Michael Jackson Hoax Smrti

Je kralj Pop stvarno mrtav?

Autor Arhiva


Michael Jackson HOAX DEATH Hits 1 milion!

Posted by admin pod Hoax Smrti

1 milijun Hits NA Michael Jackson HOAX smrti u 1 mjesec!

Imamo dosegla nevjerojatne miljokaz od 1 milijuna posjeta na našoj stranici u 1 mjesec, a mi smo svakako pribavite mnogo pažnje u cijelom svijetu! To ide samo pokazati koliko su otkrivanjem novih ljudi našem mjestu, kao i povratka u našu stranicu da biste je pročitali naše ažuriranja, nalaza, informacija i sumnje u pogledu Hoax of Michael Jackson's death. Mi svi znamo da je već toliko toga jednostavno ne zbrojiti .... ali šta dodati najviše je zapanjujući broj ljudi posjeti našim stranicama u potrazi za istinom!

Mi ćemo saznati istinu, a mi ćemo staviti na sve ostalo je gadno, smiješan i neistinite priče da se okružite informacijama koje smo bili hranjeni u medijima o Michael Jackson's death.

1 milijun pregleda po svima vama dokazati da smo na nešto ... to je samo pitanje vremena!

Pridružite se na forumu raspravu o ovaj post - (41) Postovi

Malo je onih koji poriču da bi kada je vijest o smrti Michael Jackson je najavio na 25. lipnja 2009, svi smo vjerovali da bude istina ... dobro skoro sve nas.

Priča sounded vrlo vjerojatan. Slika koja je objavljena u Paramedics očajnički pokušava oživjeti Michael Jackson u leđa od ambulante, uživo snimak koji smo svi vidješe i izvješća na "presicu" koju je dao članova obitelji Jackson je imao sve nas tuzzan i spremna za početak žalovao gubitak je najveći zabavljač u našem vremenu.

Tada, kao dani ode, pukotine počeo prikazivati u čvrsto tkani proizvodnjom Michael Jacksons' smrti '. Napukline u događaje koji se dogodio dan umrije, konfliktne informacije dane od strane Jackson Obitelj i mediji i nerealno coincidences počeo da se pojave, podizanje više i više sumnjam da validnost tvrdnje.

Previše pitanja su još uvijek bez odgovora, a pitanja su više popping svaki dan u odnosu na njegov konačni odmorište, gdje je njegovo tijelo se trenutno održavaju, kada je varljiv toksikologija izvješću iz njegova dva autopsies će biti izdan, zašto smrti certifikat nije bio potpisan, a na i na njemu ide.

Michael Jackson Hoax Smrt je analizirala sve informacije fed by Media u tjednima nakon smrti 'The King of Pop ", a napravio je mnogo zaključaka ga vlastitim.

Bilo da vjerujete osobno Michael Jackson je mrtav ili živ, činjenice i analiza ove činjenice nastavku su neporeciv. Nismo proizveden bilo koji od ovih činjenica, imamo samo ukazao je očigledan, a surađivali su sve informacije koje su već fed nama u medijima.

"Istina je kao sunce, možete ga zatvori za neko vrijeme, ali to se ne dešava daleko"

Elvis Presley

Prije 'Smrt' of Michael Jackson

Čak i prije svoje smrti, različite uši i zubi su bili opazili na Michael Jackson u raznim slike od kraja 80-tih stvaranju opće sumnje u vezi samo koliko često se njegov 'decoys' je korištena umjesto' real stvar '.

U prosincu 2008 netko zove u radio-emisija u Sjedinjenim Državama i tvrdio Michael Jackson umro od droge predozirati. Nakon istrage je sve spustiti na hoax, ali ne prije izbezumljen mnogi obožavatelji čuli vijest i lokalne TV stanice prijavljen je. Pogledajte Izvještaj ovdje: http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com/?p=84

width=273 Od prosinca 2008 - veljača 2009, izvijestio je da je Michael bio patnje s ozbiljnim kože infekcije koje mogu dovesti do jede meso bakterijom, imala emfizem, potrebno transplantaciju pluća i intestinalni imao krvarenje. Bilo je čak izjavili da Michael osjetio da je on će umrijeti uskoro. Bio je fotografirana na invalidskim kolicima, a bio je na mjestu koje nije mogao ni hodati.

Međutim, nekoliko mjeseci kasnije - on rocked svijet vijesti da će se pokretanje O2 koncerte. I ne samo to, nego AEG objavio je snimke njega pleše na pozornicu u savršenoj formi, 2 dana prije svoje smrti. To je rumored da Michael bolest koristi kao sredstvo traže pažnju medija, da je nešto naučila od svoje blizak prijatelj Elizabeth Taylor. U stvari, on je još jednom 'raspala' prije koncert - koji je bio otkazan. Osim toga, on je navodno bolest koristi kao sredstvo ne pohađaju javne događaje. Kako se ovo ne razlikuje dakle, samo na većem mjerilu?

Body plastinated posthumno

Michael je bio opsjednut mannequins, a ovi su postavljeni diljem njegova rezidencija. Bio je vrlo usamljen osobe koja je željela da se bliski ljudi su ga u njegovu životu. Jedina tvrtka koju je on mogao imati bilo mannequins. Postoje izvješća da Michael osoblje kontaktirati Gunther Von Hagens da njegovo tijelo plastinated posthumno.

http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0, 1518,614006,00. html

Was this posmrtan ili samo je on ima replika njegova tijela stvorili? Michael je priznao da je trener Michael ljubio povlačenjem pranks, poput slanja mannequins do ambulante u zbacivati je Paparrazzi. Kako ćemo znati da ono što se dogodilo sada nije podvala?


  • Michael Jackson je čudno djeluju na O2 Koncertna najava u Londonu i vrlo za razliku od njegovih uobičajenih samouprave, a tu je mnogo spekulacija o tome da li ili ne ova osoba koja je provela ovu Press konferencija je bila u činjenici Michael Jackson, ili 'obličje sličan'
  • Michael Jackson-a frizuru je često mijenjaju između ravne kose / vitičasta kose tijekom svog nastupa. Na konferenciji za O2, on je vrlo paperjast ravne kose i stilu u "konačnom probe 'snimke, on je jedan sportski kudrav duže kose stilu, slična je frizuru je nosio 10 godina.
  • Postoje sukobljene izvješća za istinsko stanje Michael Jackson zdravlje u vodstvu i do njegovih Koncerti Londonu. Neki kažu da je zdravo, neki kažu da je bio vrlo nježan i fatigued.
  • Michael Jackson je napravio telefonski poziv na medicinskom sestrom za razgovor o problemima na Očevi Dan kada je, navodno, imala svoju LIVE-IN liječnik koji žive s njim (Dr. Conrad Murray).
  • Michael Jackson omrznu touring te je izvijestio da je u početku samo potpisan obavljati 10 koncerata u Londonu. Zbog svih 10 pokazuje prodaje se u nekoliko minuta, AEG, promotori koncerta, izdali drugi 40 Michael's pokazuje bez odobrenja, uzimajući konačne raboš koncerata do 50, tijekom razdoblja od 10 mjeseci, a protiv svoje volje
  • Kako Michael Jackson položiti 4-5 ispita fizičko zdravlje neovisan liječnika Lloyds of London kako bi osigurao njegovu koncerata, ako je "nježan", "bolesno", ili "ovisni o drogama?"
  • Cherilynn Lee, tvrdi Michael Jackson joj je molio za droge Diprivan, iako je ona samo nutricionista. Zašto bi on poziva njom? Pogotovo kada je imao svoju vlastitu liječnik, a posebno kada je on govorio nije joj u tri mjeseca i svejedno joj navodno duguje novac. (Zahvaljujući Mogao joj novac bude motivacija za njom izlazili s ovom pričom smiješan?)
  • Michael sve iznenada počne da se njegova djeca u javnoj minus veils u tjednima vodi do njegove "smrti".
  • U slučajno potez, Michael Jackson ponovno zaposlili istaknutim zabava pravnik John Branca samo tri tjedna prije, nakon njegove smrti Ivana Branca dao ostavku od Michael's odvjetnik u 2006.
  • Michael nije zaposliti bilo koju plesači ili koreografkinja za njegov nadolazeći koncert. Pogledajte video ...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... .. p95YX7OEPo

