

很少有谁又能否认,当记者的死亡迈克尔杰克逊宣布于6月25 至2009年,我们都认为它是真实的...以及几乎我们所有的人。

这个故事听起来非常可信。 的形象被释放的医护人员拼命试图恢复迈克尔杰克逊在后面的一辆救护车,现场录像,我们都看到和向新闻界发表的声明所给予杰克逊家庭成员我们大家悲痛和准备开始悼念最大的娱乐时间。

然后,随着时间的推移,开始出现裂缝的编织紧密的制备迈克尔杰克逊'死刑' 。 缺陷发生的事件的一天,他死了,相互矛盾的信息所给予杰克逊家庭和媒体和不现实的巧合开始出现,使越来越多的疑问,有效性的要求。


迈克尔杰克逊恶作剧死亡分析所有信息美联储媒体在之后的几个星期死亡的'流行乐之王' ,并已提出了许多结论,它自己的。

无论你个人认为迈克尔杰克逊是死是活,事实和分析以下这些事实是不可否认的。 我们并没有捏造任何这些事实,我们只是指出明显,合作的所有信息,美联储已经给我们的媒体。




即使在他去世后,不同的耳朵和牙齿已经观察迈克尔杰克逊在各种图像自80年代末建立一个普遍的怀疑就只是多久他'诱饵'被用来代替实际的事情' 。

2008年12月有人呼吁在一个电台节目在美国和迈克尔杰克逊声称已经死于吸毒过量。经调查后这一切放下一个骗局,但在此之前许多发狂的球迷们听到这个消息和一个地方电视台报告说,它。 查看该报告在这里: http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com/?p=84

width=273 从2008年12月- 2009年2月 ,据报道,迈克尔是痛苦的严重皮肤感染,可能导致肉细菌吃了肺气肿,肺移植的需要,并因肠道出血。 甚至有报道说,迈克尔认为,他很快就要死了。 他拍摄的轮椅,并在这一点,他甚至不能走路。

然而,一两个月后-他震惊世界的消息,他将发起O2的音乐会。 不仅如此, AEG公司发布的录像,他在舞台上跳舞的完美形式, 2天前,他的死亡。 据悉,迈克尔用于疾病的一种手段寻求媒体的关注,这是他学到了他的亲密朋友伊丽莎白泰勒。 事实上,他甚至一度'崩溃'的音乐会之前-这也被取消。 此外,据说,他使用疾病作为一种手段,不参加公众活动。 如何这没有什么不同,只有在更大的规模上?


迈克尔痴迷模特儿,并把所有的这些在他的住所。 他是一个非常孤独的人,谁愿意在身边的人他的生活。 唯一的一家,他可能会模特儿。 有报道说,迈克尔的工作人员联系贡特尔冯哈根斯的塑化追授他的身体。

http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0 , 1518,614006,00 。 html的

这不仅是他死后或副本身体造成? 迈克尔的教练承认,迈克尔爱拉的恶作剧,如发送模特儿在救护车摆脱Paparrazzi 。 我们如何知道发生了什么事情,现在还不是恶作剧 ? ?


  • 迈克尔杰克逊是代理奇怪在O2的音乐会在伦敦宣布,非常不像他一贯的自我,并有很多猜测,是否此人谁进行这次记者会实际上是迈克尔杰克逊,或'瞧都'
  • 迈克尔杰克逊的发型变化频繁是直发/卷发在他出场。 在O2的会议,他有一个非常蓬松直发式和最后的排练,录像,他是体育卷曲不再发型,类似的发型,他穿着10年前。
  • 有冲突的报告的真实情况,迈克尔杰克逊的健康引导到他的伦敦音乐会。 有人说他是健康的,有人说他已经非常虚弱和疲惫。
  • 迈克尔杰克逊打电话给护士,讨论医疗问题时,父亲节据说他有他自己住在医生与他同住(钜穆雷) 。
  • 迈克尔杰克逊恨Touring和据报道,他最初只签署了执行10音乐会在伦敦举行。 由于所有10显示出卖在几分钟内, AEG公司,音乐会发起人,发行另有40显示没有迈克尔的权限,同时最终的音乐会50 ,在为期10个月,对他的意志
  • 迈克尔杰克逊是如何通过4-5身体健康检查由一个独立的医生,伦敦劳埃德公司,以确保他的音乐会,如果他是“脆弱的” , “带病”或“吸毒? ”
  • Cherilynn李索赔迈克尔杰克逊曾请她为药物得普利麻,虽然她只是一名营养师。为什么要叫她? 尤其是当他有自己的私人医生,尤其是当他还没有谈过,她在3个月内反正和理应欠她的钱。 (可由于她的钱是一个动机,她推出了这一荒唐的故事吗? )
  • 迈克尔突然开始考虑他的孩子们在公众场合减去面纱之前的几周内,他的“死亡” 。
  • 在一个偶然的举动,迈克尔杰克逊重新聘请了著名的娱乐业律师约翰布兰卡只是前三个星期后,他的逝世约翰布兰卡已经辞职被迈克尔的律师在2006年。
  • 迈克尔没有雇用任何舞者或编舞,他即将到来的演唱会。 查看视频...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... .. p95YX7OEPo

  • 所有Michael Jackson的伦敦演唱会被推迟-从8日到7月13日,该音乐会从7月10日转移到2010年3月。
  • 记录的AEG公司的Michael Jackson的最后彩排'是方便记录全高清音频和视频。
  • 一位朋友迈克尔的,世界街头乔普拉的tweets 7月10 :拥有最迷人的晚宴昨晚那个家伙,运行世界上从幕后。 查看这里: http://twitter.com/GothamChopra
  • Michael Jackson的剪辑利比里亚女孩,在那里他指示从幕后。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjtI2WZTZ9k
  • 有太多的冲突的故事,当时到底发生了什么的一天,他'死' (与前一天晚上-有人说他是一个可怕的排练和其他人在说他是昏昏欲睡) 。

吸毒成瘾者做各种事情,伤害了他们的朋友和家人。这个论点,他将不滥用药物,因为它会伤害是儿童只是不工作。他已经承认的依赖,在过去的。它不会令我感到惊奇如果它再次发生,特别是如果传闻他的健康问题是真实的。 如果迈克尔杰克逊实际上已滥用药物异丙酚15年怎么可能,它可能从来没有影响他吗?



乔杰克逊说了一些关于他晚上睡觉的第24次和不起床。 其他报告说,他站起来对6月25 ,穿过房间博士Murrays从自己的房间里说,他不舒服,和倒塌,并在其他地方指出,他已经在医生房间。 Latoya迈克尔说,后来被发现在默里的房间,而不是在自己的房间。

我们还听到报告说,迈克尔杰克逊的儿子王子是在会议室与思考'爸爸是在开玩笑,虽然他震撼的地板上-因为他是相当的恶作剧? Hrmmmmm ...

由于如此众多的人员和其他人员的家庭是有没有人可以立即打电话给911 ?



911运营商挂的来电说: “给我们打电话回如果您需要任何更多的帮助” 。 这是100 %对911协议, 911运营商是要留在网上,直到当局到达。 为什么不会他们需要更多的帮助-有有人死啦!

如何以及为什么是著名的911释放? 它是如何向公众发表这么快? 不会这是非常私人和保持锁和钥匙?

这是一个众所周知的事实,即手机GPS跟踪。即使不知道迈克尔杰克逊的完整地址,医生可以用手机拨打911立即和他们本来可以追踪他。此外, Michael Jackson的生活非常接近加州大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心,如果他只希望说, '迈克尔杰克逊的房子' ,他们会知道该去哪里。

穆雷博士索赔,没有土地线迈克尔的房间,他偏执关于手机水龙头及错误' ,这是他的借口关于推迟呼吁911 。


每个人都知道在洛杉矶的房子。您需要做的是呐喊“ Michael Jackson是印染,请赶紧。 ”相信我,他们会知道在哪里可以找到他。住宅电话将产生的地址反正。


的人的要求完全是'太平静。 这是迈克尔杰克逊的躺在那里,没有呼吸,更不用提他自己的雇主。



911运营商说, '召回'如果他们需要和断开。 标准程序是,留在网上,直到医务人员到来。 经营者无法确认,有一个医生的住所和并不重要,如果有。 他们继续留在该行。

Paparrazzi想在那里他的房子很快。他们有警察扫描器和尽快打电话的是,他们将在那里(再次,每个人都在洛杉矶知道他在那里生活) 。



据报道,孩子们回家...当他们离开家? 与谁?


救护车是支持拍摄的Michael Jackson的车道会极其缓慢,没有提示的紧急情况下,没有警报器或灯光。

画面救护车离开居住地显示出极其缓慢移动的救护车。 这似乎有问题,支持了。 该警报器不在。 警卫在门口没有帮助司机操纵了车道,但迈克尔是内理应接近死亡了。

有两辆救护车照片:其中一人似乎显然表明,迈克尔杰克逊,在救护车,是皱着眉头大静脉突出了他的额头。 昏迷人不皱眉或'脉'突出。 (解释,而不是事实) 。


呼吸器的图片不正确的口人或超过他的鼻子,也不是胸部压缩履行在正确的地方。 这种训练的医护人员?


