

正如你所看到的這部影片,歌迷的瘋狂暴徒導航在日本,都認為這是毫無疑問的,他們看到了邁克爾傑克遜。 在視頻時顯示比較導航和喬丹都蒙面,很難看出其中的差別。 這將是更加難以區分這兩個在一個模糊的形象,例如... 。也許喜歡稍微模糊圖像左下?


由於一些奇怪的原因,這是唯一的形象,已經考慮到邁克爾傑克遜,他投入了救護,儘管事實上,有幾個人出席了時間。 反映了窗口,染色的圖像,並略有模糊變得非常可疑,以它的有效性。

這也是唯一的形象,存在的邁克爾傑克遜的告訴我們,他是死,或者被送往醫院。 所有其他的圖片顯示出存在形態的一個機構在白色機構袋擔架上,而據我們很關心,也有可能包含任何東西。

也有人提醒我們注意的輔助誰做胸部壓縮對兆焦耳(心肺復甦術)的權利他的手放在他的脖子附近時,事實上,他應該做心肺復甦進一步下跌的布列斯特骨。也許這是所有的'舞台' ,幫助我們大家都相信故事,邁克爾傑克遜已經死了。 想想看, ...如果沒有形象如上述已被釋放,然後每個人都將更多的可疑! 如果沒有人的形象,我們都預計認為,這的確是他的屍體袋前往停屍房,許多人會懷疑的有效性,我們的故事被美聯儲的媒體。

然而,由於有一個形象的存在,上圖中,我們理應去... '噢,好吧,是的,它看起來像喬丹在那裡,所以我猜他真的死了那麼' 。 僅僅因為一個圖像? ? ?


讓我們談談另一個單一的形象,欺騙人民,以為是惡作劇的60歲。 此圖片是的尼斯湖水怪。 理應採取肯尼思羅伯特威爾遜在倫敦婦科醫生,圖像出版的每日郵報在1934年4月21日。這張圖片,是最經典的形象尼斯湖水怪和被稱為'外科醫生的照片,其中許多原被視為良好的證據怪物。 顯示的圖像是一個騙局在1994年。

我們比較邁克爾傑克遜的死給尼斯湖水怪? 您的賭注。 這證明惡作劇表明如何快速,方便地人會相信的東西,只因為它是在媒體上,而且因為有一張照片備份的故事。

我們說,上述形象的邁克爾傑克遜在救護車是一張假的? 當然不是沒有,你顯然不能偽造的。 我們必須對這一問題的形象,這,是真的邁克爾傑克遜在救護車? 如果是邁克爾傑克遜的救護車,他真的死或心臟驟停?

既然我們從上面的視頻導航受僱於邁克爾傑克遜本人曾幾次成為誘餌,誰要說這是沒有這樣做了,只能在一個更大的規模? 我們還聽到邁克爾傑克遜的私人教練婁Ferrigno記得在一次採訪中如何把模特喬丹對自己在救護車推遲Papparazzi ...什麼是說他沒有這樣呢? ?


這個網站怎麼樣? 我聽到你說...




標籤: 陰謀陰謀論死亡惡作劇謠言視頻
張貼在惡作劇死亡謠言 | 評論( 66 )


  1. MyBelovedMJ說:

    這是obivious它`不是邁克爾。 已經是第1分鐘,我知道。 他的白色帶錯胳膊。 邁克爾總是它的右臂,導航它左! 大BOMMER

  2. MyBelovedMJ說:


  3. wishful09說:

    沒有加起來。 當wathcing採訪,我變得非常沮喪。 我覺得跳通過屏幕有時。 請予瓦納喊,提出正確的問題。 大家剛才跳上這個故事的邁克爾是一個癮君子。 您認為某種古怪邁克爾正在沉迷於anesteshia ( SP法) ,當我們從未聽說過這個會之前。 我的意思是真的! 我們只是承擔護士是講真話。 如何便利。 噢,現在來這裡的廚師,以進一步驗證她的故事。 真的,好朋友。 你看到坦克和氧氣等到現在你說了什麼? ? 給我一個突破。 如果這些人是講真話,他們是一些奇怪的人。 我不關心誰是邁克爾,我會告訴別人,如果我看到氧氣罐離開他家。 它讓陌生人doesn't比,但還沒有人認為它沒有提出質疑。 我不能即使看拉里金昨晚,因為它怎麼說,如此多的人前來標籤他的癮君子,但人誰知道他其實也和花時間與他的日常工作,哪些沒有,從來沒有見過他。 可他真的是很好的,他可以欺騙所有這些? 我不知道,但至少我提出質疑的,不象媒體。 我希望真相出來。 我希望媒體最終尋找愚蠢的。 我覺得這樣令人不安的是,人們相信所有的媒體。

  4. Sosh說:

    首先,我不能說,如果他的死亡是一個騙局與否。 當我看到一些articals關於這個站點我傾向於認為這確實是一個騙局。 不幸的是,我們可能永遠不會知道sure.Maybe甚至謀殺,同時計奇怪behaviuor的醫生。 有一件事我們可以肯定的時刻:我們將永遠不會再次見到他跳舞或音樂。 如果這是一個騙局,他不能夠生活或安息。 一些兆焦耳已當之無愧。

    現在我認為的一些事情, happenend上週就邁克爾斯死亡。 從照片在這裡我們可以看到兆焦耳被送往醫院。 它已經提到,人不像邁克爾。 他的耳朵, eybrows和頭髮是不同的。 也是他的皮膚也有更多的黃河鑄造它邁克爾總是蒼白的顏色,而在他的臉上。 我認為,這張圖片的人是不是邁克爾。 了圖像質量,是非常糟糕因此它必須是一個手機相機或一些東西。 這些相機往往是非常緩慢的,因此拍照時,大家都在匆忙和加緊拯救生命將是不容易的,甚至是不可能的! 該人還必須非常接近床採取這種槍殺。 我不認為這有可能藉此照片在特別的時刻。

    此外,還有(未經證實)謠言從醫院工作人員說,一些奇怪的是繼續當'邁克爾'被送往英寸事情不同,因為它們應。 因此,我懷疑這是真的傑克遜關於該圖片。

    第二個指向一個虛假的死亡可能是彩排,根據AEG公司生活,在那裡記錄HighDef視頻和音頻。 看起來像所有計劃的這種方式。 把邁克爾回的圖片中有大量的50演唱會之行,他並不要去考慮。 的消息,他的死亡將提高總人數的記錄銷售rappidly 。 此外,多一點的一場賭博,但讓買家返回機票車票,讓他們選擇退款或專門的票務設計bij兆焦耳本人。 當然,他們有8個,因此,真正的喬丹的球迷需要收集所有。 如果50 %的門票是退還, AEG公司現場已大大降低金融債務。 再加上數以百萬計從DVD或藍光(喬傑克遜很好的公司,他在採訪過程中插入? )光盤,將售出的最後排練和AEG公司將作出巨大的利潤。 還有這首歌,他們用(他們沒有汽車公司簡介) 。 難道他們wan't發表一項聲明,向媒體?

