Michael Jackson Hoax Death

Czy King of Pop naprawdę żyje?

Istnieje kilka którzy zaprzeczają, że kiedy wieść o śmierci Michael Jackson został ogłoszony w dniu 25 czerwca 2009 r., wszyscy wierzyli, że jest prawdziwe ... i prawie nas wszystkich.

Opowieść brzmiało bardzo wiarygodny. Obraz, który został wydany w paramedyczny rozpaczliwie próbuje reanimować Michael Jackson w odwrocie karetkę, żywego materiału, że wszyscy zobaczyli i oświadczenia dla prasy podanych przez członków rodziny Jackson miał nas wszystkich zasmucony i gotowy do rozpoczęcia żałoby straty z największych Entertainer naszych czasów.

Następnie udał się na dni, pęknięcia zaczął stosować w ściśle tkane produkcji Michael Jacksons "śmierci". Wad w wydarzeniach, które miały miejsce w dniu, kiedy umarł, sprzecznych informacji podanych przez Jackson Rodzina i Media i nierealistyczne Coincidences zaczęła się pojawiać, podnoszenie coraz więcej wątpliwości co do zasadności roszczenia.

Zbyt wiele pytań wciąż bez odpowiedzi, a pytania są popping każdego dnia w odniesieniu do jego ostatecznego miejsca odpoczynku, gdzie jego ciało jest obecnie stwierdzić, kiedy łudzący toksykologii sprawozdania z jego dwaj autopsji zostanie zwolniony, to dlaczego jego zgonu nie został podpisany, a i na to idzie.

Michael Jackson Hoax Śmierć przeanalizowała wszystkie informacje zasilane przez media w tydzień po śmierci "The King of Pop" i uczynił wiele wniosków z jego własnych.

Osobiście wierzę, czy Michael Jackson jest Dead or Alive, fakty i analizy tych faktów poniżej są niepodważalne. My nie wytwarza żadnej z tych faktów, mamy tylko wskazał na oczywiste i uczestniczyły wszystkie informacje, które zostały już podane nam przez media.

"Prawda jest jak słońce, można ją zamykać na czas, ale nie jest goin 'away"

Elvis Presley

Przed "Death" z Michael Jackson

Jeszcze przed jego śmiercią, inne uszy i zęby były obserwowane na Michael Jackson w różnych obrazów od końca 80-stworzenie ogólnego w odniesieniu do podejrzenia, jak często jego "Decoys" zostały użyte w celu "rzeczywistoÊci".

W grudniu 2008 ktoś wezwał w radio show w Stanach Zjednoczonych i twierdził Michael Jackson zmarł z przedawkowania narkotyków. Po dochodzenia było odłożyć do bajerować, ale nie wcześniej niż rozerwany wielu fanów słyszeli wiadomości i lokalnych stacji TV zgłoszono ją. Wyświetl raport tutaj: http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com/?p=84

width=273 Od grudnia 2008 - luty 2009, to było zgłaszane, że Michael cierpi z poważnych infekcji skóry, które mogą prowadzić do jedzenia ciało bakterii, miał rozedma, potrzebne transplantacje płuc, jelit i miał krwawienia. To było nawet zgłaszali, że Michael czuł, że niedługo umrze. Był fotografowany na wózkach inwalidzkich, a także była w punkcie, że nie mógł nawet chodzić.

Jednakże kilka miesięcy później - rocked on na świat z wiadomości, że będzie rozpoczęcie O2 koncerty. Nie tylko, ale wydała AEG footage go tańczyć na scenie w doskonałej formie, 2 dni przed jego śmiercią. Jest puszczał pogłoskę, że Michael choroby używane jako środek poszukiwania uwagę mediów, czego dowiedziała się, że z jego bliskim przyjacielem Elizabeth Taylor. W rzeczywistości, to raz jeszcze "collapsed" przed koncertem - który został odwołany. Ponadto, podobno był używany jako środek choroby nie może uczestniczyć w imprezach o charakterze publicznym. Jak to nie różni się wtedy tylko na większą skalę?

Ciało plastinated pośmiertnie

Michael był obsesję manekiny i miał te umieszczone wokół jego rezydencji. Był bardzo samotną osobą, która chciała mieć osoby bliskiej mu w jego życiu. Jedyną firmą, która mógł były manekiny. Istnieją doniesienia, że Michael pracowników skontaktować Gunther von Hagens, aby jego ciało plastinated pośmiertnie.

http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0, 1518,614006,00. html

Czy to tylko pośmiertna czy on ma repliki jego ciało stworzone? Michała trener przyznał, że Michael kochał pociągnięcie pranks, takich jak wysyłanie manekinów w karetkach pogotowia, aby wyrzucić poza Paparrazzi. Jak wiemy, co się stało, że teraz nie jest dowcip?


  • Michael Jackson był dziwny działając na ogłoszenie O2 Koncert w Londynie i bardzo inaczej niż zwykle jego własny rachunek, a istnieje wiele spekulacji na temat tego, czy osoba ta Konferencja prasowa prowadzona była w rzeczywistości Michael Jackson, lub "podobnych"
  • Michael Jackson's zmienia fryzurę często między prostymi włosami / curly włosy podczas jego występów. Na O2 konferencji miał bardzo puszyste włosy prosto i styl w "ostatecznej próby" materiału, jest on sportowych jeden curly już włosy stylu, podobny do fryzurę on nosił 10 lat temu.
  • Istnieją sprzeczne raporty co do prawdziwego stanu zdrowia Michael Jackson w prowadzić do jego Koncerty Londyn. Niektórzy twierdzą, był zdrowy, niektóre powiedzieć był bardzo słaby i zmęczeni.
  • Michael Jackson się telefonicznie z pielęgniarką w celu omówienia problemów medycznych na Fathers Day, kiedy rzekomo miał własnego live-in lekarza ŻYCIE z nim (Dr Conrad Murray).
  • Michael Jackson nienawidzili turystyki i jest zgłaszane, że początkowo tylko podpisane na wykonywanie 10 koncertów w Londynie. Ze względu na wszystkie 10 pokazuje sprzedaży w ciągu kilku minut, AEG, koncert promotorów, wydała kolejny pokazuje 40 bez Michała zgody, biorąc ostatecznego zestawienia koncertów do 50, w okresie 10 miesięcy, wbrew jego woli
  • Jak Michael Jackson przejść 4-5 zdrowia fizycznego badania przez niezależnego lekarza w Lloyds of London, aby zapewnić jego koncerty, jeśli był "słabych", "chore" lub "narkotyków uzależnionych?"
  • Cherilynn Lee, twierdzi Michael Jackson miał błagał ją do narkotyków Diprivan, choć jest ona tylko Nutritionist. Czemu on jej wezwanie? Zwłaszcza kiedy jego osobistego lekarza, a zwłaszcza kiedy nie mówił do niej w trzy miesiące i mimo rzekomo należne jej pieniądze. (Można dzięki niej pieniądze być motywacja dla niej wychodzą z tego śmieszna historia?)
  • Michael nagle zaczyna się jego dzieci w publicznych minus welony w tygodniach prowadzące do jego "śmierci".
  • W przypadkowa przenieść, Michael Jackson ponownie wynajął znanych rozrywkowych adwokat John Branca zaledwie trzy tygodnie przed jej przeciwników po John Branca złożył rezygnację od Michała adwokat w roku 2006.
  • Michael nie wynajmu wszelkich tancerzy choreograf lub jego nadchodzącego koncertu. Zobacz wideo ...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... .. p95YX7OEPo

  • Wszystkie Michael Jackson's Londyn koncerty zostały przełożone - od 8 do 13 lipca, koncerty od 10 lipca przeniesiono do marca 2010.
  • Nagranie przez AEG z Michael Jackson's "Final Rehearsal" zostało zarejestrowane w dogodnie Full HD audio i wideo.
  • Przyjaciel Michała, Gotham Chopra w dniu 10 lipca tweets: Gdyby najbardziej fascynujących kolacja ubiegłej nocy z tym facetem, który działa na świecie zza kurtyny. Zobacz tutaj: http://twitter.com/GothamChopra
  • Michael Jackson's clip liberyjskich dziewczyna, gdzie kieruje wszystko zza kurtyny. Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjtI2WZTZ9k
  • Istnieje zbyt wiele sprzecznych opowieści o tym, co naprawdę wydarzyło się w dniu, kiedy "umarł" (i nocy - Niektórzy twierdzą, był awesome podczas prób i inni mówią był ospały).

Addicts robić najróżniejsze rzeczy, rzeczy, które boli ich przyjaciół i rodziny. Argument, że nie nadużywanie narkotyków, ponieważ boli dzieci jest po prostu nie działa. On już dopuszczone do uzależnienia w przeszłości. Nie do mnie zaskoczeniem jeżeli to się stało ponownie, zwłaszcza jeśli pogłoski o jego zdrowie kwestie były prawdziwe. Jeśli w rzeczywistości Michael Jackson był nadużywanie narkotyków propofol do 15 lat, jak jest to możliwe, że nigdy nie było dokonane przed nim?

W 911 połączeń

Dlaczego istnieją sprzeczne historie o znalezienie Michael Jackson załamałby / nie oddychaniu?

Joe Jackson powiedział coś mu się do łóżka w nocy z 24, a nie budzenie. Inne raporty stanu, że on dostał się na 25 czerwca, we walked dr Murrays pokój z jego pokoju mówiąc nie był poczucie dobrze, i upadł, a gdzieś indziej, że był już w Lekarze pokoju. Latoya później mówi, że Michael Murray została znaleziona w pokoju, a nie w swoim pokoju.

Mamy też doniesienia, że słyszał Michael Jackson's syn księcia był w pokoju i myśli "Daddy was joking" natomiast był convulsing na podłodze - bo może być zupełnie prankster? Hrmmmmm ...

Przy tak wielu strażników i personelu w domu nie było nikogo, aby dokonać natychmiastowej telefon do 911?

Gdy 911 wezwanie ostatecznie dokonane dopiero 30 minut po Michael Jackson upadł?

Pracownik, który ostatecznie nie wykonać połączenie do 911 był bardzo uprzejmy i wspomniała, że nie było "pan", który był w potrzebie pomocy - dlaczego nie powiedzieć, że to on był Michael Jackson?

W 911 operatora Hung Up on rozmówcę mówiąc: "zadzwoń do nas z powrotem, jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy. To jest 100% wobec 911 protokołu, 911 Operator ma pozostać na linii do władz przyjechać. Dlaczego nie potrzebują pomocy - istnieje KTOŚ DYING!

Jak i dlaczego słynnego 911 połączeń zwolnione? A jak było publicznie tak szybko? Czy nie jest to bardzo prywatne i trzymane w zamknięciu i klucz?

