

幾個星期以來在邁克爾傑克遜的死,有一個永無休止的數額評論指向一個事實,即'理由'為什麼邁克爾傑克遜的死亡不是一個騙局,是因為他將'從來沒有傷害他的孩子' ,因為他'愛他們太很多' 。 我們要說的是,我們完全同意這些意見,並認為這是確切原因邁克爾傑克遜的死是個騙局。 請允許我解釋一下。

這一天的Michael Jackson的死亡, 6月25日,我們被告知,他幾乎立即死亡是由於心臟驟停。 隨著時間的進展他去世後,我們當時考慮的信息,他的心髒病發作的原因是過度使用藥物。 雖然這兩個結果,可能是三個屍體解剖的邁克爾傑克遜的身體還沒有得到釋放,以及毒理學報告,第一次解剖,我們只能夠評估的信息,我們已經告訴unrelieable來源媒體和網站TMZ網站等。


如果邁克爾傑克遜確實以一種雞尾酒藥物每一天,這是又造成他心髒病發作,他怎麼會這樣的父親? 我的理解是,一個addicition是極為困難的克服和處理,但是,除了一些小事件,邁克爾傑克遜據報導,一直是優秀的父親,讓他的孩子們大量的時間和所有的事情可曾想過。 如果陳述,他決不會傷害他的孩子,實際上是真正的,我敢肯定它是,那麼為什麼他以往任何時候都將有comprimised他的健康的方式,有可能使她們的父親,尤其是在這樣一個年紀?

其次,據報導,邁克爾傑克遜的時刻後,宣布死亡,加州大學洛杉磯分校醫療中心,凱瑟琳傑克遜了孩子們知道,他們的父親。 (雖然沒有照片證據來支持這種說法和凱瑟琳傑克遜本人並沒有看到孩子們在醫院了。 )我們還得知,在私人家庭紀念館紀念在公眾面前的斯台普斯中心,邁克爾傑克遜的女兒巴黎,把項鍊半心在她父親的脖子,而她穿的另一半。

如果邁克爾傑克遜確實是死了,那麼怎麼可能他的家人受到了兒童的痛苦的經歷,看到他們的父親的屍體不是一次而是兩次? 第二次兒童就會看到他的身體,他已經死了兩個多星期。 就個人而言,我不認為這是父親誰愛他的孩子這麼多的讚賞,或任何時候都同意。

我們還得知,原因是邁克爾的棺材不是一個開放的棺材的公共紀念,是因為他的臉被擦傷和損壞心肺復甦和復甦。 牢記這是絕對荒謬的推理無論如何,如果這真的,那麼為什麼你會在地球上的人的子女再次見到他? 顯示他的孩子們他們的父親死了撞壞了,但面對不是一次兩次? 我不這麼認為... .. 他愛他們太多的東西讓他們通過為創傷性的這一點。 我真誠地相信,任何兒童,將不得不忍受類似的東西無疑是傷痕累累的生命。

最後推理我要回到我的理論是如何出現的兒童,以便unbelieveably平靜在公眾紀念。 原諒我這樣說,但我什至居然說,邁克爾王子二世的長子,甚至有時看著無聊。 我知道很多人會說,每個人都涉及不同的事,也許他們只是在衝擊(雖然我不會責怪他們考慮,他們只希望不得不忍受看到他們的父親的屍體進行了第二次。 )但是,如果人試圖說, 三個孩子正在處理他們的父親去世在同一平靜和收集方法(除了巴黎的講話了,似乎非常排練和計劃,也完全'催淚少' ) ,那麼我們不得不說,這是一種荒謬的說法。 查看我任何兒童是冷靜,沉著, '無聊'在其父親的追悼會,沒有眼淚,或哭泣,以棺材在他們面前的是要保持身體,他們的父親...我懷疑你會發現任何。


老實說,我認為,只有這樣邁克爾傑克遜的孩子可以使人們通過這一紀念那麼容易和'無情' ,以及持久的兩個'觀看'其父親的屍體將是如果他們的父親甚至還沒有開始與死亡。 他們知道他們的父親是非常活躍和幸福,他們已經看到了他的命,因為他的'死亡' ,他們知道他們將很快再次與他。

他怎麼能做到這一點,他的孩子? 我們談論的是一個男人誰沒有看到什麼不好,他的孩子懸掛的一間酒店的房間窗口,四個故事地面。 '我的球迷希望看到的嬰兒,所以我讓他們' ,邁克爾傑克遜說,當被問及這一事件。 如果邁克爾沒有真正了解這起事件可能是一個問題,然後是不是有道理,他可能覺得沒有問題,使世界相信,他死了,而他接著一個長期生活和輕鬆生活在別處?

密切關注這些兒童在未來2,4和6個月。 保證他們將被派往'寄宿學校或居住海外的'走出聚光燈'或一些這樣的藉口。 我們都知道,他們將與他們的父親很快再次... 他愛他們了他決不會做任何傷害他們

  1. jackoisalive21賽義德,

    同意, 110 %同意。 尤其最後一點我說的最後一個職位,在媒體做談論傑克遜'死刑'的孩子將神秘消失,如果獲得SUS的媒體只會回來,使他們unsus一次。

    記住我的話。 希望你快樂邁克爾我同意你這樣做,我愛你。

  2. 炸藥賽義德,

    我同意你剛才說的一切 沒有一個家庭擺脫任何眼淚什麼都做,

  3. 炸藥賽義德,


  4. jackoisalive21賽義德,


  5. Anxelica賽義德,

    祝賀這一頁。 我完全同意這一職務。 孩子們非常安靜,而當談到巴黎似乎排練。

  6. lillina賽義德,

    當然我們當中許多人哭,但我可以告訴ü ,我的一些朋友不喜歡這樣做,他們讓自己的情緒裡面..但我可以告訴他們遭受這麼多!

  7. AliaX賽義德,

    非常好,在12 。 這並非不尋常。 她的父親是一位完美的藝術家,他是她的年齡的一半。 女孩發揮了重要作用,這素描。

  8. Smiile1929賽義德,

    我同意一切ü賽義德管理.. 我的意思是達三個孩子哪裡有如此接近的父親.. 他花了很多時間與他們及其陞技怪誕如何Latoya或者達家人說達巴黎已被哭泣很多東西& &當ü見她在達紀念畬族期待精細.. =縣。
    我的意思是我敢肯定,如果你真的接近你的父母.. 母親或父親和u花了很多時間在一起然後粘接家長逝世.. ü是否Oviously感覺非常赫特&鐓ü了解&當我看到這些孩子達紀念他們只是看著罰款我.. 噢,當巴黎正在她的演講,她開始哭泣,但仍達珍妮特與其他不停地告訴她說話.. 我的意思是,我不會強迫孩子仍然哭泣時發言畬族與東西ü知道..
    可只有我思考這樣的.. 我不知道,但它絕對沒有感到右&我想達完全同樣的事情.. 只要給它一個好幾個月當Everythings對這些孩子們要去消失.. 然後達傑克遜就如同他們現在已經“寄宿學校”無論.. 是非常明顯的是,多數民眾贊成要去哈盆.. 嗯。

  9. VanillaCream賽義德,

    我的祖母去世時,我是10歲歲。 我爺爺帶我去打開棺材deatwatch 。 我看見我死奶奶沒有呼吸,白皮膚,口腔開放和狹窄的立場,她的藍(指甲和指尖)手中。 地獄我永遠不會忘記這些可怕的場景。 關於為3歲。 我做惡夢,我看到她的壁櫥棺材,有恐懼:奶奶在我的床上抓我的腳,等等。 但是,在所有:我奶奶有沒有受傷,我都害怕不過。

    另一種選擇:孩子們得到了sedativum 。

    巴黎戴項鍊的紀念,它是藍色的位置上她的衣服,你可以看到它時,她在舞台上。 我注意到,因為我認為這是一個污點。

  10. VanillaCream賽義德,



    即時通訊新的高科技在這裡和完全同意你的一個100 %你會思想的家庭將他們的眼睛已經哭了尤其是當你聽到兆焦耳結束時的歌曲將ü存在但沒有那種只是假哭特別是小兒他們期待鑽孔,並口香糖,也沒有情感上所有和喬丹說,當我感到震驚的痛苦我可以,相信有多少人相信媒體和垃圾,他們推出了其gettin愚蠢現在我是硝酸鉀兆焦耳活著,我有這種感覺,並聽取了他的unrealeased人宋其稱為一個地方,沒有它的名字很奇怪,他們現在已經把它甚至更有意義,他偽造繼承人去世的聯繫,如果ü havent聽到http:// www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/2540324/Michael-Jackson-unreleased-song-found.html聽它的很奇怪,並增加了多達騙局去世

  12. emmie賽義德,

    我明白我們的說的管理,但ü認為所有thefamily和親密的朋友說,在那裡知道他還活著,因為如果家庭是說,它是一個開放的棺材有人要在那裡,以便讓其他人看到。我無法想像它們都在上。 當用戶proformed他genuinly看著傷心痛哭。

    你怎麼瘦凱瑟琳告訴孩子的葬禮之後,他們為什麼要參加呢? ?



  13. emmie賽義德,

    @ lillina

  14. 哥本哈根賽義德,

    我真的感到困惑整件事。 有一天,我相信他還活著,並在第二天我believ他已經死亡。 我不明白他們正在尋找在在紀念? 他們看著他-看看巴黎-什麼是她看什麼?一本網站上說,推導圖片已經採取的兆焦耳的會員? ? 我還沒有看到他們-有任何人在這裡聽到過嗎?

  15. dirtydiana賽義德,

    我完全同意他們的反應在紀念。 我知道每個人不同的反應死亡,但所有這三個? 其中沒有包括家庭表明沒有一個催淚下降。 你在開玩笑嗎? 棺材坐在那裡你知道你的父親躺在棺木中? 我非常肯定的最古老的巴黎和理解死亡。 我知道我的侄子和neices將他們的眼睛了球知道,真正的父母,他們知道,並已與所有的生活是躺在棺材死亡。 他們可能會歇斯底里。

  16. Girl21GER賽義德,




  17. momsword賽義德,





  18. wndrwmn67賽義德,

    我真的希望他們查看邁克爾的兒童特別的日界線與凱瑟琳和喬在Jackson家族大院。 他們採訪了喬和凱瑟琳,但大多是喬誰交談。 他們進去,並表現出一定的視頻的其他傑克遜的孫子說,凱瑟琳是提高了,我想他們可能會短暫顯示,巴黎王子,和橡皮布即使片刻只是為了表明他們在那裡做好。 然而,他們沒有這樣做。

  19. 炸藥賽義德,


  20. jackoisalive21賽義德,


    當孩子們在舞台上他們微笑和唱歌一樣,沿著他的兄弟和姐妹。 凱瑟琳是唯一的一個,看起來遠程難過。

    迎接不幸! 是的,但我不認為他知道的騙局。

    兒望著鑽孔是香口膠(小童) THROUGHTOUT整個事情,我知道我WOULDNT被無聊再用二硫紀念館。


  21. Synthara賽義德,

    是否有人知道“身體” ( ? ? )是什麼? 可能是稍微無禮的沒有他埋葬了近一個月後,我不知道什麼是真的很好的理由不這樣做還可以。

  22. ilprincipe賽義德,

    @ # 11 :我聽到這首歌... 。但是我錯了嗎? 我的理解總是“請帶我去的地方沒有名字”
    這是奇怪的。 誰知道這首歌時,真的是書面和組成...也許兆焦耳寫兩個星期前,結合它的調整範圍,由“美國” ,沒有人知道... ...
    @ admnin :感謝您的研究和密切監測和一切與此有關的MJS “死亡”
    @ momsword :我聽說今天上午。 如果您比較MJs情況安娜,妮可史密斯或希斯萊傑= “都有過量的藥物/藥丸等

  23. 南希說,


  24. grecialove賽義德,

    我看到我姥姥死在棺材有被3年後,我仍然感到害怕,更不用提我已經看到我的其他奶奶死了車禍的打破頭..這是這麼多painfull ... 。 。


  25. VanillaCream賽義德,

    權利DirtyDiana : “棺材坐在那裡你知道你的父親是躺在棺材中” -和你聽到的歌曲的你的父親你甚至聽到你的父親心愛的聲音說: “你會在那裡... ” (如果以前沒有這樣做是時候我開始哭了起來) ? ? ?

  26. 炸藥賽義德,


  27. 炸藥賽義德,


  28. Helia賽義德,

    嗯,我是誰,這些人說,他已經死了,因為他不會讓他們受苦假裝他們的父親去世,我仍然是因為這一批索賠案文完全是陳詞濫調。 這就好比一個人拼命試圖說服我們,他還活著。 我不知道如果你觀看了紀念館非常關注,但毯了淚水在他的臉上下半年我認為,紀念館和巴黎沒有舞台演辭...這是完全真實的。 和你見過珍妮奧德邁克爾的媽媽? ? ? ?和馬龍傑克遜!有些人誰不想哭前面的整個世界...我可以想像,他們做的一切都是要保持冷靜。 我可以想像,邁克爾告訴他們,如果他去世後,他們不應該哭的是他的事業,他的天使。


  29. emmie賽義德,

    我什至哭時,我看著它,當相機2時,他的棺木,我只是一個fan.i意味著我去世時,我的男我去了醫院,看見她,她仍然熱情越來越冷了液體未來從她的嘴裡,我couldnt停止哭泣,甚至的葬禮上,我哭這麼多只知道她在那裡,我wud從未再見到她。 所以怎麼家庭didn't查看情感

  30. 麻醉賽義德,

    據警方消息來源,邁克爾有一個廣泛的安全系統和周圍的房子,記錄24 / 7發生的事情。 因此,必須有視頻材料的最後幾個小時的兆焦耳他的死訊。 然而,磁帶丟失! 也有黑洞的錄像資料是儲存在電腦。 而警方將盡一切找出材料仍...

  31. 布魯克林說,


    我注意到,還... 。 什麼都是他們望著? ? ?

  32. Sosh賽義德,

    它不僅是誰的孩子沒有任何悲傷。 他的兄弟也都笑了紀念whil所有站在舞台上的最後兩首歌。 作為看波姬小絲在'跳舞'的歌曲。 似乎沒有不開心,因為她雖然說話。

    可是你知道的謠言,邁克爾沒有搞砸,但看起來他是睡著了。 我還以為孩子看到該版本的機構。

  33. jackoisalive21賽義德,

    版本的身體? 是因為當人死亡有不同的版本,氫氧CMON !


    沒有辦法邁克爾死亡只是doesn't增加。 即時通訊即時通訊不否認的事實看!

  34. emo_pinkt賽義德,

    當我觀看了紀念我記得告訴我的母親和妹妹,我不認為任何人在memroial似乎真的。 他們雖然我瘋了..所以我有點忘了它。

  35. MariannaB賽義德,

    哦,其結果將證實的廣泛的公眾,他被打死了過量的藥物。 該文件將有最好的律師在美國和這將是一場意外結束。 因此,保險人可以(因為它沒有天然死亡) ,以支付所有貨幣期望一行(包括家庭) 。 讓所有的人都將得到回報。


    正如噸不明物品已被調離眾議院(命名為“玩具的兒童” ,警方共檢查前的房子,會有公里未歌曲,視頻和足夠的物質生活,它的銷售永遠。





  36. emmie賽義德,

    當我的男去世我總是望著天空。 如果他死了,他們可能是望著天上如果不是我不無

  37. ilprincipe賽義德,

    我同意你的大部分。 我還看到我親愛的奶奶的棺材。 這是非常痛苦,我
    btw在這個艱難的時間之後,我是伴隨著MJs “你會在那裡” ... 。這是1993年秋天,這是大宋在德國圖表。
    我把我的結論。 他不是真的死了。 如果他以往任何時候都將返回的方式我們都知道他嗎? 我不知道..但我想不會。
    所謂的“未”的歌曲可能包含了一些線索的人士。 所以看歌詞!
    黃河新聞不是福音真理。 不要忘記,

  38. barnicals07賽義德,

    嗨,這將是我的第一篇文章是我新成員。 首先感謝你管理設立
    傑克遜已經死亡我自動想'胡說,他還活著,生活在一個島嶼與所有的數以百萬計從他出賣遊覽'所以感謝您讓我們悲觀主義者發洩我們的不滿likeminded人民,我辯論,我的朋友,他們看到他們希望看到,我看到我想看到的。 所有你員額(嗯,大部分)有大量的邏輯給他們,讓他們養活我的病態facianation 。 雖然我必須說一些你點,其中一些是迄今取(尚未plausable )像你所說的話大約有一項'原始'兆焦耳人死亡,並於1984年取而代之的是一個看起來像,然後進行品牌兆焦耳賺錢... plauseable ,但仍然如此可笑,記住我不是一個兆焦耳強迫誰正在試圖關閉所有你索賠,因為他們似乎完全合乎邏輯的,除了以上的,我知道搞砸狗屎發生,但這種說法只是瘋狂。 我每天beliving ,他已經死了,然後發生什麼事,讓我覺得他還活著,我同意別人某種有確鑿證據證明是必要的。 有漏洞太多,在'這是'宣布,我是fasinated與該職位,但與你說的話,有人曾塑料surgary尋找相同的他,明顯的價格,究竟會是現在這樣的人? 坐在室內,數以百萬計的dollas像喬丹? 這似乎不太可能... extreamly但你說的關於他們有絕症的人獲得塑料surgary填寫為他的身體...他們泵的藥物的人投擲的發送? 該人是同一個人作為一個在宣布這是它? 或multipul lookalikes ...一些您想...

  39. goslinger1賽義德,

    我同意這個職位! 尼斯的工作!

    我哭了我的眼睛看的紀念。 我通常不會哭很容易,但它是如此感情對我來說。 我不能幫助它。

    我感到震驚(和尷尬在自己) ,我是更多的情感比他自己的家庭! 波姬小絲是唯一的人誰是作為撕毀因為我。 這並不令我感到驚奇,因為我不認為邁克爾將保持舊兒時的朋友在他的“循環”的東西,如果他沒有階段惡作劇。

    這是在我認為,邁克爾不會離開他的孩子們,他會很容易地掩飾自己或接受手術,以創建一個新的角色。 這樣,他可以訪問他的孩子多,他希望不必注意和承認。 如果你考慮這種可能性,那麼,為什麼不去世,他的階段? 他仍然可以看到他的家庭和子女在他的休閒。

    順便說一下,他將不三思而後行了手術。 他做了很多次,喜歡化妝前和愚弄人民!

