muntaturi"

  1. MJ4ever jgħid:

    Kemm nixtieq jemmnu ikun għadu ħaj, hemm waħda ħaġa thats jolqot lili .. Għaliex kieku jiddaħħlu l-familja tiegħu korp pubbliku fuq ħsieb li kieku kien għadu ħaj. die hard fannijiet kieku forsi ikunu jistgħu jaraw jekk huwa ma kienx verament lilu, iżda a lookalike. kieku huma ma?

  2. Hatenessx jgħid:

    Qal ukoll.
    Personali tiegħi teorija hija li Michael Jackson huwa ħaj u kicking, iżda mhux ma 'ħabi out "Tupac u Elvis".
    Michael Jackson ma dan it-tip ta 'shit, xnihat bidu tal-irqad fil iperbarika chamber xiri u l-fdalijiet ta' l-iljunfanti bniedem. It's a faċċata kollha.

    NaH. I think xi monument kunċert fil-O2 ser jitfaċċaw u Michael se jiżvelaw innifsu, mur fuq il-turi, u tippreżenta lilha stess bħala l-akbar Genius minnhom kollha.

    Min jista 'taħbit tal-prospett ta' meta huwa fix'd ikunu ġejjin lura mill-"mejjet"?
    No one. N-nies ikunu pissed, inevitabbilment, iżda jkun l-akbar.

    Bħala biljett detentur myself, madankollu, I jista 'jkun biss qed jittama.

    Min jaf ...
    Żomm l-post tajjeb.

  3. MJ4ever jgħid:

    Il-familja Jackson għadha kemm ħabbret li se jkun hemm ebda wiri pubbliku fl Neverland Ranch kif irrappurtati preċedenti, sabiex ikun hemm ftit tama hemm, forsi se jkun hemm pubblika monument fil LA probabbilment u jien ma pjuttost ċert liema mezzi. Se jkun hemm udjenza jew le ..? jekk ma jkunx hemm xi ħaġa stramb dwar dan kollu?!

  4. MJ4ever jgħid:

    Michael's brother Jermaine qal li rat Michael tal-ġisem fl-isptar, u li hu miżmum innifsu togehter minħabba Michael kien għadu ħaj, li tiegħu ispirtu kien għadu hawn tiegħu korp u kienet biss qoxra .. hija tajba ftit stramb lili .. forsi dan jinsab biss me .. : S

  5. Ali jgħid:

    i verament belieive huwa ħaj ... come fuq resurrection tour? huwa ħaj!

  6. momsword jgħid:

    fil-fatt li Debbie Rowe intervista kien ippruvat li jkun falz. Tkellmet dwar dak li Radaronline kien il-verità, hija qalet ukoll ftit snin ilu li dawk ARE Michael Jackson bijoloġiċi tal-gidien.


    I do think hu ħaj? Hemm ċans. U jekk hu fi stadji mewtu u reġgħet lura għall-kunċert, ikun tal-biża '... imma ma naħsibx li hu. sadly u I effettivament sodisfatti lilu personalment quddiemu. RIP MJ. Nixtieq u hope I am wrong.

  7. edenmalfoy jgħid:

    Ich würde imħabba xejn aktar minn biex dan jiġi fatt. J'ai imħabba Michael Jackson għall sakemm nista tiftakar u jkollhom Ħassejtni qisni I mitlufa importanti ħafna membru tal-familja tiegħi qatt peress Smajt l-aħbarijiet.

    I bookmarked sit tiegħek hawnhekk għaliex jien verament anzjużi biex isegwu ħsibijiet tiegħek dwar dan fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin, inti tagħmel tajjeb punti hawn.

    Just ried iżid tiegħi żewġ ċenteżmi;

    I smajt fuq ir-radju dalgħodu li l-membri tal-familja jkunu offruti sabiex imur Londra u tkopri tiegħu kunċert id-dati għall-fannijiet. Mhux se jkun inkredibbli jekk fl-ewwel kunċert wieħed minnhom marru lil nijet Billie Jean bħala tribut ta 'l Michael u kant lilhom matul il-kanzunetta Michael moonwalking ġejja fuq l-istadju, ħajjin u ukoll.

    Inkun kuntent hekk.

    Nittama u jixtiequ għal dan sabiex ikun veru; li hu iffalsifikata tal-mewt tiegħu u toħroġ jaħbu fi ftit xhur iżda I biss ma jafux jekk naħseb li l-veru jew le ....

  8. Cassandra jgħid:

    Huwa ser jiġu lura meta mużika uffiċjalment jmut, li m'għandux ikun twil wisq issa ....

  9. odettebennet jgħid:

    ukoll me n tiegħi SIS hd pondered a lott matul il-thot MJ ta 'l-hekk imsejħa mewt, sakemm we sab dan is-sit .... guys anke i jemmnu dat huwa għadu ħaj u il-persuna li hi mejta hija ħarsa tiegħu simili ... anki da 1 in chopper ... big din hija skema li we cant anki jimmaġina ... u l-perfettament loġiku ...

  10. wishful09 jgħid:

    Ewwel nett, li Debbie Rowe istorja hija falza. Allura, tikri leave li waħdu. Iżda li fil-fatt huwa anke aħjar aħbarijiet. Dan ifisser li l-midja għandha gotten hekk maqbuda fil dan huma stess jemmnu xejn sakemm ippruvat mod ieħor. Huma jemmnu anki mill-falz awtopsja istorja. Hekk, huwa possibbli għall Michael għal pull off a foloz mewt minħabba li l-media lukketti fuq kollox. Fil-qalb tiegħi, inħoss xi ħaġa simili va wiċċ fit-monument. Naf li jista 'jkun biss xewqat fiergħa iżda l-mod kif in-nies jinvolvu frażi affarijiet huma stramb pour le moins. Huma jżommu diciendo tagħha kollha dwar il-fannijiet. Ukoll, a monument m'għandhomx ikunu kollha dwar il-fannijiet. Hija għandha tkun madwar Michael, right? Jermaine hija wisq kkritikat dwar persistenti li Michaels korp midfun fi Neverland. Jgħid tagħha dak Michael kienet xtaqet. Jgħid tikri wieħed iħares lejn dak Michael trid. Well, didn't say Michael kieku qatt ritorn lejn Neverland, hekk kif huwa kważi jekk Michael nbidlu-memorja tiegħu u huwa kiri know-familja tiegħu. Ara, iħoss simili li jkunu qed jippruvaw jibdlu l-pubbliku tal-reputazzjoni negattiva tal Neverland. Jekk ikollok wathced Larry King Live, mela probabbilment sabu tiegħek awto loving dak il-post. I know I have. Just jisimgħu Jermaine meta hu taħdidiet. Naf ngħid nies dejjem inħoss lilhom fl-ispirtu, meta xi ħadd imut, imma l-mod Jermaine jgħid huwa interessanti. Anke Miko-mara qalet li huwa simili tal hasn't xellug. U I għad iridu jaraw tiċrita roll stabbiliti Jermaine's eyes. Huwa kellu ilma għajnejn, imma l-ebda tiċrit. Xorta waħda Nittama li ma joffendu lil xi ħadd billi toffri ħsibijiet tiegħi, imma jekk int fuq dan is-sit, imbagħad inti stess hija xi ħaġa jemmnu għaddejjin ukoll. Skużana, jekk ħsibijieti ħoss jumbled. I x'imkien għandhom ikunu fil-ftit, u jien verament riedu jitilqu ħsibijiet tiegħi dwar dan. Have a happy btala nies. Remmeber, ma nemminx kollox fil-midja. Il-midja bilkemm jaf fuq xiex hija vera jew falza infushom.

  11. Happytomato jgħid:

    Li ma nifhimx, matul l-2005 prova Lawyer ħasbu Jackson "se joqtol lilu nnifsu" matul prova

    F'dan ir-rapport (dwar tv) nitgħallmu li MJ kien qed jieħu 7 painkillers kuljum.
    (I ma jafux il-konsegwenzi ma 'dawk id-drogi fuq il-ġisem), huwa jista performe simili nistgħu naraw fuq din l-aħħar Final Rehearsal Video Meħlus?

    Għaliex hemm intervista ma 'Dr Conrad Robert Murray?

  12. ladylee1979 jgħid:

    im afriad i dont jaqblu ma 'l-aħħar michaels aħħar footage ta' prestazzjoni jew il-rutina hija identika għall-istorja dinja tour li rat l-istorja tour 12yrs ilu hekk kif i raw dan ġdid rilaxxati footage i kellhom tħossok id titqies qabel ma hekk i xi jqabblu u meqjusa kemm bits footage ta 'l-aħħar wieħed u huma dont care about us istorja tat-turs u l-dancing sorpriża u l-kanzunetta sett huma l-istess huwa sings dawn dont care about us u mbagħad tisma' l-american tema mill-istorja u mbagħad tisma 'karozza ħorn mill hi drives me selvaġġi flimkien mar-marching suldati hekk għaliex iżżomm il-rutina identika wara 12yr vojt bl-ebda tibdil?

  13. bexuk jgħid:

    I really hope din hija Hoax, Im nofs attendions lilu biex tiżdied l-għada u jidħol do thriller jew xi ħaġa.

