X'tifhem jemmnu?

12th July, 2009
by admin

Taħseb Michael Jackson's Death kienet Hoax? Inti tassew jemmnu imut ta 'Arrest kardijaku jew huma inti jibda jkollu tieni ħsibijiet?

Din il-paġna ġiet maħluqa għal kulħadd vuċi think verament dak li ġara fir-rigward tal-possibbiltà li Michael Jackson's Death kienet Hoax.

Leave il-kummenti tiegħek, vuċi u jqabblu t-tħassib tiegħek jinnota.

Maybe flimkien nistgħu niskopru l-biċċiet ta 'dan strambi u konfuża puzzle.

Jekk tixtieq tikkuntattjana hawn fuq Michael Jackson Hoax Mewt inti tista email us fi


Kummenti (112)

112 Responses to "X'tifhem jemmnu?"

  1. manwaylow says:

    kienu jaraw i relentlessly kull biċċa footage possibbli fuq u Michael im tkellem minn kull parti ta 'ħajtu u IVE come to my theroy

    i tassew jemmnu li kien hemm mabey sa 6 differenti Michael jacksons
    i know f ** keď up dritt iżda taħseb dwarha
    tiegħek sakemm int retard a peux li MJ lipsyncs meta hu preforom hekk huwa jista żfin fuly b'ħiliet i tfisser anki fil-superbowl kellu grab a corded mic li jitkellem mal-fans u mbagħad marru lura l tiegħu foloz mic immuntat fuq prinċipali tiegħu
    so that said heres dak i think ... ...
    wieħed li MJ sings u composés-mużika
    ieħor li MJ danced u preforom
    MJ oħra biex jagħmlu l-pubbliku għalf bħal intervisti
    ok i jafu li dak biss tliet imma pjuttost possibbilment hemm xi oħrajn li jmorru fil-post għall-karità u ħidma oħra misc għalf simili li
    i għalkemm tassew jemmnu li dan ma jmurx fis efffect till xi żmien mabey ftit snin WARA thriller u defantly wara l-kumpass u li mabey ħaġa waħda mill-motivazzjoni warajha
    i tfisser allready aħna nafu dwar l-lookalike li huma fil-fatt uriet lill-pubbliku jew xi ħaġa simili ibaħ iżda Sen thats-waħda biss nafu dwar l'hekk whos ngħid li hemm arent aktar u mabey biss mabey dik li sings fuq il-binarji miet imma l - mistrieħ għadhom ħajjin huma biss fucked up u ħalli l-"gentleman" titqies mill-pubbliku hekk il-bqija minnhom huma f ** keď issa i verament ikollhom biss twemmin tiegħi stess sabiex tappoġġjaha u wirklich nur jmurx u għassa u preformance ħajjin HES filwaqt li għadhom fil-maġġoranza sewda jagħmlu bħalhom thriller jew taħbit sor hija xi ħaġa minn skip quddiem xi ftit snin il-aroud Willy żona ħielsa u ġusta watch ħaj Jittieħed biss u biss istudju tiegħu u movimenti korp lingwa watch tiegħu ħalq u liema hu oh meta inti watch l-qadima stuf raden dak NO LIPSYNC dak a surprise

    biss studju u THINK kollha li inti gotta do

  2. littlesuemj jgħid:

    i test tiegħi psikika lastnight u huwa kkonfermat li sadly MJ għaddiet bogħod i dont verament jixtiequ li din tkun vera im ħafna distraught u qered, i jixtiequ i kien michaels post. Wkoll latoya ftiehmet jittrattaw biex jieħdu kustodja ta 'MJ's gidjien hi, Katherine debbie u huma jmorru biex jiddiskutu dettalji demain-data li MJ kienet maħsuba biex tibda tiegħu tour. Latoya jemmen ukoll li Michael kien maqtula għall-flus tagħha fuq sky aħbarijiet.

  3. dianafan jgħid:

    Hi admin - sólo CROWLEY int żamma count ħafna viżitaturi ta 'kif dan is-sit kellu? Just curioso jafu kemm persuni huma suspettużi? u kemm huma attivi fuq is-sit?

  4. noisehammer jgħid:

    greetings mill-Ġermanja

    im wara l-aħbarijiet fuq din il-paġna kuljum. tagħha u verament interessanti kif inti qed jippruvaw isibu tweġiba għal kull kwistjoni bħall xi dedectives!

    fil-bidu wara i kisbu l-informazzjoni dwar l-tabib jkunu 'l bogħod għal aktar minn 20hours, i kien riflessjoni dwar qtil!
    iżda wara ħafna qari rumors u ovvjament il-fatti kollha dwar din il-paġna wisq, im ħsieb huwa forsi għadhom allive!
    filwaqt li osserva l-monument ta 'fuq it-TV kien verament diqa u d-dinja kollha kisser l-g ˙ alija, kien bħal xi ħadd vient mitlufa ħabiba tiegħu stess jew għarus.

    iżda matul dawn il-ġranet i ltqajna informazzjoni personali (email) minn Guy li told me hu IS ħaj!
    u li l-familja kollha qed tagħmel ħilitha kollha sabiex tagħmel lin-nies jaħsbu huwa verament mejta!
    kieku tell me aktar, iżda li jixtieq li tissospendi sigrieti.
    i kien qed kuntenti wara tiegħu ..

    hemm ukoll rumors ta 'fix ..
    ukoll, imma l-unika kwistjoni i jkollhom:
    wouldnt li jqiegħdu MJ għal faking ħabs minħabba l-mewt tiegħu ????!
    i think tagħha illegali!
    tell me x'taħseb dwar dan??

    jekk huwa verament ħaj iżda mhux se do a fix, i think hu posizzjoni mżerżqa hide dejjem!
    u jgħixu fuq mejta post fejn ħadd ma jista 'jara lilu, i think it doesn't jagħmlu gost (għall-bqija tal-ħajja).

    i hope we se ssib xi tweġibiet!

    i għandhom kważi l-istess idejn kif Michael! verament


  5. redlotuske jgħid:

    I ewwel irrid appoligize għall-Ingliż tiegħi, jien mill-Belġju hekk mhuwiex perfett. I jsegwu dan is-sit għal żmien pjuttost twil u I biss irrid post xi toughts.

    1. Qabel kollox hemm li 911 sejħa. Il-sejjieħ mhix mqalleb. U Dr.Murray, a cardiologist huwa persuna li trid tkun taf kif do CPR. Mela għala kienet tagħmel CPR fuq il-qiegħ u stenniet nofs siegħa għal sejħa 911? I ma jistax jimmaġina li jekk mixja fis-kamra u tara li tinsab hemm xi ħadd li mhuwiex tan-nifs li int se jagħmlu CPR għal 30 minuta u minn say. "Oh ukoll ma jaħdimx, issa I call 911." Ikun aktar simili ssejjaħ 911 u fil-frattemp inti do CPR. Huwa tabib, dan irid raw kien urġenti u jrid taf kif do CPR.

    2. Tieni ta 'kulħadd. Il-waħda tirrispondi-sejħa ma jitlobx tal MJ għandha polse. That is a standardquestion.

    3. It-tabib tisparixxi għal madwar 30 siegħa. Fejn ma hu imorru għall?? I ma jistax jimmaġina li l-out ta 'paniku. Għaliex kieku ma ritorn minn.

    4. Vi har biss ara stampa 1 ta MJ. Kif marret jieħduha? Bħal fl-artikolu dwar dan is-sit wkoll din il-kwistjoni.

    5.Than inti għandek il-monument. Nru wiri pubbliku jew miftuħa casket. Ir-raġuni għaliex dawn jgħidu MJ wiċċ ikun ħafna ħsara bl-tentattivi tiegħu li jsalva ħajjin. Issa ngħid dan ... kif tista'tagħtini ħsara wiċċ by doing CPR?

    6.They balsemd tiegħu korp. Mela għala huma jistennew biex Burry lilu? Huma jgħidu għaliex iridux Burry lilu meta hija kompluta. His brain għadu examinated. Jekk dawn balsem korp ineħħu l-organi. It's a custom antiki mill-Eġittu. Ħares it up. Jekk dawn ma 'l autopsie il-korp huwa wkoll inkompleti.

    7.Then hemm il-Rumor li hu tal cremated quddiem il-monument u li kien hemm urn ġewwa l-casket. Why a casket minn. You setgħet uriet ukoll il-urn minn. U jekk hu tal cremetad għaliex tpoġġi l-casket f'dak mausoleum?

    8.I "ve jinqara fuq belgian website li issa huwa think's ġew murderd għall tiegħu money jikkawża xi dehbijiet u ħafna ta 'flus hija nieqsa mid-dar kien pulzieri Forsi huwa ħa miegħu.

    Ħaġa waħda hija ċerta il-puzzle ma jinstallax. Jidher iridux jiddaħħlu tal-funeral. I do not know liema hemm ħabi iżda dawn qed jaħbu xi ħaġa.

  6. monalisa jgħid:

    I still think u tama li l-provi kollha ta 'punti biex jiġu Michael ħaj, ħlief l-awtopsja u moħħ ħaġa; tal-ġisem li huwa?