  • All of Michael Jackson's London koncerti su odgođena - od 8. do 13. srpnja, na koncertima od 10. srpnja do ožujka preselio 2010.
  • Snimanje po AEG of Michael Jackson's' Final probe 'lako je zaveden u Full HD Audio i Video.
  • A prijatelj Michael's, Gotham Chopra dana 10. srpnja tweets: Had najviše fascinirajućih večera sinoć s tim momak koji se izvodi iz svijeta iza zavjese. Pogledajte ovdje: http://twitter.com/GothamChopra
  • Michael Jackson-a clip of Liberian girl, gdje je i usmjerava sve iza zavjese. Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjtI2WZTZ9k
  • Postoji previše sukobljenih priče o tome što zapravo dogodilo dan je 'umro' (i noć prije - neki kažu da je za vrijeme Awesome rehearsals i drugi kažu bio letargičan).

Ovisnici obaviti sve vrste stvari koje povrijediti svojim prijateljima i obitelji. Argument da on ne bi zloupotrebe droge jer bi se ozlijediti djecu samo ne radi. On je priznao da je već ovisnost u prošlosti. Ona ne čudi me ako to se dogodilo opet, osobito ako je glasina o njegovom zdravstvenom pitanja su istinite. Ako je, u stvari, Michael Jackson je bio zloupotrebe droge propofol za 15 godina, koliko je to moguće da bi to moglo izvršiti ga nikada nisu imali prije?

The 911 poziva

Zašto postoje sukobljeni priče o pronalaženju Michael Jackson srušila / disanja ne?

Joe Jackson je rekao nešto o njemu ide u krevet noći 24. buđenja, a ne gore. Ostala izvješća navode da je on dobio na 25. lipnja, pešice do Dr. Murrays sobu iz njegove sobu govoreći: "On nije bio osjeća dobro, te su propali, a negdje drugdje se navodi da je on već u Doctors room. Latoya kasnije kaže da je Michael Murray-a naći u sobi, ne u svojoj sobi.

Čuli smo i izvješća koja Michael Jackson sin princ je bio u sobi i pomislio 'Tata je šaljiv', dok je bio na podu convulsing - jer on je mogao biti prilično prankster? Hrmmmmm ...

Sa tako mnogo stražarima i drugim osobljem u kućanstvu, nitko nije bio tamo na raspolaganju kako bi odmah telefonski poziv na 911?

Kada je 911 poziva je napokon napravio nije bilo sve do 30 minuta nakon što su propali Michael Jackson?

Član osoblja koji je napokon učinio upućivanje poziva na 911 je bio jako pristojan i spominje da je "gospodin" koji je potrebna pomoć - zašto nije on reći da je Michael Jackson?

The 911 operatora obješen na pozivatelj rekao: "Pozovite nas ako trebate bilo koju dodatnu pomoć." Ovo je 100% protiv 911 protokola, 911 operatora je da ostanete na liniji dok ne stignete vlasti. Zašto ne bi im je potrebno više pomoći - IMA NETKO ROBIN COOK'S ACCEPTABLE!

Kako i zašto je bio poznati 911 poziva izdan? I kako je ona izdana za javnost tako brzo? Ne bi ovo biti vrlo privatni i drže pod ključem?

To je nadaleko poznata činjenica da mobiteli imaju GPS praćenje. Čak i bez znajući Michael Jackson's potpunu adresu liječnik može imati koristi njegova mobitela nazvati 911 i oni odmah moglo moći pratiti ga. Također, Michael Jackson je živio vrlo blizu u UCLA Medical Center te ako je on samo bih rekao da je 'Michael Jackson dom', oni su poznati, gdje da idem.

Dr. Murray tvrdi nije bilo zemlje u retku Michael soba kao što je bio paranoidan o 'telefon Slavine i bugovi' kojih je njegov izgovor u vezi sa zaostatkom od poziva na 911.

Žao mi je, ali ne i telefon ili da ne zna adresu? Smiješan.

Svatko u LA znaju gdje je tu kuću. Sve što trebate učiniti je vrisak "Michael Jackson je umirući, MOLIMO Požuri." Trust me, oni će znati gdje se nalazimo ga. Kuća telefon bi proizvodila adresu anyway.

Ostali nedoslednosti čudno da su osobe koja je 911call bio nikada ispitani od strane policije te je nestala bez traga.

Je osoba koja je u cijelosti na poziv 'previše mirno'. To je bio Michael Jackson koji je laganje postoji, ne disanja, da ne spominjem svoju poslodavca.

Osoba koja se poziva na sebe nikada nije identificiran, što je standardna procedura za 911 radnika.

Osoba koja se poziva Michael Jackson nikada nije identificiran.

The 911 operatora kaže 'pozvati natrag' ako im je potrebno da i disconnects. Standardni postupak je da ostanete na liniji do paramedics stići. Operater ne može potvrditi da je liječnik u rezidenciji i to ne smeta ako nije bilo. Oni su za ostanak na toj liniji.

Paparrazzi bi se nalaze u njegovoj kući, brzo. Oni su policija i skeneri čim se nalazi na poziv, oni će biti tu (opet, sve u LA zna gdje je bio dnevni).

Što se tiče pojedinosti o tome što zapravo dogodilo, oni su vrlo nejasan ... Jeste Michael Jackson smanjili ili je on poginuti u njegovoj spavati?

Zašto je Michael Jackson osobni liječnik i kardiolog, Doktor Conrad Murray izvoditi CPR na njegovoj postelji?
Da li je Michael Jackson umrijeti u svojoj spavaćoj sobi ili liječnika sobu?

To je bio koji prijavi taj dječji dom ... kad su oni učinili napustiti kuću? S kim?


Ambulante koje je snimio ustuk out of Michael Jackson's kolovoz ide jako sporo, bez hint of emergency, bez sirens ili svjetla.

Snimke ambulante ostavljajući boravišna pokazuju izuzetno sporo kreće ambulante. Čini se da imate problema ustuk out. The sirens ne on. Straže na vrata ne pomaže vozaču manevar iz kolovoz, iako je navodno Michael blizu smrti unutar nje.

Postoje dvije ambulante slika: jedan od njih izgleda kao da očito pokazuju da je Michael Jackson, u ambulante, frowning se s velikim vena ispupčen iz svoga čela. An nesvjesnog osoba ne mrštenje ili imati 'vene' izbočen. (interpretacija, a ne činjenice).

