Michael Jackson Mistyfikacja Mirtis

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Autorius ir Bendraautorius iš šių paštu nario šią svetainę vadinamas He.Is. Alive. Norėčiau pasidalinti savo pastabas ir įžvalgų visiems.

Įvertinusi skaityti daug įrašų šioje svetainėje, taip pat išnagrinėti ir apsvarstyti turinį iš jų, aš sukūrė šią teoriją apie Jackson "mirties" ir pabėgti, vienas aš manau labiausiai faktinės ir tikėtinos:

width=550 Nekilnojamojo Michael Jackson niekada parodė tuo repeticijoms naktį prieš savo "mirties" ne Staples Center, tamsoje filmuoti kad paviršiumi rodyti jį kramtomoji guma nėra realaus Michael Jackson, nėra, tačiau vietoj to, jis pasiuntė vieną iš savo dvigubinamas į repeticijoms tik "matyti" ten po kelių minučių. Kadangi video buvo įrodyta padirbtus, ekspertų ir pasakė būti photoshop "fiksuoti", mes neturime jokių įrodymų, kas ne visi, kad reali Michael Jackson dalyvavo repeticijoms visais, tačiau kramtomoji guma lookalike padarė vietoj. Vadinasi, tai galima teigti, kad reali Michael Jackson padarė ne į laukimo plokštumos ir paliko amžinai goodbye, ko gero taip. Nauja informacija apie jo slaptą "išvykimo" iš LAX į nepaženklinta Lear Jet turi paviršiumi, ant patikimumą ir logika.

Tuo tarpu atgal į dvarą, kad lookalike masalui buvo readied ir paruošti už "širdies" šou ir kamuolys pradėjo tęstinę su 911 skambinti jei skambinantysis turi, o ne sako: "Tai yra Michael Jackson gyventi ir p. Jackson turi nedelsiant padėti, prašom ", bet vietoj to, labai kontroliuojamas ir unemotionally kalbėjo apie" Gentleman ", kurie buvo" ne kvėpavimas "? Visi o REAL Michael Jackson buvo seniai išvažiavo į kur, ir tai paaiškina, kodėl greitosios "pacientui" nuotrauka atrodo ne taip, kaip, nei galėtų būti Michael Jackson, teisę į nuolatinį kitų įtartinų ir bus kilti abejonių, kad saugomi Popping iš visų kryptimis, nieko iš jų gali pridėti, nes etape buvo nustatyta kitaip nuo pat pradžių, ty: Nekilnojamojo Michael Jackson buvo seniai praeityje, tačiau grįžo į LA dėl "Michael Jackson mirė nuo širdies" šou su masalui buvo kaip ir planuota, nors kai kurių sandarumas ir puikiu planavimo srityje ar "repeticija", ir dėl šios priežasties, mes atvyksta ir toliau grįžti į "nieko priduria viršų" teorija ir todėl nuolat aptarnauja daugiau kylančios questionables ir įtarimų, kylančių nuo pat pradžių visą šią saga.

Tai labai abejotina KODĖL jo vidinės uždaryti confidantes nerodo į "Memorial" paslauga Staples: Elizabeth Taylor, Diana Ross, Liza Minelli, Uri Geller ir Oprah Winfrey - kuris parengtas ALL Michael Jackson duomenis iš savo interneto svetainėje - tik paminėti šias kelias, kuris atėjo į galvą. Kodėl būtų Jacksons neigia Michailo umiłowany draugai dalyvauti jo "Išmetimas"? Vietoj to, kad asortimentą "užpildyti moduliai" parodė, kai kurie net susitiko Michael Jackson ir net laisvai pareiškė tt populiarus Talkshow, kiti, kurie neturėjo jokių ryšių su juo asmeniškai per metus! Kitas "sustojimo"?

Jennifer Hudson efektyvumą buvo "parėmė" kurį nekilnojamojo Michael Jackson putos, kur jis metu kalbėjo Monolog į dainą ji atliko, klaidingai pakeisti žodį "Skausmas" su S originalo žodis tekstas: "Pain" be s! Kiek žiūrovų pastebėjo šią netaktas arba .... ne? Buvo suprasti, sąmoningai "mesti jį į minios ir pamatysite, kurie laimikį ji" užuominą?

Kodėl labai pirma frazėje "Aš gyvas ir bus gyventi amžinai" vieną iš jo dainų rodomi mėlynai Raidės tuo backwall iš etapo pabaigoje paslauga? Kodėl šie LABAI NUORODA? Kodėl KITI žodžiai, bet jie vieną ypač?
Šis karstas per memorialinis tarnyba negali išskirti vieną kas BENDROJOJE nuojauta, kad ji yra mirusiojo, Michael Jackson, nei bet kuris kitas organas, tuo! "Vibes", kad aš patyręs per width=425 Vien Televizija Radiobangų parodant visuomenei palaidotas buvęs JAV prezidentas Reiganas jau 2004 m.? Labai paprasta, aukso Casket sakė padengia Michael Jackson kūno buvo tuščias, o sraigtasparniai Vizija, kas išdėstyta pirmiau, labai mysteriously išnyko į ploną oro po paslaugą vietą iš "kūno" naujų naujausią žiniasklaidos nugara laikyti visuomenės dėmesys buvo skirtas "mirtis" ir Michael Jackson? And the Beat Goes On ...
Ar yra pakankamai valandų per dieną valstybės / dokumentas / blog daugeliui kitų vienetų klausimų / abejonių / įrodymų / pastabas, kad laikyti raižybos patys per visą madness? Ar klausimais Michael Jackson's etapais mirties ir sėkmingai išvengti ne didesnis skaičius tada faktus ", patvirtinantį, kad" jis iš tikrųjų .... "Mirė"?

Gerbėjų visame pasaulyje atliko savo kvėpavimą atvaizdą iš "Kūno" savo idol pasirodyti, kiek iš visų žiniasklaidos ir interneto srautą, tokių nuotrauką galima ir net jeigu ji buvo, kaip ji galėjo būti teigiamai nustatyta kad ta įstaiga iš tiesų yra Michael Jackson's? Mes niekada žinoti, mes? Bloggers komandiravimo abejones ir pastabas, ir tt ir tt remia didelis traukos šios "mirties" įgijo visame internete, ir tai Jums, šie faktai yra net minėjo, kad, kiek tik kvėpavimas The mainstream media? Kodėl ne? Kadangi visi jie transliuojami jų naujienos su laptopów prieš juos, tai ne todėl, kad jie nežinojo apie tai, tai?

Ką mes žinome visiškai tam tikrų yra tokia: nors / s žino kažką ir jų Ramybė / s buvo nupirktas dėl logiškai pakankamai aukštą kainą už nekilnojamojo tiesos niekada negali būti atskleista jų dalis, tačiau sena teorija, kad tiesa yra akivaizdu ir visada vyrauja won't ever būti pažeista, net milijonus JAV dolerių, kad plombuojamas šį sandorį, kodėl? Paprastas: yra Dievas ...

The lyrics of Michael Jackson's daina "Xscape" aiškiai nurodoma, kas jo seniai artimiausiais ketinimai buvo, ketinimus, kad jis praktiškai įgyvendinti tai, kas buvo, beveik helpfully padeda buvusi žmona Lisa Marie Presley, kuris per savo santuoką sužinojo apie savo norą "pabėgti" kaip jos tėvas ir todėl "coached" jam apie tai, kaip sėkmingai etape Tokiu atveju duomenis, kuriuos ji yra žinoma privvy ir todėl sudaro akivaizdžių panašumų į Elvis "scenoje mirties ir evakuacijos, dauguma Tinkamą tam Michael Jackson's" mirtis " ir "dingo": dėl "širdies sustojimas, mirę dėl atvykimo į ligoninę" nugaros ... yra hermetiškoje scenarijus, kai ligoninės personalas, gydytojai, EMT's, policijos pareigūnų, saugumo ir tt, taip pat koroneris ir kitos institucijos yra teisinių draudžiama viešai atskleisti bet kokia informacija apie leidimo ir po paciento, kartu visuomenė yra mesti Užkandote dydžio kaulų, informacija, kuri gali būti ne "kita" arba "susukti"?

Po Elvis "dingo, vienas iš daugelio jo asmeninių daiktų trūkstamų buvo didžiausias iš visų jo asmens Airplane! Šis lėktuvas nebuvo "poof" dingti į ploną oro jei dovanoti punt, taigi: kas sako, kad laukia, nepažymėta, pagal radaro / Dispečerinių personalas yra "ignoruoti" laukia plokštumos ne LAX buvo Michael kurie -- atsirandančių visiškai užmaskuotas iš juodo SUV į lėktuvo - buvo ne tai, kad priklausanti Elvis Presley? Kad ji galėtų būti Elvis Presley asmens plokštuma yra labiausiai tikėtini paaiškinimai, nes suprantama, kad Michael Jackson niekada niekada jau nerimauti arba bijo tai jo "Getaway" tampa pažeidžiami arba visuomenei, nes, jeigu jis padarė, Elvis ir Michael Jackson abu yra tikrai gyvas būtų ir tapti tarptautinės naujienos skubėti!

The Jacksons bei žiniasklaidos nuolat laikyti ant slankiųjų ir verpimas griozdai "naujienos", kai jis gana piktinančius, bet siekiama atitraukti visuomenės dėmesį į tai, kas aiškiai iškyla kaip labai yra "KITI" scenarijus tai ... "tragedija" ... ..

Kritikos, taip pat papildomų sąnaudų kitos Bloggers yra neabejotinai pakviestas, ačiū už svarstymą.

  1. jazzlvr66 Said,

    Stengėsi rasti, kad "He Is Alive" svetainėje, bet negalėjo. Ar kas nors yra teisinga URL? Be to, kas moterų jis eina rankas? Jokių įrodymų, kai pic buvo imtasi? Bet koks įrodymas, kad iš tikrųjų MJ? Kaip gali visi žmonės, kurie tariamai šiame negali patekti į bet kokios nelaimės, Nekenkia MJ pats? Jei kas nors galėtų gauti fotografiją jam tik nanometrinėje sekundžių išlipant iš jo "get-away" plokštumoje, ką daro kiekvienas manau jis galėtų likti paslėpti amžinai?

  2. svangel Said,

    KAD Fotografija jam išvengti FROMA plokštumoje OLD BTW .... PANAŠUS I pasakė daug dalyvaujančių žmonių miršta Hoax thing ... ME turi sumažinti rezultatų evidence .... Žinome Jo isnt dead ... BET Jo WUDNT SEJOUR HIDDEN DĖL ILGOS ... I dont think jis tikėjosi TECHNOLOGIJA darys ATNAUJINTA .. ELVIS CUD PASS THIS OFF Jo dienomis .... MJ U CANT ... DABAR Come Back and Sing PLZZZZZZZ

  3. jackoforever91 Said,

    Oh wow .... i dont even know, ką pasakyti

  4. doonbuggy Said,

    Na istorija skamba gerai, bet aš manau, nuotraukos, yra tik pavyzdys, nes atrodo, kad yra Paryžiuje, kuris yra su juo.

  5. luvmj Said,

    Ar jūs sakydamas, kad paveikslėlyje yra naujo? Priežastis, kad kai jis atvyko į Londonas paskelbti jo koncerto datą.
    Tikiuosi, kad jis gyvas, nors ...

  6. Becky Said

    Aš tikrai patinka visiems, kad tai apgaulė kai rūšiuoti. Tai tik atrodo, kad bet koks scenarijus, kad kuris nors sugalvoti yra labai susiję. Aš negaliu įsivaizduoti, kad jeigu, kad daug žmonių žinojo apie tai, kad kažkas nebūtų kalbėti. Aš tikrai tikiuosi, kad jis įgytas toli, ir galiausiai kai kurie pasaulio.

  7. thriller777 Said,

    sorry i dont know bet kokios nuorodos ir nieko, bet aš turiu kai kurių daiktų pasakyti. tai yra labiausiai tikėtina dienoraštį i skaityti. Ačiū jums. rimtai. i just wanted to say im už šio 100percent. ir jis negali paslėpti amžinai, ir i honestly dont think elvis gali. vieną dieną žiniasklaida madingesiu, tikiuosi. Tačiau aš taip pat manau, jis doesnt nori paslėpti nuo amžinai. Jis sugrįš, pareiškė savo dienoraštyje (i pamiršti nuorodą, tiesiog įveskite google Michael Jackson mirties dienoraščio), bet ji bus tik kai jis bus parengtas. ir jei jis forget daro tai pinigus sukčiavimo, kuris i know thats nėra, tuomet jis negali gauti jokių teisinių problemų. Jis žino, ką HES darydama, ir HES daro gerai. jo tik jo "darbuotojų" ir "partnerių nusikalstamumu", kurios yra Messing visą šią dalykas iki kur mums tikintiesiems bus madingesiu. jie Messing iki tada, apimantis su kažkuo kitu, kuri suteikia dar daugiau nepatogumų. bet ir nuoširdžiai tikime, naudojant Michaels darbotvarkė, ir šiame dienoraštyje, tiesa bus iš anksčiau tikėtina. jis turi. jo Michael Jackson, ir jo vardas reiškia "epidemijos ir reiškinys" HaHa.

  8. Blanka Said

    Kodėl visos nuotraukos you've got neturi datas? Vaizdas šiuo atveju nuotrauka verta daugiau negu tik žodžiai, kad vaikinas gali būti Michael Jackson ir mergina gali būti Paryžius, tačiau nuotraukų nėra datos, gal tai senąjį ... Ir pagal jus jis atvykstate į kurią vietą? ? Jūsų teorijos yra įdomios, bet paprastus žodžius ir mintis negalima įrodyti, kad jis gyvas, kaip jums sakė. Jeigu dvigubo MJ powiedziałeś tikrai mirė dėl širdies smūgio jis turėjo rimtų sveikatos problemų, tiesa? ir kodėl niekas negali sužinoti, kad vaikinas, kad mirties nėra MJ? Jei MJ yra mirties ar ne tik ką turi įrodyti daugiau nei žodžiai ir vaizdai be datų, kurios leis mums patvirtinti savo teorijos yra teisinga!
    Jei jis gyvas, kad bus gera visiems savo gerbėjai (kaip man), o iš tikrųjų mes rūpinamės visa didelis teather, bet jei jis tikrai mirties jums daug apgailestauju ... SHOW JAV kad jis gyvas, įrodo JAV JUMS "RE TEISĖ!

  9. i87 Said

    yra tai, kad pic Michael birželio 25? ... ar tai tik keletas atsitiktinių pic ... ... ... ... ir @ jazzlvr66, ir manoma, kad mergaitė yra jo dukra ... not sure tho

  10. admin Said,

    * Atkreipkite dėmesį, * Mes jokiu būdu pasakyti, kad vaizdas šioje paštu Michael Jackson ištrūkti iš savo gyvenimo ... tai tik pavyzdys paveikslėlį atsargines kopijas vizualiai dinamika istorija. Paveikslas buvo priimtas Londonas keletą mėnesių atgal.
    MJHD Administratorius

  11. luvmj Said,

    Ar jūs sakydamas: tu galvoji Elvis gyvas dar nors?: S

  12. wilkesxgurl Said,

    ką ru ruošiasi daryti, jei ir tai tikrai jį rasti?

  13. LadyV Said,

    O užsičiaupk Blanka! Apie atvirkštinė pusė įrodyti, kad jis miręs! Grįžti rasti jo kūnas, ir jis mums pic. Eik ... įrodyti!

  14. pammy Said,

    @ he.is.alive ir teisingumas:
    Thanks for the update.
    I love this site! I cant stop svarstymą ir atlikti mokslinius tyrimus pagal save .... Jo visi keistai ir labai paini. Ji to pageidauja, kad teorijos yra teisė, ir jis bus atgal someboday ir tikiuosi jis nebus daugiau problemų, nes jo pasijuokti anyways ... u tikrai manote, kad Elvis gali būti dar gyvas?

  15. ejay5131 Said,

    Dažniau skauda žinant, kad jis gyvas, bet dingo nei klausos jis mirė!
    Love ya MJ, linkiu jums galėtų dar liko!

  16. Samantha Said,

    Jei Michaelis norėjo pabėgti, jis wouldnt want any nuotraukos būtų jis? Tai tikrai painus Aš tiesiog nežinau, kas mano anymore. Tačiau šią svetainę aome tikrai gerose vietose.

  17. wozniack Said,

    Aš girdėjau Oprah yra tariamai turintys psichikos kalbėti Michael ją parodyti. Ar nebūtų smagu, jei tas nutiko, tada mėnesių / metų MJ atsiranda iš niekur? Kaip ji aiškina, kad, lmao.

  18. tatylovesmj Said,

    Oh my goodness. (: Šis puslapis daro labai gerai taškai, kurie faktiškai turi prasmę, bet aš ... tai taip painu, HaHa! Tai kaip vienas iš tų ... istorijas; you don't know what's gonna happen kito ... labai nenuspėjama, tiesa?! Honestly, nors aš nežinau, ką manyti anymore. Bet aš tik tikiuosi, ir melstis, kad Dievas tai yra tiesa, ir kad mūsų Michaelis dar ten kažkur visur. Aš tik tikiuosi. Ak.

  19. Sarah Said

    Aš žinojau, kad monologas pabaigoje buvo skirtingos!
    Ypač kai jis pasakė: "Skausmas"!
    Aš atsimenu, sėdi ten su veido patiko, "Kas per ..."
    You guys buvo tai sakau daug ir aš palyginti originalą ir vieną paminklas save ir aš Pstry out!
    Crazy stuff.

  20. morefiyah Said,

    Nėra laiko / datos antspaudą ant nuotraukos ir MJ vis OFF plokštumoje ne ji. Kitas!

  21. BeenTown Said,

    Kiekvienas čia yra Michailo institucija, karstas,


    Taip pat šioje svetainėje


    Ar kas nors manote, kad tai tiesa?

  22. BeenTown Said,

    Maniau Michael buvo išdirbti ir taip, kaip tariamai cituojamą Latoya;

    Latoya Jackson Pasirinktą drabužius Michael wore ir peržiūrėti Casket - dvi juodos pirštinės, juoda pants zawalcowany juodais karoliukai, perlas-zawalcowany balta striukė jis wore į Grammys ir virš dydžio aukso juosta, kad panašūs į čempionato bokso diržas. Reljefinis dėl striukė buvo cherubs su dideliais sparnus.

  23. escepticaYK Said,

    Cuando un Cuerpo llega al Forense, ne se supone que le Rūkas HUELLAS DACTILARES ????? aahhh que por cierto, sūnus únicas para cada persona ... ..

    Kai įstaiga pasiekia ekspertizės nėra pirštų atspaudų? Tai neabejotinai yra unikalus kiekvieno asmens

  24. escepticaYK Said,

    Kaip paaiškinti, kad?

  25. dirtydiana Said,

    Aš tik baigė žiūrėti Joe Jackon ABC interviu apie MJ mirties yra Faulowanie. I can't believe jie parodė vaizdo O2 spaudos konferencija ir baigėsi uždarymo kreditai su šiuo apgavikai veidą. Jūs tai pasakykite man, kad žiniasklaida vis dar bandau aklai į tą faktą, kad tai yra ne MJ?! Esu įsitikinęs, kad visas interviu buvo edited po Joe Jackson atidavė jį. Tačiau net jei jis nuomonėmis pats be Patariama, kaip jis buvo redaguojama, jis negali išeiti ir pasakyti, kad tai yra ne MJ, nei bet kokia šeima ar artimų draugų. Tai kartu su visais kitais apie šią svetainę skatina mano suspisions kažko fishy going on.

  26. wishful09 Said,

    Sutinku su trileris. I dont think Michael liks ne amžinai. Taip, jis grįžta, kai jis bus paruošta. Bet jis grįžta.

    Toliau daryti didžiulį darbą su šia svetaine!

  27. wozniack Said,

    Tai photoshopped. Kažkas įdėti savo galvą ant James Brown kūno, manau. = /

  28. Priya78 Said,

    WOW! Kad visą "Skausmas" dalykas retai mane mano rokeris! WHAT A CATCH MY FRIENDS !!!!!!!!

    Here you go: Youtube SU dainų .... Pažvelgti į 5:08 ženklas. Išgirsite MJ pasakyti žodį "SPANIJA" Singular (ir pamatysite žodį "SPANIJA" ekrane)

    Dabar čia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5SUjWtpgc8 Jennifer Hudson dainuoti ne MJ memorialinis ... .. ne 3:30 ženklo pamatysite žodį "Skausmas" ir daugiskaitą ir išgirsite MJ pronounce it Vertimai! !

    Aš manau, jei aš buvo muzikantas, kai mano žodžiai buvo nuspręsta, aš ne keisti juos į keletą dainų iš vienaskaitos ir daugiskaitos. Mačiau Tačiau kai Ive gone paieškos žodžiai dainų, kad kartais svetainė jas nurodyti kaip vienetas, kai jie turėtų būti ir daugiskaitą ir vice versa ... .. todėl aš pajuto, kad reikia faktiškai teikia jums youtube video, kad turi žodžiai Posted in video vizualiai kaip jums klausytis garso. Tai tiesiog insane!

  29. leidžia kalbėti Said,

    Šie vaizdai į Skrynia yra padirbtas, Michael m. pėdų ir
    dėti į karstą. Plius, jis neabejotinai nesutampa su Latoya sakė išdorotus jam in Nors atrodo garrish outfit. Vienintelis dalykas, kuris tobulai yra diržo sagtis su cherubs
    ant jo.

    HEU guys I bus sp nustemba jei Michaelis yra gyvas jį pamatyti grįžti. Kodėl jis grįžo į visus tos dramos ir asmeninį gyvenimą. Jis neturi jokios prasmės. Per blogai jis tiek daug žmonių, kurie taip greitai teisėjas, jis tikriausiai galėjo grįžti, jei nebūtų jų.

  30. Priya78 Said,

    WOW! Kad visą "Skausmas" dalykas retai mane mano rokeris! WHAT A CATCH MY FRIENDS !!!!!!!!

