L'Anàlisi de Dades i darrere de la 'mort' de Michael Jackson

9 de juliol, 2009
per admin

Les circumstàncies que envoltaren la mort de Michael Jackson han estat qüestionables des del primer dia. No ho diem perquè som "incapaços d'acceptar la veritat", o voler 'parlar malament dels morts ", diem això perquè és fet.

L'evolució constant d'informació, històries i denúncies relacionades amb el 25 de juny de 2009 i més enllà, és molt real.

Realitat: Quan la mort de Michael Jackson es va anunciar per primera vegada, se'ns va dir pels mitjans de comunicació que havia patit un aturada cardíaca a la seva casa de Los Angeles. Encara que el seu metge personal, va estar present en el moment de la presumpta Tancar, no va poder ser reanimat. Va ser recollit per paramèdics després d'una trucada de telèfon 911 es va fer de la residència. Durant el viatge en l'ambulància a l'hospital, els paramèdics tractar en va de reviure la cantant, però va ser en va. A la seva arribada al Centre Mèdic de l'UCLA, els metges persisteixen en el seu intent de revitalitzar el seu cos, però, després de la RCP i l'administració d'oxigen durant gairebé 40 minuts, va ser declarat mort a les 2.27pm.

Aprofundiment de l'anàlisi: En primer lloc ens van dir que era un simple cas d'un aturada cardíaca. Històries de llavors va començar a sorgir la qual Michael Jackson personal mèdic, el Dr Conrad Murray, presumptament administrat una injecció de Demerol a la cantant només una mitja hora abans que es va ensorrar. Se'ns va dir que Michael Jackson va ser addicte als analgèsics, i que havia estat durant molts anys. Aquesta declaració després va explotar en l'admissió per les fonts que no només va ser MJ addicte als analgèsics, però que va prendre un còctel de 12 drogues distintes tots els dies!

Una trucada telefònica es va fer des de la residència de Michael Jackson, per un membre del seu personal, una mitja hora després que es va ensorrar. El Dr Murray havia estat en va l'administració de la RCP a Michael Jackson en el seu llit per a una mitja hora abans que es va pensar que era una bona idea pot donar una crida als paramèdics.

A continuació es mostra l'àudio de la trucada i la transcripció del que es va dir. Hi ha moltes preguntes sobre aquesta convocatòria que es destaquen. A saber, per què el funcionari no esmentar que el "Caballero" va ser Michael Jackson, o el so més histèrica, malestar, o frenètica. Creiem que, per a la majoria de la gent, si el seu ocupador s'estava morint al pis d'un atac al cor, que seria al telèfon cridant alguna cosa al llarg de les línies de: "Si us plau, ¡Afanya't i salvar-lo, Oh meu Déu!" Etc etc . Tenint en compte que aquesta persona era l'empresari de Michael Jackson, al nostre parer, hauria d'haver estat encara més histèrica.

En segon lloc, per què l'operador no preguntar si hi havia pols? Volem suposar que aquesta era una qüestió de procediment relacionats amb TOTES 911 trucades telefòniques.

En tercer lloc, per què l'operador penjar al final de la trucada, molt tranquil lament, com si 'Oh que semblen tenir una nansa en les coses aquí, vaig a deixar a ell i després'. Ens agradaria pensar que també era comú el procediment 911 a romandre en la línia fins arribar als paramèdics, donant tota l'assistència que poden. "Crida de tornada si necessiteu qualsevol ajuda" ... ho sento, però no hi ha manera que qualsevol operador 911 mai dir que, sobretot si la persona que es posen sobre la mort és, suposadament, a terra. Per descomptat, ES NECESSITA AJUDA, HAY ALGUIEN MORIR!

I, finalment, des de la persona que truca no s'esmenta que la persona en el sòl va ser Michael Jackson, com és que una multitud va envoltar l'ambulància quan va ser portat en ambulància al davant de casa seva? Guardeu aquestes coses en ment mentre s'escolta a continuació.

La següent és una transcripció de les 911 trucades telefòniques

Operador: paramèdics 33, quina és la direcció de la seva emergència?

Truca: Necessito una ambulància al més aviat possible, senyor

Bé senyor, quina és la seva adreça?

Los Angeles, Califòrnia, 90077


Carolwood Drive, sí,

Bé senyor, quin és el número de telèfon que truca des?

Sr President, tenim aquí un senyor que necessita ajuda. Ha deixat de respirar, ell no està respirant i que estem tractant de bomba, però ell no, ell no ...

Ok ok, quina edat té?

Ell és de 50 anys, senyor

Vale. Ell no està conscient, ell no és la respiració?

Sí, ell no és senyor de respiració

I ell no sigui conscient?

No, ell no és conscient senyor

Bé (pausa). Bé, és que en el pis, on a la dreta d'ell ara?

Està al llit senyor, que està al llit

Bé anem a ell en el sòl


Bé anem a portar fins al pis. Vaig a ajudar-te amb CPR ara, Ok

Ho necessitem ... necessitem un ...

Sí, ja estem en el nostre camí. Estem en el nostre camí. Vaig a fer com el que puc per ajudar a vostè per telèfon. Ja estem en el nostre camí. Algú veure'l?

Sí tenim un metge personal amb ell aquí, senyor

Oh vostè té un metge allà?

Però ell no respon a res que no ... no ... ell no és la resposta a la ressucitació cardiopulmonar o gens

Oh, OK. Així que estem en el nostre camí. Si el teu noi està fent la RCP i està instruït per un metge que té més autoritat que jo. I és allà en l'escena


Algú testimoni que va passar?

No, només el metge, senyor. El metge ha estat l'únic aquí

Bo ho va fer veure al metge el que va passar?

Doctor, vesteix el que va passar senyor? (inaudible veu) Senyor President, simplement, si pot per favor ...

Ens trobem en el nostre camí. Ens trobem en el nostre camí. Estic passant a aquestes preguntes en la meva paramèdics que es troben en el seu camí, senyor.

Gràcies senyor. Ell és de bombament, el bombament del seu pit, però ell no respon a res senyor. Si us plau

Bé, OK, estem en el nostre camí. Estem a menys d'una milla de distància i estarem allà en breu.

Gràcies senyor, gràcies

Ok senyor. Truqui'ns si necessiteu de nou ajuda. Gràcies

Fet: Imatges de Michael Jackson que es van dur en ambulància es va distribuir en una hora que es van portar a l'hospital. Una imatge d'ell "suposadament" a l'ambulància amb els paramèdics tractant de reviure el més tard va ser alliberat per ET.

Més Anàlisi: Com hem esmentat en anteriors llocs, ja trobar la validesa de la imatge de Michael Jackson en l'ambulància qüestionable, per dir el menys. Les escenes de l'ambulància sortir de la casa també és objecte de sospita. En primer lloc, com és que l'ambulància és el suport de la calçada MJ sooo lentament? Si estan tractant desesperadament de treball sobre ell a l'esquena, no se'ls de conducció el més ràpid possible?

Llavors, com l'ambulància que finalment l'esquena i les unitats pel carrer, ni tan sols posar-hi la sirena. Una vegada més, que no es va afanyar a desar el Rei del Pop?

També sembla sospitós que un autobús turístic, que acaba de passar a conduir MJ passat com la casa d'una ambulància va ser traient les portes.

Vegi les imatges aquí: http://bit.ly/9QOJQ

Pel que fa a aquesta imatge. La primera i única imatge i qualsevol tipus de prova de que tot això es va dur a terme és de Michael Jackson en l'ambulància que s'està treballant i donat d'oxigen pels paramèdics. Una gran pregunta és quan i on va ser feta aquesta fotografia? Quan Michael Jackson es va posar en l'ambulància, van ser tancades en l'interior de la porta de casa, sense periodistes presents. Quan va ser tret de l'ambulància, no hi ha premsa prop. A més, com si s'han vist per sobre de la filmació, el to molt fosc de l'ambulància va fer impossible finestres per veure qui o què estava dins. Com és possible que aquesta imatge va ser presa a través de vidres polaritzats molt foscos, en algun moment entre el moment en què MJ es va posar en l'ambulància i dut a terme en UCLA Medical Center, encara que no hi havia pràcticament cap mitjà de comunicació prou a prop en els dos llocs han estat capaços d'adoptar aquesta vacuna?

Fet: Michael Jackson's metge personal, qui va ser suposadament present en el moment del seu enfonsament, es va negar a signar un certificat de defunció. També es va informar dels desapareguts durant 24 hores després de la mort del cantant es va confirmar. Després de l'especulació inicial regardin la participació de metges en la mort i la presència de qualsevol joc brut, els mitjans de comunicació ens va assegurar llavors que el Dr Conrad Murray havia estat interrogat per la policia i no a un sospitós en relació amb la mort de Michael Jackson.

