Michael Jackson Hoax Mewt

Hija r-Re tal-Konkors ta 'Mużika Pop verament mejta?

Dan li ġej huwa video intervista mal-fotografu li allegatament ħadet il-wieħed u biss immaġini ta Michael Jackson kif kien meħuda permezz Ambulance għall-UCLA Mecial Center.

Watching dan video, fl-ewwel kienet me wieħed jemmen li dawn l-irġiel kienu tassew qbid dan image kif huma jsostnu. Iżda wara ħarsa iktar dettaljata, I am issa ħafna dubji dwar il-validità tat-talbiet tagħhom.

Jekk il-video fil nieqaf 3/06, se tara l-immaġni ta 'l-għadu fotografu fit-tieqa ta' l-ambulanza, l-mument hu allegatament captures l-immaġni ta 'MJ ġewwa.

Ir-raġuni irrimarkajt din hi kollha li għandhom x'jaqsmu mal-"karozza ħamra" li tkun ipparkjata l-jitrażżnu lejn ix-xellug ta 'l-iskrin. Kif se tara daqs sħiħ mill-immaġni hawn isfel, nieqes l-ET Logo u grafika oħra, hemm ħafna riflessjoni ëara tas-aħmar karozza.

width=396 With this in mind, kif huwa possibbli għal din id-dehra li jkunu ġew maqbuda mill-bniedem fil-video fuq ġġudikati mill-mod kif l-ambulanza u huwa pożizzjonat mill-bogħod kif l-ambulanza tieqa hija mill-aħmar karozza?

Dan jista 'jkun li jkollok tekniku, madankollu, ejja ma tinsa li dan huwa l-immaġni biss aħna li tagħti kull tip ta' valiadity li l-istorja li Michael Jackson tkun mietet.

Jekk inti tħares lejn l-immaġini (xellug), tista 'tara mill-riflessjoni li hemm aħmar tal-karozzi, li huwa viċin ħafna minn, kif dan qed jieħu l-parti l-kbira tat-tieqa.

Issa terġa 'tħares lejn il-video fuq waqfa qasira fil 3/06. Issa hemm mod din Guy fil-video ltqajna hawn fuq din id-dehra ma 'din ir-riflessjoni fil-pożizzjoni li kien kif ħareġ mill-driveway. Hu kien wisq il-bogħod mill-karozzi u l-angolu huwa kompletament żbaljat ħafna għal dak ta 'l-aħmar tal-karozzi li ġew riflessi fil-ambulanza tieqa.

Il-kwistjoni oħra li hija jekk kienx hemm fil-fatt li ħafna riflessjoni tal-karozzi fuq it-tieqa, allura għaliex hemm ebda riflessjoni tal-fotografu innifsu, jew tiegħu / camera phone?

Kif tistgħu taraw mill-footage hawn fuq waqfa qasira fil 3/06, huwa viċin ħafna għall-tieqa, hekk jekk il-karozza hija riflessa, m'għandux jkun, jew mir-driegħ, jew il-camera .. jew xi ħaġa?

Il-kwistjoni finali aħna ma 'din l-istorja u dawn l-hekk imsejħa' fotografi "hija li fil-live footage li naraw hawn fuq meta l-ambulanza hija appoġġjata mill-driveway, hemm Guy mal a red shirt fil-tieqa bil-camera, imbagħad fil-xorta image fi 3/06, huwa a Guy ma 'yellow shirt serpentina l-immaġini.

Dan għandu jkun jidher kif għalkemm għadna kemm element ieħor ta 'dan enitre storja li sempliċement ma jammontaw .... Niżviluppawhom möchte nur ngħid resounding ... dak li l-?

  1. tis_ruthy Said,

    Hi Admin ... verament interessanti xi punti ewlenin li hemm verament ma jkattrux up .... Tistax i biss isaqsi kif għamilt dan Ben Guy know Michael kien qed jittieħdu l-isptar għax hu qatt ma jsemmi għalfejn kien hemm ftit li kien hemm.

  2. tis_ruthy Said,

    I jfisser verament ... ma dan Guy biss camp barra Michael's home lol ....

  3. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Kif tistgħu taraw Bil Dawn Paparrazi Poplu. Huma biss Care About Il-Flus. C'est ridicule.

  4. mbc080709 Said,

    Ukoll, jista 'jkun li l-riflessjoni ġej mill-red shirt il Guy kien dressing u mhux l-aħmar tal-karozzi li huwa lokat fi angolu differenti. Madankollu, il-problema hija li fi 3:07 ta 'l-footage l Guy huwa dressing a "sofor" shirt, dak li l-enfer ??!!!

  5. meeyaah Said,

    din l-istorja ma żżid up jew ... aħna se qatt jitgħallmu l-verità dwar MJ
    NOPE ...
    u issa l-Saga tkompli ...

  6. Mojofi Said,

    Ok so let say anke jekk hija kienet Mike fil-ambulanza jista 'jkun li, meta jiksbu marret l-isptar kien imċaqlaq inkella wehere. I għadha ma belive Mike hija mejta, btu huwa possibli li kien fil-ambulanza u li kienet tiegħu pic i imma ma nafx jekk fl-Amerika, il-Ambulance windos jkunu ċari u mhux dawk mogħtija kulur:-s.

  7. Mojofi Said,

    Ħarsa lejn il-pic darb'oħra u darb'oħra, i think huwa verament Mike f'dan pic iżda jidhirli li huwa alve iżda hu beening xorta.

    Jekk tieħu ħarsa mill-qrib lejn tiegħu "forehead" tista 'tara hu jidhru daqsxejn skomda so i think li juru li huwa ħaj, u jekk inti mind Mike planed dan kollu ħaġa, forsi huwa planed biex jieħdu dan pic wisq.

    You know qatt, jekk dan Guy jgħidu li ilhom jieħdu pic tal Mike għall over "10years".

    What do you think guys?

  8. Said Rachel,

    Arghhhhhhhhhh dan qed jitwal aktar konfużjoni mill-jum! I don't think jaf x'inhu l-aktar. Hemm ftit wisq informazzjoni conflcting li tkun kapaċi tagħmel tajjeb juudgement IMO. I love qari kollha ta 'l-oħrajn utenti fehmiet għalkemm!

  9. Mojofi Said,

    Ok am back again, i nnutat li l-isem ta 'dan campany jissejjaħ "NAZZJONALI RITRATT GRORP" ma jfissirx li hija l-aġenzija photo għal "NAZZJONALI ENQUIRER"?

    Kif ġejjin huma l-BISS photo grupp li ltqajna dan pic f'dan iż-żmien?
    What fejn isir hemm fil Mike's house f'dan il-mument? Jista 'dan ikun ippjanat ħaġa?

    F'xi punt iva i belive jekk Mike ppjanati tiegħu "mewt" kieku jridu li n-nies biex tara lilu qishu mejta iżda mhux fil-CASKET. Dan il-mod huwa kapaċi jieħdu n-nifs li ma nistgħux see on għadhom ritratti.

  10. Kif Does Hija Ħoss Said,

    Hhhmm dan jistenna ħafna spooky imma i think il pic tidher qiesha Mike.

    Tiegħu għajnejn istess huma l-għajnejn biss li huwa magħluq li dan iż-żmien .

    Jien ma belive huwa mejta f'kull x'ikun.

    Bħall Mike imsemmi fl "JUNCKY tabloid" - "Just b'cos tara fuq TV u Magazine ma jagħmluhiex fattwali" hekk aħna ma jkollhomx għalfejn belive lilu.

    Dan jista 'jkun l-istess bħall-"OXIYGIN KAMRA" chose.

  11. ejay5131 Said,

    Jien naqbel ma dak kollu li tixtieq imsemmi, l-aħmar tal-karozzi hija fil-fatt fuq il-post imma comme vous imsemmi huwa fuq in-naħa loħra tat-triq u l-tieqa hija biss mezz biex għoli dwar l-ambulanza għall-karozza li għandhom jinqabdu fl-istampa. Il-qiegħ tal-ġenb tieqa hija kważi livell mal-fotografi ras
    @ 1:30 tara l-raġel fl-red shirt, naħseb il-Guy lura lilu huwa l-raġel fl-isfar shirt
    @ 1; 33 tista 'tara x'inhuma l-riflessjoni fil-istampa għandhom ikunu, li huwa l-quċċata tal-siġar

    Punt tiegħi huwa kif għamlet il-istampa ppubblikati juru us-karozza bħala r-riflessjoni għadhom il-video juri li din kellha tkun is-siġar??

  12. ejay5131 Said,

    Wkoll oublié I, il-aħmar karozza in kwistjoni tidher li pparkjati kważi madwar direttament mill-gate għal MJs house, iżda l-fotografu ħa l-ritratt bħala l-amblance kienet angolata l-driveway li jfisser li kellha l-riflessjoni ta 'affarijiet li kienu aktar up-triq MHUX Infront affarijiet ta 'l-gate. I hope I magħmula sens:)

  13. iheartmj Said,

    jekk tinnota he said,
    "MJ huwa dejjem sejrin lejn l-isptar huwa dejjem drama ma MJ li jaf hu seta 'kien għaddej li toħroġ il-kunċerti ...."

