Que pensez-vous?

12 juillet 2009
par admin

Croyez-vous que Michael Jackson a été la mort d'un canular? Croyez-vous vraiment qu'il est mort d'arrêt cardiaque ou avez-vous commencé à avoir des doutes?

Cette page a été créé pour chacun d'exprimer ce qu'ils pensent réellement s'est passé en ce qui concerne la possibilité que la mort de Michael Jackson est un Hoax.

Laissez vos commentaires, exprimer vos préoccupations et de comparer les notes.

Peut-être, ensemble, nous pouvons découvrir les pièces de ce puzzle étrange et déroutant.

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Commentaires (256)

256 Responses to "Que pensez-vous?"

  1. manwaylow Says:

    j'ai suivi sans relâche chaque morceau de film possible sur michael et im parler de toutes les parties de sa vie et ive me viennent à l'theroy

    Je crois vraiment qu'il y avait jusqu'à 6 Mabey différents michael JACKSONS
    i know f ** ked up, mais pensez-y
    un retard à moins que votre, vous pouvez dire que mj lipsyncs quand il préformes pour qu'il puisse de danse qualifiés fuly je veux dire, même au superbowl, il a dû prendre un cordon micro pour parler aux fans, puis retourna à son faux micro monté sur la tête
    heres a dit que si ce que je pense ... ...
    un mj qui chante et compose la musique
    un autre mj qui dansaient et préformes
    un autre mj le public à faire de telles choses que les interviews
    ok je sais que seulement trois, mais peut-être qu'il en existe quelques autres qui vont dans son lieu de travail pour des organismes de bienfaisance et d'autres choses comme ça misc
    si je crois vraiment que ce ne soit pas dans efffect Mabey jusqu'à un certain temps, quelques années après defantly thriller et après le pepsi Mabey chose et que l'une des raisons derrière
    je veux dire que nous savons déjà sur l'apparence similaire qu'ils avaient effectivement montré au public, comme la navigation ou de quelque chose, mais yea thats un seul que nous connaissons si whos-à-dire qu'il ya de plus en arent Mabey Mabey seulement celui qui chante sur les pistes est mort, mais la autres sont encore en vie, ils foutu et de laisser le "gentleman" être vu par le public pour le reste d'entre eux sont maintenant f ** ked i vraiment que mes propres croyances, à cette fin et vraiment aller regarder vivre et preformance hes encore tout en faisant le plus souvent en noir, comme le thriller ou le battre sor quelque chose que passer quelques années autour de la zone de libre-willy et juste regarder les choses en direct et à l'étude que ses mouvements et le langage du corps montre sa bouche et ce qu'il fait oh lorsque vous regardez l'ancien STUF deviner ce que NO LIPSYNC quelle surprise

    seulement l'étude et pense que tu dois faire tous les

  2. littlesuemj Says:

    i le texte de mon lastnight psychique et malheureusement, il a confirmé que mj est décédé i ne voulons pas vraiment que cela est vrai même dans le désarroi et dévasté, je voudrais michaels est en place. Aussi Latoya a accepté une offre de prendre la garde de ses enfants, elle mj, katherine et debbie allons discuter des détails de la date de demain que l'on entend mj pour commencer sa tournée. Latoya est également d'avis que michael a été assassiné pour son argent sur le ciel de ses nouvelles.

  3. dianafan Says:

    Salut admin - juste vous demande de maintien de compter le nombre de visiteurs de ce site a eu? Juste curieux de savoir combien de gens se méfient? et combien sont actifs sur le site?

  4. noisehammer Says:

    salutations de l'Allemagne

    im suite de la news sur cette page tous les jours. et de son vraiment intéressant de voir comment vous essayez de trouver une réponse à chaque question, comme certains dedectives!

    au début, après j'ai eu l'information sur le médecin d'être loin de plus de 20 heures, je pense à un meurtre!
    mais après avoir lu beaucoup de rumeurs et, bien sûr, tous les faits sur cette page aussi, il est im pense peut-être encore allive!
    tout en regardant la TV sur un mémorial a été très triste et tout le monde tombe en panne, pour moi, c'était comme si quelqu'un vient de perdre son petit ami ou petite amie.

    mais au cours de ces jours-ci j'ai obtenu des informations personnelles (email) provenant d'un gars qui m'a dit qu'il est vivant!
    et que l'ensemble de la famille fait tout pour rendre les gens pensent qu'il est vraiment mort!
    il nous en dire plus, mais il veut rester secret.
    Je me heureux après sa ..

    il ya aussi des rumeurs d'un retour ..
    bien, mais la seule question que j'ai:
    wouldnt ils MJ en prison en raison de feindre sa mort ????!
    i think illégales!
    dites moi ce que pensez-vous de cela??

    s'il est vraiment vivant, mais ne fera pas un come-back, je pense qu'il cant hide forever!
    de vie et de mort sur un lieu où personne ne peut le voir, i think it doesnt faire plaisir (pour le reste de sa vie).

    J'espère que nous trouverons les réponses!

    j'ai presque la même main que Michael! vraiment


  5. redlotuske Says:

    Je veux d'abord appoligize pour mon anglais, je suis de Belgique, il n'est pas parfait. Je suis ce site depuis un certain temps et je veux seulement après quelques toughts.

    1. Il ya tout d'abord que l'appel au 911. L'appelant n'est pas rompu. Et Dr.Murray, un cardiologue est une personne qui doit savoir comment faire la RCR. Alors, pourquoi est-il du CFCP sur le lit et a attendu une demi-heure à composer le 911? Je ne peux pas imaginer que si vous marchez dans une pièce et que vous voyez quelqu'un qui est là ne respire pas que tu vas faire du CFCP pour 30 minutes et que dire. "Oh bien, il ne fonctionne pas, maintenant je demande 911." Il serait plus à appeler le 911 et, dans l'intervalle, vous ne le CFCP. Il est médecin, il doit avoir vu, il est urgent et il faut savoir faire la RCR.

    2. Deuxième de tous. La seule réponse à l'appel ne vous demande pas de MJ a polse. C'est une standardquestion.

    3. Le médecin disparaît pendant environ 30 heures. Où est-il aller?? Je ne peux imaginer que c'est de la panique. Parce qu'il ne serait pas de retour.

    4. Nous ne disposons que de voir 1 photo de MJ. Comment ont-ils le prendre? Comme dans l'article sur ce site à cette question.

    5.Than vous avez la mémoire. Pas de public ou de cercueil ouvert. La raison en est qu'ils disent parce que le visage de MJ serait très endommagé par les tentatives de sauver sa vie. Maintenant dire ... comment pourriez-vous les dommages en faisant face à un RCR?

    6.They balsemd son corps. Alors, pourquoi sont-ils en attente d'enterrer lui? Ils disent que parce qu'ils veulent enterrer lui quand il est complet. Son cerveau est encore examinated. Si elles balsem un organe elles éliminent les organes. C'est une vieille coutume de l'Égypte. Look it up. Si on fait une autopsie du corps est également incomplet.

    7.Then il ya la rumeur qu'il est incinéré avant que la mémoire et qu'il y avait une urne à l'intérieur du cercueil. Pourquoi un cercueil que. Vous auriez pu également montré que l'urne. Et si il cremetad pour mettre le cercueil dans ce mausolée?

    8.I 'ai lu sur un site belge qui ils pensent désormais qu'il a pour son argent murderd cause des bijoux et beaucoup d'argent est absent de la maison, il a été in Peut-être qu'il a pris avec lui.

    Une chose est sûr que le puzzle ne convient pas. Il semble qu'ils veulent mettre de l'enterrement. Je ne sais pas ce qu'il ya de se cacher, mais ils se cachent quelque chose.

  6. Monalisa Says:

    Je continue de penser et nous espérons que tous les éléments de preuve des points à Michael être vivant, à l'exception de l'autopsie du cerveau et de chose, qui le corps est-il?

  7. littlesuemj Says:

    Je crois que la personne qui a créé ce site web est un hoaxer lui-même, il a déjà admis qu'il n'est pas un mj fan pourquoi il a créé ce site? Peut-être la famille jackson devrait être dit à propos de ce site, nous serions peut-être obtenir une réaction ou possibley la vérité. Mais toutes les personnes qui ont posté les commentaires doivent comprendre que cet homme a pris des informations provenant de différentes chaînes d'information, sites Web et les tabloïds et les mettre tous ensemble sur ce site, car il cherche à nous tromper tous.

  8. admin Says:

    Depuis le lancement de ce site le 26 Juin, nous avons eu plus de 450.000 visites. À l'heure actuelle, nous sommes en moyenne entre 30.000 et 50.000 par jour, ce qui signifie qu'il ya évidemment beaucoup de gens en doute la validité de Michael Jackson's' Death '.

  9. Andrea Says:

    Wow, c'est beaucoup de gens. Je me demande encore pourquoi les médias ou de talk-show hosts ne sont pas encore question de savoir ce que nous mettons en cause!

  10. admin Says:

    C'est une théorie, mais nous ne méritent pas le crédit, ni les controverses de l'être indexé comme «le hoaxer». Nous ne voulons tromper personne, soit, nous souhaitons simplement vous fournir autant d'informations que nous pouvons, afin que chacun puisse se faire sa propre opinion quant à la possibilité probable que Michael Jackson Hoaxed sa mort.

  11. charbour Says:

    Sans doute la famille de Michael se connectent sur ce site et la lecture de l'ensemble de ces informations. Si Michael est vivant, alors je n'aurais pensé qu'il a eu un trop-je. Je tiens simplement à dire: si vous lisez ce (que ce soit Michael lui-même, Janet, La Toya, Jermaine, Tito, Randy, Marlon, Jackie, Rebbie, Joe, Katherine, Paris, Prince, de couverture ou de l'un de ses proches amis - Liz, Liza, David, Diana ou toute personne qui a su lui) Parce que quelqu'un qui connaissait personnellement Michael a été ici. 100%.
    Il n'est pas possible, ils ne l'ont pas.
    Comme je le disais, je veux juste dire que si vous lisez, s'il vous plaît laissez-nous savoir la vraie histoire. Nous, les fans n'ont pas vraiment idée de ce qui se passe .. nous ne faisons que passer tout ce qui est dit par les médias. Et tout ce qui est dit par ceux-ci ne contribue pas vraiment la question! Il est juste de l'argument selon lequel il est vivant, plus fort!

    J'ai été dévasté quand j'ai entendu MJ est mort, mais maintenant Im divisée 50/50. Je n'ai aucune idée de ce à croire. Les gens sont déjà ici, en faisant valoir qu'ils savent MJ, et si elles ont-ils vraiment à nous aider. Je pense qu'il est sûr de dire que tout le monde veut savoir, c'est s'il est mort ou vivant, bien sûr, nous voulons tous à penser qu'il est en vie .. mai, mais il est bien!
    Juste une simple question, est-il vivant?
    S'il est GREAT! Mais en rester là. J'espère et je prie pour qu'il tire le meilleur retour que le monde ait jamais vu, je veux juste connaître la vérité. Michael ne semblait être la personne à se cachent toujours, donc si il est ici, je pense qu'il va revenir. Si non, repose en paix Michael. Je t'aime.

    Il suffit de lire ce site me fait penser de plus en plus qu'il est vivant, le dérapage constant des personnes qui l'ont connu et le fait qu'ils sont toujours de parler de Michael dans le présent. "Je suis en vie ici et pour toujours" Confort? Hope? TRUTH?

    Je suppose que tout ce que nous pouvons faire est d'attendre, j'espère vraiment l'un des Jackson's lire ceci et de voir comment nous aimons beaucoup Michael, et peut-être si l'un d'eux pourrait répondre? Nous savons qu'ils ont été ici, si des milliers de fans sont à la recherche de la raison pour laquelle il ne serait pas sa chair et son sang?

    Vive le roi.

  12. dragon Says:

    HVE u déjà remarqué, tht l'image de la répétition au cours de "ce qu'il est" a un problème?

    il s'agit du lien


    entre ses jambes, le reste part de l'immense lumière s est manquant ... .. mais l'enfer, pourquoi?
    fausse pic ainsi .... Assurez-vous que le photograpfer excusé lui-même pour quelques bla bla reasons.i pense, sa manipulation et hehad de dire que, parce qu'il fait chier à la fausse pic ....

  13. Ebru Says:

    Si vous me demandez je crois que son éventuelle mj est mort. i dont belive il va, mais nous devons régler avec ses morts.
    sa peut-être un complot, et il n'est pas mort, il sont tous que des spéculations ..
    seulement la famille et mj connaît la vérité


  14. tatylovesmj Says:

    Honnêtement, je ne sais plus quoi croire. Mais tout ce que je sais est que la moitié des choses que l'on dit sur Michael's "mort" ne sont pas de sens AT ALL! Tout cela est si étrange! Je crois fermement qu'il ya une chance que notre Michael est là, quelque part, mais en même temps, quelque chose me dit que c'est peut-être qu'il est effectivement passé quelque chose de louche ... idk se passe! thats all i know!

  15. fleur Says:

    salut le roi est vivant, nous ne devons pas écouter tout ce qui vient de LA TOYA JACKSON JOE OU SONT FOUS CES 2 sur une bonne journée, mais avec tout ce passe maintenant chose vont s'aggraver avec eux, ce qui vous fait penser sont les 2 sur ce plan ou arent i guess ils ne connaîtront jamais, MJ doit avoir été planifié ce pendant un certain temps et peu importe comment il est bien planifié les choses ne sont pas tous comme panoramique qu'ils espéraient (et thats ce que je pense) pour le ppl qui sont sur ce sont des changements de dernière minutes à quelque chose et en faisant glisser + ppl payer de toute la place pour nous nourrir plus crap mj a feint sa mort et je ne pense pas tout ce qui se passe au plan thats pourquoi tant de différentes histoires comeing de presse / médias, etc, mais ce n'est pas tous les jours vous simuler une mort si les choses vont mal, ce que nous savons pour sûr est THATS NOT THE REAL MJ AT O2 ET NE LUI THATS dans l'ambulance, qui seul est suffisant, si nous savons maintenant alors que sa famille savoir que si la raison pour laquelle ils ne sont pas en parler ???????????? LA TOYA mais talkin crap sur lui même d'être assassinés, etc, dans ce cas, elle doit avoir assassiné lui et si elle a bien fait elle didnt tuer son frère, elle a tué son double, vous marque mes mots il y aura plus de charges à partir de la merde comeing ppl toute la place, on n'est pas encore rien entendu, ce que je vais dire est tout ce qui importe, c'est que MJ GETS SUPPRIMER CE et peut avoir la paix et je pense qu'il sont en contact avec les enfants Il les aime, mais nous ne pourrons jamais le revoir et thats ce que me blesser, MJ LE ROI WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH IT me fait pleurer aussi longtemps que votre HAPPY THATS QUESTIONS MAIS TOUT CE QUE NOUS VOUS Lifes SO MISS PAS LE MEME

  16. Andrea Says:

    Mes deux cents entourant sa mort, sont dispersées tout autour de ce site dans les différents postes! Si quelqu'un a les lire, vous devriez déjà savoir comment je me sens à l'ensemble de chose.

    Il s'agit d'une complète et totale imposture. Le voile qui couvre les médias et tout le monde qui croit que MJ est «morte». Mais bientôt, il sera levé. Et le monde sera une fois de plus dans un état de choc. Gotta love that MJ! <333

  17. eloise Says:

    MICHAEL, vivre en paix

    J'ai suivi de très près de la couverture médiatique de MJ depuis Juin 25. J'ai commencé a choqué et attristé par la nouvelle, et a rejeté toutes les idées que j'avais entendu à propos d'une fausse mort.
    Mais j'ai besoin de savoir pourquoi une telle personne apparemment en bonne santé est mort subitement, donc j'ai attendu le rapport d'autopsie, que d'entendre qu'il n'a pas été concluante. Puis, comme je continue à regarder, écouter, et d'attente, mon premier licenciement d'un faux mort a commencé à disparaître, en raison de mystérieux événements qui ont suivi.

    Plutôt que de répondre à toutes les questions, certaines des choses que j'ai vu et entendu ne soulève plus de questions, jusqu'à ce qu'il semblait que les réponses à ces questions a été ", parce que Michael n'est pas vraiment mort." J'ai essayé de rassembler un puzzle, et voici ce que je suis venu avec:

    1 - Le mystérieux médecin était nulle part pour être trouvée pour au moins 24 heures - Était-il aider les MJ sortir?

    2 - Pourquoi est-ce que les sœurs de MJ se rendre à son domicile le lendemain? Pourraient-ils ont fait quelque chose pour aider leur frère? Il a été signalé que leur mouvement est allé avec les camionnettes et les a pris certaines choses. Qu'ont-ils prendre? Peut-être il y avait des choses laissé que leur frère nécessaires.

    Puis je me suis dit, "cela pourrait bien être un hasard - et bientôt il y aura un cercueil ouvert affichés et nous savons pour sûr."

    3 - Enfin est venu le mémorial. J'ai remarqué beaucoup de choses qui ont été mentionnés sur cette vue:
    cercueil fermé et sec, aux yeux de famille, de faux pleurs, manque d'amis les plus proches (peur de voir trop heureux?), les fautes (ou de donner des indices?), etc Et autre chose: lorsque nous avons entendu le poème de la chanson " Will You Be There "(chanté par Jennifer Hudson), il a été dans la voix de Michael, et je devine que nous sommes à assumer, il est de son enregistrement original de celle-ci.
    Toutefois, en comparaison avec l'original, la voix de Michael sonne plus émotionnelle. En outre, il ya une ligne dans le poème qui va, "Dans mon angoisse et ma douleur" et les mots sur la toile de fond a dit, "Dans mon angoisse et ma douleur», mais la voix de Michael que nous avons entendu dire, " Dans mon angoisse et à mes douleurs ». Est-ce que quelqu'un sais si il existe un autre enregistrement de cette pièce quelque part? Est-ce trop exagéré de penser Michael aurait pu être présent à la récitation de son propre mémoire et à dessein "glissé" de donner un indice?

    4 - Il ne fait aucun sens qu'un tel génie et d'amour, dévoué père serait l'occasion de l'utilisation de l'anesthésie (le fameux Diprivan), comme un sommeil aide. Il serait judicieux pour lui de vouloir une vie familiale normale, pour lui et pour ses enfants. Il serait également judicieux pour lui de trouver un pirate jack d'un médecin qui pourrait lui semble juste assez pour mort, dire tout le monde il n'ya pas de pouls ou respiration, allez avec lui à l'hôpital, et quelque part le long de la ligne lors de cette " action rapide "porte de l'anesthésie, l'aider à s'échapper. Et bien sûr, sa famille et ses amis les plus proches doivent être «en lui», afin de rendre tout cela possible.

    Alors ... je suis choqué et attristé de la demande à, et puis l'espoir. Une certaine façon, je ne crois pas que nous avons toujours une réponse définitive. Nous ne pouvons pas, je suppose. Nous ne le saurons jamais vraiment savoir. Si nous voulons faire à la vie qu'il mérite, nous avons à jouer le long, et le seul espoir que nous avons raison sur ce que nous pensons. Il ne semble plus farfelu d'espérer qu'il peut maintenant ", vivre en paix".

  18. fleur Says:

    HI SORRY ME AGAIN à 2 im sorry poste et ne voulez pas vous offenser en aucune façon, si je ne im vraiment désolé, mais le psychique que vous a dit cela est en train de parler des déchets et si vous avez payé pour cette lecture, vous avez besoin pour obtenir votre $ $ $ BCK Elle peut avoir été en contact avec le mj en nous l'avons vu dans la photo dans l'ambulance le faux savoir mj mais est la véritable façon mj passé dans le 100% sûr que si dans ce genre de chose avez-vous pas été en contact avec votre higerself / sentiment, désolé mais l'info que vous avez reçu est faux MJ IS ALIVE. de sorte s'il vous plaît ne pas aller déranger vous avec cette fausse info s'il vous plaît mj est vivant

  19. dragon Says:

    triste u guys cant german.we ont lu des pages avec beaucoup de théories qui ne sont pas stupides, à tous les médias ... ... wthe est de nourrir tout le monde dans la merde avec moment.the nous est d'argent et cette histoire, aussi longtemps qu'ils peuvent tenir en place, leur donne un peu de pocketmoney.and sur La Toya, maintenant son tour d'être dans les médias ... .. elle a besoin d'attention ....

    il serait peut-être quelque part, et la chose amusante, si hes vraiment repéré quelque part, personne ne le croyez, il ... thats la chose au génie de ce côté.

    qui belive u, u, si demain le rencontrer quelque part ... ..

    il doit être là ...
    mais la pire chose, même pour nous belivers, il ne sera pas toucheable plus pour nous .... thats mch.but mal si l'enfer, je l'espère, si hes ici, qu'ils ne lui crabe et le mettre en public.he derves à être lui-même maintenant, tout ce qu'il veut faire, elle le mérite ....

    i love u michael, avec tous mes heart.and i est encore toujours là, alors tout le monde lui tourna le dos à l'u .... espoir de rencontrer un jour ... u ..