  40. jackoisalive21賽義德,








    Mags &淨puzzes新聞與邁克爾傑克遜的幾個月裡,直到它最後平息,家庭是留在和平。





  41. jackoisalive21賽義德,

    拼寫錯誤** **

    mags &淨熱鬧非凡,而不是puzzes


  42. SITA公司說,


  43. dora5132賽義德,

    mariannaB ,我同意一切,是在您的post.the孩子要搬遷,因此喬傑克遜的聲明對世界tour.while在此賽將是美聯儲公開一些學士學位去missing.i他們不相信的一分鐘的喬丹是dead.why是他仍然不埋?為什麼弓形蟲報告這麼長時間?什麼是不正確的!家庭不應該被允許在邁克爾的房子警局。

  44. dora5132賽義德,

    mariannaB ,我同意一切,是在您的post.the孩子要搬遷,因此喬傑克遜的聲明對世界tour.while在此賽將是美聯儲公開一些學士學位去missing.i他們不相信的一分鐘的喬丹是dead.why是他仍然不埋?為什麼弓形蟲報告這麼長時間?什麼是不正確的!家庭不應該被允許在邁克爾的房子警局。

  45. 麻醉賽義德,

    在傑克遜非常宗教(基督教/耶和華見證人,我相信,雖然他的弟弟小是轉換伊斯蘭教- ) ,使所有的'查找'是與'請'強度和上帝,諸如此類的東西,我認為。 (請記住所有所謂Reverends在紀念? )

  46. SITA公司說,


  47. 哥本哈根賽義德,

    在同一圖片LaToya是微笑著在她的大帽...我也注意到了這一點幾乎是太黑膜,但在思想是要尊重人民哀悼,但我注意到,沒有背後的傑克遜家族在哭的。 兩次我聽到一個人叫邁克爾。 這是同一個人becauce的聲音是一樣的... ? 我還注意到,當人們從私人會員服務的bodylanguage並不表明它們哀悼。 我看到一個女人正在更感興趣顯示另一名女子,她曾在她的shoppingbag ...這是非常奇怪的? ?

  48. hesalive賽義德,

    噢..孩子將發送某處,即時通訊100 % positive.an心臟手鐲再次將加入

  49. 黛塔範賽義德,

    餵! 這是我第一次寫,始終遵循站點每天。 在座的許多人一樣,我認為邁克爾是有生命的地方。 一切都非常奇怪和神秘之日起6月25日。 我讀了評論意見和麻醉的安全系統的眾議院邁克爾:在哪裡磁帶從安防相機? 如果他們走了,這確實是非常奇怪的。 我有許多問題:為什麼警察沒有質疑工作人員的房子? 第一次屍檢結果出來的同一天,醫生說,他沒有發現任何東西,家庭的要求第二次屍檢,這是這麼長時間離開的結果呢? 他們說,這個機構是在墓地,我認為,出版社是有責任,沒有人看到這個未來棺材? 為什麼不禁止警察的房子時,一輛救護車離開家邁克爾? 博士穆雷跟警察和他們說,這是不被視為可疑,但一名目擊者稱,現在警方又在他和克萊因博士皮膚科。 發生了什麼事? 是警方,甚至調查? 為什麼有一個視頻的乘坐救護車去醫院? 該機構是從直升機(為什麼不開車嗎? )的驗屍官辦公室的第一次解剖? 為什麼沒有進行屍檢是在醫院裡? 因為我相信每家醫院的死因和一台冰箱,以保持身體。 昨天我看一張照片的邁克爾“死” ,即圖片內的救護車和我不是一個人記住: E'Casanova 。 這是誰的人誰似乎是一個包括邁克爾出現在頒獎典禮上? 我看到他的照片在一些網站上。 這個故事的一天邁克爾是真的嗎? 將警方不認為邁克爾可以偽造自己的死亡? 誰知道的計劃,以幫助邁克爾和誰呢? 我相信很少人並把他們的錢將要部署和協作。 抱歉,但它確實是非常困惑和神秘的對我和我認為,對於許多人來說這裡。 漸漸地我們都加入,並得出結論。 很抱歉後的巨人! 大聲笑!

  50. auntygrace賽義德,

    我完全同意的理論! 當我聽說過的兆焦耳的死,我立刻認為有錯。 我的意思是我真的不是他的一個球迷,我就像他的音樂,但我真的感到有些奇怪...幾天之後,我終於接受了這個兆焦耳逝世。 然後我看到紀念館和它明確地對我:邁克爾傑克遜沒有死! 我的意思是你是絕對正確的說,兒童的行為在一個陌生的方式,整個Jackson家族沒有。 我只是在那裡電視機前哭了很多(並再次,我不喜歡! )和他的孩子們坐在那裡,好像他們只是想“是這一切的時候了,這是sooo乏味,就像在學校數學! “ 。 這是真的很奇怪...我雖然對某些事情,我同意大多數理論在此方面,我確實認為,兆焦耳還活著。 但我也注意到,如果僅僅是紀念“顯示” ,而不是真的有很多人都必須知道,喬丹還活著,為了所有的計劃,並使其實際。 我認為這非常困難,必須保持這樣一個秘密...我的意思是遲早必須有人失去了Word和揭示一切,你不覺得? ! 和我不明白,因為喬丹還沒有被埋葬飛機。 和延遲他的屍檢結果也非常,非常奇怪! 俺好像他們沒有這樣做的規劃尚未。 這是瘋了,他們都希望我們相信,喬丹已經死了,但是他們的所有行動,他們只是支持我們的理論一定是錯誤的。 不,他們認識到, ? !
    我的意思是,好吧,兆焦耳偽造他的死亡,因為他不想在媒體上了,因為他可能知道,開始與各大旅行社,媒體只會談論他等等,但看看現在的情況:無論哪個通道,我看在,兆焦耳的主要議題是,這只是兆焦耳這裡,兆焦耳,並每天拿出新的故事,所有種類的故事和一些主題是真正的個人,等等。 我想,如果我是喬丹,我不想讓媒體談論我和發明一樣,這種愚蠢的故事,我說,我是同志,而且我爸爸打我,所以我成了不育。 我只是不能處理所有的這些故事,並嘗試進行削減。 我的意思是什麼兆焦耳思考呢?
    然而,我將繼續在新聞和所有這一切,因為我想知道未來會發生什麼事和這最後他們都來。 我會等著看...

    問候來自德國(因此抱歉可能不好英語... )

    聚苯乙烯。 一些你想知道的人,尤其是孩子們仰望的紀念:我認為他們抬頭向天,象徵性的地方,現在是他們的父親。

  51. VanillaCream賽義德,

    邁克爾的房子是一個犯罪現場,對不對? 因此,警方已經以節省立即對犯罪現場,但他們沒有權利? 因此,對這一文件的證據是不值得的paperbag運輸。 我對不對?


  52. charliechaplin賽義德,



  53. 南希說,

    我不知道你如何不會哭如果您知道您的父親是在他的棺材躺在那兒... 。你立即開始哭當你回過頭來看看他的棺材,因為立即將記憶在您的頭部和沒有辦法不啟動哭但他們-的兒童沒有斷絕任何催淚!!!!!!!!!

  54. lovelidae賽義德,

    管理員,我相信這個理論的所有道路。 我妹妹是在同一年齡組的邁克爾親王本人及巴黎,她將超過能夠理解這樣一個複雜的陰謀。 事實上,她拿出一些相同的理論為你們和研究邁克爾如此緊密,她可以通過圖片和現場的實際邁克爾從他的模仿。 所以,我肯定認為,兒童有一些線索是怎麼回事。 所有通過紀念孩子一直盯著。 我認為喬丹是在紀念,並告訴他們,他將在情況下,他們需要一些勇氣強勁(他們知道,年長的兩個爸爸是不遠處) 。 所有這些報告的孩子們看到他們的父親的身體來自Latoya傑克遜,來論人從什麼時候開始LATOYA傑克遜是一個可靠的消息來源的兆焦耳信息。 我不相信她,我可以扔她,她試圖把兆焦耳的諺語巴士在孌童審判(我從來沒有想過他是有罪的) 。 因此,如果您閱讀此我親愛的邁克爾知道我愛你,並完全支持你的決定。 您有足夠的線索留下您的真正的球迷,我知道你是活著,且健康狀況良好。 我祈禱,所有這些東西很快消失從媒體這樣您就可以團聚了3愛你的生活,你的孩子。 我愛你,並為你祈禱日常生活。 我一直讚賞你的勇氣,愛,善良,美麗,和勇敢。 我愛你總是兆焦耳!

  55. melia8383賽義德,

    它並不因為這使他們推遲了屍檢再2週? 為什麼? 我想人們來在網站上說,他死了! 給它一個休息! 這些人希望把懷疑您的想法,他們希望你第二個猜測yourself.Any其他名人將開放和關閉猜測,我的意思是安娜妮可測試沒有考慮這個漫長! 我懷疑他沉迷於任何事情,在最近幾年的課程。 有太多的神秘故事有關於他的“死亡”這是瘋了!

  56. 瑪莎說,

    情感pinkt這正是我想看完它和我說了同樣的事情對我的男朋友。 但後來我認為某物是錯誤的我。 現在我看到它wasn't只有我...

  57. 溫迪達林說,

    我不認為巴黎是代理,她被感動,因為她知道,他的父親是做somethig困難,她談她的愛他。 她只有一個孩子。

  58. 萊諾拉賽義德,

    每天我最肯定,喬丹仍然活著。 據TMZ網站的驗屍報告將推遲再次和我不知道這是為什麼? 是機構被送往醫院,並比死因真的兆焦耳的? 我只記得,幾年前,我們的媒體(我是從斯洛文尼亞)報告說,邁克爾買了金色的鍍金棺材被運到夢幻島,所以這使我相信他是規劃自己的死很久以前。 並有圖片的備忘錄TMZ網站-兆焦耳毒品圖片-一些醫生使用的話,這是它-閱讀它,它很有趣。 一切都這麼奇怪。
    所有關於邁克爾的可愛的孩子,我必須說,他們都像他們在棒球比賽不是他們的父親紀念。 一些傑克遜的家人說,邁克爾的臉被損壞,因為他收到的心肺復甦術,並比讓孩子看到他這樣。 我不相信它。 不幸的是,我不相信一個詞是什麼latoya說。 她支付的該interwiev ,而且看起來,她是一個錢採集太。 她還指責邁克爾說,他是一個兒童molestor ,這不需要任何評論。

  59. feyaya賽義德,

    我從來沒有失去任何人都非常接近我,我同情你們大家誰失去了親人。 但我可以說100 %的把握,如果我失去了一位親人,我將失去它在一般。 我25 ,但我不能形容我喜歡看到有人在棺材,讓alose失去他們正在與。 因此,如何更為這3個孩子,均低於12歲以下的? 它沒有任何意義。 即使王子坐在那裡尋找無聊的主意,巴黎坐在那兒這種期待的寧靜;彷彿一切都被罰款,並確定。 我認為邁克爾是活著,這是公正的事情之一就是支持這一想法。

    這是毫不奇怪的屍檢結果已再次推遲。 我認為這是所有部分的伎倆;進一步事情推遲,時間越長買的騙局。 要么,或正在購買的時間有可能殺人案件 但儘管如此,我不會失去希望,邁克爾還活著

  60. fm89賽義德,


    該計劃還顯示,他的訓練與綠巨人(對不起,我忘了他的名字) ,但是之前的紀念當天空新聞質疑的“綠巨人” (他的私人教練誰是讓他準備演唱會,他還讓他準備好為歷史之旅) ,他說,沒有注射標誌等,並沒有跡象表明他正在對毒品的。

    因此,他或他是不是毒品,我知道它在好萊塢很常見,但正如你所說,他的家庭等, AEG公司和IM肯定不會很樂意與他服用藥物的這麼多錢和聲譽上線?

  61. Smiile1929賽義德,

    但如果ü思考達整件事從何時開始到現在.. 很多事情是沒有意義.. Somethings絕對不正確的資訊科技.. 是啊我可能“鬆動我的心” ,但其真實雖然.. 在達紀念館,什麼東西是不正確.. 可能是我,但是當你有一個紀念某人.. ü感受對方疼痛及見可惜他們ü知道,但兆焦耳的喪葬.. 它絕對看完全虛假要我.. =縣。

  62. artisticflare賽義德,

    我非常喜歡這個網站,我認為邁克爾是活太多,而是如何awfull必須走這麼遠的一些和平與安寧! 我的意思是跆拳道! 我感到震驚時,我在第一次23歲的兒子告訴我,在午夜邁克爾傑克遜已經死了我只是couldnt相信它! 我是如此破壞我哭了幾天來對我的意思是我是一個56歲的範正誰是6yrs歲Michaekl出生時,我買下了我生活的Mowtown睡覺,吃它! 但是,隨著週會由我真的相信這是所有的一個騙局,我真的希望邁克爾不是死了! 我想我們可能wouldnt承認邁克爾我們大家都來了解和熱愛,我wouldnt驚訝,如果他有更多的整容手術,以徹底改變他的臉! 我同意你說的話對吸毒過量獲得保險金有沒有其他辦法。 但我希望他們將排序兒童,讓他們解決或與凱瑟琳珍妮特了! 現在我們必須期待著新的歌曲被釋放邁克爾斯Birhtday和Christmas1 !

  63. Shauna賽義德,

    我的75 %左右確定邁克爾沒有死。 我同意報表的兒童尋找無聊的紀念。 我認為巴黎是教練說什麼就做。 她被罰款之前和之後她崩潰的階段。 我不責怪他在所有的偽裝他death.I會做得多年前。 也許他終於可以得到一些和平的一次,他的生命。 我愛邁克爾和我祝愿他最好的,無論他是。

  64. jpresley賽義德,

    在一天結束的時候,只有時間才能告訴我們,如果我們的理論,投機,並希望確實是正確的。 如果孩子最終'寄宿學校'的國家或剛剛基本上消失了。 我還認為這將是極為重要的法律如何所有東西作品。 管理員,感謝我以前的查詢處理重新孩子與您最近的職位。 現在,你對此有何考慮對康拉德穆雷( sleazeball他是)和克萊因博士? 如果他們最終面臨刑事指控? 同時,將某人請解釋(或提供了理論)就如何一名男子誰是5'11 ,重量只有112英鎊(對於那些讀了這一點,美國-對不起,我不知道的轉換,為十進制,但相信它被認為是厭食症的任何定義和我猜測不遠處死亡)和injesting超過50粒,每天除了定期注射demerol和異丙酚通過了一項嚴格的4或5小時身體? ? 這根本沒有,沒有,沒有道理的。 我認為兆焦耳了依賴於明meds ,甚至沒有去辯論,但來吧! 認真? ? !

  65. 尼娜說,

    對不起,我的英語水平,但我從羅馬尼亞,儘管我非常理解,我不能說同樣的對我的書面英語,我希望你能理解...以下是我認為的原因,以兆焦耳惡作劇deth :
    1.What他可以返回的注意的是,全球範圍內推廣? 演唱會是不夠的,他需要注意。
    2.How更長,他可以隱藏的孩子? 他們是青少年( 2 )和希望自己的生活...
    4.Debts必須支付... ..
    - O2的舞台上的話語: \ “這是它! 這就是它! 最後謝幕! ...我愛你,我真的... \ “他要宣布我們...
    延遲葬禮... etc.etc ...它導致了同樣的結論:他仍然活著!
    但最重要的是... :
    邁克爾,你總是說:期待與你的心...我們的心認為,理解,接受和...愛你。 感謝您所有的生活! 你需要休息,你當之無愧。

    謝謝管理員。 為此希望...

  66. 傑西戴相龍說,

    我完全同意你所說的話。 您的分析是合理的。 在看到紀念館,我覺得巴黎不能撒謊。 但是看完你的話,我開始明白。 這是真正的王子期待不同於他人,就像他是無聊的。

  67. 丹尼說,

    這些兒童的市民不是他真正的兒童。 為什麼他們都這麼白。 我知道邁克也白癜風,但並不影響基因。 這些兒童演員和邁克離開美國3個星期前,他真正的孩子,世界發生了從未有過的。 他將永遠不會顯示自己真正的孩子們在公共。 從不。 他知道,這些鯊魚會吃。
    的方式和最年長的男孩看起來酷似我。 不是開玩笑。 我的母親說同樣的!

  68. 香水賽義德,

    您好由南非所有...在回答他的孩子們被後面的“死亡騙局”一個問題...兒童不能保守秘密,如果他們在隨後不久或更高的真相就會出來...談到沒有顯示時,我媽媽的感情我16歲去世,並每天我去上學,回來後沒有人知道,我失去了我的媽媽,我會從學校回家預計她將在那裡和她坐在床上哭我的心了,這樣做,直到每天ü她的葬禮的唯一一次我沒有哭時公開棺材被降低到地面時,這是打我的終局性她去世... ..兆焦耳愛他的孩子超過任何在這個世界上,我懷疑他會的通知他的孩子們上的秘密,我在這裡沒有消極不誤解我的意思,只是說明顯而易見的,我認為他會告訴別人的非常尊敬他什麼他要這樣,因為他知道媒體有愛/恨他,甚至不知道週後他的“死亡” ,他們不能獲得足夠的他,即使這意味著他們falsley提供的報告,他們甚至舊事重提,新聞事業,他們不太多說他現在和無論他是他必須坐在回和尖叫與笑聲知道媒體現在是最大的傻瓜... ..我的觀察,他習慣讓LaToya進入事業,她是不可信任的,他習慣讓他的父親到它導致他們沒有一個良好的關係,他是否會允許有人進去那麼要么珍妮或他的媽媽,其餘的家庭,我不能看到他,讓他們成為最大的秘密,他的生命... ...只是一個觀察。 AEG公司將它知道他們將得到數以百萬計從他在剩餘的生命

  69. loveandpeace賽義德,

    大後,我同意100 % 。 這些孩子們看到有人在公共與他。 當他們將去toystor ,他們將獲得的轟炸狗仔隊外,然後他們進去,他們得到的轟炸球迷誰想要的圖片或簽名。 無論是他們的希望可以說,他們已經沒有了生命。 他們只是想獲得自由,生活正常。

  70. danisnow70賽義德,

    傑克遜是在前往牙買加! http://www.stumbleupon.com/s/ # 1fogaZ/www.tmz.com/2009/07/17/michael-jackson-brothers-jackson-5-jamiaca / /

  71. Funkey賽義德,

    兆焦耳realeased這首歌後,他的“死亡”的話,我認為是循環媒體說什麼。 採取聽取http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSg0bbQM7D0&feature=related


  72. 蜜蜂賽義德,


    這事他的臉被'太撞了'一個開放棺材的說法是荒謬的;所有殯儀館已恢復藝術家誰可以讓即使是最嚴重的車禍受害者回到一起像樣的方式! 一些瘀傷將沒有潤色。

    另外-我忘記了在那裡,也許在某處評論線程在這裡,邁克爾已經規劃推出新的音樂與其他藝術家,還有一些新的音樂下一個假名? 這是很可能的,因為它已經表示,他已經“超過200個未歌曲” ,他可以繼續記錄和製作音樂,它可以釋放已被記錄在去世前,但誰知道?