    點三:是否兆焦耳(如果它是在所有兆焦耳)移動的直升機。 很難說。 這是可能的,但是當他運出,這架直升機被送到車上時,我們可以看到黑色的帶子被刪除。 消除這些可能會導致身體移動時,直升機仍在裡面。 我找到了更有趣的是形狀的機構在機構袋。 實際上它並不像真正的有一個機構在它(或者是CSI的誤導我嗎? )

    然後到四點:很多人告訴很多不同的事情。 我看來,大多數人可以賺取利潤的stiuation看只說對他的壞事(尤里蓋勒例如) 。 其他人(婁Feringo )談論邁克爾的健康人在這個星球上。 是事實某處在中東? 誰可以或必須相信。 隨著排練到和看到兆焦耳跳舞一樣,他只有25歲,我想我們可以無視allmost所有負面消息。 邁克爾probabbly身體,精神和經濟上的良好狀態,但他想躲避媒體。 最佳時機是當世界上尊重和再次看到他和'死'的方式適當的流行樂之王在新成立的歷史時刻。

    所以對我來說它看起來像一個騙局。 和肯定,邁克爾是一個人誰可以使這成為可能。 RIP協議邁克爾。 無論你是活著還是死了。 我們會想念你! 據悉今晚的追悼會,我們至少知道我們將永遠和你再次申請可能虛報死亡並沒有舉辦以執行最終東山再起

  5. charbour說:

    我剛剛看完兆焦耳的追悼會,並在電視上說已經真正在過去的40分鐘,因為它完成.. 但是知道我剛才宣讀的,您讓我以為他真的可以再次活著! 當巴黎破裂我想我要去哭! 這是非常傷心..
    您的權利雖然如此,我只是希望真相將很快出來。 如果這是死亡證明書? 正如你說,這整個事情只是不增加。

  6. mysticallymagestically說:

    他可能已經死亡,甚至“死亡” ,但即使在今天的追悼會後,心碎的話,他的女兒巴黎,我仍然不確定。 紀念館正是一個希望什麼所有的光榮盛況和輓歌,但沒有任何懷疑的問題得到解決和結束時的這一切,我相信這只是一個擔任牽張。 我們可能永遠不會看到邁克爾,但直到這一切都澄清了,我們有理由實證疑問。

  7. noisehammer說:

    我也@ wishful09 !

    開始時,所有這些天,我真的相信他能活著。 但在這一點上,我不能相信任何更多...
    一切看來是如此真實,尤其是在巴黎結束。 這是一個非常黑暗的日子,我... 。

    全家人不知道他的假,家庭成員被假冒的喬丹本人。 多數民眾贊成的唯一途徑我可以想像他還活著。
    香港專業教育學院聽到謠言,說喬傑克遜是部分掩蓋.. 以及可能.. 但他的兄弟和巴黎肯定不會!


    和.. 這JoeJackson似乎是真實的存在! 我接觸過其中的一個論壇成員。 .. 但他們不相信他的話。

    它非常傷心.. 即時通訊開始考慮住戶開支統計調查真的死了! !

    如果有什麼發生在接下來的幾個星期...然後即時100 %肯定他是死了! 可悲

    我希望我可以親吻他的臉現在.. !

  8. Yes555說:



    追悼會後,今天,我99 %確信他已經死了。 尤其是在看到巴黎哭了起來。


  9. SkylinexBleedsxRed說:

    這可能聽起來像一個檮的說法,但也許是巴黎上演採取這種方式結束時的紀念? 如果你考慮到所有的事實,不加,並考慮到圖片的他在醫院以上,也許一些人或家庭知道,他仍然活著。 而且他們還沒有告訴孩子們了。 或者,他們以為他們看到邁克爾時,實際上是一個圈套。 我只不過是數字的一切,因為在觀看追悼會,內心深處,我相信他真的出去了這個世界,因為巴黎的反應,還小的。 然而,即使在追悼會,事情並沒有增加。 據稱,有兩個棺材的,金的一個,我們看到在電視上看著太短,即使是小舒馬赫的地位5'11和120LBS ,並舉行了家庭的“私人”紀念館於早上八時。 為什麼他們有一個30分鐘的追悼會邁克爾,拉什他通過街頭的洛杉磯,甚至沒有一個適當的葬禮計劃!!??? 有一個流通的死亡證明,他現在,但我不能發表評論,因為我什至不知道他們是為了看起來像或寫上他們。 以下是鏈接:

    我的圍欄後,看到現在的追悼會,並開始問我一些問題,他和他的可能性仍然活著。 我只是不明白它雖然,為什麼巴黎和這樣說? 她總是非常安靜,害羞。 這聽起來雖然如此真實。 我希望邁克爾還在這裡消失。 我很噁心和傷害。

  10. Shikster說:

    確定我看到紀念館。 我幾乎認為這是真正和他已經死了。 所有的家庭,因為戴著墨鏡知道邁克爾wasn't死... 。他們創造了眼淚couldnt需要。 杰梅因他的最佳生產的眼淚,而唱這首歌的微笑... 。是什麼讓我走經由是在最後時刻,全家是在舞台上... ...觀賞巴黎... ... ..她喜更袖珍手冊那麼整個事情... ..然後輪流珍妮說,她的東西... ... ..然後她忘記了她的口袋裡的圖書,並試圖尋找傷心... ..然後巴黎講... ... ..她平均就業試圖哭的,但doesn't棚淚然後是接走的珍妮特。 邁克爾更值錢死亡比生命... ... ..我一直以來的範傑克遜5 ... ... ... 。及其容易打破屏蔽太陽鏡時,馬龍也一樣。 他們都將是哭的方式向銀行。 邁克爾將不復存在足夠長的時間撤出自己失控的債務... ... ... ..但他的球迷也不會原諒他。

  11. noisehammer說:

    我得到的信息從一個人誰我不想要告訴。 所以也許喬丹真的還活著... !


