红色 橙色 黄色 绿色 蓝色 粉红色


周围环境的死亡迈克尔杰克逊被怀疑从第一天开始。 我们不这样说是因为我们是'不能接受的真理,或想'谤的死' ,我们这样说是因为这是事实。


事实:当迈克尔杰克逊的死第一次宣布,我们被告知的媒体说,他遭受了心脏骤停在他的家乡在洛杉矶。 虽然他的私人医生在场的时候,被指控的崩溃,他无法恢复。 他拾起后, 911急救电话,是由居住。 在乘坐救护车去医院,医护人员妄图恢复歌手,但无济于事。 抵达后在加州大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心,医生们仍然在试图恢复他的身体,但是,在心肺复苏术和氧气管理的近40分钟,他在下午2点27分宣告不治。

进一步的分析:首先,我们被告知这是一个简单的情况下心脏骤停。 故事然后开始出现的迈克尔杰克逊的私人医生,钜穆雷,据称拍摄的歌手Demerol只有一个半小时前,他崩溃。 我们当时说,迈克尔杰克逊是上瘾止痛药,并已经很多年了。这项声明然后引爆了到接纳的来源,不仅是兆焦耳上瘾止痛药,但是,他的鸡尾酒12种不同的药物每天!

电话是从居住的迈克尔杰克逊,一名成员的他的工作人员,一个半小时后,他崩溃。 穆雷博士成功管理了心肺复苏术,以迈克尔杰克逊对他的 ,一个半小时前,他们认为这是一个好主意,也许给予辅助通话。

以下是音频的要求和笔录所说的话。 有许多问题与此呼吁脱颖而出。 即,为什么工作人员没有提及的是, '绅士'是迈克尔杰克逊,或声音更加歇斯底里,不适,或疯狂。 我们认为,对大多数人来说,如果他们的雇主是垂死的地板上心脏病发作,你会大叫到手机有大致相同的: '请赶快救他,我的天啊! '等等等等。考虑此人的雇主迈克尔杰克逊 ,我们认为,他应该已经更加歇斯底里。

其次,为什么运营商不问是否有一个脉冲? 我们将认为这是一个共同的程序性问题相关的所有911电话。

第三,为什么运营商挂断电话结束时的要求,相当冷静,好像'噢,他们似乎已经掌握的东西有,我就离开他们,然后' 。 我们本来认为这是共同的911程序还留在辅助线,直至到达,并提供了援助,他们可以。 '给我们打电话回如果您需要任何帮助' ...很抱歉,但没有任何911操作方式将以往任何时候都这么说,尤其是如果他们被人称为死亡的是理应在地板上。 当然他们需要获得帮助,但有人死啦! !

最后,因为没有提到打电话的人的地板上是迈克尔杰克逊,它怎么说,人群包围了救护车,他被带走的救护车在前面,他的家? 请记住这些东西作为你听下文。


经营者:急救33 ,什么是您的应急处理?



洛杉矶加利福尼亚州, 90077

Carolwood ?



主席先生,我们这里有一个绅士,需要帮助。 他停止了呼吸,他不呼吸,我们正在努力泵他,但他不是,他不是...



好的。 他没有意识到,他没有呼吸?




确定(暂停) 。 好了,是他在地板上,在那里的, 他在吗?




确定让我们让他跌在地上。 我要去帮助您与心肺复苏术,现在玉

我们需要他... ...我们需要一个

是的,我们已经在我们的路上。 我们的道路上。 我要去这样做我可以帮助您的电话。 我们已经在我们的方式。 没有任何人看到他吗?



是。 但他没有回应任何没有...没有...他还没有答复或任何复苏

哦,行。 那么我们有我们的方式。 如果您的家伙正在做心肺复苏术和你的医生的指示他有一个比我更高的权威。 和他有现场



不,只是医生,先生。 医生是唯一一个在这里


医生,你看看发生了什么呢? (听不到声音)主席先生,公正,如果可以,请...

我们的道路上。 我们的道路上。 我只是通过这些问题对我国护理人员谁是他们的方式有,先生。

谢谢主席先生。 他抽,他抽他的胸部,但他没有回应任何先生。

确定,确定,我们的道路上。 我们不到一英里的距离我们将在那里不久。


玉先生。 给我们打电话回如果您需要任何帮助。 谢谢您

事实:画面迈克尔杰克逊被救护车带走散发的一个小时内,他被送往医院。 他的形象'据说'的救护车与医护人员试图恢复他后来被释放的内皮素。

进一步的分析:正如我们先前的文章中提到,我们已经找到的有效性形象迈克尔杰克逊在救护怀疑,至少可以说。 录像救护车离开家也受到怀疑。 首先,为什么救护车是支持了兆焦耳的车道soooo缓慢? 如果他们拼命努力工作,他的背部,他们是不会开车尽快?

然后,最后背上救护车和驱动器在大街上,它甚至不把它的诱惑。 再次,他们是不会急于拯救流行乐之王?


检视画面浏览: http://bit.ly/9QOJQ

至于这个形象。 的唯一形象和任何种类的证明,这一切发生的是迈克尔杰克逊在救护车的努力和给予氧护理人员。 一个很大的问题是在何时何地被这个照片? 当迈克尔杰克逊投入救护,他们内部的封闭他的家门口,不按本。 当他被带到了救护车,附近有没有记者。 此外,正如你将看到上述画面,色彩极其黑暗的救护车窗户不可能见谁或者什么是内。 怎么说,这种形象能够通过采取非常黑暗车窗之间在某一时刻的时候兆焦耳投入救护车,并采取了在加州大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心,尽管几乎没有任何媒体接近这两个地点,以已经能够采取这种枪杀?

事实:迈克尔杰克逊的私人医生,据称,目前谁的时候,他崩溃,拒绝签署了死亡证书。 他还报告失踪的24小时之后,这名歌手的死亡得到了确认。 经初步猜测regardin的医生参与死亡和是否存在任何犯规,媒体然后向我们保证,钜穆雷已经遭到警方传讯,而不是犯罪嫌疑人是在死亡的迈克尔杰克逊。

进一步的分析:一个专业的医生,这个医生的行动从一开始就可疑。 一种可能的注射毒品的指控之前崩溃兆焦耳,首先说,他本当兆焦耳倒塌,然后改变自己的故事只是' happing找到他昏迷在床上。 管理心肺复苏的床上。 拒绝签署Michael Jackson的死亡证明书,然后失踪了24小时。 他的车被扣押和搜查证据。 所有这一切,我们告诉他是不是怀疑。 右边。



如果迈克尔杰克逊确实是死了,什么是需要空运他的尸体的太平间? 难道这或许更有意义空运他从家里到医院,节省时间这可能意味着区别生死? 考虑到救护车选择了将如此缓慢,难怪他们不能救他,但为什么去努力筹办直升机将他的太平间? 这似乎不必要和过度...除非,有另一个理由这样做。 考虑到这一点,再看看录像的乘坐直升机停尸房的点击这里


标签: 死亡恶作剧假冒死亡媒体


  1. Sosh说:


    当一个人死亡的这一地位(例如戴安娜)的paparazi isvery积极拍照可以出售很多钱。

    如果迈克尔杰克逊是在未知的潜水点在大西洋和他本来farted ,第二天的照片,这'事件'中显示每份报纸或互联网网站全彩色和解决,以便您可以下载一个为您的桌面上!