Jest to powszechnie znany fakt, że telefony komórkowe mają śledzenia GPS. Nawet nie znając Michael Jackson's pełny adres lekarza mogła wykorzystać swojego telefonu komórkowego, aby połączyć 911 i natychmiast mogły być w stanie śledzić go. Również Michael Jackson mieszkał bardzo blisko w UCLA Medical Center, a jeśli on ma po prostu powiedział, że "Michael Jackson's House", będą wiedzieć, gdzie iść.

Dr Murray twierdzi, nie było ziemi linii Michała pokoju był paranoikiem o "telefon krany i błędów", które jest jego usprawiedliwienie dotyczące opóźnienia połączenia do 911.

I'm sorry, ale bez telefonu lub nie znać adres? Ridiculous.

Każdy wie, w LA, gdzie jest ten dom. Wszystko co musisz zrobić, to krzyczeć "Michael Jackson umiera, PROSZĘ HURRY." Zaufaj mi, oni wiedzą, gdzie go odnaleźć. Dom telefon będzie produkowane adres anyway.

Inne niespójności są dziwne, że osoba, która dokonała 911call nigdy nie był przesłuchiwany przez policję i zniknął bez śladu.

Osoba składająca rozmowy była całkowicie "za spokojna". To był Michael Jackson, że leżał tam, a nie z oddychaniem, nie wspominając już o własnych pracodawcy.

Osoba składająca połączenia nigdy nie określiła siebie, co jest standardową procedurą dla 911 podmiotów gospodarczych.

Osoba składająca połączenia nigdy nie określiła Michael Jackson.

W 911 Operator mówi "do połączenia z powrotem", jeżeli potrzeba i rozłączy. Standardowa procedura jest, aby pozostać na linii do paramedyczny przyjechać. Operator nie może sprawdzić, że nie jest lekarzem w domu i nie ma znaczenia, jeśli nie było. Mają pozostać na tej linii.

Paparrazzi WOULD się tam na jego dom szybko. Mają policji skanery i tak szybko, jak to połączenie jest umieszczone, byłyby tam (znów, każdy wie, w LA, gdzie mieszkał).

Jeśli chodzi o szczegóły tego, co rzeczywiście się stało, są bardzo zamglony ... Czy Michael Jackson upadku lub umarł w jego snu?

Dlaczego Michael Jackson's osobistego lekarza i kardiolog, doktor Conrad Murray wykonać CPR na jego własnym łóżku?
Czy Michael Jackson umiera we własnej sypialni lub lekarza pokój?

Doniesiono, że dzieci były w domu ... kiedy oni opuścić dom? Z kogo?


Pogotowia, że jest filmowany z poparciem Michael Jackson's podjazd będzie bardzo powoli, bez podpowiedzi nadzwyczajnych, bez syreny lub światła.

Footage z pogotowia opuszczania miejsca zamieszkania wykazują bardzo wolno poruszających pogotowia. Wydaje się, że kłopoty na podłoże. W syreny nie są włączone. Straż przy bramie nie pomaga kierowcy manewru z podjazdu, chociaż Michael jest podobno blisko śmierci wewnątrz niego.

Istnieją dwa karetek zdjęciu: jedna z nich wydaje się oczywiście wykazać, że Michael Jackson w karetkę, jest frowning z dużą żyły wystające z jego czole. W nieprzytomna osoba nie boczyć lub mają "żył" wystające. (interpretacja nie fakt).

Ostatni zdjęcia

W aparat oddechowy w hotelu nie jest właściwie w usta osobę lub przez jego nosa, ani do kompresji klatki piersiowej wykonywane są we właściwym miejscu. To z wyszkolony personel paramedyczny?

Odnotowano wiele spekulacji co do tego, czy dana osoba jest faktycznie fotografował Michael Jackson, czy nie.

Dlaczego istnieje potrzeba posiadania Aktualności footage z "ciała" Michael Jackson z lotu za pomocą helikoptera z UCLA Medical Center do kostnicy? Dlaczego było "ciało" pilotowany przez śmigłowiec w pierwszej kolejności? Jeśli on rzeczywiście umarł, to co było spieszyć, aby go tam? Prowadzenie pojazdów i coraz złowionych w ruchu nie będzie miał bardzo duże znaczenie różnicy.


Nie było żadnych informacji z jednego staffer UCLA w potwierdzający / zaprzeczając, że Michael Jackson był nawet tam. Istnieją sprzeczne raporty na temat prawdziwego stanu Michael Jackson's well-being, kiedy przybył do szpitala. Niektórzy twierdzą, był DOA - Dead dniu przyjazdu, po oficjalnie zmarł w domu - co wyjaśnia, dlaczego pogotowia, że wybrał go było w żaden rush - jednak Jackson Rodzina stwierdzili, że był w "A Coma" po przybyciu na szpital, a oni i tulenie go, że "spojrzał pokojowego" podobny był "spania", a potem zmarł podczas lekarzy i medycznej zespołu pracowali na nim na kolejne 60 minut. Z jednej strony masz LaToya że MJ był jeszcze ciepły, gdy ujrzała go w szpitalu i Jermaine powiedzenie jak zimno czuł, kiedy zobaczył go.

Dogodnie ogień poszedł wyłączyć alarm podczas Michael Jackson był w szpitalu - szpital musiał zostać ewakuowani.

Doniesiono, że wielu członków jego rodziny Michael Jackson już w szpitalu, kiedy przybył, jego matka, jego dzieci, Jermaine i LaToya choć nie ma oczu świadków w celu zweryfikowania tego. Jeśli jest to rzeczywiście prawda, jak to jego własne dzieci je tam przed uczynił, kiedy została podjęta przez karetkę? Jak to się stało, że Jermaine się go przed swoim bratem, kiedy rzekomo usłyszał wieści o bracie w radiu (który stanowi, podczas wywiadu z Larry King na NEVERLAND).

Dom i personelu

W ciągu kilku godzin od chwili zatrzymania serca, Michael Jackson's zamknąć pracowników personelu zwalniani. Wygląda na to, jak bardzo dziwaczny i szybką decyzję.

The Jackson rodziny były dozwolone, aby wejść do domu i natychmiast wziął carloads przedmiotów.

Istnieją wiadomości wycinki tego w YouTube, gdzie można zobaczyć, że nawet pościel i koce zostały usunięte z domu. The Jackson rodzina stwierdziła, że były obawy, że zostaną one skradzione. Jednak, dochodzenie w LAPD Jackson śmierć wynikające z przedawkowania narkotyków i możliwość zabójstwa został uruchomiony na 28. W tym momencie jego dobytek jego dom wynajęty został już usunięty przez Jacksona. Pomimo tego, LAPD dochodzenia wnosi znaleźli IV stoisk, IV torby, leki na receptę i tlenu zbiorników. Więc jeśli Michała dobytek został już usunięty, co dokładnie zrobił LAPD znaleźć i jak wiemy, że były one po pierwsze, nawet obecny, a po drugie, jeżeli nie zostały "obsadzone" tam przez rodzinę? To miało miejsce przed policją przybyła na scenę i zamknął sceny dochodzenia.

Innym wygoda polega na tym, że taśmy z Survellience zabezpieczeń CCTV poszedł brakujące (lub nigdy nie istniał, ponieważ system został wyłączony) na wydarzenia związane Michała "śmierci".

W "Upadek" był rzekomo zarejestrowane, a następnie taśmę kawałki. Dysk twardy gdy CCTV footage z domu i podstawy było pobierane są automatycznie usuwane.

Jackson zawsze przechowywać kilka milionów dolarów w gotówce i niektóre elementy biżuterii z nim, jeżeli kiedykolwiek wyjechał. Pozycje te są niekompletne i nie znaleziono gotówki w domu.


Nie było narkotyków znalezionych w Michael Jackson domu do drugiego wyszukiwania przez policję (po Jackson rodziny i inne były wewnątrz domu).

W Annoncement na śmierć

Sprawozdanie z rozrywki plotkarskim stronie TMZ zapowiada Michael Jackson śmierci przed poważnym źródłem dostaje informacje. Byli sprawozdawczości wiadomości tylko minut po Michael Jackson została potwierdzona przez lekarzy martwych at UCLA.


Od coroners urzędu, Michael Jackson's zgonu nie zostało podpisane przez lekarza. DR. Conrad Murray, Michael osobowych Lekarz odmówił podpisania go, podobnie jak lekarze w coroners office - dlaczego?

Obecnie Michael Jackson nie ma prawnego zgonu (ma jeden wydany i przekazany do wiadomości publicznej, ale nie jest podpisany przez lekarza lub koroner).

Wszystkie lekarza zaangażowanych w przypadku Michael Jackson's at UCLA Medical Center odmówił podpisania zgonu.


Nie ma oficjalnych przyczyną śmierci. Toksykologia niecierpliwością oczekiwane są raporty, które mogą potrwać do sześciu tygodni od śmierci mamy 2 ½ do zrobienia.

Istnieją doniesienia, że rodzina czeka na Michała Brain być zwolnione z powrotem do nich przed pogrzebania ciała ... był martwy już na 4 tygodnie, a wciąż nie jest pochowany.

Dr Conrad Murray

Conrad był Michael Murray lekarza do 11 dni, i został zatrudniony przez AEG promotor na London O2 Koncerty. Kilka miesiąc przed tym, Michael miał uchwalił 5 godzin fitness test dla celów ubezpieczenia, z czystego rachunku zdrowia. Więc dlaczego dokładnie kardiolog był zatrudniony na Michała, i że tylko za 11 dni przed jego "śmierci"?

Najwyraźniej Conrad Murray był "niewyraźny", aby rozpocząć z lekarzem, on nawet zadeklarowały upadłości w 90's. Jego wcześniejszej działalności jest podejrzanych, a on oczywiście czyni łatwym kandydatem do winy dla Michała "śmierci". Należy również pamiętać, że hałdy narkotyków LAPD, że ma rzekomo znajduje, musi być tam przed Conrada zatrudnienia. Nie tylko, ale do zbudowania uzależnienia i tolerancji dla nich wymaga lat, a nie tylko 11 dni. Conrad tak niestety nie jest dobrym lekarzem, który jest prawdopodobnie jest w ramce o przestępstwa, które nie istnieją. Michael był bliskim przyjacielem lekarzy takich jak Deepak Chopra - dlaczego musiałby rozstrzygać na cris lekarza?