  12. Madason說:

    好的。 那裡是邁克爾斯機構雙重'克隆'導航時,他應該是死了。 誰能保證導航,或者是他的下落不明。

  13. mysticallymagestically說:

    此外,每一個主要的網絡是更加關注細節的誕生,他的孩子,他的婚姻( s )和關係,他涉嫌使用毒品的簡單的事就是他的死亡! 為什麼我們淹沒了所有這些細節對他的財產和債務的不是如何不可能,那就是50歲的男子是誰檢查是完全健康的只是僅僅幾個月下降沒有造成死亡。

  14. edenmalfoy說:

    我已經盡了全力來沒有看到他在知情同意的救護車...但inevitble我猜想。 看見它,但我認為這看起來有點古怪,似乎有緊張額頭的個人照片。 這將是不可能的,如果你確實有能力的需要呼吸管...


  15. nycscenie說:

    似乎可信的導航和模特的事情,但你怎麼解釋巴黎的崩潰在追悼會? 可11歲的女孩真的是在撒謊和代理? 我希望在二讀他的孩子的未來中的作用惡作劇cuz我確實認為住戶開支統計調查活著,但也許只是想即時太難。

  16. 安德烈說:

    edenmalfoy ,我聽說你。 我發現它,而奇怪的是,背景說: '我還活著.. ' 。

    線索? 或許。 世界可能永遠不會知道。 他是一個謎,他是'活著' ,我相信他會繼續這樣做的'死刑' 。

  17. 安德烈說:

    我覺得好笑,證書說,森林草坪公墓是'臨時'處置的機構,但最後埋葬是'等候在一個未知地點。 和他住在其父母的家中,哈哈。 也仍然很明顯,沒有任何人簽署。 ,對不對?

    坦率地說,他們甚至再用知道了這整個兆焦耳的考驗! 坦率地講我想死的照片將出現,這樣的假冒壁球死亡的謠言,我想他會彈出從躲藏處出來,說心理! 剛才,我(以及許多其他的人)可以減輕他們的思想一點。

  18. mbc080709說:

    我看了昨晚的紀念,現在很難說這是“沒有死” 。 但是,什麼這個“奇聞” ,那豈不是美妙認為將會發生什麼? :

    -想像喬丹已經“去世” ,因為幾年來,比方說,許多年(至少從1993年之前) ,因為他很難被媒體,球迷,媒體和想放鬆annd安逸的生活。 我們知道,真正有幾個雙打兆焦耳( sosia ) ,並同意他們的最好的,他充分考慮自己的位置,但不知道有一天它出來的巨大的麻煩就一直(債務的富裕生活,指控的戀童癖的雙重兆焦耳-確定,在這一點上,這是真的-生命的肆無忌憚sosia填寫大規模劑量的藥品,藥品和不同-總之,雙重然後成為一個騙子) 。 此時,真正的喬丹已恢復聯繫(只是從他的地方是) ,他最好的朋友,他的生產者組織的音樂會剛剛舉辦了一系列瘋狂的日期,以便建立一個大回報。 真正的喬丹上演的幫助下,醫生康拉德穆雷雙重謀殺案(幾乎是,彷彿他已經死了所有已加上他的身體) ,誰也reharsal在斯台普斯中心在洛杉磯兩個星期前,它以及在認為合適的視頻和照片是他,真正的兆焦耳的魅力,你會發現在倫敦舞台上O2的競技場@ 7月13日到2009年,第一次約會,他50演唱會(請注意,他們不取消日期) 。 這將免除所有的罪過戀童癖,毫無節制的生活,等...並活著的巨大喜悅的真實兆焦耳球迷。 這將是一個真正的兆焦耳,誰一直最多只是在新的千年。 也許他會支付罰款的一切,但可以想像的資金將是!


  19. SFAN說:

    我非常想兆焦耳還活著becos '我非常欣賞他的才華和他的貢獻這些年來,這將是這樣一個偉大的浪費讓他去太早,無法看到他的3可愛的孩子長大後,也將培養了他。

    進行死亡惡作劇似乎太大的規模想像在他的觀點。 什麼是世界上認為他如果他真的回來活著。 他將不會受到法律指控進行死亡騙局與已經死亡證明書發出? 毫無疑問,如果他真的還活著回來,他的球迷將是最幸福的人,但我周圍茅盾認為,他的朋友和同事們將發現有趣! 除非所有這些巨星出席了紀念已經知道這是一個騙局,包括眾議院他們已經給了他一個特殊的備忘錄。


    媒體在世界各地特別是有關娛樂業已經眾所周知能夠造就'明星' ,也帶來了一個'星'和他們的真實和不真實的報告。 和可悲的邁克爾傑克遜是一個不幸的受害者。

    RIP協議邁克爾傑克遜,上帝愛你,遠遠超過其他任何人,這是原因,您在他身邊現在在和平與舒適。 雖然我們不願失去我們的親人,但誰給我們留下絕對是一個更好的地方在與主。 我們所有人都將再次開會,一天前的上帝! 喬!

  20. edenmalfoy說:

    噢,還有,我認為這是很容易解釋巴黎崩潰。 這不是真的她。 無論是邁克爾親王的第1和第2 。 如果兆焦耳假冒他死後,這些都不是他真正的兒童,真正的孩子們與他。 什麼簡單的事情;得到機構雙打的三個孩子誰的臉上,我們從來沒有見過,直到兩個月前。 它將支持的要求,這不是他在新聞發布會3月(這對我來說,很顯然,這不是他的) ;邁克爾跳過鎮幾個月前與他心愛的孩子在拖車...因為他永遠不會離開他們...和實施機構雙打的所有4人。

    如果您停止並認為這是什麼一個完美的紀念帽,他讓人們認為他已經死了;有他的女兒哭泣了衷心的告別她爸爸。 我真的認為他還活著,我在流淚,因為她,這是令人心碎的。 因此,他開關的孩子,他的雙和他們在街上遊行的洛杉磯,完全揭露,在兩個月前,讓孩子們的照片在magazing或12 ,然後他去世和拍照的小女孩與他一對夫婦幾個月前,不用舞台,並打破了。 這是完美的。 人們不會的問題。

    然後再有多少家庭成員都必須在此為他更換了他的孩子們為假貨? 因為..肯定家庭可以告訴他的孩子除了身體雙打...