  7. littlesuemj jgħid:

    Nemmen li l-persuna li ħolqot din il-websajt hija hoaxer stess, huwa kien diġà ammessi li hu MHIX MJ fan hekk għaliex tkun maħluqa huwa dan is-sit? Forsi l-familja Jackson, għandhom ikunu avżati dwar dan website forsi allura aħna kieku jkollok reazzjoni jew possibley il-verità. " Iżda għan-nies kollha li jkunu stazzjonati kummenti ħtieġa jirrealizzaw li dan bniedem ħadet informazzjoni minn kanali differenti aħbarijiet, websajts u tabloids u jpoġġuh kollha flimkien fuq dan is-sit minħabba li hu jippruvaw iqarqu lkoll.

  8. admin jgħid:

    Peress li tniedi dan is-sit fuq 26 Ġunju kellna matul 450000 żjarat. Fil-mument aħna b'medja bejn 30000 u 50000 għal kull ġurnata, li jfisser li hemm ovvjament ħafna nies ddubitata l-validità ta 'Michael Jackson's "Mewt".

  9. Andrea says:

    Ara naqra, li hija lott ta 'nies. I wonder xorta għaliex il-midja jew kellem juru hosts għad iridu kwistjoni ce que nous mistoqsijiet!

  10. admin jgħid:

    That's a kbira teorija, madankollu aħna ċertament ma jistħoqqilhomx-kreditu u lanqas il-kontroversja li huma marbuta bħala "l-hoaxer". Ma rridux iqarqu jew xi ħadd, aħna sempliċiment jridu jipprovdu informazzjoni kemm nistgħu, sabiex kulħadd jista 'jagħmel tagħhoom mind probabbli fir-rigward tal-possibbiltà li Michael Jackson Hoaxed mewtu.

  11. charbour jgħid:

    Mingħajr dubju Michael-familja huma logging fuq dan is-sit u l-qari kollha din l-informazzjoni. Jekk Michael huwa ħaj, allura kont naħseb huwa kellu ħarsa wisq I-se. I biss irrid ngħid-Jekk inti taqra dan (kemm jekk ikun Michael innifsu, Janet, La Toya, Jermaine, Tito, Randy, Marlon, Jackie, Rebbie, Joe, Katherine, Paris, Prince, kutra jew xi ħadd qrib ħbieb - Liz, Liza, David, Diana jew kull min kien jaf lilu) Minħabba li xi ħadd li kien jaf personalment Michael ġie hawn fuq. 100%.
    M'hemm l-ebda mod ma jkun sar.
    Kif kien qal, I biss irrid ngħid li jekk inti qari, jekk jogħġbok ibgħatilna biss jafu l-vera storja. Aħna, bħala fannijiet ma tassew għandek a clue x'inhu għaddej .. we're biss jmorru minn dak kollu li's being said mill-midja. U dak kollu li huwa being said minnhom mhix verament tgħin lill-kwistjoni! Huwa biss jagħmel l-argument illi huwa ħaj, aktar b'saħħitha!

    I kien qerdu Smajt MJ meta miet, iżda issa Im split 50/50. Jiena m'għandi l-ebda idea dak li jemmnu. Nies huma diġà hawn fuq, fejn sostniet jafu MJ, u jekk verament ma għandhom EICsfostin. Naħseb li huwa tajjeb li jingħad li d-dinja kollha trid tkun taf jekk huwa ħaj jew mejjet, żgur-we kollha jridu jaħsbu huwa ħaj .. imma hu jista 'jkun ukoll!
    Just sempliċi kwistjoni, hu ħaj?
    Jekk huwa GRAN! Iżda, leave waqt din. Nittama u rikonoxxenti li jagħmel l-aqwa fix-dinja qatt rat, I biss jridu jkunu jafu l-verità. Michael qatt dehret qisha il-persuna li taħbi bogħod għal dejjem, biex jekk huwa hawnhekk naħseb huwa ser fix. Jekk le, mistrieħ fil-paċi Michael. Inħobbok.

    Just qari dan is-sit jagħmel me think aktar u aktar illi huwa ħaj, il-kostanti slip-ups minn nies li kienu jafu lilu u l-fatt li qed dejjem jitkellmu dwar Michael f'dan il-tens. "I'm ħaj u hawn għal dejjem" Comfort? Hope? VERITÀ?

    I raden kollu li nistgħu nagħmlu huwa nistennew, I really hope waħda mill-Jackson's jaqra dan u ara kemm aħna Michael imħabba, u forsi jekk wieħed minnhom jista 'risposta? Nafu li ħadthom ġew hawn fuq jekk l-eluf ta 'fannijiet qed ifittxu li up għaliex ma flesh tiegħu u demm?

    Viva il-king.

  12. Dragun jgħid:

    HVE u diġà nnutata, tht l-istampa tal-rehearsal matul "dan huwa" għandha problema??

    din hija r-rabta


    bejn tiegħu saqajn, il-bqija tal-parti enormi dawl i hija nieqsa ... .. iżda l-enfer, għaliex?
    iffalsifikata pic kif ukoll .... żgur li l-photograpfer skużata ruħu għal xi bla bla reasons.i think, a manipulazzjoni tagħha u hehad ngħid li, jikkawżaw shit hu għamel fil-iffalsifikata pic ....

  13. ebru jgħid:

    inti ssaqsi jekk me i think possibbli tiegħu li MJ tkun mejta. i dont se belive iżda rridu settled mal tiegħu mejta.
    tiegħu forsi a complot u hu hu mhux mejta li huma kull spekulazzjoni ..
    biss il-Familie u MJ jaf il-verità


  14. tatylovesmj jgħid:

    Onestament, I do not know dak li nemmnu aktar. Imma naf kollha hija li nofs l-affarijiet li qed jingħad dwar Michael's "mewt" m'humiex jagħmlu sens AT ALL! Dan huwa hekk strambi! Nemmen hemm ċans li Michael tagħna huwa hemmhekk x'imkien, imma fl-istess ħin xi ħaġa tkun me javżak li forsi huwa attwalment marret ... idk Haga ħut is going on!! thats all i know!

  15. fjura jgħid:

    hi l-king huwa ħaj il ne faut pas jisimgħu dak kollu li ġej minn LA TOYA JEW JOE JACKSON DAWN HUMA 2 crazy fuq ġurnata tajba iżda ma 'dan għaddejjin ħaġa issa ser tmur għall-agħar magħhom, jagħmel taħseb minnhom huma 2 in fuq dan il-pjan jew arent dawn qatt mhu se raden i know, MJ għandha ġew ippjanar dan għal xi żmien u l-ebda kwistjoni kif ukoll ippjanat huwa affarijiet mhumiex kollha panning għax dawn ttamat (ukoll think thats dak i) sabiex l-ppl li huma dwar din qed jagħmlu aħħar min bidliet għal xi ħaġa u sejjer + paying ppl minn kollha fuq il-post għall-għalf us aktar ħażin MJ tkun iffalsifikata-mewt tiegħu u i dont think kollox ser pjan thats għaliex tant differenti minn stejjer comeing press / media etc tagħha iżda mhux kuljum inti foloz a mewt so se affarijiet imorru ħażin, għal dak li nafu żgur huwa THATS MHUX IL REAL MJ AT O2 U MHUX THATS lilu fl-ambulanza, LI WAĦIDHOM huwa biżżejjed jekk issa nafu li allura l-familja tiegħu jafu li hekk għaliex hija ma titkellem dwarha ???????????? iżda LA TOYA talkin ħażin dwar lilu jiġu maqtula eċċ ukoll f'dak il-każ hi għandhom ikollhom assassinées lilu u jekk dehret ukoll hi didn't joqtlu ħuha hi maqtula doppja tiegħu, inti mark tiegħi kliem hemm ser ikunu tagħbijiet aktar ħażin comeing minn ppl kollha fuq il-post aħna ma jinstemgħu xejn s'issa, dak i se ngħid huwa li l-materji kollha li hija MJ jħabbtek bogħod ma 'dan u jista' jkollha xi PAĊI U I THINK HE SE ikollhom kuntatt mal-KIDS li tant iħobb them iżda aħna se tara lilu qatt ma jerġa ' u dak li jagħmlu ħsara lil thats me, MJ-RE WE daqstant IMĦABBA INTI IT jagħmilha ME cry sakemm TIEGĦEK HAPPY THATS KOLLHA LI materji imma SO WE MISS INTI LIFES MHUX L-ISTESS

  16. Andrea says:

    My żewġ ċenteżmi madwarhom mewtu hija mferrxa kollha madwar dan is-sit fil-karigi differenti! Jekk xi ħadd minnhom kien qara, inti għandek tkun taf kif diġà inħoss kollu lejn il-ħaġa.

    It's a kompleta u totali sham. Il-velu li tkopri l-media u li kulħadd huwa tabilħaqq jemmen MJ "mejjet". Imma hekk it inneħħu jitneħħew. U d-dinja se jerġa 'jkun fil-xokk. Gotta imħabba li MJ! <333

  17. eloise jgħid:


    I ġew mill-qrib wara l-kopertura medjatika MJ peress Ġunju 25. I bdew out ixxukkjat u saddened bl-aħbarijiet, u ċaħdet xi ideat I'd jinstemgħu dwar foloz mewt.
    Imma I meħtieġ li tkun taf għaliex tali li jidhru b'saħħithom persuna mejta kienet f'daqqa, so I stenniet għall-awtopsja rapport, biss biex tisma li kien inkonklussiv. Imbagħad, kif I kompliet ħars, smigħ, u stennija, tiegħi inizjali tkeċċija ta 'mewt foloz beda fade, minħabba l-avvenimenti li mysteriöse segwiti.