  14. Dona Said,

    Dwar il-video tal-esklussiva-fotografu: fi 0:53 nistgħu naraw il-bniedem mad-dritt shirt u eżatt wara lilu, il-bniedem ma 'l-isfar wieħed.

  15. Fwieħa Said,

    Kien wasal għall-konklużjoni li l-midja huwa ossessjonat bl MJ, huwa previst baxx meta kien ħaj issa "mewt" huma aktar ossessjonat bl lilu minn qatt qabel .... U li jħares lejn il-video l-kittieb huwa korrett benessri tal ġiet riflessjoni tal-fotografu fit-tieqa .... u l-plot thickens

  16. Dee Said,

    You do tirrealizza li aħna qed ngħinu lil dawk involuti jissikka l-istejjer tagħhom, mill-mistoqsijiet aħna qegħdin jitolbu. Kollha tal-għarrieda xi raġel jidher u huwa l-aktar waħda li ħadu l-ritratt. Fejn hu kien fi żmien xahar ilu? Staqsejt Larry King fuq sit blog tiegħu diversi drabi biex jiksbu l-Guy li allegatament fotografati Michael.

  17. Callisto Said,

    Hi hemmhekk,

    ewwel nett, grazie per aġġornament din il-paġna regolarment. Huwa tassew interessanti naqraw il-artikoli u s'issa, I really jaqblu miegħek. Ma tistax temmen li dan qed jiġri u everybody's regardent ma 'l-għajnejn shut.
    Fir-rigward ir-ritratt, l-ħomor riflessjoni hija tassew verament stramba. Maybe I'm blind imma ma nistax nara xi karozza ħamra oħra ħlief għall-ambulanza. I raden r-raġuni għaliex inti ma tistax tara l-fotografi driegħ jew anki camera huwa minħabba li huwa juża xi tip ta 'lenti speċjali. Hemm filter (li jien ma nafx l-mandat eżatt bl-Ingliż) tuża sabiex jiġu evitati r-riflessjonijiet (pedimos hija polarizzazzjoni filter). I really iżda ma jifhmu fejn dawk aħmar huma minn riflessjonijiet. Really verament stramba.

    Għall Michael's sake Nittama li l-ebda wieħed isib dwar dak li jiġri verament (għalkemm Ninsab tassew kurjuż, għal dan kollu istorja ma ħoss awtentiku), għaliex jekk ma jkunx mejta, huwa aħjar għalih li jgawdi ħajtu fil-paċi , bogħod mill-midja.

  18. Dee Said,

    Il-fotografu hu kien qal li ġejjin MJ għal 10yrs u li ma kienx rikonoxxibbli lilu. Nemmen li huwa possibbli li kien mikri lilu.

  19. dane86 Said,

    xogħol tajjeb darb'oħra ADMIN! Nittama aktar artikli ser jintwera hawn dwar dan is-suġġett, onestament I'm jibdew jemmnu li kien verament pass bogħod, iżda nies bħal inti tgħin me ara naħa l-oħra ta 'l-istorja iktar ċara ma' provi kollha tiegħek u oġġetti. I love dan is-sit, u li fotografu u stampi tiegħu jidher fard, mod wisq Odd! u minħabba kollha inti guys, I għad jistgħu jħossuhom deep ġewwa qalbi li tagħna amate MJ ikun għadu ħaj, x'imkien fit a safer and aħjar post ..

    huwa tal stll ħajjin u hu tal hawn għal dejjem!.

  20. fjura Said,

    mhux biss li iżda WHO hija din Guy fir-ritratt fl-ambulanza ????? jikkawżaw mhuwiex reali MJ NO WAY

  21. Cecilia Said,

    guys jekk inti tħares lejn il-minuti 3:06 tista 'tara l-raġel li ħa l-photo-bniedem mal-red shirt huwa eżatt wara l-aħmar tal-karozzi ... hu jkun ħa l-photo .. Naħseb li huwa jkun biegħ il-ritratt biex dan paparazzi u dawn jikkunsidraw il-merti kollha! fl-ambulanza li jistipulaw il-korp ta 'Michael iżda għaliex huma miġjuba lilu bil-mod ħafna u mingħajr ħoss ta''BIP'meta? u għaliex mhux minn ħelikopter?!

  22. MariannaB Said,

    Hemm anki iżjed għall-istampi.
    Eż l-istampa ta 'l-street xeni murija fil-video tidher li kienu ttieħdu fl bright xemx. Madankollu-triq quddiem MJs house kien mħażża mill siġar. Anke jekk taħseb ta 'l-angolu tat-teħid tal-pic mill-lemin u l-post (it-triq hija għaddejja minn fuq il-lemin lejn ix-xellug meta wieqaf quddiem il-house), l-xenarju stampa ma jipprovdix l-qagħda vera ( ara ħames konklużjoni).

    Fil-privat video ta 'waħda mill-bus turisti imxandra permezz TMZ tara li ġej:
    Il-ambulanza huwa rinforz out fuq il-street. Il-Guy mal-red shirt qed jistenna fil-karozza ħamra ix-xellug ta 'quddiem u jkollna l-ambulanza side window relattivament tard. Il-wieħed bl-isfar shirt kienu diġà fil-ġenb tieqa, fil-video moħbija mill-ambulanza.

    Peress li l-ambulanza tieħu pass u gets bogħod, hemm żewġ stampi guys teħid fil-ġenb tieqa: dik bl-aħmar shirt u warajh il-wieħed bl-isfar shirt.


    Sabiex tikseb aktar dettalji tal-xenarju stampa murija fil-video ma 'l-paparazzi, I Mibdul l-istampa ma' xi photoshopping milli jistabbilixxu li wieqaf.

    Ewwel konklużjoni: fil-istampa hemm dawl tax-xemx qawwi mhux biss fuq l-ambulanza, iżda wkoll fuq il-firetruck warajh billi fil-privata turistika video hemm ħafna shadows mis-siġar fuq il-firetruck.

    Konklużjoni tieni: il-Guy fil-yellow shirt ma rimja l-istampa kif muri fl-istampa kif huwa wisq il bogħod ħafna mill-aħmar karozza. Barra minn hekk hemm ħafna lwien mis-siġar fil-ambulanza pic.

    Madankollu hija tipprova li l-red shirt Guy kienet tinkiseb mill-aħmar tal-karozzi għall-ambulanza kif rajna diġà fil-privat video.

    Konklużjoni terzi: il-pic ġiet maqtula meta l-ambulanza kien verament qrib il-karozza ħamra - jew mill-wieħed fil-yellow shirt mill-waħda jew fl-aħmar shirt.

    Raba konklużjoni: ma kien hemm fotografu ieħor barra x-xena li tieħu x-xhieda kompleta tal-xena (u bil-mod il-pic shooting persuni).

    Ħames konkluż: l-pic tal-fotografu kien photoshopped għaliex tagħti l-impressjoni qawwi tax-xemx li ma kienx il-każ f'dan il dellija triq dejqa.

    Din tagħti l-ambulanza pic bħala s kollu:

    Inti tara l-camera riflessjoni fuq wara tad-dritt paramedic.

    Tidher li hija l-mara Mini3005 fuq YouTube kellha aċċess għall-istampa dwar oriġinali tagħha mingħajr il-PC ET logo fih. Hija wkoll ix-xandiriet ta 'PICS MJ wasslet għall-Chapel li nkun ma ndunat s'issa:
    Ikun interessanti li jagħmlu kuntatt mal tagħha.

  23. Westin Said,

    Il-aħmar riflessjonijiet fuq ir-ritratt tista 'tkun xi tip ta' taħlit mal-kulur ta 'l-emerġenza tal-karozzi - tafu - dan ir-ritratt ittieħed fl-azzjoni - hekk jista' jkun li hija tip ta 'force majeure = /

  24. Westin Said,

    kien li tieħu stampa mill-lemin tal-karozza emerġenza - so ma kien hemm ebda aħmar fuq karozza tiegħu lura ...

  25. kto nado Said,

    xogħol tajjeb. dan huwa falz, tabilħaqq.
    din l-istorja tista 'tkun idea kbira għall-sħiħ li jmiss
    istaġun "Lie lili" & Dr Lightman

  26. closepaltomj Said,

    hija xi ħaġa "sfurzata" dwar dan kollu u video stampa scenerio ... għadhom ma look like lilu fl-istampa.

  27. Riflessjoni Said,

    I ma jkunux jistgħu jaraw il-video għadhom imma nirringrazzjak għall-link.

    Rigward l-aħmar tal-karozzi ...
    I am no fotografija espert iżda probabbilment jista I agree. Jidher tabilħaqq ftit bogħod wisq.
    I kienet mistennija l-aħmar tal-karozzi biex jiġi sewqan passat l-ambulanza ...