为什么需要有新闻画面的'体'的迈克尔杰克逊正在通过直升机空运从加州大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的太平间? 为什么是'机构'飞行通过直升机摆在首位? 如果他确实是死了,那么什么是急于让他吗? 驾驶及在交通陷入不会有真正取得了很大的差异。


目前还没有将信息从一个单一的工作人员在加州大学洛杉矶分校的确认/否认迈克尔杰克逊甚至有。 有矛盾的报告的真实状况的迈克尔杰克逊的福祉当他抵达医院。 有人说他已经方位-死在入住正式死在他的家-这将解释为什么救护车选择了在不急于-然而,杰克逊的家人说,他在'昏迷'在抵达医院,和他们拥抱他,他'期待和平,就像他是'睡觉' ,后来死亡,医生和一个医疗小组正在对他进行进一步的60分钟。 一方面你LaToya说,乔丹仍然是温暖的,她看到他在医院里,和小说有多冷,他觉得当他看见他。


据报道,许多成员的迈克尔杰克逊的家人已经在医院当他来到这里时,他的母亲,他的孩子,小和LaToya虽然没有目击者,以验证这一点。 如果这实际上是真实的,怎么自己的孩子让他有前,当他被带到救护车? 怎么说小了有他的弟弟面前,他理应听到这个消息,他的弟弟在电台(他国在接受采访时拉里金在Neverland ) 。


在几个小时内的心脏骤停, Michael Jackson的密切工作人员被解雇。 这似乎是一个非常奇怪的和及时的决定。


有新闻剪报本在YouTube ,在那里你可以看到,甚至床单和毯子被从他的房子。 杰克逊家人说,他们关注的是,这些将被盗。 然而,洛杉矶警察局调查杰克逊的死亡造成用药过量和可能性杀人发起了第28届。 在这一点上,他的财物,他租来的房子已经被拆除杰克逊的。 尽管如此,洛杉矶警察局的调查称,他们发现四站,四袋,处方药和氧气瓶。 所以,如果迈克尔的财物已被删除,什么也警局寻找和我们怎么知道,这些是首先即使目前,第二如果他们没有被'种'有家庭? 这发生之前,警方抵达现场,并封闭现场进行调查。

另一个方便的是,从Survellience磁带安全闭路电视报失(或根本不存在,因为该系统已关闭)的事件迈克尔的“死亡” 。

在“崩溃” ,据称,然后记录的磁带削减。 硬盘驱动器的闭路电视录像的房子,理由是自动下载是删除。

杰克逊始终保持几百万美元的现金和珠宝某些项目的情况下与他以往他。 这些物品丢失,也没有现金被发现在家中。


目前还没有药物发现迈克尔杰克逊的家,直到第二次搜索的警察(后Jackson家族和其他人已经在家里。 )


一份报告娱乐八卦网站TMZ网站宣布Michael Jackson的死亡之前的任何严重来源获得的信息。 他们报告只有几分钟的消息后迈克尔杰克逊已被证实死亡的医生在加州大学洛杉矶分校。


从官办公室, Michael Jackson的死亡证明没有签名的医生。 梁智。 康拉德穆雷,迈克尔的私人医生拒绝签字,因为没有医生在官办公室-这是为什么? ?

目前迈克尔杰克逊没有法律死亡证明书(有一个发表和公布,但尚未签署由医生或死因裁判官) 。






康拉德穆雷已经迈克尔的医生为11天,并雇用的AEG公司的发起人为伦敦O2的音乐会。 一对夫妇一个月的在此之前,迈克尔通过了一项5小时体能测试为保险起见,用干净的卫生法案。 那么,为什么正好是一个心脏病聘请迈克尔,而且也只有11天前,他的'死' ?

显然,康拉德穆雷是'阴暗'的医生首先,他甚至已经宣布破产的90年代。 他肯定是事先可疑活动,他当然使一个简单的候选人归咎于迈克尔的'死刑' 。 还注意到,大量的毒品,该警局也理应位置,必须是有之前康拉德的就业机会。 不仅如此,建立一个成瘾和容忍,他们需要几年,而不是11天。 因此,不幸的是康拉德是一个贫穷的医生谁可能是正在制定的一种罪行,是不存在的。 迈克尔是一个亲密朋友的医生,如乔布拉-那么,为什么将他解决一个阴暗的医生?

穆雷是为了赚取月薪150 000美元;但据AEG公司现场,音乐会发起人,杰克逊还没有签署合同的时候,他的死亡=没有聘请尚未+不允许的做法在英国和美国加州显然=为什么他与迈克尔杰克逊呢? ?

http://latimesblogs.latimes.co ... ..千.html

Michael Jackson的生活中的心脏病没有除颤。 这同样的心脏病不知道如何进行心肺复苏?履行它在床上,而不是一个坚硬的表面?

他没有携带毒品来抵消异丙酚(有一个) ,也没有defibrilator ?经由


它宣布, “没有犯规”涉嫌只有一天后,和博士穆雷不是嫌疑人的任何交易与Michael Jackson的死亡。 3周后homocide被怀疑?


奇怪的是,似乎只有一个图片中存在的钜穆雷。 即使是papparazzi似乎无法找到他。

穆雷博士“不是一个人,但只有一名证人” ,但他还是聘请了律师,并代表他的律师在接受采访。



凯瑟琳迈克尔杰克逊的母亲 看到购物目标野营齿轮后的第二天她的儿子死亡。 她还去让她的指甲做了一天,他和纪念。



乔杰克逊当被问及在第一次采访后,迈克尔的死亡,他和家庭做的时候,借此机会,以促进他的新唱片公司-他还报告说,迈克尔杰克逊的孩子谁刚刚失去了他们的父亲是做“大” 。

此外,乔杰克逊和杰西杰克逊被视为笑家庭以外的家里,不到2天之后迈克尔死亡! 而乔了竖起大拇指向媒体? ...

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new ... ..- home.html

http://x17online.com/gallery/v ... ..议员;指数= 7

LaToya杰克逊两个半星期后,她哥哥的死, LaToya声称迈克尔被杀害,她知道谁做的。 她还指出,如果负责人没有站出来,她将揭露他们。 有趣的,她付出相当大的款项的采访中,她的声音这些索赔。 如果你的兄弟被谋杀,你知道谁做的,不会要告诉全世界的承诺薪水?


有很多奇怪和奇数事故发生在Michael Jackson的纪念。 以下是我们已注意到:

  • 福音唱诗班唱国王归来
  • 讲话的泪从巴黎杰克逊
  • 的字样在屏幕上月底的纪念'我活着,我在这里永远' 。
  • 没有人在迈克尔的家人哭
  • 没有真正的朋友出席了纪念-没有亲密的朋友一样黛安娜萝丝, Liz泰勒,麦考利库尔金,昆西琼斯等
  • 额外的“ S 关于疼痛”在'请问你有'独白的纪念。迈克尔杰克逊从来没有将记录一个“错误” ,并允许它的释放。
  • 香格里拉爷说'迈克尔都在注视着你们'指的是人在诺基亚竞技场。
  • 图片迈克尔指挥视频剪辑。
  • 肯尼奥尔特加在纪念他说: “迈克尔是一个星期前在这里”时,迈克尔已经“死亡”了近两个星期前。
  • 马龙杰克逊认为需要分享的故事时,迈克尔是伪装成别人,他知道这是他很容易...是这是一个适当的故事为纪念? 为什么这种特殊的一个,他所有的故事可能有共同的支出50年后,与他的弟弟?
  • 最后幻灯片的纪念是兆焦耳在年底馆员女孩,后面的电影摄影机指导学员在他不知情的音乐录影带。
  • 整个纪念馆是作为Jehoviah见证仪式,即使迈克尔杰克逊据报道,改信伊斯兰教, 2006年。


家庭坚持了棺材在公共纪念馆虽然这是一个封闭的棺木。 其原因正如Jackson家族是,他的脸被损坏的心肺复苏术,并试图复苏,然而,其他报道说,他期待和平与喜欢睡觉的时刻,他在他去世后。


在最后的捻度,这后失踪的同一机构的纪念。 没有人知道知道它去了哪里,或者它是目前被关押。 我们所知道的就是这是还没有被埋葬。




迈克尔杰克逊显然是在债务的数百万美元在他死之前。 唱片的销售记录和商品开枪的屋顶在他死后。






迈克尔杰克逊还没有'埋葬'据我们所知,但它表达了杰克逊的家庭,他们希望他被安葬在Neverland 。 加利福尼亚州的法律就不会允许这种情况发生,因为它是私人住宅。

梦幻岛是gussied迈克尔杰克逊之前去世的,尽管他曾表示不希望任何时候都返回那里生活。 在花园已再植和财产被维持后再次忽视。


杰梅因杰克逊在接受采访时说,与拉里金, “哦,很难地步我的哥哥将,右那边的火车站,有一个地方他。 许?



