Michael Jackson Hoax Moarte

Este regele Pop-adevăr mort?


Hai să facem o foarte simplu, uita-te la asta intreaga saga. Aşa cum ştim deja, au cotloanele, motive, indicii şi sugestii cu privire la ce Michael Jackson ar putea avea hoaxed moartea sa, dar pentru un moment, eu vreau doar să iau un simplu uita-te la ceva care a fost chiar în faţa ochii noştri, de la bun început.

Acest fragment a fost luat de la un articol de pe msnbc din data de 29 iunie 2009.

"Chernoff, de asemenea, pe ziua de azi, a spus că nu cred că clientul său (Dr. Conrad Murray) a fost" pregătit pentru acest tip de atac "la prerogativelor sale şi acţiunile în acest caz. Dar el a declarat că "Este de aşteptat, având în vedere circumstanţele."

După ce este complet investigaţie completă, Chernoff spus, el a aşteptat Murray şi-ar fi exonerat de familie ar simţi diferit.

Jackson a avut încă o slabă puls şi un corp cald Murray, atunci când l-a găsit în pat, şi nu de respiraţie joi după-amiază, Chernoff spus în AP interviu.

Chernoff spus Murray a fost la pop icon a închiriat conacul când a descoperit Jackson în pat, şi nu de respiraţie. Medicul a început imediat administrarea de Resuscitare, Chernoff spus.

"El s-a întâmplat să-l găsim în patul lui, iar el nu a fost de respiraţie", a spus avocatul. "Dl Jackson a fost mai cald şi a avut o stare de spirit "."

Deci, stiu ce gandesti ca esti ... asta nu se deosebeşte de orice alt raport în jur de timp cu privire la modul în care Michael Jackson a fost găsit de către Dr. Murray, bla bla bla. Sunteti destul de bine, acest lucru nu este nici diferite, şi cred că toate sunt la fel .. exact care este punctul meu de vedere!

Să ne uităm mai atent la această declaraţie de la Dr. Conrad Murray, astfel cum a fost citat de către propriul său Avocat.


"Jackson a avut încă o slabă puls şi un corp cald Murray, atunci când l-a găsit în pat, şi nu de respiraţie joi după-amiază, Chernoff spus în AP interviu.

Chernoff spus Murray a fost la pop icon a închiriat conacul când a descoperit Jackson în pat, şi nu de respiraţie. Medicul a început imediat administrarea de Resuscitare, Chernoff spus. "

Acum, nu sunt sigur cum multi dintre voi sunt instruiţi în acordarea primului ajutor, dar de aici sunt cuvintele-cheie pe care Michael Jackson încă o slabă Puls, şi nu de respiraţie. Dacă el a avut încă o slabă puls, dar nu a fost de respiraţie, de ce dracu ar începe să se administrează CPR ??????

Nu ar tine grap o mască, sau să înceapă să se evapora în gură pentru a da-i respiraţie artificială (Ceva pe care le-am tot vazut la TV de mai multe ori)?

Dacă sunteţi încă sceptici atunci vă rugăm să permiteţi-mi să citez Wikipedia:


"În termen medical pentru starea în care o persoană este inima a încetat să se stop cardiac (de asemenea, la care se face referire ca cardiorespiratory stare de arest). CPR este utilizat la pacienţii în stop cardiac, pentru a oxigena de sânge şi să menţină un debitul cardiac organe vitale pentru a menţine în viaţă ".

În cazul în care medicul a spus, într-adevăr, a fost adevărat, atunci faptul că el a avut o slabă puls înseamnă că nu a fost în stop cardiac, după cum ne-am tot dus la cum credeţi că este Michael Jackson a murit. Inima lui ar fi trebuit să fi fost oprit pentru a fi in stop cardiac, care ar trebui CPR necesare pentru a păstra sângele circulă pe tot corpul, şi inima în mişcare.

Aceasta este, de asemenea, de la Wikipedia:

"În cazul în care pacientul mai are puls, dar nu este de respiraţie, aceasta se numeşte respirator arestare şi respiraţie artificială este mai adecvate"

Poate te gândeşti Sunt obtinerea prea tehnic? Gândeşte-te însă, acesta este un doctor, menţionându-se în propriile sale cuvinte ceea ce sa întâmplat. Dacă el ştia că Michael Jackson a fost în Arestul respiratorii şi a fost nevoie de respiratie, el nu ar spune asta? De ce, pur şi simplu de stat care a început CPR?

De altă breşă în Dr Murray declaraţia este că a descris-Michael Jackson corpul ca fiind cald. În funcţie de atac de cord / stop cardiac simptome enumerate pe medicalcenter.osu.edu, piele a pacientului ar fi rece, palid şi umed şi rece, datorită faptului că sângele lor de circulaţie a avut severly a scăzut sau a fost, de fapt, inexistentă.

Acest lucru, pur şi simplu doar să nu adăugaţi în sus. Cum s-ar putea Michael Jackson, au avut un leşin puls, piele calda, dar nu şi de respiraţie, dar a fost raportat de asemenea, să fi murit de stop cardiac?

De glazură de pe tort este cel mai evident faptul de toate. Michael Jackson a avut un cardiolog care trăiesc cu el şi că a murit de stop cardiac.

Îmi pare rău, dar acest lucru este ca poartă gumboots şi cu picioarele tale te ud de ploaie .... Grav?!

Dacă vă şansele de a supravietui un atac de cord nu sunt mai bune, atunci când aveţi un cardiolog care locuiesc în casa ta, 10 de metri de la dormitorul tau, atunci de ce dracu 'l-au viaţă acolo, la toate? Ca să nu mai vorbim de faptul că el nu a avut un Defibrilator Machine disponibile, fiind un cardiolog şi de toate? Dacă Michael Jackson a fost într-adevăr suferă de stop cardiac, care este tot ceea ce am spus a fost, atunci nu ar fi cu ajutorul unui Defibrilator au dat "leşin puls" de impuls este necesar pentru a trezi sa-l de inconştienţă, prin urmare, incepand lui respira? Nu este că ceea ce aceste masini sunt folosite pentru?

Tot ce pot să spun este dacă personal cardiologul nu poate salva, chiar şi atunci de ce deranjez la apel 911 şi paramedicii? Acest medic este un om care presupune o pregătire de mai mulţi ani, să ştie tot ce e de ştiut de inima, cardiologie , stop cardiac etc etc ... si el nu a putut salva, chiar propriul său personal pacient atunci când a venit vremea?

Teoria mea este că Dr. Conrad Murray este de perdea de fum oameni buni. În timp ce lumea este interogatoriu dacă el va fi acuzat de crimă, intrebam cine este, de fapt intrebam ce s-a întâmplat în acea zi, Michael Jackson se deplasează rapid în noul său de viaţă, în faţa noastră foarte ochii. Suntem doar prea distras să-l văd.

Dacă nu sunteţi de acord, apoi răspunde la această .... Unde sunt copiii acum?

  1. SaddleSketch Said,

    Sună destul de legit pentru mine.

  2. leolady Said,

    Ce vrei să spui, în cazul în care sunt copii? Nu sunt ei cu Katherine acasă? Cine spune că ei nu sunt?
    A fost linişte în ultimul timp real .. nu chiar TMZ MJ a publicat pe prima pagină mai ..
    Poate Dr. Murray este doar absolut incompetent, care ar explica tot ce a spus şi a făcut a fost greşit.
    Dar: de ce ar MJ lua pe cineva ca el? Te-a nu verifica prerogativelor sale? Nu te-ar obţine cele mai bune medicul vă poate lua?
    Acest lucru este foarte confuz şi Sper ca exista unele concluzie mai repede ..

  3. Coco Said,

    "Dacă nu sunteţi de acord, apoi răspunde la această .... Unde sunt copiii acum?"
    Mă întreb acelaşi lucru ... .. i-ar place, pentru copii de a avea intimitate desigur .. sunt copii .... Dar mass-media doesen't vrei asta ... si inca nici un nou poze de pe ei?
    Ufff unele zile mă simt ca e mort unele zile mă simt ca e in viata ... .. ar face acest lucru la fani?

  4. thelostchildren Said,

    dacă este nevoie de un pic mai convingător, iată un mic balon de crezut ca am avut. amintesc dulce Lisa Marie Presley a posta pe blog-ul său "moarte"? ea a comentat că Michael ştia cum le-ar muri, ceea ce a spus el, "" La un moment dat, el a întrerupt, el stared foarte intens la mine şi a spus el, cu calm, aproape o certitudine, "mi-e teamă că voi ajunge ca el , modul în care a făcut-o. "Am încercat prompt pentru a descuraja-l de la ideea, la care el doar shrugged punctul său umeri şi nodded aproape de fapt, ca şi când să să-mi spuneţi, a ştiut ce a ştiut şi faptul că a fost un fel de faptul că"

    amintiţi-vă că Elvis "moartea a fost, de asemenea, pe larg aclamat ca o păcăleală. daca crezi ca Elvis este încă în construcţie, nu ar putea să crezi MJ este de aproximativ prea (X

  5. scMJfan Said,

    wow ai dreptate! Chiar n-am mai gândit la asta, şi eu sunt instruiţi în CPR der.

  6. MariannaB Said,

    Ce acest doc aparent nu au dreptul în trecut:
    http://www.webofdeception.com/michaeljacksondoctor.html # medicalsanctions

    Cred ca e acum săgetător degete pe care el însuşi păcălit de această dată atât de desastrously.
    Am în ce fel de noroi şi în cele din urmă s-ar putea ajunge blocat. Pentru nimic.

    "Lăcomia îndeplineşte nevoie."

    El a fost doar folosit. El s-a întâmplat să aibă ca CV-ul perfect candidatul ideal pentru acest job.

    1) Acest lucru a avut un doc catastrophical record de professionnal cariera
    2) El a fost nimic, dar care deţin creanţe şi probleme.

    1) Acest lucru a fost angajat de către doc AEG, nu-i asa?
    2) El nu a avut nici un certificare a ABIM? Dar dreptul de a primi şi de a administra medicamente ei?
    3) A fost în casa lui MJ şi chiar a primit un "guest" statut propriu, cu o cameră de dormit?
    4) El va veni în seara şi se lasă de a doua zi?
    5) Nu a fost o declaraţie Îmi amintesc că MJ numit câteva zile înainte de ", care a fost acolo se întâmplă ceva"?

    Aş merge şi verificaţi de fiecare manager de AEG în jos până la ultima milimetri şi raid birourile lor şi de pe PC.
    Nu au nume nou venind în gestionarea AEG, în martie 2009.

    Nu uitaţi că companiile americane raportul lor cu privire la câştigurile trimestrial.
    Toată lumea crede că există doar 3 luni de acum, şi dacă locul lor de muncă de evaluare vor fi pozitive.
    Verificaţi-i afară.

  7. Usagi Said,

    Stimate Admin,

    Vă rog să mă ajuţi. Eu nu am fost capabili de a posta pe forum, la toate de mai multe zile şi sunt numai în stare să răspundă la alte persoane citatele, dar propria mea mesaje nu va apărea chiar şi atunci, de cele mai multe ori. I a lua o eroare de a spune "Nu subiect post a fost introdus. Post nu pot fi salvate "Iată ce-am vrut să posta în" Ce te-a adus aici "subiect:

    I folosit la a fi un mare fan MJ şi a avut o experienţă foarte foarte ciudat chiar înainte de a "murit". M-am simţit-o dată necesitatea de a urmări o sale videoclipuri muzicale (aproximativ 30 de minute înainte de începutul celei de-a MJ de ştiri), chiar a trimis un link la unul dintre prietenii mei, care poate înapoi asta, apoi un timp mai târziu a fost brusc in stare de soc si a convins pentru a fi auzit de aer alarme şi imediat verificate de stiri .. griji .. numai pentru a afla un minut mai târziu, sau aşa MJ au fost luate doar la spital. Ştiu MJ a fost luată la spital înainte, dar, din cauza fel de "avertisment" sau "semnul" Am Am ştiut imediat că a fost foarte grave, de data asta. A fost foarte ciudat şi mă face să cred că MJ a murit cu adevărat. Am venit la acest site pentru a încerca să mă conving că ceea ce inima mea este de a spune-mi este greşită. Mă întreb dacă au fost astfel de un mare fan în trecut, a creat un fel de telepathical Bond? Inima mea tocmai mi-a spus ceva dezastruos tocmai s-a întâmplat. Mă întreb dacă cineva a avut o experienţă asemănătoare? S-ar putea să fi fost o coincidenta, dar cu siguranţă nu au chef.

