Michael Jackson Decoy poden ter desempeñada un importante papel na morte Hoax

7. En xullo de 2009
por admin

Como verás por este vídeo, a multitude enlouquecida fans que Navi no Xapón, todos cren, sen dúbida que eles están a ver Michael Jackson. Durante o vídeo, cando eles amosan a comparación entre os dous mascarados Navi e MJ, é moi difícil dicir a diferencia. Sería aínda máis difícil dicir a diferencia entre estes dous fuzzy nunha imaxe, por exemplo .... Talvez lixeiramente turva como a imaxe de abaixo á esquerda?

Esta é a única imaxe no que a existencia dá todo tipo de validez da Morte ", de Michael Jackson.

Por algunha razón estrañas, esta é a única imaxe que teña sido toma de Michael Jackson cando el foi feitas na ambulância, a despeito do feito de que había varias persoas presentes no momento. A reflexión da xanela, Colores da imaxe, e unha lixeira flocosidade fan moi desconfiada canto á súa validez.

Esta é tamén a única imaxe que existe de Michael Jackson, que mostra-nos que el estaba morrer, ou sendo levado ó hospital. Todas as outras imaxes amosan existir unha forma dun corpo nun saco branco sobre unha macao, que, tanto como nós estamos interesados, podería ter contido nada.

Tamén ten sido traída á nosa conta que o paramédico que está a facer compressões no peito MJ (CPR) ten feitas a man dereita ata preto do seu pescozo, cando en verdade, el debería facer máis para abaixo ao longo do CPR brest osso. Talvez este foi todos' encenada 'para axudar a todos nós a acreditar que a historia de que Michael Jackson está morto. Pense nisso ... se non hai unha imaxe como a anterior fora liberar e, a continuación, todos ficariam moito máis desconfiada! Se non houbo imaxe, e fomos todos esperar para crer que era realmente el no saco que foi ao necrotério, moitas persoas sería duvidar da validez das historias que estaban sendo alimentos pola mídia.

No entanto, unha vez que existe unha imaxe de existencia, a imaxe superior, que son suposta para ir ... "Oh ben, parece que si MJ aí, entón eu acho que realmente está morto, entón '. Só por causa de unha imaxe?

Esta imaxe de o monstro de Loch Nese, foi considerado como proba fotográfica de 60 anos ata que foi probar ser unha brincadeira.

Falemos doutra única imaxe que erro a xente a pensar un Hoax a 60 anos. Esta imaxe foi a de o monstro de Loch Nese. Presuntamente tomadas por Robert Kenneth Wilson, un Xinecólogos Londres, a imaxe foi publicada no daily Mail de 21 de abril de 1934. Esta imaxe simple, é unha das máis icónica imaxes Nessie e é coñecida como a "Cirurgião da Foto", que moitos ex -- considero que unha boa proba do monstro. A imaxe foi revelar como un embuste en 1994.

Será que estamos Comparando a morte de Michael Jackson para o monstro de Loch Nese? Pode apostar. Este trote comprovada indica quão rapidamente e facilmente as persoas van acreditar cousa, só porque estaba na mídia, e porque existe unha foto para un back up da historia.

Será que estamos dicindo que a imaxe enriba de Michael Jackson na ambulância é unha farsa? Non está claro que non, non pode, evidente, que o falso. O que temos sobre esta cuestión é esta foto, é realmente Michael Jackson na ambulância? Se é Michael Jackson na ambulância, está realmente morto ou en Cardiac Arrest?

Dende que aprender a partir do vídeo anterior Navi que foi hired polo propio Michael Jackson, en diversas ocasións, para ser un engodo, quen está a dicir que non foi feito de novo, só nunha escala moito maior? Tamén ouvimos Michael Jackson's personal train Lou Ferrigno recordar nunha entrevista como MJ póñao en un manequim dunha ambulância para adiar a Papparazzi ... o que está a dicir que non fixo iso de novo?

Non acreditar en todo o que ler, escoitar e ver.

What about this site? Eu oín dicir que estás dicindo ...

Ben, nós encouraged a facer a súa propia mente.

Nós non somos estúpido como a mídia pensas que todos somos.

Todos podemos ver que ningún destes engadir-se.

Tags: Conspiracy, Conspiracy theories, Morte Hoax, Rumores, Vídeo
Publicado Hoax Morte, Rumores | Comentarios (66)

66 response to "Michael Jackson Decoy poden ter desempeñada un importante papel na morte Hoax"

  1. MyBelovedMJ Diz:

    É obivious que ela `s non é Michael. Xa o 1 º minuto eu sabia. Tem a franxa branca no brazos incorrecto. Michael sempre foi-o no brazos dereito, ten Navi da Esquerda! Big Bommer

  2. MyBelovedMJ Diz:

    Esta é a maneira asustado

  3. wishful09 Diz:

    Nada engadir-se. Cando wathcing entrevistas, tornar-me tan frustrado. Eu me Sinto como Saltos, por veces a través da pantalla. I wana gritar por favor, facer as preguntas certas. Todos teñen só salto sobre esta historia de Michael sendo un druggie. Vostede believes algo tan distante como Michael ser viciado desde anesteshia (SP), cando nós nunca escoitou nada sobre iso suceder antes. Quero dicir realmente! Será que estamos só a asumir a enfermeira está dicindo a verdade. Como convén. Ah, e agora aquí ven un xefe para validar aínda máis a súa historia. A serio, amigo. Vostede viu tanques de osíxeno e espera ata agora para dicir algo? Dá-me unha pausa. Se estas persoas están dicindo a verdade, estas son algunhas das persoas estrañas arredor. I dont coidados que Michael está, eu tería dito alguén se visse tanques de osíxeno deixando súa casa. É doesnt obter máis estrañas que a iso, pero a xente aínda cren que, sen preguntar iso. Eu non podía sequera ver Larry King na noite pasada porque como é que tantas persoas teñen benvida a transmitir-lle un rótulo druggie, pero a xente que realmente o coñecemento ben e pasa o tempo con el Vida de traballo e que non, nunca vi el. Podía ser que realmente bo, que podería erro a todos? Eu non sei, pero polo menos eu estou preguntar iso, ao contrario da mídia. Espera que a verdade sae. Espera que a mídia remata buscando tolice. Acho que é tan preocupante que as persoas cren en todo o mídia.

  4. Sosh Diz:

    Primeiro de todo, non podo dicir que a súa morte é unha brincadeira ou non. Cando ollar para algúns articals neste sitio teño tendencia a acreditar que é realmente unha brincadeira. Desafortunadamente, nós, probabelmente, non saben para sure.Maybe é mesmo homicídio, tendo en conta a estrañas behaviuor do médico. Unha cousa podemos dicir con certeza, no momento: nunca iremos velo danza ou facendo música. Se era un trote ou non que poida vivir en paz e descanso. Algo MJ ten merecen.

