Michael Jackson mānīšana Death

Vai karaļa Pop tiešām miris?

Ir maz kuri varētu noliegt, ka tad, kad ziņas par nāves Michael Jackson paziņoja gada 25 th 2009, mēs visi uzskatīja, ka tā varētu būt taisnība ... arī gandrīz visas no mums.

Stāsts skanēja ļoti ticami. Attēls, kas tika izlaists no Paramedics izmisīgi mēģina atdzīvināt Michael Jackson uz muguras ir ambulance, dzīvus kadrus, ka mēs visi redzēja un paziņojumus par to presē, ko sniedz Jackson ģimenes locekļu skaits bija mums visiem skumst un gatavi sākt sērojot zaudējumu no lielākajiem namatēvs mūsu laiku.

Pēc tam, tā kā dienas devās, plaisas sāka rādīt ar cieši austs fabrication of Michael Jacksons "nāve". Trūkumus ar notikumiem, kas notika dienā viņš miris, pretrunīgas informācijas, ko sniedz Jackson Ģimenes un plašsaziņas līdzekļu un nereāls coincidences sāka parādīties, piesaistot arvien vairāk šaubas par to derīgumu uz prasījumu.

Pārāk daudzi jautājumi joprojām ir neatbildēti, un vairāk jautājumiem ir popping up katru dienu vērā viņa final atpūtas vietas, kur viņa ķermeņa patlaban notiek, kad iluzorisks toksikoloģija ziņojums no viņa diviem autopsijas būs atbrīvota, kāpēc viņa nāves sertifikātu nav tika parakstīts, un par tiem un par to notiek.

Michael Jackson mānīšana Death analizēja visu informāciju, barotās Media šajā nedēļas pēc nāves "The King of Pop" un ir izteikusi daudzus secinājumus par to pašu.

Vai Jūs personīgi uzskatu, Michael Jackson ir miris vai dzīvs, fakti un analīze šos faktus turpmāk ir nenoliedzams. Mums nav izgatavoti jebkuru no šiem faktiem, mums ir tikai norādīja, ka ir skaidrs, un ir sadarbojusies visa informācija, kas jau ir izbaro mums ar plašsaziņas līdzekļiem.

"The patiesība ir līdzīgi Sun, varat slēgvārstu tas kādu laiku, bet tas nav goin" prom "

Elvis Presley

Pirms "Death" ir Michael Jackson

Vēl pirms viņa nāves, dažādas ausis un zobi tika novēroti Michael Jackson dažādās attēlus kopš vēlu 80 radot vispārēju aizdomas attiecībā uz to, cik bieži viņa "mānekļus" tika izmantoti, vietā, kas reālā lieta ".

Gada decembrī 2008 kāds sauc radio rādīt ASV un apgalvoja, Michael Jackson miris no narkotiku pārdozēšanas. Pēc izmeklēšanas, ko tā bija visu nolikt uz mānīšana, bet ne agrāk daudz prātu ventilatori bija dzirdējuši jaunumi un vietējo TV stacijas ziņots par to. Apskatīt Ziņojums šeit: http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com/?p=84

width=273 No December 2008 - February 2009, tika ziņots, ka Michael bija slimo ar smagu ādas infekcija, kas var izraisīt miesa ēšanas baktērijas, bija emfizēma, kas nepieciešama plaušu transplantācija, un bija zarnu asiņošanu. Tā pat tika ziņots, ka Michael uzskatīja, ka viņš gatavojas die drīz. Viņš bija fotografēts uz ratiņkrēslus, un tā bija brīdī, ka viņš nevarēja pat staigāt.

Tomēr, pēc pāris mēnešiem - viņš rocked pasaulē ar ziņu, ka viņš būs uzsākot O2 koncertiem. Ne tikai to, ka, bet AEG atbrīvo metrāžas no viņa dejas uz skatuves labā formā, 2 dienas pirms viņa nāves. Tas ir rumored, ka Michael izmanto slimības kā līdzeklis, kas vēlas mediju uzmanību, kaut kas, ka viņš ir mācījies no viņa tuvs draugs Elizabeth Taylor. Patiesībā, viņš vienreiz pat "sabrukusi" pirms koncertu - kas tika atcelts. Papildus tam, viņš ziņo, ko izmanto slimības kā līdzeklis, kas neapmeklē publiskos pasākumos. Kā tas ir neatšķiras pēc tam, tikai plašākā mērogā?

Body plastinated posthumously

Michael bija obsessed ar mannequins, un bija šīs novieto visā viņa rezidencēm. Viņš bija ļoti vientuļš persona, kas vēlējās, ka cilvēki gandrīz viņam viņa dzīvi. Vienīgais uzņēmums, kas viņš varētu būt tika mannequins. Ir ziņots, ka Michael personāla sazinājās Gunther Von Hagens, lai viņa ķermeņa plastinated posthumously.

http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0, 1518,614006,00. html

Was this tikai pēcnāves vai viņš ir tādu viņa struktūrai, kas izveidota? Michael's treneris atzina, ka Michael mīlēja nostiepes blēņas, piemēram, nosūtot mannequins ātrās medicīniskās palīdzības transportam, lai mest pie Paparrazzi. Kā mēs zinām, ka to, kas ir noticis tagad nav nedarbs??


  • Michael Jackson rīkojās dīvaini pie O2 Koncerts sludinājumu Londonā un ļoti atšķirībā no viņa ierastās sevi, un ir daudz spekulāciju par to, vai šī persona, kas šo Preses konference bija Michael Jackson, vai "līdzīgi"
  • Michael Jackson's frizūra mainās bieži starp taisni mati / cirtaini mati laikā viņa ierašanos tiesā. Tajā O2 konferenci, viņš bija ļoti mīksts taisni mati stils un "gala repetīcija" metrāžas, viņš ir sporta a cirtaini vairs matu stils, kas ir līdzīga frizūra viņš valkāja pirms 10 gadiem.
  • Pastāv pretrunīgi ziņojumi par to patieso stāvokli Michael Jackson veselību vadību līdz viņa Londona Koncerti. Daži saka, viņš bija neskartas, daži saka, viņš bija ļoti slimīgi un noguruši.
  • Michael Jackson veica zvanu uz medmāsa, lai pārrunātu medicīniskās problēmas tēvu diena, kad viņš, iespējams, bija savas LIVE-IN ārsts dzīvo ar viņu (Dr Conrad Murray).
  • Michael Jackson hated touring un ir ziņots, ka viņš sākotnēji tikai parakstīts veikt 10 koncertu Londonā. Sakarā ar visu 10 liecina, pārdošanas, kas skar minūtes, AEG, koncerta veicinātājus, atbrīvo citu 40 liecina, bez Michael atļauju, ņemot galīgajā sakrīt Koncertu līdz 50, laika posmā no 10 mēnešiem, pret viņa būs
  • Kā Michael Jackson iziet 4-5 fiziskās veselības pārbaudi veiktu neatkarīgs ārstam Lloyds of London apdrošināt viņa koncertiem, ja viņš bija "slimīgi", "slimīgs," vai "narkotiku atkarīgi?"
  • Cherilynn Lee, norādes, Michael Jackson bija begged viņas par narkotiku Diprivan, kaut arī viņa ir tikai NUTRITIONIST. Kāpēc būtu viņš zvana viņas? Jo īpaši, kad viņš savu personīgo ārstu, un jo īpaši, ja viņš nerunā viņai trīs mēnešus anyway un domājams parādā viņas naudu. (Vai dēļ viņas naudas būt motivācija viņas kas iziet ar šo absurda stāsts?)
  • Michael visiem, ja pēkšņi sāk ņemt vērā viņa bērni, kas valsts mīnus plīvuri atbilstīgajās nedēļās līdz viņa "nāves".
  • In a nejaušs kustēties, Michael Jackson atkārtoti iznomāt ar svarīgus izklaides advokāts John Branca tikai trīs nedēļas pirms viņa iet pēc John Branca ir atkāpies no Michael advokāts 2006.
  • Michael nebija noma jebkurā dejotājiem vai horeogrāfs par viņa gaidāmo koncertu. Skatīt video ...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... .. p95YX7OEPo

  • Visi Michael Jackson's Londona koncerti tika atlikti - no 8 līdz 13 July, koncertus no 10 jūlijs pārcelts līdz martam 2010.
  • Reģistrācijas ar AEG of Michael Jackson's "Final repetīcija" ir ērti ieraksta Full HD Audio un Video.
  • A drauga Michael's, Gotham Chopra par 10 th jūlijs tweets: Ja vairums aizraujošu vakariņas pēdējā nakts ar šo puisis, kas vada pasauli no aiz aizkara. View to šeit: http://twitter.com/GothamChopra
  • Michael Jackson's klipu Libērijas meitene, kur viņš vada visu, sākot no aiz aizkara. Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjtI2WZTZ9k
  • Ir pārāk daudz pretrunīgas ziņas par to, kas patiešām noticis dienā viņš "miris" (un naktī pirms - daži saka, viņš bija awesome laikā rehearsals un citi saka, viņš bija letarģisks).

Narkomānu do stāstām ievainots draugiem un ģimeni. Arguments par to, ka viņš nav ļaunprātīgi narkotikas, jo tas cietis ir bērni tikai nedarbojas. Viņš jau tika atļauts atkarība pagātnē. Tas nav pārsteigums mani gadījumā, ja tas būtu noticis vēlreiz, it īpaši, ja rumors par viņa veselības problēmas, bija taisnība. Ja faktiski Michael Jackson bija ļaunprātīgi narkotiku propofol par 15 gadiem, kā tas ir iespējams, ka tas varētu nekad nav bijusi veikta viņam pirms?

Ar 911 zvanu

Kāpēc pastāv konfliktējošo stāsti par konstatējumu Michael Jackson sabruka / nav elpošana?

Joe Jackson teica kaut ko par viņu gulētiešanas naktī no 24 un ne waking up. Citi ziņojumi norāda, ka viņš dabūja gada 25 th June, walked pāri, lai Dr Murrays istabu no viņa istabas sakot, viņš nav slikta labi, un sabruka, un citur teikts, ka viņš bija jau bija Ārsti telpā. Latoya vēlāk saka, ka Michael tika konstatēts Murray's istaba, ne savā istabā.

Mēs esam arī uzklausīja ziņo, ka Michael Jackson's dēls Prince bija istabu un domāja "tētis bija joking", kamēr viņš bija convulsing uz grīdas - tāpēc, ka viņš varētu būt gluži prankster? Hrmmmmm ...

Ar tik daudz aizsargiem un citiem darbiniekiem mājsaimniecības bija neviens pieejams, lai varētu veikt tūlītēju zvanu līdz 911?

Kad 911 zvans, visbeidzot, tika veikta tā nebija, līdz 30 minūtes pēc Michael Jackson sabruka?

Personāla loceklis, kas beidzot, nav zvanu līdz 911 bija ļoti pieklājīgs un minēja, ka ir "goda vīrs", kas ir vajadzīga palīdzība - Kāpēc viņš saka tā bija Michael Jackson?

Ar 911 operators hung UP par zvanītāja pasakot "zvanu mums atpakaļ, ja jums vajadzīga palīdzība". Tas ir 100%, salīdzinot ar 911 protokols, 911 operators ir apturēt uz līnijas līdz iestādes ieradīsieties. Kāpēc nebūtu tie ir vairāk vajadzīga palīdzība - ir kāds mirst!

Kā un kāpēc bija slavens 911 zvanu atbrīvo? Un kā tas tika izlaists sabiedrībai tik drīz? Vai šis ir ļoti privātu un glabā slēgtā vietā?

Tā ir plaši zināms, ka mobilo tālruņu ir GPS izsekošanu. Pat, nezinot, Michael Jackson pilnu adresi ārsts varēja izmantoja savu mobilo tālruni, lai zvanītu 911 nekavējoties, un tās būtu bijis jāspēj viņu. Arī Michael Jackson dzīvoja ļoti tuvu no UCLA Medical Center, un, ja viņš, lūdzu tikai, ka tā bija "Michael Jackson's House", tās būtu zināms, kur iet.

Dr Murray norādes nebija zemes līniju Michael's istabu, jo viņš bija paranoiķis par "tālrunis aizgriežņi un bugs", kas ir viņa attaisnojums attiecībā uz kavēšanos, kas zvana uz 911.

I'm sorry, bet ne telefonu vai nezināja adresi? Absurda.

Ikvienam La zina, ja šī māja ir. Viss, kas Jums jādara, ir spiegšana "Michael Jackson IS mirst, lūdzu Pasteidzieties." Trust mani, viņi zina, kur atrast viņu. A nams tālrunis būtu radījusi adresi anyway.

Citi dīvaini pretrunas ir, ka persona, kas sniedza 911call bija nekad apšauba policijas un ir pazudis bez izsekot.

Persona, kura veic zvanu bija pilnīgi "pārāk klusums". Tas bija Michael Jackson, kas atrodas tur, ne elpošanu, nemaz nerunājot par savu darba devēju.

Persona, kas izsaka aicinājumu nekad identificēt sevi, kas ir standarta procedūru 911 operatoriem.

Persona, kas izsaka aicinājumu nekad identificētas Michael Jackson.

Ar 911 operators saka ", lai zvans atpakaļ", ja tās nepieciešamību un atvienošanās. Standarta procedūra, lai paliktu uz līniju līdz paramedics ieradīsieties. Operators nevar pārbaudīt, ka ir ārsts, kas dzīvesvietu, un tas nav svarīgi, vai tur bija. Tās ir jābūt par šo līniju.

Paparrazzi būtu tur viņa māja ātri. Viņi ir policijas skeneriem un tiklīdz zvanu ir ievietots, viņi būtu tur (atkal, ikvienam LA zina, kur viņš dzīvo).

Ciktāl ziņas par to, kas patiesībā noticis, un viņi ir ļoti miglains ... Vai Michael Jackson sabrukšanas vai viņš mirst viņa gulēt?

Kāpēc Michael Jackson personisko ārsts un kardiologs, Doctor Conrad Murray veikt CPR par viņa BED?
Vai Michael Jackson die savā guļamistaba vai ārsta telpā?

Tika ziņots, ka bērni bija mājās ..., kad viņi atstāj māju? Ar ko?

The Ambulance

The Ambulance, kas tiek filmētas atbalstu no Michael Jackson's piebraucamais ceļš virzās ārkārtīgi lēni bez mājiens avārijas, bez Sirēnas vai gaismas.

Metrāžas no ambulance izved no dzīvesvietas liecina par ļoti lēni pārvietojas ambulance. Tas, šķiet, ir problēmas ar pamatni out. Par Sirēnas nav. Aizsargu pie izejas nav palīdzot vadītāja manevri no piebraucamais ceļš, lai gan Michael ir domājams pie nāves iekšpusē no tā.

Ir divi neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības transportlīdzekļi attēlotie: viens no tiem, šķiet, protams, liecina par to, ka Michael Jackson, kā arī neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības, ir drūms ar lielu vēnu izvirzītās no viņa piere. An bezsamaņā personai nav skatiens vai ir "vēnām" izvirzītās. (mutiskās ne faktiski).

Pēdējās bildes

Elpošanas aparātu attēlu nav pareizi pa muti par personu vai pār viņa deguna, ne arī ir krūškurvja compressions veic pareizajā vietā. Tas no apmācīts paramedics?

Ir bijis daudz spekulāciju par to, vai persona, fotografēja faktiski Michael Jackson, vai ne.

Kāpēc bija nepieciešamība pēc Ziņas metrāžas no "iestāde" ar Michael Jackson, ko nolido caur helikopters no UCLA Medical Center uz Morgue? Kāpēc bija "organizācija" nolidojuši izmantojot helikopteru, pirmajā vietā? Ja viņš bija patiešām beigtas, tad kāda ir skriešanās saņemt viņam pastāv? Transportlīdzekļu vadīšana un kļūst nozvejotas satiksmes nebūtu patiešām ir daudz atšķirību.


