Estic viu i estic aquí per sempre | Un objectiu examinar la memòria de Michael Jackon

11 de Juliol de 2009
per admin
París Michael Katherine Jackson al Memorial de la seva Pare

Ens agradaria tenir un objectiu en la mira Michael Jackson Memorial celebrat a l'Staples Center a Los Angeles. Creiem que hi ha moltes coses que simplement no quadren, que va tenir lloc al Memorial, que ha de ser assenyalat.

Pel que fa a la memòria de servei en si, Michael Jackson va ser confirmat que es va convertir a l'Islam al febrer de 2007. El seu monument es va fer com un testimoni de Jehovà Cerimònia. Si realment va ser un Memorial per a ell, per què no realitzar dins de la fe de l'Islam? No és això el que ell hagués volgut que es de fe? Entenem que els pares de MJ van ser testimoni de Jehovà, però, això vol ser una memòria de Michael Jackson, o els seus pares?

El taüt d'or que suposadament contenia el cos de Michael Jackson, sembla ser massa petit per als seus gairebé 6 peus d'alçada. La família diu que no és un taüt obert, a causa dels danys que havia patit la seva cara durant la RCP i reanimació. Això sembla ser un estat molt estrany per fer, i sona molt compost.

Una altra cosa a tenir en compte és l'absència de certs "amics íntims" de Michael Jackson que es van negar a assistir. Sembla molt estrany que totes les persones que estaven a prop d'ell, a part de la seva família immediata, no es va presentar. Excuses com "l'estimo massa, a assistir", donat per Dame Elizabeth Taylor, semblen molt transparent. Si algú entén que molt a vostè, era conegut per ser el seu millor amic, i va ser una persona qui de manera molt estimat, seria per respecte i el deure d'assistir a la seva memòria. Aquest raonament també es pot dir d'altres amics íntims, com Diana Ross, Oprah i Macaulay Culkin.

La segona cosa que cal considerar és l'aparició de les celebritats que tenien poca o cap connexió amb Michael Jackson a tots. Com Brooke Shields, Usher, Mariah Carey, i John Mayer. Per què la família Jackson se sent la necessitat de posar en un 'show', convidant a aquests cantants i artistes per retre homenatge a Michael Jackson? La forma en què es percep és que estaven més interessats a guanyar l'atenció dels mitjans i Qualificacions acutally que honorar la memòria del seu estimat germà.

Com sabem, els tres fills de Michael assistir al Memorial. En primer lloc la seva presència, creiem, està en molt mal gust. Qualsevol nen que es fa per assistir al funeral o la memòria d'un difunt pare segurament no podrà mantenir en el seu dolor i tristesa absoluta. Tanmateix, aquests nens, que són les edats en l'oferta de 12, 11 i 7, semblava completament bé. No és un esquinç o entristit rostre mostra. El fill gran, el príncep Michael, va mostrar cap emoció durant tot el servei, amb fermesa i mastegar goma de mastegar per mantenir ocupat. París, tal com el coneixem mostren certa emoció quan va donar el seu breu discurs, però abans d'això, i immediatament després d'aquest, va ser somrient, cantant i que no ha indicis que ella estava molesta greiving o en qualsevol cas. De fet, semblava com si ella estava gaudint d'ella i estava completament bé, fins que una paraula era tranquil whipsered en el seu sentit per Tía Janet just abans de la seva "llàgrimes" d'expressió.

El fill menor, Prince Michael II, també coneguda com Cobija, a la tendra edat de 7, també va mostrar cap emoció. No és un esquinç o un sanglotant. No es converteixin en els braços de Tía Janet tacat amb un estrip cara .... Res. Qualsevol d'aquests nens estan més enllà dels seus anys madurs, o que no té absolutament cap motiu per mostrar l'emoció, perquè sabien que el seu pare de veure de nou ben aviat.

Tots els de la Família Jackson portava ulleres de sol durant tot el servei. Això va anar bé perquè, ells eren tan afectades pel dolor i volien ocultar les seves llàgrimes, o perquè no hi va haver llàgrimes per començar. Creiem que és aquest últim. Cap d'ells mai van tractar de netejar una llàgrima del seu rostre. Cap d'ells mai s'ha utilitzat un teixit o un mocador. Durant el discurs que el germà de Michael ha donat Marlin, va fer un munt de sorolls tipus de plorar, però una vegada més ... no hi ha llàgrimes. Jackson tot sembla estar prenent la pèrdua dels més estimat en la seva família, sorprenentment bé.

Durant el seu discurs, Kenny Ortega, coreògraf de Michael Jackson al llarg de la vida i amic va esmentar que "una mica menys d'una setmana assajant Michael va ser aquí, a l'Staples Center, que la raó per la que havien de tenir el seu monument aquí". Michael Jackson 'va morir' el dijous 25 de juny, i la seva memòria es porta a terme el dimarts 7 de juliol. El monument va ser més d'una setmana després de la seva "mort", en realitat era en realitat més que fa dues setmanes. Aquest va ser un gran lliscament de Ortega i és molt sospitós. Potser Michael estava allí fa menys d'una setmana, en secret pel qual s'estableixen els plans del seu propi monument.

Un missatge de Michael Jackson en el seu Memorial de

La Toya Jackson també va fer un gran lliscament de parlar del seu germà en el temps present una vegada més, quan va dir:

Michael li encanta seus fans, que sempre diu la família és 1 dels fans 2. Ell està mirant cadascun de vosaltres ara. Gràcies per venir i donar suport a ell. Ell et ama tant. "

Ell està mirant cadascun de vosaltres ara? Des del seu amagatall, sens dubte, no del cel.

Un dels elements més esgarrifós d'aquest Memorial va tenir lloc just al final quan apareix aquesta imatge amb les paraules "estic viu i estic aquí per sempre".

Quina interessant manera de dir-ho. Ells podrien haver dit "estic viu per sempre en la meva música", o alguna cosa en aquest sentit, però, la veritat és evident per escrit existeix clara com el dia.

Estic viu i estic aquí per sempre.

Que no podria haver pintat la veritat més clar si s'havia intentat en la mesura del que estem interessats. Aquest monument només confirma la nostra sospita que el muntatge de Michael Jackson segueix viu i bé.

Si encara estàs una mica escèptic i, a continuació, ens permeten sortir amb aquest pensament:

Després de la memòria del seu germà, La Família Jackson sortir a dinar, mentre que el seu "taüt" a la velocitat davant d'una camioneta sense marcar. El seu cos és ara que es troben en cap part i que no han decidit on enterrar

.... Potser és tan difícil decidir on enterrar-perquè no hi ha cos.

Etiquetes: Memorial
Publicat a hoax mort, els mitjans de comunicació, Notícies | Comentaris (192)

192 Respostes a "Estic viu i estic aquí per sempre | Un objectiu analitzar Michael Jackon del Memorial"

  1. ejay5131 diu:

    Quan vaig veure el monument Lloré com un nadó a través de tota la cosa. Per aquest home que només coneixia com una gran artista, com pot la família no una llàgrima vessada pels seus éssers estimats quan vaig poder? Després que el pastor diu que el seu pray i la foto amb la llegenda "Jo estic viu i aquí per sempre" es va acostar, em va deixar, literalment, el meu propi cor. Podria ser? Al llarg de la nit he vist tots els clips de la memòria de molts espectacles, i també tot l'assumpte és molt rar. Em vaig adonar de tot el que vostè acaba de descriure. Una cosa que fins demà i es van fer molts relliscades. Per què no són mitjans de comunicació que qualsevol interrogatori?

  2. dinamita Diu:

    Sí plorar 2 fins que he vist a París, llàgrimes falses en youtube i no l'emoció de la família, m'agrada el que està malament amb les persones o mostrar algun tipus d'emoció, al final em va fer tan feliç de veure aquest missatge, Michael hauria volgut deixar 2 seus veritables fans que KNW hes viu

  3. supermom75 diu:

    Sóc un molt estimat amic de micròfons andfirst manta és de 7 i 5 no es diu és el seu taüt a la Gordy, però també és molt notable que no hi havia ningú de les emocions i Arroyo escut és molt molt estimat amic seu, però encara i pregunta per què Diana i Liz i muaculy no hi eren ni tan sols imean chris tuker o Eddie Murphy existeix una gran quantitat dels mitjans de comunicació no sap sobre els Jacksons i com he dit en moltes de les meves comentaris i loveyou mikey romandre forta per a moltes històries i molts canvis en la seva família els va fer a molts errors que en aquest Mey obtenir Elvis troba ara i creu que ser viu i el seu fill va sortir del seu amagatall en darrer any i ara està parlant per la qual cosa no és 1977 és 2009, sabem ara molt t'estimo romandre segur Sé que continuen vius

  4. carelesslove46 diu:

    Acabo de no saber què creure .. ja he llegit que un servei privat en la fe, testimoni de Jehovà va ser fet per Michael abans de Staples
    Centre commemoratiu Jehovà ..
    Testimonis creuen que quan
    Vostè es mor ni res .. i
    dormir a la tomba fins que el
    Segona vinguda, quan tots els
    rightous ressuscitat a una nova vida altra vegada .. Fa molts anys
    Solia fer l'estudi de la Bíblia amb
    De Jehovà Witnessess així que sé
    la seva creença de la .. Per què el
    la família han indicat aquest missatge a la pantalla gran en
    al final de la memòria?
    És la contradicció de la seva fe.
    Sé que Michael era un home molt espiritual i parla de la lectura de la Bíblia i la seva creença .. No sé si ell
    sortit de la fe, testimoni de Jehovà o no, però que en últim
    missatge no va juntament amb el Testimonis de Jehovà

  5. carelesslove46 diu:

    El seu cos és enterrat temporalment al Forest jardí cementiri .. Potser la família està intentant netejar la muntanya d'obstacles legals necessàries perquè el seu cos pot ser enterrat a Neverland .. Així mateix, si l'autòpsia
    més proves no són concloents
    proves pot ser necessari realitzar. Un altre pensament.
    Si Michael no pot morir .. Ell ja s'han enterrat dies .. Per a aquells de vostès l'edat suficient per recordar Tres ..
    els homes van tractar de robar el cos d'Elvis Presley de l'
    cripta va ser introduïda per primera vegada polz
    Estic segur que això seria una preocupació per la família de Michael.
    Puc veure els arguments d'ambdues
    costats de la història ara ..
    Hi ha coses que estrany .. he de reconèixer ..
    Esperem més dels seus llocs.

  6. JC.LOVES.MJ diu:

    OMG! Kenny Ortega, quan va dir que una mica menys d'una setmana, jo era com WTF?
    i jo i la meva mare estava veient com a les 5 del matí perquè el temps de les diferències. Com estrany és que just abans de París "," ruptura "que estava jugant amb les corretges de la seva cartera. MJ si realment volia amagar hes que no ha mort, i llavors aquestes persones arent fent un treball molt gopd, oi? UGH!
    Espero que estigui viu, i com és que gent com Queen Latifah i Kobe Bryant i escuts Arroyo va donar discursos i no els seus propis pares o del seu "més proper" amics com Liz o Liza Minelli o fins i tot Iman? Crec que així aquestes persones, ja sigui didnt estimar tant o theyre tots en això.
    Digues què et sembla?

  7. nansta diu:

    Jo no sóc l'únic que pensava és gairebé com Janet està intentant frenar qualsevol emocions del seu rostre, que no siguin de real greive i dolor. Ella mira com ella tracten de mantenir una popa cara, cap dels nens semblava que han passat per una enorme pèrdua amb munts de angoixada en els seus rostres. I a més, també tenen a ningú a prop de la final realitzat durant el discurs d'un dels germà de Jackson, va dir "potser ara us deixarà sols". Va parlar de MJ com si no ha mort, i es deixin en pau, però ell encara és viu, però ara es quedarà sola.

  8. wozniack diu:

    Crec que pot ser en el que, almenys, Elizabeth Taylor i Diana Ross. És realment estrany que només la seva estreta no va assistir. Ni tan sols un el que he llegit. I la data de la seva mort, enganxat a mi, com a bé de juny "25." Algú va enviar dades de nombroses persones, que havia tingut jo pensant ... Honestament, és possible que mai se sap menys que ell fa sn aparença, i faig vots per que succeeix. Massa coses no quadren bé, que em manté creient. Si està allà fora, espero que la feliç i fent bé. Es mereix un descans.

  9. carelesslove46 diu:

    Hola .. No dubtar Supermom75
    que centenars, però ¿sap la veritat? En cas afirmatiu, ens
    tots els de la nostra misèria.

  10. Mjisalive1 diu:

    Això és totalment un engany ... ara puc dir això amb total sinceritat .... Aquest lloc ha estat provat com un obridor d'ulls per als que creien que MJ no és més ...

    i estic completament sorprès al saber que Michael Jackson ... París. que estava jugant amb les corretges de la borsa de la tia Janet Jackson ... semblava molt tranquil abans que ella va plorar ....

    en segon lloc .... MJ (o podem dir que el "impostor") no ha estat enterrat encara ....

    aquest misteri és cada vegada més profund ...

    ara, què hem de creure en ... MJ és realment mort o no?