保管听证Michael Jackson的儿童不断被推迟。 有人在迈克尔杰克逊的意愿,他希望他的孩子们的生活与他的母亲,凯瑟琳杰克逊。


此外,神秘源发布百事可乐事故视频据说兆焦耳想在1984年发布,但百事可乐拒绝。 百事可乐是愤怒的视频发布。



为什么百事录像现在被释放后,他的死亡? 为什么大家突然需要看到什么,他通过了?为什么不这样做,如果在审判期间,他的营地做?

E'Casanova :

E'Casanova是迈克尔杰克逊和模仿谁拥有最大的肖像的所有迈克尔杰克逊双打'的存在。 人们也一直在猜测,这是E'Casanova谁出席了会议O2的迈克尔杰克逊,而不是杰克逊本人。 奇怪的是, E'Casanova的叽叽喳喳网页阻止大家了-他是否有隐瞒?



Liz Taylor的理由不参加她的'最好的朋友的'纪念的是,她不能把自己的“悼念在公共” ,并表示了她的感情是私人。 她可以,但是,把自己鸣叫这其中更是公共部门和非人格化。 对于这个问题,为什么Liz泰勒甚至有Twitter的帐户,这是她在3月开始回?便利,她的第一篇文章都提到克莱因博士谁是迈克尔杰克逊的整形外科医生。







AEG公司现场,该公司谁是负责促进伦敦O2的音乐会,谁雇用钜穆雷作为迈克尔的私人医生,谁坚持说,他经过5小时内侧签署之前,他的音乐会,谁最初宣布10表演,然后调升为50 ,谁拿出保险政策,规定,如果艺术家(迈克尔杰克逊)死于自我诱导的情况下,而不是自然死亡,它可以得到的钱回来。


所以你有它..全面总结和原因不明的奇怪事件迈克尔杰克逊的死。 显然,大量信息公开的解释,但是即使是最相信的人谁坚持认为,他确实已经死了,就不得不承认,这是从很远的开放和关闭情况。

  1. thelostchildren赛义德,


    ...但相形见绌比较其余的猜疑和漏洞,发现你所管理。 我越来越相信这只是没有增加。 我们需要知道至少有一些认可冷战硬盘的信息,我们没有收到污垢。 伟大的伟大的工作管理。 btw ,我发现这个网站一个星期之后,整个事件,我怀疑这必须是一个律,而之前。 how'd你知道那里有点不对劲,什么促使你建立这个网站的? 只是奇怪,怎么这是一个伟大的网站(十

  2. 偶然赛义德,

    谢谢你的留言本简要的事实和信息。 这些都是真正压倒...

  3. 疲惫的说,


    这是写得很好,并提出了一些事情,我什至都没有通知(如利比里亚女孩场景的纪念) 。 感谢您为我们介绍的东西...

    So im guessing that this Dr. Murray guy is real and not nonexistent? I too find it strange that he only has 1 photo floating around…can we verify his previous employment etc?

    With all of these facts, how can a non-hoax believer still think hes dead?? wake up the clues are in front of you!!

  4. fm89 Said,

    Great work, this sums it all up

  5. forevermine_mj Said,

    i visited deepak chopra's website today. this is the tribute article on michael i got there- http://deepakchopra.com/default/a-tribute-to-my-friend-michael-jackson/ i don't know what deepak is playing at. michael is alive that's for sure. i don't know whether he is aware of this hoax or not but the tribute didn't appear emotional to me. all of you read it n tell me how u feel about this. however i've left a comment i've asked him to visit this site. however i've stated the site's name MJHD.com 'cause michael wouldn't want us to go public about the hoax in a site that believes in his death. this is the comment i wrote. do u think its good?

    July 25th, 2009 at 10:29 am

    您好迪派,我zinniya来自印度,我阅读乌拉圭回合后的事业我听说过, ü的一个亲密朋友的迈克尔。 无论何种媒体报道说,无论迈克尔的家人说,我们的成员MJHD.com绝不会相信所谓的真相,我们可爱的明星。 抱歉,使这个公共事业有没有其他办法我可以与您联系。 我们不会提出我们的理论,该网站的一厢情愿的想法。 他们不是球迷希望他的爱情生病的球迷。 我们已经充分理由相信。 如果ü想了解理论只需访问网站一次(我希望ü出fulform的MJHD 。 '事业,我不想伤害迈克尔公开说明我们认为在一个网站,相信'假定真理' ) 。 我们知道,不管他,他的理由这样做。 我们只是想让他知道,无论什么媒体对他说,试图把他的坏轻,会谈垃圾他与他的孩子,他会永远的偶像和英雄金心ñ铁强一点。 我们爱他的核心,我们的心ñ他将永远的王子我们的心。 质疑ñ不败。

  6. Mijac赛义德,




    他将深深怀念他。 我很可怕的悲哀。






    Michael Jackson的合伙人在创造,

  7. Mijac赛义德,

    And now go there and read:


    pay attention to all Mj related tweets (jun 22, 24, etc…)

  8. Rofibbs Said,

    I jus watched the MICHAEL JACKSON'S TRUE HOLLIWOOD STORY on E!…it wuz said that MJ learnt at a very young age to manupulate ppl into believin wat he wants them to believe. It also states that while everybody thought MJ started singin at the early age of 5..he wuznt really 5. Its also interestin to know that a FIRE ALARM wuz activated wen MJ wuz still in at UCLA…who knows?? He might have left the buildin with other staff as the buildin wuz bein evacuated, leavin a make believe MJ to stay back at the ER to decieve the public…once a prankster, always a prankster

  9. Samantha Said,

    Another thing in the Ambulance is that When you're in one, you're head isnt facing the door Because its a Saftey issue, the head is not headfirst, it's got to be the other way.
    hahah! we are dealing with a bunch of amuters.

  10. flower Said,

    great admin like the way you done this putting all the facts in one place this might help clear up the forum a bit as it was gettig hard tryin to keep up with all the post you have put a lot of work into the site and cant thankyou enough, for all your time , thats what we wanted FACTS and you sure found them once again a big THANKYOUXXXX

  11. Rofibbs Said,

    Theres a folk sayin where i come from n it goes “Wen the birds learns to fly without perchin, the hunters learn to shoot without aimin”..since the media learnt to follow MJ around smearin dirt on him, he also learnt to go into hidin without a trace..like i said, with MJ..theres neva a dull moment.

  12. dynamite Said,

    Great work admin I never heard about the alarm going off at the hospital that is very fishy indeed

  13. Rofibbs Said,

    Thx for the update Admin…kudos!

  14. Rofibbs Said,

    Whether or not MJ's name wuz mentioned in the 911 call, there wuz no urgency in the call. There are also reports that 2 sisters workin with the “only on picture” Dr conrad went to his Texas office earlier on the 25th of june to remove sum documents n almost a month later the authorities are visitin the same office…hmmmn, they of all ppl shud know that the crime scenes “MJ's home n the Docs office”(if eva there wuz one) have bin seriously compromised.

  15. westin Said,

    喂。 i was reading Depak's tribute to Michael….and i've found smth strange there………read it, please http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deepak-chopra/a-tribute-to-my-friend-mi_b_221268.html

    He says there – “His children's nanny and surrogate mother, Grace Rwaramba , is like another daughter to me. I introduced her to Michael when she was eighteen, a beautiful, heartwarming girl from Rwanda who is now grown up.”

    Does it mean that she's the surrogate mother for Prince II ??????

  16. P Said,

    I agree with this post. Something does not add up. According to the Media, Dr Murray disappeared after the ambulance arrived at MJ's home. Sun reported that Dr Murray continued CPR in the ambulance until they arrived at the hospital.


    The 911 call was very suspicious. I called 911 and the operator remain on the line until paramedics arrived.

    I was telling a friend that someone was performing the chest compressions the wrong way before your post. If you are performing CPR, your fingers are not going to be almost touching the shoulders. If that person is Dr Murray performing CPR in the ambulance he was doing it wrong and that is probably why MJ died or maybe he did not want the paramedics to know that he was still alive.

    I do not believe that MJ will fake his death due to debt. He had business debt not personal debt. There is a difference. Filing bankruptcy for the business will have solved that problem. Someone in MJ's inner circle made a comment that MJ was paranoid and he thinks someone was out to get him. This why the family is talking about that think MJ was murdered.

    Jermaine Jackson said that he wanted the media to leave his brother alone then he is coming out with a book about MJ's drug abuse.

    Something does not add up.

  17. Rofibbs Said,

    …the other fact that the tour wuz insured based on “self induced danger” is really beyound me, makes it seem like a pre-meditated arrangement n that the drug overdose wuz meant to happen. I hav neva heard of such an insurance policy.

  18. Cecilia Said,


  19. quesarasara Said,

    Brilliant Forevermine, and brilliant Admin. You've covered all bases. It really puts things in perspective. I've been working on some things myself I will post later.