Murray było zarobić miesięczne wynagrodzenie 150.000 dolarów, ale według AEG Live, koncert promotora, Jackson nie podpisały umowy w chwili jego śmierci = jeszcze nie wynajętych + niedozwolone praktyki w Wielkiej Brytanii i Kalifornii najwyraźniej = dlaczego Michael Jackson on z tego?

http://latimesblogs.latimes.co ... .. cian-.html

Michael Jackson's żyć w kardiolog nie ma defibrylatora. Ta sama kardiolog nie wiesz jak to zrobić CPR? On wykonuje go na łóżku, a nie twardą powierzchnię?

Nie ma posiadanie narkotyków w celu przeciwdziałania skutkom propofol (istnieje) i nr defibrilator? Hmmmm

Minut po Michael Jackson jest zabrane przez pogotowie ratunkowe, Dr Murray zniknie, a jego samochód jest zajęte na policji i szukaliśmy dowodów.

Jest on ogłosił, że istnieje "nie faulowanie" podejrzewa się dopiero 1 dzień, a Dr Murray nie jest podejrzany w swoich kontaktach z Michael Jackson śmierci. 3 tygodnie później homocide podejrzenia?

Dlaczego jest to, że Dr Murray był towarzyszące Michael Jackson do Londynu, gdy nie jest on licencjonowany na praktykę medycyny tam?

Dziwnie, wydaje się tylko jeden obraz istnienia Dr Conrad Murray. Nawet papparazzi może nie wydawać się, aby go odnaleźć.

Dr Murray "nie jest podejrzany, ale tylko świadkiem", a jednak on wynajmuje adwokata anyway i ma dla niego adwokata mówić w wywiadach.

Niektóre artykuły stanu Dr Murray jako holistyczne lekarza. On również nie licencję na żadnych leków, które mogłyby mieć poszkodowane Michael Jackson w stanie Kalifornia. On również nie może podawać takie leki prawnie. Dlaczego Michael Jackson pozwalają na to lekarz w jego życia, jeśli nie mógł nawet żadnych leków może mieć potrzebne / chciała?


Katherine Michael Jackson's Matka była seen zakupy na docelowe dla Camping Gear dzień po jej syn zmarł. Ona także poszedł do jej paznokcie zrobione w dzień jego pamięci.

Janet Jackson i rodziny usuwane Michael Jackson's rzeczy z domu, że wynajem w LA na 27 czerwca.

Debbie Rowe dni po śmierci Michała twierdził chciała nad ich chilren następnie wycofać swój zamiar dni później.

Joe Jackson na pytanie w pierwszym wywiadzie po śmierci Michaela jak i jego rodziny były robisz, ma okazję do promowania swojej nowej płyty - on również, że Michael Jackson's Kids, którzy właśnie stracili ojca były robi "wielki".

Również Joe Jackson i Jesse Jackson były postrzegane laughing poza dom rodzinny, mniej niż 2 dni po Michael umarł! Joe wydał natomiast kciuk do mediów? ...

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new ... ..- home.html

http://x17online.com/gallery/v ... .. mp; indeks = 7

LaToya Jackson Dwa i pół tygodnie po śmierci jej brata, LaToya się twierdząc, że Michael został zamordowany i że wie, kto to zrobił. Ona również, że jeśli osoby odpowiedzialne nie wystąpiła, że byłoby im. Co ciekawe była wypłacana dość dużą sumę za wywiad, w którym ona głosy tych roszczeń. Jeżeli twój brat został zamordowany i będzie wiedział, kto to zrobił, nie chcesz poinformować świat bez obietnicy o wypłata?


Istnieje wiele dziwnych i dziwnych zdarzeń, które miały miejsce podczas Michael Jackson's Memorial. Oto, co musimy wziąć pod uwagę:

  • The Gospel Choir śpiewu Powrót Króla
  • W tearless mowy z Paris Jackson
  • Słowa na ekranie pod koniec Pamięci "I'm alive and I'm here forever".
  • Nikt w rodzinie Michała zawołał
  • No real freinds uczestniczyli pamięci - bez bliskich przyjaciół, takich jak Diana Ross, Liz Taylor, Macaulay Culkin, Quincy Jones, itp.
  • Dodatkowe "s" na "ból" w "Will You Be There" monolog w pamięci. Michael Jackson nigdy nie miałaby rejestrowane "błąd" i pozwoliło jej uwolnienia.
  • La Toya stwierdzając, że "Michael jest oglądanie wszystkich," odnoszące się do ludzi w Nokia Arena.
  • Obraz Michaela kierowania wideo.
  • Kenny Ortega na pomnik, z napisem "Michael był tutaj tydzień temu", gdy Michael miał "umarł" prawie dwa tygodnie temu.
  • Marlon Jackson odczuwa potrzebę dzielenia się opowieść o ukrytych gdy Michael został jako ktoś inny, i że on wiedział, że to był Jego łatwo ... ten odpowiedni opowieść o pamięci? A dlaczego jeden z tym wszystkie historie mógł wspólnych wydatków od 50 lat z jego młodszym bratem?
  • Wersja slajdów na pamiątkę jest MJ na koniec Bibliotekarz Girl, za reżyserię filmu kamery niczego nie uczestników w jego teledysku.
  • Cały pomnik został przeprowadzony w Jehoviah's Witness uroczystości, chociaż Michael Jackson został zgłoszony do zamieniane na islam w 2006 roku.

The Corpse

Rodzina nalegała na posiadanie kasetka na pamiątkę publicznych chociaż był zamknięty trumny. Powodem podana przez Jackson rodziny był fakt, że jego twarz była uszkodzona przez CPR i próby reanimacji, jednak pozostałe sprawozdania powiedzieć spojrzał pokojowych i jak był snem chwil po umarł.

Z rodziny podając uzasadnienie tego, że organizm nie był widoczny dla opinii publicznej ze względu na uszkodzenia podczas CPR jak jest to odpowiednie, aby umożliwić jego dzieci i rodziny, aby zobaczyć ciało?

W końcowym skręcie, ten sam organ zniknęła po pamięci. Nikt nie wie, gdzie poszedł albo gdy jest to obecnie miejsce. Co wiemy, że wciąż nie został pochowany.


Michael Jackson's będzie w pierwszym nie został znaleziony, ale następnie cudownie odnaleziony, jednak pochodzi z 2002 roku.


Michael Jackson był zadłużony na setki milionów dolarów przed śmiercią. Rekord sprzedaży albumów i towarów strzału przez dach po jego śmierci.

Autopsji zwłok

Byliśmy doprowadziło by sądzić, że mogło dojść 3 różne autopsji przeprowadzone na Michael Jackson's ciała.

Kąt, że Michael Jackson był narkotyków narkomanów w chwili śmierci był nacisk od pierwszego dnia i długo oczekiwana toksykologii sprawozdanie rzucą światło na tę teorię.

UCLA Medical Center odmówił dopuszczenia oficjalny raport w sprawie śmierci Michael Jackson.


Michael Jackson nie jest jeszcze "pochowany" o ile wiemy, choć został wyrażony przez Jackson rodzinie chcieli mu być pochowany w NEVERLAND. Kalifornia prawa nie pozwalają na to się odbywać tak jak prywatne zamieszkania.

NEVERLAND gussied był przed Michael Jackson zmarł, choć on nie wyraziła chęć powrotu do życia wciąż istnieje. Ogrody zostały ponownie i nieruchomości był utrzymywany po zaniedbania.

Neveland sortowane 32000 lbs betonu - nikt nie wie dlaczego, ale jej tam gdzieś.

Jermaine Jackson mówi w rozmowie z Larry King, "Oh jej trudne do punktu, w którym mój brat będzie miał prawo tam przez dworzec, to miejsce dla niego." Hę?



Areszcie do rozprawy Michael Jackson dzieci zachowuje spóźnia. To było wyrażone w Michael Jackson's będzie chciał, aby jego dzieci mieszkają z matką, Katherine Jackson.


Ponadto, tajemnicze źródło uwolnień Pepsi wypadku wideo, które podobno MJ chciał ponownie wydana w 1984 roku, ale odmówił Pepsi. Pepsi jest rozgniewali przez wideo prasowa.

Czytałem gdzieś, że Michael Jackson najwyraźniej zakupili wszystkie nakręcone z Pepsi handlowych strzelać tak, że film może nie być wyciekły do publicznej wiadomości jak to już. Artykuł widziałem w tym również, że materiał ten był w posiadaniu Michała i że jedynym sposobem, aby zostać wyciekły do mediów jest ktoś bliski, kto ma go zdradził.


Dlaczego ma Pepsi footage zostały dopuszczone już po jego śmierci? Dlaczego wszyscy nagle trzeba zobaczyć, co wyjechał poprzez Dlaczego nie, że w trakcie procesu, jeżeli to była jego obozu robią?


E'Casanova jest Michael Jackson i odtwórca kto posiada jedną z największych likenesses wszystkim z Michael Jackson "podwójne", które istnieją. Zaobserwowano, że spekulacje E'Casanova, którzy wzięli udział w konferencji O2 jak Michael Jackson, Jackson, zamiast siebie. O dziwo, to świergot E'Casanova strona blokuje się wszyscy - czy on ma coś do ukrycia?


Liz Taylor

Liz Taylor to rozumowanie nie może uczestniczyć w jej "najlepszych przyjaciół", że pomnik nie może wprowadzą się na "lamentuj publicznych" i stwierdziła, że jej uczucia były prywatne. Ona może jednak przynieść sobie do ćwierkanie o tym, które jest jeszcze bardziej publicznych i bezosobowe. W tej sprawie, dlaczego Liz Taylor nawet jedno konto Twitter, która zaczęła z powrotem w marcu? Dogodnie jej pierwszy post kiedykolwiek wspomina dr Klein, który był Michael Jackson's plastikowe chirurga.

Dr Arnold Klein

Michael Jackson's skóry lekarz Arnold Klein został całkowicie odbudowy star's pustoszą w twarz aż do jego powrotu to jest to wskazuje.

Klein rozpaczliwie próbowali dokonać King of Pop wydaje się "bardziej normalne" dla swojego 50-data uruchomienia w londyńskiej O2 Arena lat po zabiegu kosmetycznego opuścił piosenkarka twarz poważnie bliznami i trądzik-ridden



AEG Live

AEG Live, firmy, które były odpowiedzialne za promowanie London O2 koncerty, którzy najmowany Dr Conrad Michael Murray jako osobistego lekarza, który podkreślił, że on przejść przez 5 godzin medialnego przed podpisaniem go na koncertach, którzy początkowo ogłosił 10 spektakli , a następnie upped go do 50, który wykupił polisę ubezpieczeniową, aby określić, że jeśli artysta (Michael Jackson) zmarł na własny rachunek, a nie okoliczności wywołanych naturalnej śmierci, to może go dostać pieniądze z powrotem.