  11. supermom75 diu:

    Només puc dir que em volia conèixer a Michael volia ser normal, va ser molt ferida i confós per què els nens fan els pares que es troben sobre ell tocándolas en les seves paraules estimar a un nen és important i es diria que són el nostre futur en aquest món tenia por a morir li diria odiava el dolor i odiava les agulles mai volia fer els 50 concerts que ell pensava que només seria de 10 en la història de les notícies estan canviant una i altra vegada sóc encara acoblar junts l'última vegada que el vaig veure va ser saludable que sempre ha estat prima i no fer les coses més fàcil quan els mitjans de comunicació diu que ell no volia ser negre Michael va estimar a la seva carrera es veia que per a ell havia vitíligo i el lupus, però la curació va ser que encara li molesta massa odiava els canvis, però ell va aprendre a enfrontar-se amb ells és aquest món d'odi que no pot, llevat d'allò que per a ell és tan suau i amable i amorosa que va donar més d'ell que era un dany en la seva persona no parlar de fingir la seva mort el 2008 que sí que sé, però no em sembla que sé que es va parlar de voler ser normal que un cop al igual que altres d'ppl que fins i tot un cop tancada una botiga avall per a ell i tots els seus empleats vestits com a normal PPL per a ell i li permetrà comprar com una persona normal lol va ser meravellós en el meu cor sento que ell encara està viu, per alguna raó el meu cor és no deixar que em deixi anar tan fàcil potser és en l'esperança i estimo amb tot el meu cor però i aquesta promesa mai no sé el que es despleguen desordenat Només espero que els nens estan bé i en condicions de seguretat i espero que sigui segur i feliç i espero que mai s'oblida l'amor que tots li exspecially car el meu fill gran em refereixo al canvi on el metge es trobava en el moment en què la nova informació sobre els tancs d'oxigen i ara no estem parlant de la guàrdia que va fer la trucada telefònica em diuen que no tenir dolor, però sí Michael mai tenir la seva pròpia vida o arriscar la seva pròpia vida, que estimava els seus fills També crec molt que ell estava treballant en un altre que és el que puc dir per ara t'estimo mikey

  12. Perico diu:

    La cita que apareix a la pantalla gran van ser adoptades totes les cançons de Michael Jackson ha escrit. "Estic viu i estic aquí per sempre" va ser presa de la cançó "L'home". Se suposa que és reconfortant, suposo. Els seus fills són tan petits. Com poden entendre, possiblement, el que estava succeint al voltant d'ells? Saps què? Crec que la mort es va iniciar el 1993 i el seu últim impuls cap a la mort va ser el documental de Martin Bash el 2003. Quant es pot prendre a algú?

  13. supermom75 diu:

    i una altra cosa la família Jackson no és perfecte tots tenen els seus propis petits secrets massa

  14. Samantha diu:

    Michael odiava viatjar, diu que en alguns dels seus vídeos Inici privat, i un altre, l'entrevistador va preguntar MJ "així que quan creu vostè que serà el temps?" I MJ va dir "Bé, jo vull viure per sempre" Què bastant resumeix la seva vida. Com pot ser tan Michael sana i activa i assajant per al Tour de sobte ve amb la insuficiència cardíaca? És perquè les persones que pensen que els seus morts necessitat d'obrir i posar fi a beleving el que diuen els mitjans de comunicació, és com quan va dir que era un pederasta que tots creien. Deixar de creure tot el que veus.

  15. Samantha diu:

    I escoltar!

  16. supermom75 diu:

    una altra cosa a dir, quan l'estic viu encara apareixerà a la pantalla vaig veure i el meu cor es va aturar Tinc aquest sentiment de manera weirrd realment en el meu cor, crec saber que Michael encara és viu només perquè cor no arruïnar la composen fcae es fa quan es presenta alguna de descans i d'ell es volia obrir un taüt per als seus fans dir adéu estimava seus fans i si James Brown podria tenir aujac taüt crec que ell volia que la wouldof Jacksons històries no només sumar i pregar a Déu que els nens no acabin en mans dels cobdícia i Debbie que Joe es queda massa lluny ja està parlant del que Michael estrelles no desitja i la forma en què aquests nens ho estimava i no en totes les llàgrimes no és una cosa que no dret a tots amb aquesta estic passant a fer la major quantitat possible esbrinar i pot fins i tot prendre un viatge a Neverland aviat per trobar més informació

  17. sita diu:

    en els moments de dir "adéu" els religiosos
    la fe ha de ser el punt central. Ja no estic tan ferm amb
    "Testimonis de Jehovà", però finalment m'agradaria preguntar:
    que realment va fer viure una vida conforme a les normes
    testimoni de Jehovà? Pel que aquest o donar comoditat
    safetiness a la vida que, si bé és mj a la tomba?
    Ho dubto.

    Un Michaels millor amic va ser / és Uri Geller.
    veure més de prop en
    Què es pot llegir allà:
    "Michael Jackson tenia un compte de sondatge, i moltes vegades les
    parlem sobre la vida després de la mort.
    Una vegada que hem debatut Albert Einstein i la seva teoria de la relativitat,
    que estableix que l'energia no pot ser destruït.
    El meu amic ha mort, però és una pura font d'energia ara, i que viurà per sempre ".
    Uri Geller és també testimoni de Jehovà. Però crec que finalment
    ara en pura energia després de la mort, no a estar en un cementiri.

    Michael havia plans d'assegurança de viure per sempre.
    A viure per sempre, la clau es pot trobar en l'actualitat només
    -> Obtenir congelats i esperar fins a nou medicament noves teràpies pot fer-ho
    -> Clon de Michael en el present les coses el que han fet amb "Dolly",
    el xai i l'esperança que el seu esperit viu a la nova criatura.

    A viure de tal manera sobre: això donarà comoditat per als nens, per a la família i tots els involucrats
    altres. Que es veurà en un futur pròxim.
    Reflexionar sobre la clonació aspectes beeing o congelat!

    Michael va ser terriblement por de morir .. No puc creure que ell ha
    han fet del suïcidi. Ell volia viure per sempre.

    Uri Geller escriu, i en llegir el seu memorial sobre mj
    pensar en el fet: Uri és una brillant il lusionista. Mj barret molt
    d'aquestes "connexions" a Illusionists professional.
    Heus aquí la paraula
    "Una excepcional memòria mai em deixin.
    Michael tenia una imaginació màgica, plena d'imatges de Hollywood
    i somnis de nen. Cosa que la immediata
    em quan caminava a la seva suite d'hotel a la nostra primera
    reunió va ser l'immens cartell de ET en bicicleta
    més d'una lluna plena. Està al costat d'un cartró de vuit peus de tall
    Anakin Skywalker, peeping des de darrere de la túnica de Darth mutilat.
    Michael adorat el concepte dels viatges espacials --
    fins i tot la seva marca de ball que es va anomenar la Moonwalk.
    I quan la perspectiva d'un viatge de coets a la lluna
    es va convertir en una breu, temptadora realitat, Michael era com un nen ric en una botiga de dolços
    - Que volia que tots els que volia i ara.

    Tinc un missatge de veu,
    registrada al voltant de 3 a.m., amb Michael
    susurro penes audible per sobre del crepitan transatlàntica:
    "Uri Geller, es tracta de Michael Jackson trucada. Si us plau, vull,
    Prego que ho fem el viatge de lluna. Vull ser la primera
    una per fer-ho en el món del pop. Totes aquestes persones estan tractant de fer-ho,
    Vull ser el primer! Si us plau! T'estimo. "

    Ell realment creu que és possible,
    i part de la seva màgia va ser el mesmeric,
    hipnòtica força del seu carisma,
    el que va fer creure a tots els altres també ho impossible.
    Ell mai va fer aquest viatge a la lluna,
    però Michael i jo discutim la vida després de la mort en diverses ocasions
    i sé que ell creu que les nostres ànimes són indestructibles. La nostra energia vida després de nosaltres.
    En algun lloc del més enllà, l'estrella de Michael s'està cremant amb tot el seu inextingible briliance ".

    Fem estreta amb: Michael volia tot, Michael tenia / té amics personals
    i els diners per ser els primers a la lluna, que s'està clonat o que es va revifar després d'anys
    per l'actual rei del pop.

    Només cal pensar en el fet de la doble cos en la conferència de premsa O2.
    El és un secret. Si els ximples o mj en una conferència de premsa, que ximple
    nosaltres en altres coses també!

  18. carelesslove46 diu:

    L'únic que no acabo d'arribar, encara que ... Per què Michael permetre a la seva filla a aixecar i es troben així.?
    Sí, ja sé que fa les coses encara més creïble ..
    Però per a mi no seria
    adequada per a fomentar
    un nen a mentir Òbviament ..
    els nens van haver de ser part de
    la memòria, però ....

  19. msnieta diu:

    hola a tots!
    No vull creure que Jackson ha mort, però una cosa és que crec que Ortega diu: "I una mica menys d'una setmana", i això és cert. però és tan estrany que els mitjans de comunicació pot mostrar el certificat de defunció de MJ, i l'anomenada amb el telèfon d'emergència, però no tenen idea sobre de la sepultura? és tan estrany.

  20. carelesslove46 diu:

    Bé, vaig a respondre jo mateix
    ... Crec que aquí no és París
    mentida .. .. Ella va dir "Des
    Vaig néixer, pare ha estat el millor pare que podia imaginar ". "I vull
    dir que l'estimo tant .. ". Suposo que ella no parla d'ell en temps passat, sinó present .. Per tant, des que punt de vista que no
    ser una mentida si Michael estava viu. Realment gaudir d'aquest
    lloc .. Alguns grans informes
    i les observacions de la gent ..
    I espero Supermom75
    a més del seu lloc de .. Gràcies.

  21. Samantha diu:

    Això em dóna una mica d'opinió, Michael tenia un cor d'or, i wouldnt costum que el món sigui com aquest que sempre va voler la pau, així que per què anava a llençar un truc com aquest? Ell sabia que els seus fans es trencaria i 12 ja s'han suïcidat, i Michael wouldnt voleu que això passi. Per tant, és cert o no? altra meitat es em diu que la seva vida que realment i d'acord, però la seva tan difícil: '(

  22. sita diu:

    només una simple pregunta:
    que la persona va ser enviat a passar un examen mèdic?
    en temps on tothom tonto amb el "dolent" Michael Jackson
    O2 en la conferència de premsa, i dubte que l'examen mèdic doc (s) va fer una prova d'ADN
    i són conscients.

    d'acord amb uri Geller, un el millor amic de Michael,
    uri també va conèixer el seu dolor i Problemes de drogues i de vegades!
    comparar per exemple aquí:
    sabia que els amics, la família ha d'haver sabut que, per la qual cosa
    com pot ser, que Michael va ser capaç d'aprovar l'examen / test?

    de manera de nou la meva pregunta senzilla: qui estava allà per passar un examen mèdic
    un aixecament de 50 concerts esdeveniment? qui?
    yourselves donar la resposta i o tenen la clau:
    tenim diversos Michaels, la pregunta és: qui va morir?
    no la veritable, crec.

  23. dane86 diu:

    Vull això és veritat! des del moment em vaig assabentar de la seva mort jo estava realment pensant en les possibilitats que potser realment vius i amagats en algun lloc, però em vaig dir que "Ja n'hi ha prou! és impossible que ell falses de la seva mort ", però quan vaig veure aquest lloc i llegir tots els articles de totes les meves esperances van començar a venir a la vida de nou.
    Estic totalment d'entendre per què faria tal cosa, i no vaig a jutjar per això. totes aquestes evidències realment té sentit, i jo desitjo que, onsevulla que estigui ara, espero que està fent bé i és feliç. Vaig a esperar el seu retorn juntament amb tots els seus fans.
    "Viva el Rei!"

    per cert, aquest lloc és realment genial! i per tant són les persones que encara creuen que MJ segueix viu ^ ^

  24. dane86 diu:

    Vull això és veritat! des del moment em vaig assabentar de la seva mort jo estava realment pensant en les possibilitats que potser realment vius i amagats en algun lloc, però em vaig dir que "Ja n'hi ha prou! és impossible que ell falses de la seva mort ", però quan vaig veure aquest lloc i llegir tots els articles de totes les meves esperances van començar a venir a la vida de nou.
    Estic totalment d'entendre per què faria tal cosa, i no vaig a jutjar per això. totes aquestes evidències realment té sentit, i jo desitjo que, onsevulla que estigui ara, espero que està fent bé i és feliç. Vaig a esperar el seu retorn juntament amb tots els seus fans.
    "Viva el Rei!"

    per cert, aquest lloc és realment genial! i per tant són les persones que encara creuen que MJ segueix viu ^ ^


  25. brando13 diu:

    He d'admetre per tan alt perfil populars estimat per tants peopole molts d'ells famosos com Liz Taylor, Lize Minelli, David convidat, Culkin, Quincy Jones, tots els personatges famosos que han aparegut en vídeos on es MJ tots ells he M'agrada dir a través i per mitjà de MJ, però crec que la seva memòria és molt pobra a la vegada, per dir el menys i si és realment mort Em sento tan malament per ell per la falta de "amics" que haurien de venir a ell i honor presentar els seus respectes

  26. vyse diu:

    Hola de nou. No sé per què has eliminat el meu correu de nou allà, però els mals torneu a provar. Això no és SPAM. Vegeu la carta que es va publicar fa uns dies que alguns mèdic enviat a Michael. llegir el que està escrit en negreta i comparar a Michaels "aquest és" el parla. SRY pel meu anglès. cya PLZ i dir alguna cosa.