    Pjuttost milli twieġeb kwalunkwe mistoqsijiet, uħud mill-affarijiet li rat I u jinstemgħu biss qajmet aktar mistoqsijiet, sakemm deher kif għalkemm it-tweġibiet għal dawn il-mistoqsijiet kien, "għaliex Michael mhix verament mejjet." I ippruvaw biċċa flimkien puzzle, u hawn I huwa dak li ħareġ bi:

    1 - Il-mysteriöse tabib kien imkien ikunu misjuba għal mill-inqas 24 siegħa - Kien hu tgħin MJ jitbiegħed?

    2 - Għaliex ma MJ's Sisters jmur lejn dar il-jum li jmiss? Huma ma setgħu jkunu qed jagħmlu xi ħaġa biex jgħinu lill-brother? Ġie rraportat li dawn marru hemmhekk bil jiċċaqilqu vannijiet u ħadet xi affarijiet. X'qalu li jieħdu? Forsi kien hemm affarijiet li ħalliet tagħhom brother meħtieġa.

    Imbagħad ħsibt, "ukoll din kollha jistgħu jkunu koinċidenza - dalwaqt se jkun hemm miftuħa casket udjenza u dann können wir wissen għal dubju."

    3 - Finalment daħal il-monument. I nnutat bosta affarijiet li ssemmew fuq dan vista:
    magħluqa casket, dry eyed familja, falz biki, nuqqas ta 'l-eqreb ħbieb (jibża Betrachtungsweisen wisq kuntenti?), il-persuni jiżolqu up (jew li tagħti ħjiel?), eċċ U ħaġ'oħra: meta aħna jinstemgħu l-poeżija mill-kanzunetta, " Will You Be hemm "(Sung by Jennifer Hudson), kien fil Michael-vuċi, u I'm guessing irridu li jassumi hu minn oriġinali tiegħu reġistrazzjoni tagħha.
    Madankollu, meta mqabbla ma 'l-oriġinali, Michael-vuċi tinstema aktar emozzjonali. Barra minn hekk, m'hemm l-linja fil-poeżija li tmur, "In my dieqa u uġigħ fil tiegħi" u l-kliem dwar l-isfond qal, "In my dieqa u uġigħ fil tiegħi", imma l-vuċi ta 'Michael li aħna jinstemgħu qal, " In my dieqa u uġigħ fil tiegħi ". Hawn xi ħadd jaf jekk hemm ieħor reġistrazzjoni ta 'din il-biċċa x'imkien? Huwa wisq fetched biex jaħsbu Michael setgħu ġew reciting dan tiegħu monument u skop "waqgħet" li tagħti clue?

    4 - It makes no sense li tali Genius u loving, dedikati missier jista 'jieħu l-opportunità li jintużaw il-anestesija (il-ħafna tkellem dwar Diprivan), bħala għajnuna sleep. Ikun jagħmel sens għalih li jridu normali għall-ħajja tal-familja stess u wliedu. Hi tkun tista 'tagħmel sens ukoll għall lilu biex isib cracker jack ta' tabib li jistgħu ipoġġu lilu taħt biss biżżejjed biex jidhru mejta, tell kulħadd m'hemmx polz jew breathing, mur miegħu fl-isptar, u x'imkien matul il-linja meta dan " fast jaġixxi "anestesija wore off, tgħinu jitbiegħed. U naturalment il-familja tiegħu u l-eqreb ħbieb jkollhom jiġu "fl fuqu", sabiex jagħmluha possibbli kollha.

    So ... I mar minn ixxukkjat u saddened li mintix, imbagħad bit-tama. B'xi ma naħsibx li aħna dejjem se jkollha risposta definittiva. We cannot, I raden. Aħna se fatt qatt ma jafux. Jekk irridu li lilha jkollhom l-ħajja normali huwa jistħoqqilha, rridu play matul, u biss nittama li aħna dritt dwar dak li aħna nirreferu. Ma tidhirx li hija iktar estensivi fetched biex tama li huwa issa jista ', "Live Fil-Paċi".

  18. fjura jgħid:

    HI Skużana ME AGAIN għal post 2 im sorry dont u jixtiequ joffendu int fl-xorta jekk i do im verament ruħna, imma l-psikika li qallek dan huwa tkellem żibel u jekk inti mħallsa għal dan il qari inti jkollok bżonn li tikseb tiegħek $ $ $ BCK SHE Mejju ĠEW kuntatt mar-MJ fil rajna fir-ritratt fl-ambulanza mill-falz MJ iżda know mod hija l-vera MJ għadda im 100% ċert minnha fis tiegħek li jekk dan it-tip ta 'ħaġa qatt ma ġew f'kuntatt tiegħek higerself / imsaren tħossok, sorry imma l-info ġejt mogħtija hija żbaljata MJ IS ALIVE. jekk jogħġbok so dont go jħarbat ruħek ma 'din falza info jekk jogħġbok MJ huwa ħaj

  19. Dragun jgħid:

    diqa u guys cant jaqra german.we jkollhom paġni bil-lott ta 'teoriji, li m'humiex stupid f'kull ... ... wthe media huwa tmigħ kulħadd ma shit fil-moment.the us huwa out tal-flus u din l-istorja, sakemm dawn ikunu jistgħu issiba up, tagħtihom Ftit pocketmoney.and dwar la toya, issa tagħha tagħha dawran li jkun fil-midja ... .. ... hi teħtieġ attenzjoni.

    hu jista 'jkun xi mkien, u l-umoristiċi chose, jekk verament HES spotted x'imkien, nadie se belive it ... thats l-genious ħaġa f'dan sekondarji.

    li se belive u, jekk għada u jissodisfa lilu x'imkien ... ..

    huwa għandu jkun hemm out ...
    iżda l-agħar ħaġa, anki għal us belivers, huwa wont jiġu toucheable g alina jibqgħalu .... thats jolqtu ħażin lill so mch.but enfer, i hope, jekk HES hawnhekk, li huma dont crab lilu u ipoġġuh lura fil public.he derves li jkun huwa stess sar, ikun xi jkun jixtieq li jagħmel, huwa li ħaqqu ....

    i love u Michael, bl kollha tiegħi heart.and i kien saħansitra dejjem hemm, whe kulħadd jinxtegħelu tiegħu u lura fi .... tama biex jilħqu u ġurnata waħda ... ..

  20. Andrea says:

    I iridu jaqblu mal eloise u tiegħek fatt numru 3. I bdew jinstemgħu "Gaat jkun hemm" mill-cd li huwa fuq, u I ġew jaraw il-parti mill-monument fejn hu reciting l-kliem eżatt. u ma nistax ngħid verament għall ċert jekk huma l-istess eżatt reġistrazzjonijiet. Forsi hemm raġuni oħra ta 'reġistrazzjoni hija x'imkien? IF kulħadd jaf? imma safejn I'm kkonċernati ... nemmen li MHIX wisq fetched biex jemmnu Michael Mejju ġew reciting dawk il-kliem innifsu fil-monument. Why not? Dan jispjega għaliex hu daqshekk ħsejjes aktar emozzjonali reciting hija fil-monument minn fuq il-kanzunetta.

  21. supermom75 jgħid:

    Nru mhuwiex illegali, mhux aktar minn sempliċiment jgħibu. Min-naħa loħra l-għeruq ta 'iffalsifikata mewt / għajbien jistgħu jiksbu inti fis trouble. Per eżempju, jekk il-pulizija u / jew FBI bidu massiv tiftix għal u jsibu inti m'intix mejta jew nieqsa, inti jista 'jkollok tħallas dawn l-ispejjeż. Lottijiet ta 'flus li tħallas dawk kollha nies li marru infittxu inti. Jekk jużaw ħelikopter jew kwalunkwe tip ta 'dgħajsa għas-tfittxija, lottijiet ta' l-ispiża. Jekk inti pretending inti mejta li toħroġ paying bills jew tagħmel xi ħaġa illegali, jekk isibu inti ħaj, inti ser tkun fl-inkwiet. Jekk inti cash poloz ta 'assigurazzjoni jew qraba do, jew qraba sue ħsieb xi ħadd huma kkawżati tiegħek mewt jew għajbien, inti ser ħabs għall-frodi u qraba tiegħek se jiġi mfittex li jħallas lura l-flus. Jekk inti mbagħad nippretendu inti xi ħadd ieħor u jagħmel xi ħaġa illegali, dan jista 'jkun frodi wisq. Pieni jiddependu fuq iċ-ċirkostanzi u l-livelli ta 'frodi u li tkun affettwata. Jisparixxu jew pretending tiegħek mejta, mhux illegali sakemm ma jinvolvi valur monetarju ta 'xi tip. Ħares lejn dawk il-ħarsien tax-xhieda programmi - dawk in-nies "die" jew jisparixxu l-ħin kollu u jibda oħra lives. It's simili tinsab ma tkunx illegali jew, jiddependi fuq liema int tinsab madwar u sakemm ma jinvolvi xi ħadd screwing over finanzjarjament. Jista 'jkun eħfef kemm biex jisparixxi - iżda imbagħad inti dejjem ikollhom għalfejn tinkwieta dwar xi ħadd li taf tipprova ssib int. Jekk inti tista 'foloz' mewt u verament jisparixxu, l-ebda problema. Imma inti kostanti jkollhom jaraw lilek innifsek biex tiżgura ruħek li għandek ebda run ins mal-liġi hekk ma hemm l-ebda mistoqsijiet asked.No, il-faking ta 'mewt tiegħek mhijiex illegali. X'inhu illegali qiegħda tiġbor fuq dik iffalsifikata mewt. Bħall-assigurazzjoni tal-ħajja. Ukoll, dak li huwa illegali huwa serq ta 'identità, filwaqt li xi ħadd ieħor bħala l-identità tiegħek. Jekk inti foloz tiegħek mewt, allura li inti se tkun? Li huwa i għamlu aloy ta 'riċerka dwar dan jekk legali tabib ma jiffirmax ċertifikat tal-mewt tiegħu u huwa għadu barried ma ndunat bl-media mbagħad ma jkunx frodi jew illegali għal lilu wkoll il-911 numru tkopri wkoll din il-kwistjoni għaliex ma sib. MJ hija mejta jew Michael Jackson għandha kollass qalu a Guy ikkollassa tielet u finali ser ikun frodi għall Aeg jekk dawn hekk jitolbu l-flus għall-assigurazzjoni tad-droga doża eċċessiva din hi r-raġuni i jħossu iffalsifikata hu jixtieq li juri l-worl huwa inocent u li l-ppl madwar lilu kienu l-cuase u l-uniku mod hu li tista 'tagħmel huwa li foloz mewtu biex tara li huwa seta' trust madwar lilu ara l-boy Ġordan li hi ta '29 issa resqu l-info fuq dr. Murray resqu l hu fil det kissru u m'għandha l-ebda liċenzja l-nanny li tiegħu hu insista tabib saru l-nanny kien obbsessed miegħu sens hija kienet ftit u issa hi istryin nikseb tiegħu gidjien hemm aktar i se żżomm kitba kif jiġrilha more info