Więc to wszystko .. pełne podsumowanie dziwnych i niewyjaśnionych wydarzeń otaczającego Michael Jackson śmierci. Oczywiście wiele z tych informacji nie jest otwarte dla interpretacji, jednak nawet najbardziej wierzace osobę, która utrzymuje, że on rzeczywiście umarł, będzie musiał przyznać, że jest to bardzo daleko od otwartej i zamknął sprawę.

  1. thelostchildren Said,

    Uważam, że ONZ-telling of Michael Jackson's tożsamości dzwoniącego do sanitariusz, który odpowiedział na wezwanie pogotowia podejrzanych, ale moja mama powiedziała coz on tak wysokim profilu megastar jeśli ludzie byli wiedzieć było go, media spowoduje szał , która jest ostatnią rzeczą, Michael would've chcieli jeżeli rzeczywiście był w takiej sytuacji ..

    ... Ale pales w porównaniu do reszty podejrzeń i luk odkrytych przez Ciebie admin. I jestem coraz bardziej przekonany, tego po prostu nie sumować. musimy znać przynajmniej kilka confirmative zimno twardych informacji, a my nie odbiera brud. great great job admin. btw, Ja przyszedłem po całej tej witrynie w tygodniu po całym zdarzeniu, i podejrzewamy, że należy się natomiast przed lil. How'd wiesz fishy było coś się dzieje i jakie monitu można ustawić na tej stronie? Zastanawiam się tylko, coz it's a great site (X

  2. serendipity Said,

    Thank you for posting this zestawienie faktów i informacji. Są naprawdę przytłaczający ...

  3. sterany Said,

    Bravo bravo administratorów!

    To była dobrze napisana i wyprowadzili kilka rzeczy, które nawet nie ogłoszenia (np. w Liberii dziewczyna na scenie pamięci). Dziękujemy za przedstawiający rzeczy dla nas ...

    Więc im guessing że Dr Murray facet jest realne i nie nieistniej? Ja również znaleźć to dziwne, że tylko 1 zdjęcie pływających wokół ... możemy zweryfikować jego poprzedniego zatrudnienia, itp.?

    Z wszystkich tych faktów, jak można nie wierzę hoax wciąż myśleć hes dead? obudzenie clues to przed sobą!

  4. fm89 Said,

    Great work, to sum it all up

  5. forevermine_mj Said,

    Deepak Chopra i odwiedził dziś na stronie internetowej. Jest to hołd artykuł na Michael I got there-http://deepakchopra.com/default/a-tribute-to-my-friend-michael-jackson/ I don't know what Deepak jest odtwarzanie. Michael żyje, że to na pewno. Nie wiem, czy jest on świadomy tego hoax lub nie, ale nie wydaje tribute emocjonalny do mnie. all of you read it n tell me how u czują się na ten temat. jednak I've lewo komentarz I've poprosił go, aby odwiedzić tę stronę. I've stwierdził jednak witryny nazwę MJHD.com bo Michael nie chce nas do społeczeństwa o hoax w miejscu, że wierzy w jego śmierć. jest to komentarz napisałem. do u think its good?

    25 lipca 2009 at 10:29

    Deepak hello, I'm zinniya z Indii i read ur post bo Słyszałem wcześniej, że u jest bliskim przyjacielem Michaela. bez względu na cokolwiek mediów mówi, niezależnie od Michała rodziny mówi, my, członkowie MJHD.com nigdy nie będzie sądzić, że rzekome prawdy o naszej adorable gwiazdy. Przepraszamy, aby ten publicznego bo nie inny sposób mogę się z Tobą skontaktować. nie jesteśmy proponującymi teorie w naszym serwisie na pobożne życzenie. they are not the fan wishing of his love-sick fans. we've strong reasons to believe. if u wish to know about the theories just visit the site once( i hope u work out the fulform of MJHD. 'cause i don't want to hurt Michael by publicly stating what we think in a site which believes the 'supposed truth'). we know that whatever he does, he has a reason for doing it. we just want him to know that no matter whatever the media says about him, tries to put him in bad light, talks rubbish about him & his children, he'll always remain our idol & hero with a golden heart n iron strong mind. we love him from the core of our heart n he'll always remain the PRINCE OF OUR HEART. unchallenged n unbeaten.

  6. Mijac Said,

    Please read this:

    Michael was a dear friend and a
    consummate professional.

    This was the most exciting collaboration of my life with a man who has inspired
    me like no other.

    He will be deeply missed. I am terribly sad.

    We had a 25 year friendship.

    This is all too much to comprehend.

    This was the world's greatest performer and the world will miss him.

    My heart goes out to his family and fans.

    -Kenny Ortega

    Michael Jackson's partner in the creating,
    producing and directing of the
    THIS IS IT Concert Series

  7. Mijac Said,

    And now go there and read:


    pay attention to all Mj related tweets (jun 22, 24, etc…)

  8. Rofibbs Said,

    I jus watched the MICHAEL JACKSON'S TRUE HOLLIWOOD STORY on E!…it wuz said that MJ learnt at a very young age to manupulate ppl into believin wat he wants them to believe. It also states that while everybody thought MJ started singin at the early age of 5..he wuznt really 5. Its also interestin to know that a FIRE ALARM wuz activated wen MJ wuz still in at UCLA…who knows?? He might have left the buildin with other staff as the buildin wuz bein evacuated, leavin a make believe MJ to stay back at the ER to decieve the public…once a prankster, always a prankster

  9. Samantha Said,

    Another thing in the Ambulance is that When you're in one, you're head isnt facing the door Because its a Saftey issue, the head is not headfirst, it's got to be the other way.
    hahah! we are dealing with a bunch of amuters.

  10. flower Said,

    great admin like the way you done this putting all the facts in one place this might help clear up the forum a bit as it was gettig hard tryin to keep up with all the post you have put a lot of work into the site and cant thankyou enough, for all your time , thats what we wanted FACTS and you sure found them once again a big THANKYOUXXXX

  11. Rofibbs Said,

    Theres a folk sayin where i come from n it goes “Wen the birds learns to fly without perchin, the hunters learn to shoot without aimin”..since the media learnt to follow MJ around smearin dirt on him, he also learnt to go into hidin without a trace..like i said, with MJ..theres neva a dull moment.

  12. dynamite Said,

    Great work admin I never heard about the alarm going off at the hospital that is very fishy indeed

  13. Rofibbs Said,

    Thx for the update Admin…kudos!

  14. Rofibbs Said,

    Whether or not MJ's name wuz mentioned in the 911 call, there wuz no urgency in the call. There are also reports that 2 sisters workin with the “only on picture” Dr conrad went to his Texas office earlier on the 25th of june to remove sum documents n almost a month later the authorities are visitin the same office…hmmmn, they of all ppl shud know that the crime scenes “MJ's home n the Docs office”(if eva there wuz one) have bin seriously compromised.

  15. westin Said,

    hello. i was reading Depak's tribute to Michael….and i've found smth strange there………read it, please http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deepak-chopra/a-tribute-to-my-friend-mi_b_221268.html

    He says there – “His children's nanny and surrogate mother, Grace Rwaramba , is like another daughter to me. I introduced her to Michael when she was eighteen, a beautiful, heartwarming girl from Rwanda who is now grown up.”

    Does it mean that she's the surrogate mother for Prince II ??????

  16. P Said,

    I agree with this post. Something does not add up. According to the Media, Dr Murray disappeared after the ambulance arrived at MJ's home. Sun reported that Dr Murray continued CPR in the ambulance until they arrived at the hospital.


    The 911 call was very suspicious. I called 911 and the operator remain on the line until paramedics arrived.

    I was telling a friend that someone was performing the chest compressions the wrong way before your post. If you are performing CPR, your fingers are not going to be almost touching the shoulders. If that person is Dr Murray performing CPR in the ambulance he was doing it wrong and that is probably why MJ died or maybe he did not want the paramedics to know that he was still alive.

    I do not believe that MJ will fake his death due to debt. He had business debt not personal debt. There is a difference. Filing bankruptcy for the business will have solved that problem. Someone in MJ's inner circle made a comment that MJ was paranoid and he thinks someone was out to get him. This why the family is talking about that think MJ was murdered.

    Jermaine Jackson said that he wanted the media to leave his brother alone then he is coming out with a book about MJ's drug abuse.

    Something does not add up.

  17. Rofibbs Said,

    …the other fact that the tour wuz insured based on “self induced danger” is really beyound me, makes it seem like a pre-meditated arrangement n that the drug overdose wuz meant to happen. I hav neva heard of such an insurance policy.

  18. Cecilia Said,


  19. quesarasara Said,

    Brilliant Forevermine, and brilliant Admin. You've covered all bases. It really puts things in perspective. I've been working on some things myself I will post later.

  20. ishealive Said,

    Excellent work admin, it's becoming very clear that what happened on June 25th does NOT make any sense. I really think this is all part of “THIS IS IT”
    AEG said this would be the biggest comeback in history – well if it really does happen then it certainly would be, there's no bigger comeback than coming back from the dead!!!!

  21. Rofibbs Said,

    Dr Deepak Chopra told Larry King in their 1st interview that MJ called him n left a voice message on his machine 4days before his death sayin there wuz sumtin he wanted to tell him, but that he (Dr Choopra) deleted the message frm his answerin machine…Which brings the question–wat did MJ want to tell him?? n why did he delete the message??

  22. Helia Said,

    I am on of the fans who unfortunately believe that he died. Yes you are right, some of the things you listed are very, very suspicious. BUT, that is no prove that he faked his death and I have just ONE aspect against ALL of your claims and this aspect is : His pursuit of perfection! What he did was always perfect…he always gave 100%…no more that that 1000000%. So if you claim, that he planned his death for a long time, wouldn't he do the best to make his death as convincing as possible?He would think about every single detail…he wouldn't give hints during his memorial. His friends and the family members wouldn't say things to hint that he is still alive! Michael Jackson was a perfectionist. His brothers and sisters would arrange what they want to say so they sound convincing and more and more!So don't tell me that he lost his sense for perfection by the biggest thing ever he would to….faking his death!!He would do it more than perfect and as we can see it is not perfect at all!!!So all the claims you listed are also against your claims that he is alive and unfortunately he is not.

    RIP Michael Jackson

  23. Rofibbs Said,

    Joe jackson said Conrad Murray disappeared for 3hrs wen MJ wuz taken to the hospital…Wat happened within that interval?? Biddin the real MJ “farewell” n clearin their tracks i s'pose..

  24. Rofibbs Said,

    …like i said earlier…alot of people are tellin alot of lies n they are doin a bad job

  25. westin Said,

    You know, people – i have never seen E'casanova ( impersonator) before – but now i'm 10000000% convinced that there was him on the O2 press conference.

    just look at him – Michael has a much wider jaw – this could be easy seen – just compare all the photos. it couldn't be MJ on conference. The person there was completely different by appearance, moves, voice and style of speech.