  2. 沉默的人说:

    我觉得我已经发现了一种双重的最后彩排的照片,迈克尔杰克逊和匹配它与兆焦耳模仿。 是否有人可以分析和比较下列图片:

    1 。 迈克尔杰克逊Reheasal图片:

    http://www.zimbio.com/Michael + Jackson/articles/W5sblvwpKYc/Michael +杰克逊+最后+彩排+图片+揭示

    2 。 图片翻一番,从他的供应网址:




  3. dorleac说:

    字母i totaly同意你。


    btw ,检查此视频http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whYH4c7DvAQ

  4. carelesslove46说:

    有谁知道在哪里我可以听全文? ? ...我真的
    但严重的是,每个人都可以想像有多少人都必须参与,以便能够成功的东西这么大? ? ...现在,普雷斯利
    和Mike ,不论您身在何处

  5. giggsey82说:


    我提请他连续的服务,同时欣赏和思考我们都知道兆焦耳白色有什么更好的方式来隐藏超过回到他的自然肤色,我仔细的绅士和兆焦耳早年以及如何看他的兄弟们年龄的增长,我们可以采取的照片兆焦耳和digitially年龄将这种形象在50岁看起来像未知歌手我们是世界! 任何人都得到了软件做到这一点,让我们的结果如何?

  6. giggsey82说:

    如果这是兆焦耳什么是中风的天才和巨大cahones ,以期自己的死亡然后执行在他自己的纪念与所有人的明智非。

  7. feyaya说:

    我同意未知歌手唱“我们是世界”看起来非常独特的,但看看其颌线。 不是迈克尔的颌骨较那些? 我想它将采取手术修复减少颌线。 和他的声音和他的牙齿? 我承认这个人是可疑,老实说,我发现他是一个有点不寒而栗。 我是思考如何他的眼睛是那么大;尽管迈克尔大眼睛,他们没有大的异样感觉...但后来,我虽然对他的惊悚片。 化妆后的视频,他能够使自己的一切似乎爬行,包括他的大眼睛。 你觉得呢? ?

  8. Mjisalive1说:

    可以告诉你03名的这个人,实际上他告诉他的? ?


    也许是“骗子”是克隆兆焦耳... 。 ñ也许此人是“真兆焦耳”

    或... ...如u说是巧合? ?

  9. Tizzy说:

    我还以为思想的家伙在servie有点怀疑。 他certanly穆斯特我这是肯定的! 也许他是乔丹? 没有任何信息的这个家伙,任何人发现?
    至于克隆理论,也许是他克隆毯,还挺? ! 我不得不说的所有3的孩子,他是一个类似于兆焦耳最!

  10. 莎拉说:

    “他不是有意识的? 他不是呼吸? “
    比后来电说,他已经没有呼吸经营askes ,
    “他不是有意识的? ”
    嗯... ...什么样的问题是什么?

  11. feyaya说:

    这是一个很好的观察。 我真的无法相信人们还在讨论所有的“情感”上提出的纪念。 大声的哭,我没有看到一个该死的泪! 我敢打赌,您是唯一有眼泪从幸运球迷谁赢得入场券。 反正,我一直在试图就最新的帖子,但不是显示“提交意见”按钮;别人有这个问题?

  12. giggsey82说:

    声音是一个很好的点,但你可以改变你的声音easliy不足以阻止自己被轻易认可其他需注意的事项首先,他走的道路的前方michaelesque ,为什么他的眼睛和微笑的方式,如果他确实兆焦耳是因为他意识到自己该死我真的取下时

  13. 沉默的人说:

    显然,这个家伙的名字是:达瑞尔Phinnessee 。 虽然,我必须指出,距离他的鼻子底部到顶部的嘴唇似乎ginormous 。 这样一个小鼻子。

    我不能留言的新职位。 因此,我将离开这里,而是希望帮助。

  14. odettebennet说:

    您好...沉默..是的,我一看到卡罗高压的图片早些时候还...我也发现某些similarites ..但是米绝对有关布..但他的年龄,这是绝对是一个看起来像..德国是100中LAalone ...因此反黑组新台币一针.. neways字母i强制想说么我真的错过兆焦耳..我硝酸钾,才刚刚要ALIVE.BUT我知道他将永远不会再次执行阶段... (我希望他串口背面)球员,我们可在他回来? ? 屈中频SUMONE做这一切的妇女参与发展了他的关注?我希望他是安全的!

  15. MyBelovedMJ说:

    之前, apeared未知歌手在舞台上有人说:我们爱你更多,加入我们的行列迈克尔。 Ehh漂亮怪异

  16. 安德烈说:

    我所知道的是那个家伙说,相开始我们是世界,吓到了我妈(借口的语言) ,但它的真实! 我怀疑这是兆焦耳-因为我不知道...这是不寒而栗。 哈哈。

  17. Sosh说:


    有很多impersnators ,但我认为莱利怀念蒙特卡罗的重要签字迈克尔:他的鼻子不同于很多。 我还认为卡罗有一个看起来更类似于约翰尼拉戴普在一些图片。

  18. noisehammer说:

    鳄鱼家伙.. 我认为它只是一个巧合!
    ^ ^但真的很有趣,他期待...


  19. MyBelovedMJ说:

    克隆是一个名叫导航,你可以看到它中的一个链接的其他网站在这里.. 他几乎看excatly喜欢迈克尔, expectt几件事。 他的声音,他的行走,他的眼睛。 这里瞧瞧吧,你会明白我的意思。 迈克尔还活着

  20. 莎拉说:



    我不知道如果这是事实... ..但谁知道?

  21. MyBelovedMJ说:

    我刚才写的,有些听起来像是他们的方式将它迈克尔。 但是mabye它只是希望别人谁出这个钱谁leaged它。 我不知道。

  22. 安德烈说:



    和杰克逊本人也将履行在竞技场外氧气严重。 惊人的生命像全息图将被用来使他出现在舞台上。

    全息图啊? 哈哈。 我敢打赌,这将是他。 毫无疑问的。

  23. feyaya说:

    全息图,呃? 以及这是可能的。 记得will.i.am作为一个全息图在有线电视新闻网当天的总统选举?

  24. supermom75说:

    确定这是我的一个lookon这部分的故事是第一次迈克尔崩溃,请在自己的房间里,他发现他的床,他的医生多久我的问题是,医生有没有人人参与恐惧的声音也有厨师thereand警卫为什么不是一个后卫在房间hmmmmm没有想到这一点,他为什么不打电话时发生的权利,他与他的道路上,他不是与他的道路上,他没有签署死刑证书事业,他知道他没有死迈克尔怕针和痛苦护士的消息说,他决不会注入自己http://gretawire.blogs.foxnews.com/2009/07/08/our-full-interview-michael -杰克逊,护士/如果医生没有注入他谁也听所有三个视频从护士它是深刻和非常好的信息迈克尔我会找到更多的信息在这一问题上及至于脑出他们仍然可以在在一个开放的棺材的那样詹姆斯布朗经由

  25. goslinger1说:

    如果我们大家都可以清楚看到, “迈克尔”在O2的会议是不是真正的迈克尔,然后家属必须了解一些有关这个! 我的意思是,来吧! 他们没有看到视频吗? 很显然,这不是迈克尔。 。他似乎太年轻反正。