    Agora a miña opinión sobre algunhas das cousas que happenend Michaels na semana pasada en relación á morte. Comezando coa fotografía onde podemos ver MJ ser apressado para o hospital. É xa foi mencionado que a persoa non se parece con Michael. Seus ouvidos, e eybrows cabelo é diferente. Tamén a súa pel ten un elenco máis amarela que lle onde Michael sempre tiña unha cor moi pálida na cara del. Penso que a persoa sobre esta foto non é Michael. A calidade da imaxe é moi ruim polo que tiña de ser un teléfono móbil ou cámara cousa. Estas cámaras tenden a ser moi lento, polo tanto aproveitar unha foto cando todo o mundo está con Press e executar para salvar unha vida non será fácil, se non imposible! A persoa tamén tiña que estar moi preto da cama para tomar este tipo de tiro. Penso que non se pode aproveitar esta foto en que momento particular.

    Ademais, hai (non verificado) do hospital persoal rumores de que algo raro estaba a ocorrer cando 'Michael' foi precipitada por cousas distintas pasaron como deberían. Polo tanto, duvido que foi realmente Jackson sobre esta imaxe.

    A segunda está vinculado a unha falsa morte poderían ser os ensaios que, de acordo coa AEG vivos, cando gravados en HighDef Vídeo e Audio. Semella que foi todo planear desta maneira. Inserta Michael volta na imaxe cun macizo 50 concertos turísticos que non vai ter. A noticias de súa morte ha aumentar o número total de rexistros sold rappidly. Ademais, un pouco máis de unha aposta, pero deixa tícket compradores voltar seu tícket e dar a elección dunha restituição ou dun tícket especial designado bij MJ mesmo. Por suposto son os seus oito, tan real MJ fans necesidade de recoller todos eles. Se o 50% dos tíckets é reembolsado, AEG Live ten un moito menor débeda financeira. Engada a iso os millóns off DVD ou BluRay (Joe jacksons empresa que agradable ligado durante a entrevista?) Disco que serán sold cos ensaios finais ea AEG facer un grande lucro. Hai tamén a canção que usar (Non coche sobre nós). Eles wan't a facer unha declaración para a mídia?

    Punto tres: Será MJ (a todos os que se MJ) que se cambiar sobre o helicóptero. Difícil de dicir. Pode, pero cando é transportadas para fóra do helicóptero para a van, podemos ver o negro precintas son eliminar. A eliminación deses podería causar o corpo para cambiar cando aínda no interior do helicóptero. A cousa que eu acho máis interesante é a forma do corpo, no saco. El realmente non parece existe un verdadeiro corpo do mesmo (ou é erro CSI-me?)

    A continuación, a catro puntos: Moitas persoas están dicindo montes de cousas diferentes. Para min, parece que a maioría das persoas que poden dar un lucro de stiuation a ollar só para falar cousas ruins sobre el (URI Geller, por exemplo). Outras persoas (Lou Feringo) falar sobre Michael como persoa saudable no planeta. É a verdade nalgún lugar no medio? ¿Quen pode ou debe cremos. Co ensaio presente MJ danza e ver como era só de 25, penso que podemos ignorar case todas as noticias negativas. Michael foi probabbly física, mental e financeiras, en unha boa condición, pero el quería fugir da mídia. O mellor momento sería cando o mundo se respectando e velo de novo e 'morrer' nun camiño axeitado para o Rei do Pop no recén-creado un momento histórico.

    Entón, para min, isto semella unha brincadeira. E definitivamente, o Michael é unha persoa que pode facer isto posible. RIP Michael. Se está vivo ou morto. We'll misa you! Como aprendeu a partir de hoxe o servizo Memorial, que, polo menos, nunca iremos saber se de novo e un posible trote-morte non foi encenado para realizar o último retorno

  5. charbour Diz:

    You've done it again.
    Acaba de rematar asistir MJ's Memorial na televisión e dixo ter sido moi durante os últimos 40 minutos, unha vez que rematou .. Acaba de ler, pero sei que me pegou pensa que podería realmente ser vivo de novo! Cando París rompe, penso que ia chorar! Foi tan triste ..
    Vostede é tan certo, porén, eu só quería que a verdade iria sair en breve. Onde está esa certidão de óbito? E como dixo, todo isto só non engadir nada.

  6. mysticallymagestically Diz:

    El pódese morto incluso "morto", mais aínda cando o servizo Memorial e hoxe mesmo despois de romper o corazón, palabras da súa filla París, aínda estou inseguros. O Memorial foi exactamente o que sería de esperar que con toda a Pompeu e honrosa elegies, pero ningún dos suspeitar cuestións foron abordar e, ao final de todo, creio que serviu apenas como un distrator. Talvez nunca Veña a ver Michael novo, pero, ata todo isto apaga-se, non hai motivo ningún para duvidar Empire.

  7. noisehammer Diz:

    @ Wishful09 min tamén!

    im da Alemaña,
    ive asistir o Memorial, meu rostro estaba cheo de bágoas, tan triste ...
    no principio de todos estes días, eu estaba realmente acreditados que podería estar vivo. pero, neste punto, i cant acreditar máis nada ...
    todo parece ser tan verdadeiro, especialmente Paris, no final. este é un día moi escuro para min ....

    a única cousa de que xeito podería ser verdade que aínda está vivo:
    toda a familia non sabe sobre o seu fake, os membros da familia recibe por MJ falsificou mesmo. thats a única maneira que eu podería imaxinar que está vivo.
    ive oín rumores, que Joe Jackson é unha parte do coverup .. ben talvez .. pero o seu irmán e París certamente non!

    tem havido tantos lugares durante os últimos días ...
    Aínda me recorda un presente:

    isto fai-me acreditar ademais debe haber algo de malo!
    E .. JoeJackson este parece ser o real unha alí! Estou en contacto con un destes membros foro. .. pero eles non cren súa palabra.

    Despois, eu non sei o que cren ..
    o seu tan triste .. im empezando a pensar HES realmente morto!

    ive como publicar outro páxina,
    Michael se volver, vou xogar a maior parte da miña vida !!!!!!!!!!
    se non houbera nada vai ocorrer durante as próximas semanas ... entón im 100% de seguro que está morto! tristemente
    Michael, se está realmente vivo, non facelo para nós que dor!

    Gustaríame poder bico o rostro del agora ..!

  8. Yes555 Diz:

    Michael da certidão de óbito:


    Despois do servizo Memorial hoxe, estou 99% certo que está morto. Especialmente despois de ver París chorar.