  26. michaelismysoulmate Said,

    I just thought of something I was watching entertainment tonight the other day and something odd stuck out to me. I can't think of the guys name at the moment but he was claiming to be best friends with michael and i remember the reporter asked him something about michael and i remember him stating that michael was a big practical joker which where all aware of but what caught my attention was when he stated that michael like to pretend he was high and out of it. Then i thought back to the incident at the 02 conference where he seemed high and out of it my point is i think michael was faking it that day something else that makes you go hmmmm. I believe michael is still alive without a doubt.

  27. Rofibbs Said,

    Isnt it surprisin that MJ's death is very very similar to Presley's n more interestin is that MJ wuz married to Lisa-Marie Presley, hmmmmn….case dismissed, coooooourt!!

  28. lettruthspeak Said,

    Thanks admin, well done!!! I have never become so suspicious about sb's death, but the summary here just brings me to this point naturally. There are a lot of inconsistences in the whole thing, but we still need to find more hard evidence to prove the theory, otherwise it would be just as unreal and seemingly plotted as the death thing. The king of Pop will be back!

  29. closepaltomj Said,

    I too hit the entire planet with my own pr release..if you saw it–great!

  30. loveandpeace Said,

    Good article, this summarizes everything we have posted about.

  31. MariannaB Said,

    More and more questions are getting on the table.

    As the security tapes are missing as well – I cannot help from thinking even at hostage taking.
    Make him sleep like in a coma, get him away (UCLA fire alarm what a chance!), pretend that he was dead, collect the money, leave him somewhere?
    I mean, did anyone look into this variant? Is this too strange? I don't think so.

    The longer MJ is absent, the more fairy tales are being told, the more mystery is being added, the more sales and dollares are to be expected and sum up on the bank accounts.

    Why was the staff fired so soon? And who did it? I mean who did take the speech and replace MJ so fast?
    There was one boss only and this was MJ. He was gone and nobody was set in place by law to give orders on his behalf. Who had the keys and codes to get into the house to take MJs proprietary out? Murray who had lived there?

    Maybe Murray is the punching ball to cover up others involved. But the most of dirt is on his shoulders if the story did in reality develop as it was developped by reporters. And Murray had a clear motivation.

    It's becoming Agatha-Christie-like more and more.
    So many having a good motivation to take advantage or even force destiny to their advantage.
    Read the data I posted on the last admi's publication. Really interesting.

  32. serendipity Said,

    I suggest Michael's fans worldwide make a signature campaign requesting for a DNA test on the “dead body..” I think a DNA test is the only way to know the true identity of that person.

  33. Laila Said,

    Hello Everybody,

    I'm from Belgium so first of all: Sorry for my english
    I cannot believe Michael jackson is death. I think this whole thing is too strange for words.
    AND I took a look on the TWITTER page of E'Casanova and this is a little bit strange…read this:

    Has been invited to dinner in Germany with a special guest! Should be fun:) Lets hope its who i think… E
    12:42 PM Jul 19th from web

    AND after this message… The next one …

    Wow, turns out its tomorrow, planes all booked and paid for! Dinner at a castle… May not be on for a while. come and 'gone too soon' E xx
    12:52 PM Jul 19th from web

    Owkay, maybe I overreact. But could this be something?
    I check this site every day.
    Today in the newspapers in belgium there was horrible news:

    The nose of MJ should have been stolen.
    I was in such a state of shock!
    please…I hope he is alive and OK.
    If we just got one sign of him !!

  34. Dee Said,

    I agree with everything said Admin, but please look at Larry King Live @ Neverland. Jermaine flew up to Never land with Larry.
    Larry asked Jermaine, how he find out about Michael's passing. Jermaine said, I was on the other side of town in Azuza and got a call from you guys on my wife's phone and Larry interjects and says CNN. Jermaine laughs and says yes and goes on to say, they said did you know your brother was rushed to the hospital. Jermaine said what and called his mother immediately and I got her on the phone and she said she was on her way. Jermaine then says, a little time went by and I talked to Janet and few of my other sibblings . 45 minutes later I call my mother back and I hear the sound in her voice and she says he's dead. Larry said did you go right over to the hospital. Jermaine says that he had top go another route and as soon as he got close to where he was, he saw the copters in the air and a chill came over him. Once he entered into UCLA, he went straight for his mother and he went to look for his baby and he saw him laying in the room lifeless breathless as if he was an empty shell.

    Also, if you look at the interview I posted with two Sony producers. One of them stated that Michael had what was called dancer's feet. That due to years of wrapping that the feet were often dry and cracked splintered. he said that Michael suffered from it real bad and that it was very painful. This amy be the reason why he was wheeled in the the chair often.

    His PR guy said that he wore those masks for the hell of it, that he knew how to keep himself in the media.

  35. mjforever Said,

    I just went on to E'Casanova's twitter- http://twitter.com/ecasanovaMJ

    and two of his posts i find extremely odd. He started the twitter on July 19th, the same day he posted these things:

    Has been invited to dinner in Germany with a special guest! Should be fun:) Lets hope its who i think… E
    12:42 PM Jul 19th from web

    is this special guest Michael Jackson? I wasn't convinced until I looked at the next post written just ten minutes later…

    Wow, turns out its tomorrow, planes all booked and paid for! Dinner at a castle… May not be on for a while. come and 'gone too soon' E xx
    12:52 PM Jul 19th from web

    Dinner at a castle in Germany certainly sounds like something extravagant that Michael would do. And the very last part: come and 'gone too soon'.
    As we all know Gone too Soon is one of Michael's songs.

    All of this is very suspicious. I am so glad we have this website. You guys are doing a great job with it. The article above was well written and informative. This site is great, keep it up

  36. CoCo Said,

    Thank you for this site…I love Michael very much but this doesen't mean that i can be manipulated very fast to think he is really dead. I believe everything you guys say here because i think the same things..its like i wrote this site …and i communicate with many fans and they believe he's alive also…I one don't believe ” i feel! And with these infos the media and mj family gives us we tend to believe that he;s alive more than dead… Please keep this site alive and dig much more…I want to know that Michael is alive and happy at last i dont want to know where he is…..because he deserves a normal life …if i were him i would run far away from the fans and the media long time ago…
    Michael you're a smart man if you did this! truly a magician! Thumbs up to the site once again!

  37. SJ1983 Said,

    The Man Who Secretly Held MJ's Millions
    Posted Jul 25th 2009 10:40AM by TMZ Staff

    How's this for a plot twist? Yesterday we broke the story that the Special Administrators of Michael Jackson's estate filed legal papers saying they just recovered $5.5 million is cash from a former financial advisor. The advisor is Dr. Tohme Tohme, who got involved with Jackson in the last year-and-a-half of his life, and he claims the money was “a secret.”

    In an interview last night, Dr. Tohme said the money came from recording residuals and that “It was a secret between Michael and me.”

    Dr. Tohme claims the money was going to be used for a Las Vegas “dream home.”

    Tohme says Michael implored him, “Don't tell anyone about the money.” He says when the singer died, he came forward and said he had the stash.

    We've now obtained documents filed yesterday in the Michael Jackson probate case.

    The Special Administrators have recovered $5.5 million in cash from a former financial advisor. The documents do not name the advisor.

    In the documents, the administrators predict Jackson has enough cash to pay off his estimated $400 million in debts — and still have money left over for his heirs.

    The docs also say Jackson's children are the beneficiaries of an insurance trust established by Michael Jackson. The proceeds have not yet been collected, which explains why lawyers for Katherine Jackson have asked for a temporary allowance.

    The Special Administrators expect to generate tens of millions of dollars of revenue from various business deals that are now in the works

    WHAT BOTHERED ME : Dr. Tohme claims the money was going to be used for a Las Vegas “dream home.”

    Reported was that he children were in Vegas, did th ehouse get there
    and now we know that katherine is in it for the money,it didnt make sense to me with all those depts

  38. morla Said,

    Well done – and please (someone from the media perhaps – you are visiting this site – not so sure??? ) who believes that Michael has died indeed- could you write an unquestionable summary of the other side of the story before calling us “nuts” here – I'll think about it…

  39. artisticflare Said,

    We are all in shock! it is just unbeliveable to imagine that Michael Jackson has died!!?? for the love of God! when the hell did this happen!!! i am still weeping like a baby”" i cant remember the last time i cried so much i am 56 years old for Gods sake !!! It just hurts so much You gave so much love Michael, thats why we are all so deeply affefected!! you did make a difference! Lots of love and hugs! Artisticflare xxx Love you sooooo much!

  40. ejay5131 Said,

    To post#5-I think that was a bad idea if you really did that.

  41. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    This Was An Awesome Post And If Any Non Believers, Still Doubt. Then They Are Crazyier Than We Are LOL. Good Job Admin! I Love Michael Jackson, NOW And FOREVER.

  42. hOtSfOrMj91 Said,

    @ mjforever but e cas doesnt have a twitter. he even said so on his myspace page.

  43. forevermine_mj Said,

    thank u quesarasara for reading my comment. i hope then that its good. ni also hope that deepak chopra do visits this site. looking for more from you. i've written an article on mj's hoax death similar to this one in my blog, i'll post it here soon as soon as possible. here is the link- http://blogs.ibibo.com/KOLKATAMAIN/michael-is-alive-you-be-the-judge . read it if u like.

  44. thelostchildren Said,

    @ Helia, no 22 : sure we all well know bout MIchael's perfectionism – that alongside with this godly talent is what made him The King. however, that does not mean ALL mistakes can be eliminated.
    just watch the famous 1995 MTV video awards performance he gave. there were mistakes made in his attempt to sing, and he missed out some of his dance moves, but he gave the best show MTV has seen; how can a man lone on stage captivate AND mesmerized all of the world?
    it doesn't mean that he's a perfectionist that his family, friends and those involved are going to be 100% smooth criminals to this operation. there's a chance we might be folly to this folly, but the fact that there are too many loopholes just makes you wonder doesn't it.

  45. BeenTown Said,

    Admin and all of you fellow posters;

    Your thinking is fantastic. I don't even have to think I just come here and read your posts. I beleive that something strange is going on and I am so glad that this site exsists.


  46. BeenTown Said,


    Your wsite is full of great quality. This post was very extensive, well written, and well thought out. Thank you again for giving us beleivers to learn and discover together.

  47. Emanon Said,


  48. CuteAngel Said,

    An outstanding synopsis of all the pertinent facts and information surrounding this story. Great work, admin!