    Fir-rigward tal-kuluri differenti tat-T-shirts:
    Forsi l-footage mhix mill-istess ġurnata, li jispjegaw il-ħwejjeġ differenti?
    Admin (jew xi ħadd ieħor), x'taħseb?

  28. JoyceBuckley Said,

    Hello, inti tajjeb ħafna. I kien jistaqsi kif stampa kienet meħuda permezz tal-ħġieġ skur.

  29. AlBSureLove Said,


    I am f'punt fejn I ma nafx dak li jemmnu.

    Nittama li MJJ huwa x'imkien fil-paċi bogħod mill kollha ta 'dan negattività u uġigħ. Inħoss għall-bniedem.

    Dan huwa sit kbir ma 'lott ta' teoriji u etc kbir!
    Ninsab kuntenta li sibt.

  30. MariannaB Said,

    Riedu point out sth. I preċedenti diġà stazzjonati:
    l-stampa kbira tiżvela żewġ paramediċi fil-ambulanza:, iżda mhux attiva hekk kif jekk
    kienu dwar il-ħajja jew mewt. Il-wieħed fil-dahar hija wieqfa aside u mhux li tagħti CPR. Liema
    tfisser jew il-persuna fil-ambulanza kienet mejta jew nifs.
    Il-maskra ma jfissirx li l-persuna mhijiex nifs.

  31. STARFISH1 Said,

    Ffriżati sakemm nara din l-istampa, li tkun falza jew le? Iżda ċertament wieħed ikun jaf hu: jien ma nemminx li għal mijiet ta 'snin u forsi aktar, wünschen bniedem jimxu din il-pjaneta.

  32. Coconut Said,

    Okay - I'm sorry għall tiegħi Ingliż, iżda naħseb li inti tifhem lili.
    Ewwel nett nixtieq ngħid li Michael I-imħabba, u dan ikun l-aqwa jum ta 'ħajti meta I tisma li hu verament hija ħajjin. Imma jien biex tara l-verità u I għandhom jgħidu li l-photo isn'ta foloz għaliex meta l-ambulanza weraq, il-fotografi (l-ħomor u l-isfar wieħed wieħed) kemm jippruvaw jagħmlu a photo fuq is-side-tieqa ta 'l-ambulanza u qabel l-ambulanza qed jitwal aktar malajr l-isfar waħda marret aħjar tiegħu sparawlu u meta dan huwa wkoll il-karozza hija aħmar quddiem dan tieqa. Naħseb li l-fotografu mhuwiex rifless fl-photo għaliex ma jkunx f'dik il-pożizzjoni - ikollu l-camera ġenb.
    What I rikonoxxuti wkoll: fil-film meta ż-żewġ guys qed jippruvaw jieħdu maqtul fil-back-twieqi ta 'l-ambulanza, hemm iswed gwardji li għandha l-idejn quddiem dawn twieqi. Ma tista 'tara dan abjad ħaġa ġewwa ta' l-ambulanza ... I ma jkunux jafu kif dan huwa msejjaħ - iżda ma tużah biex tagħmel il-ħlas breathing ... u fil-photo tara dan chose, wisq.

    It makes me biki biex tara dawn il-fatti iżda Ma rridx jimteddu lili u oħrajn. I know we kollha imħabba Michael u jixtiequ hu verament huwa ħaj, iżda hu ma. I don't think imut ta 'doża eċċessiva - hemm xi ħaġa stramba. Imma jekk jogħġbok ... hu's marret ...

    Nispera li inti tista 'tifhem tiegħi ispjegazzjonijiet tal-fotografi u l-pożizzjoni li Jittieħed ...

  33. mj4life Said,

    Nemmen li Michael huwa ħaj, madanakollu inħoss inti ma nħarsu lejn din video kif ukoll għandu jkollok kollokament qabel dan.

    Jekk il-video fil nieqaf 1/25 inti se Avviż raġel jkollna a photo mid-dahar ta 'l-ambulanza. hu jkun tajjeb distanza mill-ambulanza u jekk mhux bl-użu ta 'flash hemm Mejju ma ġewx riflessjoni ëara tas lilu. Madankollu - jekk inti tfittex warajh hemm aħmar firetruck li jistgħu jispjegaw il-aħmar riflessjoni fil-ħġieġ.

  34. loveandpeace Said,

    A ftit mistoqsijiet:
    Allura l-jiċċaqilqu footage attwali huwa ta 'korteżija Hollywood.tv, u kif tistgħu taraw fil-imqatar, il-gwardja qed jibblokka l-dahar twieqi, dik tal-kamera Guy, solvuti. What i jixtieq ikun jaf fejn hu jiċċaqilqu huwa l-footage ta 'l-Guy fl-isfar shirt? Hu kien jaf video camera sal-side window.

    Il-Guy fl-isfar huwa l-uniku wieħed li dehru viżibbli fl-istampa mill-ġenb tieqa qasir minħabba l-mument, l-uniku mod possibbli għall-Guy fl-isfar li mxew fuq il-tieqa kienet qabel juru l-Guy fl-aħmar jiċċaqilqu fil-video. Iżda mbagħad, għaliex kieku l-Guy fl-isfar leave-tieqa? Skond l-istampi l-Guy fl-isfar kien hemm fl-ewwel lok, hekk għaliex kieku l-Guy aħmar fil-leave? Jew meta dan ma kellhom żmien biex jaqilbu postijiet? Inti taħseb li dawn ta 'kemm kien hemm fl-istess ħin.

    Naf li kienet konfondenti, imma jekk inti taqra b'attenzjoni dak i imsemmija, se tara dak i medja.

  35. Susie + Me Said,


    how fuq earth ma jiksbu l-aħmar tal-karozzi fil-pic?
    This is really stramb

  36. Helia Said,

    Għadu mhux konvinċenti biżżejjed argumenti. Din tinstema lili bħal xi ħadd ikun assolutament tipprova tikkonvinci-dinja li Michael Jackson għadu ħaj. Jien ma jifhem is-sens ta 'din il-paġna. Qabel kollox huwa mejjet u t-tieninett, huwa xejn tagħna ta 'negozju jekk huwa ħajjin. Huwa ħajtu pas aux nôtres Juste leave lilu waħdu. Let lilu mistrieħ fil-paċi. Dan huwa biss turi diżrispett fir-rigward. Mistħija fuqek, u mistħija fuq dawn Paparazzi guys. Huma jgħidu li kien xi ħabib minnhom imma jippreferixxu flus u dawn jiżvelaw horrible, umiljanti stampi, ta 'Michael Jackson's mejta. Ebda persuna jistħoqqilha stampi, ta 'l-aħħar minuta tixrid mad-dinja kollha.

  37. carpenoctem Said,

    Mhuwiex il-xorta u l-istampa fi stampa 3:06 suppost ikunu l-istess? I kien jistaqsi għaliex jekk inti iscroll bejn dawk iż-żewġ stampi notce tkun taf li l-pożizzjoni tal MJ-ras hija differenti. dwar il-3:06 stampa tiegħu Chin hija eqreb lejn tiegħu sider milli fil-xorta photo.

  38. Anita Said,

    Il-karozza ħamra riflessjoni fit-tieqa - jista 'jkun il-kbar tan-nar fi trakk 1:25? Il-aħmar bieb għandha l-istess għoli bħall-ambulanza. Ukoll hemm Guy hemm quddiem il-ħomor nar karozza filwaqt stampa.

  39. jpresley Said,

    Ma ħaddieħor jsibuha partikolari li l-ewwel intervista ma douche dan huwa għal Norveġiż aħbarijiet juru?? Mhux li jien xejn kontra Norveġiżi, iżda dan ma seħħx fl-Istati Uniti. Almenu, m'għandux jkun tkellem lill-US aħbarijiet juru jew, I do not know, US uffiċjali??!

  40. bradrach321 Said,

    Inkunu nafu jekk il-karozza kienet miexja aħmar jew le? U kif nafu jew mod?

  41. ctan Said,

    Fotografu Ben Evenstad hija minn Nazzjonali Photo Group. Vanity Fair kellu intervista esklussiva miegħu fl-Lulju 2009

    It-tim ta 'paparazzi li ħa l-infami issa finali ritratt tal Michael Jackson kellu faċilita' ta 'self fuq il-Re tal-Konkors ta' Mużika Pop kemm mal-kameras tagħhom u mingħajr għas-snin, camping barra tiegħu gate u communing mal tiegħu aktar fervent fannijiet. Fl-intervisti esklussivi, huma jirrakontaw l-logħob mill-play ta 'l-isparatura dehru round-dinja.


  42. ctan Said,

    dan aħbarijiet link throws xi dawl fuq dak li ġara fil-jum il-paparazzi li ħa l-finali photo


  43. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    First of all, I möchte darauf hinweisen, Im A Freelance fotografu And Nru Camera Can Ħu A Clear Photo Permezz mogħtija kulur Windows.

