


看这部影片,第一次有我相信这些人确实说明这一现象,因为他们的索赔。 然而经仔细检查,我现在非常怀疑的有效性,他们的要求。


因为我已经指出了这一点,是所有跟'红车' ,这是停在路边左侧的屏幕上。 正如你将看到的完整大小的图片下面,减去素标志和其他图形,有一个非常明确的反映了一个红色的车。

width=396 考虑到这一点,怎么可能为这个形象已被该名男子在录像中上述判断的方式救护车的位置和距离救护车窗口的红车?


如果你看一下图片(左) ,您就可以看到所反映的是一个红色的赛车,这是非常接近的,因为它占用了大部分的窗口。

现在再看看录像暂停在3.06以上。 现在这个家伙的方式在了这上面的视频图像与这一思考的立场,他因为它出来的车道。 他太远离汽车的角度看是完全错误的,大部分的红色赛车已反映在救护车窗口。




看来,我们刚才的另一个要素这一enitre故事,只是不增加... 。因此,我们只想说一个响亮...什么?

  1. tis_ruthy赛义德,

    高科技管理...一些非常有趣的关键点那里,真的不增加... 。可我只问是怎么知道这本家伙迈克尔被送往医院,因为他从来没有提到他为什么在那里,只是他在那里。

  2. tis_ruthy赛义德,

    我的意思是真的...这家伙只是难民营外迈克尔的主页大声笑... 。

  3. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE赛义德,

    正如你所看到的这些Paparrazi人民。 他们只关心钱。 这是荒谬的。

  4. mbc080709赛义德,

    那么,可以说,反思来自红色上衣的家伙是更衣室,而不是红色的车位于一个不同的角度。 然而,问题是,在3点07分的录像的家伙是更衣室的“黄色” T恤,是地狱??!!!

  5. meeyaah赛义德,

    这个故事不增加或者... ,我们都了解的真相,兆焦耳

  6. Mojofi赛义德,

    确定所以让我们说,即使这是麦克的救护车可以说,当获得了医院,他被转到其他wehere 。 我还是不相信麦克已经死了,瓦有可能,他在救护车,这是他的知情同意,但我不知道是否在美国,救护车已经明确windos不着色的:硫。

  7. Mojofi赛义德,

    从知情同意再次和再次,我认为这是真的麦克在此峰,但在我看来他是阀,但他仍然是beening 。


    你永远不知道,如果这个人说,他们已经采取了事先知情同意的麦克超过“十年” 。


  8. 雷切尔说,

    Arghhhhhhhhhh这是越来越混乱的一天! 我不知道怎么想了。 有太多conflcting公正的信息,以便能够作出适当的juudgement海事组织。 我爱读的所有其他用户的意见,尽管!

  9. Mojofi赛义德,

    确定时回来了,我注意到,这名campany被称为“全国摄影GRORP ” ,这意味着它的照片处“国民问讯” ?

    什么,他们在那里做迈克的房子在这个时候? 难道有计划呢?

    在某一点上是的,我相信如果麦克计划他的“死亡” ,他希望人们能看到他那种死但不是在棺材。 这样他能呼吸,我们不能看到的静态照片。

  10. 有何感觉赛义德,




    像迈克说, “ JUNCKY小报” - “只要你看到它b'cos在电视上和杂志勿事实” ,因此我们不必相信它。

    这可能是一样的“ OXIYGIN分庭”的事情。

  11. ejay5131赛义德,

    我同意你说的一切,红色的汽车实际上是在现场,但像你说的是另一边的道路和窗口只是方式上的救护车的汽车将陷入图片。 底部的侧窗几乎是水平的摄影师头
    @ 1:30看到猪头的红色T恤,我想他身后的人是猪头黄色衬衫
    @ 1 ; 33您可以看到反映的图片应该是,这是顶部的树木
    @ 1 ; 37还有红车

    我的观点是怎么出版的图片向我们展示了赛车的反映然而,视频显示,它应被树木? ?

  12. ejay5131赛义德,

    还我忘了,红色的赛车出现问题停在几乎直接从大门MJs房子,但采取了照片的摄影师的amblance是直角的车道这意味着他应该有反思的东西得到了进一步的街道上,事情的盈门。 我希望我的感觉: )

  13. iheartmj赛义德,

    “兆焦耳总是去医院总是戏剧与乔丹谁知道他本来是要摆脱音乐会... 。 ”

  14. 唐娜说,

    关于视频的专用摄影师:在0时53 ,我们可以看到该名男子的权利和公正的衬衫在他身后,这名男子带有黄色的。

  15. 香水赛义德,

    我得出的结论是,媒体是痴迷兆焦耳,他低了,他现在还活着的“死亡”他们更执着于他比以往任何时候... 。和看视频的作者是正确的将被反映了摄影家的窗口... 。和阴谋变厚

  16. 迪伊说,

    你认识到,我们正在帮助那些参与收紧他们的故事,由我们所要求的问题。 突然出现的一些花花公子,他是一个采取了照片。 如果是他在一个月前? 我已要求拉里金在他的博客站点了好几次,让拍照的人认为理应迈克尔。