Poslednja slika

The aparata za disanje na slici nije valjano preko usta osobe ili preko svoga nosa, niti su kovčegu compressions se izvode na pravom mjestu. Ovo iz paramedics obučeni?

Bilo je mnogo spekulacija o tome da li ili ne tu osobu fotografirana je zapravo Michael Jackson ili ne.

Zašto je tu potrebu da imaju Vijesti snimke na 'tijelu' od Michael Jackson se flown preko helikopter iz UCLA Medical Center u mrtvačnica? Zašto je 'tijelo' flown preko helikopterom na prvo mjesto? Ako je on zaista mrtav, tada ono što je njemu hrle get there? Vožnja i uzimajući je uhvaćen u prometu ne bi stvarno napravio mnogo razlika.


Nije došlo do informacija od jedne staffer at UCLA potvrđujući / poricce da je Michael Jackson još bio tamo. Postoje izvješća o suprotstavljenim pravog stanja Michael Jackson je dobro kad je stigla u bolnicu. Neki kažu da je DOA - Dead na dolasku, nakon što je službeno umro u svojoj kući - što bi objasnilo zašto ambulante koje preuzima ga je ne hrle - međutim, imati obitelj Jackson izjavio da je bio u "komi" nakon dolaska u bolnici, a oni su hugging njega i da je 'pogledao miran' kao što je bio 'spava', a kasnije je umro, a liječnici i medicinski tim koji radi na njemu su se za daljnjih 60 minuta. S jedne strane imate LaToya MJ rekavši da je i dalje bila topla kad ga je vidjela u bolnici, a Jermaine rekavši kako je on osjetio hladne kad vidje ga.

Lako je požar isključivanje alarma otišao dok Michael Jackson je bio u bolnici - bolnice morao biti evakuiran. Pogledajte info ovdje: http://jenellesjourney.blogspo ... ..- ucla.html

Bilo je izvijestio da su mnogi članovi Michael Jackson obitelji već su bile u bolnici kad je stigao, njegova majka, njegova djeca, Jermaine i LaToya iako nema oči svjedoci kako bi potvrdili ovaj. Ako je to u stvari istina, kako je svoju djecu čine ga tamo prije je učinio, kada je preuzeo preko lječnika? Kako to da Jermaine napravio ga ondje pred svoga brata kad on navodno čuo vijest o njegovu bratu na radiju (koju je država u intervjuu Larry King na Neverland).

Kuća i osoblje

U roku od nekoliko sati od kardijalne uhićenje, Michael Jackson-a su bili bliski suradnici osoblja ispaljen. Čini se kao vrlo brz i bizarne odluke.

The Jackson obitelj bili dozvoljeno da uđu u kuću i odmah uzeo carloads stavki.

Tu su vijest u isječci ovog YouTube, gdje možete vidjeti da su čak i krevet plahte i deke su uklonjene iz njegove kuće. The Jackson obitelj je izjavila da su zabrinuti da bi se ti ukradu. Međutim, LAPD istragu Jackson smrti uslijed droga predozirati i mogućnost ubojstva pokrenut je 28.. U ovom trenutku, njegove stvari iz svoga iznajmljuje kuća je već uklonjena od strane Jackson's. Unatoč tome, LAPD istrage contends koje nađoše IV štandova, IV torbe, lijekovi na recept i kisika tenkova. Dakle, ako je Michael stvari već uklonjen, što točno nije naći LAPD i kako mi znamo da su, prvo, čak i danas, a kao drugo ako oni nije 'zasadih' Tu se, uz obitelj? To je održana prije policija je stigla na scenu i zatvorenim sceni za istragu.

Druga pogodnost je da Survellience trake s Security CCTV otišao nedostaje (ili nikad nije postojao, jer je sustav bio isključen) od okolnih događaja Michael je "smrt".

Je "slom", navodno je snimljeno, a zatim presijeca vrpce. Tvrdog diska na kojem se CCTV snimak iz kuće i preuzeti auto osnovi bio je izbrisan.

Jackson uvijek čuva nekoliko milijuna dolara u gotovini i neke stvari nakit s njim gdje je god išao. Ove stavke su nestali i nema gotovine je pronađen u kući.


Nije bilo droga pronađena Michael Jackson kući dok drugi traži po Policija (nakon Jackson obitelj i drugi su bili u kući.)

The Annoncement o smrti

Izvješće iz zabave ogovaranje website TMZ oglašava Michael Jackson's death prije bilo kakve ozbiljne izvora dobiva informacije. Oni su izvještavanja vijest je samo nekoliko minuta nakon što je bio Michael Jackson potvrdio je mrtav liječnici na UCLA.

Smrt certifikat

Od coroners uredu, Michael Jackson's death certifikat nije bio potpisan od strane liječnika. DR. Murray Conrad, Michael osobne Liječnik je odbio da potpiše ona, kao što su liječnici na coroners ured - zašto?

Michael Jackson Trenutno nema pravnog smrti certifikata (tu je bila jedna izdana i pušten u javnost, ali nije potpisan od strane liječnika ili istražni sudac).

Sve od liječnika koji su uključeni u slučaj Michael Jackson na UCLA Medical Center odbio da potpiše potvrdu o smrti.


Ne postoji službeni uzrok smrti. Toksikologiju nestrpljivo očekivane su izvješća koja bi mogla potrajati i do šest tjedana od smrti, imamo 2 i pol ići.

Postoje izvješća da je obitelj ccekamo Michael's Brain biti pušten natrag u njima prije pokopa tijelo ... on je bio mrtav za 4 tjedna, a još uvijek nije sahranjen.

Dr. Conrad Murray

Conrad Michael Murray bio je liječnik za 11 dana, i bio je unajmljen od strane AEG promotor za London O2 Koncerti. Nekoliko mjeseca prije toga, Michael je prošlo a 5 sat fitness test za osiguranje svrhe, uz čist račun zdravlja. Pa zašto baš bio unajmljen za Michael kardiologa, i da je samo 11 dana prije njegove smrti '?

Očigledno Conrad Murray je bio "sumnjiv" kako biste započeli s liječnikom, on je imao čak proglasila stečaj u 90's. Njegov prije sumnjivu aktivnost je sigurno, i on naravno čini lako kandidat kriv za Michael's' smrti '. Također, imajte na umu da hrpe lijekova da LAPD ima navodno nalazi, mora imati bio tamo prije Conrad's zapošljavanja. I ne samo to, nego da sagradi ovisnosti i tolerancije na njih zahtijeva godina, a ne samo 11 dana. Tako je na žalost, Conrad je siromah koji je liječnik možda biti optužen za zločin koji ne postoji. Michael je bio blizak prijatelj, kao što su liječnici Deepak Chopra - pa zašto bi on za podmirenje sjenovitim liječnika?

Murray je bio da se jednom mjesečno zarađuju platu od $ 150000, a prema AEG Live, koncert promicatelj, Jackson nije potpisan ugovor u vrijeme njegove smrti ne najmi = + Još nije dopušteno prakse u Velikoj Britaniji i Kaliforniji naizgled = zašto je Michael Jackson je sa zatim?

http://latimesblogs.latimes.co ... .. cian-.html

Michael Jackson's live-in kardiologa nema defibrillator. To isto kardiologu ne znam kako je CPR učinio? On obavlja se na krevet, nego na tvrdom podlogom?