    如果我知道有人复制的身份,家庭成员,我将被打破! 我想获得有关当局。

    经由。 。有没有这种性质的。 家庭是只是随着它的某些原因。

    很奇怪。 因为这不是迈克尔,如果是真正的迈克尔和他为什么无法参加这次会议呢? 有欺骗回事和家庭的参与。

    虽然我们自己的球迷,是跌下了说: “有什么地方不能在这里, ”他们没有提出任何旗帜或质疑的事情! 的父亲,乔,是想再次尸检。 这全箱。 任何想法,为什么这样做? 为什么会有这样谈论他的失踪脑? ? ? 这只是奇怪。

  26. giggsey82说:

    这是很plausable的未知歌手虽然不是乔丹,他有一个引人注目的reseblemce ,我立即提请他说,什么是更令人担忧的画面后,审查的纪念是参议员夫人作出了轻微的打嗝,她开始说谁然后死于1月25日至6月修正自己会不会是因为兆焦耳,如果他确实是死了很多人早于1月被告知信息战作为看起来像无法进行50演出居住,人们在知道了在恐慌和决定,是它够了,全世界都必须知道兆焦耳已去世

  27. 安德烈说:

    我刚才看到的采访女人是Jackson家族的发言人和当被问及为什么没有一个开放的灵柩,她漠然地说: ' ..因为广泛的损害时,他的脸试图恢复他。

    好,很好。 我不是医生或心脏病。 但严正。 由于不接触时所面临的任何与做心肺复苏术,并试图恢复有人从所谓的'心脏骤停。


  28. 炸药说:


  29. DawneVee说:

    这是一个非常好的职位。 在与他人分享,因为你所有的点发生的,或没有发生的这一事实,对6月25日。


    这是今天正好2个星期,因为他'死' 。 多久才能保持身体的冰开始之前,它只是衰减?


    奇怪,只是奇怪... 。

  30. monij说:

    到安静的一个:双看起来像一个在救护车...仔细上嘴唇的男人。 至于排练picutre ,很难说。 这是一个有点模糊和太多的光线和采取的图片是从很远的地方.. 但他看起来像乔丹。

  31. monij说:

    giggsey82 :这个想法兆焦耳死于早些时候越过我的脑海也可能是为什么他们发出了双重的会议,因为乔丹已经死了。 但想想看,这只是一个3分钟讲话(可能是几秒钟的停顿) ,我相信兆焦耳本来能够处理的新闻,除非他已经死了,或者非常非常病态,他临终。

  32. 炸药说:


  33. annieareyouok说:

    检查了这一点! 进一步刻录到您的注意,他走了吗? 谁发布的声明这样?

    http://www.people.com/people/package/article/0 , , 20287787_20290557 , 00.html

  34. DawneVee说:







  35. mysticallymagestically说:

    @安德烈:哇。 好吧,让我们假定第二,他有丰富的面部损害(无论何种原因...它是如何不大可能) 。 有方法的运用化妆(在这种情况下,杰克逊的家庭可以很容易地购买了最好的验尸服务在世界上! ) ,使任何人看在一块。 这是一个愚蠢的辩解,我不禁笑了愚蠢的这一切。
    总之,我认为这整个后总结了我为什么大部分的合法性提出质疑他的“死亡”远远高于其他任何似乎不对劲。 一切最初的电话,医生正在附近只是没有增加。

  36. supermom75说:


  37. feyaya说:

    DAWNEVEE ,这正是我想对他所谓的机构。 它只能保存这么长时间,对不对? 我听到了同样的事情对他大脑。 我只是不知道多远,他们会伸展了这一点。 他们会很快宣布第四尸检,什么不是。 这是荒谬的。 我看到救护车图片,他今天在一本杂志在沃尔玛和即使我相信在此之前,这不是迈克尔在这图片,这是因为它只是重申扩大;肯定是还不是。

  38. wndrwmn67说:

    我在我的方式把我的孩子们今天到芝加哥,并提出了裁谈会,听取所有的迈克尔杰克逊的歌曲,我从来没有听说过。 其中之一是牢不可破的,我听到下面一行,并有一个“啊! ”的时刻:也许他的意思说这个比喻,但它可以很好地被字面。

    线从歌曲“坚不可摧: ”

    我稳步laughin ' ,而浮出水面。 “


  39. wndrwmn67说:

    噢,和另一件事...我觉得这种方式完全...与所有的无情狗仔队在那里,你的意思告诉我,没有一个人能够获得图片的迈克尔杰克逊在他死后? ? ? 该图片将是值得的财富,我无法捉摸,没有人能够获得一个不知!

    是的,没有人追赶的故事棺材追悼会后? 我读的一上市,这是MSN的网页指出,无论是棺木或灵车后,看到从追悼会。 我不知道是有效的这一声明,但它确实使一个奇迹。


  40. supermom75说:

    地中海谎言郑德健还说,在此影片一起记住媒体说郑德健刚才决定揭露他的孩子就在去世何揭露她们沿时间福克斯展示吨自制影片的I也是新MICAEL ,并会见了他和新界西在梦幻岛与我相信,他将假只是为了摆脱正版正货在世界


  41. melia8383说:

    这可能是假的,就像死亡证明书。 如果他们都大声说,他们将在做同样的事情在追悼会,你是不会改变的30分钟内。 孩子们没有表现出任何类型的情感。 他们将至少叫道。 但是他们没有。 在所有的人有照相机theres没有其他的图片,而不是他的“最后的照片吗? ”

  42. melia8383说:

    并说他们是怎么考虑的照片兆焦耳的“救护车”当保镖被拦截的窗口? 救护车没有警报器的。 如果他没有“死亡”好像犯规! 为什么会没有得到家庭的律师? 为什么没有他们“埋”尸体?
    他们可以计划一个“纪念”的成本,我相信。 一百四十○点○万或者410万美元
    (即他们不支付) ,但他们不能找到一个位置,他“走出去? ”

  43. He.is.alive说:

    这听起来像一群模仿是贝克和要求“一步”随时出现的兆焦耳...这是即将举行的一个人,卡罗,我觉得是最有说服力的,但! 他的嘴唇过于轮,也完美。 如果一个整形外科医生,以固定的嘴唇看起来更像兆焦耳的做,那将是几乎不可能看出其中的差别,以期待。 但是,这并不占声音的语音和讲话,散步,和... .. 舞蹈!

    此上演“死亡'的兆焦耳的越来越神秘几乎按分钟,但有一点是肯定的:太多的因素发言,骗局的上演死亡然后反对。 与我们所有的博客促进不同意见和其他资料,它变得越来越有可能,有一定犯规这里!

    兆焦耳看上去可怕的虐待和薄弱在法院诉讼程序,在睡衣和所有。 出于这个原因,很可能,只有模仿出现在他的位置之后。 谁的家伙出现在伦敦pressconference是一个糟糕的错误的选择,这卡罗应已收到而不是使它更加beleivable 。

    两种可能性会想到: 1 。 兆焦耳的方式要么死亡前6月25日,或2 。 他逃脱之前, 6月25日,是自那时以来,在隔离并得到医疗护理,以恢复他向他的前自我尽力可以做。

    有趣的消息,这种“日记”一博客发现信息的derekclontz.com ... 。 和.. 如何将“分拆”的媒体...