    Hija biss doesn't żid up. Jekk ikun iffalsifikata tiegħu stess mewt allura huwa kompletament Genius, u totalment tirnexxielha mocking fil-midja li huma tant malajr lukkett fuq senstaional istorja. Huwa jfakkar me tal-heydey ta ' "Wacko Jacko" meta ċirkolati rapporti fl-istampa li Michael kien xtara l-iljunfant mans għadam, jew li ried look like Liz Taylor, jew li hu slept in iperbarika chamber. Uħud mill-stories dehru fl-istampa huma tant dritt konfliġġenti issa tagħha iebes ikun jaf x'għandu jemmnu, l-aħħar wieħed, li llum qed Michael va jindifnu mingħajr tiegħu moħħ!

    I għandha tfisser xi ħadd attwalment tidher ċertifikat tal-mewt? Forsi l-Memorjal servizz se jorganizzaw l-tweġibiet

  14. melia8383 jgħid:

    I ma smajt xi ħaġa dwar a Death Certificate. Ma nemminx li l-mejtin. Naf nies jista 'jgħid li hija turi diżrispett fir-rigward, iżda I ikollu biss ħassejt li ma tiegħu. Hemm mod wisq stejjer out hemm aħbarijiet fuq stazzjonijiet differenti, inklużi l-internet. Huma qed jgħidu Michal Jackson kien dipendenti fuq l-painkillers peress 1984. I tip tal isibu diffiċli biex wieħed jemmen li, minħabba li, kieku xi ħadd mill-inqas ħareġ mill snin ilu u qal li huwa dipendenti fuq l-'s Pain Meds.
    Il-familja ma jidhrux fuq kull diqa?
    Speċjalment Joe Jackson, Ara naqra!!!!

  15. melia8383 jgħid:

    Ommu Katherine deher shopping bażikament kuljum aktar tard? I don't recall-midja qatt juru katavri li tkun qiegħda tittajjar fl-arja jiġux nnutati mill-Coroners? Jekk kien dipendenti fuq id-drogi ta 'l-awtopsja tkun murija jew jekk imut ta' arrest kardijaku kien ta ġiet miftuħa u shut każ. Huma Janet let fil-house biex jiksbu proprjetà Michael madwar siegħa wara? Jiċċaqilqu u trakkijiet kien hemm pretty malajr !!!!!
    O2 u fuq il-konferenza stampa, li kien definittivament ma Michael Jackson, inkluż meta kellu l-wathcing żeffiena għall-audition ta "Dan IS IT" tour li ma kienx minnu, għaliex qatt ma Michael mimgħuda tiegħu gum Guy bħal din kienet tagħmel it! He kien blowing bżieżaq? Miġnun! L-hekk imsejħa ġodda footage li tiġi imxandra. I think I attwalment jidher li, bħall lura fl-1996! Istess żfin / mużika stil! Michael anke jistenna l-istess flimkien mar-hair.They "jissoponi li" jkollha privati ċerimonja għada filgħodu (tli.) fi 8. Allura, Michael mhix ser tkun fil-Public monument! I onestament nemmen hu biss riedu jagħtu up karriera mużikali tiegħu, għaliex huwa jkun sar mentalment instabbli minħabba l-mod kif il-pubbliku u l-ebda trattat lilu tfulija, li jista 'jaffettwa xi ħadd. Il-911 sejħa, just jidher "UNREAL" lili! U issa kollha f'daqqa ġejjin kulħadd huwa l-"dlam" qal yeah, Michael kien dipendenti fuq id-drogi, I ippruvati, biex tikseb l-għajnuna iżda ebda wieħed se jisimgħu? That's ħażin! Jien ċert li dan ta ' "nixxew" out snin ilu dwar l-abbuż tad-droga. AEG (il-kumpannija ta 'assigurazzjoni) ħa ta' politika li koperti Jackson's aċċidentali "mewt", inkluż minn "overdose tad-droga", iżda mhux jekk imut ta 'kawżi naturali. Hekk apparentement huwa "miet" ta 'overdose ta demeoral jew preskritt medikazzjoni? Hemm tant toqob fl-istorja. Imma ebda wieħed huwa li tingħata attenzjoni, li qed tisma buzy / wieħed jemmen li l-media (li huwa bullshit )!!!!

  16. melia8383 jgħid:

    Just fehma tiegħi!! Naf huwa hemmhekk x'imkien, imma mhux fl-Amerika!!!! Nagħmel hime għal tort ma tagħmel xi parti minn dan, jekk I'm dritt. Huwa kien ittrattat ħażin tant ħażin għal tant snin. Il-iperbarika chamber storja, Michael innifsu attwalment "nixxew" li wieħed.
    I do not know, xi ħaġa tal biss stramb!!!!

  17. SkylinexBleedsxRed jgħid:

    Michael beda tiegħu stess dwar il-Rumor iperbarika kamra??

  18. bexuk jgħid:

    Għaliex huwa li nistgħu naraw Michael's se, u ċertifikati tat-twelid tat-tfal tiegħu iżda l-ebda waħda għandha bothered li wieħed iħares lejn l-ċertifikat tal-mewt? Aħna biss taċċetta dak il-media tgħidilna.

    I sincerely hope li jiġri xi ħaġa fil-Memorjal llum, jekk ma jkunux imbagħad I jkollhom biss taċċetta li Michael Jackson ma jkunx iżjed. What aħjar mod sabiex jagħti bidu għal dinja tour minn mill ġejjin lura mill-mejjet u jwettqu fil-monument tiegħek kollha meta d-dinja hija jaraw!

  19. wishful09 jgħid:

    Jekk xejn ma jiġri fil-monument tal-lum, I taċċetta tiegħu jgħaddi ukoll. I cannot go insane ma 'dan. Madankollu, anke jekk xejn jiġri llum, I know fil-qalb tiegħi hija xi ħaġa għaddejjin. Kollox huwa biss żieda ma up. Irrid xejn aktar iżda li jerġa 'lura għal dan is-sit u tiddiskuti mal kollha ta' kif inti kollha kienu jafu li aħna dak li kien għaddej. Se break qalbi jekk ma nistax nikseb xi tweġibiet dwar dan. I biss ma nemminx huwa mejjet. Mhuwiex ċaħda minħabba I tilfu membri tal-familja qabel. Naf li l-proċess grieving. I biss jafu xi ħaġa mhix żżid up. My goodness ....

  20. wishful09 jgħid:

    You are right. Għaliex hasn't ħadd staqsa l-ċertifikat tal-mewt? Isn't it fard li la tal-tobba se jiffirmaw it?

  21. MyBelovedMJ jgħid:

    Xejn happent llum fil-memoriel. In-nies kienu triste. Exept ħaġa waħda, Paris, kien l-uniku wieħed li shoed emozzjonijiet għall missierha. La prezz jew kutra għamlet. Jidher daqsxejn stramb. Imma i think li huwa marret. Meta raw i Paris kellem lilu, u jkun hekk devasted afterwords, i biss kienu jafu li, id-dritt jeżisti. Huwa verament marret. MY GOD. I ma setgħux jemmnu li, qalbi biss titwaqqaf, u rigth wara ġie miksur. I felt enormi fit-totalità tiegħu stomack tiegħi, u i ġew biki nonstop qatt peress. Għaliex Michael, għaliex ma Joe Jackson? Ddejjaqni Man li, għal dak li kien sa Michael

  22. MyBelovedMJ jgħid:

    Iżda, i tixtieq issir taf dwar l-Mewt ċertifikat wkoll, għaliex jekk xi ħadd dosen "t jiffirmah, inti mhux mejta, fuq il-karta. J'ai ttamat li sirna biex tara Michael "Korp i, men vi didn` t .

  23. MJ jgħid:

    Xi ħaġa tkun definittivament għaddejjin u xi ħadd li jaf xi ħaġa. I biss ittajpjajt http://www.mjhoax.com u din tmur għall-Dinja Internet Authority website. Maybe MJ mfittxija biex tara jekk faking mill-mewt tiegħu kif kien popolari mal tiegħu fannijiet. Meta fl-istorja ikollhom aħna qatt kellhom xi għodda bħall-Internet biex gauge kif suċċess huwa xi ħadd? And I bet huwa sigrieti f'xi post fil-ħars Awe ċirku kif dan isir dejjem aktar u aktar ludicrous u mingħajr kontroll. All I know huwa li nkun "aċċessata-oqsma kollha"

  24. melia8383 jgħid:

    Nemmen li l-"Mémorial" just deher "differenti", jekk hu verament kien "dead" għaliex ma kienx ikollhom l-casket miftuħ? Il-familja ma kienx verament tiċċarrat up. Speċjalment it-tfal tiegħu, hekk li kien stramb. Nru fuq huwa interrogazzjoni kif hu "miet"?
    Huma biss jieħu madwar "drogi" u "X'se jiġri mal-tfal"? Wara l-staples Center, il-waqaf fl-Hotel, filwaqt li l-mejtin marru imkien ieħor? Li b'mod serju ma jagħmilx sens. Huwa ġie supposely "mejjet" għal kważi 2 ġimgħat, kif tista 'inti ma jafu fejn midfuna membru tal-familja tiegħek. Fil plus, ħadd ma jaf fejn tiegħu huwa korp fi .... Il-ċertifikat tal-mewt, nemmen huwa falz, kulħadd jista 'jagħmel dawk. Huwa lanqas iffirmat minn kwalunkwe tobba .. Ma jimpurtax jekk huwa differit, tabib xorta jiffirmaw il-certificxate.
    Affarijiet mhumiex żżid up, Usher, kien aktar emozzjonali imbagħad tiegħu "PWN" familja. Yeah Pariġi ltqajna emozzjonali wara hi lagħbu tagħha purse ċineg għal madwar 5 minuti. Imbagħad dehret a 180, malli hi żiedet mal-mikrofonu. L-anzjan kien iben chewing gum simili crazy, huwa lanqas ma jidhirx triste. U l-iżgħar kienet tagħmel xejn, iżda tluq .... Niddubita jekk kien hemm fil-korp jidħol. I still think hu's a ħajjin.
    Għaliex għandhom "Privat" funeral ewwel, imbagħad it-trasferiment tiegħu lill-korp staples Center, jista 'jkun ta' madwar il-mod ieħor.
    Fl-aħħar tal-monument, wera "I'm għadhom Alive" Huh? Ħadd ma saqsitx xejn, li qed wieħed jemmen li l-media!!!!