  8. mjjforever72 Said,

    Cred că el a făcut cred de fani, dar am o gramada de asemenea, cred că el a trebuit să mă gândesc la copiii lui şi au avut de a venit primul, înainte de toate! Ştiu că aş gândi la copiii mei în primul rând, cele de copii sunt viaţa sa şi că vrea să aibă o viaţă cu ei asa ca a trebuit sa faca ceea ce el a avut de a face! El a crezut ca singura cale de a avea o viaţă, cu copiii este de a păcăli un deces ca şi copiii pot avea piesă în viaţa acolo FĂRĂ mass-media! Eu dau vina pe mass-media pentru toate prostiile pe care nu mi-au spus despre el a lungul anilor şi-l pune la pământ şi să nu fie stoping cu ea! SHAME ON YOU MEDIA pentru a lua cele mai BUEATIFUL, FEL, iubitor, îngrijirea persoanei DEPLASARE de la toate din SUA si nu pentru a vedea din nou dar numai în VIDEO si PIC'S din trecut !!!!!!! I Love You MICHAEL ÎNTOTDEAUNA si pentru totdeauna mai mult!

  9. Nina Said,

    Nu ştiu ce să cred .... uita-te la asta:
    Ce se întâmplă dacă ... ..

  10. shimmeyjane Said,

    Nu cred că Michael n-ar face o revenire. Dacă el este în viaţă, cred că l-ar face o revenire, şi, dacă nu, atunci în mod evident, el este mort. Michael nu ar trebui să poată pleca lui fani în durere, în acelaşi timp, el are o fericită vieţii private. El nu e ca eu nu asa este.

    Dar restul de puncte pe care le-aţi făcut, s-au făcut un sens.
    Deci da, sunt in totalitate cu tine pe restul.

  11. Julie Said,

    Cu bunica lor si de familie:



  12. vasia CY Said,

    eu simt la fel, uneori, mă simt că e mort şi câteva ori am impresia că este în viaţă ... Eu cred că este începe în viaţă din jurnal în care a declarat că planul de moartea lui ... de asemenea, într-o hârtie de ştiri în 1994, un prieten de-al el spune că Michael a vrut să fals moartea sa şi istoria sa fie ca Elvis ... .. si asta este nu este nimic cu fanii dacă cineva se află într-o stare de rău şi nu poate trai asa pot face multe lucruri

  13. Rofibbs Said,

    Da el wud prezenta la fanii lui Coco .. Hes a trait cea mai mare din viaţa lui pentru noi, ei timp el a prins suma aer proaspat, pentru sine-Nimeni nu rumegat fi ca altruistă, Trec pe excursii, chiar şi atunci când el vrea să didnt, deschiderea uşilor sale de a total străini de a veni în direct cu el, la care NEVERLAND tern imaginii sale, Donatin uriaşe sume de bani pentru a caritate n helpin neajutorat copii din întreaga lume cu boli terminale ... lista continua. MJ a facut ce a ONU, OMS, UNICEF, G20 sau 8, etc, cudnt face cu snap de degete fără 2a crezut. El a stabilit ritmul pentru o trilioane de alţii să urmeze, wudnt-o fi prea mult pentru el pentru a cere restul. "MJ, în cazul în ure readin acest REST .. usor, dont lăsa nimic deranjez U sau o greutate de pe ur conştiinţă. Deşi sunt rupte n agitat pentru a primi noutati, ar trebui să se înţeleagă că aceste restul este aşteptată de mult timp. Am încă dragoste U indiferent de ce. "

  14. lilliadebe Said,

    Ei bine, Aş vrea să cred că el nu este mort, eu chiar nu ...
    Cred că acest lucru este posibil pentru a gestiona un fals moartea ... Cred că, în cazul michael, că acest lucru poate ajunge foarte departe ...
    Dacă ne face să presupunem că are copii şi sa apropiat de familie şi de prieteni (actorii fiind incredibil!!) Sunt conştienţi de păcăleală, nu pot cumpăra că acolo ar fi false de poliţie investigaţii ...
    Ce zici de Conrad Murray (lucru ciudat: i mistapped de Conrad Conard în numele şi în franceză înseamnă connard imbecilului ... oricum ...) fiind căutat şi "arestat" de catre politie??!
    Aş vrea să cumpere, dar nu este im ...

  15. AliaX Said,

    Este wasnt comună atac de cord, dar o determinată de administrarea de anestezic. Sub anestezie, dacă apar probleme, este posibil ca nici de specialitate nu se pot salva pacientului. Unul din 1000 de pacienţi care se află sub anestezie generală a riscurilor nu se trezeasca. Michael a fost norocos de 100 de ori, dar la 101-timp, de cracare. Adevărata întrebare este: cât de bine medicul permite anestezie generală, atunci când nu este necesar? Acasă? Fără echipament? Deci, de multe ori, ca o aspirină?

  16. juju3911 Said,

    ... Alors j'ai pour une întrebare Admin, pensez-vous alors que Michael est vraiment Mort, ou este asta un canular?!!! Je suis désespéré! Répondez moi vite merci.

  17. MariannaB Said,

    Şi ce-i vorba de "asta e"?
    O overwhealmingly zâmbind ciudat MJ anunţa un eveniment care nu a fost niciodată menită să aibă loc?

    http://xroads.virginia.edu/ ~ MA02/freed/Barnum/whatisitessay.html

    Barnum este "Ce este?" Expozitia - care este o bază de comercializare studenţi domeniul de studiu
    Citează pe link-ul:
    [ "Una din cele mai de manipulare Barnum foloseşte de retorica apare în limba ambigue care utilizat în" Ce este? "Campanie de publicitate." IT "a fost de fapt un afro-american om pe nume William Henry Johnson. Johnson a fost un făcut ciudat , şi în funcţie de speculaţii mama sa vândut în show-biz-l de la o vârstă fragedă. "]
    [ "Prin descrierea de expoziţii în ambele umane şi animale, termenii de" Ce-i asta? "Este există într-un spaţiu liminal care rezista definit de clasificare."]

    Liminal - rătăcire între lumi şi realităţi.
    Dispărut sau nu plecat, aici sau nu aici, în viaţă sau nu în viaţă - şi nici un răspuns clar vreodată posibil.

    Ca rezultat: persoane fizice in deriva între unul sau de altă parte, în orice caz, a ramas din punct de vedere emotional, cu cârlige pe complot, caz, povestea sau ce au numele asta.

    Şi toate astea planificate cu scopul de a obţine atenţia?

    Marketing (= de muncă de pe piaţă, muls de piaţă) este de numai aproximativ

    Cum mulţi dintre noi a făcut această stradă în cumpărarea "de un ultim element de memorie de la iubite (poate plecat, poate că nu a dus)" MJ?

    Cine este obtinerea de bani din toate astea?
    Nu-i răspunsul. Nu e de doc, el a fost folosit doar.

  18. tis_ruthy Said,

    Alia Ne pare rău, dar mi-am dont cumpere diprivan poveste. Cred că ei absolut ridicol suntem de aşteptat să cred că el ar risca sa întreaga viaţă în fiecare noapte pentru unii dorm, când şi-a absolut adores copiilor săi. Aceste riscuri le-aţi menţionat, şi acesta nu este prostie, el ar fi prea le cunosc. În ceea ce priveşte admin menţionând faptul că el a angajat un cardiolog şi apoi va intra în stop cardiac este doar toooo mult de o coincidenţă. Acesta este doar amuzant, aceasta este cu adevărat!

  19. boogieblamer Said,

    I într-adevăr de acord cu acest post ....
    De ce te-ar deranja să-adevăr au medicul dumneavoastră trăi cu tine în cazul în care, în camera este prea departe de a ta ...
    Şi el a spus de asemenea că, în toate aceste lucruri sunt de aşteptat. Si asta, e doar a deveni prea mult ...

    Asta înseamnă că, că totul a fost deja discutat despre cum ar fi .... "Hei tu doctor tu ... vei fi acuzat de asa bla bla .... Dar trebuie să fie la distanţă de ea, aşa că nimeni nu va observa dispariţia lui MJ bine ...."

    Am fost de la stiri de zi cu zi .... Jur şi eu cred că MJ este bine ...

    Mă întrebam acelaşi lucru prea ... unde dracu sunt MICHAEL'S copii?
    Nu am auzit de ei in ultima vreme ....

    Ce parere ai despre copiii lor admin?

    admin ... multumesc foarte mult pentru informatii !!!!!
    voi sunteti uimitor!

  20. boogieblamer Said,

    PS ... unii mai cred că el nu va fi cu o revenire ...

    Dar cred că, mai există unele revenire vine ...

    El a spus că el nu a oprit ... LUCRU. Mai ales de când muzica a fost viaţa ta. Este scris în fluxul sanguin, pulsul este de neoprit ....

    El poate fi plecat pentru câteva luni / ani, dar, cred că există o revenire .... Unele pot fi in stare de soc, supărat, surpriză şi fericită .... Dar ca sa mod de a arăta lumii că el este diferit .... Şi îmi place asta!!!

  21. darkfeather Said,

    Admin, cred ca sunt total dreapta. Este exact aşa am subliniat mai devreme pe forum şi, de asemenea, dr.. Murray nu a vrut să ne despărţim coaste, de aceea el a făcut-CPR pe pat şi, de asemenea, cu o parte.

  22. Copenhaga Said,

    Admin - Vă rugăm să păstraţi copii de aici - Doamne acum elicopterelor sunt deja hovering peste Jackson compus - Michael nu s-ar fi plăcut acest!!!

    Michael el a făcut ceea ce trebuia să fac, dacă el a prefacut moartea sa - astfel încât în loc să ne ţină cu ochii pe muzica, film, etc, care sunt produse de acum incolo - încercaţi pentru a verifica modul în care a murit 2Pac si vei descoperi o parte din aceeaşi lucruri care s-a întâmplat în legătură cu Michael daca crezi sa o păcăleală. Acest lucru este mult mai interesant decât a fi cu nasul mare şi interviening în Michaels copii de vieţi - în care acestea au fost de ajuns, până în prezent, prin acest lucru din nou, vă rog, lăsaţi-i de acest lucru!!!

  23. LilithBelgium Said,


    Astăzi am găsit asta


    Este foarte ciudat, nu-i asa? De ce acum?

    N-am mai văzut această imagine.

    Ce părere aveţi despre această nouă? Fake sau nu?

  24. LilithBelgium Said,

    Cel mai uimitor este ca este ca paparazzo care a luat fotografia de MJ în timpul transportului în ambulanţă au văzut-o cu siguranta el este imbracat in tricoul roşu în cazul în care cel de la roşu imagine. Uită-te la video şi opri în 1:30 şi 1:32

  25. MJ susţinător Said,

    De ce te-un stat în MJ: s personal apel la asistenta Cheri Lynn Lee în Florida pe 21 iunie, 4 zile înainte de a spune că a murit MJ MJ a fost senzaţie de rău şi că el însuşi MJ a spus că o parte din corpul său a fost senzaţia de frig şi de de altă parte, a fost senzaţie de cald, atunci când a fost un 24 / 7 cardiologul angajat (150 dolari 000/month) pentru a servi MJ?

  26. Parfum Said,

    Aruncaţi o privire pe "pic" în ambulanţă ca admin citat dacă ar avea de suferit stop cardiac lui de piele ar fi transformat albastru, şi am citit multe comentarii pe TMZ unde oamenii au spus că "persoana" în ambulanţă uitat prea sănătoase, cum am mai spus paramedicii a spus că a parut ceva foarte ciudat cu privire la casa si au fost persoana care administrează CPR pe avut recent facial cicatrizare ca şi cum au avut recent o intervenţie chirurgicală, şi dacă el a avut o stare de spirit, şi nu de respiraţie, dar corpul său a fost cald atunci cum se TMZ raportat că el a murit la domiciliu, altele spus în drum spre spital, alţii spun medicii au lucrat o oră pe el la spital, înainte de moartea sa ... ... nimic nu rămâne ascuns, care nu pot fi arătat aşa încât, atunci când a făcut Michael "muri" a fost sa-l pe pat in dormitor cu privire la modul de ambulanţă sau la spital şi de ce ele sunt încă de prelungire de la eliberarea de autopsie şi a ceea ce sa întâmplat cu corpul de ce a fost acolo un memorial fără o înmormântare lucruri doar dont adăuga până aici MJ ... oriunde ai fi ca întotdeauna ai spus "Te iubesc mai mult ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!". păstrarea săpat admin pe care o face un lucru extraordinar de către persoana care a spus TMZ nu are MJ pe paginile lor fata dont le poate avea ceva solid pentru a raporta, de multe trebuie să fie secret uitam acest site

  27. Parfum Said,

    Doar o singură întrebare, prin toate aceste happenings MJ în casa sa spui să-mi spună că nu unul din personalul său a fost curios să facă o înregistrare cellphone, doar o gândire

  28. gena Said,

    @ AliaX
    Total de acord cu tine! Şi sper că justiţia va fi servit, Conrad Murray a fost după MJ de bani şi aşa a fost Arnold Klein si multe altele. Dacă Michael nu a fost atât de bogat, probabil, acest lucru nu ar fi happend. Meu personal tristete merge la faptul că Mihai ar putea într-adevăr dragoste fiecare persoana din lume cu excepţia însuşi. Si eu regret, nu s-ar putea interfera şi să ia măsuri în timp ce aceasta a fost încă timp ... Michael, odihneasca-se in pace, lumea e cu tine!