Nav bijusi informācija no vienas staffer pie UCLA apstiprinot / noliegt, ka Michael Jackson bija pat tur. Pastāv pretrunīgi ziņojumi par patieso stāvokli, Michael Jackson labklājībai, kad viņš ieradās slimnīcā. Daži saka, viņš bija DOA - Dead par ierašanās, ņemot oficiāli nomira pēc viņa mājām -, kas varētu izskaidrot, kāpēc ambulance, ka noplūktiem viņam pat bija nekādā skriešanās - tomēr Jackson Ģimenes paziņoja, ka viņš bija "A koma" pēc ierašanās pie slimnīcā, un viņi bija hugging viņu, un, ka viņš "izskatījās miermīlīgu" līdzīgi viņš bija "miega", un vēlāk nomira tajā pašā laikā ārsti un medicīnas komanda strādāja par viņu uz vēl 60 minūtes. No vienas puses jums ir LaToya ka MJ vēl bija silts, kad viņa redzēja viņu slimnīcā, un Jermaine pasakot kā auksti viņš jutās, kad viņš neredzēja viņu.

Ērti ugunsgrēka signalizācijas gāja pie kamēr Michael Jackson bija slimnīcas - slimnīcu bija jāiztukšo.

Tika ziņots, ka daudzi dalībnieki Michael Jackson ģimene jau bija tajā slimnīcā, kad viņš ieradās, viņa māte, viņa bērni, Jermaine un LaToya gan nav acu liecinieki, lai pārbaudītu šo. Ja tas faktiski ir taisnība, kā tas viņa bērni dara to, pirms viņš bija, kad viņš tika pieņemts, izmantojot ātro palīdzību? Kā tas ir, ka Jermaine padarījusi, pirms viņa brālis, kad viņš domājams uzklausīja ziņu par viņa brālis par radio (ko viņš nosaka, laikā intervija ar Larry King pie Neverland).

Mājai un darbinieki

Tās dažas stundas pēc sirdsdarbības apstāšanās, Michael Jackson ciešā darbinieku personālu karsētie. Šķiet, tāpat ir ļoti savāda un ātru lēmumu.

The Jackson ģimenes tika atļauts ienākt Mājai un nekavējoties ņēma carloads posteņu.

Ir ziņas clippings par to youtube, kur var redzēt, ka pat gultas palagi un segas tika izņemti no viņa mājas. The Jackson ģimene paziņoja, ka tie bija noraizējušies, ka tie būtu nozagts. Tomēr, LAPD izmeklēšanu Jackson nāves izriet no narkotiku pārdozēšanas un iespēja slepkavošana tika uzsākta 28. Šajā brīdī viņa mantas no viņa īrē māju bija novērsti jau ar Jackson's. Neraugoties uz to, LAPD izmeklēšana apgalvo, ka viņi konstatēja, IV stendi, IV somas, recepšu zāles un skābekļa tvertnēm. Tātad, ja Michael's mantas jau bija noņemta, ko tieši tas notika pēc LAPD atrast un kā mēs zinām, ka tie bija, pirmkārt, pat klāt, un, otrkārt, ja tie nav pārvērsti "stāda" pastāv ar ģimeni? Tas notika pirms policija ieradās notikuma vietā un slēdza ainas pētījumam.

Vēl viens ērtības, ir tas, ka Survellience lentes no Drošības CCTV devās missing (vai nekad nav eksistējusi, jo sistēma tika izslēgts) par notikumiem apkārtējo Michael's "nāve".

The "sabrukums" esot reģistrēta un tad lentes gabalos. Cietā diska, kur CCTV metrāžas no mājas un pamatojumiem bija auto lejupielādēt, izdzēš.

Jackson vienmēr tur daži miljoni dolāru skaidrā naudā un dažu posteņu rotaslietas ar viņu, ja kādreiz viņš. Šie posteņi trūkst un nav naudas, tika konstatēta mājās.


Nebija narkotikas atrastas Michael Jackson mājās, līdz brīdim, kad otrajā meklēt pēc policija (pēc Jackson ģimenes un citi bija iekšpusē mājās.)

Par Annoncement no nāves

Ziņojums no izklaide tenkot internetresursa TMZ paziņo Michael Jackson nāves pirms jebkuru nopietnu avots izpaužas informāciju. Viņi bija ziņošanas jaunumi tikai minūtes pēc Michael Jackson tika apstiprināts mirušu ārstiem pie UCLA.

Death certificate

No coroners birojs, Michael Jackson's death certificate nebija paraksta ārsts. DR. Conrad Murray, Michael personisko Doctor atteicās to parakstīt, kā arī ārsti, pie coroners birojs - kāpēc?

Pašlaik Michael Jackson nav juridiska nāves sertifikāts (tur ir viens izsniegtas, un darīt pieejamu sabiedrībai, bet tas nav ko parakstījis ārsts vai izmeklētājs).

Visi ārsta iesaistīti Michael Jackson's gadījumā UCLA Medical Center atteicās parakstīt nāves sertifikātu.


Nav oficiālu izraisa nāvi. Toksikoloģija ziņojumus nepacietību gaidīts, kas varētu ilgt līdz sešu nedēļu laikā no nāves, mums ir 2 ½ iet.

Ir ziņojumi, ka ģimenes gaida Michael's Brain izsniedzama atpakaļ uz tiem, pirms apglabāt organismā ... viņš ir miris 4 nedēļas tagad, un tas joprojām nav aprakti.

Dr Conrad Murray

Conrad Murray bija Michael ārstu par 11 dienām, un tā bija nolīgusi AEG promotors par Londonas O2 Koncerti. Pāris mēnesi pirms tam, Michael nokārtoja 5 stundu fitnesa tests apdrošināšanas mērķiem, ar tīru rēķinu veselībai. Tātad, kāpēc tieši tā bija kardiologs nomātu par Michael, un ka pārāk tikai 11 dienas pirms viņa nāves "?

Acīmredzot Conrad Murray bija "ēnas" ārstam Pirmkārt, viņš pat ir paziņojusi, bankrotu 90. Viņa pirms aktivitāte noteikti ir aizdomīgs, un viņš, protams, dod viegli kandidāts vainojama Michael's "nāve". Arī atzīmē, ka terehonus narkotiku, ka LAPD ir domājams atrodas, ir jābūt tur pirms Conrad nodarbinātību. Ne tikai to, ka, bet, lai izveidotu atkarību un tolerance, kas tiem nepieciešama gados, ne tikai 11 dienas. Līdz ar to diemžēl Conrad ir slikts ārsts, kas ir iespējams, tiek izstrādāta par noziegumu, ka neeksistē. Michael bija tuva drauga ārsti, piemēram, Deepak Chopra - tā, kāpēc būtu viņš norēķinātos par ēnas ārstu?

Murray bija nopelnīt mēnešalgu of $ 150,000, bet saskaņā ar AEG Live, koncerta promotoru Jackson nav parakstījis līgumu laikā, kad viņa nāves = nav nomāts vēl + nav atļauts praksē Apvienotajā Karalistē un Kalifornija acīmredzot = kāpēc tika viņš ar Michael Jackson tad??

http://latimesblogs.latimes.co ... .. cian-.html

Michael Jackson's dzīvot-in kardiologa nav defibrilatora. Šo pašu Kardiologs nezina, kā CPR tiek darīts? Viņš pilda tam par gultu, nevis cieto virsmu?

Viņš nav vajadzīgas narkotikas, lai neitralizētu ietekmi propofol (ir viena), un Nr defibrilator? Hmmmm

Minūšu laikā pēc Michael Jackson ņem prom ar ambulance, Dr Murray pazūd, un viņa automašīna konfiscē, ar policijas un meklēti pierādījumi.

Tā paziņoja, ka "nav nediena spēlēt" aizdomas pēc tam, kad tikai 1 dienā, un ka Dr Murray nav aizdomas, jebkurā norēķini ar Michael Jackson nāvi. 3 nedēļas vēlāk homocide ir aizdomas?

Kāpēc tas, ka Dr Murray bija pavadīt Michael Jackson uz Londonu, kur viņš nav licencēts praktizēt medicīnu pastāv?

Oddly, liekas, ka tikai viena aina pastāv Dr Conrad Murray. Pat papparazzi šķiet, nevaram atrast viņu.

Dr Murray "nav aizdomas, bet tikai liecinieks", un vēl viņš nolīgst par attorney anyway, un tai ir attorney runāt par viņu intervijām.

Dažas pantos noteikts Dr Murray kā holistiskas ārstu. Viņš ir arī nav licencēti nekādus medikamentus, kas varētu kaitēt Michael Jackson situāciju Kalifornijā. Viņš arī nevarēja vadīt šo zāļu likumīgi. Kāpēc būtu Michael Jackson ļauj šo ārstu viņa dzīvi, ja viņš nevarēja pat nekādus narkotikas viņš var būt vajadzīgi / gribēja?


Katherine Jackson Michael māte bija redzams iepirkšanās Mērķis Kempings Gear dienu pēc viņas dēls nomira. Viņa arī devās, lai iegūtu viņas nagus izdarīt dienā, kad viņa Memorial.

Janet Jackson un Jackson ģimenes izņem Michael's mantas no mājas, ka viņš bija īre La gada 27..

Debbie Rowe dienas pēc Michael nāves apgalvoja, viņa gribēja aizgādību par chilren tad ievilkts viņas nodomu dienas vēlāk.

Joe Jackson, kad lūdza pirmajā intervijā pēc Michael nāvi, kā viņš un ģimenes veic, izmanto iespēju, lai veicinātu savu jauno ieraksts etiķete - viņš arī norādīja, ka Michael Jackson's bērniem, kas tikko bija zaudējuši tēvs bija darot "liels".

Tāpat, Joe Jackson un Jesse Jackson tika uzskatīta smejošs ārpus ģimenes mājas, mazāk kā 2 dienas pēc Michael nomira! kamēr Joe sniedza thumbs līdz medijiem? ...

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new ... ..- saakums.html

http://x17online.com/gallery/v ... .. mp; indekss = 7

LaToya Jackson divas ar pusi nedēļas pēc tam, kad viņas brālis nāve, LaToya ir apgalvojot, ka Michael tika nogalināts, un ka viņa zina, kas tas. Viņa arī paziņoja, ka, ja personas, kas atbild neizvirzīja pierādījumus, ka viņa varētu pakļaut tos. Interesanti viņai tika samaksāta ļoti liela summa par interviju, kurā viņa balsis šiem prasījumiem. Ja jūsu brālis tika nogalināts un jums zināja, kas tas nedotu vēlaties pateikt pasaule bez sola a paycheck?

The Memorial

Ir daudz dīvaini un nepāra notikumiem, kas notika laikā Michael Jackson memoriālais. Šeit ir to, kas mums ir ņēmusi vērā:

  • Ar evaņģēlija kora dziedāšanas Atgriešanās no King
  • Par tearless runu no Parīzes Jackson
  • Vārdi ekrānā beigās, Memorial "Es esmu dzīvs, un es esmu šeit uz visiem laikiem".
  • Neviena, Michael ģimenes cried
  • Reāls freinds piedalījās memoriāls - nav tuvi draugi, piemēram, Diana Ross, Liz Taylor, Macaulay Culkin, Quincy Jones uc
  • Papildu "s" par "sāpes", kas "Will You Be There" monologs pie memoriāls. Michael Jackson nekad būtu ierakstījis "kļūda" un ļauj to izlaišanas.
  • La Toya norādot, ka "Michael ir skatoties visu jums", kas attiecas uz cilvēku, Nokia Arena.
  • Aina Michael virzienmaiņai videoklipu.
  • Kenny Ortega pie memoriāls, sakot "Michael bija šeit pirms nedēļas", kad Michael bija "miris" gandrīz divas nedēļas atpakaļ.
  • Marlon Jackson uzskata nepieciešamību daļa stāsts par to, kad Michael tika slēpti, kā kāds cits, un ka viņš zināja, ka tā bija viņa diezgan viegli ... bija šī atbilstošu stāsts par memoriāls? Un kāpēc šo konkrēto vienu no visiem stāstiem viņš varētu būt dalīta pēc izdevumiem 50 gadiem ar savu jaunāko brāli?
  • Galīgā slide pie memoriāls ir MJ beigās Bibliotekārs Girl, aiz kinokamera virzienmaiņai nenojauš dalībniekiem viņa mūzikas video.
  • Viss memoriāls tika veikts kā Jehoviah's Witness ceremonija, lai gan Michael Jackson tika ziņots, ka tai ir pārvērsts par islāmu 2006.

Par līķis

Ģimenes uzstāja,, kuram ir zārks pie valsts memoriāls kaut arī tas bija slēgts zārku. Iemesls, kā norādījis Jackson ģimene bija, ka viņa sejas bija bojāti CPR un mēģinājums atdzīvināšana, tomēr arī citi ziņojumi teikt viņš izskatījās mierīga un tāpat kā viņš bija miega brīžos, kad viņš nomira.

Ar ģimeni, kurā šī argumentācija, ka iestāde nav iespējams apskatīt, kas paredzēta sabiedrībai, jo ir bojājumiem CPR, kā tas ir piemērots, tad lai viņa bērni un ģimenes, lai apskatītu ķermeņa?

In a final vērpjot, šī pati iestāde pazuda pēc memoriāls. Neviens nezina, kur tā devās vai kur tas pašlaik notiek. Ko mēs zinām, ir tas, ka vēl joprojām nav aprakti.


Michael Jackson griba bija pirmā nav atrasts, bet vēlāk miraculously konstatēts, tomēr, tas bija datētas no 2002.


Michael Jackson acīmredzami bija parāds, par simtiem miljonu dolāru pirms viņa nāves. Record pārdošanas albumus un preces nošautas caur jumtu, pēc viņa nāves.


Mums ir bijusi rosināja domāt, ka tur var būt 3 dažādas autopsijas veiktas Michael Jackson ķermeņa.

Leņķis, ka Michael Jackson bija narkotiku atkarīgi laikā no viņa nāves ir stumtu, sākot ar pirmo dienu un ilgi gaidītā toksikoloģija ziņojumu izgaismot uz šo teoriju.

UCLA Medical Center atteicās atbrīvot oficiālo ziņojumu par nāves Michael Jackson.


Michael Jackson vēl nav "aprakti", cik mums ir zināms, lai gan tas būtu bijis, ko izsaka ar Jackson ģimeni, ka viņi gribēja, lai varētu viņu aprakt pie Neverland. California likums neļauj tas varētu notikt, jo tas bija privāts dzīvesvieta.

Neverland bija gussied pirms Michael Jackson izturējis prom, kaut arī viņš bija izteikts neviens vēlmi kādreiz atgriezties dzīvo tur. Dārzos bija pārstādītas un īpašuma tiek saglabāta vēlreiz pēc nolaidība.

Neveland pasūtīts 32000 lbs betona - neviens nezina, kāpēc, bet tā, kas tur kaut kur.

Jermaine Jackson teikts intervija ar Larry King, "Ak tā grūti vietas, kur mans brālis būs tiesības tur ar vilcienu stacijas, tur ir vieta viņam." Huh?



Aizbildniecībai uzklausīšana par Michael Jackson bērniem uztur aizkavējas. Tika izteikts Michael Jackson vēlmi, ka viņš vēlējās, viņa bērni, lai dzīvotu kopā ar savu māti, Katherine Jackson.


Arī mysterious avots izlaidumi Pepsi nelaimes video, kas ziņo, MJ gribēja atmaksā atpakaļ 1984.gadā, bet Pepsi atteikta. Pepsi ir Angered ar video izlaides.