On je bez posjedovanja droge u neutralizirati efekte propofol (ima jedan), a defibrilator Ne? Hmmmm

Minuta nakon što je Michael Jackson oduzeta od ambulante, Dr. Murray nestaje, a njegov automobil impounded su policajci i tražili dokaze.

On je najavio da se "ne faul" sumnjivih nakon samo 1 dan, a da Dr Murray nije sumnjate u bilo druže sa Michael Jackson's death. 3 tjedna kasnije homocide je sumnja?

Zašto je to dr. Murray bio je Michael Jackson prate u Londonu, kad je licenciran ne postoji lijek za praksu?

Neobično, čini se da samo jednu sliku u postojanje Dr. Conrad Murray. Čak i papparazzi izgleda da ne može pronaći ga.

Dr. Murray "nije osumnjičenik već samo svjedok", a meni je svejedno hires odvjetnik i ima odvjetnik govori za njega u intervjuima.

Neke države članaka Dr. Murray kao holistički liječnik. On također ne licencirane propisati bilo koji lijek koji bi mogao imati nauditi Michael Jackson u državi California. On također ne može prepisati lijekove takvim zakonom. Zašto bi Michael Jackson dopustiti ovaj liječnik u njegov života ako on ne može ni propisivati kakve lijekove on svibanj imati potrebne / htjela?


Michael Katherine Jackson majka bila shopping na vidjelo Ciljanje za Camping Gear dan nakon što joj je umro sin. Ona je otišao da bi joj nokte učinio dan njegova Memorial.

Janet Jackson i uklonio Michael Jackson obitelj je stvari iz kuće da je iznajmljivanje u LA na 27 lipnja.

Debbie Rowe Michael dana nakon smrti, tvrdi ona htjela pritvora svojih chilren onda retracted joj namjera dana kasnije.

Joe Jackson kad je pitao tokom prvih intervjua nakon Michael smrti i kako je obitelj bila radiš, uzima priliku promovirati njegov novi record label - on je također izvijestio da je Michael Jackson's kids, koji je upravo izgubio njihov otac radili su "veliki".

Također, Joe Jackson i Jesse Jackson su vidjeli smijeha izvan obitelji, manje od 2 dana nakon Michael umro! a Joe je dao znak odobravanja za medije? ...

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new ... ..- home.html

... .. http://x17online.com/gallery/v MP; index = 7

LaToya Jackson dva i pol tjedna nakon smrti svoga brata, tvrdeći da je LaToya Michael je ubijen, a da ona zna tko je to. Također je izjavio da ako je odgovorna osoba nije došao naprijed, da bi ih otkriti. Zanimljivo da je plaća prilično velika svota za intervju u kojem je glas tih potraživanja. Ako tvoj brat je bio ubijen i ti znao tko je to, da ne želite reći u svijetu bez obećanja o paycheck?


Postoji mnogo čudnih pojava i ak koji se odvijao tijekom Michael Jackson's Memorial. Evo što smo uzeti bilješka o:

  • Evanđelje zbor pjevajući na Povratak kralja
  • U govor iz Pariza besuzan Jackson
  • Riječi na zaslonu na kraju Spomen 'sam živ, a ja sam tu zauvijek'.
  • Nitko u obitelji zavapih Michael
  • Bez stvarne freinds prisustvovali spomen - nema bliskih prijatelja kao Diana Ross, Liz Taylor, Macaulay Culkin, Quincy Jones, itd.
  • Dodatni "s" na "bol" u "Hoćete li biti tamo 'monolog na spomen. Michael Jackson nikada ne bi imali snimljeno je" greškom "i to je dopušteno otpustiti.
  • La Toya izjavljuje da 'Michael je gledajući sve što se odnosi na osobe u Nokia Areni.
  • Sliku Michael režiju video isječak.
  • Kenny Ortega u spomen, govoreći: "Michael je bio ovdje prije tjedan dana", kada je Michael imao "umro" gotovo dva tjedna.
  • Marlon Jackson osjeća potrebu da dijele pricu o tome kada je Michael prerušene kao netko drugi i da je znao da mu je sasvim jednostavno ... ovo je priča za odgovarajući spomenik? A zašto ovo jedan od sve priče mogao imati zajedničku nakon 50 godina sa svojim mlađim bratom?
  • Završna slajd na spomen je MJ na kraju bibliotekar Djevojka, iza kinokamera usmeravajući bezazlen sudionika u njegovu glazbu videa.
  • Cjelokupno spomen je provedena kao Jehoviah's Svedokinja ceremoniji, iako je Michael Jackson bio je izvijestio da se pretvaraju u islamu u 2006.

The leš

Obitelj je insistirao na vlasništvo kovčeg na javnoj spomen iako je to bio zatvoren lijes. Razlog što je navedeno od strane obitelji Jackson je da je njegovo lice bila je oštećena i CPR pokussala oživljavanja, međutim, druga izvješća kažu on pogledao mirno i kao što je on spavao trenutaka nakon što je umro.

Sa obitelji daje razloge da ovo tijelo nije vidljiv za javnost zbog šteta tijekom CPR koliko je to prikladno zatim dopustiti njegova djeca i obitelji kako bi vidjeli tijelo?

U konačnom twist, to isto tijelo nestale nakon spomen. Nitko ne zna gdje je otišao ili gdje se trenutno održava. Što znamo je da je još uvijek nije sahranjen.


Michael Jackson-a će se na prvi je ne nađe, ali onda kasnije čudesno pronađe, no ona je bila datirana iz 2002.


Michael Jackson je navodno u dugovima za stotine milijuna dolara prije svoje smrti. Snimanje albuma i prodaja robe pucali kroz krov, nakon njegove smrti.


Smo vodio vjerovati da ima svibanj su 3 različite autopsies Michael Jackson izvodi na tijelo.

Kut da Michael Jackson je bio ovisnik o drogama u doba njegove smrti je gurnula iz dana jedno i dugo čekala toksikologija izvješće će proliti svjetlo na ovoj teoriji.

UCLA Medical Center odbili objaviti službenu prijavu o smrti Michael Jackson.


Michael Jackson još uvijek nije 'pokopali' koliko znamo, iako je izražena po Jackson obitelj htjela da mu da bude pokopan u Neverland. California zakon ne dopusti da se ovo mjesto kao što je bio privatna rezidencija.

Neverland je gussied prije Michael Jackson uminu, iako je on izrazio želju da se ne vratite na sve koji žive tamo. U vrtovima je bio replanted i imovine se održava nakon zanemarivanja.

Neveland naručio 32.000 £ betona - nitko ne zna zašto, ali njegova tamo negdje.

Jermaine Jackson, kaže u intervjuu Larry King: "Oh svojih teško točke gdje će biti moj brat, odmah tamo do željezničke postaje, tamo je mjesto za njega." Huh?



Pritvor za rasprave Michael Jackson čuva djecu da kasni. To je izraženo u Michael Jackson-a će se da je on htio da njegova djeca žive sa svojom majkom, Katherine Jackson.


Također, tisak misteriozni izvor Pepsi accident video koji navodno MJ htjela vratiti objavljena je 1984, ali je odbio Pepsi. Pepsi je angered by video's release.

Čitala sam neke gdje da Michael Jackson navodno kupio sve od snimak iz komercijalnih Pepsi pucati tako da se video ne bude mogao leaked u javnosti kao da je sada. U članku Vidio sam to u Također se navodi da je taj snimak Michael je bio u posjedu i da je jedini način da se leaked za medije je kroz netko blizak onom tko ga je izdao.