  29. youarealive Said,

    Stimate Admin si baieti,
    Eu am un punct de adăugat.
    Sunt aici de a pune video de apel 911. Este subtitrate în potugese (mea naturale lenguage) pentru ca eu nu sunt prea bune speacking engleză.
    Dar este, în cazul în care persoana este de a face apelul, acolo este un soft de voce foarte similar cu Michael vocea în fundal de apel. Ne poate auzi vocea, atunci când acest apelantului confirmă adresa, precum şi în alte momente.
    Poate cineva a pus acest tip de voce ceea ce vorbeşte?
    Poate vă cooperare fi foarte important. Să-ţi explic de ce. Aici in Brazilia suntem în urma hipotesys că acest soft voce în 911 de înregistrare pot fi detinute de MJ însuşi! Dar eu si prietenii mei nu pot înţelege ce se spune. Te rog, să acorde atenţie în backgroung voce moale. Se pare similar al MJ vocea?
    Ce este această persoană spus?
    Multumesc pentru ajutor!

  30. ejay5131 Said,

    Dacă MJ a facut fals hi moartea pentru a ieşi din centrul atenţiei şi să aibă copii sai duce o viaţă liniştită normal, spune-mi asta .... Cum se ascunde, şi fiind într-o constant de-ti face griji ca o zi, cineva ar putea vedea în viaţă, undeva, o linişte paşnică viata? Eu nu spun că nu e lifving o viaţă liniştită şi nu sunt spune el ar trebui să aibă o revenire. Eu doar nu cred aa uriaş joc de "ascunde n căuta" pentru restul vieţii tale sunete paşnică. Mai ales cu suma de discutabil acţiuni, fotografii, precum şi declaraţiile care au fost lăsate în urmă.

  31. lou Said,

    Are sens. Conform rapoartelor, acest medic a făcut prea multe greşeli. Nu chiar suna ca un adevarat doctor, cel puţin, nu unul bun. Un medic grave n-ar accepta de a administra anestezic la un pacient care nu au nevoie de ea, şi într-un cu totul neobişnuit procedura - la domiciliu, şi fără dreptul de echipamente!!?? Suna teribil că MJ a angajat medicul cel mai rău în lume pentru a face o astfel de procedura de periculos, a risca propria viaţă! În ceea ce priveşte ultima parte a teoriei, presupunând că este posibil ca MJ este hidding undeva, el nu poate merge în jurul lui, cu copii mai, pentru ca acum lumea stie cum arata. Eu cred că, dacă este posibil ca el este, într-adevăr, le ascunde pe undeva, nu putem spune că este de a trăi o "viaţă normală", aşa cum el nu ar trebui să poată merge oriunde cu copii, fără a fi observat. Ar fi mai plauzibil că el a fost forţat în el, dar cine stie?

  32. leolady Said,

    hei, TMZ a două noi posturi de top prima pagina ... .. foarte lame cele ... dar au avut de a pune ceva, nu?

  33. Coco Said,


    M-am uita la foarte sfârşitul celui de-al video cand luminile a opri ... sale ca Michael este plâns sau în durere.

  34. ilovemichaeljackson. Said,

    Nu sunt prea sigur că sunt de acord cu tine la asta, admin.
    sa pare ca, uneori, dacă medicii pot suge la ceea ce fac ei, să nu uitaţi trecut de acest medic: sa nu scârţâie curat. deci faptul ca a pus-o, şi nu a avut nici o idee despre ce să facă în opinia mea, isnt o reală problemă pentru a sublinia.

    acest medic adevărat coulda fost doar o flunkie AEG şi Michael aflat de disperare, şi Murray acceptat de locuri de muncă. până la această zi, eu sunt încă nu este sigur dacă Michael, într-adevăr, în viaţă, i sigur faci speranţe, dar ideea de a questiooning medicului motive este cam ce nu incercam sa dau seama ..

  35. InLuvwithMJ Said,

    Am auzit la stiri câteva săptămâni că ştia Dr. Michael Murray înapoi de la o anumită perioadă de timp în cazul în care doc Michael trataţi copiii. El si Dr. Murray a dezvoltat o prietenie şi încredere, Michael el. De la acel raport am crezut că e ciudat că această cardiologul ar trata copiii, deoarece el nu este un medic pediatru, cu excepţia cazului în care unul dintre copii au avut o condiţie necesară ca un specialist. Dar chiar şi aşa, nu există specialişti în pediatrie?

    Sper ca nu a angaja AEG acest impostor, pentru că ar însemna că nu ştiau despre trecutul lui suspect şi ar considera-i capabil de nimic în schimbul banilor. Dar chiar dacă Michael ales ca sa-l doc-l pentru că a avut încredere (şi AEG, rolul a fost de a suporta cheltuielile) nu a ajuta MJ în cele din urmă. Acest medicul trebuie să fie cel mai incompetent om în practică. Nu pot să cred că ar MJ încredere viaţa şi sănătatea la unele medic cu o astfel de rău de rezultate, cu excepţia cazului în care el nu a ştiut despre asta. Sunt atât de confuz ....

  36. nefferteareya Said,

    Ei bine, eu încă mai cred că el este aici. Inima mea doar obiceiul să accepte faptul că el nu mai este aici. Acesta nu este un tip dornic de gândire de lucru, mă simt ca este aici .. fizic aici.
    Principalul lucru pe care mi-ar plăcea să exploreze este acest "Doctor Murray". personal, nu cred că el chiar există. Când a murit primul Michael au avut o fotografie cu el. Aceasta a fost o fotografie pe emisiunilor de ştiri şi reviste peste tot în lume.
    Apoi, după ce am săpat la MJDH început şi pun întrebări cu privire la doc brusc, a început mai multe imagini care vin out.I cred Michael sau cineva este uitam la acest site, astfel încât să poată ţine pasul cu greşelile şi inaccuracies.Also, observaţi cum acolo nu-i Nu foarte mult video de acest "medic" Murray şi de 2 bucăţi de video pe care le au ambele sunt extrem de slabă calitate, foarte blurry.I-am convins că video ar putea fi de anyone.TMZ, până la 2 sau 3 zile în urmă ar posta 2-3 Michael povestiri pe zi. acum, chiar şi acestea sunt în curs de quiet.Something ciudat este cu siguranta se întâmplă aici, şi cred că este din cauza noastră, Michael este încă aici.
    Te iubesc mai mult, Mikey-poo.
    Parerea totdeauna # 1 ventilator, Nefferteareya

  37. veritas88 Said,

    Ok. Înţeleg punctul dumneavoastră generale aici şi eu cred că este în viaţă MJ pentru multe motive a declarat anterior, în special dumneavoastră bold declaraţie despre moarte prin stop cardiac, atunci când în grijă de un personal cardiolog. Cu toate acestea, cred ca sunt din greşeală gândindu-mă că "stop cardiac" este o condiţie pe care o persoană poate persista prin. Nu este. În timp ce se presupune MJ a avut un leşin puls şi era cald şi nu de respiraţie, el ar putea apoi am plecat într-un stop cardiac în timp ce mai târziu, şi apoi a murit ca un rezultat. În esenţă, el a fost în stare, atunci când l-a găsit Murray ar fi putut sa înrăutăţit şi apoi a plecat în stop cardiac, atunci când a sosit paramedicii sau mai târziu la spital.

    Un alt punct, a văzut cineva ET interviu w / Tito Jackson? El a părut destul de devastat la mine. Cred ca MJ este în viaţă, dar eu chiar nu e de mirare despre gradul de păcăleală. Crezi că el a spus toate sau cea mai mare parte a membrilor familiei sale, şi dacă şi-a sunt ei cu adevărat genial actori sau ce? Am o mulţime de credinţă MJ că este în viaţă bazat pe fapte care nu adaugă, dar am mult mai confuz de zi cu zi. Îmi doresc cu adevărat MJ pentru a fi fericit, iubit necondiţionat şi sănătoşi, acolo unde este el, dar este de asemenea, sper el decide să reapărea la un moment dat. Adevărul trebuie să dezvăluie el însuşi în cele din urmă. În afară de aceasta, KOP, cel mai mare actor, care a trăit vreodată ar vrea să realizeze cea mai mare revenire vreodată, nu-i asa?! Aceasta ar fi o literalmente viata reala "Thriller"! Ei bine, eu pot doar să sper. Până atunci, mă rog pentru, gândiţi-vă, şi să asculte muzică de Michael fiecare zi!!

  38. becca26 Said,

    Michael Jackson sora lui, Latoya, a publicat următorul mesaj pentru fratele ei:

    Mihai, după 50 de ani de aşteptare, în final, Dumnezeu te-a sunat acasă să faci ceea ce faci cel mai bine.

    El a împărtăşit-vă talentul extraordinar cu noi pentru mai multe decenii, iar acum este timpul pentru tine sa răspândit aripile la un nivel mult mai mare, care, desigur, ştiu ce vor face, şi de a se alătura celelalte îngerii şi le va da o performanţă incredibilă veşnică.

    Păstraţi îngerii zambitoare, Păcălici!

    Te iubesc profund şi nu pot să aşteptaţi pentru a vedea ce efectuaţi din nou!

    Mike, va fi întotdeauna în visele mele!

    Te iubesc atat de FOARTE! Foarte! Foarte! Foarte! Mult!

    La Toya

    Sursa: LatoyaJackson

    Cam ciudat cuprins

  39. mjfan Said,

    @ Nina .... că special psihic sună mai jos pentru a pământului, normal, şi rezonabil decât cele mai multe dintre ele. Eu nu spun ca e bine, dar nu cred că e un speculant. El a mai Sincer cred că el a contactat Michael Jackson. Dacă are sau nu, cred că el crede că are. Şi nu ştiu dacă are sau nu. Nu am nici o idee dacă Michael Jackson este în viaţă sau nu. Dacă el a murit acolo e doar prea mult suspecte că s-a întâmplat pentru el toate să fie un accident.

    Apoi, din nou, în cazul în MJ este mort, toata lumea cauta pe cineva de vină pentru că el chiar ar trebui să fie încă aici. Desi este probabil egoist din toată lumea să vreau că, având în vedere cât de greu a fost viata lui.

    Sunt foarte sigur că nu-un fel sau altul. Deşi ştiu dacă MJ este mort, atunci acest lucru este, cu siguranţă, plauzibil. Şi ştiu că el ar fi vrut să găsească o cale să intre în contact cu oamenii si le calm jos. Stiu ca ar fi bug-l foarte mult cum disperat şi supărat de fanii lui sunt cel care trece. Un lucru l-am mai spus este că, dat fiind ridicate de o stare spirituală şi toate lucrurile pe care le au pentru nimic în lume, este probabil că, dacă MJ a fost mort, el ar fi mai multe în viaţă pentru fani. Pentru ca spiritul transcende toate celelalte. Deci fani care simt că este în viaţă ... foarte puternic, chiar dacă el e mort, probabil că ar simţi.

    I-am spus înainte că nu ar trebui să sară prea mult cu privire la modul în care familia este de doliu, pentru că dacă el este chiar mort, atunci asta e doar crud. Desi eu personal am avea puţin utilizaţi pentru Joe sau La Toya, (deşi dacă citiţi Magic şi Madness, atât a le da peste un pic mai simpatic în ciuda lor imens defecte), şi nu înţeleg de ce Jermaine care ţine atât de multe interviuri, încă, de a acţiona ca Paris prefacut discursul său, sau că nici unul de familie, care pare a fi trist, etc, etc pentru a dovedi o păcăleală, pare un pic cam crud. Şi, de asemenea, egoist. În faptul că, este egoist şi crud pentru a tăia o familie de comportament la un memorial pentru lor a pierdut un iubit, doar pentru că ne-o dorim MJ pentru a fi în viaţă şi să continue a face muzica.

    Am crezut pentru un timp, fie că MJ este de protecţie în custodie sau comă, sau el a fost ucis. Deşi dacă este sau nu că psihic mediu de fapt a avut nici un contact real cu MJ, cred că există o mulţime de prudenţă în mesaj că fanii trebuie să asculte şi să-l pe doua nivele:

    1. Nu ştim ce sa întâmplat. Deşi există de mult specula faptul că, dacă el a fost mort şi el a fost asasinat si a fost o mare conspiratie ... poate ar fi fost, şi poate că nu a fost. Dacă nu a fost şi ea doar pare suspect de bine ... cred că toată lumea credea despre cum MJ a fost vinovat pentru că a "uitat" suspecte.

    2. Ventilatoare nevoie pentru a afla cu adevărat pentru a face faţă cu realitatea MJ care ar putea fi mort. Văd prea multe fani de pe acest forum care sunt atât de aproape religioase MJ despre revenirea lui ... e ca lui Isus venind două sau ceva de genul asta. I se vedea unele puternic paralelele în asta. Este aproape înspăimântător.