Més Anàlisi: Per a que un professional mèdic, els metges aquesta accions sospitoses des del principi. Una possible injecció de drogues abans de la suposada caiguda de MJ, en primer lloc dient que ell estava present quan es va ensorrar MJ i, a continuació, canviar la seva història amb només' happing trobar inconscient sobre el seu llit ". L'administració de RCP al llit. Negar-se a signar la mort de Michael Jackson certificat i, a continuació, va desapareguts durant 24 hores. El seu cotxe està detingut i en la recerca de proves. Tot això, i ens va dir que ell no és un sospitós. Dret.

Fet: Michael Jackson's' cos' va ser per via aèria a la Morgan Sherrif per un helicòpter de rescat.

Més Anàlisi: La pregunta número u associat amb aquesta part dels estranys esdeveniments d'aquest dia és la següent: Per què?

Si Michael Jackson va ser mort, la qual cosa va ser la necessitat de transport aeri del seu cos sense vida de la Morgan? ¿No li han fet potser més sentit el transport aeri des del seu domicili a l'hospital, un estalvi de temps que podria haver significat la diferència entre la vida i la mort? Tenint en compte l'ambulància que va recollir va conduir fins a ell tan lentament, no és estrany que no podien salvar-lo, però per què anar als esforços de l'organització d'un helicòpter per transportar a la Morgan? Això sembla innecessari i excessiu ... a menys, hi va haver una altra raó per fer-ho. Amb això en ment, tenir una altra mirada a les escenes del viatge en helicòpter a la morgen per fer clic aquí.

Com tots sabem, molts, molts més estranys esdeveniments en els dies següents a la 'mort' de Michael Jackson, però és d'aquests esdeveniments, els esdeveniments del 25 de juny 2009 que han posat que és qüestió de la veritat en la ment de milers de persones tot el món.

Etiquetes: hoax mort, falsa mort, els mitjans de comunicació
Publicat a Teories de Conspiració, hoaxes mort, Mitjans | Comentaris (122)

122 respostes a "L'Anàlisi de Dades i darrere de la 'mort' de Michael Jackson"

  1. Sosh diu:

    Que he esmentat abans, però no és estrany que no hi ha imatges en absolut.

    Quan una persona mor d'aquesta condició (Diana, per exemple) el paparazi és molt agressiu en la presa de fotografies que es poden vendre per als lots de diners.

    Si Michael Jackson és bussejar en un lloc desconegut a l'Oceà Atlàntic i que hauria fart, l'endemà les imatges d'aquest "esdeveniment" es mostren en tots els diaris o en el lloc d'Internet a tot color i de resolució per tal que pugui descarregar un per l'escriptori!

    Ara se suposa mort i l'única imatge que tenim, és aquella en què algú que (es mostlikely no mira com Michael) s'estén en una ambulància amb un metge personal que treballa en aquesta persona!

  2. El Silenci es diu:

    Em sento com que he descobert un doble en l'últim assaig de fotografies de Michael Jackson i combinat amb un imitador MJ. Si us plau algú pot analitzar i comparar les imatges següents:

    1. Michael Jackson Reheasal Foto:

    http://www.zimbio.com/Michael Jackson/articles/W5sblvwpKYc/Michael + + + Jackson final Assaig + + + Fotos Revelat

    2. Fotos del doble del seu lloc de MySpace:


    Si us plau, hágamelo saber el que penses.


  3. dorleac diu:

    i vostè no totalment d'acord.

    que està més viva que nosaltres.

    BTW, comprovi aquest vídeo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whYH4c7DvAQ

  4. carelesslove46 diu:

    No he sentit l'operador
    informar a la persona que crida a tornar a trucar.
    El flux d'àudio que va acabar abans que pogués ser escoltat.
    Algú sap on puc escoltar la transcripció completa? ... Realment
    Espero que hagi estat un gran engany,
    però seriosament, cadascú pot imaginar el nombre de persones que han d'estar involucrats per tal de treure una cosa així de gran? ... Ara amb Presley
    és creïble perquè ell tenia amics en llocs alts com del President i
    altres oficials del govern.
    Així mateix, els membres d'alt rang de la policia ... Però, com per
    Mike .. No sé ... estic d'acord
    hi ha coses que estrany en tot això .. Espero llegir comentaris d'altres ..
    I Mike, sigui on sigui
    ja sigui en aquest món o en el següent ... encara LOVE YOU .. xxxx

  5. giggsey82 diu:

    Encara que em molesta sentir parlar de la mort de MJ el 25 de juny em sembla cada vegada més molest que es prenen, pel que sembla fins a un rierol sense remar tot el camí a través de la memòria i mantenir-MJ pensar si era viu segurament ell voldrà ser-hi per gaudir glòria en el que seria essencialment la seva major rendiment en burlar els mitjans de comunicació, de manera de pensar que anava a saltar el taüt a waling a terme a l'escenari per cantar l'home en el mirall se'm ha assenyalat als senyors que comença Som el món

    i es va assenyalar directament a ell mentre que mira el servei de pensament i tots sabem MJ com a blanc per tal de quina millor manera d'ocultar que tornar al seu color natural i després va examinar detingudament el cavaller i MJ en els seus primers anys, així com examinar de quina manera la seva germans han envellit, es podria fer una foto de MJ i digitially edat que aquesta imatge als 50 anys l'aspecte del cantant desconeguda en el món estem! ningú no té el programari per a fer-ho i que ens mostren els resultats?

  6. giggsey82 diu:

    Si s'ho MJ un cop de geni i gran etapa cahones a la seva pròpia mort i després realitzi en el seu propi monument amb tots els no savis.

  7. feyaya diu:

    Estic d'acord en allò desconegut cantant a cantar "som el món" semblava molt peculiar, però mira a la seva línia de la mandíbula. no són Michael mandíbules més àmplies que les? Estic pensant que tindria la cirurgia per reduir el fixar la línia de la mandíbula. i què passa amb la seva veu i les seves dents? Reconec que el tipus és sospitós i jo honestament el van trobar a ser una mica estrany. Estava pensant sobre com els seus ulls són tan grans, i encara que Michael té ulls grans, no són grans en un sentit estrany ... però llavors, encara que sobre ell a la pel lícula de suspens. després que el maquillatge per al vídeo, va ser capaç de fer tot el que sembla esgarrifós sobre si mateix, incloent la seva ampliat ulls. Què penses?

  8. Mjisalive1 diu:

    PLZ podria dir el nom d'aquest home que en realitat li va dir sobre ell?

    i una cosa més ... MJ sempre volia fer el seu clon ... seu desig íntim o puc dir ..

    potser que "impostor" és el clon d'mj .... n potser aquesta persona és el "Reial MJ"

    ... O com va dir o ... una coincidència?

  9. Tizzy diu:

    Jo també pensava que l'home pensava en la servien era una mica sospitós. Ell em certanly creep que és segur! Potser és MJ? Ha existit algun tipus d'informació sobre aquest tipus que ha trobat a ningú?
    Pel que fa a la teoria del clon, potser Cobija és el seu clon, una mica? He de dir dels 3 nens que és la que més s'assembla a MJ!
    Mantenir el bon treball en aquest lloc

  10. Sara diu:

    Jo primer vull dir que vostè està fent un gran treball amb aquest i mantenir les actualitzacions!
    Això és el que se'm
    "Ell no és conscient? Ell no està respirant? "
    Després que la persona que truca diu que no és la respiració de l'operador Askes,
    "Ell no és conscient?"
    Eh ... ... ¿quina mena de pregunta és aquesta?
    Sé que encara pot respirar mentre inconscient, però no es pot respirar mentre conscient?
    Un necessari qüestió em té a dir.
    I què passa amb tots els unnessesary preguntes?
    Quin és el teu número de telèfon és que l'edat.
    Al principi sonava cert que jo, però de nou llegir la transcripció i es veu tan estrany.
    I Per què el metge no li han tingut en el terra?
    En cas que no tots els metges saben com fer la RCP?
    I la repetició de oprator mantenir "a la paraula" massa ...
    És tot tan boig ...

  11. feyaya diu:

    que és una bona observació. i realment no puc creure la gent continua parlant de tota la "emoció", presentat en el memorial. per posar a cridar, i no veure un maleït estrip! Aposto a que les llàgrimes només hi va haver la sort dels fans que van guanyar butlletes. de totes maneres, he estat tractant de fer comentaris sobre l'últim missatge, però no mostren un "enviar comentari" botó; ningú tingui aquest problema?