    Look here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRqYVFr7sL4
    YouTube su stichijos .... Pažvelgti į 5:08 ženklas. Išgirsite MJ pasakyti žodį "SPANIJA" Singular (ir pamatysite žodį "SPANIJA" ekrane Singular)

    Dabar čia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5SUjWtpgc8 Jennifer Hudson dainuoti ne MJ memorialinis ... .. ne 3:30 ženklo pamatysite žodį "Skausmas" ir daugiskaitą ir išgirsite MJ pronounce it Vertimai! !

    Aš manau, jei aš buvo muzikantas, kai mano žodžiai buvo nuspręsta, aš ne keisti juos iš vienaskaitos ir daugiskaitos. Todėl aš, kad tai labai tikėtina, kad buvo "yra įkurti" .... Ir pasijuokti, kad mes visi tikime, kad ji yra.

    Mačiau Tačiau kai Ive gone paieškos žodžiai dainų, kad kartais svetainė jas nurodyti kaip vienetas, kai jie turėtų būti ir daugiskaitą ir vice versa ... .. todėl aš pajuto, kad reikia faktiškai teikia jums youtube video, kad turi žodžiai Posted in video vizualiai kaip jums klausytis garso. Tai tiesiog insane!

  31. Andrea Said

    @ dirty diana - aš maniau tą patį! Net mano mama man pasakė: "Kodėl jie rodo, kad MJ apgavikai? hahahaa Aš neturiu, kodėl niekas atėjo dar ir sako: wait a minute, kad nėra MICHAEL!

  32. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Administratorius, o aš Manote Tai yra puiki svetainė. Žinau, kad tavo ne Sakydamas Tikrinti turi įrodymų, kad jis gyvas, nes You Cant Prove Something That You Dont Know for sure. Jūsų Tiesiog Suteikus Žmonės Pavyzdžiai Kodėl jūs manote, kad tai Hoax, Ir žmonės yra tiesiog nesuprantamas sau, kad visiškai pramogoms. Žmonės tereikia Pagalvokiteapie Teigiamai ir aptarti šių klausimų Pažangaus kelias vietoj atakos Eachothers nuomones. Im Pretty Žinoma Thats Kodėl jūs sukūrėte šį tinklalapį, reikia suburti ir šviesti savimi be žiniasklaidos įsikišimo. Aš turiu pasakyti, kas padarė Svetainės Ar briliantinį. Plius Michael Jackson Was A briliantinį Pažangios Individuali Ir If anyone can Pull Off A Hoax, jis turėtų būti jam. Jei jis mirė, kuris, aš tikiuosi jis neturi, o jei jis, tai žmonės, visi mes darome tikisi A Kai Individuali Tai We Care Taigi, būdamas giliai Apie Is Still Alive "Mes ARENT Going To Feel Like kvailys Jei jis mirė, Mes tiesiog ketina atvykti į grips su ja, bet kol nėra įrodymų, kad jis mirė, mes vis dar galime viltis tai tik Hoax, kurios bus istorijos Knygos forever Jei jis grįžta, kurį Comeback Kelionių Ar prasmės, jis padirbinių Jo mirtis, Tada grįžta Per Trileriai In His Tour, Back From The Dead? Ir Put On The Greatest spektaklio visų istorija. Plius Jei jis daro tai ne Hoax, jis taip pat gali tai padarysite, įrodyti visiems, kad Jūsų Shouldn't Listen To The Media, jis tiesiog stengiamės Media atrodo kvailys Jie Zaprawdę Ar. Kiekvienas turi savo nuomonę. Ir kiekvienas turi teisę transliacija, ir tai yra Kas Ši svetainė skirta. Taigi Prašome Stotelė puola Eachothers Nuomonės Ir Come Together Ir Informuoti savimi įrodymų jūs manote yra teisinga, mes Dont Need bus neigiamas. Taigi Nurimkite Ir būsime Openminded.

  33. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Jei kada nors rasti Michael, tai jam už paliekant jį ramybėje. Jis susiduria su visuomene, kai jis bus parengtas. Bet manau, kad jam reikia šiek tiek laiko, kad "išgydyti", jis buvo per daug, paskutinius 5 metus. Jis žino, mes mėgstame jo, tai kodėl mes turime suteikti jam laiko atsigauti, ir palikite jį ramybėje, jei kas nors turi žinoti, kur jis yra. Prašome, tikiuosi, Jums bus parodyti savo angelą, kad už

  34. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Ta nuotrauka yra fake. Jis llok excatly kaip arti James Brown buvo dėvėti, kai jis mirė. ir jeigu mes vieną kartą reikia manyti Latoya, tai tik įrodo, kartą ir visiems, kad Michaelis vis dar gyvas. Kodėl jis sako, kad jis buvo burried į kažką, kad jis ne lol

  35. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Plius Beentown nuotraukos te fake Of Michael Jackson Į Casket Plus Im Pretty Žinoma, kad būtų visos naujienos Ir Firminės drabužių Naujienos Parodos turėtų Šis Pirmasis. Ne Tinklalapiai niekada girdėjusi apie. Prašome Take A Closer Look At The Pictures, He Is atgal Į Casket, Jos juodos ir baltos spalvos, kuri leistų Zmysł Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad jos greičiausiai fake. Jo Casket buvo aukso, todėl Ar Rodyti Aukštyn Brighter nei, atrodo Nuotrauka iš James Browns Laidojimo, tiesiog sutrumpintas turėti Michael Jacksons Head On. Dont Believe Anything That You See Ir tik pusė, ką girdi.

  36. charliechaplin Said,


    Čia yra nuotraukų ir James Brown atviros Casket:




    pat švarkas, kaip MJ's inside jo "Skrynia"


  37. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Oh On Is Alive Is Not A Svetainės, He Is Alive YRA valstybės Apie šį tinklalapį, ir jis davė Jo nuomonė kuri tapo tikėtina Story Tai Michael Jackson Gali būti gyvi. Bet Nuotraukų Ar Ieškokite Senas, nuo kurios būtų Paryžiaus išlipant iš plokščių Už jį ir Ji tikisi tikrai jaunas Nuotrauka.

  38. littleEARTHQUAKE Said,

    Man sako tai vieną kartą ir sako, kad vėl, "Abejoju, kad P. Jackson bus kada nors sugrįžti, net jei jis PIDB klastojate jis. Žmogus davė mums gerą dalį savo gyvenimą už mus. Ar ne mes ... palikite jį ramybėje? "

  39. littleEARTHQUAKE Said,

    Priešingai, "IKI" mus.

  40. SJlovesMJ Said,

    Yup! Aš taip pat nemano, kad, kad pix (MJ į Casket) Tiesa ..

  41. charliechaplin Said,

    Kai "mirties" ir MJ 1. išėjo dr Murray neva sakė, kad jis tiesiog yra iš ten namo. Tačiau, kaip ateiti La Toya sako kad MJ dėl Dr Murray lova?

    Tai reiškia, Dr Murray taip pat yra kambarių viduje namuose MJ visoje salėje. Todėl daktaro nemiega viduje namuose MJ. Kuri mane į savo klausimą, kodėl Dr Murray sakyčiau, kad jis tiesiog atsitikti būti namuose MJ kai jo širdies atsitiko.


    O apie atviras karstas su MJ jame, MediaTake paaiškėjo, kad į artimo giminaičio dėl Jacksons davė jiems padėti poilsio visiems interneto gandai, kad MJ vis dar gyvas. Ar jūs manote, kad vartotojo MediaTakeout būtų tikrai manote, kad iškart, kad jis buvo MJ viduje karstas be 1. tyrimą? Kaip lengvatikis gali jie?

  42. loveandpeace Said,

    Taip, be jo galva apie klaidingą pusę. Jie paprastai kairėje. Plius, kad yra pakankamai hoaxy svetainėje.

  43. MissC Said,

    Na, manau, Michaelis yra gyvas, bet man, Elvis mirė 1977 m., ir net jei jis iš tiesų buvo padirbtas jo mirties, labai abejo jis bus gyvas iki šiol.

    escepticaYK - leíste bien lo que dice ahi arriba?. Sí, las huellas dactilares sūnus únicas en cada uno, pero obviamente la Policia forence tiene que estar METIDA en esto.

  44. melluvsmike25 Said,

    Taip, tai yra ne MJ. Kaip wonzniack sakė, kad James Brown kūno Michaeal galvos photoshopped jį.

  45. saeed1237 Said,

    kad vaizdas yra deff foto shopped, nes karstas buvo mėlyname fone ne white.wozniack ir sutinku jų James Brown

    Heres James rudi foto:

    Heres MJ galbūt:
    nuotraukos buvo įvesta juodai baltas, anuliuojami ir foto shopped su Jacksons galvą.

    Michael I know your out there, aš tik tikiuosi, jūsų pagaliau laimingas =]

  46. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    Hey guys! Čia yra kai kurių medžiagų sužinojau ... papasakok man, ką tu galvoji ...
    Sąžiningai, pradžioje aš tipo pradėjo tikėti, kad galbūt Michael tikrai buvo miręs, bet sąžiningai ko tik DON'T pridėti, ir tai dar ne smulkmenos arba ... .. Mes ne papasakojo visą freakin 'istorija!
    - Wasn't Michael suteikiamas keturių valandų medicinos siekiant tęsti O2 Koncertai Londonas ir jis PASSED bandymų. Be to, naktį prieš mirtį jis buvo pilni energijos, jis įtrauktas į nuostabų repeticijoms našumą (kuris atsitiko, kad vaizdo kasetė ... koks sutapimas) ir tada atsitiko, kad miršta nuo "širdies" kitą dieną. Honestly WTF?
    - Prisiminkite savo "daktaras", kurie tariamai įpurškiamas dainininkas su demerol pusvalandį prieš jis sugriuvo, nutiko "rasti jį į savo lovoje", o ne skambinti 911 til 30 minučių po jo mirties, ir tai "gydytojas" atsisakė pasirašyti savo mirties liudijimą ir labiausiai keistas dalykas! Gydytojas dingo sekundžių po to, kai greitosios pagalbos buvo Michaelis į ligoninę! Weird huh?
    - Ei! Ir mes negalime ignoruoti elgesio Joe Jackson! Tai visiškai pasibaisėtinos! Tai kaip E! Dabar naršo pateikti, kad "Šiuo metu Joe Jackson daugiau apie savo įrašus projektas nei sūnaus laidojimo planų. Aš atsimenu, kad kažkas pasakė pastabų skirsnyje, kad "jeigu jos nustatė, kad jų tėvas buvo gonna veikti kaip šios po jų mirties, jie ateis ir Straszyć savo tėvo ass!" Honestly Aš visiškai su Jumis sutinku!
    Serioulsy Šis Psikus daro daugiau nei Michael Jackson palanku! .... tai suteikia Joe Jackson viešumo kurioje jis visiškai poreikius .... Jis naudojamas kaip būdas skatinti savo naują rekordą etiketė ... Kaip sutrikdydama! (MJ esąs pažangesnėmis nei žmonių mano, tačiau aš visada mėgo todėl visi gerai)
    Joe Jackson ir Al Sharpton buvo šios spaudos konferencijos metu BET apdovanojimai Los Andžele ir Dono Lemon iš CNN bandė interviu Joe Jackson apie mirties jo sūnų ir priežiūra MJ's Dad! Jo neatsakė į klausimus tinkamai, jis vyko mikrofonas jo atstovas ir teisininkas, ir tada atsitiktinai pradėjo skatinti jo įrašų kompanija.
    Kai Joe atsakymuose taip pat buvo gana keista. Citrininis paprašė jį, kaip jis daro, ir Jackson atsakė: "didelis, I'm doing good", kuris yra toks kvailas dalykas pasakyti po to, kai kažkas tiesiog "prarasti" sūnų. Taigi, spėju, kai Joe Jackson suprato, kad jis nebuvo priėmimo jausmą ir jis turėjo padaryti waay geriau veikiantys nei, kad jis sako: "Tai buvo tikrai sunku. Nepamirškite, kad mes tik prarado didžiausių žvaigždžių pasaulyje. "Sąžiningai kažkas turėtų perduoti Joe geras dramos mokykloje ar kažką, jei jis bando traukti šį Michael Jackson mirties Psikus off! (Norėčiau buvo kreiptasi dėl veikiančios kaip dalis to, aš noriu, kad padarė tokį puikų darbą!) Ok, taip pat, kai Don Lemon paklausė, kaip Janet Jackson ir kiti šeimos susidoroja su naujienos Michailo mirtis ir Joe Jackson atsakymais, "Jie visi gerai, bet aš noriu padaryti šį pareiškimą ... Maršalo ir turiu Įrašų kompanija pakvietė Ranczo Records", ir pagal tai, kaip jis buvo parodyta daug entuziazmo, kai jis tai sako.
    Sprendžiant iš šio ... Bet jis tik pinigų badas idiotas arba jis yra labai laimingas, nes jis žino, kad jo sūnus Michaelis yra tikrai gyvas. Ir vėl, tai gali būti tiek ... svarsto Michaelis ir jo tėvo santykiai. Tiesą sakant, jūs žinote, ką aš manau, kad, nepaisant visko, Michael buvo dar jo sūnus ir tėvas, praranda savo sūnų, turėtų būti gana trauminius ir umm ... ok tai nedaro prasme, Michael BŪTINA ALIVE .... Jam tiesiog turi būti!
    GMO yra dar vienas dalykas. Gerai pat praneša, kad buvo išduotas šių metų balandžio mėn sakė, kad buvo ketinama aukcione išparduoti dauguma Michailo nuosavybę, kuri apima pramogoms, individualiam užsakymui pagaminti arklio traukiamas vežimas, senovinių automobilių kopijos, žinomų tarptautinių apdovanojimų, arcade žaidimai, koncertas kostiumai, disneyana, sodo skulptūrinis, baldai, tikrasis Grandiose įvažiavimo vartai į Neverland ir jo baltojo jewelled supilti. Visi šie elementai buvo įtraukti į Neverland ranča. Bet palaukite, yra DAUGIAU! Gerai, kai pinigus iš šio aukcione buvo sakė, kad ketina MusiCares (labdaros of Recording akademija), tačiau didžioji dalis pinigų vyko tiesiai į kišenę Michael. Bet paskui .... kad aukcionas buvo atšauktas Michael po visų O2 Koncertai Londonas parduoti. Matyt, jis rado kitą būdą gauti EXTRA CA $ H savo naujosios žiniasklaidos laisvą gyvenimą!
    Ir žinote, kaip jie nustatė, narkotikais ir kita jo namuose, ir manau, kad buvo tiksliai savo planą, kad kiekvienas galėtų lengvai pamatyti, kad visi tie NARKOTIKŲ būtų tikrai fiziškai jį nužudė. Gerai suprantu, kad jo gyvenimas buvo gana įtemptos ir jis naudoja nuskausminamuosius (žinoma), tačiau jis buvo Michael Jackson .... jei kas gali būti išsaugota, ji buvo jam! OMG I Nežinau? I think I'm just in denial, nes pamilti jį tiek daug! Tikiuosi, kad jis vis dar gyvas Somewhere! Jis negali būti dead ... JE JUST CAN'T BE! I LOVE YOU MICHAEL ... Aš visada!

  47. melluvsmike25 Said,

    Čia yra mano teorija apie visa tai.

    Manau šią teoriją, kuri yra viršuje pranešimą, daugiausia. Bet aš netikiu, kad Michaelis tiesiog nužudė kažkas pabėgti.

    Manau, jis rasiu nors jo paties organo rūšies, kuri buvo mirtinai serga, ir paėmė jį į savo namus. Sakyčiau, kad jis sakė, kad asmuo, kad jis rūpinasi juo iki tos dienos, kai jis mirė, jei jis gaus plastinės chirurgijos ieškoti panašių į MJ. Jei kažkas vyksta mirti vistiek ir tu turi gyventi iš savo gyvenimą vis laukė ant rankų ir kojų, ne verta nerimauti dėl ligoninės sąskaitos, nebūtų jums eiti kartu su chirurgija. Manau būtų.

    Taigi, šis vaikinas buvo gyvenančių su MJ for awhile, kuri rūpinasi savo asmeninio gydytojo. MJ žinojo tai, galų gale atsitiks, ir padarė planai ištrūkti iš ten. Tada jis mirė.

    Dabar pagalvokite Į ką Latoya pasakė, kad ji pamatė, kai ji atėjo į žr. MJ į savo namus.

    Ji pamatė narkotikus visur, deguonies bakai plytelės sienų ir IV nuvarvėti. Tai neturi skambėti kaip nors priklausomas nuo narkotikų. Tai skamba kaip kambaryje yra mirtinai serga asmuo. Be to, nėra tikri, kad ši dalis yra teisinga, tačiau aš mačiau kažkur, kad jis buvo rastas gydytojų kambarys, o ne MJ kambaryje. Na, Michael būtų buvę jo kambarį. Kad apgavikai tai buvo gydytojų kambarys, kurių imtasi priežiūros.

    Idealus įsteigtas! Dabar taip pat prisiminti, kad Latoya ir kiti nariai Jackson šeima sako, kad jie buvo laikomi nuo MJ pateikė MJ grupės žmonių. Gal jis buvo MJ išlaikyti juos iš jo. Taigi, jie nemato apgavikai. Ir kaip mes visi žinome, kai nematau nors for awhile, jokių skirtumų, kuriuos matote, kad žmogus, kurį ką tik atbaidyti dėl amžiaus, ar Michaels atveju gal daugiau plastinės chirurgijos. Taigi, jis saugo juos namo, jas mano, kad buvo jam, kad kambarį mirę.

    Latoya nustatė jį kaip MJ. Mano klausimas yra, ar yra kas nors, kad žino apie oratoriaus ar gydytojų, jie daktiloskopinių institucija, jei šeimos nustato, kad įstaiga yra kas sako yra. Do you get what I'm saying?

    Galbūt dėl Latoya nustatė jį kaip jos brolis, jie tiesiog manyti, ji buvo teisinga, ir paėmė ją, ir kiti šeimos nariai žodį. Jei jie nėra mačiusių jo ilgą laiką, jie buvo fooled kad apgavikai taip pat.

    Ar daug gali būti teisūs, ir visos šeimos yra apie jį taip pat.

    Viskas, ką aš žinau, kad aš praleidau jo, ir linkiu, kad jis galėjo turėti taiką savo gyvenimą. Aš sektų jį kaip paauglys, įsimylėjo į jį vėliau. Buvo skirta ventiliatoriaus nuo tada. Tikiuosi, kad su visais mano, jog jis dar su mumis. Ir yra laimingas.

    Jei padirbti jo mirties jis kada nors bus atgal? I don't know. Tačiau, nors jis buvo hounded jo gerbėjai ir spauda nuolat, manau, MJ turi turėti kai kuriuos myliu. Manau, jis bus miss it. Bent jau aš tikiuosi, jis bus.

    Michael, jei kada nors pamatysite, aš atsiprašau už tai, ką jie padarė jums. Miss you, ir myliu tave daugiau!

  48. CosmoKramer420 Said,

    Yup, i just padarė greitą paiešką google vaizdus, ir jie neabejotinai naudojama paveikslėlį iš James Brown jo karstas. Jie tiesiog pakeitė įvaizdį ir mastu, kad jūs nematote šių ppl galvutės.


  49. luvmj Said,

    ok, kad tarkim MJ yra gyvas (pirštų kirto) koks yra jūsų požiūris į panašaus WHOs įstaiga išgyveno skrodimą ir kai Jermane Jackson buvo Larry King jis veikiantis? Ir kai corener vaikinas teko matyti gydytoją šiandien ... I'm just wondering. You guys turi didelę taškų šioje svetainėje I'm just painioti ir nežinau, ką galvoti ...

  50. jackoisalive21 Said,

    nuotrauka yra grynas fake, ir tai mirties foto beje, jos visiškai padirbtą i tai galva kur kojos turi būti .... duh!

    ir kodėl visame pasaulyje jie pasodinkite jį karstai su Robe apie WTF! net jei jis miręs jos wouldnt pasodinkite jį karstai išdirbti taip, kokia apkrova crap.

    i really like your teorijos ir aš manau, kad Elvis yra gyvas.

    Guys PLEASE CHECK OUT žemiau pateiktą nuorodą, JOS got really interesting stuff APIE Michaels MIRTIS Hoax DIENORAŠČIO IR nuotrauką Elvis gyvas!


    patikrinti ir kiti straipsniai ne tik, kad vienas.
    duok man žinoti ką tu galvoji!

  51. He.is.alive Said,

    ADMIN - Administracijos - ADMIN - Administracijos

    IT JUST DABAR atėjo į mano dėmesį, kad esate įdėję MANO "teorijos DĖL" MIRTIES "yra Michael Jackson" pagrindiniame puslapyje jūsų svetainę, kad tikrai mano DIENA

    JŪSŲ PRIPAŽINIMO MANO DARBO labai vertina ir aš Dėkoju už Išimties GENEROUS Nagrinėti iš jūsų pusės, turiu garbę tiesų.

    Leiskite man sakai, kad aš įspūdį JŪSŲ TEIKIMAS BENDRIJOS DĖL LIKEMINDED VEIDO iš viso pasaulio dalyvauti DIALOGAS IR DALINTIS INFORMACIJA APIE ŠIĄ TEMA AS NARIAI A MOST OUSTANDING ir atskleisti GRUPĖ prisidedančių!

    Sincere regards,

  52. Sosh Said,

    Ko vis daugiau nepatogumų. Dieną.

    Tiesų, jis neturėtų būti klaidinantys, pagal žiniasklaidą. Michael tik mirę. Bet kodėl yra tiek daug skirtingų ir prieštaraujančių istorijų ten su visais tais, kurie neužbaigti?

    Aš nuolat veikia ratą. Vieną kartą, manau MJ tikrai mirė, kitą kartą Manau, jis yra gyvas ir naudojasi savo gyvenimą ...