  27. MyBelovedMJ diu:

    Supermon75. Quan vaig veure aquestes paraules: Im viu, i Im aquí per sempre, i vòmit. Vaig creure que era algun tipus de signe, i sí sé que és d'una cançó. Però, per què usar només les paraules? Michael també es va preguntar una vegada, el que ell volia a passar amb ell i ell va dir: No et vol ser enterrats. Llavors ell va ser, què vols aleshores. I asnwered: M'agradaria viure per sempre. La meva ment no descans, abans de saber d'on és Michael. Jo hagués cregut que estava mort de veritat, si hi havia vist el seu cos, a la memoriel, però nosaltres no »t. i per la part Latoya. Damn deixa'm dir, que he vist, i me n'alegro que ella no és la meva germana, en cas necessari a cada i engany meva mort LOL. Ella would `t ser capaç de jugar amb ella, aparrently

  28. Goldie diu:

    i din't creiem París el crit <<?
    ella ha estat la de la pel lícula o quina mena de IST anomenat.

    i també per què janet dur lluny de l'escena?

    "perquè ella no estava plorant, i si ella encara estava en l'escena de la gent pensaria" per què ella no plora "

    disculpes pel "Text" i am from DINAMARCA: b

  29. administrador diu:

    Vyse, es va tractar de la font de lletra que va portar a la nostra atenció en la TMZ lloc web, però, el lloc manté xocant, molt probablement a causa de l'elevada utilització, per la qual cosa seguirà tractant d'obtenir aquesta infomormation i informar al respecte el més aviat possible .
    MJHD Admin

  30. Goldie diu:

    uhmm a ADMIN

    Només volia saber si .. Quants anys tens?
    perquè el que s'escriu algunes coses interessants
    i les bones coses i on viu, perquè no sé quan Tjek el lloc a causa de la zona horària difrence ... <<?

    ho sento per l'idioma sóc de Dinamarca

  31. she_can diu:

    aquesta és la lletra que es tracta d'Vyse?

    Això amb el paràgraf és en negreta és realment estrany

  32. administrador diu:

    Ens complau que estigui gaudint del nostre lloc. Ens prefereixen mantenir l'anonimat la nostra ubicació, però farem tot el possible per enviar les actualitzacions tan sovint com puguem.
    MJHD Admin

  33. lenoksru diu:

    No vull dir això com a falta de respecte a ningú sinó a tota la cerimònia semblava estrany a mi ja no era sincer, en la meva opinió. Sé que molts ppl diu això, però ja seriosament, ja que MJ li coneixien i ningú dels seus amics - que ningú, em refereixo a que ningú no hi era (no estic parlant de la família), era simplement un grup de persones desconegudes per a nosaltres i alguns artistes intèrprets o executants. Em sorprèn escoltar a la majoria de la gent dient que la cerimònia va ser tan sincer, tan personal - Tinc la sensació oposada. Jo estava plorant molt en algunes parts d'ell, però després quan vaig veure a la seva família amb les seves expressions la calma i mancada d'emocions, no sé - només em va fer sentir estrany. a mi tot això semblava un gran acompliment en escena i fins i tot la darrera part amb París - ho sento, però crec que va ser tan gradual i no semblava real .. els nens poden ser molt bons actors com tots sabem i sentim de nou, No vull jutjar a ningú, però que en realitat semblava actuar. i per què algunes persones diuen plorosa - no havia traveller llàgrima de tota la família, i Marlon de la veu trencada i sanglotant - que va ser, no sincer, ja sigui perquè quan són veritablement el cor trencat pot no dir molt, però plorar en lloc d'això, Tanmateix, després de tot aquest sobbibg semblava compondre a si mateix molt ràpid i va fer un discurs molt coherent, sense llàgrimes pel que mai. persones pateixen d'una manera differnt, per descomptat, però el seu "dol" de manera gradual i mirar i pensar si realment MJ segueix viu i en escena la seva pròpia mort? No sé què pensar, que he vist "MJ de la" aparició a Londres - crec que aquesta no és, sens dubte, Michael, com es pot fins i tot discutir sobre això. El fet que la seva família és molt unida a la seva "mort", però no veiem a cap dels seus propers i amics de persones em fa pensar que potser va morir fa algun temps i es va organitzar tot això només amb Londres actuacions perquè aquest gran bombo al voltant del seu nom i tan trivials com el que sona - fer diners. Em refereixo a la informació sobre MJ l'estat de salut durant els darrers anys és tan contraversial, vostè no sap què creure. i quan va ser la seva última aparició pública, excepte Londres concerts aquest anunci i el seu "últim assaig"?

  34. Sara diu:

    Quan això va arribar al final de la cançó, "No vas a estar", vaig pensar, això és massa estrany ....

    "En la nostra hora més fosca
    En la meva més profunda desesperació
    ¿Seguiran atenció?
    Estarà vostè allà?
    En els meus assaigs
    I meva Tripulations
    A través de les nostres dubtes
    I frustracions
    Violència a Mi
    En Mi Turbulència
    La por a través d'El meu
    I meva Confessions
    En la meva angoixa i el meu dolor
    A través de la meva alegria i el meu dolor
    A la promesa d'altre matí
    I'll Never Let You Part
    Ets per sempre en el meu cor "

    Vull dir ... de manera que encaixi perfectament.
    Només algunes de les línies,
    "En el meu més fosca desesperació."
    "A través dels meus assaigs".
    Només tipus de por una mica.
    Sé que es va gravar fa un temps i tots, però bàsicament va qüestionar si l'afició s'hagi en el seu moment de necessitat ....
    I que van ser / són ....
    Una altra cosa és quan el centre d'atenció estava en el micròfon,
    Geez vaig pensar que seria tan sols a peu a l'escenari ....

    El fet és només cada vegada més propera ...
    És gairebé aterridor ...

  35. feyaya diu:

    M'adono de per què la gent interrogatori Michael bàsicament per permetre que els seus fills es troben allà en la memòria. però crec que d'aquesta manera: els mitjans de comunicació estava en contra de Michael des del primer dia i va fer el seu millor perquè li sembla un monstre. Michael té tot excusa per jugar i enganyar els mitjans de comunicació només la forma en què ho va fer, i molt més. seus fills serà sempre fidel a ell, i pel que la seva família. per la qual cosa pot ser un veritable sistema de tornar als mitjans de comunicació, fins i tot si els nens estan en el mateix. que fa encara més creïble (excloent el fet que no era la manca d'emoció, etc.)

    Crec que la seva relació amb uri Geller diu molt, massa. Vaig llegir un article en el qual havien convingut a utilitzar missatges subliminals en les seves cançons per influir en la gent per fer el bé en el món. si es pot fer això només per una cançó (i confiar en mi, sé que poden, i va fer un projecte de recerca sobre ella a la universitat), per què no han unit les seves forces i ho ha fet de nou amb el monument? hi ha missatges subliminals al llarg d'ella.

    Jo no sóc testimoni de Jehovà, però en la meva fe, jo crec el mateix en relació amb les persones quan moren, ells no són més que enterrat i no tornar fins a la segona vinguda. fer el que em sembla interessant que, si aquestes eren les creences bàsiques que es va plantejar amb aquesta frase al final del servei commemoratiu va ser utilitzat per tirar fora tot el món i donar el seu veritable aficionats una unça d'esperança. Gràcies, Michael, lol!

  36. Andrea diu:

    Cada vegada que vinc a aquest lloc, cada article que està sent actualitzat amb els meus propis pensaments molt! He llegit els titulars i ho dic a mi mateix "Això és el que acabo de dir AHIR!".

    M'agrada com jo realment no sóc l'únic pensament que fingió seva mort. És difícil quan intento parlar amb els meus amics sobre aquest i tots diuen 'NO és mort' blablabla. És bo tenir gent que realment vegeu la veritat i jo pugui relacionar-se. ^ _ ^

  37. Andrea diu:

    Una altra cosa que no entenc és el fet que la dona que de dir que vaig veure en l'entrevista que el motiu va ser un "taüt tancat" a causa de l'àmplia dels danys causats al seu rostre durant la RCP. Número u, que tot excusa és un munt de BS. I número dos, he estudiat l'art de la Ciència mortuoris en els darrers anys i hi ha una petita cosa anomenada RESTAURADA ART. Diguem la seva "cara" va ser extensament malmès per qualsevol motiu pot ser - si puc arreglar-ho. Fixar cares que han estat completament destrossat per terribles morts terribles. Així que dir que, a la televisió nacional, és la cosa més ridícula que he escoltat.

    Després d'escoltar que la família Jackson tenia un servei privat abans de la commemoració amb un "taüt obert i que espera MJ" pacífica "i com si ell era" dormir ". Bo .. llavors PER QUÈ NO OBERT PER AL MEMORIAL DE taüt? Oh, aquí hi ha un pensament - Potser Causa mai hi va haver un organisme per començar.

    Déu, els mitjans de comunicació és tan effing retardats endarrerits. I així són les persones que estan darrere de tota aquesta farsa! En cas que s'han planificat més.

  38. CuteAngel diu:

    Awesome lloc. I m'alegra que va assenyalar la pèrdua de Kenny Ortega. Vaig agafar de vent que també tan aviat com ell va dir "fa menys d'una setmana». Podria haver estat una inofensiva lapsus, però, de nou, en vista de tot això, podria molt bé haver estat un senyal del que realment ha passat.

  39. Jewell diu:

    wow, no puc creure que vaig trobar aquest lloc!
    El meu marit i jo estàvem veient un clip de notícies de la conferència de premsa i el meu marit diu que ell va pensar que no era MJ ...
    per la qual cosa va començar a parlar del que és un gran truc pr
    així que Google per veure si algú més estava pensant el que vam ser,
    i veig que hi ha!

    Simplement no quadren.
    Veig que el lloc oficial de ha eliminat el vídeo de la conferència d'allà i un enllaç a la pàgina d'inici a la mateixa.

    El dr carta a l'enllaç de dalt és molt estrany!
    ¿Per què és "Això és" en negreta?
    i això és el que es va repetir en la conferència de premsa ..?
    I per què és "o Encara no han vist res" en negreta i en les cites?
    també la data de la carta és estrany, 7-21-20 ... per què mantenir aquesta carta al voltant de tots aquests anys? Crec que va ser plantat i se suposa que es troba per alguna raó ...
    tot és molt estrany,
    tot ....
    serà interessant veure que es desenvolupen.

  40. TheTruthSeeker diu:

    He estat seguint les notícies en aquest lloc per una setmana ara, i la majoria dels articles i comentaris em fan reflexionar sobre si Michael és viu.
    "Estic viu i estic aquí per sempre". Significa això que és, literalment, viva o que significava que està viu en els seus fans "cor?
    Tot és tan confús i res sembla dret, ja que ell pronuncia 'morta'.
    I l'anomenada foto de morir ell només no sembla recent per a mi, sembla que ha estat pres de fa molts anys.
    Només vull saber la veritat, si està viu o no.

  41. mir26 diu:

    amother estrany que me acabo de llegir aquest primer

    (EMTs Quan va arribar a la casa de Michael Jackson el dia d'ahir, els metges li volia pronunciar morts en l'escena - però Michael personal mèdic es va negar a permetre que "en diuen" - això segons fonts properes a la situació.

    EMTs Quan va arribar no hi havia proves de que algú ha estat la realització de la RCP sobre Michael per "bastant temps." Hi havia proves de lidocaïna - una vella escola de drogues que es poden utilitzar per tractar les pertorbacions en el ritme del cor. Personal mèdic es va fer càrrec de la realització de la RCP però Jackson va ser determinat sense vida - i volia trucar al metge forense per recollir el cos.

    Se'ns diu Jackson va ser plana revestida EMTs quan va arribar.

    But our sources say MJ's doc demanded EMTs continue performing CPR anyway, and demanded that they take Michael to the hospital.

    Once they arrived at UCLA, we're told Jackson's doc continued to personally administer CPR — even though it was clear Jackson was already gone.)

    wtf?? and here I was thinking the doc was gone right after they took MJ to the hospital and now he was there with michael somethins is very wrong here.

  42. supermom75 diu:

    ok why is this comming out now how is it that they just got this info or they found it in 2003comeon now something does not soundright,2933,531410,00.html

  43. Poc Susie 01 diu:

    Another important message… Is when Jermaine singls michaels favortie song..SMILE he changed the phrase it originally goes like this Light up your face with gladness
    Hide every trace of sadness But Jermain Said:: Light up your face with sadness Hide every trace of gladness..

    ok he swtiched the words… this to me is showing me that something is defintly wrong. U can make one mistake but not 2.

  44. supermom75 diu:

    someone need to match that writing to his music he wrote or the hand writing on the will or something cause i just think those were planted there to make him look like he died of an overdoes and any one i mean anyone can make a typed out letter like that i know i could lol

  45. idontknow diu:

    I looked at the letter TMZ posted, the one allegedly written by the doctor…. weird letter. The phrasing is very eerie, there's talk of a “second chapter”, and what's with the random “This is It” in bold ? Either this letter is a fake and that puts TMZ's credibility down the toilet OR those are codewords and there's something very weird going on, whether MJ is alive or dead.

    Apparently, the letter was written a week after or before (can't remember, some points it out on TMZ) before MJ wrote his will ?

  46. Iknowitall Says:

    I'm just going to say it.. This site is full of crap in a lot of ways. Just the same there are a lot of valid things here.. The truth is, you guys can't even BEGIN to wrap your heads around the reality of the situation.. First hand knowledge, Michael Jackson is very alive. First hand knowledge, he's reading all of this stuff and loving it.

    Michael Jackson the entertainer has died.. He's gone and never coming back..