  25. bexuk jgħid:

    Irrid ngħid wara jaraw li Memorial bieraħ I know jemmnu MJ hija uffiċjalment mejta.

    Kawża tal-mewt tiegħu fuq l-ċertifikat tal-mewt ġiet "diferiti" sakemm ir-riżultati mill-tossikoloġija testijiet jiġu lura.

    Hemm xi mistoqsijiet serji li ikollok issaqsi lilek innifsek -
    1. Jekk MJ iffalsifikata mewt tiegħu stess u l-familja tiegħu mbagħad jafu kif jistgħu jiġu display tali emozzjonati kif għamlu aħħar bil-lejl?
    2. Ma hemmx mod kif Michael Jackson qatt setgħu jiġu bogħod mill tiegħu gidjien, sabiex jekk huwa faking imbagħad hu ser jibgħat għalihom huwa jew se jerġgħu lura lejn LA. Nru missier ipoġġiha uliedhom permezz ta 'l-ordeal monument ta' servizz u funeral huwa kien kollu falz.
    3. I agree hemm xi affarijiet suspettużi dwar dan li dont żid up, iżda inħoss kollu ħaġa issa jesaġeraw għalih li qatt jiġu lura.
    4. Talk tal imposters jew decoys qed jintużaw, u t-twemmin li hija wasn't MJ fil-ambulanza photo-how li ħafna minna nafu x'inhuma attwalment MJ tassew tidher qiesha, I tfisser mingħajr wassal, qrib up?

  26. wndrwmn67 jgħid:

    Ma nemminx li Michael Jackson hija mejta jew. Hemm wisq inkonsistenzi fl kollha tagħha biex din tkun vera. Ewwel nett l-911 ... sejjieħ huwa ħafna kalm u jekk min iħaddem tiegħi kienu Michael Jackson u ma kienx nifs, Inkun hysterical fuq tat-telefon jew inti anqas ikunu kapaċi jisma sens ta 'urġenza fil leħni. Hu qatt ma jsemmi li huwa Michael Jackson, lanqas. Ich würde. Issa, que vous voulez tell me li tabib ma 'snin ta' esperjenza ikun jippruvaw iwettqu CPR fuq wiċċ bħal soft sodda? C'mon! Stajt jittieħdu ħafna CPR klassijiet ħafna u l-ewwel ħaġa li jgħallmu inti huwa li jippruvaw li jkollhom il-korp fuq wiċċ iebes ... il-dr. kellhom jiġu told dan mill-operatur 911? Ludicrous! U ma kienx daqs li kieku kienet ġiet f'inċident u setgħu kellhom għadam miksur u li għalhekk ma kienx mċaqalqa sabiex l-art! Wkoll ... ħadd tal-familja tiegħu huwa li juru kull tip ta 'emozzjonati jikkonċernaw mewtu. Ma nistax nemmen meta nara l-videos minnhom. Ħadd ma huwa biki jew xejn. Meta Matt Laurer intervistati Jermaine fi Neverland, hu seta 'kien wieħed tiċrita stream tiegħu minn għajn, iżda jidher kważi daqs li kieku kellhom li seħħ. U, huwa qal li kien ra Michael's Michael tal-ġisem minħabba li huwa meħtieġ għall-aħħar dikjarazzjoni tiegħu u kien, "he's ħafna ħaj." (Huwa fisser fil-qlub tan-nies kollha jew kien qal li fil-manjiera hekk aħna nagħtuk jifhimha mod li .

    Jien personalment ma nemminx li l-bniedem li jagħti l-konferenza stampa ta 'Londra kien Michael Jackson. Kien biss so wrong b'kull mod ... d-dehra, il-ħoss, mannerisms tiegħu, anke il-mod li bih mixi. You cannnot tikkonvinċi me li kien lilu. I am not sure ta 'dak is-sinifikat ta' dan u kif din tirrelata għall-mewt tiegħu, imma għadu ħafna fard.

    Hemm aktar inkonsistenzi ... hemm inizjalment kien se jkun a wiri pubbliku u li ma seħħx. Ebda waħda ma raw l-korp. Anke meta miet Elvis, kien hemm ritratt tal lilu fl-jidħol. Kif aħna li tkun taf li Michael's korp kien anki f'dan jidħol wara kollox? Hija tista 'ukoll ġew vojta għal kollha nafu. U, naqbel mal-persuna hawn fuq li qal li huwa stramb li l-familja jkollha privati monument servizz fil-ċimiterju quddiem il-monument tas-servizz pubbliku. Now we tisma Michael li mhuwiex ser ikun saħansitra buriend f'dak ċimiterju għal kollox.

    Jiena nemmen jekk xi ħadd kellu jidher tiegħu korp, I iżda ma tistax issib xi ħaġa fuq din kullimkien fuq l-internet.

    I know I'm tixxeblek, so I'll sign off għal issa u ara dak li tiżviluppa.

  27. Il-divina Sinjura Jones jgħid:

    I am kurjużi dwar fejn tkun marret il-bosy!!! I ħasbu li hija kienet se temporanja gravi fil Forest lawns, iżda skond il-media ebda waħda marru lura hemm wara l-monument servizz .... Tidher ftit fard għalihom li jagħmlu li jekk ma kienx hemm raġuni tajba!!!! Il-LA-pulizija qal li kien qed jiġi midfun f'xi ċimiterju jew oħra, iżda ma setgħux ikunu speċifiċi. Il-ħaġa kollu jidher li jkun embroiled fl ambigwità, segretezza u anomaliji li ma jkattrux up.

  28. Sosh jgħid:

    Jiena naqbel ħafna tagħha stramba xorta għad m'hemmx ritratti tal-mejjet Michael Jackson. Ma jidħol fil-kwalità tiegħu, l-ebda stampi tal-familja fil-Foresti lawns. Sirt wonder ... bħala l-paparazi huma dawn li ġejjin nies bħal avultuni, kellu jkun hemm xi ritratti.

    Din tagħmilha l-istampa ta 'Michael jiġu mgħaġġla fis-isptar aktar suspettużi. F'dak il-mument kważi ħadd ma jaf dwar is-sitwazzjoni tiegħu, kif huwa possibbli biss li f'dak il-mument l-unika photo tittieħed f'dak il-post preċiż? Huwa kien imissu kien magħruf li kien Michael Jackson kif il-911 sejħa ma jurix xi isem ta 'l-gentleman.

    Hemm ħafna media coverage tiegħu jassumi mewt, u din l-istampa hija kollha We've ltqajna. Il-paparazi għandhom ikunu ġlied tagħhom ass off għall esklussiva ritratti!

  29. Tiffany jgħid:

    I am ferħan li hemm nies oħra li jemmnu li dan kien imposter fil-02 Arena. I jaraw li video on YouTube I u kien immedjatament konvint-mument I rat l-imposter walk, allura naturalment meta tkellem. Imma ninsab jippruvaw figura out "GħALIEX" Michael meħtieġa ta 'impersonator. I ġew jagħmlu ħafna riċerka, et j'ai wkoll innotat li jidher simili mill-2005 ma kien hemm l-oħra imposters ħidma għall Michael .. Do tiegħek riċerka u jqabbel ir-ritratti u videos. Jekk taf MJ tal-wiċċ, imbagħad tara d-differenza. I wkoll li taħseb li kien am imposter intervisti mal Geraldo, fuq il-palk u rehearsing għall-kunċert. Nemmen Michael ġie ippjanar dan Hoax pjuttost għal xi żmien issa, huwa ħafna għaqlija u kellha l-flus li tikri l-aħjar ta 'l-aħjar imposters fid-dinja - u probabbilment-ħlas għall-kirurġija plastika. Jew MJ għandha tagħmel dawn imposters apparenzi tiegħu waqt li jkun plotting tiegħu nikseb-away,,, jew kien mod maqtula qabel din u dawn kienu qegħdin jippruvaw imposters qoxra up dan ħin kollu ... I verament ma nafx dak li jemmnu. . kull min għandek xi kumment dwar dan?