    Dar vienas dalykas, aš taip pat pradėjo temą apie tai forume (trūksta nuotraukas!). Jei jis padirbtas jo mirties ir niekada nori paviršiaus vėl negalėjo jie tiesiog ėmėsi klastojate nuotraukas jį m. per karstas? Visa mirties būtų daugiau tikėtina.
    Tai reiškia, jūs taip pat nurodo, kad jis gal tikrai miręs ir buvo per messed up parodyti, ar jis nėra miręs ir pasirengti masiškai grįžti. Tokiu atveju nuotraukas jį į karstas būtų betikslis.

    Tai gali būti visų patarimų jam buvo gyvas, bet jis veda mane veikia ratą ...

    Manau, kad tik patvirtinus i'am ieško. Tikiuosi, kad jis gyvas, bet dar tikiuosi jis taikos dabar.

  53. He.is.alive Said,

    Norėdami BeenTown:

    Apie savo komandiravimo nuotrauka Michael Jackson į Casket ... visi labai abejotina ir įtartinų informacijos mes visi bei keičiamasi šiame forume, KAIP galėtume galbūt žinoti tam tikras, kad įstaiga yra Michael Jackson's kad Casket?
    Kas įrodo, mes turime? Kokių įrodymų galėtume gauti? Somebodys "pasakyti"? Atsiprašome, tačiau tai nėra pakankamai gerai! Nes visi mes žinome, tai gali būti manekeno, yra lėlių ar ... kokia kita vaizduotė ar fotomontage galėtų sugalvoti?

    Aš atsitikti, kad profesionalus fotografas draugas, kuris sako, kad mūsų amžius aukštųjų technologijų, visiškai "viską, kas" galima padaryti su fotomontage .. tai galėjo būti jos pavyzdys?

    Nes visi paslaptį, sumaištį, netikrumą ir pusė tiesos aplinkinių šį "įvykį", tai nėra labai tikėtina, kad vaizdas taip staiga pasirodo internete? Gali būti paskirtį mums, 2 guessers, sagos ir "išeiti"? Ar mes taip arti, kad raštuotas, kas iš tiesų atsitiko, kad tik atvaizdas į "įstaiga, Casket" bus tyla mūsų balsų? I dont think so!

    Kaip kiti Bloggers manote?

  54. Dee Said,

    Jiems visiems, kurie pasakė, jis sugrįš ir kai jis bus nušviesti visai daug ištvirkavimas. I don manau jis pasikeis jo išvaizda, mes žinome jo jo, aš dėl kažkokių priežasčių manau buvo priežastis daugiau giliau nei buvo pareikšta, už jo išėjimo.

  55. 12fear Said,

    "He.is.alive", aš taip pat sukūrė teoriją ... Jūsų, yra panašus į mano ... bet manau, kad jis buvo tikslą žmogžudystė, o ne tam asmeniui buvo nužudyti ... vieną iš savo dvigubinamas / gyvavaizdis. Ir nebuvo pabėgęs ..., bet yra apsaugos globos .... Loved your post vyras! Awesome! Vėlgi Irie panaši, bet mes tuo pačiu mąstymo minties .... Here it is ...

    ... Aš visai tikri Miestas yra pervesti ne taip gerai, aš tik serga ir pavargau nuo visų BS. Why can't they just freaking atlikti DNR tyrimą dėl tariamo Kūnas ir gauti daugiau su? (jos niekada, tai ne Michaelis). Kur po velnių yra aukštesnė institucija? (Sveiki, Arnoldas!), Prisiekiu Dievui, jei atlikus DNR tyrimą buvo padaryta, kad įstaiga pagal neutrali šaltinis, tai šūdas bus pašalinta iš minutę. Why can't they just rūpintis ji buy? Kodėl ne? Nes visi labai freaking melas. F ** Kers ketinate išeiti sakydamas, kad jis buvo nužudyti Diprivan perdozavimo arba kai kurių crap. (Bet ne realią Michael) I'm teigiamas! Man patiko Maiklą į gerus laikus, o blogus laikus, tačiau God damn jai vyras ... dabar aš tikiu, kad jūs vertinti visus savo kūną dviviečiai, todėl frazės vyras veidrodis-tai kaip žiūri į jį asmuo, vyras, specialiai į Carley vieną. Su kad daug ką galima padaryti viską ... (vienas iš jų yra miręs) visos žinome Maiklą nebuvo šalyje pastaruoju metu. (Ne!) Aš žinau ... Aš perskaičiau kas freaking straipsnis iš ten internete kasdien visų prieštaravimų, viskas melas, visi apgavikai's, visos teorijos, visos tikimybės, kad jis nėra miręs, kaip jis "dingo", ir aš pasakysiu jums ... The Guy is Alive, o gal ir ne savo noru, bet laimei ... Gal jis iš tiesų buvo siekiama ... tačiau vienas iš jo dvigubinamas paėmė hit netyčia ... Iki opłaciło Širdies daktaras . Ši teorija galėtų paaiškinti ... kodėl 911 kvietimo buvo toks fatališkas, Nr paminėjimas Michael Jackson, Iš tikrųjų, kai jie buvo suteikti jam CPR atrado tikrai nebuvo Maiklai ... ir daktaras buvo sukrėstas zabił neteisingo asmens ir negalėjo padaryti jack shit apie tai ir nežinojo, ką daryti su savo chromo savarankiškai. Skambinantysis buvo supainioti ir didnt know what the hell pasakyti ... ... Iki instinktas vienas duos adresą ir telekomunikacijos #, kad įsitikintų, jog jie galėtų atvykti į teisingą vietą ir sutaupyk karaliaus pop teisę? Taip pat mano, kad tai .... Lets say this actually happened…In the presence of Michael Jackson/ or he discovered the plot— in his rented- home, let's say the police came… Michael Jackson greets them…tells them that they tried to kill him, but instead killed his double…the would be assassin ran out the kitchen (as noted by the media) from his house the Cardiac Doctor that is!) Michael knowing of this attempt…asked the state to keep the story as it was 1st presented to the media and public… so that he's would be killers believed that he really died…and his life could be protected “accordingly” Let me tell you this Michael Jackson & Arnold S. are super close friends… “trust me” it would only take a call to get it done. This my friends would also explain the delayed—ambulance with smoked out windows arriving and backing out of the home in a delayed fashion, There was no need to rush- the king is alive and the the “other” guy is already dead. The dead body was put in the ambulance as was Michael too….the ambulance was “escorted by lapd” to UCLA- The dead body stays at UCLA— it does not end there… we all saw Michael Jackson Move in the Helicopter…Indeed it was him…He was being flown to the morgue…YES! (side note: LAPD stayed escorting the morgue for a long long long time…, they needed the crowds and the intensity to disipate in order to then transfer Michael to an undisclosed location—Michael Joseph Jackson is in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY—-which means:”placing a person in a secure setting to keep him from harms way”…, why else transport a dead body to a morgue on a helicopter…makes no sence right ?.(there was a sense of urgency to take care of the REAL Michael…thats why!!!—> Why the delay with his Burial? 3 autopsy's to figure out what happened?….all they are doing is buying time because they are sorting out what to do with the actual dead body of the other person, at the same time trying to keep and maintain the story that the king of pop is still dead while they investigate & protect Michael —>Haven't you noticed, the DEA is involved, the FBI, even the NSA is freaking involved…ladies & gentleman, there is much more that meets than eye on this one… PLz understand… DEA, FBI, NSA— don't get involved just because of Prescription drugs issues, xanax, demerol, or Diprivan Issues…..This is much bigger…you just wait and see….

    Some interesting links….
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v…..re=related ( Dr. Murray ) the Killer…the Cardiac Doctor,

    Someone asked me who could possible want to kill him… heres ur str8 to the point answer….( murdered by banksters), soooo they think…)

    …..”Someone thats knows the truth”

  56. beyond anguish Said,

    oh my gosh admin i blame your for causing my addiction to your site ( well i like the addiction) but i think i need rehab lmao .. ps im on here so much I think my eyes are starting to burn… sorry to get off subject

  57. He.is.alive Said,


    Hi Pammy In response to your question “Is Elvis alive” … Yes, affirmativ, I most certainly do believe and am 100% convinced that Elvis is alive. I never felt the “mourning” come on after his “deat” and have henceforth spent many many hours of my time researching and reading about it and also have a sleuth of websites whereon undeniable prove is posted that Elvis IS undoubtedly ALIVE. It is widely believed that he is hiding out in the US Govt. Witness Protection Program due his “Undercover Federal Agent” Status, but has surfaced in public on numerous occasions and has phoned different people, audio of the the calls IS on one of the websites and a photograph taken on another taken by a Graceland visitor on the grounds and after developing the film, discovered ELVIS watching visitors walk past his “grave” at graceland trough a glassdoor ! A picture is 1000 words ?

    I am convinced that Michael Jackson patternd his “death” and escape after that of Elvis Presley, the similarities in the details are UNCANNY !

    Google “Is Elvis alive” and see for yourself

  58. JC.LOVES.MJ Said,

    LOL guys dw, it IS james brownn !!! LMAO !

    that one 'MJ'


    and that one james brown.

    LOL who found this site ?

  59. Synthara Said,

    I heard someone might be planning a memorial concert on his birthday in August, will he then please show up (alive that is)?! It would be awesome. I think it is very confusing that all the ppl at the private ceremony who loved him so much saw him in an open casket if he was as messed up by the autopsy as someone stated as a reason for why there was no open casket at the public memorial service. I mean why would ppl who loved him and knew him personally feel better by looking at him messed up than the rest of us? That does not make sense. But then again, this whole “death of MJ” or not is pretty weird.

  60. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    Hey Dee Im agreeing with you…. and I'm kinda worried cuz like, if say he does come back (IM DESPERATELY HOPING SO).. then isn't faking your death illegal and would there be a way for him to make a comeback and not go to jail??

  61. YouRockMyWorld Said,

    The photo of the body in the casket is a photoshop and a BAD one. This photo is on YouTube too, you can read the comments to it….They say pretty much all…There also other bad photoshops of his body in the casket…You don't have to be a photographer to see it..

    And regarding his comeback – I'm totally with some guy who commented the previous post, I think Cath (sorry, if I spelled wrong) – he said that Mike was really a National Treasure, he was sick and tired of all the trials and dirt that was put up on him and his escape was planned and organised similar to the Witness Protect Programms on high level and some of the powerfull people were involved in his vanishing….That would explan – how it was possible to fool medical stuff, police and others… THEY DID NOT FOOL THEM, THEY WERE SPECIAL PEOPLE HIRED FOR THAT…

    I don't think that there was some other lookalike dead body involved, the results of autopsy and everything is just on the paper….

    That brings me to think that he will probably will never comeback… I hope he could enjoy his normal life…As soon as he is happy – we are also be happy…

  62. dinamitas Said,

    http://www.showbiz.sky.com/michaels-last-christmas look whos also in the picture klein

  63. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    Hey Synthara.. yes i hope he does do something quick coz im running out of tears!!! And you know how they said that his face was too messed up to be shown to public, well I don't think anyone in their right mind would let little children (i mean paris, prince and blanket) see their father in that state?? And OMG!! apparently Paris tied a heart bracelet onto Michael's hand??? omg seriously one minute i'm believing that he is dead and the next i feel he HAS to be alive!!! aaahhhh omg MICHAEL!!! come out wherever you are!! IM GOING CRAZY!!!

  64. helibr Said,

    I do believe Michael is alive!! i really do, but elvis?? c'mon!!

  65. dinamitas Said,


  66. dinamitas Said,

    lol i was just on digitalspy forum and they all think we should be in straitjackets for thinking hes still alive

  67. martha Said,

    just thought of one more thing…maybe all those doubles appearing in the recent months were just to try and see if they can cheat the general public? and we can certainly say they succeeded.dont you think its quite scary that most people got fooled by that? what does it mean? it means that most of us will believe everything they feed us with…i have to say I didn't question it in the beginning myself.
    I was wondering about one more thing though…if MJ was to fake his death and escape wouldnt that be easier if he hadnt announced all the comeback concerts and had done it quietly barely apparent in the media? We all remember last few years when he was kind of absent from the media, living somewhere in the Irish mansion. He had quiet and wasnt bugged by papparazzis too much. So my question is…if he really faked his death was it really to escape the world and the media or rather to come back bigger than ever and to make a lot of money, not only for himself but also his whole family? plz tell me what you think…im so confused…?

  68. sita Said,

    everytime when reading new “trueth” about his
    death, no better words: his vanishing I have
    one idea in mind: Why? Why should michael fool the public,
    why should he live under such a “pressure” that he
    simply has one idea: lets start the beginning with a death?

    we have several “superstars” and groups that had a normal
    breakdown in their success. some of them did it, to go back
    to normal life. some famous names are: ABBA, Beatles, Cat Stevens.
    they all did it without using any hoax. Ir kodėl? they simply dont
    need it!!! Tell your fans, the public the simply truth.
    Ir viskas. Where is the point? Why should Michael Jackson be somehow
    under such pressure, that he should vanish suddenly with faking his death?


    I'm happy to see, that nearly all members of the beatles are alive.
    I feel very good with all 4 ABBA members beeing alive and doing
    their own things. Though also I wished they would perform some ABBA
    concerts and more. But I CAN ACCEPT IT, as it is!
    I turn on the radio and still like their music.
    SO WHY SHOULD MJ FAKE HIS OWN DEATH? and fool all is loved fans??
    Can you really believe this? I can't!. If you love someone, you don't go
    ahead to fool him! Every true fan of michael jackson would have helped
    him out of the pressure, without doing hoax and tricks and more.

    I agree with you that the inner circle of mj has a strange behaviour.
    But wasn't that always in the past?

    You asked:”Why did the very particular phrase
    “I am alive and will live forever” from one of his songs
    appear in blue lettering at the backwall of the stage
    at the end of the service ?
    Kodėl šie LABAI NUORODA? Why not ANY OTHER words,
    but these one in particular ?”

    one answer: mj lives on in every heart and in his music.
    I dont care much about these words. I dont believe they are
    again signs to point out, that mj is still really alive.
    How often can we hear it, listening to words spoken at a funeral,
    the departed one will live on in our hearts? Yes-heard it very often.

    Question back to you: if you planned your vanishing. do you think it would be
    a good idea to spread out some puzzles and hints, that all your vanishing
    was long-hand planned and you are very well??
    you would not and mj also would not like this!! if he really had a special reason to vanish
    why then leave hints and traces!?!??!!? NO REASON at ALL!!

    come back to normal live an cool down.

    net oro lėktuvai būtų visiškai atsekami, jie gali labai lengvai identifikuoti.
    interneto naudojimas gali būti atpažintas net mėnesių.
    kodėl visi šie mįslių ir pasirašyti iš asmens, kuris nori gyventi atskirai
    and “rest in peace” somewhere on this world? i doubt.
    If a would really like to plan and do this, i will not give hints to the public.
    I would take off and say goodbye and thats it. game over and no more connection.
    And I would have to break with family, good friends and even with my children.
    Because this personal circle could break me secret. And I would be thrown back
    to the starting point. So senseless.

    Michael really left us. I dont see any other reason, why this hoax is
    taking place.

    The prob is: day by day we can read a lot of good stories. But they are
    only stories, without any proof, without nromal conclusions.

    folks come back to normal life or a little better proofing for us all.

  69. dinamitas Said,

    @Martha he was in ireland in 2006 for 3months he was suppose to buy a house over there, he was recording music with will-i-am, and he did say he like the peace and nobody hassled him, the video is on youtube, i think that maybe he wanted out of the spotlight and a chance to live a normal life

  70. dinamitas Said,

    Or knowing michael hes planning a spectacular comeback and whats more spectacular then coming back from the dead lol

  71. martha Said,

    12 fear thanx for addressing my question but that particular blog doesn't exist anymore…weird!!!

  72. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    Hey martha… I think he announced the comeback concerts coz he needed money and he probably knew that most of his die hard fans wouldn't ask for a refund. Honestly, my aunty took the tickets and got them framed, wtf?? She isnt even a huge huge fan but whatever you know the tickets earned him tons of loofah!!

  73. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    Yea lol ppl!! I also believe dat michael is alive but honestly i don't really think elvis is alive….

  74. Narcosis Said,

    His face wasn't messed up! In an interview, La Toya reveals how she led Paris, Prince Michael and Blanket to Michael's side to say goodbye to him just after he died. (btw; ALL three children were so shielded from the world they DIDN'T KNOW until recently their dad was a superstar ????)

    “He just didn't look like he was gone. His eyes were half open, it was as if he was resting”.
    Taigi ...

    Paris bought a metallic split-heart mood pendant and put one half of the heart into the casket. Paris was wearing her half-heart at the memorial service…So the heart has to be on MJ's body in the casket, we have to pay attention on that 'fact'. (?)

    btw; The 'last picture' of MJ is not taken at the ambulance but into the UCLA hospital emergency room!! See full picture:

  75. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    @sita ok u have a point but who knows what goes on behind closed doors, u know the media doesn't have access to almost half the things they think they do (they like to think they do and that's the reason they make up all that crap)…. anyways and omg i know like why would Michael do that to his fans but maybe he will give us back more than he ever took from us??? OMG I REALLY REALLY HOPE HE IS ALIVE!! HE HAS TO BE RIGHT??

  76. Sosh Said,

    That's another great approach of all this hoax thing.

    You've got a point when you say Michael was already out of publicity and the media almost forgotten him.

    The only reason I can think of: Earn lots of money to pay his debts, which he had according the rumours.

  77. charliechaplin Said,

    Regarding the song of Jennifer Hudson during the Memorial wherein in the last part MJ was supposedly saying the last line of the song with S in PAIN. I think, if MJ's death is indeed a hoax then the line may have been recorded by MJ himself for the Memorial. It was a new recording by MJ himself after he 'died'. And like what He.Is. Alive pointed out, it may have been a clue for the fans given by MJ himself. Anyone agree?

  78. kjmj Said,

    the picture by MTO is indeed fake.. I just copied the James Brown casket picture and opened it in picture manager, where it´s very easy to rotate a picture, and it´s very easy to flip the picture so it looks different than JB. All of you can do the same if in doubt.. open the link posted earlier by other, save it an open it in microsoft office picture manager(other programs probably do the same). Choose the flip og rotate function in the top-menu”functions”. An the urn it black/white – there ya go!! Maybe we should sue MTO?

  79. kjmj Said,

    is it possible to upload the picture? I can send the picture of jb – converted to MJ:) very easy

  80. charliechaplin Said,

    Look here 5:34


    PAIN without the S

  81. Dee Said,

    Hi MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive,

    I don't know, I sure hope not, we should do some case studies, to help out. Its crazy… as I sit here and read all these phenomenal posts and realize there are so many of us like minded individuals; it makes me feel sane. Many times, when you have insight and can see through things that others cannot, it makes you feel kind of alone… Folks call you a skeptic, a conspiracist, etc. People really just don't get it. Its like in the Matrix, when home boy wanted that steak… although he knows its not real. My question is, how can a fake steak quench your appetite?

    Michael, has been dealing with the press for such a long time, the ups the downs, he's smart and strong and this is the nature of his world, no matter how confining it is, its his… For him to leave in such a way, I sense its much bigger than what we have all talked about, while those things too play a role. In his disappearance, he gives up his kids, his family and his life that he knew. While he's away, he'll be able to free himself from the leeches and cleanse his heart and mind from the pain; that's wonderful….yay Mike!

    There are a lot of so called powers out there, that are resisting and trying to keep the world the same, they want to remain in control (ie: Bilderburgs, Rockerfellers, the elusive Illumanati) and we the people are sleep walkers, please wake up and check the scene.

    Michael has a connection with people globally, no matter what happened, what was said he had done, he had and still has a huge following. Doves were released at a child molestation trail, I mean c'mon…. His music bridges generation gaps, as someone above said… 4 yr olds in 2009 are being introduced to MJ and will forever be fans. There is no other person on this planet with such a following. He speaks about healing the world, he told us how “They” don't care about us, he spoke metaphysically about the planets aligning and bringing messages of love, he was THE HUMANITARIAN and the list goes on.

    Once Michael, could no longer be exploited (as so many people like to call him the biggest brand ever), he became dangerous…He can unite a PLANET, WTF…. Crossed racial barriers and ethnicities, his music has messages of love and unity, his melodies are harmonious, the universe is created on tones and sound. OHM! kid….. Michael created sounds, spoke in in tongues, the boy taps into your soul. His music being the sound track of our lives, is really an understatement.

    He knew heads of state and dignitaries, his memorial shadowed everything, as did his supposed death. Obama, was on a historic visit to Russia the day of his memorial and yet… The world was watching and mourning Michael. This man has something, that both negative and positive forces want, Michael had to leave to save himself from some real ish…

    He will return and the world is going to stop again. We mustn't look at this surface wise, we have to go to the core of this.

    If you think that the assholes that say, they are the new world order, if you think that Obama who really wouldn't comment until days later because it didn't look right and it showed how pissed he was… that the attention wasn't on him. If you think that figure heads aren't checking this out and saying “how in the F can Michael Joseph Jackson a little black boy (they said the other word) from Gary, Indiana, have all this power.”

    I got a couple of steaks on the grill.

  82. dinamitas Said,

    No way that picture was taken in the emergency room it looks way too cramped to be an emergency room

  83. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    wow! MP GRĮŽTI Į SQUARE 1 DABAR! i think he may really be dead.. this article brought me to tears again… http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/showbiz/michael_jackson/402816/They-stayed-with-Jackos-body-for-30-minutes-La-Toya-Jackson-interview.html

  84. Goldie Said,


  85. Smiile1929 Said,

    For Tha People Who Are Saying Michael's Gonna Come Back As Himself .. I Think Its Very Much Doubtfl Cos Do Remember About 12 People Committed Suicide Because Of Him & If He Comes Back .. He Would Be Put On Trial Or Just Get Taken Straight To Jail .. I Think Its More Like 50/50 He Would Come Back & Even If He Does Then He Won't Be Himself ..
    Oh & About Tha Song .. LOL.
    I Thought It Was Jus Be A Minor Little Mistake Wher They Wrote ”Pains” But When I Looked At His Lyrics He Says ”Pain” & Not ”Pains” & Even At Tha Memorial Michael Says ”Pains” .. =/ .
    Now I Found Tha Completely Weird & Fishy Or It Might Be Jus Me Again .. Cha.

