Michael Jackson na O2 Koncert Próby | Nowe Footage Released

12 lipca 2009
przez admin

"To jest to! - Izolacja Cam - Final Audition - LA Staples Center
Jest to pełna 4:16 surowego i unedited klip zwolnione przez AEG Live grupy z 23 czerwca, Staples Center Rehearsal i Final Cut Audition [no Sieci Logo], pokazano MJ obserwacji, ale złagodzone frenetycznie guma do żucia, a następnie stojącej, krótko i zajęcie tancerzy wybrano dla O2 zwiedzanie Londynu. Druga połowa jest klip you've seen całego mediów i YouTube.

Wydaje się bardzo dziwne dla nas, że pierwszy klip Michael Jackson na te próby nie patrząc, jak go mieliśmy wszyscy go postrzegać w tym czasie ... ramieniu długości proste włosy. Ale wideo, które są rozbierane bezpośrednio po tym, co jest rzekomo Michaela podczas próby dla tych koncertów, pokazów mu Long Curly Hair, która przypomina jego stylu od kilku lat temu. Dlaczego on nosić perukę z fryzurę miał kilka lat temu na koncercie w 2009 r.?

Czy jest możliwe, że materiał Michael Jackson "podczas próby" dla tych London O2 Koncerty w rzeczywistości próby z kilka lat temu ... wyciąć razem na tej samej taśmie, aby nam wszystkim uważam, że robienie prób noc przed umarł, tak jak powiedział nam AEG .... gdy w rzeczywistości był już ukrywanie się, w połowie drogi na całym świecie, gotowe chętni i zdolni do położenia jego śmierci cały Hoax Miejsce w planie?

Uwaga: Dziękuję panu za Francesca zwrócenie naszej uwagi na tę.

Tagi: Media, Muzyka, zwiedzanie, wideo
Posted in Hoax Death, Muzyka, zwiedzanie, wideo | Komentarze (165)

165 Odzewy wobec "Michael Jackson na O2 Koncert Próby | Nowe Footage Released"

  1. Iknowitall Says:

    Tak. To ma być dopuszczone do sometime teraz .. On nosi peruk. Ma plamy włosów brakuje od Pepsi handlowych palą, że nigdy nie wzrosła powrót cala. On nosi peruk. Byłoby to wyjaśnić różnicę w hairstyles ..

    Ten audion Taśma została podjęta ponownie w kwietniu również. The Rehearsal filmy zostały wykonane zaledwie kilka dni przed jego uch .. "śmierć" ... To dlaczego się tak różne ..

  2. Iknowitall Says:

    Ale dla prawdziwych .. Wszystkie BS bok. Można spokojnie powiedzieć, że osoba na początku wideo NIE Michael prawo? Jakie są twoje myśli?

  3. JC.LOVES.MJ Says:

    ummmm dobrze, nie każdy wie, jeśli jest znany MJ przy użyciu tych samych procedur i utwory w takiej samej kolejności evrytime on wykonuje, cos na MTV Awards 1995, muzyka i rzeczy w takiej kolejności i tylko to usłyszał w pierwszej połowie wideo. Poza tym kto wie, czy pierwsza połowa jest tego samego dnia, co w drugiej połowie?
    Czy ktoś zgadza się?

  4. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    Michael nie jest noszenia peruk. Jak w piekle będzie wyjaśnić włosy, beeing na głowę evertime to Wind-i? LOL. Byłoby odlecieć. Tak, on miał kilka operacji, że ma rację. Ale on nie jest noszenia peruk. Jestem prawie pewna, że. (Ale nie całkowicie pewny) Mam tylko tyle loki Michael, ale moje włosy wygląda bardzo różne 2. Codziennie.

  5. james44 Says:

    Jednym z najważniejszych rzeczy jest sprawdzenie piskląt podczas próby gitarzysta Michael w filmie, że australijscy i dopiero niedawno stał się sławny, ponieważ sorta Grammys Myślę i myślę, że zrobił wywiad związanych z rehearslas Nie wiem, czy ktoś chce do check it out. Ale tak myślę, że podczas próby był Michael Michael dni przed on umarł ", ale jeśli ktoś sprawdzony jednej na początku jest imposter?

  6. nycscenie Says:

    Zgadzam się z iknowitall

  7. nycscenie Says:

    Ponadto, jeśli w drugiej części vid powstał kilka lat temu, w howcome pic go wykonuje, w backsground miał zapalone, znakiem "This Is It".

  8. Samantha Says:

    tak, piszesz, że jest rzeczywistym mj? czy nie ... I don't really get to ...? ktoś proszę wyjaśnić

  9. Iknowitall Says:

    Ok MyBelovedMJ dobrze. Możesz być pewien, co chcesz być "na pewno" w .. Jestem pewien, i uczynił nosić peruk .. Czy wiesz, że istnieją peruk kosztów poza tysięcy dolarów z powodu sposobu, w jaki mogą one realne wydaje się być?

    That's not my point. Mój punkt jest, był noszenie ich i wiem, że z pierwszej ręki ..

    W pierwszej połowie wideo nie jest tego samego dnia ... Są miesięcy faktycznie.

  10. JC.LOVES.MJ Says:

    @ MyBelovedMJ:
    Jak i love MJ, uczynił nosić peruk, a także o to dmuchanie się na wietrze, są ich soo wielu ludzi na świecie, którzy są łysy i którzy hav peruk. Theyve ma do rzeczy kepp to na ich głowy. Anyway, whats up WID Janet? Ona myśli, że rzeczywiście został zamordowany: S im soo mylić, czy ktokolwiek inny hav wszelkie inne wiadomości?
    http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/news/402626/I-will-nail-Michael-Jacksons-killers-sister-La-Toya-vows-to-prove-stars-death-was-foul-play. html? OTC-attr = & RSS Aktualności

  11. Francesca Says:

    Michael musiał zmienić jego fryzury, bo potrzebne jego uszy być ukryte. Wygląda na to, jak kawałki skóry i chrząstki zostały hacked off lat odbudować jego nosa. Michael zdołał ukryć szkody pod jego długie włosy od późnych lat 1990, kiedy po raz pierwszy miał tkanki usunięte.
    There you go:
    http://fresnobeehive.com/assets_c/2009/06/jackoear1-thumb-450 × 340-22443.jpg

  12. bghoppy Says:

    nycscenie, to tylko w pic widać, że z powrotem ziemi, ale nie w żywych działania. Samym etapie są na spacery, z ladderish coś w środku, to to nie jest za nim.
    Jak długo ma blondynka że gitarzysta był z nim. Czy to był ten sam alsways chick? I wydaje się dziwne, że jeżeli Debbie Rowe nienawidził tak bardzo, czemu on chce tańczyć z bliska do dziewczyny z podobnymi do włosów i ciała typu?
    Ale tak, że nie ma go na początku, a ja jestem znalezieniem zdjęcia lub filmu o nim podjęte w ciągu ostatnich sześciu miesięcy podejrzanego. Jest mi zobaczyć ich wykorzystania niektórych zdjęć w pamięci, które nie są mu albo. Zastanawiam się, jeśli kiedykolwiek wysłała do sądu podwójne dla niego. Wiesz, że musiał być kuszące jak piekło.

  13. Francesca Says:

    O La Toya, moje pytanie brzmi: dlaczego nie powiedziała tego teraz?

  14. Andrea mówi:

    Francesca you are so right! Chcę wiedzieć, dlaczego wiele z tych tzw "źródła" i innych osób coming out NOW z tego brudu i / lub "Fakty" otaczającego MJ.

  15. Andrea mówi:

    Dla osób, jeżeli zastanawiasz preparowania Twojej śmierci jest nielegalna oto odpowiedzi (dunno legitamite jak to jest, ale nie są prawnikami w miejscu so I'm guessing to dość wiarygodne)

    Czy preparowania Twojej śmierci nielegalne? Co, jeżeli nie "t całkowicie fałszywych śmierci, ale nie wystarczy powiedzieć komuś, że osoba zmarła?

    Akceptowane Odpowiedź
    Jego prawdopodobnie nie jest przestępstwem, chyba że robią to oszustwa ktoś się pieniądze lub inne korzyści.
    Może to jednak być potencjalnie cywilnego źle jak mogłoby być postrzegane jako umyślne zaniedbanie lub strapienie emocjonalnej niebezpieczeństwie. Jeżeli tak było, może być pociągnięty do odpowiedzialności za ból i cierpienie oraz odszkodowania medycznych (np. poradnictwo) koszty.

    źródło --

  16. charliechaplin Says:

    What I zawiadomienie: na wideo, w którym jest taniec "nie obchodzi nas, nie ma" to jest to "z tyłu. Ale na tym zdjęciu do "To jest to" jest za hin:


    I można zauważyć, na zdjęciu, jak również film, gdzie jest praktykujących, jest noszenie tych samych ubrań. Jedyną różnicą jest "to jest to 'na obraz. Czy to były photoshoped?