    Paris did not have fake tears. That was the declaration of her love for her father. Blanket was VERY upset and clearly you can see it all of the pictures. This site needs to get some shit clear before posting these blogs because it actually makes the truth harder to believe…. Just a tip

    He is not dead.. The truth will come out very soon.. Its not going tbe so great though.. Sad to say..

  47. atomvseve Says:

    I don't know what to make of that song.

  48. bexuk diu:

    The letter was weird, glad you guys also thought so. Just the lines 'I have evrything ready. This is it. Do it before you start your second chapter.'

    Looks like MJ might have been planning this hoax way back in 2002. Unless I am reading far too much into this, I just thought it was strange to use the line 'this is it' considering that was the name of his final ever tour.

    Also, about the memorial, did anyone else think that Michael Jacksons talking bit at the end of Will You Be there didnt sound pre recorded or wasnt the same as the one that appears on the cd? It sounded raw, full of emotion, maybe even live?

  49. Smiile1929 diu:

    I Don't Get One Thing Though .. If James Brown's Casket Was Open On His Memorial Howcome Michael's Casket Wasn't Open .. Fair Enough Don't Leave It Open But Atleast Open It For A Few Mins So Tha ”All Tha Rumors” Are Put To Rest & I'm More In Tha Middle .. Mj Could Be Alive Or Not .. I Don't Know.
    But Its Funny How All Tha Media Keeps Saying That He Had A Drug Problem & Coming Out With Other Pills & Stuff & Apparently Liz Taylor Knew He Had A Drug Problem & Said She Was Gonna Help Him ..?!
    Arh It Jus Doesn't Seem Like To Me That Mj Would Be That Dopey Enough To Take Aload Of Medicines U Kna .. =S .
    Apparenly One Of Tha Sources Even Said Tha Mj Was Really Annoyed About Tha Whole Tour Thing & Was Willing To Go To Any Extent Even Say He Was Really Ill Or Have Tha Swine Flu But His Lawyers & Everyone Said Mj Can't Get Out Of It .. =S . I'm Not ”In Denial” Or Anythin .. Its Not Like I Can't Accept Mjs Death But Alot Of Things Jus Don't Make Sense. ! =/

  50. wishful09 Says:

    I am so thankful for this site. I will not add anything else because others have done a great job already. If you have read my other posts on other stories, then you know how I feel. I am so frustrated with things going on, and my family just thinks Im loony, so I dont even talk to them about anymore. So, Im glad this site exists. Please, keep up with the posts. You are doing a great job. At least some people realize things are not adding up!!!

  51. wishful09 Says:

    Well, I must say one thing. For those who say Michael would not fake his death because of his fans. Well, maybe he started to realize that he should be more concerned with his own happiness for once. He lived for his fans, so maybe he just needed time for his self.

    Why do my posts always post a day later? does that happen to everyone?

  52. bghoppy diu:

    Dear supermom75, I think you are Michael. Am I close? I love how you spell especially with an x. Do we have to wait until your birthday to see you again?

  53. supermom75 diu:

    look what i found omg were did this leak come from guys read this
    Re: (POLL) Did Michael Jackson Fake His Death?
    Michael Jackson may have faked his death, there are reports showing that the autopsy wasn'ta match to MJ's DNA. Its still unclear, so lets wait till its 100% clear. It's still too early to decide if he has faked his death or if he's really dead. He was a man not caring for himself but for the publicity so i would say he would fake his death, but in due time, we shall see.

  54. bghoppy diu:

    You know how it took two months to bury James Brown, I wonder if they didn't just hold a memorial for him while he was still alive, but at deaths door, then buried him two months later when he naturally expired. I mean isn't that one of the basic human desires of the ego, don't we all wish we could see who would show up to our funeral, and what they would say, how we would be remembered? I say this because beyond launching a new drug war on pharmacuticals, i think this was done so that MJ could flesh out who his true friends (and family)are and reinvent his image that was tarnished and overshadowing his music.
    Another thought I am having is that I never really thought about what MJ was really trying to do or say with Thriller. I mean that I always loved the song and the video, but never really wondered why he chose that undead theme? now i do.

  55. Angel36 Says:

    That letter what you are showing is from a center who does researsch to stem cells and are for diseases like cancer and MS and liver failure heart diseases and more.
    I think it was to make his healt better.
    But this letter is from 2002.
    And it's curieus that it's called This Is It.
    Her is the link to the site:

  56. Angel36 Says:

    I also looked at the site of tmz when they found all the drugs in 2003.
    And i think that the letter means a detoxicification program was for 5-7 days.
    If you see all the pictures you can see a letter with a detoxificationsheet.
    The succesrate was about 93-97%

  57. Angel36 Says:

    The media brings this up now but that was about 6 years ago.

  58. Bee Says:

    Don't forget, at the very beginning of the service, the gospel song the choir was singing was “Soon and very soon, We are going to see the King…” check it out if it's there on youtube.
    While I was saddened and moved by the memorial, it did strike me as an odd choice at the time.

  59. Angel36 Says:

    And they show also empty bottles of drugs you can”t even see the name of.
    So they want to suggest that there bad drugs.
    It could be vitamine pills or antibiotic.
    And they were no drugs but medicine.

  60. supermom75 diu:

    i also just found a pic that i am sure michael did not know was on here i wonder what staff took this i remember the nights he would sleep in it i asked him do you really think it will work it is the hyper chamber

  61. MyBelovedMJ diu:

    Supermon75. To be hornets i don`t think that you will find any answers in Neverland. The house is compoletely empty. And Michael NEVER wanted to go back there, after his last trial. He didn`t see it as a home any longer, but as a house. But if you are going to Neverland, to try to look for answers, and you should find something. PLease report back. But i don`t think that anyone can enter the gates these days. The last one who tried, was a women, and she got arrested, because she said she was married to Michael LOL. But as i said before, if you should find something, please report back . Just 1 good advise if you go there. Go to his “giving Tree”. Mabye you can find out something there? I don`t know, it might sound stupid. But he loved it. He could spend hours there, as far as i can remember.

  62. beyond anguish Says:

    I read this site everyday and alot of thing make since

  63. supermom75 diu:

    sorry wrong link lol my bad so much goin on

  64. sherre34 Says:

    Until i see his body in a Real Coffin and Paris stop fake crying, michael is still alive. Maybe he hiding at his mother's home. Just thinking.

  65. she_can Says:

    For those who believe that MJ's death has been staged:

    I am concerned about the whole autopsy thing. I need your help figuring it out

    When carrying out an autopsy, DNA testing is not done systematically, only when necessary (unrecognizable person…etc)

    Blood samples are taken, samples for DNA testing (as and when necessary but not necessary in all autopsies), and toxicological tests are carried out on the heart for signs of poisoning if no physical injuries have manifested themselves.


    Is it possible that the family members are the only one aware of that staged death and they actually helped him carry it out? I mean they all happened to be not that far from the hospital on the 25th June, they seem very united, children apparently are doing ok, father Joe is even thinking of the next step (bringing mini Jacksons in showbiz).

    What is the worst think that can happen if, let's say, MJ makes a comeback in a couple of years?

    Since no DNA testing is necessary, LAPD can not be held responsible if there happened to be a staged death (someone else's body) – they would say “the family confirmed his identity”. The family will be sued? Ok then they would say that they were under shock, they were not staring at him since they were comforting the children and each other, the autopsy disfigured him etc…

    Què et sembla? does it make sense?

  66. she_can Says:

    That would also explain why there was no open casket…

  67. lordbanks Says:

    I knew it way before the service that he faked his own death. I told my mom just watch the casket be closed and it was. I said look how small that casket is, MJ has very long legs so there is no way he was in there. None of the family cried, they tried to make the tears fall but nothing. Yes Paris was so cute and adorable but not one tear. Let me ask you all this, have you ever cried and no tears came out? Michael Jr was just chewing gum and looking around like he wanted to play videos games instead, Blanket was playing with a doll and looked like he wanted to go home and watch cartoons. It was all so fake. They say Michael was so high on drugs but everytime I seen him shopping with his kids he was wide eyes, walking and talking normal. Michael even said he would never get hooked on drugs like alot of starts who died. He said he hated drugs. He just told Ebony that he wanted to retire and raise his kids out of the spotlight. There is so much proof. Look at that picture of him in the ambulance, that is not Michael. Look at the skin tone, Mike is very pale, that person is the color he was on the bad album, the hair was not the same, Mikes cheekbones are different. I don't blame him for faking it. He was $500 million in debt, every week there was a new lawsuit, he was tired of cameras in his face 24/7, he was sick of people asking him to perform. The man was burned out. I mean damn, he has been doing it since he was 6. Why do you think his kids speak 4 different languages? even Blanket. They are in another country living in peace. As for some one saying that those are not his kids, yes they are, they look just like him. I have mixed kids and tons of mixed kids in my family and they all look different. My niece looks asain but she is white and black, my son who's named after MJ Michael Joseph looks like he is from Isreal, My brothers son looks like he is mexican, my cousin has a son who has bright blond hair and blue eyes but they are all mixed with black and white. Anyways. Have a great life Mike in your castle in some beautiful part of the word and enjoy your beautiful kids=)

  68. Mimi diu:

    youu guys we need real strong proof about this lyk dates,times, pictures , video, letter witness other wise were just hovering over nothing

  69. Mimi diu:

    don't get me wrong i do believe hes alive i just want this website to have strong facts ok

  70. Mimi diu:

    cus its all just possibilities other wise and what use is that just makes us go round and round in circles with no real facts

  71. supermom75 diu:

    just to show how distant jermane is with michael i think he forgot about this one time here he betrayed his whole family including michael so the plot thickens he was his back bone my a$$
    Jermaine: NBC “lied” to Jackson Family
    Jermaine Jackson claims NBC producers told a “vicious and blatant lie” to lure Michael Jackson's family onto an episode of Dateline NBC. This according to a statement released by the singer yesterday.
    Jermaine stated that producers of the show told him that the episode would be about “the family's legacy and that they later learned the program had an insulting, degrading and insensitive story line about his face.”
    An NBC spokeswoman says Dateline NBC producers still plan to air Michael Jackson Unmasked on Feb. 17 and “hope Jermaine Jackson rethinks his position and grants us an interview.”
    Michael's family is not the only one up in arms about NBC's plans to utilize an hour of news programming to examine the King of Pop's appearance. Fans have also expressed outrage through letters and emails to NBC.
    Below are a few e-mails addresses that should make their way back to the powers that be at NBC. If you are equally upset over NBC's decision to air this special, you are encouraged to write the below staff at the network (please send separate e-mails; not copies to all of the below).

  72. Iknowitall Says:

    This is so great. He is a genious.. Pure genious.. Have to give him props. Didn't think he'd do it. So are there any other sites like this? Just curious?

  73. amazonrm Says:

    augh, I really wish this is true and that he is still alive doing well. But how can that be with the police, doctors/nurses, and everything else? Truly that would be the ultimate comeback if he surprised everyone in the future.

  74. Iknowitall Says:

    He isn't going to come back as an entertainer though.

  75. smileygirl24 Says:

    Thank you so much for all the information submitted SUPERMOM75
    I have been reading your posts these past few days and today i decided to make this account and thank you


    i love michael so much … that in my heart i know hes alive and not dead.
    i as well want him to be happy and at peace and wish him blessings.

  76. tatylovesmj Says:

    Oh god. I just hope this is all true and our Michael is still alive and well!!

  77. A-curious-mind Says:

    I am a bit confused about the circumstance surrounding Michael's death. The media is runnig around with stories like headless chickens. I watched the memorial and felt very “empty” and when Paris Jackson cried, i felt very uncomfortable watching her because it didn't seem sincere. After she turned and sobbed on Janet Jackson, you could see Toldest boy Prince Jackson patting/stroking her back with a look of sheer boredom on his face. People are so quick to buy into anything the media spews and just like when they were reporting ignorant folly about Michael sleeping in a hyperbaric Chamber, everyone bought it and ran with it as though it was the gospel…never was the truth about his photo in the chamber “reported in the media because that won't sell!! This entire “death” is a bit too movie -like for me to grasp as reality and I'm just gonna watch and see because everyone i tell about the “act” of Paris Jackson thinks i'm heartless…something is up…..oh and btw, Michael usually sports a faded mustache outline on his upper and bottom lip and the “michael” in the press conferance had a smooth face with no trace of shaven facial hair…it might be that we are seeing things that are not there but still…check it out…

  78. dinamita Diu:

    Same i hope he is still alive and i dont believe all that crap about him takin drugs, he dosent seem like the kind of person that wud, be abusing drugs, he always said dont believe all the crap u read in the newspapers, why are they bringing up the drugs now and not b4, even if he isnt alive then i think he was murdered and i dont think he would ever commit suicide, and why didnt they take the kids off him if he was doped up on drugs most of the time, im glad i came across this site keep up the good work

  79. MyBelovedMJ diu:

    I hope that Michael, sees all of this. How much we support and stand by him, and love him for who is. If he wants to stay in hiding, it dosent really matter, all that matters for us, is for him to be alive and happy. Michael this is from all of us (your devoted fans) to you. We love you more

  80. Smiile1929 diu:

    SuperMom75 Do U Really Know Mj ..??