Zašto je Pepsi je snimak pušten sada nakon njegove smrti? Zašto svi sve nagli potrebu da vidite što on ode kroz? Zašto ne radimo da je tijekom suđenja da je njegov kamp radiš to?


E'Casanova je Michael Jackson i imitator koji je jedan od najvećih likenesses sve je Michael Jackson 'dubl' koji postoji. Bilo je spekulacija da je E'Casanova koji su prisustvovali konferenciji O2 kao Michael Jackson, nego i sam Jackson. Čudno, E'Casanova's cvrkut stranicu blokiranje svima out - to je nešto za sakriti?


Liz Taylor

Liz Taylor je za rasuđivanje ne pohađaju njezinu najbolju prijatelja 'spomen je da je ona sama nije mogla dovesti do "tugovati u javnosti" i izjavio je da joj osjećaji su privatni. Ona bi, međutim, dovesti do sebe cvrkutati o tome što je još više javnih i bezličan. U tom slučaju, zašto Liz Taylor čak imaju Twitter račun, koji je započeo u ožujku nazad? Lako i svoj prvi post ikada napominje dr. Klein, koji je Michael Jackson's plastični kirurg.

Dr. Arnold Klein

Michael Jackson's skin liječnik Arnold Klein je potpuno remontovanje zvijezdu's uništenom licem u vožnji-do njegova To je to comebacka pokazuje.

Klein očajnički pokušali napraviti King of Pop pojaviti "više normalno" za njegov 50-datum izvoditi u Londonu u O2 Areni nakon godina kozmetičke kirurgije napustila pjevačica ozbiljno lice s ožiljcima i acne-voziti



AEG Live

AEG Live, tvrtka koja je bila zadužena za promoviranje London O2 koncerata, koji su zaposlili Conrad Dr. Michael Murray kao osobni liječnik, koji je insistirao da on prođe a 5 sat medijalni prije potpisivanja ga za koncerte, koji su najavili na početku 10 predstava , a zatim upped je na 50, koji su se osigurati da je precizirao da ako je umjetnik (Michael Jackson) umro samokontrole induced okolnosti, a ne prirodne smrti, to bi mogao dobiti novac nazad.


Tako da imate to .. pun sažetak se čudno i neprotumačen događanja okolnim Michael Jackson's death. Očito puno tih informacija je otvoren za tumačenje, međutim, čak i većina smatra osoba koja inzistira da je zaista umro, zar moram priznati, da je to vrlo daleko od otvorene i zatvore slučaju.

Slijedeće video je intervju s fotograf, koji je navodno uzeo jedan i samo sliku Michael Jackson kako je i uzet preko Ambulanta na UCLA Mecial Center.

Gledanje ovog video zapisa, na prvi mi je vjerovati da ti ljudi zaista hvatanje učini ovu sliku kao oni tvrde. Međutim na bliže inspekcije, ja sam sad jako sumnjiv o valjanosti njihovih potraživanja.

Ako zaustavite video na 3,06, vidjet ćete još slika od fotografa na prozor ambulante, u samom trenutku on navodno donosi sliku MJ unutra.

Razlog sam ukazao ovo je sve za napraviti sa "crveni auto" koji je parkiran na rubnik na lijevoj strani zaslona. Kao što ćete vidjeti po punoj veličini slike ispod, minus je ET Logo i druge grafike, tu je vrlo jasan odraz crvenom automobilu.

width=396 Imajući ovo na umu, kako je to moguće za ovu sliku da je uhvaćen od strane čovjeka u videu iznad prosuđivanje putem ambulante je pozicionirana i koliko daleko ambulante prozora je od crvene automobilu?

Ovaj svibanj biti dobivanje tehničke, međutim, ne bismo smjeli zaboraviti da je ovo jedina slika smo da daje bilo kakve valiadity da se priča da je Michael Jackson je umro.

Ako pogledamo sliku (lijevo), možete vidjeti koje je odraz da ima crveni automobil, koji je vrlo blizu po, kako se uzima većinu prozor.

Sada ponovno pogledati na video iznad pauzirani na 3,06. Tu je sada tako ovaj tip u videu iznad dobio ovu sliku sa ovom odraz u položaju je bio u jer je došao vanjska strana na kolovoz. Bio je suviše daleko od automobila, a kut je potpuno krivo za to mnogo crveni auto da su ogledaju u ambulante prozoru.

Drugi problem je da ako postoji bio je u činjenici da mnogo odraz automobil na prozor, pa zašto je nema refleksija fotografa u sebe, odnosno njegovu kameru / telefon?

Kao što možete vidjeti po snimak iznad pauzirani na 3,06, on je vrlo blizu prozora, tako da ako se odražava automobil, on ne bi trebao biti, ili mu ruku, ili kameru .. ili nešto?

Konačna imamo problem s ovom pričom i ove tzv "fotografi" je da se u live snimak da vidi gore kada ambulante je ustuk iz kolovoz, tu je dečko s crvenom majicu na prozoru s kamere, zatim u još slika na 3,06, to je tip s žutim košulja snapping slike.

Izgleda kao da imamo samo još jedan element ovog enitre priču koja ne samo dodati .... Pa smo se samo željeli reći jedan odjekujući ... šta?

Michael Jackson dao 6mjeseci da žive u siječnju 2009

Ovaj odlomak je preuzet iz Fab Život je napisano i na 7. siječanj 2009. Pogledajte link ovdje: http://bit.ly/EgTAc

"Bez obzira na demanti od Michael Jackson-a da pate od smrtonosno plućne bolesti, National Enquirer je i dalje na" Whacko Jacko "smrt watch. Sada njihovi izvori daju pjevač šest mjeseci živjeti. "Njegovo stanje je isto tako daleko otišao, Identifikacija 'biti iznenađen ako on traje šest mjeseci ... bolova i napiti imati je uhvaćen gore sa njemu. Jedini način na koji je bio u mogućnosti nositi se sa stresom i seks skandala i njegova roller-podmetač za čaše života bio je da se maska ne boli substance abuse s ".

Jacko životopisac Ian Halperin je potvrdio njihov izvor's potraživanja emfizem i gastrointenstinal krvarenja sa svojim izvorom. "Michael želi imati presađivanje pluća, ali zbog drugih oboljenja on bori, on je preslab da podvrgnut takvim glavni postupak. On je uzimanje jedan analgetik za drugom. "To bi objasnilo zašto je on auctioning svoje imovine, ali onda Jackson je nježan i novčani-izgladneo godinama. Ipak, ako su izvješća istinita, Kralj Pop svibanj ne biti oko mnogo duže. "

Kako zanimljivo da skoro točno 6 mjeseci kasnije Michael Jackson je umro!

Ovaj članak i sliku (gore), moli i pitanje da li zaista Michael Jackson je bio prijavljen biti 'nježan' i 'tako daleko otišli', kako se navodi u članku u siječnju 2009, kako je na zemlji bio je u mogućnosti to pass a 5 sat Medical test with 'flying colours' which was performed in February 2009 pending the London O2 Concert announcement?

Perhaps the Media had once again got it wrong, publishing lies and heresay (which is always likely), although this explanation still has the problem - it does not explain away the HUGE coincidence that Michael Jackson actually did die 6 months later.