    Ştiu că există o mulţime de tensiuni şi în timp ce pentru unii acest lucru este mai interesant intelectual. Don't get me wrong I love MJ Îmi place care el a fost, nu se identifică cu el pe mai multe niveluri şi pentru o lungă perioadă de timp a fost de cercetare pentru o persoană / fiind / avatar care am putut identifica cu privire la acest nivel. Şi eu sunt încă mai încearcă să dau seama ce înseamnă şi ce fel de modificări ce trebuie să faceţi pentru a îmbunătăţi propria mea viata. Şi-mi place muzica lui şi dans şi bate de box şi etc ... dar ... ca un fan, sunt relativ noi.

    Deşi am strigat printr-o mulţime de memorial şi sunt încă trist despre situaţia, şi încă nu au ajuns la un "nivel normal fan," am cu adevărat poate accepta orice rezultat de aici. Chiar şi în cazul în care acesta a fost doar un accident, iar el este cu adevărat mort. Este trist, dar în realitate, în cazul în care consideraţi că într-un domeniu spiritual, în moartea e mai viu decât în viaţă, pentru acei dintre noi care nu au fost vreodată mergi la a lua să-l întâlnesc în viaţă.

    Deci, pentru mine o mulţime de teorii sunt mai gândit experimente. Sunt curios, e ca un puzzle mare, vreau să dau seama. Dar nu am aceeaşi disperare o multime de oameni au. Şi eu sunt îngrijorat de oameni aici care au ca Michael disperare pentru a fi în viaţă. Şi sper ca astfel de oameni pot lua nişte pace despre asta, pentru ca Michael, dacă vii sau moarte, nu ar vrea să sufere de genul asta. Deci cred că oamenii, dacă ei cred Michael e mort sau viu, şi dacă este sau nu Michael e mort sau viu, nevoia de a lua "mesaj de la Michael" la inima. Because parts of it are true, even if it turns out Michael is alive or was murdered.

  40. Shauna Said,

    I haven't liked this doctor since the first mention of his name. Something odd about him. I am still unsure about this being a hoax, but I know none of this mess makes any sense. I can't imagine that Michael would want his fans to think he was an addict that stayed hooked up to IVs to sleep. If this is a hoax, it must have taken years to plan. Back during the Neverland raid the same drugs were found along with oxygen tanks and IV stands. I read somewhere that his lookalike E'casanova had a life threatening disease back in 2007. Could he have been the real one to die? In the ambulance photo it looks more like him than Michael. Michael's skin was lighter. I am so confused. I think this whole Dr. Murray thing will go to court, he will have the best lawyers and be cleared on all charges. Then he will get his payment for being part of the hoax and disappear for good. Michael will be in hiding with his family enjoying his freedom. I hope Michael is alive and well cause I love him dearly. Maybe we will never know the truth. This site makes some really good points though. It seems like every time something is questioned on this site regarding a statement in the media, someone will pop up to explain what was left out before. Keep up the good work admin.
    Michael if you are out there, be safe and know that you are loved. I don't blame you one bit.

  41. theinformer Said,


    Kai Chase (Michael's chef) is interviewed by Larry King. Listen to the question and answer from 3:15 to 3:47:

    Blanket is still unsure what's happened to his father:

    The Blanket reaction completely conflicts with the answer Jermaine gave to Matt Lauer on the Today Show at 2:06 to 2:32:

    Contemplate, Ponder and Discuss. I look forward to your feedback.

    -The Informer

  42. perfidy Said,

    While I try to be respectful of everyone's opinions and thoughts; I have read this site numerous times and muttered to myself – “Okay, do they hate him or just love him so much that they cannot let go?”

    I wish he was still alive. I want for him to still be alive. Every night I close my else to sleep, I hope that the next day when I wake, this will have all been some sort of bad dream..
    BUT, Michael is gone.
    Aside from speculation and wishful thinking that somehow Michael Jackson, who couldn't keep he own staff from running off at the mouth every time a controversy arose; there would have been way too many people needed to be involved in him faking his own death – and NO one is able to keep a secret THIS BIG.
    Aside from that, Michael not only loved his children (which you give a plausible explanation for hoaxing and reuniting with his children) BUT MICHAEL LOVED HIS FANS. (While many of them didn't always love him – he never wavered).
    For you to continue to claim that Michael faked his own death (for whatever reasons) is to also say that he would intentionally HURT his fans. And that, he simply would NOT do – under any circumstances.

    V-aţi văzut, nu de copii - Da, familia Jackson a fost menţinerea lor izolate în interiorul Havenhurst Compund. Nu va tine? Tatăl lor a murit şi încă toate mass-media se concentrează pe 1), de acuzaţiile pe care acesta a fost achitat 2) afirmaţiile, el a fost un "drogat" 3) constanta interogatoriu de "paternitate" pentru a acestor copii 4) custodia şi probleme că lor "naşterii mama" a vândut-o departe drepturile de a le de o sumă mare şi este căutat acum de mai mulţi bani 5) că mic "pătură" nu chiar au o mama (şi cu speculaţiile că Michael nu este chiar tatăl ....)
    Deci, ca parinte, sora, frate ... te-ai expune copii la mass-media?

    Fotografiile / ambulanta / etc: În timp ce recunosc, de fotografii de el efectuează numai 2 noapte înainte şi fotografii de el anunţând O2 Arena datele nu par să sugereze că acestea sunt separate, timp de 2 rame - acest lucru ar putea fi doar AEG încearcă să Mai vechi de piaţă picior de un tur precedent pentru a recupera pierderile, indiferent de la moarte - sau doar pur şi simplu mai mult lacomiei.

    Teoria că E'Casanova Michael sau este într-adevăr că omul care a murit a fost E'Casanova, trebuie să recunosc este cel mai intrigant. Am, de asemenea, recunosc că aş prefera să creadă că aceasta a fost cazul (în timp ce în aceeaşi respiraţie Adica nici un rău să E'Casanova) ... dar tu trebuie, de asemenea, să ia în considerare faptul că LAPD a investit mii de ore la om acest caz de anchetă - să nu crezi că l-ar fi descoperit "diferenţele" într-un relativ tânăr, comparativ cu a 50 de ani? Cu toate că cineva a postat un link la ceva care E'Casanova au postat despre singurătate ... ummm .. el a fost performant în Japonia (w / Michael în public), în 2007. În plus, "stare de nervozitate de cont", care a fost de referinţă nu a fost nici el. El are o pagina MySpace care listele sale legit conturile - NU Facebook - Nu Twitter enumerate.

    În ceea ce priveşte CPR. În cazul în care acest doctor facut vreodata CPR pe Michael. Eu cred ca cel mai raţională oameni care Dr. Conrad Murray a adormit în timp ce el trebuia sa fie de monitorizare Michael. Asta după găsirea Michael mort, el a încercat să facă totul în putere pentru a acoperi în spatele lui şi de aceea sunt atât de multe poveşti de conflict cu privire la moarte.
    Nu este neobişnuit pentru persoanele care urmează să fie "calma" pe un apel 911 - nici unul dintre voi au auzit de Billy Mayes 911 apel? Domnul vorbind (care cred că a fost un cumnat) a fost sperii acolo - de standarde - că ar însemna că Billy Mayes este încă în viaţă prea.

    Orice ai vrea să cred ... Apreciez faptul că în cea mai mare parte, pe care le-aţi fost respectuos de Michael pe acest site. (Ei bine, în afară de a spune că el a prefacut propria sa moarte)
    Cred că ar trebui să accepte faptul că doar a trecut pe Michael şi permite acest om de pace. El a fost analizată intreaga sa viata. El a fost umilit, chastised, victimă şi a mintit despre - avem cu adevărat nevoie de a continua sa speculaţii în "moarte"?

    Nu m-am sprijin Michael în timp ce el a fost în viaţă. Eu nu reprezintă acuzaţii - Adică eu doar nu pentru a asculta muzica sa (I a fost un cap de banger). Dar la moartea sa, am sprijinit de el. Am cumparat sale albume şi reviste care s-au spus bun gust din viaţa sa şi de moartea lui tragică.
    Nu suport sa de caritate şi mesajul său.
    Aceasta este ceea ce cred eu că ar trebui să se concentreze pe - şi nu încercaţi să "încă o dată", a face pe el arata ca un mincinos si un ciudat.

  43. Smile Said,

    nina,why do you believe all those things?

    people can't talk to dead people that's just wrong.you can't communicate with the dead.

  44. SJ1983 Said,

    @ shimmeyjane how could you think that there is a returningpoint in all of this, if he ever would come back he would be arrested duhhhhhhhhhh
    soo ofcourse he will never ever come back, why pull of a hoax to get away from all the problems in the first place, then to come back and face sooooooo much more problems!?!?
    So in a way he has died, cause he can never come back as MJ
    That makes me very sad, but at the same time he took care for us and the kids by leaving us hundreds and hubdreds more songs to come out the next years…
    I think MJ is very relieved now to finally have found peace living without the media, but is also very very sad that he cant be with his second love ever again HIS FANS!!
    This sadly was the price he got to pay for finding finally peace!
    I think it was a good decission of him!

  45. maria2284 Said,

    I completely agree that this is too “coincidental” to be real. Out of all the doctors he could have chosen, why that one?? One that is sooo bad, and not even certified? And one that is a cardiologist, and then all of a sudden MJ “dies” of a heart attack??

    Nu prea cred. And good thinking Admin when it came to the CPR. I would have NEVER thought of that at all.

    Where ever MJ is, I hope he is doing well.. resting peacefully, and able to enjoy himself and having a normal life.

    Te iubesc, Michael! :)

  46. SJ1983 Said,

    @ Rofibbs very nice written sosoooooooo true

  47. SJ1983 Said,

    @ Nina oh come on, eighter this person was looking for attention or money or was sponsored by TMZ hahahahaa
    3 times saying pls people I am not physically alive yeah yeah I say big BS

  48. SJ1983 Said,

    omg after reading all this about Murray, more hoax more hoax!!
    Why would a person such as MJ and AEG with so much money hire a person with such a bad reputation!!!!!!!!!?????????????????
    NEVER would they have done that, except if they knew that they needed someone to be the suspect for the murder case in order to claim the insurrance money, while it couldnt be claimed if it was a dead with a natural cause

  49. Tatum Said,

    Well, forgive my English …
    Like most, I 'm confused whether or not to believe his death was forged, there are many contradictions in fact … but I prefer to believe that he's alive until I prove otherwise. About the fact that he back or not (if alive), I 'm afraid to return because I don't know how would be the reaction of fans … but say he 's alive and back one day … people please be understanding with your attitude, Mike lived a whole life to others and doing everything that the other wanted, annulled, it only wanted to live normally like us, was the Michael Jackson on stage, but at home he just wanted to be the father, Mike … If the love of fact should not be selfish, we should be with him all the time and the more difficult it is, understand it. MJ I love you! Be Happy

  50. UserWicy Said,

    source: http://cherokeebillie.wordpress.com/
    to NiNa
    i donno, cherokee billie didn't go into a lot of details didn't she? but that's what religion is, no exact details. Well Mr jackson if ur really a free spirt now, than good for you( i'd like to be invisible and free)and if ur really not dead, enjoy ur holidays.
    There are so many facts that people can make anything sounds convincing, it is really up to you to decide what makes the most sense. BUT no matter what u believe in, there's only one truth, and no one can change it.

  51. kristindean88 Said,

    Someone please, PLEASE read this and respond to me, I'd love some elaboration and insight.

    I am not the kind of person who easily believes in conspiracy theories, yet for some reason, I do not doubt for one second that Michael Jackson faked his death. He strikes me as the kind of person who would do just that, in order to finally live a life of normalcy, especially for his children.

    There are several questions that I need to find the answers to, because I think they coincide.

    First, when did AEG announce that Michael would be doing 40 more tours than he agreed to? Second, when were his trusted staff fired, rehired, and new people hired? Could this have happened after AEG's announcement? Kai Chase, Dr. Murray, Grace Rwaramba, Leonard Rowe, Cherilyn Lee, John Branca, etc. I can't imagine Michael had a high turnover rate for employees, it would not be safe to have people coming and going from his life on a constant basis. Why would he fire some of the people closest to him, rehire one of the executors on his will, and hire a whole host of new people to accompany him to London?

    Michael truly felt this final tour would kill him. I think he meant it to be his last tour ever, and he has stated, “I go through hell touring. I go through hell.” I think AEG really caught him off guard when they announced 40 more shows. Not 10 more, not 15 more, but 40 more shows, 10 more months of his life. That's 10 months away from his children, 10 months of grueling work that would be so taxing on his body.

    If I were Michael, knowing that I didn't want to do this, knowing that my body physically COULDN'T do this, I would look to any way out. I presume that for many years Michael has always held in his mind the idea of faking his death. To finally die as Michael Jackson and live as a normal person. I wouldn't be surprised if the controversy surrounding Elvis's death first sparked this idea.