  49. charliechaplin Said,

    Someone from the Press or whoever must be following this site and are trying to rationalize what we see as 'blunders'


  50. wicki Said,

    Very convincing. Keep it up! For another perspective on Jacko's death, hoax death, undeath, whatever you want to call it, check out -http://www.undeadmichaeljackson.com

  51. Jessie Dai Said,

    Thank you so much, Adimn. What you have mentioned is quite a good job! There are so many suspicious points in that case. I still believe Michael is still alive!
    As the day went on , I'm convinced Michael faked his death because he really want to relax and enjoy his rest life. He wants to spend more time with his children. He loves them so much! We should accept the fact that he may won't appear to the public any longer. I'll get used to it. Michael, enjoy your life! I love you!

  52. MariannaB Said,

    It does not matter whether this or that person claims to have twitter account or not.


    This is the best ever invented means to manipulate the world.
    Anybody can set up no matter which account and can utter whatever he wants.
    How do you want to prove that behind kennyortegablog is really Kenny Ortega?
    No way you can prove it.

    Twitter is PR, publication and mass advertisement without any cost. How practical.
    It is childish to believe Twitter messages. This is yellow press at it's worse.

    As long as there is NO IMPRINT on a web site, a full name with address, the content is not relieable. Full stop.
    In most places on this world, internet sites are set up and kept going without saying who's behind it.
    So you might be used to not asking who is behind things and think good and swallow everything in internet as ok. But if a person does not stand behind the content to the full degree of having in worst case to answer questions about their publication to lawyers, the website cannot be trusted. Full stop.

    A “nobody” or an alias signing under a website or a web content is not a TRUE person and does not mean any responsibility. A “nobody” or an alias does not mean anything. A “nobody” and an alias is just another pink bubble “as if” and a “hide and seek”.

    Even comic figurines are twittering now. Come on – how much do you WANT to cheated?

    I do not believe one single word I hear that has been twittered and I keep a good amount of doubt on any website without an imprint.

  53. JANET Said,

    Hi, admin. Great addition of the order of events, informations and the sources, which they come from.
    Again, I don´t think that the little girls speech was “fake” and it´s annoying to read this here over and over again – the roughest person should have noticed, that every single word that she said (and please listen exacty WHAT she said) came straight from the heart! And it moved (not only) me to tears.
    But an other really unusual fact isn´t mentioned in your list above: what about Jermaine`s interpretation of “Smile” at the Memorial: “Light up your face with SADNESS – hide every trace of GLADNESS” – changing these words and so the whole meaning in a completely different direction.
    I really don´t think such a mistake would happen in a celebrated musician family – especially on that very sad occasion….
    If we are talking about “hints” – to me this is one of the clearest!

  54. MJSmile4Us Said,

    to Admin:

    thank u so much for posting this !!

    In my opinion, I really believe that Michael is still alive. Honestly I was so close to believing that he is really gone after watching Entertainment Tonight and when someone from this site posted the photo of Blanket with a tear on his face at the memorial service. But I realized that if this hoax was going to work out, everyone involved in it including the children had to be perfect. Although Blanket is 7 years old he is so smart like his dad and can be a agreat actor and it's so hard to ever think that he is on it especially with his adorable face!! But one thing that I am stuck on is the fact that Dr Murray's clinic was raided byr th LAPD this week and have reported that a manslaughter (or even murder) charge could be laid against him. If this was a hoax would it go as far as sending an innocent man to jail (I think somebody also mentioned ealrier on other post)? Or my guess is that the doctor was paid either by Sony or AEG to kill MJ – but being a smart man as MJ is, he realized this and escaped by using one of his doubles or whatever method? BUt I think back to the article where it stated that it was Michael who insisted that the doctor be with him 24/7 which made me think that perhaps MJ used him in his escape/death hoax plan? BUt some people on this site believe that AEG was the one who hired the doctor making them question why as MJ passed his medical test with 'flying colours'?

    To be honest, I am so tired and wish this mystery could be solved soon coz I can't concentrate neither on my studies or work or even have a good night sleep as millions of questions float around my head constantly.

    If Michael had to stage his death to get away from SONY who is out to get him for the half of its shares he owns and for speaking against the company back in 2002 (I think it was), I doubt that he will come back not until it is safe enough. BUt if this is the case, how could he ever see his children again? Some people on this site stated that maybe Janet could bring the children to him after winning the custody battle and make such excuses as sending them off to boarding schools for their sudden absences. But aren't the paparazzis like vultures who will expose someone and trace one's every move till the end?

    I really pray that Michael is still alive somewhere – don't care if he can't come back but as long as he is safe and sound I am happy

  55. nina Said,

    admin … THANK YOU!!!!
    one question : where is Grace ??? we know nothing about her since he's “deth”…. and what about Chopra have dinner with the “guy that runs the world from behind the curtain.” ……WOW … this is proof ! only Michael could do this !

    I know one thing : if Michael is dead or not ( I think NOT !) he is happy … and this is what we all want for him… THIS IS IT !
    Michael… I hope you feel our love … LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE ! WE ARE ALL UNITED BY LOVE ! WE ARE BETTER BECAUSE OF YOU ! and Michael ….. thank you for all the signs, I know you send to us this signs only because your love for us is very strong …. THANK YOU!

    sorry for english

  56. MJSmile4Us Said,

    to nina:

    I read that Grace is back in the house in Encino with Katherine and the children. I guess u heard a few weeks ago that there was a report that stated that she was seeking the custody of the children as well but it turened out to be another false claim fabricated by the media. I mean anyone could see that she had no chance – she is not the biological mother (not sayin Debbie has any chance although she is coz she's just a baby seller with no heart or brain) or have any connection to teh children. She just looked after them – the only people that te children should be with are their grandmother and Janet Jackson.

  57. charliechaplin Said,

    Our original premise for MJ's faking death is that he was heavily indebted. Now, this issue comes out that he actually have secret money which is enough to pay off his debts. So, are we back to square one as to why he had to “die”? If it's because he wanted to live a private life, why choose to “die” a few weeks before the biggest concert of his life? Why not make 1 or maybe 5 of the 50 “This is it” shows just to showcase one-last-time that is indeed the greatest performer of this generation and to delight his fans, or leave a lasting memory, after which stage the 'death' since in the 1st place he only wanted to do 10 shows?

    So, where are we now?


  58. Bee Said,

    Here's another inconsistency to add to your list:


    tmz reporting that MJ had been dead for awhile before paramedics got there, and paramedics claiming they did not recognize MJ at all and thought it was a sickly, frail old man. Lots of people in the comments there are pointing out that the pic of MJ in the ambulance does NOT look like a sickly, frail old man.

  59. charliechaplin Said,

    I don't think it was E'Casanova who was at the O2 Arena.

    Look at E'Casanova's teeth, they big & even:



    Look at the teeth of “MJ” at the O2. Third teeth from his 2nd front teeth. It's smaller & somewhat pushed backwards than the teeth:



    Compare them both to the real MJ's teeth:



    Look at E' Casanova wearing the same get-up as that “MJ” at the O2:


    It may have been E'Casanova inside the ambulance. But, I don't think it was him at the O2.

    At first I thought it was NAVI at the O2, but look at his teeth here (pause it at 1:26)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clHycBsEZUs and Navi doesn't have the wide smile as that MJ at the O2.

    Although there's a little similarity with the “MJ” at the O2 here (pause at 2:07):


    Both impersonators, E'Casanova & Navi are taller that the real MJ. The “MJ” at the O2 was wearing boots with heels (pause at 5:54)


    Neither E'Casanova nor Navi needed the boots with heels if they had to be a convincing MJ at the O2 conference.

    So, I think it must have been another impersonator with smaller set of uneven teeth at the O2.

  60. Bee Said,

    Here's an interesting observation someone left in a comment on tmz regarding computers in ambulances:


  61. mjfan Said,

    @ #22, I don't necessarily believe MJ faked his death, but if he did, and part of it was to show how full of crap the media is, then he WOULD leave all sorts of holes in it. Just to watch the media falling all over themselves, changing their stories, and not questioning anything. Also he would likely leave it messy to give his fans hope, because in case you haven't noticed, a lot of people have questions about this.

  62. CoCo Said,

    Agree with nina # 55 .Maybe Michael knows very well how the media can be fooled and maybe he knows that us fans we like to search for the truth..that's why he gave us hints.
    To me Jermaine is a person that can cry right now and laugh in a second….he's an actor to me…I can fake dead now…..i used to do it when i was little and scare my mother…..so dealing with fame and all of its results you change…you have different emotions…family issues and stuff..you tend to cry often..like i do..if i see a dead cat or a dead dog i cry like a baby….It's easy.
    Paris had crocodile tears….when children cry they really cry ! tears fall down easily….but when they want a candy and try to fake crying :no tear falls.I don't want people to think i insult Paris or any member of the family (that is not my intention)…but when your father/brother/mother dies its like the world goes to an end…i would commit suicide without my mother….they were chewing gum like nothin happened (!!!!!)
    Blanket was crying because he wanted to go to his father who never were apart and when he saw himself near the family crowd he just panicked..he wasnt aware really what they are doing in there because he's too little (hmm).
    Michael will never come back i'm sure….because with this situation you can never come back to the spot-light..people will hate “you”.He wanted to retire long time ago and this was it.About the wheel-chair the press thought he was really sick : but us the fans we knew and felt he is well…..so that prooved once again how the media can be easely manipulated.Doctor Murray is a person noone knows much about…some people are trained to sacrifice for someone or something….that's why Michael changed all of his staff so that they will “dissapear” easely……VIP's cry for Michael because its like their goodbye to him…Mike won't come back to them…He's dead to the media and fans but not to the normal world….normal life has him now i guess.wich is a good thing if its true!

  63. Mijac Said,

    Law enforcement sources tell us when paramedics arrived at Michael Jackson's house he was already dead … and it took them a while to even realize the victim was the famous singer.

    Our sources say when paramedics got to Jackson's home he was flatlined. There was no electrical activity in his heart and Jackson showed no sign of life.

    Multiple sources say paramedics wanted to pronounce Jackson dead at the scene but Dr. Conrad Murray insisted that the singer be transported to the hospital. Dr. Murray — as a higher medical authority than the EMTs — had the power to overrule them.

    Paramedics didn't realize for nearly 10 minutes the victim was Michael Jackson. As one emergency worker put it: “It just looked like a frail, old, sickly man.”

    All this make me think two things:

    1) Michael need the presence of a doctor in his home because he wanted a higher medical authority than the EMTs (Dr. Murray had the power to overrule them)

    2) Paramedics didn't realize for nearly 10 minutes the victim was Michael Jackson. (because wasn't Mj)

  64. Amlet Said,

    Grats to admin for his excellent work! Keep up the good work !