  9. SkylinexBleedsxRed Diz:

    Isto pode Soares como un bonehead cousa a dicir, pero quizais París foi palco para agir desta maneira a finais do monumento? Se levar en consideración todos os feitos que non están somando e tomando en consideración a foto del no hospital enriba, talvez alguén ou a familia sabe que aínda está vivo. E que eles non dixeron os nenos sobre o asunto. Ou, quizais eles pensar que tiñan visto Michael cando el era realmente un engodo. Estou só a tentar entender todo, porque despois de asistir ao servizo Memorial, No fondo, estou convencido de que realmente teña ido para fóra deste mundo, porque de Paris' reacción e tamén Jermaine's. No entanto, mesmo no servizo Memorial, Cousas non somar. Presuntamente, houbo dous caixão, o ouro que vimos na televisión unha parecida demasiado curto e pequeno, mesmo a Michael's estatura de 5'11 e 120LBS, E a familia realizou un "privado" Memorial en 8. Por que eles teñen un servizo Memorial de 30 minutos, Michael Rush-lo polas rúas de Los Angeles, e non ten sequera un enterro apropiado plano !!??? Existe unha práctica de certidão de óbito do seu saia agora, pero eu non podo comentar sobre iso porque eu nin sequera sei que é suposta a aparencia ou ter escrito sobre eles. Aquí está o enlace:

    I'm on a barreira agora despois de ver o Memorial servizo, e estou empezando a poñer algunhas cuestións sobre el ea posibilidade de que aínda está vivo. Eu só non entende, porén, Porque só ata París e fale así? Ela sempre foi moi calmo e apoucado. El parece tan real aínda. A miña esperanza de aínda estar aquí é Michael fading. Estou moi sickened e doendo.

  10. Shikster Diz:

    Ok eu asistir o Memorial. Eu case que este era real e que estaba morto. A familia toda usava Ópticas escuro porque sabendo que Michael wasnt morto .... Couldnt eles create as bágoas necesarias. Jermaine fixo o seu mellor para producir bágoas mentres canta a canção sorriso .... O que me fixo ir hmmmm foi a propia últimos momentos, cando toda a familia estaba no palco ... ... ... ... .. reloxo Paris shes máis no seu bolsa libro, entón a cousa toda Janet ... .. entón xira para ela e di algo ... ... .. entón ela esquecer bolsa libro sobre ela e tentar ollar triste ... .. entón Paris fala ... ... .. ela fai unha media de emprego tentando chorar pero doesnt derramar unha bágoas e entón é whisked afastado por Janet. Michael val máis que a morte en vida ... ... .. eu teño un fa desde os Jackson 5 ... ... .... seu fácil de romper cando protexidos por Ópticas escuro como Marlon fixo. Eles están todos indo para chorar seu camiño para o banco. Michael será ido suficientemente longo para puxar el sair da débeda ... ... ... .. pero os seus fans non van Perdoando-lle.

  11. noisehammer Diz:

    Recibín información dunha persoa que eu non quero dicir. Entón quizais MJ realmente está viva ...!

    Eu non sei o que dicir ..

  12. Madason Diz:

    Ok. onde se michaels corpo dobre 'clon' Navi cando foi presuntamente morto. Alguén pode confirmar a Navi, ou o seu paradeiro é descoñecido.

  13. mysticallymagestically Diz:

    Ademais, todas as grandes redes está preocupar cos detalles sobre o nacemento dos seus fillos, o seu casamento (s) e relación, o seu uso presuntamente drogas durante a simple cuestión que é a súa morte! Porque somos inundados con todos estes detalles sobre os seus bens e débedas en vez de como é improvável que un home 50 anos de idade que estaba marcada para ser completamente saudáveis só meros meses de distancia cae morto, sen causa.

  14. edenmalfoy Diz:

    Probe o meu mellor para non ver a foto del na ambulância ... pero é inevitble eu suponho. Ó ver que no entanto, penso que parece un pouco raro, semella que hai tensión na Comproba da persoa que foto. O que sería imposible se está realmente en posición de ter un tubo respiración ...

    Será que alguén pensa que raro que o Memorial é Borrada cunha foto coa expresión "estou vivo" sobre iso?

  15. nycscenie Diz:

    Semella crível sobre o Navi e manequim, pero como explica Paris da repartição no servizo Memorial? Podería unha muller 11 anos realmente ser mentiras e agindo? Espera 2 ler no seu futuro papel da neno na brincadeira porque eu realmente cren HES viva, pero quizais só im desexado moi difícil.

  16. André Diz:

    edenmalfoy, eu oín-lo. Achei moi raro que o escenario dixo: 'Eu aínda estou vivo ..'.

    Pistas? Quizais. O mundo nunca pode saber. El era un misterios cando el era 'vivo' e eu estou seguro que vai continuar a se-lo na 'morte'.

  17. André Diz:

    Acho divertido que o certificado di que Forest Lawn Cemetery foi unha "temporaria" alienação do corpo, aínda que final enterrado é "pendentes nun lugar descoñecido». e que el estaba morando na casa da súa nai, haha. Tamén ademais, obviamente, non ten unha sinatura., Un?

    Honesta, que, incluso, freaking Coñece anymore a todo este MJ provação! France, desexa morte fotos viriam a fin de que o squash falsificou morte rumores, ou eu quero que iria sair da clandestinidade e diga Psych! Só para eu (así como moitas outras persoas) poden facilitar un pouco as súas mentes.

  18. mbc080709 Diz:

    Eu vi o Memorial da noite pasada e agora é moi difícil dicir que é "non morto". Pero, o que pasa con esta "historia fantástico", non sería marabillosas que iso vai ocorrer?:

    - Imagine que MJ é xa "morreu" hai moitos anos, digamos que hai moitos anos (polo menos unha vez antes de 1993), tal como foi duramente presionando pola prensa, fans, mídia e quería relaxadas annd unha vida fácil. Sabios que o verdadeiro MJ ten varios dobres (sosia), e tiña acordo cos mellores deles para el asumir plenamente o seu lugar, pero non sabendo que un día el saiu en torno dos grandes problemas que ten sido (débedas decorrentes dunha vida opulenta, os acusações de pedofilia da dobre MJ - Está seguro de que neste punto isto é certo - a vida de desenfreada sosia chea en doses macizo de drogas, medicamentos e diferentes - en suma, unha dobre entón se tornou un impostor). Neste punto o real MJ retomar contacto (só a partir do lugar onde está), cos seus mellores amigos, os seus produtores e pola organización dos concertos só para organizar unha serie de datas tolo, a fin de crear un gran retorno. O verdadeiro MJ foi encenado coa axuda do médico Conrad Murray da dobre do asasinato (que é case como se el está morto para todos os que xa teña combinados co seu corpo), que fixeron reharsal no Staples Center en Los Angeles hai dúas semanas e que enquadra-se ben en ve-los vídeos e fotos é el, o real como MJ de charme que vai atopar o palco en Londres @ O2 areoso, en 13 de xullo de 2009, a primeira data de seus 50 concertos (Note que non cancelar o datas). Isto exonerar todos os pecados de pedofilia, o desenfreado vida, etc ... e gañar vida da inmensa alegría dos verdadeiros fans MJ. Este será o dun verdadeiro MJ, a quen sempre foi ata pouco antes do inicio do novo milenio. Poida que el vai pagar unha multi para todo, pero imaxinar o diñeiro que sería!

    No entanto, o que for: PIR MJ!

  19. SFAN Diz:

    Gustaríame moito de estar vivo MJ becos "Eu realmente aprecio o seu talent e as súas contribucións ao longo destes anos e que será un gran estragar de el ter ido moi cedo, non pode ver o seu 3 adoráveis nenos medran e deben ser preparado por el.