Perhaps the number 1 clue to the entire Michael Jackson Death Hoax lies within this report. Here is a theory:

January 2009 Michael Jackson's health takes a turn for the worst, AEG Live Organisers and Michael's Personal Doctor know there is no way possible that he can perform 1 concert, let alone 50. They also know they've invested a huge amount of money in the 'This is It' comeback tour, as well as started yet another law suit in the mean time. (The organisers of a proposed Jackson Five reunion concert filed a $40m lawsuit alleging that Jackson's 50 London dates violate the terms of their 2008 contract). The only way Michael is going to recover from his illness and AEG are going to make any money is for MJ to Hoax his death. The state of Michael Jackson's health is leaked to the press, knowing they will report it. Plans are put into place, and by February, Michael Jackson has left his life and gone into hiding, with everyone else none the wiser.

The person who passed the 5 hour medical exam for the This is It tour was not Michael Jackson. The person who attended the O2 Concert Press Conference was not Michael Jackson. The person who attended the auditions for dancers for the Tour was not Michael Jackson.

The person in the Ambulance on the 25th June was not Michael Jackson.

You may be asking how can these conclusions be met? Please allow me to explain.

Keeping  in mind the article from the National Enquirer mentioned above, it appears as though the 'excess use of painkillers' story was very much the focus of Michael Jackson's health issue. Mentioning this seemingly small detail back in January is of course a very crucial detail when we look back on it now after MJ's death.

Those people within the population who are easily led (and there are many) will look upon the current circumstances surrounding Michael Jackson's death with all of the 'drug abuse' talk and take in the entire  story with no question because “oh yes it was reported back in January that Michael Jackson was abusing painkillers everyday – no wonder he died – it was only a matter of time”.

When Michael announces his concerts and begins rehearsals in March, his January health issue is forgotten because of all of the buzz with his comeback. The world is immersed in a Michael Jackson frenzy once again.

After his death, the drug abuse allegation is re-ignited, because as we all know, a heart attack from using the occasional pain killer over the period of a couple of weeks is highly unlikely, especially when MJ was said to be a 'picture of health' while completing rehearsals. Therefore the reports of excess drug abuse are very important, as they support the claim that his Cardiac Arrest was indeed caused by drugs.

The drug overdose is also a very important factor for AEG Live. Their insurance claim of Millions dollars will be paid out when Michael Jacksons Toxicology and Autopsy reports prove that drugs caused his death. This is also part of the plan. The remainder of money to be made by AEG Live will come from the sales of the Final Rehearsal DVD, Tribute Tours, unreleased songs and Merchandise.

Jo Jackson is also undoubtedly making a fair cut and will most likely be funneling a portion of his money made to Michael in his new life.

The children have known that this would be happening since February, which is why they had to be revealed. If they had remained hidden, the world would be doubting whether or not they were Michael's children. The family videos have been released to further back up this claim. Within the next 6 months the children will be with their father.

Jo Jackson will be a rich man, AEG Live will have made a substantial amount of money, not to mention pulling off one of the greatest 'shows' ever. Michael will be enjoying a quiet and healthy life and his children will be with him, away from the spotlight for good.

…The greatest Hoax the world has ever seen.


The 1 Razlog iza Michael Jackson's death Hoax | Njegovi Kids

Posted by admin under Hoax Death

In the weeks since Michael Jackson's death, there have been an unending amount of comments pointing toward the fact that the 'reason' why Michael Jackson's death is NOT a Hoax is because he would 'never hurt his children' and because he 'loved them too much'. We would like to say that we totally agree with these statements, and believe that this is the exact reason why Michael Jackson's death WAS a Hoax. Please allow me to explain.

The day of Michael Jackson's death, June 25th, we were told almost immediately that his death was due to Cardiac Arrest. As the days following his death progressed, we were then given information that his Heart Attack was caused by excessive drug use. Although the results of the two, possibly three autopsies of Michael Jackson's body are yet to be released as well as the toxicology report from the first autopsy, we are only able to asses the information that we've been told by the  unrelieable sources of the Media and such websites as TMZ.

However, I would still like to explore the reasons why I believe his children are the number one reason he is still alive.

If Michael Jackson did indeed take a cocktail of drugs each day, which is what in turn caused his heart attack, how could he have done this as a father? I understand that an addicition is something that is extremely difficult to overcome and deal with, however, apart from a few minor incidents, Michael Jackson is reported to have been an excellent father, giving his children plenty of his time and all of the things they could have ever wanted. If the statement 'He would never hurt his children' is in fact true, which I'm sure it is, then why would he ever have comprimised his health in such a way that would risk leaving them without a father, especially at such a young age?

Secondly, it has been reported that moments after Michael Jackson was announced dead at the UCLA Medical Center, Katherine Jackson took the children to see their father. (Although there is no photo evidence to support this claim and Katherine Jackson was not seen with the children at the hospital at all.) We were also told that at the private family memorial before the Public memorial at the Staples Center, Michael Jackson's daughter, Paris, placed a necklace of a half heart around her fathers neck, while she wore the other half.

If Michael Jackson is indeed dead, then how could his family subject his children to the traumatic experience of seeing their fathers dead body not once but twice? The second time the children would have seen his body, he would have already been dead for over two weeks. Personally, I don't think this is something that a Father who loves his children so much would have appreciated or ever consented to.

We were also told that the reason that Michael's casket was not an open casket at the Public Memorial was because his face was bruised and damaged during CPR and resuscitation. Keeping in mind that this reasoning is absolutely ludicrous anyway, if it is true, then why on earth would you take the man's children to see him again? Showing his children their dead father with a bashed up face not once but twice? I don't think so….. he loved them too much to put them through something as traumatic as that. I truly believe that any child that would have had to endure something like that would undoubtedly be scarred for life.

The final reasoning I have to back up my theory is how the children appeared so unbelieveably calm during the public Memorial. Excuse me for saying so, but I would even go so far as to say that Prince Michael II, the eldest, even looked bored at times. I know that many people will say that everyone deals with things differently and perhaps they were just in shock (although I wouldn't blame them considering they'd just had to endure seeing their father's corpse for the second time.) But if people are trying to say that three children are dealing with their father's death in the same calm and collected way (apart from the speech Paris gave which seemed very rehearsed and planned and was also completely 'tear-less'), then we have to say that that is a ridiculous claim. Show me any child that is calm, composed and 'bored' during their father's memorial with no tears or sobs, with a coffin in front of them which was supposed to hold the body of their father…I doubt you'd find any.

Michael Jackson's children at his Memorial

I honestly believe that the only way Michael Jackson's children could have made it through that memorial so easily and 'emotionless', as well as enduring two 'viewings' of their father's corpse would be if their father wasn't even dead to begin with. They know their father is very much alive and well, they have seen him alive since his 'death' and they know they will be with him again soon.

How could he do this to his kids? We are talking about a man who didn't see anything wrong with dangling his baby out of a hotel room window, four stories above the ground. 'My fans wanted to see the baby, so I showed them', Michael Jackson said when questioned about the incident. If Michael truly didn't see how this incident could be a problem, then wouldn't it make sense that he probably thinks there is no problem with making the world believe he's dead while he goes on to live a long and relaxed life somewhere else?

Keep an eye on these children over the next 2,4 and 6 months. Guaranteed they will be sent to 'boarding school' or to live overseas to 'get out of the spotlight' or some such excuse. We all know they will be with their father again soon… he loves them to much and he would never do anything to hurt them .

The Author and Contributor of the following post is the member of this site called He.Is. Alive. We would like to share your observations and insights with everyone.