    Second, Għaliex Did Il Ambulance Have mogħtija kulur Windows? Normalment Ambulanzi Magħmula Have mogħtija kulur Windows. Dan kellu ġew ippjanati Out. Xejn Jinsab Żieda Up.

    Terzi. Im Pretty Sure, dan huwa l-aktar informattiva Site On Michael Jackson's Death, So Im Pretty Sure, Bil Talking About Us imbarazz Bħall Dan, dawn ikollhom jikkonformaw Cover Tracks tagħhom. Im Pretty Sure, huma jkunu għamlu l-Ritratti Wara Huma rrealizzaw Huma invitat Up Stories tagħhom. Plus Il Photo Bil Il-raġel Fil Yellow Il-qomos u kollha kemm huma Madwar Il Ambulance, setgħu ttieħdu f'post li mhux Dik Day, Minħabba Il Photo Jistenna Set Up.

    I Think This Site Jagħti Poplu ħafna informazzjoni u tagħti lin-nies warajhom dan Hoax, Information Biex Użu Or Informazzjoni, So Huma jistgħu jiffissaw il-Screwups And Nru wieħed jaħseb Us Minħabba People Have Said Ħafna Times, jeħtieġ li nkunu Fil An Insane Ażil.

    Just Watch Out Għall Il Stories Huma Oħloq u wieħed iħares lejn Our Dati u wieħed iħares lejn id-dati tagħhom, ir-Riċerka, għaliex huma Uża This Site Bħala mezzi biex ikopru Up Tracks tagħhom.

  44. Westin Said,

    lemin! - Il-SĦIĦA SĦIĦ staġunali ġdid ta 'Lie lili =) hemm tant li xi materjal li minnu jkunu jistgħu jmorru għall-Kamra wkoll

  45. charliechaplin Said,

    @ Westin

    I agree with Westin. Il-bozza ħamra tista 'tkun ir-riflessjoni tal-ambulanza dawl aħmar / s li huwa mmuntat fuq l-ogħla porzjon ta' l-ambulanza-jirreferu għall 3:10

    Oh ... tiegħi. I dunno x'għandhom think jibqgħalu.

  46. Samantha Said,

    Smajt li somthing Prince qiegħed jarah Michaels mewt, u Dalgħodu i sema li xi ħadd sneaked u fl Saw Michaels katavri (jekk hemm wieħed, li ma tama i) U qal mhuwiex somthing aħna nagħtuk kollha ħlief. : O

    I'm jibdew jaħsbu tiegħu marret, oh Mann I hope nottttt tiegħu: "(
    * crosses fingers *

  47. Sosh Said,

    Fil-qafas stampa sħiħa inti tista 'b'mod ċar ara l-karozza. What I think huwa aktar interessanti dwar din il-karozza fuq l-istampa: Kif jiġu huwa hemmhekk. Tista 'tara l-fotografu pretty huwa qrib l-ambulanza. It-tieqa fil-ambulanza huwa pjuttost żgħir, sabiex l-fotografu kellu ibblukkar ta 'l-ħomor karozza tiegħu lura.

    Barra minn hekk, naqbel mal-admin: Fejn huma l-riflessjonijiet ta 'camera, fotografu?

    U mbagħad ikun hemm ukoll il-heavy lensflare / hotspot fil-daqs stampa sħiħa. Tagħha fuq il-lemin. I Meta tħares lejn il-video, ma narax kwalunkwe flare / hotspot laqtu-tieqa. Dan kien allmost impossibbli kif ix-xemx kienet ġejja minn direttament 'il fuq (inti tista' tivverifika l-dellijiet jekk inti ma jemmnux) u l-tieqa jidher kompletament ċatt (l-ebda wiċċ li jirrifletti ħad. minn fuq) ...

  48. popcornscrunchy Said,

    I ġew jippruvaw jevitaw tħares lejn dan pic bħala tip ta 'siekta protesta ... .. iżda hawnhekk huwa sorry Michael. I am so disturbat nies li jieħdu dawn ir-ritratti huwa MHUX rappurtaġġ ta 'l-aħbarijiet tagħha a stramb li fissazzjoni tiegħu ok biex tara kollox u xejn ma ebda rispett anki fil someones suppost mewt. Naf ħafna mill Temmen mhuwiex MJ u biex jgħidlek il-verità I am not sure I know kollha hija li inħoss ħatja I ħarsu lejn dan. Għaliex hemm ebda liġijiet biex jipproteġu kontra dawn celebs stramb fotografi li m'għandhom l-ebda konfini .... Inħoss li għandha tieħu massa popolazzjonijiet tiffoka off kwistjonijiet importanti mhux li l-mewt ta MJ mhuwiex verament importanti iżda dan huwa wisq.
    Dan jgħid fotografu sar qrib MJ, għaliex kieku MJ jsiru qrib lil xi ħadd bħal dan huwa chases lilu kollha fuq il-post u inħoss li hu verament insult f'din l-intervista, huwa lanqas ma jidhirx mqalleb hekk fard. Għandha tkun stabbilita, Jiena ċert li kien qiegħed jitħallas tajjeb ħafna għall-isforzi tiegħu.

  49. Copenhagen Said,

    Illum huwa qal li rat Prince missieru die ... u li huwa kien ġie mejta mill-inqas 2 sigħat qabel ma wasal fl-isptar - għaliex imbagħad din l-istampa??

  50. Rofibbs Said,

    Ara naqra!! somma indepth intuwitu .. Madoff, magħmula mal-off ppls flejjes, Michael, mic-HEALED innifsu mill-kontroversji surroundin tiegħu Life. Hav a wunderbare Life dearie!! kollha l-aħjar

  51. darkfeather Said,

    NO IT IS NOT FAKE! Jekk jogħġbok ħarsa lejn din mill-qrib. 3:06 Fuq il-"yellow bniedem" qed jieħu stampa iżda dan mhuwiex il-istampa nafu ta MJ fil-ambulanza!. Li kien fil-punt l-ambulanza kien għadu irkejjen, tista 'tara l-roti ddawwar lejn ix-xellug. L-istampa nafu ta MJ ttieħdet xi ftit aktar tard meta l-ambulanza kienet tipprova ddawwar ir-roti tiegħu għad-dritt li tinkiseb straight quddiem.

    Video ieħor mill-tourbus tista 'tara li l-istampa fi 00:19 ġiet meħuda u l-ambulanza kienet f'dak il-punt lesti li jmorru jsuq fit-triq dritta li ġejjin:

    Il-karozza hija aħmar minn quddiem l-tourbus u din il-karozza anke kieku l-dwal fuq hekk nemmen li saqu bogħod kif ukoll il-tourbus.

  52. Rofibbs Said,

    Somma folks iżommu askin "għaliex WÜD Michael staqsi tiegħu goddaughter biex żfin fuq il-palk għal lilu" jew jistaqsu "pazjent bil-kanċer li ġejjin żjara lilu wen kien jaf wudnt jagħmluha" jew titlob lill-Britains Ghandek Talent finalista għall-istadju grazzja miegħu wen hu kienu jafu li wudnt jiġri wen reali kwistjoni shud jkun "għaliex ma hu sinjal biex jagħmlu l-kunċert tour wen kien jaf hu wuz bħala morda kif Ian HALPERIN qal" ... Aħna shud jifhmu li MJ huwa permormer, hu kien li jiġu stabbiliti n-istadju l - ball rollin hekk ppl se tassew jemmnu wuz huwa lest għal fix. Wudnt y'all tkun ixxukkjat jekk kellu kunċert n wuznt preparin n gearin up 4 it??

  53. Rofibbs Said,

    Mewtu huwa jus qatra ta 'ilma li jkun ħoloq il-ħafna ripples we're seein n witnessin llum. Im ħafna żgur MJ huwa recuperatin sumwhere (thats jekk wuz bħala morda Dawn qalu hu wuz) .. n WÜD għaliex huwa pass a 4hr mediku ma flyin kuluri kieku dawk kollha mard terminali. Kienu l-Docs Blind? Huwa diġà told imposter tiegħu biex tħabbar l-il-kunċert bħala "il-finali curtain call" .. li jfisser aktar minn wuz hu lest li jieħu leave pruwa n-istadju 4good .. Huwa kienu raw, mismugħa, ipparteċipat, rat dan kollu, l - mhux wisq 4him vouloir pjan 4 ... bħala 4, il-PICS, lyk i preċedenti msemmija-Michael Jackson hija brand name na qligħ kbir wieħed f'dak .. ppl huma ħielsa li cash pulzieri

  54. Rofibbs Said,

    Anki jekk korp tal bin midfun tiegħu definittivament ma MJ's ... Do U think sum1 lyk MJ se jkunu midfuna ma nothin biex tikkommemora eżistenza tiegħu jew is-sit fejn tinsab tiegħu korp?? Wat Jacksons verament huma l-hidin?? L-aktar raġuni għaliex wont say fejn il-"korp" "hija għall-biża 'mill-verità bein skoperta huma n doin tali baaaaaad impjieg s'issa ... jum wieħed, waħda trouble

  55. Il-Verità Said,

    Fi kwalunkwe rata, għall-fotografu li jingħad li huwa "kura" dwar MJ huwa komplet Joke. Hu ma kura għall MJ f'kull ... biss il-flus. Azzjonijiet jitkellmu louder minn kliem.