  20. Andrea Says:

    Je suis d'accord avec votre eloise et fait le numéro 3. Depuis, j'ai écouté 'Will you be there "de l'album dont il est, et j'ai été regarder la partie de la mémoire où il en récitant les paroles exactes. et je ne peux pas vraiment dire avec certitude si ce sont les mêmes enregistrements. Il ya peut-être un autre enregistrement de quelque part? Si quelqu'un sait? mais en ce qui me concerne ... Je crois qu'il n'est pas trop exagéré de croire que Michael mai ont été réciter ces paroles lui-même à la mémoire. Pourquoi pas? Il expliquera pourquoi il semble beaucoup plus émotionnelle, à la récitation de la mémoire que sur la chanson.

  21. supermom75 Says:

    Non, il n'est pas illégal, pas plus que la simple disparition. D'autre part, les conséquences d'une fausse mort / disparition peut vous causer des ennuis. Par exemple, si la police et / ou démarrer une massive FBI recherche pour vous trouver et vous ne sont pas morts ou manquants, vous pourriez avoir à payer ces coûts. Beaucoup d'argent de payer tous ces gens qui sont allés chercher pour vous. Si elles utilisent un hélicoptère ou n'importe quel type de bateau pour la recherche, beaucoup de frais. Si vous êtes en prétendant que vous êtes morts au sortir de paiement de factures ou de faire quelque chose d'illégal, s'ils constatent que vous êtes vivant, vous serez en difficulté. Si vous en espèces des polices d'assurance ou des parents le faire, ou de parents en justice quiconque de penser qu'ils ont causés votre décès ou de disparition, vous allez en prison pour fraude et votre famille sera poursuivie à rembourser l'argent. Ensuite, si vous prétendre que vous êtes quelqu'un d'autre et faire quelque chose d'illégal, ce pourrait être aussi la fraude. Les sanctions dépendent des circonstances et des niveaux de fraude et qui est affecté. La disparition ou de prétendre votre mort, n'est pas illégal, sauf si il s'agit d'une valeur monétaire de quelque nature. Regardez ces programmes de protection des témoins - les personnes "mourir" ou disparaître tout le temps et commencer d'autres vies. C'est comme le mensonge est pas illégal non plus, en fonction de ce que vous avez menti à propos et si cela implique de vissage quelqu'un financièrement. Il pourrait être plus facile juste à disparaître - mais alors vous devez toujours vous soucier de quelqu'un que vous connaissez essayer de vous trouver. Si vous pouvez simuler une mort et de disparaître vraiment, pas de problème. Mais vous avez sans cesse à regarder vous pour vous assurer que vous n'avez pas courir ins avec la loi de sorte qu'il n'y pas de questions asked.No, la falsification de votre mort n'est pas illégale. Ce qui est illégal est que sur la collecte de fausse mort. Telles que l'assurance-vie. Aussi, ce qui est illégal est l'usurpation d'identité, en prenant l'identité de quelqu'un d'autre que le vôtre. If you fake your own death, then who will you be?that is i have done aloy of research on this if a legal doctor does not sign his death certificate and he is still barried not noticed with all the media then it will not be fraud ou illicites pour lui aussi le numéro 911 couvre également cette question parce qu'ils n'ont pas siégé mj est mort ou Michael Jackson a dit qu'ils l'effondrement d'un mec s'est effondrée troisième et dernière, il sera la fraude pour Aeg si elles le demande l'argent de l'assurance d'un médicament surdosage, c'est pourquoi je pense qu'il veut, il feint de montrer au monde qu'il est inocent et que le ppl autour de lui étaient les cuase et la seule façon qu'il puisse faire est de simuler sa mort pour voir qui il pouvait avoir confiance autour de lui, voir le garçon Jordanie, qui est maintenant 29 a présenté des informations sur la dr. Murray a présenté le, il est éclaté en det et n'a pas permis de la nourrice de son médecin qui lui ont insisté sur le devenir de la nourrice a été obbsessed avec lui, elle avait peu de sens et maintenant, elle istryin pour ses enfants il ya plus de i gardera comme il est écrit plus d'infos

  22. supermom75 Says:

    ok pour la bijouterie ne manquait personne se rappeler que, avant que la police lors de la recherche et ne mj avait le père de camionnettes vont dans le déplacement dans la pensée que quelque chose serait volé et comment Latoya isactally maintenant ce qui manque, elle ne sait pas tous les biens de son frère, ils ne sont pas que les proches et Janet et Latoya est allé dans la maison avec leurs gardiens payés avant une recherche par la police a été fait hmmmmm et de nouvelles informations sur l'ensemble des travailleurs ont été licenciés ???????? laytoya ce qui n'a pas vraiment de sens, il

  23. supermom75 Says:

    ok anther changé l'histoire de la famille demande une autopsie secondaire ?????? joe demande deuxième autopsie ??????? Latoya reporst maintenant, elle a demandé pour la deuxième autospy l'homme ne cherche pas bien ici et que joe sur demande d'une troisième et om maintenant ils disent costody Latoya aurez peut-être et de la famille et debbie parlons omg, il s'agit d'un simulacre de sorte Latoya est proche Michael et Michael prétendument voulu mère d'avoir des enfants si ce n'est maintenant rosss diana diana dit qu'elle sera proptect ses enfants, elle promis de lui dire, il ne se souvient pas de diana et maintenant, elle n'est même pas impliqué dans Latoya et il a été ajouté cette wow lol est donc pas de noix et de michael, il a été mon ami et je connais sa famille, est un simulacre, ils ont toujours été pauvres, mais l'homme michael

  24. ejay5131 Says:

    Je veux que les Jacksons, MJS plus proches amis, et AEG pour le savoir ... Nous savons tous ce que vous avez pensé, nous ne serions pas!

    Love you MJ et toujours
    4ever:) Dans vos heures les plus sombres .. nous sommes ici!

    QUICONQUE FAIT POUR TYPAGE ERREURS ET NE PEUVENT PAS LEUR BACKSPACE, ... Utilisez les touches de direction pour revenir à les corriger BACKSPACE PAS LA CLÉ:)

  25. fleur Says:

    certaines choses bizarres sur le net? chose que j'ai posté sur un autre site dit mj est vivante et qu'ils ont été enlevés pourquoi? somethings pas droit

  26. fleur Says:

    ejay grâce pour que mon dieu, j'ai tellement de fautes d'orthographe et de didnt savoir comment les mettre à droite essaie depuis des lustres (pas que je peux speell de toute façon, mais ont essayé a quelques problèmes avec ce site d'exploitation forestière dans thankyou etc oh yeah mon dernier post devrait dire HIGHERSELF SORRY

  27. Andrea Says:

    @ Fleur - même ici! Je ne comprends pas!

  28. supermom75 Says:

    @ eloise vous avez écrit presque tout ce que j'ai écrit wow esprits se faire aussi bien mais j'ai un peu plus je peux ajouter à votre façon pour vous ... wow sur les médicaments sur micheal penser qu'ils sont tous des tranquillisants, ils vous fatigué exspecially oxy coton
    et axnax et la douleur sont tous Downer qui vous font ce que tout le monde (somnolence, fatigue, exhosted, drainé, aucune énergétique) mais pourtant il ne pouvait pas dormir? il a pa dormir? l'homme, ils ne sont pas bons, mais à ce que le monde a commencé à parler à TMZ, il laisse les sentiments sur ce tout d'un coup, une annonce est venue de Michael Jackson coke utilisé euh ok man, il a été constaté sur son underware et puis quand il a rendu l'araignée qui mord le médecin le juge lui a envoyé trop comfirmed une rumeur qu'il avait commencé l'héroïne pistes et une aiguille, il s'est coincé maintenant michael toujours estimé qu'il ne pouvait pas confiance à personne même de son personnel, mais si l'un de ses employés à aller les onglets et dire que j'ai d'infos Michael Jackson sur vous le savez, ils sont payés pour parler

  29. wishful09 Says:


    Oui, je suis retourné et a écouté la chanson sur mon mp3. Sa voix était beaucoup plus émotionnelle, d'une joue à la mémoire. Voir, avant même de venir à ce site, j'ai déjà dans mon esprit ce qui est suspect pour moi. Je viens ici pour voir si les autres pensent la même chose. Nous cant tous se tromper. Quelque chose est en place. Je n'ai jamais venu ici pour avoir des idées. Je fais toujours mon esprit ou ramasser mes infos avant de vérifier ce site. Il n'y a pas eu un jour où mes soupçons ne correspondent pas à celle de certains utilisateurs sur ce site.

  30. supermom75 Says:

    @ dragon et de très bonne perseption wow et le savoir lui disait-il à vous on vous aime plus qu'il y ait la paix

  31. dragon Says:

    @ fleurs

    même, sorry im allemand, donc excuse mon anglais, j'ai remarqué que dans le monde en ligne il, même de stupide boulevard magazines, des photos et des rapports été enlevée ... ..
    peut-être nous arriver à quelques points près.
    et comme je suis déjà en détachement allemand blogs.with michaels (quelle que soit pour une fin), nous avons perdu un monde de culture legacy.in ce cas (et même le Vatikan parle haut mots sur lui) doit être déjà impliqués fbi et quelle que soit .... une certaine manière, tout semble être en cause ....
    il n'est pas une personne, de manière plus i cant comprendre, pourquoi toutes ces choses étranges se passent.
    ... ....
    si certains peuples allemand lecture sont ici, l'espoir de rencontrer à u fakeblog WKW ou le groupe de dire ce que michael JACKSONS Spurensuche.

    depuis le 1 er jour après l'annonce de sa «mort» comme l'im hauinted par toutes ces théories, se sent comme dans le recherche de mon frère et cant donner, jusqu'à ce que je viens d'avoir une idée qu'il est bon.
    wow .... Eh bien, je pourrais continuer avec des dizaines de théories très bon, mais c'est déjà trop pour me.im déjà impliqués dans les pages en allemand avec cette ....

    Je lui souhaite le meilleur, il est presque 24 heures sur mon esprit .... pas comme un fan, mais nous avons tant de similitudes dans la vie ....

  32. LeeAnn Says:

    @ admin: bon travail, essaye de tenir.

    @ noisehammer: si vous avez reçu un courriel d'un gars qui MJ est vivant? AAAAAAaand? Depuis j'ai trouvé ce site je marche autour de TOUS et de dire que MJ est vivante (même les gens qui ne veulent pas savoir que ....)

    @ dragon: Traurig ich bin nicht, ich kann deutsch. welche seiten meinst du? das-bouge-die-welt.de? warum sich wohl rtl dans "akte" noch keine fragen gestellt chapeau ... je ne suis pas triste, je suis allemand. les pages que vous voulez dire, das-bouge-die-welt.de? pourquoi does'nt la chaîne de télévision allemande RTL pas remis en question en lui-même il ya spectacle intitulé "akte" ...

  33. noisehammer Says:

    @ supermom75
    Merci pour votre commentaire à la question de savoir si la falsification illégales de sa mort!
    alors peut-être pourrait-il vraiment une chance pour un retour?

    michael, on vous aime!

    @ dragon
    sag mir mal die seite wo immer du hingehst

  34. dragon Says:

    également fakeblog, promipranger und wkw.gruppe Michael Jackson spurensche ... .. ich bin dragonslver.also kommst du mit meinem Namen richtigen über mich googel un courant.

    a été meintest du mit rtl? fande es eh schon merkwürdig, das vorgestern, comme si zu sagen, ein medien vide de guerre, zeitgleich auf einmal und über die verschwörungstheorien deren seiten wieder zu schreiben und sich auf zeitgleich mord einpendeln .... nu ja, habe fleißig gepostet.und mittlerweile langsam wird eine Arbeitsgruppe daraus ....
    wenn ich das jm dans Rechnung stellen würde, était assis ich 2 Wochen hier treibe, waren die nächsten Monate schon etwas ausgesorgt ...

  35. dragon Says:

    il me rappelle en quelque sorte à la dernière licorne, si vous le savez l'histoire ... ..

  36. i87 Says:

    dragon ... peut traduire tht u plz? Plzz ...:)

  37. dragon Says:

    bien, il a écrit la chanson la morphine à l'album du sang sur le dancefloor.bu im not sure, si elles vont faire venir au point, pour dire que avec les chansons, il a prévu de mourir ou de devenir assassiné?
    bien, dfor moi, tout est un tel gâchis, mais à la fin de facile, de dire hes morts ou mis à mort ... .. dot i belive it.anyway.he bst a été le cheval dans les stable.who tue son meilleur cheval? ils pourrait lui extorquer de tant d'autres choses, que de le tuer ... .. i cant belive et que même pas la mafia, ou quelque chose comme ça, garde sa vie ... ... ...

    de toute façon, cette histoire est de montrer comment ils bon marché à la lavé les médias et les nouvelles ...

  38. dianafan Says:

    Andrea - J'ai regardé vos points, à quelques choses

    1 - Dr Conrad disparaît - MJ a été considéré comme le sapin et en bonne santé, et je ne suis pas sûr de l'endroit où j'ai lu cela, mais il n'a pas été en dehors de MJ à la vue / mai parler de fans à la porte? Cela pourrait être la fourniture des témoins indépendants que MJ a été definiteley là.

    Presse britannique, a déclaré aujourd'hui le Dr MJ était en Cs chambre, pas la sienne, si ce n'est un complot ce qui était si secret MJS en chambre que les paramédics pas censé voir - peut-il avoir été un pas trop loin de MJ pour voir "lui-même" morts dans son propre lit? Je pense que le Dr accéléré emmené.

    En ce qui concerne les biens des sœurs prenant, assez juste, ils auraient pu être l'essentiel de collecte / de valeur - mais ils auraient aussi pu être quelque chose dans Prenant - qui a été empoché par la police. Le personnel de feu ont été tirés - ils étaient bien sûr si vous êtes employé par un seul opérateur lorsque votre patron ne meurt si votre emploi.

    Avec le personnel disparu, MJ mort à l'hôpital et ne va dans la chambre MJS (spéculation) pourrait-il juste se cachent en attente de ses soeurs? ha ha c'est une bonne proposition.

    Nous ne savons pas tout ce qui a été volé - MJ pourrait avoir retiré à tout moment que sa famille hadn; t vu pendant 3 semaines. Il est allé à un restaurant pour son anniversaire parents - se demandent si elles ont CCTV?

    Rien de tout cela est fabriqué, je l'ai lu quelque part tous - sauf dans les cas où de toute évidence son spéculation de ma part.

    Don't know if you picked up my earlier post – I was googling areound MJ conspiracies or something similar and there was a link to Rockwell – who sang Somebody's watching me – written and performed on by MJ – Rockwell is Gordys son and *I think* it said he doubled for him as well. Well where is he now? IN THE CRYPT! with his family (sorry getting carried away)

    Anyone think that's viable? Rockwell – if you are alive and reading this I'm really sorry.

    Why is noone in Hollywood/music land saying anything at all? Even if its a bit of rubbish trivia about when he sang happy birthday or something to their kids – only Madonna has publically acknowledged him – Lisa Maries busy hiding him – Oprahs busy delivering him via her yacht

    Well sorry, I had a real lot to say there – its ok for many of you, you can have real time posting – when you are posting I'm asleep, when you are asleep I'm working.

    Hey Admin – thanks for the stats – if the numbers change significantly can you let us know – may be a post on here every day to let us know how many are visiting.

  39. dragon Says:

    at which point are we now?he got killed or suicide,killed by drugs,like the morphine song or somewhere on this planet?

    i need some point of views from the english speaking side of this world…..

  40. dianafan Says:

    Hey admin – another thought- could you close all the other threads and then everyone can just post on this one. We have all seen the existing titles and know what is being referred to. How about going back to that when something new comes up

  41. admin Says:

    We are launching a Forum for the site, which will hopefully be up and running within the next 12 hours or so, so you will all be able to discuss certain topics and share all of your viewpoints much more easily.
    MJHD Admin

  42. dianafan Says:

    Sorry forgot to say in my other post – Latoya could be being quite shrewd here. If she keeps banging on about MJ being murdered and throwing around wild accusations around , taking up lots of our attention and time – she's taking our attention away from where the burial will be and what will be/is on the death certificate. Hoping that it will just fade away and no-one will ask cos we are too tied up with murder.

    She also said that his brain and liver were back inside him and that he wasn't bald at all. And also that we would be surprised when the autopsy results come back.

    Dragon – I have given you some alternative theories above.

  43. dragon Says:

    that would be great….great work at all,admin:P

  44. dianafan Says:

    Yippee! Merci. Do you have a day job – I hope you aren't going to work soon, I could do with speculating a bit more. Gonna look at the state of things on the net – will report back

  45. Sara Says:

    I found this site just hoping for answers and they have been coming.
    Not just from the admin but from all the posters here and I just love how everyone is looking deep into this and finding the true answers!

    When asked if I believe he is alive, I can honestly say I can.
    There are so much evidence that has been found!

    1) The picture- From looking at the picture of michael in the back of the ambulence more closely, (buying the OK! Magazine helped quite well) I started noticing the color of his skin was off, his nose was oddly shaped and also his ears were like clipped or something… Things just were off.
    2) The 911 call- The man acting so calmly, not saying his name, the so many unnessisary questions from the paramedics ugh!
    3) The Mamorial- It really got to me. Made me convinced he was dead but the spoken words at the end of “Will You Be There” really freaked me out. Like I said in an earlier post, it was probably recorded awhile ago but it just shook me a bit. And of course the closed caskit. Pourquoi? And the “I'm alive and here forever” Its a sighn! Lol

    Those are probably the top things I've been thinking about.
    The song “Morphine” just creeped me out.
    The Illuminus Theo thing sounds convincing. The thing about him meeting Some Romanian guy and maybe he was the one who died. I would like to know more about Illuminis Theo. Maybe Admin can contact that guy.
    The whole rehersal vids….are very interesting.
    The O2 press conference and the fake MJ that was there just HAS to tie into this whole thing.

    There are loads more of things that I haven't said that everyone here has said.
    You guys are doing a great job!
    Keep up the posts and updates.
    Soon it will all become clear

  46. He.is.alive Says:

    Don't anyone even remotely entertain the idea to get carried away waiting with baded breath for Michael to “come back” he is NOT coming back,not anytime soon, if at all!

    Michael had had enough of “glory” days, so much so that he staged his own death to escape it all!

    As in every venture, it is timing that is everything and if there is or was to be such a timing for MJ to “reappear”, I am convinced he would decide against it for just fans' sake. He is a human being and has a right to a normal life, a life he was denied and has now obviously chosen by force and it is pretty obvious that after all that has happened in the last 2 weeks, Michael would not just throw it down to return to what he worked so hard to escape from. People, people, let the man ALONE, he's resorted to the very last a human being COULD resort to – to just be: LEFT ALONE ..

    Bloggers are speculating on dates he “might return”, they are obviously only concerned about what they want, but in this case, what matters most is what Michael wants: to be left alone so he can live his life.

    I do hope that the Jackson's are visiting this website to read all the information posted on here. IF they are, I hope they take comfort in the fact that 51% of us are second guessing Michael's death, they only difference between them and us is: we CAN all talk about it and they cannot, what a burden is must be for them, or is it ?

  47. dianafan Says:


    ILLUMINUS THEO is an anagram of

    TOHME ILLUSION (if you change one letter)

    There are posts all over the web from Illuminati – try googling Tupac conspiracies – they are all over that too.

  48. wishful09 Says:

    He is Alive,

    Yes, some of us are speculating his “comeback” dates, but that does not mean we are only concerned with what we want. Obviously, many of us only want Michael to be alive, whether we see him again or not. Most on this site have came to the conclusion he is alive, so we go further to offer reasons as to why he might fake his death. Staging a comeback is just one of the many reasons suggested on this site. You may have known Michael personally and be in a better postion to say whether he would come back or not. However, as just a fan (longtime fan) I have come to the conclusion that Michael would not want to keep this a secret. That is just my opinion though. If he never reveals this, I dont care. I just hope he is at peace and happy.

  49. noisehammer Says:


    bien .. im not sure if he for himself has got true informations.. so im not sure if its defenitly true, but im thinking about it.. and of course.. WANT TO BELIEVE that MJ is alive !
    but it seems he is retrieving informations which are not public, why would he tell me then he is sworn to secrecy ?!
    so i dont want to tell his name in public..

    in german:
    @LeeAnn , wenn du willst kann ich dir den emailverlauf schicken ?

  50. dianafan Says:

    He is alive -

    We are all just names on a screen. We say we care, we say we are interested, some do research to back up their theories. Some come up with great info -how do we know MJs family are not posting on here? Like others I'm 100% that they have read it.