    哦,和其他人注意到了如何在CNN現在不是說,死亡的一個傳說,這是'兆焦耳的神秘之死' ? 至少有一個人的最後說話的魚的地方。


  21. oldgregg說:

    我愛兆焦耳的死是一個騙局,但我也將保留的判斷。 我可以種理解他為什麼會想要做類似的東西,畢竟他是39的媒體為他後來的一部分來。 我覺得馬龍一針見血的頭部與他所說的話,他說他的打扮去唱片店,而不是我們能想像一個存在這樣的,他didn't有生命真的。

    我感到悲哀的是,和他已經通過,對此我完全理解,如果他已決定偽造自己死亡(地獄,我會很想什麼住戶開支統計調查後,不得不忍受! )

    但對於演員的導航方面的事情,恐怕導航即時出現在英國廣播公司早餐星期五上午8.oo格林尼談到邁克爾的死亡,以及如何他是一個圈套的兆焦耳一段幾年前。 因此, couldnt已導航,但它肯定是地獄本來是別人。 我哭我的眼睛了昨晚的紀念,特別是當他的小女孩站了起來,這完全打破我的心。

  22. bghoppy說:

    為什麼巴黎哭真的有這麼多的共鳴? 目前還沒有實際的淚從她的眼睛,它是一個完美的結局,和每個人都存在著或曾經或知道孩子星級。 所有這些人開始在查看商業兒童,儘管“困難和痛苦” ,他們所有的母狗約從“失去的童年” ,他們都仍然願意和鼓勵向這些小羔羊成為矚目的焦點人物,更sickeningly利用其父親死亡的首演。
    我有一個問題的醫療和/或法律人。 難道是正常的死亡證書。 說“信息化不僅沒有一個有效的文件,供鑑定。 ”字樣的紅色背景?

  23. 埃爾德說:

    我有2貴賓票的是第二場音樂會通常在O2和已被推遲到3月和收到的郵件,這些門票退還或parially交易為紀念車票;認為這意味著是一種損害控制持續...另一方面,我剛才聽到的這些三維紀念車票設計了邁克爾本人! ? ?

  24. bghoppy說:

    7月1日生效, 2003年,有兩種類型的核證無誤的副本的出生和死亡記錄:

    核證副本:這是一個經常性的核證副本相同之前發出2003年7月1日。 這些只發給授權個人所界定的健康和安全碼103526 (見下面所列清單) 。 經核證的副本可用於建立人的身份命名證書。

    認證信息複製:這也是一個經常性的核證副本,但將有一個傳說,在面臨的聲明, “信息,而不是一個有效文件,以建立身份。 ”認證信息複製不能用來建立身份。 人誰沒有資格獲得的核證副本可接收認證信息複製。
    和更多的我也仔細想過,如果沒有一家公司有豐富的人,幫助偽造自己的死亡,或協助徹底改變身份,我要開始一個自己。 顯然有需求。

  25. feyaya說:

    看看這個所謂的“死亡日記惡作劇”我在這兒找到。 驚人的,至少可以說! 但我不知道這可能是編造的。 你覺得呢? ? ?

  26. 蜜蜂說:

    有趣的網站! 我看了整個紀念館昨天和感動的哭了許多分。 但是,兩件事也站在了我有點奇怪:
    1 )福音歌曲的開頭, “很快,很快我們將看到國王... .. ”現在,本來只是巧合和喜歡的福音歌曲。
    2 )兒童:當然,他們已經有一個星期的悲傷,但我沒有看到任何跡象表明他們有哭的服務一次! 他們似乎非常放任,所以也許他們知道,他們會看到他們的父親很快再次?
    此外,巴黎,結束時(保佑她的心! )她的講話似乎很棚屋,當她叫道'她轉過身去非常快,她姑姑珍妮。 當時,我被帶走以前所有的歌曲和敬意和感情,但後來經看錄像,感覺就像一個排練講話。

  27. mysticallymagestically說:

    我同意您的所有報表安德烈。 我們都還在等待毒理學報告結果,對不對? 這就是愛說幾句話。 當然,一個事實,即他的暫時“埋”在森林草坪,還是他? 我的意思是,善良...為什麼這一切這麼長時間,如果他只是死於自然原因就像心臟驟停, HMM的? 貝利梅斯被安葬在數天內, Farrah福塞特被安葬在數天內,有什麼問題在這裡與邁克爾?

  28. 安德烈說:

    我也覺得很奇怪,在'紀念'沒有看到任何人採取的靈柩離開斯台普斯中心或到靈車或任何東西。 和家庭到酒店吃午飯後, ? 你在開玩笑嗎? ! Hahahaha 。 這是最有趣的活動我見過,我說,事件中兆焦耳的整個死亡騙局。 現在,他們甚至不知道他們是要去讓窮人邁克爾是'埋葬' 。 嗯,這裡有一個想法。 也許沒有任何實際價值,因為他沒有死。 Sheesh 。

  29. 狂熱者說:

    在追悼會時,我發現有意思的是MJs兄弟馬龍傑克遜包括講述兆焦耳身穿偽裝在講話。 馬龍說,一些有關喬丹穿著像一個討厭的期待歲男子在一家商店,他承認他和喬丹對此感到震驚馬龍承認他在該商店。 馬龍強調的事實是,他總是能夠認識到他的弟弟不管。 它似乎馬龍知道喬丹是看他自己的追悼會的某個地方,以便馬龍被派遣一個潛意識味精,以兆焦耳寫封信,告訴他知道,誰的人已經死亡不是兆焦耳。 我還懷疑,事實上,如果馬龍傑克遜確實哭。 因為他是戴太陽鏡的建設,我不知道。 然而,我注意到,當他哭了他瘋狂,他沒有一次刪除太陽鏡消滅他的眼淚了。 我認為亞瑟小子確實哭,他在事實上消除了他的眼淚snnglasses消滅了。 我相信馬龍傑克遜是/是一個演員在過去,他可以很容易地被戴上行為。 我也覺得它很有趣的小巴黎傑克遜沒有感情的整個服務,直至結束。 她玩兆焦耳娃娃整個服務和在舞台上,直到珍妮特女士告訴她的東西。 然後,小巴黎給她告別,並開始哭泣,但她的臉似乎沒有期待通紅像布魯克盾的時候,她哭了。 我看到沒有眼淚就沒有巴黎的臉,她迅速地躲在她的臉。 首先,我開始問自己是一個虛假的MJs死亡時,他的弟弟,小傑克遜,使新聞發布會上加州大學洛杉磯分校的醫院。 他談到的相機,並表示願真主保佑你們總是邁克爾。 但他好像知道喬丹是看事件的地方在一個封閉的地方,他只是給兆焦耳的良好祝愿在新的生活。 IDK也許這只是小的性質,但我發現,有點懷疑。 當珍妮傑克遜出現在了賭注的獎項。 我對自己說, “哇,珍妮傑克遜是一個非常堅強的女人還是一個很好的”演員“考慮到珍妮一直以來像12歲以下的投標,如果兆焦耳逝世確實是一個假珍妮女士可以肯定拉這表現了。 她說,她的家人“選舉”她的發言投注獎項。 我問自己,為什麼他們會選舉babygirl說話,而不是小,因為他一直在聲音的家庭。 也許他們需要的活動,似乎更加可信,並實現他們需要有一個女演員。 考慮MJs財政問題,待官司,形象,偽造自己的死亡不是遠遠牽強。 在一次採訪中,他曾經說過,他不喜歡旅遊,他恨,所以我一直在問自己,為什麼他再次巡迴以來,這是該會議在O2舞台。 我不主張,也不作任何猜測,兆焦耳偽造他的死亡。 相反,我只是分享我的意見。 如果喬丹的確偽造他的死,我希望他認為,和平,他一直在尋找。 願真主保佑永遠與你和你的親人哥哥邁克爾。

  30. jaydogg說:

    沒有人不會注意到,當巴黎哭(或代理) ,沒有眼淚,她的眼睛? 行,除了說,如果這是一個大騙局比我希望這沒有出來,或者是所有的靜脈。 難道你不認為邁克爾一次他一生中值得擺脫這一切? 讓他放鬆和享受自己的生命一次,如果他還活著。 如果他不是比上帝保佑他,他不得不忍受他的生活。 RIP協議或LIP

  31. nycscenie說:

    @ edenmalfoy我可以認為, maayybbe兒童/巴黎的代理機構,但雙打的孩子? 我不這麼認為。 如果你看看在知情同意和vids其中從他們小的時候,他們看起來完全相同的方式現在。 黑暗王子的頭髮了,但巴黎看起來一模一樣。

  32. feyaya說:

    同意。 但只有有人猜測他的“身體”將被埋葬。 我從來沒有聽說過的一個機構留掩埋這麼長時間。

    嗯,有沒有人發現其中一人唱“我們是世界”在紀念有點特殊? ? 有人說這可能是邁克爾,但看他的手,似乎很難看,自然化妝。 什麼是每個人思考這個問題的人?

    另一件事。 如果邁克爾確實是活著,紀念館似乎都一窩蜂的潛意識信息。 即“我還活著”結束時發表的聲明, “邁克爾,我們愛你,現在加入我們的行列。 ”開始的時候,去年的表現,過度使用目前的緊張時,指的是他。 我讀到一篇文章早些時候當我試圖找出更多有關尤里蓋勒。 有人說,邁克爾已同意與他合作,增加積極影響潛意識messges他的歌曲。 如果這是真的,這是所有的一個騙局,為什麼不和我們合作邁克爾再次購買小隱藏messges整個紀念? ?

  33. 安德烈說:

    @ nycscenie -我第二次這個概念。 這顯然是他的孩子們。 但是,我仍然認為他們是在對整個事情。

  34. 安德烈說:

    Also, I thought it'd be appropriate for me to mention that on an interview I saw last night on the show 'extra' the lady was interviewing one of MJ's older doctors and friend – I honestly forget his name, but I'll never forget what he told the reporter. He said that once Michael Jackson even told him that he knew he'd be on top again if he 'died' and that one day they were having dinner together and he brought him into another room and Michael told him that should anything happen to him, to make sure he (the doctor) teaches the kids the ways of Jehovah's witness or whatever, and to make sure his mother gets the children.

    HMMMMMMMMM. Suspicious huh? But I can't really trust anything anyone says now in light of his 'death'. People keep springing up from everywhere these past few weeks to say things about MJ that they should have said a long time ago. Just raises more and more suspicion for me.

  35. SkylinexBleedsxRed Says:

    They should do a DNA test on every kid because Debbie Rowe even said she carried the two oldest kids, But it wasn't Michael's sperm. So obviously how can they be his biological kids? 想想看。 LoL. The youngest of the kids, I don't know about, As does anyone because no mother's background. He is a mystery child. All I know is that these kids do not have that black people hair. They have fine, White people hair. It just makes no sense! If these kids were mixed, It would show with at least some black people hair!

  36. SkylinexBleedsxRed Says:

    Please, Someone send me a link to the picture of Michael with the words, I'm Alive on it. I watched the memorial, But I must have missed that picture.
    About that diary, Okay, THAT was really weird. I wonder how credible a source that Derek is though?? It would be amazing if he came back and did a tour like the Derek site said. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks that the memorial was entirely staged. Good points being pointed out by everyone here. It makes total sense!

  37. dirtydiana Says:

    Is it me or does Michael's oldest son and one of the Jackson's brothers appear to be laughing after Paris's questionable reaction? The same Jackson brother appeared to be laughing earlier also. This whole situation just gets weirder and weirder. Notice how Reebe Jackson walks over to MJ's eldest before Paris speaks as if to make sure the kids don't slip up. It all looked staged to me. And notice how not one Jackson has a tear rolling down their cheeks. I know that everyone takes death differently but come on, I still cried more, even with all my suspisions.

  38. dirtydiana Says:

    Maybe the Jackson brother isn't laughing and is crying the more I look at the video but MJ's son does appear to be smirking.