  86. sita Said,


    a conference was held by Clonaid, the scientific arm of the Raelian movement, a bizarre sect that believes cloning is the key to eternal life.

    On its website, the group advertises human cloning services for $200,000 and claims to have already replicated several people.

    LAS VEGAS, July 8 – After fielding numerous inquiries
    about the possible cloning of Michael Jackson,
    Dr. Brigitte Boisselier, head of Clonaid,
    today reaffirmed the company's policy of strictly
    respecting the privacy of each of its patients.
    Clonaid reaffirms its privacy policy !!

    folks, wait some years, and we will see MJ coming back to US ALL,
    while we are aged and greyed.
    -> It was Michaels OBSESSION to do this and it was his hope
    with this technique to live for ever!!!!

    maybe michael jackson kids already care for the new born baby michael

    think of it..

  87. nehaheartmj Said,

    now i surely believe tht mj still alive….and wht made me believe tht? well the pain and painS thing….now do you think tht someone who knows the truth is reading the contents of this site????what are your thaughts????btv admin…..you are doing a great job….i guess you should get a job of detective or something….imao
    well….mj, if you are reading….b happy forever….i don't mind if you show up or not…its your life and u hv a right to live it your way…..we love you….and will always do…no matter what……

  88. Goldie Said,



  89. Narcosis Said,

    Dynamite, I don't think ambulances have cabinets with glass windows in it (left above) I believe it is really into UCLA hospital emergency room…

  90. MissC Said,

    Narcosis – You can see the reflection of a red car there. I don't think that photo was taken in the emergency room.

  91. minimalany Said,

    even if he faked his daeth theres no way to come back as MJ.he would go to jail for this.we will never know if he is alive or not.but i dont think so.he would be always be recognized.there;s no way.i dont think so.

  92. minimalany Said,

    plus if it was his double who died of a terminal illness the autopsy wold show it.they would say that MJ had a terminal ilness.but there was nothing like that have ever been told.

  93. dinamitas Said,


  94. dinamitas Said,


  95. flower Said,

    hi, wow this is news to me about elvis plane where has this come from ive not seen anything about this b4 is there a link which gives more info about this if so can someone post it please thanks in advance

  96. dinamitas Said,

    @narcosis maybe your right it just looks small to me cause im viewing it on my mobile

  97. monalisa Said,

    Maybe the using of a double at the London press conference (if indeed it was a double) was a test by Michael, to see if the fans would fall for the double being Michael. And it appears that they all thought it was him, or were so excited to see him and the thought never crossed their minds that it would be a double, so they didn't even think to have any doubt. Then on re-watching it on youtube or tv, that's when it became more obvious. But maybe when Michael saw that the double fooled everyone, he knew the hoax would work, and continued ahead with planning it. Just a thought.

  98. monalisa Said,

    For me, everything falls into place for it being a hoax, but the part about the autopsy/bodytoxocology reports, and them saying they were testing the brain, well that part is harder for me to imagine. As in, who's body do they have? I read the post about the possiblity of a look-alike with a terminal disease staying with Michael until he died, that would be the only explanation I could imagine. Anyway, I am happily believing that Michael is alive, and that the explanation will be amazing once we find out how it was pulled off. Even if he stays in hiding forever. Maybe they'll announce that the body they have is not Michael, and then he will simply never be found, but we will at least know he is alive.

  99. emo_pinkt Said,

    Wasnt the word “Pains” also on the screen?I do think that it was the real MJ at the rehersal though.

  100. bubblesthechimp Said,

    Nice try,the MJ who chews gum is indeed very strange. At first I thought the footage referred to the auditions and not to the rehearsals .This is the original footage of the auditions that aeg put on youtube in May.


    you can see MJ there ,he chews gum, but he is whithout sunglasses, and uses normal glasses to read the papers.So maybe the footage of the MJ with the sunglasses was made another day?

  101. Narcosis Said,

    Minimalany, turite nurodyti kryptį. Bet ar tikrai atspindys nuo automobilio? Maybe it's iš sirenų ne ligoninėje ar taip ... nes aš vis dar manau, yra stiklo-spintos greitosios pagalbos automobiliuose, kad kelias į pavojingas. Bet nežinau, gal tu ir Dinamitas yra teisė ...

    Just saw two (new to me) pictures of MJ's final rehearsing and he looks allmost happy, and then he just died? Negaliu įsivaizduoti, jis atrodo taip stipri šios nuotraukos ... Ar tai tiesa?
    http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/06/30/article-1196369-058968A7000005DC-721_634 × 761.jpg
    http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/06/29/article-0-0588BB36000005DC-816_634 × 770.jpg

  102. MrsBenjamin Said,

    Jis gali tiesiog būti Airija, nes paskutinis straipsnis buvo paskelbtas čia apie "kažkas", kas buvo šio visai ką žinojo, kur jis buvo ir kad jis veikia gerai ... sakė jis būnantiems pilis! tačiau jis yra ne Airijoje, tačiau =)

  103. MrsBenjamin Said,

    @ Narkozė .. Kaip jums, kad paveikslėlį? great job! .. taip mes matome, nors tariamai suteikiant MJ "CPR viena ranka .. ir tai yra faktas, kad atgal į greitosios pagalbos .. ir aš kvailas klausimas ... kai kas nors įdėti į nugarą dėl greitosios .. ne visada eiti galva pirmoji? .. gali kas nors atsakyti į šį prašom

  104. darkfeather Said,

    Kažkas įdėti keletą nuotraukų iš Elvis m. jo karsto (žr. neseniai paštu forume pagal "septyni"). Ir jis mirė tikrai nėra abejonės. Same for Tupac Btw. Jeigu norite manyti kažką sunkiai, tada ateis į actually believe it. Mes turime sustabdyti daugiau objektyvios informacijos apie tai visi, taip pat apie mirties apie MJ.

  105. sita Said,

    sorry @folks, i also wished the truth is the hoax, but

    Pls PAŽVELKITE SU Your Heart

    jei michael gyvas jis turėtų kada nors pakenkti savo vaikams žiūrėti jam beeing dead !?!??!?!

    NO, no, no.
    ieškoti savo širdyje. Michaels Vaikystėje buvo baisiausias už jį. ir jis niekada nebūtų pažeisti savo vaikų!

    todėl visi Atšąla. michael praėjo nuo mūsų!
    Kas žinotina prieš teisėjas mane, stengiamės, kad myli mane,
    Ieškokite savo širdies paprašyti,
    Have you seen my Childhood?

    Žmonės sako, aš keista, kad taip
    'Cause I love tokių paprastų dalykų,
    Tai buvo mano likimas kompensuoti,
    už vaikystės aš niekada žinomas ...

    Have you seen my Childhood?
    I'm ieškantiems kad stebuklas mano jaunimo
    Kaip fantastiškas istorijas dalintis
    Sapnai būtų pamėginęs, žiūrėti man skristi ...

  106. martha Said,

    Sutinku su monalisa kai sako, kad dvigubinamas iškyšas buvo tiesiog išbandyti ir patikrinti, ar viešųjų sumažės jam. Aš beveik toks pat po prieš. Jis buvo kaip skaitant mano, haha

  107. monalisa Said,

    Oh sorry, I didn't see Jūsų HaHa - bet malonu mes manome vienodai

  108. MrsBenjamin Said,

    Twitter mane


    haha .. skatinti save čia .. I love this site .. rimtai!

  109. cathedralfolk Said,

    Dee .... Re: Jūsų žinutė .... Dont know apie grasinimus mirtimi arba illumuniati MKUltra teorijų nors Prezidentas Klintonas buvo oficialiai atsiprašo į aukų MKULTRA į 1990 ...

    but I agree with you everthing else vis-a-vis Michael's sheer global clout (1 billion viewed his memorial service from around the world).

    mano draugas, kuris yra tiriamas ekstensyviai vaidmenį JAV viešąją diplomatiją, per meną ir kaip jis naudojamas kaip mechanims užsienio politikos ir nacionalinio saugumo skatinimo amerykanka ženklo užsienyje, vis dėlto ji neseniai parašė Op-Ed ir siunčia jį į NY Times .... ji taip toliau ....

    Michael Jackson's Contribution to American Foreign Policy

    Music as an art form provides the cultural and anthropological DNA of man in past and present societies. Michael Jackson buvo kultūros DNR iš Jungtinių Valstijų 1980-aisiais ir 1990-ųjų. Visi iš jų turi daryti įrodymų tai pažvelgti į tarptautinę įrašai Jis sumušė, ty, 100 milijonų pasaulio rekordas pardavimo dviejų muzikos albumai, užregistruotas 1980 m. ir atminti peržiūrėti auditorijai, kaip pranešė Vikipedijos, 1 milijardas žmonių iš viso pasaulio. Tai viena šeštoji dalis pasaulio gyventojų.

    Svarstant balniškumas pasaulio jėga, Michael Jackson, kaip kultūros reiškinį ir leidyklos JAV visuomenės 1980 m., ir 1990 m., kai Amerikos galia ir įtaka buvo jos Apex į 20 amžiuje, ji turi būti pripažinta, kad Michael Jackson buvo labai galingas ir naudinga priemonė, Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų užsienio politikos metu Reiganas, Bušas ir Clinton metų.

    Kas tradicinės viešosios diplomatijos niekada negalėtų atlikti Michael pasiekti. Savo muzikos, šokių ir energijos, jis pateikė vaizdai Amerikos klestėjimo ir laisvės sąlyga, kad buvo nežinoma milijonams ant laimingas milijonus kartų savo bendraamžiais iš buvusios Sovietų Sąjungos, Kinijos ir Vidurio Rytuose 1980-aisiais ir 1990-ųjų. Per mechanizmus, pavyzdžiui, Amerikos balsas, radijo "Laisvoji Europa ir panašūs dirbiniai, vaikų šiose šalyse gavo skonio Amerikos. Kokie politikai, pramonės ir Amerikos intelektinės elito kolektyviai negalėjo atlikti, a cute little juoda vaikas nuo Gary Indiana sugebėjo vieną vieningumą ir kad yra skatinti įvaizdį Amerikos klestėjimo ir laisvės tarptautinės jaunimo auditoriją, kuri gali niekada buvo kitaip pasiekė.

  110. Dee Said,

    Paskutinė pic Michael yra anambulance galite matyti žarnų savo galvą sėdi ant sėdynės ir viduje greitosios pagalbos jie turi spintos su tiekimo. Daugelis jų su stiklo duris, jos neabejotinai greitosios nuotrauką.

    Kalbant apie vaikus, o kita diena Anderson Cooper 360 (aš tikiu, kad yra footage kažkur) Anderson paprašė Rev Al, kaip vaikai ir Rev Al pasakė, dabar jie supranta, kad jų tėtis dingo. Tai buvo kelias dienas po paminklo. Huh? ... .. Jie buvo supainioti prieš?

    Be to Administratorius, Atkreipkite dėmesį į tai, kad Jermaine metu paminklo buvo tik vienas iš brolių ir seserų dėvi juodos ausies gabalas. Kai pamatysite jį sėdi su šeima, žiūri memorialinis galite pamatyti. Jis buvo ne ausų gabalėliai atlikėjų dėvėti išgirsti jų muziką. Kai jis į sceną dainuoti Smailus jis naudojant šviesos dažytos ausies kūrinių muzikos ir šiuo metu abi ausis. Kas ką jis buvo klausytis su juoda in

  111. Wendy Darling Said,

    Aš turiu abejonių, iš ko žurnalas ar šaltinis šio phto yra užimtas? Galbūt vaikas nėra Paryžius, mes negalime matyti savo veidą.
    Jis atrodo per liesas čia. Michael plati, su i think.

  112. Akasha Said,

    Taigi aš čia ir turiu pasakyti, visų pirma, aš niekada nebuvo Zagorzały MJ Fan (I've klausėsi jo dainas, bet tai jis). But nevertheless I think that he might be alive after all.

    @ sita tai gali būti klaidinga, tačiau kurie sako, kad viskas, kas sakė, kad interviu yra 100% teisinga. JEI tai apgaulė ir šeima yra jo dalis, taip pat, ne manote, kad tai įmanoma, kad net interviu anoks sudaro? Aš tai dabar galima pasakyti beveik nieko ir žmonės galėtų ją priimti rimtai. Gal Latoya yra tiesiog gera aktorė, paruošti savo vaidmenį ir pasakė fikcyjna Pasakojimas apie vaikams yra su jos miręs tėvas per kelias minutes. Aš turiu galvoje, nėra jokių įrodymų, kad tai iš tikrųjų atsitiko, tai?

    Stupid Pavyzdžiui aš žinau, bet tiesiog praleisti mokyklą šiandien ir pasakykite savo mokytojo, kitą dieną, kad jums buvo lovoje namie visą dieną, nes tu negali jaustis gerai, nors jūs buvote visiškai baudą ir buvo tiesiog per daug tingus, kad ten. Pasakojimas Thats visiškai sudarytas, tačiau, kaip turėtų savo mokytojui įrodyti, kad tai tiesa ar iš esmės melas. Tikiuosi, kad jis yra suprantamas, ką bandė išreikšti ^

  113. elde Said,

    Ppl PLZ. Ar mes kalbame apie Michael arba apie Viešpats sau? Net jei jis tikrai buvo apgaulė, so what ..
    Aš visuomet gerbė Michael kaip atlikėjas ir kaip menininkas (ir net savo Trileriai LP ir kelis singlas su alaus ir vyno dėmės ant viršelio dėl sunkiųjų vakarėlio ... Those Were The Days). Jis buvo (ar yra) žmogus su jo savybėmis ir trūkumai kaip ir visi kiti. Tačiau pastaruoju metu, stebėti visus aprėpties, naujienos, gandai, įtarimai ir tt, ir sukurti įspūdį, jis buvo (yra) tam tikra Dievo kūrinys su vienu vieninteliu tikslu, kad kvailas, kad pasaulis !!???? C'mon ppl gauti realios. Aš už vieną, jei kada nors norėčiau pamatyti jį vėl, ir niekada niekada davė jam antrą žvilgsnio, nes jis išdavė mane ir disrespected mane faking savo mirties. Kaip motinos 2 (tuo suaugusių) vaikų ir turinti handfull nekilnojamojo draugai (fi žmonėms galite skambinti į 3 ...) ir niekada traukti šį pokštą nors iš jų pagarbą. Everyting kad atsitiko su juo (įtarimai, kaltinimai, bandymų ir tt) nutiko, nes jis tegul atsitikti jam. Tas pats vyksta ir likusioje mus: jei nenorite, kad kažkas atsitiktų jums, paprasčiausiai neleidžia jam atsitiks. Visi kontroliuoti savo gyvenimą. Kaip susidoroti su įvykius, kurie atsitinka yra savo pasirinkimą. Jei Michael nusprendė dingti ... gerai, what can I say. Beje, Michael yra Mergelė ir aš Sagitarius ..
    Anyway, jei kada nors jis galėtų būti, ir nuoširdžiai tikimės, kad jis daro gerai.

  114. charbour Said,

    Ši nuotrauka MJ į Casket 100% fake.

    Jei pažiūrėkite į James Brown savo karstai:

    ir MJ galbūt:

    Pažvelkite į rankas, jie tiksliai toje pačioje vietoje. Taip pat pati striukė, ta pati karsto antdėklo (MJ's turi būti Blue Velvet interjero kadangi tai aiškiai baltas)

    Jos akivaizdžiai yra juoda ir balta, nes James Brown buvo juodos, ir Michael buvo baltos ir po jos photoshopped jo spalva jūsų matė James kaklo ateina per. Keep up the great work, admin!

  115. noisehammer Said,

    @ sita

    yes ... i havent perskaityti visą tekstą, bet jos tikrai keistai ... jo geras punkto abejoja ..

    Manau, mes turime kalbėti apie tai!
    ką jūs visi manote?

  116. noisehammer Said,

    bet įsivaizduokite, jeigu ji iš tikrųjų yra hoax,
    todėl visa šeima (vaikais įtrauktas!)
    padarys viską, tikrai VISUS padengti it!

    woww ... dabar naujienos tv kalbama apie, kad policija bando atrasti, kas nužudė MJ ...

  117. blanka Said,

    Norėdami atsakyti į komentarą LadyV: Ak užsičiaupk Blanka! Apie atvirkštinė pusė įrodyti, kad jis miręs! Grįžti rasti jo kūnas, ir jis mums pic. Eik ... įrodyti!

    Manau, mes galime pasakyti, kokios nuomonės piekła norime teisę? Aš tiesiog pasakyti, kad aš manau, kad jis gyvas, kai kažkas rodo vaizdą datos MJ, todėl LadyV ne toks kvailas, galite galvoti kaip norite, gerbti savo nuomonę! Žinoma, niekas matė kūno MJ bet šeimos. I'm not saying jis miręs ar gyvas, nes nežinau, tiesa, jei jis miręs ar gyvas aš tikiuosi, jis bus gerai!

  118. westin Said,

    manau, - jis kinda atgal į medį metų - tai teismo kadencija

  119. odettebennet Said,

    Great Job tikrai! ... Aš JUS WANNA pasakyti MJ .. JEI JIS YRA REDINGAS VISUOSE "You are not alone ... MES ČIA SU JUMIS" .... LOV U forever ....

  120. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    ok, tariamai 12 žmonių nusižudė. 12 žmonių buvo Atgal į viršų šokėjų už tai jis koncertas. jie išleidžia vardai ir pavardės žmonių, kurie nusižudė?

  121. alive Said,

    does anyone else find this strange… latoya identifies his body, takes the children in to see him, signs his death certificate, picks out his clothes, takes the children to see him at the funeral home, goes into his home to look for missing money etc, paris tells latoya she wants to say something at the memorial, latoya knows he was murdered and knows who did it. Ar aš pamiršti dar ką nors? atrodo Latoya ėmėsi priežiūros the whole thing. su, kad didelė šeima ir visų svarbiausių momentų buvo tvarkomi jo. ji SEM keista, kad ji visa tai. Bet manau, kad jis turi būti perregistruotas. i don't think mj would subject his 7 year old son to go and view an imposters dead body. per tramatic kam taip jaunas būti invovlved į Psikus don't you think?

  122. alive Said,

    oh i forgot .. taip pat buvo Latoya kurie užsisakė antrą autopsiją ... wow amazing ahe paėmė priežiūros the whole thing ... Yeah right ..

  123. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Ok Im Oficialiai Priimta bando išsiaiškinti, ar Michael Jackson Is Alive Or Not. I Vienas Believe Jis yra gyvas ir Dont Need No More įrodymas. Taigi Have A Nice Life Everyone ir kai Comeback Tour atsitiks, mes visi nustemba. Kiekvienas Norite Pokalbiai Yahoo Ar Dragonfire_barbie_sweetheart

  124. elde Said,

    Aš pataisyta:
    Jis negali išvengti šios

  125. Amlet Said,

    @ sita Viskas Bull. Ieškokite savo širdies? Ta pati vaikams kramtyti guma ir ne turėjo ašara? Tuos pačius dokumentus, jei to raštu apie žymių adatų savo ginklus ir t tabletes savo pilvo ... Bull Bull Bull. Aš nemanau, kad niekas iš jų

  126. ilovemichaeljackson Said,

    kai yra michaeljacksonsightings.com svetainėje ketina atnaujinti savo nuotraukas jie teigia, kad? lol ....

    rimtai, nors jie nėra pridėta daugiau, nes Svetainės prasidėjo beveik mėnesį ...

  127. loveandpeace Said,

    @ MIchaekJacksonIsStillAlive Taip, tai gana akivaizdu, yra raudonas automobilis apmąstymų. Jei žiūrėti vaizdo ir greitosios pagalbos, yra raudonas automobilis dešinėje pusėje, karetkę. Išspręsta. Tačiau ar tikrai jam yra pagrindinis klausimas.

  128. MissC Said,

    Sietai - Jeigu jūs tikrai manote, kad jis mirė, aš tikrai nesuprantu, ką tu darai ant svetainės, kad teiginiai MJ gali būti gyvas. Atsiprašome, jei aš atvyksiu kaip ab! Tch bet tikrai, nagi.

    Bet kokiu atveju, manau, kad tai vienas iš geriausių teorijos iki šiol. Very realistic and possible. Vienintelis dalykas, norėčiau paneigti, kad Elvis dalykas. Aš rimtai abejoti jis gyvas.

    Apie šį paveikslėlį:
    Ne tik aš vienas pranešimas, pavyzdžiui, kas yra raudona avių, aukso atspindys, manau, yra saulės atspindys. Jis buvo priimtas, kai jis dėl greitosios pagalbos, dabar kyla klausimas: Kada buvo IT IMTASI?.

  129. svangel Said,

    @ Sita ... um ir tai suprasti, kad jo vaikai ant šou į dešinę .. u have skaityti BBC reakcijos apie elgesį savo vaikams .. tik Paryžiuje padarė truputį riksmas dalykas ... piekła my 2 yr old pusbrolis gali verkti apie Cue .... jis gyvas ... ..

  130. MariannaB Said,

    Ir jei slaptųjų tarnybų bus įtraukti, tai būtų nacionaliniu affaire ir gerokai didesnis nei bet kas būtų įsivaizduoti šiandien.

    Ką apie tai bioterorizmu istoriją? Ką apie įkaitų?
    Ką daryti, jei MJ buvo tiesiog dar viena sławna piktnaudžiaujama visiškai skirtingų interesų?

    Mes trumpo mąstymo?

  131. Girl21GER Said,

    Wow atviro cascet foto tikrai yra suklastotas. Gėlės ir atgal yra lygiai tokio paties.
    Kur, kad vaizdas iš? Kas išleido jį spaudoje? Ar padarė kažkas tiesiog grojo su photoshop?

    Ką apie nuotrauką straipsnį? Kur ir kada buvo šio imtasi?