  51. LeeAnn Says:

    @noisehammer: that would be great! but how can i send my emailaddress to you? i don´t understand this wkw-thing…lol

    I have 3000 questions and theories, but my english isn´t good enough to write it all on this side…

  52. Angel36 Says:

    Je crois qu'il est toujours vivant.
    And if he wants to live in silence pleae do.
    He is hurt so much in the past years.
    Now he's dead everbody loved him and he was an icon blablabla.
    And the next week there is so much dirt getting out and there's noone to devend him.
    I think he well deserved his peace outside the media.
    He has done enough for the world.
    But it could be the best and awsome way to see to the world:Don't believe everything the media tells you.
    The media told eveyone that he was quilty of child molesting and now he can say that they were wrong about his death.The media tell lies to sell at al expense.Even if they have to ruin someone live.What the media did to him was so painfull that he didn't see an other option then fahe his death.Good for you Michael.
    Michael wherever you are we will love you always.
    I hope you found what you were looking for.

  53. dragon Says:

    well,im just getting tired about some groups,which are really getting rude,if u start to talk about conspiracies…..
    and always the same:he wouldnt do it to his fans.

    i always answred,if they are sure about this egoistic opinion of this?it seems like they are havig a contract for him,in the case,hes still alive,that he has to be there for us…..

    this guy went through such a lot of shit and a stolen childhood,and all the turned on backs through these years,why should he give up a chance,for living a rest of a peaceful live…
    they are so egoistic in that point.

    and another thing is,hose kind of fans,werde those which havnt been here for him.now they are buying like hell,everything on ebay.and the time before?where hhave they been?and the most were hiding ashamed his cds for a while.could puke on them.

    anyway,like i said,im not that quite good in english to write down all my thoughts like i already do since 2 weeks in the geran groups.iguess i another 2 weeks it could be already a book about it…..

    i could even need 2 days of vacation from all of this and hide myself somewhere in a deep forrest to rest a bit…….

    anyway,i want to settle down in nz in a few years,hope i ll meet him there:))

    and about those,which are talkig bad about us,with our conspiracies,i always give them the story about galileo and say,sure,and the worls is still a disk.

    if those peoples aret able to think round corners,this world would be more worse,tha it alöready is…..
    there will never be a new horiozone,if u are not able to have fictions…..

    with peoples like us,the world would be already a huge army with brainless soldiers and without any own mind.every day,if u take a lok in the television,they brainwash us,and try to keep us dump,with senseless talkshows,with model contests,with all shit.just to keep your mind shut from the reality….damn,if everyone open his eyes this place could be totally different.this will hopefully come one day,but then,a huge war will happen.there wont beany way to seperate all others above,like the nwo…..

    and however,i guess,that theres is some higher political thing involved with jackos story.

    and the time as well.this demonstrationgirl zeda was killed,we had the g8 meeting….everything.

    and with who,in our generation and time,can u reach so many societies of humans,than with michael?black and white,young and old,brokensouls and so on….around the world.who would care that much of all those peoples attention in the moment,if somebody like…hm…brad pitt has been announced death,or angelina,or a politician?they would rech just such a tiny part with it….
    but everyone is watching this in the moment.everyones attention is still at michael…..noone could reach that much on earth….and theres noone else,who will ever reach it again.its all so wired……theres more behind it,than just an ordenary reason,like they suggest us.and the clan behind him…..hes doin better now without them.like vultures they are surrounding the bugger now.it really makes u wanna puke,how the money now is running for them…..and just one person had to suffer all alone for this,which they are now fighting for.shame on them….

  54. dragon Says:

    haha@dianafan,about whos posting,i already thought the same.and if u enter google and conspiracies u cant even go over this page.u really haveto get in:)

  55. dynamite Says:

    I also believe he is still alive, first time i heard he was dead i wasnt upset at all idk why, I just had a gut feeling it was all a hoax. i heard TMZ got the news that he had died from another site and they just went with it,
    every other news just went with tmz that he had died, Does another knw if this is true?

  56. dragon Says:

    @lee ann

    du deutsch?wkw ist eine community.habe dort ne gruppe angelegt.seit gestern.weil man in den ganzen fanatischen,augenverschlossenen fangruppen wie jeanne dárc,gallileo oder judas behandelt wird….

    aquirieren auch schon weiter,das es voller wird.werde mich mit einer anderen um baldige arbeitsteilung bemühen,denn es wird mir zu viel.recherchieren,schreiben,posten,misten….puuh….
    bin eigentlich selbstständig und meine sachen bleibe seit 2 woche liegenwem kann ich dafür,eigentlich die rechnung schicken??joe jackson am besten…

    bin auch i fakeblog vertreten.mit 2 verschiedenen namen.
    aber bei wkw hab ich mal angefangen die gruppe aufzubauen.kannst dir ja anonym ein profil anlegen.

  57. dragon Says:

    ist tmz something like a yellow press like here our shit asspaper bildzeitung?i thin so….

    and again…paparazzi at the ambulence,and just one photo,even shot by just one paparrazi?there must be more,if….

  58. Andrea Says:

    @ dynamite. I remember when I first heard the news I walked into my living room and my dad said that MJ was in the hospital and said that Jermaine made a statement saying Michael 'wasn't doing very well'. So of course, with that in mind, I got onto my PC and googled Michael Jackson heart attack, which there in TMZ had posted an article stating MJ had indeed had a heart attack..at that point I texted my brother and he said he had heard on the radio (it had to have been at least 30 minutes later) that MJ had died. I then asked my parents if they had heard on the news that he died, and they said that they only heard STILL that he only had a heart attack….then my mother confirmed to me that the media was saying he was in a coma. THEN about 10 minutes later, they confirmed he 'died'. I also remember that same day, rumours on the news spread saying that MICHAEL was the one who called 911. WEIRD HUH? Then the next day they said it was the doctor that called 911…thennnnnnnn they said it was the bodyguard. HAHA since the beginning this entire thing has been a circus, and it will continue to be that way until MJ comes out of hiding or someone finally admits the truth as to what happened that day.

  59. dragon Says:

    and i totally think the same what is on this page.even about the ceremonie,the b VIPS,the well seemed children………..and for ending this all up,they already could have burry an empty coffin,if they really want to let him rest in peace,as they pretend.they already could have make a fake funeral,to let the fans come to peace and handle their pain about it…..but no,they keep hoölding everyone up,everyday with news.
    if i would have a famous family member,and want the peoples around,fans,to alm down,i would burry him ,or do like i would burry him,to have a time after it,without any attention,to find the truth…..

    thats all just sick and senseless.

    and like i said a while before,u even see on the blogpage,the picture of the rehersal of this is it.him in front of the light letters……

    look between his legs,a big part of the S is missing.i already re constructed it by photoshop,how it really should it looks like….

    somehow,it must be a montage picture.because,if there would be something in front of this letter,or behind him,u would see a shadow on the silver floor,or whatever that is…..

    maybe we should go back in history in odysseus adventures,i bet,thers something like this to find,similar to this adventure of our present.

  60. dragon Says:

    well,i dont hope for him,that they will find him.they will hunt him,like in the medivial time……
    he should do it like binladen,sometimes a video from somewhere,and saying hi:)
    anyway,he knows now,what real friends he got,ad on who he can spit on……

  61. loveandpeace Says:

    @dianafan Oddly, Michael's doctor who gave him the physical, his name was Dr.Tohme.

  62. melia8383 Says:

    Ok everyone I found a song, It's really Crazy unreleased from Michiael Jackson, It talks about how he's “planning” his escape from the “system” and “pressures” he has to find a place to hide away.(thats what he says in the song) the name of the song is xscape(yes, it's actually spelled that way.
    If he faked his death, he's away from the pressures, he has to leave his children behind, if he don't want people to know he's “dead”). If the children is with his family, he will always see them. Latoya said, he didn't want to do the 50 shows, that's probably why it was an impersonator at the O2 conference! It was him rehearsing in the video, if he's planning his get away, he has to cooperate, right? AEG insured for “overdose”? WHY?

  63. dynamite Says:

    yes i heard so many things on the news that day some where sayin he had died others where sayin he was in a coma, so many different stories where goin around i didnt knw what 2 believe, even the news over here didnt believe TMZ where a reliable source they just went with what TMZ where saying

  64. dragon Says:

    yep,the insure for the overdose….what should we say about this point…..mhm……

  65. melia8383 Says:

    I meant if he wants people to know he's dead

  66. dragon Says:

    okay,i need sleep.its already 3 am in germany.like two weeks now,i never get early to bd,or just sleep 4 hours….
    where should i send my bill for all this?joe jackson? or AEG?

    good night,ill be back

  67. melia8383 Says:

    Michael's not stupid! He even said, that he doesn't have friends, he only trust a handful of people, that you can count on one hand!!!!

  68. LeeAnn Says:

    @dragon: muss ich mich dann mit meinem echten namen anmelden und danach im profil sperren oder wie?

  69. melia8383 Says:

    Someone commented on here that they noticed during the memorial service for the song Will You BE There, (that Jennifer Hudson sung) towards the end when he speaks he says Pains, instead of Pain(like in the song) I have listen to every live performance when he sings that song he always says Pain. So I believe he recently just recorded that or he was there reading off the monitor in the back!!!!
    Another Slip UP!!!! people need to pay attention, it's not that we can't accept his “death” it's just that things don't add up, and it was subliminal messages in at the memorial service. I can't believe no one notice this????

  70. loveandpeace Says:

    Michael hired Leonard Rowe as his manager. R.Kelly hired him a couple years ago and had problems with him, which ended in a lawsuit. Why would Michael hire him?


    @melia8383 I've heard of that song before, but i thought it was an old song, just unreleased. Then i googled it, and it said 1996. Unless it's going to be on his new album.

  71. loveandpeace Says:

    The real “They Don't Really Care About Us” video.


  72. melia8383 Says:

    his unreleased songs suppose to be on a new cd coming out!!!!

  73. she_can Says:

    here is two other testimonies concerning MJ's good health coming from people who know him well


  74. curious_george Says:

    I was reading a thread on newsflavor.com, re: many peoples' belief that MJ isn't in fact dead; that his death was a hoax, orchestrated by him. Amid the discussion and posts there, there are some interesting posts by the following individual – who claims to be “in the know” about this hoax, citing that MJ flew out of LA shortly after his alleged death. Poster is “macanridire” and you can read his subsequent posts there:


    Posted July 8, 2009 at 12:18 am
    I know for a fact, that he isn't dead. 2 hours after his supposed demise, an area of LAX airport was secretly shut down to recieve an undisclosed person of intrest. Too many bodyguards and “lookouts” were circled around someone as they entered the closed area, driven in a black SUV. Then the control tower was told to “ignore” the lear jet taking off on a private runway, headed for an undisclosed destination. It was reported that the person of interest was wearing a mask or veil over their face, and the planes “call letters” were covered or taped over.
    With the amount of debt jackson had, and pending or upcoming lawsuits filed on him, I would have done the same…. just disappear, perminantly.

  75. curious_george Says:

    OOPS……..the above post came from this site:


  76. Andrea Says:

    What I just read (from an article a little while ago, obviously..but still KEY facts here) –

    'A second private autopsy on Jackson's body was completed Saturday at the family's request so they could have a second opinion on the cause of death. The first autopsy conducted Friday was inconclusive and the coroner's office said they will have to wait for toxicology reports, which could take months to complete. However, foul play was ruled out.

    “I think it's really more an issue of control. For the Los Angeles coroner to issue a report regarding its finding takes at least a month [and] can take several months … '

    HELLO. FOUL PLAY RULED OUT? But now they are saying that there WAS foul play involved and that they never said they ruled it out? I CALL BULL SHIT!

    AND MONTHS! It could take MONTHS to figure out the toxicology results. PFT!

    Just saying!

  77. He.is.alive Says:

    BREAKING NEWS :::::::::

    The Geraldo Rivera show reported about one hour ago that – according to british tabloids – Debbie Rowe and Grandma Jackson have struck some kind of custody deal that eliminates Grandpa Joe from the loop altogether .. Debbie Rowe is also seeking a restraining order against the old man to keep him away from the children … sounded like Debbie is in the driver's seat on this one. Developing …

  78. lizzieTaylor Says:

    a lot of ´weird´ things since the beggining.. I dont think MJ is dead, i really really believe he is alive. Dunno if he will return to his ´past´ life at some point, but i would love if we could know for sure that he is ok
    Just to know he is alive , would be a HUGE and pleasant surprise for everybody.

  79. SkylinexBleedsxRed Says:

    I don't know what to believe. There are so many things that don't look right. I believe he is still alive out there in the world somewhere. Deep down inside, I feel he is still breathing. So, That gives me hope. Although, I'm terrified as to why he faked his demise. I have heard so many conspiracy theories and I cannot fathom him being involved in them. I'm so scared for him. I hope that they aren't true.

  80. monij Says:

    With Every day that goes by, I get closer and closer to the truth: that Michael Jackson is dead. Until recently I was holding on tightly to the thought that MJ faked his death. Now this death hoax does not make sense to me anymore.. There are so many questions that are left unanswered. We try to answer these questions ourselves, we try so hard to come up with theories, and believe me everyone is doing a great job, and this why it took me this long to accept the sad fact that MJ is dead. How can the coroner, the police, the medical staff, the funeral home, the City of Los Angeles take part in this death hoax? Isn't too risky? If MJ indeed faked his death, why did Latoya vow to bring the people who killed MJ to justice? And she wants a private autopsy? Does she mean a 3rd autopsy? Is that why they have not buried him, because his family suspect MJ was murdered? The mystery surrounding his body viewing is easily explained, they removed his brains during autopsy, this I assume can badly damage the face (or not?) that is why there hasn't been a public viewing. And about the family or the kids smiling, that is believe me very normal. I have been to funerals and memorials where there have been both tears and laughter maybe it is human nature to cope with grief. Also, the use of impersonators or doubles, especially at the O2 press conference, does not point to the fact that MJ faked his death. Maybe they used them because MJ was very high on drugs (does anyone remember Anna Nicole Smith, she could hardly say 2 words, and she always had this groggy look on her face), or simply because he was sick. Lastly, let's not forget Heath Ledger, he died the same way as MJ did (Heath Ledger did not overdose himself, it was just an accidental overdose) why then can't we accept the fact that MJ died of accidental overdose, because like Ledger, Michael Jackson is human. Please tell me if I am wrong….

  81. ejay5131 Says:

    I'm betting that it is not going to be very long before we see Paris,, prince and Blanket “disappear”. Think about it..how often have we really seen Latoya or Janet in the last year or two. Those kids are going to be kept from the “public eye”. What I am saying is no body questions where the sisters have all been for so long, eventually no one will question where the kids are either.

  82. curious_george Says:


    I also find it strange and hard to believe that so many people (coroner, LAPD, hospital staff, funeral home, etc) could be “in on it.” Yes, MJ was famous and powerful but I find it hard to believe he had enough “clout” to get these folks to go along with the hoax.

    That being said, it seems incredibly strange to me that nobody is coming forward. What I mean is……in a high publicity death such as this, wouldn't you expect paramedics or hospital staff to want to get their 5 minutes of fame by agreeing to an interview (even if it was for some trash rag like the National Enquirer) about what they saw. I find it impossible to believe that “nobody” has a story to share about what they saw.

    It is also very difficult to believe that no media or paparazi got pics of MJ being taken from the ambulance into the hospital; they live for this kind of thing, it's what they do for a living. You think they'd have followed the ambulance to the hospital.

    I've read that right after his death, a good # of his staff were fired. so how come none of them are talking?…about what they saw?

    Usually in high publicity cases, everyone comes out of the woodwork for the 5 minutes of fame…..but it seems that nobody is talking. I find that very very strange.

  83. ejay5131 Says:

    Curious_george: It's very funny..the only people coming out to talk are the people fueling the overdose and drug rumors. Helping to convince us of his death. What I want to know is who is the guy/girl that took the ambulance picture…you'd think they'd want the spotlight for sure. Being the only person to capture that coveted photo. Another observation, it seems that the more in depth the conversations get on this website and the more info we all share focusing on this HOAX, the more strange info. comes out in the media from “sources”

  84. Andrea Says:

    oh my, eljay! you are so very right about that! the MORE WE bring up stuff, the more the media starts talking. holy shit, I did not even realize that until I saw what you wrote. We are all on to something here! and the doubters, well..I don't even know why they're even on this site to begin with? haha

  85. Andrea Says:

    I mean ejay****** hahahaha sorry about that. I have a livejournal and I usually tell my friends 'eljay' to abbreviate the site name..so yeah. my mind is in a haze lately anyways cause all I can think of is this entire thing. I even dream about it. strange, huh? haha

  86. curious_george Says:


    It's reported that someone named Christopher Weiss took the last pic of MJ, the one of him in the ambulance:


  87. ejay5131 Says:

    hmm, im still not buying the photographers story, running around the ambulance with a huge body guard jumping in your face and the picture came out so perfectly clear and in focus. Doubtful.

  88. supermom75 Says:

    no that is the last photograhy photo not the ambulance

  89. curious_george Says:

    sorry supermom75, that's incorrect. Do a search on Google and you'll easily find that Christopher Weiss is the photographer/paparazi who snapped the pic of MJ in the ambulance:


    Within the article above, there's a link to that actual picture.


  90. melia8383 Says:

    I don't see how he could of snapped the photo? The entire back window was covered by the bodyguard. Unless michael hired him to snap it. Because I don't how it possible, you have to be very close to the window to snap that, and as we all know the ambulance windows was tinted!!!!

  91. curious_george Says:

    Frankly I wonder if perhaps this is a pic that was taken of MJ sometime in the past? Was he ever taken by ambulance in the past? Didn't he collapse years ago? The skin color looks far too good for someone whose heart has stopped particularly when you consider how pale MJ has always appeared (though I suppose some of that paleness could be attributed to make-up?). The face of this person in the ambulance is a lot more “full” than the normally gaunt, hollowed face that MJ has.

  92. He.is.alive Says:

    I do not believe the patient in the ambulance is Michael Jackson, he looks nothing like hi, no way no how ! Read the bio on this Chris guy who took this photo of whomever it is he photographed.

    This kid has a rather unruly financial past and I bet that this photo he took of whoever that is in the ambulance and floated speak sold to the media will pay handsomely for med school, that is, if he peddled it for enough and can at all qualify to get admitted … not very impressed with it … smells fishy fishy fishy …

  93. curious_george Says:

    I wonder how easy/hard it is to photo-shop a picture? Maybe that's what was done?

    When I saw this picture I initially thought it was bogus because it's obvious that the person taking the picture is:

    a) taking it through glass (you can see the glare of the flash) on the pic

    b) taking it parallel to crew/victim inside…which made no sense to me because I watched the video of the ambulance slowly backing out of MJ's driveway and couldn't see any windows on the sides of the ambulance (which would make obvious sense)…though at the end of that video I “think” you can see a small window near the front passenger side, behind the passenger door area. Not sure, though, how you could take a pic through very dark tinted windows, even with a flash. I'm not sure that's even possible.

  94. bghoppy Says:

    For pure entertainment value, I recommend checking out Perez Hilton's site. Especially the articles with Rosanne Barr's and Carrie Fisher's blogs. WOW is all I can say about those two's comments.

    Would also like to thank admin for concidering our requests and creating the forum.

  95. He.is.alive Says:

    curious george: yep ! I totally agree with your observations on the the ambulance pic. Even more so now since info of some wanna-be doctor/turned photographer kid has surfaced who has supposedly taken this picture.

    This just might have been the “big break” this kid was waiting for and as fake as the picture looks, it is highly likely that even so, it put a pretty penny rag-dollar in his empty pockets !

  96. dianafan Says:

    Why can't the press talk about all the wonderful things Michael did for the world.

    (hopefully) links to our second trashiest tabliod – I daren't even look at the worst one yet
    You will have to copy and paste this I think –

    and oh my goodness Joe – keep away


    Joe just makes you want to scream, although usually there is a hint of thruth to what they print.

    Why are the press banging on about seedy motels etc, I can't see MJ doing that. And I certainly don't think he had no money at all.

    Admin – can you change these to links for me

  97. dianafan Says:


    What are the German forums saying? Are there any ideas which we may have missed?