  17. 卡利斯托赛义德,


    首先,感谢你对这个网页经常更新。 这真是有趣的阅读您的文章,到目前为止,我真的同意你的看法。 不能相信这是发生和每个人都看了眼睛关闭。
    至于照片,红色的思考真的很奇怪。 也许我盲目的,但我看不出任何其他红色汽车除外救护车。 我猜想的原因,你无法看到摄影师手臂,甚至相机,因为他是使用某种特殊镜头。 有一个过滤器(其中我不知道确切的术语英文)您使用,以避免思考(我们称之为极化滤波器) 。 但我真的不明白,这些红色的思考是从。 真的很奇怪。

    迈克尔的缘故,我希望没有人知道了真正发生(虽然我真的很好奇,因为这整个故事不健全的真实) ,因为如果他没有死,这是更好地为他享受他的生活在和平远离媒体。

  18. 迪伊说,

    摄影师说,他被下列兆焦耳的10yrs ,他辨认他。 我认为,这可能是他被聘请他。

  19. dane86赛义德,

    搞好再次管理! 我希望有更多的条款将在这里显示关于这个问题,老实说我开始相信,他真的去世了,但是这样的人你让我看到另一边的故事清楚地与所有的证据和文章。 我喜欢这个网站,而且摄影师和他的照片似乎奇怪,太奇! 而且因为所有的你们,我仍然可以感到我的心深处,我们敬爱的兆焦耳还活着,某一个更安全和更美好的地方..

    他stll活着,他在这里永远! 。

  20. 赛义德,

    不仅如此,但就是这个家伙在照片中的救护车????? 造成这不是真正的兆焦耳无路

  21. 塞西莉亚说,

    球员如果你看一下三时06分钟,您可以看到该名男子已采取谁的照片与该男子的红色T恤,他是仅次于红色的赛车...他已采取的照片.. 我认为他已经售出的照片这一狗仔队,他们采取所有的优点! 在救护车奠定迈克尔的尸体,但他们为什么给他如此缓慢和不警报器? ? ? 为什么不是由直升机? !

  22. MariannaB赛义德,

    例如,图片的街景中显示视频似乎已采取了明媚的阳光。 然而,前面的街道MJs房子林荫。 即使你想的角度考虑的事先知情同意从右侧的位置(街道正在向上从右侧向左时站在院) ,风景图片不提供真实情况(见第五个结论) 。

    救护车是支持了到街头。 这家伙的红色衬衫正在等待在红色赛车的左前轮和获得救护车侧窗相对较晚。 一个具有黄色衬衫已经在一边的窗口,在录像中隐藏的救护车。





    第二个结论:那个黄色衬衫没有拍摄的图片所显示的图片,因为他太远离红色赛车。 此外有很多色调从树上的救护车峰。



    第四个结论:还有一个摄影师之外的现场,采取证据的完整场景(和知情同意的方式拍摄的人) 。

    第五结论:事先知情同意的摄影师是photoshopped ,因为它给人的印象日照案不属于这种情况在这阴暗狭窄街道。



    看来夫人Mini3005 YouTube上获得原始图片上她的个人电脑,但它内皮标志。 她的广播节目也图片的兆焦耳导致教堂,我还没有发现至今:

  23. 威斯汀赛义德,

    红色思考照片可能是某种混合在一起的颜色紧急车-你知道-这张照片是在行动-所以可能这是一种不可抗力= /

  24. 威斯汀赛义德,


  25. 观光公社nado赛义德,

    搞好。 这是假的,的确。
    本赛季, “他们在说谎,我” &博士5600

  26. closepaltomj赛义德,

    什么是“被迫”这个整个视频和图片scenerio ...仍然没有像他的图片。

  27. 反思赛义德,


    我不是摄影专家,但我可能会同意。 这似乎有点太遥远。

    管理员(或其他人) ,你觉得呢?

  28. JoyceBuckley赛义德,

    您好,您是非常好的。 我想知道如何图片是通过深色玻璃。

  29. AlBSureLove赛义德,



    我希望, MJJ是在和平的地方离这一切消极和痛苦。 我感觉的人。


  30. MariannaB赛义德,

    想指出某物。 我张贴早些时候已经:
    大图片显示两个护理人员在救护车: ,但并非如此积极,犹如
    大约生死存亡。 一个在后面站在一边,不给心肺复苏术。 哪个

  31. STARFISH1赛义德,

    冻结,直到我看到这张图片,这是虚假的或不呢? 但肯定是知道的是:我不相信一个百年,也许更多的,像他这样的人走这个星球。

  32. 椰子赛义德,

    首先我想说,我爱迈克尔和这将是最好的一天我的生命时,我听到他真的还活着。 但我看到的真相,我必须说,不是假的照片,因为当救护车离开,摄影师(红色和黄一)双方努力使照片的一方窗口的救护车和在救护车正在加快黄河获得了一个最漂亮的一杆,这是红色时,也就是在车前的那个窗口。 我认为,摄影是没有反映在照片,因为他是不会在这个位置-他有摄像头旁边。
    我还认识到:在影片中的两名球员时,正试图采取开枪备份窗口的救护车,有一个黑色的保镖谁掌握了前面的这些窗口。 您可以在那里看到这种白色的东西里面的救护车...我不知道它是什么所谓的-但你使用它来使电荷呼吸...和照片你看到这件事了。

    这让我哭,看看这些事实,但我不想撒谎,我和其他人。 我知道我们都爱迈克尔,并祝愿他真的还活着,但他并没有。 我不认为他死于过量-有一些奇怪。 但是,请...他不见了...