  22. supermom75 jgħid:

    ok għall-jewelery nieqsa ma xi ħadd ftakar li qabel l-cops u meta għamlet il-tfittxija MJ's dad kienet miexja vannijiet jmorru fl fil ħsibt li xi ħaġa tkun misruqa u kif se latoya issa isactally dak li hu nieqes hi ma nafx kollha tal-passiġġiera ta ' ħuha li huma ma kinux mill-qrib u Janet u latoya mar fil-dar tagħhom imħallsa gwardji qabel tfittxija mill-pulizija sar hmmmmm info ġodda kollha u l-ħaddiema ġew sparati ???????? dak laytoya verament ma jagħmlu sens hemm

  23. supermom75 jgħid:

    ok anther Mibdul l-istorja tal-familja talba a Secon awtopsja ?????? Joe talba tieni awtopsja ??????? issa latoya reporst staqsiet għat-tieni autospy bniedem ma tfittex hawn tajba u fuq xiex Joe jitolbu għal terz u om issa huma jgħidu latoya jkollok costody forsi u l-familja u debbie hablando de OMG li dan huwa hekk sham latoya huwa qrib Michael suppost u Michael riedu omm li jkollha gidjien jekk mhux Diana rosss issa Diana tgħid hi se proptect tiegħu gidjien hi promissed lilu allura jgħidu Diana ma tiftakar dan u issa hi ma anki involuti fiha u latoya ġiet miżjuda lol Ara naqra dan huwa ġewż u hekk ma Michael kien ħabib tiegħi u i know-familja tiegħu huwa sham dejjem kienu fqar iżda bniedem Michael

  24. ejay5131 jgħid:

    Irrid li l-Jacksons, MJs eqreb ħbieb, u li jkunu jafu din AEG ... WE ALL KNOW X'INHU ĦSIBT WE would not!

    Love int MJ dejjem &
    4ever:) Fl tiegħek skur siegħa .. we are here!

    Għal kull min jagħmilha typing żbalji U MA JISTAX BACKSPACE them, ... UŻU Il-vleġġa IMFIETAħ BIEX IKOLLOK BACK sabiex dawn jiġu kkoreġuti MHUX IL-BACKSPACE KEY:)

  25. fjura jgħid:

    fard xi affarijiet li jmorru fuq il-net?? i jkunu stazzjonati ħaġa fuq sit ieħor diciendo MJ huwa ħaj u dawn ġew imneħħija għaliex? somethings dritt ma

  26. fjura jgħid:

    ejay grazzi għal dak tiegħi god i Għandna tant żbalji ortografiċi u didn't taf kif jpoġġuhom dritt ġiet jippruvaw għall-etajiet (li ma jistax i speell xorta iżda ġew jippruvaw kellhom ftit problemi ma 'dan is-sit logging in eċċ thankyou oh yeah tiegħi aħħar post għandhom jgħidu HIGHERSELF Skużana

  27. Andrea says:

    @ Fjura - ISTESS HERE! Ma nifhimx!

  28. supermom75 jgħid:

    @ eloise inti kiteb kważi kollox i jkollhom miktub Ara naqra do minds think simili iżda i jkollhom ftit iktar i jistgħu jżidu mad tiegħek għalik ... Ara naqra dwar kif l-drogi micheal kienet fuq taħseb dwarha huma kollha downers huma jagħmlu inti għajjien exspecially oxy qoton
    u axnax u uġigħ kollha huma downer li inti tagħmel dak kulħadd (bi ngħas, għajjien, exhosted, ixxotta, no energey) imma għadu ma setax jorqod? kellu sleep ap? bniedem mhumiex tajba f'dan iżda meta d-dinja bdiet tkellmu TMZ jħallu hemm sentimenti fuq dan kollu f'daqqa ad ħarāu Michael Jackson użati kokk um ok bniedem instab fuq underware tiegħu u mbagħad meta hu rrapportat il-spider gidma li it-tabib l-imħallef bagħatlu wisq comfirmed hija a Rumor li huwa kien beda eroina tracks u labra ltqajna staġnati hemm issa Michael dejjem ħassew ma setax trust kull min-istaff tiegħu, iżda anke jekk wieħed mill-persunal tiegħu tmur għall-Korpi għal Valutazzjoni Teknika u jgħidu i jkollhom info fuq Michael Jackson tafu li se jkollhom jitħallsu biex jitkellmu

  29. wishful09 jgħid:


    Yes, I marru lura u jinstemgħu fuq il-kanzunetta tiegħi mp3. Vuċi tiegħu kien mod aktar emozzjonali fuq il-wieħed li tilgħab fl-monument. Ara, qabel I anki jaslu għal dan is-sit, I diġà jkollu fil-fehma tiegħi dak li huwa suspettużi lili. I jiġu hawn biex tara jekk l-oħrajn jaħsbu l-istess ħaġa. We cant kollha tkun ħażina. Hija xi ħaġa up. I qatt jiġu hawn biex tikseb ideat. I dejjem jagħmlu f'moħħi up jew tiġbor tiegħi info iċċekkjar qabel dan is-sit. Ma kien hemm jum wieħed fejn suspetti tiegħi ma jaqblux ma 'dik ta' xi wħud mill-utenti dwar dan is-sit.

  30. supermom75 jgħid:

    u @ Dragun tajjeb ħafna perseption Ara naqra u know lilu kieku ngħid li inti imħabba inti aktar let jkun hemm paċi

  31. Dragun jgħid:

    @ fjuri

    anki, sorry im Ġermaniż, so skuża tiegħi Ingliż, i nnutat li fil hu online dinja, anke mill stupid boulevard rivisti, ritratti u rapporti tneħħew ... ..
    forsi we ruħhom biex jagħlqu fuq ċerti punti.
    u hekk i diġà am assenjazzjoni fl Ġermaniż blogs.with michaels (tkun xi tkun għal tmiem) we tilfet dinja kultura legacy.in dan il-każ (anki l-vatikan Tkellem għoli kliem madwar lilu) għandu jkun diġà involuti FBI u tkun xi tkun .... b'xi, kollox jidher li jkun involut ....
    tiegħu m'huwiex ħadd, hekk aktar i cant jifhmu, għaliex dawk kollha stramba affarijiet qed jiġri.
    ... ....
    jekk xi Ġermaniż qari popli huma hawnhekk, jittamaw li jilħqu u fi fakeblog jew il-grupp wkw x'influwenza Michael jacksons spurensuche.

    mill-1 jum ta 'wara tiegħu ħabbret "mewt" im simili hauinted minn dawn it-teoriji kollha, tħoss bħal im tiftix u konstatazzjoni tiegħi brother u jagħti l-posizzjoni mżerżqa, sakemm i biss ikollhom idea li huwa alright.
    Ara naqra .... ukoll, i jista 'jmur fuq bil-tużżani ta' teoriji reali tajba, iżda dan huwa diġà wisq għall me.im diġà involuti fil-Ġermaniż ma 'din paġni ....

    i jixtiequ lilu l-aħjar, huwa kważi 24 siegħa fuq f'moħħi .... mhux bħala regolari fann, mais nous avons tant similaritajiet fil-ħajja ....

  32. LeeAnn jgħid:

    @ admin: gute Arbeit, iżommu tryin fuq.

    @ noisehammer: hekk ikollok ltqajna email minn Guy li MJ huwa ħaj? AAAAAAaand? Peress i misjuba f'dan is-sit I'm mixi madwar javżak u li kulħadd huwa MJ ħaj (anki l-persuni li ma TIXTIEQ li tkun taf li ....)