  98. dragon Says:

    the same thing,goes around in my mind.who says,that this pic is from that day?and even the skin color,it should be more blue………..fine that everyone is involvd now in that pic thing.i thought i might dont become spo many feedbacks for this thread….

    damn,i have no time at all today to be online.oi guess,i will have another night i will go through when im back at night.

    and why,they say,no way to bury him at neverland?
    is there maybe a secret tunnel system where he sometimes will be back there and could have no freedom cause it ll be full of visitors??

    my blond head is almost burnung through.thought blondes cant be so busy with the brain…ha,no,actually im at all clever chick…..


    wer zu wkw kommen mag,oder bereits ist,kann sein profil haltweiterhin nehmen und in die gruppe kommen.
    wer erst anmelden muß,einfach registrieren….ihr müßt nicht von jm. eingeladen werden.
    ich hatte für die gruppengründung nur ein anonymes profil angelegt,da ich selber ein offizielles profil habe,aber bei dem mitläufer folk der anderen fanatischen gruppen,nicht mein offizielles profil zerfleischt bekommen will.

    michael jackson spurensuche.
    weiterhin auch interessant der fakeblog,der admin ist sehr happy über wirklich gute denkanstöße.ich und eine freundinn werden schon gar nicht mehr auf kommentare geprüft,weil er ihnen vertraut,was wir schreiben…

    @michael jackson…
    hope u doin great,and if we meet one day,i show u how to work with silver and making artcrafts…..u will love it:)

    and another thing….why could be so many people involved to hide him?like doctors,poilice,and so on?

    dont forget,behind this story is a huge money thing like dagobert duck.who would be so stupid,to earn more money for one favor and shut up,than working hard for years with even not a lot of money…..u can make a lot of people shut up with money,or come into e spiral ,that noone can belive u or u are forced,more than before,to shut up…..

    and we all know,our world is out of money,a lot of peoples,need even a bit money,to hold their properties or whatever.so nothing better can happen than a big conspiracy……


  99. He.is.alive Says:

    ha .. what isn't turning up about this Jackson thing .. a new trick every couple of hours ?

    Anything at all, but not a whisper from Taylor, Ross, Minelli, Lisa Marie, THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE who know it all !

  100. dragon Says:

    even ,maybe that pic is old and from smeone else….maybe someone thought,this could look like him,and i ll wait until i find a reason to sell it…..

    anyway,the breatheing mask,or how the english word is,its position is strange as will.u see the lip over it a bit….that was the first thing i thought about it and sure,the skin color,if somebody is already”dead” for a while….

  101. dragon Says:

    and if we find a great mj conspiracy logo,let me know,i can make us a sign in silver,as a pin or a pendant:)
    dtragonsilver,me,is everywhere:)

    and will buyable just for the materialcosts..

  102. Sosh Says:

    As I quickly scanned this article: http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2009/07/michael-jackson-photo200907?currentPage=1

    I think we can assume he knew Michael and or that other photographer. Isn't it strange that he was at the right place at ther right time. Almost like someone told him to be there!

    And yes, it's also possible that the picture from Michael in the ambulance is from some years back. Remember he had some healt troubles during his trial a couple of years ago.

  103. supermom75 Says:

    do not listen to the sun the sun is junk they tell nothing but lies it is all evil the devil the sun has no remorse for anything they say about anyone

  104. YOY Says:

    i must say I have been hooked on this site since day 1, THANK YOU for creating this site. I find it fascinating that the whole world does not even think as we do about the hoax. I sit and watch everything and whenever something crosses my mind, i go on this site and BAM! its been said! I cant even talk to other people about this cause they think its insane and out of the question. With that said, what stood out the most recently was an interview done with Joe Jackson and their long time family friend Majestik Magnificent. I think that interview totally gave it away that this is a hoax! It was so ridiculous and whats even more odd is that i cannot find that interview ANYWHERE online and its driving me nutts! Uri Gellar is also part of the CIA? so how convenient is that! I'm pretty sure everything will unfold and it wont take long. Thanks for everyones input! keep it up!

  105. YOY Says:

    michael probably helped out the photographer because he knew his story about wanting to go to med school and being a paparazzi was not his dream job but a way to earn money for school.

  106. VanillaCream Says:

    Honestly, if, IF he faked his death he did it for some reason, including his desire for peace. Wouldn´t it be viciously to take a pic of him or even reveal his whereabouts?

    Why not to give him the peace his soul really despairingly needs?

    So if somebody spys him out, don´t give away this info. This would demonstrate the proper respect he deserves.

    (Sorry for the grammar, I´m german)

  107. SkylinexBleedsxRed Says:

    Michael liked girls, So I don't know where that is coming from about him having sugar in his tank. That is a load of bologna.

  108. Elde Says:

    When I was at college, my philosophy professor told us that if we would like to have just an idea of what whas really going on in the world, we would have to put at least a dozen newspapers/articles next to one another, add tons of salt (expression in Belgium) and then maybe, maybe we would have just a glimpse….. we only know what people want us to know for whatever reason. So I guess we will probably never really know…
    Besides, we also really see what we would like to know. Very confusing indeed

  109. dragon Says:

    wow,great.u finally took the point i was tolding 3 times in here about thisis it picture.
    yeah,happy about it,that u read it.

    i did a fotomontage,how it actually shpould look lik if its real……

    sometimes i ask myself,if they are doing that for purpose,to find something like this…….

    i saw this pic 2 days ago again,and i found it,theres deffinately somethig missing.i would like to upload my ,fotomontage,to show how it has look like….

    thanks for the attention to my hint…

  110. LeeAnn Says:

    @dragon: hab eine mega-zusammenfassung geschrieben, und beim abschicken wurde gesagt “sitzung abgelaufen”! macht echt keinen spass!

    i wrote all the facts on the german page and as i submit my comment there were a “time is out” message! That´s not funny!

  111. dragon Says:

    SOMEHOW i guess,he is longer already away from us since the 25th…..

  112. dragon Says:

    or even before the concert announcement…

  113. martha Says:

    check the lyrics of MJ's song Xscape and tell me what you think guys…

  114. Variat Says:

    Greetings from the UK
    I'm pretty certain in my heart that he's still alive and this website just confirms it all.Nothing tallies up and I'm thinking that LaToya's claims that Michael was murdered is a smoke screen.Basically I agree with almost everything I've read on this site so don't really want to bore you all by going over the same ground.

    Also,I'm pretty certain that if I were to actually see Michael in the flesh and very much alive,I'd keep pretty quiet about it without photographic evidence for fear of being labelled a lunatic lol

    I also believe if he is still alive,what's to stop him going back to his roots so to speak? It's perfectly feasible that he may just appear to the world as a black man and we'd be none the wiser.Hell,maybe the surgery during the latter part of his life was an elaborate “disguise” which he could easily throw off when no longer needed.oh who knows…I'm going crazy not knowing!!!

    Michael,if you ARE still alive,I undertsnad why you felt you needed to get away and I don't blame you…honestly.You and your kids are all that matters in this circus so good on you!!!

  115. flower Says:

    HI GUYS, can someone please tell me how to post on the new forum cause i just cant get it thankyou in advance,

  116. ebru Says:

    leeann wie heißt den die deutsche version von dieser seite?

  117. Variat Says:

    Also,can I just add that my two eldest children (then 11 and 10)attended my Mum's funeral 3 years ago and were completely inconsolable.They had been fine up until the actual ceremony but as eulogies were read and her favourite song was played,they fell to pieces.I put it down to the fact that they were maybe too young to fully understand the events but were picking up on others' emotions…something that didn't happen to Michael's children due to the stone faced members of their family.But surely hearing his voice during “Will You Be There” would have set at least one of them off? We're all different on how we handle grief so how come they all behaved the same?

  118. Variat Says:

    Ok sorry to be a pain but,Admin,is there any chance that the posts could be ordered first to last as I fear that all new posts may go unread (ofc mine included! lol)

  119. charbour Says:

    Here are the lyrics for xcape:

    Michael Jackson


    Intro (Prison guard)

    Open up 6,

    He's gone!

    Everywhere I turn, no matter where I look,

    The systems in control, it's all ran by the book,

    I've got to get away so I can clear my mind,

    Xcape is what I need, away from electric eyes

    No matter where I am, I seen my face around,

    They pin lies on my name, and push them from town to town,

    Don't have a place to run, but there's no need to hide,

    I've got to, find a place,

    So I won't hide away

    Xcape, got to get away from a system lose in the world today

    Xcape, the pressure that I face from relationships that go away

    Xcape, the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle this man

    Xcape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me


    Sometimes I feel like

    I've gotta get away

    I tried to share my life with someone I could love

    But games and money is all she ever thought of

    How could that be my fault when she gambled and lost?

    I'm tired of silly games, its time to make a change

    Why is it I can't do whatever I want to? (oh)

    Went in my personal life and I don't live for you (you)

    So don't you try to tell me what is right for me (try it)

    You be concerned about you, I can do what I want to

    Xcape, (hoo-hoo) (oh, no)

    got to get away from a system loose in the world today

    (I've got to get away)


    the pressure that I face from relationships that go away

    (don't you know I need it?)


    the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle this man

    (I've got to get away)


    I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me

    (get away)


    (don't you try it)

    got to get away from a system lose in the world today


    the pressure that I face from relationships that go away

    (pressure that I'm facing every day)



    the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle this man

    (come on, now)


    (come on, now)

    I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me



    When I go, (oh, go) this problem world won't bother me no more

    (This problem world won't bother me no more)

    (problem world, bother me, yeah, oh, yeah, hoo)





    Xcape, got to get away from a system lose in the world today

    (I've got to find a way)

    Xcape, the pressure that I face from relationships that go away

    (pressure that I'm facing)

    Xcape, the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle this man

    (why I wanna fly)

    Xcape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me

    (I do what I wanna, hoo-hoo)

    Xcape, got to get away from a system lose in the world today

    Xcape, the pressure that I face from relationships that go away

    Xcape, the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle this man

    Xcape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me (hoo-hoo)

    Xcape, got to get away

    (I've got find a way)

    Xcape, the pressure that I face

    (can't take it no more)

    Xcape, the man with the pen

    (I can't take this no more)

    Xcape, I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me

    Xcape (auow!)

    (You ain't my mother)


    Got to get away


    The pressure that I face


    The man with the pen (get away)


    I do what I wanna

    I do what I wanna cause I gotta face nobody but me (hee-hee-hee)



    (what for? I can't take this kind of shit no more!)

    Xcape till fade

    You Want me? Come and get me.

    We're trying our best to get you Michael. This just sounds so.. dodgy!

  120. Elde Says:

    I second that flower; couldn't do it either…..tried a couple of times to answer a post, but my answer just 'vanished'…lol. Plz help!

  121. MichaelJacksonDunnoImHisMrs Says:

    Someone posted a comment that no one would believe it is MJ if he is seen. Here lies the problem…Michael's face is very distinctive. The poor guy could never come out of hiding unless in heavy disguise, ever. There will be no shock reapparence either, the fall-out from the hoax would ruin the rest of his life legally and professionally. If he has faked his death it would be a permanenmt decision. Personally I think he did die but if he did fake his death he must have been in terrible trouble or very unhappy about something.

  122. charbour Says:


    okay, could the media get any more insane?
    even they're struggling for stories now.

  123. flower Says:

    HI think you guys sould have a good look at this site sorry if its been posted already and make sure you read all the pgs such as mj doubles and doc rebuilding mj face maybe someone could post it on the forum because i just dont know how to post on there well heres the site,, http://www.michaeljacksonnotdead.wordpress.com pls let me know what you think??? merci

  124. wishful09 Says:

    Just go to the home page and click forum. Then choose which topic you want to view or what not. Then just hit reply. Or you can start your own topic.

  125. littleEARTHQUAKE Says:

    (Hey, folks, after a long period of lurking this site since its creation, I decided to join in. Don't expect to see much of me.)

    “What do you believe?”: I'm not sure what to believe anymore. You want to know what I watched on the morning of MJ's death date? The Wiz. Yes, THAT movie. I even joked with my mother, “Well, Nipsey and Ted are gone, but we know where Michael and Diana are at.” And lo and behold, ” Michael Jackson: Dead at 50,” pops up on the news. At first, I was in denial. But as it became more, apparent, I couldn't stop crying.

    Look, I was once one of the many who used to joke at the poor man's expense, and here I am, crying. I was never really serious with my jokes, and I never really believed he was a pedophile. He just didn't fit the description of one. I actually wanted to meet him one day, I want to be a musician, and he'd definately be the first person I want to meet when I become famous. But, do you want to know, what I believe? Simple, I don't know.

  126. He.is.alive Says:

    The lyrics of the “Xscape” song are reflective of what Michael Jackson was feeling, wanting and .. planning to do !!!! But this is not the only song wherein he sings about his trouble soul and life and his longing to leave it all behind..

    Further up, somebody posted an entry by “macanridire” who talked about the mysteries about a “special person of interest” leaving lax in a lear jet.

    His posting agrees to 99% with my posted theory that Michael Jackson made off in a private plane waiting for him at lax long before the mass hysteria of his death unfolded.

    Perhaps LaToya and Poppa Joe gotten wind of ppl figuring out stuff and that is why tabloid rages are floating and spinning more “Jackson updates” as we've been seeing and hearing … TMZ posted skinny entries over the weekend reiterating the drug thing, must be running out of hardhitters and are just scraping enough together to attempt public focus remain on the “spin” ….

    To Michael Jackson:
    Michael: If you are reading these blogs from whereever you are, be safe and enjoy the peace. We ARE figuring things out one by one, but we will always hold you dear and never forget you – EVER. Ourprayers and wellwishing, rest assured,are with you – God bless you, Michael …

  127. He.is.alive Says:

    Afterthought about the “Plane” at lax connection further up:

    Michael Jackson married Elvis' daughter Lisa Marie .. isn't it possible that during their marriage, Michael learned about the whole Elvis' death staging concept and execution thereof and so accordingly patterned his own “death escape” after that of Elvis',with the helpful input of Lisa Marie … Accordingly, who is to say that was not Elvis' private plane (covered up call letters and all) waiting for Michael Jackson at lax ?

    Among several mysteriously disappeared items that belonged to Elvis after his death, his PLANE is one of them that – for an item as large as it is – just disappeared into thin air like poof ?

  128. mjfan4evr Says:

    him those of you whom asked for info on the guy whom took the last photo of mj in the ambulance, he spoke to vanity fair magazine about it, here is the link.


  129. tiux Says:

    I think that thank god, he's alive every time I visit this page (every day 10 times) I'll get more and more information that HE IS ALIVE! And I'm very happy about it If he wants to live in peace and private then I think he deserves it 1000 times Michael, wherever you are, whatever you do – I support you in my heart and in my mind. Best wishes to you from Estonia

  130. littleEARTHQUAKE Says:

    So, Michael, if you're alive and well and reading this; I'm very sorry for hurting you. If not, rest in peace my friend, you deserve it.

  131. mjfan4evr Says:

    hey guys an article came out today on msnbc.com that mj told his daughter he was dying? i dont even know what to make of this story, but i thought id share it with the rest of you. i wish mj was alive and actually hope is, that would be a great surprise…we all can hope!

  132. dragon Says:

    well,im glad that we still can use this comment box,its for me better to run through it,than go through all topics and stuff.

    but admin,i have to sayRESPECT,great and fast work.

    well,i the moent i already feel,like im burning out.since 2 weeks im almost with no sleep,finding everything whats curios about that stuff…………

    anyway,i hope he is in a secure and peaceful place….

    i was never a fanatic fan of him,but always followed his storys in life,and i always was on his side.im more intrested in that person that michael is.his 2 faced person.the one in puplic and the one he is in himself.those big sad eyes…..

    i always could say,that i found myself in his storys.wanna hinde from everything and everyoe when im private…and to act like someone else on stage.
    and i had a big transformation as well.from that big fat cow with the pignose and pimples,to something totally different.even when people say now,i have something from brigitte bardot and a bit of pam,i will never see myself like this.i will always stay the fat girl inside which was cheated for a long time.and this had stolen a lot of my childhood.it was a horrible time…..the story of the ugly duck…
    the only good thing is,with these expiriences,u can see better in peoples minds and hearts.and so i have 2 good friends,wich mean everything to me.my brother and my musicfriend of our band.my dog and my mom and my choleric dad…..i even have a lot of nice friends around me…but the older i get,well 32,the more i become an eremit,but im happy with that….i can see the beauty in the nature.

    but what all came after it,with a destroyed self esteem,what u earned in the most important time of our lifes,was followed by a lot of bad things i went through afterwards.self torture and so on..it makes u to the last unicorn…but somehow stronger than everybody else around u, grow out of it….thats why im fighting for the nature and the animals.

    well,my soulmate,i wish u the best,and if i want ui will come and get you:)

    what i wanted to say,would be nice to meet up one day

    but anyway,i hope that now wherever he is,he will have peoples around which will never turn the back aganst you…..

    but one thing,whats not nice of u,since your “funeral”its raining all time now here in germany…..and this is no fake,maybe chemtrails….
    and my pc keys are totally through…

  133. dragon Says:

    @lee ann,scheiße sag ich nur dazu,was n mist,wie ärgerlich….ich versuche mal,den kontakt vo dir zu dem emailverlauf zu finden…….

  134. dragon Says:

    @ martha,

    that song……the others ,in my group i opened,try to find an answer with the song morphine……

    those both songs a really really strong,thats a fact….
    but sure,i rather go through the xscape one,cause morphine makes my mind a bit goin out of tune….

  135. dragon Says:

    this universe is indeed very confusing…..

    arent there something news going on?somehow,it seems,that they stuck now.and i dont read that shit ih the yellow press.

    about the missing money and jewlerrie….
    didnt they say,that,i think,it was like 3 days after the “death”that the family asked his nanny,where michael put the money?

    in this time they already had to see that money is missing.

    and even they said,they can be sure for 100%,that he hasnt been killed.aha…..

    well,now the 100% of it,turned into 100% doubt?

    and anyway,they must have seen it in the liver and all other organs in his body about the drugshit……

    sure,they will need another year more,to find the truth and wont “burry”him,or the empty coffin.

    money makes the world go round….

  136. loveandpeace Says:

    I just watched ET, and it makes me feel that he's not alive. They said Paris had 2 half heart necklaces and she put one on her dad in his casket. That made me so sad. But then again that could just be the power of the media? I also feel that if he did fake his death, Joe doesn't know about!

  137. goslinger1 Says:

    Found this on the web:

    Did anyone notice that he signed his will on July 7th, 2002, exactly 7 years ago to the day of his memorial… and he is the 7th child and his new album was to be titled 7EVEN.

    Was his fake death in the planning all those years? The odds of this is unreal! Anyone know of any significance for Michael personally with that number–did he mention before as a lucky number for him or something??

    Also found this on TMZ:
    Michael Jackson's two biggest hits — “Black & White” and “Billie Jean” — were each #1 for 7 weeks.
    – Michael Jackson's three biggest albums — “Thriller,” “Bad” and “Dangerous” — each produced 7 top 40 hits.
    – Michael Jackson was the 7th of 9 children.
    – Michael Jackson was born in 1958 … 19 + 58 = 77
    – Michael Jackson died on the 25th … 2 + 5 = 7
    – Michael Jackson has 7 letters in his first and last name.

  138. dragon Says:

    and another thing….

    i just had that idea all day long.

    in the 70ties,1970,was a game born in germany,called the milliongame.

    it was like a scavenger hunt.
    somebody was followed by killers.
    everyone in germany thought this thing was real,and they need to find that gangster.
    they even interviewed the persons on the street,during the time,when the game was on tv.

    the peoples said,if they will find him,they gonna shoot him.

    this movie was on the tv for a week.every evening,the streets were empty.well,i was born 77,but i herad about it…..
    the audience was so involved of it,that the couldnt handle the real truth anymore.

    wow,and this was born in gemany.they even pretend on the end,of that real tv gam,that the ganster suicide himself……..

    those peoples were so braiwashed by the tv,they couldnt see the truth anymore of it…..

    thats what im thinking about this michael story now…..

  139. dragon Says:

    if someone is in myspace.com ,i uploaded my bad,fast correcture of “this is it”picture in my albums….how it must look like,if it wouldnt be faked …

    go ad find dragonsilver77,there u can enter my pics and c it…..

  140. urcrazy Says:

    Oh, and I guess his daughter crying at the memorial service was “fake” too. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  141. urcrazy Says:

    Here's something VERY telling. On the “About Us” page of this website it says “We ask to be granted the freedom of thought and speech.” However, the Admin is deleting my comments simply because I disagree with him/her. Who is the censor? Who is denying free speech? Who is the conspirator?

  142. love_girl23 Says:

    Hello to everyone! I apologize for my english (im from Mexico).
    First of all I must say that the death of Michael Jackson is absolutely devastating, there will never be another person like him, he was very tallented, an amazing dancer, singer, producer, songwriter, but what is more important is that he was a beutiful human being, he was a great dad, you can tell only by looking to his kids, wich by the way, it doesnt matter if he didnt donated his sperm, that doesnt make him more or less of a father, have you ever tough that maybe he didnt wanted to pass his vitiligo to them? and that's maybe one of the reason why he didnt donated his sperm? but this from another subject.
    Like all of you i wish he was still alive, but unfortunally I truly believe he is dead , what I have to agree with you is that the circumstances around his death are very suspicious.

    1. Is it true that his son Prince saw him collapse? can someone help me with this.
    2. The doctor attitude is very suspicious, why did he waited so long to make the call, why the person calling is so calmed? I mean, if I were in the same room that MJ is dying i would be histerical, and I would mention his name, i ouldn say “there is a gentlemen” i would say MJ is dying.
    3. The things about people saying he was or wasnt in good shape, we would only know that if AEG releases the last rehearsal videos.
    4. The reason why the bottom of the S letter is missin could be because of a speaker, maybe.