  33. mj4life赛义德,


    如果您暂停视频在1月25日,您会发现一个人的照片让后面的一辆救护车。 他是一个很好的距离,救护车,如果不使用闪光灯,可能还没有明确地反映了他。 但是-如果你看看他身后有一个红色的救火车这可能解释了红色反射玻璃。

  34. loveandpeace赛义德,

    因此,实际移动画面是礼貌Hollywood.tv ,并可以看到的剧照,后卫拦截后窗户,那是摄像头的家伙,解决。 我想知道是哪里是移动画面的家伙黄衬衫? 他有一个摄像头到侧窗。

    这个家伙在黄河是唯一可见的一个出现在图片的旁边窗口鉴于时间短,目前唯一可能途径的家伙在黄河来已经到窗口前,他们表现出的家伙在红海在移动视频。 但后来又为什么会那个黄色离开窗口? 根据图片的家伙在那里黄河第一,为什么会那个红离开? 或者当他们有时间开关的地方? 你认为他们将在那里都在同一时间。


  35. 苏茜+我说,



  36. Helia赛义德,

    还有足够的理由不能令人信服。 这听起来像有人对我是绝对试图说服世界,迈克尔杰克逊仍然活着。 我不明白的意义这一页。 首先,他已经死了,其次,正是我们的业务,如果他还活着。 这是他的生命不是我们所以离开他的。 让他安息。 这仅仅是不敬。 可耻的是你,和耻辱这些影迷家伙。 他们说,他的一个朋友,但他们喜欢金钱和揭示这些可怕的,羞辱的照片, Michael Jackson的死亡。 任何人的照片,值得他最后几分钟遍及世界各地。

  37. carpenoctem赛义德,

    是不是仍然图片和图片在3点06分应该是相同的? 我想知道,因为如果你翻阅这两个图片您notce的立场兆焦耳的头部是不同的。 在3点06分图片下巴更接近他的胸部比仍照片。

  38. 阿妮塔说,

    红色的车反映在窗口-可能是大型消防车1:25 ? 红色的门也有同样高的救护车。 也有一个家伙有前面的红火车拍照。

  39. jpresley赛义德,

    没有任何人找到它特有的第一次采访这种冲洗的目的是为挪威的新闻节目? ? 并不是说我有什么对挪威,但这确实发生在美国。 至少,不应该跟他是美国的新闻节目或者,我不知道,美国官员? ? !

  40. bradrach321赛义德,

    我们知道红车移动或不呢? 我们如何知道无论是哪一种?

  41. ctan赛义德,

    摄影师本Evenstad是全国摄影组。 名利场进行了专访他在2009年7月

    该小组的狗仔队谁了现在臭名昭著的最后照片迈克尔杰克逊曾迷恋上流行乐之王,既符合他们的相机,没有,多年来,他的大门外面露营和communing与他的最热烈的球迷。 独家采访中,他们重新在队三分的枪杀看到世界各地。


  42. ctan赛义德,



  43. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE赛义德,


    第二,为什么救护车有车窗? 通常救护车不要有车窗。 这不得不已规划出。 没有加。

    第三。 林相当确信,这是信息量最大的网站上迈克尔杰克逊的死亡,因此,进出口相当确信,随着我们谈东西这样,他们会满足他们的轨道。 林相当确信,他们作出了照片后,他们意识到他们眯缝起他们的故事。 再加上照片的多德在黄河衬衫和所有这些环游救护,可能已经采取以外的位置那一天,因为照片看上去成立。

    我觉得这网站给人太多的信息,让人民支持这一恶作剧,信息要使用或资料,这样他们就可以修复Screwups ,没有人会相信我们,因为人们曾多次说过,我们需要在一个疯人院。


  44. 威斯汀赛义德,

    右边! -全全新赛季的Lie我= )有如此多的材料,其中一些可以去白宫也

  45. charliechaplin赛义德,


    我同意威斯汀。 红色可能是反映了救护车红光/ s的是安装在上部救护车参照3:10

    噢,我的... 。 余dunno应该想什么了。

  46. 萨曼莎说,

    我听到somthing的王子观看迈克尔斯死亡,今天上午,我听到有人偷偷在和Saw迈克尔斯尸体(如果有的话,我希望不是) ,他说这不是我们希望所有somthing除外。 : ö

    我开始觉得他走了,吴曼 我希望他nottttt : ' (

  47. Sosh赛义德,

    在全帧图片,您可以清楚地看到车。 我认为更有趣的是这个车的图片:为什么它的存在。 你可以看到摄影师是非常接近的救护车。 窗口救护车是非常小,所以摄影师应该一直阻挠红车他的背部。


    然后也有沉重的lensflare /热点的全尺寸图片。 其右侧。 当我看到的视频,我没有看到任何照明/热点触及窗口。 这是allmost不可能的太阳是来自直接以上(您可以验证的阴影如果你不相信)和窗口似乎完全持平(没有太阳表面,以反映从以上) ...

  48. popcornscrunchy赛义德,

    我一直在试图避免在研究这个知情同意作为一种无声的抗议... ..但在这里它是抱歉迈克尔。 我感到非常不安的是,这些照片的人是没有报告的新闻其某种奇怪的固定,它确定地看到一切,没有任何尊重,即使在某人的假定死亡。 我知道大部分你认为这不是兆焦耳,并跟你说实话我不知道我知道的是,我感到内疚,我看着它。 为什么有没有法律来保护名人对这些奇怪的摄影师已经没有国界... 。我觉得这是采取了大规模的人口集中的重要问题不是死亡兆焦耳并不重要,但实际上这是太多了。
    这个摄影师说,他成为近兆焦耳,为什么要接近乔丹成为有这样他追逐他所有的地方,我觉得确实是侮辱在这次采访中,他甚至不似乎打破如此奇怪。 它必须是一套,我相信他支付了很好的努力。

  49. 哥本哈根赛义德,

    今天,它是说,看到他的父亲王子死去... ,他已死去前至少2小时,他抵达医院-那么为什么此图片吗? ?