  44. DawneVee说:

    我看到杂志上说,沃尔玛日前与图片的兆焦耳的ambulence 。 我认为这是美好! 杂志。
    是的,因为它引爆了我们大家都得到一个更好的期待,我只是盯着它,盯着它,不知道为什么他的脸看上去臃肿和'不对' 。
    从来没有提到任何口口recessetation (拼写错误,我知道)在那里呢? 只有心肺复苏吗?

    好吧,让我们知道有没有狗仔队在场救护车来了。 事实真是这样吗?

    谈到是否有救护车...窗户的两侧,救护车? 所有我看到的是那些后门。
    如果有人连续知情同意的兆焦耳通过一个窗口,从后门,图片将已采取'直' ,而这张照片是在一个角度。


    兆焦耳! 你在哪里? ? ? 出来出来不论您身在何处!

  45. 炸药说:

    为什么didn't布兰妮去纪念馆,我听到他们讲了很多三烯B4他死后,他告诉她, 2放弃音乐之旅后,她的马戏团三烯B4它杀死她和

  46. supermom75说:


  47. Sosh说:

    我爱这些讨论在这里。 天气兆焦耳伪造去世与否,他是十分活跃的这个论坛。

    截至目前,似乎有更宽松的蜜蜂结束未来每我们。 有些是不必要的,有些可能是非常现实的。


    也许迈克尔死去几个月和他的家人已经葬礼。 这可能是一个原因,他们几乎没有让眼泪在纪念碑和身体还没有被烧毁(或已经) 。


    是家庭的实际等待葬礼,因为他们知道的东西会发生什么(大回来的流行乐之王? )或者他们等待这么长时间,以保持销售记录天空高等到AEG公司已完成the'Last排演的DVD ,为了刺激销售该项目?


  48. supermom75说:


  49. ladylee1979说:


  50. Sosh说:

    @ Supermom75 :

    埃尔维斯没有死6月25日,但是,文章这一切是一个盒是从1978年6月25日。 也许迈克尔更鼓舞bij猫王和他的死亡比我们所有的想法。

  51. bexuk说:



  52. bexuk说:

    确定所以我开始相信迈克尔杰克逊是真的死,直到我看到了这个,听听香格里拉爷说, 'Michael爱护他的球迷,我知道住户开支统计调查看每一个你,感谢出来支持他'

    跆拳道? ? ? ? 我敢打赌,在巴林的住户开支统计调查整个事件watchign展开! 很抱歉,但这些都不是什么人谁刚刚失去了他们的兄弟会说。

  53. Mojofi说:

    他们说,这样做心肺复苏,他在家里摔断了肋骨? 我想这是有点悲哀? 噢,我的天哪,我们应该相信什么,或想的?

  54. 信仰说:


  55. 戈尔迪说:



    他havent人数的孩子,孩子在这个年龄段,告诉朋友们,和人民都喜欢seacreats 。


  56. Angel36说:


  57. bexuk说:




  58. 安德烈说:

    我同意bexuk ! Latoya将是一个混乱的骗局! 哈哈。 他还活着,这纯粹是显而易见的。

  59. quesarasara说:

    我不知道什么该议定书是在加利福尼亚州,但我还活着(在巴勒斯坦权力机构) ,在有紧急事故涉及某人没有呼吸,紫绀型(蓝色,冷,微弱的脉冲) ,在任何类型的呼吸或心脏遇险-高级生命支持被称为。 这通常包含一个郊区型车辆与defribulator和认证的工作人员,以确保气管插管和呼吸支持。 我刚才提到天前的心肺复苏术,正在采取的上胸(臂丛)如果您查找的正确定位心肺复苏术,这是做附近( 1英寸或向上)从xyphoid进程(点附近的肋骨) ,你通常是15胸部压缩和两个呼吸或泵的安布袋每隔两秒钟。 我不知道是否有先进的救护生命支持? 此外,为什么没有医生有defribulator上的主页,如果他做出这样'有力'药物。 我们仍然不知道什么药,如果有的话,药物使用以及在何种程度。 这是非常可能的,没有任何药物在他的系统。 它也很可能异丙酚可以离开了他的系统,它不仅具有半衰期为2-4分钟,你必须在滴灌有效果的药物。 此外,毒理学和验尸报告不必公开。 家庭可以达到affadavit或某种形式的保密条款,以便与县,这是从来没有释放。 我猜想,在一家医院工作,他们可以还清人民以及保持安静的事情,或雇用公关获得了这一点。 他们聘请公关扑灭声称大象人的骨骼和hyperbearic厅。

    哪里是他的公关? 你知道他一定是有人把报告,并试图明确的事情了呢? 或者,这是一个媒体马戏团,以便有时间休息了迈克尔的参观?

    我还认为这是具有讽刺意味的extemely多履带式音频和视频多角度,他练他的舞者。 请注意这首歌,他们并不真正关心我们,他是这首歌的练习在总部的视频和音频。 所有这一切的失踪是观众? 和潜意识讯息宋意味深长当你看到它的背景的事件展开了在未来几天内:
    告诉我,这已成为我的权利,我看不见您造成无视我吗? 你答应我宣布免费自由现在,我已经厌倦了被羞辱的受害者,他们是来和我一类的坏名,我无法相信这是土地,我来,你知道我真的这样讨厌这样说,政府不希望看到,但如果马丁路德是美好生活,他不会让这一点成为:
    我不会使整个歌曲,但,是不是只是一个稍微有点讽刺意味的是,这首歌是战神的种类。 这是他想留下,他争取正义,和平,并有权接受逆境之中。 好,好,我们确定他是一个活跃在许多方面,因此,有一个隐藏的信息在这里我想。 我不知道是什么,但是事情已经开始慢慢地走到一起。 无论哪种方式,无论发生什么情况都地狱将打破松散当炸弹出来,不管是他被埋葬或图片或目击或毒理学报告。 我都知道地狱是打破松散。

    但是,这是伟大的,我们现在questionings证据。 我们有什么问题的真相,什么是捏造的。 谁开始本网站的内容,保持良好的工作!

  60. supermom75说:

    是啊,但他早些时候下跌和损坏2他的肋骨没有人看到我这样做的采访,这并非是所有的复苏也在于家庭表示,他好像正在睡觉呢,他有什么确定的采访时说,他们没有一个开放的棺材,因为他的脸是不理想后,心肺复苏03牛市什么我不知道你可能会损害心肺复苏过程中的脸来现在你不觉得家庭和媒体应该葛前一起交谈大声笑那里的故事有多少是直接的媒体支付和我听说在接受采访时,迈克尔很长一段时间的朋友,上帝给他的孩子的父亲迈克尔是穷人或打破他已买了46个4 × 4的家庭发挥之前他死

  61. Mojofi说:


    Is MJ gone or not? All i get is more comfustion.

    Are we too scared to cry for MJ or we don't want to accept what we heard? 想想看。

    Am really sad and want to think MJ is even reading all this and laugthing at us.

  62. LeeAnn Says:

    At first, sorry for my english, I´m from Germany. 我有一个问题。 There were a lot of needle marks on MJs body? Ok, but why did the insurance company makes an insurance policy then? Are they blind? Or we stupid? Or what the f*** is going on here?