    And to finalize, i want to say the main reason why i wouldnt think he would fake his death, and this is because of his children, i dont think he would make them go trough such a horrible time, we all saw his daughter cry at the memorial, also he wouldn want his kids to be so exposed to the world, he was always taking care of them not being showed to the public eye, and if for any reason Debbie rowe obtained the custody of the kids, (i hope they stay with the jackson family), he would be so deppresed because of this, so this is why i believe he is dead buth, i must admit there are some fishy things behind his death, that, lets face it, we would never know .

    MJ may your soul rest in peace.

  143. love_girl23 Says:

    Hi, its me again I hope i didnt put everyone to sleep with my speech lol

    Please let me know if anyone agrees with me, and if you dont please let me know why

  144. love_girl23 Says:

    oh, and another thing, maybe the part were he speaks at the memorial was going to be used at his comeback concerts, or i know he always recorded more than one version from his songs so there is a big possibility that they recover that part from the old records, i dont know

  145. urcrazy Says:

    The only thing fishy is a National Enquiresque story that some Romanian guy got paid off to stage the death of MJ and that MJ is alive and well in the Southeast US enjoying the sadness of the world. The person that posted that – I'm really interested in how you were able to follow MJ but nobody else was – and why not post a photo of him enjoying the tears while kicking back in the SE USA? Pourquoi pas? Because you're clearly fabricating a story. Why are some people so bent on “conspiracy” that no matter what happens they suspect something? Can't we leave well enough alone? The man is DEAD. Période.

  146. loveandpeace Says:

    @urcrazy i guess they meant speech that actually has to deal with the topic, not just insulting people posting here. if you disagree with everyone, then why post here? why even google anything of this particular nature?

  147. urcrazy Says:

    Did anyone notice that “lunatic” has 7 letters in it? Oh non! What about the fact that “Michael” has 7 letters snd so does “Jackson”? I think it's just as relevant to point out that “michaeljacksonisdead” has 20 letters and if you subtract “retardedsites” which has 13 letters you get 7! Oh this is too spooky. What about this? “Dropacidanddoshrooms” has 21 letters. If you take that, and subtract the letters in Michael Jackson (14) you get… wait for it… 7!!!!! It's a conspiracy! This confirms it all!

  148. Yes555 Says:

    LMAO @ urcrazy. I'm sorry, but that last comment was hilarious!

    Now, what do I believe?

    Simply put, I don't know what to believe.

  149. dragon Says:


    ca somebody tell me,how to build up my profile her?when i klick the profile link,nothing happens at all………..

  150. mrs h Says:

    I predicted on another site in March 2009 that MJ would NEVER do these shows and the tour itself was a hoax. He and his family had reached the end of the line financially and were absolutely desperate for cash. All living in rented accomodation. Being sued by all and sundry for millions. I think MJ is alive & kicking, he knew he could never do a tour, he made sure all the money that MAY be earned after debts stays in the family. He has spent his whole life defrauding people. A dead MJ is worth far more than a doped up MJ who would cancel concerts because he was too doped up to do them.
    I think the rehearsal tape is a fake and is older than we are lead to believe. I read about a cameraman who stated he was there, I dont believe him. I think all his friends who didnt want to get involved in the hoax stayed away from the memorial. I think Paris Jackson is an excellent actress, taught by the best in the business.

  151. Elde Says:

    Isn't your head spinning yet? …lmao
    Always hated maths

  152. zealot Says:

    I didn't know Michael Jackson had a wife. Check out this link and tell me what you think:

    There's is woman who claims to be Michael Jackson's wife. Her name is Nona Jackson. She is the princess of Saudi Arabia. Her family supposively have royal connections. Maybe she is a liar, but I do remember awhile ago (maybe 2-3 yrs. ago)Michael Jackson wanted his lawyer to introduce him to the Princess of Saudi Arabia because he wanted to date her. I am not sure if she is the actual princess though. She is posting strange things on the page though. Like 2 Autopsies is the resurrection or something. If this is not a hoax maybe her royal connection assisted in MJ death hoax

  153. zealot Says:

    Here is a picture of Michael JAckson supposive wife. I do not remember seeing her at the memorial?

  154. goslinger1 Says:

    I am surprised how defensive some people get on this site. Look, I think we all love Michael and are trying to piece this together the best way we know how. This forum allows us to work “through” all of this together. Some people may call us crazy. . .but I say we are just seekers of truth. There is nothing wrong with that.

    We should not make fun or post comments to ridicule people for being honest and posting what we believe on this site. Please just let us have one place in this world where we can go and feel part of a community. We are not forcing our opinions down anyone's throat. If you do not agree, simply state you disagree in a respectful manner–or just leave the site.

    There is no need to be degrading in your comments. I didn't want Michael to “die” (supposedly), but I must admit this site helps in some strange way to feel more connected to others who feel the same way.

    Keep up the great work, friends. Keep exposing what you believe is true.

    Let's keep this positive, for Michael's sake. He's had enough negativity in his life and surely doesn't need his fans cutting each other down.

  155. goslinger1 Says:

    By the way, just saw this on the news today:

    LaToya PAID for the interview to declare Michael had been murdered!


  156. mzbehaviour Says:

    well…I have been looking at all the evidence all day and I have come to the conclusion that if Michael Jackson is in fact dead nobody can hurt him anymore..and if he is alive in hiding nobody can hurt him anymore also so it is a win win situation. Either way I wish people would just leave him alone, the fans who claim to care so much about him want to own a piece of him just as much as the media wolves. I agree many things surrounding his death/alleged death seem strange and don't add up…am I going to spend my life hunting him down or the truth down? hell no…let the guy rest in peace dead or alive..it is his right as a human being

  157. Variat Says:

    Ok so I have now come back down to earth and realised I have been obsessing over something I may never know to be true.So life goes on with Michael Jackson as a wonderful memory and my family comes first.

    I've found myself reading into everything concerning all the “evidence” on his death and looking for things that aren't there.Really have to say,though that the hands of the so-called imposter at the 02 press conference are the same as Michael's and really couldn't for the life of me see what so many of you were looking for.

    Whether Michael is alive or dead…it's the last we've seen of him.There will be no come back…I think he'd be endangering his life if he did.There are always nuts out there who would want him dead after a hoax…possibly from a hard core,extreme fan who is obsessing as we speak maybe? I wonder how many people have taken their lives since learning their idol has passed?

    Agreed that there are suspiscious circumstances surrounding his death but the appropriate authorities are dealing with this based on evidence and not hearsay coming from the press or what crackpot websites are saying.

    If the man is alive…bloody good for him and his children.I for one applaud him if it's true.I would've gone to huge lengths to have helped a man like him if he so wished and have no desire to take part in his downfall and try to uncover where he COULD be hiding.And so on that note,I'll let him be.

    RIP MJ…wherever you are.

  158. MaggieMae23 Says:

    Hey good people!

    I was runnung for informations about this death hoax since I heard the first time of it. As I imagined this possibility, I felt so much better, but when I got back to the fact that he passed, I got more upset. So I really opened my mind for it but in the end I can´t find no proof that he is alive and I got more and more sad. Don´t you feel like this? And don´t you have doubts on these comments and photos they show here?
    But I can honestly understand if ppl choose their own truth. I only want to say, that if you getting devasted over all this, it´s better to go back and find some positive aspects for MJ´s death. Eg that he has peace now, or that he got out of pain now or that the world really recognized that there are true pure and good human beings on this world.By excepting all this we can start to do an very important thing: to learn about it, that we are there for people, when they need us and that we do anything for them to protect them, when they need shelter!

    MJ, is missing all over world!!!

  159. dragon Says:

    did all noticed as well,that the picture in the ambulance caravan ….that theres another strange thig?

    i have that pic in front of me in a bigger size.
    on his forehead u see over the nose end a big artery….even if someones almost dead,this wouldnt be so big,if it would be michael.

    and when u take look at michael in action,he doesnt even have such an atery……

  160. redlotuske Says:

    After 3 days of reading I can finally post something. Isn't it convinient that just that rehearsel is being filmed? Or do film every rehearsel?
    I follow the news about MJ in Belgium. Let me say there isn't much news anymore. What do you want with such a goverment.
    I just also want to say that not everyone needs to be involved in this, just the ones that normally would see his body. The doctors and the cornor. The police wouldn't see his body.
    Let me also say that I read MJ loved to prank the media. He sometimes called the ambulance and put in a mannequin to mislead the press. If that's the case… the doctors and the nurses were also involved and they didn't tell the press. So MJ could sneak away . Why wouldn't he do this now.
    About those kids. He wouldn't do this to them. But can you tell me where they're staying ? Who knows maybe they're just with him. Do you really think that we know what were his belongings? As far as we know he bought a house in a little village in another country were the villangers doesn't care who is. Not everything is in the media you know. I'm sure that if he lived here in Europe in a little village…it wouldn't be in the press. And if you own an airplane you can fly around the world in a copple of hours. Okay the kids were at memorial, but I haven't seen pictures from them before or after the memorial, maybe the weren't in America anylonger.
    Can anyone tell me how they can keep a body for three weeks? It must be smelly at least.
    And why isn't the deathcertificate be signatured? Ok the cornor I can understand, but the doctors??? There job is done you know.
    And what kind of cardiologist doesn't know how to do CPR?
    Just some questions.
    Are they trying to mislead us by saying now he is murderd so we will not ask about the funeral?
    And why a private ceremony? The family and friends could also say goodbye to him at his funeral?
    Did anyone even consider what it must do to his kids if his really dead and not being burried after 3 weeks? If my beloved father wouldn't be burried after 3 weeks I would have nightmares as a kid. It doesn't show a lot respect for MJ if he's dead.

  161. Mimi Says:

    soooooooooooo people we know now that he was depressed and all of that shit about drugs but common this really ent good enough ok we as the public are thing all these thoughts but think about its for real like he faked his death and how are we gona find out were he is how he got there and we ent ever gona see the body its been how long and they ent even buried him telling us lies lies and even more lies how we ever gona kno the truth these are just all possibilities dont get me wrong i always am on this site reading every thing but i just think the news are just focusing on dumb ass shit about Mj and La Toya on the other hand is trying to catch ever cent she can get the hole family's on about having a home show thing going on and thoughts about going on tour non of this Shit makes any god dam sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    we just need more proof and evidence, keep are eys opened and to really not believe everything we hear cus that whats gona get in the way of getting to the truth of things god bless evrey single on of us and hope to get to the end of this ASAP only time will tell

  162. Elviebba Says:

    I think Michael faked his death because the Illuminati and that New World Order thing were going to kill him because he didn't do what they tolde him to do
    and ofc for the money, I think that's why his children had maskes in public and if this is true then I don't wanna prove that he's alive and if they really killed Michael I hope they killed his look-a-like

    btw, this site is f***ing up all the time, and I'm from sweden so my english is not 100%

  163. He.is.alive Says:

    Ayant lu de nombreuses entrées sur ce site, ainsi que d'examen et a examiné le contenu de ceux-ci, j'ai élaboré la théorie suivante à propos de Jackson's "mort" et d'évasion, que j'ai fait et de juger plus plausible:

    The real Michael Jackson never showed up at that rehearsal the night before his “death” at Staples Center, dark (!) video footage that has surfaced showing him chewing gum is NOT the real Michael Jackson, no, but instead, he sent one of his doubles to the rehearsal to just “show up” there for a few minutes. Depuis la vidéo a été prouvé un faux par un expert et a dit à photoshop "fixe", nous n'avons aucune preuve que ce soit à tous que la véritable Michael Jackson a assisté à la répétition, à tous, une gomme à mâcher, mais d'apparence similaire n'a lieu. Ainsi: il est raisonnable de supposer que le véritable Michael Jackson a fait de l'attente d'un avion et a laissé à jamais revoir, en toute probabilité, si. Nouvelles informations secret de son «départ» de LAX banalisé dans un Lear Jet a fait surface, il convient de crédibilité et de logique.

    Meanwhile, back at the mansion, the lookalike decoy was being readied and prepared for the “cardiac arrest” show and the ball began rolling with the 9/11 call where the caller should have, but did not say “This is Michael Jackson's residence and Mr. Jackson needs immediate help, please hurry” but instead, very controlled and unemotionally spoke of a “Gentleman” who was “not breathing” ???? Tout en le REAL Michael Jackson est depuis longtemps à l'endroit et cela explique pourquoi l'ambulance "patient" photo ne ressemble pas ni ne pourrait être Michael Jackson, sur le droit à d'autres suspects, et continue de demander que quirks conservés sur surgissant de tous les directions, rien de ce qui peut éventuellement ajouter, car la scène a été autrement dès le début, c'est-à-dire: la REAL Michael Jackson a disparu depuis longtemps, mais le retour à LA "Michael Jackson est décédé d'un arrêt cardiaque», spectacle avec la decoy a comme prévu, malgré quelques fuites et de haut calibre, sans planification ou "répétition", et, pour cette raison, nous arrivons et continuent à revenir à la "rien à ajouter" la théorie et, partant, sont continuellement servi avec plus questionables émergents et les soupçons liés dès le début de toute cette saga.

    It is very highly questionable WHY his inner circle close confidantes did not show at the “Memorial” service at Staples: Elizabeth Taylor, Diana Ross, Liza Minelli, Uri Geller and Oprah Winfrey – who scrubbed ALL Michael Jackson data from her website – just to mention these few who come to mind. Pourquoi le nier Michael Jacksons aimé amis à assister à son "sendoff"? Instead, an assortment of “fill-ins” showed up, some of which have never even met Michael Jackson and even freely stated so on a popular talkshow, others who had no communication with him personally in years ! Une autre «scène»?

    Jennifer Hudson's performance was “backed” by the real Michael Jackson singing, where he, during the spoken monolog of the song she performed, mistakenly substituted the word “PainS” with an S for the original word in the text: “Pain” without an S ! How many viewers noticed this faux pas or …. n'a pas? S'agit-il d'un indice, une volonté délibérée "la jeter dans la foule et voir qui l'attrape" hint?

    Pourquoi est-ce que tout le membre de phrase «Je suis vivant, et elle sera à jamais" de l'une de ses chansons apparaissent en bleu lettrage à l'arrière de la scène à la fin du service? Pourquoi ces mots? Pourquoi pas d'autres mots, mais un en particulier?
    Le cercueil au cours de la Memorial service ne donne pas une quelconque réduction UNIQUE vibe qu'il contenait le corps de Michael Jackson, ni aucun autre organisme à qui! “Vibes” that I experienced over mere TV airwaves viewing the public funeral of former US President Reagan back in 2004 ? Very simply, the golden casket said to bear Michael Jackson's body was empty and, with helicopters hovering above, very mysteriously disappeared into thin air after the service with the whereabouts of the “body” emerging the latest media spin to keep the public focused on the “death” of Michael Jackson? et The Beat Goes On ...
    Are there enough hours in the day to state/document/blog the numerous other pieces of questions/doubt/evidence/observations that keep carving themselves out during this entire madness? Est-ce que les questions de mise en scène de Michael Jackson et le succès de mort échapper pas plus élevé dans le numéro de faits ", confirmant" qu'il a vraiment .... "Mort"?

    Fans du monde entier ont tenu leur souffle pour une image du «corps» de leur idole à apparaître, jusqu'à présent, de tous les médias et le trafic sur Internet, aucune image n'est disponible, et même si elle l'était, comment pourrait-elle être positive constatée que le corps est en fait de Michael Jackson? Nous ne le saurons jamais, allons-nous? Bloggers détachement des doutes et des observations, etc etc soutenir la traction remarquable de cette «mort» a gagné près de l'internet et, dans l'esprit que vous, ces faits ne sont jamais même mentionné par beaucoup comme une simple bouffée par les grands médias? Pourquoi pas? Since all of them broadcast their news with laptops in front of them, it is not so that they are not aware of it, is it ?

    Ce que nous savons, pour absolument certain, c'est cela: quelqu'un / s sait quelque chose, et leur silence / s a été acheté pour un prix assez élevé logique de la vérité ne sera jamais révélé de leur part, cependant, la vieille théorie selon laquelle la vérité est de soi l'emporte toujours et ne pourra jamais être compromise, même pas par des millions de dollars qui a permis cette opération, pourquoi? Simple: there IS a God …

    The lyrics of Michael Jackson's song “Xscape” clearly state what his longtime coming intentions were, intentions that he put into practice with what was in all likelihood helpfully aided by former wife Lisa Marie Presley who during their marriage learned of his desire to “escape” like her father did and hence “coached” him on how to successfully stage such an event, details to which she is certainly privvy to and hence constitute obvious similarities to Elvis' staged death and escape, most befitting to that of Michael Jackson's “death” and “disappearance”: the “cardiac arrest, dead on arrival at the hospital” spin … an airtight scenario where hospital personnel, doctors, emt's, police officers, security, etc. as well as the coroner and other authorities are judicially prohibited from publicly disclosing any whatsoever information regarding the admittance and aftermath of the patient, all the while the public is being thrown bite sized bones, information that could possibly not be “misconstrued” or “twisted” ?

    Après Elvis »de disparition, l'un de ses nombreux articles personnels manquant était le plus grand de tous: son avion! Cet avion n'a pas "hop" disparaissent dans la nature si vous pardonnez le punt, ergo: qui est-à-dire que l'attente, sans marque, classés par radar / tour de contrôle du personnel d'être «ignorée» dans l'attente avion à LAX pour Michael qui a été -- émergents entièrement masqués de noir suv à bord de l'avion - n'était pas que le fait d'appartenir à Elvis Presley? Qu'il aurait pu être Elvis Presley personnelle du plan est l'explication la plus plausible, car il va de soi que Michael Jackson ne jamais avoir à se soucier des moyens ou la peur de ses "escapades" devenir exposés ou public, car si c'était le cas, Elvis et Michael Jackson les deux étant en fait en vie constitue l'actualité internationale et de devenir en un rien de temps!

    The Jacksons, ainsi que les médias continuent à maintenir le flottant et la filature clutter "news", une partie assez scandaleux, mais tout est conçu pour distraire le public de se concentrer sur ce qui est clairement de devenir pour beaucoup un "AUTRE" scénario de ce ... "tragédie" ... ..
    Critique, ainsi que d'autres introduites par d'autres blogueurs invités est très certainement, je vous remercie pour la lecture.

  164. laurenmcn817 Says:

    hey guys,im only 14 and im struggling to get over MJ's 'death'and honestly i dont no what to believe anymore, you see all the videos of him appartnely sitting up in the helicopter when he's suppose to be dead and i have also seen a photo of him in mexico a day after he died <wdf? Come on now seriously how is one man and his people suppose to pull this off without anyone realsing that o no it wasn't MJ who really died and was a lookalike and the real one is in mexico or eastern europe it all seems just a little far fetched. At the end of MJ memorial service a week ago his daughter made a little speech and at the end of her little speech she fell into Janet Jackson's arms and burst into tears, how and why would they make her do that if her dad really was alive without it looking fake? I think everyone on this site including myself still want Michael to be alive and making up stories that he is alive to help us get over that he really is gone then so be it. I'm not gonna lie these things really do make you think twice but lets face it guys he's really gone love you michael xx

  165. goingcrazy Says:

    A rather late-night “Hi” from the UK.

    I got the death news second hand from my mother the day after it actually happened and at first my reaction was like “oh. D'accord. What happened?”…very nonchalant…very un-bothered…just a matter-of-fact interest.

    But when she told me what had happened she then went on to say how she thought it all a little…strange. Now, I can assure you my mother does not ever find anything strange in a “Twilight Zone” kind of a way…she is very matter-of-fact about things but she told me that she had seen the press conference to announce the tour and she felt that it wasn't quite right.

    On explaining, she said out-right it wasn't him. Now, my mother is 70 and I have never known her to be in the slightest bit interested in any pop star, ever. But, she said it wasn't him because the person she saw do the press thing wasn't behaving like she'd seen MJ do before. She said his body language was wrong, his wide face was wrong, his smile was wrong, his shoulders too wide, the way he strutted when he turned his back was wrong, when he stood to the right of the podium and did that weird bent-over-fist-punching-motion was not how MJ behaved.

    I really wish she hadn't said anything. Because ever since she said those things I have not been able to get out of my mind the fact that there could be something huge going on here in the fact that yes, when you look at it all and consider everything…and I mean everything…I believe he could honestly have done this. He could, really could honestly have planned his own death.

    I am intrigued on the workings out of such a plan, the clues that may or may not be there and the reasons why or how someone would do this.

    That is the reason why I register to contribute to a site like this…to discuss what we know or what we think we know and debate the whys and wherefores…I'm not here to judge others or be rude…just to have a bloody good debate and get out what's in my head and into the wider arena.

    I'm Going Crazy! Really I am!