  30. Sosh jgħid:

    Biex Tiffany:

    Huwa possibli li Michael miet ftit xhur ilu u imposters ħa postu. Forsi kien maqtula għall-dejn tiegħu lill-Bahrein Prinċpijiet. Kollha possibbli ..

    Imma minn dak il-punt AEG kellhom problema, bħala l-"dan huwa" (doubtfull isem) tour kien diġà ppjanati u ħafna monney kienet involuta. So they imposter iġibu fis-seħħ u l-pjan lill crafted let lilu "die" ftit ġranet / ġimgħat qabel l-ewwel kunċert bħala l-imposter ma kinitx f'pożizzjoni li tagħmel l-turi mingħajr ma jkunu innotati bħala differenti. Li jistgħu wkoll ikunu r-raġuni għad-dewmien ta 'l-ewwel kunċerti.

    Wara l-mewt fi stadji, huma jafu bejgħ ta 'CD's, DVD's u oħra merchandising se jkun sema għoli, jippruvaw jimminimizzaw it-telf jew, kif tħares lejn il-mument, jagħmel, jew se jagħmlu lottijiet ta' flus mill-"Last rehearsal DVD" , il-"Memorial DVD" u tribut kunċerti.

    Dan iħalli me b'wieħed kwistjoni: Kif tista 'l-imposter iqarqu Michaels tfal u familja jew qraba oħra. Huma jkunu faċilment know-differenzi. Huwa jista 'jara l-istess, imma hu mhux ser ikollhom l-istess memorja kif Michael.

    (Madankollu xnihat / aħbarijiet fl-Olanda huwa issa li l-coronor għadu Michaels moħħ għal aktar investigazzjoni)

  31. SkylinexBleedsxRed jgħid:

    Wara li osserva l-Paris ħaġa over again, Jagħmel sens li jagħmlu ħsejjes bħalma huwa ta 'quddiem. Ħsibt li l-istess ħaġa bħat jara jitbissem tagħha madwar il-monument u mbagħad fl-aħħar, Hi biss ups u voluntiera għall tagħha diskors pubbliku? I think not. Michael kien 5'10Ft, U l-ewwel ħasbu li daħlet f'moħħi I meta dehru l-ewwel jidħol rolled out kienet li kien żgħir wisq! Qatt fl-istorja ta 'l-imwiet għalkemm għandhom jinstemgħu I ta' korp li ma jkunx midfun fil-ġimgħatejn. Das ist nur normalment qatt ma seta 'jimmaġinahom. Hija xi ħaġa up, Dak li naf. Naħseb li l-monument kien fi stadji. Forsi kulħadd huwa off mħallsa f'dan il-każ. IF, Michael qatt ma rnexxilhomx wiċċ darb'oħra, il-pulizija mhux se arrest lilu minħabba xi flus ftehim. Xejn huwa possibbli. Wara kollox, Michael waqfien Jekk kollox huwa possibbli, Alt huwa possibbli. I iħossuhom aktar rassurer taf huwa għadu ħaj. A piż ilu bit titneħħa minn tiegħi ispallejn. I ma tistax timmaġina dinja mingħajru fiha.

  32. Il-divina Sinjura Jones jgħid:

    Jekk mniġġsa play kienu suspettati, allura għaliex ma kinitx l-suthorities jżomm il-korp?? Jekk dan kien Joe pubbliku, imbagħad dawn sakemm kull triq kienu ġew esplorati u allura l-korp ikun rilaxxat għall-dfin. Nru kremazzjoni jkunu sanzjonati minħabba li dawn jistgħu jeħtieġu li l-korp exume għal aktar tesing. Naf li dan bħala fatt minħabba li nzerta ħbieb tiegħi Omm li miet fil-bidu 90's taħt ċirkostanzi suspettużi u dawn ma jippermettu kremazzjoni. Her korp kien dug up xi xhur wara l-mewt tagħha għat-tieni PM.
    I agora tiddiskuti dan mat xi ħabib li huwa pulizija mara u hija taqbel miegħi li hija kunfidenti li huwa għadu ħaj u maħruba il-"dinja" li tipprova u tikseb xi semblamce tal normalità fil-aktar tard sena ta 'ħajtu . Kompliet tgħid għaliex hi ħasbu ma kellhomx miftuħ jidħol bħal James Brown kellu jew Princess Grace ta 'Monako. Għaliex ma setgħux nies fajl passat u clairière jħallsu l-aħħar repects?? Jekk kien "sempliċement attakk tal-qalb, allura l-ras tkun intatta għal wiri, anke jekk biss kellhom voile drapp fuqu, ikun b'xi mod jagħti konferma ta 'mewtu.
    Finalment jiena naqbel ma 'kummenti oħra dwar il-bejgħ ta' albums tiegħu u assoċjati merchandising, l-estate ikunu għal darba oħra li jiswew miljuni minn dik waħdu.

    Għadu mhux konvint li l-mejjet!!!!

  33. Sosh jgħid:

    Ċertament hemm lott ħażina f'dan il-każ. Dwar id-daqs tal-jidħol: Mill stampi stajt tidher, korp ma jkunx straight tinsab fil-kaxxa, iżda hemm xi tip ta 'siġġu "jibni b'mod li jbaxxi l-tul użati għal full korp. Maybe thats-raġuni għall-jidħol tfittex qasir wisq

  34. MyBelovedMJ jgħid:

    Hija ĠIE Michael fil-rehearsels video "s danceing u sining. ! st kollox, imur mill-qrib mal-camera, i waqfa qasira l-video, u ħares lejn tiegħu għajnejn, NO ONE, irrispettivament minn kemm surgury jistax ikollhom dan beautiful għajnejn. Jekk ikunu qed jaraw it-qrib, tista 'tisma Michael tkellem ħafna darbiet, filwaqt li huwa sining, li huwa TIEGĦU vuċi. U l-damce, inti tista prectice dejjem jekk trid, imma ħadd ma jiċċaqlaq simili Michael. I am pretty żgur, li dan kien lilu fil-rehearsels. I iridu jaqblu mal-coment, fejn hemm miktub, li l-pulizija mhux se arrest Michael jekk dan għandux qatt jidhru darb'oħra, mhux dawn wont. He can solvuti li bil-flus. Imma jekk huwa ħaj, hu se terga 'lura. Probely għal waħda mill-kunċert dati. Jiena ċert li l-tfal jaf illi huwa ħaj. Kont naħseb li huwa verament kien mejjet, jekk i `haden t raw l-sentenza: Im ħaj, am im hawn għal dejjem" I se tagħmel bet fuq dak li kien sinjal. Imma ebda wieħed mħallsa attenzjoni għal dan, xi ftit nies jemmnu dak li l-midja hija tgħidilna. I don "t. I think Michael huwa ħaj, u d-dinja se nsib hekk biżżejjed.

  35. Il-divina Sinjura Jones jgħid:

    Je viens analizzat l-911 recording stazzjonati fuq "YouTube" u l-garbled tweġiba mill-tabib waqt li l-servizzi ta 'emerġenza huma tkellem lill-sejjieħ huwa dan "It's Michael Jackson, tell lilu biex jiġu" Il-vuċi ta' l-tabib ħsejjes barranija, jew Ewropew jew Hispanic - Latin American - I batta l-irrekordjar stabbiliti f'dak il-punt u jinġabar dak li kien qal. Ieħor intriganti biċċa huwa eżatt qabel l-sejjieħ huwa mitlub biex ipoġġuh fuq l-art, kelliem ieħor - mhux il-sejjieħ, mhux l-emerġenza operatur - jgħid "Hu fuq l-art" Why! Huwa kważi simili tkun imħeġġa li jgħidu partikolari affarijiet matul il-konversazzjoni. L-operatur imbagħad tgħid "Hu l-art "!!!!! Ma jidhirx li hemm il-' "urġenza" li tista' tistenna mill-vuċijiet fl-isfond, li jidhru li huma jitkellmu fil-kalma, f'sitwazzjonijiet bħal din l-informazzjoni hija ħafna drabi għadda bejn il-partijiet fl pjuttost mgħaġġel rata biex jiżguraw li l-"danneġġjata" huma attendew biex kemm jista 'jkun malajr. The "Golden Hour" hija l-ewwel siegħa wara inċident meta f'ħafna każijiet l-partijiet danneġġjati jistgħu jiġi mġedded għal sħiħa tas-saħħa, it-tabib għandu jkollu magħrufa dan u rrispondiet immedjatament sabiex jassiguraw li Michael Jackson jkollha issopravviviet. IŻDA, kieku kien amministrazzjoni ta 'mediċini li kienu l-kawża possibbli ta' dan, allura kien jkopru tiegħu binarji, jew li ssir lame tentattiv biex tagħmel hekk.