  17. Francesca Says:

    I really hope it's not Michała jeden na początku. Inaczej będę mieć koszmary w nocy. Chciałabym zobaczyć go bardziej wyraźnie.

  18. Andrea mówi:

    jeśli jednak kliknij "czytaj więcej" na miejscu, to jest opracowane bardziej jako dobro ", które chcą wyjść z relacji typu sfabrykowany-śmierci"

    Jednakże, nadal uważasz, że odpowiedź jest dość plausable z MJ przypadku. Anyone else think so? Nie mam już pomysł! My Brain mogących explode!

  19. dynamit Says:

    yah nam powiedzieć, dlaczego to wszystko teraz, a nie przed? istnieje tak wiele się wokół historii i dnt knw co wierzyć już

  20. quesarasara Says:

    La Toya, I'm not sure if she's really really really really smart lub głupi? I rzeczywiście poczuć jak to jest cover-up. Policja nie podejrzewasz faulowanie na początku, teraz robią, a teraz on poważne uzależnionego od narkotyków. Czy on wygląda na ciężką uzależnionego od narkotyków, w tym wideo powyżej? Myślę, że nie! A on nosić peruk, jego lekarz powiedział tak na Larry King. Myślę, że lekarz mówi tylko pół prawdy, ale nawet w dokumentacji 6 lat temu, MJ był noszenie peruk zdecydowanie. Jestem zaskoczony, że "wiadomości na świecie" tabloid jest gówno. It's a rag, w Brytyjczycy kochają swoje szmaty i tak nie Amerykanie. Jednak oni nawet nie źródło artykułu poprawnie.

    Nieważne, mam na myśli, gdy dowody wychodzi następnie będziemy wiedzieć. Do tego czasu, możemy tylko pytanie rzeczy. Nie jestem, aby sądzić na temat tego artykułu, chyba że to oznaczało być zatuszowania na fakt, że on potrzebuje odpoczynku i powrotu do jego planu, a nawet rekolekcje. Może on w IOWA już w połowie z niwa w willi z delfinami w jego basen i wynajmowane lodów ciężarówka opowiadania do miejscowych. Kto wie !?!?!? Musimy pytanie.

    Ponadto, jak interesujące, że medyk nie był na wierzchu MJ wznowienie kompresji, eh? Rzuca światło na więcej, dlaczego nie zostały syreny, a dlaczego ten idiota, który wezwał 911 nie powiedzieć, że był MJ, którzy przyjechali do serca aresztowania.

    Nie wiem już, I'm confused. Ale ta strona jest wielkim and I'm so glad I dostać się do głosu moje opinie tutaj. Nawet jeśli jestem bełkotliwy. Mam nadzieję, że rodzina widzi nasze obawy someday. I zastanawiam się również, dlaczego jeśli był taki uzależnionego od narkotyków, nikt nie wszedł do przodu? Liz Taylor, Uri gellar, w Hiltons, wszystkie one mają moc PR, nie wspominając już o wiele pieniędzy, aby pomóc przynajmniej ktoś przyniesie mu pomóc ... I'm just not zakupu tego narkotyku addict stuff.

  21. feyaya Says:

    Myślę, że można było photshopped. i jest to naprawdę go na początku the vid? Myślałem, że to nie był on nabrał wobec jego okulary, to się trochę bardziej do Niego podobni. Wiem, że chews gumy jak to jest to najlepszy rodzaj on kiedykolwiek, ale myślałem w vid było trochę przesadzone.

  22. james44 Says:

    bghoppy, z gitarzystą jest pisklęcia z Australii i jej nowego nie wiem o niej dużo ale dostałem zauważyłem jak kilka miesięcy temu ...

  23. goslinger1 Says:

    Co dotyczy mnie, jeśli rzeczywiście Michael rodziny wiedzieli o tym "hoax", dlaczego na ziemi jest LaToya mówiąc wie Michael został zamordowany i nadal będzie prowadzić działania prawne przeciwko nim?

    Czy nie oni raczej nie zrobi wielki smród o rzeczy i być szczęśliwym, że społeczeństwo "kupił" na hoax? To nie ma sensu dla mnie?

    Chciałbym bardzo, aby sądzić, Michael żyje, ale więcej na ten drags, bardziej dziwaczny całą historię dostaje.

  24. Andrea mówi:

    Chciałbym dodać, jak powiedziałem w innym post tutaj, ma ktokolwiek uznał fakt, że być może, po prostu Może miał atak serca, ale jest teraz w stan śpiączki (jako pierwsze zgłosiło wiadomości) i / lub jest bardzo słaby ze względu na rzekome "serca". Albo, że może on jest w stanie warzyw? Ma skrzyżowane głowie, mnie i mojej matki zostały mówisz, że możliwość. Niemniej jednak, mam nadzieję i pragnienie, że żyje i dobrze lub przynajmniej w procesie UZYSKIWANIE dobrze.

  25. Iknowitall Says:

    I tell you what. Bierze wyłączyć te okulary w pierwszej połowie i nie wyglądają jak mu .. Czy to?

  26. He.is.alive Says:

    W przędzenia netto kłamstwa z Jacksons, AEG i mediów zaczyna się spod kontroli, zbyt wielu kucharzy są rozpieszczanie ten posiłek wielki czas! W innych problemem jest to, że "śmierć ucieczki" nie zostało rozłożone jak Elvis' .. NIE DOTYCZY z Elvis "Inner Circle, takich medialnych splash na temat jego" śmierci ", jak Jackson / AEG obozu robi, to niech to umrzeć naturalną śmiercią i to zrobił. To nie do niektórych watpiacych rozpoczęto kopanie i skierował się z faktów i dowodów na to, że Elvis żyje, jak Priscilla i Lisa Marie były Potknąłem się w wywiadach i od tamtej pory nie podano żadnych dodatkowych nich. Back in the 70's, Elvis był jak gwiazda wielkiego, jeśli nie większa, jak jest teraz MJ, 2 + lat później.

    Zbyt dużo informacji było wycieku i utrzymuje wycieka i jest coraz całkowicie zniekształcony, ale potem ponownie, być może jest to dokładnie to, co chcą się zdarzyć: mylić Confusion i Zobaczmy gdzie to jest, LUB: Czy Michael Jackson WANNA wszystko to jawność jego własne powody? Z tych ludzi, wszystko jest możliwe. Po tym wszyscy umiera w dół, podobnie jak w przypadku Elvis ", watpiacych rozpocznie Digging i dowiedzieć się rzeczy, NO LIE był znany posiadania i prawda zobaczyć sunlight taki czy inny sposób, prędzej czy później.

    Na szaleństwa nie będzie zatrzymać aż do ostatniej kropli krwi było zasysane z tego przez media, co to jest "piękny" pomnik Michael Jackson ... TSK TSK .. człowiek, który rozrywki mas i wydał książkę rekordów Guinnessa jako najbardziej CHARYTATYWNYCH i Generous sława nigdy .. On na pewno zasługuje na więcej, to co mu się.

  27. JC.LOVES.MJ Says:

    wat może być possibe dat że powinniśmy pamiętać o "powrót", jeśli istnieje to jest?
    - 13 lipca (początek oryginalnego koncertu)

    , 29 sierpnia (jego urodzin)

    -31 grudnia (Sylwester)

    , 25 lipca (jeden miesiąc po jego śmierci)

    , 25 czerwca (jeden rok po jego śmierci)

    czy ktoś wie wszelkich innych kluczowych terminów?

  28. Samantha Says:

    Tak, on nosić peruk, nie próbuje wyśmiać go lub cokolwiek, bo włosy są sztywne i to.

  29. charliechaplin Says:

    Hi Moderatorzy,

    I'm ponownego publikowania komentarza zrobiłem w 2:15, ponieważ związek kiedyś miał błędy.

    Pls post ten komentarz i usunąć moje 1st. Dzięki.

    Oto mój komentarz:

    What I zawiadomienie: Na film, nie ma "to jest to" z tyłu. Ale na tym zdjęciu:


    do "To jest to" jest za nim.

    Jeśli zauważysz, że fotografia, jak i na wideo, MJ nosi te same ubrania. A jedyną różnicą jest "to jest to", że brakuje. Czy to były photoshoped?

    Albo, próbę CZY NAPRAWDĘ miejsce, ale były tylko dla "show" tak mogliby przedstawić coś po swojej "śmierci". Co wyjaśnia, dlaczego oni stare rutynowe.