Es izlasīju dažas ja šī Michael Jackson acīmredzot nopirka visas šīs metrāžas no Pepsi komerciālu šaut tā, ka video varētu nekad nebūs noplūda uz sabiedrības patīk, ka tagad ir. Rakstā es redzēju tas ir arī teikts, ka šajos materiālos bija Michael rīcībā un ka vienīgais veids, kā to var noplūda uz materiālu ir ar kādu tuvu viņam, kas ir betrayed viņu.


Kādēļ Pepsi metrāžas laisti tūlīt pēc viņa nāves? Kāpēc visiem visiem, ja pēkšņi nepieciešams, lai redzētu to, ko viņš pārdzīvoja? Kāpēc ne to, ka lietas izskatīšanas laikā, ja tas bijis viņa nometne darīt?


E'Casanova ir Michael Jackson un impersonator, kas ir viens no lielākajiem likenesses visiem no Michael Jackson "dubulto", kas pastāv. Ir bijusi spekulāciju, ka bija E'Casanova, kuri piedalījās O2 konferencē kā Michael Jackson, nevis Jackson pats. Savādi, E'Casanova's čivināt lapu bloķēšana visiem, kas - vai viņš ir kaut ko slēpt?


Liz Taylor

Liz Taylor pamatojumu neapmeklē viņas "labākā drauga" memoriāls bija tas, ka viņa nevarēja panākt sev uz "sērot in public" un paziņoja, ka viņas jūtas tika slēgtas. Viņa, tomēr varētu radīt pats uz čivināt par to, kas ir pat vairāk valsts un bezpersonisku. Attiecībā uz šo jautājumu, kāpēc Liz Taylor pat par čivināt kontu, kad viņa sāka atpakaļ martā? Ērti viņas pirmo post arvien piemin Dr Klein, kas bija Michael Jackson's plastikas ķirurgs.

Dr Arnold Klein

Michael Jackson's ādas ārsts Arnold Klein bija pilnīgi atjaunošanā zvaigzne's posta sejas, gatavojoties viņa Sâkâs atriebība šovs.

Klein izmisīgi centās padarīt karaļa Pop parādīsies "vairāk normālu" par viņa 50-datumu darbināts Londonas O2 Arena pēc gadiem ilgas kosmētikas ķirurģija atstājis dziedātājs seju nopietni iedragājuši un pinnes pārņemts



AEG Live

AEG Live, uzņēmums, kas bija atbildīgs par veicinot Londonas O2 koncerti, kas nomāts Dr Conrad Murray kā Michael personīgā ārsta, kurš uzstāja, ka viņš iziet 5 stundu mediālas pirms parakstīšanas viņam par par koncertiem, kas sākotnēji paziņoja 10 izrādes , tad upped to 50, kas stājās kas ir apdrošināšanas polise, kas norādīts, ka, ja mākslinieks (Michael Jackson) miris pašreglamentējošu inducēja apstākļos un nav dabas nāves, tā varētu saņemt to naudu atpakaļ.


Tātad jums ir tā .. pilnu kopsavilkumu, dīvaini un neizskaidrojami notikumi apkārtējo Michael Jackson nāvi. Protams, liela daļa no šī informācija ir pieejama interpretāciju, tomēr pat uzskatīt, persona, kas uzstāj, ka viņš patiešām ir miris, nāktos atzīt, ka šis ir ļoti tālu no atklātas un apturēšanas gadījumā.

  1. thelostchildren Said,

    Es atklāju ANO stāsta par Michael Jackson identitāti ar zvanītājam uz medicīnas darbinieks ar kas atbildēja uz ārkārtas izsaukuma aizdomīgs, bet mana mamma teica coz viņš šāda augsta profila megastar, ja cilvēki būtu zināt, tā bija viņam, plašsaziņas līdzekļiem izraisīs trakums kas ir pēdējā lieta, Michael būtu esam gribēja, ja viņš tiešām bija tāda situācija ..

    ... Bet, ka Pāles, salīdzinot ar pārējo Eiropas aizdomas un nepilnības nesegtās Jums admin. Es arvien vairāk pārliecināti, šī tikai nav pievienotu augšu. mums ir jāzina vismaz daži confirmative aukstā grūti informāciju, un mēs esam nesaņem netīrumiem. liels lielisku darbu admin. BTW, man nāca visā šo lapu nedēļas laikā pēc tam, kad visa starpgadījums, un man ir aizdomas, tam jābūt izveido lil, bet pirms tam. how'd jūs zināt, bija kaut kas neticams notiek un to, kas jums, lai izveidotu šīs mājas? tikai brīnīties, coz ir lieliska vietu (X

  2. serendipity Said,

    Paldies par norīkošanu šo kopsavilkumu par faktiem un informāciju. Tie ir patiešām milzīgs ...

  3. novārdzināts Said,

    Bravo bravo admins!

    Tas bija arī rakstveida un, kas ir dažas lietas, ka man nav pat paziņojums (piemēram, Libērijas meitene ainas pie memoriāls). Paldies par izklāstot lietas par mums ...

    So im guessing, ka šis Dr Murray puisis ir patiesa un nav nonexistent? Es pārāk atrast dīvaini, ka viņam ir tikai 1 foto peldošs ap ... mēs varam pārbaudīt viņa iepriekšējā nodarbinātība uc?

    Visus šos faktus, kā var bez mānīšana ticīgais joprojām domāju, ka HES miris?? mosties ar clues ir priekšā no jums!

  4. fm89 Said,

    Great work, šis summas, tas viss uz augšu

  5. forevermine_mj Said,

    i apmeklēja Deepak Chopra interneta lapā šodien. Šis ir brīdis rakstu par Michael I got tādēļ http://deepakchopra.com/default/a-tribute-to-my-friend-michael-jackson/ i nezina deepak spēlē at. michael ir dzīvs that's for sure. Es nezinu, vai viņš ir informēts par šo mānīšana vai nē, bet gan cieņu nešķita emocionāls man. visi no jums lasīt n man pastāstīt, kā un jūtas par to. tomēr esmu kreisajā komentāru Esmu pajautāju, apmeklēt šo vietu. tomēr esmu paziņoja, teritorijas nosaukums MJHD.com "izraisīt michael negribētu mums iet sabiedrību par piemānīt uz vietni, kas uzskata, ka viņa nāves. Šis ir komentārs i wrote. do u domāju, ka tās labi?

    Jūlijs 25, 2009 at 10:29

    hello deepak, es esmu zinniya no Indijas i read ur post 'izraisīt Esmu dzirdējis agrāk, ka u ir tuva drauga Michael. neatkarīgi no tā, neatkarīgi plašsaziņas saka, neatkarīgi Michael ģimene saka, mēs, locekļu MJHD.com nekad dodas uz uzskatām, ka domājamu patiesību par mūsu adorable zvaigznīti. Atvainojiet, šo sabiedrībai "izraisīt Nepastāv citā veidā es varu ar jums sazināties. mēs ne izvirzot mūsu teorijas vietā no karojošs domāšanu. tie nav ventilatoru, kas vēlas no viņa love-slims ventilatoriem. mēs esam spēcīgi iemesli uzskatīt. ja u vēlas zināt par teoriju tikai apmeklējiet vietni vienu reizi (es ceru, un izstrādāt fulform no MJHD. "izraisīt Es nevēlos ievainots Michael uz publiski norādot, kādi mēs domājam uz vietni, kas uzskata, ka" domājamu patiesība " ). mēs zinām, ka kāds viņš ir, viņš ir par iemeslu, lai dara to. mēs tikai gribam, lai viņš zina, ka no tā, neatkarīgi plašsaziņas saka par viņu, cenšas, lai viņam ir slikts apgaismojums, sarunas gružiem par viņu un viņa bērni, viņš vienmēr paliek mūsu elks un varonis ar zelta sirds n dzelzs strong prātā. mēs viņu mīlam no galvenajiem mūsu sirds n viņš vienmēr paliek PRINCE OF OUR sirds. Bezstrīdus n neuzvarēts.

  6. Mijac Said,

    Lūdzu, izlasiet šo:

    Michael bija dārgais draugs, kā arī uz
    pilnveidot speciālistu.

    Tas bija aizraujošs sadarbībā manu dzīvi ar vīrieti, kas ir iedvesmojuši
    man, piemēram, ne citi.

    Viņš ir dziļi garām. Es esmu briesmīgi bēdīgs.

    Mums bija 25 gadu draudzību.

    Tas ir pārāk daudz saprast.

    Tas bija pasaules lielākajiem izpildītājiem un pasaulē nespēs viņu.

    Mana sirds iet, lai viņa ģimenes un ventilatoriem.

    -Kenny Ortega

    Michael Jackson partnerei radīt,
    ražo un virzienmaiņai no
    Sâkâs Koncerts Series

  7. Mijac Said,

    Un tagad iet tur un lasīt šādi:


    uzmanību visiem MJ related tweets (Jun 22, 24, etc ...)

  8. Rofibbs Said,

    Es jus skatīties uz Michael Jackson'S TRUE HOLLIWOOD STĀSTS par E! ... Tā wuz teica, ka MJ uzzināja par ļoti jauniem vecuma manupulate ppl vērā believin Wat viņš vēlas tiem uzskatīt. Tas arī ir teikts, ka, lai arī visi domāja, MJ sāka singin agrīnos vecums 5 .. viņš wuznt tiešām 5. Tā arī interestin zināt, ka ugunsgrēka signalizācijas wuz aktiviz wen MJ wuz vēl pie UCLA ..., kas zina? Viņš varētu būt atstājis buildin ar citiem darbiniekiem, jo buildin wuz bein evakuēti, leavin a liekuļot MJ apturēt atpakaļ pie ER uz decieve valsts ... reizi prankster, vienmēr ir prankster

  9. Samantha Said,

    Vēl viena lieta, kas Ambulance ir tas, ka Kad esat vienā, jūs galvu isn't saskaras durvis, jo tās drošības jautājums, galva nav headfirst, it's got būt citā veidā.
    hahah! mums ir darīšana ar bunch of amuters.

  10. puķu Said,

    liels admin, piemēram, to, kā jūs izdarījāt to liekot visus faktus vienā vietā tas var palīdzēt noskaidrot foruma mazliet kā tas bija gettig grūti tryin saglabāt ar visiem post jums ir likts daudz darba vietu un aprunāt thankyou pietiekami, visiem savu laiku, tas ir tas, ko mēs vēlētos FAKTI un Jūs pārliecināts atzina atkal liels THANKYOUXXXX

  11. Rofibbs Said,

    Theres a tautas sayin kur i ir no n pats "Wen putni mācās lidot bez perchin, ka mednieki iemācās atvašu bez aimin" .. kopš plašsaziņas iemācījušies sekot MJ ap smearin netīrumi uz viņu, viņš arī uzzināja iedziļināties hidin bez izsekot .. tāpat kā jau teicu, ar MJ .. theres Neva ir trulas brīdī.

  12. dinamīts Said,

    Great work admin Man nekad nav dzirdējuši par modinātāju, kas izbrauc slimnīcā, kas ir ļoti šaubīgs patiešām

  13. Rofibbs Said,

    Thx par update Admin ... slava!

  14. Rofibbs Said,

    Tas, vai MJ vārds wuz kas minēti 911 zvanu, tur wuz nav steidzamību zvanu. Ir arī ziņo, ka 2 māsas workin ar "tikai attēls" Dr Conrad devās uz viņa Texas biroja agrāk par 25 gada jūnijā, lai novērstu summa dokumentus n gandrīz mēnesi vēlāk iestādēm ir visitin tādu pašu amata ... hmmmn, viņi visu ppl shud zinām, ka nozieguma ainas "MJ piederības n docs birojs" (ja Eva tur wuz vienu) ir bin nopietni apdraudēta.

  15. westin Said,

    sveiki. i bija lasījums Depak's cieņu Michael ...., un es esam noskaidrojuši, kaut kā dīvaini tur ... ... ... lasīt, lūdzu, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deepak-chopra/a-tribute-to-my-friend-mi_b_221268. html

    Viņš saka, - "Viņa bērnu aukle un surogātpases māte, Grace Rwaramba, ir līdzīgi citu meita man. I ieviesa viņai Michael, kad viņa bija astoņpadsmit, skaists, heartwarming meitene no Ruanda, kas tagad ir izveidojusies. "

    Vai tas nozīmē, ka viņa ir surogātpases māte par Prince II ??????

  16. P Said,

    Es piekrītu šim rakstam. Kaut kas nav pievienotu augšu. Saskaņā ar Mediju, Dr Murray pazuda pēc ambulance ieradās MJ mājās. Svētdiena ziņoja, ka Dr Murray turpināja CPR ir ambulance, līdz tie ir nonākuši slimnīcā.


    Ar 911 zvans bija ļoti aizdomīgu. Es piezvanīju, man 911 un operators paliek līniju līdz paramedics ieradušies.

    Es biju stāsta draugam, ka kāds bija faktiskais krūtīs compressions nepareizā veidā, pirms jūsu post. Ja Jums veic CPR, jūsu pirkstiem nav būs gandrīz pieskaras pleciem. Ja šī persona ir Dr Murray veic CPR, kas ambulance viņš darot to nepareizi un ka ir iespējams, kāpēc MJ nobeigušās vai varbūt viņš negribēja ar paramedics zināt, ka viņš vēl bija dzīvs.

    Es neticu, ka MJ būs viltotas viņa nāves dēļ parādu. Viņš bija biznesa parāds nav personas parādu. Ir atšķirība. Arhivēšana bankrota par biznesa būs atrisināt šo problēmu. Kāds MJ iekšējai aplis sniedza komentārus, ka MJ bija paranoiķis, un viņš domā, kāds bija, lai saņemtu viņu. Šī iemesla dēļ ģimenes runā par to domāju, ka MJ bija noslepkavoti.

    Jermaine Jackson teica, ka viņš vēlējās plašsaziņas atstāt viņa brālis tikai tad viņš nāk ar grāmatu par MJ narkotiku ļaunprātīgu izmantošanu.

    Kaut kas nav pievienotu augšu.

  17. Rofibbs Said,

    ... Citu tas, ka ceļojums wuz apdrošināts, pamatojoties uz "pašu izraisītas briesmas" ir patiešām beyound mani padara to, šķiet, piemēram, pre-meditated vienošanās n, ka narkotiku pārdozēšanas wuz vajadzēja notikt. I HAV Neva dzirdējuši par šādu apdrošināšanas polise.

  18. Cecilia Said,

    Ļoti labs darbs!

  19. quesarasara Said,

    Brilliant Forevermine, un spožus Admin. Jūs esat aptvēra visus bāzēm. Tā patiešām liek lietām perspektīvā. Esmu strādājusi par dažām lietām sevi es post vēlāk.

  20. ishealive Said,

    Teicami darba admin, tas kļūst ļoti skaidrs, ka to, kas notika gada 25. nav saprotams. Es patiešām domāju, ka tas ir daļa no "Tas ir IT"
    AEG teica tas būtu lielākais atriebība vēsturē - labi, ja tā tiešām notiktu, tad tas noteikti būtu, nav lielāks atriebība par atgriežoties no mirušiem!!

  21. Rofibbs Said,

    Dr Deepak Chopra teicis Larry King to 1. intervija, ka MJ sauc viņu n left balss ziņas par viņa mašīnu 4days pirms viņa nāves sayin tur wuz sumtin viņš vēlējās pateikt viņam, bet, ka viņš (Dr Choopra) svītrots ziņu FRM viņa answerin mašīna ... kas rada jautājums-Wat did MJ gribu pateikt viņam?? n kāpēc viņš dzēst ziņojumu??