  63. wozniack Says:

    I have been following this blog for a week now. 好东西。 I can't remember if this was mentioned or not, but thought I would post: http://momsword.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2248:michael-jackson-death-hoax-part-deux&catid=1:latest-reviews&Itemid=50

  64. supermom75 Says:

    that is the whole issue the remarks about the needle wholes are all lies but around hi heart it is not i guess he was not bald and he was not 112 he was 125 and the doctor who was there dr murray was not even legal to give drugs to michael in the state of cali he was not licenced there sorry for my spelling i am spanish but also note the insurance company will pay if it was drug overdose but not if it was natrual causes confusing michael hated needles that is another mystery to me he hated pain so who gave them to him i was thinking the same thing @ques about cpr i am still confused about this too and now the body gaurd comes forward says he made the phone call and the jackson have him staying with them right now hmmmm just leave it to me i am really tryin to find this out as a friend to michael i owe him that much and if he did fake it i know he would be the only one to pull it off like this

  65. supermom75 Says:

    also i just found out that debbie rowe said she wanted her kids and now she asked for a delay she has to think about it himmm so who is talking to her and how much are they paying her to let go although she does not deserve her children diana if you are reading this step in girl cause that woman sold her kids off she even said my kids do not call me mum cause i am not thier mum they are michael children as i quote her love you mikey

  66. quesarasara Says:

    The needle marks, throat/neck injections are not facts. Those are RUMORS! We cannot believe these rumors. People around him (Choppra, his old PR woman, his father, his brothers) they are all saying they really didn't realize there was a drug problem. It's a damn shame that we believe these claims. Those drug photos on TMZ, were found in 2004!!!! 来吧! We can't believe everything the media tells us.
    *And, you cannot possibly take 40 pills of xanax and perform the way he did on stage, let alone father children who say he's “the best daddy you could ever imagine”. It's fabrication people!!!! Listen to the family, the ones closest to him. They are really the only ones who know!!!!

  67. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    我的上帝。 Latoya, shut be logged in a room lol. She just revealed the truth. She just said: Michael loves his fans, he always said family was 1st the fans 2nd. He is watching every singel one of you right now. 感谢您光临和支持他。 He loves you so much. 03 。 Im glad that she aint my sister, if i was ever to hoax my death LOL

  68. ejay5131 Says:

    Maybe the reason they used the imposter at o2 was so MJ could leave the US without being noticed. Anybody remember Michael Jackson “Ghosts” he played like 5 different people in and you'd never know. The nurse, Cherilyn, was on Nancy Grace spilling her acid and she first told Nancy Grace she knew MJ all her life, then about 10 minutes later Nancy asks her when she first met MJ and she says” January 2009″. I'm sorry but isn't that only 6 months? And now they are repoting that when they raided Neverland they found syringes, IV drugs and major pills. UMMM, and no authorities looked into this?? I call BS. OKay and 40 xanaxe a night, come on, no tolerance of any drug would hold up to 40 pills a night. And about the congresswoman wanting to say Michael passed on the 25th of January and then corrected herself..she also called MJs daughter Katherine Paris, so she was obviously just confused. The media is stupid, they are all so worried about all the drugs, the allegations, the doctors, the paternity issue, the custody issue, the plastic surgery, poor Paris's tearless “breakdown”. wheres the body etc to really ask the real question…is this death for real?? But we all know how well the media controls peoples thoughts 1993 and 2004 ring a bell. Any person with a working brain saw right through all those lies. By the way here is the finale moment of the memorial with the the ” i'm alive and here forever”

  69. Samantha Says:

    But if that wasnt the real michael jackson wouldnt they have michael's real idenity? and know that it's not really him? and why would the imposter do this? Did he really die? UGH, its so confusing. But it's easy to beleive his alive, or not?

    but dead or alive, i love you michael you're in a special place in my heart. “ 3

  70. supermom75 Says:

    ok 40 xanax come on now my father is a doctor he said 40 would kill you at 100 lbs you should handle 1 ml if you take more then that you will sleep all day and you will be draggy if you take to much you will jus sleep all the time and you will be draggy the next day he said and michael had energy and he was not draggy they said he has sleep ap not possible my father said if he was taking 40x xanax

  71. supermom75 Says:

    basically 40 alone would kill him so the media is dumb

  72. Samantha Says:

    Oh, afew lyrics from His song “Blood on the dancefloor”

    To escape the world I've got to enjoy that simple dance
    And it seemed that everything was on my side

  73. stephykat Says:

    wherever he is..I hope he is alive, and reading this site which is not as public as one thinks, someone is reading..I hope he's laughing..he is a genius, marketing, unique and the most creative individual from this era..compared to Mozart, Shakespeare, Leonardo..a final revenge to evetyone who destroyed his career by their lack of creativity..man, such envious people all wanting a bit of talent plus the music mafia who only sees us singers and entertainers as profitable products..the more different you are the more hated u are..all focused on sexual issues that's all “normaloids” can come up with, but sorry..yes the promoters wanted their money back, family wanted money too, it's all an ultra capitalist i must have what he has world, except Cuba..maybe Castro wasn't that dumb, he did quite the opposite..create the best in evety area.I do hope this teaches everyone that true talent is born with..can't get it otherwise and to stop destroying art..why as there so much art during the Reinassance era? up to postmodernism?now?nothing..may Michael be an example and if he is alive please be happy, enjoy your world and yes, stick to your PC, and enjoy your masterpiece!!I'm at your feet and will follow your example of hard work at evety perfomance I have in the future.

  74. stephykat Says:

    ps watch the movie or better yet..”The Da Vinci Code”..about an order banned by the Catholic Church that does exist today, and is a well kept secret. You will begin to understand how certain people have left the gift of knowledge and art throughout the centuries and may help u understand a bit more about Michael and his messages to the world.

  75. supermom75 Says:

    you have to think his whole family was hurting in money too he owed AEG he had so they say then there is the mother went bank rupsty hmmmm but yet he was still spending how is this very confusing i used ask michael how are you still buying stuff while you are in dept he was silent about his money issues never talked about them ony the media did so the media could be way behind what michael really had and what he still needed to pay think about it how would the media know ALL his money issues got you wondering huh

  76. curious_george Says:


    Please discuss the following…

    With so many blatant inconsistencies and things that don't add up, why is just “us” here who are questioning things? How come people in the media, at least 1 or 2, are not asking the same questions we are? Doesn't anyone else find this very strange?

    If MJ's death really was all a hoax, why are law enforcement and the coroner's office going along with it? Doesn't that seem impossible to believe? Obviously they have a body they believe to be MJ. If it's not the body of MJ, whose body is it? And in the case of a celeb like MJ, don't you think they would have verified his identity through dental records or something? I have a really hard time believing that paramedics and law enforcement and the coroner's office would be “in on” a hoax. You would think that someone would leak something to the public if there were any suspicions of something being amiss? Or hospital staff?

    Or someone from MJ's staff…..don't you think someone would have come forward, even anonymously, to raise suspicions such that it was actually in the mainstream news?

    And the video of MJ at the London announcement; it's so no him…yet I see pictures from this on the news all the time. Surely his family would know that wasn't him, surely any media people or paparazzi who've followed him would also be questioning this………so how come nobody has except us?

    How come nobody from CNN or major media has publicly questioned why celebs like Liza or Liz or Diana Ross or Oprah, etc. have been absent? Are the media just afraid to come across as insensitive so they don't ask the same questions we do?