  166. Ithemba Says:

    Hello from Germany.
    I am visiting this site since a few days and the more i read the more i am so confused, optimistic and sad. I don`t know what to believe.
    I hope that Michael is alive and that he lives in peace and harmony, somewhere. For me it would be ok to renounce of him, if he can live a good life now. I come to terms with never see him again. But he will stay in my heart as long as it beats, and if it will stop someday, even my spirit will never forget him, it doesn`t matter if he is alive or passed away.

  167. Blanka Says:

    I was reading some of the comments, I'ma huge fan of Michael, I wish he will be alive.
    People, he's death, his life was nice because of the money but horrible because of the scandals and fake things everybody said about him. If he had doubles only he knew it, if he's death only God knows it, I'll be glad to know he's alive no matter where he is. He was a great musician, dancer, singer, his talent won't be imitated never ever.
    Some of the investigation you show us here is very interesting and some things fit but, come on, He is death. If you find out he's not you'll probably win a lot of prices and you'll make happy a lot of fans like me… I don't care if he prepares this lie to get away, that's not important, the important thing is to know that he's fine… I love you Michael!!

  168. demonhybrid13 Says:

    Michael jackson has been DEAD FOR 18-20 YEARS!!!!
    I have proof, what ur about to read is an article i found on a website:
    SANTA BARBARA, CA-During a search for evidence at the Neverland Valley Ranch, investigators discovered a corpse that has been identified as that of Michael Jackson, Santa Barbara police officials announced Tuesday.

    Coroners have officially pronounced Michael Jackson dead. From what we can tell, he died between 18 and 20 years ago,” forensic investigator Tim Holbrooke said. “We are not certain, at this time, who-or what-has been standing trial in that Santa Maria courthouse.”

    According to Holbrooke, Jackson's corpse was buried just inches below a stretch of the miniature-train tracks that run throughout Neverland. The largely desiccated corpse wore the remains of a red, zipper-covered leather jacket and a single glove.

    “We positively identified the body as Jackson by his dental records and DNA,” Holbrooke said. “But even before we conducted a single forensic test, we began to suspect that that we'd uncovered the real Michael and that the disturbing figure claiming to be Jackson was a fake.”
    Holbrooke said that, although the corpse was in an advanced stage of decomposition, when investigators compared the body to early-career publicity photos of Jackson, they saw a striking resemblance in bone structure and facial features. But when they compared the body to photos taken after 1987, the resemblance was negligible.

    “This discovery raises a lot of questions, but it also sheds light on a number of disturbing incidents,” Holbrooke said. “Frankly, Jackson had been acting pretty strange.”

    Forensic experts and music critics are postulating that Jackson was dead before the release of the multi-platinum album Bad. Detectives are currently analyzing the lyrics to “Man In The Mirror” for any clues relating to a look-alike entity that many suspect murdered the youngest member of the Jackson 5 and assumed his identity.

  169. woahitzcrazy Says:

    ********* OK OK OK I AM HERE TO SAY THAT


    “In My Turbulence
    Through My Fear
    And My Confessions
    In My Anguish And My Pain
    Through My Joy And My Sorrow”





    “Kick in the back baby
    A heart attack baby”

    “Trust in me
    Trust in me
    Put all your trust in me
    You're doin' morphine”



  170. jaded Says:

    Hello Fellow Hoax Believers!

    First, this site is awesome. Keep up the good work! (Gives everybody a pat on the back) Michael Jackson is NOT dead. I have a theory as to what happened, what is going to happen, and WHY & HOW it happened. Before I get into this, please know that I have done my research and I'm sharing with you a VERY UNIQUE theory that I have yet to see posted anywhere else on the web and/or magazines. So if I see my theory again, without source credits, on any other website/book I'm going to know that you are a pathetic plageristic loser who couldn't come up with a better MJ Death Hoax theory. How lame are you? lol Give proper credits if you plan to repost my theory. Now that that's out of the way…. Lets begin 
    Michael Jackson, along with his family and CLOSE friends, are all engaging in an attack against the MEDIA for the way they have always treated him. Obviously this elaborate plan has been in the making for YEARS. The reason that his plan is pure genius is because he is using the same MEDIA that slandered his name all of these years to promote THE biggest comeback tour ever, and the MEDIA has NO idea that they are involved. Suckers. Just follow me as I point out some things that you may or may not have noticed…
    Theory Major Details: Michael Jackson has staged his death for two reasons, in order to have the BIGGEST, RECORD BREAKING comeback tour ever AND so that the media will leave him alone for good this time. How you say? Follow me…
    First, to understand any of this, you first have to go to Wikipedia and type in a name you may have heard before – Elvis Presley. People are not just citing the similarities between Jackson's death and Elvis because of one coincidence. Look at dates, phrases, locations, you will see similar items. Also, keep the number 7 in mind. Elvis supposedly died in 1977, it takes 7 years for your name to be cleared of bankruptcy, it's been 7 years exactly since MJ wrote his will, the date of his memorial service etc –the list goes on.
    —The Memorial
    People keep asking me “Why would he have a memorial if he faked his death?” What ppl don't understand is that this memorial service HAD to happen for three reasons:

    —-1) To understand the importance of the memorial service, one must first understand what Michael is trying to do. Comeback tours are HARD! It takes a team of organizers, promoters, dancers to pull a great comeback tour off. But MJ doesn't want to be great, check his record sales, BEEN THERE; DONE THAT. MJ wants to be extra-ordinary, awesome, and magnificent. He needs the fans attention.
    “But all of his concerts sold out within 2 hours of being put on sale” Yes. They did, but lets step into the mind of someone who wants to NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. How does one become forgotten? When the generation of people who listen to your music/craft dies or outgrow your craft…so to become UNFORGETTABLE one must bri ng everybody on one accord. Think about it..did your 8 yr old cousin even know one MJ song before 6/25? Probablement pas. Pourquoi serait-elle? His last album came out before she was born. Since his death EVERYbody young and old/black & white/male & female have been playing his music.. so guess what? Now even my 4 yr old nephew—who had never even heard of MJ, is now walking around the house singing “Beaaaaaat it just beat it!” It takes a new generation to love and pass on your music for you to be unforgettable. His death reminded old fans why we fell in love with him in the first place, and introduced himself to new fans who will now listen to his music and pass it down to future generations. Okay, so now that everybody is on one accord musically, as far as MJ is concerned, lets get back to the memorial. This memorial is so important because once MJ comes back to perform the greatest comeback show ever, the media is going to SLANDER him!! They are going to be soooo upset that he fooled and tricked them that they are going to tear him apart! He knew this, and he also knows that when he dies FOR REAL the media isn't going to dedicate 4 hours worth of network tv time for a memorial service. Nope—not after this stunt. What he is doing now is getting his well deserved memorial service out of the way now, because media networks are damn sure not gonna give him the respect his contribution to music deserves—not after this. This service was strictly for the fans—hence the lack of attendance from his celebrity friends. He knew the media will surely rob him of the chance to do this all again for his fans when he REALLY dies, so he did it now. Think of it as a pre-funeral.

    —-2) Although the blogger before me just posted that he thinks MJ left the country on 6/25 (or anytime before that) I personally think MJ used this memorial service as a decoy to leave the country. Lets run some numbers, the inauguration of the first African American president of the United States had 38 million viewers watching it on tv. MJ's memorial service had 33 million viewers watching the service on tv. 38 MILLION viewers. That's a lot of damn viewers. What perfect time to skip town when almost EVERYone in the world was busy being fixated to a tv for a 4 hour period. Genius. Even ppl at work/hospitals/pubs etc were watching the service. I believe he used this opportunity to leave the country.

    —-3) in order for ppl to “believe” he was dead—they had to have a funeral right? Droit. But lets look at WHO performed at the memorial service. Was I the only person who noticed that EVERY single person who performed had something to gain by performing? Mariah Carey—new cd coming out. Usher—about to be put on BLAST in the next few months because of his pending divorce; him crying and singing showed a “softer side of him” looks great for his lawyers. I think J Hud & John Mayer both are about to drop cds. Even the little guy who said he was gonna go on tour with MJ said that he was UNSIGNED talent. And if you can tell me the name of at least ONE person that was in that “We are the world” group (besides Usher/Brooke Shields/J Hud etc) I will send you $10 through paypal—who the hell were they?? Lol. They sure were random. Although most ppl were chosen by the family to perform it makes you wonder WHY were they chosen? Was Beyonce, Rihanna, Marsha Ambrousis (who BTW wrote 'Butterflies” for MJ!) why weren't they asked to perform? Yall know MJ always looked out for other performers—my theory is somehow some way these ppl will be linked to the tour in some fashion and he just wanted to introduce yall to them then while also helping them out with their future endeavors.

    Everything else …everyone has already said.
    Pay close attention to HOW the story regarding his death keeps changingcomacardiac arrestdrug overdosemurder. Theres a method to this madness. Latoya is going around saying she knows who killed her brother and she keeps saying that the autopsy report is gonna be SHOCKing—I would NOT be surprised if Latoya gets on national TV and claims he was murdered by the MEDIA!! Just remember you read it here first!!!! lol

    I think she also purposedly calling some newspapers and giving them false information just to have them running around with their tails between their legs. But in some cases, all you have to do is give somebody a rope and they will hang themselves—and that is exactly what MJ wants the media to do.

    To everybody who keeps saying that he will get in legal trouble for faking his death—as long as a death certificate is not signed by a licensed physician or a coroner, and as long as he does not cash in on any of his life insurance settlements– He has not committed any crime. (the reason why a lot of ppl think Tupac is still alive is because to this day, his mom has yet to cash in on his life insurance policy—hmm yeah that's another post for another day lol) Interesting though that MJ cant get any life insurance settlement until a death certificate is officially signed. Ask any lawyer.

    Also to everyone who keeps bringing up “well why would _____ say that about his _____” obviously you still haven't gotten what MJ is trying to say - THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US! Seriously the media LIES!! I cant stress this enough! From here on out when you read an article see where they got there info from (source) if it comes from another magazine and then you go to that magazine's site, but that mag says that their source cannot be reached for comment…its BULLSHIT! BullshittersTMZ first reported the death The only pic taken on the way to the hospital was a Entertainment Tonight exclusive and the footage of the red ambulance pulling out of the driveway was from Hollywood TV! That's 3 entertainment rags people! Unless you see the Jacksons themselves say it—don't believe it. And even if they say it, STILL give them the side-eye…

    MY last point (I know yall are probably saying is she ever gonna shut up? Lol) is to explain HOW the media is going to leave him alone. Everybody keeps saying “But the media is gonna be on him EXTRA hard after he comes back into the spotlight” No they wont. Think bigger. Lets say your little sister keeps nagging you every day with practical jokes till your fed up so you decide to give her a taste of her own medicine so you play the most evil, scariest, craziest trick on her….she leaves you alone after that right? For some reason I must be the only person that thinks this is what is gonna happen with MJ & the Media. After this trick on the media, trust me, he is not gonna need to wear disguises with his kids, masks, send out body doubles etc. WHY? Because after this stunt the media is going to leave MJ the fuck alone. His is going to make them look so FOOLISH for reporting uncredible stories from unreliable sources. They're gonna realize just SMOOTH of a criminal MJ is!! I bet they will do their homework next time. After this stunt MJ is gonna be able to walk around LA, ATL, NYC with no mask and with his kids in tow and paparazzi and media crews alike are gonna be like “hell no, you take a picture of him! That man is crazy!”

    Believe NOTHING; question EVERYTHING

  171. taylor Says:

    so my gut instinct told me not to trust that michael jackson is dead…my spiritual gift is perception, and i have never been wrong.

    i am a jackson family fan, and supporter…including joe jackson…here is my interpretation…mj is a very talented and shrewd human being, and he is the “greatest entertainer of all time”…so says barry gordy,…didn't realize mj still spoke to barry…

    ?where was quincy jones. the day after mj's death quincy jones did an interview and has not been heard from since.

    ?joe jackson's appearance at the BET music awards. joe doesn't care if people don't like him…joe makes michael a lot of money…it's their game…big bad joe poor little michael.

    yes i did hear the slip up of mr. ortega when he said a week ago…i was like huh what it took them 12 days to have a memorial…no one ever saw the body and the pic of the mj in the ambulance…the scratch (?a scratch on a digital image, highly unlikely) that is in the middle of the photo makes it difficult to identify mj.-side bar about the photo…i've seen different versions…some more blurry than others…photo shopped.

    i am certified in cpr and i've never seen chest compressions in the neck let alone done single handed…in the photo the emt's hand is resting on mj's collar bone…? is the same person admining the bag and compressing the chest from the wrong side of the body.

    black people have funerals we do not have memorials…there has to be a body in and open casket…with a choir sangin and a cousin screaming why jesus why? or in their case why jehovah why?…no matter how bad it looks…its taboo not to do this.

    nothing surrounding his comeback, and tragic death make sense to me.
    ?did he have side burns…i'm thinking not.

  172. nicole1985 Says:

    I also believe he is still alive what I personally consider to be good. Sometime a person can no longer if you only rumors about him and writes how to bring the bear! While it is not nice vorzuspielen his death but I think it would have even more people so as he made. One can only wish him the time his children entlich calm and Freid he gets the deserved. You can see but also hear the rumors simply will not find it on I just pity the media ever machen.Er the world has done so much good why is not even talking about! But it's nice to know that the other share the opinion he is still alive after what I have read here is probably more than a deutig.Michael Jackson is and remains the King of Pop.

  173. dragon Says:


    u found this article on the onion side.its a satiric mgazine.eve on the foto u see a mummy which must be dead for hundered of years,and the glove that is waring,is just dirty and not fadig like the rest of the body….

    first when i found that page as well,i had gucepumbs….but its a satiric magazine.

    but the longer im in this story,the more i think,hes alive,and for those which are detectives like we are, it seems,that he made a scavenger hunt out of it.it cant be,that there are so many obvious hints are in all this shit.
    noone can tell me,that they make so many falts,like the fotomontage of this is it,without even seeing that by themself….

  174. dragon Says:

    @demonhybrid, about the death

    u found this article on the onion side.its a satiric mgazine.eve on the foto u see a mummy which must be dead for hundered of years,and the glove that is waring,is just dirty and not fadig like the rest of the body….

    first when i found that page as well,i had gucepumbs….but its a satiric magazine.

    but the longer im in this story,the more i think,hes alive,and for those which are detectives like we are, it seems,that he made a scavenger hunt out of it.it cant be,that there are so many obvious hints are in all this shit.
    noone can tell me,that they make so many falts,like the fotomontage of this is it,without even seeing that by themself….

  175. dragon Says:

    and maybe they want to make us tired as well,with our conspirisies….as longer all that shit is going on ,the more i want to find th way,and we all have to keep on searching,evn its than a year ago…

  176. dragon Says:

    actually we should have a map in here as well,were the”sightings”should be marked.if they are true or ot,so we could compare,where he might bee senn the most,and on what days…..mayb we will find there another hint as well….like in the most psychomovies,where u have the a special trail or sign at the map….

  177. dragon Says:

    ah,and for sure,i rea it somewhere in the internet,he was afraid of beeing killed,he said to his daughter….a month before.

    sure,he talked to his daughter about this,and sure another reason,to have not the house full with extra bodyguards….thats all bla bla…..

    if im afraid,i ll have a dozen of bodyguards around me especially when i have kids…

  178. dianafan Says:

    I don't think tht Elvis is stilla live and that MJ is with him. Its 32? years since Elvis left, and now he would be in his 80s – however, I do believe Lisa Marie has had a hand in all this. If Elvis's plane vanished where has it been all this time, to suddenly reappear to whisk MJ away? Is there any evidence of the plane with no ID at LAX? were there any plane spotters there? Could the Jackson family not own their own plane? Could one of the family have qualified as a pilot secretly? although not a secret John Travolta has a few planes and he isn't as rich as MJ.

  179. dragon Says:

    well,i dont think too,whe it comes to elvis…he wasnt that bizarre to the world like michel was…..

    hey,john travolta,but john is in the scienetology organisation…….dont think that he will have time for jackson then….

  180. minimalany Says:


  181. goingcrazy Says:

    In response to some of the information on this site already I would like to add a few comments of my own which I can't get my head around…maybe others can help:

    Re: Elizabeth Taylor & Arnold Klein Twitter Information:
    1) I'm not convinced that the Matisse drawing bears any relevance other than that being a case of him sucking up to her. If he gets implicated in this whole thing then that is effectively his career and celebrity status over so why not try and keep in with his existing celeb clients by sucking up to them.
    2) Forgive me if I misunderstand how Twitter works but if you look at Arnolds Twitter feeds – why is he contacting Ashton Kutcher and Justin Timberlake asking for help to preserve HIS memory (whose memory? MJ?) – is he contacting them in order to gain new celeb clients to replace those that he is losing through all this? And why not just call them up?
    3) Elizabeth Taylor – I believe that either a) she didn't go o the memorial because she didn't want to be on show at a time of grieving or b) she didn't go because she knows he is alive and what his plans were.

    Re: Alleged Wife the Princess:
    1) Why have we not seen or heard from her before?
    2) For anyone to post up a picture of a USED SANITARY TOWEL covered in blood an' all has, in my book, got to be a bit of a nut-job.
    3) I think she is just deluded.

    Re: Alleged Open Casket Picture:
    1) Is he at the wrong end?
    2) Why is the picture in black and white and all grainy? In this day and age I believe we all have the ability to take colour photos so why is this one bad black and white quality?

    Re: Where are all the People?:
    1) Do we know who the man is that called 911? Has he done an interview or anything?
    2) Do we know who the man is that answered the 911 call? Has he done an interview or anything?
    3) Where are all the interviews from people who used to work for him giving their two-pence worth? Sure we've heard from the nanny but as far as she is concerned I think she is highly suspicious. She was the first one to give an interview saying that MJ's family were very quick to call her up and ask her where his money was. Why would they call her up when MJ had fired her? I think she is trying to get in quick and accuse the family of being up to no good when in fact she may have had a hand in events. (Projection – I think it is called when you try to deflect attention away from yourself and onto others)

    Re: Pre-death Footage:
    1) The longer video version of him sitting on the sidelines (or wherever) watching the rehearsals – he is chewing like a mad man – what's all that about? Is it MJ on drugs (amphetamines spring to mind here) or is it someone else? Is the footage recent or from ages ago?
    2) Why are “they” so intent on placing him at the rehearsals and making us believe that he was where “they” say he was before he died? Pourquoi est-ce si important?
    3) Why fake up a photo? Who took the picture? Is there any footage that can place MJ in the same clothes, same hair-do, same dance steps but from a few years ago?

    There was an article recently where the headline reports MJ as having said something like “they will kill me if I don't perform” or something like that. Who is the “they” in this case? When I was searching around for stuff on YouTube, there is a video there of MJ's home movies. One is “funniest moments part 2” or something and if you watch it he talks about touring to promote new albums etc. He said “the record label like you to tour to promote an album…but I don't like to”. At which point someone yells cut and he is asked to talk about it again but to be less negative. He then says “but I don't like to” to which in the background they say “I know but ” and he says“it kills me” twice. He agrees to do it again and says “you and I will know the truth” when the camera is rolling he says with great emphasis “I love to tour”. Watch it. It is funny and makes me giggle. But he says it kills him to tour…so why the hell would he agree to do these 10 or 50 shows when he obviously doesn't like it. Who was putting him under all this pressure?

    I think if he is dead…a lot of people who were close to him have blood on their hands. But if he is alive…good on you MJ, enjoy your peace and quiet!

    Re: the post from He.Is.Alive – good interesting points raised there but because I know zip-all surrounding the death of Elvis I can't think whether it's plausible or not. (Will be looking into it though, that's for sure!)

  182. Brooklyn Says:

    Hello to everyone from the uk

    I first come on this site in disbelief that Michael had died…. to say I was in shock was an understatement…so I was looking for anything that might show a light at the end of the tunnel…but having spent the past 18 days reading everything on this site and also doing some research of my own, I now firmly believe Michael is very much alive (Please God)
    I have read on other sites people saying “Well If Michael isn't the children's father, why should he care if he left them behind” Well that is rubbish! I speak from personal experience on this one… I took in my brothers son at just 3 months old (Long sad story) and I can honestly say I couldn't love him more if he was my own.. He is now 7 years old. As Michael had his children from birth it wouldn't matter if he was there biological father or not, he would still have that special bond and love them just as much.. I bet he has a plan for them at some point…
    Another point I have been seeing a lot is people saying “Well if if he didn't want the pressure and fame then why do it” I say to them, Michael was a child star and had no choice to begin with… We have all heard what his father was like! As he grew older and more able to decide, what else could he have done? performing was all he knew and by then far to famous to say go out and get an everyday job… So he was stuck….
    I thing the stage was properly Michael's best and worst times for him… In one respect he loved performing… Michael himself said it was the one place he could be himself, and of course he loved his fans dearly, I have no doubt of that…. But on the other hand I also think the stage represented his prison, as it was that very fame that controlled his life and kept him lonely…It denied him of a normal life and most importantly the true love he had craved all his life…
    As for the reports of the Jackson family saying the reason for the closed casket was because of his face.. Well I don't believe that either! 20 years ago my best friend fell from a block of flats 22 storeys high to his death.. Of course there was severe damage to his body and face, but I still went to the chapel to pay my respects before his funeral… To this day I have no idea how they did this, but when I saw him he just looked like he was sleeping and with no visible injuries.. My point is if they could do this 20 years ago I am sure that even if Michaels face had been damaged (which I doubt) they certainly could have fixed it….
    And why did people have a problem with Michael being young at heart? I thought it was part of his charm… For me it wasn't the entertainer,the singer or even the dancer, although he was perfect in all he did.. It was just Michael with his kind heart,soft voice his endless commitment to make the world a better place with no thought of his own happiness he just gave and gave…
    Every time I see him I always had an overwhelming feeling to protect him hide him away from the cruel words and accusations spoken by others…
    I myself know what it is like to grow up lonely and not allowed friends… So I am a little like that myself… for example I love Christmas and get more excited than my niece's and nephews… As Michael said you try and compensate for a lost childhood… That doesn't make you insane!