  50. Rofibbs赛义德,

    哇! 总之深了解.. Madoff ,取得抵消ppls款项,迈克尔,麦克风愈合自己的争议surroundin他的生命。 甲肝心想事成dearie ! 一切顺利

  51. darkfeather赛义德,

    无它不是假! 请看看这个密切。 在三点06的'黄牌人'是拍照,不过这也不是我们所知道的图片的兆焦耳的救护车! 。 这点上救护车仍然转弯,您就可以看到车轮转向左边。 图片我们知道乔丹是一点点后,救护车正在试图把他的车轮有权获得直截了当。


    红色的赛车在前面的tourbus和,这是新车甚至它的灯,所以我认为,开车离去,以及tourbus 。

  52. Rofibbs赛义德,

    萨姆人保持阿斯金“为什么wud迈克尔问他干女儿跳舞,他在舞台上” ,或要求一个“癌症患者来看望他,他知道文wudnt使”或要求英国有天才到宽限期决赛阶段,他与他文知道文wudnt发生shud的真正问题是“他为什么这样做的迹象巡回演唱温家宝他知道他wuz因为生病伊恩霍尔珀林说: ” ...我们shud的理解是,乔丹是一个permormer ,他已确定的阶段ñ球罗林这样脂肪酶将真正相信他wuz准备东山再起。 Wudnt你们感到震惊,如果他的音乐会ñ wuznt preparin ñ gearin增长4吗? ?

  53. Rofibbs赛义德,

    他的去世是绝对下降了水,创造了许多涟漪我们seein ñ witnessin今天。 林非常肯定兆焦耳是recuperatin sumwhere (多数民众赞成在wuz因为如果他生病,他们声称他wuz ) .. ñ为什么wud他经过4小时的医疗与flyin颜色,如果他所有这些不治之症。 盲的文件? 他已经告诉他的冒名顶替宣布音乐会为“最后的谢幕” ..这意味着他wuz多准备采取弓ñ离开舞台4good ..他所看到,听到,参加了会议,亲眼目睹这一切,其没有太多4him想计划4 ... 4的图片, lyk我在前面说, Michael Jackson是一个品牌名称缺一个非常有利可图的..脂肪酶可以自由现金英寸

  54. Rofibbs赛义德,

    即使身体斌葬其绝对不是兆焦耳的...不要ü认为sum1 lyk兆焦耳将被安葬在nothin ,以纪念他的存在或网站所在他的身体? ? 吴哥窟是杰克逊真的hidin ? ? 为什么说他们习惯的“ , ”身体“ , ”是因为害怕真相拜因发现ñ他们的乐队这样一个baaaaaad工作迄今...一天,一个麻烦

  55. 真相赛义德,

    无论如何,为摄影师说,他“照顾”关于仪是一个完整的玩笑。 他没有照顾兆焦耳...只有在所有的钱。 行动胜于雄辩。

  56. thelostchildren赛义德,

    很高兴管理股我认为,整个事情很不一致,足以令它怀疑。 以下是采访的摄影师与名利场关于整个事件和他与迈克尔(我敢肯定,他们有一个良好的工作关系,彼此迈克尔-值得信赖的全心全意为人民服务怎么他纯心) 。 他说,事情大约迈克尔似乎并不想在于,它的确像他与迈克尔,但是当他接着谈比赛摄影师,这就是他会有点不连贯和公正的平原怀疑。 看看它和后你们想什么。 希望您可以管理您的繁忙备件的时候看看也和评价!

  57. hOtSfOrMj91赛义德,

    如果照片是在救护车正在然后它为什么不能模糊? 它是如何采取如此明确?

  58. 炸药赛义德,

    @ Rofibbs我同意他,使整个事情belivable ,他准备好了,即使他wasent ,当他说,他最后谢幕了严重期待在他的脸上像我们weren'nt要去再次见到他,

  59. MariannaB赛义德,

    @ carpenoctem :
    你说得对,不同的图片。 大型石化公司和东部石化公司也不尽相同。 一位专业摄影师将使用摄像头,一个驱动器让尽量多的图片的顺序进行。 看来素峰是“最大” 。


    (引自其所有网页) :


    我们正在告诉自己的死因裁判官将呼吁周中后,他会在最后毒理学报告从外部顾问。 但是,根据报告草案,以及已成为“明确的证据表明, ”原因以外的其他杀人罪-自然,意外,意外过量,自杀-已被排除在外。

    我们已经报道,数周,在警局已处理杰克逊的一宗凶杀案死亡。 他们已多次刑事搜查令-最近一次是在钜穆雷休斯顿医疗办公室。 穆雷博士正在积极进行调查的人谁可能有强大的管理异丙酚麻醉对杰克逊的一天,他死亡。

    我们告诉了验尸官和警局有重要的证据表明,异丙酚造成杰克逊的心脏停止。 ]

  60. 蜜蜂赛义德,

    我真的赞扬你的眼睛的详细许多这些职位,尤其是这一个! 我们的社会和文化变得如此轰炸速度和噪音,非常地址诱导我可以补充,能够将保留以眼还详细几乎是一个失去了最先进的。

    继续重视和保持记录的所有细节的一种别,购买行动将揭开这个奥秘,我相信它。 保持良好的工作!