    @ Dragun: Ich bin nicht traurig, ich kann Ġermaniż. welche Seiten meinst du? das-bewegt-die-welt.de? warum sich wohl RTL in "akte" noch keine Fragen gestellt hat ... jien ma imdejjaq, I'm Ġermaniż. paġni li int tfisser, das-bewegt-die-welt.de? għaliex does'nt il-Ġermaniż tv station RTL ma mistoqsi lilu nnifsu fil juru hemm imsemmi "akte" ...

  33. noisehammer jgħid:

    @ supermom75
    Grazzi għall-kumment tiegħek għad-domanda dwar jekk il-illegali faking mewtu!
    hekk forsi huwa seta 'verament ikollhom iċ-ċans għal legali fix?

    Michael, we love int hekk!

    @ Dragun
    sag mir mal die seite du wo immer hingehst

  34. Dragun jgħid:

    wkoll fakeblog, promipranger und wkw.gruppe Michael Jackson spurensche ... .. ich bin dragonslver.also kommst du mit meinem richtigen namen mich über googel ta 'dam.

    kien meintest du mit RTL? fande es eh Schön merkwürdig, das vorgestern, als so zu sagen, ein Medien vacuum gwerra, auf einmal zeitgleich über die verschwörungstheorien und deren Seiten zu Schreiben und wieder zeitgleich sich auf mord einpendeln .... nu ja, habe fleißig gepostet.und mittlerweile wird langsam daraus eine arbeitsgruppe ....
    wenn ich das jm in Rechnung stellen würde, kienet tiltaqa 2 wochen ich hier treibe, wären die nächsten Monate Schön etwas ausgesorgt ...

  35. Dragun jgħid:

    b'xi mod hu me ifakkar fl-aħħar Unicorn, u jekk ikun jaf l-istorja ... ..

  36. i87 jgħid:

    Dragun ... u jista PLZ tittraduċi tht? ... plzz:)

  37. Dragun jgħid:

    ukoll, huwa kiteb il-kanzunetta morfina fil-album tad-demm fuq il-dancefloor.bu im mhux żgur, jekk huma jagħmlu dan gonna li ġejjin fir-punt, li jgħidu li ma kanzunetti, huwa ppjanat li jmutu jew li jsiru assassinées?
    ukoll, dfor me, tout est tali mess, iżda fl-aħħar għal aċċess faċli, jiġifieri HES mejta jew maqtula ... .. i dot belive it.anyway.he kien il-BST horse fil-stable.who joqtol tiegħu aħjar horse? dawn jista extort jagħtih tantas otras cosas, milli biex joqtlu u lilu ... .. i cant belive li mhux anki l-mafja, jew xi ħaġa bħal din, gwardja ħajtu ... ... ...

    xorta, din l-istorja huwa rħis għal kif dawn juru li fil-media u maħsula news ...

  38. dianafan jgħid:

    Andrea - I ħarsu lejn tiegħek punti, just a koppja ta 'l-affarijiet

    1 - Dr Conrad tisparixxi - MJ kienet meqjusa li fir u b'saħħithom, u M'inix ċert fejn I read this, imma ma kienx MJ barra b'mod sħiħ ħsieb / jistgħu jiġu tkellmu fannijiet fil-gate? Dan jista 'jkun li jipprovdu xhieda indipendenti li MJ definiteley kien hemm.

    UK istampa llum qal MJ kien Dr Cs kamra, mhux tiegħu stess, jekk dan huwa dak li kien hekk konspirazzjoni sigrieti MJs kamra li paramediċi mhux suppost biex tara - jista lilu ġew pass wisq għall MJ biex tara "nnifsu" dead fl-sodda tiegħu stess? Naħseb li l-Dr sped lilu bogħod.

    Fir-rigward tat-teħid Sisters passiġġiera, ġusta biżżejjed dawn setgħu ġbir essentials / oġġetti prezzjużi - iżda huma setgħu wkoll ġew takins xi ħaġa - li aktar tard kien bagged up mill-pulizija. L-impjegati kienu sparati - ovvjament kienu jekk int impjegat minn negozjant uniku meta l-imgħallem dies so ma xogħolkom.

    Bl-istaff marret, MJ mejta fl-isptar u l-ebda waħda sejrin fid MJs kamra (spekulazzjoni) huwa jista 'biss kienu qed jistaħbew għal stennija tiegħu Sisters? ha ha li's a tajba raden.

    Ma nafux xi ħaġa li kienet misruqa - MJ setgħet jitneħħa fi kwalunkwe ħin bħala familja tiegħu hadn; t dehru lilu għal 3 ġimgħat. Mar ristorant għall-ġenituri tiegħu anniversarju - wonder jekk ikollhom CCTV?

    None of this is fabricated, I have read it all somewhere – except where its obviously speculation on my part.

    Don't know if you picked up my earlier post – I was googling areound MJ conspiracies or something similar and there was a link to Rockwell – who sang Somebody's watching me – written and performed on by MJ – Rockwell is Gordys son and *I think* it said he doubled for him as well. Well where is he now? IN THE CRYPT! with his family (sorry getting carried away)

    Anyone think that's viable? Rockwell – if you are alive and reading this I'm really sorry.

    Why is noone in Hollywood/music land saying anything at all? Even if its a bit of rubbish trivia about when he sang happy birthday or something to their kids – only Madonna has publically acknowledged him – Lisa Maries busy hiding him – Oprahs busy delivering him via her yacht

    Well sorry, I had a real lot to say there – its ok for many of you, you can have real time posting – when you are posting I'm asleep, when you are asleep I'm working.

    Hey Admin – thanks for the stats – if the numbers change significantly can you let us know – may be a post on here every day to let us know how many are visiting.

  39. dragon Says:

    at which point are we now?he got killed or suicide,killed by drugs,like the morphine song or somewhere on this planet?

    i need some point of views from the english speaking side of this world…..

  40. dianafan Says:

    Hey admin – another thought- could you close all the other threads and then everyone can just post on this one. We have all seen the existing titles and know what is being referred to. How about going back to that when something new comes up

  41. admin Says:

    We are launching a Forum for the site, which will hopefully be up and running within the next 12 hours or so, so you will all be able to discuss certain topics and share all of your viewpoints much more easily.
    MJHD Admin

  42. dianafan Says:

    Sorry forgot to say in my other post – Latoya could be being quite shrewd here. If she keeps banging on about MJ being murdered and throwing around wild accusations around , taking up lots of our attention and time – she's taking our attention away from where the burial will be and what will be/is on the death certificate. Hoping that it will just fade away and no-one will ask cos we are too tied up with murder.

    She also said that his brain and liver were back inside him and that he wasn't bald at all. And also that we would be surprised when the autopsy results come back.

    Dragon – I have given you some alternative theories above.

  43. dragon Says:

    that would be great….great work at all,admin:P

  44. dianafan Says:

    Yippee! Grazzi. Do you have a day job – I hope you aren't going to work soon, I could do with speculating a bit more. Gonna look at the state of things on the net – will report back

  45. Sara Says:

    I found this site just hoping for answers and they have been coming.
    Not just from the admin but from all the posters here and I just love how everyone is looking deep into this and finding the true answers!

    When asked if I believe he is alive, I can honestly say I can.
    There are so much evidence that has been found!

    1) The picture- From looking at the picture of michael in the back of the ambulence more closely, (buying the OK! Magazine helped quite well) I started noticing the color of his skin was off, his nose was oddly shaped and also his ears were like clipped or something… Things just were off.
    2) The 911 call- The man acting so calmly, not saying his name, the so many unnessisary questions from the paramedics ugh!
    3) The Mamorial- It really got to me. Made me convinced he was dead but the spoken words at the end of “Will You Be There” really freaked me out. Like I said in an earlier post, it was probably recorded awhile ago but it just shook me a bit. And of course the closed caskit. Għaliex? And the “I'm alive and here forever” Its a sighn! Lol

    Those are probably the top things I've been thinking about.
    The song “Morphine” just creeped me out.
    The Illuminus Theo thing sounds convincing. The thing about him meeting Some Romanian guy and maybe he was the one who died. I would like to know more about Illuminis Theo. Maybe Admin can contact that guy.
    The whole rehersal vids….are very interesting.
    The O2 press conference and the fake MJ that was there just HAS to tie into this whole thing.

    There are loads more of things that I haven't said that everyone here has said.
    You guys are doing a great job!
    Keep up the posts and updates.
    Soon it will all become clear

  46. He.is.alive jgħid:

    Don't anyone even remotely entertain the idea to get carried away waiting with baded breath for Michael to “come back” he is NOT coming back,not anytime soon, if at all!

    Michael had had enough of “glory” days, so much so that he staged his own death to escape it all!

    As in every venture, it is timing that is everything and if there is or was to be such a timing for MJ to “reappear”, I am convinced he would decide against it for just fans' sake. He is a human being and has a right to a normal life, a life he was denied and has now obviously chosen by force and it is pretty obvious that after all that has happened in the last 2 weeks, Michael would not just throw it down to return to what he worked so hard to escape from. People, people, let the man ALONE, he's resorted to the very last a human being COULD resort to – to just be: LEFT ALONE ..

    Bloggers are speculating on dates he “might return”, they are obviously only concerned about what they want, but in this case, what matters most is what Michael wants: to be left alone so he can live his life.