  81. Smiile1929 diu:

    Heyy Everyone Erm ..
    This Is Really Random But I Have To Say .. Don't U Guys Think We're Looking To Deep Into This ..? I Mean I Personally Think Tha Mj Is Alive Or Maybe Not .. But Apparently Some People Are Saying That Tha People Who Think Hes Faked It Are Tha People Who Are ”Grieving” ..? I Don't Agree But Does Anyone Else Think Its True .. *Puzzled* =/

  82. supermom75 diu:

    ok here is the thing he loved his muxic if he comes back he will sing again i know he will i think this is clearing his name and pulling all the scandle out on him that were false because now his name is cleared about jordan chandler he is 29 now and came out of the walls and asmitted it was alie and a scam by his father to get money from michael and as far as the hyper chamber there is photos here they are i do not even think michaels knows they are online

  83. supermom75 diu:

    ok he was 28 in these photos with the hyper chamber look at the one of him sleeping side ways click on it make it larger now look at the face in his supposed last photo does it look the same hmmm remember when he burnt his hair they had to rush him in the ambulance i am goin to try to find pictures of that stay tuned

  84. supermom75 diu:

    in number 9 if you look michael always had that left side of his bottom lip that slanted now in some of these photos i see it and in some i do not you tell me

  85. MrsBenjamin diu:

    Okay how would we all know for sure that you are telling us the truth supermom???????? i mean I love this site so far, because I, myself was suspious about the whole MJ thing..and I had that feeling when AFTER i saw those words “im alive and im here forever”..and crazy thing is that ONE light was on the word “ALIVE”…

  86. feyaya diu:

    IKNOWITALL, you speak as if you have solid facts and “first hand knowledge.” is this true, or are you assuming? i mean come on, we all want him to be alive. but if someone in here knows EXACTLY what's going on, why not make it clear? this stuff gives me headaches…but i can't stop reading and pondering, lol. seriously, i've had dreams at night about it. but anyways, if people really KNOW, then tell us!

  87. MrsBenjamin diu:


  88. MrsBenjamin diu:


  89. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Says:

    OMG and isnt it weird how Debbie Rowe never turned up to the memorial or funeral… she said cuz she didn't want unnecessary media attention… hmmm???

  90. loveandpeace Says:

    Why do you think this was deleted from Wikipedia? 's_forthcoming_studio_album_(deleted_05_Aug_2008_at_14:47)

    It says, he didn't plan to retire anytime soon. Then i read a LaToya interview saying he didn't want to go on tour anymore. He wanted to make a movie called Thriller.

  91. MyBelovedMJ diu:

    Ohh yeah to sara: I got the chills totally. I felt like Michael was there, you know that he was behind stage talking. So creepy

  92. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE diu:

    I Want To Let You All Know That This Is A Really Good Site. Michael Needed Fans Like This In His Life.

    First Of All I Have My Own Theory On This “Death”
    I Think That His Death Is Fake And That He Has Been Planning This For Quite A While. Remember He Said He Wanted To Make His Last Concert, A Concert His Fans Will Never Forget And The Concert Was Gonna Be His Last. Plus He Wanted People To Stop Listening To The Media, The Media Lies Alot And Makes You Believe Things That Arent True At All.

    From The Time I Found Out He Died, I Was Like WTF? In My Heart I Felt Like It Wasnt True. So After All This Went Down After The Memorial, I Decided To Research This. I Research Everything, Before I Pronounce Something Is Real Or Not.

    1)If You Go To Youtube And Look Up Michael Jackson- Ghost Music Video, You Will See And Hear Something Odd. Have You Ever Heard The Saying “You Dont Know What You Have Till You Lose It”? Well Michael Believed In That 100%, Plus Who Else Could Pull Something Off So Huge? Michael Jackson Is Very Intelligent, If He Wasnt, He Wouldn't Have Been The Worlds Best Everything.

    Part Of Me Believes If He Is Faking His Death, There Could Only Be A Few Reasons For It. He Is Childlike And Likes To Play Jokes On People, Therefore This Could Be A Joke And He Has To Have A Reason For It.

    I Think That He Decided To Make This The Best Concert In Anyones Lifetime. So He Decided To Fake His Death To Prove Many Things To His Fans And People Who Believe The Media. He Wanted To Know Just How Much He Meant To His Fans And His Comeback Concert, Really States What It Means, He Is A Very Ellaborate Individual. So He Had To Be Planning This Out For Quite Some Time. Therefore He Is Doing This To Make His Concert Awesome And The Reason Would Have To Be. Dont Listen To The Media. The Media Has Built A Shithole Around This Man And He Was Just Tired Of It. I Dont Believe He Killed Himself, I Dont Believe He Was Murdered And I Certainly Dont Believe He Would Hire Unintelligent Individuals To Take Care Of Him.

    If This Was All Planned The Authorities And Tons Of Others Would Have To Be Behind It And Believe Me He Had Enough Money To Do It. Debt My Ass. He Never Stopped Having Fans. Im Pretty Sure This Is Just Something He Wanted To Do, To Have Fun With, Find Out Who His True Fans Were, Show The World That The Media Is Bullshit And Make Those Kids Speak Out That He Never Touched Them.

    He Knew What His Death Meant. He's The Most Famous Person In This World For 50 Years. My Idols Are God, Jesus And Michael Jackson. He Is A Great Man And Will Never Falter.

    My Conspiracy Theory Was Extremely Different And It Makes Sense In Many Ways. I Really Doubt He Faked His Death To Run Away, He Always Faced His Problems Head On And He Wasnt Scared Of Anything, Except Dieing And He Had The Best Docters, So He Could Live As Long As He Could. He Wouldnt Commit Suicide Because He Loved His Family Soooo Much. His Children Meant The World To Him.

    I Have More To Say, But Im Really Tired For Now.

  93. MyBelovedMJ diu:

    to Iknowittall. Aparrently you are the only one who think the children looked upset. WATCH THE MEMORIEL AT YOUTUBE. You will see that they were not. And why did you even bother to post a note here, if you think it`s all crap?. I want to know that

  94. Samantha Says:

    and one time i was in the car and they were talking to MJ LIVE on the phone, and they were talking about his comeback, and they asked him like typical questions like “So your comeback? hows this ganna be” and MJ was saying things like “Yeah yeah, i am, and it'll be like no other”

    No other aye?

  95. supermom75 diu:

    omg reading this you know what i just thought maybe michael caught on to the doctor and his staff and aeg and he told his family about it and he just wants to pay them the insurance he won't get in trouble for it they will cause they collect not him then he comes back and explains the whole thing of why he faked his death maybe he has evidence and it is funny that latoya mentioned another will remember i can not find it right now but someone said they came to get michael for something and he said he was writing his will this was this yr hmmmm and those notes they found in scribble wouldn't you test them the hand writing in an investigation to see who wrote it the doctor or michael they keep mentioning michael in everything but what if he set them up think about it after the doctor fled janet and latoya went in the house before the serch was done they could of planted anything without the doctor knowing then she said his body was still warm in the hospital what if after everyone left and they moved the body to the helicopter and that is when he got up omg cause when the doctor found out he was dead michael might have had his heart slow down but he was revived without the doctor knowing gosh i have to look back at all my info

  96. supermom75 diu:

    @ jewel i am glad you sent that link cause it did have the london confrence up there on that sight and they put the old one back up for the 10 instead of 50 this is really funny wow good catch

  97. supermom75 diu:

    i think they found this sight and they are finding out that other ppl have too and i have been feeling this for a day or so no cause just weird things happen after i find things and post info on other sites like i posted my thoughts wide open on tmz

  98. supermom75 diu:

    here is something new look at this another addition to the case

  99. smileygirl24 Says:

    OMG i soooo agree with you 100%%
    You and SUPERMOM75 are the best so far
    i can NOT sleep am up reading everything listening to all his music
    I never believed anything the media said about him or any of the BS … If anything i learned from him unless you have spoken to that person don't believe everything you read or hear in the media.
    I honestly believe he's alive
    if he was dead then i would feel it…BUT
    i really don't … I hope he is alive and well and hope he's living peacefully now.

    BTW listen to this song jennifer hudson did will you be there

    and listen to when he starts talking or praying
    do you guys notice the ecghoe in his voice??
    i actually cried hearing it…SO SAD

    I love you Michael forever ,, You mean the world to me.

  100. ejay5131 diu:

    Everybody is talking about Oprah…where's Oprah??? I looked into her website and low and behold they have REMOVED all the MJ content they once had on it. WHY????

  101. supermom75 diu:

    yeah well now they are saying the found porn in his home the secong time he was accused but in the court hearing they said they found none i am so confused on this

  102. supermom75 diu:

    yes i do

  103. supermom75 diu:

    @ crazyinsanebarbie lol like the name i think u are dead on on alot of it but the thing is it is goin to be his last he planed on working with his children and doin songs with them as a family and he was looking into the movie buissness i have to give it to latoya she is not goos at holding back info but he loves his children and the children of the world he has such a uniqueness about him that no one will understand he is so tender and kind and gentle he would not slap a fly lol but he wanted to make this a better place for all of us he belived he could do it he would say so in hopes that this all a plan to frame his greedy producers and see if his family really would take care of his kids if something happen to him i think he did this because he stopped knowing who to trust he had a very hard time with trust

  104. Happytomato diu:

    Concerning Michael Jackson'health

    Jackson, healthy or not? Depends on who's talking

  105. A-curious-mind Says:

    Supermom75…you are kinda being like the media now, running around this site with so many pieces of “evidence” that it's seems you work for TMZ or one of those celebrity sites. Calm down and breathe for a while…btw, you said you are a close friend of Michael jackson so how come you don't know squat and gotta be catching at straws like the media…(shaking my head)…tsk tsk tsk “supermom75″…i see what you are doing..i do and it sure as heck isn't cute….

  106. Goldie diu:

    to “Supermom75″

    hmm i wanna ask you a question maybe ist a stupid one but hey .. i can ask

    “are you michael jackson” :*

  107. clueless Says:

    as my nick states, i have no clue … but what i see is that you ppl do exactly what the 'oh so loved press by MJ do/did' … you create/hear a rumour and repeat it til it's the only truth.

    MJ himself denied sleeping in that oxygen chamber in an interview, he had to though after his accidant at the pepsi commercial … but naive as he was he let a reporter talk him in to show how he layed in it, and “BOOM” a “Freak” was born .. also watch his video “leave me alone' .. ppl should just do that …

    and @Supermom75, you asked him that this really works? … well no comment.

    just to quote 1 sentence of the song “Morphine” … “you're so reliable”

    as for they sighed and made noises, but no tears rolling out of any eyes … might it be because they were out of them? ever thought of that? … yes you can reach a stage where you're not able to share anymore tears.

    and also i guess i was the only 1 who's 1st and only thought was “please don't” when there were rumours to open his casket on stage, to finally feed the vultures in the media one last time … and then reading articles about “that wasn't him anyways” or “even a blind 1 can see this was staged” …

    i'm waiting for some1 saying “the white house or better yet Obama himself helped him to hoax his death, cause he didn't cried or didn't looked sad enough … if that's no proove” …

    MJ never had his own life, we had it like on that movie with Jim Carrey
    about Trueman … at least grant him his death.

    and yes he will always be alive and here forever in our hearts.

    Love you Michael may your soul rest in peace.

  108. MyBelovedMJ diu:

    I know our Michael had a hard time. I also believe what you said about that he would come back to wxplain, why he did it, and that he have paid his ensurence already. You are totally right about Latoya LOL. She is very bad at this. And now she is saying that Michael was murdered. OH MY GOD. How long will they keep this up? How mnay excuses will they come up with, before the truth leaks? I think it wont be long, before the world will get a serious surprise. Michael has said for years, that “you havent seen nothing yet”. What did he mean by that? I wont believe that he is dead. He has to be out there somewhere. I can feel it in my heart. But Supermon75, if you are a friend of Michael, you have to kow something? Mabye he said something once? Just a little thing or 1 word, wich hadent had much meening then, but mabye it has now? Just a question

  109. Andrea Says:

    I agree, ejay! WHERE THE HELL IS OPRAH?!?!?!?! Lord KNOWS she has ANYTHING to say about EVERYTHING! She gives out free cars and shit to people all the time. But now MJ has 'died' and she silences herself? Oh come on!

  110. wishful09 diu:


    I have been thinking that all along. I even posted concerns about that on Yahoo Answers! Most people there just didnt want to agree. It's like his family and friends keep saying little stuff, and the media never picks up on that stuff. How many times can someone say Michael is mischevious or likes to play pranks before the media starts to question it? Have you all seen the video with the trainer on this site? If that doesnt spark the interest of others, besides us, then people just dont want to believe it. Watch that video. Its like they are pretty much giving it away.