    Rather than cancel his tour, disappointing millions of fans and being remembered as a wash up and a failure, he could *die* and forever secure his position as the greatest entertainer of all time. No one will ever top the King of Pop, it can't be done. His death forever guaranteed that position, and I'm sure he knew that.

    Perez Hilton was incredibly callous in his initial response to Michael's alleged cardiac arrest, but there may have been something to it. It seemed SO convenient that Michael would die RIGHT before this tour, not during, not after, not several years ago when he went into rehab for addiction to prescription medicine, but weeks before his final tour.

    It does not add up. There's so many other oddities, which this site has listed very well, but for me, the bottom line is this:

    Rather than cancel the tour and be remembered as a failure, dying would ensure Michael's place in musical history forever. If I had that option, if I had the option to restart my life and become an entirely new person, I would do it in a heartbeat. While most of us can't do that, Michael no doubt had the resources to do it. I have no idea who may be clued into his faked death, I suspect a lot of people aren't, possibly including his family, people who worked for him, and people he worked with him on the “This Is It” tour. My honest gut feeling tells me he is not gone.

    “Michael Jackson” died, but I don't think his body did, I really don't. I don't think he'll ever come back as Michael Jackson, but I do think he will finally be able to find peace with a life of normalcy and simplicity, which is the only thing that matters.

  52. freeak Said,

    Thats all very strange. i totally agree with you admin. and i think at the memorial was just one friend who was very close to him…BROOKE SHIELDS. I mean she is an actress.all i know is we will know the truth soon. the whole story sounds soo arranged and planed but they made some mistakes! =) whatever, all i know is that we love michael and always will. it don't matter if he hoax his death, but, pls michael, if you read this, when you feel ready, come out, just take your time, don't feel ina hurry, just rest for a time and fill up your strength. don't allow the media and the haters to get you down. you were always there for your fans now its our time to be there for you. I LOVE YOU AND ALWAYS WILL.
    love and greetings from austria,vienna. (i was just 2 years when he did his last concert in vienna and 3 years when he last visited vienna =D)

  53. mahana Said,

    When I saw the 'right before our eyes' comment, I thought it was about the name of the clinic! I think the CPR-slip is waaaayyy too subtle to be an actual 'tip'. Even doctors misspeak sometimes.

  54. morgane Said,

    I noticed while watching several pictures on the Net that Michael Jackson had perfect teeth or on the michael of this conference is it is not the perfect teeth
    look good on the lower jaw
    I may be wrong but ….. and I repeat myself but the kids did not look sad

  55. BeenTown Said,

    Marea puncte. Clearly does not make sense.

    I thought the kids were with Katherine but the only photo I have seen was weeks ago when they were going to church.

  56. kitkat Said,

    OOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SOOO BUGGIN OUT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!!!!!!!!!!! first of all i feel soo stupid 4 not realizing tt CPR wasnt needed wen the doc found em!!! n other ppl guesses were right about the doc being accused being all part of the plan. I mean i took it in2 consideration,but i wondered y wod it be part of the plan? i thought the poor doc wod be accused of somthing he didnt do n tt mj wod either be forced to admit he faked his death or hope the doc gets out of it alright. But now it makes PERFECT sense! tis whole time my attention was on the doc! not the kids!

  57. mordor Said,

    hi nina where did you get this???It seems..hm..need to think more..some of the things the lady is saying are …like..Dont know..the spirit is never talking about the bad things because they are not important anymore..But we can believe to it..maybe….but we have to be careful as everyone is trying to make money -the easiest way is use his name…Now she can becom very popular as she is saying tha she have conection with Michael..Bit this can be just one of the other fakes…we need to contact some of the other spiritualist..my feelings doesn´t lie to me..something is not ok ..I can´t get the feeling that she is really honest..what do you think?????

  58. m Said,

    hello!!I saw on a web site an article from 2007 saying that mj double e´casanova was suffering from a serious disease and because of that his doctors asked him to retire.So i went to his myspace and i saw a lyric wrote by him in july 18, 2007 called ” IF I DIED TOMORROW ” weird.Does anyone knows or check it out if it´s true that he was so sick??!Maybe he died instead of mj!Maybe they swaped places!!! I know he has a myspace but is a fansite mypace…so anyone can be updating his site… Or maybe i´m crazy!!

  59. Helia Said,

    The children are with Katherine Jackson. Easy Question.
    And your whole article is useless because it is obvious that Dr.Murray lied. He lied when he said that Michael Jackson had a faint pulse. It is obvious that Michael Jackson was already dead and that's why he began administering CPR. I guess he felt guilty for what happened and wanted to say that he did everything to save MJ's life and it wasn't his fault and because of the pressure he didn't realize that what he is saying doesn't make sense for a doctor. You did your best to explain this but the problem is that your are trying to convince people of something that is not true. Michael Jackson is dead and resign yourself to it.

    RIP Michael Jackson

  60. mjjforever72 Said,

    I was just on cnn.com and I was reading alittle about michael's estate well i thought I would like to share it with all fans and the admin to this site. I copied it and here it is below as follows;

    control of estateStory Highlights
    Katherine Jackson looking for some control of her son's estate.

    Lawyers' petition accuses executors of keeping Katherine Jackson “in the dark”

    Jackson wants executors to answer questions about business arrangements
    updated 30 minutes agoNext Article in Entertainment »

    By Alan Duke

    LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) — Katherine Jackson's legal battle for some control of her son's estate returns to court Monday in front of the same judge who is expected to award her permanent guardianship of Michael Jackson's children.

    Katherine Jackson has accused the executors of her son's estate of “keeping her in the dark.”

    Dozens of lawyers are expected to pack a Los Angeles courtroom where a judge will consider the Jackson family matriarch's challenge of the lawyer and former music executive who were named as executors in Michael Jackson's will.

    Katherine Jackson's lawyers filed a petition last week accusing the men who now control the estate of being “intent on keeping her in the dark” about deals they've made or are negotiating.

    Londell McMillan, Jackson's lead attorney, raised questions about “a suspicious circle of relationships” involving John Branca, the singer's longtime personal attorney, and John McClain, a music industry executive and longtime friend.

    Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff gave Branca and McClain temporary control of the estate until Monday's hearing.

    Katherine Jackson is asking the judge to order Branca, McClain and others to answer questions under oath about their business agreements to determine if they are “fit and able” to administer the estate. The men also were served with a 19-page demand for documents.

    Branca has refused to let Katherine Jackson see Michael Jackson's contracts with AEG — the company that was organizing and promoting his planned concerts — unless she agrees to keep them confidential. Branca's lawyer argued in a court filing that he has no choice, since the contracts have a provision requiring confidentiality.

    Nu rataţi
    Issue of Jackson doctor-shopping for drugs raised again
    Jackson's personal chef: House went from happy to hysterical
    Search warrants seek evidence of drug addiction
    Deal reached for custody of children
    Branca's lawyers also argued that Jackson's demand for documents was too broad and burdensome.

    “Such measures will not be necessary if Mrs. Jackson is appointed a co-executor of the estate,” McMillan said.

    McMillan, in an interview with CBS Thursday, estimated the Jackson estate was worth $2 billion, while the executors have estimated in court that its value is around $500 million.

    The will written in 2002 places all of Michael Jackson's assets into a family trust benefiting his mother, his three children and unnamed charities.

    Judge Beckloff will consider at Monday's hearing who will have permanent control of the estate.

    The judge is also expected Monday to finalize Katherine Jackson's guardianship of her son's three children. An agreement between Jackson and Debbie Rowe, the mother of the two oldest children, cleared the way for an uncontested custody hearing.

    Rowe, who was briefly married to Michael Jackson, agreed not to fight for custody in exchange for visits with the children as recommended by a psychologist.

    The agreement does not involve any financial payments to Rowe “apart from the continuation of spousal support payments” that Michael Jackson personally agreed to make to Rowe after their divorce, their lawyers said in a joint statement.

    Jackson's children have been living with their paternal grandmother at her Encino, California, home since their father's death.

    The oldest child — Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. — was born in February 1997. A daughter — Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson — was born the next year. Details of how the children were conceived — and who was the biological father — have been closely guarded amid much public speculation.

    The couple divorced in 1999 with Rowe giving Jackson full custody while she got an $8.5 million settlement, according to court documents. Jackson later agreed to additional support.

    Rowe gave up parental rights to Jackson in 2001, but she changed her mind more than two years later and sought temporary custody of the children. A California appeals court later ruled her rights were improperly terminated, opening the door to a possible custody battle.

    While the coroner's report on what killed Michael Jackson has been delayed indefinitely, new evidence emerged that the singer shopped for a doctor who would give him the drug investigators suspect led to his death.

    Dr. Allan Metzger, whose name appeared on a search warrant served this week, refused Jackson's request in April for the anesthetic propofol — commonly known by the brand name Diprivan — Metzger's attorney said.

    Investigators suspect another physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, gave the drug to Jackson in the 24 hours before he died, according to a source, who asked not to be named because the individual was not authorized to speak to the news media.

    Metzger, who practices in West Hollywood, California, told Jackson during a visit to his Holmby Hills home that the drug was “dangerous and potentially life-threatening and could not be used outside of a hospital,” attorney Harland Braun said.

    Metzger's medical records for Jackson, whom he treated until 2003, have been given to the coroner, Braun said.

    He said Metzger prescribed drugs for Jackson under the alias Omar Arnold and Michael Jackson, which was not illegal since he used both names together. The doctor did that because he thought it was “his duty to protect the privacy” of his patient, Braun said.

    Omar Arnold is one of 19 aliases listed in the warrant used by Los Angeles police and federal drug agents Tuesday to search the Las Vegas office and home of Murray, a Texas-based cardiologist.

    The warrant also mentioned Cherilyn Lee, a nurse practitioner who treated Jackson earlier this year. Lee told CNN Jackson begged her for the propofol to help him get a good night's sleep. She said she refused, telling the pop star that if he took the medicine, he might never wake up.

    The same warrant, signed by a Las Vegas judge, implied that investigators suspected Jackson was a drug addict.

    Dr. Deepak Chopra told CNN in a recent interview that when Jackson asked him for a narcotic, he told him absolutely no. “I said to him, 'Michael, you're going to die one day from this,'” Chopra said.

    During a world tour in the mid-'90s, sources close to Jackson told CNN, the pop star suffered from insomnia and traveled with an anesthesiologist who would “take him down” at night and then “bring him back up.” According to a report on a 2004 Santa Barbara police investigation, security guards in Jackson's inner circle said he traveled the country getting prescriptions from doctors.

    The Los Angeles County coroner, who must rule on the cause of Jackson's June 25 death, met Thursday with the Los Angeles District Attorney, who must decide if anyone will be prosecuted for his death.

    During the meeting, it was decided that an announcement of the coroner's findings would be delayed indefinitely, according to a source close to the investigation. An official in the coroner's office had previously indicated to reporters that the findings would be made public within days.

  61. dirtydiana Said,

    I am pretty sure that this has been posted and talked about, but what are your thoughts on MJ's personal chef. I am sure the family gave her the go ahead to do this interview so anything coming out her mouth is questionable.




    Sounds a bit scripted to me, especially the praying part. It's funny how she said the children were crying hysterically on the day MJ supposedly passed but not one tear shed during the memorial??!!

  62. dirtydiana Said,

    Why is the toxicology report being delayed?


    If MJ died for whatever reason, why the need for continued investigation? If he died from this so called drug over dose with the help of Dr. Murray, shouldn't he be in custody by now? Everyone has been playing to this long waiting game knowing the only person being eyed from the beginning is Dr. Murray. I don't know how the law works, but if they already have the results and it turned out to be caused by him, shouldn't he have been in custody by NOW? What do they need to further investigate? Please someone keep me updated on the facts, but did Dr. Murray ever admit to giving MJ the shot? Please correct me if I am wrong.

  63. Dee Said,

    I agree, I finally got someone other than my friends here on board. My Dad was all caught up into the diprivan thing (we had this talk just this afternoon) MJ this and MJ should have known bettere, wtf this and wtf that. I said Dad this is Michael Jackson, he has access to all there is, if he wanted to take diprivan nightly (which physically-scientifically and biologically impossible) why wouldnt just have anesthesiologist. instead of a cardiologist with a supposed shady past…. He went off and started with the media BSing and so forth and so on.

    Admin, you always come through and I agree with “where are the kids” I asked myselfthis just last night. We will never see those kids again, I even thought MJ may have beenheld up in Katherine's home somewhere. Who's going to go there, who is going to expect him there. We dont even how nig or small that joint is, what the inside looks like.