    Para realizar un trote morte parece demasiado grande escala para imaxinar o seu punto. Cal sería o mundo pensa que del se el realmente voltar vivo. Será que non é legal cobra pola realización dunha brincadeira coa morte xa a certidão de óbito a ser emitida? Sen dúbida, se el realmente voltar vivo, os seus fans van ser os máis felices xente arredor, pero eu acho dun seus amigos e colegas que cre divertido! A menos que todos os presentes no Memorial superestrelas xa sabia que isto é unha farsa, incluíndo a Asemblea quen eles presentarse lle unha nota especial.

    Acho que se el realmente desexa realizar ese trote morte sería a única finalidade da reforma, en paz, lonxe do frenesim paparazzi e mídia quen ao longo destes anos ten destruído parte da súa carreira, en vez de volver á ribalta con moito máis asunto para a mídia sobre o exame.

    Mídia en todo o mundo en especial relativos á industria do entretemento ten sido ben coñecido por ser capaz de traer unha 'estrela' e tamén para derrubar un 'Star' coas súas verdadeiras e falsas informes. E, sentímolo, Michael Jackson é unha das infelices vítimas.

    RIP Michael Jackson, O Señor te ama moito máis do que calquera outra persoa e esta é a razón polo seu lado está agora en paz e confort. Aínda que quere perder os nosos entes querido, pero aqueles que están nos deixou definitivamente nun lugar mellor co Señor. Todos nós un día volver a reunir-se na fronte do SEÑOR! Ciao!

  20. edenmalfoy Diz:

    Ah, si, tamén, eu acho que é moi fácil de explicar París "repartição. Non é realmente dela. Nin son Prince Michael's 1 e 2. Se MJ ten falsificou a súa morte, estes non son os seus verdadeiros fillos, os verdadeiros fillos están con el. E o que unha cousa sinxela de facer, recibir corpo dobres para o rostro das tres nenos que nunca tiñan visto ata un par de meses atrás. Tratar-se-ia apoiar as alegações de que non era el no mar. Conferencia de prensa (que para min, é moi claro que isto non é del); Michael pulado cidade meses atrás coa súa Amado nenos no reboque ... porque el nunca iria deixar los ... e colocar no corpo dobran para todos os catro deles.

    E se parar e pensar sobre iso, que unha cubrir perfecto para o seu Memorial de conseguir facer as persoas pensar que está morto; ter a súa filla baixo un sincero Adeus a seu pai. Eu realmente acho que está vivo e eu estaba en bágoas por causa dela, foi desolador. Entón, el cambiar os nenos, o seu dobre, e terán desfile polas rúas de LA, completamente desmascarado, un par de meses atrás, os miúdo obter imaxes nun magazing ou 12 e, a continuación, el morre e fotografía a rapaza con el un novo de meses atrás, e repartidas-se no palco. É perfecto. As persoas non están indo para preguntar iso.

    Entón outra vez, coma moitos membros da familia tería que ser no presente para el a cambio das súas nenos para falsificações? Porque .. sen dúbida a familia could dicir seus fillos alén de corpo dobran ...

    Ah, e ten máis ninguén entender como agora na CNN, en vez de dicir a morte dunha lenda que é 'MJ escuro da Morte "? Polo menos unha persoa estea finalmente dicir algo do peixe algún.

    Maybe it's just wishful thinking ... Eu só non quero que isto sexa verdade, parece-me demasiado horrible para ser verdade.

  21. oldgregg Diz:

    Adoraria para MJ da morte debe ser unha brincadeira, pero tamén o acórdão reserva. Podo tipo de entender por que é que ia querer facer algo así, Despois he was hounded polos medios de comunicación para a parte posterior dos seus anos. Penso Marlon bateu o prego na cabeza o que el dixo, cando el dixo sobre o levar posto que para ir á tenda de discos, e non un de nós podería imaxinar unha existencia que, como he didnt ter unha vida realmente.

    Eu me Sinto triste por iso, e por aquilo que ten sido, a través, e para que eu poida entender plenamente se el tomou a decisión de fingir súa propia morte (diabos eu sería tentando HES despois o que tivo de aturar!)

    Mais no que di respecto ao aspecto do Navi personificador cousas, im medo Navi apareceron na BBC Comida na venres mañá 8.oo GMT fala sobre a morte de Michael, e sobre como fora un chamariz para MJ por mentres hai algúns anos. Por iso, se couldnt Navi, pero é certo como o Inferno podería ter sido outra persoa. Chorar meus ollos a noite pasada, no Memorial, especialmente cando a rapaza incrementar-se, que dende o meu corazón totalmente.

  22. bghoppy Diz:

    Por que o chorar Paris realmente ressoam con tantos? Non houbo real bágoas dos seus ollos, é o final perfecto, e todo ou non existe ou foi neno sabia estrelas. Todas estas persoas comezaron no show biz como os nenos, e a pesar dos "problemas e dor" que todos eles de cabra sobre a "perda da súa infancia", todos eles son aínda dispostos a enviar e incentivar estes pequenos cordeiros para o foco das atenções, aínda máis sickeningly usando os seus pais a morte como a súa estreia.
    Falsa chorar é doado pola maneira como o Inferno, basta preguntar a un policial de tráfico con unha femia speeder.
    Teño unha pregunta para o médico e / ou persoas xurídicas. Que é normal a unha morte certa. para dicir "Non Informational Só un documento válido de identificación." no fondo vermello lettering?

  23. elde Says:

    Teño 2 tíckets VIP para o que é normalmente o segundo concerto na O2 e que fora adiado para marzo e recibiu mensaxe de que estes tíckets son reembolsados ou parially trocadas por un tícket Memorial; acho que significa que hai unha especie de dano control suceder ... Por outra banda eu oín dicir que estes 3D Memorial tíckets foi deseñado polo propio Michael!?

  24. bghoppy Diz:

    Olhei-o sobre a morte certa: Información xerais sobre Ordering California afirma de Óbito
    Eficaz 1. En xullo de 2003, existen dous tipos de copias rexistrado de rexistros de nacemento e morte:

    Copia rexistrado: Esta é unha copia rexistrado regulares idénticos aos emitida antes do 1 de xullo de 2003. Estes serán emitida só para persoas autorizadas, tal como definido polo Ministerio de Saúde e Seguridade Código 103526 (ver listado abaixo). Unha copia rexistrado se pode empregar para establecer a identidade da persoa que aparece no certificado.

    Informational Certified Copy: Esta é tamén unha copia rexistrado regular, pero ela ten un pé en toda a cara coa afirmación "INFORMATIONAL, non é un documento válido para comprobar identidade." Un certificado Informational Copiar non se pode empregar para establecer identidade. Persoas que non son elegíveis para recibir unha copia rexistrado pode recibir un certificado Informational Copiar.
    olhando isto eu descubrir aquí na California é tamén un documento chamado de Proba de Morte Carta.
    Quero ver a carta e unha autópsia pic antes podo poñer a miña mente á vontade.
    Lembre que é Showbiz, persoal.
    E canto máis penso nisso, se non houbera unha empresa alí fóra, que axuda persoas ricas finge súa propia morte, ou facilitar un cambio completo de identidade, estou indo para iniciar un min. É óbvio que existe unha procura.