  22. Helia Said,

    Es esmu no Līdzjutējiem, diemžēl domāju, ka viņš nomira. Jā, jums ir taisnība, ka daži no lietām, kas uzskaitīti, ir ļoti, ļoti aizdomīgu. Bet, kas ir ne pierādīt, ka viņš faked viņa nāves un man ir tikai viens aspekts pret visiem jūsu norādes un šis aspekts ir: viņa veikšanu perfection! Kas viņš bija vienmēr perfekta ... viņš vienmēr bija par 100% ... ne vairāk, ka šis 1000000%. Tātad, ja jūs prasību, ka viņam plānoto viņa nāves uz ilgu laiku, nav viņš to labāko, lai viņa nāves, pārliecinoši, cik vien iespējams? Viņš domā par katru sīkāk ... viņš nesniegtu mājieni laikā viņa memoriāls. Viņa draugi un ģimenes locekļi nebūtu teikt lietas, kas mājienu, ka viņš joprojām ir dzīvs! Michael Jackson bija perfectionist. Viņa brāļi un māsas varētu organizēt to, ko viņi vēlas pateikt, lai viņi skaņu pārliecinošs un vairāk un vairāk! Tāpēc nav man pateikt, ka viņš zaudējis savu lietderīgi perfection ar lielākajiem lieta kādreiz viņš uz .... Faking viņa nāves! Viņš darīt to vairāk nekā ideāls un kā mēs varam redzēt tas nav ideāls visos! Tātad visiem prasījumiem, jūs uzskaitīti arī pret jūsu apgalvo, ka viņš ir dzīvs, un diemžēl viņš nav.

    RIP Michael Jackson

  23. Rofibbs Said,

    Joe jackson teica Conrad Murray pazuda par 3hrs wen MJ wuz veikti, lai slimnīca ... Wat notika šajā intervāls?? Biddin reālo MJ "atvadu" n clearin viņu dziesmas i s'pose ..

  24. Rofibbs Said,

    ... Tāpat kā es teicu agrāk ... daudz cilvēki ir tellin daudz ir n tie ir doin slikts darbs

  25. westin Said,

    Zini, cilvēki - i nekad nav redzējis E'casanova (impersonator) pirms - bet tagad es esmu 10000000% pārliecināts, ka bija viņam par O2 preses konferencē.

    paskatieties uz viòu - Michael ir daudz plašākas žokļa - tas varētu būt viegli redzēt - tikai salīdzināt visas fotogrāfijas. nevarēja MJ par konferenci. Persona bija pilnīgi atšķirīgu izskatu, pārceļas, balss un stila runu.

  26. michaelismysoulmate Said,

    Es tikai domāju, ir kaut kas man bija skatoties izklaides šovakar citu dienu un kaut nepāra iestrēdzis, lai mani. Es nevaru domāt par guys nosaukums brīdī, bet viņš apgalvo, ka ir labākie draugi ar michael un i atceras reportieris lūdza viņam kaut ko par michael, un es atceros viņam, norādot, ka michael bija liels praktisks puisis, kas, ja visi zina, taču to, kas nozvejotas manu uzmanību bija, kad viņš paziņoja, ka michael patīk izlikties viņš bija augsts, un no tā. Tad es domāju par to incidentu pie 02 konferencē, kurā viņš, šķiet augsts, un no tā mana punkts ir es domāju, ka michael bija faking tas, ka dienā kaut kas cits, kas padara jūs apmeklējat hmmmm. Es uzskatu, michael joprojām ir dzīvs bez šaubām.

  27. Rofibbs Said,

    Isn't it surprisin ka MJ nāves ir ļoti ļoti līdzīgi Presley's n vairāk interestin, ir tas, ka MJ wuz precējies ar Lisa-Marie Presley, hmmmmn .... Gadījumā atlaists, coooooourt!

  28. lettruthspeak Said,

    Thanks admin, labi darīts! Man nekad nav tik aizdomīgiem par sb nāve, bet kopsavilkuma šeit, tikai dod man uz šo jautājumu dabiski. Ir daudz inconsistences jo visa lieta, bet mēs joprojām ir nepieciešama, lai atrastu vairāk grūti pierādījumu, lai pierādītu, teoriju, citādi tas būtu tikpat nereāls un šķietami attēlo kā nāves lieta. Karaļa Pop būs atpakaļ!

  29. closepaltomj Said,

    Es pārāk skāra visu zemeslodi ar savu pr atbrīvot .. Ja jūs redzēja it-lieliski!

  30. loveandpeace Said,

    Labs raksts, šo apkopoti visu, mums ir norīkots par.

  31. MariannaB Said,

    Arvien vairāk un vairāk jautājumu kļūst par galda.

    Tā kā drošības lentes trūkst, kā arī - Es nevaru palīdzēt no domāšana pat sagrābt ķīlniekus.
    Marka viņam gulēt, tāpat kā ir koma, iegūt viņu prom (UCLA ugunsdzēsības signalizācija, kas ir iespēja!), Izlikties, ka viņš ir miris, savākt naudu, atvaļinājums viņam kaut kur?
    Es domāju, did anyone izpētīt šo variantu? Vai tas ir pārāk dīvaini? Es tā nedomāju.

    Jo ilgāk MJ ir prom, jo vairāk pasaku tales ir teicis, jo vairāk mystery tiek iekļautas, vairāk pārdošanu un dollares ir paredzēts, un Rezumējot par bankas kontiem.

    Kāpēc personāla karsētie tik drīz? Un kurš tas ir? Es domāju, kas bija veikt runas un aizstāt MJ tik ātri?
    Tur bija viens boss tikai, un tas bija MJ. Viņš bija aizgājuši, un neviens tika ieviestas ar likumu dot rīkojumu viņa vārdā. Kas bija atslēgas un kodi, nokļūst māja veikt MJS patentētu ārpus? Murray, kas bija dzīvojuši pastāv?

    Varbūt Murray ir caurumošanas bumbu, lai segtu līdz pat citas iesaistītās puses. Bet lielāko daļu netīrumu ir uz viņa pleciem, ja stāsts bija patiesībā, kā tas izstrādāts ar reportieriem. Un Murray ir skaidra motivācija.

    Tas kļūst Agatha-Christie līdzīgi vairāk un vairāk.
    Tik daudz, kam ir laba motivācija, lai izmantotu vai pat spēkā likteni savā labā.
    Lasīt datu I publicēta pēdējā administratīvās publikācijā. Vai tiešām interesants.

  32. serendipity Said,

    Es iesaku Michael's fani visā pasaulē veikt parakstu kampaņa, kas lūdz par DNS testa par "mirušu ķermeņa .." Es domāju, ka DNS testa ir vienīgais veids, kā uzzināt patieso identitāti, ka persona.

  33. Laila Said,

    Hello everybody,

    Es esmu no Beļģijas, lai vispirms: Sorry for my english
    Es nevaru uzskatīt, Michael Jackson ir miris. Es domāju, ka šī visa lieta ir pārāk dīvaini vārdus.
    UN es paskatīties uz čivināt lapa E'Casanova, un tas ir mazliet dīvaini ... lasīt šādi:

    Ir aicinātas vakariņas Vācija ar īpašu viesi! Būtu jautri:) Lets ceram, ka tā, kas es domāju, ka ... E
    12:42 pm Jul 19. no Web

    Un pēc tam, kad šo ziņu ... nākamais ...

    Wow, izrādās, tās rīt, plaknes visas rezervētais un apmaksātas! Vakariņas pie pils ... Nedrīkst par kādu laiku. ierasties un gājuši agru "E xx
    12:52 pm Jul 19. no Web

    Owkay, varbūt es lieks. Bet šis varētu būt kaut kas?
    Es varētu pārbaudīt šo lapu katru dienu.
    Šodien laikrakstos Beļģijā bija briesmīgs jaunumi:

    Izbīdītās daļas MJ būtu bijis nozagts.
    Man bija tādā šoka stāvoklī!
    lūdzu ... Es ceru, ka viņš ir dzīvs un Labi.
    Ja mēs tikko ieguva vienu zīmi viņam!

  34. Dee Said,

    Es piekrītu viss teica Admin, bet, lūdzu, apskatiet Larry King Live @ Neverland. Jermaine esot līdz Nekad zeme ar Larry.
    Larry lūdza Jermaine, kā viņš uzzināt par Michael's garām. Jermaine teica, man bija otrā pusē pilsētas Azuza un saņēma zvanu no jums puiši uz manas sievas telefona un Larry interjects un saka CNN. Jermaine smejas un saka "jā" un tālāk, proti, viņi teica jūs pazīstat savu brāli bija rushed uz slimnīcu. Jermaine teica, ko un sauc par viņa mātes uzreiz, un es saņēmu viņas pa tālruni un viņa teica, ka viņa bija viņas veidā. Jermaine tad saka, ir maz laika devās, un ar kuru es runāju, lai Janet un dažas manas citas sibblings. 45 minūtes vēlāk es saucu mana māte atpakaļ, un es dzird skaņu viņas balss un viņa saka, viņš ir miris. Lerijs teica jūs aiziet tiesības vairāk nekā uz slimnīcu. Jermaine saka, ka viņš bija augšu iet citu ceļu un tiklīdz viņš dabūja aizvērt uz to, kur viņš bija, viņš redzēja copters in gaisa un chill nāca pār viņu. Pēc tam, kad viņš stājās UCLA, viņš devās taisnā par viņa māte, un viņš devās meklēt savu bērnu, un viņš redzēja viņam izdēšanas istabā nedzīvs elpas kā viņš bija tukšu.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... .. 0tgcM2Jekc

    Arī tad, ja jūs apskatīt interviju I ievietojis ar divām Sony ražotājiem. Viens no tiem paziņoja, ka Michael bija to, kas bija dejotājs's kājām. , Ka sakarā ar gadiem, uz iesaiņojuma, ka pēdas bieži bija sauss un ieplīsušu splintered. viņš teica, ka Michael cieta no tā reālā slikti, un ka tā bija ļoti sāpīga. Šī Amy būt iemesls, kāpēc viņš bija riteņiem ir vadībā bieži.

    Viņa PR puisis teica, ka viņš valkāja tās maskas par ellē par to, ka viņš zināja, kā uzturēt sevi plašsaziņas līdzekļiem.

  35. mjforever Said,

    Es tikko devās uz E'Casanova's čivināt-http://twitter.com/ecasanovaMJ

    un divi no viņa amatu i atrast ļoti nepāra. Viņš sāka tērzēt jūlijā 19., tajā pašā dienā viņš ievietojis šīs lietas:

    Ir aicinātas vakariņas Vācija ar īpašu viesi! Būtu jautri:) Lets ceram, ka tā, kas es domāju, ka ... E
    12:42 pm Jul 19. no Web

    tas ir īpašs viesis Michael Jackson? Es nebiju pārliecināts, līdz es apskatīja nākamo pastu rakstisku tikai desmit minūtes vēlāk ...

    Wow, izrādās, tās rīt, plaknes visas rezervētais un apmaksātas! Vakariņas pie pils ... Nedrīkst par kādu laiku. Nāc un "aizgājusi pārāk ātri" E xx
    12:52 pm Jul 19. no Web

    Vakariņas pie pils Vācijā noteikti Līdzīgi kā kaut kas ekstravagants, ka Michael varētu darīt. Un ļoti pēdējā daļa: nākt un "aizgājusi pārāk drīz".
    Tā kā mēs visi zinām, izgājušas pārāk Drīz ir viens no Michael's dziesmas.

    Tas viss ir ļoti aizdomīgu. Es esmu tik priecīgs, mums ir šajā mājas lapā. Jūs guys dara lielisku darbu ar to. Rakstā iepriekš bija labi rakstveida un plašas. Šis portāls ir liels, keep it up

  36. Coco Said,

    Paldies par šo vietni ... I love Michael ļoti daudz, taču tas doesen't nozīmē, ka i var manipulēt ļoti ātri domāt, viņš patiešām ir miris. Es uzskatu, ka viss guys teikt šeit, jo es domāju, ka tās pašas darbības .. tā, piemēram, i wrote this site ... un i sazināties ar daudzām ventilatori un viņi uzskata, ka viņš ir dzīvs arī ... Es vienu nedomāju, ka "i just! Un ar šiem infos plašsaziņas līdzekļiem un mj ģimenes dod mums mums ir tendence domāt, ka viņš; s dzīvs vairāk nekā miris ... Lūdzu, saglabājiet šo vietni dzīvs un izrakt daudz vairāk ... es vēlos zināt, ka Michael ir dzīvs un laimīgu beidzot i dont vēlaties zina, kur viņš ir ... .. tāpēc, ka viņš ir pelnījis normālā dzīvē ... ja es viņam i tiktu īstenota tālu no ventilatoriem un plašsaziņas sen ...
    Michael esat smart vīrietis, ja jūs to! patiesi burvis! Thumbs līdz vietai vēlreiz!

  37. SJ1983 Said,

    The Man Who slepeni turējumā MJ's Millions
    Posted jūlijs 25 2009 10:40 AM by TMZ Staff

    Kā tas ir par zemes gabala, vērpjot? Vakar mēs lauza stāsta, ka īpašais Administrācija Michael Jackson īpašumu iesniedz juridisks dokumenti sakot, viņi tikai atgūti $ 5,5 miljoni ir nauda no bijušā finanšu konsultantu. Par padomnieks ir Dr Tohme Tohme, kas ieguva iesaistītas Jackson, kas pēdējā gada laikā un ar pusi no viņa dzīves, un viņš apgalvo, ka naudas bija "noslēpums."

    Šajā intervijā pēdējā nakts, Dr Tohme teica, ka nauda nāca no reģistrācijas Atlikumi un ka "Tas bija noslēpums, starp Michael un man."

    Dr Tohme apgalvo, ka nauda tika tiks izmantots arī Las Vegas "sapņu mājas".

    Tohme saka Michael implored viņu, "Don't tell anyone par naudu." Viņš saka, kad dziedātājs miris, viņš nāca klajā un teica viņš bija atlicināt.

    Mēs esam tagad iegūti dokumentus vakar ar Michael Jackson mantošanas gadījumā.

    Īpašā Administratori atguvuši $ 5,5 miljoni skaidrā naudā pēc iepriekšējās finanšu konsultantu. Dokumentus nav vārda padomnieks.

    Saskaņā ar dokumentiem, administratori prognozēt Jackson ir pietiekami naudas atmaksāties viņa lēsts $ 400 miljoni parādsaistībās - un vēl joprojām ir naudas paliek pāri par viņa mantiniekiem.

    The docs arī teikt Jackson bērnus ieguvēju, apdrošināšanas uzticību, ko Michael Jackson. Ieņēmumus vēl nav savākti, kas izskaidro, kāpēc juristu Katherine Jackson ir lūgušas pagaidu pabalstu.

    Īpašā Administratori gaidīt, lai radītu desmitiem miljonu dolāru ieņēmumi no dažādas uzņēmējdarbības nodarbojas ka tagad darbi

    KAS BOTHERED ME: Dr Tohme apgalvo, ka nauda tika tiks izmantots arī Las Vegas "sapņu mājas".

    Ziņo, ka viņš bērniem bija Vegas, did th ehouse nokļūt
    un tagad mēs zinām, ka Katherine ir to naudu, it didn't jēga man visu, kas depts

  38. morla Said,

    Well done - un, lūdzu, (kāds no medijiem, iespējams, - Jums ir apmeklējot tīmekļa vietni - nav tik pārliecināti? ), Kurš uzskata, ka Michael ir miris tiešām-varētu rakstīt ir neapšaubāmi kopsavilkums no otras puses, stāsts pirms zvanot mums "rieksti" šeit - Es domāju, ka par to ...

  39. artisticflare Said,

    Mēs visi šoks! tas ir tikai unbeliveable iedomāties, ka Michael Jackson ir miris!?? par mīlestību Dievs! kad ellē tas varēja gadīties! i am still raudošs kā bērnu "" i aprunāt atcerēties pēdējo reizi i cried tik daudz es esmu 56 gadus vecs, lai Gods labad! Tas tikai sāp tik daudz Jums sniedza tik daudz love Michael, tas ir, kāpēc mēs visi esam tik dziļi affefected ! jūs to mainīt! Daudz mīlestības un hugs! Artisticflare xxx Love you sooooo much!