  30. loveandpeace Says:

    Jeżeli uczynił fałszywy śmierci, dlaczego wszyscy uczynienie go wyglądają tak źle? Dlaczego jego rodzina chcą go wygląda na uzależnionego od narkotyków? Albo jest to, że media, które chcą tylko, że? Może nie wiedzieli, że byłoby napowietrzane w proporcjach.
    Ponadto, ja nawet nie wiedziałem był Jehovah's Witness. W rozmowie z, myślę Geraldo, Michael powiedział bardzo znaczącego powiedział: "Wierzę w Boga", mówi Jezus, aby zachowywać się jak dzieci, i innych rzeczy na temat dzieci. Wydaje się, jak On miłował Jezusa.

  31. bghoppy Says:

    Andrea, uwielbiam wszystkie Twoje posty. Myślę, że problemy prawne (wiem o tym, kogo arleady) będzie pochodzić z pissed off podatnika w LA ponad kosztami pamiątka, które znam są miffed temat już.

    Inną rzeczą, na temat dzieci. Dlaczego nikt nie wspomina, jak straszne musi być jeden dzień ma twój tata (i tylko rodzic) umiera, a następnego dnia można dowiedzieć się nie jest w rzeczywistości krwi względne. Jestem pewien, że oni wiedzieli coś, ale nadal nikt nie martwi się o takie historie, jak będzie lub będzie ich wpływ. I'm begging myśleć koc wygląda dużo jak Miko Brando. A nie każdy wie, Jermaine ma dziecko nie wiadomo, matki? I dziecko o nazwie Jermagesty i bratanek nazwie Royalty? Just saying

  32. bghoppy Says:

    Tylko jedna myśl, aby myśleć: mam nadzieję, że my wszyscy sobie bez wątpienia niektóre z Jacksons czytasz wszystko na tej stronie. Nie ma sposobu, oni nie.

  33. loveandpeace Says:

    CZAS nawet skup jej rodzaj.

    http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0, 9171,1909613,00. html? IID = tsmodule

    Tytuł mówi wszystko.

  34. Iknowitall Says:

    Znaleziono ten film .. Niezwykle interesujące ...


  35. carelesslove46 Says:

    Michael jest noszenie jego włosy inaczej na początku filmu. Mój syn ma długie włosy i często wavey wyprostować to z prostowania i żelu.
    To naprawdę nie jest trudno zrobić. Dla pozostałych stopach Michael ubrany jest tylko w dół, jak dorywczo .. On jest podczas próby i właśnie związana jego włosy, w jego naturalnym stanie powrotem. Tam naprawdę nie jest tajemnicą, że mogę zobaczyć. I na pewno dont wierzę, że on stracił włosy i musiał uciekać się do peruk .. Miłość do all.x

  36. loveandpeace Says:

    Lubię Jak Michała gitarzysta Jennifer Batten mówi ODP MJ na jej stronie internetowej, a następnie nadmiernego użycia słowa "WHATEVER" wszędzie. Jaka była tego punktu? Również kilka dni temu ogłosiła ona, że będzie ona robi jakiś Camp Rock dla dzieci tego lata. Wygląda na to, że odzyskana bardzo dobrze i szybko? Ona planowane tego obozu to bardzo szybko, i że ona będzie w trasie Michael tego lata, a nie robienie obozu dla dzieci. Musi to być naprawdę szybkie wypełnienie jej harmonogram.

  37. loveandpeace Says:

    Nie pamiętam. Http://www.jenniferbatten.com/

  38. Usagi Says:

    Jeżeli okaże się, że Michael na początku filmu, na pewno on wygląda i działa inaczej. On nie wygląda jak facet zapowiadając to jest to koncerty i wow .. on jest nerwowy czy co? I don't think I've ever seen 50-letni żuć gumę .. że szybko!

  39. mjhoaxisforsure Says:

    charliechaplin masz rację!
    Jeśli zaznaczysz pic można zauważyć, że list ów za MJ ciało zostało skasowane!
    tylko badania wykonane w phostoshop w to, że pojawi się przed wklej go za to!

  40. bghoppy Says:

    Dlaczego nie ma palenia w miejscu pistolet wysłana żadnej z tych i innych inditements postępowania sądowego?

  41. carelesslove46 Says:

    Liz Taylor udzieliła wywiadu dla Michała lat temu .. powiedzenie jak udał się do rehab na receptę narkomanii .. Damn, I wish I knew gdy zobaczyłem, że vid. Chciałbym wysłać link .. Jeśli znajdziesz go ponownie będę go .. x

  42. carelesslove46 Says:

    goslinger1, zgadzam się z Tobą. Jeżeli był to hoax rodziny nie byłoby takiego zamieszanie teraz byłby oni?
    Masz wykupiony bardzo ważne i oczywiste pkt.
    Prawdziwą tajemnicą jest osób, które były okoliczne Michaela w jego ostatnich dni.
    Mam nadzieję, LaToya utrzymuje pushing .. Ona jest "gutsy dama" i wiem, że znajdą truth.x

  43. CuteAngel Says:

    W gitarzysta piskląt, jak również kilka tancerze pojawiły się Larry King Live kilka dni po MJ's "śmierci". Wszyscy oni wydawała niezwykle złożony podczas rozmowy - zwłaszcza że mieli rzekomo zostały praktykujących z MJ tylko godziny przed on umarł ".

  44. Samantha Says:

    Uhhm, on nosić peruk. Jest to dość oczywiste, ponieważ jej naprawdę sztywny i .. (nie do zabawy lub cokolwiek)

  45. jackoisalive21 Says:

    hey guys, mogę tylko powiedzieć im kochającego miejscu i czytelnictwo, co każdy myśli o całej sytuacji. I muszę powiedzieć, ja dont znać jeśli jackson gorszy / nosi peruk i uczciwie, ale uważam, że w pierwszym wideo, gdzie oglądać musiał straighened ale kiedy uczynił pełną próba generalna on zwinięte włosy sposób chciał go podczas koncertu? ktoś zgadza się?

    SUS jej całkowicie, jak wiele osób, które mu w obecnych umiejętności, a nie przeszłości umiejętności, wszystko na ten temat "śmierci" jest dodgey.

  46. jackoisalive21 Says:

    również można powiedzieć o "to jest to" coś w tle, moim zdaniem można zobaczyć Cleary, że spadło go za to, co myślę, że musi być pierwsza piosenka, lub być może, że zdjęcie zostało zrobione podczas testu wtedy postanowiła podjąć to? I na pewno dont think its photoshopped, każdy zgadza się?

  47. Happytomato Says:

    Cops usunięte dwa pojemnik na śmieci, worki pełne leków na receptę z domu.

    Ale La Toya nalegały wegetariańska JackO powiedziały jej był na sześć miesięcy Detox.
    http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/news/402626/I-will-nail-Michael-Jacksons-killers-sister-La-Toya-vows-to-prove-stars-death-was-foul-play. html? OTC-attr = & RSS Aktualności

  48. atomvseve Says:

    Zauważ, jak "S" w "to jest to" nie jest widoczne między Michała nogi.
    Po prostu wydaje się "S" będzie większy.

    Być może w ten sposób photoshopped.

  49. MissC Says:


    ten gość naprawdę dobrze mógłby być jej częścią. Może "Michael", który był Ruszyli do szpitala? Mam na myśli, nawiązuje on z jednej z pogotowia, i wiemy, Mike paler jest dużo, bardzo dużo, a nawet więcej, biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że "był umierania".

    Ponadto, codziennie mail opublikowanych to kilka godzin temu http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1199092/La-Toya-Jacks na Michała-zamordowanych-I-czuł-start.html I don't wiedzieć, czy należy sądzić, uznając to LaToyas i codziennie mail jest ściśnięty, ale tak czy owak. Mam nadzieję, że prawdy (cokolwiek to jest) wyjdzie szybko, to nie zawsze.

    (Sorry for posting this dwukrotnie I meant to napisać go tutaj).

  50. supermom75 Says:

    @ carelesslove46 oczywiście oni musisz sothey nie dowiedzieć się o nim żyje muszą grać w pełnym I just think it dostał z ich strony i tryin są na pokrycie ich utwory to wszystko wiesz, to jest nie 1977, kiedy Elvis umarł mamy teraz technoligy

  51. AngelW Says:

    Spojrzałem verry wyraźnie, po pierwsze jest krótkie włosy, a WIG oraz z rehearsel kręcona i długie i własną usłyszeć na drodze. AEG zdania Fool nas.
    Przyczyna 2 witryny są prowadzone poszukiwania Michała i prawdziwe. By the way, Latoya zacząć rozmawiać ..
    Give me a break, cała rodzina wie Michael żyje i dobrze, a my do yehh.

  52. AngelW Says:

    Tak więc cała rodzina ponownie się sławny ... To musi być Hoax pracował na miesiąc przez całe rodziny, w tym dzieci, a także uczyć się paris cry ..