  12. giggsey82 diu:

    La veu és un bon punt, però vostè pot modificar fàcilment la seva veu el suficient com per deixar de ser vostè mateix reconeix fàcilment a altres coses, es nota en primer lloc la forma que camina al capdavant michaelesque, i per què és el gran ull i de forma somrient si fos de fet MJ és perquè la realitat a si mateix maleït em va tirar d'ell fos

  13. El Silenci es diu:

    Pel que sembla, el tipus es diu: Darryl Phinnessee. Encara que, he de dir que la distància des de la part inferior del nas fins a la part superior del seu llavi sembla ginormous. Aquesta petita nas.

    No podia deixar un missatge en el nou lloc. Així que estic deixant aquí en comptes d'això, espero que ajudi.

  14. odettebennet diu:

    hola ... .. el silenci un sí i HV carlo vist fotografies d'abans també ... i jo trobo alguns similarites m .. però en qüestió de jus bou seva edat .. però si es tracta d'un jus com una mirada .. der són 100S en LAalone ... a fi de dats nt Neways un problema .. i jus vol dir dat i really miss MJ .. I KNO S'ESTÀ ALIVE.BUT sé que MAI REALITZAR UNA ALTRA VEGADA EN ESCENA ... (espero que TORNAR COMSA) GUYS PODEM portar de tornada? ? WAT SUMONE ÉS FER SI TOT AIXÒ FORA seva preocupació WID? Espero que estigui SEGUR!

  15. MyBelovedMJ diu:

    Molt abans, la cantant apear desconegut a l'escenari algú diu: Et volem més, uneix-te a nosaltres Michael. Ehh Bastant rar

  16. Andrea diu:

    L'únic que sé és que el tipus que va cantar el principi que el món, la por de mi Shit (excusa l'idioma), però és veritat! Dubto que era MJ - perquè no sé ... era només esgarrifós. Haha.

  17. Sosh diu:

    Un a El Silenci:

    Hi ha un munt de impersnators, però crec que Carlo Riley perd importància en la signatura de Michael: El seu nas difereix molt. També crec Carlo té un aspecte més semblant a Johny Depp en algunes fotografies.

  18. noisehammer diu:

    ey nois .. Crec que la seva només una coincidència!
    ^ ^, Però el seu molt interessant la forma en què es veu ...

    després de tot, MJ segueix allà fora

  19. MyBelovedMJ diu:

    El clon és un home anomenat Navi, es pot veure en un enllaç en un dels altres llocs aquí .. Gairebé excatly mirar com Michael, expectt algunes coses. La seva veu, el seu caminar, els seus ulls. Mira-t'ho, i veuràs a què em refereixo. Michael és viu

  20. Sara diu:

    Vaig trobar això,


    No tinc ni idea de si és la veritat ... .. però qui sap?
    Llegir en el mateix.
    Mireu el que vostè pot trobar!

  21. MyBelovedMJ diu:

    Que acabo d'escriure, algunes de les que sona com Michael manera que ho posaria. Però mabye és només algú que vol sortir d'aquest diners que es League. No sé ».

  22. Andrea diu:

    Acaba de llegir això --

    «Si, com s'esperava, el concert és un gran èxit que es repetirà a Londres ia tot el món.

    Jack si mateix i també es realitzarà a l'O2 Arena de més enllà de la tomba. Una sorprenent vida-com el holograma s'utilitzarà per fer aparèixer a l'escenari. "

    Holograma eh? Haha. Aposto que serà ell. No ho dubto.

  23. feyaya diu:

    holograma, eh? així que és possible. Recordo quan will.i.am apareix com un holograma a la CNN en el dia de l'elecció presidencial?

  24. supermom75 diu:

    bé aquesta és la meva lookon aquesta primera part en primer lloc, la història va ser Michael ensorrar a terra a la seva habitació llavors es troba en el seu llit pel seu metge de les meves preguntes durant quant de temps va ser el metge d'allà tothom estava involucrat cap temor en la veu també es cuiners thereand guàrdies per què no hi va haver un guàrdia a la sala hmmmmm no va pensar en això, i per què no trucar a la dreta quan va passar i va ser amb ell en el camí no va ser amb ell en el camí que no ha signat la mort certificat causa que ell sap no està morta Michael tenia por i el dolor de l'agulla de la infermera li diu a la notícia que mai s'injecta a si mateix http://gretawire.blogs.foxnews.com/2009/07/08/our-full-interview-michael -Jacksons-infermera / i si el metge no li doni que van fer escoltar als tres del vídeo de la infermera és profund i molt bona informació sobre Michael I trobareu més informació sobre aquesta i en la mesura que el cervell encara es podria hi havia un taüt obert la va fer per James Brown hmmmm

  25. goslinger1 diu:

    Si tots podem veure clarament que el "Michael" en la conferència d'O2 no és el veritable Michael-la família ha de saber alguna cosa sobre això! Vull dir, anem! No han vist que el vídeo? És tan obvi que no és Michael. . . Sembla massa joves de totes maneres.

    Si sabés que algú es copia de la identitat d'un membre de la família, vull ser molest! I'd aconseguir que les autoritats involucrades.

    Hmmmm. . . . No hi ha res d'aquesta naturalesa. La família és més que anar juntament amb ell per alguna raó.

    Molt estrany. Atès que no és Michael-Quan va ser la veritable raó per Michael i ell no va ser capaç d'assistir a aquesta conferència a si mateix? No hi ha engany passant aquí i la família es tractés.

    Mentre que nosaltres, els seus fans, són maleïts fora dient: "Alguna cosa no va bé aquí", no són banderes de recaptació de qualsevol qüestionament o res! El pare, Joe, és que volen una altra autòpsia. Aquesta tira de mi. Qualsevol idea per què seria? I per què parlar del seu cervell que falten? Això és només estrany.

  26. giggsey82 diu:

    És bastant plausable que el cantant no és desconegut tot i que MJ té una sorprenent reseblemce i em va cridar immediatament a ell, el que és encara més preocupant, després de revisar les imatges del memorial és el senador dama va fer una lleugera singlot comença a dir que 25 de gener va morir després corregeix a si mateixa a juny pot ser que MJ, si és mort mort molt abans que se'ls va dir iw gen. Lookalike i com no va poder dur a terme el 50 concert de residència, les persones en el saber es va posar en estat de pànic i es va decidir que ja n'hi ha prou que el món ha de saber MJ ha mort

  27. Andrea diu:

    Em van veure una entrevista amb la dona és un portaveu de la família Jackson i quan se li va preguntar per què no hi havia un taüt obert que indiferentment va dir ".. degut a la gran dany fet a la seva cara quan van intentar ressuscitar a ell."

    Bé, bé. No sóc metge o cardiòleg. PERÒ Uhm. Des de quan no tocar la cara té res a veure amb la realització de la RCP i tractant de reviure a algú d'un anomenat «aturada cardíaca».

    Aquestes persones són terribles per tractar de fer semblar la seva mort real.

  28. dinamita Diu:

    andrea seu dret de so que no estúpid, només demostra encara més que tot era fals

  29. DawneVee diu:

    Aquesta va ser una molt bona entrada. Estat compartit amb els altres, ja que arribar a tots els punts sobre el que va succeir o no va succeir de fet que el 25 de juny.

    Permet mantenir l'excavació de la veritat MJ fans ...

    Ha estat exactament 2 setmanes, ja que avui en dia "mort". Quant temps un cos pot ser preservat en gel abans que només comença a decaure?

    He llegit que a les notícies també que la gent té la seva autòpsia del cervell i que encara estan analitzant i una vegada que s'hagi retornat a la família i, a continuació, MJ van a enterrar.

    Rar, rar ... just.

  30. monij diu:

    Silenci: el doble aspecte com el de l'ambulància ... mira atentament a la part superior dels llavis de tots dos homes. Pel que fa als assaigs picutre, difícil de dir. És una mica borrosa i massa llum i la imatge està presa d'una distància .. però ell s'assembla a MJ.

  31. monij diu:

    giggsey82: aquesta idea de morir abans MJ creuar la meva ment també, que és probablement la raó per la que va enviar el doble de la conferència, MJ perquè estava mort. Però penso, que és només un discurs de 3 minuts (podria haver estat d'uns segons, sense pausa), estic segur MJ hauria pogut fer front a la premsa, a menys que ja estava mort, o potser molt, molt malalt en el seu llit de mort .