    Aš negalėjo rasti he.is.alive svetainę arba. Kiekvienas turi nuorodą?

  132. misskillah24 Said,

    Gerai. Aš skaityti šį dienoraštį į coouple dienų dabar ir aš turiu pripažinti, tikrai Dotarłeś į mane. Pirmiausia, visa informacija buvo tokia neįtikėtinai tiesa ir perskaičius keletą entires, aš net beveik įsitikinęs Michael Jackson nėra miręs.
    Tačiau priešingai, kad aš pastebėjau, kad visa informacija skelbiama čia tampa vis labiau ir labiau absurde kiekvieną dieną eina. Aš niekada nebuvo Jackson ventiliatorius, nors aš visada žinau jo dainų ir muzika širdyje. Štai kodėl aš galiu išreikšti savo nuomonę objektyvų požiūrį.
    Manau Michael Jackson faktiškai mirtis ir šio dienoraščio lengviau visiems savo gerbėjai susidoroti su tokio nuostolio. Žinoma, tai leidžia jaustis geriau įsivaizduoti, kad MJ yra gyvas ir gerai, o galvoti, kad pasaulis niekada gonna mato jį, gerai? Jis suteikia Jums tam tikrą jausmą atleisti, tai kaip maža spindulių šviesos, todėl jūs laimingi. Tačiau paskelbus šią neįprastą istorijas, spekuliacijoms ir teorijos ... Manau, kad šiek tiek vaikiška.
    I mean, Michael Jackson buvo žinoti visame pasaulyje, jis buvo labiausiai žinomų menininko į žemėje. Ar manote, kad jam reikia traukti tokia Wyczyn? Nagi, mes kalbame apie planetos, o ne šalies, o ne kelių valstybių! Ar manote, kad jis kurį pavyksta melas bilions žmonių kiekvienam kampe pasaulyje "pirkti" keli gydytojai ir pateikiami kai kurie veikiantys pamokų savo daugher? Tai šiek tiek absurdiška.
    Ir nors Ok, tarkim, kad galite būti dešinėje, Jis padirbti savo mirties (?!), ok, bet kaip cand iš tiesų pasakyti, ar manote, ar įsivaizduoti kažką, kaip smagu, kaip sako: jis į kulisami savo laidotuvėse darai pagrindo vokalas už Hudson? Nagi vaikinai! Tikrai! Turiu galvoj, tikrai! Aš nenoriu, kad tai, bet kaip tau metų, kaip ir 13-14? Kaip jūs galite sakyti, kad?
    I got that CNN vaizdo, kad "nėra atviros Skrynia" teorija, kad HD repeticijoms ir net, kad geras Photoshop darbas, bet come on, that's enough. Aš turiu galvoje, palikti vaikinas tik dabar, po 45 metų teroro ir taškiniai, jis iš tiesų gali būti "kaip geriau", jis visada svajojo apie! Jūs paprastai yra šiek tiek Paranoidalny paskelbus visus šiuos dalykus į dienoraštį. It's amazing, kaip daugelis dalykų žmogaus protas gali sugalvoti .. Ir jei tu galvoji apie tai gerai, tai buvo iš tiesų svarbiausia, kad nužudyti Maiklą: žmogaus protas.
    Jūs turėtumėte apie tai iš šios perspektyvos: deja, Michael Jackson mirė. Ir ką tu darai? Jūs, savo realaus sirgaliai? Vietoj żałoby jam Išlaikyti savo atminties, stebėti savo videoà perkant Tshirts ar CD, you're eikvoti savo laiko žaisti detektyvų į dienoraštį? Tai pražūtinga ... dienos, mėnesiai ir metai bus perduoti ir žmonės vis dar galvoja apie jį. Ar pagarba ir garbės jam, kaip vienas iš didžiausių menininkų pasaulyje. Dešimtmečius vyks ir visiems bus kalbėti apie jį kaip jie apie Elvis šiandien. Mes visi turime didžiuotis mes šiuolaikinių tokios muzikos genijaus ir pabandyti įvykdyti savo atminties, nes jis nusipelnė, o ne spekuliacijoms, be teorijos ir ne melas apie jį. Jis buvo pakankamai, kad, don't you think? 45 metų stalkings, spekuliacijoms, populiarumo ir prožektorius. Ar jūs sutinkate jam reikia šiek tiek laiko poilsiui? Come on ...

  133. melluvsmike25 Said,


    Vienintelė priežastis, manau, tai yra, nes mes dar nežinome, ką apie koroneris ataskaita. Dabar, jei jie išeina su ataskaita ir kūno turėjo baisių galinių ligos, mes žinome, ką veikia. Nes jis tik perdavė, kad fizinės prieš mortuus. Žinoma, jei ji nėra terminalo liga, tai mano teorija strzałów iš vandens.

    Aš sektų Larry King paskutinė naktis, ir jie nori pasakyti, kad ataskaitose turėtų būti pabaigoje šios savaitės viduryje arba kitą savaitę. Let's viltį terminalo ligos, taigi mano teorija yra teisinga.

  134. roxy101 Said,

    Gerai. Prisipažinsiu, man labai patinka šios svetainės, nes tai suteikia man smidge viltis. I don't wanna Priimti bet teorijos čia, nes tikrai noriu manyti juos, bet kai jūs prašome diskutuoti su manimi, kaip tai galėtų būti tikrai hoax? I mean, jo kūną, ... arba "įstaiga" buvo autopsied ir jo dermatologas buvo subpoenad. Paaiškinkite man, kaip visa tai teisinių veiksmų galėtų imtis prašome, jei jis buvo tikrai faking ....
    O ką apie savo vaikus? ... Klausimas kas globa jiems yra didelė naujienų ...., Kaip būtų galima tai vyksta, jei jis buvo gyvas ... kaip jis galėtų leisti tai vyksta?

    Prašome pateikti savo mintis, ir dar kartą Aš nesutinkanti su teorijų, aš tik noriu, kad paaiškinimą ... I'm atvira ką turime pasakyti ....

  135. melluvsmike25 Said,

    Be to, aš norėjau pridurti, kad aš tą patį apie įvedant dvigubai visuomenei sužinoti, sumažėtų jo, ir pripranta prie jo ieškau, kad taip. Tas pats su savo šeima. Jie nebuvo matyti jį awhile. Gal apgavikai ateina perduoti jam net savo šeimos.

    Vienintelė priežastis, dėl kurios aš laikyti ūkyje iki šios teorijos yra, nes aš nemanau, kad jis pasitiki didžioji jo šeimos su sklypas. Gal jo motinos, bet tai apie jį. O kadangi MJ yra kas jis, o ne nori kas nors problemų, tai, kad šis. Latoya identifikuoti jį, nes jis atrodė kaip jis. Taigi, ji negali būti kokių nors problemų. Tas pats, su šeima. Jie nebus gauti sunku, nes jie manė, tai buvo jo.

    Be to, buvo keletas pranešimų apie teisinę problemą. Ar MJ gauti bėdų. Turiu sūnų, kuris mokosi būti forensics specialistas, todėl jis daug žino apie teisę. Jis sakė, nėra teisę gulėti. Jis patenka į bėdų, nors jei iki jo mirties, jis surinktų draudimo ar kažkas panašaus. Dabar, kiek tai susiję su 12 savižudybių Słyszałem apie, kad gali būti sunku jį. Bet vėl mes klausytis, kad puikus žiniasklaida, ir mes nežinome, jei tai tiesa. Tiesiog mano mintys! Ką nuostabų detektyvų manote?

  136. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Priya78. Aš tiesiog stebėjo jį. OH MY Viešpats. 1. norėčiau pasakyti, kad tai skamba kaip Michael ten pats, tai sakau, labai baisu, ir retai ne kartą. (Im getting a bit serga apie tai, bet aš rzucanie Kiekvieną kartą i išklausyti kai kuriuos kino "hin" Jums apie mirusiojo) aš to control myself. Im gauti nedarbingumo becuse jiems taip serga nuo kalno. Bet tu teisus žodis, paprastai jis pronouncced "skausmas", o ne "skausmo", tai yra pirmą kartą IVE kada nors girdėjote, kad. Žinau ir garso crazy, I just love jam tiek daug. Mano širdis su jumis Michael, kur esate saldaus angelas

  137. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    They didnt TAIP MICHAEL, kada žmonėms gauti tai. Ir Latoya tik nori, savo "15 minučių šlovės" Nr nusikaltimą. I don `t, kad jis mirė. Somehoe I can feel it in my heart, kaip jūs paprastai galite, kada nors, ką myli jau przeminal. But i don `t turi thet jausmas. 4 kitų dalykų latoys buvo sakoma netiesa. Kodėl tai?

  138. luvmj Said,

    Hmmm I'm kinda mąstymas jis tikrai negyvas .. Yra nuotraukose jo vaikai vyksta į bažnyčią dėl Tmz

  139. Corbett002 Said,

    Atsiprašome ir maniau, kad asmuo, raudona danga buvo jo beždžionių lol

  140. Francesca Said,

    Nothing, nothing Nuotraukai UP

  141. Synthara Said,

    Ei melluvsmike25 aš jums sako, jei gydytojų pranešime sako ką nors apie terminalo ligos kažkas ne. But about a year ago MJ was seen in a wheelchair, it was rumoured he had skin cancer or a rare lung condition (look up Ian Halperin's theory). Taigi tai neįmanoma - ir kiekvienas prašome apie tai - kad jis iš tikrųjų buvo mirtinai serga? Tai šiek tiek trikdo Pamenu matote nuotraukas iš jo išeina iš gydytojų pareigas ir savo odą (dalis ne coverede pagal kaukė) atrodė tipo baisu blueish / raudonos dėmės .. Latoya, kita vertus, nėra svarbu, nes ji visada derybos crazy, kad aš netikiu, vieną žodį iš savo burnos.

  142. Mojofi Said,

    Vaikinai dabar confuesd visos šios temos čia. :-s.

    Atrodo, kad jis praėjo gerai žinote. Kodėl policija tiria šį klausimą? Kaip šeima sako MJ yra miręs, jei jis ne? Kaip ir kodėl bus Paryžius verkti, jei jis nežinojo jos tėvelis nori miręs? Ok now am more confused then ever. Aš galvojau jis ALIVE bet dabar esu labai DOUTFUL .

  143. twan75 Said,

    Narkozė: paskutinė žinoma pic apie MJ yra neabejotinai iš karetkę. Jei atkreipti dėmesį į apmąstymų į nuotrauką, jūs faktiškai pamatyti RED CAR ir (ant apačioje dešinėje dalyje, tiesiog po ranka, kad vyras laikydami maišus oro) medžių. Be to, kas yra "supposed'to suteikti CPR, iš tiesų yra holdingo nors tai vieta.


    Bet už savo (ir admin) determenation! Mano komentarai galbūt skamba šiek tiek neigiamas, bet aš tik bando atskirti netikrus iš dešinės įrodymų, kad mes turime teisingą vienetų išspręsti mysterium supantis mirę MJ.

  144. luvmj Said,

    @ MissC Ši nuotrauka buvo imtasi, kai greitosios pagalbos buvo palikti savo namus, jei pažvelgti į vaizdo kurią rasite hollywood.tv galite pamatyti ant nuotraukos per pusę langą į greitosios pagalbos ir pamatysite stovinčius raudona automobilis į vaizdo. Ir aš manau, kad kažkas pasakė kodėl jo kojos pereiti į pirmąjį .. Jie neturėjo sukelti foto buvo priimtas pusė / priekyje ir greitosios pagalbos, kuri matote jis jau buvo galvos pirmoji ... .. Tačiau aš vis tiek tikiuosi ?: (

  145. iheartmj Said,

    Aš žinau, tai ne į temą
    bet check this out


    Nemanau, kad piktnaudžiavimo narkotikais teiginius.
    ką jūs visi manote?

  146. Mojofi Said,

    Ok esu čia, ir aš mačiau vadinamųjų Nuotrauka iš MJ į Casket.

    Tai ne tik fake tačiau faktiškai James Brown savo Casket ir redaguojami su Lighter odos spalvos.

    Esu fotografas ir imgae mamupulater kad i nagrinėjo 2 nuotraukas.

    Kodėl tai yra juoda ir balta ir ne spalvos? Cos matysite tai, kad kaip James Brown.

    Nuotraukoje taip pat sukasi, todėl jo galvą eiti ten, kur jo kojos turi būti.

    Gėlės patys, kaip James Brown nuotraukų.

    Dabar aš manau, turėtų buvo doutful, bet, kita vertus, vėl kurie gavo pic jei TIK šeimos ar giminės MJ buvo vieninteliai, kurie atvyko į laidotuvėse? HHMM:-S

  147. Mojofi Said,

    ************ Blogai SPELLING taip corecting save ************

    Ok esu čia, ir aš mačiau vadinamųjų Foto MJ į Casket.

    Tai ne tik fake tačiau faktiškai James Brown savo Casket ir redaguojami su Lighter odos spalvos.

    Esu Fotografas ir vaizdo manupulater kad i vertinti Thr 2 nuotraukas ir jie yra tos pačios.

    Kodėl tai yra juoda ir balta ir ne spalvos? Cos matysite tai, kad kaip James Brown, nors coluer dar gali būti pakeistas.

    Nuotraukoje taip pat sukasi, todėl jo galvą eiti ten, kur jo kojos turi būti.

    Gėlės patys, kaip James Brown nuotraukų.

    Dabar aš manau, turėtų būti ne doutful, tačiau, kita vertus, vėl kurie gavo pic jei TIK šeimos ar giminės MJ buvo vieninteliai, kurie atvyko į laidotuvėse? HHMM:-S

  148. noisehammer Said,

    Dabar aš turiu info ten atrodo daug daugiau jis .. tikrai didesnis nei mes galime įsivaizduoti!
    apperently yra infraraudonųjų nuotraukas MJ dalyvauti jo owm atm. taigi tai tikrai prideda iki "skausmo (-ai)"

    Jūs bet kada pastebėjote, Barack Obama raminančią save, ir tai iš tikrųjų atsižvelgiant į MJ? I say .. cmon .. arba Barack Obama yra pats blogiausias prezidentas! (kuris i abejonių) arba ten atrodo daug daugiau ji ...

    ir dar manau jis gyvas ..
    bet kai jis sugrįš .. Jis wouldnt grįžti kaip senas MJ žinome jam ..

    im gonna poilsio ir žiūrėti ši istorija vyksta su gražią alaus mano dešinės rankos ..

  149. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Okey, aš po šio. Aš ką tik (vėl) Obejrzane į rehearsels Michael ir daina "Will you be there" Kai jis pradeda kalbėti pabaigoje og daina jis pasakė: "Pain", o ne "Skausmas" Kaip ne memoriel. Ši "klaida" yra labai BIG vienas ir gali būti daroma tik į vieną pusę. Jei Michael dalyvavo jo memoriel save. Dabar jūs proberbly pasakyti, kad esu crazy, ir stuff like that. Bet manau apie tai. Kodėl tai, kad tik kartą, kad žodis pasikeitė, ir jis buvo Michael tai sakau, ne savo memoriel. Please feel free to stop me bet minute.But ir turi tai padaryti už mane, kol aš matau įstaiga arba kokia kita patikima įrodyti, kad Michael mirė. Ir kiek i haven `t Tai vienintelis būdas, ir gali trukdyti mano Drom falling apart visiškai. Likusi jūs turėtumėte pamatyti šias rehearsels taip pat ir klausytis atidūs, kai jis veikia, kad mažai beat dalykas. I just love KAD . Ji daro mane myli jį dar labiau.

    Roxy101. ! g., visų vaikai bus su Janet, Michael artimiausią giminaitį, tokiu būdu jis gali turėti su jais everday. Jei rasite šią nuorodą į kitą svetainę Tekti, apie tai, kaip jis planuoja tai, tada pamatysite, kad yra apie 35-36 žmonių, kurie yra skirti Michael, kurie padėjo jam ištrūkti, ir laikyti jį saugiai, kol jis yra pasirengęs susiduria su viešųjų vėl. Jis buvo visiškai suskirstymą, ir nenuostabu, jei manote, ką jis buvo per. Aš tiesiog tikiuosi, kad jis vis pagalbos jam reikia, kad jis gali būti gerai ir pradėkite smileing dar kartą.

  150. luvmj Said,

    Gerai aš nežinau ką galvoti ne visus ... Deja aš palinkimas link Jis ne gyvi ... Bet aš rasti šio vaizdo fatališkas sukelti jei klausytis iš pradžių Latoya Jackson teigė: "Jis viską vertina savo daro", nes dabartinė įtampa ... Taigi aš nežinau, tai gali būti, kad jie taip neigimas. Sukelti aš žinau, kai kažkas mano šeimoje przeminal aš nenorėjo tikėti jie dingo.

    …But here is the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwVdZrlie74&feature=channel_page

  151. truthseeker1002 Said,

    This just in – a quote from tito jackson:

    “He left Neverland and went on this search to find a comfortable place – somewhere he could relax and get over everything.

    “Sadly, I don't think he ever did find that place. He was searching right up until he died.”

    Heres the link: http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/2009/07/16/michael-jackson-was-ruined-after-child-molestation-trial-tito-jackson-115875-21522795/

  152. svangel Said,

    Come on ppl… i cant believe u all turning ur backs on this… HE IS ALIVE… so what if his kids went to church… its just church…i mean if u knew u were saving ur Dad from this cruel world…wats a few tears… @miss killah…. hun..i understand ur point about he being famous… lemme ask u this…Ben Ladin was also the MOST WANTED man on the earth at one point in time… and yet he still managed to be around…Michael was once critised for wearing the female traditionsl wear…which covers everything but ur eyes…yes he cud pull it off…if you were coverd from head to toe and i cudnt see anything but ur eyes den u cud go anywhere in public… he has a feminine voice… it wud be hard for ppl to figure that out….then again.. its just my theory

  153. she_can Said,

    According to LAPD, his death is due to a Propofol overdose.

    Why would MJ ask to be injected Propofol (sedative) at 11am in the morning?


  154. Samantha Said,

    Just leave him be, he wanted to make this escape for a reason, his not going to come back that early obviously. It'll take time.

    Where ever you are michael, i love you so much <3

  155. Jamie Said,

    About the pain/pains lyrics thing. Ką tai įrodo?

  156. charliechaplin Said,

    Hey Guys!!

    This is another off topic again. They're showing Martin Bashir's Living With Michael Jackson interview again. You remember, Martin Bashir? That double faced reporter who jeopardized MJ with that Gavin boy? Well, I hope they don't show MJ in a bad light again. We better be vigilant!!!

    It's showing Thursday, July 16 at 9pm on ITV1.

    Read here:


  157. Dee Said,

    Thanks for that cathedralfolk, that was very insightful, I will be researching into that more. What a wonderful piece your friend wrote, it bringing more pieces of the puzzle together, thanks again. An apology from Bill Clinton…..wow!

  158. fm89 Said,

    i am a little scepticle to some of the theorys like a very few others on this site, alot of the theorys are pure pure speculation and imagination, while i also feel somting is definatly up with this whole death, i mean he looked perfectly ok physically and mentally 1 moment, and from what i know hes a perfectionist and would not want to let down the fans which would contradict his drug abusive behavior prior to the “death”.

    Also the fact that aig make money if its a drug over dose makes me feel even if he was murderd there pushing for it to be a death by drugs overdose.

    1 element that hasnt been discussed alot i feel is his song Xscape, i found this the most alarming thin about the whole “death”

  159. Dee Said,

    To the people that are convinced of his death due to the autopsies, have you seen the body, are you in contact with the examiner, how do you know the examiner is not on a golf course in Jupiter? The media said there was an autopsy and yet another, the media said that they have Michael's brain and we await a toxicology report with a bunch of numbers and codes that none of lay person would understand and those in the medical worl could easily be interpreting the tox report of another individual.

    We saw the body in the copter move, how in the hell is there a pap photo in an ambulance? The casket when it left the memorial disappeared, yet they have from the moment of his supposed death at his home to the hospital to the morgue, all on tape.

    People will say that we want him back and cant cope(we do want him back) people will ridicule and say that its Elvis and Tupac all over again. That is THE PLAN…. to take away the credibility of those that think outside the box, your freaking TV screen, your square mag or newspaper, your freaking boom box commentary. Lets stop letting the BOX control our minds.

    Latoya said there was a towel on his face, huh…. I saw my grandmother and my bff's Mom at the hospital right after they passed and they were resting peacefully in the their bed, wrapped tightly with linen, faced exposed as if they were sleeping and had gotten tucked in. A towel, Is she serious?Latoya said the children saw him and that she dressed him and that they had a private open viewing. That Paris put half a heart on her Dad and kept the other for herself saying that she will never take it off. I don't know..but did any of you see the other half of the heart on Paris at the memorial? We cannot confirm or deny what Mike was wearing as WE DID NOT SEE HIM. The private viewing with immediate family just before the other short family memorial the morning of the public memorial, could have very well been a farewell. Rev. Al did tell Anderson that the children now know that that their father is gone, huh…. If they saw him at the hospital and at the private open casket viewing and then again at the memorial before the public memorial, shouldn't they already know this.

  160. jinx46 Said,

    I don't know. I just don't think he would ever leave his children…

  161. jinx46 Said,

    Don't you think that if he did fake his own death, that when he returned his fans would be merciless and furious with him?

  162. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    To Michaeljacksonisstillalive: You are not in denail sweetie. I can see that you love Michael. I do to, very much indeed. And it makes me so happy to see that, cause Michael needs all the love he can get these days, that will help him recover. Im not in denail, i would be if we saw the “real” Body, in the casket, but we havent. Michael changed my life, not with his music or his moves, but with who he is. I would like so much to tell him that face to face, but that is kinda hard, when we don`t know where he is. And yes i know (im talking about him in pressence sence) Why wouldent i, there is no prove that Michael is infact dead. Until that happens, i will continue talking about him, like he is still with us. I just want to say one more thing. If someone in a real way, where ever to find Michael, i would like for you to respect his privacy. Not that Im the oone to deside on that, but im thiking of Michael here, if you know what i mean. I think we owe it to him, to leave him alone, for now. He will come back, and face the public when he feels ready. Until then, i hope that people will leave him alone. If he is alive, i really hope that he is reading this, so he can see how much we love, and care for him. I think that would make Mike very happy. In the mean time, we just have to compford ourselves with his voice, music and dance moves. I love his voice Look at the interwiews. And when he is laughing, It makes me smile. I just love him so much, and i feel it in my heart, that he is not completely gone. Bacuse if were “dead” for real, trust me my heart would be so broken, i would feel it right away. I hope i don`t sound to much like a nut. I will go to sleep now, talk to all of you tomorrow.