  40. ejay5131 Said,

    Lai ievietotu # 5-Es domāju, ka bija slikta ideja, ja Jums tiešām nav tā.

  41. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Tas ir satriecošs Post Un, ja nesaistītam ticīgie, Vēl šaubas. Pēc tam tos Crazyier Than We Are LOL. Labu darbu Admin! I Love Michael Jackson, tagad un uz visiem laikiem.

  42. hOtSfOrMj91 Said,

    @ Mjforever bet e cas doesn't ir čivināt. viņš pat teica, lai uz viņa MySpace lapā.

  43. forevermine_mj Said,

    thank u quesarasara lasīšanai manu komentāru. Ceru, ka pēc tam, ka tās labā. Nav arī ceru, ka Deepak Chopra do apmeklējumiem šajā vietnē. meklē vairāk no jums. Esmu rakstisku rakstu par mj's mānīšana nāves līdzīgs šim viens manā blogā, I'll post to šeit drīz, cik drīz vien iespējams. šeit ir saite http://blogs.ibibo.com/KOLKATAMAIN/michael-is-alive-you-be-the-judge. lasīt to, ja un tamlīdzīgi.

  44. thelostchildren Said,

    @ Helia, no 22: Protams, mēs visi labi zinām, iedzeršana Michael's perfectionism - to, ka līdz ar šo dievbijīgs talants ir tas, kas veikti viņu Karalis. tomēr tas nenozīmē, ka visas kļūdas var novērst.
    tikai skatīties slaveno 1995 MTV video balvas sniegumu viņš deva. bija kļūdas, kas tapuši viņa mēģinājums dziedāt, un viņš neatbildētos dažus viņa deju pārceļas, bet viņš bija labākais rāda MTV ir redzējis, kā var vīrieti Lone uz skatuves aizraut UN mesmerized visas pasaules?
    tas nenozīmē, ka viņš ir perfectionist, ka viņa ģimeni, draugiem un tos, kas iesaistīti dodas uz būt 100% gluda kriminālelementus šo darbību. Pastāv iespēja mēs varētu neprāts šo neprāts, bet fakts, ka ir pārāk daudz nepilnības tikai padara jūs brīnums nav to.

  45. BeenTown Said,

    Admin un visu jums līdzstrādnieks plakāti;

    Jūsu domāšana ir fantastiska. Man nav pat domāt, es tikai nāk šeit un lasīt savus amatus. Es uzskatu, ka kaut kas dīvains notiek, un es esmu tik priecīgs, ka šo vietni exsists.


  46. BeenTown Said,


    Jūsu wsite ir pilna ar lielu kvalitāti. Šis sūtījums bija ļoti plašs, labi uzrakstīts, un labi out. Paldies vēlreiz par to, mums beleivers apgūt zināšanas un atklāt kopā.

  47. Emanon Said,


  48. CuteAngel Said,

    Izcils konspekts par visiem attiecīgajiem faktiem un informāciju, kas atrodas ap šo rakstu. Great work, admin!

  49. charliechaplin Said,

    Kāds no Nospiediet vai, lai kas ir jābūt pēc šīs vietas un cenšas racionalizēt to, ko mēs redzam, kā "blunders"


  50. wicki Said,

    Ļoti pārliecinoši. Keep it up! Attiecībā uz citu skatījumu uz Jacko nāve, piemānīt nāvi, undeath, neatkarīgi vēlaties zvanīt tas, izbraukšana-http: / / www.undeadmichaeljackson.com

  51. Jessie Dai Said,

    Thank you so much, Adimn. Kas jums ir minēti ir ļoti labu darbu! Ir tik daudz apšaubāmu punktiem šajā gadījumā. Es joprojām uzskatu, Michael joprojām ir dzīvs!
    Tā kā dienā devās, es esmu pārliecināts, Michael faked viņa nāves, jo viņš tiešām vēlaties atpūsties un baudīt viņa atpūtas laiku. Viņš vēlas pavadīt vairāk laika ar viņa bērniem. Viņš mīl tos tik daudz! Mums ir jāpieņem tas, ka viņš var neparādīsies valsts vairs. I'll nolietot uz to. Michael, baudīt savu dzīvi! Es mīlu tevi!

  52. MariannaB Said,

    Nav svarīgi, vai tas, vai ka persona apgalvo, ka ir čivināt konts vai nē.

    Nedomāju, ka IN čivināt un ko jūs READ ITAS!!

    Tas ir labākais jebkad izgudrots veids, kā manipulēt pasaulē.
    Ikviens var izveidot no tā, kas pārstāv un var izdvest kāds viņš vēlas.
    Kā jūs vēlaties, lai pierādītu, ka aiz kennyortegablog patiešām Kenny Ortega?
    Nekādā veidā vari pierādīt to.

    Čivināšana ir PR, publicēšanas un masu reklāma bez maksas. Kā praktiski.
    Tas ir bērnišķīgs uzskatīt čivināt ziņas. Tas ir dzeltens preses pie tā ir sliktāka.

    Kamēr nav Imprint tīmekļa vietnē, pilnu vārdu ar adresi, saturs nav relieable. Pilns pietura.
    Vairumā vietu šajā pasaulē, interneta vietnes ir izveidota un tur notiek par sevi saprotams, kas ir aiz tā.
    Tātad jūs varētu izmantot ne prasot, kas ir aiz lietām un domāju, ka labas un norīt visu, kas ir internetā, kā ok. Bet, ja persona nav stāvēt aiz saturu pilnībā pakāpe, ņemot sliktākās, lai atbildētu uz jautājumiem par to publicēšanu juristiem, interneta nevar uzticamiem. Pilns pietura.

    A "neviens" vai alias parakstīšanu ar tīmekļa vietni vai tīmekļa saturs nav TRUE persona un nenozīmē nekādu atbildību. A "neviens" vai alias nenozīmē neko. A "neviens" un alias ir tikai citā rozā burbulis ", kas, ja" un "slēpt un meklēt".

    Pat komikss statuetes ir twittering tagad. Come on - cik daudz jūs vēlaties cheated?

    Es nedomāju, ka vienu vārdu es dzirdēt, ka ir twittered un es saglabāt labu summu šaubas par jebkuru mājas lapā bez nospiedums.

  53. Janet Said,

    Hi, admin. Great pievienošanas secību, notikumi, informācija, un avotus, ko tās nāk no.
    Atkal, es nedomāju, ka ir maz meiteņu runas bija "viltus", un tas ir kaitinošas izlasīt šo šeit vēl un vēl - par roughest personai ir pamanījuši, ka katrs vārds, viņa teica (un, lūdzu, klausīties exacty KAS viņa teica) nāca tieši no sirds! Un tas pārcelts (ne tikai) man plīsumi.
    Taču citi tiešām neparasts fakts nav minēti jūsu uzskaitījums: kas par Jermaine `s interpretāciju" Smaids "pēc Memorial:" iedegties jūsu sejas ar skumjas - Paslēpt ik zīmes prieks "- mainot šos vārdus, un tāpēc viss tas ir, pavisam cita virzienā.
    Es patiešām nedomāju, ka šāda kļūda varētu notikt kādā svinēja mūziķis ģimene - it īpaši, ka ļoti skumjš reizē ....
    Ja mēs runājam par "mājieni" - man tas ir viens no skaidrākajiem!

  54. MJSmile4Us Said,

    līdz Admin:

    thank u tik daudz, lai nosūtītu šo!

    Manuprāt, es tiešām domāju, ka Michael joprojām ir dzīvs. Godīgi, es biju tik tuvu, lai uzskatītu, ka viņš patiešām ir devusies pēc skatoties Izklaide Šovakar un tad, kad kāds no šī portāla ievietojis foto no sega ar asaru par viņa sejas pie memoriāls pakalpojumu. Bet es sapratu, ka, ja šī mānīšana gatavojas izstrādāt, visi ir iesaistīti tajā skaitā bērniem bija jābūt perfekta. Lai gan sega ir 7 gadi viņš ir tik gudru tāpat kā viņa tētis un var būt agreat aktieris un tas ir tik grūti kādreiz domāju, ka viņš ir par to, jo īpaši ar viņa adorable sejas! Bet viena lieta, ka esmu iestrēdzis uz ir fakts, ka Dr Murray klīnikā bija raided BYR th LAPD šonedēļ, un ir ziņots, ka noslepkavošana (vai pat slepkavība) maksu, varētu pret viņu. Ja tas bija mānīšana tas tik tālu, cik nosūtot nevainīgu vīrietis cietumā (es domāju, ka kāds arī pieminēja ealrier uz citām post)? Vai mans minējums ir, ka ārsts tika izmaksāti, vai nu Sony vai AEG, lai nogalinātu MJ -, bet ir gudru cilvēku kā MJ ir, viņš realizēja šo un izbēguši, izmantojot vienu no viņa divkāršo vai kāda metode? Bet es domāju, ka atpakaļ uz pantu, kur tā norādījusi, ka tā bija Michael, kas uzstāja, ka ārstam būtu kopā ar viņu 24 / 7, kas pieteicās man šķiet, ka varbūt MJ izmanto viņam viņa glābšanās / nāves mānīšana plānu? Tomēr daži cilvēki šajā vietnē uzskatu, ka AEG tika kas nomātu ārsts padarot tos jautājums, kāpēc, kā MJ izturējis viņa medicīniskās pārbaudes ar ", kas peld ar krāsu"?

    Ja godīgi, es esmu tik noguris un vēlas šo mystery varētu atrisināt ātri coz Es nevaru koncentrēties ne uz manu mācībām vai darbam, vai pat ir laba nakts miega, kā miljoniem jautājumi pludiņš ap manu galvu pastāvīgi.

    If Michael had to stage his death to get away from SONY who is out to get him for the half of its shares he owns and for speaking against the company back in 2002 (I think it was), I doubt that he will come back not until it is safe enough. BUt if this is the case, how could he ever see his children again? Some people on this site stated that maybe Janet could bring the children to him after winning the custody battle and make such excuses as sending them off to boarding schools for their sudden absences. But aren't the paparazzis like vultures who will expose someone and trace one's every move till the end?

    I really pray that Michael is still alive somewhere – don't care if he can't come back but as long as he is safe and sound I am happy

  55. nina Said,

    admin … THANK YOU!!!!
    one question : where is Grace ??? we know nothing about her since he's “deth”…. and what about Chopra have dinner with the “guy that runs the world from behind the curtain.” ……WOW … this is proof ! only Michael could do this !

    I know one thing : if Michael is dead or not ( I think NOT !) he is happy … and this is what we all want for him… THIS IS IT !
    Michael… I hope you feel our love … LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE ! WE ARE ALL UNITED BY LOVE ! WE ARE BETTER BECAUSE OF YOU ! and Michael ….. thank you for all the signs, I know you send to us this signs only because your love for us is very strong …. PALDIES!

    sorry for english

  56. MJSmile4Us Said,

    to nina:

    I read that Grace is back in the house in Encino with Katherine and the children. I guess u heard a few weeks ago that there was a report that stated that she was seeking the custody of the children as well but it turened out to be another false claim fabricated by the media. I mean anyone could see that she had no chance – she is not the biological mother (not sayin Debbie has any chance although she is coz she's just a baby seller with no heart or brain) or have any connection to teh children. She just looked after them – the only people that te children should be with are their grandmother and Janet Jackson.

  57. charliechaplin Said,

    Our original premise for MJ's faking death is that he was heavily indebted. Now, this issue comes out that he actually have secret money which is enough to pay off his debts. So, are we back to square one as to why he had to “die”? If it's because he wanted to live a private life, why choose to “die” a few weeks before the biggest concert of his life? Why not make 1 or maybe 5 of the 50 “This is it” shows just to showcase one-last-time that is indeed the greatest performer of this generation and to delight his fans, or leave a lasting memory, after which stage the 'death' since in the 1st place he only wanted to do 10 shows?

    So, where are we now?


  58. Bee Said,

    Here's another inconsistency to add to your list:


    tmz pārskatus MJ bija beigtu awhile pirms paramedics got there, un paramedics apgalvojot, viņi neatzina MJ vispār un domāja, ka tas bija slimīgs, slimīgi vecs vīrietis. Daudz cilvēku, komentāri ir norādot, ka pic no MJ šajā ambulance nav izskatīsies a slimīgs, slimīgi vecs vīrietis.

  59. charliechaplin Said,

    Nedomāju, ka tā bija E'Casanova, kas bija pie O2 Arena.

    Paraugieties E'Casanova's zobiem, tie lielā & pat:

    http://www.innocentmichael.org.uk/E% 27Casanova &% 20Michael% 20Jackson.jpg


    Paraugieties zobi "MJ" pie O2. Treškārt zobi no viņa 2. priekšējie zobi. Tas ir mazāks & nedaudz uzstājām atpakaļ nekā zobi:

    http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/vWehKSURT4m/Michael + Jackson + paziņo + plāni + Vasaras + Residency/vb_Py8yXQwp/Michael + Jackson


    Salīdzināt tos gan reālās MJ's zobi:



    Paraugieties E "Casanova valkājot vienu un to pašu ģērbšanās veids, kā, ka" MJ "pie O2:


    Tā varētu būt E'Casanova iekšpusē ambulance. Bet, es nedomāju, ka tas bija viņam pie O2.

    Sākumā es domāju, ka tā bija Navi pie O2, bet izskatās pēc viņa zobi šeit (pauzes to 1:26)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clHycBsEZUs un Navi nav plašs smaids, kā MJ ir O2.

    Lai gan ir maz līdzības ar "MJ" pie O2 šeit (pauzes pie 2:07):


    Abas impersonators, E'Casanova & Navi ir augstāks, ka īstais MJ. The "MJ" pie O2 bija valkājot zābaki ar papēži (pauzes pie 5:54)


    Ne E'Casanova ne Navi nepieciešama zābaki ar papēži, ja tie būtu pārliecinoši MJ pie O2 konferencē.

    Tātad, es domāju, ka tai ir jābūt citā impersonator ar mazāks nevienādus zobiem pie O2.

  60. Bee Said,

    Lūk, interesants novērojums kāds atstāt komentāru par tmz par datoriem neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības transportlīdzekļi:

    http://www.tmz.com/2009/07/26/paramedics-jackson-dead-when-we-arrived/21 # c20431815

  61. mjfan Said,

    @ # 22, es ne vienmēr uzskatīt MJ faked viņa nāves, bet, ja viņš, un daļa no tām bija parādīt, kā pilns ar crap medijiem ir, tad viņam būtu atstāt visu veidu caurumus tajā. Just to watch the media falling all over themselves, changing their stories, and not questioning anything. Also he would likely leave it messy to give his fans hope, because in case you haven't noticed, a lot of people have questions about this.

  62. CoCo Said,

    Agree with nina # 55 .Maybe Michael knows very well how the media can be fooled and maybe he knows that us fans we like to search for the truth..that's why he gave us hints.
    To me Jermaine is a person that can cry right now and laugh in a second….he's an actor to me…I can fake dead now…..i used to do it when i was little and scare my mother…..so dealing with fame and all of its results you change…you have different emotions…family issues and stuff..you tend to cry often..like i do..if i see a dead cat or a dead dog i cry like a baby….It's easy.
    Paris had crocodile tears….when children cry they really cry ! tears fall down easily….but when they want a candy and try to fake crying :no tear falls.I don't want people to think i insult Paris or any member of the family (that is not my intention)…but when your father/brother/mother dies its like the world goes to an end…i would commit suicide without my mother….they were chewing gum like nothin happened (!!!!!)
    Blanket was crying because he wanted to go to his father who never were apart and when he saw himself near the family crowd he just panicked..he wasnt aware really what they are doing in there because he's too little (hmm).
    Michael will never come back i'm sure….because with this situation you can never come back to the spot-light..people will hate “you”.He wanted to retire long time ago and this was it.About the wheel-chair the press thought he was really sick : but us the fans we knew and felt he is well…..so that prooved once again how the media can be easely manipulated.Doctor Murray is a person noone knows much about…some people are trained to sacrifice for someone or something….that's why Michael changed all of his staff so that they will “dissapear” easely……VIP's cry for Michael because its like their goodbye to him…Mike won't come back to them…He's dead to the media and fans but not to the normal world….normal life has him now i guess.wich is a good thing if its true!