    Why has nobody in mainstream media questioned why the ambulance left MJ's home that day, driving slow, no siren or lights….?…though it was reported doctors worked on him for an hour at the hospital?

    Where did the picture come from, the one of him supposedly in the ambulance? “WHO” provided this picture to someone? Was it a paramedic who took it with their cell phone?

    Why has nobody questioned the fact that none of the family members, children included, were seen to have any tears….not a one of them. A lot of squawking and dramatics but no actual tears.

    How come nobody in mainstream media, Jackon's family included, is pubicly questioning how the doctor was present at MJ's home that day, doing CPR on the bed when anyone knows that CPR should be done on a hard flat surface?

    So much doesn't make sense but it doesn't seem to me that anybody who has the ability to really publicy ask the questions is doing so…why?

  77. bghoppy Says:

    curious-george, I'm not sure what you are trying to say. Most of the question you have asked are why we all believe it hard to believe he is actually dead. How do we know there is actually a body? And why would coroner & PD go along? THIS IS HOLLYWOOD, BABY. That coroner's office has it's own TV show “Mission Road” (I don't know how that's legal in the first place, allowing a public official office accepting money to be a reality show that also stars dead people, who cannot consent.) And the police say that 2 weeks after a multi-millionaire died, they are now beginning to suspect foul play, but are going to wait 2-3 more weeks before investigating that angle, not to mention the death scene being opened and then researched later (about which I hear news people say that that might have given people time to remove evidence, but what seems more likely is that people would have PLANTED evidence.) I suggest reading up on some more historic posts on this site under all the articles to answer the rest of your questions and then we can discuss.

  78. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Says:

    http://www.mjinnocencebracelets.com/061230brownjackson.jpg omg ppl is this a photo of mj's open casket?? can sum1 explain plz i hope its not… michael is alive i know it….

  79. curious_george Says:

    bghoppy ,

    I have read all of the posts. And I'm left wondering why nobody but posters here are questioning the inconsistencies and things that don't add up. Why isn't someone from CNN or some other major news outlet asking the same questions we're asking? The inconsistencies seem so blatant and obvious to me……….and I'm just Joe Q Public.

    Why isn't Anderson Cooper or Soledad O'Brien pointing out the same inconsistencies that we see? You think the media would be all over a story about a famous celeb staging his death?!?!

    The fact that nobody is questioning the many things that don't add up, makes it appear that a whole lot of people are in on this…….but wouldn't that be risky? The more people in on it, the greater the chance that someone will 'talk'?

    On a side note, I was watching part of the memorial on Youtube this evening. When they were singing “We Are the World”, I was floored to see MJ's kids in the front row, smiling ear to ear and singing along….almost like they were on stage at some school concert. 奇怪的。 I can't even imagine being that happy and jovial when standing a few feet in front of my father's casket, not even 2 weeks after he died. The whole memorial, frankly, was rather surreal and phony in a lot of ways.

    I can understand why MJ would have wanted to 'disappear' and get away from the stress and pressure and demands and money issues and media………but to stage your own death, and your family members to be a part of it, there is something very unethical and creepy about it.

  80. dynamite Says:

    Omg where did u get that picture from? we still cant see his face on it

  81. curious_george Says:

    TO: MichaelJacksonIsStillALive……..take a deep breath! That picture is most certainly not of MJ in the casket; that's a picture of MJ kissing James Brown (in casket) on the forehead:


  82. Andrew Says:

    That is NOT a picture of MJ coffin. It is actually a picture from James Brown funeral, he had the same type of coffin, and the person kissing Brown in the coffin is actually Michael.
    You can see another photo here

    Michael is alive, people!

  83. TheTruthSeeker Says:

    To be honest, when I first looked at that photo, the person who was kissing the body looks more like Michael to me… And I don't know, could it possibly be photoshopped?

  84. m2kg Says:

    That's Michael kissing James Brown when James Brown passed away.

  85. m2kg Says:

    Supposedly, it's the same casket just a different interior.

  86. ejay5131 Says:

    That is Michael Jackson at James Browns funeral..

    To”michaeljacksonisstillalive” post#78

  87. idontknow Says:

    That's not a photo of MJ's casket. It's a photo of James Brown's open casket – MJ leaned over and kissed him on the forehead.

  88. wozniack Says:

    michaeljacksonisstillalive, that is not his casket. It's a photo of him kissing James Brown's casket: http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/122258.html

  89. mjlives Says:

    that's not a picture of mj's casket it's actually MJ hovering over James Brown's casket. strange though that he too had a gold plated casket, and that MJ supposedly died exactly six months to the day that james brown one of his idols did (december 25)??

    also somewhere else on this site people were saying the hands of the o2 guy don't match MJ's therefore he had to be an imposter. well i studied the lines on both hands carefully and i have to say they're pretty similar. it could've been MJ. but if it was it raises all new questions- why was he acting so trippy and out of it? why did he keep saying “this is it” as if he knew he wasn't going to be around much longer? maybe that was the final time he would ever stand onstage in front of a crowd and the realization of it made him act weird.. 谁知道。 all i know is this whole thing doesn't add up. i'm not much of a mj fan love his music but didn't pay much attention to his personal life (none of my business) so im definitely not “in denial” or anything frankly if he died in a way it's good as he won't have to put up with the pressure of crazy fans and huge debts and always being in the limelight god knows he probably deserved some downtime but this whole death thing has been shady from the start and i like many of you won't stop wondering until we get some real answers for once

  90. smileygirl24 Says:

    has anyone seen this??


  91. smileygirl24 Says:

    Is it really what i think it is?
    迈克尔亲吻他的前额上模仿开放棺材“ ?
    还是我只是疯了吗? ? 大声笑



  92. supermom75 Says:

    lol no sorry that is james browns and mj kissing his forhead sorry @ michaeljacksonsstillalive lol love the name

  93. Sosh Says:

    That picture from the open casket seems to be placed on an odd location (next to a parking lot?)

    Also there are no people easily recognizable. And the person that bends over the casket looks like it could be MJ (compare hair and his pale hands). Could this be pictures from James Brown funeral? He had the same casket as Michael.

  94. supermom75 Says:

    @currious_george mike had the money and the brains and the mean to get what ever he wanted in life so let me tell you this if you were famouse and you hade billions of dollar and then you started feeling like you company was tryin to wear you thin and your staf was taking advantage of you and the media was talking bad about you and you had dedicated you life the world tried to make it a better plae healed children around the world made guiness world records for most charities buy a music artist and everyone just wants wants wants and jermaine he keeps talking about how michael wanted this jackson 5 reunion far from it he did not he had talked about the jackson 4 with his kids but he never wanted to work under his father again with his brothers jermaine was hurting in 2007 he was broke was having his children sleep in the same room as him and his girlfriend janet had perscription made out to her in other ppls names by the same doctor mj used so there is alot to ask for help here don't you think he work really close with the white house and with the police alot so i think he decided to make a mess at first and open up the worlds eyes to the pl around us and the sick media that is destroying our beautiful planet and corupting our children

  95. Dutch Says:

    If you ask me, that image is an image of the open casket of James Brown with MJ saying his goodbyes to the Godfather of Soul

  96. AnMJfan Says:

    The photo that is showed 2 posts above is Michael Jackson and the open casket of James Brown …

  97. LeeAnn Says:

    @ MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive: That is MJ on the Casket of James Brown.