    考慮他的混亂的家庭和所有他已經通過,我不會責怪他1位選擇這條路線為他和他的孩子! 邁克爾,如果你在那裡,保佑你的大醇的心,我祝你所有的世界最好成績。

  73. bubblesthechimp賽義德,


    它最初來自E ! 網上“巴黎傑克遜即興或計劃? ”


  74. hesalive賽義德,


  75. roxy101賽義德,

    好吧,我同意部分一些本。 我不完全肯定希望。 我開始覺得,也許我的拒絕...
    點你真的很好,我同意這是奇怪的,他們沒有表現出一點激動... ...因為我已經坐在我祖父的紀念,前排,並喊道失控... 。我也有出席葬禮為人民,我知道很難甚至還哭... 。但也許這只是我的...

    即使孩子在上...你怎麼解釋的法律的行動嗎? 法庭訴訟超過誰將實現他們的監護權...等


  76. BeenTown賽義德,

    我喜歡您的網站。 你的理論是經過深思熟慮,並寫得很好。 你剛才的一切書面熟能生巧意義。

    這只是不像他死了,和所有我聽到媒體現在的問題是如何Latoya傑克遜準備一切。 它似乎很奇怪。

    我想,如果他們將讓我們看到機構在棺材這種猜測可能超過(只是位。 )






  77. roxy101賽義德,

    還管理..如果我想感謝你也許可以談談E'Casanova理論嗎? 這是一個偉大的理論,但根據他的MySpace網頁,他似乎是非常活躍,以及非常蹂躪自己...所以我很困惑的整個理論

    想的? ?

  78. He.is.alive賽義德,

    @ @ Mariannna :到底我的感情,我都同意這樣做的一切你說。

    成為主流一直在做,並將繼續這樣做是飼料公眾“信息” = '填料資料“ ,供市民集中在企圖”轉移“到了什麼,現在仍然是真正發生在幕後。

    我不記得單一其他名人的死並通過在過去這是/是有爭議的,因為這是傳奇的“死亡”的邁克爾傑克遜,即使埃爾維斯普雷斯利了“公共葬禮” ,因此相信市民,他是真的“亂世佳人” ...


    為什麼? 是不是這樣“超級巨星”邁克爾傑克遜? 當然,他是迄今為止在和/或什至超過一些隊伍的一些人...傑克遜克萊恩是否真的認為我們會吞下塔斯台普斯中心“紀念服務”的整體? 權利與所有其他“資料”美聯儲不斷通過媒體? 唉! 我們中有些人的工作腦高於腰圍和有效地利用它!

    隨著杰梅因傑克遜身穿神秘耳機? 在“您將有”煩惱失言獨白? 皇后拉蒂誰甚至從來沒有滿足邁克爾傑克遜,並表示這樣的大衛萊特曼查看自己? 雖然從未表現出最好的朋友? 這樣的例子不勝枚舉,並和上...因為許多挑剔的和可疑的博客已經雄辯地張貼,包括管理員張貼深刻尖銳地概述其他方面的“死亡和逃避”你親愛的彼得潘朋友。

    時間越長經過-為瑪麗安娜說: “在一年內從現在開始” 。 世界將恢復正常,但我有一個感覺是, “什麼邁克爾傑克遜之死”將是一個永無止境來源持懷疑態度和第二guessers試圖發現到底發生了什麼一樣,它發生的貓王。

    **貓王:如果您正在閱讀這些博客條目,我相信你,我們知道你還活著,但根據聯邦保護這就意味著您需要保持的藏身之處。 即便如此,但您的一個老人,現在並不重要,您可以隨時出來,每個人都依然愛你... 。



    你可能不記得這件事,但我很清楚和明確仍然! 在你們的勝利之旅早在1984年,您有一個顯示在肯尼迪體育場在華盛頓特區,我是在出席在第三排座椅了前台。 你穿一件條紋, shiney服裝和靴子,並在某些時候,走下舞台,而唱歌,以蔑視的安全,走了幾英尺的觀眾。 你走的不夠遠,你只有大約2英尺離開我,我很了解你的存在,發現您的絕對美麗的手抓著麥克風,但此外,我們目光接觸時,我看著你的眼睛,我記得非常強大的震動,以我的心當我看到和經歷了不可否認的痛苦你的眼睛...親愛的上帝,我永遠不會忘記,只要我還活著,它是同一個“疼痛” (而不是煩惱)你所說的在口語獨白部分在您的“你會在那裡”的歌曲。

    我沒有聽到你說“的煩惱”在斯台普斯舞台上,我只能想像的疼痛我看見你的眼睛裡返回肯尼迪在1984年真正的增長,以至於,你決定將“死亡”的世界相信,但在目前的現實,你必須是你所選擇的地點,以逃避世界,在某些部分,造成你的痛苦,同樣的痛苦,我看見你的眼睛裡,永遠住在我的心。 可能最好的一部分,你的生活現在你面前為你和你的3誰最勇敢的孩子表現出愛你的忠誠度。 願上帝與你同在,無論身處何地,和醫治的痛苦...我看到的痛苦你的眼睛在25年前...

  79. ishealive賽義德,

    剛剛再次抬起頭來頻道的記者招待會上在倫敦3月,他連聲說: “這是它最後的謝幕”具有諷刺意味的是這僅僅是他策劃或去世都?????????? 他走的道路是一個死放棄,兆焦耳走不一樣的紳士與昂首闊步。 我越去想它,它看起來像一個騙局,我看來,他等待著活力,他是在聚光燈再次然後死亡,他知道人的思考和認識他了,利用他的很多錢,如果他的死因。 有些人對拉里金說,在他去世後不久,邁克爾是一個輝煌的垂死的商業舉動,當然他說,思想兆焦耳已經死了。 喬傑克遜還表示,喬丹將是更大的死亡不是生命。 我希望有人在他的圖片,或者家庭了一大步滑了然後將清除此了位。

  80. Sosh賽義德,

    @ jackoisalive21

    沒有考慮到litterary 。 我的意思是有些人說,邁克爾看起來可能是睡著了whil其他人說,他的臉prety搞砸。 當然我知道,如果有一個機構,只會有一個。 但是,根據他的孩子的故事看到了' good'version他的身體。 不是messedup一中所說的博客文章

  81. closepaltomj賽義德,

    優秀的書面。 我想贊助這個網站。

  82. 波斯說,

    是家庭擔任奇怪。 我個人是禿頭我的眼睛和我不是一個家庭成員,我沒有一個巨大的風扇。 但在這裡是一件事:即使他偽造他的死亡,我們應該比較了證人保護計劃。 如果你有一個鄰居誰被騷擾或威脅和程序刪除他/她離開該地區或國家,我們所有的鄰居知道,我們去嘗試,證明某某人還活著,或根據保護保管! 我們是好朋友,好鄰居還是我們的敵人找到幫助我們的朋友。
    從第一天開始,我有虛假理論,但現在我認為,如果他甚至還假裝正在死亡,我們應該讓他獨自獲得的與他的生命。 但是,我一直在您的網站的日常檢查和感謝你把這個在一起。

  83. 狂熱賽義德,


    1 。 鉅穆雷稱,他乘坐的救護車與兆焦耳到醫院,並試圖恢復兆焦耳的管理心肺復甦的全部時間在救護車。

    -但是,我沒有看到任何地方的博士穆雷這張照片管理心肺復甦。 它甚至不能像他在救護車,除非他是在回給兆焦耳的足部按摩或一些東西。

    2 。 密切關注錄像救護車離開兆焦耳回家。 在1點22分鐘,你可以看到的圖像(我覺得)之一護理人員從內部救護車望著窗外。 如果喬丹是在被逮捕的原因是心臟輔助尋找窗外和不參加對兆焦耳。

    ,我認為這可能只是反映了一個男人站在救護車,同時遵守現場。 但是,我問自己,為什麼他的反射顯示的只有一個,因為有很多人在這個領域,包括攝像頭男子和旁觀者,但他的形象是唯一一個反映從窗口。

    3 。 仔細研究在1點33分鐘的錄像。 這是側窗的救護車在攝影師假設採取了過去的照片兆焦耳。 認為有點模糊,但似乎輔助男子在救護車沒有任何手套。 我不認為這是氧thingy上兆焦耳的臉。 對不起,如果我說,我什至不認為喬丹是在救護車。 該錄像的單元開槍不符合照片的人聲稱,他的兆焦耳,而在救護車。 也許那傢伙photoshopped的照片嗎? 我不是一個形象專家,所以我不能告訴如果照片的真實或虛假的。 或者,照片本來可以採取在一個較早的時間或一天?

    3 。 仔細研究從分鐘1:42-1:47 。 兆焦耳已經被救護車送往醫院。 該消防車是在道路上的過程中,離開現場的。 不過,您可以看到一個沒有標誌的救護車進入兆焦耳的家中後,他的背景是假設將前往醫院了。

    -首先,我想也許他們只是重放錄像的救護車正在兆焦耳到醫院,但我注意到,這是假設救護車運載兆焦耳的號碼71上。 救護車是進入他的家後,第一次沒有留下身份證號碼了。 我不熟悉洛杉磯護理人員,但我認為,所有救護車已對他們的ID號碼。 然後,我想也許,救護車了通訊問題,並沒有知道,救護車已經採取兆焦耳醫院。 然而,如果喬丹已經帶走了第一輛救護車,然後為什麼警衛讓,救護車進入蓋茨? 他們應該說,喬丹已經採取和他們不再需要救護,但情況並非如此,他們讓這種救護車進入。



  84. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive賽義德,

    okk幸虧我還挺同意掩飾thingy cuz看過紀錄片“揭露” ? 以及一個內幕國一種或另一種方式,邁克爾是國王的偽裝,如果任何人都可以把它關閉邁克爾可以... 。 他可以欺騙任何人在他的偽裝! 所以我覺得有一個可能的機會,他可以改變自己的外表,但隨後再次,也許不是...誰知道? ? ?

  85. 一個好奇心理賽義德,

    我ralised後,我國去年對這些理論還沒有公佈,但在anycase我這個我想與大家分享。 邁克爾似乎真的已經addictted藥物,因為如果你仔細聆聽本剪輯你會聽到女子告訴他時,他說他不舒服,她會注入他的東西... 。


  86. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive賽義德,

    還有另一件事! 那麼顯然邁克爾傑克遜有一個官方YouTube頻道“ http://www.youtube.com/user/michaeljackson ” ... .. 這是能夠得到證實或東西... ,也有人明確的渠道定期更新(勾選'最後登錄' ) ... .. 所以誰負責更新的頻道必須硝酸鉀邁克爾或者... 。 字母i dunno我們shoould研究或東西, lyk試圖找到正式臉譜或MySpace或者類似的東西.. 你不覺得? ? 也許這可以讓我們進一步與此.. cuz目前我們只有想法還不能證明... ..

  87. blanka賽義德,

    正如我以前說過我是一個巨大的邁克爾傑克遜範...和的事情之一就是我無法理解,如果他是自殺身亡,並過量異丙酚或demerol造成心髒病發作,並在復出賽,他不得不採取體能測試,他在最佳狀態和健康的原因,醫生沒有看到他是處方藥的消費,他的健康問題? ? ? 是種困惑! 應該顯示的測試嗎? ?

  88. 一個好奇心理賽義德,

    I could be wrong but it sure sounds like that's what she told him and just look at him…he looks totally medicated….it's very sad ….

  89. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    I Stick With My Theory. He Said That We Aint Seen Nothing Yet And The Concert Was Gonna Be Like You Never Seen Before. He Is Probably Doing All This For His Comeback Tour, Hence Comeback? Plus Im Pretty Sure That Everyone Cant Hold Back Tears. I Cried More Than Anyone At That Memorial. So Im Confused. I Feel He Is Alive And I Hope He Is Fine.

  90. MrsBenjamin Said,

    我有一個評論,但我可能是錯的...即時通訊懶得獲得第...在這條中LaToya傑克遜提出了不很久以前,聲稱她被謀殺...兆焦耳以及..這個項鍊...她說巴黎的東西一個藍色的項鍊...她給了她父親的另一半..請請糾正我,如果我錯了有關此一...但我相信有人說,巴黎的項鍊項鍊的是一個改變顏色從體溫嗎? 。 。抱歉即時不好解釋的事情...但她說,另一半(其中兆焦耳了)發紫,因為他是如此冷...但Latoya說,他的身體溫暖,她在那裡的孩子們第一次去時,她的房間嗎? ? ... 。請評論... ..林所謂大拇指向下在解釋變薄...很抱歉!

  91. LadyV賽義德,

    我看到了巴黎的講話後,我被告知這是完全真實的,所以我看著它是真正的想法,但只是看著假我。 我不懷疑巴黎意味著什麼,但她說哭期待在年底舉行。

  92. MrsBenjamin賽義德,

    和任何人都知道“ supermom ”去? ? 只是好奇

  93. charliechaplin賽義德,

    我同意jackoisalive21 。

    We can't out fingers on it, but our instinct is telling us the MJ is alive. We may not be able to prove it, not now or perhaps in the future, but we know that he is out there safe & starting to enjoy the normal life that he has always wanted.

    For that, I wouldn't wish for MJ to come back into the limelight again and be lambasted again as before. He deserves to be happy having made all of us happy ever since the start of his career at the age of 5.

    If 'dying' is his way of retiring at 50, then we might as well support him on that decision. Like I said, we may never have a proof that he is alive but our hearts tell us that he is.

    For me, out way of supporting him is defending him as much as we can from those who still stain his persona even after his death by calling him a pedophile or molester or a freak.

    Let's show our support by stating from which countries we each belong so that MJ's detractors will be fully aware that he did not belong to his home country alone but to the entire WORLD. And so, if anyone messes up with MJ's image again after death, they will have to face the anger of his supporters WORLDWIDE.

  94. charliechaplin賽義德,


    We can't out fingers on it, but our instinct is telling us the MJ is alive.


    We can't PUT our fingers on it….

    For me, out way of supporting him is defending him as much as we can from those who still stain his persona even after his death by calling him a pedophile or molester or a freak.


    For me, our way of supporting him…

  95. Jori Said,

    Thanks so much for all of the hard work and thought that has gone into compiling this information so comprehensively and so quickly. I've had my doubts as well, and a number of the issues that have been raised have piqued my curiosity as well.

    I read just today that Janet has split with her longtime beau Jermaine Dupri. How timely.

    I do not believe that Michael is gone. He's pulled a fast one on those greedy hounds at AEG Live, all the while bolstering his bank account, clearing his reputation, and becoming front page news once again.

    Bloodsucking parasites apparently mistook Michael's gentleness and quiet demeanor for weakness. Big mistake. Michael has always been an astute and formidable business man. This was probably the wisest move he's made yet. Hats off.

    Wherever Michael is I hope he's enjoying the peace and quiet that total anonymity provides. I imagine he's off someplace at the end of the earth, deep in the bush or the mountains of Nepal where no one has ever heard of Michael Jackson…Delicious!

  96. wildchild Said,

    jackoisalive21, I agree with you. I don't think he will return either. I already wrote that on a another post. Imagine what would happen, if he just came back. Not everybody would be as happy as most of us here.

    Thought of another thing. i heard that his kids never had seen him perform, not even at a rehearsal, becasue he wanted to save that for the This Is It shows. Surprise them. Maybe that's just another thing to increase the credibility on this death. But if it's true it's kind of sad. They probably will never see him perform either way now. Not in this life..


  97. navyblue62643 Said,

    while watching a youtube video of the memorial service for Michael an ad flashed on screen for an underwater memorial park near Key Biscayne, FL 3.5 miles off the coast Is it possible the body has been cremated and placed here. The name of this underwater cemetary is “Neptune Memorial Reef” Also while watching the memorial I observed quite a few people looking upward. Could they have been looking at someone”MJ” standing in one of the boxes ready to trip the sign”I am Alive and Here forever” at the end of Rev. Smith's speech. I also looked at the photo of the open casket and is sure looke Michael bending down and kissing the dead person while Al and Jesse look on. The hand on the body sure looks alot like Michael's.

  98. taylor Said,

    i must admit that during his memorial service i was moved, and especially when paris said “that ever since i was born daddy has been the best daddy and i love him so much”. and then i thought she just spoke in the present tense.

    it is almost automatic how when a person dies that we start to refer to them in the past tense. i am not saying that her tears were faked…i cried everyday that my parents were gone on their 10 day vacation when I was around her age.

    i carefully watched how they especially paris sang all of the songs and clapped her hands and enjoyed the tribute put on in her father's honor.

    i was moved when people spoke of all of the good that michael had done for the world. in my heart i believe that michael jackson is still alive.

    i can not imagine his family completely disrespecting his wishes like that…they would still cover the children, and why on earth would mj want his mother to raise his children if he had such a problem with jehovah's witnesses.

    i was watching entertainment tonight and for the first time mrs. katherine jackson is not going to home school michael's children they will be attending a private school…mrs. jackson has home schooled everyone else.

    another thing about this photo leaked to the press that the children were going to the kingdom hall. being raised as a jehovah's witness i find their dress too casual, and if mrs. jackson is as active as they claim…the boys would have been in shirt and ties and paris would be in a dress, and you usually don't hold a book upside down and backwards…this was done so that people could see that those were jehovah's witness song books…

    which they have changed and gone to paper backs those look hard bound…older models.
    i still believe that michael jackson is alive and well.

    final thought mj is enjoys illusions. He has raised the bar so high within the music indy…what could be bigger than coming back from the dead…NOTHING!!!

  99. 讓談話說,

    我想王子1看起來無聊,或像“我恨我必須這樣做” 。 他本來可以告訴他們,我將離開一段時間,只是做到這一點對我來說。 如果邁克爾這樣做我還是我不是瘋了他,有時你必須做你該做的事情。

  100. 讓談話說,

    我想知道為什麼是這樣的邁克爾吸毒成癮者。 為什麼did'nt任何威脅,揭露他向兒童保護服務,與所有的可恥的人在他周圍,這將是一個簡單的方法來敲詐他的人,甚至他的家人,這將是一個巨大的激勵因素,他使用戒菸藥物。

  101. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    他愛打扮。 這是正確的,我不關心他是否應該回。 我只是想將他在和平,並已使他的生命都渴望。 這是所有的事項給我。

  102. 薩曼莎說,

    我同意這一點,但我不同意,他會回來,世界將恨他為他做過什麼。 已經12人自殺身亡,或媒體正在彌補在於他們總是喜歡這樣做。

    我愛你邁克爾,你是在以往“ 3

  103. KARENM14賽義德,


  104. KARENM14 Said,


  105. svangel Said,


  106. svangel Said,


  107. JC.LOVES.MJ賽義德,


    i agree, and as much i believe that he is alive, he just isnt the kind of person to make his fans upset, wat about the costs of the memorial and all that stuff, like isnt he just making things worse for himself in a way? please make me understandd;

  108. itsme Said,

    The reason why she look up is because there is a big screen in that hall…so she is looking at herself at that moment.