  53. AngelW Says:

    Well I'll zapomnieliśmy także jedna rzecz;)


  54. AngelW Says:

    sorry zły url powyżej ..
    tutaj jest słuszna i należy zalogować mojego beautifull guestbook zbyt;)


  55. supermom75 Says:

    @ miłości i pokoju, ponieważ, jak już mówiłem na anothe strona jego ubezpieczenie, pokrycie bboyfido przedawkowanie narkotyków nie natrual przyczyn tak chce im w gotówce, a następnie WHAM

  56. supermom75 Says:

    i sprawdzić, ile czasu zostało latoyas historię tossed wokół niego jest szalona


    http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Showbiz-News/Michael-Jackson-Murder-Jacko-Sister-La-Toya-Claims-Conspiracy-Surrounds-Her-Brothers-Death/Article/200907215336104?f = rss



    To znaczy patrzeć na wszystkich plablicity są coraz i kochającego człowieka, wiem, to są one nie wiesz, że zarabiać zrobić wywiad z magazynów jego rodziny nie jest ok i powiedział to w mojej głowie, a przed jego dzieci nie są bezpieczne z Joe jest on już mówić o wprowadzenie ich w buissness człowieka i łaskę, że jest szalony kobieta została inlove Michael od czasu był dzieckiem była obbsessed z nim tak, to jakie to say I am just tryin dowiedzieć gdzie lekarz mieści się w dlaczego jest on w nim, dlaczego to on chce zabić Michael hmmmm Michael wiedział coś o nim spowodować lekarz nie podpisania zgonu i był 400 mil w całej lekarza i jego licencja była pobiegł w 08 i AEG on mówi zawdzięcza mu 300.000 dolarów hmm Michael chciałby wszystkie te chciwi pl zatrzymany

  57. AnMJfan Says:

    I've delegowania ktoś widział ten obraz (http://cdn.buzznet.com/media/jj1/2009/06/jackson-rehearsal/michael-jackson-final-rehearsal-03.jpg) i ludzi pytanie, czy mogłaby ona zostać photoshopped ... Nie wiem, czy ktoś to zauważyli, ale "jest" nie jest wyświetlana między MJ udka ... Dziwne, ponieważ ...

  58. dezyte Says:

    OK, dobrze to wszystko nie patrzeć strange.At pierwszy gdyby miało jak 40 nasenne dziennie i innych tego gówna i dont know how on wyglądać .... I mean that's crazy on umiera pierwszym razem chciał podjąć takie kwoty narkotyków i jego krwi będzie wykonane z narkotykami i nie będzie w stanie przejść badanie lekarskie na koncerty .... Druga rzecz to, co zauważyłem jest ... brytyjskiego chłopca Shaheen Jafargholi ... Dlaczego ktoś zaprosić go śpiewać na pamiątkę ... i to było przypuszczać, że podobnie jak MJ zobaczył faceta i Lubił go, ale i wątpliwości, że on naprawdę uruchomić z powrotem do swojej rodziny szczęśliwy wrzask wiesz whattt I've found miły chłopak, który jest miły śpiew ... więc przypuszczać, co on zrobił w jego muzyka kariery didnt dyskutować z rodziną ... OK, powiedzmy, kierownik AEG wiedział o tym i on wiedział, że chłopiec chce MJ się w O2, że jest cool .... ale mam wątpliwości, że gdy naprawdę MJ "zmarł" Menedżer straitgh choć musimy ohhh do tego chłopca śpiewać ... On byłby zbyt zajęty myślenie o wprowadzenie małego chłopca do memorial.Sooooo mój pomysł byłby jedynym MJ którzy nie takie rzeczy jest on abssesed ze wszystkich rzeczy, które dzieci i był ten, kto powiedział, że jego rodzina On chciałby tego dzieciaka do gry w jego pomnik ... .. Dobrze, że to tylko moje myśli facetów ))

  59. mjfan Says:

    To nie jest stary rehearsal footage. Jest to "nowe" oblicze. W ostatnim czasie został on klubach w późnych latach dziewięćdziesiątych, a jego twarz nie wygląda tak jak wtedy. Należy całkiem oczywiste dla wszelkich myśli, że jest to osoba bardzo niedawno materiał MJ.

  60. dezyte Says:

    A jak się coś innego, że w tym miejscu istnieje gitarzystów, że jej pic i MJ w tym pic MJ jest w drodze powrotnej 90 i ta dziewczyna, jak pojawił się kilka miesięcy temu i to, co jest wszystko, co o "wahtever" ... ... dziwak

  61. dezyte Says:

    Szczerze mówiąc Myślę, że La Toya jest częścią tej sztuczka ... jak ona, kto podpisał zgonu ... ... i nikt inny nie podpisała coroners nie lekarz Nuttin ... teraz robisz wszystko to co z morderstwa tylko umieścić ppl umysł gdzieś i odwracają uwagę, że każdy będzie w stanie continiue planing to all.She twierdził również, że 2 miliony funtów został skradziony z piosenkarka przed died.But powiedział przed jej było, że tylko 668.215 dolarów w gotówce i 10,6 mln EUR, która odbyła się w REZERWA którym każdy wie, że można podjąć pieniądze cant jeśli wprowadzania go do RESERVE.So jakie 2 miliony zostały skradzione jej nowe i nowe rzeczy codziennego ... Boże, że rodzina naprawdę ma co żywe imagination.Look pisania Michael Jackson ponownie przyjrzał zdumiewający 10.000 tabletek w ciągu ostatnich sześciu miesięcy życia - średnio 55 dziennie Miał być martwy człowiek tylko po 1 dzień 55 tabletek i nigdy nie będzie w stanie przejść badania lekarskie!
    Radny Dennis Zine szacuje na $ 1.4m rachunku, do którego podatnicy są proszeni o wpłaty, należy zwrócić się późno piosenkarka ojca lub promotorów AEG Live ... i myślę, że będą pewne problemy, ale z drugiej strony, jeśli wiesz, że nie ur U martwych i planowania, jak zarobić więcej pieniędzy tych ppl będzie wypłacana wstecz ... jak ja dont pomyśleć, że promotorzy będą płacić tylko dlatego, że wszystko jej MJ i dokona miłości! coz powiedziano koszty produkcji zostały wypłacone przez promotorów

  62. dezyte Says:

    Tak niani Grace może w miłości z MJ ale czy wiesz, że była kochanka z Jermaine Jackson ... .. Mam na myśli piekło wie, kto r generouse obecnie there.They wszystkie wyglądają fake i że jackson rodzina nigdy nie byli bardzo zjednoczeni, że również nie jest wielki sekret i teraz wygląda bardzo dziwny sposób r ścisłej współpracy .... hmmmm

  63. carelesslove46 Says:

    W gitarzystą został z
    Michael od początku lat 90-tych lub 80-późno. Jeśli chodzi o komentarze na temat Michael noszenia peruk .. OK, mogę przyjąć, że co wiem był
    do wszystkich rodzajów disguises
    i zmiana jego wyglądu. I dont think był łysy z
    tylko pokrycie "peach fuzz" though. Supermom75,
    I zawsze wierzył Presley
    sfabrykowany śmierci .. Masz rację, że zostały w ten sposób o wiele łatwiej zrobić ponownie w 1977 r. .. I really need you osób, które mają być prawo .. ale powiedział, że Michael wont być powrót do nas ..
    Nawet jeśli jest on żyje .. Miłość do all.x

  64. purplepen Says:

    Dlaczego Latoya going on tv mówi, że wie, kto zabił go, jeśli nie shes załó do dyskusji?