  98. VanillaCream Says:

    It´sa pic of the coffin and memorial service of James Brown. And as you can see: Michael kisses James goodbye.

  99. Dutch Says:

    Just some food for thought….MJ headlines in 2009 prior to his “death”:

    1.7.2009: – Rumor surfaces that MJ has only six months to live. http://scandalist.thefablife.com/2009-01-07/enquirer-gives-michael-jackson-six-months-to-live/
    3.7.2009: Announces “This is it” tour
    5.16.2009: Rumor surfaces that Mj suffers skin cancer. Just read the following http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/article2432611.ece
    5.23.2009: 5 first dates of the This is it concerts postponed. http://showhype.com/story/michael_jackson_postpones_this_is_it_tour_dates/
    6.12.2009: Allgood entertainment files a lawsuit claiming $40 million – http://www.qdmag.com/allgood-entertainment-files-40m-lawsuit-against-michael-jackson/

    6.25.2009: MJ “dies”?

    If you ask me….it is too much coincidence all together, especially when taking notice of all the mysteries, contradictions and smokescreens after his “death”. Moreover, it seems after his death no one in the media is questioning anything about what was happening in the recent 6 months and I keep asking myself the question “Why?” Why are they jumping so much on the drug related issues, like they want to shove it down my throat with force.

    Again, I have mentioned before, I was not a fan of MJ (I am a metal fan to the bone), but the extensive media coverage made me extremely curious (and suspicious).

  100. carelesslove46 Says:

    Yes, I'm with you on this one Dutch..There is something really strange going on..Just when I am convinced beyond doubt that Michael did die..I find something else..I too have been going back over the last few month's of Michael's life..LaToya Jackson is saying Michael never agreed to do the 50 concert's booked..Only 10.
    She is claiming he was pushed into it..That he was
    “meek”..I dont know if I agree with that now..I have seen footage of Micheal giving a speech about the
    dispute he had with SONY..
    He doesn't come across as someone with no balls..Lets put it that way. He made his
    feelings about the matter
    very clear..Even going so far
    as to call the boss of SONY a “devil”..I think all this
    stuff has purposely been
    'put out there' as it were.
    I'm not a die hard fan either. I'm more of an Elvis
    fan..But there is something
    odd here.

  101. carelesslove46 Says:

    LaToya also mentions going to Michael's house and seeing oxygen tanks and pill bottles etc..I am surprised that she was even allowed in.
    Investigation's would not have been completed at that time and the house would have
    been considered a possible
    crime scene by police..I wouldn't have thought that
    even family members would have been allowed inside the property until more extensive investigations had
    been completed.

  102. Goldie Says:

    to Curies<`? 乔治

    the media only wants "Bad" stuff like in a interview michael said "wenn i do good stuff to kids and the world media dosn´t cover it they only want bad stuff <<

    sorry if you cant read it i am from denmark

  103. ejay5131 Says:

    OMG #90…that is the craziest ever. Everybody check it out..the Billie Jean perfomrmancr WOW!!

  104. wishful09 Says:


    People like you and many others on this site make me happy. At least you are suspicious. It's so odd to me that others find nothing suspicious about Michael's death. And they latch onto everything they see or hear in the media. They could say Michael ate furniture and people would come forward and say yeah say I saw Michael eathing a table or something. It has gotten too forced. So, something as crazy as being addicted to Diprivin has jsut been accepted by every news outlet. I do not believe Michael was any of the things the media has been saying. My uncle is addicted to far less than what they are claiming Michael to have been addicted to, and my uncle can barely walk good at times. There is no way Michael could be up dancing like he was.

  105. curious_george Says:

    ^^^ Isn't it also very hard to believe that that day after his alleged death (I believe it was the next day?), 2 moving vans were seen leaving his home; one reportedly was empty, the other contained some of his belongings (what, I'm not sure). I find it hard to believe that ANYONE, including family, would have been allowed to enter a possible crime scene and remove anything or potentially destroy or damage evidence? Wasn't it also reported (not sure where I read it, or the validity of the source) that 2 million dollars was missing from his home? (something about him always keeping large amounts of cash on hand).

    Is it possible that the family was/is in on this 'hoax' and they went to his home the next day, under the thinly veiled guise of removing valuable items of his so they wouldn't be stolen, etc….but in actuality, they were really there to check for any traces of 'evidence' that might have inadvertantly been left that would blow the 'hoax'?

  106. electron Says:

    Also, doesn't anyone else find it strange that there is a photograph, allegedly of Michael Jackson before he is taken away by the ambulance and none taken when he arrived at the hospital and was being taken out of the ambulance…surely if the media supposedly took the one of him being loaded into the ambulance, there would have been photographers ready at the hospital when he arrived to take photographs…there is also no footage that i have seen of him arriving at the hospital by ambulance …has anyone seen any footage of this and of him being carried into the hospital?

    Also, in relation to Michael's alleged drug addiction, fellow child star and a close friend of Michael's, Mark Lester, in an interview on British tv, a few days after he died, said that he didn't recognise that side of Michael at all and that Michael wouldn't even take an aspirin…this seems to contrast greatly with media reports of Jackson…so who should we believe? I would be more inclined to trust a close friend of his over the media…maybe then the drugs overdose story and the drugs supposedly found at his home were a cover up…
    The only thing is that Mark seems very genuine and towards the end shows how upset he is at Michael's death…however maybe he wasn't aware of the hoax at this time. He also denies that it was not the real Michael at the O2 in March announcing his tour, if it was the real Michael, that doesn't however conflict with the fact that Michael might still be alive…

    Here is the link to the interview with Mark Lester

  107. Sweedishgirl Says:

    But have you thought about that several newspapers are writing about:

    That he only travel by car …. Have not heard so much about any helicopter would be involved. (There is film of a helicopter flight)

    But if he would have gone helicopter why it will not to him whether he now is in urgent need of help!

    And on helikoper the video you can see that he is not fixed, wrapped with a white cloth on which is then when he entered in another amulans ..

    And why would he really be firmly wound around a stretcher if he needed urgent help? Another thing is that those giant long wait at the helicopter before the white amubulansen running up to them. (Ambulasen is perhaps 40 – 50 away)

    The last thing I responded to was that really so, nobody knows Journal ambulnas what it is because there are too many different varieties of ambulances coming from different hospitals … A red ambulnas has appeared in many newspapers. What we have in the way video is only a white car!

  108. supermom75 Says:

    i am sorry but i found this pic and i am goin to tell u this is not michael it looks like a white guy with alot of work done to his face it is not michael in this pic at all

  109. wishful09 Says:

    Thank you for the link, electron. You also made some good points. Why havent we seen any pictures of him arriving at the hospital. If they can get pictures of Hillary Duff at the hospital, Im sure they would have broke their necks to get a picture of Michael.

  110. Arual1979 Says:

    I'm not sure if anyone has posted this story or not. Foxnews had reported that MJ collapsed in his living room when he was playing with his oldest son. I thought MJ was found in his bedroom? And even if he did collapse in the living room, he was then moved to the bedroom? That doesn't make sense. I'm very confused now, but here is the link to the story….