  109. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    ==== PLEASE READ ========
    Ok everyone remebers Macaulay Culkin right?? (the kid from home alone)…. he was really really good friends with michael and he even stood up 4 michael with the child molestation trials…… but macauley hasn't once spoken up about Michael's “death”….. weird ryt??

  110. momsword賽義德,

    speaking of his kids, has anyone seen these photos??? his kids are beautiful…. such a sweet and caring dad:


  111. Andrea Said,

    Please does anyone know where the body is?? I heard the so called 'body' of MJ is STILL missing?? Please does anyone know anything about this??? Why does no one seem upset that his body is missing for so long?? It just isn't right!!!!
    About the kids Katherine and Janet will maybe get them. Rebbie Jackson is a lovely mother and she could look after them as well?? 'Rebbie' is cool!! Joe Jackson wants to turn the kids into the “Jackson 3″ not sure that will happen? they will probably go to 'boarding school' abroad. Doubt 'Debbie' or the 'Nanny' or 'Diana Ross' will get the kids. 'Kate' (Katherine), Janet and Rebbie are the best bet!! Joe Jackson really should not get the kids as Michael would be upset if Joe got them!! Oh dear who would want Joe Jackson as a Dad? I would rather have Michael Jackson as a Dad as he is/was much kinder!!!!

  112. Mjisalive1 Said,

    Michael…pls come bck…we miss you a lot….music is incomplete without you..

    we want our gem back…we know tht ur alive….somewhere…

    I guess Michael will come back with a bang!

  113. Mjisalive1 Said,

    @ ADMIN- thank you so much…ur website always makes my thoughts alive that maybe MJ is alive yet.Your theories are well written and clarifying.
    Please keep up to the good work….

    I guess you'll keep opening our eyes wide…[:)]
    But whatever, I really really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart…


  114. zealot Said,

    re: paris Jackson mood ring/necklace-

    I believe that paris jackson put the mood ring/necklace on “MJ” at the private memorial which could explain why the color was purple. His “body” was cold by then. However, I remember someone saying that his body was already cold b/f paramedics came to his house. 跆拳道? I forgot the source of info but I think it could have came from the 911 call or something. If that is the case, then Latoya claims of his body being warm at the hospital is inconsistent.

    re: MJ passing physical exam-

    If MJ did have any type of medical illness, he could have paid a doctor to say that he passed it. Although it may seem unethical, for the right price I probably would have said that he passed it with flying colors. Sure, the doctor(s) could risk losing his/her license but the money made from that transaction could surpass the average lifetime earnings for any medical doctor. I think Dr. Arnold Klein knows way more than what he is telling. I find it strange that MJ was going to Dr. Arnold's office like 3 time a week throughout this year. On some days, he would leave Dr. Arnold's office carrying a bag that says skin cancer treatment or something (MJJ Pictures, 2009).

    When Dr. Arnold was on CNN, Larry King said that MJ's entire body was as white as a lily flower. Then, Dr. Arnold' s face became full of confusion, shock, or fear. I thought something was sus. about that.

    I'm still trying to figure out how MJ was bald headed unless he shaved his head within a week or so prior to his alleged death. A wig can be easily spotted and sometime he did wear them, but other times he had to have been wearing weave extensions because I could see his scalp in his hair. In order to wear weave extensions, you have to hair a nice length of hair to attach the weave piece to so being bald just doesn't make sense.

  115. Reflection Said,

    To Nr. 111 Andrea:
    Quote: “Please does anyone know where the body is?? I heard the so called 'body' of MJ is STILL missing??”

    Hello Andrea,
    I don't have any inside information but I would assume that Michael's body would be in a safe place, which is unknown to the public. If you read up on James Brown for example, it seems that he was buried 2 months after his death. This suggests that it is possible for a burial to be delayed for such a length of time.


    IN THE BEGINNING, after I heard the news I was not doubting that Michael was dead. I didn't want to believe it but I accepted it. Then a couple of days later I noticed that the stories did not add up. I started looking online on June 28th and have been reading here ever since. I was not going to post but I feel it would be better to say something because thinking about this in the quiet of my room isn't helping much.

    I WAS CONVINCED that he is alive.

    A FEW DAYS AGO however I got doubtful again and now I am unsure. I would say that the reasons speaking for and against his death now weigh up about equally.

    I THINK THAT careful reflection is needed when certain claims are made. Yes, there are many irregularities, changing stories and confusing points. On the other hand, claiming that an 11-year old girl is acting at her father's memorial, that the police is involved, as well as the hospitals, ambulance staff, all the entertainers who were close to him, his family and even the government is inappropriate and far-fetched, in my opinion.

    WE SHOULD BE careful not to confuse facts. It would be naive to provide only one answer to an unanswered question. If a question is unanswered that doesn't automatically mean that Michael is alive, or dead.

    FOR EXAMPLE: Paris' necklace
    She could have given her father half of that necklace. She could be wearing the other half beneath her sweater.
    Or she could have damaged the chain and it has to be repaired. Maybe she keeps it in her desk or in a special drawer.

    THE TRUTH IS, we don't know anything for sure.

    I WOULD LOVE it if Michael was here with us. He was a wonderful human being who did so much for this world. He really tried to make it a better place. Sadly many people did not appreciate that fact. Many people did not understand him. They got interested in silly facts like monkeys, facial surgeries and hyperberic chambers.

    In my opinion he wouldn't have needed those surgeries because he was BEAUTIFUL, inside and outside. But he was a very intelligent man and ultimately it was his choice.

    I AM SORRY that Michael seemed to have people around him who gave him bad advice. Who knows where their interests lay. We cannot trust everyone who is now coming out claiming to be Michael's best and long-time friend.

    THE MEDIA RIDICULED him and many people caught on. It is only now that a lot of people are realising what a wonderful person he actually was. But if that is his legacy, so be it.

    WE CAN HONOR MICHAEL'S MEMORY by becoming better, kinder and more patient people. If we all put our energy into becoming better people, then this world WILL become a better place. Have you seen the film “Pay it forward”? If not, you should.

    謝謝您。 And congratulations.

  116. Reflection Said,

    I HAVE ONE QUESTION THOUGH… There was a poster on here called “IKNOWITALL”. I haven't seen him or her on here for days. Where is he/she?

  117. Subliminal Said,

    Kids get over deaths quickly, the memorial was ages after his death.

    This whole 'because he wouldn't hurt his kids' theory is seriously laughable.

  118. Samantha Said,

    Those children were his children.
    And i don't understand why Debbie is after the Children now, its kind of making me feel he really is gone. But i look at this site everyday and it makes me beleive his alive, I don't want him to do some comeback, i just want to know for sure his alive and happy somewhere which he deserves.

  119. Samantha Said,

    噢! i kind of get it now… Well in my opinion They want Katherine to have Custody of the 3 Children so that They can send them back to Michael, you know what i mean?.. so Debbie Rowe dosen't have because his still alive (hopefully).
    Well that's what i thinkk…

  120. Samantha Said,

    Does anyone know if People won or payed tickets for the Memorial? Because if they payed, i bet people will be pretty angry to waste it on somthing that wasn't even true. If his alive!!
    “ 3

  121. Samantha Said,

    & i'm now never going to listen to the media, i now know that Part of this Hoax is to prove to never listen to the Media. Trueeeeee!

  122. Samantha Said,

    ok! last thing ahah.

    There was never a tear actually shed……..Paris is more interested in her pocketbook till Aunty Janet nudges her and she goes into acting like shes sad. The pre Family memorial was not a private memorial at all……it was a practice session to make sure Paris had how to fake cry down……you never see a tear from anyone…….Jermaine did his best but nope.

  123. 薩曼莎說,

    and i saw when i was watching at the memorial people yelling out “I LOVE YOUU JANETTTT” its like its not a music concert? I know they were fans of her, i know i am but it's a memorial people be quiett! And i saw Prince was laughing on stage. Hmmm….

    ok! enough from me.

    Thanks Admins! I love you're work.

  124. YouRockMyWorld賽義德,


    I'm totally with you on this. I also think that these 3 kids that are shown to public are not MJ' real kids. Because if Mike would really want to protect his real kids and make sure that noone would ever see them – he could really do it…

    Think about this…

    At the beggining he put some masks and scarfs on their faces to “protect” them from paparazzi… It was done to show off that he is relly concern about them being in public…AND on the other hand – to drag the attention to them….
    Cause please!!! – are the half transparent scarf is so protective????

    And some time before the hoax there were pics of th fake kids all over the Internet without masks….Why??? So the world will concentrate on the them and leave Mike and the real kids alone…

  125. Reflection Said,

    I just read this interesting article about AUTOPSIES: http://health.howstuffworks.com/autopsy.htm

    The article contains some information, which some readers may find disturbing but there are NO disturbing pictures. It just gives you the facts.

    It seems that DNA testing is not done often.

    “We can't do DNA on every case and match up every little thing. Even though it happens on TV, it's not within our capabilities. Very often it's not within the lab's capabilities. Sometimes there are financial constraints on what we can do.”

    Of course in this case it could be different. The truth is we don't know whether it was done in this case and what the result was.

  126. Seekeroftruth Said,

    No… kids do not get over deaths quickly, especially
    a parent's death. I know this to be true first hand.
    My own father transitioned from this life when I was only eight years old. You never get over something like that. My neice's dog got hit by a car and the dog died. Here we are, a couple of years later and it still affects her today.
    My father's passing made me grow up. I would see and hear my mother crying very often. There is nothing quick when it comes to “death”.

  127. Seekeroftruth Said,

    For people who believe MJ is truly gone…why are you here? This website is entitled “Michael Jackson Hoax Death”, right? You must have some doubts or you would not be here. People and the government stage “deaths” more than you realize.

  128. JC.LOVES.MJ賽義德,

    oh my god, i love the new look !
    and i LOVE MJ !
    hes aliveee, trust me.
    i know these things

  129. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    kool… im luving the new look of the site.. its good that now there is a reply button… keep it up!!

  130. calmz74 Said,

    I agree with everyones comments and i,m confused just as much as anyone else is.I believe that he is alive and somewhere safe and somewhere where nobody will bother him especially the crappy media.BUT look at what happenned to Heath Ledger???? Only 28 not a long time of prescription of drug usuage and the one time he took more than his body could cope it destroyed him….The other side that makes me believe mj is alive is because the way the family have dealt with all this…Jamaine the brother seems to be the main spokesperson for the family .He has done a few interviews (you can see them on you tube) he seems to be the strongest and always keeping it together very well and on each interview always saying the same story word for word its like its been roled played incase he leaks or makes a mistake.The other reason i believe he is alive is we have only seen the same footage on tv and read in the papers over and over but no proof of anything???? Like when he was rushed to hospital who was the doctor that treated him and pronounced him dead? what about the people in the hospital? the staff? knowing there was such an icon in the hospital nobody rushed to take a photo or speak about it on the news? When princess diana died the doctor made a statement and he pronounced her dead on tv…he explianed what they done couldnt save her…etc etc
    I could go on and on i believe he would never resurface he planned this very well and after all this settles he would reunite the kids with him at a place unknow if you listen to his new song it even tells us BRING ME TO A PLACE UNKNOWN…….??????

  131. jackoisalive21賽義德,


    i find it strange that MJ showed their faces before he disappeared too but i think it was part of the plan. Im 100% they arnt random kids who the public thinks are his i am sure that the kids shown are actually his.

    michael could only go so far to protect them from the public who couldnt hind them forever and apparently the kids hated the masks michael made them wear (N).

    michael is alive.

  132. Wendy Darling Said,

    @ Momsword,
    thank you for the pictures. Beautiful family, the children are really lucky to have such daddy. so sweet.

  133. nina Said,

    what ???? tell us more !!!

  134. dane86 Said,

    哇! this site really looks great now ADMIN!

    I still believe he's alive,..I hope more articles and reliable evidences will be posted in this site. I'm always checking this out everyday, through my laptop or my phone and I noticed that it's taking a long time for a new article to be posted in this site, I hope more clues and proofs will be revealed…

    again, this site is really great and so are the people who still believe that he's alive,happy and safe…

    Michael, wherever you are, I hope you're always happy and fine^^

  135. MJthebest Said,

    how on earth could any member in the family would take a photo during his lifeless and breathless body lying on the hospital during that sadness emotional moment? Press are not allowed to get in on that private moment. if ever he hoax death which i hope coz i miss him so much singing. wherever he is now hope he finally found happiness and peace

  136. Seekeroftruth Said,

    dane86 that is why I trust this website because they don't post just anything.

  137. mjfan賽義德,

    To the person way up in the comments who thinks it is unlikely someone would have had plastic surgery to look like MJ to give the O2 announcement, Navi, one of MJ's official body doubles HAD plastic surgery for that purpose. THat is a fact. Many other MJ impersonators have also had plastic surgery to look more like MJ. So the idea that another one could have done it is not far-fetched at all.

    I'm from the “I believe MJ is dead, but find all this interesting” contingent. THough I DO believe the O2 announcement was done by an imposter. That wasn't his voice/accent or walk, or mannerisms, or etc. PLUS, he was in an awful hurry to get out of there. That's not MJ. MJ LOVED his fans. He would have stayed longer. He would have said more. This just wasn't very convincing.

  138. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    If you know things, then you should tell us. Just dont say it to get attention. Some of us, love Michael more than you would know. And i think that we deserve to know the tuth. If you know something, please tell us. This is killing me.

  139. SITA公司說,

    starting with an investigation will every time start with the verifycation of the dead one.
    the complete lapd is goint to cheat us?? u all think that? easy going for them to start a dna test. the have the dna result of former years. no easy going for them.
    think over it, cool down and LOOK WITH YOUR HEART

  140. IloveMJ Said,

    He is not dead well time wil tell

  141. louisa Said,



  142. dani Said,

    I just heard this new song “A place without no name”.
    I am sure he is singing about Liz Taylor. I believe it was her idea to fake his death or to finally do it. I believe Mike wanted to do it a long time ago but it just never was the right time. Even this great website here says that Mrs. Taylor is one of the key figures. He loves her very much and she was or still is a dear friend to him. So I believe that Mike wanted to thank her through this song and he also wanted to inform his fans. He is somewhere maybe in the Middle East in a place that nobody knows util his hype around him calms down.
    Maybe later he is going to find a new place to live and we will be informed later through a “new song”.

  143. svangel Said,

    can someone tell me why on e new prince michael hair was black and not blonde…or did they mix it up with blanket…cuz enews showed a pic of michael playing wiht prince michael and the baby had black hair….

  144. jpresley Said,

    Dane86, I agree, seems like it takes forever for comments to post?! How cool is it that all of us are here, from all over the world? US, Europe, South Africa, Phillipines, etc. Michael brought us all together. After all, he wanted to “heal the world, make it a better place”. I hope wherever he is that he knew that impact of his presence and his music. We are all one because of him. 和平。

  145. jpresley Said,

    I love you Michael.

  146. emmie賽義德,

    the more i stay away from this web site the more i think he is dead but when i come back i think he is alive.. today i wen to the 02 arena and there was people there sitting around a tree crying. there was canddles and teddys and pictures and the hole wall was signed from so manny people.and i started thinking mayb he is dead.
    i just dont no anymore and it is so fustrating…

    i heard that paris sang in a public jehovahwittness place is it tru?

  147. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    ===Another thing that is worth noting====
    Well his staff said he was worried about the London concerts. “He wasn't eating, he wasn't sleeping and, when he did sleep, he had nightmares that he was going to be murdered,” they mentioned he thought he'd die before doing the London concerts.
    This seems like Michael was smart enough to make them think he was going to die soon and btw there is no that Michael could have known that unless the “death” was planned!!! RIGHT???

  148. she_can Said,

    I wonder what Liza Minnelli is implying

    “All of us who knew him well really know what he was like. [...] I'm sure when the autopsy comes, all hell's going to break loose. So, thank God we're celebrating him now”

    source: http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2009/06/liza_foreshadows_michael_jacks.html


  149. Ninanina Said,

    I was 11 when my mother died.
    At her memorial, I played with my best friend and giggled about the pastor – and I didn't cry one tear. Only the music at the end of the ceremony made me feel the sadness again in this very strange place.
    By the way: look at Blanket's face after Paris' speech…

  150. atchou45 Said,

    i read that micheal jackson have cancer and is terminal 6 mouth to live ok but my cousin is dieying of cancer it been one month that she cannot talk or sing in bed all the time so if it true his was diying he s in great shaps dansing sing eating gum making hi 5 wow that guy is very strong so i do t believe that he was that sick because cancer eat you fast and make you very hill with the drug that they gave you so i believe he s alive that mj is very intellegient i do t feel is dead so thing not right excuser mon anglais je suis de quebec merci

  151. lovelidae賽義德,

    How close are you to MJ?

  152. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Thats The Only Thing That Matters To Me As Well. Disguises Was His Passion. if He Does Return, Its Gonna Be The Biggest Thing In History.

  153. acullen21 Said,

    Dead or alive…The Michael Jackson we've all known as the King of Pop is dead and forever gone. Now Michael Jackson the man apart from the music maybe alive somewhere and I hope hes happy and at peace thats all that matters in the long run.

  154. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    The World Would Not Hate Him. People Miss Michael More Than Anything In This World Right Now. He Was What Held The World Together, Wether People Wanna Believe It Or Not. Everyone Would Understand. Plus If 12 People COmmited Suicide, Why Didnt They Say The Individuals Names? Plus 12 people Were The Dancers That Won The Contest To Be Backup Dancers. Odd Thing Ya Know. If 12 People Committed Suicide, Im Pretty Sure, They Would Tell Us The Names ANd Show Us Photos Of These Individuals. Dont Listen To The Media. Michael Jackson Even Told Us That.

  155. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    I Completely Agree, With Everything You Stated. Michael Jackson Will Be Back And The Comeback Will Be The Biggest Thing In History. He Wanted To Direct Movies, He Wanted To Play In Movies. He Wanted To Sing With His Kids. Media Is Full Of Shit, Thats Why I Research On My Own.

  156. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    I Agree. There Has To Be A Reason Behind That.

  157. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Yes Those Children Is His. We Saw Them In The Bashir Report, They Are His, They Had Their Masks Off Before He Died As Well. They Were Getting Older, So They Gonna Do What They Wanna Do ANd Im Pretty Sure They Didnt Wanna Wear Those Masks Anymore.

  158. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Thanks For The Link.