  39. monij Says:

    To OLDGREGG, one of the readers [Tis_Ruthy] posted an interesting link to an article in relation to MJ's March conference in London [You may like to read this newspaper report from March this year…..http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1159645/Trembling-gaunt-100million-debt-Michael-Jackson-makes-final-entrance.html…read the last section….seems otthers noticed the difference in Michael's face…hmmmm]. In this article, it is mentioned that Navi was in the audience at the time of the conference, could this have been a decoy too, so that people do not go thinking that the person on stage is not the real MJ?

  40. SkylinexBleedsxRed Says:

    feyaya: That man at the beginning to sing We Are The World. That can't be Michael. It looks nothing like him. I know when Michael played the mayor in Ghosts, I could easily recognize him. Michael has distinct eyes that I would know anywhere. The guy at the memorial doesn't add up to Michael. IF it is him, Wow, Okay, Fooled me.

  41. ly9512 Says:

    Okay – weird. When I first saw that picture of him in the ambulance I thought his face looked so swollen. Especially from his nose to his mouth. Like its so much bigger than MJ's face. Some people said it could've been because of the drugs but they weren't 100% sure!

    I completely agree that not everything adds up from this story. Everything is just kind of a mystery! I can't wait until everything unfolds.

  42. Yes555 Says:

    IF michael is indeed alive, the memorial seemed to have been swarming with subliminal messages. ie the “i am alive” statement at the end, “michael we love you more, now join us.”

    “I am alive, and I am here forever?” They're lyrics from a Michael Jackson song he sung with Paul McCartney called “The Man”



    There's a man
    Who plays the game of life so well
    Ooh, there's such a man
    His thoughts you can never tell, ooh
    And it's just the way he
    Thought it would be
    'cause the day has come
    For him to be free
    I'm alive and I'm here forever

    This is the man
    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man

    There's a man
    Everybody thought they knew
    Ooh, there's such a man
    He's not like me and you, ooh

    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man

    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man

    And it's just the way she
    Thought it would be
    As he says, something has
    Happened to me
    Then he laughs, he kicks
    And rolls up his sleeves
    I'm alive and I'm here forever
    This is the man
    (this is the man)
    Ooh yeah
    (ooh, yeah)
    This is the man
    (this is the man)
    This is the man

  43. SFAN Says:

    A person who really planned to hoax their death will not allow themselves to reappear in the public ever again with the same identity so fans out there can drop their hopes of MJ suddenly popped out from no where with a surprise and staged a comeback concert, he is not stupid, so it is as good as MJ is already dead! His ultimate aim is to have peace and privacy.

    If MJ is really dead, he could be feeling really sad now because while he was alive, people chose to believe the bad things about him and when he died, people still chose to believe that he actually staged a death hoax, he may be asking 'Why nobody just believed me just for once!”

    Deep in my heart, I hope he is really not dead but out there somewhere having his peace finally and live to ripe old age because he deserves it. If he is really dead, I hope everyone can just respect this truth and give comfort to his loved ones that he had left behind because they are the ones that are suffering in pain right now.

    God bless u MJ, no matter where u are now because I know you are in a better place rite now!

  44. curious_george Says:

    Glad I'm not the only one who is wondering if this is all a hoax. And for the record, I was never a huge fan of MJ so it's not like I'm just having trouble accepting his death.

    I found the speech by daughter Paris to be extremely fake and stiff; rehearsed. For all of the noise she made, not a tear. While Marlon was giving his speech, she was fiddling with her little hand-bag a lot; and twice Janet turned to her and said something at which point she finally strung the purse strap over her shoulder and then in a really 'fake' sort of way, leaned on Janet. It was as if Janet told her “lean on me, try to look sad.”

    Also, it was bizarre the the Jackson brothers all wore dark shades. Something you might expect at a MIB Convention but not a memorial. At times they appeared to have the facial expression of someone 'choking up' but never a tear to be seen rolling down their face. When you're that choked up, tears can't help but fall – duh. And when Marlon started with his speech, his voice was all shaky and cracking up…but again, not a tear to be shed. I call BS.

    as for the pic of MJ in the ambulance; as someone in the healthcare profession for many years, who's actually DONE CPR, the hand placement of the paramedic is way off. It appears the palm of that hand is on the upper chest, just below MJ's left shoulder; definitely not the correct hand placement for doing chest compressions.

    I listened, last week, to the 911 call and something seemed off with that call. The dispatcher sounded very aloof, he asked strange, irrelevant questions but didn't seem to ask the questions you'd expect one to ask. The caller was overly polite; ended every sentence with “sir.” Do you really think that if you're in the presence of a non-responsive celebrity, one in which a doctor is there performing CPR and it's obviously not helping, is going to be so polite? So calm? And then there's the whole issue of the caller admitting that the doctor present was doing CPR on the bed. 跆拳道? To me that was a screw-up. Even people with a basic CPR course know that you can't deliver effective chest compressions on a soft, cushiony surface; you gotta get the person onto a hard flat surface, down on the floor if necessary. A doctor would have known this for crying out loud, particularly one who would be frantically trying to save someone like MJ.

    I found it strange at the end of this call, when the caller advised that a doctor was there w/ MJ, and that MJ was 'cold' (implying it was too late), that the dispatcher then just said something to the effect of “okay, well they should there right away”….I would think a real dispatcher would not be so quick to determine “it's too late”……and at the end of that call, the dispatcher tells him “if you need anything else, call us.” WTF? What a strange thing to say. And I thought that EMS dispatchers were to stay on the line until it was confirmed that paramedics/EMS HAD arrived.

    Oh, and I thought Brooke Shields' speech was a little fake, too. There were times that she was choking up a lot…..but amazing, no tears….eyes didn't even become glassy or watery.

    Lastly, I think it's bizarre that the family would have brought the 3 children up on stage like that. I thought these kids were very sheltered and protected from the media…….now suddenly they're on stage for all the world to see? How inappropriate on the family's part for deciding to allow this……….but then again, if MJ isn't really DEAD, it's not such an inappropriate thing to do because it's merely part of the 'act.'

    Oh……and the oldest boy didn't seem the least bit upset, either. If these kids were as close to MJ as it's been reported, don't you think they'd have been crying? red swollen eyes? I mean, you can't stop a kid from crying.

    I call total BS.