  65. dezyte Says:

    Dr Conrad Murray, którzy mogą napotykać opłat w przypadku stwierdzenia winny przepisywaniu Propofol - silny środek znieczulający - nie współpracuje z ich inquiry.Officers nie może zrozumieć, dlaczego dr Murray nie wiedział, adres, gdzie był, co było jednym domu daleko z Sunset Boulevard - jedna z najsłynniejszych ulic w world.Soon będzie bać się i sprzedaje obecnie MJ coz nie mają dobrych wyjaśnienie wszystkich tego, że się stało.
    Michael Jackson's rodziny - wraz z trójką dzieci - wyświetlili piosenkarka ciała w otwartej kasetka na jego pamiątkę uroczystości.
    David Fossett, 50, która uczestniczyła w ceremonii na cmentarzu Forest Lawn, w Hollywood, powiedział piosenkarz miał patrzył "pokojowych" na Jehova's Witness usługi.
    "Wyglądał jak on r. nie był tylko snem" ohh Yesss oczywiście spojrzał i dobrych i snem i wszystko co tam było WAXfigure r. o MJ
    ohhh wielkim psychicznym, który twierdzi, że mówił do Princess Diana i Marilyn Monroe w Afterlife - uważa Michael Jackson skontaktowała her.Lisa Williams, pierwotnie z Redditch, Worcestershire, jest blisko z przyjaciółmi krewny króla Pop.And uważa ona mogą być odczuwalne jego obecności, ponieważ umarł dwa tygodnie ago.Yeahh wright MJ i rozmieszczenia i thiking teraz jak ppl r tryin aby pieniądze z jego śmierci i to, co obviouse kłamstwo jest

  66. dezyte Says:

    Late pop star star Michael Jackson będzie w nowej gry wideo o dopuszczenie tego powodu świąt Bożego Narodzenia,
    MJJ Productions zostały prace nad projektem "miesięcy", z piosenkarka powiedziała odnotowały głosowe pracy tytuł przed jego death.The Gra będzie również funkcja Jackson's podobieństwa, jak również kilku jego ikony trafienia.
    Więc nie ma on wyglądać narkotyki addict Uważam, że jego mózg rzeczywiście był bardzo dobrze robi grę praject jak struganie 50 koncert w O2 on obviousely struganie, aby było trochę pieniędzy i to robił i jego uda się go i wszystko stało się tak szybko w ciągu ostatnich 6 miesięcy może być tak Definetely wszystko było zaplanowane i wygląd wszystkich jasne, że nie jest martwy!

  67. lilpleb Says:

    Dla zagłodzone uzależnionego od narkotyków, które powinny zostać z niego przez wiele godzin na dobę, wydawało mu się zrobić piekło partii. Chów i spędzać czas z 3 dzieci, pracuje na nowe piosenki i wycieczki, to musi być super-człowieka.

  68. dorleac Says:

    i dont zapamiętać lub jeśli powiedział, ale: dlaczego śmierć certyfikatu, jeżeli nadal był lub robią egzaminy ?????

  69. jackoisalive21 Says:

    Michael Jackson ISNT PEŁNOMORSKICH wrócić I DO NIEKTÓRYCH MASSIVE Back From The Dead Tour

    im sorry but hes just not. On to zrobił, bo chce normalnego życia i zostawić w spokoju, tak, proszę zatrzymać ludzi mówi Michael wróci. Im na pewno chce ... .. jeden dzień, ale on wie, że wszystkie rzeczy, które będą pisemne o nim na preparowania własną śmierć i co kibice będą myśleć itd. itd. po prostu jej nie będzie stało. Przepraszam za ten komentarz bezcelowe.

  70. dorleac Says:

    Pomyślałem ... może był "chnaging" twarz od maju lub w czerwcu (i wystarczy, aby potwierdzić datę, że obraz z jego dzieci), ponieważ ostatni raz widzieliśmy Mike został na początku czerwca, pozostawiając kliniki z maską, czy i przy użyciu loki again!

    jedna rzecz. jeśli u porównać pic powiedzieli, że to pic 23 czerwca do 25 czerwca (nosze) lub baki widać bardzo różne. dwa dni nie jest enogh do włosów rosną dużo like it. jest dużo włosów tylko 2 dni XD

  71. dorleac Says:

    i każdy ma video pogotowia przybywających w szpitalu. możesz sprawdzić, będziemy mieć tylko jedno zdjęcie.
    jeśli TMZ powiedział o śmierci przed nazwami jak LA razy (i dont know how), czas beetwen dom i szpital będzie wystarczająco dużo fotografów
    i zdjecia LOL.
    czasami wygląda jak hey are SEE IT? MIKE ITS, Mike INSEIDE pogotowia ... TERAZ JEST RLY MIKE INSIDE helikoptera, AE SEEYING YOU ALL RIGHT? EVERYBODY trzeba wiedzieć I HAVE SURE S RL MIKE THE KING OF POP że umierają TUTAJ "... hahaha

  72. Corbett002 Says:

    In regards to the This Is It Sign Not showing the rest of the S where mj is standing…Look closely, that is the ramp on which the dancers and all the people come out of…the curtain is covering the S, sorry to say but that photo is real…BUT I do believe Dr Conrad Murray will sell out MJ if he does go down for prescribing drugs. The truth will be here soon.

  73. Iknowitall Says:

    I don't know that anyone actually looked at this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SXXBfaai7I but interesting enough it shows the guitarist with him back and the day…. Also, it clearly states 10 shows.. Yeah… Shit is about to hit the fannnn. lol

  74. michaeljacksonnotdead Says:

    Nothing about his death really adds up – check this out:

  75. Smiile1929 Says:

    Can I Just Say Something .. About Latoya Saying That Michael Was Murdered I Think Shes Just Talking A Load Of Crap Cos If U Look At Her Past History Shes Been Saying Alot Of Stuff About Michael Like He Was A Pedafile & She Even Said She Wasn't Gonna Suffer With Her Brothers Crime In Silence .. Something Like Tha She Said .. I Can't Find Tha Link But For Tha People Who Think Shes Being Truthful I Would Say U Shouldn't Really Believe Her .. I Mean Its Entirely Upto U All .. If It Was Janet Or Anyone Else Saying That Then MAYBE I Would Like Think Yeah She Might Be Telling Tha Truth Buh Its Latoya .. By Looking At Her History I Wouldn't Believe Her .. Just Thought I Should Point That Out.

  76. melia8383 Says:

    I stumbled upon this rehearsal footage for his dancers, the first thought that went through my head was that this wasn't “MJ” because I don't recall MIchael chewing gum like that or messing with his hair constantly. I thought MIchael went back to his curly hair in Late January to May of this year? But that honestly does not resemble “MJ” Him taking off his shades, then putting back on? I haven't seen mike ever do that? If any thinks he was addicted to drugs, you seriously need to stop listening to the media, if the family thought Michael was “murdered” why didn't they wait to a to have a Public Memorial and why didn't they hire a lawyer, everyday it's something new? This don't seem right!

  77. Francesca Says:

    - This is not Michael: http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/09e40MrbO52kT/610x.jpg

    - Perhapps this is what Michael loks like right now (like he's 80 years old): http://newsitemstoday.today.com/files/2009/06/michael_jackson_ill.jpg

    God bless him. Co o tym sądzisz?

  78. Francesca Says:

    - The whole Jackson family is fake fake fake
    - They're greedy
    - They're not able to handle what they are faking by now
    - La Toya is stupid, it makes no news
    - Did they discover some life insurance? I mean perhaps this is the creepiest case of life-insurance-related murder?
    - I really have no clue what they're going to tell since now on, everything seems possible
    - Some people on here are really smart (about the photoshop thing)
    - The greetings on Michaels official web site all look ridiculous to me

    for JC.LOVES.MJ:

    about the key dates, there is a post on Derek Clontz blog: assuming this is true, they found Michael's diary telling when he would come back from hiding.
    He planned to come back at the end of this year or in January 2010.

    “If Elvis … (illegible) … so can I.
    “I'll have a 'heart attack' from drugs like he did (yeah, right!)
    “I'll come back, but only when I'm ready. Bigger than Elvis in '69.
    “Maybe 2009 at Christmas. Or maybe the New Year is better.
    “A back-from-dead tour, a real Thriller. But I have to rest. I'm tired. I'm not (thinking) clearly.
    “It's the drugs.
    “A lot of fans still love me. (Some) people hate me. Thing (sp) will be different (after this) …”
    ****THE END****

  79. goslinger1 Says:

    It occured to me that perhaps only SOME of Michael's family were told of the upcoming “hoax” about to transpire. Afterall, WHY would Michael tell his father (after years of abuse) and WHY would he tell LaToya (after betraying him during the molestation alegations?) These are the two family members who are making the biggest fuss after Michael's “death.” LaToya is running her mouth off about finding the killer and Joe, his father, wanted a third autopsy.

    If Michael was going to pull something like this off, he certainly wouldn't tell any family members that he didn't trust to keep his secret.

    And I still want to know who's body they are doing an autopsy on! No one seems to know? Surely if there was a Michael look-alike who died recently, we would known about it, right? How can you be an impersonator and not still have a separate life with a family and friends who have recognized that you are “gone?”

    Uggg! This is driving me mad! So many unanswered questions!

  80. DawneVee Says:

    Here is a link to a very good video from MJ's publicist claiming that all these people who are crawling out of the wood work claiming they were 'close friends' with MJ are only out to get their 15 minutes of fame.
    She also said there was no drug abuse involved and the media is just trying to tarnish his name (surprise surprise there).