  159. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Michael Jackson Had Alot Of Money. Just Because He Was In Debt Didnt Mean He Didnt Have Money. Im Pretty Sure He Would Do This For A Reason. Although He Hurt His Fans, His True Friends WOuld Forgive him And Understand And He Would Let Us Know Why He Did It. Alot Of People Could Be Behind This. No He Is Not Making Things Worse, He Will Let Us Know Why He Did It.

  160. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Alot Of His So Called Best Friends Werent There. It Didnt Make Any Sense.

  161. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    嗨! I am new here but have been kwwping up with all of the posts ever since MJ'S tragic news broke out.

    THe more I read the more confused I get about the truth behind Michael Jackson's death. I really wish he was faking hid death – it's such a shame how the media showered him with so much praise and loving words after his death b4 the whole despicable rumours started circulating again (eg his sexuality and plastic surgery issues, MJ did not suffer from vitiligo but bleached his skin etc..).

    like many of you here, I couldn't eat or sleep properly when i first heard the news. When I talked to my family and friends about his death and the possibility of his death being staged, they all looked at me as if I was out of my mind. I felt like I was talking to a brick wall.

    When I watched the memorial service again, I still felt there was something weird and I still stand by ny initial belief that the emotions expressed by the Jackson family and especially Paris was not genuine. I also read an article online that infact Michael's daughter was forced to make a public speech despite her hysterical reaction to the idea. Or maybe it's just another hearsay – it was a planned act for Paris to fool us into thinking that Michael has indeed passed away..

    On the other hand, it seem very doubtful for the Jackson family and Michael to fool the police, coroner department, the hospitals and the celebrities who attended his public memorial services..there are too many people involved here. wasn't the police who raided his Neverland ranch back in 2003 during his trial and publicly humiliated him by cuffing him for the whole world to see, not to mention such a despicable treatment it gave to poor dear Michael? In my opinion, the police wanted to to destroy him and I doubt that they would support Michael's hoax death play..

    Also when an autopsy is carried out on a deceased, DNA test to identify the body is one of the first things the coroners do. If Michael did pay them off to report that the body is him when it isn't , wouldn't their jobs be on the line. Some may argue that they would be far better off woth how much Michael could afford to pay, but wouldn't they face jail time if the truth gets revealed?

    When Janet Jackson spoke at the BET awards shortly afte his death, she seemed so emotional and appeared to be fighting back tears. In fact, seh seemed the only family member of MJ's that showed genuine emotion. It was so obvious Marlon Jackson was faking his crying. If ur so emotional there bound to be SOME tears at least. I cried more than the Jackson family combined during the memorial service! I mayb wrong coz I don't know Jackson clan personally but it coudl be possible that they are that much cruel and ccouldn't care less that their brother and son has just passed away – look at the Jackson brothers for example (they couldn't waste another minute b4 taking off to Jamaica for a concert). LaToya Jackson just realeased her song dedicated to Micahel (what a load of rubbish!).

    what do u guys think?

    I love you wherever ur Michael – just aches so bad to think that u had to go to this kind of extreme to get a bit of peace and quite..damn those paparazzis!!

  162. thelostchildren Said,

    I really do not support this view. if so, please explain the home videos. they were already released back in 2001. we aren't sure what their roles in this matter are, but it is safe to say those are his biological kids.

    btw dr arnold klein's self-proclaimed former lover spoke out saying he was told by dr klein that dear Michael Jackson was physically abused by his father, kicking him in sensitive areas and leaving him infertile. cannot believe there are such blood-sucking money-prioritising-and-sucking leeches around.
    wait, the media.

  163. thelostchildren Said,

    ages? it's a few weeks. even if the fastest-planned memorial were to be organised, do you expect it to be a few days after to keep that trauma of losing your father 'raw' and 'fresh'?
    death is where someone is gone and you have no idea where the person is, what's the status of the person, how're they doing etc. all the more excruciating is when you love the person, you want to know how they are. when they're dead, that curiosity is never gonna be fulfilled, leaving a permanent gap in you.
    people who have not even met the person, or the deceased might have been before their time, but someone people can still be affected and struck by it. death is never gotten over quickly, even with kids (who by the way might be the most affected; this is a defining moment in their lives. your life being shaped by death of a loved one? ouch.); in fact it'll never be over.
    even if you do not endorse this theory, or others, have the respect for others' work.

  164. 炸藥賽義德,

    Exactly why are they here if they think he's dead, did they just happen to come across this site by accident

  165. 炸藥賽義德,

    Loving the new look but im finding it hard to post in forums using my mobile, does anyone know how to?

  166. charliechaplin賽義德,

    Here's a nice article about MJ. Left me teary-eyed:


  167. thelostchildren Said,

    cannot. agree. 更多。 hope, and some parts of objectivity and observation on the provided information, has relished in me the possibility he might still be alive. supposed 'reality' (ie do you REALLY think such a large-scale affair can be convincingly pulled off) and on my part a lil of skeptism has always drawn me back. I'm 50/50 on this, but 100% hoping he is alive.
    however, we need to distinguish facts from fictitious factuality, if not won't we be like the blasted media who draws reports from 'undisclosed'/'related to the'/'long-lost' family/friend/employee sources and reportedly/supposedly/apparently hands us the infomation that we are supposed to take according to their supposed authority? what will separate us, and hence make our case as convincing as it is, from the media is that we separate hypothesises and assumptions that can be decevingly convincing from the hard cold truth. let's do this for truth's sake.
    whereever he is, he is def gone for the moment; let's continue his life by living it, the exemplary way he did (X

  168. charliechaplin賽義德,

    Here's a nice blog about MJ.


    Left me teary-eyed.

  169. sutranovia Said,

    MJ knows what to do to get people to belive he is gone and that thru media ma nipulation. who knows what this man has gone thru and is going thru maybe he was threaten to point where he had to do this hoax for his own good and the good of his family. maybe its a big joke like the old war of the world.,or MJ wants to see how this situation can be played out by introduceing bits and pieces of fact and fiction and making it into its own big reality of media truth.

  170. JC.LOVES.MJ賽義德,

    well my cousin who lives in Cali, is a pilot, and he said down at the offices, people have been saying MJ booked his private or one of the companies jets a week before, so he can be flown outta the country 2 days after his death. The plane was indeed used. I dont think anyone else but MJ is gonna use it. I have my doubts over iy, but then again we are talking about THE Michael Jackson, he has a history of doing such things. Wat are peoples thoughts on this?

  171. Samantha Said,

    As they say, “good things come for those who wait”.

  172. JC.LOVES.MJ賽義德,

    大聲笑。 dont worry i know how you feel, and trust me, if i did kno more, this is the first place id tell. I love MJ sooo muchh, i cried soo much, i swear on the sun and moon that i havent listened to a full song by anyone else since the day he died. so dw, if i do find anything out, i would tell you all. And its killing me too. We all deserve to know the truthh

  173. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    I think one of the main reasons for many of us to believe that Michael Jackson is still alive is that his body was never shown. I know that he is a high profile celebrity (but to me he semed like a regular guy who was mistreated and misunderstood – he was so caring and not obnoxious like so many so-called celebrities today) and maybe that's one of the reasons why the Jackson family kept the whereabouts of the body a big secret. Or maybe there is no body coz MJ is alive somewhere?
    James Brown's body was opened for display and the photo of his body at his memorial service was shown for the world to see, allowing his fans to get some closure. But I really hope there is no body and that MJ is alive somewhere!!

    I just read online on yahoo news that LAPD will not consider MJ's death (if it is true) as a homicide. This made me think twice about its involvement in MJ's death unlike my last post. Or maybe AEG paid the LAPD and the police officers prinarily involved in the case to keep quiet coz they were guilty of killing MJ and making it look like an accidental drug overdose or even suicidal?? Is it possible that AEG was planning to kill MJ (if he is dead of course) for insurance media from the very beginning by paying the doctors who passed MJ's medical tests. I mean how could Michael have passed the tests “with flying colours” and end up dead showrtly after the last rehearsal during which all of his backup dancers thought he danced better than most 20 year olds???

    I think it's not impossible to pay the judge or those involved with the juridical system. I can't remember which state in the US but there was this judge who put minors who committed small crimes (meaning no murder or other serious ones – of course every crime is bad and should be punished) like stealing a bike were sentenced to some months in juvenile prison for money.

    It still bugs me that Michael Jackson's best friends (Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Mac and Liza Minnelli) did not attend his meemorial service. Some articles state that it may be because of Katherine Jackson – MJ's mother was the one who decided everything from what songs to be sung to who whould be invited to attend. It's claimed that she did not approve who MJ hung out with. From looking at the guest list I believe that MJ might still be alive coz why on earth would u ever invite the first-class loser Corey Feldman to MJ's memorial service? After MJ was acquitted of all charges during his 2003 trial, he had to deal with yet another drama from the media coz Feldman started claiming that MJ used to act inappropriately around him when he was a teenager. And why was Queen Latifah invited, someone that MJ never spoke to in his life? This also got me thinking that Joe may have caused this – he wanted a controversial memorial service by inviting these people? Or maybe as some of u guys pointed out it was because MJ's best friends knew about Michael's 'death' plan from he very beginning?

    The main reason for the delay in the autopsy report is because the coroners want to make sure they haven'e missed anything, that it is easy for the minute quantity of chemicals in MJ's 'body' to be undetected. But Anna Nicole Smith's autopsy result managed to be released wks after her death?

    Also I think it's another hearsay that MJ was seen crossing the border towards Mexico (I think it was), provided by those who are trying to cash in – no surprise there.

    Ian Halperin is another vulture who's trying to cash in by stating a whole lot of ridiculous stuffs about MJ. I will never read and certainly NOT buy his crappy book even if they are the last books left on earth!!!

  174. she_can Said,

    Concerning the autopsies and the fact that there are several medical people implicated in a possible hoax death, my understanding is that there are no need to make DNA testing during autopsy if not necessary. In other words, several people brought him in the hospital screaming that it is MJ and that they have to save him + the family arrived = the coroner didn't need to find the identity of the body. DNA testing is used in sexual crimes, confirm paternity etc…Maybe they will have to perform one to prove that MJ is the biological father of the kids…


    Another interesting point, in the following interview about the toxicology results: if it's confirmed as a death by overdose of several pills = doctor will not be held responsible (since MJ had several doctors, they could not know all the prescriptions he has been given) and AEG can get their payout from the Lloyd's insurance company.


  175. she_can Said,

    concerning MJ's friends not attending his memorial


  176. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    I read that Michael's kids will no longer be home schooled but will attend private school soon – something Katherine Jackson never did for her children when they were starting out as the Jackson 5. Wouldn't this be against what Michael believed – he tried so hard to shield his kids from the media by covering them up with masks and home schooling them? But then again he revealed their faces shortly b4 his 'death'. BUt I found out that as soon as he realized they were being photographed, he quickly covered them up again with masks. But I am sure he knew that there is no way he wouldn't be followed wherever he went. Anyways, if MJ was alive, wouldn't he be opposed to his mother's idea of sending the kids to school? But the more I think about it, he may have realized that he couldn't hide his kids' identities from the public 4eva and they may have got sick of hiding behind the masks (how uncomfortable would it be to walk around with either a mask or a veil over your face wherever u went?).

    In my opinion, Janet Jackson is the second most popular Jackson after her brother Michael of course. She has stated that she is more than happy to become a legal guardian of Michael's children if that's why they want. But if she does, how will Michael be reunited with them in the future when the media circus around him dies down? Being a high profile entertainer herself, it would be difficult to take the children to her brother without being noticed..Although Michael is a master of disguise, wouldn't people get suspicious and track her every move?

    Somebody posted on other topic that there was a report of MJ's deeath hoax 6 months prior to June 25th. Is that true and if so could u please post the link for the article?

    Michael I love u regardless of your death hoax (if it's true) – please reveal urself and give us your fans some kind of hint to tell us that ur alive and well:-) To be honest, it's killing me not knowing the truth!!!

  177. dane86 Said,

    ok, now I get it, but still I hope that more evidences and articles will be posted here soon. thanks for the reply.

    you're right, he's like a magnetic force field who gets us all here, ONE and UNITED.

    - I would like to share something to all of you:

    : Latoya said on one of her interviews that when she first knew that Michael was rushed to the hospital she called her mother, but her mother's assistant was the one who answered the phone, Latoya said that he was not talking on the phone that's why her mother shouted to him, “why don't you just tell her?!” and then she grabbed the phone and told Latoya “he's dead!”
    -now, was that a natural reaction for a mother who loves her son dearly? it's like she can't wait to tell her daughter Latoya that her brother died…

    : Latoya also stated there that a nurse told her that Michael was still alive, when she arrived in the hospital, that's why she ran hurriedly only to find her mother and her niece and nephews crying because Michael was 'dead'
    -that's quick!from one moment he's alive and after a nanosecond he's dead? and why would the nurse tell her that he's still alive if she saw that he's dead?

    : Watch the video of the memorial carefully, when Marlon was done talking he told the audience that Janet would like to say something but his sisters and brothers told him that Paris was the one who will speak, and when they were arranging the microphone all of the other Jacksons were talking to Paris like they were giving her some instructions on what to say, and contrary to what Janet said on her interview, “while we were sitting there Paris told me that she would like to say something about her daddy”, on the video, you would notice that it's like they were the one who gave her the instructions on what to say.
    – and it's really strange that they're always telling her to “speak up”?

    –What if Latoya was not informed about this hoax because Michael doesn't trust her because of what she did to him before?

    I just wanna share some of my insights, let's not lose all our hopes! I BELIEVE HE'S STILL ALIVE HAPPY AND SAFE!

  178. 哥本哈根賽義德,

    Has anybody read the passus “Why did the body look different ?” on the Forum post here?

    There are 2 videos – one were the body is taken from the hospital to the helicopter and the one from the helicopter to the coroners office. The first video shows a kind of volumenus body and the other shows a flat and thin body – that is really really strange..

  179. MyBelovedMJ Said,


    I dont`t believe that Michael is dead. NOTHING adds up. 無。 I love him so much, i cannot put it into words, and you wouldent know. But i can tell you this much. You are NOT allowed to get your lovedone, and to burry that person, withour the otopsy showing what killed them. NOONE knows what killed Michael. No death satificate has been sigend, by others than Latoya, well it isent really her job, to sign it, last time i checked she wasent a doctor. And how the hell can you not know where to burry your lovedone? It has been over 3 weeks now. I will NOT believe that Michael is dead, unless i get to see his body, or some realible prove that it is real, and so far i havent. Michael loves disgueses, and he belives in Magic, he can be anywhere. he can stand right next to you in a supermarket withour you even notice. But i believe that he will come back, he just needs to rest. The damn media and papparazis destroyed him, stupid moreons, how much can one person take? No wonder he needed a break. And by the way. Everone can buy those badges, to put on your close, so you look like a peramedic. Hell i was a nurse at halloween, and i looked exactly like one for real lol. Remember what Michael always tod us, do NOT believe in anything the media is saying, look at the facts. Do not pass judgement on a person, before you have talked to them one on one, i dont care what the story is. REMEMBER THAT! And as long as the cause of dead is “Deffered” On the death satificate, (wich i believe is false) No charges can be made against him, when he desides to come back. I totally support him in all of this. I always have, and i have always defended him, whenever people were saying something about him, that will never change, i will always do that. Im not in denail trust me on that. Im not ready to let Michael go yet, I will never be ready for that. But i want people to look at the facts in all of tthis, and not belive what the media are telling us, cause that is pure BS

  180. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    I Believe He Hoaxed His Death And Believe Me It Was Needed. Why Do People Come On Here, If You Believe He Is Dead? Dont Compare This Site To The Media. We Are No Where Near The Media. We Actually Research For Ourselves, The Media Just Makes Up Lies. As You Can See, Some Individuals Are Still Ignorant.

  181. ejay5131賽義德,

    @#116- I believe that username was changed to “Ella”

  182. emmie賽義德,

    to JC LOVE MJ
    i think it could be possible. and if he did get causgt out then he could again use an imposter and let the imposter say it was him who booked it. do u no where michael wanted to go??

  183. Seekeroftruth Said,

    People who believe that MJ has departed this life have a right to their feelings, after all that would be the point in faking ones death.
    I love MJ very much. He is like a father figure to me. I believe people know each other on a spiritual plain. The King of all Kings saved my life through MJ's music more than once. I personally do not believe MJ
    will make a return to the world stage (at least as the
    living breathing Michael Jackson) I think he will treasure his new peaceful life. We have over 40 years of stellar entertainment from him. Its all about him and his three kids now. We will hear new music very soon. Michael, I want to say
    I love you forever and I support whatever you do like always. I couldn't help it if I wanted to!

  184. jpresley Said,

    Latest news is that Katherine is contesting the executors MJ named in his will. Any thoughts as to why she's doing this given that Michael gave her 40%, plus wanted her to have custody of the kids? As with everything else, something just seems 'off'.

  185. ishealive Said,

    Just a thought but did the family stage an intervention??? Is this how they intervened, for him to recover and stop self destructing fake his death so he could escape from his fame.
    Just another part of this puzzle! I agree that the whole family didn't look upset,Marlon wasn't very convincing when he was apparantley crying, hope that doen't sound too harsh! I don't think Brooke Shields was very convincing either, it was nice to hear her speak about their friendship but I felt alot of it was acting.

  186. artisticflare Said,

    Why the hell is Arnold Klein saying he is the father of Michaels 2 children and wants to fight for custody??? I feel so sorry for those children, how the hell are they expected to turn out normal now after everything they have been through? I dont think Michael would want this for his children if he were alive! I dont think we will ever know the truth about what really happened to Michael Jackson, I have felt really sad believeing he died from caric arrest just 2 days before he was due to go on tour, but now i am confused. I love you Michael xxx

  187. emmie賽義德,


    has any1 seen any recent pics of michael jackson, coz i dunno if this is really him just because of the hair???

  188. MariannaB賽義德,

    There are more videos of the ambulance story, look:

    There are 2 black vans following the 71 ambulance – maybe Dr. Murray was in one of them but certainly not in the ambulance.

    This is the enlarged pic of the persons in the ambulance:

    The paramedic on the right was looking outside – no wonder when the mob arrives.

    From watching the videos, there is no doubt that Ben Evenstad, a paparazzi from National Press Group ,took the picture from the side window when the ambulance backed out into the street.

    However: why is there a second ambulance in the yard and the gates are getting closed after it entered, why are there two black vans just like the ones at the memorial day following the 71 ambulance?

    And yes, the large picture reveals two paramedics in the ambulance:, but not so active as if it were about life or death. The one in the back is standing aside and not giving CPR. Which means either the person in the ambulance was dead or breathing. The mask doesn't mean that the person is not breathing. Any docs out here to help further with CPR?