    (现在,如果我们只能得到所有commenters阐明他们的话,并停止使用速记... 。大声笑! )

  61. Dilos赛义德,

    日hey there ,



    I can imagine that this is him, but we should not forget if someone is faking his death, especially MJ, they need to be in the ambulance or even show somethings that will make the people believe it.

    What makes me wonder more about all this too, is that the guy from the paparazzi is taking instead of the guy who took the picture. 这是为什么? Ok maybe he want to be famous or what ? *stupid* He was taking the video, right?!?! So why is he talking?
    Second thing is, he is talking that he was taking the video, but what happen to that then? why not even getting the money for the video and showng it? I mean he must have something … Is it because MJ was breaving or showing some reactions?

  62. mjfan Said,


    In the above photo: I think a really important question to ask ourselves is… Is it really possible for all the following circumstances to happen:

    1 。 A moving vehicle (even slowly) a person can capture a picture of someone INSIDE the vehicle with tinted windows… and it be CLEAR and nonblurry?

    2 。 Is it really possible to have a photograph with tinted windows come out that clear of what's going on INSIDE while at the same time having such a CLEAR reflection of what is on the outside?

    Some photography expert let me know, if there are any on here.

    One would THINK that EITHER you are somehow able to get a picture clearly inside OR you get a clear reflection. Not both. A window tinted and that reflective is not IMO going to give anything but the fuzziest view of what is going on inside.

    It looks very much to me like this photo is composited. ie we have TWO separate photos, one laying on top of the other, to get the effect of the car reflected in the background. I also think tabloid journalists know how to doctor photos.

    AND I agree with earlier posters that it seems highly likely that people are using this site to try to fill in the holes in their story. But that doesn't work, because we already have ON RECORD all the contradictions. If you change your story later, or dig up some person to explains away some question we had, it's a little too convenient and makes you look more guilty. IMO.

  63. Dilos Said,

    一个问题我想补充。 看看网页,知情同意的迈克尔在救护车,他们给他心肺复苏? 我没有看到任何变动对石化公司,使他的心脏跳动一次。 这家伙是谁持有他的手一路高只是举行他...

  64. portschica81赛义德,

    行,我一直很喜欢乔丹,但我不属于那些疯狂的球迷谁将昏倒在他的存在本身所以我不只是在否认他的死亡。 不过,我爱一个良好的阴谋论,所以我想补充我的2美分,它的价值!

    1 。 我觉得非常奇怪,所有的paparazi就是不断围绕兆焦耳,我们必须以某种方式只在起步或剪辑拍摄的一张照片中的一切。 很少实际录像!
    为什么只有这一张图片的医生吗? 没有人再图片的这个家伙? 没有任何画面,他走在左右,近迈克? 真的吗? 他理应有“辞去实践”由于骚扰? 是否有人认为,这也许文件甚至不存在吗? 如果有更多的图片,我们将看到他们,对不对? 我的意思是,人民行动党能够从每吨000美元的任何有关乔丹在他的最后几天。 那么,所有的镜头?

    2 。 So we get this one picture through the window of the ambulance. I'm sure these paps were snapping away, obaining more than just one shot if they were truly there. Even if the other pics didn't come out that well, you'd think they would have gotten something, even if just a blurry image, right? The fact is, they didn't want to leak more than one of anything for people to analyze. The more pictures that are leaked the more people can analyze and pick them apart.

    3 。 The “press conference” at O2…with all the “paparazzi” that was in the “audience” wouldn't there be more pictures of this, other than just still images from the video?

    4 。 The footage from rehearsal. Very little footage released from this rehearsal. And a random song that doesn't require any of the dancing that everyone, even nonfans, have memorized. Nobody can duplicate Mikey doing Billie Jean, but this song…who knows? I had only heard it a few times and he doesn't dance in the video, really.

    5 。 The kids at the memorial. Looked like their hair was darkened…darker than how it looks in the pix of them leaked a month ago. Also, I think I was more emotional watching from my tv than they were. And like I said, I wasn't exactly a superfan! Maybe I'm just oversensitive? When my grandmother died, I was 24 and could barely keep it together at her service. Just sayin…

    Anyway Mike, if you really did it, that's awesome! I love it F the press, Michael ur the best

    OK I guess that was 5 cents. 任何想法?

  65. How Does It Feel Said,

    Thsi guys said in the VIDEO that he is a fun like US but in the Video he did not seem sad but happy to do “bussiness” if Mike is really gone. How can he be a fan?

  66. Ivonne Said,

    Hello, my English is very bad, I use this because of a translator's program. I hope, you understand, nevertheless, what I mean. The red car is no fire engine, this is a normal car. Susie+Me has put a link to this picture on which one can quite exactly recognise that it does not concern a fire engine. Here is once more the link to the picture. In the picture one sees a normal bonnet which does not have a fire engine thus, they go in front just upwards. I hope, you understand me.

    Für alle deutschen hier Das ist doch kein Feuerwehrauto, die Teile sind “drüben” relativ groß und das Auto auf dem Bild hat eine ganz normale Front “Motorhaube” und ist zu klein, die Reifen sind zu klein. Nur wo kommt das Auto her?