  56. thelostchildren Said,

    am ferħan admin ishma l-fehma tiegħi li l-sħiħ hija ħaġa pjuttost inkonsistenti, biżżejjed biex jagħmluha dubjuż. hawn tal-intervista l-fotografu kellu ma vanity ġusta dwar l-inċident u sħaħ-relazzjoni tiegħu mal Michael (I'm pretty żgur li kellha relazzjoni operattiva tajba ma 'xulxin - Michael fdati nies helhjärtat což tiegħu pur tal-qalb). L-affarijiet jgħid dwar Michael ma jidhirx simili tinsab fil kollha, huwa verament ma jidhirx simili huwa's maħduma bil Michael, iżda meta tmur fuq inkellem Bout l-fotografu, li fejn hu's gets ftit inkoerenti u ġusta plain dubjuż. agħti ħarsa lejn u post dak li inti guys think. admin nisperaw li inti tista 'spare tiegħek busy żmien sabiex jieħdu ħarsa wisq u jevalwaw!

  57. hOtSfOrMj91 Said,

    Jekk ir-ritratt ttieħdet waqt li l-ambulanza kienet miexja allura għaliex hu ma blurry? U kif ġie meħuda hekk b'mod ċar?

  58. dinamita Said,

    @ Rofibbs i jaqblu kellu jieħu kollu ħaġa belivable li huwa kien lest għalih, anke jekk hu wasent, And meta qal finali curtain call huwa kien serju tiegħu ħarsa fuq wiċċ bħal we weren'nt gonna ara lilu again,
    i għadhom think huwa ħaj iżda li jiġi wont ġejjin lura

  59. MariannaB Said,

    @ carpenoctem:
    You are right, l-PICS differenti. l-kbar u l-pic ET pic mhumiex l-istess. A fotografu professjonali se tuża camera bi drive nikseb kif PICS ħafna ta 'sekwenza hu possibbli. Tidher li hija l-ET pic kien l-"sharpest".

    TMZ - il-gossip kanal - taħdidiet mill-ġdid - dak tal-AEG u issa dwar il-pretensjonijiet tagħhom?

    (cited kollha tagħhom minn paġna):
    [Jackson's Death "kważi ċertament" a omiċidju
    Posted Lulju 24 2009 2:15 AM mill TMZ Persunal

    Infurzar tal-liġi sorsi jgħidulna l-LA County coroner hija skedata li jirrilaxxa l-awtopsja riżultati fl Michael Jackson-mewt tal-ġimgħa d-dieħla, u l-kawża tal-mewt se "kważi ċertament" jkun omiċidju - mewt fl-idejn ta 'ieħor.

    We're qal lill-coroner innifsu se tagħmel is-sejħa nofs-il ġimgħa wara li tirċievi l-tossikoloġija rapport finali mill-konsulent estern. Iżda ibbażat fuq l-abbozz ta 'rapport kif ukoll dak li sar "evidenza ċara," kawżi oħra għajr omiċidju - naturali, aċċidentali, ta' doża eċċessiva aċċidentali, u suwiċidju - ġew eskluża.

    Imxejna diġà rappurtati li għal ġimgħat, il-LAPD tkun trattata Jackson's death bħala omiċidju. Huma servew ħafna kriminali search warrants - aktar reċentement fil Dr Conrad Murray's Houston mediku uffiċċju. Dr Murray huwa attiv li jkun qiegħed jiġi investigat kif il-persuna li tista jkollha l-poter mogħti lill-anestesija propofol Jackson-jum imut.

    We're qal kemm il-coroner u LAPD jkollhom evidenza sinifikanti li propofol ikkawżat Jackson's qalb biex tieqaf. ]

  60. Bee Said,

    I really aplaudimos tiegħek għajnejn għall dettall f'ħafna minn dawn il-postijiet, speċjalment dan wieħed! Soċjetà tagħna u kultura saru tant bombarded skond il-veloċità u l-istorbju, ħafna ADD inducing Nista 'nżid li, biex jkunu kapaċi jżommu għajnejn għall dettall huwa kważi mitlufa art.

    Tkompli tagħti attenzjoni u jżommu reġsitru tad-dettalji kollha tal-li-don't-żid-up va issolvi din misteru, jien ċert minnha. Żomm l-ħidma tajba!

    (Issa, jekk nistgħu biss jiksbu kollha biex jiċċara l commenters tagħhom kliem u jieqfu jużaw shorthand .... Lol!)

  61. Dilos Said,

    Ħej hemmhekk,

    ukoll sibt ħafna aħjar pic ta 'Michael Jackson fil-Ambulance kienu verament inti jista' jara li l-riflessjoni hi ħamra karozza.


    I jista 'jimmaġina li dan huwa minnu, iżda m'għandniex ninsew jekk xi ħadd ikun faking mewtu, speċjalment MJ, jeħtieġ li huma jiġu fis-ambulanza jew saħansitra juru somethings li se tagħmel il-nies jemmnu fiha.

    X'jagħmel me wonder aktar dwar dan kollu wisq, hi li l-Guy mill-paparazzi qiegħed jieħu minflok il-Guy li ħadu l-istampa. Għaliex hija li? Ok forsi huwa jridu jkunu famuża jew xiex? * * stupid Kien teħid tal-video, dritt?!?! Mela għala hu tkellem?
    It-tieni ħaġa hija, huwa tkellem li hu kien qed jieħu l-video, imma dak li jiġri li mbagħad? għaliex le anki jkollna l-flus għall-video u showng it? I medja jrid ikun xi ħaġa ... É porque MJ kien breaving jew juru xi reazzjonijiet?

  62. mjfan Said,


    Fil-fuq photo: I think a verament importanti kwistjoni poser huwa ... Huwa verament possibbli għal kulħadd iċ-ċirkostanzi li ġejjin li jiġri:

    1. A vettura miexja (anke bil-mod) persuna tista 'qbid stampa ta' xi ħadd ġewwa l-vettura bil-ħġieġ tinted ... u li tkun ċara u nonblurry?

    2. Huwa tassew possibbli li jkun hemm ritratt ma 'ħġieġ ikkulurit li toħroġ ċara ta' x'inhu għaddej fuq ġewwa waqt li fl-istess ħin li tali ĊARA riflessjoni ta 'dak li hu fuq barra?

    Xi fotografija espert let me know, jekk hemmx kwalunkwe hawn fuq.

    Wieħed THINK either li int kapaċi b'xi stampa ċara ġewwa JEW ikollok riflessjoni ċara. Mhux it-tnejn. A window mogħtija kulur u li jirriflettu mhix IMO ser jagħti xi ħaġa imma l-fuzziest dawl ta 'dak li qed jiġri fuq ġewwa.

    Iħares ħafna lili bħal dan huwa photo imħallta. ie hemos ŻEWĠ separati ritratti, waħda li jistabbilixxi fuq l-oħra, biex ikollok l-effett tal-karozza riflessi fl-isfond. I think tabloid ġurnalisti wkoll tkun taf kif tabib ritratti.

    U jien naqbel mal preċedenti posters li jidher li huwa probabbli ħafna li n-nies qed jużaw dan is-sit biex tipprova timla l-vojt fil-istorja tagħhom. Iżda dan ma jfissirx li x-xogħol, minħabba aħna diġà għandhom FUQ RECORD kollha kontradizzjonijiet. Jekk tibdel l-istorja tiegħek wara, ħaffer up jew xi persuna li tispjega bogħod kellna xi kwistjoni, huwa ftit wisq u jagħmilha konvenjenti inti tħares aktar ħatja. IMO.

  63. Dilos Said,

    Waħda aktar kwistjoni nixtieq żid. Ħares lejn il-pagna mal-pic ta 'Michael fl-ambulanza, dan ma jagħtih CPR? Ma narax kwalunkwe ċaqliq fuq l-pic biex tagħmel l-qalb tħabbat darb'oħra. Guy li l-azjenda tiegħu hija hand mod sa għoli hija biss holding lilu ...

  64. portschica81 Said,

    OK Jiena dejjem gustado MJ I iżda ma kinitx waħda minn dawk crazy fannijiet li kieku jħossok ħażin tiegħu sempliċi preżenza so I'm mhux biss in-negazzjoni dwar mewtu. I do, madankollu, l-imħabba tajba konspirazzjoni teorija so I ried iżid tiegħi 2 ċenteżmi għal liema valur tiegħu!