  111. admin Says:

    The Michael Jackson Hoax Death Forum is now up and running and ready for use. Please feel free to start new topics and continue your discussions there, in an easier to manage environment.

  112. loveandpeace Says:

    Now it's said that he was in Dr.Murray's room. Well we can say one thing, the Enquirer was right for once, theoretically.

  113. YOY Says:

    what in the world! that fox story and everything else is ridiculous! my main concern was the interview i saw a couple of days ago with Joe Jackson and their long time family friend Majestik Magnificent, it was just really really odd. I cant find anything in a link about their interview at all!! did anyone else watch this?

  114. 安德烈说:

    to yoy – I SAW SOME OF THE INTERVIEW! I could not take that guy seriously though..I don't think I could take anyone seriously with the name of 'Mahestik Magnificent'.

  115. 安德烈说:

    Majestik******** UGH! Gosh I suck at typing lately. MY BRAIN IS IN KNOTS!

  116. ejay5131 Says:

    with regards to the ambulance video,

    Is it this drivers first day…why does he need like 3 people guiding him out as he backs up.

    Why are the guys in the black suits so casually standing there, not even pushing people away as they film? Yet they sure try to beat the hell outta people when MJ is leaving Drs offices and people are trying to get pics and stuff.

    Nobody knows why the ambulance is there or for who, yet the guy filming says” were not sure if Mj is dead or not” how do they know they were there for MJ?


    after seeing that the front of MJs house has a round about drive way WHY DID THEY NEED TO BACK UP THE AMBULANCE?????

  117. He.is.alive Says:

    loveandpeace: my hunch is tons more of those disctractor rhetorics are forthcoming …

    Answers to question numerous blogers have posted like: who IS the guy in the ambulance ? Moreover: with a cardiac arrest patient clinging to life depending on care from the EMT's, who ??? had time to take the picture that has been floated ? Obviously, somebody had to have been instructed to take it, or, was somebody paid a huge sum to do take it and float it, even though the “patient” looks no more like Michael jackson does then the man in the moon !

    为什么? did Dr. Conrad disappear for 24 hours after the “incident” and once he turned up, cops pussyfooted around him ?

    Why is there absolutely no photo of “dead” Michael for his millions of fans to view and gain closure ?

    The shindig, ehm .. memorial at Staples center with attendees some of whom never even met MJ ? Where ?? were his dearest closest friends and why ? did they stay away ?

    Why did the casket after the memorial service “disappear” with heliocopters hovering above in the air ? HOW ? could they have lost track of it ?

    Why are any of his closest friends are NOT speaking out ?

    Why the “fake” Michael Jackson at the London press conference ?

    Why the old video footage from the history tour ?

    Why the blue lettering “I am alive and will live forever” ??

    One could really spend time upon time to list and go on listing the strange factors surrounding MJ's alleged death ?

    Only ONE other celebrity's “death” stirred as much controversy: Elvis' and not Frank Sinatra's for example or Sammy Davis Jr. as another ?

    Farrah Fawcett's death was as normal as could be, but of course, she did die and her burial was public …

    Dear Jackson Family, in case you are reading entries on this blog, know this: we are not all stupid and we are ONTO THIS … we KNOW Michael is alive somewhere and we hope that he is safe and enjoying peace, STOP the madness and this net of lies …if you dont not come forward with the truth yourselves, it WILL catch up with you .. GOD help you !!!!!!

  118. MJFAN1972 Says:

    Hi, I'm new here. I'd like to add, you people think all that is weird? Try wrapping your mind around this. They say MJ was cremated so how are they doing a second autopsy? 你知道吗? now that you mention it, I do remember Latoya saying that MJ loves his fans very much, She was talking about him in a present sense and not a past sense. I thought she meant from heaven but she talked like he was very much alive. Some people say he faked his death to get out of performing at the concert. That part I don't believe but I think the concert was supposed to make his death more convincing by setting the concert all up, rehearsals if there were any was supposed to make us feel everything was fine and mysteriously, he dies.Regardless of his fans buying the tickets. This whole death thing doesn't add up which also gives me the reason to feel that he is very much alive oh and btw, he purchased a home somewhere in a foreign country b4 this took place.

  119. dancer1792 Says:

    I agree with what everyone else has said, but I wanted to mention something that no one has pointed out. The paparazzi who took the last picture gave an interview. He said that he knew MJ and that MJ always remebered him. I also thought it was interesting that the guy who said that he was a good friend of MJ also said that he had no moral issue with selling the picture to the highest bidder. It might just be me, but I would've had an issue with selling a picture of my friend who has just passed away.

    He says that he didn't know that MJ had passed away until a half hour later when he heard it on the news. Why did he not go to the hospital to take more pictures? Wouldn't he continue to “do business” as he puts it and try to get a bigger story? Or am I the only one who thinks that this is strange?

    Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VR-HSc2aM4

  120. Sosh Says:


    It could always have been the plan. Creating a hype around MJ with thos 50 concerts. Get him in the news almost every week, bad or good, doesn't matter.

    Get him back to the King of Pop title, without doing anything where Michael is really needed. And just before the start of the concerts: Letm 'die'

    This could be one of the sickest markteing campaings ever. But it works. Everyone is talking MJ, Records sales are boosted and on par in his glory days. Mission acclompished.

  121. Samantha Says:

    Yeah, i heard that to Apparently Michael collapsed on the living room floor and his Son thought he was “mucking” around, So why hasn't the son said anything about it? Quite strange… and even more strange when they found him on the Bed, couldnt michael ring someone up? because apparently michael was saying he didnt feel too good? I don't beleive about the drugs, Michael said in an interview that he hated Drugs & Alcohol… but another side is saying he took over 40 pain killers each day. They were prescription drugs, so maybe…

    啊! This is so confusing, and it is werid how the News isnt asking the same questions, i think they're just over and done with it, and the media too, They Got there fair share of Money in the media they don't care they had enough proof but we have even more proof.

    Michael, i hope you're alive out there somewhere <333

  122. Samantha Says:

    woops, by even more proof i mean more proof that were right about his alive and they're wrong.

  123. Alfaomega Says:

    Hi everybody,thi is the first time I post.

    Dancer 1792,I agree with agree with you, as well as with everybody else here.

    I saw the video and I noticed something else:
    take a good look at the video in this interview with the papparazi ,who suposedly took the last photo of MJ.

    Stop the video at 0:54…there´sa guy with a RED t-shirt with a camera.

    Now stop it at 1:27 …ups…the man with the caamera has a YELLOW t-shirt.

    Now stop it at 3:08-3:10 ther´s again the man with the YELLOW t-shirt.

    This is another proof that the photo is not real.

    The papparazy show the photograph at 3:08-3:10 as a
    “proof” that someone in his team took the suposedly last photo of MJ.
    Na,na.Minute 0:54 shows something else.

    Please,comment on this.

  124. Alfaomega Says:

    Here´s the link to the interview with the papparazi

  125. mjj29081958 Says:

    alfaomega: if the pic was taken at 00:54 or 01:27 min, where is the red car in the left angle of the complete pic??

  126. melluvsmike25 Says:


    Hmmm that is suspicious. Makes you wonder????

  127. ejay5131 Says:

    The dude that took the pic did say that there was two of them working for the picture, One was doing stills and one was video taping. However, that should mean for at least some of the ambulance video we would see them together, side by side. He's bs-ing