    Question Admin, do you think he'll return? I do, and thats because if he was ever going to get missing, he's done that already. He left the country and we didnt see him for a while. he was left alone in Ireland and Bahrain. He had no real need for a comeback tour, or to be intimidated by 50 shows, there was no need. He was being saught after in Vagas, a longing running show which he was obviouly considering, he was looking for his wonderland there. His dad is there, they have obviously mended fences to some degree….as he was part of the O2 negotiations. He ducked out for something serious and he will return to explain. If he was ducking out on the show, bills and the media….He doesnt need to die, to do that, he could just leave the country again. The death lets us know that there is something more serious going on….If he is danger, it makes more sense to die lay low until you can expose your danger safely.

  64. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    I Love Michael Jackson, Wether He Is Dead Or Alive. He Is And Was A Great Actor, Musician, Dancer, And The List Goes On. He Will Come Back When ANd If He Wants To. I Dont Blame Him If He Is Doing A Hoax Death, He Needs His Piece Of Mind. I Love You Michael Wherever You Are!!!!!!!!!!

  65. lets talk Said,

    Great Post !! Ok so where are the children if they are not with Katherine. Do you know something we don't know ? Cmon Admin spill the beans ?

  66. iJustCantStopLovinMike Said,

    that makes much sense

  67. Mijac Said,

    Law enforcement sources tell us when paramedics arrived at Michael Jackson's house he was already dead … and it took them a while to even realize the victim was the famous singer.

    Our sources say when paramedics got to Jackson's home he was flatlined. There was no electrical activity in his heart and Jackson showed no sign of life.

    Multiple sources say paramedics wanted to pronounce Jackson dead at the scene but Dr. Conrad Murray insisted that the singer be transported to the hospital.

    Paramedics didn't realize for nearly 10 minutes the victim was Michael Jackson. As one emergency worker put it: “It just looked like a frail, old, sickly man.”

    All this make me think two things:

    1) Michael need the presence of a doctor in his home because he wanted a higher medical authority than the EMTs (Dr. Murray had the power to overrule them)

    2) Paramedics didn't realize the victim was Michael Jackson. (because wasn't Mj)

  68. thanameslilixd Said,


    they havent claimed his life insurance!?
    i dont understand this. what is up with this???

    Please do a post on the whereabouts & if he has insurance & if it has been collected.
    if it has, then if he comes back that'll be fraud right?

    agh, i can hear the news right now >_<

  69. thanameslilixd Said,


    aww this picture is so cute!

  70. thanameslilixd Said,

    1. Is it possible that Michael hired this man so that when he “died” the doctor would screw up in what he was saying because he isn'ta real doctor, but a man who does fraud. Maybe he wanted to expose him & tht's why he hired him; not because he's a good doctor.

    2. Maybe Michael just wanted a cardiologist and found whatever AEG told him to get. Maybe Dr. Conrad Murray is actually uneducated and all so he didn't know NOT to do CPR on him. HONESTLY, what type of doctor (WHO GETS PAYED 150,000 A MONTH, i believe) doesn't know how to take care of a man-especially someone as giving as Michael himself. That's horrible. This is what the medical system has become.

    It's so frightful to think what that man has gone through in his life.
    I'm so doubtful and confused.

    This site gives me hope that he is alive.

    I know he will read this if he is passed away. He's watching over us.
    But if he is alive, he may as well be checking this website out.. who knows?
    Time will tell…

    @Nina, I don't know if that Blog is true or not, but we can never stop thinking he is alive until all the facts are laid out correctly ); If those are his words indeed, then I hope we do stop this.

    I'm just confused.

  71. thanameslilixd Said,


    e adevarat?
    i hope shes okay!!!
    & i hope that if he is alive,
    he lets her know that hes okay…

  72. MJFAN1972 Said,

    Of cource. I never even thought about the doctor being the smoke screen, Everyone is destracted trying to find out who he is that we are stearing way off course. There is probably no police investigation, the media is just feeding us this to throw us off course and then we'll consentrate more on finding out who this cardiologist is. Bine gândit.

  73. jedigoddess Said,

    I was a First Aid / CPR instuctor for almost twenty years and I have always trained students that you DO NOT perform chest compressions if there is a heart beat. You would only do AR. If what was going on WAS going on why would a Cardiologist not know that and why would he not have a difibrillator?

    You can buy them for under $500. and here in Canada they are everywhere. As a Dr he should have had a Ambu bag and a mouth piece at least. These would have been sufficiant to perform AR and if performing AR this would keep the heart pumping on it own. The brain has a Carbon monoxide trigger that if doing AR fools the heart into thinking it is still getting oxygen so therefore the heart keeps beating as if the person was breathing on their own. If AR had been performed on its own the heart would have not known the differance.

    Either DR. Murray was totally incompetent or the media thinks we as the general public would not know this .

    I also wonder why DR Murray ( if he was giving drugs) would not have had a drug called narcan available. Narcan or narcanon ( not sure of the name) is a drug that is given automatically in the ER if the patient has a suspected drug overdose. It is in effect an anti narcotic ( I think ) that reverses the effects of any drugs in the system. Look it up. If this was a DR who was giving a phenomenal amount of drugs or was dealing with someone who he knew was taking a large amount of various drugs would he not have some of this on hand???

    I am not a DR but if I was to transport or deal with a patient with a known drug problem that is one of the first things I would use or request from paramedics. (They carry it I am sure but so not know about USA ) There was a brief reference to this on one of the news shows but it was not followed up on…..ever

  74. Samantha Said,

    I agree the most about he did this to help his Kids, and ofcourse himself, i think Michael was going to be murdered, and he knew it so he escaped And when people think that he wouldn't hurt his fans, yeah i know… but He didn't really have much of a choice, He had to go before he actually did get killed, Well its what i think.

  75. Samantha Said,

    Just because it's in print doesn't mean it's the gospel.
    - Michael Jackson

    People write negatives things, cause they feel that's what sells. Good news to them, doesn't sell.
    - Michael Jackson

  76. hummmmm Said,

    Three things impress me about this case. One….the strange smile on michael's face as the camera fades out at the very end of the world tour video. Two….that Prince saw his daddy convulsing on the floor and thought it was a prank. And three……When you look at the tourist's video in front of the mansion as the ambulance pulls away…..why are there already wreaths on the front gates? The tourist even comments there are “Christmas Wreaths” on the gates. Christmas wreaths in June? Or could this have something to do with a new song being released on Christmas?

  77. Vanessa Said,


    I have some additional facts that im affraid might be a little too close to home, its from old news regarding an actor and MJ, i believe it has something to do with MJ whereabouts..God, i even got chills writing this

    Also, one thing that caught my attention is that, A LOT of the staff were fired and the re hired..
    Another thing, MJ once said in Geraldo Revira interview that his current passion is directing, something thats beyond movie, said he wanted to take directing to a whole new level…a comment thats worth considering

    I feed weirdly saddened by his passing, super weird coz i wasn't particularly his fan, i was born in 1982, only listened to his black and white and several songs after that, HOWEVER, the whole publicity made me take alook at his career, and while at the same time i realised what an amazing and inspiring person he is, i also can not seem to LET GO SOMETHING THAT BUGS me since the day he was mentioned passed away…something sound really wrong in the whole scenario, the funeral looked odd, and maybe after looking through his videos and listening to his song, i believe that Jackson is strong (as he repetadlly said) and that he would want to live forever… He escaped embarassing news about his lifestyle, 2 years allegations and he said, he has rhino skin, very strong and immune to all of the negativity around him

    Personally, i believe that, thats why i don't believe His story ends just like that, in a quite afternoon due to drug abuse…

    So there it is, combination of instincts, facts (which have been well laid by everyone here) and my judgment on MJ,s characterisitcs…

    One more thing, i also believe that this website is being followed by more people than we would've expected…check this out, people in this site have been ranting about the lack of sadness on MJ's family and the whereabouts of his children, all of the sudden we found news articles about Katherine Jackson saying how devastated she is…I feel for Mrs.Jackson should Michael really has passed, but i just TOO MANY coinsidences around this case…

    Refering back to the begining of my post, i have a hypothesis regarding MJ wherebaout, im just too scared to put in in public forum like this…i was browsing thru old articles about MJ and something caught my eye..try it yourselve and see whether any1 of you found that too

    Regardless the controversy, MJ is an inspiring person, i can' even begin to explain how recent news about him and his career affect me, the way i see accomplishment and excellence and begin to re examine my own life…

    Love you MJ

  78. Nobody Said,

    All this proves is that MJ hired an incompetent doctor. Personally, I think MJ knew the risks of using the anesthesia medication and thought he was being cautious by hiring Murray. He obviously made a huge mistake.

    Sure, its still possible that MJ faked his death, but all the theories could easily be proven wrong by a little cooperation from the family and authorities. Unfortunately, this will never happen and internet sites such as this one will continue speculating until the end of time.

  79. CuteAngel Said,

    This site has definitely given me hope that MJ could very well be alive, however, I'm not convinced that we'll ever see him again. I dunno, it just seems too far-fetched that he would concoct such a huge and elaborate scheme, only to expose himself to the public again. Nu stiu. I think the MJ, the entertainer, the artist as we knew him is no more, BUT, MJ the person, the human being, could very well still be….and if that is the case, I hope he's doing well and is finally at peace.

  80. MissRenee Said,

    perfidy – You said it. Am complet de acord. I like how you look at it with common sense… You're like, come on, he is dead, but I would prefer he wasn't. We just have to accept that he is gone. I have the exact same points of view. Mulţumesc! xx

  81. STARFISH1 Said,

    I'm so tired of all these storys!
    When would the time to go back!

    Te iubesc


  82. MissRenee Said,

    Check out his myspace, he posted a blog about how he feels about Michaels death! Geez…


    Asa mai merge. E'Casanova DID NOT die instead of Michael. He is very much alive!

  83. nina Said,

    OK , you all know my bad english, forgive me for that .
    @mjfan – we are thinking exactly the same, thanks for your response and I hope you read all the posts with messages of MJ, some of those words touched me, sound like MJ's. You're right, if he died is alive for us !
    @ Smile, I am sorry, but if you or I can not communicate with the dead, that does not mean that is not possible . I really belive in this communication between worlds.
    @SJ1983 do you mean that all messages posted on that blog that no one make you to ask : what if …I'm not say this is true, but … ..
    @ UserWicy – very wise what you say … .. I do not know what to think that's why I asked you to read the blog
    @ Mordor – I know …. Same feeling, I do not know what to think, I just know that when I read that I had a strong sense of guilt and I started crying and that says a lot …. In spiritual
    @ thanameslilixd You are right, really I hope we don't make him harm, dead or alive …. We need to stop!

    For all people : think about this … what are we doing here? digging … I am afraid that we are turning in paparazzi, TMZ & comp … … even if he is dead or alive, what we doing here makes no well … and please, please, please people LEAVE HIS CHILDRENS ALONE! Children are very good, they have been through a lot with a lot of dignity, I admire them very much and I pray for them every night. Think of them , think of his mother,think of Michael … .. please! No matter if he is dead or alive … .. we doing wrong… ..


    For Michael:
    -if you are alive …. Stay alive and take care of yourself and please…. do NOT come back, ever ! we've had you for all your life and thank you for that ! nobody knows how it is to be in your shoes…..
    -if you are in spirit ….forgive us , forgive me …. Please do not be upset that some people could not face your death than denying that… Sorry, I am one of them, I' m so sorry that I disturbed you … I hope you can forgive me … now I know, actually my brain think you are a spirit, the heart did not want to accept … I am sorry, forgive me !
    I can imagine what your family goes through, I pray every night for them … for your children….I hope we never hurt them with our thoughts….
    I hope you feel how much I love you and I hope you know how much did you touch my life and I say thank you because you unchain my heart and you teached me so many things. ..Your songs, your voice …. It is like you are walking with your fingers through all my heart , my soul…. Thanks for everything!I wish I had so much luck that I was something in your life, anything, someone with a little bit of importance to you…. maybe in another life .. I hope . I know it's a lot of hope in here……

  84. Rofibbs Said,

    Theres a likely possibility that the person who died on the 25th of june is E'cassonava. Accordin to Kai Chase, the only ppl allowed upstairs to MJ's quarters are, Dr Murray, The kids n Michael himself…its possible MJ bein the ever-lovin n supportive person hosted E'cassanova in his home till his death. Its weird but considerin all the reports on drug abuse n the rest of the bull that has been said 'bout MJ's addiction since the 90s…i dont think MJ wud hav lasted this long. How can any1 tell me that an individual takes 40 to 30 xanex, demerol or oxycodone tabs with alchohol on an empty stomach n wake up the next mornin?? n it has been happenin for over 10yrs..Uhhhhuh, i wont fall for that.