  45. Goldie Says:

    i love this website

    i belive michael is alive and in a better place alone with his kids “ 3

  46. Sosh Says:

    About Michaels Kids: Isn't it possible the kids at the memorial tuesday, arent'his kids? It was only recently that Prince and Paris are seen unmasked. It could have been Michaels Imposter with just a few kids hanging around to show the public their faces. This way they can be easily staged. Or was it just a coincidence this happenend only some weeks ago?

  47. MyBelovedMJ說:

    About the whole “Children” thing. To be hornets, i think that the children know`s that ther father is in fact still alive, i think they saw him at the hospital, to say “goodbye” for now, and Daddy will see you soon. If Michael faked his own death, i am pretty sure that he would reveal himself, at one of the concerts, but that would also be the last time that he would ever perform again. All that crap with Michael beeing on drugs, and skinny and all that shit, my god, i have never in my entire life heard so much BS as that. If you look at teh rehearsel videos, you can see that Michael is in Great shape, and Danceing and sining like he always have done. I`m pretty sure that it infact was him on the rehearsels, between the sings, Michael is talking, and that IS his voice for sure. I love his voice, so that would not be so esaly forgotten. And in some of the reherasel videos, Think it is Billie Jean, Michael goes upclose to the Camara, you can see his entire face. And let me just say. NO FAKE THERE. But what concerns me most, is that he was in such great shape, as he was, and then duddnly he “drops” dead. NOWAY. I don`t believe that, I think he is alive. I will believe he is dead the day i get to see his body. I have a feeling that we would get us a surprise at the Concert the 29th of August. 只是一個想法。

  48. alive Says:

    Did anyone hear what Latoya said to the fans at the Nokia? She said Michael Is Watching and he Sees all of you and he Loves you all so much. She would be the one to let something slip. If she meant he was watching from heaven or up above then why didn't she say that? It doesn't feel right and your gut feeling is usually the right one. Anyone else think this was strange?

  49. 安德烈說:

    @ alive – no, I didn't see that speech, but LOL at Latoya. IF ANYONE could mess this hoax up it'd be her.

    I do find that strange, though.

  50. feyaya Says:

    that's hilarious about latoya. it would probably explain why she wasn't “elected” to speak about michael's death at the BET awards. about michael's physical condition: how ignorant is the media when they say he was skinny and all that crap?! michael has ALWAYS been skinny. ever since he was a little boy, he's been thin. they act like he was once a macho man, now he's bones with skin wrapped around them. get real!

  51. MariannaB Says:

    There is one thing that puts a full stop to “Michael intended to get away from all the pressure, heal the debts and thus planned and executed the fake”.
    Michael would NEVER intentionally have left alone his children. Certainly not to the any possible influence of his father.

    Michael loved to play with the media that had treated him so badly. But nor for the price of his children.

    If the tragedy was a fake put to scene then the origin is to seek in the greedy entourage.

    Michael was sold from the very beginning of his life – so were his brothers and sisters. None of them experienced a normal life.

    Now it's the turn on Paris, Prince and Blanket – and THIS, Michael would never haved allowed. Paris was sold at Stapels and Janet took her back like “well done”.

    Not one of Michael's closest friends was seen or heard in public except giving a “I don't participate in this”.

    To me, two possibilities: the whole thing is initiated by the entourage to the monetary wellfare of all involved.
    Or it happened as an unintential chain of unforeseen complications with the “in first place not-wanted” death of Michael.

    Real tragedies are written by life in a more uncomprehensible way than we can imagine. My brother had a stroke at age 41 and is ever since 100% handicapped. My sister-in-law works in a hospital. My brother was not seen by a PhD for 5 hours. And? She failed to help, that's all.

    I agree to the fake at the conference, I agree to the questionmarks with the ambulance, photo in the ambulance, uncomprehensive details of the last 2 weeks. I agree to the selling idea behind Staples and the play around with media for creating another mystery which sells well.

    But Michael would never have given up his children.

    RIP Michael – I just hope they bury you soon and do not sell your bones as well as your voice and gifts before.

    My daughter has become fond of you at age 7 and she answered immediately: oh no, Michael is dead. He loved his children.

    All our love and gratefulness keep accompaniing you whereever you are.

  52. JC.LOVES.MJ Says:

    The pic of him in the ambulance doesnt prove anything. I love MJ wid all my heartt and i believe that he very capable of faking his death, hes known as the guy who had many disguises. You know wats weird, how marlon spoke of how MJ was in diguise in a CD storee, is it just me or does any one else think that hes tryna send out a message that MJ is capable of disguising himself? As for the decoy, has anyoen seen Navi anywhere? like has he even commented on the deathh ? Its a tad weird how no ones heard from him, and the pic of MJ in the ambulance, he has the money and the mind to pull it off, its people like us who are able to question, I for one believe that he is alive. I just hope hes okay tho.

  53. Sosh Says:


    How can Michael reaper at a concert 29th of august if these concerts will be canceled. Without Michael there is no use in having a this is it concert.

  54. JC.LOVES.MJ Says:

    Sosh: theyre not cancelling the concerts, they sed something about it being like a tribute thingg. right ?

  55. Sosh Says:

    Thats right, I've read in another topic and annother post by MyBelovedMJ that there are plans to have a concert at his birthday, 29 of august.

    Last week I heard that if the concerts go on like tribute concerts, they will be held in the LA Staples Center and not in the O2 Arena. Can anyone confirm this.

  56. Goldie Says:

    if michael is faking his death he´s not going to be in public ever again he is going to hide..

  57. Dweeby Guy Says:

    short after MJ's death, Navi was on a morning talk show talking about MJ's death and also BBC did a segment on him where he talks about how devasted he was when finding out.



  58. edenmalfoy Says:


    Where did you see this footage of the rehearsal with all that extra stuff? All I've seen is the minute and a half of They Don't Really Care About Us…

    I would love a link to see the extra parts you were talking about.