  25. feyaya Diz:

    Efectúe un ollo nesta suposta "morte trote diario" Atope aquí. assombroso, para dicir o mínimo! pero non sei se pode ser falsificado. o que pensas?

  26. Bee Says:

    Interesting site! Vi todo o monumento foi transferir para onte e bágoas en numerosos puntos. Pero dúas cousas que se destacan a min como un pouco raro:
    1) A música gospel, en principio, "en breve, e moi en breve, imos a ver o rei ... .." Agora, que podería ter sido só unha coincidencias e unha canção favorite Evanxeo.
    2) Os nenos: seguro, eles tiveron unha semana para atribulará, pero eu non vi calquera sinal de terem chorar durante o servicio dunha só vez! Semella terrible laissez-fair, entón quizais eles sabiam que ia estar a ver seu pai de novo en breve?
    Ademais, en París, no final (abençoar o seu corazón!) O seu pequeno discurso parecida moi empolado, e cando chorar "ela afastar terrible rápido de sua tia Janet. Na época, eu era levado por todos os cantos e homenagens anterior e emoções, mais, máis tarde despois a ollar para o vídeo, é sentido como un discurso ensaio.
    Eu non culpa Michael un pouco se el foi capaz de puxar esta fora, e ser capaz de vivir pacíficas cos seus fillos e aliados máis próximos ao ancho nunha illa en algún lugar.
    Con toda a nova tecnoloxía que existe de que non existía no momento da morte de Elvis, eu pregunta se será máis doado para Rastrexar facer un día?

  27. mysticallymagestically Diz:

    De acordo con todas as súas declaracións André. Estamos aínda á espera de todos os resultados toxicologia informe, certo? Isto é preciso dicir algo. E, claro, o feito de que está temporalmente "enterrado" no Forest Lawn, ou é el? Quero dicir, Deus ... por que é isto todo levar tanto se el simplemente morreu de causas naturais coma un ataque cardíaco, hmm? Billy Mays foi enterrado en días, Farrah Fawcett foi enterrado en días, cal é o problema aquí co Michael?

  28. André Diz:

    Tamén me parece moi raro que despois do "Memorial" Ninguén viu ninguén tomar o caixão fóra do Staples Center ou nun ataúde ou nada. E a familia foi ao hotel para xantar despois? Estás a xogar comigo? Hahahaha. Este é o evento máis divertido que eu xa vi, e eu diria que no caso do MJ toda morte farsa. Agora, eles non saben nin onde imos deixar pobre Michael ser "enterrado". Hmm, aquí está un pensamento. Quizais nada, porque non está morte. Sheesh.

  29. zelote Diz:

    Ao servizo Memorial, achei interesante que mjs irmán Marlon Jackson Incluíu unha historia sobre MJ usando disfarces no seu discurso. Marlon dixo algo sobre MJ estaba levar posto como un vello antipático procura home nunha tenda e recognized el e MJ estean chocado que marlon recoñecido nesta tenda. Marlon colocar ênfase no feito de que poida sempre recoñecer o seu irmán, non importa o que. Semella que sabia marlon MJ estaba asistir o seu propio servicio Memorial de algún modo marlon estaba enviando unha mensaxe subliminar para mj deixar lo saber que el sabia que a persoa que tiña morrer non era MJ. Tamén question o feito de se Marlon Jackson foi realmente chorar. Unha vez que usava Ópticas escuro no prédio, eu non podería dicir. No entanto, notei que cando el era o seu chorar frenzies, xa que non eliminar os Ópticas para enxugar súas bágoas de distancia. Creio Usher foi efectivas chorar e el, de feito, o seu snnglasses eliminar a limpar bágoas de distancia. Creio Marlon Jackson é / era un ator, no pasado, así el facilmente podería ter sido un acto colocación. Eu tamén achei interesante este pequeno París jackson non amosa calquera emoção durante todo o servizo ata o final. Ela estaba xogar cun boneco MJ todo o servizo e sobre o palco, ata a Sra. Janet dixo-lle algo. Despois, pouco lle deu Adeus París e comezou a chorar, pero o rostro dela parece non ollar lavada como escudo Brooke's cando chorar. I saw no tears on little paris face, she quickly hid her face. I first began to ask myself was MJs death a fake when his brother, Jermaine Jackson, gave the news conference at UCLA hospital. He spoke into the camera and said may allah be with you always Michael. It seemed like he knew MJ was watching the event somewhere in a reclusive place and he was just giving MJ his best wishes at a new life. IDK maybe that's just jermaine's nature, but I found that a bit questionable. When Janet Jackson appeared at the BET awards. I said to myself, “wow, janet jackson is an extraordinary strong woman or a very good “actress” Considering that Janet has been acting since like the tender age of 12, if MJ death is indeed a fake Ms. Janet could have definitely pull that performance off. She said that her family “elected” her to speak at the BET awards. I asked myself why would they elect the babygirl to speak and not jermaine since he's been the voice of the family. Maybe they needed the event to appear more believable and to achieve that they needed a actress. Considering MJs financial problems, pending lawsuits, and tarnished image, faking his own death is not to far fetched. In an interview he once said that he did not like to tour, he hated it, so I've been asking myself why is he touring again ever since the 'this is it' conference at o2 arena. I am not making any claims nor speculations that MJ faked his death. Rather, I am just sharing my observations. If MJ did indeed faked his death, I hope he finds the peace that he's been searching for. May allah forever be with you and your loved ones brother Michael.

  30. jaydogg Says:

    Did anyone not notice that when Paris was crying (or acting) that there were no tears in her eyes? OK, aside from that if this is all a big hoax than I hope it never comes out or it was all in vein. Don't you think that Michael for once in his life deserves a break from all this? Let him relax and enjoy his life for once if he is still alive. And if he is not than God bless him and all he has had to put up with throughout his life. RIP or LIP

  31. nycscenie Says:

    @edenmalfoy I can believe that maayybbe the children/paris were acting but body doubles for kids? I dont think so. If you look at a pic and vids of them from when they were little they look the exact same way now. Princes hair got darker but paris looks exactly the same.

  32. feyaya Says:

    AGREED. there has only been speculation about where his “body” is going to be buried. i have never heard of a body staying unburied for this long.

    um, does anyone find the first man to sing “we are the world” at the memorial a bit peculiar?? someone said it could it be michael, but looking at his hands, it would seem hard to make makeup look that natural. what does everyone else think about this man?

    another thing. IF michael is indeed alive, the memorial seemed to have been swarming with subliminal messages. ie the “i am alive” statement at the end, “michael we love you more, now join us.” at the beginning of the last performance, excessive use of present tense when referring to him. i read an article earlier when i trying to find out more about uri geller. it was saying that michael had agreed to work with him to add positively influencing subliminal messges to his songs. if that's true, and this is all a hoax, why wouldn't michael and uri collaborate again to add little hidden messges throughout the memorial??