  32. dinamita Diu:

    yah l'home en l'ambulància didnt mirar com ell en tots els llavis i el nas semblava diferent, convençuts que era important que en l'assaig,
    Recordo llegir un article dient que havia de 6 mesos a viure 6 mesos i 1 dia després hes morts,
    que l'article era cert o compost?

  33. annieareyouok diu:

    mira això! a gravar a la teva ment que s'ha anat? que publica una declaració com aquesta?

    http://www.people.com/people/package/article/0, 20287787_20290557, 00.html

  34. DawneVee diu:


    Vaig deixar aquest comentari en una altra secció, però aconseguir aquest ...

    Aquesta nit d'entreteniment reclamacions una font els va dir que hi havia un taüt obert de MJ en la visualització i privat es veia tranquil i semblava que ell estava dormint.

    Així que si vostè escolta spokeperson al.legar taüt estava tancat a causa dels danys a la cara i aquesta font d'ET reclamacions hi havia un taüt obert i MJ semblava pacífica, per tal de posar a cridar, que està dient la veritat!
    Aquí està l'enllaç per poder llegir per si mateix:


    Totes aquestes "fonts" properes a la necessitat d'obtenir Jacksons seves històries abans d'informar directament a les càmeres ...

  35. mysticallymagestically diu:

    @ Andrea: Wow. Bé, anem a assumir només per un segon que tenia danys facials àmplia (per la raó que sigui ... com és poc probable). Existeixen mètodes d'aplicació de maquillatge (en aquest cas la família Jackson podria haver comprat els millors serveis post-mortem en el món!) Per tal que qualsevol persona que busqui en una sola peça. Això és una excusa estúpida, no puc deixar de riure en la bogeria de tot.
    De totes maneres, crec que tot aquest post resumeix principalment per què estic qüestionant la legitimitat de la seva "mort" molt per sobre de qualsevol altra cosa que sembla ser sospitós. Tot sobre la primera trucada de telèfon i el metge està en el veïnatge no només se sumen.

  36. supermom75 diu:

    assegureu-vos de demanar tota la meva informació en aquesta secció Misteri Cantant 'Som el món "ha semblat estranya a Original Michael Jackson en virtut de comentari que serà un mazed i fins i tot trobar la informació que el noi es va presentar i va dir que Michael Jackson mai li va tocar i tot cas la informació que ningú li va dir al públic i també en una pàgina vitigilo Michael mostrant seva pell canviant i love Michael i no em passa a deixar de mirar per ell i em passa per arribar a la part inferior i olor joc brut

  37. feyaya diu:

    DAWNEVEE, això és exactament el que jo estava pensant en el seu anomenat cos. només pot ser preservat per tant de temps, oi? He escoltat el mateix del seu cervell. Em preguntava en quina mesura es va a estirar això. aviat anunciarem una autòpsia 4 i què no. és simplement ridícul. vaig veure la foto de l'ambulància que el d'avui en una revista en Walmart i encara que jo estava convençut abans que Michael no és en aquesta foto, que s'acaba de reafirmació des que va ser ampliada, definitivament no va ser Michael.

  38. wndrwmn67 diu:

    Estava en camí per tenir als meus fills a Chicago i avui ha fet un cd per escoltar de totes les cançons que Michael Jackson mai he escoltat. Un d'ells era indestructible i vaig escoltar la següent línia i hi havia un "¡Aja!" Moment: potser va voler dir aquest sentit figurat, però podria haver estat molt ben literal.

    Línia de la cançó "Unbreakable"

    "Ara no es pot deixar de mi, fins i tot vaig pensar que pensar
    que si em quadra, que vostè ha fet la seva cosa
    i quan em enterrin sota de tots el seu dolor
    Sóc constant laughin ', mentre que la superfície ".

    Vostè mai sap!

  39. wndrwmn67 diu:

    Ah, i una altra cosa ... d'aquesta manera exactament el meu pensament ... amb tots els paparazzi de la despietada per aquí, què et refereixes a dir que ni un sol d'ells va ser capaç d'obtenir una imatge de Michael Jackson després de la seva mort? Imatge que es val una fortuna i no puc imaginar que ningú ha estat capaç d'obtenir una d'alguna!

    I sí, ¿algú captura la història sobre el taüt després que el servei commemoratiu? El que llegeixi que s'enumeren en la pàgina principal de MSN va dir que ni el taüt o al cotxe fúnebre va ser vist després del funeral. No sé la validesa d'aquesta declaració, però sí fer una meravella.


  40. supermom75 diu:



  41. melia8383 Says:

    That could be fake, just like the death certificate. If they all cried, they would of done the same thing at the memorial service, you're not going to change within 30 minutes. The kids didn't show any type of emotion. They would of at least cried. But they didn't. Out of all people out there with cameras theres no other pictures, other than his “last photo?”

  42. melia8383 Says:

    And how did they take a photo of MJ in the “ambulance” when the bodyguards was blocking the windows? Ambulance didn't have sirens on. And if he did “die” it seems like foul play! Why wouldn't the family get a lawyer? And why haven't they “buried” the body?
    They can plan a “memorial” that cost I believe. 1.4 million or maybe 4.1 million
    (that they're not paying) but they can't find a place for him to “go?”
    This is giving me a headache!!!!
    Something don't seem right!!!!

  43. He.is.alive Says:

    it sounds like a herd of impersonators is at beck and call to “step in” anytime an appearance by MJ is upcoming … this one guy, Carlo, I find is the most convincing one, BUT ! his lips are too round, too perfect. If a plastic surgeon fixed the lips to look more like MJ's do, it would be nearly impossible to tell the difference as to looks. However, that does not account for sound of voice and speech, walk, and ….. dance !

    This staged “deatH' of MJ's is becoming more mysterious by the minute almost, but, one thing is for sure: too many factors speak FOR the hoax of staged death then against it. With all of us blogging contributing different observations and other information, it becomes more and more likely that there is definitely foul play here !

    MJ looked terribly ill and weak during the court proceedings, in pajamas and all. For that reason, it is very possible that ONLY impersonators appeared in his place after that. The guy who appeared in London pressconference was a bad bad choice, this Carlo should have been sent instead to make it more beleivable.

    Two possibilities come to mind: 1. MJ either died way before 6/25, OR, 2. he escaped prior to 6/25, is in seclusion since then and is receiving medial care to restore him to his former self as best as could be done.

    Interesting news about this “diary” one blogger discovered info about on derekclontz.com …. and .. how it will be “spun” by the media …

    About media: they are now stoned on all the drug info emerging and once they come down from that, new “info” will be floated to keep the public in “seduction” mode, ANYTHING to divert away from focusing on the facts.

    This is definitely a time to be a sceptic !
    Thanks for reading ..

  44. DawneVee Says:

    I seen that magazine at Wal-Mart the other day with the picture of MJ in the ambulence. I think it was OK! Magazine.
    And yes, since they blew it up we all got a better look and I just stared at it and stared at it and wondered why his face looked bloated and 'not right'.
    There was never any mention of mouth to mouth recessetation (spelled wrong I know) was there? Only CPR right?

    Okay, so we know there were no paparazzi present when the ambulance came. Or were they?

    Speaking of the ambulance…were there windows on the sides of the ambulance? All I saw were the ones on the back door.
    if someone snapped a pic of MJ through a window from the back door, the picture would have been taken 'straight' whereas this photo was taken at an angle.

    Okay I am done confusing myself this evening.

    MJ!!!! Where are you??? Come out come out wherever you are!!!

  45. dynamite Says:

    Why didnt britney spears go to the memorial, i heard they talked alot b4 he died, he told her 2 give up music after her circus tour b4 it kills her and
    2 spend time with her kids cause there all that matters

  46. supermom75 Says:

    silent one i am very currious about this myspace person i am goin to look into it he did meet michael that makes him a possable paid double if you look in his pics his ebiny pic looks just like the ebony cover of michael lol i can not believe it alor of his pics resemble the michael jackson pics on google

  47. Sosh Says:

    I love these discussions here. Wether MJ faked his death or not, he is very much alive on this forum.

    As of now, there seem to bee more loose ends coming up every our. Some are far fetched, some could be very real.

    I think we can be sure that this whole death is staged or at least has some very weird thing going on.

    Maybe Michael was dead for a couple of months and his family had already a funeral. That could be a reason why they almost didn't let a tear on the memorial and the body is still not burned (or already is).

    But wouldn't it be difficult if MJ died a couple of months ago to keep this news from leaking?