Having read numerous entries on this website, as well as examined and considered the contents of them, I have developed the following theory about Jackson's “death” and escape, one I deem most factual and plausible:

width=550 The real Michael Jackson never showed up at that rehearsal the night before his “death” at Staples Center, the dark  video footage that has surfaced showing him chewing gum is NOT the real Michael Jackson, no, but instead, he sent one of his doubles to the rehearsal to just “show up” there for a few minutes. Since the video has been proven a fake by an expert and said to be photoshop “fixed”, we have no proof whatsoever at all that the real Michael Jackson attended the rehearsal at all, but a gum chewing lookalike did instead. Hence: it is safe to assume that the real Michael Jackson made off to a waiting plane and left forevermore goodbye, in all probability so. New information of his secret “departure” from LAX in an unmarked Lear Jet has surfaced, it bears credibility and logic.

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, the lookalike decoy was being readied and prepared for the “cardiac arrest” show and the ball began rolling with the 911 call where the caller should have, but did not say “This is Michael Jackson's residence and Mr. Jackson needs immediate help, please hurry” but instead, very controlled and unemotionally spoke of a “Gentleman” who was “not breathing” ???? All the while the REAL Michael Jackson was long gone to whereever and this explains why the ambulance “patient” photo does not look like nor could possibly be Michael Jackson, right on down to continuous other suspicious and questionable quirks that kept on popping up from all directions, nothing of which CAN possibly add up because the stage was set otherwise from the very beginning, ie: the REAL Michael Jackson was long gone, but back in LA the “Michael Jackson died of cardiac arrest”-show with the decoy went on as planned, although with some leaks and without top notch planning or “rehearsal” and, for that reason, we arrive and continue to come back to the “nothing adds up” theory and hence are continually being served with more emerging questionables and suspicions stemming from the very beginning of this whole saga.

It is very highly questionable WHY his inner circle close confidantes did not show at the “Memorial” service at Staples: Elizabeth Taylor, Diana Ross, Liza Minelli, Uri Geller and Oprah Winfrey – who scrubbed ALL Michael Jackson data from her website – just to mention these few who come to mind. Why would the Jacksons deny Michael's beloved friends to attend his “sendoff” ? Instead, an assortment of “fill-ins” showed up, some of which have never even met Michael Jackson and even freely stated so on a popular talkshow, others who had no communication with him personally in years ! Another “staging” ?

Jennifer Hudson's performance was “backed” by the real Michael Jackson singing, where he, during the spoken monolog of the song she performed, mistakenly substituted the word “PainS” with an S for the original word in the text: “Pain” without an S ! How many viewers noticed this faux pas or …. did not ? Was it a hint, a deliberate “throw it out into the crowd and see who catches it” hint ?

Why did the very particular phrase “I am alive and will live forever” from one of his songs appear in blue lettering at the backwall of the stage at the end of the service ? Why THESE VERY WORDS ? Why not ANY OTHER words, but these one in particular ?
The casket during the Memorial service did not give off one whatsoever SINGLE vibe that it contained the dead body of Michael Jackson, nor any other body at that ! “Vibes” that I experienced over width=425 mere TV airwaves viewing the public funeral of former US President Reagan back in 2004 ? Very simply, the golden casket said to bear Michael Jackson's body was empty and, with helicopters hovering above, very mysteriously disappeared into thin air after the service with the whereabouts of the “body” emerging the latest media spin to keep the public focused on the “death” of Michael Jackson? and the beat goes on …
Are there enough hours in the day to state/document/blog the numerous other pieces of questions/doubt/evidence/observations that keep carving themselves out during this entire madness? Are the questions of Michael Jackson's staged death and successful escape not higher in number then the facts “confirming” that he really …. “died” ?

Fans around the world held their breath for an image of the “Body” of their idol to appear, so far, of all the media coverage and internet traffic, no such image is available and even if it was, how could it be positively ascertained that the body is in fact Michael Jackson's ? We will never know, will we ? Bloggers posting doubts and observations, etc. etc. are supporting the remarkable traction this “death” has gained around the internet and, mind you, these facts are never even mentioned by so much as a mere breath by the mainstream media ? Why not ? Since all of them broadcast their news with laptops in front of them, it is not so that they are not aware of it, is it ?

What we do know for absolutely certain is this: somebody/s knows something and their silence/s has been bought for a logically high enough price for the real truth never to be revealed on their part, however, the old theory that the truth is self-evident and always prevails will not ever be compromised, not even by millions of dollars that sealed this deal, why? Simple: there IS a God …

The lyrics of Michael Jackson's song “Xscape” clearly state what his longtime coming intentions were, intentions that he put into practice with what was in all likelihood helpfully aided by former wife Lisa Marie Presley who during their marriage learned of his desire to “escape” like her father did and hence “coached” him on how to successfully stage such an event, details to which she is certainly privvy to and hence constitute obvious similarities to Elvis' staged death and escape, most befitting to that of Michael Jackson's “death” and “disappearance”: the “cardiac arrest, dead on arrival at the hospital” spin … an airtight scenario where hospital personnel, doctors, emt's, police officers, security, etc. as well as the coroner and other authorities are judicially prohibited from publicly disclosing any whatsoever information regarding the admittance and aftermath of the patient, all the while the public is being thrown bite sized bones, information that could possibly not be “misconstrued” or “twisted” ?

After Elvis' disappearance, one of his many personal items missing was the largest of them all: his personal Airplane ! This plane did not “poof” disappear into thin air if you pardon the punt, ergo: who is to say that the waiting, UNMARKED, ordered by radar/control tower personnel to be “ignored” waiting plane at LAX was for Michael who – emerging fully masked out of a black suv to board the plane – was not that belonging to Elvis Presley ? That it might have been Elvis Presley's personal plane is the MOST plausible explanation because it stands to reason that Michael Jackson would never ever have to worry or fear means of his “Getaway” becoming exposed or public, because IF it did, Elvis and Michael Jackson both being actually alive would constitute and become international news in a hurry !

The Jacksons as well as the media keep on keeping on floating and spinning clutter “news”, some of it pretty outrageous, but all designed to distract the public from focusing on what is clearly emerging as very much an “OTHER” scenario for this … 'tragedy' …..

Critique as well as additional input by other bloggers is most certainly invited, thank you for reading.

Dame Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson were often described at Best Friends.

The author and contributor for this post is a member of this site called MYSTERYLADY. We would like to thank you for your insights and share them with everyone.



It's quite apparent Dame Elizabeth Taylor is covering up something, regarding Michael Jackson's death.

1. Why does a 77 year old such as Liz Taylor have a twitter account?

2.Why is Liz thanking Michael's doctor, Arnold Klein for a Matisse drawing three days before Mike's death, as well as asking Dr.Klein what he has been up to since he's been back on Twitter???? Why wouldn't she just call him ?

3.Dr.Klein was known for treating MJ for vitiligo with creams that lightened his skin as well as rebuilding his nose. First off, what dermatologist do you know of that also does reconstructive surgery? Is Dr.Klein trying to disguise and reconstruct a whole new Michael Jackson, one we would never recognize?

4. Why was Liz packing as per twitter “I was packing up my clothes to go to London for his opening when I heard the news. I still can't believe it. I don't want to believe it.” http://twitter.com/DameElizabeth when  Michael's first concert was pushed to start on July 13th, that's three weeks before the opening !!