  33. Andrea Says:

    @ nycscenie – I second that notion. It clearly IS his kids. However, I still think they are in on the entire thing.

  34. Andrea Says:

    Also, I thought it'd be appropriate for me to mention that on an interview I saw last night on the show 'extra' the lady was interviewing one of MJ's older doctors and friend – I honestly forget his name, but I'll never forget what he told the reporter. He said that once Michael Jackson even told him that he knew he'd be on top again if he 'died' and that one day they were having dinner together and he brought him into another room and Michael told him that should anything happen to him, to make sure he (the doctor) teaches the kids the ways of Jehovah's witness or whatever, and to make sure his mother gets the children.

    HMMMMMMMMM. Suspicious huh? But I can't really trust anything anyone says now in light of his 'death'. People keep springing up from everywhere these past few weeks to say things about MJ that they should have said a long time ago. Just raises more and more suspicion for me.

  35. SkylinexBleedsxRed Says:

    They should do a DNA test on every kid because Debbie Rowe even said she carried the two oldest kids, But it wasn't Michael's sperm. So obviously how can they be his biological kids? Pense nisso. LoL. The youngest of the kids, I don't know about, As does anyone because no mother's background. He is a mystery child. All I know is that these kids do not have that black people hair. They have fine, White people hair. It just makes no sense! If these kids were mixed, It would show with at least some black people hair!

  36. SkylinexBleedsxRed Says:

    Please, Someone send me a link to the picture of Michael with the words, I'm Alive on it. I watched the memorial, But I must have missed that picture.
    About that diary, Okay, THAT was really weird. I wonder how credible a source that Derek is though?? It would be amazing if he came back and did a tour like the Derek site said. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks that the memorial was entirely staged. Good points being pointed out by everyone here. It makes total sense!

  37. dirtydiana Says:

    Is it me or does Michael's oldest son and one of the Jackson's brothers appear to be laughing after Paris's questionable reaction? The same Jackson brother appeared to be laughing earlier also. This whole situation just gets weirder and weirder. Notice how Reebe Jackson walks over to MJ's eldest before Paris speaks as if to make sure the kids don't slip up. It all looked staged to me. And notice how not one Jackson has a tear rolling down their cheeks. I know that everyone takes death differently but come on, I still cried more, even with all my suspisions.

  38. dirtydiana Says:

    Maybe the Jackson brother isn't laughing and is crying the more I look at the video but MJ's son does appear to be smirking.

  39. monij Says:

    To OLDGREGG, one of the readers [Tis_Ruthy] posted an interesting link to an article in relation to MJ's March conference in London [You may like to read this newspaper report from March this year…..http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1159645/Trembling-gaunt-100million-debt-Michael-Jackson-makes-final-entrance.html…read the last section….seems otthers noticed the difference in Michael's face…hmmmm]. In this article, it is mentioned that Navi was in the audience at the time of the conference, could this have been a decoy too, so that people do not go thinking that the person on stage is not the real MJ?

  40. SkylinexBleedsxRed Says:

    feyaya: That man at the beginning to sing We Are The World. That can't be Michael. It looks nothing like him. I know when Michael played the mayor in Ghosts, I could easily recognize him. Michael has distinct eyes that I would know anywhere. The guy at the memorial doesn't add up to Michael. IF it is him, Wow, Okay, Fooled me.

  41. ly9512 Says:

    Okay – weird. When I first saw that picture of him in the ambulance I thought his face looked so swollen. Especially from his nose to his mouth. Like its so much bigger than MJ's face. Some people said it could've been because of the drugs but they weren't 100% sure!

    I completely agree that not everything adds up from this story. Everything is just kind of a mystery! I can't wait until everything unfolds.

  42. Yes555 Says:

    IF michael is indeed alive, the memorial seemed to have been swarming with subliminal messages. ie the “i am alive” statement at the end, “michael we love you more, now join us.”

    “I am alive, and I am here forever?” They're lyrics from a Michael Jackson song he sung with Paul McCartney called “The Man”



    There's a man
    Who plays the game of life so well
    Ooh, there's such a man
    His thoughts you can never tell, ooh
    And it's just the way he
    Thought it would be
    'cause the day has come
    For him to be free
    I'm alive and I'm here forever

    This is the man
    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man

    There's a man
    Everybody thought they knew
    Ooh, there's such a man
    He's not like me and you, ooh

    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man

    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man

    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man
    (this is the man)
    Ooh yeah
    (ooh, yeah)
    This is the man
    (this is the man)
    This is the man

  43. SFAN Says:

    A person who really planned to hoax their death will not allow themselves to reappear in the public ever again with the same identity so fans out there can drop their hopes of MJ suddenly popped out from no where with a surprise and staged a comeback concert, he is not stupid, so it is as good as MJ is already dead! His ultimate aim is to have peace and privacy.

    If MJ is really dead, he could be feeling really sad now because while he was alive, people chose to believe the bad things about him and when he died, people still chose to believe that he actually staged a death hoax, he may be asking 'Why nobody just believed me just for once!”

    Deep in my heart, I hope he is really not dead but out there somewhere having his peace finally and live to ripe old age because he deserves it. If he is really dead, I hope everyone can just respect this truth and give comfort to his loved ones that he had left behind because they are the ones that are suffering in pain right now.

    God bless u MJ, no matter where u are now because I know you are in a better place rite now!

  44. curious_george Says:

    Glad I'm not the only one who is wondering if this is all a hoax. And for the record, I was never a huge fan of MJ so it's not like I'm just having trouble accepting his death.

    I found the speech by daughter Paris to be extremely fake and stiff; rehearsed. For all of the noise she made, not a tear. While Marlon was giving his speech, she was fiddling with her little hand-bag a lot; and twice Janet turned to her and said something at which point she finally strung the purse strap over her shoulder and then in a really 'fake' sort of way, leaned on Janet. It was as if Janet told her “lean on me, try to look sad.”

    Also, it was bizarre the the Jackson brothers all wore dark shades. Something you might expect at a MIB Convention but not a memorial. At times they appeared to have the facial expression of someone 'choking up' but never a tear to be seen rolling down their face. When you're that choked up, tears can't help but fall – duh. And when Marlon started with his speech, his voice was all shaky and cracking up…but again, not a tear to be shed. I call BS.

    as for the pic of MJ in the ambulance; as someone in the healthcare profession for many years, who's actually DONE CPR, the hand placement of the paramedic is way off. It appears the palm of that hand is on the upper chest, just below MJ's left shoulder; definitely not the correct hand placement for doing chest compressions.

    I listened, last week, to the 911 call and something seemed off with that call. The dispatcher sounded very aloof, he asked strange, irrelevant questions but didn't seem to ask the questions you'd expect one to ask. The caller was overly polite; ended every sentence with “sir.” Do you really think that if you're in the presence of a non-responsive celebrity, one in which a doctor is there performing CPR and it's obviously not helping, is going to be so polite? So calm? And then there's the whole issue of the caller admitting that the doctor present was doing CPR on the bed. WTF? To me that was a screw-up. Even people with a basic CPR course know that you can't deliver effective chest compressions on a soft, cushiony surface; you gotta get the person onto a hard flat surface, down on the floor if necessary. A doctor would have known this for crying out loud, particularly one who would be frantically trying to save someone like MJ.