    Is the family waiting with the real funeral because they know something is going to happen (Big come back of the King of Pop?) or are they waiting so long in order to keep record sales sky high and wait till AEG has finished the'Last Rehearsal' DVD to boost sales for that item?

    Or is there simply no body to burry and no cemetary is willing to cooperate to make a grave for an empty coffin?

  48. supermom75 Says:

    michael died on june 25th right read this and tell me if youi think michael coppied the king elvis now omg

  49. ladylee1979 Says:

    listen to the lyrics of morphine on michaels blood on the dancefloor album hes singing about his addiction he mentions demerol several times ?

  50. Sosh Says:


    Elvis didn't die on 25 june, however that article about it all being a hox is from 25th of june 1978. Maybe Michael was more inspired bij Elvis and his death than we all think.

  51. bexuk Says:

    The chances of Mj still being alive are getting less and less with each new day.

    Looks like the family viewed his body the night before-

  52. bexuk Says:

    Ok so I was starting to believe Michael Jackson was really dead until I saw this-listen to what La Toya says-'Michael Loves his fans, I know hes watching every single one of you, thanks for coming out and supporting him'

    WTF???? I bet hes in Bahrain watchign the whole saga unfold! Sorry but those are not what anyone who has just lost their brother would say.

  53. Mojofi Says:

    Did tehy say the CPR that was done for him at home broke his ribs? I think that was a bit sad? Oh my Goodness what should we belive or think?

  54. Faith Says:

    Im wondering, about the differents elements, and the fact that we dont know where is his body if… Michael wouldn't become a vegetable ?
    He was in a sort of coma, he “has risen” with many damages, so he is a vegetable.
    That could explain, why Paris cried whereas her brother didn't show any emotion.

  55. Goldie Says:

    only time will tell if michael faked his death
    i understand why he would do that

    if i was michael i would have done that to escape
    the media and ect.

    he havent toll the kids, kids in that age tells friends, and people everything like seacreats.
    so maybe their going to tell them wen they get older.

    sorry four my english i am from Denmark

  56. Angel36 Says:

    Now they say the casket is taking through a secret tunnel to the nokia centre and that also the jacksonsisters where going through there to tanks the fans.
    The casket is there in the tombe of motown boss Gordy.

  57. bexuk Says:

    I forgot to put the link for Michael's three sisters talking at the Nokia theatre it is-


    Listen to La Toya

  58. Andrea Says:

    I agree with bexuk! Latoya would be the one to mess up the hoax! Haha. He is alive, it's purely evident.

  59. quesarasara Says:

    I'm not sure what the protocol is in California, but where I live (in PA), when there is an emergency involving someone not breathing, cyanotic (blue,cold,faint pulse), and in any type of respiratory or cardiac distress- advanced life support is called. This usually contains a Suburban type vehicle with a defribulator and the certified staff to ensure intubation and respiratory support. I mentioned days ago that the cpr was being done on the upper chest (the brachial plexus) if you look up the correct positioning of CPR, it's done near (an inch or so upward) from the xyphoid process (near the point in the ribs) and you usually do 15 chest compressions and two breaths or pump the ambu bag once every two seconds. I wonder if the ambulance had advanced life support? Also, why didn't the doctor have a defribulator on board in the home if he was giving such 'potent' medication. We still have no clue as to what medication, IF ANY, medication was used and to what extent. It is VERY possible that there was no medication in his system. It is also very possible that diprivan could have left his system, it only has a half life of 2-4 minutes and you need to be on a drip to have the effect of the drug. Also, the toxicology and autopsy reports do not need to be public. The family can attain an affadavit or some sort of confidentiality clause with the county so that it is never released. My guess, having worked in a hospital, they can pay off people as well to keep things quiet, OR hire PR to get this out. They hired PR to put out claims about the elephant man's bones and the hyperbearic chamber.

    Where is his PR? You know he must have someone putting reports out and trying to clear things up right now? Or, is this a media circus to allow time for Michael to rest up for the tour?

    I also think it is extemely ironic about the multi-tracked audio and multiple angled video of his practicing with his dancers. Notice the song 'They don't really care about us' is the song he's practicing in HQ video and audio. All that's missing is an audience? And the subliminal message of the song speaks volumes when you look at it in context to the events that were to unfold in the coming days:
    Tell me what has become of my rights, Am I invisible cause you ignore me? Your proclamation promised my free liberty now, I'm tired of being a victim of shame, they're throwing me in a class with a bad name, I can't beleive this is the land from which I came, You know I really do hate to say, the government don't wanna see, but if Martin Luther was livin, he wouldn't let this be:
    I'm not going to put the whole song in but, isn't it just a tad bit ironic that this song is a battlecry of sorts. It's him wanting a legacy that he fought for justice, peace, and the right to be accepted amidst adversity. Okay, fine we establish that he was an activist in many ways, so- there's a hidden message here I think. I'm not sure what yet but things are starting to come together slowly. Either way, whatever happens all hell is going to break loose when a bombshell comes out, whether it's him being buried or pictures or sightings or the toxicology reports. I know all hell is going to break loose.

    But, it's great that we're questionings the evidence now. We have to question what's truth and what's fabrication. Whoever started this site, keep up the good work!!!!

  60. supermom75 Says:

    yeah but earlier he had a fall and damaged 2 of his ribs no one saw that interview i did so it was not the cpr lies all lies also the family said he looked like he was sleeping um ok so what about the interview were they say that there was not an open casket because his face was not in good shape after the cpr omg what bull i did not know you could damage a face during cpr come on now don't you think the family and the media should ge together before they talk lol get there stories straight how much is the media being paid and i heard in an interview with michael long time friend and god father to his children that michael was not poor or broke he had bought 46 4×4 for the family to play on before he died

  61. Mojofi Says:

    hhhmmm please try adn get some facts for us so we know what the fact is really.

    Is MJ gone or not? All i get is more comfustion.

    Are we too scared to cry for MJ or we don't want to accept what we heard? Piénsalo.

    Am really sad and want to think MJ is even reading all this and laugthing at us.

  62. LeeAnn Says:

    At first, sorry for my english, I´m from Germany. Tinc una pregunta. There were a lot of needle marks on MJs body? Ok, but why did the insurance company makes an insurance policy then? Are they blind? Or we stupid? Or what the f*** is going on here?

  63. wozniack Says:

    I have been following this blog for a week now. Good stuff. I can't remember if this was mentioned or not, but thought I would post: http://momsword.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2248:michael-jackson-death-hoax-part-deux&catid=1:latest-reviews&Itemid=50

  64. supermom75 Says:

    that is the whole issue the remarks about the needle wholes are all lies but around hi heart it is not i guess he was not bald and he was not 112 he was 125 and the doctor who was there dr murray was not even legal to give drugs to michael in the state of cali he was not licenced there sorry for my spelling i am spanish but also note the insurance company will pay if it was drug overdose but not if it was natrual causes confusing michael hated needles that is another mystery to me he hated pain so who gave them to him i was thinking the same thing @ques about cpr i am still confused about this too and now the body gaurd comes forward says he made the phone call and the jackson have him staying with them right now hmmmm just leave it to me i am really tryin to find this out as a friend to michael i owe him that much and if he did fake it i know he would be the only one to pull it off like this

  65. supermom75 Says:

    also i just found out that debbie rowe said she wanted her kids and now she asked for a delay she has to think about it himmm so who is talking to her and how much are they paying her to let go although she does not deserve her children diana if you are reading this step in girl cause that woman sold her kids off she even said my kids do not call me mum cause i am not thier mum they are michael children as i quote her love you mikey

  66. quesarasara Says:

    The needle marks, throat/neck injections are not facts. Those are RUMORS! We cannot believe these rumors. People around him (Choppra, his old PR woman, his father, his brothers) they are all saying they really didn't realize there was a drug problem. It's a damn shame that we believe these claims. Those drug photos on TMZ, were found in 2004!!!! Anem! We can't believe everything the media tells us.
    *And, you cannot possibly take 40 pills of xanax and perform the way he did on stage, let alone father children who say he's “the best daddy you could ever imagine”. It's fabrication people!!!! Listen to the family, the ones closest to him. They are really the only ones who know!!!!