  63. Mijac Said,

    Law enforcement sources tell us when paramedics arrived at Michael Jackson's house he was already dead … and it took them a while to even realize the victim was the famous singer.

    Our sources say when paramedics got to Jackson's home he was flatlined. There was no electrical activity in his heart and Jackson showed no sign of life.

    Multiple sources say paramedics wanted to pronounce Jackson dead at the scene but Dr. Conrad Murray insisted that the singer be transported to the hospital. Dr. Murray — as a higher medical authority than the EMTs — had the power to overrule them.

    Paramedics didn't realize for nearly 10 minutes the victim was Michael Jackson. As one emergency worker put it: “It just looked like a frail, old, sickly man.”

    All this make me think two things:

    1) Michael need the presence of a doctor in his home because he wanted a higher medical authority than the EMTs (Dr. Murray had the power to overrule them)

    2) Paramedics didn't realize for nearly 10 minutes the victim was Michael Jackson. (because wasn't Mj)

  64. Amlet Said,

    Grats to admin for his excellent work! Keep up the good work !

  65. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,


    ok omg apparently sum1 noticed that michaels nose was missing as it was lying on the autopsy table… freeaakkkyyyy…..

  66. kristindean88 Said,




  67. Samantha Said,

    Helia: I agree with what you mean Michael was a “Perfection” but nobody's perfect, Michael was a human being like all of us Sure he was Perfect at his Talent, but you're not going to get everything Perfect when you're planning a death unless you've done practice for years & years. I beleive Michael's done this to Protect his children as La toya said 'Family 1st Fans 2nd' I know he wouldn't want to dissapoint his fans, and i know most of us arent, but he needed to protect his Children.

  68. hecjosmen Said,

    But if he comes back alive as Michael Jackson, wo uldn-t he go to prison for faking his own death?

    I wish it would be the biggest comeback in History. We miss him so much.

  69. Rofibbs Said,

    Michael Jackson has set the world on stage n the tape is rollin, a stage where the detractors are his PAWNS, his family the SCRIPTWRITERS, his fans the DETECTIVES, AEG the FILM DIRECTOR, the title: DRUG OVERDOSE, his doctors the BADGUYS, the Authorities: SUPPORTIN ACTORS n ofcourse the best actor of all time..MICHEAL JACKSON, yeeeeaaaah!! or shud i say the best PRODUCER??

  70. Rofibbs Said,

    If MJ wuz as sick as sum ppl said he 'wuz' since 2002, how did he sing his unreleased songs? We'v heard “a place with no name” n it sure doesnt sound like (1) sum1 strugglin to sing or (2) sum1 that had a collapsed lungs n needed a transplant (3) sum1 who's voice wuz openin up like Mr Ortega said..it sounded like 'normal MJ'..they give us this picture that hes always heavily sedated with painkillers/anesthetics with a gas mask. Really?? n he has over 200 unreleased songs..really?? Are these “WRITTEN SONGS” or “UNRELEASED SONGS”?? anyone??

  71. Rofibbs Said,

    Neva heard of any1 in the History of Entertainment with 200 “unreleased” work,..ive heard of a couple of unfinished songs that were completed n released. Our MJ has over 200…wow!!

  72. Little Susie 01 Said,

    Ok .. Maybe im lookin into this too much. But Michael Has these to Songs From the Blood on the dance floor cd. GHOST and Is it Scary .. both have same Lines to the Song except for the Chorus and some parts change But what made him Change the lyrics? ( look it up almost the same lyrics)
    Now when u read it makes total sense Could this Be a message to whats really happening I want to believe so.
    He explains About feeling ghosts everywhere We warned him to be the stranger in our lives. ( Media Messed hes Life the evil is the MEDIA) That its exactly what we want to see.. He says Am i amusing u or just confusing you is he the monster we visualize and if u want to see eccentricalties he will be grotesque before our eyes and let them all materialize. ( Is this a WARNING?)
    He then talks about a Ghostly Smell around .. A place where there restless Souls ( Meaning a Funeral) Where ppl cough and yawn. And restless souls Spoke( But there nobody to be found) ( so stating nobody does it mean there indeed isnt a body to be FOUND?)
    He also says… Did we come to him to see our fantasies Perform infront our very Eyes. A haunting Ghostly Treat ( so is this performance of our fantasies a ghostly treat?) A foolish trickery he says ( foolish trick?) Spirits Dance in the Light .. (SPIRITS DANCE IN THE LIGHT?)
    But if u came to see the truth and purity is kept inside hes lonely heart so LET THE PERFORMANCE START? ( So the truth will reveal it self) You know the stranger is you. is it scary for you!!!
    Masquerade the heart ( meaning hide ur true emotions) its the Height of Haunting SOULS ( So these souls are at the Highest Point ) just not what u seek of him (we never saw the truth) Can the heart reveal the proof like a mirror reveals the truth ( doesn't this make u wonder? Heart Can reveal proof and mirrors the truth?) And see the evil one is You ( Who is the Evil ? all of those who made hes life miserable)
    So is that scary for you. ( he doesn't want to talk about it. Hes tired of being abused he know u scaring him too . Is that scary for you ?
    I find.. so much in this song like Things are happening right infront of our eyes and only those who can find the proof in our heart will reveal the truth. or am i just going crazy?
    Michael Jackson is Alive. And I love him so so much.
    Here are the lyrics see what u can make out of it.

    There's a ghost out in the hall
    Theirs a goul beneath the bed
    Now it's coming through the walls
    Now it's coming down the stairs

    Then there's screaming in the dark
    Hear the beating of his heart
    Can you feel it in the air
    Ghosts be hiding everywhere

    I'm gonna be
    Exactly what you wanna see
    It's you whose haunting me
    Your warning me
    To be the stranger
    In your life

    Am I amusing you
    Or just confusing you
    Am I the beast
    You visualised
    And if you wanna to see
    I'll be grotesque
    Before your eyes

    Let them all materialise

    Is that scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you oh
    Is it scary for you baby
    Is it scary for you

    You know the stranger is you
    Is it scary for you baby

    There's a creak beneath the floor
    There's a creak behind the door
    There's a rocking in the chair
    But nobody sitting there
    Their's a ghostly smell around
    But nobody to be found
    And a coughin' and a yawnin'
    Where restless soul's spoke

    I'm gonna be
    Exactly what you gonna see
    So did you come to me
    To see your fantasies
    Performed before your very eyes

    A haunting ghostly treat
    The foolish trickery
    And spirits dancing
    In the light

    But if you came to see
    The truth the purity
    It's here inside
    A lonely heart

    So let the performance start

    Is that scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you oh
    Am I scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you
    So tell me is it scary for you baby
    So tell me is it crazy for you baby
    Am I scary for you

    You know the stranger is you
    Am I scary for ya

    Masquerade the heart
    Is the height of haunting souls
    Just not what you seek of me
    Can the heart reveal the proof
    Like a mirror reveals the truth
    See the evil one is you

    Is that scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you oh
    Am I scary for you baby
    Is it scary for you
    So tell me am I scary for you baby
    Am I scary for ya baby
    Is is scary for ya baby
    Am I scary for you
    (I don't wanna talk about it)

    Am I scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you
    I'm tired of being abused
    You know you're scaring me too
    I see the evil is you
    Is it scary for you baby

  73. Perfume Said,

    Admin I rest my case, your statements are well laid out, I want to ask the following questions:)

    My questions:

    1. When did he die, the doctor said he was not breathing lying on the bed
    2. The ambulance is called and they try administering CPR
    3. The ambulance take their time reversing out of the premises, MJ is then taken to hospital the doctors are working an hour on him

    My question, was he “dead” on the bed, was he “dead” in the ambulance, or did he “die” in the hospital.

    And my final question “How long was MJ's hair cause the person in the ambulance has shoulder length hair”

    And in closing was the alarm set off so that staff wud not know such a high profile person was in the hospital I guess not, and why was the helicopter hovering, and again why take him by ambulance to the hospital but by air to the morgue, it shud of been vice versa….keep digging admin ur doing a gr8t job, kudos to you

  74. watching Said,

    look what I found sometime in 2007:


    in this website:

    (on first post)

    let us know what you know more about him (E-Casanova)

    keep posting and I will keep watching…

  75. Perfume Said,

    #58 adding t your comment the paramedics said when they entered the house something did not look right and they said that the person they were administering CPR did not look like MJ at all they said that it looked they there was scarring on the person's face as though the person had recent facial/plastic surgery, the paramedics said they could not put their finger as to what looked odd about the house or the person, this comment has stayed with me ever since his “death” was aired worldwide and I sat and asked myself as to why the paramedics would say such a thing, then another thing struck me is that the doctors said they had to keep the “body” under lock and key and then they said the body was then moved to a secret morgue, why all these secrets if he was dead he was dead, who body was the paramedics working on, what seemed odd about the place, did the person they were working on perhaps have surgery to look like MJ….why was the body under lock and key in the hospital and then why was the body moved to a secret morgue??????? Admin help and don't stop digging, I believe at present nobody knows where the body is it is a month now

  76. veritas88 Said,

    Hi everyone. Thank you so much, admin, for creating this site. It is very informative and really examines the facts in lieu of pure speculation. I think this is a great site which tries to honor MJ. After reading the blogs on the site and coming to my own conclusions, I really do believe MJ is alive. Yes, I'ma fan and of course I don't want to believe that MJ is passed, but I'm not delusional, in denial or crazy. Simply looking at the facts, which you've nicely summarized in this post, it is clear that A LOT of things are not adding up.

    *Also, many on this site are questioning the existence of Dr. Conrad Murray, because there is only one picture available of him. I think there is something very strange about him and I too wonder if he is really who he claims he is. But about his “one” photo– this morning on the Today Show (Monday 7/27/09), they included ANOTHER PICTURE OF DR. MURRAY!!! the picture has a white background, he's wearing a blue tie, looking to the right and his facial expression makes it look like he's worried. Did anyone else see this? I saw it on my tv, so I can't link it to this site, but to see the picture, you should go to the Today show website and find video of the MJ segment from the show on 7/27/09. i wonder what are the implications of this second photo.

    Also, I agree that MJ most likely hoaxed his death so he could rest for some time and enjoy a “normal” life, but I too hope that he comes back into the spotlight to shame the media and put on the GREATEST COMEBACK TOUR EVER!!! He always said that performing was the one thing he always loved to do, and he's only 50, so I truly hope he does. Either way, all I really want for MJ is for him to realize that he is unconditionally loved and appreciated by me and millions of others, and I want him to be happy and healthy. That's all that matters.

    Once again Admin, I thank you for this site. It is respectful, decent and fact-based, not trashy and purely speculative like many other sites on the web. If MJ was aware of this site, I think he would like it. But one last thing, is there a way that each comment for each of your blog posts could have time stamps, like before you redesigned this site, or maybe everyone could start adding the time and location of their posts? (This was posted Mon 7/27/09 at 4:30pm EST in NY) I think this would help keep things organized better so we all know when new info is posted. Pateicība!

  77. bghoppy Said,



    bghoppy Said,
    Dianafan, i agree with you about Miko, he seems like a scumbag. Really, your the guy that threw the towel on his head back in “84's burn accident? And I think there is some resemblance b/w him and blanket.

    I also posted a comment under one article you removed about the '84 burning might have killed him. Well, i wrote that i never believed the whole story in the first place that he was burned, and faked it so that he wouldn't have to keep working with his brothers (which really was an issue, them hanging onto him). I can't find it now. I had said how there was a picture taken the next night with him and webster going out to dinner, and how his hair looked just fine at the grammys one month later.


  78. youarealive Said,

    Admin or somebody can help me?
    when I read this post and specially the part about Mr Chopra´s Twitter I cryed, laughed, jumped as a crazy girl,´cause MJ is indeed the man behind the courtain. It was a moment of joy for me. I became depressed with Michel´s death. My world lost all colors… So it was so great to see a so clear clue about him.
    But when I read about the death certificate I started to confuse myself .
    Because you say that there is no signature in his death certificate, but I saw a copy of this documentation and there is a signature.
    It´s signed by Jonathan C Fielding MD VE
    I am from Brazil, co I am not very good in your lenguage and I couldn´t find a clear copy of the certificate, but isn´t it the signature of a responsable doctor?
    I am trying to investigate too. Can you help me?


  79. youarealive Said,


    There is a site wich shows clearly MJ´s Death certification.
    There is a signature in the paper.
    I don´t understand this paper. Is it suposed to have another signature?
    Can anybody solve this confusion in my mind?

  80. bghoppy Said,

    Can that fire alarm story be cooberated by any more people? What's with the helo hovering overhead before Jermaine gets there? I wonder where it reurned to after dropping the body at the van?
    Now they say the 911 caller was a woman? That is totally not my percepion. What's her name and what is her job at the house. I've heard he is now debt free, thanks to us fans. You know that Liberian Girl video mentioned above, where were ANY of those people at his memorial. BS You still go to your junkie friends funeral. It's amazing there are two books out about MJ and his life and death before he is even buried (after more than a month, this is getting gross) , but sony cant press out some of this new music he was doing? Now he's the biggest drug addict in HIStory. Keith Richards never did as much drugs as sweet old child like mikey.

    I wanted to ask a favor from Bee, who mentioned a tmz link to computers in the ambulance, could you be more specific in how to find those comments, please? I'm very interested in the amulances and firetrucks at the scene. I dont know that it's normal to have an amb call #71 and an engine call #71. Does anyone else have ideas about the legitamacy of the vehicles and employees shown in the famous video?


  81. bghoppy Said,

    The differences in the death certificates is the red lettering in the background indicates it is not a regular ceritfied dc, but an informational certified copy, which means it is meaningless for proving identity of the body, and you could probably buy a blank one somewhere. Nor have they produced the common in CA, proof of death letter.

  82. bghoppy Said,

    Since when has there been a case where every person of interest is invisible, and only speaks through multiple lawyers. I get presumed innocence and all but how can you not get any pictures of Murray ducking in and out of a police station.




  83. Chumoan Said,

    I was reading somewhere online someone has made a very good point:

    At the This Is It press conference, you say that it is an impostor, and that its all in the hands. However, if you look at the middle finger, right underneath the midpoint of the finger, there is this mark, kind of like a dent in the finger. It is darker in the image on the left, but clearly it's also in the picture in the right.


  84. Little Susie 01 Said,

    to YouAreAlive Post 79

    I believe it has to be Signed by the Doctor. And not a single doctor has not yet Signed it because the certificate says its cause of death is Deferred..

    But i strongly believe he is alive

  85. Smile Said,

    @ bghoppy post 77

    Maybe it is better for him to hide,because now you're saying what you want,but america wasn'ta healty evironment for Michael Jackson. He had to do this to live in peace with his children.

    He has been here for us for years,now it's time for him to do what HE wants.

  86. SJ1983 Said,


    Sadly Michael can not ever return to the public, that's the price to be paid for us as fans and for Michael!
    So in a way he is dead………Despite that Michael took care of us and for himself to record 200 songs!
    As for the people saying that he was such a perfectionist, TRUE!
    To plan such a big hoax in every detail you have to work on it for years..
    I believe that he has had this idea for years, knowing the children would grow up and not knowing how much more shit he can take from the media….etc etc
    I think the ideal situation was there when AEG planned 40more concerts against his will, he didnt want to leave the fans down if he couldnt make the 50 concerts!
    Thats my view on it…..