  111. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE diu:

    Im Pretty Sure Im On Top Of This 100%
    It All Makes Sense To Me
    I Am A Really Big Fan Of Michael Jackson
    I Research Everything On Him
    He Believed In Hiding Messages In His Music
    At His Memorial I Saw The Same Messages
    The Memorial Wasnt As Big As You Would Think The King Of Pop Would Have
    Plus He Said Before That He Wanted To Be Buried In His Peter Pan Clothes
    He Wanted His Fans To See Him Off
    Therefore There Was No Open Casket
    Noone Agreed To Doing What He Wanted
    Which Doesnt Make Sense Further
    You Have To Listen Closely To His Music
    You Cant Listen To The Media For The Truth
    He Already Stated That A While Back
    I Have Looked For Information On Him Everywhere
    Alot Of It Seems Like Total Bullshit
    My Heart Believes This Is All For The Comeback Tour
    I Would Truly Know If He Was Dead
    I Still Feel His Presence
    Plus Nothing Adds Up
    This Is Only Proof That The Media
    Can Never Get Their Story Straight
    Plus TMZ Is The Only Place That You Can Go To Find The Truth
    If You Go To TMZ And Look At Everything About Michael
    You Can See Messages Within The Site That He Is Still Alive
    Plus All His True Friends And Family Wasnt At The Memorial, Odd
    His Kids Seemed Fine Till They Got On Stage
    And Janet Said Something In Her Ear
    She Was Believable But Michael Jackson Was A Great Actor
    She Learned From The Best
    I Know People Think We Are Looking Too Much Into This But Im Not Gonna Think He Is Dead Until We See His Body Or There Is Real Proof
    There Is No Real Proof In This
    Michael Jackson Liked Jokes, Subliminal Messages And Scaring People All In Fun
    He Wanted To Change The World And Noone Was Listening Until He “Died”
    Why Do You Think People Were Trying To Drag Him Into The Ground?
    He Was Trying To Change The World.
    Theres So Much Evidence He Is Still Alive.
    I Have More To Say, But I Like Looking At Everyones Elses Views And Then Letting Them Know What I Think Of That.

  112. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE diu:

    Oh And Go To Youtube And Look Up Michael Jackson Memorial With Jennifer Hudson. Listen To That Song Carefully.
    Will You Be There?
    He Is Saying To His Fans. Will You Be There After I Die?
    He Was Good As Disguises, He Could Be In Disguise Walking Around, Seeing If People Actually Cared About Him

    He Researched Everything And Made Sure He Knew All The Facts
    So That Song Is Saying Will You Be There? Will You Still Care About Me?

    Plus In The Beginning When Mariah Carey Sang I Will Be There? Coincidence?
    Everyone Was Trying To Take Control Of Him, Seems Like The World Got Something Wrong With Me, So Therefore, He Gonna Fake His Death For His Comeback Tour, To See Who Still Really Cares.
    Obviously Alot Of Big Names Are Behind It
    Noone There At His Memorial Had Any Signifinance To Him. Jennifer Hudson? Mariah Carey? Usher? Where Was AlL The People WHo Cared?
    Plus I Had A Dream About Maculey Caulkin Last Night, The Dream Had Me Running Away From People, It Was Odd But Made Sense In A Way

  113. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE diu:

    Thanks I Like Your Name Too.
    Pretty Much This Is All Proof That You Shouldnt Believe The Media.
    Theres So Much Bullshit Going Around Its Crazy
    Michael Jackson “Death” Is Making People Go Crazy
    The Suicides Seem A Little Much, Why Would Anyone Kill Themself. After He Stated That He Would Never Do Such A Thing And Then When He Died People Start Commiting Suicide

    He Would Have Been King Of Actors, In Ghost He Was Amazing, Plus He Pulled Off Being The Bad Dude In The Ghost Music Video And Noone Believed It Was Him. He Was Good At Everything
    I Have Looked Everything Up About This Man And I Only Believe Half The Crap I Come Across
    TMZ Is On Target On Alot Of Facts
    Odd That TMZ Was The First Newscast On The Seen Before All The Others
    Usually Ambulances Dont Have Tinted Windows Either
    And You Couldnt See Inside The Ambulance At All
    The Somehow ET Gets A Picture Of Him Inside The Ambulance
    Plus Extremely Close To Being Inside The Ambulance
    And If You Seen That One Video The Dude That Was Trying To See Inside Couldnt
    And Didnt Even Time To Take A Photo
    Plus If I Called 911 For My Boss And It Was Michael Jackson, I Would Be Screaming Into The Phone, They Were Soooo Calm And Noone Found Out Who Called 911.
    Plus If You Look Up That Prank On Michael Jackson On Youtube From Ralphine Who I Swear Was Eminem, You Can Hear Michael Changing His Voice And See That Michael Caught On To The Prank Early, He Has A Machine That Can Change His Voice, So The 911 Call? More Information To Come Soon. jajaja

  114. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE diu:

    Plus This Link, Lets You Know Something Is Odd With All The Going Back And Forth

  115. prince Says:

    Well, anything will be the end of all this I hope from the bottom of my heart he is ok no matter if he is going to make a comeback or not.
    I love him with my entire soul as I loved him until now. ANd anything he done I will understand and I hope one day Ill meet him no matter in what circumstances. I just want to tell him he is the another part of my soul and he is not alone I'm here with him. I'm here because he was there When he was needed.

  116. loveandpeace Says:

    Lies, lies, and more lies. This is the biggest celebrity sendoff of all time, while also being the biggest investigation into cause of death.

  117. lilpleb Says:

    supermom75, you are a friend of Michael Jacksons?

  118. bexuk diu:

    The more infomation the Jacksons reveal the harder I find it to believe that he is alive..or that he would come back how could he possibly explain his way out of this one?

    Please read this article-–I-felt-start.html

    The article states that the Jacksons already have the results from the 2nd autopsy and it gives details about where Michael was found, what happened in the hspital etc but then waht threw me was when La Toya said this- La Toya says: 'It will all come out. You will be shocked.'

    the artcile then says'The official coroner's report is due soon along with the results of a second autopsy, which La Toya arranged, She says: 'We want to sit down and compare the two reports before anything is made public. I have a strong idea of what the outcome will be but
    I cannot say anything at this stage.'

    I smell a humungous rat and it aint Ben!!

  119. charbour Says:

    I agree with you Goldie.. Supermom75, are you Michael Jackson?

    You seem to know an awful lot!
    Also if you're not MJ, then these people who claim to know Michael.. could you please just put us out of our misery and reassure us that he is okay?

  120. bexuk diu:

    If Michael Jackson wanted to fake his death to clear his name then he has succeded.

    Aside from the drug stories, most of the press coverage has been positive. For example MJ was a great dad, MJ really did have a skin complaint, MJ was wrongly accused of child molestation etc. Why didnt these people say that stuff when he was alive?! His death has provided a time for reflection, and has possibly made the media review their part in his demise.

  121. bexuk diu:

    Anyone in UK, tv programme Michael Jacksons last days on Channel Four at 9pm tonight

  122. i87 Says:

    omgggggg ahhhhhhh….read this! michael jackson said this “If you come into this world being loved and you leave it being loved then everything in between can be dealt with.”………….. hmmmmm… ok i know this is random but… perhaps do u think he faked his death because he wanted to see how much people really loved him… and by noticing how valuable he is in our hearts… he can finally move on from all the crap that the media has forced upon him??? this way he can finally come back and be free of all accusations… and he can be assured that he is loved and cared for by millions of people around the world….i mean sure.. there are some bad apples everywhere but i think i can say this with confidence that at this point in time… most of the people wud go outta their way to bring him back…. i dont know but this quote kinda gave me the chills…… or maybe im just going crazy… lol…. i have an assignment due tomorrow and i cant concentrate… o well.. screw everything.. as long as MJ is baq..i dont care abt anything else!…as weird as this sounds.. im gona give this quote a twist and say:”If you come into this world knowing that MJ is alive and you leave it knowing that MJ is alive then everything in between can be dealt with.”

  123. Mojofi diu:

    Guys am watching the documentary on Channel 4 right now and it really looks like MJ is REALLY DEAD.

  124. Andrea Says:

    @ mojofi! of course it does! it's a documentary! they wouldn't air a documentary with anything stating that he's ALIVE!

  125. i87 Says:

    I agree with Andrea…. thats the whole point of the documentary.. they want people to think hes dead….thats why its aired on tv in the first place

  126. lilpleb Says:

    Mojofi, I am watching it too. It depends how you look at the whole situation. The problem with this sad world is that there are too many liars.

  127. jewell Says:

    Would his fans be mad at him if he did this to them,
    and made them suffer with grief,
    just to make a comeback?

  128. Andrea Says:

    I sure wouldn't be mad because since day one I knew he wasn't really dead. At first it was a shock, but AS SOON as the 911 call was released (that same day) I started to really speculate and since then, nothing has been right. If he had to fake his death FOR WHATEVER REASON, I'd still support him and heck..MJ WOULD BE ALIVE. COME ON NOW. You can't be upset for too long anyway. It does suck though for the people who are really hurting over this and believe he is truly gone, but then again, they should start taking a closer look at the facts instead of believing the entire media hype BS.

  129. ejay5131 diu:

    I LOVE Michael and always have, I would forgive him in less than a heart beat! He will have proved to us how the media can take a story and totally run with it. Hence, putting to rest the 1993 and 2005 accusations. Just watch ans see, no Dr. will ever be charged and if they are They WILL get off. Somehow, someway. MJ would have thought of that too.

  130. i87 Says:

    i agree… i totally understand as to why michael had to fake his life… i dont blame him for anything… if i were him.. i wudve done the same… hes been thru enough… for once he should think about himself

  131. supermom75 diu:

    @ a-curios -mind very hurt by that to let you all know when someof his close friends found out we were not in the loop of this i am just as shooked as all of you i have been micheals friend sense 1998 and i am not tryin to do anything and it hurts me the way you talk about me i am alot like michael but i am not michael and i miss him very much he would always say he loved his fans more but i would say i loved him more because he is more then a man he had a heart of gold he thought of everyone but himself gave to everyone but himself and i would not be mad if he ran and yes why i found this site is because as a friend of his he had mention several times faking his death to get a normal life to see what it is like but he also was afraid he would disapoint his fans too so please do not make commits about me on here umless you really know me thank u let there be peaece in the world some day

  132. i87 Says:

    sry tht was an error.. i meant to say fake his death

  133. Mojofi diu:

    The man is really DEAD. A doctor in the documentary, said he think's MJ might have accidenatlly killed himself by take the pain killers he took, b'cos he think MJ was coming off the pain killers but maybe by taking pain killers after his rehearsals, it may have meen too much for him and probablly killed.

    On other hand, others said he did not really want to do the 50 shows and that was why he left London, saying he had the Swine Flu.

    HULK also said MJ could not use 3lbs weight dum bells, cos it was too much for him.

    Others said, MJ's family wanted to get him off durgs, but peopel around him will change his phone number and his mum will not know how to contact him for weeks before she got his number. I think if that was true then it's very sad.

    On the other hand am thinking did MJ faked his death to help himself to be free from all this presure?

    I belive if there was really a good woman in MJ's life she would be able to help him out of this stiuation of pain killers.

    Poor MJ this documentary has really made me sad for sure and am really thinking MJ is REALLY REALLY DEAD .

  134. wishful09 Says:

    I would not be mad at all. I am not mad now. I am curious more than anything. When all is said and done, and the truth comes out, everyone will be stunned. How could this one man pull all of this off? I will be relieved, happy, excited… The best thing out of all of this will be the fact that the media looks foolish.

  135. Ann7 Says:

    I would like to point out, in the begining of the memorial the choir sings

    Soon and very soon we are going to see the king

    I thought that this was kind of interesting. Here is the link

  136. i87 Says:

    believe me… michael is still alive!… im a strong believer of god and trust me…i know for a fact that god will never allow such a good person as michael to have such a tragic ending to his life…. believe me ..i know hes out there somewhere… we are all a one big family on this site.. and we are gonna work together and the truth will come out! i dont care wat tht documentary says..

    *f* the press… michaels the best!

  137. Andrea Says:

    HE IS NOT REALLY DEAD! Don't you see that all of those doctors, coroners, as well as LAPD could have all been EASILY payed off? LAPD are full of corrupt cops anyway. If anything that just makes me believe he faked his death even more to get away from everything. Good for him.

  138. ejay5131 diu:

    Hey, administrators…how many people are on this site?? Just curious to know how many of us all think alike.

  139. jewell Says:

    Yes, I caught that also and found it really strange!
    I feel like i am reading the da vinci code or something,
    where there are little clues everywhere that tell the hidden story…

  140. admin Says:

    We don't have the exact number of registered users on our site, as new people are registering daily, however we can tell you that there has been over 1100 comments made and over 450,000 visits to our site since it's launch on 26th June…there are many of us who think alike!
    MJHD Admin

  141. GermanLady Says:

    Whats going on with Latoya ? She tells different storys about the day of dead. First she was saying in an interview that she arrives Michaels home and in HIS bedroom she found a lot of oxygen bottles everywhere, under the Bed and some Pills and stuff, now in an other interview she was saying that Michael was dieing in the Bedroom of Dr. Murrey, not in his own !!! Which is across a large hall from his own away. So he walked from his room to dr.murreys room ?

    Sorry for that bad english, i am from germany!

  142. ejay5131 diu:

    Thanks alot Admin. This tells me that over 450,000 have some type of suspicion on his death. Mantenir el gran treball!

  143. clueless Says:

    and on another note, the memorial wasn't really about grieving and who sheds more tears.

    it was a celebration on life.
    to reminisce and sharing good thoughts of a loving person, who just happened to have pass away WITH the ppl who loved and cared for him.

    so there really wasn't anything weird about to even see a smile here and there ,just as there was nothing weird about shaking words and sighing. or reminding shared or personal memories about Michael, like how he liked disguising, having fun … or how caring he was.

    and for the Jackson family to have shared that precious moments with us … knowing Michael really loved his fans and thinking we the fans also do

    I on behalve of all the fans wanna send out my respect to the Jackson family and thank you very very much.

  144. i87 Says:

    omg..apparenly theres been many michae; jacksons sightings in ottawa, canada…. does anyone know more about this?

  145. i87 Says:

    michael jacksons sightings*

  146. Com se sent diu:

    Am reading this and most of you seem to be saying that Mike will PAY and PAY and PAY off peopel for anything?