    1. I find it estremament fard li kollha paparazi li huwa kostanti li jdawwar MJ li aħna għandna b'xi biss gotten ONE stampa jew clip ta 'kollox. U vera ftit attwali video!
    Għaliex hemm biss dan wieħed stampa tat-tabib? Ħadd ma ieħor stampa ta 'dan Guy? M'hemm l-ebda footage minnu mixi fi, madwar, ħdejn Mike? Veru? U hu allegatament tkun "nieqaf tiegħu prattika" minħabba l-fastidju? Hawn xi ħadd li jaħseb li forsi dan doc ma anki jeżistu? Jekk kien hemm aktar stampi, aħna kieku raw lilhom, right? I tfisser, il-pap jistgħu jagħmlu ton ta '$ off ta' kull ħaġa relatati ma MJ tiegħu fl-aħħar ġranet. Għalhekk, fejn huwa l-footage?

    2. So we get this one picture through the window of the ambulance. I'm sure these paps were snapping away, obaining more than just one shot if they were truly there. Even if the other pics didn't come out that well, you'd think they would have gotten something, even if just a blurry image, right? The fact is, they didn't want to leak more than one of anything for people to analyze. The more pictures that are leaked the more people can analyze and pick them apart.

    3. The “press conference” at O2…with all the “paparazzi” that was in the “audience” wouldn't there be more pictures of this, other than just still images from the video?

    4. The footage from rehearsal. Very little footage released from this rehearsal. And a random song that doesn't require any of the dancing that everyone, even nonfans, have memorized. Nobody can duplicate Mikey doing Billie Jean, but this song…who knows? I had only heard it a few times and he doesn't dance in the video, really.

    5. The kids at the memorial. Looked like their hair was darkened…darker than how it looks in the pix of them leaked a month ago. Also, I think I was more emotional watching from my tv than they were. And like I said, I wasn't exactly a superfan! Maybe I'm just oversensitive? When my grandmother died, I was 24 and could barely keep it together at her service. Just sayin ...

    Anyway Mike, if you really did it, that's awesome! I love it F the press, Michael ur the best

    OK I guess that was 5 cents. Any thoughts?

  65. How Does It Feel Said,

    Thsi guys said in the VIDEO that he is a fun like US but in the Video he did not seem sad but happy to do “bussiness” if Mike is really gone. How can he be a fan?

  66. Ivonne Said,

    Hello, my English is very bad, I use this because of a translator's program. I hope, you understand, nevertheless, what I mean. The red car is no fire engine, this is a normal car. Susie+Me has put a link to this picture on which one can quite exactly recognise that it does not concern a fire engine. Here is once more the link to the picture. In the picture one sees a normal bonnet which does not have a fire engine thus, they go in front just upwards. I hope, you understand me.

    Für alle deutschen hier Das ist doch kein Feuerwehrauto, die Teile sind “drüben” relativ groß und das Auto auf dem Bild hat eine ganz normale Front “Motorhaube” und ist zu klein, die Reifen sind zu klein. Nur wo kommt das Auto her?

  67. Shauna Said,

    I want to believe Michael is alive because I have been crying my eyes out since he died. I biss do not know. It really doesn't look like him in the ambulance photo, unless he was wearing full makeup. Michael's skin was lighter and the coroners said he was very pale. The guy in the photo doesn't appear to be pale. I am confused. I agree with all that was said about the memorial looking staged. I am hurting more than his own family. I didn't get that sense of grief from them at all. About the video and stills with the photographers; It looks like the windows are tinted so wouldn't that cause a reflection of the camera? I don't know anything about photography but it seems like the camera guy and camera reflection would be in the shot. Who knows? Somebody needs to shut Joe Jackson up. Sometimes when he speaks it sounds like Michael is alive, then he will hurry up and cover what he said or let someone else fix what he said. The most honest Jacksons haven't said much at all. (Katherine, Janet, and Rebbie) The only ones talking are attention seekers. (Jermaine, Latoya, and Joe)
    I hope MJ is somewhere with his family resting and at peace. As much as I love him, I hope he is never found. Look at what he had to do to get some privacy. (if he is alive) At least some of the lies that were told on him are getting cleared up now. Love you forever Michael

  68. Ivonne Said,

    OK, now I have really found the red car, it is not the fire engine as I have already said, but on this video one sees that almost directly compared with the entrance to the property a normal car stands parked. One sees the car only quite briefly on the video and also only one small part of it, but it is a red car.

    00:05 – 00:06

  69. lets talk Said,

    biżżejjed vera nafu lkoll dan pic huwa falz. speċjalment meta tikkunsidra li l-ambulanza fil -
    lura kellhom iswed fuq l-iswed ħġieġ ikkulurit. Tista 'tara ir-riflessjoni tal-karozza, fil-pic. Il-oicture
    inside was light how did someones camera enable them to shoot through heavily tinted windows, it is impossible. If the doors on the ambulance opens to the back, why is Michael's head photographed with
    his head towards the door. No ambulance does that it is against compliance !!

    More info see- YOUTUBE- Jonellstar TV , the Michael Jackson conspiracy… its very interesting !!

  70. Perfume Said,

    I have a few questions “Was the ambulance stationary when this guy managed to take this photo?” because if they were then I find it strange having a high profile celebrity in the ambulance who just had cardiac arrest and then they still find time to allow the photographer to take a photo of “MJ” lying in the ambulance, how strange…and the plot thickens…secondly “how come he was the only photographer at the scene?” perhaps someone can answer

  71. Perfume Said,

    #43 well said, which means the ambulance was stationary and this gave this photographer to take the pic of the “person” in the ambulance….I still go back to what the paramedics said, their comments are forever etched in my mind :D:D

  72. Perfume Said,

    oops sorry for commenting so much lol @#46 the first report said that his eldest son Prince Michael said he saw his dad convulsing in the lounge and he thought his dad was messing around, he also mentioned that MJ would fool around like that when playing with them, another question is “Prince is 12yrs old I am certain he was in the house at the time” and my gut feeling tells me that this young man knows a lot what happened that “fatal” day of June 25, 2009 nothing stays hidden that cannot be revealed what is done in the dark must come out into the light, and because he loves his Dad so much I dont think he would tell on his father, even if MJ is alive, it will be a secret between MJ and Prince

  73. Mijac Said,

    Check this:

    Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Dr. Conrad Murray was not in Michael Jackson's room when his heart stopped.

    As we first reported, authorities believe Jackson died from an overdose of the powerful anesthesia Propofol. Sources say the LAPD believes Dr. Murray may have administered it.

    This raises an even bigger question. Dr. Murray called 911 at 12:21 PM. He says he discovered Jackson in distress a half hour before. But why, then, did Dr. Murray's employees make a sudden trip to the Dr.'s storage facility in Houston at 9:22 AM Los Angeles time? Could Jackson have been lifeless hours before the 911 call?

    We're told by the storage facility manager the women who picked up 3 to 5 boxes became nervous when the manager began questioning them about why they were there.

    I think there is something really odd in all this…I THINK he is dead, but i FEEL he is alive, im oficially loosing mi mind, i don't know.

  74. Mijac Said,

    Another thing:

    Two people went to Dr. Conrad Murray's storage facility at 11:22 AM Houston time the day Michael Jackson died and took files from the storage and put them in two cars.

    We're told the women who picked up the material took 3 to 5 boxes and other items. The two women are sisters who worked for the doctor, according to their grandmother. They came to the storage facility in a Mercedes and there was a car that followed them. The women were there for 30 minutes.

    The timing is interesting. It was 9:22 AM Los Angeles time when the women showed up. Dr. Murray called 911 at 12:21 PM. The question — what time did Dr. Murray realize Jackson was in distress?

  75. Mijac Said,

    We've learned Dr. Arnold Klein once took Michael Jackson to the office next door to his — run by a gynecologist specializing in vaginal rejuvenation — to perform a minor acne treatment on the singer under full anesthesia.

    We spoke with Dr. Harvey Richmond who told us … around 2003, Dr. Klein asked him if he could use Richmond's surgery center in his office to perform a procedure on Jackson.

    Dr. Richmond says, per Klein's request, he got an anesthesiologist and a scrub tech who worked on Jackson.

    Dr. Richmond says he found it “odd” that Dr. Klein performed “some sort of acne treatment” with full anesthesia. Dr. Richmond says he believes the anesthesia used was Propofol, the same drug that may have killed Jackson.

    Dr. Richmond says the 2003 procedure was the only time Dr. Klein used his office for Jackson.

  76. Mijac Said,

    n interesting turn in the Michael Jackson investigation. Several items were seized at Dr. Conrad Murray's Houston office — “Pamphlets on Sleep Center.”

    We're told Jackson may have taken the powerful anesthesia Propofol the day he died because he couldn't sleep. Police believe Dr. Murray may have administered the drug.

    The Sleep Center is located near Doctor's Hospital in Houston. Dr. Murray was suspended from Doctor's Hospital — the administrator tells us he believes the doctor was suspended for not completing medical records in a timely fashion.

    As for Dr. Murray's affiliation with the Sleep Center — a rep from the company hung up when we told them we were TMZ.

  77. Mijac Said,


    There is something fishy in all this, the story keep changing every second, Arnold Klein is the key. He knows the truth.