  67. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    MY GOD. Latoya, shut be logged in a room lol. She just revealed the truth. She just said: Michael loves his fans, he always said family was 1st the fans 2nd. He is watching every singel one of you right now. Thank you for comming out and supporting him. He loves you so much. OMG. Im glad that she aint my sister, if i was ever to hoax my death LOL

  68. ejay5131 Says:

    Maybe the reason they used the imposter at o2 was so MJ could leave the US without being noticed. Anybody remember Michael Jackson “Ghosts” he played like 5 different people in and you'd never know. The nurse, Cherilyn, was on Nancy Grace spilling her acid and she first told Nancy Grace she knew MJ all her life, then about 10 minutes later Nancy asks her when she first met MJ and she says” January 2009″. I'm sorry but isn't that only 6 months? And now they are repoting that when they raided Neverland they found syringes, IV drugs and major pills. UMMM, and no authorities looked into this?? I call BS. OKay and 40 xanaxe a night, come on, no tolerance of any drug would hold up to 40 pills a night. And about the congresswoman wanting to say Michael passed on the 25th of January and then corrected herself..she also called MJs daughter Katherine Paris, so she was obviously just confused. The media is stupid, they are all so worried about all the drugs, the allegations, the doctors, the paternity issue, the custody issue, the plastic surgery, poor Paris's tearless “breakdown”. wheres the body etc to really ask the real question…is this death for real?? But we all know how well the media controls peoples thoughts 1993 and 2004 ring a bell. Any person with a working brain saw right through all those lies. By the way here is the finale moment of the memorial with the the ” i'm alive and here forever”

  69. Samantha Says:

    But if that wasnt the real michael jackson wouldnt they have michael's real idenity? and know that it's not really him? and why would the imposter do this? Did he really die? UGH, its so confusing. But it's easy to beleive his alive, or not?

    but dead or alive, i love you michael you're in a special place in my heart. <3

  70. supermom75 Says:

    ok 40 xanax come on now my father is a doctor he said 40 would kill you at 100 lbs you should handle 1 ml if you take more then that you will sleep all day and you will be draggy if you take to much you will jus sleep all the time and you will be draggy the next day he said and michael had energy and he was not draggy they said he has sleep ap not possible my father said if he was taking 40x xanax

  71. supermom75 Says:

    basically 40 alone would kill him so the media is dumb

  72. Samantha Says:

    Oh, afew lyrics from His song “Blood on the dancefloor”

    To escape the world I've got to enjoy that simple dance
    And it seemed that everything was on my side

  73. stephykat Says:

    wherever he is..I hope he is alive, and reading this site which is not as public as one thinks, someone is reading..I hope he's laughing..he is a genius, marketing, unique and the most creative individual from this era..compared to Mozart, Shakespeare, Leonardo..a final revenge to evetyone who destroyed his career by their lack of creativity..man, such envious people all wanting a bit of talent plus the music mafia who only sees us singers and entertainers as profitable products..the more different you are the more hated u are..all focused on sexual issues that's all “normaloids” can come up with, but sorry..yes the promoters wanted their money back, family wanted money too, it's all an ultra capitalist i must have what he has world, except Cuba..maybe Castro wasn't that dumb, he did quite the opposite..create the best in evety area.I do hope this teaches everyone that true talent is born with..can't get it otherwise and to stop destroying art..why as there so much art during the Reinassance era? up to postmodernism?now?nothing..may Michael be an example and if he is alive please be happy, enjoy your world and yes, stick to your PC, and enjoy your masterpiece!!I'm at your feet and will follow your example of hard work at evety perfomance I have in the future.

  74. stephykat Says:

    ps watch the movie or better yet..”The Da Vinci Code”..about an order banned by the Catholic Church that does exist today, and is a well kept secret. You will begin to understand how certain people have left the gift of knowledge and art throughout the centuries and may help u understand a bit more about Michael and his messages to the world.

  75. supermom75 Says:

    you have to think his whole family was hurting in money too he owed AEG he had so they say then there is the mother went bank rupsty hmmmm but yet he was still spending how is this very confusing i used ask michael how are you still buying stuff while you are in dept he was silent about his money issues never talked about them ony the media did so the media could be way behind what michael really had and what he still needed to pay think about it how would the media know ALL his money issues got you wondering huh

  76. curious_george Says:

    Hola a tots,

    Please discuss the following…

    With so many blatant inconsistencies and things that don't add up, why is just “us” here who are questioning things? How come people in the media, at least 1 or 2, are not asking the same questions we are? Doesn't anyone else find this very strange?

    If MJ's death really was all a hoax, why are law enforcement and the coroner's office going along with it? Doesn't that seem impossible to believe? Obviously they have a body they believe to be MJ. If it's not the body of MJ, whose body is it? And in the case of a celeb like MJ, don't you think they would have verified his identity through dental records or something? I have a really hard time believing that paramedics and law enforcement and the coroner's office would be “in on” a hoax. You would think that someone would leak something to the public if there were any suspicions of something being amiss? Or hospital staff?

    Or someone from MJ's staff…..don't you think someone would have come forward, even anonymously, to raise suspicions such that it was actually in the mainstream news?

    And the video of MJ at the London announcement; it's so no him…yet I see pictures from this on the news all the time. Surely his family would know that wasn't him, surely any media people or paparazzi who've followed him would also be questioning this………so how come nobody has except us?

    How come nobody from CNN or major media has publicly questioned why celebs like Liza or Liz or Diana Ross or Oprah, etc. have been absent? Are the media just afraid to come across as insensitive so they don't ask the same questions we do?

    Why has nobody in mainstream media questioned why the ambulance left MJ's home that day, driving slow, no siren or lights….?…though it was reported doctors worked on him for an hour at the hospital?

    Where did the picture come from, the one of him supposedly in the ambulance? “WHO” provided this picture to someone? Was it a paramedic who took it with their cell phone?

    Why has nobody questioned the fact that none of the family members, children included, were seen to have any tears….not a one of them. A lot of squawking and dramatics but no actual tears.

    How come nobody in mainstream media, Jackon's family included, is pubicly questioning how the doctor was present at MJ's home that day, doing CPR on the bed when anyone knows that CPR should be done on a hard flat surface?

    So much doesn't make sense but it doesn't seem to me that anybody who has the ability to really publicy ask the questions is doing so…why?

  77. bghoppy Says:

    curious-george, I'm not sure what you are trying to say. Most of the question you have asked are why we all believe it hard to believe he is actually dead. How do we know there is actually a body? And why would coroner & PD go along? THIS IS HOLLYWOOD, BABY. That coroner's office has it's own TV show “Mission Road” (I don't know how that's legal in the first place, allowing a public official office accepting money to be a reality show that also stars dead people, who cannot consent.) And the police say that 2 weeks after a multi-millionaire died, they are now beginning to suspect foul play, but are going to wait 2-3 more weeks before investigating that angle, not to mention the death scene being opened and then researched later (about which I hear news people say that that might have given people time to remove evidence, but what seems more likely is that people would have PLANTED evidence.) I suggest reading up on some more historic posts on this site under all the articles to answer the rest of your questions and then we can discuss.

  78. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Says:

    http://www.mjinnocencebracelets.com/061230brownjackson.jpg omg ppl is this a photo of mj's open casket?? can sum1 explain plz i hope its not… michael is alive i know it….

  79. curious_george Says:


    I have read all of the posts. And I'm left wondering why nobody but posters here are questioning the inconsistencies and things that don't add up. Why isn't someone from CNN or some other major news outlet asking the same questions we're asking? The inconsistencies seem so blatant and obvious to me……….and I'm just Joe Q Public.

    Why isn't Anderson Cooper or Soledad O'Brien pointing out the same inconsistencies that we see? You think the media would be all over a story about a famous celeb staging his death?!?!

    The fact that nobody is questioning the many things that don't add up, makes it appear that a whole lot of people are in on this…….but wouldn't that be risky? The more people in on it, the greater the chance that someone will 'talk'?

    On a side note, I was watching part of the memorial on Youtube this evening. When they were singing “We Are the World”, I was floored to see MJ's kids in the front row, smiling ear to ear and singing along….almost like they were on stage at some school concert. Bizarro. I can't even imagine being that happy and jovial when standing a few feet in front of my father's casket, not even 2 weeks after he died. The whole memorial, frankly, was rather surreal and phony in a lot of ways.

    I can understand why MJ would have wanted to 'disappear' and get away from the stress and pressure and demands and money issues and media………but to stage your own death, and your family members to be a part of it, there is something very unethical and creepy about it.

  80. dynamite Says:

    Omg where did u get that picture from? we still cant see his face on it

  81. curious_george Says:

    TO: MichaelJacksonIsStillALive……..take a deep breath! That picture is most certainly not of MJ in the casket; that's a picture of MJ kissing James Brown (in casket) on the forehead:


  82. Andrew Says:

    That is NOT a picture of MJ coffin. It is actually a picture from James Brown funeral, he had the same type of coffin, and the person kissing Brown in the coffin is actually Michael.
    You can see another photo here

    Michael is alive, people!