    By the way, the ambulances usually are so narrow that more than 2 persons are not allowed in the back. So Doc Murray could not be there.

    And: I am absolutely convinced that from the very start several people from Michael's entourage drag and tear the whole thing back and forth for their profit and are by all means hooked on messing everything up. I do not trust a single person in his family circle.

    We have a saying her: the family are the only persons you may not choose in your life. I would have sent them all to dust and if I couldn't, I would go to the desert myself.

    This is where I think Mike has gone. The desert is just wonderful, a place of sudden miracles and constant surprises, a place to fall in love with and never escape.
    I believe he's in a big sand box right now and hey, don't chase the camels around, they are so sweet…. Enjoy the heavens and the incredible milk street of stars there, best wishes from good old Europe.

    Remember Cat Stevens? Have to think of him a lot recently. Great guy taking his rest and coming back when HE decided to do so.

  189. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,


  190. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,


  191. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,


  192. ishealive Said,

    Regarding Arnold Klein seeking custody I hope to god that's not true they need to be with Katherine. His so called friends and family are like vulchers trying to make money out of him look at La Toya with her tribute song, where's the money for that going and his brothers going to Jamica for some concert, seems like his fans were the only ones who actually cared.

  193. bradrach321 Said,

    I don't think that Michael realised the extent of the danger he was in in taking such drugs, especially if he was surrounded by the type of money sucking leeches that are drawn to superstars; I'm sure they will have cut him off from anything that would make him question what was happening to his body. Also, although Michael was questionably one of the most.. expuisite men alive, if someone is addicted to something they cannot see sense. I know that if he thought for a second that by taking these drugs he was endangering his kids of losing him, he would have stopped instantaneously.

    Also, a program on Channel4 looked at his 'Last Days' and suggested that Michael was trying to ween himself off of the drugs as to prepare himself for the concerts, and thats why when he took the Demerol or whatever, the dosage wasn't apt since he had been using less than usual and thats why it caused him to suffer Cardiac arrest.

    On the (DISGUSTING) Martin Bashir Document Michael said that he would live forever- maybe he just refused to think about death? Including when he was taking drugs?

    Having said this, I really hope he's alice. 真正地。

  194. bradrach321 Said,


  195. danisnow70 Said,

    I keep going back to the post on the forum “Why did the body look different ?” and can't explain why one body (taking “MJ” from hospital to helicopter) looks soooo different from the other body (taking “MJ” from copter to coroner van)… doesn't make sense at all!

  196. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    omg!!! help me, im falling towards the side that he may be dead cuz i just watched entertainment tonight (i kno.. i shudnt believe media) but apparently katherine jackson is really upset over michael's death and “now it's her turn to grieve”. And also, brooke shields was really emotional during the interview aswell.. is this part of the hoax.. or am i just not wanting to take in the facts??? OMG HE CANNOT BE DEAD… I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH MICHAEL AND PLEASE SHOW YOURSELF SOON…. I CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE… IM GONNA DIE WITHOUT YOU….

  197. ishealive Said,

    Just found this on Google News – don't know how true it is but anyway read below:

    Michael Jackson advised Britney Spears but could not help himself!.
    A few weeks before his death, Michael Jackson reportedly advised Britney Spears to retire from the music industry to focus on life with her family.
    The late 'Thriller' star – who died of a suspected cardiac arrest on June 25 – reportedly telephoned the 'Toxic' hitmaker and warned her not to 'end up' like him. “Michael told her, 'Don't end up like me.' His warning was eerie, like he was trying to tell Britney he was going to die,” Contactmusic quoted a friend of Britney as saying
    He thought she should retire after the 'Circus' tour so she could focus on the things that mattered – her sons and family.

    What do ye think?

  198. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    to jpresley:

    I think Katherine Jackson is contesting the executors in order to protect her son's estate – no one has the best interest of her son and his wealth as much as her (his own flesh and blood). I bet that Michael was tricked into naming those two men in his will.

    To ishealive:

    Tito Jackson said on his inyerview that he and his sibilings (Randy, Janet, Rebbie and LaToya) went to Michael's house once to confront about his drug use which his little brother denied. They talked with him for hours trying to get through to him to quit using them but Michael brought his doctor in to explain to his sibilings that he was fine. After that day the Jackson tried again to contact Michael but the security guards made sure they were not allowed in Michael's house.

    I just saw ET online and found out that some so-called close friends of the Jackson family claimed that the reality of Michael's death (if he is dead of course) had hit Katherine now adn breaks down every time her son's name is mentioned. But of course it's difficult to believe what anyone says, especially the media and these unverified sources.

  199. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    Check this site out. It's 'Moonwalk' by Michael Jackson if u haven't read it yet:-)


  200. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    i guess it's very possible for Michael Jackson to stage his death as he is the master of disguise. To be honest, I did not realize that Michael played the aged man in his 'Ghost' video until I read an info on it. I was dumbfounded and couldn't believe he looked and sounded so different to the extent that I had no idea tht it was him! If he did stage his death then I guess it would be three cheers for sweet revenge to the media and all of those who harrassed and ridiculed him throught his life!:-) Who's laughing now right?

    I love u Michael. Hope ur well and resting that has been so overdue. Remember ur fans will not judge or hate u for staging ur death if u decide to comeback:-)

  201. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    That man Arnold klein. He is one big PIECE OF SHIT: (Sorry again for swearing, i have to control myself, and sorry Michael i know you dont like that but i just had to ) Prince, Paris and Blanket IS Michaels children that will NEVER change. When is people gonna get that. And even if they werent, that man would be alloed in 10 feet of them, they have never known him lake that. The Children is going to stay with Janet, just watch. A Judge would NEVER put them though this, They will be stying with their family

  202. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    That is Michael

  203. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    http://www.popeater.com/music/article/katherine-jackson-custody/576961?icid=main |compaq-laptop|dl2|link2|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.popeater.com%2Fmusic%2Farticle%2Fkatherine-jackson-custody%2F576961

  204. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    to she_can:

    thank u so much for the links!1:-) I really wish that Michael is alive. After all 90% of what the media feeds us is a load of rubbish right? I love MJ's song Xscape – like he said on the song, all the media cares about is selling a story at whatever cost. I don't know if any of u guys heard but a magazine company (can't remember which one though sorry..) hacked into the voice mails of some celebrities including Gwneth Paltrow.

    I think if Michael's parents didn't invite his close friends to his memorial service was out of line. After all, the event was 4 Michael not them. THose closest to him should have had the time to say good bye. But mayb it was a way for the Jacksons to make us believe that Michael did die when infact he isn't. What baffles me the most is the timing of his death. From what I know it was 2 days b4 he was to fly out to London for the shows. And the fact that Sony was aiming to buy MIchael's share of the music catalogues. I feel sick thinking that mayb he was a target and was murdered like LaToya said. BUt then I read on TMZ.com that she was paid to say that.

    Michael I love u and wich the truth comes out really soon!!

  205. monij Said,

    Michael Jackson wanted to live forever, he was fascinated by both immortality and death (he spent 5 hours at James Brown's funeral home all by himself with the casket!!! http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2009/06/28/2009-06-28_fascinated_by_death_spent_5_hrs_with_james_body_had_many_questions.html.)
    His fascination with death can only be explained by his desire to challenge death, maybe even cheat death. If I wanted to live forever, I would do everything to keep healthy. MJ was clever; he surely knew what pain killers and drugs can do to your body. And for someone who wanted to live forever, I doubt it very much he would go near them. My theory is, MJ was not an addict. Whether he is dead or alive, I cannot really tell. Maybe he invested all his money in science to find a way to live forever (maybe that is why he is half a billion in debt), maybe they made a breakthrough in their research, and it was time for MJ to be away temporarily. If higher authorities are involved in this hoax, then it would make sense that everyone else is in on it, whether they know about the hoax or not.
    This has all been a cover up.

  206. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    After watching the following video on YouTube, I am more convinced than b4 that Michael is still alive and that his 'death' has been staged. please share ur thoughts on this


  207. MariannaB賽義德,

    I forgot to mention one thing:
    don't believe what you see and hear!

    This is essential!

    The first video of hollywood.tv is cut together. The first sequence shows the “more important”, the ambulance backing out. The second sequence shows there is still an ambulance in the yard. Actually the reality began with this second sequence.

    為什麼? If you look at the private video of one of the tourists in the bus (the TMZ video), you'll find that the bus arrived BEFORE the ambulance backed out, not after. And two vans are following the ambulance and when on the street, everybody hurries and gets into pace. There is one black van still in the yard but no ambulance.

    Beware from the pics that media distribute. They are cut, put together in a new sequence and point to things that want to be seen as important.
    The pics and stories you get over the media are artificially modified in order to get a “good story”.

    From Europe to the folks in the US and especially in CA: I always wondered how crazy press has gotten over there. We also have a yellow press but you can avoid it easily and you can laugh about it because you know that these guys are lying. There are enough law suits going on from celebrities where the newspapers had to pay enormeous sums just because the published a certain photo.

    Looking at the internet sites of the yellow press of the US, I cannot stop from shaking my head. Are there really people out there who want to get fed with such stupid stories? And the worse: believe them?

    When I saw the video of Mr. Bashir, I only said: I would have thrown him out the first second he started his psycho attacks. Michael was just too kind of a person. I would have stopped immediately and have kicked him out.
    Just the fact that he was authorized that kind of interview makes me shake my head.
    Just the fact that helicopters are allowed with paparazzi on board makes me shake my head as well.
    What has happened with the Americas I used to see 20 years ago?

    I mean this whole development is unbelievable and shows a deterioration in moral and respect that is hard to believe from the outside.

    It's just like artificial cheese on a pizza – who the hell would buy such a thing? But everybody does and does not speak out.

    Maybe it's time now to speak out what we want and what we don't accept.

    I don't accept the whoopla at the Memorial which was a pure shame and I understand every close friend of Michael to not participate in such “fake” and “do as if”.

    For you having grown up with all these circumstances, it may appear normal. From the outside, they are weird.

    This does not mean that we don't have to deal with lies, missing respect and moral and values that go over Jordan. I just was shaking my head over what I saw the last couple of weeks.

    Just wished MJ had not choosen to live in this surrounding. Any way, he's better off now.

  208. JC.LOVES.MJ賽義德,

    @ emmie.

    no im sorry, my cousin said hes not allowed to get a hold of imformation like that seeing as it has noting to do with him. Guys just be patient, i for one are not a patient person at all, and im scared to death even if/tho MJ is alive, we will never see him again.
    But we will find out soon, hopefully.

  209. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    curious_george posted this link which shows Katherine Jackson at the hospital as well as Jermaine Jackson and LaToya. Does this mean that Michael Jackson has indeed passed away? OMG my heart felt it was breaking into pieces all over again! let me know what uu guys think of the photos..


  210. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    there are ridiculous reports of the possibility of MJ being assassinated by the US CIA. it's a hoax right? people will fabricate any stories to get money…

  211. kitkat Said,


    i hope u get to c my reply cause i couldnt fine a reply button so i could reply directly 2 u,but im so glad theres someone out there tt is going thro wat im going thro. I NOE mjs alive but the media keeps makin me lean towards the other side. Me nu gota stick 2gether n help each other never lose hope. N i seen tt of her griving it really made me think “damn he might be dead” but then i realiazed she got be part of the hoax!! n 4 those of us tt r saying “tts crazy they'd never do allll this just to fake a death” well actually ppl tts WAT THEY WANT US TO THINK. I noe hes alive cus of that emotionless speeech paris gave n the emotionless family makes me noe hes alive. Cause a family wod never not give a damn. Also ofcourse brook sheilds wod be crying,shes not in on the hoax thing. Shes fooled just like so many other ppl. Im happy tt hes alive n im thankful 4 tt, but im sad cus after i heard his mom pretend to grive (cus hes really alive) i realized tt maybe he wont come bak. I mean y go thro all tis work just to reveal urself? but we never noe. Mj loves his fans. Maybe he'll do it 4 us. Or maybe he can find a way of emailing us or somthing. I mean the press would neva noe cause we wodnt rat em out. Oh n 1 more thing sometimes wen the media is geting convincing tt he cod be dead, i remeber mjs words on his interview wit oprah, he said “if a lie is told enough,u begin 2 belive it” n he said tt more then once. Hes so right,so everytime i start to belive it i just think of that. He also said “never belive the media” i feel he was flinging clues out to his fans so tt we wod noe in our hearts tt he faked his death. Not to mention at the end of the memorial it said “im alive and here forever” could he be flinging us another clue? i think so. Oh n not to mention we never saw his body!! hes the first celeb tt never had his body shown! theres to much evidance hes alive. Its actually more logical to belive tis then to belive he died. Cus tooooo many things just DONT add up. On the other hand so many things add up that he indeed faked his death. WE LOVE U MJ!!!!! pleaz dont hide from us 4eva!!!!

  212. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    as ishealive mentioned earlier, I don't get why that Arnold Klein suddenly decided to publicly announce that he is the biological father of Michael's two eldest kids when in fact it was not so long ago that he denied the claim on Larry King Live. I believe that he is teaming up with Debbie Rowe to strengthen their case against Katherine Jackson – two biological parents VS grandmother. But I am confident that Katherine will win for two main reasons: the kids will get to have their say on who they wish their legal guardian should be; Michael specifcally pointed out in his will (legally bound and signed on every paragraph by MJ) that he wanted Debbie no part whatsoever in his children's lives. Game over!

    check out the following video – Michael looks so adorable as he always does !


  213. Samantha Said,

    He better not be dead.
    I'll be crushed to pieces. </3

  214. Ispy Said,

    Just a question:
    If the autospy had cover the fingerprint match


  215. kjmj Said,


    Check out E´Casanova on twitter.. interesting.. Going to Germany to meet with someone special – at a castle!! Wasn´t it mentioned in a post, that he was hiding and restitute?

    Keep the faith

  216. kjmj Said,

    Forgot the link… here it is:


  217. Samantha Said,

    I was watching a ET today, and there was this guy I think he was the author of a book he was writing about michael. And he was saying that Michael had a cocaine addiction and alcohol problem.. and it looked like he was reading off a screen. Is this true that he had a cocaine addiction & alcohol? Because Michael said once he hated Drugs & Alcohol, i really hate this guy… He was a fat jerk i don't beleive him tho. “ 。 ”

  218. kjmj Said,

    Samantha – I think it´s Ian Halperin You are thinking of.. He also claimed i december 2008 that mj had 6 more months to live, due to serious lung-infections….

  219. jazzlvr66 Said,

    Sorry if this picture has been posted here already — but I think there is a SLIGHT chance that Blanket looks a little like Michael. I know it's been said that none of the kids were biologically his, but there's just something about the little one's face. I dunno…


  220. ishealive Said,

    Just went into E`Casanova's Twitter, very interesting “He's been invited to dinner in Germany with a special guest and he hopes it is who he thinks it is”
    What's that all about I wonder?

  221. dane86 Said,

    hey people!

    Listen to what E'Casanova said on his Myspace account…

    ” I'd like to thank you all for your continued support and your messages and comments of goodwill, I have alot of great plans for the 09 and I hope to see you all there, also, I ask that you please support my new song 'What's wrong with your mind' DON'T GIVE UP THIS TIME, it's for a great cause SO UNTIL WE MEET IN PERSON, YOU GUYS STAY STRONG,HANG IN THERE AND I HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON…”

    -there's something about his statement and I don't know what it is…something weird I guess ~?

    also, pay attention on how he delivered those lines, there's something in it…something DEEP… or I'm just being paranoid?

    what do you think? http://www.myspace.com/ecasanovafansite

  222. dane86 Said,

    and by the way, take a closer look on his picture there, the one wherein he's wearing a red jacket,

    -the picture of 'MJ' in the ambulance and his picture kinda look the same? 對不對?


  223. dane86 Said,

    I forgot to say, the title of the message is 'PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM E'CASANOVA' it's on his music player.. http://www.myspace.com/ecasanovafansite

  224. Lyn Said,

    arnold klein father or michael's kids?? and is fighting for custody??
    is it like in the media or something?

    come on… michael has said that the children are his…..

    why are they doing this??

    did arnold klein said that himself or it was reported by the media??

  225. ishealive Said,

    Dane86 thanks for this, it is really odd to hear this, in my opinion it's Michael.

  226. nina Said,


    he is the biological father !!!!

  227. MyBelovedMJ Said,


    I like Seekeroftruth, belive in soulmates in spirit, and in my spirit Michael is mine. I love him so much, and i mis him more, and more each day. I will not go into details about my love for Michael, it will take to long. But trust me, I love him more than words can say.

    I believe that Michael is still alive, something in my heart tells me. I have a feeling, a very weird feeling.
    All The media is bullshit. I hate it. I dont watch TV these days, i stopped it, cause im sick and tired of hearing all the bullshit, they are talking about, and how they are trasching Michael`s name. Most of us st this site, are doing our own invastigations, and we can se above the media, and look at the facts.
    I dont really care if we ever see MIchael Perform again, thats not why I love him. I just want him to be happy, and have the life he so ever longed for, with his children.

    ARNOLD KLEIN is NOT The father of Michel`s children. ITs all bullshit. And even if he was so what? He never had anything to do with them that way. As far as i see it, Michael is their ONLY father, that will never change. I belive that you are not a parent of name, but a parent of what you áre to your children. Michael is everything to them, and so are they to him. He loves them more than life itself.

    No matter what, no judge would never take children away from their family. I dont believe in ANYTHING the media is saying, as far as I know, its all crap.

    Sorry if I sounded to upset, I just had to let it out.


  228. LilithBelgium Said,

    Hi !

    First : Excuse me if my English's not perfect but I'm from Belgium.

    Like you I think Michael Jackson isn't dead.. Because, there are very strange things.

    I would like to show something :

    Jermaine Jackson's Interview on France 2 TV (French TV)

    Watch it (Interview translate in French Language)


    What do You think about it ?

    Jermaine seems very sad, and he's crying on it.

  229. Perfume Said,

    Just checking in to see if there is any further developments, I am curious, and why is the ADMIN so quiet.:) I log in here everyday to read the updates as well as comments

  230. edenmalfoy Said,


    If Blanket looks like anyone, I think it's Miko Brando.