  87. SJ1983 Said,

    so in order of that he had to plan this hoax in a very short time
    although the idea was there for a long time

  88. P Said,

    To bighoppy on ur post #77

    Please review the Grammy clip again. You can notice MJ has all of his hair comb to the front. He was hiding the burnt spot.

  89. Sky Said,

    Hellooo, great work!
    There is defiantly something wrong about this, it just doesn't add up.
    Although i am beginning to believee he has really gonee however whenever i visit this sitee it always brings back hopee.
    But if he hadn't of died why would the family keep saying different things and not just leave it at the fact that he has died of a heart attack?
    Loveyhooo MJ, xxx

  90. Perfume Said,

    I am logging back in tomorrow to read more of the comments but moreso on what admin has researched on….again kudos to the admin:D

    #80 @bghoppy I saw a movie called “Fireprood” and the ambulance and the fire engine both had the same numbers on them, is this normally done in America I am going to ask some paramedics and firemen here in South Africa if that is common for the ambulance and fire engine to have the same numbers, unless this is done in the USA….can anyone else please help with this, can the admin answer on this as well …nothing stays hidden that cannot be revealed…..this article was in our local newpapers

  91. MariannaB Said,

    Would like to come back to post #74:

    what if MJ and E'Casanova changed places and identities and the dead is E'Casanova?
    wondering about differing age but a person with a life threatening illness may become look like an old person – what's your thought?

    [watching Said,
    look what I found sometime in 2007:


    in this website:

    (on first post)

    let us know what you know more about him (E-Casanova)

    keep posting and I will keep watching…

  92. msichanamrembo Said,

    Jambo ,writing in from Nairobi, Kenya. I've been following this site since i googled and found it — about four days after MJJ's supposed death and the minute I shut out the regular news it's been easier to think outside the box with the facts surrounding this case. I have read and re read everything posted on this site and echo the sentiments of most people on this site. My questions:

    1. Why hasn't the media bothered to address the people who think/ believe it was a hoax — lack of objectivity?
    2.What happens now that Dr Murray admitted to administering the drug
    3. I think AEG have a huge role to play in this…how much money are they supposed to make out of all of this? They benefit from a drug overdose result right? Like someone said on this site…follow the money
    4. I think we should watch Miko very closely he's been at the forefront since the 26th of June…
    5. Ever since his friend(blankets Godfather and the father of MJ's Goddaughter) in the UK divulged that MJ was/is a master of illusions the one thing that hasn't stopped running through my mind is Misdirection. It's a simple illusionist trick…google it — but I think there's a lot of misdirection going on. From the Media, to Miko etc

    Whatever happens or wherever you are Michael…..remember that you are loved. Never forget that

    Nakupenda sana rafiki….

  93. elizabethvitale Said,

    Very interesting info and a lot of it positive to prove a hoax. Way to go Michael. I knew you would never leave to anywhere without a good amount of attention.

  94. nehaheartmj Said,


  95. Narcosis Said,

    It now appears that doctor Murray admitted two days after the death of MJ he gave him Propofol and maybe fell asleep!! (Maybe??) However Murray refuses currently further coöperation in the investigation.
    So last night the drugspolice invated his home in Las Vegas and searched for the medical records of MJ.
    Murray was present during the search.
    Are they not a bit late with this?

  96. Ivonne Said,

    @ nehaheartmj Nr. 94 :

    Making-of Stranger in Moscow^^

  97. Rofibbs Said,

    The Authorities???…sloooooooopy!!

  98. Rofibbs Said,

    Any news yet Admin?? tired of surfin sites to get tangible news..everybody seems to be repeatin wat we know already.

  99. maria2284 Said,

    Now they have footage of Dr. Murray…


    I think that they are watching this site since there was no footage before, people here brought that up several times.. and now all of a sudden there is video footage of him…..

    .... give me a break.

  100. maria2284 Said,

    They know we know hes not dead..

  101. lucrecia Said,

    I surprise that nobody does these questions except us. There are many important things without resolving. Witnesses to look, to asking what happened and that, besides, they are not contradicted to each other. I am far from where the facts happened, probably there you have more information or another sensation. I am Argentine, hope you understand my english!

  102. lucrecia Said,

    Do you remember this?:
    because I dont…
    Kas tas ir?

  103. Cabokat Said,

    To respond to #80. if you go to the link in the facts statement to Jenelle's blog, you will see the fire alarm information (at least as of today, 7/29/09, is stated in that blog to this website) is not correct or true.
    But I agree with you, will have to check that ambulance out it's at http://www.hollywoodtv.com or probably on youtube. Twitter about Gotham Chopra is true, so,,,,maybe Michael is alive and well and happy as hell
    not to have to put up with the media! If true, good for you Michael, if you see me let me know it's you!

  104. Cabokat Said,

    I think you should all check out @ecasanovamj on twitter, he has a few things to say. Very interesting and he sent one to @KennyOrtegablog Said Augus 1, 2009, the date that will rock the world……

  105. Cabokat Said,

    Okay now this is weird,,,,go checkout this website http://www.myspace.com/ecasanovafansite very eerie

  106. Narcosis Said,

    Jenelle's Journey:
    PLEASE READ: If you have made your way to this website via “Michael Jackson Death Hoax” dot com, please know that the administrator at that website has used this post to support incorrect information. The fire alarm that is discussed below was for the 200 Medical Center Building in the Peter Morton Center. This building is next door to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center Hospital where Michael Jackson did in fact die on June 25, 2009. The hospital did not have a fire drill, nor was it ever evacuated during the time that the Jackson family was there. It was later determined that the fire alarm at the 200 building was pulled by a paparazzi to create a distraction so he/she could sneak into the hospital…

  107. Narcosis Said,

    This womans version of what happened that day seems a little odd to me…(Thursday, June 25, 2009)

    Btw I just bought the magazine “Michael Forever” and there is a picture in it of Janet, LaToya & Rebbie in the catacombs of the Staples Centre, just right after the memorial. They were laughing if as someone just told them a good joke…That seems strange!

  108. monij Said,

    to Closepaltomj. what is your pr, i would like to have a look at it. Pateicība.

  109. Copenhagen Said,

    Please read Michaels fantastic speech at Oxford University in 2001. Maybe some of this will explain why he might have faked his death.


  110. Seekeroftruth Said,

    Narcosis… what an intriguing user name (congrats). You based your whole theory around a fire alarm? This website has pointed out several discrepancies since its launch into cyberspace. It is easier for many to believe MJ is alive than “dead” I hate the word die and all its variants along with it.

  111. monij Said,

    To MariannaB, that is interesting your post # 91. Did your really find this link in 2007, or did you just find the link these days. Your theory will really make sense if indeed you came across this piece of info back in 2007!!! what if they “switched” places. For an MJ fan that would be an honor to leave this world as “the idol” .

  112. Seekeroftruth Said,

    Narcosis, I may have misjudged you. Who is Janelle?

  113. Narcosis Said,

    Seekeroftruth; Don't know who that woman is but apperently she was at UCLA the 25th of june and has something to say about it. http://jenellesjourney.blogspot.com/
    And about my username, I use this one for years now…

  114. elizabethvitale Said,

    Where are the pictures of the iv and air containers taken from the estate? Where are the camera tapes? How did the Jacksons go in in 2 days and remove everything so fast leaving all of these drugs behind? There are so many unanswered questions and a media circus already out to sell books, give bios and make money. Could be Michael was paid to leave because he wouldn't be able to do the tour. Where are the pictures from the hospital? So noone took pictures of their dear family member after death. Why keep all of this secret? This is a public figure. Why only one photog and one ambulance picture that doesn't even look real? So many compromises sounds like typical error and leaks will be brought the evidence that may have will be tainted. Too many discrepancies I always said. I don't even think the people investigating would let a real detective work on the case. The real detective would probably uncover more truth. Too much hiding and too many loopholes. What about Michael's car? Where was the investigation on this?

  115. youarealive Said,

    To Copenhagen,

    I read his Oxford speech, tears have come to my face.
    I hope everybody here spend a little time to read his words. So deep worls could only come from a blessed soul like his.
    I am broken hearted, but also I am full of hope, ´cause I´ve never could imagine a human being could be so greater than all of the foolish behavior and thoughts that we usually have in our minds.
    He was/is a man with a mission in this world. He took his mission seriously and taught us how to love our children.
    He loved us all around the world from the botton of his heart. I wish we could be able to express back to him the same kind of love he felt/feels.
    I ask averybody who read this humble post to spend one minute for making a pray for him. No metter if dead or alive… but a pray expressing all of our deep love for him.
    Just one minut of support.
    Just one minut of a heart opened pray for his freadom and peace.
    We can also heal the world, with unconditional love.

  116. MJ_fan_for_40_yrs Said,

    Okay…so when I heard Michael had passed I had some doubts. I wasn't truly emotional, which I found odd. The days following his death just brought about more and more suspicions of a faked death — of which I'm glad!!

    As I watched Paris at the memorial, I felt “bad” for thinking that she was pretending to be sad, pretending to cry. And Prince Michael chewing his gum the entire time, looking bored. It just didn't feel believable. And the AEG director or promotor, never ONCE have I seen him look even remotely sad that MJ has passed. Even in the footage of the memorial, he's reading a teleprompter and looking PROUD of what he's “pulling off.”

    I could go on as to why I believe Michael Jackson is still alive, for many of the same reasons already mentioned…. But what I really want to point out, that I haven't seen pointed out anywhere, is the concert promo/clip that AEG has put out….go and listen to it again.

    The message/WORDS in that clip:





    “Some things in life they just don't wanna see……”

    I truly believe Michael is Alive………<3

  117. ilovemichaeljackson. Said,

    ive been reallllllly distraughhht over the death of Michael. i wasnt able to eat, drink, talk, or sleep for weeks. and i am still having a very difficult time. i have been searching despersatley to find some kind of ideas, or other people who belivee it was a hoax, and i am sort of happier that there is hop.eb ut the more i read this stuff, the more i question if this really if fake.

    i mean, there have beeen so many people speaking out, and crying, and weeping.. it doesnt make sense that SOMEONE wouldnt have slipped already and “accidently” said something about michael really being alive?

    i [onder this because i am so in love with Michael, and it lirerally makes me want to die when i watch the news abbout him…
    i want to know the truth, so that my heart will finally be a rest… i want to live my life normallly again, i feel this is all making me miserable.

    help me admin.

  118. maria2284 Said,

    #102, there was a rumor that MJ had passed away 18-20 years ago and this rumor was being passed around via email a few years ago. But get this, on Larry King Live, Jermaine Jackson did say “I think there is a place for my brother here, somewhere over there, near the train”

    Now isn't that strange??? That Jermaine would say over there near the train, when indeed this rumor has the picture of the supposed MJ near the train……….

    I swear, these people need to get their STORY straight and stick with it!

    MIKEY LIVES!!!!!!!!!!

  119. keegi Said,

    Well, I do believe that he's dead. Yes, we have a lot of things that don't add up but this is life. Life isn't perfect .. it's completely normal that things don't add up because if they would then we should question few things. BUT there are two things that make me smell a rat:1. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Michael at O2 in march. 2. the day he died CNN covered everything and showed how the helicopter took his body to morgue (and it's not weird that they used helicopter, he was famous and so what, that's not something to question), after the door was opened you could see the body in that white thingie and I honestly thought that someone moved there. I can't find that footage but it's out there. At that time I really thought I was seeing things but it really moved before medics started to move it out. That's my 2 cents. Sry for my English, it's not my first language.

  120. maria2284 Said,

    #106, I read her story too and she clearly states that she was inside the hospital when the hospital alarm went off. If it were next door, I doubt many would have heard it.

    If they set it off to let the paparazzi inside, wouldn't they have caught a glimpse of Michael? One picture? Even a room number of where he was? A hall way leading to where he supposedly was?

    I think maybe this woman is changing her story now since there was soo much attention given to her website about MJ and what happened that day. Shes changing it now, to get away from all of the MJ hoopla… in my opinion.

  121. bghoppy Said,

    smile – The US is unhealthy for all of us, and this stunt doesn't help. Why does he get to be so much more sensitive than us?

    P- I did say I stand corrected about all that. Atvainojiet

    Cabot- that link doesn't seem to work, but if it's the normal amb view from youtube/hollywood.tv, I've studied that to death, so many things are wrong there. It's just someone else had mentioned an inconcistancy that would have related to the onboard computers or something, but that link wouldn't work either.

    Perfume – American movies (like Fireproof and BackDraft) are notorious for getting important realist details all wrong, entertainment over fact. I just called my local fire department, and they say there is no reason, if fact they should not, have the same call numbers.

    Anyone – Can anyone explain why Rebbie was so invisible in the family in the early years? Never in a family photo?

  122. bghoppy Said,

    I called LA county and LA city FD, and they said the county used different ambulances (more like SUV's and PU's) and for the city they gave me conflicting explinations. (like if they did use the same #'s they would put a letter in from ) Like the ambulance should have said A71, and the truck E71. And then said no they don't always match. It's weird tho. And the tour bus that pulls up is 71 or 17.

  123. Meglio Said,

    I've come to pretty much the same conclusions the past few weeks..but I still don't know what to think. Part of me thinks its wishful thinking. I'm somehow not even a little bit surprised that the facts around Michaels death–if it's real- are vague. “Facts” about Michael and things concerning him have always been messed up. I mean, there's always someone who have something to say for god knows what reasons. For example, I just read that a UFO had been sighted over Neverland only hours after his death………. -_-* When it concerns a superstar ppl will talk for money, for attention, they will present their theories (made out of love or malice) as facts and so on…so…as I said, I'm not surprised the facts seem contradictory. Media speculates around Michael, as they always have.

    I really hope Michael is alive and well. With all my heart. I've been a fan for 18 years. Nothing would make me happier than Michael “doing a Jesus” (which is pretty much the only thing he hasnt done yet right). Has anyone read the letter Lisa Marie wrote about Michael..titled “He Knew” and stating that Michael was, in his own words, “afraid that he was going to end up like him, the way he (Elvis) did.”. Does anyone remember when Michael, supposedly at least, said he wouldn't survive 50? As we all know, Michael had vitiligo- a disease that's often accompanied by a heart disease that cause inflammation in the ventricles of the heart. Patients with these conditions often die from heart attacks in their 40's-50's. I think that's the only thing that really points to Michaels death being real. And maybe that's what he had in mind when he stated those things about the way he'd go…or maybe he has planned “dieing” ever since.

    I don't believe the “death diary” is real. I dont think something like this would be put on paper and carelessly left around for someone to find, by Michael or anyone else who was in on it. The strongest (in want for a better word) “evidence”, in my opinion, that this is staged is the children. Michael has always kept them hidden from the public eye and gone out of his way to protect their identities to allow them to have a normal childhood (as normal as it can be when you're the son/daughter of the worlds most famous man). It doesn't make sense that he would let them show their faces and have their pictures taken a few weeks before his death. I do, however, don't believe for a second that they were actors (an actor, even a young one, would have made a better “spontaneous” speech at the funeral and, lets face it, they look like him). I also think its strange that the coffin was closed..we're many who love Michael and who would have wanted to see him one last time. On the other hand, maybe it was Michaels wish..and I have a feeling if it had been open we would have said “why was the coffin open, was it to “prove to us” that Michael is really dead? Why was it so important that we get to see “Michaels” body?” the way we now question the fact that it was closed. If it was Michaels wish that he got some privacy at his funeral it's not so strange that the family respects that. However, Michael was muslim. It is muslim tradition that the body is placed directly into the ground, without a casket. An extravagant final resting place is discouraged (and I think a golden casket qualifies as extravagant) and the funeral should be 24 hours after death. Jermaine supposedly educated the family on these rites because he felt it important that Michael was buried the muslim way. But he wasn't. Is he even buried yet or are they still doing autopsy on his body?