    Ohh And Thank you all so much, for the love you are showing Michael, It means alot, i just wish he knew

  163. lovelidae Said,

    Hey guys. I have been visiting this site everyday since the 27th of June and I really think most of the people here are on to something. At first I was crushed because I thought our beloved MJ was gone. I cried and grieved and then common sense started to come into play. I think for the most part we are on track. The “Hold Me” part of the memorial stating pains instead of pains is just another clue given by our very own MJ. I truly believe that he is still alive and is just waiting until all the media hoopla simmers down so that he can be reunited with his children on some remote private island. Don't you think it strange that just shortly before his death he allowed the world to see his children (never done before by MJ). I think he was allowing us to get a good look at his brood, because we probably won't be seeing them anytime soon (if we ever see them again, they will probably be full adults or close to adulthood). I for one support that decision, and hope that they are given a life outside of the spotlight with their dad (every parent deserves the right to protect their children). The casket photo is definitely a bad photoshopped version of James Brown, even if taken by a camera phone what camera phone takes pics in black and white? I truly feel that MJ is alive and well and is just waiting to put the pieces of his new life together. I for one am at peace and happy with that. This beautiful man who gave so much of himself to help the greater good deserves to live his life in peace and quiet. I truly love you with all my heart Michael and I know that you had to do this to keep your sanity and finally break out the fishbowl. I truly believe that in time the old Michael will emerge from the ashes of his burdened past like a phoenix rising (only he will look totally different, I don't think we've seen the real Michael Jackson for quite some time now). Just like Marlon said in his closing words at the memorial, now maybe the world will leave him alone (eventually anyway). And if by chance I should ever cross paths with the old Michael Jackson in new form I will simply smile at him and say I glad you got away and I understand why you did it (I don't care about him screwing AEG, they are a bunch of distrustful crooks anyway, and believe me they have been screwing entertainers for quite some time now). I also believe that Michael probably checks this site (we haven't really heard from supermom75 since someone asked was she Michael) or will one day come across it, so I just want to send him my love peace and blessing. Oh yeah, and trust all the Jacksons are not in on this plot (I'm not in the family and even I can see that they can not all be trusted). Latoya Jackson has always searched for the spotlight and likes to suck up the shine whenever and wherever she can and this time is no different (can we not remember that she came out against Michael during the first child molestation trials) she is not on my list of trustful Jacksons. She is trying to grab her 15 minutes of fame as well as some of the others (most notably Tito and Joe Jackson) her story changes little by little everytime (I don't buy her for a second). Anyway I pray that Michael is getting plenty of love, rest, and peace. I love you my Moonwalker man.

  164. lovelidae Said,

    oh yeah and thanks admin for hosting such a great place for all of us MJ fans to come together. Some have stated that MJ would never leave clues he would just go away, then all I have to say is that you don't know Michael like you say you do. True Michael Jackson fans know that he is a genius and people as mischievous as he would always leave clues. He only wanted to die to the media, not his true fans. Michael always knew that we'd find the clues, just like Elvis and Tupac's fans found their clues (Tupac is still sending clues to this day), and yes I still believe they are both very much alive (Call me crazy but I saw Tupac with my own two eyes after he was supposed to be dead, and I stand by that to this day). Even if Elvis has met his true demise, he was very much alive in well for a very long time after the 70's. These people only want to die to the mainstream media and the fickle masses, not to their true die hard fans. I bet you many more MJ clues are to come, he is brilliant. Again, I am glad that for once in his life he did something for him and not to please the world (many of whom only want to be entertained for their own selfish reasons). I'm happy for MJ the man, the father, the brother, and the son for finally making the decision to live a life free of scrutiny, pressure, and public hurts & humiliations. Go on MJ, do your thing boy.

  165. niccih Said,

    Here's something I've been mulling over-If MJ is in fact dead, wouldn't his death be a bit more clear-cut and not allow room for speculation?

  166. sita Said,

    correct, everything has been told. and again i repeat: LOOK with YOUR HEART. Michael would never hurt his children. Now we had learn his children saw the dead body, they touched it. This Game is over.

  167. wozniack Said,

    According to this link MJ's 'ghost' was spotted in the UK? Also, they said, “Michael Jackson died at his apartment in Los Angeles on June 26, aged 50.”


    The date is June 25th, and I didn't think he dwelled in an apartment? But yeah, I'm not buying it, haha. How many more ghost stories will there be?! =T

  168. Narcosis Said,

    melluvsmike25, actually the last time the family and MJ met was at the 60th wedding anniversary celebrations for their parents in Beverly Hills three weeks before MJ's death! Michael seemed strong and healthy to his family…

  169. Narcosis Said,

    Shocking pictures which show Michael's drug-ravaged legs as police say they are treating his death as homicide,

    The photo's had been released by MJ's father Joe to show his son had vitiligo, the skin-whitening disease, which Jackson had always claimed he'd had…

  170. ejay5131 Said,

    as long as that death certificate remains unsigned, MJ is in no danger of any type of prosecution.

  171. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    omg i really don't wanna believe that mj is dead omg omg omg urrgghh sum of the comments are giving me second thoughts…. omg come out mj wherever you are!!! I love you soo much!!!!

  172. seven7seven Said,

    Let me start with this: I love this site and everyhting that is questioned here and brought to my attention. I think there is a lot wrong with the death of mj, all the happenings since the first moment and everything that happened ever since.

    But the more I visit this website, the more ridiculous thoughts and theories I read, and I truely think that's a shame. For a website which goal is to uncover the truth about this, to answer questions or even to ask them more than answering them, the current level of blog items and discussions is not much better than the media is reporting and everyone despises.

    A small summary: body doubles (the more the merrier!), Elvis lives, cloning…

    Of course, it is just theory, just thoughts, but why make life so hard on yourselves? Things like these are nut only hard to believe, but even harder to proove. Impossible if you ask me.
    Elvis sending his lost airplane to pick up MJ at LAX? Arnold Schwarzenegger involved? Protected Witness Program? The murder of a body double? The illuminati (If it wasn't for Dan Brown most of us wouldn't even know they exist or existed!)?

    Ask youself: why? kas? what for? Where in all theories I read about a body double? Why would he need one?
    And about the painS: sure it was Michael who spoke those words, but not for the memorial but for his O2 shows. Why he changed the lyrics? I don't know. But for sure, the visual was made after the recording was done. So there is the S in the lyrics, not as a sign, but because that is what he said. painS, so pains it is. There is nothing more to it. With this I agree to a former poster, name forgotten sorry: If you want to escape, assuming he did, why leave hints? It makes no sense. And thus he didn't leave them.

    I admit it is entertaining. I love the stories, and the more fantasy, the better. But as soon as people are repsonding that this could be true, it starts missing the point.

    And with all this gossip you cover up all the great findings made, the true facts that need to be questioned, researched. The imperfections in the interviews with the family, the coincidences in the happenings, the contradictions.

    Like in this piece, where a website claims to have a picture of MJ inside his casket. You explore, you research and finally find out it is a fraud. Like the picture of the rehearsal with the missing S part: same story. Just two examples of good work, snowed under a pile of recent rubbisch. No offense intended.

    If you want to express your wildest theories, go ahead, be my guest and entertain me. But keep them apart from the true findings.

    Question yourself and stick to the facts. Keep a summary somewhere – now really hard to find – of all facts, imperfections, contradictions and (true) questions found so far, ordered in a time frame.

    For me: I don't know if he is still alive or not. And francly, I don't care. I hope he is well and happy, dead or alive, wherever he is. But that there is something fishy about his (so called?) death, it sure looks that way.

    There is so much information I miss, I wonder why it isn't there: Why aren't there more pictures, more witnesses, more stories of what happened on June 25th? Where is the rest of the rehearsal footage? Where is the doctors statement who did the AEG medical?
    And compared with the information that is brought – by tmz mostly – I wonder why, what does it add? All it does is raise more questions, more doubts and most of all: more dirt on someone who is no longer avaiable to defend himself. Easy target, cheap entertainment if you ask me.

    That is why I come here: to enjoy your stories, to get more ideas to question, research. The more we find, the closer we will get to the truth. So keep up the good work, but please: keep it divided.

  173. kjmj Said,

    I also found it very weird that Jermaine(I think?) was the only one wearing an ear-piece during the entire memorial.. check it out-> http://www.usmagazine.com/photos/inside-michael-jacksons-memorial-service?slideshow_id=1146&o=25
    It doesn´t look like the ´normal´one artist usually wears on stage.. Your thought? Was MJ calling the shots via the earpiece?

  174. MrsBenjamin Said,

    You know i really dont know what to think anymore…i saw that pepsi commercial they aired yesterday from that accident…that was terrible when i saw that whole on top of his head…which mad me extremely sad….and all i can think of is when they said they(paramedics) saw “MJ” laying there he was completely bald…that just tell me that maybe he really is gone?….sad again.

  175. MrsBenjamin Said,

    and one more thing..that picture on the front cover of the OK magazine…i remember someone talking about MJ's ear..i believe that's him as well

  176. luvmj Said,

    I cont know want to think anymore…Urrgg

  177. Synthara Said,

    Someone wrote “apperently there are infrared pictures of MJ attending his owm mem” Do you have a link to an article about this or something?

  178. Copenhagen Said,

    To noicehammer: Do you have proof about the infrared pictures of MJ attending his owm mem ?

    What I also found weird at the memorial was why did a lot of them look up in the ceiling while performing and while they were making speeches – what were they looking at ? First I thought that they were looking at “the Lord” to give them strenght but know I am confused – Lional Richie also looked up while he shoked his head. Jennifer Hudson looked up, Brooke Sheilds, Paris etc…

  179. protski Said,

    hey, jus wanted to point out, have you guys saw the pictures of mj legs? they were taken in 2002 and shown in ABC, but:


    and there is this other picture:

    just wanted to point out, it's weird that his is facing down on the second picutre and every news about it just mention one black spot in his leg.

  180. Lenora Said,

    I realy do not know what to think anymore. I would like to beleive MJ is still alive, but what about his children? Is he capable to do this to his beloved children? Something is not right.. I just read this


    and get more confused. What do you think about it?

  181. jpresley Said,

    Guys, I've been reading all of the theories and posts on this website for two days now and I gotta say that I truly want to believe that MJ pulled off the perfect escape and finally got away from all the vultures in his life. However, there are a lot of things that don't add up. Namely, as roxy101 touched on, the legal issues surrounding his doctors and the custody of his children. These are HUGE news stories and at least one of the docs is very likely to face indictment. I have a hard time believing that MJ would let that happen, he was too kind a person. And as far as the kids are concerned, he loved them more than life itself. I just can't see him putting them through the tramua of losing their father. Can somebody please give me a plausible explanation?

  182. jazzlvr66 Said,

    You know guys, concerning the whole “pain” vs “pains” thingie in the song 'Will You Be There'? —- there could be, and often are more than one finished versions of a recorded song. Many retakes are done during a recording session…maybe they used a 'different' take of Michael's spoken part because it fit in better with the live version they were doing up on stage? Pagalvokite apie tai.

  183. jpresley Said,

    Admin: do you have any theories as to my points above? Anyone?

  184. fm89 Said,

    never buying pepsi again!

  185. melkes86 Said,

    I was just looking through the pictures found 2002 (I think it was 2002) of the raid at the Neverland Ranch. And the letter, the one stated, “This is it” the whole, 5-7 day program for a “solution” before MJ was to start a “second chapter…” Is it slightly possible that maybe Michael was planning on attempting a death hoax sooner?

  186. melkes86 Said,

    Also, here's the link to the medical center listed at the top of the letter…. http://www.arthritisusa.net/procedure.asp . The FAQ section was interesting.

  187. lovelidae Said,

    I'm starting to believe that some of you (ie @sita) are here to throw us off track. Sita, this may sound crazy, but I think your sole responsibility in this is to throw us all off with doubt. I can understand that by bringing in doubt and making some people question themselves you are helping to protect Michael. That's cool, I'm sure some of our theories are spot on and it's scaring you guys, but you don't have to worry because the mass media is too stupid to ever catch on. Sita, please tell Michael that we love him and support his decision when you see him next. Again, Supermom75 has been a no show every since someone asked her was she Michael Jackson. My wheels of suspicion just keep on turnin'

  188. ishealive Said,

    I don't know what to believe. I was convinced he faked his death but with all the legal things that are going on like the toxicology tests & police involved and custody battle it makes it hard to believe. If he is alive I don't believe he will be coming back, if it was an open & shut case and no law involved then maybe he would. I wish someone could prove he's alive & if he is I hope people respect his need for privacy.

  189. monalisa Said,

    If he was completely bald, why did he have hair on the ambulance pic? Would they take the time to put a wig on him before taking him to the hospital? I sure hope not! Also, to me, the ear doesn't even look like his…
    Also, on a video of him taken in May & seen on TMZ, you can see the top & back of his head and it's clearly his own hair with a few grey hairs mixed in.

  190. Perfume Said,

    OMGosh after trying for several days now to log in here finally I can…hello everybody….I have been visiting this site every day to read updates and also to read the comments posted….first of all kudos to the admin for starting such a site.

    Ok here goes with my thoughts…first of all what I found strange was the 911 call, secondly the caller not identifying who the person is, and thirdly there was no urgency in the voice of the caller.

    What I found strange was the comment the paramedics made, I cannot remember which site I saw it but that comment has stayed with me ever since, the paramedics said when they entered the house they noticed that something did not look right and they went on to comment further saying that the person they found did not look like MJ at all, as there were scarring on the face as though the person had recent facial or plastic surgery, the said they could not put their finger as to what seemed different with the house and the appearance of the person.

    Also another site commented that MJ's eldest son saw him convulsing in the lounge and he thought that his Dad was messing around as usual, now according to my knowledge children are curious he is 12, my speculation is this, he sees his Dad convulsing so he must of seen the doctor or someone carry his Dad to the bedroom, and also being his Dad he could of been curious as to what was happening, so why did the child not alert 911 as to what was happening in the house, like I said kids are curious but they also have this insight when something is not right.

    Thirdly I saw numerous pics of MJ being posted after his “passing” and then I was surprised to find out that he used body doubles for number of years, so I began to do a bit of google search to see if it was true and I came across quite a few guys that he had used, and when comparing them to the real MJ one would never know the difference, so what makes us all think that it was really MJ in the house, going back to the paramedics comments of the facial appearance of the person they were tending to.

    The I looked at the O2 press conference and the first thing I said to myself MJ never swaggers or bounces like we say in my country, he had the demeanour of a true gentleman, I looked closely and realised the person was way too tan for my liking, I listened to the voice, went back to listen to MJ's voice on Youtube, our local tv stations aired some of the highlights when he visited my country, I heard him speak, he had a very soft manner of speaking which truly showed the type of person he was.

    I noticed that the guy kept on pounding his fists or hitting at something on the side, I noticed that he kept on stuttering “This is it, this is it people, the final curtain call” now the MJ we know has done numerous press conferences in his lifetime he was used to being under the spotlight so he conducted himself in a professional manner being the gentleman that he was. Note the chin of the guy doing the conference and note MJ's chin, MJ's was like Michael Douglas chin.

    A lot of things did not add up for me and still not adding up, I will come back and comment lol…I am just excited that I can be a part of this

  191. lou Said,

    I found interesting what seven7seven wrote, especially this part:

    “Question yourself and stick to the facts. Keep a summary somewhere – now really hard to find – of all facts, imperfections, contradictions and (true) questions found so far, ordered in a time frame”

  192. roxy101 Said,

    To: MyBelovedMJ

    okay you make a good point,
    but what about the autopsied body?

    Don't you think it would have been out by now that the body in fact isn't really his?

  193. jetgrrrl Said,

    Regarding the ambulance pic, I believe now it is real. Check out the link with the full frame pic posted previously, you can see the reflection from a red car parked just outside MJ's house. You can also see the paparazzi that took it snap it on the video that shows the ambulance leaving his house towards UCLA. On that pic you can also see the red reflection of the red t shirt this guy that shot it was wearing.
    He took it from the outside the R side window of the ambulance not the back door. Check the video and you'll see the guy snapping it just before the ambulance speeds off towards UCLA.

    In this last video taken just days before his death leaving a medical center he was already wearin curly hair, listen to 1:57, the paparazzi shouts I love your curly hair ….that explains his looks on the last rehearsal vid doing the choreography for they dont really care bout us.


    I have a theory, he really had terminal cancer and knew his time would come up soon. He was taking all those strong painkillers to relieve the horrible pains he must have been suffering.

    I feel so bad for how terribly the media treated him over his last years …He was such a wonderful person with the biggest heart ever..Please check the documentary where he comments his private home movies…He was constantly misanderstood, All he ever wanted was to be able to live a normal life and tabloids kept putting his reputation down instead of showing his caring and loving side where he used to donate loads of money to charity, visit hospitals and helped as many people he could….I sincerely hope the truth starts coming out now and people can understand him and respect him when they see the other side of the coin they never bothered to show us.

    MJ was a grown up kid with an angel heart aswell as a genious and the biggest artist we or any future generations will ever see.

    So sad… Wherever you are Michael wish you all the peace and joy you can ever have

    Long Live the King

  194. elde Said,

    Well, look at TMZ.com. They just obtained a trackt from Michael's newest unreleased song “A place with no name” based on 'A horse with no name”. Strangely enough the lyrics don't match up with the title coz' he uses double negatives 'Take me to a place without no name'…!!?? hidden message maybe? He may not be with us in the flesh, but his voice sure is….

  195. ilprincipe Said,

    When I first heard that MJ had died i was really shocked and didn't believe it. Ok, I'm also a fan of conspiracy theories. So my first thoughts were “No! This can't be true. Either he must have been murdered or he faked it.” Then i searched the web for more facts and finally found this page.
    I'm still torn between.
    Some “facts” are to speculative. But some facts are really speculative…but some really make sense.
    1.) the vain you could see on the forehead.
    2.) the Story with “Pain” and “Pains” is also a mystery and I don't know any solution.
    3.) There are more then 200 unreleased songs. That's great. But who knows if they are ALL really “old ones”.
    Maybe in 2012 one of the unreleased songs will smash the charts….the media will claim it was written and recorded in the late 80`s or beginning 90's. But for real it was written and recordet in 2010….who knows?
    TMZ released a part of an unreleased MJ Song called “A place with no name”. It's partially a cover from the Band America's song “a horse with no name”.
    I cannot really believe that MJ covers..because he was so unique and genious and didn't need it.
    Here you can listen:
    I'm german and i don't understand the lyrics proper…but i think in the chorus he's singing “take me to the place WITHOUT no name”
    without no = minus-minus….
    Tai keista.
    Maybe another clue. And who can prove if this song is so old. Maybe it was recorded b4 his death. But maybe it was written at a time, where the hoax was already planned. On which place wants MJ to be taken? What will he express with this lyrics?
    No we have point
    4.) We use part of his lyrics eg the song “Xscape” to prove that he's alive.
    And the media, the police investigators orient themselves at the song “Morphine”.
    For me the circumstances are constructed. Especially the story with the drug addiction.
    @ mrsbenjamin: yes, they said MJ was completely balded. But that's for me no evidence for his real death. As you can see in the video an (which was taken 4 weeks after the accident at the pepsi commerical). Mayb he wears a toupee, because he didn't lose his complete hair…but this is no wig.

    One thing which i'm doubt of is the role of his children. He really loved them and i believe also that on the memorial have been his kids. Maybe Michael Prince I und Paris are not his biological kids. But he raised and educated them. Blanket looks totally like MJ in his childhood. I see a big similarity.
    What about his alleged son
    Omar Bhatti from Norway? Does anyone have more precise facts?
    here a video of him. I don't see any similarity to MJ if i compare him with blanket.


    The only thing woh

  196. Ninanina Said,

    The one 'thing', that contradicts every hoax death idea is Michael Jackson himself.

    If he was able to hoax his death, to leave so many people in that much grief, he would have been able to do all the things he was accused for and more.

    Is that the Michael Jackson you love and want?
    Well, it's not mine.

    I'm very sure e died, although it breaks my heart.

  197. phoenix180 Said,

    seven7seven, well said. I agree with your post completely.

  198. Can.You.Feel.It Said,

    Michael is gone you guys

    But I feel that I must put a few things out there that I think that this site has not address or noticed
    First if by some miraculous manner Michael was alive that man lives and breathes his children or did you no listen to the son “You are My Life”
    A he could not an would not do this to his children
    B if he did where ever he is he sure as hell is not happy here oon the news everyday that his children are crying about being gone
    C he would make sure as quick as possible that those kids were returned to his custody because if he was alive he would not survive without those three kids

    Now some of you might say oh he's doing it for the kids so that when all is said and done they will go back to him but Michael dies not look like a patient man to, which brings me to my next point he would go stir crazy by himself especially without his kids and he would be back out there so fast your head would spin to save them if for no other reason

    And hello this is Michael were talking about Michael can't stay out of the spot lie for a short matter of time forget the rest of his life span, he is too well know, yeah you are contradicting me I can already hear you. But whatever it's my opinion.