  36. Rickster jgħid:

    I jaqra dwar dan il sena ilu ... MJ kieku istadju tiegħu stess mewt .... (Messiah syndrome) ... ritorn imbagħad bl-akbar fix ta 'kull żmien .... Ony u l-persuna li se titħalla intervista lilu dwar "kif huwa miġbud' dan off" .... IS Oprah Winfrey!!! ried jipprova lill-dinja li l-"Media tista jkunux eżatti" ... dan se jpoġġi għeluq fuq Child molestazzjoni allegazzjonijiet .... Whacko Jacko insulti ... u s-skiet, espacially CNN ... .. milli jkollhom kwalunkwe jounalistic intengrity mill imbagħad fuq!

    C'est pourquoi Oprah ma ġiex madwar f'kull!

    Aħjar ħbieb tiegħu ma kinux aaT il-Memorjal LIZ TAYLOR ... .... Liza MINELLI ... ... OPRAH Chris Tucker .... Diana Ross ... .. u tant oħrajn .... MJs Family huma kollha biex jagħtu daqqa t'id mal-Hoax ... biex tarmi kulħadd off!

  37. MyBelovedMJ jgħid:

    Rickster, Biex tkun kompletament hornest, i think li inti dritt. Li ġie tiegħi ħasbu li qatt rat apeared messaġġ dwar l-istadju backwall fuq staple Center. I raden irridu nistennew u naraw til-Familja qed jagħmlu xi wħud mill-kunċert dati, u l-"Jackson 5 Réunion"

  38. bexuk jgħid:

    Maybe MJ marret biex jibdew ħajja ġdida fl-Baħrajn dressed in Għarbi ħwejjeġ bħal din -
    Jew forsi HES mixi round dressed kif mara bħal dan il -

  39. Synthara jgħid:

    Actually I reċentement jaraw l-Oprah intervista ma MJ fil Neverland Ranch. Fil-privat teatru tal-Ranch MJ jgħid xi ħaġa bħal "I jippruvaw jimitaw Ġesù (mbagħad pauses) I jfisser M'inix diciendo I am Ġesù". Jgħid dwar dan jgħin lit-tfal iżda jekk huwa jipprova biex jimitaw Ġesù, għaliex ma tippruvax a "resurrection" ta 'xi tip kif ukoll ...? I wkoll aqra biss madwar xniha qal li l-O2 kunċerti se juru l-aħħar rehearsal video li hija sparati fil 3D u l-artikolu qal "so huwa kważi simili huwa verament hemm". Nsib li pretty untasteful Jackson għażla mill-familja jekk huwa verament tkun mejta. Imma I do not know, huwa maħsub biss ..

  40. heisalive jgħid:

    kulħadd fuq din il-kontribuzzjoni tal-blog qed toffri opinjoni differenti u punti ta 'osservazzjoni ta' dettalji, dan ifisser me ppl minbarra myself huma jaħsbu ... inkunu nistgħu nerġgħu MJ "" mewt "għal wieħed denominatur komuni u li jkun: Michael Jackson fi stadji huwa stess mewt u jkun sparixxa mid - ħsieb għal issa. Kollha "dettalji" madwar tiegħu għajbien perfettament ma ġewx eżegwiti bħala ħafna esprimew dubji u mistoqsijiet dwar din il-"każ". Huwa sempliċiment dan: il-midja huwa seducing lkoll bi "Michael Jackson" manija u huwa preċiżament dan li għaddejjin seduzzjoni qatt ma "informazzjoni ġdida" emerġenti li qed isir biex iżommu jfixkluh reali mill-verità, a verità tant fuq dan blog offrew bits u biċċiet ta '. What nafu dwar il-verità huma 2 affarijiet: 1. Huwa evidenti minnu nnifsu, u 2. dejjem jipprevali, iżda dan jieħu ż-żmien biex jirbħu u aħna ma jista 'qatt jerġa jistabbilixxu għajnejn fuq Michael Jackson jgħixu fuq il-palk jew mod ieħor. While Elvis is hiding in the US witness protection program, MJ has another agenda and might decide to do a shock and awe resurrection act, we will see how long the truth will take to at some point prevail, and, reveal itself.

    There is no CREDIBLE evidence that MJ is dead, a “death certifiate” can be forged and put in circulation to dampen the curiousity of those of us who are doubtful, and more such “evidence” will be floated, they have quite a job to do to quiet this all down, after all, this IS Michael jackson …. Michael Jackson was/is loved the world over and if he decides to “reappear”, trust me, NOT ONE SINGLE person will hold against him having staged his own death, but everyone will be in total shock/pure joy that he is back … if he decides to stay in hiding, he might find a life he was longing for and may prefer to stay clandestine, we will see, won't we ?

  41. MyBelovedMJ jgħid:

    Heisalive. I agree with you of most of the stuff . Michael will not be “gone” for long, like you said, he is loved all over the world and NOONE would blame him for doing this. The entire would would be in chock, but it would be the greatest plug ever pulled. I would be so happy if he decited to reveal himself, on the concert at his birthday, wich his siblings are going to do. But unfortiently i also think that i would have amidietly heart failer lol, i would just die, if he came back. So you just have to love him for me

  42. dave859 Says:

    They were showing a picture of michael from the liberian girl video set alot at the end, ive made up my mind that the show was a MJ production all but the filming. Even Bubbles would see past this hoax. There is two many cues hidden in the whole memorial.

  43. heisalive jgħid:

    MyBelovedMJ … I did not say MJ “will not be gone for long” at all, re-read my previous posting and you will see I did NOT say, nor imply it, my point made has a different meaning altogether. Remember this: Michael Jackson is not a healthy man physically nor emotionally as was very obvious while he was visible. Ergo: He'll require a great deal of time and care to reacquire his bearings before any “comeback” could be considered and materialize.

    “Loving him for you” is not an option on my end, the only man I really love is: JESUS and HE WILL BE BACK FOR CERTAIN, no question.

    Michael Jackson is made out of the same dirt we're all made out of, he had the added blessing of great talent which was wrapped into a gentle, vulnerable soul which shows itself as eccentricity in an artist. It occured to me just this afternoon that MJ was born into and raised in a dysfunctional family, having had to endure an abusive father (who reminds me of the devil in person btw!) having had his childhood stolen from him by force and was made into a energizer bunny-like “money machine” for years on end, an overbearing load to shoulder and bear for any human, twiceover taxing for a kindred spirit and soul as it is Michael Jackson.

    Again, all of this logically supports the “escape/run away” theory of a “staged death”. I pray he is under the best medical care by REAL doctors and is receiving the “”don't stop 'til you get enough”"-help he needs, in a safe place where noone can get to him, pray for God's love to heal him …..

  44. heisalive jgħid:

    Dave859, you are absolutely right about “hidden clues in the memorial service”. I am convinced there was NO body in that casket for starters and moreover, important friends didnt show, but folks who hadn't had contact with MJ in years and/or had only met him once, etc etc. This whole thing has a negligent “director”, Elvis' parting was staged far more intricately and meticulously, dont cha agree ?

    The faux pas made are mounting and mounting, however recognizable only to those of us who are unto this whole thing. Meanwhile, the media is now stoned on all the “drug stuff” coming out and keeps floating more and more “seduction” …. Thank you for reading, please post back

  45. CuteAngel jgħid:

    bexuk: I thought about that too. Maybe he's out on the middle east somewhere assuming a new name, new identity, and a whole new life, a life full of peace – something he's been longing for his entire life.

  46. Tiffany1 Says:

    I agree that there is an ENORMOUS amount of conflicting information starting with the chain of events beginning at Michael's home that even the media doesn't seem to be addressing, or I've missed it. When someone you care deeply about passes on it's natural to have doubts. I do have to say though that these conflicts are a bit much for me too. I do think it was him at the conference. I agree with the gal above that his gate didn't seem like his when he walked in from the vehicle outside but I think that's in part because the jacket was so large. And I do think that was him on stage at the conference. That was his face, voice and the hands were his. He seemed loopy. I think he was probably tipsy on something. Someone on another page on this site made a mention about Paris and I had to agree with him. She didn't seem that upset. This could be because the initial shock at passed – so many days had gone by. I don't doubt for one minute that she loved her daddy deeply. She was telling all the hateful people in the world how wonderful Michael was and he was. But it was when Paris spoke that I took a step back and thought hmmm….I wonder…could he still be among us. But let's be sensible I tell myself…It would be quite an undertaking for all of these people to pull off this hoax. I'd like to know what the deal is with the DOCTOR that was at the house. Why in the world would he immediately surround himself with a legal team if something wasn't amiss. Whether Michael is physically gone or not, one thing is certain..we will never see him again.

  47. bw69 Says:

    Most people around the world would attest that Michael Jackson is the greatest and most popular entertainer in the world. That said, if anyone could pull off a death hoax, it would certainly be him. Għaliex kieku hu nagħmlu? 1) He was in debt. His albums now occupy the top five spots on Billboard album sales and estimates indicate that within the week these sales will have paid off his debt. 2) He is very innovative, which is what keeps him at the top of his game as an entertainer. By faking his death and then reappearing, his popularity and worth will skyrocket. People will feel that they have a “second chance” to witness him perform, and they will not hesitate to pass up that opportunity. 3) The combined publicity from this event and from his future reappearance are quite strategic maneuvers, both career-wise and financially. 4) There was a recent article pointing out that Prince was now “on top” in terms of hit music, when compared to Michael Jackson. Also, Prince played for 21 nights in London last year, yet Michael's shows were already up to 50 in London. Surely, that's a sign of competition between the two.