  231. eurekh6700 Said,

    hy im one of mj's fan frm India. MY NAME IS SUREKHA.i jus want to sy tat he is alive.tho i hav not personally seen or i do not hv muc proof of him aliv nw bt thes r some info evidences i found to support your forum to prove he is alive

    okk…first of all lets start from the beginning. gues u pepl will rembr the time wen thy tok up michael's body in the helicopter…1
    c this video u can c mj's body moving up n tryg to sit up after one of the media copter's accidently caught this video.whc the otr copter caryg the dead body (haa) is not aware off.
    2 the 911 cal was made casually .the person did not mention any name wen he cald up.jus said the man is uncnscious n pls cme n attend. while he cud hav very well said it was michael jackson

    3 the gap in the cal was just to shift up the body double.if u dnt knw mj wanted to pul up tis stunt for a long time. he usd 2 writ suicidal notes n tear them up.but kept 1 always safe n read it continuously.nv al knw hw muuc he admired elvis.he had 2 muc pressure n work lif n his social life so 4 d past 16months thy hunted and found a guy atlast who was in verge of his death bed n gav him exact mj's nose replica operation n to beliv he had heart attack ,paramedics evn gave him shots of adrenalin injs .watevr that double was a dying man already n he was promised if he cud help n this fake death, his family wil be taken care off,.
    4 yup. the casket was empty. as u cn cc mj is 5ft 10.n if u hv seen living wt mj videos mj says he nevr wantd 2 be buried n wantd 2 always be alive — rembr the oxygeated bed?!nc this video 2 confirm it
    5 it seems his family members were not up for this idea of mj n evn his close frnds for that matter. rembr debbie rowe (ex wif) n elibth taylr did not cme 4 d memorial.

    — many websistes hv released pics of mj –alive afte his death
    mj wantd his fans 2 knw this bcos he herd that aftr his death news 12 pepl al ovr the world mj's fans have committed suicide so mj nevr wants anytg bad for his fans to happen.

    6 pepl say that he is now presently found in hungry in e.europe. n has changed his face completly n cut his hair very short.one cud nt recognise him nw.unless u take a vey clos look

    7 initially mj had signd only for ten concerts bt some ppl forced him 2 tak up 50 concerts in a row. come on ppl watevr our moonwalking star is 50yrs old hes not the before always young mj. he can dance nly up to his energy. acceptg for a 10 was more than enough. but apparently d money frm thos cud not covr up his debt of 500millions. tats cruel 2 force mj 2 take up tat.whc he was not informed

    8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj0q7wC4l…
    c tis video.tis a dupe.hes not real michael. c lok at the mannerism.mj nevr walks lik tat. c the hair nc closely the nose .it looks like he was born with tat. wher as in d real mj v can c his grafting clearly nd skin tone

    9 navi – tis is mj's official double he uses to get past the paparazzi or heavy crowds tis video proves it – decoy mj
    agree wt the points of his first kid of mj chewing gum n fathers funeral, prince mj the 2nd givn d mj doll, the gold casket being small, parents of mj didnt utter a word nd mike , al d pepl stars who attended hardly knw mj lik maria carrey, usher, etc,.

    yup michael changed into Islam in 2007-08 chgd name into ”micheel jackson”
    2day mj's neverland cctv cameras are being searchd..it seeems wen the heart attack inccidnt whc pepl say d reason y mj died it sems d cctv has captured the whloe seen. but d tapes were missing? pepl,pepl plsss it was wholly plannd 4 d past ten yyrs nu tink thy wil lev al thes evidencs out.

    d press imagine b4 evn a smal news abt mj usd 2 host it up for abt 6months or so,but nw c his death news not evn a month thy hav started 2 lev it out. mj was harassed by the press bt at d same time pepl pepl its all money ..thy say press s also coverup in this. dnt knw whtr tru
    it seems mj s watching all this wt his tv hooked up n laughing .recently it was said that mj bursted ot laughing hearg wen d mad comments d media made again esp his ghost in neverland video shown by cnn.
    rembr pepl mj trid to do this during his hbo show in 1995 he fainted fakely n went away of the concert.
    mj more thn a tour he wanted to direct a movie cald ”thriller”wt al his songs featured in it,
    finallyy mj is alive n well. is n good contactt wit his kids. mj's family n close frnds knw abt this trick .mj is not cmg back as mj. he has startd a new life. the non celebrity life whr he cud do all he wantd 2 do as a normal person. watevr a tru mj fans we mus all accept his privacy vr happy if he is happy.

    remember mj hated the press but always welcomed his fans. so pls stop commentg bad abt him.
    let him live, …he needs rest…give him time,,,,..”and this is it” i guess i have proved most of the evidences., will be really happy if you people could put this up in your webpages.
    s.surekha – India

  232. emmie賽義德,

    its reported by the media LYN they are just trying to feed us false info…
    im starting to believe heis dead because now jermaine and tito are questioning the docter about things..im so sad if he has died…
    i cant wai to watch the uri gellar documentary on ITV in london. on sunday at 8. then we can see if he shows any new clues….

  233. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    I have a question to all of you. Feel free to comment. You`d might find this question weird. But im asking for 1 reason. Michael believed in magic. Everything can happen when you believe in magic. I do believe in it. 你呢?

    Do you believe in Magic?

  234. kitkat Said,

    i went to tt myspace account u guys were talkin about ni almost went insain!!!! i couldnt tell which one was mj in the pic.

  235. He.is.alive Said,

    Information is now forthcoming very sparingly, and MJ's “death” hysteria has quieted down. All we are now getting is legal matters mambo jambo and delays, delays, delays.

    ** Where is the body ? The dead man's body who died in in place of MJ ?

    ** Why is there not one single word on “Michael Jackson was cremated, ashes strewn here/there/someplace and/or has been buried at an undisclosed location.

    ** HSN just now reported that “murder” was not in the picture at all, while LaToya in$i$ted to a british rag that it WAS and as the dollar signs in the word “insisted” indicate, received compensation for the interview as the editor of that rag on the Larry King show said that “information like that” was not being “disclosed” ? What's LaToya gonna use as more “floating” now, if any ? I bet she'll quiet down and put it off on the “LAPD investigation”, a legal excuse to keep mum about it ???

    ** “Michael Jackson dead at 50″ hysteria has died down considerably and will die a natural death, if you pardon the pun !

    In consideration of all the foregoing, plus the enormous input from other bloggers, speculation on the “death” speak HOAX of Michael Jackson will only gain more momentum because this “lack” of forthcoming information makes wider room for more speculation. My conviction is this: Michael KNEW the global mass hysteria his “death” would cause, hence made off clandestine and timely, is/has been watching it from afar whereever he is and in all probablitiy is glad this is all over, that he is finally free and is praising God for his safety and peace.

    “let noone deceive you ….” Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:4

  236. zealot Said,

    If Michael really did faked his death, I find it odd that his brothers, Tito and Jermaine, are saying that they do not want their brother's death to become a mystery. They want the truth about Michael's death to become manifest. If I knew that my brother faked his death, I would try to let the whole thing die down with new developing stories hoping people would forget about it soon rather than keeping the death story alive. Then, if there were a body I would quickly have it cremated to rid any further evidence from emerging. Also, it seems like Michael should have had his affairs in order, if he's been planning this, so his mother Katherine would not have to battle over control of his estate. It all seem so strange and it's making me to believe that he really is gone too soon but I hope he is not.

    I am still questioning the validity of the last photo taken of Michael in the ambulance. Maybe, we can do an experiment with a high quality camera and the exact paramedic ambulance to see if we can produce a photo that is clear and visible. Someone who has access to a high quality camera and access to the exact ambulance that Michael was in should take a picture through the side window to see if the results of Michael's ambulance photo can be replicated. Then, we can put to rest all doubts regarding the validity of the photo and focus more attention on other aspects leading up to his alleged death.

    Oh yeah, someone replied to one of my comments; thanks for taking heed to my observations regarding Michael's alleged death.

    “Tourist bus arrived before ambulance 71 backed out the drive way”

    -Yes, the tourist bus in fact arrived before ambulance 71 began backing out of the driveway. However, the tourist bus is stopped further in the back to allow room for ambulance 71 to back out of the driveway. The tourist camera recorded only what was viewable from that angle at the time, which was mostly the side road. On the other hand, the person with the hollywood camera was on foot, I assume, and he was more focused on capturing a close up of the ambulance leaving Michael's home, thus missing the two black vehicles departing behind the ambulance. Since the hollywood camera was on foot, he was positioned in a better position to see the gates at that moment, thus capturing the second ambulance entering the gates. Whereas, the tourist camera was still in the back and making it's way forward toward the gate view, thus missing the view when the second ambulance enters the gate and makes its way toward the back. The cameras gives us different views of the scene, one objective and the other more subjective maybe, but when the footages are combined we can get a better interpretation of what happened.

  237. kitkat Said,

    well actually them keeping the case alive is part of the plan to make us think “if he really did fake his death theyd remain quite” which is EXACLY y ther not remaining quite

  238. emmie賽義德,

    i believe is magic,not card magic but some kind of magic,its good to believe in something and its good to live in a dream world sometimes,to get away from the crap in this world, i live in london in UK and i know i would liketo get away fromm all the knife and gun crime.. all the people getting killed just for going in a different area, i wish i could where michael is now if his not dead…

  239. she_can Said,

    Blanket at the memorial


  240. He.is.alive Said,

    I read in the european press that this Dermotologist Dr. Arnie Klein has admitted in an interview that he is IN FACT the biological father of Michael Jackson's children ….. as if that wasn't bad enough, but this guy is ………..a HOMOSEXUAL ~ holy cow …. what a shocker … my heart goes out twice as far now to Prince Michael and Paris and I will have them added to as many prayer lists I can find that they both grow up with NORMAL and natural sexual orientations …. God bless and protect you Prince Michael and Paris … … ….

  241. shell12 Said,

    How does anyone knows what Michael's face looked like if they were not there at the viewing.Michael would never put his children through such pain and misery.Michael did not intentionally try to kill himself he just wanted to rest and he trusted that his so called doctors would watch him sleep I guess somebody messed up,but that still does not mean that Michael did not love his children,again Michael just made a bad choice.Nobody knows the inner pain and hell those children are going through since the death of their father,and maybe they didn't want to share that with world.However I applaud Paris for being unscripted when she humanized her father,rest in peace Michael,these people stil won't leave you alone,not even in death.

  242. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Little blanket baby, is to young to understand why his Daddy had to do this. I think he dosent know. But he will..

  243. MyBelovedMJ Said,


    They are Michael`s children. NO MATTER WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE SAYING. He is/was there father, nothing will ever change chat. And they will not be taken away from there family

  244. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    @ kitkat
    heya thnx 4 dat.. i read ur reply : ) I really think i needed that…. i didnt watch entertainment tonight at all today and im just staying away from all that bullshitting media…. im literally addicted to this site…. i can't really talk to my friends or family and stuff… they honestly think im fukin retarded (in fact my brother told me to go see a doctor)… anywayz… michael has to be alive.. i honestly cannot express in words how much i love him… im lyk 17 and i know hes old enuf to be my father.. but i feel that michael is the only person i have felt that way about (he is the perfect human being)….. he is alive, i know it…..

    michael please show urself soon…. i miss you soo much!!!

  245. mjfanfromfar Said,

    I agree with this account. Coz first of all into my idea, the memorial wasnt that good for a real presenter, MJ. He organised his musical shows such a grand scale & for his death, no one could do it for him better.
    Accept few, others who participated in the memorial were not that close to him.
    And I agree that no one in the memorial showed a real tear for this most beloved man. I, my self cried so hard; cried several times; and still make me cry when i think about him. I live far away from USA, but He effected poeple all around the world, like myself.

    By the way, what my first problem, acutally who is behind this web site? With lots of infor and links, whats the main reason to prove that he is alive? Even after few weeks, still this site is in a big scale & whats ur relation to michael?

    Michael jackson is the most talented musician even for more thousand years.

  246. Samantha Said,


  247. Lyn Said,

    Thx emmie 4 the info….:)
    I've been staying away from the media too…
    Practically, they have been BS-ing…they have no consistency in what they are writing…they twist and turn the stories and get people confused…and they write really stupid stories that when you read you will ROTFL…

    ok, to the media, he has passed away….
    when someone dies, you shouldn't write all the nasty things about them..
    no respect at all..
    but i guess that's what the media are good at…
    gossiping from a to z….
    they are willing to do anything for money, attention, whatever…
    and they have forgotten the human values!


    I believed that Michael is still alive…
    I hope that he is safe and is leading a peaceful and quiet life…
    away from blood-sucking 'leeches'…

    i love u michael…:)

  248. Samantha Said,

    omg, same i tried talking to my family and there jst like “his gone, his not coming back” and i'm just like “you wait and see” But it's so hard to explain it and whenever i try to i start crying
    It's so good i get to talk to people on this site and share things that people beleive his hopefully still alive, which seems pretty true with all the points and facts, nothing sums up his death. Only a few things do, and when i read them i feel like his actually gone for example when i watch things on tv (even tho i shouldnt because its probably all lies) but it makes me feel like his actually gonee But i think they're only trying to make us beleive his gone, like They made us beleive he was a child molester! Maybe part of this HOAX is to make the family come out with the truth, i don't really know if they have already because i never payed attention to that story, because i know it wasnt true anyway, but yeah it maybe part of it. this site is the only one i trust I read it everyday and the comments Michael also has a quote “If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between cant be dealt with”. 2001年
    MJAAAY i love youu, i hope you're still out there xx

  249. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    If You All Haven't Noticed, Ever Since This Site Has Been Put Up And We Have Been Expressing Our Doubts About Michaels Deaths. His Family, The Media ANd Everyone Has Been CHanging Their Storys Around. Im Pretty Sure they Are Following This Site And Since This Site Makes People Think We Should All be Put In An Insane Asylum, Im Pretty Sure Noones Gonna Really Believe Anything We Say, Except The People That Actually Know The Truth. Just Watch More Closely. I Havent Been Wanting To Follow The Media But I Know They Are Bullshit, But Theres No Way You Can Avoid It, Michael Jackson's Death Is Everywhere.

  250. JC.LOVES.MJ賽義德,


  251. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    I can't believe that an 80 minutes long movie will be released at the end of the year which will show Michael's last reheardal footage at Staples Centre.


    This made me feel so frustrated at AEG as well as the whole media in general for exploiting MJ (again!) after his 'death' – why didn't they love and show appreciation of his work when he was alive? They are playing with MJ's fans like us who are confused and crushed at his sudden passing (if it's true but I believe he's alive!!) to make big bucks. From looking at the interview that LillithBelgium posted earlier, I still believe Jermaine was faking his emotions – those tears don't look genuine. Maybe he shed a tear or two.

    If MJ did really die, I strongly believe the police are despicable and as bad as the media for finding excuses like lack of evidence to bring murder charges against Michael Jackson.

    What dou guys think? Please refute any of the ideas I pointed out – I really wish and pray that Michael is still alive..I really need answers. It's been so hard to get proper sleep as millions of questions run thu my mind constantly!!

    I love u Michael – please be safe and let us know or give hints that ur alive and well

  252. kitkat Said,


    ok good i was scared u wouldnt get it, and dont try n convince ur fam 4 some reason certian ppl refuse to belive things no matter how much evidance ther is. My parents n grandparents belive he did after i told em all the things ive gathered from these sights. I talked to my thearipist about it n even she belived me,so tt proves were noit crazy lol. But ppl such as my moms bf refuse to belive it,i guess because of the medias constant lies that they always think are tru 4 sum reason. n yea im 15 ni wod totally spend the rest ofg my life wit em, hes so sweet,u dont meet ppl like tt everyday. Hes my role model n we'd live in such a great world if every1 was like him. Anyway trust me he's alive cause theres way 2 much evidance

  253. Samantha Said,

    :'( http://www.hoax-slayer.com/michael-jackson-dead.html is that true? Or just another load of bullshit?..

  254. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    yaay lol so u know exactly wat im talking bout aswell right… i guess the best thing we can do is just stick together and make sure that we dont let the media get to us cuz i know that lotsa ppl have already been fooled (lol i can hear my family's voices telling me that im the actual fool haha but i aint gonna let that get to me)…. yes michael is alive cuz like there is just too much evidence telling us that hez alive rather than dead…..


  255. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    It is weird like Joe Jackson said that why on earth would a cardiologist was on payroll to be with Michael 24/7 when he passed all of the medical tests 'with flying colours'? I think AEG was behind it all and it would be a lie to believe what they said – that Michael INSISTED the doctor be with him.

  256. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    the link for the article is;


  257. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    hope, one of the members of this site just posted this link (thank u for posting it – someone who was at UCLA medical centre at the time of Michael's 'passing'. I feel like crying coz stuffs like this make it real that MJ is really gone. But I am hoping that the fire alarm that went off during his stay was a way to give time for MJ to escape?? I hope he is alive.

    What do u guys think?


  258. mjfan賽義德,

    In response to number 209: So clearly people were INSIDE the hospital snapping photos. If this is true, then WHY did no one get a photograph of Dr. Conrad Murray who was also supposedly at the hospital. None of this washes for me. The more weird things that don't line up the more I think there is a conspiracy of SOMETHING. Whether it's murder, or a death hoax, this certainly isn'ta normal situation.

  259. charliechaplin賽義德,

    Could it be that the Jackson family are really under the belief that MJ is 'dead'? Could it be that the 'death' of MJ is part of a grand scheme made by AEG? Could it be that it's AEG that's hiding the living MJ right now? Could it be that AEG is behind the conspiracy of MJ hoax death?

    Dead or alive, AEG will gain from MJ's concert because of the backing of the insurance. AEG owns Staples Center where MJ allegedly last rehearsed and where his Memorial was held.

    It's a win-win situation for AEG & MJ if they successfully pull off the 'death'. AEG will get it's money while MJ can go on and have the private life that he has always longed for. MJ can still participate in the music business under a new name or persona. He still can make hit songs but not be bothered anymore by the press or ridiculed by his detractors. His 3 kids will not be starving because of his 200 yet unreleased compositions.

    Maybe AEG & MJ are just waiting for the right time to tell the truth to the Jackson family.

    Click the video link below. Watch it carefully. It's how I was able to come up with my theory.

    Listen to what Rowe is saying that MJ was being 'controlled' by AEG. I think that AEG 'controlling' MJ is just part of the facade. Maybe, the fact is: MJ's 'death' was a collaboration of MJ & AEG.


  260. charliechaplin賽義德,

    The 'MJ' at the O2 arena press conference has a bump ( or is it 2? ) on his smallest finger of his left hand:



    And why was his left palm dirty? Probably stained by his constant touching of his make up.

  261. charliechaplin賽義德,

    This could have been the 'MJ' at O2 conference:


  262. mo2kidzs Said,

    What bothers me is no hospital official or doctor who worked on MJ came out to say a word about him. Almost in every case of sudden death and high profile case a spokes person for the hospital or doctor who treated the person comes out with a statement. A family member came out to tell the world MJ is dead????Also on Larry King live last night with Joe Jackson. Larry asked him if he said goodbye to mj, joe replied I said goodbye to up in.. well I said goodbye to him at the memorial??? It's like he caught himself just as he was about to say something wrong? AND with all these media whores coming out to say something about MJ.. Not one single person who works at that hospital had a comment?So much of this story don't add up.