    I found it strange at the end of this call, when the caller advised that a doctor was there w/ MJ, and that MJ was 'cold' (implying it was too late), that the dispatcher then just said something to the effect of “okay, well they should there right away”….I would think a real dispatcher would not be so quick to determine “it's too late”……and at the end of that call, the dispatcher tells him “if you need anything else, call us.” WTF? What a strange thing to say. And I thought that EMS dispatchers were to stay on the line until it was confirmed that paramedics/EMS HAD arrived.

    Oh, and I thought Brooke Shields' speech was a little fake, too. There were times that she was choking up a lot…..but amazing, no tears….eyes didn't even become glassy or watery.

    Lastly, I think it's bizarre that the family would have brought the 3 children up on stage like that. I thought these kids were very sheltered and protected from the media…….now suddenly they're on stage for all the world to see? How inappropriate on the family's part for deciding to allow this……….but then again, if MJ isn't really DEAD, it's not such an inappropriate thing to do because it's merely part of the 'act.'

    Oh……and the oldest boy didn't seem the least bit upset, either. If these kids were as close to MJ as it's been reported, don't you think they'd have been crying? red swollen eyes? I mean, you can't stop a kid from crying.

    I call total BS.

  45. Goldie Says:

    i love this website

    i belive michael is alive and in a better place alone with his kids <3

  46. Sosh Diz:

    About Michaels Kids: Isn't it possible the kids at the memorial tuesday, arent'his kids? It was only recently that Prince and Paris are seen unmasked. It could have been Michaels Imposter with just a few kids hanging around to show the public their faces. This way they can be easily staged. Or was it just a coincidence this happenend only some weeks ago?

  47. MyBelovedMJ Diz:

    About the whole “Children” thing. To be hornets, i think that the children know`s that ther father is in fact still alive, i think they saw him at the hospital, to say “goodbye” for now, and Daddy will see you soon. If Michael faked his own death, i am pretty sure that he would reveal himself, at one of the concerts, but that would also be the last time that he would ever perform again. All that crap with Michael beeing on drugs, and skinny and all that shit, my god, i have never in my entire life heard so much BS as that. If you look at teh rehearsel videos, you can see that Michael is in Great shape, and Danceing and sining like he always have done. I`m pretty sure that it infact was him on the rehearsels, between the sings, Michael is talking, and that IS his voice for sure. I love his voice, so that would not be so esaly forgotten. And in some of the reherasel videos, Think it is Billie Jean, Michael goes upclose to the Camara, you can see his entire face. And let me just say. NO FAKE THERE. But what concerns me most, is that he was in such great shape, as he was, and then duddnly he “drops” dead. NOWAY. I don`t believe that, I think he is alive. I will believe he is dead the day i get to see his body. I have a feeling that we would get us a surprise at the Concert the 29th of August. Só un pensamento.

  48. alive Says:

    Did anyone hear what Latoya said to the fans at the Nokia? She said Michael Is Watching and he Sees all of you and he Loves you all so much. She would be the one to let something slip. If she meant he was watching from heaven or up above then why didn't she say that? It doesn't feel right and your gut feeling is usually the right one. Anyone else think this was strange?

  49. Andrea Says:

    @ alive – no, I didn't see that speech, but LOL at Latoya. IF ANYONE could mess this hoax up it'd be her.

    I do find that strange, though.

  50. feyaya Says:

    that's hilarious about latoya. it would probably explain why she wasn't “elected” to speak about michael's death at the BET awards. about michael's physical condition: how ignorant is the media when they say he was skinny and all that crap?! michael has ALWAYS been skinny. ever since he was a little boy, he's been thin. they act like he was once a macho man, now he's bones with skin wrapped around them. get real!

  51. MariannaB Says:

    There is one thing that puts a full stop to “Michael intended to get away from all the pressure, heal the debts and thus planned and executed the fake”.
    Michael would NEVER intentionally have left alone his children. Certainly not to the any possible influence of his father.

    Michael loved to play with the media that had treated him so badly. But nor for the price of his children.

    If the tragedy was a fake put to scene then the origin is to seek in the greedy entourage.

    Michael was sold from the very beginning of his life – so were his brothers and sisters. None of them experienced a normal life.

    Now it's the turn on Paris, Prince and Blanket – and THIS, Michael would never haved allowed. Paris was sold at Stapels and Janet took her back like “well done”.

    Not one of Michael's closest friends was seen or heard in public except giving a “I don't participate in this”.

    To me, two possibilities: the whole thing is initiated by the entourage to the monetary wellfare of all involved.
    Or it happened as an unintential chain of unforeseen complications with the “in first place not-wanted” death of Michael.

    Real tragedies are written by life in a more uncomprehensible way than we can imagine. My brother had a stroke at age 41 and is ever since 100% handicapped. My sister-in-law works in a hospital. My brother was not seen by a PhD for 5 hours. And? She failed to help, that's all.

    I agree to the fake at the conference, I agree to the questionmarks with the ambulance, photo in the ambulance, uncomprehensive details of the last 2 weeks. I agree to the selling idea behind Staples and the play around with media for creating another mystery which sells well.

    But Michael would never have given up his children.

    RIP Michael – I just hope they bury you soon and do not sell your bones as well as your voice and gifts before.

    My daughter has become fond of you at age 7 and she answered immediately: oh no, Michael is dead. He loved his children.

    All our love and gratefulness keep accompaniing you whereever you are.

  52. JC.LOVES.MJ Says:

    The pic of him in the ambulance doesnt prove anything. I love MJ wid all my heartt and i believe that he very capable of faking his death, hes known as the guy who had many disguises. You know wats weird, how marlon spoke of how MJ was in diguise in a CD storee, is it just me or does any one else think that hes tryna send out a message that MJ is capable of disguising himself? As for the decoy, has anyoen seen Navi anywhere? like has he even commented on the deathh ? Its a tad weird how no ones heard from him, and the pic of MJ in the ambulance, he has the money and the mind to pull it off, its people like us who are able to question, I for one believe that he is alive. I just hope hes okay tho.

  53. Sosh Diz:


    How can Michael reaper at a concert 29th of august if these concerts will be canceled. Without Michael there is no use in having a this is it concert.

  54. JC.LOVES.MJ Says:

    Sosh: theyre not cancelling the concerts, they sed something about it being like a tribute thingg. right ?

  55. Sosh Diz:

    Thats right, I've read in another topic and annother post by MyBelovedMJ that there are plans to have a concert at his birthday, 29 of august.

    Last week I heard that if the concerts go on like tribute concerts, they will be held in the LA Staples Center and not in the O2 Arena. Can anyone confirm this.

  56. Goldie Says:

    if michael is faking his death he´s not going to be in public ever again he is going to hide..