  67. Shauna Said,

    I want to believe Michael is alive because I have been crying my eyes out since he died. I just don't know. It really doesn't look like him in the ambulance photo, unless he was wearing full makeup. Michael's skin was lighter and the coroners said he was very pale. The guy in the photo doesn't appear to be pale. I am confused. I agree with all that was said about the memorial looking staged. I am hurting more than his own family. I didn't get that sense of grief from them at all. About the video and stills with the photographers; It looks like the windows are tinted so wouldn't that cause a reflection of the camera? I don't know anything about photography but it seems like the camera guy and camera reflection would be in the shot. 谁知道? Somebody needs to shut Joe Jackson up. Sometimes when he speaks it sounds like Michael is alive, then he will hurry up and cover what he said or let someone else fix what he said. The most honest Jacksons haven't said much at all. (Katherine, Janet, and Rebbie) The only ones talking are attention seekers. (Jermaine, Latoya, and Joe)
    I hope MJ is somewhere with his family resting and at peace. As much as I love him, I hope he is never found. Look at what he had to do to get some privacy. (if he is alive) At least some of the lies that were told on him are getting cleared up now. Love you forever Michael

  68. Ivonne Said,

    OK, now I have really found the red car, it is not the fire engine as I have already said, but on this video one sees that almost directly compared with the entrance to the property a normal car stands parked. One sees the car only quite briefly on the video and also only one small part of it, but it is a red car.

    00:05 – 00:06

  69. lets talk Said,

    true enough we all know this pic is fake. especially when you consider that the ambulance in the
    back had black on black tinted windows. You can see the reflection of the car, in the pic. The oicture
    inside was light how did someones camera enable them to shoot through heavily tinted windows, it is impossible. If the doors on the ambulance opens to the back, why is Michael's head photographed with
    his head towards the door. No ambulance does that it is against compliance !!

    More info see- YOUTUBE- Jonellstar TV , the Michael Jackson conspiracy… its very interesting !!

  70. Perfume Said,

    I have a few questions “Was the ambulance stationary when this guy managed to take this photo?” because if they were then I find it strange having a high profile celebrity in the ambulance who just had cardiac arrest and then they still find time to allow the photographer to take a photo of “MJ” lying in the ambulance, how strange…and the plot thickens…secondly “how come he was the only photographer at the scene?” perhaps someone can answer

  71. Perfume Said,

    #43 well said, which means the ambulance was stationary and this gave this photographer to take the pic of the “person” in the ambulance….I still go back to what the paramedics said, their comments are forever etched in my mind :D:D

  72. Perfume Said,

    oops sorry for commenting so much lol @#46 the first report said that his eldest son Prince Michael said he saw his dad convulsing in the lounge and he thought his dad was messing around, he also mentioned that MJ would fool around like that when playing with them, another question is “Prince is 12yrs old I am certain he was in the house at the time” and my gut feeling tells me that this young man knows a lot what happened that “fatal” day of June 25, 2009 nothing stays hidden that cannot be revealed what is done in the dark must come out into the light, and because he loves his Dad so much I dont think he would tell on his father, even if MJ is alive, it will be a secret between MJ and Prince

  73. Mijac Said,

    Check this:

    Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Dr. Conrad Murray was not in Michael Jackson's room when his heart stopped.

    As we first reported, authorities believe Jackson died from an overdose of the powerful anesthesia Propofol. Sources say the LAPD believes Dr. Murray may have administered it.

    This raises an even bigger question. Dr. Murray called 911 at 12:21 PM. He says he discovered Jackson in distress a half hour before. But why, then, did Dr. Murray's employees make a sudden trip to the Dr.'s storage facility in Houston at 9:22 AM Los Angeles time? Could Jackson have been lifeless hours before the 911 call?

    We're told by the storage facility manager the women who picked up 3 to 5 boxes became nervous when the manager began questioning them about why they were there.

    I think there is something really odd in all this…I THINK he is dead, but i FEEL he is alive, im oficially loosing mi mind, i don't know.

  74. Mijac Said,

    Another thing:

    Two people went to Dr. Conrad Murray's storage facility at 11:22 AM Houston time the day Michael Jackson died and took files from the storage and put them in two cars.

    We're told the women who picked up the material took 3 to 5 boxes and other items. The two women are sisters who worked for the doctor, according to their grandmother. They came to the storage facility in a Mercedes and there was a car that followed them. The women were there for 30 minutes.

    The timing is interesting. It was 9:22 AM Los Angeles time when the women showed up. Dr. Murray called 911 at 12:21 PM. The question — what time did Dr. Murray realize Jackson was in distress?

  75. Mijac Said,

    We've learned Dr. Arnold Klein once took Michael Jackson to the office next door to his — run by a gynecologist specializing in vaginal rejuvenation — to perform a minor acne treatment on the singer under full anesthesia.

    We spoke with Dr. Harvey Richmond who told us … around 2003, Dr. Klein asked him if he could use Richmond's surgery center in his office to perform a procedure on Jackson.

    Dr. Richmond says, per Klein's request, he got an anesthesiologist and a scrub tech who worked on Jackson.

    Dr. Richmond says he found it “odd” that Dr. Klein performed “some sort of acne treatment” with full anesthesia. Dr. Richmond says he believes the anesthesia used was Propofol, the same drug that may have killed Jackson.

    Dr. Richmond says the 2003 procedure was the only time Dr. Klein used his office for Jackson.