    I do hope that the Jackson's are visiting this website to read all the information posted on here. IF they are, I hope they take comfort in the fact that 51% of us are second guessing Michael's death, they only difference between them and us is: we CAN all talk about it and they cannot, what a burden is must be for them, or is it ?

  47. dianafan Says:


    ILLUMINUS THEO is an anagram of

    TOHME ILLUSION (if you change one letter)

    There are posts all over the web from Illuminati – try googling Tupac conspiracies – they are all over that too.

  48. wishful09 jgħid:

    He is Alive,

    Yes, some of us are speculating his “comeback” dates, but that does not mean we are only concerned with what we want. Obviously, many of us only want Michael to be alive, whether we see him again or not. Most on this site have came to the conclusion he is alive, so we go further to offer reasons as to why he might fake his death. Staging a comeback is just one of the many reasons suggested on this site. You may have known Michael personally and be in a better postion to say whether he would come back or not. However, as just a fan (longtime fan) I have come to the conclusion that Michael would not want to keep this a secret. That is just my opinion though. If he never reveals this, I dont care. I just hope he is at peace and happy.

  49. noisehammer jgħid:


    ukoll .. im not sure if he for himself has got true informations.. so im not sure if its defenitly true, but im thinking about it.. and of course.. WANT TO BELIEVE that MJ is alive !
    but it seems he is retrieving informations which are not public, why would he tell me then he is sworn to secrecy ?!
    so i dont want to tell his name in public..

    in german:
    @LeeAnn , wenn du willst kann ich dir den emailverlauf schicken ?

  50. dianafan Says:

    He is alive -

    We are all just names on a screen. We say we care, we say we are interested, some do research to back up their theories. Some come up with great info -how do we know MJs family are not posting on here? Like others I'm 100% that they have read it.

  51. LeeAnn Says:

    @noisehammer: that would be great! but how can i send my emailaddress to you? i don´t understand this wkw-thing…lol

    I have 3000 questions and theories, but my english isn´t good enough to write it all on this side…

  52. Angel36 Says:

    I believe he is still alive.
    And if he wants to live in silence pleae do.
    He is hurt so much in the past years.
    Now he's dead everbody loved him and he was an icon blablabla.
    And the next week there is so much dirt getting out and there's noone to devend him.
    I think he well deserved his peace outside the media.
    He has done enough for the world.
    But it could be the best and awsome way to see to the world:Don't believe everything the media tells you.
    The media told eveyone that he was quilty of child molesting and now he can say that they were wrong about his death.The media tell lies to sell at al expense.Even if they have to ruin someone live.What the media did to him was so painfull that he didn't see an other option then fahe his death.Good for you Michael.
    Michael wherever you are we will love you always.
    I hope you found what you were looking for.

  53. dragon Says:

    well,im just getting tired about some groups,which are really getting rude,if u start to talk about conspiracies…..
    and always the same:he wouldnt do it to his fans.

    i always answred,if they are sure about this egoistic opinion of this?it seems like they are havig a contract for him,in the case,hes still alive,that he has to be there for us…..

    this guy went through such a lot of shit and a stolen childhood,and all the turned on backs through these years,why should he give up a chance,for living a rest of a peaceful live…
    they are so egoistic in that point.

    and another thing is,hose kind of fans,werde those which havnt been here for him.now they are buying like hell,everything on ebay.and the time before?where hhave they been?and the most were hiding ashamed his cds for a while.could puke on them.

    anyway,like i said,im not that quite good in english to write down all my thoughts like i already do since 2 weeks in the geran groups.iguess i another 2 weeks it could be already a book about it…..

    i could even need 2 days of vacation from all of this and hide myself somewhere in a deep forrest to rest a bit…….

    anyway,i want to settle down in nz in a few years,hope i ll meet him there:))

    and about those,which are talkig bad about us,with our conspiracies,i always give them the story about galileo and say,sure,and the worls is still a disk.

    if those peoples aret able to think round corners,this world would be more worse,tha it alöready is…..
    there will never be a new horiozone,if u are not able to have fictions…..

    with peoples like us,the world would be already a huge army with brainless soldiers and without any own mind.every day,if u take a lok in the television,they brainwash us,and try to keep us dump,with senseless talkshows,with model contests,with all shit.just to keep your mind shut from the reality….damn,if everyone open his eyes this place could be totally different.this will hopefully come one day,but then,a huge war will happen.there wont beany way to seperate all others above,like the nwo…..

    and however,i guess,that theres is some higher political thing involved with jackos story.

    and the time as well.this demonstrationgirl zeda was killed,we had the g8 meeting….everything.

    and with who,in our generation and time,can u reach so many societies of humans,than with michael?black and white,young and old,brokensouls and so on….around the world.who would care that much of all those peoples attention in the moment,if somebody like…hm…brad pitt has been announced death,or angelina,or a politician?they would rech just such a tiny part with it….
    but everyone is watching this in the moment.everyones attention is still at michael…..noone could reach that much on earth….and theres noone else,who will ever reach it again.its all so wired……theres more behind it,than just an ordenary reason,like they suggest us.and the clan behind him…..hes doin better now without them.like vultures they are surrounding the bugger now.it really makes u wanna puke,how the money now is running for them…..and just one person had to suffer all alone for this,which they are now fighting for.shame on them….

  54. dragon Says:

    haha@dianafan,about whos posting,i already thought the same.and if u enter google and conspiracies u cant even go over this page.u really haveto get in:)

  55. dinamita jgħid:

    I also believe he is still alive, first time i heard he was dead i wasnt upset at all idk why, I just had a gut feeling it was all a hoax. i heard TMZ got the news that he had died from another site and they just went with it,
    every other news just went with tmz that he had died, Does another knw if this is true?

  56. dragon Says:

    @lee ann

    du deutsch?wkw ist eine community.habe dort ne gruppe angelegt.seit gestern.weil man in den ganzen fanatischen,augenverschlossenen fangruppen wie jeanne dárc,gallileo oder judas behandelt wird….

    aquirieren auch schon weiter,das es voller wird.werde mich mit einer anderen um baldige arbeitsteilung bemühen,denn es wird mir zu viel.recherchieren,schreiben,posten,misten….puuh….
    bin eigentlich selbstständig und meine sachen bleibe seit 2 woche liegenwem kann ich dafür,eigentlich die rechnung schicken??joe jackson am besten…

    bin auch i fakeblog vertreten.mit 2 verschiedenen namen.
    aber bei wkw hab ich mal angefangen die gruppe aufzubauen.kannst dir ja anonym ein profil anlegen.

  57. dragon Says:

    ist tmz something like a yellow press like here our shit asspaper bildzeitung?i thin so….

    and again…paparazzi at the ambulence,and just one photo,even shot by just one paparrazi?there must be more,if….

  58. Andrea says:

    @ dynamite. I remember when I first heard the news I walked into my living room and my dad said that MJ was in the hospital and said that Jermaine made a statement saying Michael 'wasn't doing very well'. So of course, with that in mind, I got onto my PC and googled Michael Jackson heart attack, which there in TMZ had posted an article stating MJ had indeed had a heart attack..at that point I texted my brother and he said he had heard on the radio (it had to have been at least 30 minutes later) that MJ had died. I then asked my parents if they had heard on the news that he died, and they said that they only heard STILL that he only had a heart attack….then my mother confirmed to me that the media was saying he was in a coma. THEN about 10 minutes later, they confirmed he 'died'. I also remember that same day, rumours on the news spread saying that MICHAEL was the one who called 911. WEIRD HUH? Then the next day they said it was the doctor that called 911…thennnnnnnn they said it was the bodyguard. HAHA since the beginning this entire thing has been a circus, and it will continue to be that way until MJ comes out of hiding or someone finally admits the truth as to what happened that day.

  59. dragon Says:

    and i totally think the same what is on this page.even about the ceremonie,the b VIPS,the well seemed children………..and for ending this all up,they already could have burry an empty coffin,if they really want to let him rest in peace,as they pretend.they already could have make a fake funeral,to let the fans come to peace and handle their pain about it…..but no,they keep hoölding everyone up,everyday with news.
    if i would have a famous family member,and want the peoples around,fans,to alm down,i would burry him ,or do like i would burry him,to have a time after it,without any attention,to find the truth…..

    thats all just sick and senseless.

    and like i said a while before,u even see on the blogpage,the picture of the rehersal of this is it.him in front of the light letters……

    look between his legs,a big part of the S is missing.i already re constructed it by photoshop,how it really should it looks like….

    somehow,it must be a montage picture.because,if there would be something in front of this letter,or behind him,u would see a shadow on the silver floor,or whatever that is…..

    maybe we should go back in history in odysseus adventures,i bet,thers something like this to find,similar to this adventure of our present.

  60. dragon Says:

    well,i dont hope for him,that they will find him.they will hunt him,like in the medivial time……
    he should do it like binladen,sometimes a video from somewhere,and saying hi:)
    anyway,he knows now,what real friends he got,ad on who he can spit on……

  61. loveandpeace jgħid:

    @dianafan Oddly, Michael's doctor who gave him the physical, his name was Dr.Tohme.

  62. melia8383 jgħid:

    Ok everyone I found a song, It's really Crazy unreleased from Michiael Jackson, It talks about how he's “planning” his escape from the “system” and “pressures” he has to find a place to hide away.(thats what he says in the song) the name of the song is xscape(yes, it's actually spelled that way.
    If he faked his death, he's away from the pressures, he has to leave his children behind, if he don't want people to know he's “dead”). If the children is with his family, he will always see them. Latoya said, he didn't want to do the 50 shows, that's probably why it was an impersonator at the O2 conference! It was him rehearsing in the video, if he's planning his get away, he has to cooperate, right? AEG insured for “overdose”? WHY?