    Possible evidence: 1) No tears were shed during the “memorial service” by any of the family members. Sure, there were several moments of choking up, but not a single tear — look at the picture from the cover of USAToday. 2) We have a symbolic tradition here in the US that when you are hopefully expecting the return of a loved one you tie or display a yellow ribbon. All of the Jackson brothers were wearing yellow ties at the memorial service. 3) Jackson's shows were scheduled to begin on July 13th and couldn't have gone on much longer before the production having to move to London for those performances. They already had Staples Center rented out for rehearsals, which seems a bit much for just rehearsals in that it just so happens to be the largest indoor venue in one of the largest cities in the US I mean, Pink Floyd practiced in an airplane hangar, not a prime venue at some exorbitant rate. So, having the largest facility in one of the largest cities already rented, they were able to pull off this “memorial service” bit.

    I'd also like to point out that James Brown, Michael Jackson's idol as a performer, died on December 25. Michael “died” on June 25 — exactly six months opposite and surely symbolic. And even JB had an open casket.

    The difference between Michael and Elvis in the suggestion of them faking their deaths is that I don't believe that anyone had suggested that a celebrity would do this until Elvis died. I believe Elvis is dead (though that movie Bubba Ho-tep is pretty funny), but the idea of a celebrity death hoax was born with him and for 32 years Michael has been able to ponder that scenario for himself. I don't ever recall hearing that MJ loathed or disliked his celebrity; from what I understand, he always knew it to be a part of his life, and with the upcoming shows, it is obvious that he intended on staying in the spotlight. Therefore, it is unreasonable to think that he would pull a death hoax to end his career, rather, he would only use it to catapult it to a level beyond where it had been before.

    Crazy? Possibly. Unrealistic? Not hardly. Will Michael Jackson be back? Ser naraw.

  48. DawneVee Says:

    Good post Rickster…

    Usually Oprah is all over stuff like this and not one word has she spoken about MJ. No bantering to try and get interviews with the family, nothing.

    MJ's true friends were not at the memorial (okay maybe Stevie Wonder and uh, what's his name, I think Lionel Richie or was that Smokey Robinson, I don't remember anymore…lol… but the Jackson family requested Queen Latifah, John Mayer, Jennifer Hudson to be there and they said they had never even met MJ! (I found that out on the Huffington Post).
    Now why would the family invite people whom Michael hadn't met?

    The Huffington Post also mentioned that Usher and Mariah Carey barely knew MJ and that Brooke Shields hadn't seen / talked to him in 18 years.

    What in the world is going on?

  49. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    I have just been reading about the “disappearances” of prominent people over the years. One that stood out in my mind was the Premier of Australia – Harold Holt – He “vanished” after going swimming. No body was ever recovered, that was in 1967. There has been speculation about his disappearance since that time. Another is Lord Lucan, who vanished without a trace after, apparently murdering the families nanny back in 1974.



    I read in my local paper just after MJ “died” about one of his security men who comes from North Wales, where I live. He said that MJ had a secret companion, to whom he was absolutely devoted. She was kept from the publics gaze, and was never seen with him, but was in his life and that she may emerge after his death……Well, where is she???? Have they gone off together, has he planned this so well that he would never be alone if she were with him??? Too many questions and not enough answers. Another thing I saw today was on the front cover of The Star newspaper


    about a couple who claim to be the real parents of MJ's children…..They are all jumping on the band wagon now, but it will be interesting to see if the claims are founded!!! No smoke without fire I say. As had been said a couple of times on this forum, he would never leave “his” kids, but if he were to discover that they were not his, then he may be so devastated that this is the sort of thing he would do, the anguise and torment would be too much for him.

    Just a thought!!!!!

    WHERE IS HIS BODY???????? Still no sign of a burial!!!!!

  50. How Does It Feel Says:

    hhhmm i don't know what to say but keep praying for him where ever Mike is.

  51. MyBelovedMJ jgħid:

    The divine miss jones. The companion you are talking about, that Michael had. Ive heard that she got fired in December last year. But who know`s If they should be together, I hope he is happy

  52. Sosh jgħid:

    I don't know much about Elvis and his claimed hoax death. But if Elvis faked his death, it would hav been much easier in the 1970's. There was no Internet or Cell phone. It was much easier to cover things up.

    Now Michael possibly tried it again in the 21 century where almost evryone has acces to the internet, cell phone photo camera.

    It would be much more difficult nowadays to pull this off. There are so many things to take into account for such a fake death job. Now it seems there are some loose ends wich they cannot cover up (anymore).

    That may also be the reason why lots of negative stories about Michaels kids, his drug abuse and his debts are in the media. They try to distract people from what really happenend. Most sources of thes articles are close to the family or former employees of Michael. But none of them (OK, some exceptions) is called by name in these articles.

    I hope ther will be a comfirmation the comming days wether he really died or he faked his death.

  53. supermom75 Says:

    he did sleep in a hyperbaric chamber that is true

  54. supermom75 Says:

    he is not with anyone i know this for a fact i will not give my info out but he is single and was never involved after debbie i do not know where you heard that lol

  55. supermom75 Says:

    wow new info mother katherine gets kids and debbie rowe now asked for a delay to decide ok why the change she wanted them she said they are my children now she has to think about it who has talked to her about plans lol who is paying her off she was very determined to get her kids now she needs time to think the plot thinkens why is everything michael wanted unfolding must be for a reason i wonder how many ppl are getting paid off to complete this

  56. MyBelovedMJ jgħid:

    Supermon75, well one of his bodyguards, said it on an interwiev. Don`t remember his name. but he did.. well good to know that he is singel. Cause i think he is sexy

  57. MyBelovedMJ jgħid:

    Former bodygurds, i should say. a few days after michael “died”.

  58. Angel36 Says:

    The family was furious that the hearse was drove by a white SWAP member.They wanted it to be an African American who drove the hearse.
    After the memorial there was no body of mj in the hearse.
    What does it matter who drove the hearse.
    You can read it at the following link:

  59. Angel36 Says:

    The body of mj is being held in the crypt of Berry Gordy.
    The family has not decided “yet” wher he should be buried.

    If you still don't know that after more than 2 weeks then you'll never know.
    But then you can stretch this as long as possible.

  60. Angel36 Says:

    my other comment had to be SWAT member.And the link is:
    http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/07/exclusive-swat-team-transported-michael-jackson 's-body-family-battled-cops

  61. Angel36 Says:

    They firts said there was no evidence of foul play.
    And now they say it can turn in to a homicide case.
    Can anyone tell me what is the difference.

  62. He.is.alive Says:

    this MJ saga is getting real ugly now with all the drug info coming out and poured all over him. Was it a wonder that MJ was addicted to drugs ? Were drugs his only escape ? This is very very likely. As to his chronic insomnia: this one goes to monster Daddy Dearest Joe Jackson who when Michael was a young boy, appeared with a werewulf mask at his bedroom window to “teach im a lesson” to keep the window closed at nite. Imagine how this “trick” from Daddy Joe must have petrified little Michael at the time this took place. Incidents like this one created irreversible damage to the psyche of a human, especially a young child. This ghoulish experience and fear grew with Michael and the fear part would not let him sleep normally, so he reached for help and over did it.

    As a young child, I had several incidents with a variety of animals who attacked and hurt me, so much so, that I could never shake the fear of them and this fear is still with me very much, so in a way, I can relate to Michael's fear of going to sleep. I deliberately choose a community to live in where housepets are shunned on and are forbidden so that I can feel TOTALLY SECURE to not be attacked by an animal.

    Michael was petrified, fearful of a whole list of things, what better motivator to escape it all .. escape to: SAFETY !!!

    Anyone ?

  63. dikki Says:

    bt dont you think lapd is intelligent enough to check the dna of mj and of that imposter or the police dept. is also involved. i really want to believe that mj is still alive.

  64. dikki Says:

    every day new drug is been published to which( the media claims) that mj was addicted to. i think had mj been doing so many drugs at one go he would have died years ago . come on yaar i really wanna know the reality

  65. dikki Says:

    how can media nt hound upon a single clip of mjs dead body is beyond my understanding

  66. dikki Says:

    how can mj fool the docs the police the media and everything which goes into it. i am hoping for an answer soon..

  67. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    My husband – whose initials are MJ – runs a business from home and yesterday a woman called to ask what the MJ stood for, when I told her she went quiet, then I twigged, and said, “Did you think it stood for Michael Jackson?” to which she slammed the phone down. People are doing some very strange things.

    I have asked around about the “temporary” burial of a body. In Britain that cannot de done because it requires special permission from a Government Department called the Home Office to move the body once a burial has taken place. In order to remove it from one spot to another you would have to be granted an exumation order. I am sure that similar rules apply in the US and if this is the case, you need to be looking at City Hall records and Government Departments to find out if such a request is being made.

    Lsstly, a comment from my 11 year old son…Why did President Obama seem so unmoved by the event, during an interview he had to be prompted to say something about it. Considering MJ's popularity you would have thought that to “humour” his fans a Presidential recognition of the death for have been one of his main topics.!!!!!!