  81. dani Says:

    Michael is alive and well and he wants us to know that. I'm sure about that.He has planed his death 15 years ago but ne never had the opportunity to do it. He wrote a song called Morphine where he says “today he's talking twice as much, he's taking Demerol, he's got a heart attack”. Why don't his fans see that.
    First time a heard that Mike wants to do these shows I was totally against it. Why does he have to do that, he should now live his life in peace. I said from the beginning that he will never do any of these shows. Something is going to come between it. I miała rację. That was his last chance to escape from this world. Mike wants to help as many people as possible and now he can finally do it. You wonder how? Well time will tell. A lot of bad things are going to happen to America beginning from sep. oct this year. I saw in a dream that he will help people leaving America, he will help people in Africa and in Serbia. Something is going to happen in Serbia, I don't know when. But Mike will be there for the people and send them a lot of money. 2 days ago I asked God where Michael is and how he feels. I saw Mike in my dream singing “You are my life”- Once all alone
    I was lost in a world of strangers
    No one to trust
    On my own, I was lonely
    You suddenly appeared
    It was cloudy before but now it's all clear
    You took away the fear
    And you brought me back to the light

    Now I wake up everyday
    With this smile upon my face
    No more tears, no more pain
    'Cause you love me
    You help me understand
    That love is the answer to all that I am
    And I'ma better man
    Since you taught me by sharing your life

    I mean hello, now I wake up every day with this smile upon my face. It can't be clearer. This man is alive and very well.
    I also know a healer and visit him very often. I also take a picture of Michael to him. This healer has helped so many people and healed so many really bad diseases. So that's why I know that he is doing well. He can not be dead. Absolutely impossible!!

  82. Jewella Says:

    I looked at the video also yesterday and thought probably what you are thinking…
    the video is full of clues….
    the music in the begining is dramatic and haunting,
    the girl fainting ,
    like she can't believe that he is alive….
    the skull breaking into a live man…
    and the music at the end…

  83. Jewella Says:

    okay, lets say this is a hoax for a comeback…
    wouldn't his fans be so mad at putting them through this?,
    would he do that to kids that look up to him …
    i don't know if he would do that to them,
    (but he did dangle his baby, so i don't know)
    …or would his fans be so happy that he was alive they would forgive him and buy tickets and cd's?

  84. MariannaB Says:

    One word on the impersonators.
    Despite the fact that Carlo Riley obviously has undergone nose surgery to even look more like Michael than Navi.

    Keep in mind in all pics and videos to check out Michael's hands. They are big and the third and fourth finger are always close to each other. Impossible to concentrate on that detail when dealing with impersonating as a whole.

    There is a video with Navi at O2
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1mTtuaaP0M .

    There are private videos of O2 conference that confirm to me that Michael was alive in March:


    The chewing gum video to me is no fake.

    The pic with “this is it” in the background is photoshoped – the artist forgot the neon sign between the legs

    And we find a “ghost” at Neverland as well:

    Not only the present site is being checked also youtube is well observed. Videos and sound are being removed. Watch for this.

  85. Jewella Says:

    I just watched that video again…
    Listen to the chorus singing the begining…
    what are they singing…
    there are words i am trying to make out…
    can anybody tell what they are?

  86. VanillaCream Says:

    I wish I could write an speak perfect english (I am from germany).

    On michaeljacksonsightings.com you can read eyewitness reports. One of the witnesses wrote that he/she saw him near cologne/ germany and talked with him all day long. And they will meet again on monday. Ummm okaaay…

    I really wish MJs alive. I hate the thought that this very special man do not live anymore. Hate these empty piece in my head and heart he left. I love the idea that he is alive and just punked the world. And it´s really hard to understand and realize that he is dead. But I think thats what it is. He´s gone. This is what I try to realize. And it´s what I hate to realize.

    Hope you understand what I´m trying to say.

  87. Elizabeth Says:

    I like this site. It is one site that give me hope that MJ is alive. I am not a big fan of his but I do like his songs and his energetic and solid dances. Ok, I think the above footage is a recent one. We only have to compare his physical appearance with the one from his last performance, 12 years ago to see the significant differences. I must say, though he could still dance here but it is obvious that his dance step was not as solid or energetic as he used to. I like to think that he is alive but with the recent La toya statement and how descriptive she is about what happened in the hospital, make me wonder whether he has really passed on. However, on the other hand I also think he might have staged his death when I read an article dated Nov 8, 2007 where he said he wanted to accomplish certain things first. Here is the link http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/439553/Jacko-I-dont-want-to-die.html . Share your thought on this. Dzięki.

  88. morefiyah Says:

    Dzień dobry. I cannot believe I am about to comment on such a site but the subject matter and other comments are so interesting like solving a puzzle that I had to register and chime in!

    I agree with the ppl who noticed the curly hair in the AEG rehearsals do not match mj's regular straightened wig. I agree with the ppl who noticed that the dance steps/music are the same from the HIStory Tour (I never saw that tour footage). I think that if in fact mj was going to put on a show using old dance steps and music montages his shows would have been panned by the British press. If mj did anything less than a stellar out-of-this-world performance at O2, his next gig would be singing in hotel lobby lounges.

    Now I do not put it past AEG to release the video footage of rehearsal to make it look like mj was in good shape. Look at what mj is wearing in the first half of this clip: in the rehearsal he is wearing a red shirt; in the beginning of the clip he is not. Get it? Beginning of clip = straight hair and no red shirt. End of clip = curlier hair and red shirt. Interesting point about the 'this is it' backdrop being photoshopped.

    My mom didn't think that mj's body was in the casket at the staples center memorial, and she is one of the most observant people in the world. Kudos to ppl here who noticed lack of wet faces at the memorial, too.

    I have a stupid question: why were the rehearsals being done all the way in LA when the show is in London?

    I think that mj is dead, but an occasional post on this site sometimes has me smiling at mj like the good guy who got away from the crooks while the credits roll.

  89. Andrea mówi:

    @MissC – that guy's close resemblance to MJ is kind of scary!

  90. wishful09 Says:

    I agree with the poster who said “too many cooks” in the kitchen. They are letting this get blown way out of porportion. Why talk to the media at all?

  91. Jewella Says:

    also on the promo video arouond the end,
    i thought it was interesting
    that it showed a person being tended
    to by emt's and then loaded into an ambulance….
    Also interesting that the website flashed on the screen is michaeljacksonlive.com
    instead of mj.com….
    maybe mj owns mj.com and the concert promoters own mjl.com….

    I found it interesting that the merchandise link is disabled.

    so i thought i would search the html code to see who owned the site,
    couldn't find that info,
    but i found the merchandise link in the code…
    check it out…
    they are getting ready to sell all this merchandise to “memorialize Michael”
    Be sure and click on the red t-shirt.

  92. dezyte Says:

    Jones says Jackson often had dinner with his kids:”The times that Mr. Jackson did not have dinner with the kids or he couldn't get back in time to have dinner with them”its been told by MJ chef so it makes kinda fair enough that he had well balansed food and eating quite regurely even it wouldn't be big portions.The next thing im really upset about is that Michael's longtime nanny Grace Rwaramba gave an interview – for a lot of money – in which she said some really mean things about Michael. Later she stated that she never said anything like this. But apparently she DID sell out Michael as it has been caught on camera you can watch it on youtube.

  93. Tizzy Says:

    About the photo being photo shopped, it could well be. If you look at the other 's' in the word This, you will see it curves around to the top. Surely the 's' on the word Is should be the same? Shouldnt it actually be in-between MJ's legs no?
    Keep up the great work with the site all involved

  94. melia8383 Says:

    CNN is Reporting that michael was taking up to 10 pills a day. I think xanax. LAPD is saying that they never “ruled” out foul play!!!! BUt didn't they say that they didn't expect foul play after the 1st autopsy. And the family had gotten a second autopsy, they didn't respond back about that one!!!! They had their “private memorial” then the “public memorial”, they haven't even buried him yet, (almost 3 weeks)if they expected foul play, why didn't they hire an attorney? Why did the police let Janet into the house to get michael's belongings? And why did the moving trucks show up the next day to get his furniture? Now “sources” that are supposely close to michael are coming out from the bushes, saying he was an addict? Everyone's stories are contridicting each others? If someone was “murdered” they wouldn't of released michael's body!!!! And the family would of seeked further help, if they were concerned if he was murdered! At the memorial I didn't see one tear being shed, except for usher! This whole thing seems like a 'Hoax.' Way too many stories are being thrown out there!!!!

  95. nycscenie Says:

    I was just thinking, what if the theory of a Michael Jackson hoax death is a HOAX. What if MJ really IS dead and the only reason why there are hoax sites (no offense to the admin here) is to distract us. Im just saying saying maybe hoax sites were created for people who are in denial of MJ's death (like me). Not that its a bad thing and stuff.

    Also, howcome we are suggested to not believe the media but yet we may believe alot that is written on hoax sites.

    Lastly, even if Mj's death was fake, its like he dead anyways cuz WE WILL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN. A smart person wouldnt fake their death then comeback, they would stay hidden.