  63. dinamita jgħid:

    yes i heard so many things on the news that day some where sayin he had died others where sayin he was in a coma, so many different stories where goin around i didnt knw what 2 believe, even the news over here didnt believe TMZ where a reliable source they just went with what TMZ where saying

  64. dragon Says:

    yep,the insure for the overdose….what should we say about this point…..mhm……

  65. melia8383 jgħid:

    I meant if he wants people to know he's dead

  66. dragon Says:

    okay,i need sleep.its already 3 am in germany.like two weeks now,i never get early to bd,or just sleep 4 hours….
    where should i send my bill for all this?joe jackson? or AEG?

    good night,ill be back

  67. melia8383 jgħid:

    Michael's not stupid! He even said, that he doesn't have friends, he only trust a handful of people, that you can count on one hand!!!!

  68. LeeAnn Says:

    @dragon: muss ich mich dann mit meinem echten namen anmelden und danach im profil sperren oder wie?

  69. melia8383 jgħid:

    Someone commented on here that they noticed during the memorial service for the song Will You BE There, (that Jennifer Hudson sung) towards the end when he speaks he says Pains, instead of Pain(like in the song) I have listen to every live performance when he sings that song he always says Pain. So I believe he recently just recorded that or he was there reading off the monitor in the back!!!!
    Another Slip UP!!!! people need to pay attention, it's not that we can't accept his “death” it's just that things don't add up, and it was subliminal messages in at the memorial service. I can't believe no one notice this????

  70. loveandpeace jgħid:

    Michael hired Leonard Rowe as his manager. R.Kelly hired him a couple years ago and had problems with him, which ended in a lawsuit. Why would Michael hire him?


    @melia8383 I've heard of that song before, but i thought it was an old song, just unreleased. Then i googled it, and it said 1996. Unless it's going to be on his new album.

  71. loveandpeace jgħid:

    The real “They Don't Really Care About Us” video.


  72. melia8383 jgħid:

    his unreleased songs suppose to be on a new cd coming out!!!!

  73. she_can Says:

    here is two other testimonies concerning MJ's good health coming from people who know him well


  74. curious_george Says:

    I was reading a thread on newsflavor.com, re: many peoples' belief that MJ isn't in fact dead; that his death was a hoax, orchestrated by him. Amid the discussion and posts there, there are some interesting posts by the following individual – who claims to be “in the know” about this hoax, citing that MJ flew out of LA shortly after his alleged death. Poster is “macanridire” and you can read his subsequent posts there:


    Posted July 8, 2009 at 12:18 am
    I know for a fact, that he isn't dead. 2 hours after his supposed demise, an area of LAX airport was secretly shut down to recieve an undisclosed person of intrest. Too many bodyguards and “lookouts” were circled around someone as they entered the closed area, driven in a black SUV. Then the control tower was told to “ignore” the lear jet taking off on a private runway, headed for an undisclosed destination. It was reported that the person of interest was wearing a mask or veil over their face, and the planes “call letters” were covered or taped over.
    With the amount of debt jackson had, and pending or upcoming lawsuits filed on him, I would have done the same…. just disappear, perminantly.

  75. curious_george Says:

    OOPS……..the above post came from this site:


  76. Andrea says:

    What I just read (from an article a little while ago, obviously..but still KEY facts here) –

    'A second private autopsy on Jackson's body was completed Saturday at the family's request so they could have a second opinion on the cause of death. The first autopsy conducted Friday was inconclusive and the coroner's office said they will have to wait for toxicology reports, which could take months to complete. However, foul play was ruled out.

    “I think it's really more an issue of control. For the Los Angeles coroner to issue a report regarding its finding takes at least a month [and] can take several months … '

    HELLO. FOUL PLAY RULED OUT? But now they are saying that there WAS foul play involved and that they never said they ruled it out? I CALL BULL SHIT!

    AND MONTHS! It could take MONTHS to figure out the toxicology results. PFT!

    Just saying!

  77. He.is.alive jgħid:

    BREAKING NEWS :::::::::

    The Geraldo Rivera show reported about one hour ago that – according to british tabloids – Debbie Rowe and Grandma Jackson have struck some kind of custody deal that eliminates Grandpa Joe from the loop altogether .. Debbie Rowe is also seeking a restraining order against the old man to keep him away from the children … sounded like Debbie is in the driver's seat on this one. Developing …

  78. lizzieTaylor Says:

    a lot of ´weird´ things since the beggining.. I dont think MJ is dead, i really really believe he is alive. Dunno if he will return to his ´past´ life at some point, but i would love if we could know for sure that he is ok
    Just to know he is alive , would be a HUGE and pleasant surprise for everybody.

  79. SkylinexBleedsxRed jgħid:

    I don't know what to believe. There are so many things that don't look right. I believe he is still alive out there in the world somewhere. Deep down inside, I feel he is still breathing. So, That gives me hope. Although, I'm terrified as to why he faked his demise. I have heard so many conspiracy theories and I cannot fathom him being involved in them. I'm so scared for him. I hope that they aren't true.

  80. MONij jgħid:

    With Every day that goes by, I get closer and closer to the truth: that Michael Jackson is dead. Until recently I was holding on tightly to the thought that MJ faked his death. Now this death hoax does not make sense to me anymore.. There are so many questions that are left unanswered. We try to answer these questions ourselves, we try so hard to come up with theories, and believe me everyone is doing a great job, and this why it took me this long to accept the sad fact that MJ is dead. How can the coroner, the police, the medical staff, the funeral home, the City of Los Angeles take part in this death hoax? Isn't too risky? If MJ indeed faked his death, why did Latoya vow to bring the people who killed MJ to justice? And she wants a private autopsy? Does she mean a 3rd autopsy? Is that why they have not buried him, because his family suspect MJ was murdered? The mystery surrounding his body viewing is easily explained, they removed his brains during autopsy, this I assume can badly damage the face (or not?) that is why there hasn't been a public viewing. And about the family or the kids smiling, that is believe me very normal. I have been to funerals and memorials where there have been both tears and laughter maybe it is human nature to cope with grief. Also, the use of impersonators or doubles, especially at the O2 press conference, does not point to the fact that MJ faked his death. Maybe they used them because MJ was very high on drugs (does anyone remember Anna Nicole Smith, she could hardly say 2 words, and she always had this groggy look on her face), or simply because he was sick. Lastly, let's not forget Heath Ledger, he died the same way as MJ did (Heath Ledger did not overdose himself, it was just an accidental overdose) why then can't we accept the fact that MJ died of accidental overdose, because like Ledger, Michael Jackson is human. Please tell me if I am wrong….

  81. ejay5131 Says:

    I'm betting that it is not going to be very long before we see Paris,, prince and Blanket “disappear”. Think about it..how often have we really seen Latoya or Janet in the last year or two. Those kids are going to be kept from the “public eye”. What I am saying is no body questions where the sisters have all been for so long, eventually no one will question where the kids are either.

  82. curious_george Says:


    I also find it strange and hard to believe that so many people (coroner, LAPD, hospital staff, funeral home, etc) could be “in on it.” Yes, MJ was famous and powerful but I find it hard to believe he had enough “clout” to get these folks to go along with the hoax.

    That being said, it seems incredibly strange to me that nobody is coming forward. What I mean is……in a high publicity death such as this, wouldn't you expect paramedics or hospital staff to want to get their 5 minutes of fame by agreeing to an interview (even if it was for some trash rag like the National Enquirer) about what they saw. I find it impossible to believe that “nobody” has a story to share about what they saw.

    It is also very difficult to believe that no media or paparazi got pics of MJ being taken from the ambulance into the hospital; they live for this kind of thing, it's what they do for a living. You think they'd have followed the ambulance to the hospital.

    I've read that right after his death, a good # of his staff were fired. so how come none of them are talking?…about what they saw?

    Usually in high publicity cases, everyone comes out of the woodwork for the 5 minutes of fame…..but it seems that nobody is talking. I find that very very strange.

  83. ejay5131 Says:

    Curious_george: It's very funny..the only people coming out to talk are the people fueling the overdose and drug rumors. Helping to convince us of his death. What I want to know is who is the guy/girl that took the ambulance picture…you'd think they'd want the spotlight for sure. Being the only person to capture that coveted photo. Another observation, it seems that the more in depth the conversations get on this website and the more info we all share focusing on this HOAX, the more strange info. comes out in the media from “sources”

  84. Andrea says:

    oh my, eljay! you are so very right about that! the MORE WE bring up stuff, the more the media starts talking. holy shit, I did not even realize that until I saw what you wrote. We are all on to something here! and the doubters, well..I don't even know why they're even on this site to begin with? haha

  85. Andrea says:

    I mean ejay****** hahahaha sorry about that. I have a livejournal and I usually tell my friends 'eljay' to abbreviate the site name..so yeah. my mind is in a haze lately anyways cause all I can think of is this entire thing. I even dream about it. strange, huh? haha

  86. curious_george Says:


    It's reported that someone named Christopher Weiss took the last pic of MJ, the one of him in the ambulance:


  87. ejay5131 Says:

    hmm, im still not buying the photographers story, running around the ambulance with a huge body guard jumping in your face and the picture came out so perfectly clear and in focus. Doubtful.