  20. ishealive Said,

    Excellent work admin, it's becoming very clear that what happened on June 25th does NOT make any sense. I really think this is all part of “THIS IS IT”
    AEG said this would be the biggest comeback in history – well if it really does happen then it certainly would be, there's no bigger comeback than coming back from the dead!!!!

  21. Rofibbs Said,

    Dr Deepak Chopra told Larry King in their 1st interview that MJ called him n left a voice message on his machine 4days before his death sayin there wuz sumtin he wanted to tell him, but that he (Dr Choopra) deleted the message frm his answerin machine…Which brings the question–wat did MJ want to tell him?? n why did he delete the message??

  22. Helia Said,

    I am on of the fans who unfortunately believe that he died. Yes you are right, some of the things you listed are very, very suspicious. BUT, that is no prove that he faked his death and I have just ONE aspect against ALL of your claims and this aspect is : His pursuit of perfection! What he did was always perfect…he always gave 100%…no more that that 1000000%. So if you claim, that he planned his death for a long time, wouldn't he do the best to make his death as convincing as possible?He would think about every single detail…he wouldn't give hints during his memorial. His friends and the family members wouldn't say things to hint that he is still alive! Michael Jackson was a perfectionist. His brothers and sisters would arrange what they want to say so they sound convincing and more and more!So don't tell me that he lost his sense for perfection by the biggest thing ever he would to….faking his death!!He would do it more than perfect and as we can see it is not perfect at all!!!So all the claims you listed are also against your claims that he is alive and unfortunately he is not.


  23. Rofibbs Said,

    Joe jackson said Conrad Murray disappeared for 3hrs wen MJ wuz taken to the hospital…Wat happened within that interval?? Biddin the real MJ “farewell” n clearin their tracks i s'pose..

  24. Rofibbs Said,

    …like i said earlier…alot of people are tellin alot of lies n they are doin a bad job

  25. westin Said,

    You know, people – i have never seen E'casanova ( impersonator) before – but now i'm 10000000% convinced that there was him on the O2 press conference.

    just look at him – Michael has a much wider jaw – this could be easy seen – just compare all the photos. it couldn't be MJ on conference. The person there was completely different by appearance, moves, voice and style of speech.

  26. michaelismysoulmate Said,

    I just thought of something I was watching entertainment tonight the other day and something odd stuck out to me. I can't think of the guys name at the moment but he was claiming to be best friends with michael and i remember the reporter asked him something about michael and i remember him stating that michael was a big practical joker which where all aware of but what caught my attention was when he stated that michael like to pretend he was high and out of it. Then i thought back to the incident at the 02 conference where he seemed high and out of it my point is i think michael was faking it that day something else that makes you go hmmmm. I believe michael is still alive without a doubt.

  27. Rofibbs Said,

    Isnt it surprisin that MJ's death is very very similar to Presley's n more interestin is that MJ wuz married to Lisa-Marie Presley, hmmmmn….case dismissed, coooooourt!!

  28. lettruthspeak Said,

    Thanks admin, well done!!! I have never become so suspicious about sb's death, but the summary here just brings me to this point naturally. There are a lot of inconsistences in the whole thing, but we still need to find more hard evidence to prove the theory, otherwise it would be just as unreal and seemingly plotted as the death thing. The king of Pop will be back!

  29. closepaltomj Said,

    I too hit the entire planet with my own pr release..if you saw it–great!

  30. loveandpeace Said,

    Good article, this summarizes everything we have posted about.

  31. MariannaB Said,

    More and more questions are getting on the table.

    As the security tapes are missing as well – I cannot help from thinking even at hostage taking.
    Make him sleep like in a coma, get him away (UCLA fire alarm what a chance!), pretend that he was dead, collect the money, leave him somewhere?
    I mean, did anyone look into this variant? Is this too strange? 我不这么认为。

    The longer MJ is absent, the more fairy tales are being told, the more mystery is being added, the more sales and dollares are to be expected and sum up on the bank accounts.

    Why was the staff fired so soon? And who did it? I mean who did take the speech and replace MJ so fast?
    There was one boss only and this was MJ. He was gone and nobody was set in place by law to give orders on his behalf. Who had the keys and codes to get into the house to take MJs proprietary out? Murray who had lived there?

    Maybe Murray is the punching ball to cover up others involved. But the most of dirt is on his shoulders if the story did in reality develop as it was developped by reporters. And Murray had a clear motivation.

    It's becoming Agatha-Christie-like more and more.
    So many having a good motivation to take advantage or even force destiny to their advantage.
    Read the data I posted on the last admi's publication. 真的很有趣。

  32. serendipity Said,

    I suggest Michael's fans worldwide make a signature campaign requesting for a DNA test on the “dead body..” I think a DNA test is the only way to know the true identity of that person.

  33. Laila Said,


    I'm from Belgium so first of all: Sorry for my english
    I cannot believe Michael jackson is death. I think this whole thing is too strange for words.
    AND I took a look on the TWITTER page of E'Casanova and this is a little bit strange…read this:

    Has been invited to dinner in Germany with a special guest! Should be fun:) Lets hope its who i think… E
    12:42 PM Jul 19th from web

    AND after this message… The next one …

    Wow, turns out its tomorrow, planes all booked and paid for! Dinner at a castle… May not be on for a while. come and 'gone too soon' E xx
    12:52 PM Jul 19th from web

    Owkay, maybe I overreact. But could this be something?
    I check this site every day.
    Today in the newspapers in belgium there was horrible news:

    The nose of MJ should have been stolen.
    I was in such a state of shock!
    please…I hope he is alive and OK.
    If we just got one sign of him !!

  34. Dee Said,

    I agree with everything said Admin, but please look at Larry King Live @ Neverland. Jermaine flew up to Never land with Larry.
    Larry asked Jermaine, how he find out about Michael's passing. Jermaine said, I was on the other side of town in Azuza and got a call from you guys on my wife's phone and Larry interjects and says CNN. Jermaine laughs and says yes and goes on to say, they said did you know your brother was rushed to the hospital. Jermaine said what and called his mother immediately and I got her on the phone and she said she was on her way. Jermaine then says, a little time went by and I talked to Janet and few of my other sibblings . 45 minutes later I call my mother back and I hear the sound in her voice and she says he's dead. Larry said did you go right over to the hospital. Jermaine says that he had top go another route and as soon as he got close to where he was, he saw the copters in the air and a chill came over him. Once he entered into UCLA, he went straight for his mother and he went to look for his baby and he saw him laying in the room lifeless breathless as if he was an empty shell.

    Also, if you look at the interview I posted with two Sony producers. One of them stated that Michael had what was called dancer's feet. That due to years of wrapping that the feet were often dry and cracked splintered. he said that Michael suffered from it real bad and that it was very painful. This amy be the reason why he was wheeled in the the chair often.

    His PR guy said that he wore those masks for the hell of it, that he knew how to keep himself in the media.

  35. mjforever Said,

    I just went on to E'Casanova's twitter- http://twitter.com/ecasanovaMJ

    and two of his posts i find extremely odd. He started the twitter on July 19th, the same day he posted these things:

    Has been invited to dinner in Germany with a special guest! Should be fun:) Lets hope its who i think… E
    12:42 PM Jul 19th from web

    is this special guest Michael Jackson? I wasn't convinced until I looked at the next post written just ten minutes later…

    Wow, turns out its tomorrow, planes all booked and paid for! Dinner at a castle… May not be on for a while. come and 'gone too soon' E xx
    12:52 PM Jul 19th from web

    Dinner at a castle in Germany certainly sounds like something extravagant that Michael would do. And the very last part: come and 'gone too soon'.
    As we all know Gone too Soon is one of Michael's songs.

    All of this is very suspicious. I am so glad we have this website. You guys are doing a great job with it. The article above was well written and informative. This site is great, keep it up

  36. CoCo Said,

    Thank you for this site…I love Michael very much but this doesen't mean that i can be manipulated very fast to think he is really dead. I believe everything you guys say here because i think the same things..its like i wrote this site …and i communicate with many fans and they believe he's alive also…I one don't believe ” i feel! And with these infos the media and mj family gives us we tend to believe that he;s alive more than dead… Please keep this site alive and dig much more…I want to know that Michael is alive and happy at last i dont want to know where he is…..because he deserves a normal life …if i were him i would run far away from the fans and the media long time ago…
    Michael you're a smart man if you did this! truly a magician! Thumbs up to the site once again!

  37. SJ1983 Said,

    The Man Who Secretly Held MJ's Millions
    Posted Jul 25th 2009 10:40AM by TMZ Staff

    怎么这个阴谋捻? 昨天,我们打破了故事,特别管理员的Michael Jackson的房地产法律文件中说,他们刚刚恢复五百五十〇点〇 〇万美元是现金前财务顾问。 The advisor is Dr. Tohme Tohme, who got involved with Jackson in the last year-and-a-half of his life, and he claims the money was “a secret.”

    In an interview last night, Dr. Tohme said the money came from recording residuals and that “It was a secret between Michael and me.”