  57. Dweeby Guy Says:

    short after MJ's death, Navi was on a morning talk show talking about MJ's death and also BBC did a segment on him where he talks about how devasted he was when finding out.



  58. edenmalfoy Diz:


    Where did you see this footage of the rehearsal with all that extra stuff? All I've seen is the minute and a half of They Don't Really Care About Us…

    I would love a link to see the extra parts you were talking about.

  59. MyBelovedMJ Diz:

    You look it up at youtube. Just type, Michael jackson Performence 2009, and they will all appear. I must admit, that mabye you will laugh in some of them, they are pretty funny . And listen to Michael`s wonderful voice. Then you will never forget it

  60. Samantha Says:

    It's simple, the day i heard he was dad, i broke down into tears, i was almost going to commit suicide, i love mj. But another side of me was saying that his Alive, and its easy to beleive because michael only wanted to escape, He didnt like touring, and he owed to much money so he probably faked this. And his family knows and is going along with it, if you watch Paris theres no tears.. And none of them look really that upset, Like imagine if your brother died? you'd be in tears or if you're trying to hold back. But i dont know its what i think, i reckon his just hiding somewhere and wont reveal because 12 people commited suicide and if he reveals his not dead the world will be angry. But dead or alive, your alive in my heart, and i love you so much michael, forever i adore you and i hope your alive away from ur troubles. But wether or gone or still out there somewhere i love you michael, live in peace or rest in peace.

  61. supermom75 Diz:

    @mariana_b i knew mike for a long time and his kids were his most loved possesion but he would leave them in the care of his mother knowing they are safe also diana ross has said she made a promise to mike not to let debbie rowe near his kids so he has them protected by ppl he loves in his life if he said his good byes in the hospital and told his kids he loves them and will be back his kids are very trong and i know this and they will listen to daddy and they will wait till the time is right to be together again everything is falling in place to the will so far and debbie rowe who once said i want my kids now asks for a delay do you not think that is fishy she wants time to think about weather she wants her kids hmmmm so who told her what is really goin on and who is paying her she already took 8.4 mil on her kids and signed her right away i think michael knows what he is doing love you mikey

  62. JC.LOVES.MJ Says:

    thanks dweeby guy.
    there isnt any thing to prove that is the real MJ in the ambulance, he had impersonators all over the world, who knows.
    This is the only site keepin me sane.
    But just a word to all those people who want to commit over his death, think about it, he would never want anybody to take their lives away over him.

  63. MariannaB Says:

    The kids seemed to be set under drugs. Paris has been acting like a trained poodle in a circus to deliver what the world was waiting for (or what the family intended to deliver in their performance). And gee what a circus indeed.
    Now it's a romanian who got paid to die on behalf of MJ. And Romania is home of vampire castle and vampires are representing the non-dead and MJ wanted eternal live… lol… what a morass of absurdities and short thinking. If you ask me, the spider in my room played the main part in the story.

    It's so ridiculous to read the hundreds of “revealed truths”.

    There's only one thing for sure: there are immense monetary interests involved.
    And as we learned from the prof. financers: money does not know neither shame nor borders.

    Let Michael rest in peace – the whole plot and digging after it is too much of a shame and disgusting.

    What is YOUR personal interest in digging after MJ? What is YOUR personal greed or hunger?
    Isn't it time to care for the LIVING close to you and do something about YOUR life?

    Turn to the one in the mirror.

    Michael knew what he did and if he didn't, he's responsible for his life anyway.
    He deserves like anybody else to be left alone in peace.

  64. MyBelovedMJ Diz:

    Michael would never have people to take their own lives, because he “died”. And in my opinion, those people who did that, Im sure they loved Michael, but if they really did love him, they would have been living on. FOR HIM. That is what he would have wanted

  65. bghoppy Diz:

    marianna, liitle hypocritical are you? You found this sight yourself, you felt deserving of adding your own opinion, and just because there are outlandish ideas like the romanian and that he died in '84 (I wish they were not), doesn't mean we all believe those parts or even include them in our analysis of this case.
    U bring up they money. That's part of why myself and others are worried. What if he was harmed in some way to get as his money?
    You ask what OUR greed or need is? My main problem here is in every aspect surrounding this story, there is an obvious failure on the part of journalists to cover it in a way that is professional and complete. These are the same people we entrust to flesh out BS if and when the government tries to decieve it's public. How can these same people ask he right questions of our govn't officials when they are afraid to ask Jermain Jackson relavent questions and tell him he is lying when he does.
    And I am tired of this crying on behalf of famous people for their loss of privacy. To crave attention and shun it at the same time is ridiculous.


  66. MariannaB Says:

    Very good analysis – thank you. I believe this site and forum are absolutely necessairy and helpful.

    The journalists have been fed from the first minute. The entourage are professionals in working with media. M played with the journalists.

    Now a brandnew cake is being created. You cannot prevent from parts of the truth to leak through. So in order to make facts the less harmful possible some nice artificial add-ons are appended: some mysteries, some unusual, some scary, some all too common.
    And everybody runs after the cake, no matter how strange the thing appears with a distant look.

    It's good that this site aims to disclose the added aspects and the intentions behind.

    It's good that the questionmarks are being placed.

    Never trust a person, authority or not, without knowing their intention behind. If you know why they do it, you can deal with it.

    Personally, I don't care whether it was Michael or Joe or anybody else behind this thing. I feel that this time the stage is too big for them to be able to handle the scenery.

    Who pulls the ropes will be unmasked in the end – thanks to today's communication infrastructures.
    If there are people in LA being paid to hold back information – the information will anyway leak out in New Zealand or Dubai.

    Times have changed and all this money of those involved is not enough to buy the whole world.

    I don't agree on the point that we should not let celebrities go.
    We paid them already for the pleasure of sneaking around them. We bought their music, tickets, fan items, newspapers. So everybody got already what the deal was about.
    If we in addition start getting emotional from afar, this is our own personal decision and thing. I am convinced that running after the person of celebrities soon takes the shape of stalking.

    Letting go hurts.
    If M is behind this story, he wanted to be left alone and to start a new life. It was the right moment to do so. He will never come back as before – millions of misled fans will not forgive.
    So this is it.

    If the entourage draws the curtains, we have to let him go as well and concentrate on the living.

    You asked about my mirror – I'm looking to all that from a distance. I'm neither in the US nor in AUS.
    I like M, I am not a fan, I would have liked to meet him one day and have a nice talk about this and that. I think he did and left a lot of very nice things in his first life. Besides, I have no interest except to avoid foolishness in my life if feasible.

    Our newspapers got fooled with 3 year old pictures of M. It's not only the US or English press suffering from manipulation. Some of our journalists who covered the story did not even know MJ, mistook the songs, even misinterpreted what was said. They did not even get a glimps of a position to ask questions. They thus did the same shameful job you mentioned above.

    It's a global significance of deterioration – press profs doing the same miserable job as the financial profs and politicians fed by advisors and lobbyists.

    There's only one good thing about it: times are changing, people are getting aware and a wave building up will break.

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