  76. Mijac Said,

    n interesting turn in the Michael Jackson investigation. Several items were seized at Dr. Conrad Murray's Houston office — “Pamphlets on Sleep Center.”

    We're told Jackson may have taken the powerful anesthesia Propofol the day he died because he couldn't sleep. Police believe Dr. Murray may have administered the drug.

    睡眠中心位于医生的医院将在休斯顿举行。 Dr. Murray was suspended from Doctor's Hospital — the administrator tells us he believes the doctor was suspended for not completing medical records in a timely fashion.

    As for Dr. Murray's affiliation with the Sleep Center — a rep from the company hung up when we told them we were TMZ.

  77. Mijac Said,


    There is something fishy in all this, the story keep changing every second, Arnold Klein is the key. He knows the truth.

  78. Mijac Said,


    We're told the Coroner himself will make the call mid-week, after he gets the final toxicology report from an outside consultant. But based on the draft report as well as what has become “clear evidence,” causes other than homicide — natural, accidental, accidental overdose, and suicide — have been ruled out.

    We've already reported that for weeks, the LAPD has treated Jackson's death as a homicide. They have served multiple criminal search warrants — most recently at Dr. Conrad Murray's Houston medical office. Dr. Murray is actively being investigated as the person who may have administered the powerful anesthesia Propofol to Jackson the day he died.

    We're told both the Coroner and LAPD have significant evidence that Propofol caused Jackson's heart to stop.

  79. Mijac Said,

    Dr. Conrad Murray is now officially the target of a manslaughter investigation into the death of Michael Jackson.

    A search warrant authorizing seizure of documents at a storage locker in Houston says law enforcement was hunting for “items constituting evidence of the offense of manslaughter that tend to show that Dr. Conrad Murray committed the said criminal offense.”

    The person who runs the facility says people from Murray's office visited the storage locker six times — the last time the morning of Jackson's death.

    We've been reporting for several weeks … the LAPD has been treating Michael Jackson's death as a homicide and Dr. Murray was the focus of the investigation for possibly fueling the singer with a lethal dose of the powerful anesthesia Propofol

  80. Mijac Said,

    If Michael is alive, then why let all this grow further, this is damaging to Dr. Murray and I do not think that is something that our Michael would do.

  81. heavencanwait Said,

    Here' s what my 12 year old niece has to say:

    ” MICHAEL IS ALIVE AND WE CAN PROVE IT! We made an experiment. We took a picture through a tinted glass/window and nothing came out! it was completely dark. which means that the death picture of Michael was set up! we suggest you all try to take pictures through tinted windows and share your thoughts! Microwaves has tinted windows, sunglasses as well…you won't see anything!

    And I will add “If the gloves don't fit you must aquit..well if the windows don't show a thing HE IS ALIVE!
    HEAVEN CAN definetly WAIT!

  82. STARFISH1 Said,

    Ok people, and if alive, is gone from all of us! The better life!
    Life without stress, trauma, persecution, camera, bad people …. In life as we live, ordinary life.
    We forget how beautiful is this life!
    How nice to be free, relaxed stroll with your loved ones, enjoy morning coffee in a nearby cafes, see the most recent film premiere, to go on vacation and enjoy the beautiful places, jump in the public fountain when the heat … . and so much more,that is the ordinary life and freedom you have!
    However, we have only one life, it should be in the best way to use.

    I love you people !

  83. watching Said,


    interesting, everything, and always keep in mind what someone said that they may be reading about this…

    just look at the following:




    tinted windows: someone said before that ambulances do not have tinted windows, really? Well, look at the pictures and you do want to know more just continue looking the pictures you will find on the last 2 links because it comes straight from LAFD Fire Department relate website to their incident reports.

    still a big question, some ambulances have tinted windows and some don't. (look at the first video).

    until then… I will be watching you all

  84. watching Said,

    another pic:

    hands: very delicate:

    not so delicate or looking like it:
    http://ll.vimg.net/imagesoa/cms/images \RSS\Gossip\20090625\TMZ-Reports-Michael-Jackson-50-42100c5a3260144a0ac79e05e2b27458-MichaelJackson.jpg

  85. Hideaway Said,

    The photographer said it himself: “It's Michael, you know, it's DRAMA. Maybe he wants to not do the concerts, so he goes to the hospital to get out of the concerts, you know, who knows?”

    If this photog knew MJ for 10+ years & has many personal photographs of MJ with himself, who's to say he wasn't in on the escape plot? MJ may have paid him handsomely to take a staged pic.

    Or, on the flip side, if MJ knew this guy was constantly on the prowl to take pics, he would have known this guy would be outside ready to snap a shot, & MJ played dead in the ambulance knowing this guy would snap some pics. Odd though, isn't it? That there is only ONE pic of MJ on the way to the hospital? Usually paparazzi pictures are one after another…between the red-shirted guy & the yellow-shirted guy, they could have gotten at least two pictures per second as they stood there several seconds (5-10 sec) at the ambulance's side window.

    It could have been a body double playing dead, too. Or the body double may have been murdered & the pic shows the double actually dead. Or it could be a MJ mannequin/wax figure. I think it is more likely that it is the real MJ or an imposter playing dead…or a wax figure because he had supposedly been dead for a full hour or more at the point this pic was taken, so he would have shown signs of full blown cyanosis (lack of oxygen in the blood, leading to a bluish tint to the skin). His skin does not look even slightly blue at all.