  68. dikki Says:

    i dont know how to put this bt honestly i believe whether he is gone into hiding or god forbaid he is even dead . i think he is in a better position in a better state than he was earlier. out of all this media hooplah the crazy stories.he deserved every bit of peace he wasnt able to get. it hard bt lets face it we never deserved mj we never respected him when he was alive and giving us so much to cherish . and know we are remembering him and wishing him to come back. how stupid of us. he was the best he was like jesus who went into so much of suffering for his children (the world) and what we gave him crucification ditto we have done with jackson.

  69. MyBelovedMJ jgħid:

    Dikki. Do not say, “WE” Never did. Speak for yourself. Some of us actuelly did

  70. dikki Says:

    i said we bcuz we were sitting silent in our homes when allegations were being charged on him. we didnt do anything we could have bought protests or something may bur tryin to over react read my sentence in the context am saying

  71. dikki Says:

    and as for me i have been fighting with my friends and relatives who have been telling me that he was what media framed him to b. i love him and i know it.

  72. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Now here's a thought, and it's just a thought. Thinking back to a personal experience of mine. My step-father died very suddenly from a heart attack about 6 weeks after having a pace maker inplanted. For the 6 weeks that he lived he said he felt great, and he looked fine, then WHAM! Gone. The PM in his case found a blood clot that had been sitting in his blood stream for goodness knows how long, once the pace maker was in place the heart beat regulated and the blood flow increased, accelerating the clot to his heart thus giving him the heart attack. He actually died mid sentence while talking to a friend.

    Now, lets do a “what if” senario for MJ. What if he too had a blood clot. Years of plane travel can apparently cause one of these beasts. “What if” the rigorous dance routines and rehearsals had acclerated the heart beat, thus pumping the clot round to his heart. He may have felt some chest pain prior to dying, he may have asked for pain relief. We don't know, we were'nt there. This could have been missed by a physical, just as my step-fathers (prior to his surgery).

    As I said, it's just a thought, but I feel it is one that I should voice.

  73. licinia09 Says:

    so everybody thinks he faked his death…..
    well to be honest if i could choose i would love that he would still be alive.
    But i got a question…..
    they have that last photo from him on the ambulance, he went to the hospital, that might have happened.
    Let me tell you this, I'm from portugal and before they broke the news in the states that michael was dead, here in postugal that had already done that, in US media there was only the news that he went to the hospital, nothing more, probably an hour later they gave the news that he died… so does this mean anything i don't……
    But why say that he faked his death????? did anyone thought of the possibility that he might be in a coma and and his managers and family faked his death??????
    Well i really don't whta to believe, maybe we all never thought that we would die someday, that he was invincible, maybe he died and just can't cope with that, we are so desperate to believe that he is still alive…..
    To be HONEST i really want him to be alive, it just feels like music died

  74. MyBelovedMJ jgħid:

    Okey. I hear ya. I can only speak for myself here . Im not to desperate to think that he might still be alive. But i am pretty sure that he aint dead. Look at sll the facts, all the hints at the memoriel. Nothing adds up. NOTHING. And to be hornest, the one to tank for that is Latoys, she really blew it, at that thing where she was talking. She said: Michael always said, Family 1st fans 2nd. He loves you very much, and he is watching every singel one of you right now. He loves you with all his heart. Let me just say!!! DOHH!!! That was pretty stupid of her.. She should have talked about him in pressence sence. Not like he is still here, if she wanted to keep up his cover. Im glad that she aint my sister, incase i ever needed to fake my own death. That would be bad

  75. tmorris15 Says:

    I am convinced this is a hoax at the 02 arena Michael Jackson said I am serious this is the last curtain call and gave a suspicious look He stated “This Is It”. When Oprah did not make a public announcement. Something was strange when the family managers set up a crisis line and told fans please do not kill themselves. And when his brother said Michael Jackson maybe they will leave you alone. I believe the memorial service was a goodbye to his fans and career as an entertainer. He was saying good bye to his music career to peruse a peaceful life away from the media attention. Michael Jackson if you are out their alive I don't blame you thank you for all the wonderful music. Your music will live forever

  76. He.is.alive Says:

    Well well well, somebody else besides me has FINALLY noticed that the video footage from the rehearsal the night before MJ's alleged “death” is OLD FOOTAGE. NO human as weak as MJ appearing in the media weighing only 112 lbs is physically able to pull off a dance routine like shown in the vido, no way !!!! I am a dancer myself and can say with credible certainty that it is NOT possible ! My “this cannot be MJ”-hunch with this video was right on target. This net of lies being spun and presented to the public is outrageous in that these ppl, AEG and the Jacksons think we are all stupid ???

    Not one single member of the mainstream media has so much as breathed a word that MJ staged his death, with one possible exception: Gerald Hessler from “The daily beast”, a US rag last sunday stated on the Geraldo Rivera Show that Michael “did not want to do this at all” referring to the London gig/s and said further that MJ wanted to use “Swine flu” to get “out of the gig” .. Hessler barely got the last cylable out of his mouth when he was CUT off and the subject was abruptly changed, did anyone besides me see that show ???

    Hessler was on again this evening, 7/12, but this time hummed an altogether different tune and talked “nicely” …'hint'

    LaToya's interview with some british rag is real heavy hitting, have the Jackson's become aware that the public is onto them and gave this interview to up the score ? Very possible !

    I consider it a likely possibility that MJ made away right after his appearance at the rehearsal,that is: if that was him at all OR one of his doubles; that the person in the ambulance was definitely NOT MJ is very obvious as well as the double at the London press conference; that NONE of MJ's close friends like Taylor, Ross, Minelli, Uri Geller and many others did not show at the memorial AND are still NOT speaking out is highly questioable and beyond bizarre; that LaToya “gave” an interview to some british rag to inject a new hit of crack-cocaine into more “these are the facts” media floating ??? How LONG can these ppl keep up this act ?

    What they NEED to do is button up and stay in total seclusion if they want the public to believe that MJ has really “died” …

    This is a conspiracy and whatever “information” is being floated and coming, whatever, I just pray that Michael is under the medical care of doctors he can trust and are are treating him to become well again, mentally and physically so that he can live a life he has yearned for elsewhere. We may never see him again and if that is so, remember: we did have the best of him for years and he is entitled to live a life in peace and safety.

    What is everybody else thinking ?

  77. supermom75 Says:

    he was not 112 that was a lie

  78. supermom75 Says:

    they said in the autopsy michael was very helthy and no signs of foul play and they ruled out natrual causes already

  79. supermom75 Says:

    he wanted air time is is all gossip do not believe anything you here like one of his former house keeper trie to say he locked children in his room feed them wine in baby bottles come on now he would never do that

  80. Andrea Says:

    I think MJ would have been better of saying he caught Swine Flu to get out of these gigs he so obviously did not want to do and was pressured into! If only he knew what type of circus and media frenzy he would create by instead faking his death.

    Then again, he probably just didn't care anymore. I hope he is well, wherever he is.

  81. MyBelovedMJ jgħid:

    I agree with you. I don`t care if he ever comes back to perform. As long as he is alive, safe and well. That is the only thing that matters to me

  82. supermom75 Says:

    michael would never inject himself i do not belive he was an addict at all and the media is cooking something up cause then they will not get paid if he is not found dead by overdose as it is stated in his insurance claim for the this is it concert they cover over dose but not natrual causes

  83. supermom75 Says:

    here is another one for you all xanax if he was taking as much as they say he would be to tired to do anything he would not have sleep ap ok and most of the drugs he was doin are downers so how do they get he can not sleep out of that i do not understand

  84. He.is.alive Says:

    Correction: “The Daily Beast” reporter's name is Gerald POSNER (I am sorry I misunderstood the name and got it correctly the 2nd time) apologies – thanks

  85. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    My 11 year old son has been playing detective regarding MJ. Now here is an observation that he made about MJ's right hand….Follow me with this one because you have to be quick. I am attaching a video of “The way you make me feel” from Youtube. At 3.14 – just after he shouts “Hey”, he extends two fingers and his thumb of his right hand. The thumb is the bit you need to concentrate on…You will notice that the tumb itstself curls at quite an acute angle and the bone just above sticks out to give an almost triangular appearance.


    If you look at other footage ie the press conference in O2 arena London check out his right hand…for the same anomalies that I have already mentioned.


    You could possibly trace his entire career by just looking for that one over-riding physical – dare I say – defect – I am, but not in a malicious way.

    Now look at the “final rehearsal” video…At the end of the routine he extends his right arm and hand…check it out. Unless he had surgery to correct his hands, which could explain gloves and gauntlets in the past…then it looks to me, and this is a personal observation…to be someone else.


  86. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:


    This is the rehearsal footage that I watched. Sorry…repeated the youtube links. Take a look following the thread about the right hand.