  88. supermom75 jgħid:

    no that is the last photograhy photo not the ambulance

  89. curious_george Says:

    sorry supermom75, that's incorrect. Do a search on Google and you'll easily find that Christopher Weiss is the photographer/paparazi who snapped the pic of MJ in the ambulance:


    Within the article above, there's a link to that actual picture.


  90. melia8383 jgħid:

    I don't see how he could of snapped the photo? The entire back window was covered by the bodyguard. Unless michael hired him to snap it. Because I don't how it possible, you have to be very close to the window to snap that, and as we all know the ambulance windows was tinted!!!!

  91. curious_george Says:

    Frankly I wonder if perhaps this is a pic that was taken of MJ sometime in the past? Was he ever taken by ambulance in the past? Didn't he collapse years ago? The skin color looks far too good for someone whose heart has stopped particularly when you consider how pale MJ has always appeared (though I suppose some of that paleness could be attributed to make-up?). The face of this person in the ambulance is a lot more “full” than the normally gaunt, hollowed face that MJ has.

  92. He.is.alive jgħid:

    I do not believe the patient in the ambulance is Michael Jackson, he looks nothing like hi, no way no how ! Read the bio on this Chris guy who took this photo of whomever it is he photographed.

    This kid has a rather unruly financial past and I bet that this photo he took of whoever that is in the ambulance and floated speak sold to the media will pay handsomely for med school, that is, if he peddled it for enough and can at all qualify to get admitted … not very impressed with it … smells fishy fishy fishy …

  93. curious_george Says:

    I wonder how easy/hard it is to photo-shop a picture? Maybe that's what was done?

    When I saw this picture I initially thought it was bogus because it's obvious that the person taking the picture is:

    a) taking it through glass (you can see the glare of the flash) on the pic

    b) taking it parallel to crew/victim inside…which made no sense to me because I watched the video of the ambulance slowly backing out of MJ's driveway and couldn't see any windows on the sides of the ambulance (which would make obvious sense)…though at the end of that video I “think” you can see a small window near the front passenger side, behind the passenger door area. Not sure, though, how you could take a pic through very dark tinted windows, even with a flash. I'm not sure that's even possible.

  94. bghoppy jgħid:

    For pure entertainment value, I recommend checking out Perez Hilton's site. Especially the articles with Rosanne Barr's and Carrie Fisher's blogs. WOW is all I can say about those two's comments.

    Would also like to thank admin for concidering our requests and creating the forum.

  95. He.is.alive jgħid:

    curious george: yep ! I totally agree with your observations on the the ambulance pic. Even more so now since info of some wanna-be doctor/turned photographer kid has surfaced who has supposedly taken this picture.

    This just might have been the “big break” this kid was waiting for and as fake as the picture looks, it is highly likely that even so, it put a pretty penny rag-dollar in his empty pockets !

  96. dianafan Says:

    Why can't the press talk about all the wonderful things Michael did for the world.

    (hopefully) links to our second trashiest tabliod – I daren't even look at the worst one yet
    You will have to copy and paste this I think –

    and oh my goodness Joe – keep away


    Joe just makes you want to scream, although usually there is a hint of thruth to what they print.

    Why are the press banging on about seedy motels etc, I can't see MJ doing that. And I certainly don't think he had no money at all.

    Admin – can you change these to links for me

  97. dianafan Says:


    What are the German forums saying? Are there any ideas which we may have missed?

  98. dragon Says:

    the same thing,goes around in my mind.who says,that this pic is from that day?and even the skin color,it should be more blue………..fine that everyone is involvd now in that pic thing.i thought i might dont become spo many feedbacks for this thread….

    damn,i have no time at all today to be online.oi guess,i will have another night i will go through when im back at night.

    and why,they say,no way to bury him at neverland?
    is there maybe a secret tunnel system where he sometimes will be back there and could have no freedom cause it ll be full of visitors??

    my blond head is almost burnung through.thought blondes cant be so busy with the brain…ha,no,actually im at all clever chick…..


    wer zu wkw kommen mag,oder bereits ist,kann sein profil haltweiterhin nehmen und in die gruppe kommen.
    wer erst anmelden muß,einfach registrieren….ihr müßt nicht von jm. eingeladen werden.
    ich hatte für die gruppengründung nur ein anonymes profil angelegt,da ich selber ein offizielles profil habe,aber bei dem mitläufer folk der anderen fanatischen gruppen,nicht mein offizielles profil zerfleischt bekommen will.

    michael jackson spurensuche.
    weiterhin auch interessant der fakeblog,der admin ist sehr happy über wirklich gute denkanstöße.ich und eine freundinn werden schon gar nicht mehr auf kommentare geprüft,weil er ihnen vertraut,was wir schreiben…

    @michael jackson…
    hope u doin great,and if we meet one day,i show u how to work with silver and making artcrafts…..u will love it:)

    and another thing….why could be so many people involved to hide him?like doctors,poilice,and so on?

    dont forget,behind this story is a huge money thing like dagobert duck.who would be so stupid,to earn more money for one favor and shut up,than working hard for years with even not a lot of money…..u can make a lot of people shut up with money,or come into e spiral ,that noone can belive u or u are forced,more than before,to shut up…..

    and we all know,our world is out of money,a lot of peoples,need even a bit money,to hold their properties or whatever.so nothing better can happen than a big conspiracy……


  99. He.is.alive jgħid:

    ha .. what isn't turning up about this Jackson thing .. a new trick every couple of hours ?

    Anything at all, but not a whisper from Taylor, Ross, Minelli, Lisa Marie, THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE who know it all !

  100. dragon Says:

    even ,maybe that pic is old and from smeone else….maybe someone thought,this could look like him,and i ll wait until i find a reason to sell it…..

    anyway,the breatheing mask,or how the english word is,its position is strange as will.u see the lip over it a bit….that was the first thing i thought about it and sure,the skin color,if somebody is already”dead” for a while….

  101. dragon Says:

    and if we find a great mj conspiracy logo,let me know,i can make us a sign in silver,as a pin or a pendant:)
    dtragonsilver,me,is everywhere:)

    and will buyable just for the materialcosts..

  102. Sosh jgħid:

    As I quickly scanned this article: http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2009/07/michael-jackson-photo200907?currentPage=1

    I think we can assume he knew Michael and or that other photographer. Isn't it strange that he was at the right place at ther right time. Almost like someone told him to be there!

    And yes, it's also possible that the picture from Michael in the ambulance is from some years back. Remember he had some healt troubles during his trial a couple of years ago.

  103. supermom75 jgħid:

    do not listen to the sun the sun is junk they tell nothing but lies it is all evil the devil the sun has no remorse for anything they say about anyone

  104. YOY Says:

    i must say I have been hooked on this site since day 1, THANK YOU for creating this site. I find it fascinating that the whole world does not even think as we do about the hoax. I sit and watch everything and whenever something crosses my mind, i go on this site and BAM! its been said! I cant even talk to other people about this cause they think its insane and out of the question. With that said, what stood out the most recently was an interview done with Joe Jackson and their long time family friend Majestik Magnificent. I think that interview totally gave it away that this is a hoax! It was so ridiculous and whats even more odd is that i cannot find that interview ANYWHERE online and its driving me nutts! Uri Gellar is also part of the CIA? so how convenient is that! I'm pretty sure everything will unfold and it wont take long. Thanks for everyones input! keep it up!

  105. YOY Says:

    michael probably helped out the photographer because he knew his story about wanting to go to med school and being a paparazzi was not his dream job but a way to earn money for school.

  106. VanillaCream Says:

    Honestly, if, IF he faked his death he did it for some reason, including his desire for peace. Wouldn´t it be viciously to take a pic of him or even reveal his whereabouts?

    Why not to give him the peace his soul really despairingly needs?

    So if somebody spys him out, don´t give away this info. This would demonstrate the proper respect he deserves.

    (Sorry for the grammar, I´m german)

  107. SkylinexBleedsxRed jgħid:

    Michael liked girls, So I don't know where that is coming from about him having sugar in his tank. That is a load of bologna.

  108. elde jgħid:

    When I was at college, my philosophy professor told us that if we would like to have just an idea of what whas really going on in the world, we would have to put at least a dozen newspapers/articles next to one another, add tons of salt (expression in Belgium) and then maybe, maybe we would have just a glimpse….. we only know what people want us to know for whatever reason. So I guess we will probably never really know…
    Besides, we also really see what we would like to know. Very confusing indeed

  109. dragon Says:

    wow,great.u finally took the point i was tolding 3 times in here about thisis it picture.
    yeah,happy about it,that u read it.

    i did a fotomontage,how it actually shpould look lik if its real……

    sometimes i ask myself,if they are doing that for purpose,to find something like this…….

    i saw this pic 2 days ago again,and i found it,theres deffinately somethig missing.i would like to upload my ,fotomontage,to show how it has look like….

    thanks for the attention to my hint…

  110. LeeAnn Says:

    @dragon: hab eine mega-zusammenfassung geschrieben, und beim abschicken wurde gesagt “sitzung abgelaufen”! macht echt keinen spass!

    i wrote all the facts on the german page and as i submit my comment there were a “time is out” message! That´s not funny!

  111. dragon Says:

    SOMEHOW i guess,he is longer already away from us since the 25th…..

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