  65. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,


    ok omg apparently sum1 noticed that michaels nose was missing as it was lying on the autopsy table… freeaakkkyyyy…..

  66. kristindean88 Said,




  67. Samantha Said,

    Helia: I agree with what you mean Michael was a “Perfection” but nobody's perfect, Michael was a human being like all of us Sure he was Perfect at his Talent, but you're not going to get everything Perfect when you're planning a death unless you've done practice for years & years. I beleive Michael's done this to Protect his children as La toya said 'Family 1st Fans 2nd' I know he wouldn't want to dissapoint his fans, and i know most of us arent, but he needed to protect his Children.

  68. hecjosmen Said,

    But if he comes back alive as Michael Jackson, wo uldn-t he go to prison for faking his own death?

    I wish it would be the biggest comeback in History. We miss him so much.

  69. Rofibbs Said,

    Michael Jackson has set the world on stage n the tape is rollin, a stage where the detractors are his PAWNS, his family the SCRIPTWRITERS, his fans the DETECTIVES, AEG the FILM DIRECTOR, the title: DRUG OVERDOSE, his doctors the BADGUYS, the Authorities: SUPPORTIN ACTORS n ofcourse the best actor of all time..MICHEAL JACKSON, yeeeeaaaah!! or shud i say the best PRODUCER??

  70. Rofibbs Said,

    If MJ wuz as sick as sum ppl said he 'wuz' since 2002, how did he sing his unreleased songs? We'v heard “a place with no name” n it sure doesnt sound like (1) sum1 strugglin to sing or (2) sum1 that had a collapsed lungs n needed a transplant (3) sum1 who's voice wuz openin up like Mr Ortega said..it sounded like 'normal MJ'..they give us this picture that hes always heavily sedated with painkillers/anesthetics with a gas mask. Really?? n he has over 200 unreleased songs..really?? Are these “WRITTEN SONGS” or “UNRELEASED SONGS”?? anyone??

  71. Rofibbs Said,

    Neva heard of any1 in the History of Entertainment with 200 “unreleased” work,..ive heard of a couple of unfinished songs that were completed n released. Our MJ has over 200…wow!!

  72. Little Susie 01 Said,

    Ok .. Maybe im lookin into this too much. But Michael Has these to Songs From the Blood on the dance floor cd. GHOST and Is it Scary .. both have same Lines to the Song except for the Chorus and some parts change But what made him Change the lyrics? ( look it up almost the same lyrics)
    Now when u read it makes total sense Could this Be a message to whats really happening I want to believe so.
    He explains About feeling ghosts everywhere We warned him to be the stranger in our lives. ( Media Messed hes Life the evil is the MEDIA) That its exactly what we want to see.. He says Am i amusing u or just confusing you is he the monster we visualize and if u want to see eccentricalties he will be grotesque before our eyes and let them all materialize. ( Is this a WARNING?)
    He then talks about a Ghostly Smell around .. A place where there restless Souls ( Meaning a Funeral) Where ppl cough and yawn. And restless souls Spoke( But there nobody to be found) ( so stating nobody does it mean there indeed isnt a body to be FOUND?)
    He also says… Did we come to him to see our fantasies Perform infront our very Eyes. A haunting Ghostly Treat ( so is this performance of our fantasies a ghostly treat?) A foolish trickery he says ( foolish trick?) Spirits Dance in the Light .. (SPIRITS DANCE IN THE LIGHT?)
    But if u came to see the truth and purity is kept inside hes lonely heart so LET THE PERFORMANCE START? ( So the truth will reveal it self) You know the stranger is you. is it scary for you!!!
    Masquerade the heart ( meaning hide ur true emotions) its the Height of Haunting SOULS ( So these souls are at the Highest Point ) just not what u seek of him (we never saw the truth) Can the heart reveal the proof like a mirror reveals the truth ( doesn't this make u wonder? Heart Can reveal proof and mirrors the truth?) And see the evil one is You ( Who is the Evil ? all of those who made hes life miserable)
    So is that scary for you. ( he doesn't want to talk about it. Hes tired of being abused he know u scaring him too . Is that scary for you ?
    I find.. so much in this song like Things are happening right infront of our eyes and only those who can find the proof in our heart will reveal the truth. or am i just going crazy?
    Michael Jackson is Alive. And I love him so so much.
    Here are the lyrics see what u can make out of it.

    There's a ghost out in the hall
    Theirs a goul beneath the bed
    Now it's coming through the walls
    Now it's coming down the stairs

    Then there's screaming in the dark
    Hear the beating of his heart
    Can you feel it in the air
    Ghosts be hiding everywhere

    I'm gonna be
    Exactly what you wanna see
    It's you whose haunting me
    Your warning me
    To be the stranger
    In your life

    Am I amusing you
    Or just confusing you
    Am I the beast
    You visualised
    And if you wanna to see
    I'll be grotesque
    Before your eyes

    Let them all materialise

    Is that scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you oh
    Is it scary for you baby
    Is it scary for you

    You know the stranger is you
    Is it scary for you baby

    There's a creak beneath the floor
    There's a creak behind the door
    There's a rocking in the chair
    But nobody sitting there
    Their's a ghostly smell around
    But nobody to be found
    And a coughin' and a yawnin'
    Where restless soul's spoke

    I'm gonna be
    Exactly what you gonna see
    So did you come to me
    To see your fantasies
    Performed before your very eyes

    A haunting ghostly treat
    The foolish trickery
    And spirits dancing
    In the light

    But if you came to see
    The truth the purity
    It's here inside
    A lonely heart

    So let the performance start

    Is that scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you oh
    Am I scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you
    So tell me is it scary for you baby
    So tell me is it crazy for you baby
    Am I scary for you

    You know the stranger is you
    Am I scary for ya

    Masquerade the heart
    Is the height of haunting souls
    Just not what you seek of me
    Can the heart reveal the proof
    Like a mirror reveals the truth
    See the evil one is you

    Is that scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you oh
    Am I scary for you baby
    Is it scary for you
    So tell me am I scary for you baby
    Am I scary for ya baby
    Is is scary for ya baby
    Am I scary for you
    (I don't wanna talk about it)

    Am I scary for you baby
    Am I scary for you
    I'm tired of being abused
    You know you're scaring me too
    I see the evil is you
    Is it scary for you baby

  73. Perfume Said,

    Admin I rest my case, your statements are well laid out, I want to ask the following questions:)

    My questions:

    1. When did he die, the doctor said he was not breathing lying on the bed
    2. The ambulance is called and they try administering CPR
    3. The ambulance take their time reversing out of the premises, MJ is then taken to hospital the doctors are working an hour on him

    My question, was he “dead” on the bed, was he “dead” in the ambulance, or did he “die” in the hospital.

    And my final question “How long was MJ's hair cause the person in the ambulance has shoulder length hair”

    And in closing was the alarm set off so that staff wud not know such a high profile person was in the hospital I guess not, and why was the helicopter hovering, and again why take him by ambulance to the hospital but by air to the morgue, it shud of been vice versa….keep digging admin ur doing a gr8t job, kudos to you

  74. watching Said,

    look what I found sometime in 2007:


    in this website:

    (on first post)

    let us know what you know more about him (E-Casanova)

    keep posting and I will keep watching…

  75. Perfume Said,

    #58 adding t your comment the paramedics said when they entered the house something did not look right and they said that the person they were administering CPR did not look like MJ at all they said that it looked they there was scarring on the person's face as though the person had recent facial/plastic surgery, the paramedics said they could not put their finger as to what looked odd about the house or the person, this comment has stayed with me ever since his “death” was aired worldwide and I sat and asked myself as to why the paramedics would say such a thing, then another thing struck me is that the doctors said they had to keep the “body” under lock and key and then they said the body was then moved to a secret morgue, why all these secrets if he was dead he was dead, who body was the paramedics working on, what seemed odd about the place, did the person they were working on perhaps have surgery to look like MJ….why was the body under lock and key in the hospital and then why was the body moved to a secret morgue??????? Admin help and don't stop digging, I believe at present nobody knows where the body is it is a month now

  76. veritas88 Said,

    Hi everyone. Thank you so much, admin, for creating this site. It is very informative and really examines the facts in lieu of pure speculation. I think this is a great site which tries to honor MJ. After reading the blogs on the site and coming to my own conclusions, I really do believe MJ is alive. Yes, I'ma fan and of course I don't want to believe that MJ is passed, but I'm not delusional, in denial or crazy. Simply looking at the facts, which you've nicely summarized in this post, it is clear that A LOT of things are not adding up.

    *Also, many on this site are questioning the existence of Dr. Conrad Murray, because there is only one picture available of him. I think there is something very strange about him and I too wonder if he is really who he claims he is. But about his “one” photo– this morning on the Today Show (Monday 7/27/09), they included ANOTHER PICTURE OF DR. MURRAY!!! the picture has a white background, he's wearing a blue tie, looking to the right and his facial expression makes it look like he's worried. Did anyone else see this? I saw it on my tv, so I can't link it to this site, but to see the picture, you should go to the Today show website and find video of the MJ segment from the show on 7/27/09. i wonder what are the implications of this second photo.

    Also, I agree that MJ most likely hoaxed his death so he could rest for some time and enjoy a “normal” life, but I too hope that he comes back into the spotlight to shame the media and put on the GREATEST COMEBACK TOUR EVER!!! He always said that performing was the one thing he always loved to do, and he's only 50, so I truly hope he does. Either way, all I really want for MJ is for him to realize that he is unconditionally loved and appreciated by me and millions of others, and I want him to be happy and healthy. That's all that matters.

    Once again Admin, I thank you for this site. It is respectful, decent and fact-based, not trashy and purely speculative like many other sites on the web. If MJ was aware of this site, I think he would like it. But one last thing, is there a way that each comment for each of your blog posts could have time stamps, like before you redesigned this site, or maybe everyone could start adding the time and location of their posts? (This was posted Mon 7/27/09 at 4:30pm EST in NY) I think this would help keep things organized better so we all know when new info is posted. Dzięki!

  77. bghoppy Said,



    bghoppy Said,
    Dianafan, i agree with you about Miko, he seems like a scumbag. Really, your the guy that threw the towel on his head back in “84's burn accident? And I think there is some resemblance b/w him and blanket.

    I also posted a comment under one article you removed about the '84 burning might have killed him. Well, i wrote that i never believed the whole story in the first place that he was burned, and faked it so that he wouldn't have to keep working with his brothers (which really was an issue, them hanging onto him). I can't find it now. I had said how there was a picture taken the next night with him and webster going out to dinner, and how his hair looked just fine at the grammys one month later.