  87. divershay Says:

    Mrs. Jones: I agree about the “defect” but if you look at this video at about 45 seconds, he extends his hand and the bump is gone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz_J_do9hzY&feature=related
    But if you look at the O2 Press Conference video, “MJ” calls the guy over and puts his hand on his shoulder and the bump is there!
    However, I do NOT think it was really MJ at the press conference. The chin, smile, moves, etc. MJ would not get up there and talk the way this guy did. He sounded like an idiot. MJ was/is very well spoken in front of the camera. Look at any of his interviews. One thing about his hands, he seems to have the longest hands on a human! Verament! His fingers are so long! But at the press conf, his hands are shorter and fatter it seems. MJ's hands are so skinny too. Not at the conference, yet he doesn't appear to have put on any weight. I know when most people put on weight, your fingers get fatter too. don't they? Anyway, at the press conference, that is NAVI! Not MJ. Look at Navi's pics. He has a wide smile, and his lips look more like a normal mouth than MJ's (normal?). Whether or not MJ is really dead, that is NOT him at the conference. That is Navi! Your son is very observant! Keep it coming!

  88. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Over lunch the family came up with some other theories. One of which is this, MJ borrowed money from a Saudi prince – Yes! He was then asked to repay the money back – If he was as broke as they say, where did the cash come from? Our over lunch theorizing was this – and you have to remember that we were allowing our minds to do overtime on the conspiracy
    theory – what if he borrowed it again from the Mafia, couldn't pay it back and the doctor was paid to see him off. With the so called pain killer adiction, no one would question too deeply what the doctor did…As I said, it was over lunch, and it was a bash at a theory.

  89. bexuk jgħid:

    I miss him, the world was a much better place with him in it, I only wish I had appreciated him more when he was here.

  90. Mojofi Says:

    I KNOW that was MJ at the 02 confrence.

    Navi has a deeper voice then MJ.

  91. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    Hi Divershay, And Hi there everyone from a warm and windy North Wales.

    Now, let us suppose that if you are told something often enough, you start to believe it!

    If we, the fans, are told that the person we are looking at is MJ, then, are we not drawn into the plot to keep the real MJ from prying eyes. A confidence trick.

    During the 2nd World War there was a chap who looked like General Montgomery. A plan was devised to use this man to impersonate Monty and go to North Africa.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Was_Monty 's_Double_(film)

    This makes the impersonator theory a good one, because we do not see the man – MJ – all the time, the person thrust infront of us, who we are told is MJ, we beieve is MJ. We only see photos that are tarted up and made to look enigmatic. We so want it to be him, that we truly believe that it is.

    Tonight, on British Television – Channel 4 – was a documentary about the passing of MJ. I am attaching a link for those who missed it. You may be able to watch it on line. I am making no comments, but will leave the story to unfold and see what you think.

    Another suggestion by Benjamin – my 11 year old – Try this for size…..The gold coffin with the seat like interior was designed so that a “living” Micheal Jacksin could attend his own memorial service. The huge bunch of flowers on the top hid an oxygen tank so that he could breath and the length of time for the service was determined by the amount of oxygen in the cylinder. Daft, but plausible!!!!!

    Hey, you know what, it's more plausible than daft.

    Previous comments about his friends who were mysteriously not at the memorial is strange. If someone of that stature passes and you are asked to attend a memorial, you would put everything on hold, pull out all the stops and turn up. No Oprah, no Liz Taylor just folk who had maybe met him once, if that. Catterwalling some tune out – some of it was terrible – it was dreadful.

    And I still wonder what the hell they did with the coffin afterwards!!!! Is it like a kind of transformer and changed from a coffin into a set of matching suitcases. Carried out so no one noticed.

  92. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:


    The link to Channel 4's documentary about MJ.

  93. ejay5131 Says:

    Here's what I don't get. The Jackson were okay with helicopters flying above Forest Lawn the days before the memorial, the day of the memorial AND even let the helicopters follow the motorcade with the hearse to the staples center BUT would not let the coffin leave staples center being recorded? It's being “said” that the coffin was taken through the tunnels under the Staples center and loaded into an unmarked van and taken away. WHY?? YOU JUST LET EVERYBODY FILM YOU BRING IT THERE!! And seriously…who lends out their family crypt(reporting that MJ is temporarily being held inside the Berry Gordy family crypt) Which he has now denied. MJ IS MISSING!!!!

  94. Andrea Says:

    @ The Divine Mrs Jones – that last paragraph made me laugh! I could just imagine the coffin turning into a bunch of suitcases. OR MAYBE LATOYA WAS HIDING MJ IN HER DAMN HUGE HAT! (not seriously, but damn that hat needed it's own zipcode!)

  95. divershay Says:

    “And I still wonder what the hell they did with the coffin afterwards!!!! Is it like a kind of transformer and changed from a coffin into a set of matching suitcases. Carried out so no one noticed.”
    HAHAAHAH!!! Prezzjuża!
    And yes, I would have thought Liza, Liz, and several other closest friends would have been there. Imma l-ebda! They couldn't be “bothered” to show. Very strange.
    And what ejay5131 says makes us wonder too! The whole thing with the media is weird. Only ONE pic since MJ “died”? Come on, ONE! That's silly considering how many pics they get of everything else related to anyone famous or even a little bit famous.
    This whole thing makes me mad that they think they can pull the wool over everyone's eyes. The fans aren't stupid! We have loved him for too long and scrutinized every physical detail about him through the years.

  96. melia8383 jgħid:

    Ok everyone I found a song, It's really Crazy unreleased from Michiael Jackson, It talks about how he's “planning” his escape from the “system” and “pressures” he has to find a place to hide away.(thats what he says in the song) the name of the song is xscape(yes, it's actually spelled that way.
    If he faked his death, he's away from the pressures, he has to leave his children behind, if he don't want people to know he's “dead”). If the children is with his family, he will always see them. Latoya said, he didn't want to do the 50 shows, that's probably why it was an impersonator at the O2 conference! It was him rehearsing in the video, if he's planning his get away, he has to cooperate, right? AEG insured for “overdose”? WHY?

  97. MyBelovedMJ jgħid:

    This song tells it all. OMG. It is not a old song. He is sining of how he wants to get away from the media, and just want to be in a place where he dosen`t need to hide from everyone. Where he can be himself. He is telling it all in this song. It can be more clear. Michael has “escaped” The pressure. He just wants to be in peace. I wonder whan he made this song, it can`t be that long ago. MY GOD. Mabye he really is alive? I really hope so. I would make me smile again. I guess we just ahve to leave Michael alone. I just hopes that he is happy and in peace.

  98. supermom75 Says:

    now this should answer everything something is wrong i think the women of the family are hiding michael he is alive and his brother and father have been using michael for his money jermaine is broke his brother jermaine said that the jackson 5 were goin to have a reunion but in an interview with michael he said he was never going to sing with them again so maybe latoya knows it was her brothers father and AEG in a plot and they are protecting michael right now in hiding till the truth comes out also new news that there is another will from 2007 he wrote a new will every 5 yrs now michael might have it or they do and they are goin to pull it out saying michael wanted his sister rebbie to mother his children and debbie and katherine have agree to keep joe out of the childrens life cause he is now tryin to get costody of the chikdren and he wants to make them the jackson 3 so the ploy thickins

  99. dikki Says:

    la toya is now saying that there is a big conspiracy behind murder of mj. she is saying that $2 million are missing from his rented home when world believed him to be totally bankrupt.. she is also saying that mj was fed up of taking these drugs which some people were giving to him to keep him submissive. if it was truly there then why the family never protected mj out of all this. why they let him die and are now creating all this fuss and making autopsy over autopsy.

  100. admin Says:

    The Michael Jackson Hoax Death Forum is now up and running and ready for use. Please feel free to start new topics and continue your discussions there, in an easier to manage environment.
    MJHD Admin

  101. He.is.alive Says:

    This is LaToya's biiiiiiiiiiig chance to “shine”, to propel herself into center stage, but most importantly, make some monnnnnnney!

    Her credibility equals Zero as she is insincere and phoney. when Michael was accused of Child molestation, it was LaToya who on national US television spoke out in support of the accusers and against her brother, I remember it well, does anybody else at all ? ? Shame shame on you big sista !

    LaToya is a diva wanna-be, a sensationalist, an opportunist and extremist. Her only claim to fame is showing her coochie for a few bux to a trashrag like “Playboy Magazine” … and here, she suddenly has turned into and acts like Florence Nightingale ?

    These rags she is talking to are paying her a nice dollar for the drama queen act she's just pulled off here, she makes me sick

    Sister Janet who worked with Michael on videos is surprisingly hush hush, isn't she ? But then again,Jan had a good run in show business and has money and, all she showed was her nipple at the superbowl half-time show and called it “wardrobe malfunction”. Neither one of them has any lady-like qualities.

    The more details emerge, the more ground the 'staged death' gains. These “interviews” are nothing but a mechanism to redirect attention to a new theory they are spinning, Murder … they stop at nothing to create sensationalism and seem to think we are all stupid or something ?

    I pray that Michael is safe and secure. What must he be thinking …. ?

  102. ejay5131 Says:

    I'll tell you what Michaels thinking…True fans can NEVER be fooled!!

  103. He.is.alive Says:

    ejay, thank you for your reply, I think you are right, great answer

  104. MJJ Says:

    yes maybe michael is still alive. bt i dont think he did this. maybe a threat to him or he was kidnapped to get money? blahblah lol

  105. The Divine Mrs Jones Says:

    I wonder if he's reading this???? Maybe scanning the internet to find what people are saying!!!! If so – Hi Michael.

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