  59. MyBelovedMJ說:

    You look it up at youtube. Just type, Michael jackson Performence 2009, and they will all appear. I must admit, that mabye you will laugh in some of them, they are pretty funny And listen to Michael`s wonderful voice. Then you will never forget it

  60. 薩曼莎說:

    It's simple, the day i heard he was dad, i broke down into tears, i was almost going to commit suicide, i love mj. But another side of me was saying that his Alive, and its easy to beleive because michael only wanted to escape, He didnt like touring, and he owed to much money so he probably faked this. And his family knows and is going along with it, if you watch Paris theres no tears.. And none of them look really that upset, Like imagine if your brother died? you'd be in tears or if you're trying to hold back. But i dont know its what i think, i reckon his just hiding somewhere and wont reveal because 12 people commited suicide and if he reveals his not dead the world will be angry. But dead or alive, your alive in my heart, and i love you so much michael, forever i adore you and i hope your alive away from ur troubles. But wether or gone or still out there somewhere i love you michael, live in peace or rest in peace.

  61. supermom75說:

    @mariana_b i knew mike for a long time and his kids were his most loved possesion but he would leave them in the care of his mother knowing they are safe also diana ross has said she made a promise to mike not to let debbie rowe near his kids so he has them protected by ppl he loves in his life if he said his good byes in the hospital and told his kids he loves them and will be back his kids are very trong and i know this and they will listen to daddy and they will wait till the time is right to be together again everything is falling in place to the will so far and debbie rowe who once said i want my kids now asks for a delay do you not think that is fishy she wants time to think about weather she wants her kids hmmmm so who told her what is really goin on and who is paying her she already took 8.4 mil on her kids and signed her right away i think michael knows what he is doing love you mikey

  62. JC.LOVES.MJ Says:

    thanks dweeby guy.
    there isnt any thing to prove that is the real MJ in the ambulance, he had impersonators all over the world, who knows.
    This is the only site keepin me sane.
    But just a word to all those people who want to commit over his death, think about it, he would never want anybody to take their lives away over him.
    : )

  63. MariannaB Says:

    The kids seemed to be set under drugs. Paris has been acting like a trained poodle in a circus to deliver what the world was waiting for (or what the family intended to deliver in their performance). And gee what a circus indeed.
    Now it's a romanian who got paid to die on behalf of MJ. And Romania is home of vampire castle and vampires are representing the non-dead and MJ wanted eternal live… lol… what a morass of absurdities and short thinking. If you ask me, the spider in my room played the main part in the story.

    It's so ridiculous to read the hundreds of “revealed truths”.

    There's only one thing for sure: there are immense monetary interests involved.
    And as we learned from the prof. financers: money does not know neither shame nor borders.

    Let Michael rest in peace – the whole plot and digging after it is too much of a shame and disgusting.

    What is YOUR personal interest in digging after MJ? What is YOUR personal greed or hunger?
    Isn't it time to care for the LIVING close to you and do something about YOUR life?

    Turn to the one in the mirror.

    Michael knew what he did and if he didn't, he's responsible for his life anyway.
    He deserves like anybody else to be left alone in peace.

  64. MyBelovedMJ說:

    Michael would never have people to take their own lives, because he “died”. And in my opinion, those people who did that, Im sure they loved Michael, but if they really did love him, they would have been living on. FOR HIM. That is what he would have wanted

  65. bghoppy說:

    marianna, liitle hypocritical are you? You found this sight yourself, you felt deserving of adding your own opinion, and just because there are outlandish ideas like the romanian and that he died in '84 (I wish they were not), doesn't mean we all believe those parts or even include them in our analysis of this case.
    U bring up they money. That's part of why myself and others are worried. What if he was harmed in some way to get as his money?
    You ask what OUR greed or need is? My main problem here is in every aspect surrounding this story, there is an obvious failure on the part of journalists to cover it in a way that is professional and complete. These are the same people we entrust to flesh out BS if and when the government tries to decieve it's public. How can these same people ask he right questions of our govn't officials when they are afraid to ask Jermain Jackson relavent questions and tell him he is lying when he does.
    And I am tired of this crying on behalf of famous people for their loss of privacy. To crave attention and shun it at the same time is ridiculous.


  66. MariannaB Says:

    Very good analysis – thank you. I believe this site and forum are absolutely necessairy and helpful.

    The journalists have been fed from the first minute. The entourage are professionals in working with media. M played with the journalists.

    Now a brandnew cake is being created. You cannot prevent from parts of the truth to leak through. So in order to make facts the less harmful possible some nice artificial add-ons are appended: some mysteries, some unusual, some scary, some all too common.
    And everybody runs after the cake, no matter how strange the thing appears with a distant look.

    It's good that this site aims to disclose the added aspects and the intentions behind.

    It's good that the questionmarks are being placed.

    Never trust a person, authority or not, without knowing their intention behind. If you know why they do it, you can deal with it.

    Personally, I don't care whether it was Michael or Joe or anybody else behind this thing. I feel that this time the stage is too big for them to be able to handle the scenery.

    Who pulls the ropes will be unmasked in the end – thanks to today's communication infrastructures.
    If there are people in LA being paid to hold back information – the information will anyway leak out in New Zealand or Dubai.

    Times have changed and all this money of those involved is not enough to buy the whole world.

    I don't agree on the point that we should not let celebrities go.
    We paid them already for the pleasure of sneaking around them. We bought their music, tickets, fan items, newspapers. So everybody got already what the deal was about.
    If we in addition start getting emotional from afar, this is our own personal decision and thing. I am convinced that running after the person of celebrities soon takes the shape of stalking.

    Letting go hurts.
    If M is behind this story, he wanted to be left alone and to start a new life. It was the right moment to do so. He will never come back as before – millions of misled fans will not forgive.
    So this is it.

    If the entourage draws the curtains, we have to let him go as well and concentrate on the living.

    You asked about my mirror – I'm looking to all that from a distance. I'm neither in the US nor in AUS.
    I like M, I am not a fan, I would have liked to meet him one day and have a nice talk about this and that. I think he did and left a lot of very nice things in his first life. Besides, I have no interest except to avoid foolishness in my life if feasible.

    Our newspapers got fooled with 3 year old pictures of M. It's not only the US or English press suffering from manipulation. Some of our journalists who covered the story did not even know MJ, mistook the songs, even misinterpreted what was said. They did not even get a glimps of a position to ask questions. They thus did the same shameful job you mentioned above.

    It's a global significance of deterioration – press profs doing the same miserable job as the financial profs and politicians fed by advisors and lobbyists.

    There's only one good thing about it: times are changing, people are getting aware and a wave building up will break.