    Dr. Tohme claims the money was going to be used for a Las Vegas “dream home.”

    Tohme says Michael implored him, “Don't tell anyone about the money.” He says when the singer died, he came forward and said he had the stash.


    特别管理员已恢复550万美元的现金从原来的财务顾问。 该文件没有名称的顾问。

    In the documents, the administrators predict Jackson has enough cash to pay off his estimated $400 million in debts — and still have money left over for his heirs.

    The docs also say Jackson's children are the beneficiaries of an insurance trust established by Michael Jackson. The proceeds have not yet been collected, which explains why lawyers for Katherine Jackson have asked for a temporary allowance.

    The Special Administrators expect to generate tens of millions of dollars of revenue from various business deals that are now in the works

    WHAT BOTHERED ME : Dr. Tohme claims the money was going to be used for a Las Vegas “dream home.”

    Reported was that he children were in Vegas, did th ehouse get there
    and now we know that katherine is in it for the money,it didnt make sense to me with all those depts

  38. morla Said,

    Well done – and please (someone from the media perhaps – you are visiting this site – not so sure??? ) who believes that Michael has died indeed- could you write an unquestionable summary of the other side of the story before calling us “nuts” here – I'll think about it…

  39. artisticflare Said,

    We are all in shock! it is just unbeliveable to imagine that Michael Jackson has died!!?? for the love of God! when the hell did this happen!!! i am still weeping like a baby”" i cant remember the last time i cried so much i am 56 years old for Gods sake !!! It just hurts so much You gave so much love Michael, thats why we are all so deeply affefected!! you did make a difference! Lots of love and hugs! Artisticflare xxx Love you sooooo much!

  40. ejay5131 Said,

    To post#5-I think that was a bad idea if you really did that.

  41. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    This Was An Awesome Post And If Any Non Believers, Still Doubt. Then They Are Crazyier Than We Are LOL. Good Job Admin! I Love Michael Jackson, NOW And FOREVER.

  42. hOtSfOrMj91 Said,

    @ mjforever but e cas doesnt have a twitter. he even said so on his myspace page.

  43. forevermine_mj赛义德,

    thank u quesarasara for reading my comment. i hope then that its good. ni also hope that deepak chopra do visits this site. looking for more from you. i've written an article on mj's hoax death similar to this one in my blog, i'll post it here soon as soon as possible. here is the link- http://blogs.ibibo.com/KOLKATAMAIN/michael-is-alive-you-be-the-judge . read it if u like.

  44. thelostchildren Said,

    @ Helia, no 22 : sure we all well know bout MIchael's perfectionism – that alongside with this godly talent is what made him The King. however, that does not mean ALL mistakes can be eliminated.
    just watch the famous 1995 MTV video awards performance he gave. there were mistakes made in his attempt to sing, and he missed out some of his dance moves, but he gave the best show MTV has seen; how can a man lone on stage captivate AND mesmerized all of the world?
    it doesn't mean that he's a perfectionist that his family, friends and those involved are going to be 100% smooth criminals to this operation. there's a chance we might be folly to this folly, but the fact that there are too many loopholes just makes you wonder doesn't it.

  45. BeenTown Said,

    Admin and all of you fellow posters;

    Your thinking is fantastic. I don't even have to think I just come here and read your posts. I beleive that something strange is going on and I am so glad that this site exsists.


  46. BeenTown Said,


    Your wsite is full of great quality. This post was very extensive, well written, and well thought out. Thank you again for giving us beleivers to learn and discover together.

  47. Emanon Said,


  48. CuteAngel Said,

    An outstanding synopsis of all the pertinent facts and information surrounding this story. Great work, admin!

  49. charliechaplin Said,

    Someone from the Press or whoever must be following this site and are trying to rationalize what we see as 'blunders'


  50. wicki Said,

    Very convincing. 请继续保持! For another perspective on Jacko's death, hoax death, undeath, whatever you want to call it, check out -http://www.undeadmichaeljackson.com

  51. Jessie Dai Said,

    Thank you so much, Adimn. What you have mentioned is quite a good job! There are so many suspicious points in that case. I still believe Michael is still alive!
    As the day went on , I'm convinced Michael faked his death because he really want to relax and enjoy his rest life. He wants to spend more time with his children. He loves them so much! We should accept the fact that he may won't appear to the public any longer. I'll get used to it. Michael, enjoy your life! 我爱你!

  52. MariannaB Said,

    It does not matter whether this or that person claims to have twitter account or not.


    This is the best ever invented means to manipulate the world.
    Anybody can set up no matter which account and can utter whatever he wants.
    How do you want to prove that behind kennyortegablog is really Kenny Ortega?
    No way you can prove it.

    Twitter is PR, publication and mass advertisement without any cost. How practical.
    It is childish to believe Twitter messages. This is yellow press at it's worse.

    As long as there is NO IMPRINT on a web site, a full name with address, the content is not relieable. Full stop.
    In most places on this world, internet sites are set up and kept going without saying who's behind it.
    So you might be used to not asking who is behind things and think good and swallow everything in internet as ok. But if a person does not stand behind the content to the full degree of having in worst case to answer questions about their publication to lawyers, the website cannot be trusted. Full stop.

    A “nobody” or an alias signing under a website or a web content is not a TRUE person and does not mean any responsibility. A “nobody” or an alias does not mean anything. A “nobody” and an alias is just another pink bubble “as if” and a “hide and seek”.

    Even comic figurines are twittering now. Come on – how much do you WANT to cheated?

    I do not believe one single word I hear that has been twittered and I keep a good amount of doubt on any website without an imprint.

  53. JANET Said,

    Hi, admin. Great addition of the order of events, informations and the sources, which they come from.
    Again, I don´t think that the little girls speech was “fake” and it´s annoying to read this here over and over again – the roughest person should have noticed, that every single word that she said (and please listen exacty WHAT she said) came straight from the heart! And it moved (not only) me to tears.
    But an other really unusual fact isn´t mentioned in your list above: what about Jermaine`s interpretation of “Smile” at the Memorial: “Light up your face with SADNESS – hide every trace of GLADNESS” – changing these words and so the whole meaning in a completely different direction.
    I really don´t think such a mistake would happen in a celebrated musician family – especially on that very sad occasion….
    If we are talking about “hints” – to me this is one of the clearest!

  54. MJSmile4Us Said,

    to Admin:

    thank u so much for posting this !!

    In my opinion, I really believe that Michael is still alive. Honestly I was so close to believing that he is really gone after watching Entertainment Tonight and when someone from this site posted the photo of Blanket with a tear on his face at the memorial service. But I realized that if this hoax was going to work out, everyone involved in it including the children had to be perfect. Although Blanket is 7 years old he is so smart like his dad and can be a agreat actor and it's so hard to ever think that he is on it especially with his adorable face!! But one thing that I am stuck on is the fact that Dr Murray's clinic was raided byr th LAPD this week and have reported that a manslaughter (or even murder) charge could be laid against him. If this was a hoax would it go as far as sending an innocent man to jail (I think somebody also mentioned ealrier on other post)? Or my guess is that the doctor was paid either by Sony or AEG to kill MJ – but being a smart man as MJ is, he realized this and escaped by using one of his doubles or whatever method? BUt I think back to the article where it stated that it was Michael who insisted that the doctor be with him 24/7 which made me think that perhaps MJ used him in his escape/death hoax plan? BUt some people on this site believe that AEG was the one who hired the doctor making them question why as MJ passed his medical test with 'flying colours'?

    To be honest, I am so tired and wish this mystery could be solved soon coz I can't concentrate neither on my studies or work or even have a good night sleep as millions of questions float around my head constantly.

    If Michael had to stage his death to get away from SONY who is out to get him for the half of its shares he owns and for speaking against the company back in 2002 (I think it was), I doubt that he will come back not until it is safe enough. BUt if this is the case, how could he ever see his children again? Some people on this site stated that maybe Janet could bring the children to him after winning the custody battle and make such excuses as sending them off to boarding schools for their sudden absences. But aren't the paparazzis like vultures who will expose someone and trace one's every move till the end?

    I really pray that Michael is still alive somewhere – don't care if he can't come back but as long as he is safe and sound I am happy

  55. nina Said,

    admin … THANK YOU!!!!
    one question : where is Grace ??? we know nothing about her since he's “deth”…. and what about Chopra have dinner with the “guy that runs the world from behind the curtain.” ……WOW … this is proof ! only Michael could do this !

    I know one thing : if Michael is dead or not ( I think NOT !) he is happy … and this is what we all want for him… THIS IS IT !
    Michael… I hope you feel our love … LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE ! WE ARE ALL UNITED BY LOVE ! WE ARE BETTER BECAUSE OF YOU ! and Michael ….. thank you for all the signs, I know you send to us this signs only because your love for us is very strong …. 谢谢!

    sorry for english

  56. MJSmile4Us Said,

    to nina:

    I read that Grace is back in the house in Encino with Katherine and the children. I guess u heard a few weeks ago that there was a report that stated that she was seeking the custody of the children as well but it turened out to be another false claim fabricated by the media. I mean anyone could see that she had no chance – she is not the biological mother (not sayin Debbie has any chance although she is coz she's just a baby seller with no heart or brain) or have any connection to teh children. She just looked after them – the only people that te children should be with are their grandmother and Janet Jackson.