    Just a thought…. If Michael is indeed still alive do you think it is possible given the fact that some people may have wanted him dead for whatever reason, that he was put in some sort of protection programme?? If so it would also account for the recent article about the plane and also why the new papers are keeping quite….If I knew Michael was alive and where he was I wouldn't tell anyone for fear of him being caught…
    One thing I have learned in life is that although it is nice to have lots of money, the 3 things it cant buy is Health, Happiness and Love

    To sweet Michael,
    Your true fans will always love you no matter what…And we understand why you had to get away, It must have taken a lot of soul searching and desperation to give you no other choice… No one could endure what you have over the years and not want to run away from all the pain life has caused…Rest Michael and get yourself strong again… I love you from the bottom of my heart… xxx I want you!

  183. dragon Says:

    all those casket pictures are fakes

    at first he would wear his shiny uniform,and hey,why they burry him with sunglasses….

  184. MJsongfan Says:

    @ jaded:
    I believe your theory, and it does, logically make sense. However, what all of us are currently doing is pure speculation on our part. Until more confirmed facts are revealed, we can't make any definite conclusions.

    I agree that there are too many unanswered questions…and I am glad that you brought out a lot of the controversial times and dates surrounding his death. I also think that his death, may have also brought up a lot of controversy. Whether or not he knew it or not, is debatable. However, it may have been that all of this controversy was for publicity, or it may have been for something else, or it may even be the truth, for all we know.
    Anyways, The only thing that I have to bring up is that his reputation will be tarnished, not to mention that if he tries to do another comeback concert, he might have lost a lot of his fan base, which might lead to poor ticket sales. Which might also trigger the fact that he might have to go back into bankruptcy (if his death was indeed an elaborate hoax) Just my 2 cents…

    Regarding the 911 caller, it has been speculated that it was one of Michael Jackson's bodyguards, though it may have been the physician himself as the tabloids claim…but then again…maybe not.
    Regarding the grainy black and white picture, this may have been on purpose…(or photoshopped). The picture has been posted, and everyone interprets everything differently. In my opinion, the picture was just taken to reinforce the idea is dead, and to make people stop believing the conspiracy theorists.
    As for pre-death footage: I do believe that many people are really trying to focus on and emphasize the fact that he is dead…however I do believe that they are overdoing it. Many of his videos and photos from his last rehearsals are up for speculation, due to the fact that many of the photos seem to be taken from before, when he went on tour, same for the videos too. But something that validates some of the videos, is the fact that some of the dancers that Jackson himself, supposedly handpicked, is found in these pictures and videos…but again, this is pure speculation on my part.

    I can say for certain, that there are a lot of holes regarding his death. And I think that more information has to be revealed/hinted in order for a lot of us to have a clue as to what may be going on.

  185. taylor Says:

    ?was it a private helicopter that flew his body from the hospital to the morgue.

  186. Swagger Says:

    @ jaded: luv your theory and I guess ur right!

  187. cathedralfolk Says:

    Love & Peace…..Regarding your post….

    ie,original video from “They Don't Care About Us.” Thanks for sharing this. It's very raw and poignant and tells the story much better than the commercially released one that I found.

    Even though he was my contemporary and we're a year a part in age, I never followed his music. I only remember that at every stage of my life from the age of 12-mid 30s (1970-mid 1990s) there was always an MJ commerical presence on the radio, so he's synonymous with my generation.

    Even so, I never bought any of his albums because the commerical songs that I remember weren't in keeping with my own musical tastes which were folk classical. Although, as a former musician up until my late 20s, I did a benefit concert with a musican colleague who did a Michael Jackonsonesq act.

    Thus you could say I was Michael Jackson illiterate, I really didnt know anything about him. But for some reaon unbeknownst to me, I was really really saddened by the news of his alledged death and as a result, thanks to YouTube, have been able to download practically every interview Michael ever did from about 1970 up to his last interview in Ireland (2006?) with I think (Black Eyed Peas).

    I think that foremost, he was an amazingly gentle soul who had an enormous amount of love and empathy for people and just so happened to earn his livlihood as a musician/entertainer. Not so different from the majority of people who visit this website.

    We are first and foremost, as objects of the Creator, brothers and sisters of the human race, but just so happen to earn our livlihoods as teachers, computer tekies, doctors, lawyers, etc.

    I believe that Michael was the honest to goodness real and true McCoy, that he lived and practised what he said and I'm absolutely heartbroken at how he was merchandised for his talent, sold as a commodity and then chewed up and spitten out when he began to adopt a public persona that was a little less palatable to the mass commerical audience.

    For evertying he gave to the US, in so far as public diplomacy and promoting the American brand to the international masses, which by the way George HW Bush acknowleded and awarded him Entertainer of the Decade, I hope we've (the USA) have repaid him by putting him in a witness protection program so that he will never ever have to be hurt and taken advantage of again and that the rest of his life is filled will quiet creative joy with his beautiful three children.

    I encourage any of you who have been touched by the gentleness of Michael Jackson and for his humanitarian activities that you join his “Heal the World Foundation.” Maybe even start a chapter in your community.The only real legacy any of us will ever leave is the good that we did to one another.

    Love and peace,


  188. VanillaCream Says:

    His “wife”:

    She´s really wacko: http://twitter.com/twitme29

    Poor MJ, he had to deal with mentally deranged persons – it´s scary!

    Whoohoo DING DONG anybody at home? http://www.wikio.co.uk/news/Nona+Jackson
    She´s almost famous.

  189. LeeAnn Says:

    @ ebru: the german site is


  190. blackorwhite Says:

    One thing doesn't add up for me – the 5 hour medical. He would have 100% failed that medical because he was on all these different drugs. Yet he passed it with 'flying colours', to quote. Unless HE didn't take the medical.

  191. Julzie Says:

    Hello everyone. I started to think I was all alone in believing Michael Jackson's death had too many unexplained things to be true.. so I finally googled it and found this forum. I feel it is very strange that there is only one pic of Janet Jackson getting out of the car at the hospital.. from afar. Then, also only one picture of Latoya at the hospital looking frantic from afar. If you watch the news and read magazines then you know that photographers will take several shots within seconds of each other trying to get that million dollar shot. Where are all the pic's??? I don't see the shot in the ambulance being Michael simply because the skin of that person is too dark. Also has anyone noticed the vein popping out of the persons head in the ambulance pic?!?! Is that even possible if your dead? Doesn't that only happen if the blood is flowing??? I thought he was dead before they put him in the ambulance?! I was sick for a week over this whole thing, but still felt something wasn't adding up.. Like the lack of tears from the entire family. Also why haven't the performers that he practiced with every day come forward to remember him? It's like they had the guy that was helping Michael with his vocals speak out, but that's it. I also agree about the memorial, why weren't his best friends there? We haven't heard from any of the doctors from the hospital, nurses, paramedics that worked on him, the medical examiner hasn't went public and why is the toxicology taking sooo long. It just seems to me like the majority of the info is coming from the family. I also found out that the guy that began the “We are the world song” during the memorial is with a religious choir, and actually saw a picture of him with the choir. That had me freaked out for a while because I to thought that guy could've been Michael with plastic surgery and a clone to do all his appearances. That guy had a scared look on his face like with recent botox injections. I would say more, but everyone has pretty much covered everything else. A lot of the things I've been skeptic about has already been mentioned… I'm just glad I'm not alone in thinking that this is weird and something is just not adding up.

  192. emmie Says:

    hi, if michael jackson is alive why would the police be investigaitng this further, do u really thing that they are in on this??dont u think they have better things to do then fake michaels autopsyand all?? i mean if they think the body is michael dont u think that in an autopsy it will show that is aint michael?? what do u think?? yes there is reason to think he is alive but if the media and other people claiming he was a child molesta would have just left him alone when and stopped following him mayb he wouldnt need to fake a death..i think we should just leave him b now weather he is alive or dead let him rest..if he is alive and does do a come back then will will find out the truth.. answer my questions

  193. emmie Says:

    oh and tha picture that every 1 is saying in michael jackson in the abulance how stupid is that lol…
    the guy in the abulace has darker skin.mayb it is him with out the make-up on because he does have the skin condition 'virtilgo' but i cant see that being him also the guys nose is biger then michaels, so i think that that is michael jackson but when his hair caught on fire during that pepsi advert. what do u think??

  194. ilovemichaeljackson Says:

    what about the michaeljacksonsighting's site, they claim there are photos and they are going to post more but they haven't.. ugh.

    and MJ didn't lip sync. He sang and dance, remember he has been doing this since he was a child, so he knows how to do it…

  195. emmie Says:

    hi me again. i have another question..in the video thatis the last rehersal of michael jackson the blonde girl that is there was at his memorial service so how can that be from years ago??? she wouldnt ofbeen there looking just the same no older??? i cant seem to believe he is alive yes all the thingsu are sayin does make sense but do uthink michael would risk gettingall these people involved.. he dont no thathey will keep there mouth shut..
    i sometimesthink mayb he is alive, because his dancers for the this is it tour signed a 2 year deal so thatmakes me think that mayb he willdo a comeback in the next 2 years. but still i dont no what 2 believe….

  196. dragon Says:

    like i said,watch the pic from the ambulane.that guy as an artery on his forehead.michael doesnt have one,even none,when he is in action…..

  197. dragon Says:

    and if hes reading all that stuff,i hope he will forgive us,for finding answers to all this.
    we lost a part of our life,and as long as we cant find the truth,we feel like being haunted and cant stop to follow our heart and hopes…..

  198. Julzie Says:

    If I remember correctly Michael's Doctor said on Larry King that they lightened his skin, so that it would be more even. believe me… I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how he could have pulled this off. I guess this forum just gives some support to those of us who are confused and skeptical and trying to figure this out..I think we are all just waiting…. I would also like to add that I've always believed in Michael's innocence. I have co-slept with my kids when they were scared to sleep alone, and I would never hurt them. Unfortunately, Michael was in the public eye and some people are greedy and only think of themselves.

  199. Goldie écrit:

    we just have to wait only time will tell
    but i can Feel that he isn´t dead<– pretty stupid but still it isnt because i am i denail<? bad english sorry i am from Denmark .. : p

    maybe michael will show up at a time and tell us that he had to do it and that he is sorry and he just wanted to let us know that the media isnt always right that they dont know the truth always

    michael i love you where ever you are have a good life away from the media<3


  200. Goldie écrit:

    and also a last thing i read something about that the coffin was special made so michael could lay in the coffin (not dead) and be there and that there was a oxygen tank that was covered bye the flowers? can anyone please look that up? maybe it is taploid junk. i dont know.

  201. emmie Says:

    i wouldnt blame micahelfor faking his death, i mean the press havent exactly been nice to him and people he thought was close to him stabbed him in theback to get money.who can he trust? well he can trust me and all he loyal fans..
    he started out young, saw things young had fans all over him from a young age.and 40 years on he hasstill got thats, dont u think he needs space??
    he had people he looked after feed them, let them play at neverland,he was so lovely to those people butlook what they did took him to court oversomething that he didnt do. they saw the chance to take advantage of him and they did..that must have hurt him so much.he felt alone. i dont blame him for wanting to get away from it all. and even thou he was doiin a come back no 1 had faith in him apart from his fans..people thought he couldnt do it..i hink he needs to be left alone. stop trying to find out if he is dead or alive.. mayb he dont want to found out mayb he wants some space.let him rest and if he is alive he will come back when HE and only HE is ready..
    love u michael just rest were everu are xxxxxx

  202. hew67 Says:

    Just to clear up as to why after the memorial service the casket was never seen leaving the arena even by the helicopters overhead is because it never did leave the STAPLES CENTER. It isn't widely known but under the Staples Center is an underground tunnel that connects it to the Nokia Center, which Jackson's casket was sent through so that while all the camera's and helicopters were focused on the Staples Center, his casket was able to be quietly taken out. And as to a hearse never being seen, well a non-traditional hearse can look like a normal minivan at that… At least this is what was reported on Ryan Seacrest LIVE.

  203. stephykat Says:

    well, out of all the visitors this site has per day, only a few of us still hang on and dig up new stuf hope someone is reading..for it'll only show that we care that he was not alonehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWxY-dVNU10 alone. check http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-4r57HhCr . to me, he was great..loved his laid badk style..kinda ironic about oh you`re really interested in my music..sure..had cool friends, liked Christian's style..who doesn't?looked ready to go out and do some serious stuff.he was so creative,a real musician and dancer..I feel he led quite a normal life so maybe at the end, something did happen..now, this is recent..so Chris was close to him at the end..all his real friends are behind closed doors..and sorry he did look older..at your feet Michael as always and hope you enjoy these vids…

  204. Destiny Says:

    Since the news of MJ was announced on 25/09. It's been a black day since then & I feel like I've been living in a nightmare. It's so hard to watch the news & read the headlines each day. Then I came across this site and read what other ppl/ Admin have been saying about this all thing. So I went back to everything that has been said on the news/memorial and realised that maybe his still alive. Just maybe his living at peace at some far far place but then when I read the news about how MJ's kids saw their father in the hospital && how that asshole could make a Jackson 3 in the future. My sadness comes back all over again. Michael would NEVER allow his kids to be in showbiz, so if his really alive (hoping so much) wouldn't he stop his father from doing this to his kids?? …& now I've just read that the Los Angeles police think this maybe a homicide over the death of Michael Jackson. God I hope this is untrue:'(((( …

  205. redlotuske Says:

    I also have a theory.
    First of all I think that they called an ambulance and put a mannequin in it, like he did before, so he could sneak out of the backdoor. Nobody would notice because all the media our in front of the house. It would also explain where the doctor went. He went with MJ to an unknown place and than returned and went to the police, saying he was in panic. Yeah right if I panic I disseaper in a car that isn't mine and come back later to go to the police.Remember the doctors car was still at MJ property.
    Later the movingvans came to take his property because the family was afraid that something went missing. His will wasn't found yet. Nobody knows were his property went. I think they brought it to him.
    All these rumors are probably spread by his family to get our attention away from the burriel that still isn't planned. Remember they let the press think something was going to happen in Neverland. They let them camp there till the day that it would have to take place. Only then they came out and said nothing was going to happen there.
    Meanwhile they could do other things like go get the children that were with MJ so they could appear on the memorial. He wouldn't leave his kids but come on how many times did you see them since his death?? Just on the memorial. For as far as a know there with him.
    Than you're gonna say there are to many people involved. Vous ne savez pas. He did this before… put a mannequin in the ambulance. So then the doctors were also involved and the media didn't know. This could now also be the case. They say his body went to cornor. But did anyone see this happening expect for the thing with the helicopter? Couldn't that be the reason the autopsy is taking so long…because there isn'ta body to begin with. That would also explain why nobody signed the deathcertificate. The doctors knew he wasn't death and the cornor hadn'ta body to examen.As long as the deathcertificate isn't signed they can't burry him.
    There were rumors that his body was balsemd. If that's true why are they waiting for his brain. If it's balsemd they can't put it back. They say they want to burry him complete. That's bullshit because if there really was an autopsy , he isn't complete to begin with.
    Than for the memorial… indeed his closest friends were not there. Kinda weard don't you think. If one of my best friends was dead I go to the memorial.
    Why the memorial. Well maybe to satisfy the fans so we stop nagging about the funeral. And the media would stop ask were he was going to be burried.
    Why the rumors of murder… because they have to give a reason why he still isn't burried.
    If there is ever going to be a funeral.
    Didn't you notice that the press isn't asking about the funeral after the memorial. At least I don't see anything about it here in Belgium.
    You gonna ask why did he do it? Well he didn't want to perform anymore. The only reason he would do the concerts was because he wanted to be the king again.
    If he faked his dead, his music would be appreciated again , the sales of his albums would go through the roof, he would be the king again.
    Do you really think the press would leave him alone after the concerts?? NO. And that's what he wanted , peace. This is his way to retire.
    He wanted to live forever. If you die suddenly… you're going into history as a legend and you live forever. If you die of age… nobody would talk about it like now.
    Where would he go I hear you ask. Do you really think we know what he owns?? Probably he bought a house in the middle of nowhere or in a little village under one of his fake identity's. If he doesn't wear a wig and hasn't make up on he could stand next to you in the store and you wouldn't even notice.
    What about he's income. They found enough unpublished songs for the next 30 years. Handy isn't it. His income is insured.
    What about his kids?? A kid change if it grows. In a copple a years you won't recognize them. If you do it now.
    I don't think he'll make a comeback. Why would he? The money keeps coming by recordsales.
    All the great ones go when they are on top. He was back on top by the annonced concerts. Good timing.
    He was at the rehearsel… doing his best so nobody would see it coming and the world would be more in schock.
    Why now all the rumors of his health?? Why not use what the media was already saying for a while that he wasn't healthy anymore.
    That's what I think about it.

  206. dragon Says:

    somehow,we have all the same informations….
    but isnt there really something new coming up?

    by the way,its curios,that everyone already herd from this sde,but in fact we are just a small group.but thats fine.better than tousands…

  207. flower Says:

    hi i see on another pg here today they are talking about MJ leaving on elvis plane. omg so where has all of this come from is there a link which we can read up about this plan etc i must have missed this one if anyone has more info on this please can you post it so i can have a read thanks

  208. loveandpeace Says:

    Isn't that supposed wife, the lady who also said she was Billie Jean Jackson, and Blanket's surrogate?

  209. dragon Says:

    does someone already collect the symbols or ideas of hints from the ceremonie?

  210. charmed6 Says:

    Could this possibly be the guy everyone is mourning over? Look closely.


  211. stephykat Says:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-4r57HhCrc sorry this is the correct link..the last one was incorrect..enjoy this as much as I did…

  212. charmed6 Says:

    Also could this be the guy that was rehearsing the night before Michael Jackson “died”?

  213. ebru Says:

    i folowed this page since a few days..
    its interesting to see how people thing about his dead…
    if i read this comments and minds about mj dead i began to thing about it and think and think…
    he must be alive thats the only possible solution…
    i never belive the media they do everthing to get money..like the “ghost” of mj is haunted in neverland thats so stupid…
    i think he is just tring to live like a normal person now… noone can manage with an untruth media all the lies had annoy michael …
    i think he will just live in peace
    hope hes doing well…

  214. He.is.alive Says:

    @@@@ Jaded @@@@

    If you read my posting which is currently on the front page of this website, you will find that we are very much on the same page with the rationale on MJ's “death”.

    Your lenghty posting a little further up on this thread is great, considerably more detailed then mine, read it with great interest, totally agree with all of it, especially noticed your stating the “similarties to Elvis' alleged death” – not ALL people are looking at that aspect of MJ's “death” and therefore are not drawing conlusions from it … I am totally convinced that MJ made the “how to stage my own death” connection with Lisa Marie Presley while they were married, it HAD to be that way, my inner voice keeps tellimg me it WAS SO !

    Please post back often
    thanks and I'll be looking for your postings

  215. darkfeather Says:

    He wanted to live 150 years. I think he is undergoing some procedure right now to rejuvenate and now is a good time to do that.
    Maybe with a different face, style. All the time he renewed and changed. Just go on with his carreer like this until he is 70 and never get passed the Thriller album? NON! He is an artist. This is all part of a big show.

  216. emmie Says:

    what i cant seem to understand is that they are saying that his daughter put and changing colour necklace on michael body and she kept the other half which she was wearing at the memorial, tell me do u think she is in it as well coz i cannot see that being the case at all???
    and i dont think the police are in it either do u??? so this autopsy cannot be fake and it has 2 be some1 if its not michael butwho?? the people doing the autopsy will find out if it is or isnt micael and they will have to find him
    im so confused????
    all the people that have pictures of him being alive doesnt mean that is evidence, because there is no dates on them. they could be old for all we no???
    the one where he is coming of the plane that could have been from before how do we no??
    i really wud like some answers please

  217. laurenmcn817 Says:

    ok if it was a look alike who really died surely when they were doing the auposty someone would of noticed that its not the real michael jackson laying there?