5. Why would Liz not attend Michael's private or public ceremony, yet be able to tweet a day after his death ? She knew the tabloids would be following her updates but she wasn't too smart about it .

Ok, now the strange thing is why Dame Elizabeth Taylor and Dr. Arnold Klein are both referring to one another without actually mentioning each other.

For those of you who dont have a Twitter account, the only way you can know someone is referring to you is by checking @ + your username. So how did they correspond back and forth with one another unless they planned it all along, to make it more real!!

I think the answer here is as clear as day. Ladies and gentlemen Michael Jackson is NOT DEAD !!!! Check out these posts from ARNOLD KLEIN !!!!

“Was sent a link to TMZ. Ridiculous. The paparazzi needs to stay away from my patients. Period” http://twitter.com/awkmd

Now ,why is Mr.Klein addressing TMZ the first website to confirm MJ's death as ridiculous and to stay away from HIS PATIENTS ON JUNE 18TH, 7 days before Mike's death!!!!

Ona dobiva čak weirder narod! OVO JE NAŠ ODGOVOR upravo ovdje!


“Today, the world is a little less beautiful. We say goodbye to the lovely Farrah Fawcett” , “It was an honor to have known Farrah Fawcett a vision and a visionary, a true Angel who will be missed around the world. 3 kisses my darling”,  ”I am deeply saddened by the death of my dear friend Michael Jackson. He truly was a gifted soul who had boundless love for all.”

Then 2 days before MJ passes, Dr.Klein says he's working away on a patient, they're like treasures of fine artwork, interesting way to compare your patients to art work, don't you think ? HOW ODD FOR DR.KLEIN TO RETURN 2 DAYS BEFORE MJ'S DEATH !! Working away… “My patients are my treasures. Like fine artwork, each one has beauty and character”

I think I know the truth now!!!

For those of you who don't get the whole Matisse reasoning, allow me to explain.

What does a Matisse painting have to do with anything? Matisse was a famous artist whose characteristics, as far as natural talent resembled Michael Jackson. Coincidentally Dr Klein sends a Matisse drawing to Liz Taylor three days prior to Michael's death, in which the time this Dr. Klein was out of town working on a patient. He even compared his patients to fine art work!!!!!

Strange right??

Get this, Matisse died in 1954 of a heart attack. The same thing Mike had supposedly died from when we first heard the news of his passing.

C'mon this is TOO coincidental. It's also rather odd for most of Dr Klein's patients to be Michael Jackson's closest friends – Jane Fonda, Elizabeth Taylor…

Mr Klein's Twitter account has only been active since June 17th. 8 DAYS BEFORE MICHAEL PASSES. Why would Dr Klein feel the need to have a Twitter account mysteriously so close to his dear patient's death, corresponding to two of Michael Jackson's beloved friends? I'll tell you why… He knew he would have to update others on his upcoming interviews as he would be called upon the spotlight! Another thing peculiar is you never notice Dr Klein looking sad or distraught over losing his most valuable patient of over 20 years in any of the interviews.

This is all very strange…

Digitally Created, this image is said to be Michael Jackson's Final Rehearsal the night before he died.

This image has sparked a lot of controversy over the past couple of weeks. What at first appeared to be the 'only' image in existance that placed Michael Jackson at Rehearsals for his Concert tour the night before he died, now seems to be something very different.

Several users on this site have previously pointed out the possiblity that this image may have been 'photoshopped'.

With theses suspicions pointed out, we here at MJHD decided to take it one step further and have the image analysed by a professional photographer.

The professional photographer who analysed this image under a microscope and also using digital editing software, unfortunately wishes to remain anonymous, however their findings are none-the-less fascinating and we would still like to share them with you.

Firstly, the most obvious problem with this photograph is the fact that the bottom part of the 'S' is missing from between MJ's legs. Some people have said that that is because of the angle of where he is standing, and the ramp.

Our expert disagrees.

He analysed the width of the top of the 'S' and said that without a doubt, we should at least see some part of the curve of the bottom of the 'S' between his legs. Secondly, there should also be some kind of scaffolding or lighting between his legs, but it is completly matt black on close inspection.

Secondl, he began looking at the background as a whole, and found that it is completely digital, according to our expert. It is missing vital elements of light and dark. The shadows, are not dark enough and there is no flaring of the lights on the floor of the scaffold, or the metal scaffold itself. The only 'lighting' present is the bluish 'lensflare' that can be seen, however our expert agrees that this is a simple element that can be added with Photoshop.

Also, the light at the bottom left foreground of the shot is very rendered, which apparently, is also a tell tale sign of digital work.

When we showed our expert the 'footage' of Michael performing 'They don't really care about us', wearing the same clothes, but with NO 'THIS IS IT' background, he agreed that it does look as though his image has been taken from this time (which could have been years ago judging by the hairstyle) and placed as a layer on top of this pre-designed background.

The other thing to consider is that Michael Jackson was rehearsing for his concert in the Los Angeles Staple Center. The concerts were never going to be performed here. Why then, would there need to be any kind of background at all, considering it was just rehearsals? Wouldn't such an expensive and important background needed to be in London's O2 Arena?

Take a second look at the footage here, and make up your own mind.

It has been noted by many Michael Jackson Fans on this site that this particular routine is the same as a routine Michael did on one of his tours years ago. We believe that this is true, and that this rehearsal footage is from that same tour…years ago. Why then is the Media 'selling' it to us as footage from the 23rd June 2009?

We believe that for the 'Death' of Michael Jackson to be believeable, it's vital for all of us to be fooled into thinking that he was rehearsing late into the night 12 hours before his death. Someone wants us to think this is where he was and this is what he was doing. According to our expert, this image could have been created at any time….which begs the question…if Michael Jackson was NOT rehearsing the night before he died in LA like we've all been told…then where was he?

MICHAEL JACKSON THRILLER 25TH ANNIVERSARY! The party ain't over yet! Michael Jackson celebrates the 25th anniversary of Thriller, the world's largest selling album of all time, and the biggest milestone in pop music ever. THRILLER – the music, the videos, the looks and the dance moves that changed music forever. February 12th, 2008 saw the release of Michael Jackson's Thriller album in a special 25th anniversary edition featuring all classic Thriller hits digitally remastered, (more…)

“THIS IS IT! – Isolation Cam – Audition Final – LA Staples Center
This is the full 4:16 raw and unedited clip released by AEG Live Group of the June 23rd, Staples Center Rehearsal and Final Cut Audition [no Network Logos], showing MJ observing, relaxed but frantically chewing gum, then standing, and briefly addressing dancers chosen for O2 London tour. The second half is the clip you've seen all over the media and YouTube.”

It seems very odd to us that the first clip of Michael Jackson at these Rehearsals has him looking as we had all seen him during that time…the shoulder-length straight hair. But the clip which is cut directly after that which is supposedly of Michael Rehearsing for these concerts, shows him with Long Curly Hair, which is reminiscent of his style from several years ago. Why would he wear a wig of a hairstyle he had several years ago for a concert in 2009?

Could it be possible that the footage of Michael Jackson 'Rehearsing' for these London O2 Concerts was in fact a rehearsal from several years ago…cut together on the same tape, to make us all think that he was doing the rehearsals the night before he died, just like AEG told us….when in fact he was already hiding out, half way around the world, ready willing and able to put his whole Death Hoax Plan in Place?

NB: Thank you to Francesca for bringing this to our attention.

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