  83. TheTruthSeeker Says:

    To be honest, when I first looked at that photo, the person who was kissing the body looks more like Michael to me… And I don't know, could it possibly be photoshopped?

  84. m2kg Says:

    That's Michael kissing James Brown when James Brown passed away.

  85. m2kg Says:

    Supposedly, it's the same casket just a different interior.

  86. ejay5131 Says:

    That is Michael Jackson at James Browns funeral..

    To”michaeljacksonisstillalive” post#78

  87. idontknow Says:

    That's not a photo of MJ's casket. It's a photo of James Brown's open casket – MJ leaned over and kissed him on the forehead.

  88. wozniack Says:

    michaeljacksonisstillalive, that is not his casket. It's a photo of him kissing James Brown's casket: http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/122258.html

  89. mjlives Says:

    that's not a picture of mj's casket it's actually MJ hovering over James Brown's casket. strange though that he too had a gold plated casket, and that MJ supposedly died exactly six months to the day that james brown one of his idols did (december 25)??

    also somewhere else on this site people were saying the hands of the o2 guy don't match MJ's therefore he had to be an imposter. well i studied the lines on both hands carefully and i have to say they're pretty similar. it could've been MJ. but if it was it raises all new questions- why was he acting so trippy and out of it? why did he keep saying “this is it” as if he knew he wasn't going to be around much longer? maybe that was the final time he would ever stand onstage in front of a crowd and the realization of it made him act weird.. qui sap. all i know is this whole thing doesn't add up. i'm not much of a mj fan love his music but didn't pay much attention to his personal life (none of my business) so im definitely not “in denial” or anything frankly if he died in a way it's good as he won't have to put up with the pressure of crazy fans and huge debts and always being in the limelight god knows he probably deserved some downtime but this whole death thing has been shady from the start and i like many of you won't stop wondering until we get some real answers for once

  90. smileygirl24 Says:

    omg MICHAEL is really alive
    someone pleeeeeeeeease explain this picture for me please?
    Is it really what i think it is?
    Michael kissing his impersonator on the forehead OPEN CASKET>?
    Or am i just going crazy?? LOL

    OMG am like freaking out I Love You Michael FOREVER !!


  91. supermom75 Says:

    lol no sorry that is james browns and mj kissing his forhead sorry @ michaeljacksonsstillalive lol love the name

  92. Sosh Says:

    That picture from the open casket seems to be placed on an odd location (next to a parking lot?)

    Also there are no people easily recognizable. And the person that bends over the casket looks like it could be MJ (compare hair and his pale hands). Could this be pictures from James Brown funeral? He had the same casket as Michael.

  93. supermom75 Says:

    @currious_george mike had the money and the brains and the mean to get what ever he wanted in life so let me tell you this if you were famouse and you hade billions of dollar and then you started feeling like you company was tryin to wear you thin and your staf was taking advantage of you and the media was talking bad about you and you had dedicated you life the world tried to make it a better plae healed children around the world made guiness world records for most charities buy a music artist and everyone just wants wants wants and jermaine he keeps talking about how michael wanted this jackson 5 reunion far from it he did not he had talked about the jackson 4 with his kids but he never wanted to work under his father again with his brothers jermaine was hurting in 2007 he was broke was having his children sleep in the same room as him and his girlfriend janet had perscription made out to her in other ppls names by the same doctor mj used so there is alot to ask for help here don't you think he work really close with the white house and with the police alot so i think he decided to make a mess at first and open up the worlds eyes to the pl around us and the sick media that is destroying our beautiful planet and corupting our children

  94. Dutch Says:

    If you ask me, that image is an image of the open casket of James Brown with MJ saying his goodbyes to the Godfather of Soul

  95. AnMJfan Says:

    The photo that is showed 2 posts above is Michael Jackson and the open casket of James Brown …

  96. LeeAnn Says:

    @ MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive: That is MJ on the Casket of James Brown.

  97. VanillaCream Says:

    It´sa pic of the coffin and memorial service of James Brown. And as you can see: Michael kisses James goodbye.

  98. Dutch Says:

    Just some food for thought….MJ headlines in 2009 prior to his “death”:

    1.7.2009: – Rumor surfaces that MJ has only six months to live. http://scandalist.thefablife.com/2009-01-07/enquirer-gives-michael-jackson-six-months-to-live/
    3.7.2009: Announces “This is it” tour
    5.16.2009: Rumor surfaces that Mj suffers skin cancer. Just read the following http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/article2432611.ece
    5.23.2009: 5 first dates of the This is it concerts postponed. http://showhype.com/story/michael_jackson_postpones_this_is_it_tour_dates/
    6.12.2009: Allgood entertainment files a lawsuit claiming $40 million – http://www.qdmag.com/allgood-entertainment-files-40m-lawsuit-against-michael-jackson/

    6.25.2009: MJ “dies”?

    If you ask me….it is too much coincidence all together, especially when taking notice of all the mysteries, contradictions and smokescreens after his “death”. Moreover, it seems after his death no one in the media is questioning anything about what was happening in the recent 6 months and I keep asking myself the question “Why?” Why are they jumping so much on the drug related issues, like they want to shove it down my throat with force.

    Again, I have mentioned before, I was not a fan of MJ (I am a metal fan to the bone), but the extensive media coverage made me extremely curious (and suspicious).

  99. carelesslove46 Says:

    Yes, I'm with you on this one Dutch..There is something really strange going on..Just when I am convinced beyond doubt that Michael did die..I find something else..I too have been going back over the last few month's of Michael's life..LaToya Jackson is saying Michael never agreed to do the 50 concert's booked..Only 10.
    She is claiming he was pushed into it..That he was
    “meek”..I dont know if I agree with that now..I have seen footage of Micheal giving a speech about the
    dispute he had with SONY..
    He doesn't come across as someone with no balls..Lets put it that way. He made his
    feelings about the matter
    very clear..Even going so far
    as to call the boss of SONY a “devil”..I think all this
    stuff has purposely been
    'put out there' as it were.
    I'm not a die hard fan either. I'm more of an Elvis
    fan..But there is something
    odd here.

  100. carelesslove46 Says:

    LaToya also mentions going to Michael's house and seeing oxygen tanks and pill bottles etc..I am surprised that she was even allowed in.
    Investigation's would not have been completed at that time and the house would have
    been considered a possible
    crime scene by police..I wouldn't have thought that
    even family members would have been allowed inside the property until more extensive investigations had
    been completed.

  101. Goldie Says:

    to Curies<`? george

    the media only wants "Bad" stuff like in a interview michael said "wenn i do good stuff to kids and the world media dosn´t cover it they only want bad stuff <<

    sorry if you cant read it i am from denmark

  102. ejay5131 Says:

    OMG #90…that is the craziest ever. Everybody check it out..the Billie Jean perfomrmancr WOW!!

  103. wishful09 Says:


    People like you and many others on this site make me happy. At least you are suspicious. It's so odd to me that others find nothing suspicious about Michael's death. And they latch onto everything they see or hear in the media. They could say Michael ate furniture and people would come forward and say yeah say I saw Michael eathing a table or something. It has gotten too forced. So, something as crazy as being addicted to Diprivin has jsut been accepted by every news outlet. I do not believe Michael was any of the things the media has been saying. My uncle is addicted to far less than what they are claiming Michael to have been addicted to, and my uncle can barely walk good at times. There is no way Michael could be up dancing like he was.

  104. curious_george Says:

    ^^^ Isn't it also very hard to believe that that day after his alleged death (I believe it was the next day?), 2 moving vans were seen leaving his home; one reportedly was empty, the other contained some of his belongings (what, I'm not sure). I find it hard to believe that ANYONE, including family, would have been allowed to enter a possible crime scene and remove anything or potentially destroy or damage evidence? Wasn't it also reported (not sure where I read it, or the validity of the source) that 2 million dollars was missing from his home? (something about him always keeping large amounts of cash on hand).

    Is it possible that the family was/is in on this 'hoax' and they went to his home the next day, under the thinly veiled guise of removing valuable items of his so they wouldn't be stolen, etc….but in actuality, they were really there to check for any traces of 'evidence' that might have inadvertantly been left that would blow the 'hoax'?

  105. electron Says:

    Also, doesn't anyone else find it strange that there is a photograph, allegedly of Michael Jackson before he is taken away by the ambulance and none taken when he arrived at the hospital and was being taken out of the ambulance…surely if the media supposedly took the one of him being loaded into the ambulance, there would have been photographers ready at the hospital when he arrived to take photographs…there is also no footage that i have seen of him arriving at the hospital by ambulance …has anyone seen any footage of this and of him being carried into the hospital?