    But there is one thing I wanted to point out maybe two
    The photos from the last rehearsal and the and the video from the last rehearsal are both from June the 23, Not the 24, all marked 23rd, unless your trying to tell me that he wore the same shirt same jacket, and the same pants 2 days in a row, I don't think so… it think that video is from the 23 and everyone was just making comments that they saw him on the 24 but I truthfully think they didn't release the video from the 24 the some reports state they were practicing the effect for throughout the concert others state they were rehearsing which make me wonder, A why… B what was he doing on the 24 and was he even their because there have been reports he hadn't even been showing up for rehearsals until the 23 and 24. So Was he even there

    Last Latoya just got paid off a handsome sum of Over $100.000 for selling the story that Mj was murdered to the rag and rumor has it Tito's about to get paid as well, so if he somehow is faking this thing and I'm not saying he is the family doesn't need to collect on any damn insurance policy they just need to feed the media and they'll get there cut… that is if he is alive

    But guys he's gone I know it I'm starting to accept it I just wanted to mention that much to feed ya'lls conspiracy theory, I just wanna see what yall are going to do with the information really

    If you want to find the photos with the date next to it search MJSites.com and your going to have to go back through the news archives a bit to the stories posted June 3 or 4th

  199. francisca81 Said,

    the same for me!
    seven7seven i agree with your post

  200. Akasha Said,

    Ok did I get that wrong or did that site Lenora posted actually state that the “real” Jackson died about 20 years ago and all albums including “bad” have been released by an imposter?! I mean WTF?!?!

    Sorry for the stupid question but it's late over here in Germany and I'm too tired to think correctly…

  201. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    @wozniack…. i think it is stated as being the 26th of June because of time difference. I live in New Zealand and for us, Michael died on Friday the 26th and I watched his live memorial on wednesday. Yea… i think that's the reason….

  202. Severin Said,

    I've been following this great site since a few days and I'm so happy to find a lot of my own thoughts here!! I love MJ since 20 years and when I heard that he died I felt totally sick and devastated, but my first doubts came with the memorial service. It felt so strange and “wrong” to look at it, just too many thinks didn't fit together and since that moment I'm trying to find out the truth behind it all. I'm not a person who just refuses to believe he's dead or something like this. I can accept the truth. But I always have the feeling that the truth is NOT what we see and hear from the media and the Jackson family – I'm 100 per cent sure.

    And maybe some of you like to share their opinions about this interesting article:


    Just forget the “adopting a child” thing, I don't know if this is correct or a rumour or whatever. I'm talking about the fact that MJ wanted to come to London 3 weeks before his shows there.The question is : If he wanted to arrive there AT LEAST 3 weeks before the shows, how come that he's been in LA on June 25th?? Could it be that somebody (whoever?)died, but the real MJ was not even in LA and left the town already days before? Just a thought: If I was in his situation with the London shows, then I would arrive in London one month or so before the first show! You have to get familiar with the venue, the stage, the musicians, the light show, in fact with a lot of things, and you need rehearsals there.. and this takes time. Did you ever notice a statement after his “death” about this whole thing? It always seemed strange to me to see rehearsals in LA if the shows were planned for London.

    And by the way, please read this:

    Yes, I know, this is something that already a lot of people were talking about on this page, but it's just one of the facts that I'll never understand: He passed all the medical check-ups and now everybody is trying to tell us he's been a drug addict?? C'mon!!

    And I think it could be possible that if his death is a hoax (and I absolutely think so) that his children are informed? Could be a reason why he didn't stage his own death a few years before. Now these kids are old enough to understand it all. Maybe Janet, his mother and his kids know the truth… and some people at the hospital. It's possible. Pagalvokite apie tai.

    And one last thing about the photo from the ambulance: If you would have the chance to take this picture, wouldn't you have the time (and a few seconds were enough!) to get much more, at least two or three? But there's only this one, and maybe I'm completely wrong, but for me it looks as if the photographer told them what to do and where to stand and then to hold still, to get such a pic?? It looks too “perfect” for a random snapshot in a situation that should actually completely messed.

    My little contribution for today… take care of yourself and please let me know what you think!

  203. emmie Said,

    hi ok what i dont understand and no 1 seems to be giving me there opinion on is the fact that the people doing the autopsy on the so called 'michael jackson' will no that aint the real michael.wont they?
    like when the autopsy results come back they will have the persons DNA wont they??
    so eiter way if that isnt michael they will find out right???
    another thing,latoya said how paris, michaels daughter put a changing colour necklace in with her father and she kept the other half but she was wearing the half befor her father died, inface she was wearing it when her father was with her. do u think she had this necklace from before???
    but im sure in an article they say she brought it after he died????
    soo confused

  204. heavencanwait Said,

    My first contribution.
    WE KNOW HE IS ALIVE BECAUSE OUR INSTINCTS IS TELLING US SO, and that, people, is a force nobody can control! I don't know if I care about Michael that much but something is bothering me and that's why all of us are posting here…if it was just me that will be alright but shamone 450 000 hits!!!…

    ADMIN the forum is getting a little confusing to read with posts everywhere, can't follow a tread and we need that to be coherent in what we're trying to undercover with facts…

    I wanted to post about the Impersonator E'casanona (not sure where the link is now). I think he is the key and the BODY they have. All of this could not have hold up with no body . A good source told me… a friend of friend of friend…he washed his body and tagged his toe. Very reliable source. So they have a body. The answer is WHO'S BODY? Ecasanova dying, probably changed his name to Michael Jackson (and why not?) and Michael Jackson is dead..nobody is lying there. Legally All aspects have been covered I am sure.

    If we can find, have proof of Ecasanova alive today, than it's another theory..but except the mypace update that E'casanova is feeling like “dying inside” ( which can be ANYONE posting it after his death…) has anyone seem him?

    gotta go will post again later

  205. Dee Said,

    Tonight on Larry King, Miko (Michael's best friend and Marlon Brando's son) is back, Larry just said to him its been 3wks to the day that Michael died, Miko how are you dealing with it. Miko said that he goes to so many emotions, some times he gets so emotional when he HEARS his voice or….then he paused and switched thoughts.

    Huh? ... .. He didn't say when he hears his music, he said when he hears his voice. Now where and how is he hearing his voice?

  206. 12fear Said,

    …There is one way to debunk the Ambulance photo that we have all seen of Michael Jackson…I have been studying the picture closely…this is what i found. (This photo was not taken in Los Angeles and the Patch that is visible on their arm does not belong to LAFD or LAEP. Look at the picture again; Look at the Insignia Patch in their upper arm, pay attention to detail… http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j259/elbuay/80678247.jpg

    Now look at the “Currently Used” LAFD & LAEP Insignia patches used IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY… http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/7118/eyuoghyc2i8ljfi.gif
    (the 1st patch that shows up is the one in the picture), Look at the other two that follow–> those are what they use now in 2009 @ least in LOS ANGELES COUNTY.

    That Ambulance picture of Michael Jackson was not taken recently and most importantly, it was not taken in LA, and much less on June 25th, 2009. Debunked!!!!!!

  207. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    One Thing I Dont Get, If He Took 50 Or So Pills A Day Or Mixed A Bunch Of Pills In A Cocktail Like They Are Saying, Im Pretty Sure He Would Have Been Dead Sooner If That Was The Truth.

  208. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    To The People That Are Sceptical. Michael Jackson Can Get Anyone Out Of Anything. Im Pretty Sure That What The Media Is Feeding Us Is Pure Bullshit. I Think All Of This Was Set Up Ahead Of Time. Im Pretty Sure Everyone That Was Really Close To Him Are In On This Too And Since The Memorial Was Screwed And His Family Screwed It All Up And People Began Questioning His Death. He Probably Was Like, Damn Yall Need To Start Doing Better Acting. Im Pretty Sure The CIA And All Those People Are In On This Too. Why Wouldn't They Wanna Be A Part Of Michael Jackson's Plan? They Gotta Make This Look Believable At Least For Now. Im Pretty Sure He Will Be Coming Back Into The Spotlight, I Think He Is Just Taking A Break And He Probably Found This Site And Happy That His True Fans Have Caught On, Unless He Is Under The Names Trying To Make Us Doubt What We Believe. Michael If Your Out There. I Really Want You To Know, This Site And All The People In It Love You So Very Much. I Hope Your Doing Great And We Want You Back.

  209. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    This Link Is Some Bullcrap

  210. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Seven. How Are We Supposed To Keep The Truth Divided From False Findings, When We Dont Even Know If The Media Is Telling The Truth And Apparently Noone Knows The Truth. You Completely Contradicted Yourself And Made Me Even More Confused.

  211. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    To Roxy101. Im gonna answer your question the way i see it, but that dosen`t mean its the truth. That otopsy report, i think its fake. Everyone can make those. Like the part that Latoya has signed the death satificate, well it isent really har job to sign it. A docter has to sign it for it to be legal, if you know what i mean. And all those unproven things, WEll none of it adss up, and i wont belive that Michael is dead, before i see the body. Even though i have had a tough day today, missing him alot, i still somehow in my heart belive that he is alive.

  212. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Ninanina. Have you been watchin the news lately?? Not to be rude. But why woulden`t Michael be able to do it?? He had enough. And who can blame him. Trust i love MIchael more than you would know. But because i don`t think he is dead, dosent mean i think he did all those things he was accused of. because i know he always was innocent for a fact. Thats just me i don`t know if anyone else inhere feels the same way.

  213. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    KJMJ. yeah i agree with you. Who was jermaine listen to in that ear piece. It wasent his cellphone or an ipod, that is for sure lol. Did someone tell him something?? HMMM

  214. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Im Pretty Sure Alot Of Individuals That Want Us To Believe Michael Jackson Has Passed, Found This Site And Decided To Give Us Doubts.

    I Dont Believe Anything The Media Is Saying, Nor Will I Ever Believe Them Again. Im Pretty Sure If The Media Told Us Michael Was Alive Again, I Still Wouldn't Believe Them. You Need To Find Out Stuff For Yourself, Dont Believe Anything The Media Is Saying. Of Course, There Is A Few News Shows, That Do Tell The Truth, But I Have Yet To Find Them.

    I Say Lets Keep Michael Jackson At The Top Of The Charts. Lets Post Every Michael Jackson Music Video We Can Find Here, So People Can Keep Him At The Top. Im Gonna Start Posting Youtube Videos Of Michael Jackson And I Hope You All Go And Get A Youtube Account And Favorite The Videos, Rate The Videos And Watch The Videos All The Way Through. To Keep Michael Jackson Alive And Prove Michael Jackson Will Never Be Forgotten.

    I Dont Care What Anyone Says, I Dont Believe Michael Jackson Is Dead. I Believe This Is For His Comeback Tour Or Just To Get Away From The Media. Either Way, He Is Good At What He Is Doing.

    Plus Janet Jackson Was Michael Jacksons Closest Sibling. So Im Pretty Sure That She Is Gonna End Up Getting Custody. His Parents Arent Going To Get Custody Because What He Accused His Father Of Doing To Him When He Was Younger.

    I Just Hope Michael Jackson Is Still Alive. I Love That Man So Much. Hes The Best Entertainer, Showman, Singer, Actor And Best Of Everything. Noone Will Ever Take His Place.

  215. Priya78 Said,

    I just came across this. According to this guy MJ has been seen in Ottawa Canada….and states that other people have seen him there too, but i couldn't find anything else on it.

  216. jackoisalive21 Said,






    ************MY THEORY ON THE KIDS****************

  217. sita Said,

    I love ALL, Michael would have said.

  218. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,


    omg thank u lol…. finally an uplifting post to read… everyone seems to be giving up on the whole thing and is ready to believe that he is dead (i was kinda slipping towards that side aswell)….. YUP now im gonna stick with the theory that Michael jackson is still alive!!!

    And about the crying Paris thing… there is a chance that the kids are on this hoax aswell cuz i seriously doubt that michael would put his children through all that (even if they aren't his biological kids)… you know how everyone keeps saying that all the children have amazing talents, well what if Paris' talent is excellent acting?? u never know.. and she is 11 for f**ks sake!! my lil sis is ten and she can fake absolutely anything and convince even the best of people!!! What do u think???

  219. Narcosis Said,

    Emmie, do you have 'prove' of Paris wearing her half of the heart-pendant before her father died? I've just read that she bought it as a farewell gift for her dad. How do you know she was wearing it long before?

    12fear, you have a point there, where are these insignia patches from?

  220. mysterylady Said,


    I was just looking at Liz Taylor's twitter and guess what ? She is no longer following Dr.Arnold Klein from her twitter and all her tweets referring to this Dr are mysteriously gone ! If she had nothing to hide ,why erase them,what is going on ??? Something very,very fishy is going on here !! Even if she saw our blog ,did that make her feel as if her tweets could really be evidence of Michael really being ALIVE ???

  221. Narcosis Said,


  222. Narcosis Said,

    Strange: (?)
    Michael had an extensive security system in and around the house, recording 24/7 what is happening. According to a police source, the tapes are lost, however. Taip pat yra juoda skylė vaizdo medžiaga, kuri buvo saugomi kompiuteriuose. The police would do everything to find out where the material remained….

  223. asw44 Said,

    I've checked the song Will you be there. It's really scary. Are you gyus sure he didn't record another version when “still” living?

  224. naqy21 Said,

    I'm from Singapore and i am too am very devastated upon hearing the news of his death. and when i discovered this website and reading all the findings, i'm sure and am very convinced that he is still alive..so keep up with all your findings i'm waiting to hear more of it and michael Jackson wherever you are, i hope that you'll be happy! and we miss u so much…Love you..

  225. jackoisalive21 Said,

    @ MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive

    thanks, i didnt hear about his “death” until hours after it happened, after i heard of it i moonwalked to all my classes and sang his songs during but i did not for onc second believe he actually died.

    I cant remember where i read it but i read somewhere that Blanket is an amazing dance, Prince has a good voice and Paris is the actress in the family, i have to say the memorial act was a good one and i cried when i saw it….but i know he is alive.

    and as his brother said. quote his brother here
    “HOW MUCH CAN ONE TAKE? (no sh*t hinting to all the crap Michael took from the press over the years), MAYBE NOW THEY WILL LEAVE YOU ALONE (i hope they will too darling i hope so too)

    i have a gut feeling that Michael was at the memorial or he recorded the “will you be there” ending before hand because he sounded very very EMOTIONAL when saying it, a lot more then usual wouldnt you agree?


  226. emmie Said,


    the top is a close up where u can see what looks like the same necklace


    this is from far and u can see she is with her dad…
    what u think

  227. emmie Said,

    hi me again lol
    i was just looking at the picture of the coffin and the flowers on top and i thought ' bloody hell them flowers are pretty tall and big'
    which then made me think that maybe he is in the coffin watching all that was goin on,because i think there would be enought space for him to sit up what so you all think??
    mayb its me being silly
    from london UK

  228. Narcosis Said,

    Emmie, You could be right but I can't see her necklace good enough to be sure. It might as well be another one. We have to investigate more 'old' photo's of Paris, searching for the (half) pendant ;-]

  229. emmie Said,

    narcosis, i no u cannot see it properly, but i mean it could be the same 1 and she just gave the other bit to her dad. it could be 1 she had before.i have tried looking but will have to look harder.

    what do u think about my coffin theory???

  230. jackoisalive21 Said,


    I searched for ages but ive found one. ITS NOT HALF A HEART, look closey.


    judge for yourself

  231. Narcosis Said,

    However, on a recent picture where Paris went to a Jehovah's Witness service in LA with MJ's oldest sister Rebbie, she is NOT wearing the necklace. Strange…

  232. jackoisalive21 Said,

    Narcosis, do you have a link to a photo?

  233. emmie Said,

    ive seen that and it does look like a heart,there is another part to it, but there is also a picture of her with a neckalce on that looks similar but u cant really see when her dad was alive that s strange

  234. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    LOL. That part with him sitting up in the casket is funny. But i think its possible. And whoever said the sing about him recording “will you be there”. I think you are right. I think he was there saying it. That can explain why he was aying “Pains” and not “Pain” like usual. Because the text was on the board. And if you look at Jermaine at the memoriel, i wore a ear thingy. It wasent his cellphone, and deffently not his Ipod LOL. Was he listening to someone? Mabye Michael, Am i makeing any sense?? Feel free to call me crazy

  235. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Gerai. To Crazy, i can see the rest of your name, but you know. I will agree with you on the fact, that i also think his family is reading this site, mabye even Michael. And the more we have doubts, the more they have to make there stories better. And Im sure this is also some sort of a comeback thingy, If he ever comes back. Mabye we will get us a surprice on his Birthday who knows?. I love him so much, for who he is. I have been devasteded for 3 weeks. This is unbeareble. And another thing who bugs me. Why does EVERYONE keeps talking about him like hi is here?? Soulden`t they talk about him in pressence sence?? HMM, i was just wondering.

  236. Rofibbs Said,

    For all we know, MJ cud be workin as an undercover 4d CIA or FBI..who knows?? There has bin a lot of such cases where ppl who are assumed dead n buried suddenly show up somewhere. If MJ wuz tired of all the trash n allegations that made his life a livin hell, who's to say he wont go into hidin?? If Mj cud leave NEVERLAND his childhood dream n creation wit the promise never to return (have U guys really seen that place? its sheer PARADISE!!), what wud stop him frm goin into hidin?? I hav followed this blog 4sum days readin comments n there seem to be sum truth in the arguments made here..i bet U'all, Michael got everything he ever dreamed of in life n all he wants now is rest from it all. He didnt escape leavin traces, ppl jus figuerd it out n the Authorities involved are not helpin matters..They shud jus stop the CIRCUS cuz were not in NEVERLAND..the King of Pop moved out, so did his FANS. Theres this news from the INSIDER HD that the tape that supposedly recorded his death in his home is missin. Im a very good Fisherwoman, but i cant seem to throw the net right in MJ's “death” waters..there wuz no public viewin:-really?? for sum1 like him with fans all over the world? No final restin place 4 him as we speak?? Hell no!! Sumtin is definitely not right. U cant juggle the public's intelligence, no ways!! i guess the THRILLER CONTINUES cuz we all know wit MJ, theres neva a dull moment. MJ, where eva U are..dead or alive..spiritual or physical, May the good Lord grant U contentment 4 every want n fulfillment 4 every desire. ROCK ON BROTHER!!

  237. Rofibbs Said,

    …besides MJ's pics in the casket is as FAKE as WORLD PEACE, as 4 Latoya's Story 'bout DOIN EVERYTHING FOR MICHAEL, we all know thats total BS..where wuz Janet, Randy or even Jarmaine that claimed to be his voice. I think she jus wants money her rent, since she claims 2live 3mins away frm Michael

  238. sinisha Said,

    Well I would totally agree with all the story. I didn't belive that he is dead at all. In fact it makes more sense that he's not dead than that he is. There's so many things that just didn't go with Memorial Service, specially behaviour of his family and as is for his kids I found out that he asked that nobody releases his new songs before he dies, becouse he knew that it would be sold fast and for big money after he would 'die', he sad so he could take care of his kids' future with that money.
    That doesn' make sense, how did he know that he would die while his kids were small yet. I don't know but I just can't buy the story that he's gone. And all the things that I saw here just confirm all of things that I've noticed from the very bigining of this all story.

  239. a_guy Said,

    The patches worn by the paramedics in the ambulance are from the LA city fire department.
    Google: Official Black LAFD patch

  240. alive Said,

    i wanted to ask a question that i haven't seen addressed. does anyone know if there is footage of mjs kids going to the hospital? did they follow the ambulance in a car maybe with the security guards? we know they were at home when it happened because they said prince was there and they said they viewed his body at the hospital but we know they didn't arrive with katherine or janet or latoya because we saw footage of them arriving and leaving the hospital but who brought the children? is there any footage of any cars leaving mjs after the ambulance had left? we also never saw them leaving the hospital with katherine or janet or latoya. where were they? and how could they arrive there or leave without any photos of them when there was plenty of photos of all the other family members? just thought this was strange? did the media leave mjs home right away? I would think the kids would have followed immediately behind the ambulance. can anyone answer this question for me? ačiū

  241. Andrea Said,

    The only way MJ knew he was going to die was if he really did have the Alpha lung thing.

  242. svangel Said,

    thanks…@momsword for clearing up the photo thing… cuz i was skeptical about the pics of his children… but as soon as that thought was over…i was watching e news and i remember they were showing fotage of prince with michael.. the baby has black hair… it wasnt ( blanket) it was prince the 1st… so why does he have blonde hair in the photos before,

  243. terror2k9 Said,

    I knew from the start that things were not normal in this case!the helicopter taking the body from the hospital struck me as odd in itself.I had this strange feeling something was not right.I searchrd the internet and found the body sitting up in the helicopter video and then the diary story also, but what always had me beleiving he might have faked it this was not something I had heard for the first time that he wanted to leave the publics eye I had heard something about that years ago. Then all of a SUDDEN the memorial seemed like a farse,and left me thinking was he there? they were talking like he was not dead! Then now his New songs are leaving messages like telling you his plans maybe he will return when his song named resurrection comes out? But his songs are speaking to the people that believe.Even his speach at the memorial sounded like he was the one speaking live=pain=pains thing is such a slip i believeor is he leaving obvious clues on purpose? He is the best..period this all seems very planned!by the way his new songs are awesome and the world seems to think the media is the final word on this stuff what happens if he returns they would look like the biggest idiots ever!Did he invite only people that he felt said they loved him but he felt betrayed by because i heard barbara walters ask stevie wonder if he just called to say i love you and stevie seemed like he was shocked she asked him that question he did not know what to say!he says i dont know maybe.

  244. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    To Jacksonisalive. The pain and painS thingy. I had the exact same thought when i listen to that. It is a huge slip. To be hornest he could have been there, with noone even notice. We are talking about the master in disgueses.

  245. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    ok someone mentioned that saying that the government is involved in this hoax is abit far-stretched. People disappear all the time and the government usually assists in this… it's called the witness protection program, here's some sites if you need to read more into it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witness_protection http://people.howstuffworks.com/witness-protection.htm

    Yeaa so just look into that and let me know what you think…. it could be possible right??