  78. Mijac Said,

    Law enforcement sources tell us the LA County Coroner is scheduled to release the autopsy results in Michael Jackson's death next week, and the cause of death will “almost certainly” be homicide — death at the hands of another.

    We're told the Coroner himself will make the call mid-week, after he gets the final toxicology report from an outside consultant. But based on the draft report as well as what has become “clear evidence,” causes other than homicide — natural, accidental, accidental overdose, and suicide — have been ruled out.

    We've already reported that for weeks, the LAPD has treated Jackson's death as a homicide. They have served multiple criminal search warrants — most recently at Dr. Conrad Murray's Houston medical office. Dr. Murray is actively being investigated as the person who may have administered the powerful anesthesia Propofol to Jackson the day he died.

    We're told both the Coroner and LAPD have significant evidence that Propofol caused Jackson's heart to stop.

  79. Mijac Said,

    Dr. Conrad Murray is now officially the target of a manslaughter investigation into the death of Michael Jackson.

    A search warrant authorizing seizure of documents at a storage locker in Houston says law enforcement was hunting for “items constituting evidence of the offense of manslaughter that tend to show that Dr. Conrad Murray committed the said criminal offense.”

    The person who runs the facility says people from Murray's office visited the storage locker six times — the last time the morning of Jackson's death.

    We've been reporting for several weeks … the LAPD has been treating Michael Jackson's death as a homicide and Dr. Murray was the focus of the investigation for possibly fueling the singer with a lethal dose of the powerful anesthesia Propofol

  80. Mijac Said,

    If Michael is alive, then why let all this grow further, this is damaging to Dr. Murray and I do not think that is something that our Michael would do.

  81. heavencanwait Said,

    Here' s what my 12 year old niece has to say:

    ” MICHAEL IS ALIVE AND WE CAN PROVE IT! We made an experiment. We took a picture through a tinted glass/window and nothing came out! it was completely dark. which means that the death picture of Michael was set up! we suggest you all try to take pictures through tinted windows and share your thoughts! Microwaves has tinted windows, sunglasses as well…you won't see anything!

    And I will add “If the gloves don't fit you must aquit..well if the windows don't show a thing HE IS ALIVE!
    HEAVEN CAN definetly WAIT!

  82. STARFISH1 Said,

    Ok people, and if alive, is gone from all of us! The better life!
    Life without stress, trauma, persecution, camera, bad people …. In life as we live, ordinary life.
    We forget how beautiful is this life!
    How nice to be free, relaxed stroll with your loved ones, enjoy morning coffee in a nearby cafes, see the most recent film premiere, to go on vacation and enjoy the beautiful places, jump in the public fountain when the heat .... and so much more,that is the ordinary life and freedom you have!
    However, we have only one life, it should be in the best way to use.

    I love you people !

  83. watching Said,

    Hello kollha,

    interesting, everything, and always keep in mind what someone said that they may be reading about this…

    just look at the following:




    tinted windows: someone said before that ambulances do not have tinted windows, really? Well, look at the pictures and you do want to know more just continue looking the pictures you will find on the last 2 links because it comes straight from LAFD Fire Department relate website to their incident reports.

    still a big question, some ambulances have tinted windows and some don't. (look at the first video).

    until then… I will be watching you all

  84. watching Said,

    another pic:

    hands: very delicate:

    not so delicate or looking like it:
    http://ll.vimg.net/imagesoa/cms/images \RSS\Gossip\20090625\TMZ-Reports-Michael-Jackson-50-42100c5a3260144a0ac79e05e2b27458-MichaelJackson.jpg

  85. Hideaway Said,

    The photographer said it himself: “It's Michael, you know, it's DRAMA. Maybe he wants to not do the concerts, so he goes to the hospital to get out of the concerts, you know, who knows?”

    If this photog knew MJ for 10+ years & has many personal photographs of MJ with himself, who's to say he wasn't in on the escape plot? MJ may have paid him handsomely to take a staged pic.

    Or, on the flip side, if MJ knew this guy was constantly on the prowl to take pics, he would have known this guy would be outside ready to snap a shot, & MJ played dead in the ambulance knowing this guy would snap some pics. Odd though, isn't it? That there is only ONE pic of MJ on the way to the hospital? Usually paparazzi pictures are one after another…between the red-shirted guy & the yellow-shirted guy, they could have gotten at least two pictures per second as they stood there several seconds (5-10 sec) at the ambulance's side window.

    It could have been a body double playing dead, too. Or the body double may have been murdered & the pic shows the double actually dead. Or it could be a MJ mannequin/wax figure. I think it is more likely that it is the real MJ or an imposter playing dead…or a wax figure because he had supposedly been dead for a full hour or more at the point this pic was taken, so he would have shown signs of full blown cyanosis (lack of oxygen in the blood, leading to a bluish tint to the skin). His skin does not look even slightly blue at all.

  86. Lana Said,

    After comparing information from this interview, the interview in Vanity Fair, and Hollywood.tv's and tourist's videos, it seems to me the story of taking the last photo sounds very realistic.
    There were 4 guys waiting for the ambulance in the street. Ben Evansted, who gave this interview, was in yellow shirt. We can see him holding his camera during the first seconds at the Hollywood.tv video. Excerpts of the video taped by Ben you can see here
    Chris Weiss, who took the last photo was in red shirt. The guy from Hollywood.tv was in the black.
    After the ambulance got to the street, all guys except Ben were trying to take pictures through the back windows, while Ben ran to the right side window. I think the photo showing yellow-shirted guy near the side window was taken at that moment. Then Chris joined him. He can be seen holding his camera beside the right side window at both the videos Hollywood.tv's and tourist's.
    The red car was parked nearby, so it could be reflected by the window.

    But it's not clear for me why Ben told that only one photo had been taken, while I counted at list 4. Here they are

    1. Http://www.etonline.com/news/2009/06/75724/ u l-verżjoni sħiħa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAm3NDJiMds
    2. Http://www.theinsider.com/news/2306335_Michael_Jackson_Exclusive_Last_Photo
    3. Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p39uGeJYjsk
    4. Http://s291.photobucket.com/albums/ll281/d-va100/?action=view&current=80678247.jpg

    There are different positions of the paramedic's hands. The 4th is like the 3d but the reflection of the red car is different.

  87. boogieblamer Said,

    I have been following this site… And i still believe that he is alive and well…

    Ivverifika din out:

    This was a letter from someone…

    Then, as I was reading it…There was something about a 'chapter' of his life. And they are hoping that they will succeed..

    Is this about his escape?
    And just left the drugs to put drama onto the picture?what can you say?

  88. Perfume Said,

    #81 it took a 12yr old to prove the photo was a like kudos to the kid, there is more to his “death” than meets the eye again I will say nothing stays hidden that cannot be revealed and again I will always remember what the paramedics said that day. Which way is his head facing in the ambulance??

  89. MariannaB Said,

    There is a letter of C. Murray in the news dated June 15.
    I believe this is letter is fake and hoax, too, as we have already read about this “once in a lifetime chance” when he was hired one year ago.


    I am getting the impression that he's the one being the punching bag all want to concentrate on now.
    As this guy was in debt's so much – why not he is being well paid for playing the punching bag?
    I believe he will have the best advocats of the US, may go to jail in the worst case and will get out with all his problems solved.

    The only thing that makes me think is the fact that this Murray had been working on “sleeping disorders”, that he was having a connection to this “sleep clinic”, that MJ complained of not being capable to sleep anymore and that this mysterious Propofol in general may be used for artificial coma in hospitals (read wikipedia details, ti's really interesting).

    I have a big doubt whether this doc did not sell his close contact to MJ in order to abuse MJ for either a hoax planned by third parties in order to make money or either for his studies and / or potential treatment on sleeping disorders. In any case he would have earned a lot.

    My impression is that he was the last person to be around MJ.

    How many famous persons did die from betrayal by their entourage in history? A lot.

  90. MariannaB Said,

    Here is said that C. Murray was in the ambulance and practising CPR until they reached hospital.


    This would mean that the hand on teh body should be the hand of C. Murray. I doubt this as the person with the hand on the body does wear a uniform.

  91. MariannaB Said,

    Very interesting data on C. Murray, the Jacksons, A. Klein etc.:


  92. MariannaB Said,

    And this about C Murray not being certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine since Dec 31, 2008:

    a strange repution record isn't it?

    my best guess he was sneaking to MJ in the Las Vegas days and just tried to stick there.

  93. Mijac Said,

    And now this:

    Law enforcement sources tell us Dr. Conrad Murray kept a stash of drugs — including the powerful anesthesia Propofol — hidden in his closet at Michael Jackson's home.

    Sources say when the LAPD first searched Jackson's home the night he died, they did not turn up Propofol or many of the other drugs that were in Jackson's house.

    Dr. Murray talked to the LAPD the following Saturday and the information he supplied triggered another, broader search warrant. Cops returned to the house the following Monday and discovered “various drugs” secretly stashed in a closet of the guest room where Dr. Murray was staying.