  57. charliechaplin Said,

    Our original premise for MJ's faking death is that he was heavily indebted. Now, this issue comes out that he actually have secret money which is enough to pay off his debts. So, are we back to square one as to why he had to “die”? If it's because he wanted to live a private life, why choose to “die” a few weeks before the biggest concert of his life? Why not make 1 or maybe 5 of the 50 “This is it” shows just to showcase one-last-time that is indeed the greatest performer of this generation and to delight his fans, or leave a lasting memory, after which stage the 'death' since in the 1st place he only wanted to do 10 shows?

    So, where are we now?


  58. Bee Said,

    Here's another inconsistency to add to your list:


    tmz reporting that MJ had been dead for awhile before paramedics got there, and paramedics claiming they did not recognize MJ at all and thought it was a sickly, frail old man. Lots of people in the comments there are pointing out that the pic of MJ in the ambulance does NOT look like a sickly, frail old man.

  59. charliechaplin Said,

    I don't think it was E'Casanova who was at the O2 Arena.

    Look at E'Casanova's teeth, they big & even:



    Look at the teeth of “MJ” at the O2. Third teeth from his 2nd front teeth. It's smaller & somewhat pushed backwards than the teeth:



    Compare them both to the real MJ's teeth:



    Look at E' Casanova wearing the same get-up as that “MJ” at the O2:


    It may have been E'Casanova inside the ambulance. But, I don't think it was him at the O2.

    At first I thought it was NAVI at the O2, but look at his teeth here (pause it at 1:26)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clHycBsEZUs and Navi doesn't have the wide smile as that MJ at the O2.

    Although there's a little similarity with the “MJ” at the O2 here (pause at 2:07):


    Both impersonators, E'Casanova & Navi are taller that the real MJ. The “MJ” at the O2 was wearing boots with heels (pause at 5:54)


    Neither E'Casanova nor Navi needed the boots with heels if they had to be a convincing MJ at the O2 conference.

    So, I think it must have been another impersonator with smaller set of uneven teeth at the O2.

  60. Bee Said,

    Here's an interesting observation someone left in a comment on tmz regarding computers in ambulances:


  61. mjfan Said,

    @ #22, I don't necessarily believe MJ faked his death, but if he did, and part of it was to show how full of crap the media is, then he WOULD leave all sorts of holes in it. Just to watch the media falling all over themselves, changing their stories, and not questioning anything. Also he would likely leave it messy to give his fans hope, because in case you haven't noticed, a lot of people have questions about this.

  62. CoCo Said,

    Agree with nina # 55 .Maybe Michael knows very well how the media can be fooled and maybe he knows that us fans we like to search for the truth..that's why he gave us hints.
    To me Jermaine is a person that can cry right now and laugh in a second….he's an actor to me…I can fake dead now…..i used to do it when i was little and scare my mother…..so dealing with fame and all of its results you change…you have different emotions…family issues and stuff..you tend to cry often..like i do..if i see a dead cat or a dead dog i cry like a baby….It's easy.
    Paris had crocodile tears….when children cry they really cry ! tears fall down easily….but when they want a candy and try to fake crying :no tear falls.I don't want people to think i insult Paris or any member of the family (that is not my intention)…but when your father/brother/mother dies its like the world goes to an end…i would commit suicide without my mother….they were chewing gum like nothin happened (!!!!!)
    Blanket was crying because he wanted to go to his father who never were apart and when he saw himself near the family crowd he just panicked..he wasnt aware really what they are doing in there because he's too little (hmm).
    Michael will never come back i'm sure….because with this situation you can never come back to the spot-light..people will hate “you”.He wanted to retire long time ago and this was it.About the wheel-chair the press thought he was really sick : but us the fans we knew and felt he is well…..so that prooved once again how the media can be easely manipulated.Doctor Murray is a person noone knows much about…some people are trained to sacrifice for someone or something….that's why Michael changed all of his staff so that they will “dissapear” easely……VIP's cry for Michael because its like their goodbye to him…Mike won't come back to them…He's dead to the media and fans but not to the normal world….normal life has him now i guess.wich is a good thing if its true!

  63. Mijac Said,

    Law enforcement sources tell us when paramedics arrived at Michael Jackson's house he was already dead … and it took them a while to even realize the victim was the famous singer.

    我们的消息来源透露何时护理人员必须杰克逊的家乡,他flatlined 。 没有电活动在他的心脏和杰克逊没有生命迹象。

    Multiple sources say paramedics wanted to pronounce Jackson dead at the scene but Dr. Conrad Murray insisted that the singer be transported to the hospital. Dr. Murray — as a higher medical authority than the EMTs — had the power to overrule them.

    Paramedics didn't realize for nearly 10 minutes the victim was Michael Jackson. As one emergency worker put it: “It just looked like a frail, old, sickly man.”

    All this make me think two things:

    1) Michael need the presence of a doctor in his home because he wanted a higher medical authority than the EMTs (Dr. Murray had the power to overrule them)

    2) Paramedics didn't realize for nearly 10 minutes the victim was Michael Jackson. (because wasn't Mj)

  64. Amlet Said,

    Grats to admin for his excellent work! Keep up the good work !

  65. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,


    ok omg apparently sum1 noticed that michaels nose was missing as it was lying on the autopsy table… freeaakkkyyyy…..

  66. kristindean88 Said,




  67. Samantha Said,

    Helia: I agree with what you mean Michael was a “Perfection” but nobody's perfect, Michael was a human being like all of us Sure he was Perfect at his Talent, but you're not going to get everything Perfect when you're planning a death unless you've done practice for years & years. I beleive Michael's done this to Protect his children as La toya said 'Family 1st Fans 2nd' I know he wouldn't want to dissapoint his fans, and i know most of us arent, but he needed to protect his Children.

  68. hecjosmen Said,

    But if he comes back alive as Michael Jackson, wo uldn-t he go to prison for faking his own death?

    I wish it would be the biggest comeback in History. We miss him so much.

  69. Rofibbs Said,

    Michael Jackson has set the world on stage n the tape is rollin, a stage where the detractors are his PAWNS, his family the SCRIPTWRITERS, his fans the DETECTIVES, AEG the FILM DIRECTOR, the title: DRUG OVERDOSE, his doctors the BADGUYS, the Authorities: SUPPORTIN ACTORS n ofcourse the best actor of all time..MICHEAL JACKSON, yeeeeaaaah!! or shud i say the best PRODUCER??

  70. Rofibbs Said,

    If MJ wuz as sick as sum ppl said he 'wuz' since 2002, how did he sing his unreleased songs? We'v heard “a place with no name” n it sure doesnt sound like (1) sum1 strugglin to sing or (2) sum1 that had a collapsed lungs n needed a transplant (3) sum1 who's voice wuz openin up like Mr Ortega said..it sounded like 'normal MJ'..they give us this picture that hes always heavily sedated with painkillers/anesthetics with a gas mask. Really?? n he has over 200 unreleased songs..really?? Are these “WRITTEN SONGS” or “UNRELEASED SONGS”?? anyone??

  71. Rofibbs Said,

    Neva heard of any1 in the History of Entertainment with 200 “unreleased” work,..ive heard of a couple of unfinished songs that were completed n released. Our MJ has over 200…wow!!

  72. Little Susie 01 Said,

    确定.. Maybe im lookin into this too much. But Michael Has these to Songs From the Blood on the dance floor cd. GHOST and Is it Scary .. both have same Lines to the Song except for the Chorus and some parts change But what made him Change the lyrics? ( look it up almost the same lyrics)
    Now when u read it makes total sense Could this Be a message to whats really happening I want to believe so.
    He explains About feeling ghosts everywhere We warned him to be the stranger in our lives. ( Media Messed hes Life the evil is the MEDIA) That its exactly what we want to see.. He says Am i amusing u or just confusing you is he the monster we visualize and if u want to see eccentricalties he will be grotesque before our eyes and let them all materialize. ( Is this a WARNING?)
    He then talks about a Ghostly Smell around .. A place where there restless Souls ( Meaning a Funeral) Where ppl cough and yawn. And restless souls Spoke( But there nobody to be found) ( so stating nobody does it mean there indeed isnt a body to be FOUND?)
    He also says… Did we come to him to see our fantasies Perform infront our very Eyes. A haunting Ghostly Treat ( so is this performance of our fantasies a ghostly treat?) A foolish trickery he says ( foolish trick?) Spirits Dance in the Light .. (SPIRITS DANCE IN THE LIGHT?)
    But if u came to see the truth and purity is kept inside hes lonely heart so LET THE PERFORMANCE START? ( So the truth will reveal it self) You know the stranger is you. is it scary for you!!!
    Masquerade the heart ( meaning hide ur true emotions) its the Height of Haunting SOULS ( So these souls are at the Highest Point ) just not what u seek of him (we never saw the truth) Can the heart reveal the proof like a mirror reveals the truth ( doesn't this make u wonder? Heart Can reveal proof and mirrors the truth?) And see the evil one is You ( Who is the Evil ? all of those who made hes life miserable)
    So is that scary for you. ( he doesn't want to talk about it. Hes tired of being abused he know u scaring him too . Is that scary for you ?
    I find.. so much in this song like Things are happening right infront of our eyes and only those who can find the proof in our heart will reveal the truth. or am i just going crazy?
    Michael Jackson is Alive. And I love him so so much.
    Here are the lyrics see what u can make out of it.