  263. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    If the Jackson family is under that believe something is VERY wrong.

    Yeasterday Joe Jackson was asked in an Interwiev where his sons body was, and the answer was ” I dont know”. 跆拳道。 how can you not know where your babys body is, I know they werent on that good terms, but comeon its his son.

    CharlieChaplin I think you are on to something. Michael could have fooled his family, They havent seen him for a while before he “Died”.

  264. charliechaplin賽義德,

    Could thishave been the 'MJ' at O2 conference?



    If so, the impostor might have been practicing us or making us get used to seeing him as the real MJ. We've been conditioned to believe what was in fact a grand plan which started by him 'dying.'

  265. charliechaplin賽義德,

    @ MyBelovedMJ

    我想,如果有很多人(無論是喬丹自己的家庭或者非常親密的朋友)知道的宏偉計劃,這是必然,因為沒有過關越早-或許,某種程度上,有人會捅婁子或作'滑的的母語。 大計劃,需要嚴加看守這可能是為什麼Jackson家族被禁止之前看到兆焦耳藏'死亡' 。 這就是為什麼,喬丹已經告訴巴黎,他可能不會有父親節和巴黎也沒有生氣或沮喪。 這樣的條件,頭腦中的'旁觀者'或那些沒有參與宏圖已經確定了很久以前,我想。

    我認為,一切從O2的新聞發布會出席了“兆焦耳” ,有一天的心臟驟停,到達救護車等是建立完整的AEG公司的'演員'假扮護理人員,等

    順便說一下,這是兆焦耳的保鏢誰打911求救。 他沒有說這是兆焦耳誰是有心髒病,因為這是他的義務,作為一個機構警衛,以保護人的身份,他是防守。 我讀的地方。 我注意到鏈接到該網站,但我需要時間去尋找它。


    我讀的地方在這裡說,好萊塢電影將剩下的最後彩排的兆焦耳。 AEG公司將獲得由它當然。 和,因為它的功能兆焦耳,流行樂之王將獲得份額的錢太多,但在一些其他的方式,因為他已經“死亡” 。 你不覺得這是一個良好的開端? 喬丹仍然是賺錢,賺取更多的可能,他現在是'死' ,當他是'活著' ,但安全新聞界,安全詆毀,人民安全的判斷,不受嘲笑。 但是,我們必須指望一些宣傳噱頭,以促進自己的音樂。 所以,我們應該期待聽到的爭論一樣,他被殺害'或'12他的球迷自殺'等已經開始。

    我們知道的喬丹是個天才,聰明的,對不對? 只有他能想出一個宏偉的計劃,如本。 只有他可以把它趕走。

    振作起來,伙計們。 兆焦耳還活著。 至少,對於我來說,他是。 而且,如果我們自己的球迷,讓我們支持他的決定,不想顯示為他的老自我了。 有如此多的提前來為他和我們欣賞他的才華。

  266. Samantha Said,

    Why did they only get 1 Picture of Dr. Murray, does he even exist to be Michaels real doctor?
    Why no real live footage, theres only 1 picture…

  267. emmie賽義德,

    no matter what michael is there father even if his isnt the biological father he brought them up and made them who they are today. rowe and klien are nothing to them children and i do not think they should getthe kids.michael taught them all they no.he loved them more them life its self and he was the best thing that could happen to the children…

  268. emmie賽義德,

    isnt it weird how the youngest child 'blanket' thinks herfather is on vacation??
    this way they are not lying to the child so no harm is done

  269. Little Susie 01 Said,

    Just like all of you on this site. I also believe he is Alive. So many things dont add up Especially he's memorial. I had said in another of ur Posts Jermaine's Had reversed the lyrics to a line in Smile oddly enough it makes sense. Lighten up ur face with sadness hide every trace of gladness Bascially they have to show to be sad and hide away the gladness. When i heard it i was like whoa wtf u just switched the the words. Another thing i dont understand is how did ppl know that the person in the ambulance was michael jackson? the tour bus knew they said Michael. And when ur rushed to a hospital.. u usually have sirens and when taken into the hospital there always a mass of ppl everywhere, ppl that are sick waiting around in bed or docs and nurses walking around.. I mean none of these ppl talked about what they saw? Is like no one saw michael except for hes family and dr murray?: Everything is just not making sense.Those pictures of him at the staples center shows this is it n the backround. I mean was the staples center staged up just for rehersals? or that was photoshoped Cuz the actual footage of hes video doesnt show THIS IS IT in the back round. and i also believe he should of been in londin by then practicing at the actual arena where he was soppose to perform. I even dream with all of this since June 25 sometimes i cant catch sleep because of it.because im trying to come up with my own conclusion. In fact they change the story everytime. I dont understand how Liz taylor who loved michael couldnt attend to the memorial. And where is Oprah? i dont understand so many things… the closest people to michael is silent. I saw a video on u tube when michael was going through the trial and Janet says she was her studio singing.. and all of a sudden she started to cry in there because she felt her brother not because something would go bad at the trial but just because of what her brother was going through. She seemed very moved by this. But when Michael “died” she was the most coldest person ever i mean it doesnt even look like she was mourning. so many things are just off. And indeed i believe the family has to be aware the many ppl believe this is a hoax. And im pretty sure they have done the research on the internet to see what ppl believe i dont doubt that have come across this site. But i want them to know. That we s stand behind michael all the way. And to Michael if he ever come across this site. Michael i love u very much. And just like me many ppl wont hold anything against you. We know what the media has done to you. And its about time that we prove how sick the media is. Everyday is a new story some talk good n others bad. But in our hearts michael we know the truth. i love you michael.
    And JOE jackson How the hell do u not know where UR SONS “body” is ?
    To all of MJ's fans who believe in him keep up with ur conclusions and thoughts and research just like u im doing the same. because i know michael is alive. And to the admin. Thanx for giving us a site where we can express our thoughts. since many ppl want to believe we are crazy.

  270. ishealive Said,

    Yeah I saw that interview with Larry King, Joe was acting very strange. I know he and Michael weren't on the best of terms but to not know where Michael's body is and also he didn't see Michael's body – he wants to remember him as he was while alive i'm sorry but that's BS, fair enough if it's a friend or relative but not your son, jesus was he that cold hearted?? I think there's more to it than that. Rowe was saying Michael was being controlled by AEG that's a big statement to make, AEG won't be too impressed with that, I wonder how they'll react to it.
    This story is getting very weird, going back to Joe he isn't behaving like a grieving father, I know everyone deals with things differently but it's like he's grieving someone else's son, I can't put my finger on it but he's not very convincing.

  271. Little Susie 01 Said,

    Guys watch this Video.

    I mean this is so confusing.. Are they Changing the Story again, are they drifting the story now to AEG manipulating michael? I mean WHAT is going on.

    Joe says He doesnt know about the autopsy Ask someone who knows. 跆拳道


  272. Seekeroftruth Said,

    Yes mo2kidzs, usually the attending physicians would report
    a celebs death to the media and fans. Not one of the hospital
    representatives said a word. How did Dr Murray disappear
    for 30 hours without his car? Some people actually believe that
    MJ was murdered…what the heck? You will never get me to believe that
    Michael Jackson overdosed himself. If an angel came and told me that I would
    look at him cockeyed. Please listen to his song Xscape and read the lyrics while
    you do so. It is not impossible for MJ to pull this big of a hoax off but I feel there is more
    than meets the eye here. Please be open minded everybody. These are the times
    of great miracles and mind blowing wonders. No matter what side of opinion
    you fall on, peace and love to all!

  273. Seekeroftruth Said,

    To MybelovedMJ: The world abounds in love, hope, mystery and
    magic (I call it miracles and wonders) Nothing is out of reach
    for the spirit person. We catch a glimpse of what shall be when
    we dream. The natural world is a product of what takes place on the
    spiritual realm of reality. Keep dreaming and hoping. We need people like
    you on this earthly plain, for it is you who shall manifest OUR CREATOR'S
    vision for his children.

  274. Seekeroftruth Said,

    I am so full right now…. I could write all day!

  275. gabyan2001 Said,


    Check this out, for the people that have not seen this video.
    It's Navy (Michael's impersonator) he says in the interview that he used to work for Michael, that when they needed him to prentend to be Michael, he would do it..Like going in a hotel, go to public places while Michael was dissapearing of public places.

  276. kitkat Said,

    its in his will tat wod be efed up 2 go against tt. n lol opps maybe blanket shod have spoken wen the cameras were off (he must noe bout the plan n thats y he asked his grandpa tt) poor lil guy almost gave his dad away,but the worlds stupid so they didnt even catch on 2 tt lol. But if these arent just actors n these really r the children mj has been caring 4 then hes def gonna come bak.

  277. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    How the hell can people fall for that, Navi is so cool, but WILL never be Michael. There is only one Michael. Even though navi is a good dancer, No doubt aboutt hat) but nody moves like Michael. I would have spotted that miles away, trust me, i know exactly how Michael moves, and walk, but mostly his eyes, oh his beautyful eyes. And Navi is wearing the strip at the letf arm. WRONG!!! Michael always has it on the right arm. Like Nvi said. Michael will always surprise us. HMMMM

    But i still think its cool that Navi would go in places for Michael, so Michael could have some space.

  278. danisnow70 Said,

    does anyone know if AEG filed an insurance claim on the cancelling of the shows??

  279. Alfaomega Said,

    OK,# emmie Said,

    @ lillina

    Yes, and Jermain was telling those who know that they also had to look sad, but he did it in a very discrete way:
    Interchanging 2 sentences in the son “Smile”

    Instead of:
    Light up your face with gladness
    Hide every trace of sadness

    Jermaine sang:
    Light up your face with sadness
    Hide every trace of gladness

    This is a message to all those who where really MJ very close friends.

    The rest of the public there and those ho watched the memorial on TV or Internet wouldn´t take notice, because it was done in a very subtle manner and the public was listening and watching the whole.

    Interesting post admin!

  280. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    To Alfaomega:

    I couldn't agree with u more about such little emtions that they showed at Michael's meemorail service. Although I am not a family of Michael's but I cried till I was tired to talk – after watching the service it was impossible for me to get anything done.

    Somebody here posted earlier a photo of Blanket with a tear on his face at the memorial service. Some may say that this is an evidence that MJ did really die but I think it was another ploy to make us the fans as well as the rest of the world to believe the lie. He especially looks convincing with his little adorable eyes just like his father !!! And there is a report on TMZ.com which claims that Blanket asked his godfather whether his dad was on holiday making MJ's 'death' even more real. But come on – how many child actors out there? Kids these days cathch things on pretty quickly, more than we would ever expect. Although Blanket is merely 7 years old, he is a smart cookie! And Paris's performance at the end of the service was a dead give away. while watching the service, I knew that something was not right – not just emtionless Jackson family but because to me it was so strange for a 11 year old girl who just lost her nly parent to be so together and strong. PLus, none not even one family member shed a tear except for BLanket- how is that possible – ok maybe the children coz they may be still to young to understand and grasp the concept of death yet, but what about Michael's grwn up sibilings??

  281. JC.LOVES.MJ賽義德,

    @ Alfaomega :

    I noticed when mixed up the words straight away, but i thought it was an honest mistakee..
    can someone please explain wats going on wid AEG? like i have no idea wats going on, no single clue..

  282. MJSmile4Us賽義德,

    Also I think another clue that was given by Joe Jackson that coudl prove that MJ is still alive. During his recent interview, I noticed the movement og his mouth and his hand gestures (he couldn't keep them still). He stuttered alot and was stuck on words on many of the questions that Larry asked. HIs eyes looked nercous. To me he was a nervous wreck!! Also what father regardless of his turmoil relationship with his son in the past could be so calm. Although he did express his anger about the way MJ died but in my opinion if my son had presumably died in an 'unnatural' way with some particular group of people to blame for it, I would show more anger and frustration at the doctor or somebody else. Ok maybe accusing either of them without solid evidence could end him up in court by the hell with lawsuit! HIs son's life is involved here for goodness sake! and a father with such great love for his son as Joe openly expressed on the show would do whatever it takes to bring justice and punish those involved in his death and stand up for his son till the end.

  283. ishealive Said,

    Yeah my thoughts exactly, something isn't right with Joe he isn't behaving like the grieving father, at one point Rowe said “if Michael was in good health then why would he have a personal doctor living with him, he said I don't have a doctor living with me & asked Larry if he had” Joe then laughed at this, there's something not right. Joe said he said gooodbye to Michael at the memorial but before that he said something like “I said goodbye to him up at…….. and then said I said goodbye to him up at the memorial” sounded like he was correcting himself. I found myself laughing at some parts of his interview, I know that sounds bad but Joe was like a comedian at times!! And why the hell would Joe not know where Michael's body is??? I know he lives in Las Vegas but come on it's not like he's living in Mars. WTF is going on??????

  284. val123jason456 Said,

    all this makes so much since, when fans shed more tears that the family then somethings up! But I absolutely love Micheal, so I hope he is not dead.

  285. IloveMJ Said,


  286. Perfume Said,

    #269 I also find it strange that nobody at UCLA Medical Centre has not said anything, I am sure some staff must of seen MJ who was a high profile person being wheeled into the hospital why is it that their are quiet, I am certain somebody would of wanted to make a quick buck by either sending the media an anonymous email spilling what they had seen that fatal day. I still go back to what the paramedics said when they entered the house that something did not seem right and that the person that they were tending to seemed to have had scars on their face as though they had recent facial surgery those words still stay with me every time I think of it, secondly why did Jermaine Jackson have to do the press release announcing MJ's death why not the many doctors that performed CPR on him, why did doctor Murray not do the press release…….too many questions too little answers to it all.

  287. emmie賽義德,

    hey every 1 this is important
    visit this site and there is voice recordings from people
    if you go on number 3 which was recorded on the 17/7/09 at 8;53am it sound exactly like michael jackson
    take a look and tell me what you think?????

  288. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    What bugs me the most is. HE DIDNT KNOW WHERE MICHAELS BODY IS. WTH. How can you not know where the body of your Baby is? I mean ofcause they wouldent tell anyone, but Joe could have said something like ” I cant tell you” Or ” he is in a secret place” But do not say you dont know. Its your son dammit, fight for it.

    Seriously, get Joe Jackon in that chair again,and keep anseer him questions, and do it quick, it will take him 30 minutes to blow up Michaels cover.

    Something is seriously wrong with that family, my guess is that Michael is pulling his hair screaming: Get YOUR STORIES STRAIGTH BEFORE YOU ARE GOING TO RUIN ANYTHING. This family is SO BAD at this.

    All this just proves to me, that MIchael is still alive.

    Michael if you see this: You need to talk to your family, make them get their stories right. I dont want them to blow up your cover, i want you to be safe and happy.
    I love you

  289. MJSmile4Us賽義德,


    I agree with u in that there is no way that Joe, Michael's FATHER would not know where his son's body is and plus he said he did not read the private autopsy results coz he was not given one. When asked why he did not demand for it, he replied that he just assumed that he was going to be contacted at some point. What a load of bull! He almost sounded stone-cold careless father when i heard him say that. Rowe was not such a good actor as well as he too stumbled on words and repeated himself when different questions were asked and even dodged some.

    I was so frustrated to learn that and strongly believe that ET show (although I know it is full of garbage) was more than disrespectful to dear Michael by saying that their so-called sources said that the Michael wore prosthetic nose and that one of his former employees at the Neverland Ranch saw a box full of them in his bedroom. ET have no freakin idea what they are talking about and it makes me so sad and my blood boils every time they say such ridiculous stuffs about MJ like this – they just blurt out whatever they like and use unverified 'sources' as a back up. They should be shut down for providing false information and for crossing the line – they are trying to ruin MJ all over again!

  290. kitkat Said,

    you guys r 100% right

    @Alfaomega he sang that in the words? no way he made a mistake he did tt on pourpouse. Probably cus the kids looked so happy he hada remind them to pretend to be sad, cause after all it is a ”funeral”

    @MJSmile4Us i was 100% sure mj was alive after hearing paris speak. N ofcourse the lil one is acting. Plus wata big catch when he aske his grandpa wen his dad was coming bak. N other ppl r still slow n say “aww he thinks his dads alive n is coming bak” HELLO!!! the kids 7 not ONE!!!!!!!! he wod noe tt his dad was dead after all tis. I mean when my cousin was 7 he new more about sex then i did. So ur telling me tt tis lil boy gose thro all tis (n he supposly seen his dads “body” at the private “funeral” n then at the memorial ppl start talkin bout his dead wen he was young n how they'll miss em…IH PLEASE tis lil boy noes EXACLY wats going on. n he noes he'll c his dad soon. N so funny he asked if his dad was coming bak on a holiday wen in mjs journal he said he was coming bak christmas or new years! my case is closed!! =)

  291. ishealive Said,

    To MJSmile4Us: Yeah you're right about the autopsy, I forgot about that. That's BS what father doesn't read his son's autopsy or demand to see it. He's coming across to the whole world like he couldn't care less about Michael yet he's rambling on about foul play and AEG controlling Michael. Jesus Joe get your facts straight don't accuse people and not even bother to see the autopsy results.

    I was talking to my dad about Joe last night, I didn't tell about this site or that I have my suspicions about this hoax 'cos he'd think I was insane but anyway I was telling him that Joe hadn't even seen Michael's body or that he didn't even know where it was. My father reckons the family are keeping all this informaion from Joe, that's a good point but again I ask WHY?

  292. Perfume Said,

    #287 I have listened to it and it sure sounds like Michael and also no person from the UK has an American accent, this person sure sounds like MJ….I need to listen to it again and who the heck is Donald??????? The voice message is weird it is like listening to MJ himself

  293. zealot Said,

    This thing is beginning to look more simplier than I had thought. The trained eyes see more than expected, I am 75-80% sure of that.

  294. roloco21 Said,

    oh people!!
    of course all these theories are so believable, but if it'd come a day that you find out that Michael's not dead what would be your feelings? The fans feel so much pain for a month now, i don't think i could ever forgive that to Michael. For sure, if his death is a hoax, he needed to get away. But this move doesn't macht with what Mike was fighting for all these years! this ”escape” seems like Mike gave up! But Mike'd never give up! I believe so much in him, but i can't stand that he just get away and hide! I need so much more to believe that God decided to end his life rather than that Mike played it God!! He actually used to act like God, wanted to live 4 ever… NO! I need to remember Mike as a human who was always fighting and winning the stungles of this life! And that now he rests in eace at heaven. NOt at Haway!!!!!!! I couldn't forgive that, but it would be funny though, its so crazy that it makes me laugh!!!!
    The only thing is sure is that Michael Jackson is far away from all of us, whenever he is…
    and either he's dead either he's alive, i'm happy for him. But i don't want to know……..
    just let it go….
    Anastacia from Greece



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