    If the man was in deut why and how will he pay to get away? I hae seen the Channel 4 doc: The Last Days Of MJ. What really Happed?

    It looks like Mike is really gone and i don't know what to think any more. Am more then confused now.

  147. supermom75 diu:

    actually i would be very pleased that he final cleared his name ….@sexyinsanebarbie lol i can not get over that name lol here is more confusion if you read this jermaine said he saw the body in the hospital this states that only the females were there that the guys wanted an open casket the gurls did not hmmm so were they men left out of the loop because they have been pushing him and wanting his money you all read this and they have the so called gaurd who called but it says he is staying with friends i saw an ad saying he was staying with the jackson hmmmmm

  148. Andrea Says:

    @ how does it feel. yes, he was in debt. however, he wasn't COMPLETELY ass out of money. this is MJ we're talking about.

  149. Andrea Says:

    also – I have heard numerous times that 'whatever Michael wanted, Michael got'.

  150. loveandpeace Says:

    Look at Rebbie after the Staples Center Memorial…

    Looking very happy?

  151. Wendy Darling diu:

    Hello friends! Thank you for this comforting site. The world is coloured grey since Michael flew away. That was what I was thinking when I saw the alleged “ghost” at Neverland ranch. ( Now it is clear that it was like the lost Peter Pan´s shadow)Michael will get back to recover it! would it be a trick made up by Michael and some magician friend to give us a hide message? All this stuff is like a hide -and- seek play, isn´t it?
    But I have a terrible fear. What if Michael decide not appear again in the public life and prefer stay living a quiet and anonymous existence? Maybe he might face up to legal problems if he comes again!
    Sorry if i write something incorrect, i´m not english.
    Michael, we will waiting for you forever with the windows open, with eternal love…

  152. Samantha Says:

    What if michael is alive this moment?
    Whats ganna really happen if he does die?
    thats if his actually alive.

  153. MyBelovedMJ diu:

    To Wendy: Im sure that Michael is alive, and mabye he wont come back. That dosetn matter as long as he is happy and healthy. But we can only know that if we find the truth. About the rebbie thing. She looks pretty happy. Totally weird, considering she just lost her brother

  154. A-curious-mind Says:

    Like i said….if you were a real “friend” of Michael you won't be on this site saying the things you are saying trying to razzle dazzle people…you actually have people on this site thinking that you are Michael Jackson and it makes my skin crawl…do you think that by saying you were a friend of his will make your posts more believable? I really don't think you knew Michael and i think you are just like all the other “Friends” out there trying to get attention off his name and his “death”…and btw, you are not like Michael because I've never known of him exploiting any of his friend's death for attention…he was either sincere or silent..I never met him but I know that much…

  155. Banessa Says:

    Hello everyone, I am so glad that I am not the only one who thinks that everything surrounding the “death” of Michael Jackson, is weird. There are a lot of clues all of which have been mentioned in this site. I have to admit I have never been a die hard fan but nevertheless, I do admire him for his great talent and now even more so, for pulling the biggest “Publicity stunt ever”. If anyone could pull something like this, it will be MJ. He always wanted to be “Larger than life” and that he has accomplished. If he was to re-appear at the “memorial event” planned in the 02 arena on the day of his b-day he would have accomplished so much. Not only the biggest come back ever but like a lot of you have said he would prove that not everything the media feeds us or wants us to believe its always true. Besides I believe I read somewhere in this site as well that as long as his “death certificate” remains unsigned, he wouldn't be in any kind of legal problems ( It was something along those lines) Also did anyone see the TMZ clip of Queen Latiffa stating that she is joining or will be signing upn to be part of the “Michael Jackson Memorial tour”. To me this seemed sneaky and tacky! For someone to say they have signed up to do the tour??? I don't know what you all think about that? Or maybe I'm just making too much of it???? I also agree with the question on where were MJ's “So called best” friends in all this? Lastly, I do agree it is odd that Rebbie is smiling in the picture. Also, in the video of the tree sisters at the Nokia, when LaToya is speaking her hands the way she extends them out…I don't know her whole mannerism is just weird! I have to admit I am hooked on this site and I appreciate reading everyone's comments and input. Michael is truly Loved. And for the sake of his children I do hope this is all a big Publicity stunt! God bless you all

  156. Wendy Darling diu:

    MyBelovedMJ, Of course he is alive! and laughing at the stupid media wherever he is now, seeing how they believe completely this performance.Is a paradox that now the media thinks real the fake of his death,when before they were always suspicious about him. If he will come back it would be a never-seen-before in the human history!

  157. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE diu:

    First Off I Would Like To State That People Should Stop Attacking Other People On This Site. People Can Say And Think Anyway They Like, Plus Supermom Is Doing Nothing Wrong, Plus Michael Wouldn't Want You Attacking Other's To Protect Him. Supermom Is Just Stating What She Feels And Thinks, I See Nothing Wrong With That. Plus This Site Was Made To Speak Your Mind On What You Think Michael Jackson Is Up To.

    Supermom I Like How You Added Sexy To My Name LOL.

    Michael Jackson Was The Best Man On The Face Of This Planet. Im Only 22 But If I Had A Chance To Be With That Man, Id Take That Chance In A Heartbeat. All He Wanted Was Someone To Love And Love Him Back The Same Way, All He Found Was Money Hungry Individuals, Or Women Who Pressured Him.

    A Curious Mind, Please Dont Attack Others On What They Find Or Present To This Site. Supermom Is Not Being Like The Media In Any Way, Shape Or Form. You Have Your Opinions And She Has Her's. Leave It At That.

    Clueless, We Are Not Creating Rumors, We Are Just Stating What We Think. If Your Not On The Same Page With Us, Please Do Not Attack Us, Just Simply Leave. We Are Not Like The Media In Any Way, The Media Makes Money Off Of What They Think, We Are Just Here To Support Michael Jackson. Plus The Memorial Didnt Seem Real At All. He Believed In Subliminal Messages, And There Seemed To Be Alot Of Messages There. Yes People Can Stop Crying Once They Get To A Certain Stage, But Michael Jackson Helped Change The World And He Was Better Than Alot Of People In This World, He Was Not Perfect But He Did More Than Alot Of People Ever Has Done In Their Lifetime. Plus If He Really Passed Away, Where Was All His Real Friends? Alot Of Important People Are Disappearing And Excuses Are Being Made. Plus Yes Obama Could Be In The Hoax As Well, Since This Would Be The Biggest Hoax In History Just To Prove A Point, Plus Obama Is Part Of History As Well. Michael Did Say “You Aint Seen Nothing Yet” And Michael Never Disappoints.

    The Thing About His Debt, Doesnt Mean He Didnt Have Money, It Just Means He Didnt Have Enough Money To Cover To Pay Something In A Certain Amount Of Time. We Are Talking About Michael Jackson, The Most Famous Individual In History, People Never Stopped Buying His Music. Im Pretty Sure He Has Enough Money To Cover The Biggest Hoax In History.

    Of Course He's Gonna Have To Explain Why He Did Such A Thing. Which He's Intelligent Enough To Explain And Will Make So Much Sense To All Of Us. One Reason Would Have To Be, That The Media IS Full Of Crap And He Wanted To Prove That And Make Them Look Like The Fools They Really Are. Plus He Wanted To Make A HUGE Comeback And He's The Only Person That Could Truly Pull It Off. He Wanted To See How Normal Life Is Like Without The Paparrazi Hounding Him. Plus He Wanted To See Who Really Loved Him And How Many People Supported Him. And See If The Kids Would Finally COme Out And Tell The Truth. He Didnt Have Anything Else To Lose. So Why Not?

    Plus He Would Never Die Before His Father DIed, He Wouldnt Want His Children Falling Into His Hands After All The Shit He Put Him Through.

    The Death Certificate Isnt Being Signed For A Reason, If Its Not Signed It Means He Is Not Dead, Therefore He Cant Get Into Trouble If He Really Is Alive And His Memorial Tour Isnt That Far Off, Plus His Birthday Is Coming Up, So A Good Birthday Present To Come Back To Life As So To Speak. They Have To Keep Pulling This Off Until That Tour Happens And Then They Wont Have To Pretend Anymore.

    To The True Fans, Its Obvious To The So Called Fans, They Are Blind And Didnt Research Him Like We Did.
    Plus He Had Some Crazy Ass Fans, And There Was A Limit To How Many People Would Be Able To Attend His Memorial And People Werent Screaming Or Crying Or Trying To Run Up To The Casket.

    If This Turns Out That We Are Right, Then I Hope People WIll Stop Listening To The Media

  158. ejay5131 diu:

    Is anybody else wondering IF the media will pick up on this site and start acknowledging it? I know when I first starting talking to my husband and sister about how I thought MJ was alive, I swear..the look in their eyes was like they were going to commit me! Hmmm, low and behold..they now check this site like I do and are now questioning it as well. I now very rarely check any other site related to Michael except this one. Good job admins. Thank you for creating a place for all of us believers to come together.

    MJ-I just can't stop loving you:)

  159. melia8383 diu:

    yeah, I was trying to figure out why no one has signed the certificate, they do not need the autopsy reports for that?

  160. smileygirl24 Says:

    Your absolutely right @CRAZYINSANEBARBIE
    everything you said was true its' exactly what i been saying and wondering.
    am tired of people judging me and callin me crazy
    i know how michael must of fealt.
    but seriously i will not let this be until there is proof out there
    we all need some closure soo…

    DNA DNA DNA THAT proves hes dead Or perhaps an open casket??

    but DNA would be the best … LOL

    but other then that no waaaaaay in hell am believeing hes dead sorry.

    i mean come on people listen to the song MORPHINE
    hes talking about DEMEROL and saying oh god hes taking DEMEROL
    doesnt that sound suspecious isnt that what the media is saying rite now?
    read the whole thing it gives me the creeps…
    but i looove it and its on my profile on myspace page…LMAO

    Morphine lyrics
    He got flat baby
    Kick in the back baby
    A heart attack baby
    I need your body

    A hot kiss honey
    He's just a bitch baby
    You make me sick baby
    So unrelying

    I'm such a swine baby
    All down the line daddy
    I hate your kind baby
    So unreliable

    A hot buzz baby
    He's one of us baby
    Another drug baby
    You so desire

    Trust in me
    Trust in me
    Put all your trust in me
    You're doin' morphine


    They got place baby
    Kicked in the face baby
    You hate your race baby
    You're just a liar

    Your every lick baby
    Your dog's a bitch baby
    You make me sick baby
    You soul survivor

    She never cut from me
    She never cut baby
    I had to work baby
    You just a rival

    Always to please daddy
    Right up and leave daddy
    You're thorwing shame daddy
    So undesirable

    Trust in me
    Just in me
    Put all your trsut in me
    You're doin' morphine

    Go'on babe

    This won't hurt you
    Before I put it in
    Close your eyes and count to ten
    Don't cry
    I won't convert you
    There's no need to dismay
    Close your eyes and drift away

    Oh God he's taking demerol
    Oh God he's taking demerol

    He's tried
    Hard to convince her
    To be over what he had
    Today he wants it twice as bad
    Don't cry
    I won't resent you
    Yesterday you had his trust
    Today he's taking twice as much

    Oh God he's taking demerol
    Oh my Oh God it's Demerol


    He got shit baby
    Your dog's a bitch baby
    You make me sick baby
    You are a liar

    Is truth a game daddy
    To win the fame baby
    It's all the same baby
    You're so reliable

    Trust in me
    Trust in me
    Put all your trust in me
    She's doin' morphine


    You just sit around just talkin' nothing
    You're takin' morphine
    Go'on baby
    You just sit around just talking about it
    You're takin' morphine
    Just sit around just talking nothing about it
    You're takin' morphine
    You just sit around just talking about it
    You're taking morphine
    You just sit around just talkin' nothin'
    And takin' morphine

    I'm going down baby
    You're talkin' Morphine

    Go'on baby!
    Do it!
    He's takin' morphine

  161. MJJ Says:

    hmm? ok that makes sense. bt usher is one of michael's close friend. usher idolize him. they love each other as brothers.

  162. diu:

    to i87 .. read one of your posts where you state y/faith in God … I am also a believer and pray for Michael that God will help him through work through this time

    Some Bloggers wrote about Oprah and how she has scrubbed her website of all MJ data and is hush hush about it all – really ? how strange is that ???

    If somebody of Oprah's caliber pulls a stunt like that, it is CRYSTAL clear that she did so for very good reasons, reasons we will never know ! If anything, if Michael was really dead, she should have some formal announcement/acknowledgement/mourning note of his passing posted as well as a condolence book for fans and interested parties to express their “grief” and leave messages for the “dead” Michael.

    Since this is NOT so, What message is Oprah sending us all by having done what she has ? Along with Ms. Taylor, Diana Ross, Liza Minelli, Uri Geller etc etc etc ??

    There can only be ONE plausible reason for this: Oprah and the rest of them are ALL in on MJ's escape and are in unison hush hush about it. To whom ? if anyone does this also make sense to ? Why ??? were these ppl NOT at the Memorial and/or at the private service for family and CLOSE FRIENDS service at Forest Lawn ???

    Where they all paid off to keep hush, or threatened if they didn't ? Or .. what ?? Something does not jive here at all … not even Larry King can get any one of them on his show to quiz them about their “position” on this ? Why not ? BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL HIDING SOMETHING and are for whatever reason not speaking up or out about it …. very very perplexing and suspicious indeed …

  163. ejay5131 diu:

    These people are sick and twisted first the record company, now this!