  96. Andrea mówi:

    Anyone also think it's quite weird that in two days it will be going on THREE WEEKS that they haven't buried the 'body'. Let's say HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING, he did 'die' and they buried him BEFORE the memorial. How terrible would that be for them to have lied to the fans. I already think it's messed up that they KNEW there was no body in that casket but instead of annoucning it and saying the coffin is a symbol, and that he was NOT in there, they made everyone believe he was. Even Jermaine, kissing the casket. GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE.

    I can't WAIT till more and more people start realizing and asking IMPORTANT questions – such as the ones we are asking eachother on this website.

  97. Andrea mówi:


    Look at what one poster on 'michaeljacksonsightings.com' WROTE!

    first off let me say I do not believe Michael Jackson's either dead or alive, I reserve the right to come to a final believe once this story unfolds so right now I'm just a long-time fan half-devastated/half-thrilled at the thought he might still be alive…

    Anyway, here's what I came across while surfing the web for info on the possibility of Jacko faking his death:

    1. Jackson presumably died on June 25th 2009 right?

    2. He liked Elvis and often got quoted in comparing his live with that of the “King of Rock'n Roll”, right? (not to mention he married Lisa Marie)

    3.On multiple occasions Michael talked about his death and that he didn't wnat to end up like Elvis, or that he feared ending up like him, right?

    Now please read this: (the excerpt of interest I screen-captured and attached to this email)


    In this article there's a line where it says: in a June 25th 1979 People Magazine Interview, country singer Merle Haggard voiced his opinion that Elvis death could have been a hoax

    Now IS THIS COINCIDENCE?????? June 25th 1979 and June 25th 2009???? Come on, I find it hard to believe that Jackson would die exactly, exactly 30 years later then this comment was made on Elvis' death, but please draw your own conclusions!

    best regards and I hope I was able to provide some new clues to solve the mystery!

    If you click the link that the he/she posted, it's a very interesting read! HMMMMMM. Even more speculation and facts that MJ could infact, have faked his death!

  98. DawneVee Says:

    MJ spotted in Canada? Anyone know anything about that?

    The link below seems real. I watched his YouTube video and he sounds sincere..

    You be the judge..


  99. mjforever68 Says:

    To Loveandpeace;
    I've used your link to read the article,
    I'll guess the author itself must be a hoax too, he was able to write and publish an article on Monday the 20th of July 2009, wich we all know that will be next week….

  100. LostHighlander Says:

    According to La Toya:

    ***She said: “Michael always had cash in his homes, usually around $2 million (£1.2 million) which he used to pay out on things. People said he wasn't wealthy, but Michael always had money with him. When I went to the house later that day there was NO cash or jewelry. So many people had been through that house before I got there. Someone went in there and did a good job. It was very strange.”***

    Maybe it was stolen, or maybe he just took the cash and jewelry with him “because he ALWAYS has a couple of million in cash and jewelry with him” and he still does. Maybe HE kept it with him when he left, just like he always did. Maybe what with all the security he had it wasn't possible for anyone to have stolen the cash and jewelry and the only answer to why it ALL disappeared is that MJ took it all when he left.

  101. ejay5131 Says:

    Can someone tell me the significance of the video that states only 10 shows?? Is it because they added 40 more?

  102. morla Says:

    What if this is already a hologram???

    And why wasn't made a DNA-test on the 'dead' michael – it's known that he had a lot of 'look-alikes' – they must have been very sure ...

  103. Bee Says:

    Forgive me if this link/pic has been posted before, but this shows areas of his ear missing:

    I hope he is alive somewhere safe and peaceful with his children.

  104. mjforever68 Says:

    I'm sorry my answer seems to dissapeer before I could finish.
    So what I did try to tell to loveandpeace, that I indeed use your link to the article written in the time magazine, but that the author must have being mistaken himself or part is of something which we don't know the facts from.hmmm.

    I've read a lot about MJ dead and also saw the VID with the Chopter ( you have to excuse me I don't see nothing just I supose a man standing in the cargo door and in my small opinion that man doesn't have a face himself just a large helmet, I could be blind myself, so don't take much notice of it )But the more I read the less trees I'm seeing in the forest. Could he be dead yes of course he is after all just a human been. Could he be faking hmm I'm not sure, in other words I'm not convinced, there isn't just enough proof that he is walking around some where or eating ice cream. But there is a fact that his dead sign isn't signed yet and that the CPR ( which isn'ta CPR )failed. Bwha, maybe in a few moths TMZ will get the full rights to publish the return of Michael and that all this was set up by his family and close friends ( who were not that close )so that he only has 10 shows to do in the O2 Arena. Just a theorie of course.

  105. flower Says:

    hi, mj is alive full stop all this crap from his family about murder etc is crap the sister+ the dadare nutters or this is just part of the plot to fool us but we all know them 2 have never been right and with all of this going on now god knows what them 2 will come out with, there are going to be loads more stories to come out yet we aint heard nothing yet you watch and see,MJ must have been planning this for sometime right but once it all got into action there are going to be thing that go wrong cause this isnt the kind of thing you do everyday and i can tell that some of this aint going to plan so we will hear loads more crap come from all sorts of ppl who im not even sure if mj dad and that crazy sister la toya are in on this its hard to work it out but may this is all part of the plan cause ech day more+more comes out and it just gets your head crazy, i mean im weak with it all now but i love MJ SO MUCH i just have to keep with you guys and try to findout whats going on im to a point where im screamin at the tv if anything comes on about him im ripping up newspapers i just sick of hearing all the bad things about our mj all the crap whats keeping me going is this site and eveyone posting we really need to brace ourselfs because things are going to get worse all this hear say, why r ppl being interviewd and not being asked the right questions i wish i could have some time with some of these ppl lieing pieces of s*** sorry im going on now but i tell you hes alive now the dentist has got something to say have you seen that on TMZ who next???? king we love you

  106. SITA Says:

    for sure will a family claim a murder plot. and why? do life insurance pay money for self-killing with drugs/painkiller and stuff we have all heard till now?
    to keep the money rolling a good plot is: lets murder him.
    there are so many close friends who warned michael of misusing all these things months and years before!! for the public often impersonators or clones were used. question resides: who died ? kto? the real one or someone else.
    finally they fooled us with the o2 press conference. such people will try to fool us now and in the future too!!!

  107. Francesca Says:

    for jewell: the chorus is Carmina Burana. Michael explained on some occasion that Carmina Burana perfectly defines his relationship with his fans.

  108. ejay5131 Says:

    About the boy who sang at the memorial, he's from Britains got talent. They said at the memorail that MJ invited the boy to sing with him at the London O2 shows(maybe in hopes of helping him get a recoding contract). Then the boy was on Larry King live and NOW he HAS a recording contract. Maybe MJ didn't want to go back on his word with this little boy, so he made sure he'd be at the memorial.

  109. EverNorton Says:

    Its AMAZING how everything is seen as hoax here! Of course the footage of the rehearsel is recent.. Look at the dancers with MIchael! They are the same dancers that won the auditions in April.. You can check the auditions videos on youtube.. And Michael natural hair has always been curly hair.. He just usually stretches is hair since 95.. But in the History tour his hair is short like it was that time but curly and in a ponytail.. Its more confortable for the dancing.

  110. Jewella Says:

    @Francesca for the song title…
    I just google the lyrics and take a look…
    very profound indeed!

  111. Jewella Says:

    More interesing info on the Song in the promo video…

  112. mjforever68 Says:

    I'm sorry to bother.
    But I saw a vid where Michael was showing alive. It was on You Tube. Will surch for the link course I forgot to copy it.
    Now this vid is showing a man filming God know where ( I didn't recognize it be course I'm from Holland and nothing seems familiar to me )who saw Michael,the man yelled HE YOU, and then Michael started to run to this man, the man is clearly yelling, ” Please don't shoot me man ” and repeating this twice, after that you hear bang bang and you see an supposed Michael saying WHOW. Now if that is true, wouldn't the media have headlines like ” MICHAEL JACKSON SHOOT A SPOTTER DEAD.??, And would you be such a fool to leave a camera running alone by itself some where in the autbush if you were faking your own dead? If it was me I'll surely took the camera with me so that no evidence would be left behind. Just a thought a came up with after seeing this vid.

  113. m2kg Says:

    That videos is here – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkKKtC16C-U

    But it's a joke and it is funny…

  114. Iknowitall Says:


    that video was obviously just a joke.. It's not real…

  115. ejay5131 Says:

    #84 Marianneb- I agree with you, I have noticed many videos and sound bites that are starting to disappear from you tube and other sites. Are “people” starting to “clean up”? This site obviously is becoming VERY popular. And why has Michaeljacksonlive.com suddenly removed the O2 press conference, is it because many people are commenting that it's not him?