    Here's the amazing thing …law enforcement sources say Dr. Murray himself told LAPD detectives about the closet when he was interviewed the Saturday after Jackson's death.

    One law enforcement source says: “The drugs were concealed…they weren't obvious.” Among the stash — Propofol, the drug authorities believe killed Michael Jackson.
    Ara Ukoll

  94. Mijac Said,

    Kif's dan għal plot twist? Yesterday we kissru l-istorja li l-Speċjali Amministraturi ta 'Michael Jackson's estate infilzata legali karti jgħidu li ftit irkuprat $ 5.5 miljun hija kontanti minn ex-konsulent finanzjarju. Il-konsulent huwa Dr Tohme Tohme, li ltqajna ma 'Jackson involuti fl-aħħar sena u nofs ta' ħajtu, u li jallega l-flus kien "sigriet."

    In an interview last night, Dr. Tohme said the money came from recording residuals and that “It was a secret between Michael and me.”

    Dr Tohme pretensjonijiet l-flus kien se jintuża għal Las Vegas "ħolma dar."

    Tohme jgħid Michael implored lilu, "M'għandekx tell kulħadd dwar il-flus." Huwa jgħid meta l-kantanta miet, huwa resqu u qal li l-stash.

  95. Ivonne Said,

    @boogieblamer No. 87:

    I have also perused the letter. Funnily I think that he should come from the year 2002 and what is strange for me, why stands there in fat writing “This is it”????? This was the Moto for his comeback and the letter is from the year 2002!!!!!

  96. lenoksru Said,

    agree with admin and many others here – too many things don't add up, i'd never in my life believe this paparazzi guy was able to get quite easily through the tight security that Michael obviously had around the house, they wouldn't let a single camera anywhere near. and seeing him take a pic at such a crucial moment – they still let him do it?

  97. maria2284 Said,

    He really had this preplanned, years and years in advance.

  98. elizabethvitale Said,

    There are a lot of very logical and questionable points to this entire event. I find more to agree Michael isn't dead.

  99. Layleen Said,

    People were saying that this isnt him in the picture because the person looks like a real humain thats totally BS, because if you look closely at the nose it's him and when he dosnt have havey powder and make-up on his skin, his actually skin colour is the colour in the picture. He look perfect and he dosnt look sick at all it only looks like he was lying down till the pic was taken and he got out of the ambulance before the other ambulance arrived.

  100. maria2284 Said,

    My first question… how in the world could you NOT tell if was MJ if it was MJ… So, right there just shows it was not MJ.

    Also, I saw an ambulance today that had tinted windows.. I tired my hardest to look threw the windows, and I couldn't see a thing.

    So I know there was no way they could take such a clear picture like the one they are showing.

    Ugh, this is so messed up… but I guess Mj felt like he needed to escape from the media.. and I don't blame him, these people are ridiculous.

  101. maria2284 Said,

    ****not MJ because the paramedics said they didnt know WHO it was. How could they not know if it was truly him they were working on? lol come on….

  102. tiatialuvsummj Said,

    On my cell, I'm able to turn the ambulance picture upside down and get a good look at the left ear. According to Dr. Klein, he used cartilage from Michael's ear to rebuild his nose. The ear does look mangled, like the other ones circulating the internet. Michael is a brilliant man, and he knew that his fans would pick on the “ear” in the picture. I believe that it is MJ on the pic but he was very much alive when he took it. According to TMZ, MIchael died around 9:00AM if not earlier. By 12:30PM, his skin tone would have been grayish, if not blue. This picture his skin looks fresh and healthy.

    I love you Michael!

  103. Kela Said,

    POR FAVOR – Espero traduzcan lo que escribo, porque hablo un poco de inglés, pero
    es un poco dificil expresar tantas cosas en otro idioma.

    He notado varias cosas, en el 1:28 se ve el reflejo de alguien con una cámara,
    de ropa blanca, y en el 1:29 al lado de la mano del
    guardaespaldas, se ve el reflejo de un hombre que viste camisa
    y una gorra blanca, y tiene una càmara.
    Esto es en la ventana de la parte trasera de la ambulancia.
    Y si ponemos pausa en el 1:30 veremos a los 2 hombres, el de camisa roja,
    y el de camisa amarilla, juntos, ambos con cámara en mano,
    De hecho, el de camisa roja, aparentemente toma una foto, o
    por lo menos tiene la cámara justo en la ventana del lado derecho
    de la ambulancia, y en el 1:32 está una vez mas con la cámara en la
    ventana y rápidamente se hace a un lado, PERO, en el 1:33 se ve claramente
    cómo el de camisa amarilla coloca su cámara en la misma ventana,
    aparentemente toma una foto y también se retira.

    Cuando la cámara se da vuelta, en el 1:37 podemos ver al
    auto rojo y al camión de bomberos estacionados.
    En el 1:43 se puede ver claramente a un hombre caminando hacia la entrada
    de la casa, y podemos tener una idea de donde estaba colocada la ambulancia.
    Asi que vemos el camión de bomberos a una altura que puede
    darnos el misterioso reflejo color rojo. No sucede asi con el auto, por la altura.

    El reflejo rojo debe ser (por lògica y angulo correcto)
    del camión de los bomberos, que queda estacionado casi
    detrás de la ambulancia en el momento que toman las fotos.
    Así exactamente como sucede con el autobús de turistas que
    pasa por el lugar en el 1:54 y que se estaciona en el 2:17 y
    sucede lo mismo, ahi está el reflejo! justo en ese momento! en la
    parte trasera del autobús de turistas.
    Con ésto queda resuelto (para mí) lo del reflejo.

    Ahora, todo esto, encaja perfectamente! por lo menos para mí, pero ahora mi duda es,
    ¿quièn habrá tomdo realmente la imagen de Michael en la ambulancia? (la única
    imagen y que todos conocemos), el hombre de la gorra blanca 1:28, 1:29, o
    el de camisa roja, o el de camisa amarilla? Por que habiendo 3 camaras en
    ese momento, y solo conocemos una foto? No será nada raro que después vendan
    mas fotos “exclusivas” cuando se agoten sus recursos con la foto que todos
    conocemos. Para saber quien de ellos la tomó tendriamos que saber de qué lado de la
    ambulancia estaba la cabeza de Michael, hacia los conductores, o hacia la puerta
    trasera. Todo esto lo analicé por la pregunta de quién tomó la foto, si el de rojo o el
    de amarillo. Veo que ambos realizan disparos. Y el del 1:28 ?
    Ustedes qué opinan??
    El análisis es del video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuXRaJFdmKU&feature=rec-HM-r2

  104. Kela Said,

    Y, en esta página, en el video de la entrevista al fotografo, en el 3:06 y 3:07 puede verse al de camisa amarilla tomando la foto, porque un segundo antes el de camisa roja corrió hacia atrás de la ambulancia, y ahi mismo podemos verlo, pero tambén podemos ver a OTRO hombre en la ventana trasera de la ambulancia,, tomando una foto, justo al lado del guardaespaldas que tiene su mano apoyada en la ventana para impedir que tomen fotos. Y DETRÁS DE EL está el camión de bomberos, que a mi razonamiento, seria el que dá el rflejo color rojo. Entonces quien tomó la foto que todos conocemos no fué el de amarillo, sino el hombre que está en la ventana trasera en ese instante!!!. OBSERVEN y diganme qué opinan???

  105. Kela Said,

    FINALMENTE, lo del reflejo color rojo cuadra perfectamente con la posición de la ambulancia adelante del camión de bomberos. Y entonces no seria el de marillo quien tomó la foto, ok, como sea, de ser asi, y que la foto haya sido tomada por la ventana trasera de la ambulancia (por quien haya sido), entonces no lo que no cuadra seria la posición del cuerpo de Michael dentro de la ambulancia. Porque para que tenga el reflejo del camión de bomberos tiene que haber sido tomada por la ventana de atrás, y entonces no concordaría con la foto de la cara de Michael, porque la foto está como de lado. Y entonces ésto cuadraría con el de camisa amarlla. Entonces???? Seguimos en las mismas. Continúa el misterio…….

  106. youarealive Said,

    to tiatialuvsummj:

    iva. That´s the point. Why the only photo is taken from his left side? As u said , he knew that his fans would pick on the ear in the picture!
    Why not his right side?
    So much coinscidence!
    And the other point is correct too. He has vitiligo, so his skin is whiter than a “normal white skin”. So in an anoxia condition, he would be very gray or really blue!

  107. xodasha Said,

    yeaaaaa look at the “comeback announcement' (that was abody double) and the “june 23″ rehersal photo…can you really say thats the same person or atleast from the same recent time??? Le! then why not make the doubly douby look similar to the michael jackson they were gonna show that 'died'? idk, but im just saying that the ambulance picture, the rehersal and the body doublt DO NOT LOOK LIKE EACHOTHER while trying to pass for one person at one time. of course ppl are too disctracted to realize This, i mean, DR CONRAD MURRAY IS a MURDERER!
    michael is too good

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