  85. nina Said,

    I know you all know this poem, but how beutiful is this….
    “We Had Him” by Maya Angelou:
    “Beloveds, now we know that we know nothing, now that our bright and shining star can slip away from our fingertips like a puff of summer wind.
    Without notice, our dear love can escape our doting embrace. Sing our songs among the stars and walk our dances across the face of the moon.
    In the instant that Michael is gone, we know nothing. No clocks can tell time. No oceans can rush our tides with the abrupt absence of our treasure.
    Though we are many, each of us is achingly alone, piercingly alone.
    Only when we confess our confusion can we remember that he was a gift to us and we did have him.
    He came to us from the creator, trailing creativity in abundance.
    Despite the anguish, his life was sheathed in mother love, family love, and survived and did more than that.
    He thrived with passion and compassion, humor and style. We had him whether we know who he was or did not know, he was ours and we were his.
    We had him, beautiful, delighting our eyes.
    His hat, aslant over his brow, and took a pose on his toes for all of us.
    And we laughed and stomped our feet for him.
    We were enchanted with his passion because he held nothing. He gave us all he had been given.
    Today in Tokyo, beneath the Eiffel Tower, in Ghana's Black Star Square.
    In Johannesburg and Pittsburgh, in Birmingham, Alabama, and Birmingham, England
    We are missing Michael.
    But we do know we had him, and we are the world.”

  86. dynamite Said,

    @Samantha i agree i think he knew people wanted him dead and he got away or hes in protective custody, LMAO at the shit the media have come up with in the last month, i dont buy that drugs crap one bit Mj was sensible and wouldnt do that crap with his kids around, Im still hoping the movie theory is true that would be so awesome

  87. Rofibbs Said,

    Where's that crook Ian Halsprin n the new will he wuz runnin his mouth 'bout…every1 comes out to give fake news with the term “close sources, my source, their source” every1 has a source…well i'll take their fake news with a plat of fish-sauce anyday…SHADY BUNCH!!

  88. michaelcadaver Said,

    Man you are so right. Its whay I've said all along. MJ is alive and it is all a hoax. A big hoax. We all know it. We all can feel it. We are not stupid. We all have a brain. He simply copied Elvis way how he hoaxed his own death and still lives except a little cheesier. The facts are facts. They are all plain to see. If the paramedics begin to call the coroner because a body is dead then why did the doctor intervene and say no take the body to the hospital. We know why. Because the doctor was in on and knew of the elaborate hoax to be played out 'right in front of our very own eyes'. MJ we know what you did. The papparazi will find you and hunt you down. Your bald head. We know why. For your new disguise. What are you now MJ a cab driver? a bus driver? a waiter perhaps. An MI3 masker. We know what you did MJ so give it up man!!!

  89. michaelcadaver Said,

    I could sit here all day long and tell the world the corny mistakes made by MJ in his death hoax. I wont. Ok OK just a few. An artists rendition of the so called body had big pores all over face MJ had no high cheek bone fast food type pores we all know that. The doctor says take body to hospital. No on there questions is MJ. The 84 peppsi commercial is fake. Lista merge pe şi de pe. Did the gov help him like in elvis hoax. Cred ca da. Poate. He had to have high up help. To pull it all off.

  90. michaelcadaver Said,

    Lets define and break down what MJ was really doing all those years. Thrilller-the nose and all-that was to be in disguise so when he left for good he could grow hair back and skin blac again to be normal so he would not be recognized. The hair missing- for later disguise. The nose- so he could make an army of mj doubles and the death hoax decoy look alike. The white skin-so later when he left he could stop taking the white skin pills to be blac again and non noticable everyday normal lookin. The moving van-so he could dress as mover and leave house. The rented house-ez access back up for ambulance pix taking and leaving with body double decoy. UCLA-to make the dead alive again. RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES.
    Yes and much much more. Yes MJ used cia type central activities to pull it all off. Takes no rocket scientist to do.

  91. michaelcadaver Said,

    All i will further say on this is it was done for the money and because 50 yr olds cant do anything any more. Can you imagin mj goin hee hee or shumon at 55 on some peanuts for money tour where his handlers get it all and he gets nothing. NO. NU! Nu se poate. Why when you can fake your death and feed the entire family forever they all make money and get yearly attention and interviews and oh and by the way can you buy this now with your credit card while you are crying for me and mj ha ha ha. MONEY rules!!!

  92. Perfume Said,

    The person that made the call to 911 said “We have a gentleman here and he is not breathing” why did the caller not announce that it was MJ surely help would of been despatched even quicker, why was the identity of the person kept out of the conversation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I make a call to our local emergency surely I will state the name of the person that has fallen ill so that the person taking the call will identify that it is a high profile person, and would of also known that help was needed immediately especially when the caller said “the person is not breathing”…I know this question has been asked by many since June 25, 2009 and then an hour later breaking news across the world “Michael Jackson the king of Pop has died of cardiac arrest” does not make sense to me at all, who were they administering CPR on and who was the gentleman that had fallen sick!!!!!! Remember Liza Minnelli said “all hell is going to break loose and I am glad that he is not here” what did she mean by this

  93. Perfume Said,

    @theinformer then why did she not make the call, listening to the 911 call I dont hear anybody screaming in the background and neither do I hear any anxiety in the voice of the person that made the call…someone is lying

  94. m Said,

    Hey peolpe look what i found on the site msn about the doctor:
    Who is Dr. Conrad Murray?
    He's not been named a suspect in Michael Jackson's death, but were his actions suspect?
    As investigators continue to look into the cause of Michael Jackson's death, most of their activity has focused on Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray. Here's more on the cardiologist.

    Background: Murray, 56, was born in Grenada. (Where's that?) He graduated from medical school in 1989. (What college did he attend?)

    His time with the King of Pop: Jackson hired Murray to be his personal physician while he prepared for his London concerts. (How did they meet?)

    The discovery: Murray found Jackson unresponsive in his bed the day he died, but it was reported that he did not call 911. (Who did?)

    Questions raised: Authorities reportedly are investigating whether Murray administered a lethal dose of a powerful anesthetic to Jackson the day he died. (What is it?)

    The first search: Police and federal drug agents raided Murray's Texas clinic on July 22. (Why?)

    The second search: Investigators searched Murray's home and office in Las Vegas on July 28. (What were they looking for?)

    Money problems: Murray reportedly was never paid for his work with Jackson and faces foreclosure on his million-dollar Las Vegas home. (How much does he say he is owed?)

    Been there, done that: This isn't the first time Murray has been strapped for cash. (More on his past financial troubles.)

    Family ties: Murray's late father, also a doctor, was cited for medical misconduct in 1994. (What did he do?)

    Party animal? A British tabloid described Murray as a married man who drank and partied with much younger women. (More on the rumors.)

    And know he is saying he was sleeping when mj woke up and ask for anesthesia and an assistant gave mj the letal dose, then the doctor woke up and found mj already dead (and the body was warm?) …Blaming the assistant now..and it is true that the body would be cold and pale, not warm as he said.

  95. Parfum Said,

    @kristindean88 well said and nobody in the music industry is able to topple him dead or alive he still remains the number one all time seller in history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  96. Perfume Said,

    @mijac because the paramedics said that the person they were administering CPR on looked as though they might have had recent facial surgery due to facial scarring that is what I saw when the announcement of his “death” was made and why I remember these words cause I called a friend to tell her and ask her “what did the paramedics mean by that?????” so if they did not recognise the star then who were they administering CPR on and who is the person that died on June 25

  97. mjlover4ever Said,

    I just wanted to say how happpy I am that this site exsist. I'ma big micheal jacskson fan, not only am I fan of his music, but im huge fan when it came to micheal being such and extrodinary human being. he had to most wonderfull personality ever, he was such a gentle, loving, caring, kind hearted man, with a smile that will light up the world.

    But I just wanted to share this article with you guy, It gave me even greater hope that he's still alive:

    POP WARBLER Michael Jackson kept an astonishing “death-hoax diary” explaining how he would fake his death of a heart attack and telling when he would come out of hiding, a family friend who claims to have found the journal “among Michael's personal effects” tells derekclontz.com exclusively.

    ALIVE – OR NOT? Ai fi de judecător.
    “There's too much pressure, pressure, pressure … pressure everywhere I turn …” a diary entry dated Nov. 17, 2008 is alleged to say in part.

    "Nu ştiu cine sunt, nu anmore (SP). Poate că eu sunt doar un tată pentru copiii mei. Poate eu sunt spălate în sus.

    "Drogurile sunt (ilizibil) o taxă ... (ilizibil) ... Nu sunt dependent. Dar nu pot opri ...

    "Dacă Elvis ... (ilizibil) ... asa ca poate I.

    "Voi avea un" atac de cord "de la droguri ca a facut (da, da!)

    "Voi reveni, dar numai când sunt gata. Mai mare decât Elvis în'69.

    "Poate 2009 de la Crăciun. Sau, poate, de Anul Nou este mai bine.

    “A back-from-dead tour, a real Thriller. Dar trebuie să se odihnească. Sunt obosit. Nu sunt (de gândire) în mod clar.

    "Este de droguri.

    "O multime de fani încă mă iubeşti. (Some) people hate me. Thing (sp) will be different (after this) …”

    Jackson salariaţi a refuzat să comenteze - oficial - cu privire la raport. Dar, ca un privat pus-o, "Ne place Michael indiferent de ce."

    De prieten care scurgeri de porţiuni din jurnal de asemenea, a fost bine cu cioc, spune doar: "Exista peste 60 de pagini (din el) pe care am de a va elibera de familie, prin avocatul meu si pot face ce vor cu ea. Ea nu-mi aparţine. Acesta apartine lui Michael si cei dragi. "

    Other sources confirm that Jackson, 50, had spoken of a death hoax “on several occasions” in 2008 and also in 2009, although the reported discovery of the diary that outlines his plans seemed to come as a surprise to everyone contacted by derekclontz.com.

    A paint-by-numbers account of a death hoax, in the superstar's own handwriting, could lead to serious legal problems, say legal observers, especially if the journal is perceived by insurance companies and the authorities to be a blueprint for fraud.

    "Sper ca la Dumnezeu de jurnal este legal", a spus o confidentă Jackson, care a solicitat anonimatul. “If Michael really is alive, if he orchestrated all this, if he faked his own death, then nobody will be happier than me. În ceea ce priveşte frauda - Nu, nici o cale.

    "Mihai nu ar comite frauda. El nu e încercarea de a colecta de asigurare. El este protejarea însuşi. El e sa faci asta pentru copii. O sa-l garanteze. "

    Stiri din Jackson a "morţii" de la 25 iunie şocat lume. In fact, within hours of the ann0uncement by authorities, fans had already begun to speculate that he was still alive and had gone into hiding. Rapoarte ulterioare a sugerat că el a fost, într-adevăr, săvârşirea o farsă pentru a scapa de presiunile de viaţă în ochii publicului.

    Scooping the world, derekclontz.com reported Jackson had been spirited to Asheville, North Carolina and then to Eastern Europe, where it is thought that he might be holed up in Hungary, or even in Russia, where hundreds of people claim to have spotted him in Moscow.”

    I also believe micheal is still here because alot of other things just dont add up, they say micheal had camera's outside of his home, so these camera's must have showed micheal being put into the ambulance, why wount they release these footage to the world?? there alsoing saying that micheal might have died 8:30 that moring, but in the picture shown of him so call in the ambulance, you see a vein in his forhead, if he was supposedly dead I dont think a vien would still be proturding out someone's forhead like that. I think micheal also hoax his death so that the doctor's who were enabling him these dangerous drugs, could be punished, I think he came to realise that these doctor's only wanted his moeny, and wasn't concern about the fact that this could kill him if used outside of a hospital. also the pepsi video that was released, belong to him. he brought it from pepsi, so I think he released the video now, so the world could see how badly burned he was, and why he became addicted to pain killers. there's so much other clues, that doesnt add up. but I do believe the #1 reason as to why he hoax his death, is because he needed to get away and he needed to go to rehab, and fight this addiction. he knew he wasnt able to do those 50 shows. micheal knows he has to live as long as he can. he belived in life, he never wanted to die.

    UPDATE: joan11 added this link pertaining to e'cassanova: http://www.jlaforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=1867063 ,

    it say's that E'cassanova was diagnose with a terminal ill disease…. so if you look at micheal at his come back tour annocement, he wore his hair straight, now towards the end he went back to wearing his hair curly…..could it be that E'CASSANOVA was the one who died and was in the ambulance?? E'CASSANOVA always wore his hair curly….COULD it be that MICHEAL went back to wearing his hair curly because he knew E'CASSANOVA was close to his death, he wanted his hair to be like E'CASSANOVA?? maybe Micheal made a deal with E'cassanova to take care of his family after his death and etc?? idk it just seems wierd because micheal did stop wearing his hair curly for a very long time. and E'CASSONVA mention that micheal would show up to his last conert in sep. that article was posted july 2007. so maybe it took about two years for this disease to kill E'cassnova?? and now also everyone is saying E'cassanova's twitter account no longer exist..I dont know it just my thought

  98. CoCo Said,

    We should also read between the lines all the time…because you see when Michael spoke at the conference that was his real goobye…thats why so few words…thats why the delay…he also said “i love you…i really do you have to know that i love you so much from the bottom of my heat.” wich almost got him to tears….like” i love you all no matter what i might do” and thats a good point like someone said ” he couldnt say no to the concerts that would make fans angry and also he would have lost many money….
    Thats all i had to say…..i hope im not wrong i hope this site is not wrong…all we have to know is that michael will tell us “im alive but you will never see me” ill be so damn happy that at least he's okay he has a real beautiful life!I love you Mike no matter where you are !!!