    There's a ghost out in the hall
    Theirs a goul beneath the bed
    Now it's coming through the walls
    Now it's coming down the stairs

    Then there's screaming in the dark
    Hear the beating of his heart
    Can you feel it in the air
    Ghosts be hiding everywhere

    I'm gonna be
    Exactly what you wanna see
    It's you whose haunting me
    Your warning me
    To be the stranger
    In your life

    Am I amusing you
    Or just confusing you
    Am I the beast
    You visualised
    And if you wanna to see
    I'll be grotesque
    Before your eyes

    Let them all materialise

    Is that scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you oh
    Is it scary for you baby
    Is it scary for you

    You know the stranger is you
    Is it scary for you baby

    There's a creak beneath the floor
    There's a creak behind the door
    There's a rocking in the chair
    But nobody sitting there
    Their's a ghostly smell around
    But nobody to be found
    And a coughin' and a yawnin'
    Where restless soul's spoke

    I'm gonna be
    Exactly what you gonna see
    So did you come to me
    To see your fantasies
    Performed before your very eyes

    A haunting ghostly treat
    The foolish trickery
    And spirits dancing
    In the light

    But if you came to see
    The truth the purity
    It's here inside
    A lonely heart

    So let the performance start

    Is that scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you oh
    Am I scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you
    So tell me is it scary for you baby
    So tell me is it crazy for you baby
    Am I scary for you

    You know the stranger is you
    Am I scary for ya

    Masquerade the heart
    Is the height of haunting souls
    Just not what you seek of me
    Can the heart reveal the proof
    Like a mirror reveals the truth
    See the evil one is you

    Is that scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you oh
    Am I scary for you baby
    Is it scary for you
    So tell me am I scary for you baby
    Am I scary for ya baby
    Is is scary for ya baby
    Am I scary for you
    (I don't wanna talk about it)

    Am I scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you
    I'm tired of being abused
    You know you're scaring me too
    I see the evil is you
    Is it scary for you baby

  73. Perfume Said,

    Admin I rest my case, your statements are well laid out, I want to ask the following questions:)

    My questions:

    1 。 When did he die, the doctor said he was not breathing lying on the bed
    2 。 The ambulance is called and they try administering CPR
    3 。 The ambulance take their time reversing out of the premises, MJ is then taken to hospital the doctors are working an hour on him

    My question, was he “dead” on the bed, was he “dead” in the ambulance, or did he “die” in the hospital.

    And my final question “How long was MJ's hair cause the person in the ambulance has shoulder length hair”

    And in closing was the alarm set off so that staff wud not know such a high profile person was in the hospital I guess not, and why was the helicopter hovering, and again why take him by ambulance to the hospital but by air to the morgue, it shud of been vice versa….keep digging admin ur doing a gr8t job, kudos to you

  74. watching Said,

    look what I found sometime in 2007:


    in this website:

    (on first post)

    let us know what you know more about him (E-Casanova)

    keep posting and I will keep watching…

  75. Perfume Said,

    #58 adding t your comment the paramedics said when they entered the house something did not look right and they said that the person they were administering CPR did not look like MJ at all they said that it looked they there was scarring on the person's face as though the person had recent facial/plastic surgery, the paramedics said they could not put their finger as to what looked odd about the house or the person, this comment has stayed with me ever since his “death” was aired worldwide and I sat and asked myself as to why the paramedics would say such a thing, then another thing struck me is that the doctors said they had to keep the “body” under lock and key and then they said the body was then moved to a secret morgue, why all these secrets if he was dead he was dead, who body was the paramedics working on, what seemed odd about the place, did the person they were working on perhaps have surgery to look like MJ….why was the body under lock and key in the hospital and then why was the body moved to a secret morgue??????? Admin help and don't stop digging, I believe at present nobody knows where the body is it is a month now

  76. veritas88 Said,

    您好大家。 Thank you so much, admin, for creating this site. It is very informative and really examines the facts in lieu of pure speculation. I think this is a great site which tries to honor MJ. After reading the blogs on the site and coming to my own conclusions, I really do believe MJ is alive. Yes, I'ma fan and of course I don't want to believe that MJ is passed, but I'm not delusional, in denial or crazy. Simply looking at the facts, which you've nicely summarized in this post, it is clear that A LOT of things are not adding up.

    *Also, many on this site are questioning the existence of Dr. Conrad Murray, because there is only one picture available of him. I think there is something very strange about him and I too wonder if he is really who he claims he is. But about his “one” photo– this morning on the Today Show (Monday 7/27/09), they included ANOTHER PICTURE OF DR. MURRAY!!! the picture has a white background, he's wearing a blue tie, looking to the right and his facial expression makes it look like he's worried. Did anyone else see this? I saw it on my tv, so I can't link it to this site, but to see the picture, you should go to the Today show website and find video of the MJ segment from the show on 7/27/09. i wonder what are the implications of this second photo.

    Also, I agree that MJ most likely hoaxed his death so he could rest for some time and enjoy a “normal” life, but I too hope that he comes back into the spotlight to shame the media and put on the GREATEST COMEBACK TOUR EVER!!! He always said that performing was the one thing he always loved to do, and he's only 50, so I truly hope he does. Either way, all I really want for MJ is for him to realize that he is unconditionally loved and appreciated by me and millions of others, and I want him to be happy and healthy. That's all that matters.

    Once again Admin, I thank you for this site. It is respectful, decent and fact-based, not trashy and purely speculative like many other sites on the web. If MJ was aware of this site, I think he would like it. But one last thing, is there a way that each comment for each of your blog posts could have time stamps, like before you redesigned this site, or maybe everyone could start adding the time and location of their posts? (This was posted Mon 7/27/09 at 4:30pm EST in NY) I think this would help keep things organized better so we all know when new info is posted. 谢谢!

  77. bghoppy Said,



    bghoppy Said,
    Dianafan, i agree with you about Miko, he seems like a scumbag. Really, your the guy that threw the towel on his head back in “84's burn accident? And I think there is some resemblance b/w him and blanket.

    I also posted a comment under one article you removed about the '84 burning might have killed him. Well, i wrote that i never believed the whole story in the first place that he was burned, and faked it so that he wouldn't have to keep working with his brothers (which really was an issue, them hanging onto him). I can't find it now. I had said how there was a picture taken the next night with him and webster going out to dinner, and how his hair looked just fine at the grammys one month later.


  78. youarealive Said,

    Admin or somebody can help me?
    when I read this post and specially the part about Mr Chopra´s Twitter I cryed, laughed, jumped as a crazy girl,´cause MJ is indeed the man behind the courtain. It was a moment of joy for me. I became depressed with Michel´s death. My world lost all colors… So it was so great to see a so clear clue about him.
    But when I read about the death certificate I started to confuse myself .
    Because you say that there is no signature in his death certificate, but I saw a copy of this documentation and there is a signature.
    It´s signed by Jonathan C Fielding MD VE
    I am from Brazil, co I am not very good in your lenguage and I couldn´t find a clear copy of the certificate, but isn´t it the signature of a responsable doctor?
    I am trying to investigate too. 您能帮我吗?


  79. youarealive Said,


    There is a site wich shows clearly MJ´s Death certification.
    There is a signature in the paper.
    I don´t understand this paper. Is it suposed to have another signature?
    Can anybody solve this confusion in my mind?

  80. bghoppy Said,

    Can that fire alarm story be cooberated by any more people? What's with the helo hovering overhead before Jermaine gets there? I wonder where it reurned to after dropping the body at the van?
    Now they say the 911 caller was a woman? That is totally not my percepion. What's her name and what is her job at the house. I've heard he is now debt free, thanks to us fans. You know that Liberian Girl video mentioned above, where were ANY of those people at his memorial. BS You still go to your junkie friends funeral. It's amazing there are two books out about MJ and his life and death before he is even buried (after more than a month, this is getting gross) , but sony cant press out some of this new music he was doing? Now he's the biggest drug addict in HIStory. Keith Richards never did as much drugs as sweet old child like mikey.

    I wanted to ask a favor from Bee, who mentioned a tmz link to computers in the ambulance, could you be more specific in how to find those comments, please? I'm very interested in the amulances and firetrucks at the scene. I dont know that it's normal to have an amb call #71 and an engine call #71. Does anyone else have ideas about the legitamacy of the vehicles and employees shown in the famous video?