  78. youarealive Said,

    Admin or somebody can help me?
    when I read this post and specially the part about Mr Chopra´s Twitter I cryed, laughed, jumped as a crazy girl,´cause MJ is indeed the man behind the courtain. It was a moment of joy for me. I became depressed with Michel´s death. My world lost all colors… So it was so great to see a so clear clue about him.
    But when I read about the death certificate I started to confuse myself .
    Because you say that there is no signature in his death certificate, but I saw a copy of this documentation and there is a signature.
    It´s signed by Jonathan C Fielding MD VE
    I am from Brazil, co I am not very good in your lenguage and I couldn´t find a clear copy of the certificate, but isn´t it the signature of a responsable doctor?
    I am trying to investigate too. Can you help me?


  79. youarealive Said,


    There is a site wich shows clearly MJ´s Death certification.
    There is a signature in the paper.
    I don´t understand this paper. Is it suposed to have another signature?
    Can anybody solve this confusion in my mind?

  80. bghoppy Said,

    Can that fire alarm story be cooberated by any more people? What's with the helo hovering overhead before Jermaine gets there? I wonder where it reurned to after dropping the body at the van?
    Now they say the 911 caller was a woman? That is totally not my percepion. What's her name and what is her job at the house. I've heard he is now debt free, thanks to us fans. You know that Liberian Girl video mentioned above, where were ANY of those people at his memorial. BS You still go to your junkie friends funeral. It's amazing there are two books out about MJ and his life and death before he is even buried (after more than a month, this is getting gross) , but sony cant press out some of this new music he was doing? Now he's the biggest drug addict in HIStory. Keith Richards never did as much drugs as sweet old child like mikey.

    I wanted to ask a favor from Bee, who mentioned a tmz link to computers in the ambulance, could you be more specific in how to find those comments, please? I'm very interested in the amulances and firetrucks at the scene. I dont know that it's normal to have an amb call #71 and an engine call #71. Does anyone else have ideas about the legitamacy of the vehicles and employees shown in the famous video?


  81. bghoppy Said,

    The differences in the death certificates is the red lettering in the background indicates it is not a regular ceritfied dc, but an informational certified copy, which means it is meaningless for proving identity of the body, and you could probably buy a blank one somewhere. Nor have they produced the common in CA, proof of death letter.

  82. bghoppy Said,

    Since when has there been a case where every person of interest is invisible, and only speaks through multiple lawyers. I get presumed innocence and all but how can you not get any pictures of Murray ducking in and out of a police station.




  83. Chumoan Said,

    I was reading somewhere online someone has made a very good point:

    At the This Is It press conference, you say that it is an impostor, and that its all in the hands. However, if you look at the middle finger, right underneath the midpoint of the finger, there is this mark, kind of like a dent in the finger. It is darker in the image on the left, but clearly it's also in the picture in the right.


  84. Little Susie 01 Said,

    to YouAreAlive Post 79

    I believe it has to be Signed by the Doctor. And not a single doctor has not yet Signed it because the certificate says its cause of death is Deferred..

    But i strongly believe he is alive

  85. Smile Said,

    @ bghoppy post 77

    Maybe it is better for him to hide,because now you're saying what you want,but america wasn'ta healty evironment for Michael Jackson. He had to do this to live in peace with his children.

    He has been here for us for years,now it's time for him to do what HE wants.

  86. SJ1983 Said,


    Sadly Michael can not ever return to the public, that's the price to be paid for us as fans and for Michael!
    So in a way he is dead………Despite that Michael took care of us and for himself to record 200 songs!
    As for the people saying that he was such a perfectionist, TRUE!
    To plan such a big hoax in every detail you have to work on it for years..
    I believe that he has had this idea for years, knowing the children would grow up and not knowing how much more shit he can take from the media….etc etc
    I think the ideal situation was there when AEG planned 40more concerts against his will, he didnt want to leave the fans down if he couldnt make the 50 concerts!
    Thats my view on it…..

  87. SJ1983 Said,

    so in order of that he had to plan this hoax in a very short time
    although the idea was there for a long time

  88. P Said,

    To bighoppy on ur post #77

    Please review the Grammy clip again. You can notice MJ has all of his hair comb to the front. He was hiding the burnt spot.

  89. Sky Said,

    Hellooo, great work!
    There is defiantly something wrong about this, it just doesn't add up.
    Although i am beginning to believee he has really gonee however whenever i visit this sitee it always brings back hopee.
    But if he hadn't of died why would the family keep saying different things and not just leave it at the fact that he has died of a heart attack?
    Loveyhooo MJ, xxx

  90. Perfume Said,

    I am logging back in tomorrow to read more of the comments but moreso on what admin has researched on….again kudos to the admin:D

    #80 @bghoppy I saw a movie called “Fireprood” and the ambulance and the fire engine both had the same numbers on them, is this normally done in America I am going to ask some paramedics and firemen here in South Africa if that is common for the ambulance and fire engine to have the same numbers, unless this is done in the USA….can anyone else please help with this, can the admin answer on this as well …nothing stays hidden that cannot be revealed…..this article was in our local newpapers

  91. MariannaB Said,

    Would like to come back to post #74:

    what if MJ and E'Casanova changed places and identities and the dead is E'Casanova?
    wondering about differing age but a person with a life threatening illness may become look like an old person – what's your thought?

    [watching Said,
    look what I found sometime in 2007:


    in this website:

    (on first post)

    let us know what you know more about him (E-Casanova)

    keep posting and I will keep watching…

  92. msichanamrembo Said,

    Jambo ,writing in from Nairobi, Kenya. I've been following this site since i googled and found it — about four days after MJJ's supposed death and the minute I shut out the regular news it's been easier to think outside the box with the facts surrounding this case. I have read and re read everything posted on this site and echo the sentiments of most people on this site. My questions:

    1. Why hasn't the media bothered to address the people who think/ believe it was a hoax — lack of objectivity?
    2.What happens now that Dr Murray admitted to administering the drug
    3. I think AEG have a huge role to play in this…how much money are they supposed to make out of all of this? They benefit from a drug overdose result right? Like someone said on this site…follow the money
    4. I think we should watch Miko very closely he's been at the forefront since the 26th of June…
    5. Ever since his friend(blankets Godfather and the father of MJ's Goddaughter) in the UK divulged that MJ was/is a master of illusions the one thing that hasn't stopped running through my mind is Misdirection. It's a simple illusionist trick…google it — but I think there's a lot of misdirection going on. From the Media, to Miko etc

    Whatever happens or wherever you are Michael…..remember that you are loved. Never forget that

    Nakupenda sana rafiki….

  93. elizabethvitale Said,

    Very interesting info and a lot of it positive to prove a hoax. Way to go Michael. I knew you would never leave to anywhere without a good amount of attention.

  94. nehaheartmj Said,


  95. Narcosis Said,

    It now appears that doctor Murray admitted two days after the death of MJ he gave him Propofol and maybe fell asleep!! (Maybe??) However Murray refuses currently further coöperation in the investigation.
    So last night the drugspolice invated his home in Las Vegas and searched for the medical records of MJ.
    Murray was present during the search.
    Are they not a bit late with this?

  96. Ivonne Said,

    @ nehaheartmj Nr. 94 :

    Making-of Stranger in Moscow^^

  97. Rofibbs Said,

    The Authorities???…sloooooooopy!!

  98. Rofibbs Said,

    Any news yet Admin?? tired of surfin sites to get tangible news..everybody seems to be repeatin wat we know already.

  99. maria2284 Said,

    Now they have footage of Dr. Murray…


    I think that they are watching this site since there was no footage before, people here brought that up several times.. and now all of a sudden there is video footage of him…..

    .... give me a break.

  100. maria2284 Said,

    They know we know hes not dead..

  101. lucrecia Said,

    I surprise that nobody does these questions except us. There are many important things without resolving. Witnesses to look, to asking what happened and that, besides, they are not contradicted to each other. I am far from where the facts happened, probably there you have more information or another sensation. I am Argentine, hope you understand my english!

  102. lucrecia Said,

    Do you remember this?:
    because I dont…
    Co to jest?

  103. Cabokat Said,

    To respond to #80. if you go to the link in the facts statement to Jenelle's blog, you will see the fire alarm information (at least as of today, 7/29/09, is stated in that blog to this website) is not correct or true.
    But I agree with you, will have to check that ambulance out it's at http://www.hollywoodtv.com or probably on youtube. Twitter about Gotham Chopra is true, so,,,,maybe Michael is alive and well and happy as hell
    not to have to put up with the media! If true, good for you Michael, if you see me let me know it's you!

  104. Cabokat Said,

    I think you should all check out @ecasanovamj on twitter, he has a few things to say. Very interesting and he sent one to @KennyOrtegablog Said Augus 1, 2009, the date that will rock the world……

  105. Cabokat Said,

    Okay now this is weird,,,,go checkout this website http://www.myspace.com/ecasanovafansite very eerie

  106. Narcosis Said,

    Jenelle's Journey:
    PLEASE READ: If you have made your way to this website via “Michael Jackson Death Hoax” dot com, please know that the administrator at that website has used this post to support incorrect information. The fire alarm that is discussed below was for the 200 Medical Center Building in the Peter Morton Center. This building is next door to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center Hospital where Michael Jackson did in fact die on June 25, 2009. The hospital did not have a fire drill, nor was it ever evacuated during the time that the Jackson family was there. It was later determined that the fire alarm at the 200 building was pulled by a paparazzi to create a distraction so he/she could sneak into the hospital…

  107. Narcosis Said,

    This womans version of what happened that day seems a little odd to me…(Thursday, June 25, 2009)

    Btw I just bought the magazine “Michael Forever” and there is a picture in it of Janet, LaToya & Rebbie in the catacombs of the Staples Centre, just right after the memorial. They were laughing if as someone just told them a good joke…That seems strange!

  108. monij Said,

    to Closepaltomj. what is your pr, i would like to have a look at it. Dzięki.

  109. Copenhagen Said,

    Please read Michaels fantastic speech at Oxford University in 2001. Maybe some of this will explain why he might have faked his death.


  110. Seekeroftruth Said,

    Narcosis… what an intriguing user name (congrats). You based your whole theory around a fire alarm? This website has pointed out several discrepancies since its launch into cyberspace. It is easier for many to believe MJ is alive than “dead” I hate the word die and all its variants along with it.

  111. monij Said,

    To MariannaB, that is interesting your post # 91. Did your really find this link in 2007, or did you just find the link these days. Your theory will really make sense if indeed you came across this piece of info back in 2007!!! what if they “switched” places. For an MJ fan that would be an honor to leave this world as “the idol” .

  112. Seekeroftruth Said,

    Narcosis, I may have misjudged you. Who is Janelle?

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