  124. monij Said,

    To watching POST # 74 and to MariannaB POST # 91
    Look what i found: a poem from E'Casanova posted July 18,2007, “IF I Died Tomorrow…”. http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=84750892&blogId=289095549
    I think the mystery is SOLVED. Michael is not dead, E'Casanova was the one who died. That explains it all:
    why the paramedics felt something odd about MJ (according to post 75 by Perfume)
    why no real tears from the family
    why no real friends attending the funeral
    why the money and jewelery disappeared from MJ's house
    why they hired a shady doctor to take care of MJ (they needed a doctor who could be bought)
    WOW, what if this is what really happened!!!!! that would be awsome, where is E'Casanova now? maybe the one posting on twitter is MJ, about the dinner at the castle, but who might be the guest?

  125. nehaheartmj Said,

    @Ivonne: thank you so much……i am glad you cared……
    now…… today i ws watching michael jackson's chefs interview where i found that something can b wrong here….she said that as soon as the investigating team came….all people from the house were sent home….how can this happen….because if someone has died and that too MICHAEL JACKSON….nobody should have been allowed to move out of the house…..well this is what i think…..
    im frm india and i wanted to ask if i can get the book moonwalk(autobiography of michael jackson)…..can someone please tell me where can i get tht book from…..in india…..

  126. Samantha Said,

    BEST QUOTE BY MICHAEL JACKSON EVER: “if i want proof, i'll find it in you”

  127. ilovemichaeljackson. Said,

    meglio: i so agree with you.
    youre ideas make alot of sense.
    ive been wondering the same things?

  128. Samantha Said,

    Gaidīt! i gotta question, Michaels been hiding his Childrens Identiy for years, right?
    so why the day he “died” they're all over the news? utt. like without masks, Michael tried to keep the idenity/privacy as much as possible, i don't get it? Michael wouldn't want that to happen right? or is there an answer to that?

  129. Bee Said,

    This is interesting, showed up in the comments on tmz the other day:

    251. 48. Apparently there's a castle in Romania that secretly belonged (belongs) to Michael.

    He had it built – modeled on the Castle of Bran. Very, very few people have seen it, as it's hidden in a ravine in a remote mountainous area – which has been completely fenced off. The public simply cannot get to the place.

    The location is to the north of the mountain resort of Borsec. (Btw, Borsec is famous for its pure mineral water – Michael used to drink it all the time.) This forested region – one of the most remote in Europe – is home to many bears and wolves, making access even more difficult.

    Michael visited the area only once – during the second leg of the History Tour (ie, summer of 1997). The castle took ten years to build; it was finished in 2007. There are rumors that Michael wanted to go and live at the castle after the O2 Tour.

    A friend in Borsec has told me that three days after Michael's death, he saw three helicopters flying north over Borsec in the direction of the Castle (which locals have named Mihalyvar – or Michael's castle).

    Posted at 11:24AM on Jul 25th 2009 by Ringadingdong

    Posted at 12:23AM on Jul 31st 2009 by Tstorm


  130. kristindean88 Said,

    I think it's odd that so much of Michael's staff was fired/rehired, and new people were hired only a couple of months before his *death*. Kai Chase was hired in April, Dr. Murray had only been there for a month or so, etc. Also, where is the person who made the 911 call, why hasn't he been found? It's all very, very odd.

    In my heart of hearts I think Michael was killed by Dr. Murray's negligence, but I want so badly to believe that Michael has staged his death. I'm hoping we'll eventually see a story about his children going to a prestigious boarding school abroad, or some other kind of story. That would be the biggest indication to me that Michael is still alive.

  131. kristindean88 Said,

    Also, it looks like E'Casanova has deleted/disabled his Twitter account.

  132. leolady Said,

    Hi I'm finally here, tried to register three days ago and couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting a confirmation.. the mail ended up in my spam folder..mentioning this in case this happens to somebody else

    ANYWAYS, what I wanted to say is: admin you said about ecasanovas twitter page that it was blocking everyone out? I had access to that up until today. And after the postings about the dinner at the castle there were two more posts, one from July 26th: “August 1st 2009″ (that's all, just that date!) and then on July 28: “THE DATE THAT WILL ROCK THE WORLD”.
    Has nobody else seen this but me?? Nobody mentioned this. Isn't that weird? I've been going crazy ever since I dicovered this page and sometimes I just don't know what to think but I'm thinking more and more that this could be true and MJ is alive . I've been wrecking my brain about that twitter post, but.. August 1st is TOMORROW. So we shall see soon…
    When I heard what supposedly happened my first thought was no, that's not right, can't be, all wrong, no way, just didn't feel right in my stomach. And usually my gut feeling is right on…

    And just in case…your reading this Michael.. I would have done the same if I were you and I would stay hidden if I were you..I'd love to see you again but if you decide to just live your life in peace and quiet and get away from all this craziness, I'll be happy just knowing you're happy. But it sure would be nice to know that you are indeed alive and well, that's all…

    Would love to do this with you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQLfJG1hmcM&feature=related

    All my love,

  133. maria2284 Said,


    I think you are right on. Does anyone know what disease (life threatening) E*casanova had??? He wrote that it was “non-sexual”… but still, it might've been. Anyone have any idea?

  134. MJSmile4Us Said,


    I agree with u in that Michael is still alive although I am not so sure it was E'Casanova that died on June 25th. I mean how could Prince have chewed gum whild looking so bored out of his mind imo at his father's 'funeral'. Although he is only 12 years old, he would have been traumatized by the thought of not ever seeing his only parent right?

    But there is also a small part of me sadly believe that Michael did really die ever since I heard the custody battle reult – Katherine became the permanent legal guardian of Prince, Paris and Blaket while Debbie was given the visitation rights. I thought to myself that MJ would never allow this happen if he was alive – how could a money whore like Rowe get the visitation rights? I really wish this was not real and please refute this coz I am on the verge of losing my hope and need some encouraging words…

  135. oana Said,

    hi…i don't know…i'm confused…you are right but still…about the memorial…the words on the screen at the end of the Memorial 'I'm alive and I'm here forever'…maybe they thought about Michael's song “i'll be there” and Michael said once that he wants to live forever so maybe that;s why they put those words there…..and about the fact that no one in Michael's family cried… well…true…i cried a lot…but still…maybe sometimes you have no more tears to cry… i don't know… about the fact that LaToya talked about Michael at present…well he just died and most of the people can't talk about him at past…as far as i know he wasn'ta muslim, he didn't convert to islam…i don't know what to think…there are 12 fans of Michael who died … i don't know… i know there are some things that don't match…

  136. oana Said,

    btw…about the fact that Prince have chewed gum at his father's 'funeral'..that was weird…i also thought it's weird…but he's a kid…i don't know…kids are kids…

  137. youarealive Said,

    To leolady,
    I took a look at e-casanova Twitter too. I saw the mesage about August 1st.
    But I have another clue:
    E-casanova has just deleted his twitter acount!!!!!!!!!

    If you try to enter rigt now you will receive a non existent page message from twitter!!!!!!!!!
    Dr.Klein and Damme Elizabeth stopped posting!

    Mikey! Wherever you are, please notice that you are really beloved.
    But if you´re reading it, please DON´T COME BACK. It will be too DANGEROUS for you.

  138. blu Said,

    Reply to MJSmile4us. I know the feeling, some days I'm filled with hope and then others, I feel dispair and hopeless. Hold onto every bit of hope that you can find the strength to hold on to. I prayed and ask God to reveil things to me and last night I had a revelation that I am kind of excited about and I know that it was God's answer to the question that I ask him. I know that this site is looked at by many that may not love Michael like we do and I am kind of afraid to reveil my revalation right now. I trust and believe in God and he alone will direct my path. You know, I have been on this site posting, reading and answering questions. Still in the pit of my stomach, I wasn't sure about anything. I wasn't sure if Michael was alive and I wasn't sure that he was dead. Spirit high one day and low the next. I believe with every fiber of my being now that Michael is alive. He's not dead. Keep your hope alive.

  139. Perfume Said,

    To monji thanks for your comment…..this is an email I sent to a friend July 08, 2009
    “Remember MJ stopped making music at 38, and he would of stopped with his plastic surgeries at about the same time, so why did he not have a come back at say 40, why wait 12yrs later at the age of 50 to have a come back, when his kids were born he could of celebrated their births by doing come back concerts. So who knows where the “real” MJ is, what if he had gone into hiding then cause remember as well, he used body doubles as decoys all the time, so from a quiet man why suddenly would he become eccentric giving the media something to feed on, “drugs” molestations etc, I am just speculating, in hiding the decoy must of been used timorously to take the media off the scent by acting eccentric, he loved his children and in London I think it was when “Blanket” was hanging over the balcony the person had a mask on, so who says it was the real MJ hanging that baby off the balcony like that, where was Navi at the time of MJ's death, why did Jermaine Jackson have to give a press conference of his brother's passing and not the doctors that “worked” an hour on him, they would of had more insight of what to say to the media, like I said just speculations.

    Today with internet technology photos can be altered to make as nose was falling off etc, it could of been masks that were made to fool the media of his ever changing faces, who knows.

    Joe Jackson seemed a bit too calm for my liking and then Janet that was close to him did not have anything to say at the memorial, strange by the day and minute for me, I am like a dog with a bone, not going to let it go until the truth be found, where is the body, also the casket looked a bit too small for a person his height "

    And I will still go back to what the paramedics said that when they entered the house something seemed odd and that the person they were administering CPR to did not look like MJ at all and that there was recent scarring on the face of the person as though the person had recent facial surgery they said they could not put their finger as to what was odd about the house and the person still will stay with me, cause this was the highlight when it was announced he had gone into cardiac arrest, so was he in cardiac arrest at home or at the hospital. The most famous person is rushed to hospital and only one photo is released of him mmmmmmm very strange when Princess Diana died they even had photos of her released when she was in the car, so how come nothing of the world's most famous icon and humaitarian

  140. Perfume Said,

    If his entire staff was fired or told to go home that means they must have enough evidence that will blow the minds of many, somebody will come forward and speak and knowing how rich MJ was he must of had staff that were very loyal or faithful to him, but what happens if one of them cannot keep their mouths shuts, and going back to the comment of his kids being revealed why now MJ never wanted the world to know what his kids looked like even when “Blanker” was dangled over the balcony he was covered why suddenly are these kids exposed to the world they have now become the worlds most famous kids the media cannot get enough of them neither can the public, moreso Paris her “speech” the day of the memorial has made her the darling of the media and public

  141. youarealive Said,

    Take a look at these videos .
    These videos show how desperately he needed his freedom
    In the first one he says that he wanted to be a morfing superhero for being able to diguise himself and go anywhere.
    The second show that episod when he lost his car and was followed by paparazzi and crazy fans. He couldn´t have peace to buy his own clothes!!!!



  142. Mijac Said,

    found this extremely odd, i went to my twitter today, and i was trying to find E Casanova, and guess what: THE PAGE DOESN'T EXIST anymore!!!


  143. xy558 Said,

    the person who called 911 was MJ's bodyguard Alberto Alvarez.

  144. Perfume Said,

    I know this is off topic right now but I have to share it, Kanye West has just made an announcement that he is the new “king of pop” and that he is ready to take MJ's place I think the little puppy wants to play amongst the bulldogs what makes West think that he has what it takes to give himself that title and what records as he sold to earn him that title what has he done to bring recognition to that title there will only be one king of Pop, there was one king of Rock 'n Roll and one king of Soul so what confusion is West trying to create right now the music industry is still battling to topple MJ nobody has toppled Thriller from its number ONE spot the media is still in a love/hate relationship with MJ and now West comes with this bullshit announcement…sorry admin I just needed to vent my frustration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  145. SydneyKrazy Said,

    Very well written and actually very interesting. But common sense tells me that there is a problem with this theory the way it is. First of all, the odds of having that many people covering this up and to have not even one person leak info is pretty low. Someone always talks. We're talking A LOT of people here! Something that would have to be kept this secret would only involve a few people. And you are saying that there was no dead body. Again, in order for there not to be a dead body this hoax would have to involve way too many people. Especially since there is always an autopsy performed in death cases that are not explained. The only way he could attempt to fake his death would be to kill off that look-a-like and have only a few people involved. Not just transport a look-a-like alive to the hospital and then have him sneak away. The theory would have to follow a story line that includes a dead body but I highly doubt MJ would kill someone in his place. Sadly this doctor did not monitor MJ's vitals through the night like he should have been doing and MJ's heart shut down.

  146. ilovemichaeljackson. Said,

    ive commented this site many times, and i think this might be my last time.
    i have been a huge fan of michael jackson. as i stated earlier, when i found out he died, i couldnt eat, sleep, or talk.. i became deeply depressed, and i started seeing a therapist… and no, i am not crazy, it killed me how and when michael supposedly “died”. nobody deserves to die, especially in that manner, and at that age…he was a wonderful and beautiful man.

    for weeks, i searched for an answer, i wanted to know, “”was this all real?” “how exactly did he die?” “whats going on?” as i am sure all of us were, then i came across this blog on wordpress, written by this guy named derek clontz. i read it, and for a few days, my depression went away, i felt i had my answer, and now things would be better.

    then i started religiously visiting the site, and more weird things were being posted, and i started questioning the validity of it all. so i stopped going there, and came here to this site in hopes of more answers. everything sounds good, everything are really great points but i am positive that if it had been anyone else, we wouldnt have seen all these little, obvious, questionabel things that admin and other people have found throught the internet and/or paying close, close attention to the memorial.

    i love michael jackson, i really do, and i alwyas will.. if i could, i would go looking for him myelf… but to be honest guys, i really have this feeling that he really is dead. yes, it is weird the doctor left, yes, it is weird that his close freidns couldnt attend, and yes, it is EXTREMELY weird, he predicted his death years ago, and repeatedly statted how he wanted to die, if he ever did. but you know what? thats life. and we have to deal with it, and as heartbreaking as it is to hear, to deal with…and as many days in the future where i cant eat or sleep because i am thinking of him, i know for a fact michael woild not fake his death, even if it was for happiness… especially because of all the crazed, phsyco fans who would literally “die” for him.

    what man would do that? especially afetr numerous times of telling us, he loved us? and for him to pick up and leave? i dont see it. i admit, i did, but ive watched over 45 televised and internet programs on him.. and ive cried at what an amazing man he was, and i really cannot see him ever having put his fans thru this.. no mattter how unhappy he was. he loved us, he really did.. and my heart will be forever broken at the fact i was neevr able to meet him, or kiss him.

    but this site ( in nothing but an opinion) is a beautuiful site, built on nothing, (and i am sorry admin) but wishful thinking. thank you admin, and all you others who dug so deep, and continue to do so, to find answers and clues to make you happy, it definently helped me. and i hope i am helping the others who are seriously hurting. i am. and i always will. i love you michael, more than you could ever imagine. my last request: give my dad a hug for me.. he really loved you.

    thanks to you all for your precious time.

  147. meagy Said,

    michael had his own private double, and the double says himself at the end of this first video that michael one day decided to dress up in a wheelchair… so the weehchair was a joke… and the double even performed for him at times



  148. Smile Said,


    I don't think you were on the cover of tabloids
    I don't think you were charged for molestation of a child TWICE!
    I don't think you had a bad childhood and no one seems to understand you
    I don't think you are lonely like him,maybe you are i don't know. Even though he was surrounded by people who said they loved him,he said he doesn't love those people(in a phone conversation on youtube)
    He just needed to be with people,that he loves too, his family and his children. And start living

    Can't we just be happy for him?

  149. meagy Said,

    btw, the original video of the neverland rach near the end shows the ghost too…… what do u guys think?


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