  99. zealot Said,

    Buna Post Admin:
    Keep those type of facts coming. Maybe we should revisit the ambulance footage as well as statements from Michael's staff (ie the chefs, nurse, Jackson Family, AEG Live ,ect.) I wonder why none of the security guards were given authorization to come forward and speak considering that they may have in fact saw Michael in distress in his deathbed?

    Deathbed Photo:
    If that photo of the Michael's room is real, then I wonder what happened to the IV Stand and Oxygen Tanks that Latoya Jackson and others are claiming they saw in his room after his death.

    Video Footage of Michael's Home:
    I wonder if LAPD retrieved video footage inside and outside of Michael's house on the 24 of June (the day prior to his death) and the days after his death (when Michael's sisters and the moving vans arrived). I am sure all those hours of security footage could not possibly have been on the one tape that has gone missing. I wonder was that indeed Michael who returned to his home on 24 June after his last rehearsal and if Dr. Murray put him to sleep that night as everyone is claiming. Those video footages would put to rest a lot of speculations.

    There could be reasonable explanations as to why security footage went missing for the 25 June because some of the security guards , who were left behind after the ambulance left, could have easily decided to take advantage of the situation and go on a free shopping spree for cash and other expensive assets and then take the security tape. But, if footages is missings from other days it becomes a little sus.

    Dr. Murray's Discovery:
    Many are speculating that Murray may have discovered Michael earlier (possibly 9:00am LA time) than reported.

    If Murray was aware of Michael's security cameras, then there isn't much he could do. He would have known that he was assed out because the security cameras would have had him wide-open the night before “administering the drug” to Michael ,and the cameras would have had him the next morning discovering Michael dead. Money is power and I am not sure that Murray have enough power to buy off the secuirty guards to get those tapes if that happened. If Murray was aware of the tapes and discovered Michael in distress or dead at 9:00am there is not much he could have done, except come down those stairs carrying the oxygen tanks “as usual” and make his way out of that house and then head for the borders and disappear. Or, he could be honest and tell on himself and face 5-25yrs in jail.

    His behavior that day could be either of a person who was not aware of the security cameras, of a innocent person who could claim ignorance, or of a person who knew that everything would play out as “planned”.

    If Murray was not aware of the security cameras and he did put Michael to sleep, then I wonder why he didn't take time to stage the deathbed scene to lead authorities to have reasonable doubts as to what really happened that day. I mean there are reports of IV stands and oxygen tanks being left behind, are you kidding me. You divert the focus of the investigation away from you: make it look like accidental sucide by self injection or something.

    Why go to the extent of having his two assistants clean out his storage in Texas when Murray is just going to leave crucial evidence behind anyway. I believe that Latoya Jackson drives a black mercedes benz just like the one that was at that storage facility in Texas but we cant verify because those security tapes are missing as well, come on, are you kidding me.

    Come on LAPD, check everyone's phone records for those time periods (including all staff members and the Jackson family). All Speculations could be put to rest unless a disposable cellphone was used.

    Overall, Dr. Murray behavior that day is leaning more toward an inside man who was fully aware of everything. I doubt very seriously that Murray is that incompetent; he can't bs me. If he was not up to anything, he would not have disappeared from the hospital and gotten a lawyer so soon.

    It only really takes a few shady doctors, a dead body, and someone to identify the decease as Micheal to pull off this hoax. All the other agencies could all just claim ignorance. I doubt that any jugde would grant authorities permission to perform a dna test because they do not really have probable cause, unless a insurance fraud is happening. Why waste tax payers dollars if the means (dna test) dosen't outweigh the end. California is already bankrupt.

    AEG Live fired Michael's staff prior to Michael departing in the ambulance:
    This could lead to speculations of a murder theory with Dr. Murray as a accomplice. But why and for what reason. AEG Live is a multi billionaire corp. the money that was to be made from this is it concert is pocket change compared to their net worth. AEG own the O2 arena (I think) so no one can sue them if Michael cancel the tour. If Michael decided to back out, all AEG have to do is sue his pants off just like the other entertain concert promoters have done in the past. I really do not see a motive with AEG, but who knows the depth of their business relationship with Michael.

  100. shydog59 Said,

    why wasn't there a defribilator (sp)?a heart specialist that does CPR on a bed?why was he so panic stricken?something strange is going on with this whole case.

  101. Tammy Said,

    Nina… at first I just wanted to cry, while reading that blog, BUT…. there are some words which made me think that whoever this person is, he/she's just using Michael's name to be famous or something like that. Like these: “I passed away peacefully from a drug overdose” – C'mon… do you believe in this? and how this person gets “messages” from spirits anyway?
    I believe that there IS the life after death, I believe in ghosts, I believe in spirits etc, but, it's more like another trick to get money. This world is too cruel you know…

    The thing is we have many facts, questions, signs etc… We need answers, when we'll get them, then maybe we'll stop thinking that he is dead or alive…

    And about the new article…. it's pretty interesting))) We have more facts and questions (well unanswered though), but it's one more step forward I think….

  102. kristindean88 Said,


    I look like Paris Jackson is ALREADY wearing the necklace she supposedly wrapped around her dead father's wrist.


  103. mjjforever72 Said,

    m Said,
    hello!!I saw on a web site an article from 2007 saying that mj double e´casanova was suffering from a serious disease and because of that his doctors asked him to retire.So i went to his myspace and i saw a lyric wrote by him in july 18, 2007 called ” IF I DIED TOMORROW ” weird.Does anyone knows or check it out if it´s true that he was so sick??!Maybe he died instead of mj!Maybe they swaped places!!! I know he has a myspace but is a fansite mypace…so anyone can be updating his site… Or maybe i´m crazy!!

    That's what i've been trying to say on here is that e'casanova took michael's spot and e'casanova took that op to give michael the freedom that he wanted. I went onto myspace and signed up for it and tried to add him as a friend but no responce YET! I know someone keeps signing in on his page cause it says last sign in was the 3rd of aug which is today but didn't add me yet!!! Hmmmmmmm I find that alittle funny knowing that I went on the offfical michael jackson page for myspace and asked for a friend request and got it back the same day hmmmmmmmmmmmmm funny again eh! I don't know who is the one that is signing in on e'casanova's page but its VERY STANGE that they haven't added me as a friend yet. So I do believe that it was e'casanova that was in the house and got the meds and he was the one in the ambulance that day too! I wrote everything above and on the page of do you believe too and tried to say the same thing that you are saying

  104. veritas88 Said,

    People like Helia and perfidy — why do you come onto this site if you believe 100% that MJ is dead? If you didn't think he was alive you wouldn't be on this site, so stop fooling yourselves. Another thing, people can come to grips w/ the fact that MJ died if he did infact die, but there are too many conflicting facts for one to just blindly believe that he died. De exemplu:

    There is the ambulence photo of MJ in which the person looks like MJ. And yet, why has it been reported that the paramedics couldn't recognize MJ and thought he was a sickly old man? How does it make any sense that any person on the internet can look at that photo and recognize the person as MJ, yet the paramedics, WHO WERE PHYSICALLY THERE w/ MJ could barely recognize him? How does this make any sense?!

    LaToya Jackson said that she chose the clothes for MJ to wear on the day of his private family funeral and publicly televised memorial. Bine. She said he looked peaceful and that the kids were able to see their dad that day. However on tv during the memorial the casket was closed. The casket was closed b/c apparently MJ was too damaged from CPR and did not look presentable. Ce? Again, these facts conflict w/ each other! Even if MJ was “damaged” how does CPR completely damage one's face? How could someone of MJ's wealth NOT afford any reconstructive work to restore one's image? Again, things are NOT making sense.

    I can accept that MJ has passed away if he has, but things are way too suspicious. Also, I agree that regardless of whether MJ is alive or not, it's not right to question or judge the reactions of MJ's family. I don't think he'd want us to do that. Live well, MJ, if you're still with us!!

  105. Smooth Criminal Said,


  106. mjjforever72 Said,

    Can someone answer this for me, well did anyone see mark lester at his mamorial? he was supose to be a good friend of michael and isn't he the godfather of the kids?

  107. xodasha Said,

    yea, Michael didnt really need a cardiologist with him after he passed a 5 hour physicall with flying colors, he just got a shady doctor to make his death look so real!!
    what would be the most amaxing and ironinc thing, is that is admin was actually Michael letting the ones that believe know the truth! Michael if this is you, I LOVE YOU, and i mean love you <3

  108. xodasha Said,

    isnt it so obvious!!! look at all mj has said previously! look at all hes done! it all adds up to him faking his death, because NO ONE and i mean no one feels their death commig so accurately and for so long! he was saying such things and puling acts to make this look this real! and of course, the medial is ALL OVER this now, they start to make up stories and all he had to do is give a little push. the media just rolls it from there.
    but just answer this simple question, where the heck are all the 'unreleased' videos are surfacing from? the pepsi, the private home footage? the answer is in fact very obvious.

  109. mjjforever72 Said,

    Its funny all of a sudden when everyone is asking including myself on where are michael's children.
    Well today I went on my youtube acount and signed in as usual and found new PIC'S of michael children lol how funny eh well i think so anyways. My point is that I also believe some one from the family or maybe mike himself is going on this site and seeing everyone asking the question “where are pic's of the children and haven't seen any new ones lately” well here you go folks look below at the link;


    Its funny how things just keep poping up when everyone asks questions about one thing or another cause somehow we always get a answer! funny eh???????????????

  110. SJ1983 Said,

    after reading on the site about Murray through your posted link, I could not believe my eyes!!!

    OMG why would such a person as Michael or AEG, with soo much money hire a doctor with soooooooooooooooooooooooo many mistakes!?!?!
    NEVER would they've done that unless they needed a person as a victim, so that they could claim the insurrance money for not a natural death cause!!!
    I say more HOAX HOAX HOAX

  111. SJ1983 Said,

    2 ADMIN

    can you compare the time they released the statement that MJ should have been supposibly death, with the time TMZ made the statement that MJ was supposibly death
    Wasn't TMZ way too soon in it, while other websites/tvstations all were waiting for confirmation…
    If TMZ was sooner, that would be VERY suspicious!!!

  112. SJ1983 Said,

    Last night a source close to inquiries into Jackson's death said the star was “clearly not mentally or physically equipped to cope” with his 50-night run at the O2 Arena.

    Rehearsing … for O2 shows

    Getty Images
    But he added: “Michael was always adamant the show must go on – to the point where he was obsessed with the idea he would be 'killed' if he couldn't go on stage.

    “He had been backed into a corner and was falling apart under the strain.”

    The psychiatrist, who has not been named, saw Jackson twice.

    The first time he spoke frankly about his childhood, his problems with prescription drugs and his obsession that his skin cancer was “God's punishment”.

    Jackson, 50, was warned his painkiller addiction was dangerous. He was even urged to employ a personal “sober coach” to control his dosage on tour.

    The psychiatrist told other Jackson medics, including skin specialist Dr Arnold Klein, that the follow-up visit on June 12 caused him “deep concern”.

    He said Jackson fell silent after refusing to show a small scar from cancer surgery on his chest.


    And he clammed up again as a programme was outlined to gradually wean him off the drugs which claimed his life less than two weeks later.

    The source said: “Michael had been candid at their first meeting, but showed clear signs of cracking up when he saw him again.

    “They discussed if it would be possible to cancel or postpone the gigs.”

    Jackson had already put back the start of his O2 shows from July 8 to 13 – saying it was for fine tuning. But, after the star's death in Los Angeles, there were claims he had been struggling with gruelling rehearsals and stage fright.

    Meanwhile his mum Katherine, 79, voiced her suspicions about his death.

    She told US talk show host Geraldo Rivera: “All I know is my son is dead, and I don't think he just died of natural causes or whatever. He's too young.

    “Something happened. I don't know what it was.”

    JACKSON wanted to make a new Spider-Man movie, it emerged last night. Marvel Comic legend Stan Lee, 86, said they spoke about it at the star's Neverland Ranch – and Jacko might even have played the main role.

    Lee told a San Diego comic convention: “He wanted to do Spider-Man. I'm not sure whether he just wanted to produce it or wanted to play the role.”

    Pressed on whether he thought Jacko would have played the superhero, he replied: “I suspect so.”

    His behaviour was disturbingly erratic – one moment he was excited and “almost manic” about his spectacular comeback, the next he would lapse into silence while staring into space.

    MJ knew he just HAD to make a plan…….while the 50 concerts were just tooooo much

  113. mo2kidzs Said,

    I'm sorry admin for some ppl who cannot act their age and you had to close the froum. I will continue to read your posts here…

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