  86. Lana Said,

    After comparing information from this interview, the interview in Vanity Fair, and Hollywood.tv's and tourist's videos, it seems to me the story of taking the last photo sounds very realistic.
    There were 4 guys waiting for the ambulance in the street. Ben Evansted, who gave this interview, was in yellow shirt. We can see him holding his camera during the first seconds at the Hollywood.tv video. Excerpts of the video taped by Ben you can see here
    Chris Weiss, who took the last photo was in red shirt. The guy from Hollywood.tv was in the black.
    After the ambulance got to the street, all guys except Ben were trying to take pictures through the back windows, while Ben ran to the right side window. I think the photo showing yellow-shirted guy near the side window was taken at that moment. Then Chris joined him. He can be seen holding his camera beside the right side window at both the videos Hollywood.tv's and tourist's.
    The red car was parked nearby, so it could be reflected by the window.

    But it's not clear for me why Ben told that only one photo had been taken, while I counted at list 4. Here they are

    1. http://www.etonline.com/news/2009/06/75724/ and the full version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAm3NDJiMds
    2. http://www.theinsider.com/news/2306335_Michael_Jackson_Exclusive_Last_Photo
    3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p39uGeJYjsk
    4. http://s291.photobucket.com/albums/ll281/d-va100/?action=view&current=80678247.jpg

    There are different positions of the paramedic's hands. The 4th is like the 3d but the reflection of the red car is different.

  87. boogieblamer Said,

    I have been following this site… And i still believe that he is alive and well…


    This was a letter from someone…

    Then, as I was reading it…There was something about a 'chapter' of his life. And they are hoping that they will succeed..

    Is this about his escape?
    And just left the drugs to put drama onto the picture?what can you say?

  88. Perfume Said,

    #81 it took a 12yr old to prove the photo was a like kudos to the kid, there is more to his “death” than meets the eye again I will say nothing stays hidden that cannot be revealed and again I will always remember what the paramedics said that day. Which way is his head facing in the ambulance??

  89. MariannaB Said,

    There is a letter of C. Murray in the news dated June 15.
    I believe this is letter is fake and hoax, too, as we have already read about this “once in a lifetime chance” when he was hired one year ago.


    I am getting the impression that he's the one being the punching bag all want to concentrate on now.
    As this guy was in debt's so much – why not he is being well paid for playing the punching bag?
    I believe he will have the best advocats of the US, may go to jail in the worst case and will get out with all his problems solved.

    The only thing that makes me think is the fact that this Murray had been working on “sleeping disorders”, that he was having a connection to this “sleep clinic”, that MJ complained of not being capable to sleep anymore and that this mysterious Propofol in general may be used for artificial coma in hospitals (read wikipedia details, ti's really interesting).

    I have a big doubt whether this doc did not sell his close contact to MJ in order to abuse MJ for either a hoax planned by third parties in order to make money or either for his studies and / or potential treatment on sleeping disorders. In any case he would have earned a lot.

    My impression is that he was the last person to be around MJ.

    How many famous persons did die from betrayal by their entourage in history? A lot.

  90. MariannaB Said,

    Here is said that C. Murray was in the ambulance and practising CPR until they reached hospital.


    This would mean that the hand on teh body should be the hand of C. Murray. I doubt this as the person with the hand on the body does wear a uniform.

  91. MariannaB Said,

    Very interesting data on C. Murray, the Jacksons, A. Klein etc.:


  92. MariannaB Said,

    And this about C Murray not being certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine since Dec 31, 2008:

    a strange repution record isn't it?

    my best guess he was sneaking to MJ in the Las Vegas days and just tried to stick there.

  93. Mijac Said,

    And now this:

    Law enforcement sources tell us Dr. Conrad Murray kept a stash of drugs — including the powerful anesthesia Propofol — hidden in his closet at Michael Jackson's home.

    Sources say when the LAPD first searched Jackson's home the night he died, they did not turn up Propofol or many of the other drugs that were in Jackson's house.

    Dr. Murray talked to the LAPD the following Saturday and the information he supplied triggered another, broader search warrant. Cops returned to the house the following Monday and discovered “various drugs” secretly stashed in a closet of the guest room where Dr. Murray was staying.

    Here's the amazing thing …law enforcement sources say Dr. Murray himself told LAPD detectives about the closet when he was interviewed the Saturday after Jackson's death.

    One law enforcement source says: “The drugs were concealed…they weren't obvious.” Among the stash — Propofol, the drug authorities believe killed Michael Jackson.

  94. Mijac Said,

    How's this for a plot twist? Yesterday we broke the story that the Special Administrators of Michael Jackson's estate filed legal papers saying they just recovered $5.5 million is cash from a former financial advisor. The advisor is Dr. Tohme Tohme, who got involved with Jackson in the last year-and-a-half of his life, and he claims the money was “a secret.”

    In an interview last night, Dr. Tohme said the money came from recording residuals and that “It was a secret between Michael and me.”

    Dr. Tohme claims the money was going to be used for a Las Vegas “dream home.”

    Tohme says Michael implored him, “Don't tell anyone about the money.” He says when the singer died, he came forward and said he had the stash.

  95. Ivonne Said,

    @boogieblamer No. 87:

    I have also perused the letter. Funnily I think that he should come from the year 2002 and what is strange for me, why stands there in fat writing “This is it”????? This was the Moto for his comeback and the letter is from the year 2002!!!!!



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