  164. supermom75 diu:

    oh i am so sorry @crazyinsanebarbie sbout ur names that was my fault so sorry well i am very thankful there ppl out there like you still caue the world has turned to the worst in some i have not come up with new info yet but i am working on it i wrot a 4 page theory on it so far but as new info comes in i am try to figure it out it out myself i knew fishy stuff was goin on but i mean more info i did not think came in and i am shock just like everyone else on here i know in a round of events it will all come out and yes a dna test should be brought into this i would of thought they would of thought one would be done by now i believe he is tryin to pull out the ppl he could not trust and he was being used and scammed and believe it or not i think the father and brothers are involved if u scroll up to the last link i put in i believ it shows the whole idea that jermaine lied and said he brought the kids in ti see mj after he past although latoya says she did and only the females saw the body so the more info this site i notice says a new story comes up like the life insurance thing now london is saying it will not cover over dose and they never heard a life insurance that does AEG lies and now la; is in dept 1.7 mil over the memorial service and that AEG or the father must pay for it it is getting deep maybe mj is tryin to show that AEG is the scam and they changed the 10 concerts on mj to 50 and he told them he could not do 50 and they told him he had too

  165. supermom75 diu:

    i feel they were all slowly tryin to kill him and knock him off and i think he relized it and made a plan to reveal them for who they are i think latoya hinted to much in her report cause i feel there is to many ppl who were tryin to distroy him

  166. supermom75 diu:

    he was very smart when it came to his surroundings

  167. Samantha Says:

    CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE : Everything you just wrote in that big paragraph, was one of the most best things i've seen on here. You are so right, thanks it makes me feel much better now. Haha and i agree on what you said “You'd be there in a heartbeat” Yes, so would i, His a beautiful person with a heart of gold. Hopefully his out there somewhere withh the life he deserves. And its true that he would of Pulled a stunt like this to do it to the Media to give them a taste of there own medicene.

  168. stacer6169 Says:

    Hi I just want to say I love this site and i do believe he is alive!!! And he so deserves being happy and free from the media!!!! And also supermom all the post that you have been putting up is awesome you are great thank you again ADMIN for this site!!! Michael Jackson love you very much!!!!!

  169. dane86 Says:

    folks let me just ask one thing? how many times did he record the spoken parts of will you be there? If you will pay close attention, you will realize that in the memorial the “playback” said, “In my anguish and my PAINS” while on the original version he said, “In my anguish and my PAIN”

    was it just me or it's really different?

    listen and compare for yourselves…

    this is really a great site! looking forward for the upcoming clues…

    Let's not lose hope! He's still there…somewhere…

  170. Wendy Darling diu:

    Oh Supermom75 the photos you linked in post 88 where he shows his skin makes me weep. It´s so sad, he was so pure, candid, sincere as a child is, without prejudices or double standards. Why they never believe him? If Michael would have been a typical star life, with all kind of vicious ( drugs, alcohol, orgys…) i´m sure he hadn´t have any problems. He is a misunderstood person because he only wants have some fun and help childhood.Too much hypocrytes and corrupts minds to stay here, under the spotlights..
    I love you M.

  171. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE diu:

    Primer de tot m'agradaria assenyalar que l'Exposició de motius La Fotografia Sembla Photoshopped és perquè més que probable que és, però només perquè si no es veu bé llavors no ho puc lluir bé i probablement es suposa que és un cartell i Per què li agradaria un pòster sobre la paret que sembla completa escombraries? Photoshopping imatges són necessàries perquè la foto es vegi millor. Im fotògraf independent, sé que.

    El vídeo ha de ser recent Perquè La Chica tocar la guitarra estava cantant al Memorial, de manera que si aquest vídeo va ser des de fa anys, com es Ella encara és jove? Come On Persones Si la seva recerca realment res d'això, sabràs que.

    El que crec que és, després de la celebració anava a ser Sobre policial, i des Li agrada jugar Acudits sobre les persones, i va voler fer present el millor acompliment en la història de la humanitat.

    Ell fingió seva mort, no perquè la Deixant nosaltres, no perquè volia fugir, ell mai fugir dels seus problemes, que van sobreviure a la qüestions d'abús sexual infantil, i mai no es va escapar d'ells. Volia posar en el millor espectacle de sempre i quina millor manera que fingir la seva mort i després quan La memòria Tours Inici, salta fins a la sortida del fons del pis de la mateixa manera que en els últims concerts i sorpreses en el món com mai abans.

    Va dir que ens Encara no han vist res, Què et sembla que això significa? Més que mai suïcidar o prendre drogues, i si està prenent drogues, per què tenen la custòdia dels nens, més que probable que haguessin estat extretes d'ell.

    La memòria de vista falses, el taüt de vista més petits que la seva alçada, les persones didnt Produir plor llàgrimes acaba de fer sorolls. La memòria s'entén per celebrar la vida, els monuments No sempre ha de ser sobre la mort.

    A més en els assaigs de vídeo Quan El Director diu Mantingui Per aplaudiments, La Veu Comparar Per Kenny Ortega, que és ell.

    Michael Jackson seria l'únic en la història Qui podia tirar una mica fora d'aquesta enorme. Ell Només volia demostrar al món que no ha d'escoltar els mitjans de comunicació s'alimenten És Mentida. I si tinc bé, llavors els mitjans de comunicació serà presentada com la més gran en la història i ximples si el seu anomenat Fans estan comprant el que diuen, llavors arent autèntics fans. I si vostè compra tones de Michael Jackson merda Després que mor Suposadament, la seva realitat no és un Michael Jackson Fan, un ventilador del seu amor Si la seva música i es preocupen per ell com a persona Sí Vostè No Necessita Comprar Tones De Memorbilia Per provar el seu ventilador.

    Així, més perquè estava en deute, vol dir que ell doesnt doesnt tenir diners. Aquest és Michael Jackson estaven parlant, no van deixar de comprar la seva música. Ell és el més famós de l'individu en la història. Tenia tones d'amics, que didnt Mostra fins a la seva Memorial i tones de persones que doesnt té res a veure amb Michael Jackson. Mostra, per tant, un enorme que passarà. Només et Mira I Si Im que mal, llavors Michael Jackson maig ser feliç en el cel. Tinc més que dir Però Im que posar fi a aquest per ara, si vols parlar amb mi Mi Yahoo És més Dragonfire_barbie_sweetheart.

  172. prince Says:

    Well I feel deeply in my heart that's something fishy here.
    But anything it is. I do know that Micahel Jackson is a very clever and intelligent person. If he is hiding and want to come back he will do it. And it will be the biggest “show” ever seen.
    If he lives and don't want to show himself to the world he WONT.
    Anyway I hope from the bottom of my heart anywhere he is right now he's just smiling on this insane world. And I want him to know I will always love him no matter what he had done or he will do.
    And Im waiting to see.

  173. MJFAN1972 Says:

    TheTruthSeeker The picture you are refering to, doesn't it like lke the same picture from when he got his hair burned off in that pepsi commercial?

  174. MJFAN1972 Says:


  175. Poc Susie 01 diu:

    Ok i have also some things to say about this As all of you i also believe michael is alive.. it all started with that suspicious 911 call… What made no sense was the dude over at the 911 says put him on the floor… and the ( guy who is calling to say a 50 yr old gentelmen is not breathing) He never tells the So called doctor to put him on the floor. And never did he mention michaels name. Now the second day after hes death there were 2 moving trucks who had moved michael out of his house.. So how did the LAPD find pills? Hes mother katherine was found shopping at target for sleeping bags? ( Temporary ) bags for the kids? What they dont have enough room to put the kids in? On michaels rehersal nothing in the backround says THIS IS IT like the pictures they have. And why would they have THIS IS IT like if he was in concert in london? Michael was sopposibly dead at 2:26pm so says the UCLA but when michaels Brother comes out in the press conference.. He says My brother died at 1:!4 pm? ok so what time did he die?
    Also another thing .. The song that was picked to show on tv was they dont care about us.. (rehersal video) its the very ending of the song where michael in the backround of this song.. uhe says martin luther wouldnt let this be no no and in the back round he says.. they dipped me in the fire, im dead to remind you. ALL i wanna say is that the dont really care about us. Also… i found odd how they showed a BODY being pulled out of the helicopter i mean ive never seen anyone do this before its like there trying to shove in ur face he's Really DEAD? This Doc Murray applied CPR ON A BED and then said he had given michael a shot around 11:30 and then he says he never gave michael anything.. Weirdly enough SEG doesnt cover natural cause of death but a death in drug over dose? This has been unheard of doesnt make sense.Jermain sings SMILE at hes memorial Where this song is super easy.. and he reverses the words. Light up ur face with sadness hide every trace of GLADNESS… i mean come on there so many clues… Hes daughter scene was an act. never did u see one tear.. Another thing he's brother was speaking.. and said May michael they will leave you alone now? why maybe? i mean if hes dead wouldnt he be finally free from all the pressure ? If there are 50 concerts only 10 was sold.. the day prior to michael death the otehr 40 concerts were soppose to be open for sale. But that never happened. The tickets were never sold.Joe jackson doesnt at the bet awards was more concerned of selling hes blue ray crap. Many sites are confirming michael weighed 112lbs i weigh 109 and im 4′9 michael is 5′11 so ur saying he was like skin n bones.? doesnt make sense. Michael history cd is the past, present and future. i have found some clues in there as well. Tabloid Junkiie :: just because u see it on tv or a magazine dont make it factual. what u guys think about the picture of MICHAEL In the Ambulance? it was impossible to get a picture of him they had body guards all over the placce covering the windows etc. how did this picture magical appeared.? and a few days later after he died. the doc left hes car at hes house but then he was no where in site? he was hiding weird too.. wheres oprah? i been asking about oprah since it all started.. all hes real close ppl are like closed in .. i found it so weird hes close loved ones weren't at the memorial. Not just that… but so many other things that are off….tmz puts up a video where michael is visiting doctors and supposedly leaving high? WTF michael looks normal just he looked like he was stressed with so much media. They are trying to dig in our brains hes dead due to DRUGS. michael was a health freak. yes he may have taken medication but i highly doubt he abuses it. It seemed to me that the casket looked to small too.. michael has long legs.. the casket looked average size to me. And hes kids looked pretty bored and not at all in grief. chewing gum and like looking around singing heal the world with a smile on thier faces. if i was them i would be dying. i have many other things to say but i cant think of it all.. i mean there just so much that doesnt add up.. keep posting things.. this website is awesome.
    Michael is u ever go one here.. just know ur true and loyal fans who have always believed in you. We havent stopped beleving and in our hearts we know ur alive. And we are seeing past what the media wants to prove. I hope ur well and im not mad at u faking ur death.. but ur real true fans wont be mad at you either we understand why u had to do this. Just know we love you. And we always have . And we are by ur side through it all.

  176. clueless Says:

    you not getting money off of this is the only difference between you and the media.

    and Michael hid subliminal messages in his songs how? he always sang out straight forward what he thought or felt … he hid nothing, he gave his all. that amoung oher things made him what he was … a very special person … a warrior of love.

    how did the memorial seemed unreal? it was a gathering of his family/friends/fans to reminisce and share your thoughts/love you had for him … so there's nothing wrong to even see some1 smiling at times, remembering how fun he could be.

    i nearly cried for 2 weeks straight, then i seen the clip where Michael and Mac set up that 'pie party' for john landis .. and i laughed.

    Michael also always smiled for his fans, you think he never smiled even though he wasn't feeling like it at times? i can't believe that… so seeing Jermain singing him his favorite song, to me was very touching and emotional.

    you know i believe in god, i really do … and i think for him to show us his presence, he sends very special ppl to us from time to time.
    and i think Michael was 1 of those … now i'm not saying Michael is godlike or couldn't be mad or not having mistakes … but he walked in his spirit, and that's why it is so hard for us to let go.

    he lived and made dreams come true for many, many ppl …
    and now it was time for him to let his dream come true …
    to spread his wings and fly …

  177. wilkesxgurl diu:

    I was always a Michael Jackson fan he was one of the most perfect celebrity in my eyes I ever followed on TV I always felt like I kinda knew or should I say felt some of the things he felt with all the emotional problems he had I would have never in my wildest dreams would I have never believed he had a drug problem I just don't understand this mess I sure he did have a messed up life childhood but I never believed any of the molesting charges or do I believe he had this bad of a drug problem and nobody wouldn't do anything to help this man ,,,a man I truly from the bottom of my heart I thought I loved everything about him sometimes all I had was a dream that he was going to come sweep me off my feet and take me away to neverland someday's that was the only thought that kept me going with my own life.and I have had a lot of demons to battle but I never turned to drugs I have shed so many tears but I would have given anything I own to in some way or some how tried to help him.. I know one thing I would not gave up on him ..cause his music never gave up on me he did so much good for this world somebody please give me a reason why ? with his giving loving nature
    hurt all of him fans like this if he aint dead

  178. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE diu:

    Michael If You Are Alive. And You Came Across This Website. Just Know That We All Love You Sooooo Much And We Really Dont Want You To Be Dead, If Your Faking We Dont Blame You One Bit. The Media Is Full Of Shit. I Love You Sooooo Much And You Have Been The Greatest Man Alive. I Hope Your Doing Ok.

  179. Wendy Darling diu:

    One thing, (i´m paranoid i see impersonators all around)… Is the real Michael in the photo of “I´m alive and i´m here forever”? The face is blurred, but …i canot assure he is.

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