  246. emmie Said,

    read this article,, dont u thinkthe family are getting on with things abit 2 well??? they have all these things like recording a song and goin autrala. i mean there brother hasnt been buried yet

  247. velvetsilvergirl Said,

    I gotcha. I think Miko is key in this. He has beena round MJ for so long, he's the inside circle. I think he's a bit of a hanger on but, whatever. He's been on Larry King for weeks and he's never shown any emotion. Never got choked up or shed a tear. He's made plenty of goofs like the one you mention, tlaks about MJ in the present tense and such.

  248. velvetsilvergirl Said,

    The more I read this site the more I'm convinced thats he's alive. Watchng the memorial I bawled my eyes out, I was starting to really think he was gone. I caught the 'pains' thing too, and how it sounded like he was crying. But I was so upset I moved past it, thinking I was wrong. Now I know I wasnt. I dont think he'd be careless enought to show up. He was long gone by then, but I think that monologue- along with the message at the end – (I am alive and I am here forever) was meant for his fans. He recorded that recently.

    About the casket. That casket was way too small for a man almost 6 feet tall. No way he could sit up in it. And again, he wouldnt be carelss enough to show up. He was long gone. Not only that, call me crazy but caskets give off some heavy mojo. WE've all been to funerals, theres a tension there, a feeling. There was nothing in that casket. Sure was purdy though.

  249. Mijac Said,

    E' Casanova is ALIVE, in fact he was outside Mj's holmby hills mansion on june 25, with a crowd paying tribute to the king, actually someone interviewed him. I saw it in the news.

  250. He.is.alive Said,

    Anybody, who besides me has noticed what I am about to post – PLEASE comment/respond:

    This is about the “gum chewing” double Michael Jackson sent to the rehearsal to Staples center the night before he “died”. The very darkened video footage of “Michael's” appearnce shows him chewing gum, everybody has seen that, right ?

    WELL ! Of all the video and TV footage that is available on Michael Jackson, this evening 7/18 on the Geraldo Rivera Show (Fox TV in the US), video footage of “Michael” walking into the courthouse during his child molestation hearing/s was shown. I immediately noticed the uncanny similarity between “Michael” walking into the courthouse with “Michael” at the rehearsal at the Staples center the night before he died !

    Wait a minute !!! This IS THE SAME GUY !!!! ie: The “double” Michael”chewing gum ????????????? In all the tons of video / tv footage having been broadcasted, Michael NEVER CHEWED GUM, ever, except on the these 2 occasions I have mentioned here. One more interesting fact I remember is this: before one of those courthearings, Michael's Attorney mentioned to the press that Michael could not “speak” because he had a laryngits infection, in other words, the voice of this “double” would not be heard … and a double it was. WHO else ? has seen these 2 pieces of video footage and has noticed this ???? OR: has anybody else seen the REAL Michael chewing gum on ANY occasion at all ? and if so, what occasions ?

    Is anybody questioning all the “delays” ? The delay of the autopsy report, the delay of the custody hearing, people in on this hoax are buying time while LaToya has piped down, busy spending the money she was paid for the heavy hitting “Michael was murdered” interview with a british rag.

    Anybody ? Please respond to my post … thanks

    ADMIN – ADMIN – ADMIN – the new version of your website is fabulous, nice looking and posting is much nicer – great job – THANK YOU MUCH

  251. Mijac Said,

    The patches worn by the paramedics in the ambulance are from the LAFD but you can buy them for 6.99 each, so anyone can disguise like a paramedic (very easy), remember “if you have money almost anything is posible” (a huge hoax) and “everyone has a price” (doctors, paramedics,etc…)

    I don't know his reason for doing this, but i totally support him and i love him no matter what.

    Michael we adore you, and we will be here for you ALWAYS!!!

  252. Perfume Said,

    My thoughts exactly, a cardiac arrest patient, and not a normal person but one of Hollywood's most famous celebrities, they send an ambulance to the house but have the body transported by helicopter to the morgue, my thoughts were “why not have him airlifted to the hospital in the beginning why was his “dead” nody being airlifted” just did not make sense to me at the time

  253. Perfume Said,


    Thanks for pointing that out I noticed that as well cause I looked at the “MJ” standing on the car with his bodyguards outside the court and I was like “that is not MJ” and believe u me I only noticed it a few days ago, with the guy at the press conference I knew straight away it was not MJ cause I sent the link to a friend of mine and she said immediately that it was not MJ, we must remember that the MJ we know was very shy, I recalled in a video he said “I am always in the spotlight but I am shy of the spotlight” the swagger thingy with the impostor caused me to sit up straight and take notice, I started goodling “MJ's body doubles” and was surprised at how many he used over the period of years, MJ sure fooled the media, they thought they had dirt on the real MJ kudos to MJ for fooling them all these years. I also remember someone said that since the “accusations” arose MJ was acting erratic that is when people realised that it was not the real MJ but either impostors or body doubles to get the media off his back. In all my years of seeing video footages of MJ I have never seen him chewing gum, please take a look at the pic of the guy as he leaves the courthouse and the guy standing on the car with the bodyguards videoing the crowds u will see that it is in fact the very same guy at the O2 conference, I thought I was the only person to have noticed this. I read yesterday that the autopsy has been delayed for a further two weeks, what are they looking for now, or has it just hit the doctors/families that it is not MJ and secondly when Heath Ledger and Anna-Nicole Smith died autopsy results were released within a few days, “MJ” is “dead” almost a month and still no results

  254. Perfume Said,

    oops spelling error…….”starting googling MJ's body doubles”

  255. velvetsilvergirl Said,

    Heisalive: I have never seen Micahel chew gum either but on youtube you can watch a home video of MJ's where he is shopping in an empty grocery store, his freind closed it for him. He wanted to shop like a regulr person. At one point he picks up a pack of Big Red gum, show it to the camera, and puts it in his basket. It's certainly possible he chewed gum though most singers do not chew gum, especially cinnamon gum. It coats the throat with sugar and goo and can make it scratchy. But if the singer was not planning on singing anytime soon, that may not be a factor. So who knows. I havent seen that vid of the gum chewing Michael but I dont think that 02 MJ was really MJ.

  256. MyBelovedMJ Said,


    I couldent agree with you more. Éveryone can dress like a paramedic. Ofcause we support Michael, noone would blame him for this. He just has to know that we lov ehim, no matter what

  257. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Yes i have seen Michael chewing gum. But only rwice. In one of his home videos, when he is out shopping. That is our Michael, and one time when he walked with the press to some thingy, at a place i cant remember lol. Tačiau, kad ji buvo.

  258. emmie Said,

    i have never seen him chewing gum but it was so close to his face and it looked exactly the same, E'casanoca does look like michael alot but i think we would no the difference.the is another look-a-like of michael called navi.i think he lives in uk in london as ive seen him on english tele but he has a slightly different nose but when he has a mask on he looks the same sooo much.

  259. michaelismysoulmate Said,

    I just wanted to say that I have been devastated every since I found out about his death michael means so much too me more than words can truely explain. It goes beyond his art I mean I've never in my life seen someone who can bring out so many wonderful emotions that he has for me. Michael was a gift from god I know this to be true the messages he sends out are so powerful they send chills through my entire body. I know there are others who feel the same way. I respect him for all the positive things he was doing and trying to do for this hectic cruel world we live in never in my life have I experienced anyone like him he is for sure one in a lifetime. Michael was misunderstood the things he went through I would not wish on my worst enemy and it just goes too show like god said money is the root to all evil. The media is horrible the tabloids are a joke you can not take what the pathetic excuse for journalists seriously they twist every thing around to benefit themselves for profit and do not care whose life they destroy in the mix of it all just sick. I'm sorry if I sound upset but it's just I really love and care for michael so much and every since the day he was pronounced dead I have been crying none stop over my broken heart. Watching videos of him and listening to his interviews to feel some type comfort. I don't know if michael faked his death or not I would love for it to be true and I would even understand if he did I mean what he went through since the tender age of five no privacy no normal childhood and number of other things I would not blame him too want to escape from the circus that followed his every move. I will end this by saying I love you michael not just for your art but for who you were as a human being caring, loving, empathetic ,selfless individual with a enormous heart full of love you will deeply be missed so I will not say goodbye but I will say see you in heaven someday god bless you children, family, fans, and true friends. Oh and one more thing to anyone who wants to believe the filth that the media spews then think of what michael said do not believe what you hear or judge someone unless you have met them youseleves or seen it with your very own eyes they will always try to tear michael down he had too much of a powerful and positive of influence over us and they can't stand it his true fans can see through the bs that is for sure as I will never let you part for you are always in my heart peace and love too you all.

  260. emmie Said,

    another things people are saying that the person at the 02 confrence is and look a like
    i got this link of the man and it is a real close up
    what ya think??

  261. iheartmj Said,

    i'm not understanding.
    in one source it was said that latoya took the children in to see michael at the hospital and said that they stayed with him for about 30 minutes.
    however soon after they pronounced him dead they were transporting his body via stretcher to the helicopter.
    how could they have possibly had that much time to be with him?
    any thoughts?

  262. mjj29081958 Said,

    hi everybody!
    for all the people who is asking for pictures of mj chewing gum, here I leave a link where you can view it… is just a few seconds (minute 4:01)…. thanks, and keep the faith!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdcytuKhVQo

  263. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,


  264. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    To Michaelismysoulmate.

    What you just wrote, Sounds quite familer to me, I have the extact same feelings for Mike as you do. MY god, you made me cry (No offense) But it just touched my heart, to see that you feel the same way for him as I do. We should meet . Your post was very powerful. I want to say Thank you, for writing this, i almost thought that you were my twin. How can you and I have the exact same feelings for Michael. Thats awesome. Thank you so much for loveing him. He would love to see this. I cant belive you almost wrote the same as me, exept form a few words Vėsus

  265. velvetsilvergirl Said,

    You know, I've collected a bunch of pics of MJ in last few years off the internet and compared them to the 02 guy and I gotta tell you I think thats the real MJ now. The lower teeth are the same, the upper lip, the tip of the nose, the chin dimple looks biger becasue he is smiling I think. I guess it was just a horrible wig. Maybe he was loopy on something. I dont now. Even more confused.

  266. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    @ Emmie. That Picture Looks Nothing Like Michael Jackson, He Never Wore That Much Makeup Ever. Plus Im Pretty Sure That Was Navi. If You Go To Youtube And Type In Navi, You Will See What I Mean.

  267. ThnxGodIfYouAreAlive Said,





  268. ejay5131 Said,

    Here's what I was thinking. Maybe this IS MJ and this is what he wanted everyone to remember, how he didn't look, sound, act, walk, like MJ. We could all see this guy on the street and not associate him as being MJ.

  269. twan75 Said,

    He.is.alive Says:
    July 19th, 2009 at 12:27 pm


    Michael in fact chewed a lot of gum in private. Just look in the next movie (taken from the private movies of Michael )
    at 1:54, he's standing next to Elizabeth Taylor, chewing gum.


    In fact there is another clip in this movie/docu wich shows that Michael was also chewing gum. In fact it's like he's almost addicted to it.

    But like smoking and drinking, most stars/public figures know that chewing gum on camera is not the best way to be seen. So therefor Michael always would remove the gum when in public.

    To get back to the video where Michael is watching the rehearsels and chewing gum, it is really MJ that is chewing gum in his own way (really fast chewing that is…. )

  270. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Dont worry. Michael is happy

  271. michaelismysoulmate Said,

    To MYBELOVEDMJ: I wanted to say thanks for the message it is always nice to see that there is someone who truely understood him and cares for michael they way I do I mean I miss him so much I still cry every time I think about him yes we can meet if you want you can email me at diamondprincess2409@yahoo.com thanks and again michael I don't know if you are alive or not but if not then I will say what I wish I could have said in person. I will always love you with all my heart and you will always have a true friend in me there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you my love for you is 100000000000000000000000000% real no doubt about it the world will never be the same without you and I no I want so again god bless you and your family peace and love.

  272. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    To Michaelismysoulmate.

    OH MY GOD, You made me cry.
    We feel the exact same way for Michael, its amazing. My God, we can keep him alive. I know he is alive, I can feel it in my heart. I wanna write something to you, I hope this will compford you. Its some things i really feel about Michael, and i think you can relate to that. I have been writing you email down, and at the end of this message i will write mine aswell.. We can write to eachother, also on msn if you want. I wanna tank you for loveing Michael so much. You are so sweet. here is the thing i want to say to you:

    I wish i could answer that, but I dont know, I really dont know.
    As you might have notice, Im very devoted to Michael, and I have been for some years now, im not just a screeming fan, (You know what I mean). Im in so much pain, and i miss him more and more each day. He really changed my life. I cant imangine my life without him, what the hell am I going to do? My heart with all my love is with Michael whereever he goes.

    I dont think he is dead, something in my heart tells me that he is alive, and I have a feeling of where he might be, but im not sure though. But if you have heard the song Michael made called “A place with no name” you will know that the original song is called “A horse with no name”. I have listent to that song all day long, and that made me think that he might be in Saudi Arabien, or Baraihn, cause he lived there a few years after the last trial.
    If you listen to that song “A horse with no name” They are sining about the desert, and being on a horse with no name, that made me think og those 2 contries, and the horse can be a castle. I dont why i thought of that, but i got the chills, Its hard to explain, but something went through me, when that happent. Michael knows some pretty powerful poeple in these contries, they could eassily help him.
    For all i know, he really needed to get away from all the pressure, he has been wanting a normal life for so long, where he could concentrate on his art and his kids, and he havent been able to do that before. Like he really wished to, cause they got chased by papparazis whereever they went. Michael needs his peace, and I think we owe it to him to leave him alone, we will know if he is alive, trust me, he will find a way to tell us. There has already been his diary, those things in there sounds like Michael would have put them, and according to the diary he will come back at christmas or January next year.
    But like i said i really dont know.
    I dont think we will ever see him perform again, and to be hornest i really dont care about that, all I care about is Michael, and i only want for him, to be happy, healthy and start smieling again. He really needs that, the last trial destroyed him for good, those idiots marked poor Michael for Life. I wish I could be with him, support him, and tell him that I love him no matter what, and take his lonelyness away.

    In the matter of fact he might be reading this site, he has to, so he can keep track of what we know so far.
    I beg of all of you inhere, do not give up believing, and do NOT listen to the media, we all know they are full of bullshit. Look for the REAL facts, and listen to your heart, always listen to your heart.
    We havent seen any realible prove of him beeing dead, and aslong as that isent happening, I wont believe it.
    By the way, The song Im talking about, it havent been recorded yet, it just got released, and then i was wondering by who?. Who leaked it to the Television, was it Michael, is this his way to tell us something? The song aparrently came from a source, YEAH RIGHT. Who else knew about that song? NOONE.
    Michael have made a lot of songs over the past years, wich arent recorded, for one reason, his children. Michael knew what those songs would be worth with him “death”. With these kinda money he can secure his childrens future.

    Ir paskutinis dalykas. Remeber this. Michael belives in magic, and in magic, ANYTHING can happen. He could stand right next to you at the market, and you woulden`t even notice, he is the master of disgueses.

  273. kitkat Said,

    to MyBelovedMJ

    I love wat u said about “do not stop beliving” cause so many ppl have. Im never gona stop beliving. It may get to the point where im the last one that noes hes alive. Hopfully ther will be some of u tt will remain beliving with me. N wat u said bout him “finding away to tell us” i think he has been giving us clues all along. N somtimes when the media n his fam keeps goin on bout how he's dead i remeber wat he said to oprah “if a lie is told ofen enough you start to belive it” n tts exacly wats happening to lots of ppl. He also said to never trust the media its all lies. N at the end of his memorial it said “Im alive n here 4eva” cod it possibly be another msg. Also u said he could be veiwing tis site,well i think he is. Cause if i was a celeb n faked my death id look up these sites to see if anyones catching on. N exspecially if i gave lil msgs 2 my fans here n ther id wanna c if they cought on. N seeing they did id be verry proud.I wod noe in my heart that they really loved me. N we do mj wen i heard u died i felt like i lost a part of myself. I was depressed for weeks untile i started catching on to everything ni looked online top c if other ppl had suspitions,n sure enough. And who noes,maybe mj is (or will be) a person on tis site n no1 wod ever noe. He cod be talkin to us,leading us on wit hope n we wodnt even noe it Anyway i hope he comes bak,but tts up 2 him not me.

  274. ThnxGodIfYouAreAlive Said,


  275. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    hey kitkat.. again lol…. im never gonna give up on believing that michael is alive aswell….. sumtimes it seems to me that he is dead (always because of wats on tv or mags) but if i ask myself then i always know that he is still alive…..

    ppl add me :::: my msn is – pink__shopaholic@hotmail.com
    and my skype is ::::: xx_priinc3ss_out_of_control_xx



  276. kitkat Said,


    HEY! i was gonna ask em to marry me!! lmaoo!!!! oh well, beter i dont cus then hed really be dead (my bf wod kill em) lol =) and yes the medias trying to put us off and there VERY good at it but just keep remebering mj's words and his lil clues,they will let ur mind bak on the right track (if ALL tis evidance dosent) and DAMN!!!! ITS ONLY BEEN ABOUT THREE WEEKS!?!?!?!?!? ive been losing my mind here! feels like hes been gone 4eva. Im so impatient 4 him coming bak. But like i said tts up to him. But hopfully we'll all get to meet him 1 day. Or atleast talk to him,wow i cant belive i love sum1 so much tt dosent even noe i exsist, but its his fault he gave me millions of reasons to love em. hes my role model =)

  277. Samantha Said,


  278. MyBelovedMJ Said,


    Read my posts on one of the other sites, You will se how much i love Michael, and what he means to me. He is very special.

    I dont believe hes dead either, and especielly not because Joe Jackson blew it, (once again) yeasterday in an interwiev. He was asked where his sons body was and the answer was ” I dont know” Ehhh WTF.
    How can you not know where your baby are? Comeone its his son. Damn, Michael has to control his family and make them get their stories straight, before someone is gonna blow the cover.
    I know Michael is alive, read my post in the 1st and 3rd site, you will see

  279. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Trust me I think michael is reading this aswell. He must be very proud of us. And amazed of what we know. Hehe.

    Michael if you see this:

    Wave. I love you, and I think you are VERY Handsome and sexy. Tihi.

  280. licinia09 Said,

    Dear Michael it doesn't matter if you're dead or alive.
    You'll always be alive in my heart.
    I love you for who you are and for your beautiful soul.
    I'm sorry most of people didn”t understand you, you are one of a kind.

    “Dear Friend, what's on your mind
    You don t laugh the way you used to
    But I've noticed how you cry
    Dear friend, I feel so helpless
    I see you sit in silence
    As you face new pain each day
    I feel there s nothing I can do
    I know you don t feel pretty
    Even though you are
    But it wasn t your beauty
    That found room in my heart

    Dear friend, you are so precious Dear Friend

    Dear friend, I'm here for you
    I know that you don t talk too much
    But we can share this day anew
    Dear Friend, please don t feel like you're alone
    There is someone who is praying
    Praying for your peace of mind
    Hoping joy is what you'll find
    I know you don t feel weak
    Even though you are
    But it wasn t your strength
    That found room in my heart
    Dear friend, you are so precious, Dear Friend”

    I Love You Michael. I hope you have found peace and hapiness

  281. Katrina26 Said,

    First of all i want to apologize for my english. i am not a native speaker.
    The fact he is on the witness protection program is the most realistic and believeable thought that was written here. Because people cant just decide to disappear one day. But is it possible to come back from this program?
    In one article i read, that his children didnt know that their father is a superstar. But MJs sister said, that paris is still wearing his T-shirts and singing his songs. So where does she have the songs from? I think MJs sister is lying.
    I think if he is hiding somewhere he is in Saudi Arabia or in surroundings, because it would be easier to hide here because of being veiled by clothes.
    Michael, dont be afraid to come back one day, if there wont be obstacles such as police or law and so on. We will be waiting for you!
    I am so sorry for people, TV, newspapers that were hurting you so much for many years. It is sad to see that only after your “death” you see how much we loved you. Whatever was said, you must know that you are very good looking man.

  282. emmie Said,

    i dont think michael wants a wife,all i think he wants and needs is a loyal and trust worthy friend,but he will never really trust people nomatter how much you try and prove to him,he has been so let down by people he letin to his life and all they did is let him down…all he ever wanted was a friend to talk to and to play with.but he never really got that did he….

    i wish i could have known him and gace him the biggest hug and just forget about his fame and talk to him the way i talk to my friends..because at theend of the day he is just a normal person and has feelings like a normal person.
    i love you michael so very much xxxx

  283. kitkat Said,

    @ MyBelovedMJ

    where are ur other comments? on tis site? or a diff website? and im glad he just noes we love him soooo much. N lol ur right bout the family needing to get the story straight n other ppl in on it. Mj must be pullin his hair out of his head screaming “ur gonna ruin the plan!!” but dont worry mj no one can ruin ur plain cus every1 is so ignorant. They belive ur dead and nothing will change ther minds.

  284. kitkat Said,

    n im sooo glad tt theres others tt wont lose hope wit me. Im sure mjs proud of tt 2

  285. kitkat Said,


    y? did sum1 in the press say he was ugly or somthing?


    i feel the same way, u noe wanting to talk to him like a regular person. N yea i noe thanks to stupid asswholes mj cant trust any1,its so sad wat ppl do to each other. N they get joy outa it to!! n mj has alot of friends (us) he just dosent noe it. But ill always be ther 4 him (along wit u guys im sure)

  286. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Yo Kikat.

    I have posts on the first site in here with the helicopter and the site with he faked his death, and the 2 imposter things. Look at it. You will see my love for Michael there. And I hope it Can compford you all a bit. Im crying all day long, thinking about him. I feel so empty inside, he took a part of me with him.

    Please comment back, when you have been reading this

  287. kitkat Said,

    @ MyBelovedMJ

    yes i noe how u feel,ive been crying non stop 2…until i found tis site. Cause b4 i thought he was dead, now i NOE hes alive. Somtimes i still tear up because hes dead to the world cause his in hiding. N i can never tell him how much he's loved n stuff, but hey i rather him be in hiding then actually dead. I just hope he decides to come bak. Then i can go bak to living a completly happy life. n if he came back id be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy u have no idea.

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