    Also, in relation to Michael's alleged drug addiction, fellow child star and a close friend of Michael's, Mark Lester, in an interview on British tv, a few days after he died, said that he didn't recognise that side of Michael at all and that Michael wouldn't even take an aspirin…this seems to contrast greatly with media reports of Jackson…so who should we believe? I would be more inclined to trust a close friend of his over the media…maybe then the drugs overdose story and the drugs supposedly found at his home were a cover up…
    The only thing is that Mark seems very genuine and towards the end shows how upset he is at Michael's death…however maybe he wasn't aware of the hoax at this time. He also denies that it was not the real Michael at the O2 in March announcing his tour, if it was the real Michael, that doesn't however conflict with the fact that Michael might still be alive…

    Here is the link to the interview with Mark Lester

  106. Sweedishgirl Says:

    But have you thought about that several newspapers are writing about:

    That he only travel by car …. Have not heard so much about any helicopter would be involved. (There is film of a helicopter flight)

    But if he would have gone helicopter why it will not to him whether he now is in urgent need of help!

    And on helikoper the video you can see that he is not fixed, wrapped with a white cloth on which is then when he entered in another amulans ..

    And why would he really be firmly wound around a stretcher if he needed urgent help? Another thing is that those giant long wait at the helicopter before the white amubulansen running up to them. (Ambulasen is perhaps 40 – 50 away)

    The last thing I responded to was that really so, nobody knows Journal ambulnas what it is because there are too many different varieties of ambulances coming from different hospitals … A red ambulnas has appeared in many newspapers. What we have in the way video is only a white car!

  107. supermom75 Says:

    i am sorry but i found this pic and i am goin to tell u this is not michael it looks like a white guy with alot of work done to his face it is not michael in this pic at all

  108. wishful09 Says:

    Thank you for the link, electron. You also made some good points. Why havent we seen any pictures of him arriving at the hospital. If they can get pictures of Hillary Duff at the hospital, Im sure they would have broke their necks to get a picture of Michael.

  109. Arual1979 Says:

    I'm not sure if anyone has posted this story or not. Foxnews had reported that MJ collapsed in his living room when he was playing with his oldest son. I thought MJ was found in his bedroom? And even if he did collapse in the living room, he was then moved to the bedroom? That doesn't make sense. I'm very confused now, but here is the link to the story….


  110. admin Says:

    The Michael Jackson Hoax Death Forum is now up and running and ready for use. Please feel free to start new topics and continue your discussions there, in an easier to manage environment.
    MJHD Admin

  111. loveandpeace Says:

    Now it's said that he was in Dr.Murray's room. Well we can say one thing, the Enquirer was right for once, theoretically.

  112. YOY Says:

    what in the world! that fox story and everything else is ridiculous! my main concern was the interview i saw a couple of days ago with Joe Jackson and their long time family friend Majestik Magnificent, it was just really really odd. I cant find anything in a link about their interview at all!! did anyone else watch this?

  113. Andrea Says:

    to yoy – I SAW SOME OF THE INTERVIEW! I could not take that guy seriously though..I don't think I could take anyone seriously with the name of 'Mahestik Magnificent'.

  114. Andrea Says:

    Majestik******** UGH! Gosh I suck at typing lately. MY BRAIN IS IN KNOTS!

  115. ejay5131 Says:

    with regards to the ambulance video,

    Is it this drivers first day…why does he need like 3 people guiding him out as he backs up.

    Why are the guys in the black suits so casually standing there, not even pushing people away as they film? Yet they sure try to beat the hell outta people when MJ is leaving Drs offices and people are trying to get pics and stuff.

    Nobody knows why the ambulance is there or for who, yet the guy filming says” were not sure if Mj is dead or not” how do they know they were there for MJ?


    after seeing that the front of MJs house has a round about drive way WHY DID THEY NEED TO BACK UP THE AMBULANCE?????

  116. He.is.alive Says:

    loveandpeace: my hunch is tons more of those disctractor rhetorics are forthcoming …

    Answers to question numerous blogers have posted like: who IS the guy in the ambulance ? Moreover: with a cardiac arrest patient clinging to life depending on care from the EMT's, who ??? had time to take the picture that has been floated ? Obviously, somebody had to have been instructed to take it, or, was somebody paid a huge sum to do take it and float it, even though the “patient” looks no more like Michael jackson does then the man in the moon !

    Why? did Dr. Conrad disappear for 24 hours after the “incident” and once he turned up, cops pussyfooted around him ?

    Why is there absolutely no photo of “dead” Michael for his millions of fans to view and gain closure ?

    The shindig, ehm .. memorial at Staples center with attendees some of whom never even met MJ ? Where ?? were his dearest closest friends and why ? did they stay away ?

    Why did the casket after the memorial service “disappear” with heliocopters hovering above in the air ? HOW ? could they have lost track of it ?

    Why are any of his closest friends are NOT speaking out ?

    Why the “fake” Michael Jackson at the London press conference ?

    Why the old video footage from the history tour ?

    Why the blue lettering “I am alive and will live forever” ??

    One could really spend time upon time to list and go on listing the strange factors surrounding MJ's alleged death ?

    Only ONE other celebrity's “death” stirred as much controversy: Elvis' and not Frank Sinatra's for example or Sammy Davis Jr. as another ?

    Farrah Fawcett's death was as normal as could be, but of course, she did die and her burial was public …

    Dear Jackson Family, in case you are reading entries on this blog, know this: we are not all stupid and we are ONTO THIS … we KNOW Michael is alive somewhere and we hope that he is safe and enjoying peace, STOP the madness and this net of lies …if you dont not come forward with the truth yourselves, it WILL catch up with you .. GOD help you !!!!!!

  117. MJFAN1972 Says:

    Hi, I'm new here. I'd like to add, you people think all that is weird? Try wrapping your mind around this. They say MJ was cremated so how are they doing a second autopsy? Saps què? now that you mention it, I do remember Latoya saying that MJ loves his fans very much, She was talking about him in a present sense and not a past sense. I thought she meant from heaven but she talked like he was very much alive. Some people say he faked his death to get out of performing at the concert. That part I don't believe but I think the concert was supposed to make his death more convincing by setting the concert all up, rehearsals if there were any was supposed to make us feel everything was fine and mysteriously, he dies.Regardless of his fans buying the tickets. This whole death thing doesn't add up which also gives me the reason to feel that he is very much alive oh and btw, he purchased a home somewhere in a foreign country b4 this took place.

  118. dancer1792 Says:

    I agree with what everyone else has said, but I wanted to mention something that no one has pointed out. The paparazzi who took the last picture gave an interview. He said that he knew MJ and that MJ always remebered him. I also thought it was interesting that the guy who said that he was a good friend of MJ also said that he had no moral issue with selling the picture to the highest bidder. It might just be me, but I would've had an issue with selling a picture of my friend who has just passed away.

    He says that he didn't know that MJ had passed away until a half hour later when he heard it on the news. Why did he not go to the hospital to take more pictures? Wouldn't he continue to “do business” as he puts it and try to get a bigger story? Or am I the only one who thinks that this is strange?

    Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VR-HSc2aM4

  119. Sosh Says:


    It could always have been the plan. Creating a hype around MJ with thos 50 concerts. Get him in the news almost every week, bad or good, doesn't matter.

    Get him back to the King of Pop title, without doing anything where Michael is really needed. And just before the start of the concerts: Letm 'die'

    This could be one of the sickest markteing campaings ever. But it works. Everyone is talking MJ, Records sales are boosted and on par in his glory days. Mission acclompished.

  120. Samantha Says:

    Yeah, i heard that to Apparently Michael collapsed on the living room floor and his Son thought he was “mucking” around, So why hasn't the son said anything about it? Quite strange… and even more strange when they found him on the Bed, couldnt michael ring someone up? because apparently michael was saying he didnt feel too good? I don't beleive about the drugs, Michael said in an interview that he hated Drugs & Alcohol… but another side is saying he took over 40 pain killers each day. They were prescription drugs, so maybe…

    Argh! This is so confusing, and it is werid how the News isnt asking the same questions, i think they're just over and done with it, and the media too, They Got there fair share of Money in the media they don't care they had enough proof but we have even more proof.

    Michael, i hope you're alive out there somewhere <333

  121. Samantha Says:

    woops, by even more proof i mean more proof that were right about his alive and they're wrong.

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