  218. ctown625 Says:

    Another interesting point is that michael returned to LA to rehearse for his upcoming “tour”. Then he “dies” in the Unites States. So wouldn't that be a lot easier to fake a death here in the US rather than in a foreign country such as London. Due to all the red tape required to bring a body etc. etc.

  219. emmie Says:

    woow i just saw the picture of omer bhatti who is apparently michael jacksons son. and they do look alike. do u think he is after money aswell like every 1 elde is after jacksons money??
    i dont no who to trust

  220. mjj29081958 Says:

    hi!!! take a look to this link: 3:35 min, “painS” S is written in the back screen…Sorry, my english is so bad 'cause i'm from Argentina!

  221. mjj29081958 Says:

    sorry, I forgot something important… The Link!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jums2oVs3KM&feature=related

  222. TheGypsy Says:

    Hi, does anyone know why MJ's mom was seen shopping at Target 2 days after Michaels death, with sleeping bags in her cart?

  223. Helia Says:

    I am absolutely convinced, that Michael Jackson is dead. I read everything on this page and I thought it might be interesting to see what some people say about his death and why they believe he is still alive and I really have to say that the claims are pretty bad. All reasons why he could be alive are little possibilities and really bad possibilities. The truth is…we all know he id dead. Some of us are able to think that far, others need gossip.

    RIP Michael Jackson

  224. cowgirlinthesand Says:

    What I want to know and someone PLEASE respond to this. Why is the media not ever ever ever mentioning ANYTHING at all about the conspiracies out there? They are talking endlessly about everything about MJ BUT NEVER BOTHER BRINGING THIS UP! heck, you would think it would give them something else to talk about! were they paid off? idées?

  225. cowgirlinthesand Says:

    And why is it only Jermaine and Joe were the only ones interviewed after his death? Jermaine is as sensitive and emotional as MJ so he can put on a good show. The dad is already known as a cold hearted bas t rd by the public and he shows no emotion about his death. if mj really DID die, I think we would see a lot different things presented in the media and a lot different of a memorial. Too bad if he is still out there becuase he will never be able to share himself with us, so in a sense he is dead. We will never know what happened. He will always be missed. I keep hoping they will come up with some cock and bull story how mj was kidnapped and held hostage for his money or scme crap like that.

  226. taylor Says:

    The ambulance/media is a ruse…I never knew that the local media were dispatched right along with the firemedics…highly unlikely…mj in my opinion is alive and doing very well.

    from the moment it happened i could not trust for one second that mj who looked healthy and was known to be a health fanatic…abused prescription drugs…his skin looked healthy…his eyes are white…not the case with people suffering from skin disorders.

    mj is a genus. he is the shrewdest of them all. mj did not spend his time trifling with petty things…he studied the systems, and knew the hows and whys.

    people thought that they had mj right where they wanted him, and he'd slip right through their hands…as i mentioned in an earlier post…i have the gift of perception…when i look in to the eyes of him beloved family after his death…i see relief not grief.

  227. taylor Says:

    The ambulance/media is a ruse…I never knew that the local media were dispatched right along with the firemedics…highly unlikely…mj in my opinion is alive and doing very well.

    from the moment it happened i could not trust for one second that mj who looked healthy and was known to be a health fanatic…abused prescription drugs…his skin looked healthy…his eyes are white…not the case with people suffering from skin disorders.

    mj is a genus. he is the shrewdest of them all. mj did not spend his time trifling with petty things…he studied the systems, and knew the hows and whys.

    people thought that they had mj right where they wanted him, and he'd slip right through their hands…as i mentioned in an earlier post…i have the gift of perception…when i look in to the eyes of his beloved family after his death…i see relief not grief.

  228. Julzie Says:

    All I'm sayin' is why postpone the will, which was unsuccessful and they filed it anyway. the custody hearing, the funeral, and the burial, Why is everything being put off 'til a later date. If things had happened more quickly I think it would have been more believable to me. All I can recall the law enforcement saying is that they are still investigating… But they could be investigating anything… They could be investigating a false 911 call for all we know… Isn't it illegal to falsely call the police… Have they actually came out and said they're investigating a homicide or is that just something that was leaked, which if so could have came from almost any source. Also, the picture in the ambulance looks aged to me and also reminds me of what Michael looked like several years ago. Just in case it is true and he's dead I chose not to call his daughter a fake or a good actress.. What if he has passed.. I feel sooo badly for his kids and my heart goes out to them.. I can understand how they would be completely crushed.. He had such a dear sensitive heart.. I have been watching the news since this happened and having these doubts all alone in my head and talking to my husband and co – workers about it and they all disagreed with me. My husband thinks we should just believe the news. I have been so frustrated to the point that I can't sleep.. cried for over a week.. lost some weight from loss of appetite… This may sound stupid but I feel like Michael is family. I've followed him since I was 8 years old and I'm 33 now. When I was 9 my sister made a Michael Jackson cake for me and it looked just like him. I had the glove and other memorabilia. I'm not out to track Michael Jackson down or find out where he is, but if he's dead I just want to see his face so I can believe.. for personal closure from a loving fan. I finally googled the other day and found there are people out there with the same doubts as me. When you have such a minority of people who believe a certain way it is hard to find support. This forum has a lot of people who are caring and also looking for some answers and some closure and I just feel that if you disagree you should be in a different forum with people who share your views. I would just like more evidence for personal closure. This forum has been very helpful to me… Thanks to all the caring Michael Jackson fans.

  229. Dfizel Says:

    I think that MJ Might be alive.

    Supermom75 do you think that MJ will Come back!!????


  230. macanridire Says:

    Well, I'm here, and still stand by what I said at newsflavor.com. The dude ain't dead!

  231. Julzie Says:

    Maybe Janet and Latoya took Michael out of the rented home in the moving van.

  232. littlefairy Says:

    maybe i'm totally wrong but does anyone already thought about the Tribute Song Better On The Other Side -The Game ft. Chris Brown, Diddy, Polow Da Don, Mario Winans, Usher, Boyz II Men.It was on youtube only one day later after he 'died'.


  233. dragon Says:

    can someone give me a push today?i think,im not the only one,who sometimes running out of hopes.and maybe this is what they are waiting for.to make us guys tired……

    kick my butt and say,dont give up…..c´mon

  234. dragon Says:

    why is now the material of the pepsi spotcoming out,and not even those 20 yeras before?maKES no sense…to help the doctor by giving drugs?


  235. marty Says:

    Just a thought-
    MJ was interested in (or had something to do with)Clonaid.
    Clinoid is a very similar word and is a bone in the body and comes from the Greek root Klinein-very similar to Dr Klein!
    Just a fact!

  236. Julzie Says:

    Is this really the only news coming from the LAPD since his death,

    Click on the link and go down to June 26th
    Michael Jackson Update NR09302rh

    Did anyone see the guy on Jane Velez Mitchell last night.. He was promoting the book he wrote about Michael and said he believed the molestation allegations against Michael Jackson until he spent several years doing countless interviews and now concludes in his book that Michael is completely INNOCENT of those charges. It seems like the story of MJ is all coming out, just like Michael would have wanted. I guess personally I'm waiting for the coroners report and to maybe hear more a more candid interviews from other Jackson family members. It just seems like there should be an LAPD press conference or something. Even if its just to say we're still investigating the case and have no further info. It seems like the only officer I've seen on the news so far was in an opened doorway talking to whomever was behind the camera and said they're waiting on the coroner. Why not address the public in a more FORMAL way. This is just crazy. Like I stated in an earlier post where are all the people who worked on MJ that day… nurses, doctors, paramedics etc. Are they keeping quiet to keep from having a lawsuit? Why haven't we heard from some first hand witnesses other than his family.

  237. PinkLizard Says:

    Please don't give up on what you believe. I have been reading this site since MJ 'died' but have never posted before. When I read that you needed a push I had to register. There are so many suspicious circumstances. Something is going on. We don't know what but we are all on here refusing to let the media insult our intelligence! We KNOW something is not right and we have to keep looking. Not for MJ, that's up to him but at the Media, they are partly to blame for Michael's difficult life and they are acting very strangely now. Not reporting on any of these conspiracies? Odd? Stay strong DRAGON and everyone else on this site. We may never know but we will always know that we didn't give up

  238. ingebjorg Says:

    Hmm .. In Danish papers i could read, that MJs family said they never has seen him on drugs… and why? Becuse ha never took drugs. If he had someone lookalike and he was very illness.. could it be him they have given thise drugs to. In the authopsy they wont take fingerprint if the nearest family have said: Thats him.. Thats MJ. They only do it if its a onknown person whitout papers on or family by.
    Michael Jackson have every reason to hide.. people do it every day.. They decided to start over and have a new life.
    The doctor KLEIN… why are he hidding MJ´journal? ha have give police a few papers.. why dont get police them all? What is he not telling? Klein says that MJ have over 50 surgery in the past month… In the rehersel you never see that…. What if it whas someone to lookalike Klein was doing surgery on?
    In the song : xscape the words telling what MJ has in his mind..
    I will never blame him for hidding… it was his biggest whis to live a normal life.
    Whwere ever he is i hope he is smiling !

  239. meeyaah Says:

    i believe mj is alive and well. my family and friends don't believe it but i do! too many odd things are happening and the public is getting these bullshit answers all we want is the truth!

  240. Jessie Dai Says:

    At first, I thought I was the only one who can't accept MJ's death. But now, I come to this forum and find so many of you also believe that he is still alive, I feel relaxed. And I read your words and analysis, they are so reasonable!
    I believe MJ is still alive, that's just my feeling, or maybe it is because I miss him. But your analysis convinced me and give me courage to insist he is alive!
    This is really a good place to share our views and I am waiting for your good news!
    MJ is certainly alive! I believe!

  241. wishful09 Says:


    Just keep looking at the facts. Looke at all the conflicting stories. Check youtube and look at the memorial clips. Look at each family member's reaction during the memorial. I know as the days go on, our minds go back and fourth. that has been happening to me since day one. However, my gut feeling always tells me Michael is alive. So, when I need a push, I just go back over the information. The stories just dont add up. Looking at the memorial clips really help me out. Hope this helps. The truth always comes out. If he is dead or alive, the truth will come out. I dont see this being an Elvis thing where thirty years later we're still claiming he is alive.

  242. wishful09 Says:


    Je ne sais pas. I think TMZ knows something, but I think the other media outlest are getting their news and stories from TMZ. Elle est folle. I guess the media wouldnt talk about these conspiricies in fear of being disrespectful. But if that is their fear, why are they so quick to further damage his name by labeling him a druggie? I cant figure out the media's role in this. It's frustraitng for them not to question any of the conflicting stories regarding his death, but I honestly dont think the majority of the people reporting know about it. Maybe just the head of the company or something. I dont know .It's confusing.

  243. woahitzcrazy Says:




  244. redlotuske Says:

    Has anyone seen the pic of MJ's legs?? I read it today that his legs were suppost to be full with needlemarks. What else are they going to make up. Still no news about a funeral or so…
    Greets from belgium

  245. MJsongfan Says:

    The reason that the media isn't mentioning the conspiracy theories (or if they do, it's just briefly) is because they are mostly concerned about the investigation around Michael, because there were so many theories about his physical appearance. The media just wants answers to that, so that they can twist it to the general public, and make it seem like his death was his fault.

    I saw your post and although I have doubts. Your story seems to be logical, and it makes a lot of sense.
    Based off of what you said in Newsflavor.com, A section of the LAX Airport was closed, last minute, for an unknown individual who was surrounded by bodyguards?
    Also, were you on guard duty, during the time of this unknown visitor?

  246. macanridire Says:

    After seeing that Pepsi video…..Jesus Christ!!!…. that looked painful!! Kinda understand the affection for the painkillers now.

  247. Killah385 Says:

    First of all, let me just say, if I were Michael Jackson and I'm still alive, living somewhere peacefully on this earth, I would not, and I repeat, I would not let anyone know that I am or where I am. Besides, I highly doubt that anyone will ever see Michael again(besides his fam) I mean even if you do, you wouldn't probably even know that was him. Michael is a man of art! Who knows what changes he may make to himself now!.. The media and all those tabloid people are the ones who made it extremely hard for him to live a normal life, always talking down on him and accusing him of things he did not do, and saying that he's weird!! Tell me please!! What was so weird about Michael??? Oui! he got a nose job but so what??!! what celebrity do you know that didn't have surgery on some part of there body?? And yes, his skin went from black to white only because he had vitiligo and he had to use the make-up to even his skin tone out! Male models where make-up everyday and they don't say nothing about that. He's still human like you and I, he's still someone's child and he did not deserve any of those things those people did to him! When are you guys gonna get it in your thick skulls that none of us were born perfect. There's no one out there in this world that did not sin or made a mistake. But imma say it here like i said on another website, whenever the media or whoever sees someone who defines the word 'GREATNESS' because of all of his good deeds and what not, they get highly offended and try to bring that individual down until they actually do kill that person. It's only so much one man can take people!! the whole weight of the world was on this one mans shoulder because yall would not leave him alone! Dog gon it!! Yall wouldn't even give GOD this much attention like what you're giving Michael! I don't know why the media just don't do something more constructive with there time like going around to different schools and showing the world all of the students who are on the Honour Roll, How about they go around finding young people who can really show them what being gifted and having great talent is all about?? Stop being so negative! We have all kinds of greatness out there in the world but yall too busy to notice it because you're stuck on this one man and you're trying to point out all his downfalls to the world! How about you put your life story on the news and I would just love to see the kind of feedback you would get! Michael IS a great man, He did more for some countries in this world that some of you can't even dream about doing in your own neighbourhood! But No! The world only recognizes his greatness when they THINK he's dead! Have you ever heard the saying, 'Give me my roses while i'm still living'??? You think about that and let me know what you come up with… Michael, I just want to let you know that I still and always will love you, wherever you may be! God Bless you hun!

  248. 0.o Dee o.0 Says:

    Ok, so I've been sitting on the fence with this idea for a while mainly because of the stigma attached to it. “Oh boy…another Elvis/Tupac/Jim Morrison situation.” But has anyone visited the idea of the debt that he had? I mean, he had a massive amount of debt and had he continued, even with those concerts, he would have spiraled deeper into it. Now think about this for a second. After his death, not days later, there were 9 million copies of his albums sold worldwide.


    Check it out yourself.

    So knowing the trend that has swept worldwide and the news that sparked the craze to run out and grab every Michael Jackson item you could, would it not be logical to assume that the death was actually a death of “the personality” not the “person” as MJ had refered to himself once.

    If I were a Record company, this would be the approach I would like. I mean, even LaToya herself suggested that “to them, he was worth more dead than alive” I think he's leaving his fans a cookie crumb trail. He loves us all dearly as his fans but I don't think its enough to detour him from wanting to live a normal life. He couldn't make a move anywhere without being harrased, insulted, accused, accosted and hated.

    What ever you are doing, no matter where you are MJ, I have and always will love you. I love you for the man that you are, not the personality of the tv drama we call news.

  249. Can.You.Feel.It Says:

    It took me a long time I thought long and hard about this and I said to myself I was not going to put any responses on this site until I felt I was able to get everything out at one time and when I was done that would be it

    I LOVED Michael with all my heart and the way the media has treated his death has made you speculate and for a long time I was on the fence I didn't want to put my foot down that he was dead or that he was alive. His death has left us all reeling, and when I found this site I actually started to believe that Michael might not be dead, but if he was not dead the only way he could safely come back to us all is two or three years down the road come out of hiding and stated that he was in protective custody because he thought someone was trying to kill him and the time was used to make sure they caught all the people that were involved that were trying to swindle his money or do him harm that is the only way he could get out of it Scott free, But


    I feel in my bones that he's gone

    As all of his fans that have become like his children and have loved him wholeheartedly and have finally decide to stand together only now that he's gone know that yes he is alright where ever he is and I'm bringing you this message and yes I my begin to sound like I need to be locked in a loony been but you need to know, I had a dream about him last night and I think it was a message in it this is what happen

    The African American chairwoman from the BET award was standing out side about to go into building to interview him talking about she hadn't done so in 32 years I don't know what the significant of 32 was but it meant something then she was in his room he was sitting on a ottoman pity large in the center of a white suite and I mean white with crème ascent but he himself was wearing a black suit much like the one he always preformed dangerous in and his hair was cut short like it was at the MTV awards in 1995 he was talking to another women on his left facing her both laughing as he talked about the You are not alone sing a few bars and the chair woman was next to him but he wasn't really paying her any attention just speaking comfortably with the other long dark haired then it was like the chair woman from BET was voicing over the scene as she said “I always knew he was going to die young” he turned (and this is what shook me out of my sleep) he looked directly at me and I wasn't even in this dream it was like your watching TV and the person on it looks at you and you know there looking at you my body when cold as chill when down spin he didn't say anything for a long time and he did he smiled saying “Can you feel it” and you know what I felt at that moment he was no longer here with us

    For him I'm telling you he's gone guys, take this news however you want to this site is about sharing your opinion so here is mine, you guys are eating and snapping at each other because his death will not do for you, but at this moment where are all the same because we are all grieving for the lost of him but think about this

    32: which think mean subtract that from his age which give you 18 which is around the age he was when can you feel it came out
    You are not alone: which has been his death anthem
    Knowing he was going to die young
    And this verse of the song can you feel it that was the background music for this dream

    Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it

    All the children of the world should be
    Loving each other wholeheartedly
    Yes, it`s all right
    Take my message to your brother and tell him twice
    Take the news to the marching men,
    Who are killing their brothers, when death won`t do
    `Cause we`re all the same
    Yes, the blood inside me is inside of you

    Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it

    I wanted his death to be a hoax for one reason and one reason only his kids do not deserve to grow up without him in there life, but I want you to picture him sitting in front of you locking eyes with you and asking you “can you feel it” and tell me what you feel then

  250. dragon Says:

    First of all,excuse my fu****english

    In my german group,we arte not sure,if u observate this thing so much,as we did it today again.could not really find such a detailed post about it.
    Its about the ambulance,and the only one picture with Michael in it,and how the photo must have been taken.

    For better understanding we give numbers to the links for checking out.

    Number 1 is the video with the ambulance driving backwards
    Please,take attention to the guy who stands next to the ambulance.
    At 0:54 is it a guy in a red shirt
    At 1.27 at the same place is it a guy in a yellow shirt.
    At 3.08 is that guy with the yellow shirt not there anymore…

    That is what we all already know,even you guys at deathhoax.

    But NOW,that's the point

    Video nr. 2 is an interview with that bastard,whos is telling,that he and his friend went to jackos place as soon they got the hint..

    But now,……

    If he is the one in the red shirt,and the cam was recording non stop …whenwas the time,when the red shirt guy changed the place with the yellow shirt guy………….?????

    Video nr. 3 is another video of this wacko…there he has an other camera position.
    He shows the fire department car…which is at the footwalk.then he zoomed into the window,and by coincidence there is the monitor wit the emergency call????
    Where we already have seen fotos…

    If we think about it…
    The only three evidences,that Michael wasn't all right,the ambulane pic,the video anf the pic of the emergencycall, are all from just this group?????!!!!!?????
    And after,they had everything,they thought: oh,ehm,no,we don't need to drive behind them to the UCLA(maybe Michael could be there…)
    nach oben – nächste Nachricht

  251. Goldie écrit:

    HEy everybody i love this site

    did anyone hear or see that Paris gave michael a Heart thing in his “casket” Year sure

    please Look at a picture of paris at the memorial and then look at this picture


    this picture of paris if before michael “dies”
    she is wearing the same neckless<?

    sorry for the english i am from Denmark :9

  252. emmie Says:

    every time i read a paper and hear what the family say and how the kids are sad and all i drift of in to thinking he is dead again.but there is no more evidence that he is alive. i really wish he was alive i no this sounds stupid coz im only 19 but i feel a little empty since he died. i love him so much it hurts that is might not be here with us today…
    i was thinking mayb if he is dead they might freeze his body because he said he wanted to live forever this was he can
    miss and love u michael xxxx

  253. Goldie écrit:

    Omg look at this

    okay i promised my self not to tell anyone this but i really need some help.

    here where i live i live in a small city in Denmark and my neighbor who lived over us she passed away two weeks ago. She was a old lady.
    now its very strange a new man just moved ind his name is Jack london?? he is from America he speaks english? soo i asume that he is from America he is also fat? not in a bad way .
    but whats strange is that when i saw him moving ind he came in a black car i think they are called SUV? cars`? and when i saw his eyes i was in chock . and his voice. im in chock because his eyes where just like Michael´s and his voice was a bit High/girly but also deep

    maybe its just me but i think that its michael
    i will soom post a link with a picture of his car

    you guys this isnt a lie It is really him i hope so but i am so scared of asking him because it feels so stupid if i ask him and he hasnt been out so i havent seen him for a time now?

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