    DIPROVAN? 跆拳道?

  81. bghoppy Said,

    The differences in the death certificates is the red lettering in the background indicates it is not a regular ceritfied dc, but an informational certified copy, which means it is meaningless for proving identity of the body, and you could probably buy a blank one somewhere. Nor have they produced the common in CA, proof of death letter.

  82. bghoppy Said,

    Since when has there been a case where every person of interest is invisible, and only speaks through multiple lawyers. I get presumed innocence and all but how can you not get any pictures of Murray ducking in and out of a police station.




  83. Chumoan Said,

    I was reading somewhere online someone has made a very good point:

    At the This Is It press conference, you say that it is an impostor, and that its all in the hands. However, if you look at the middle finger, right underneath the midpoint of the finger, there is this mark, kind of like a dent in the finger. It is darker in the image on the left, but clearly it's also in the picture in the right.


  84. Little Susie 01 Said,

    to YouAreAlive Post 79

    I believe it has to be Signed by the Doctor. And not a single doctor has not yet Signed it because the certificate says its cause of death is Deferred..

    But i strongly believe he is alive

  85. Smile Said,

    @ bghoppy post 77

    Maybe it is better for him to hide,because now you're saying what you want,but america wasn'ta healty evironment for Michael Jackson. He had to do this to live in peace with his children.

    He has been here for us for years,now it's time for him to do what HE wants.

  86. SJ1983 Said,


    Sadly Michael can not ever return to the public, that's the price to be paid for us as fans and for Michael!
    So in a way he is dead………Despite that Michael took care of us and for himself to record 200 songs!
    As for the people saying that he was such a perfectionist, TRUE!
    To plan such a big hoax in every detail you have to work on it for years..
    I believe that he has had this idea for years, knowing the children would grow up and not knowing how much more shit he can take from the media….etc etc
    I think the ideal situation was there when AEG planned 40more concerts against his will, he didnt want to leave the fans down if he couldnt make the 50 concerts!
    Thats my view on it…..

  87. SJ1983 Said,

    so in order of that he had to plan this hoax in a very short time
    although the idea was there for a long time

  88. P Said,

    To bighoppy on ur post #77

    Please review the Grammy clip again. You can notice MJ has all of his hair comb to the front. He was hiding the burnt spot.

  89. Sky Said,

    Hellooo, great work!
    There is defiantly something wrong about this, it just doesn't add up.
    Although i am beginning to believee he has really gonee however whenever i visit this sitee it always brings back hopee.
    But if he hadn't of died why would the family keep saying different things and not just leave it at the fact that he has died of a heart attack?
    Loveyhooo MJ, xxx

  90. Perfume Said,

    I am logging back in tomorrow to read more of the comments but moreso on what admin has researched on….again kudos to the admin:D

    #80 @bghoppy I saw a movie called “Fireprood” and the ambulance and the fire engine both had the same numbers on them, is this normally done in America I am going to ask some paramedics and firemen here in South Africa if that is common for the ambulance and fire engine to have the same numbers, unless this is done in the USA….can anyone else please help with this, can the admin answer on this as well …nothing stays hidden that cannot be revealed…..this article was in our local newpapers

  91. MariannaB Said,

    Would like to come back to post #74:

    what if MJ and E'Casanova changed places and identities and the dead is E'Casanova?
    wondering about differing age but a person with a life threatening illness may become look like an old person – what's your thought?

    [watching Said,
    look what I found sometime in 2007:


    in this website:

    (on first post)

    let us know what you know more about him (E-Casanova)

    keep posting and I will keep watching…

  92. msichanamrembo Said,

    Jambo ,writing in from Nairobi, Kenya. I've been following this site since i googled and found it — about four days after MJJ's supposed death and the minute I shut out the regular news it's been easier to think outside the box with the facts surrounding this case. I have read and re read everything posted on this site and echo the sentiments of most people on this site. My questions:

    1 。 Why hasn't the media bothered to address the people who think/ believe it was a hoax — lack of objectivity?
    2.What happens now that Dr Murray admitted to administering the drug
    3 。 I think AEG have a huge role to play in this…how much money are they supposed to make out of all of this? They benefit from a drug overdose result right? Like someone said on this site…follow the money
    4 。 I think we should watch Miko very closely he's been at the forefront since the 26th of June…
    5 。 Ever since his friend(blankets Godfather and the father of MJ's Goddaughter) in the UK divulged that MJ was/is a master of illusions the one thing that hasn't stopped running through my mind is Misdirection. It's a simple illusionist trick…google it — but I think there's a lot of misdirection going on. From the Media, to Miko etc

    Whatever happens or wherever you are Michael…..remember that you are loved. Never forget that

    Nakupenda sana rafiki….

  93. elizabethvitale Said,

    Very interesting info and a lot of it positive to prove a hoax. Way to go Michael. I knew you would never leave to anywhere without a good amount of attention.

  94. nehaheartmj Said,


  95. Narcosis Said,

    It now appears that doctor Murray admitted two days after the death of MJ he gave him Propofol and maybe fell asleep!! (Maybe??) However Murray refuses currently further coöperation in the investigation.
    So last night the drugspolice invated his home in Las Vegas and searched for the medical records of MJ.
    Murray was present during the search.
    Are they not a bit late with this?

  96. Ivonne Said,

    @ nehaheartmj Nr. 94 :

    Making-of Stranger in Moscow^^

  97. Rofibbs Said,

    The Authorities???…sloooooooopy!!

  98. Rofibbs Said,

    Any news yet Admin?? tired of surfin sites to get tangible news..everybody seems to be repeatin wat we know already.

  99. maria2284 Said,

    Now they have footage of Dr. Murray…


    I think that they are watching this site since there was no footage before, people here brought that up several times.. and now all of a sudden there is video footage of him…..

    ... 。 give me a break.

  100. maria2284 Said,

    They know we know hes not dead..

  101. lucrecia Said,

    I surprise that nobody does these questions except us. There are many important things without resolving. Witnesses to look, to asking what happened and that, besides, they are not contradicted to each other. I am far from where the facts happened, probably there you have more information or another sensation. I am Argentine, hope you understand my english!

  102. lucrecia Said,

    Do you remember this?:
    because I dont…

  103. Cabokat Said,

    To respond to #80. if you go to the link in the facts statement to Jenelle's blog, you will see the fire alarm information (at least as of today, 7/29/09, is stated in that blog to this website) is not correct or true.
    But I agree with you, will have to check that ambulance out it's at http://www.hollywoodtv.com or probably on youtube. Twitter about Gotham Chopra is true, so,,,,maybe Michael is alive and well and happy as hell
    not to have to put up with the media! If true, good for you Michael, if you see me let me know it's you!

  104. Cabokat Said,

    I think you should all check out @ecasanovamj on twitter, he has a few things to say. Very interesting and he sent one to @KennyOrtegablog Said Augus 1, 2009, the date that will rock the world……

  105. Cabokat Said,

    Okay now this is weird,,,,go checkout this website http://www.myspace.com/ecasanovafansite very eerie

  106. Narcosis Said,

    Jenelle's Journey:
    PLEASE READ: If you have made your way to this website via “Michael Jackson Death Hoax” dot com, please know that the administrator at that website has used this post to support incorrect information. The fire alarm that is discussed below was for the 200 Medical Center Building in the Peter Morton Center. This building is next door to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center Hospital where Michael Jackson did in fact die on June 25, 2009. The hospital did not have a fire drill, nor was it ever evacuated during the time that the Jackson family was there. It was later determined that the fire alarm at the 200 building was pulled by a paparazzi to create a distraction so he/she could sneak into the hospital…
    ? ? ?

  107. Narcosis Said,

    This womans version of what happened that day seems a little odd to me…(Thursday, June 25, 2009)

    Btw I just bought the magazine “Michael Forever” and there is a picture in it of Janet, LaToya & Rebbie in the catacombs of the Staples Centre, just right after the memorial. They were laughing if as someone just told them a good joke…That seems strange!

  108. monij Said,

    to Closepaltomj. what is your pr, i would like to have a look at it. 谢谢。

  109. Copenhagen Said,

    Please read Michaels fantastic speech at Oxford University in 2001. Maybe some of this will explain why he might have faked his death.


  110. Seekeroftruth Said,

    Narcosis… what an intriguing user name (congrats). You based your whole theory around a fire alarm? This website has pointed out several discrepancies since its launch into cyberspace. It is easier for many to believe MJ is alive than “dead” I hate the word die and all its variants along with it.

  111. monij Said,

    To MariannaB, that is interesting your post # 91. Did your really find this link in 2007, or did you just find the link these days. Your theory will really make sense if indeed you came across this piece of info back in 2007!!! what if they “switched” places. For an MJ fan that would be an honor to leave this world as “the idol” .

  112. Seekeroftruth Said,

    Narcosis, I may have misjudged you. Who is Janelle?



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