  116. dezyte Says:

    ok guys its definetely not going to be HOAX for a comeback!!!!Michael never be back!!I just finished watching michael jackson's story -what really happened.To be honest nuttin interesting all the same shit like he was drug addict and bla bla but the thing is that the latest ppl who had smg to do with him all of them said he was in a great shape looking happy and healthy!!
    Randy Phillips, CEO of concert promoter AEG Live, told CNN he was “a healthy, vibrant human being.”Dr. Arnold Klein, Jackson's dermatologist, who said he last saw Jackson less than a week before he died, told CNN's Larry King that the singer was in “very good physical condition,” in “a very good mood,” and “was very happy.”The Incredible Hulk” star Lou Ferrigno, who was helping Jackson prepare for a planned series of London concerts, told The Associated Press that he never saw Jackson take drugs, act aloof or speedy, and the singer wasn't frail when he last saw him at the end of May. “I've never seen him look better,” he said.
    Akon,R&B singer and producer with whom Jackson recently recorded songs, told Billboard.com that “Michael is just one of the healthiest people that I know. He was pressuring me to stay healthy, like, 'Akon, eat right. What are you doing out there on the road? Are you eating? Are you exercising? Are you drinking a lot of water?'”
    A photographer, Kevin Mazur, who was documenting Jackson's rehearsals for a tour book said Jackson looked in perfect health, was having a great time, and was very happy!It looks that ppl who been around him recently saying he was fine and the only people who said he had problem been friends from before with whom he had nuttin to do anymore…All of this looks like MJ really felt good and didn't die he planed everything very well…thats way people who saw him last said he indeed was in a great shape!I mean if somebody wants to do a great research and tv program they even can make it based on this web that what we came with.As i see here lot of ppl coming up with an interesting thinking….I do believe that someone from MJ's family dfinetely reading this site as they following everything whats goin on….MICHAEL IF YOU ARE READING THIS RIGHT NOW SORRY THAT WE DIGGIN IT TOO DEEP AND TRYIN TO FIGURE OUT THE TRUTH…THE THING IS WE LOVE YOU TOO MUCH TO BELIEVE THAT U DIED EVEN WE WOULDN'T WANT TO PUT YOU IN TO A PROBLEM BY UNCOVERING YOUR HOAX DEATH

  117. wishful09 Says:


    UR correct. They said they ruled out foul play. Now, they say they have always been considering foul play. This is getting too crazy. I cant keep up with the stories.

  118. James Says:

    Well that tour pic looks so fake the background , this is it looks like its been pasted behind everyone so it looks real, badly photoshoped also the lights at the front of the stage look fake to lol look…


  119. Francesca Says:

    wishful09: correct me if I'm wrong but Joe Jackson was convinced it was a foul play since the beginning.

    jewell: thank you for the link, I loved it

  120. m2kg Says:

    Why do I think that in that photo his leg & the rest of his body, is covering the rest of the “S”?

  121. wishful09 Says:

    You are not wrong, Francesca. It was the police officials who said they ruled out any signs of foul play. Joe said it from the begining. But now police officials are saying they have never ruled out foul play. It doesnt make sense.

  122. MariannaB Says:

    Would be nice to see Michael giggle right now.

    And yes, DNA analysis would have done it as well as analysis of liver and kidneys to get a proof of any abuse. The “brain” checked during 6 weeks means they count neurons. Sounds more like everybody lost his/her head and common sense.

    What's about the “CIA killed M with new weapon” story, the “bioterrorism” opera in connection with Bahrein sheik, the “M was a danger as a conterted to Islam” and the “truth in Paraguay” stories? What do you think on these ones?

    I like the O2 conference a lot. Lovely to see M smile so much. The “last curtain call” – in an opera it's the final eclipse before everything falls down to a last well designed scenery.

  123. Dee Says:

    Ok we are all trying to figure this thing out. Everything is not a hoax, yet part of the hoax. Thats michael at the rehearsal and that is definitely him dancing. he has a signature move tat he does when goes into the zone and starts feeling the music. The wig doesn't mean anything….. Michael always wears his hair pulled back in concert and if you have seen the History tour and the Dangerous tour many of the acts remain the same, with little changes. The “They Don't Really Care About Us”, was done just like shown in prior concerts. Look at his face and the cast in his eye, that how you really know when its Mike. Look at his moves, Mike's face can be duplicated but not his moves. The man moves like freaking water. Even at this age, not dancing full out, you can see he still has the moves. This is recent, look at the aging around his eyes. Michael loves to perform, he would take this last opportunity to take the stage. He knew this footage would be left for us, he would want to be apart of it. I mean he did love his fans.

  124. melia8383 Says:

    Ok wszyscy znalazłem piosenkę, It's really Crazy niewydaną z Michiael Jackson, on mówi o tym, jak on "planowania" Jego ucieczkę z "systemu" i "nacisków" musi znaleźć miejsce do ukrycia się. (Thats co mówi w utworu) nazwa utworu jest xscape (tak, to rzeczywiście napisane w taki sposób.
    If he faked his death, he's away from the pressures, he has to leave his children behind, if he want people to know he's “dead”). Jeśli dzieci jest z rodziną, to zawsze będzie je zobaczyć. Latoya powiedział, że nie chcą wykonać 50 pokazuje, że prawdopodobnie był to dlaczego impersonator na konferencji O2! To było go podczas próby w filmie, jeśli planuje jego uciec, musi współpracować, prawda? AEG dla ubezpieczonych "przedawkowanie"? DLACZEGO?

  125. Samantha Says:

    I starting to think his actually gone! :'( </3

  126. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    To Michaeljacksonnotdead: I just watched the vedeo with Mother cathrine shopping. Well 1st of all, she dosent wear black close. 2nd. Why teh hell is she buying sleepingbags, and a tent LOL. I found that a bit weird

  127. Iknowitall Says:

    Thats cool Melia. Michael wouldnt leave his babies though. Under any circumstances, he would not leave them.

  128. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    Iknowitall. Mabye the kids know that he is alive. And as long as they are witgh their grandmother he has a chance to see them

  129. DawneVee Says:

    Samantha ~ Hang in there girl! Don't give up yet! We all have our 'he really is gone' days. I know it's hard when we haven't heard anything in the news, but don't let that get you down!

    MyBelovedMJ ~ Not everyone wears black when in mourning. When my dad died, I didn't dress in black. I just wore my normal clothes.
    Maybe that stuff is for the kiddos to play with in the back yard.
    I went shopping the day my dad died. It's actually quite normal what Katherine was doing.

    iknowitall ~ How do we know MJ has left his babies? For all we know he may be at the Jackson family compound.

    I read that article that LaToya supposedly gave. #1, that magazine is a British TABLOID. Now, how accurate are those things? Naprawdę?
    #2, if you read it, it says that Paris Hilton's mother showed up at the hospital. Now why…why in the world is this woman even mentioned here? Come on now…

    We may not hear any real news till the autopsy and toxicology report comes out.

    Unless…MJ if you are reading, give us fans a sign buddy! We know what to look for…the media is too stupid to pick up stuble signs like that so don't worry about getting caught.

  130. purplepen Says:

    Are there any pictures showing his kids going to or leaving the hospital?? In one interview La Toya said Paris went with her to forest lawn to see to see him but i dont see her in any of the pictures with la toya

  131. quesarasara Says:

    Michael liked shock value. All I can draw from this site at this time especially this topic, the truth will have to prevail. If these concerts go on with no shockers, we'll know that he's probably not with us. But, he was a master of surprise:
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUNgU3AoRbc at 4:05

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUEd3VCO7y0&feature=related at :33

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKmlymsITTA (on may 26 2009!!! WTF !!!)


    Speaks for itself. Right after September 11th 2001, no one expected this.

    I know there is so much more, but this just states to me that I really do feel that he will come out of this hoax. All hell will break loose.

  132. irishgrl Says:

    Bee posted a link showing a pic of his ear and ive looked at and it really looks like the ear in the pic in the ambulance

  133. tinydancer Says:

    Ok..Just a few points I feel like making:

    1) the diary that was found, where MJ supposedly writes about how he's gonna fake his own death..come on, how can we all believe thats actually true and that there is such a diary? Wouldnt MJ bring it with him if he was leaving…why would he leave evidence like that behind if he really wants the world to blieve he's gone?


    2) For those who are in distress about all this hoax talk and theories…and waiting for autopsy results..and how the “TRUTH” will come out soon enough…agian, sorry for being a pessimist…but, what makes you think that we'll find out the truth anyway? We all know media lies…we know this cause we have seen what it has done to this wonderful man's reputation and life..so im just saying, dont rely on media to give you the answers…

    I think our best bet is to gather the bits and pieces and build our theory…and just HOPE that we're right about the fact that MJ is alive and healthy somewhere on this planet…finally enjoying some time off from all this everyday dirt that he had to put up with for 45 years of his career.

    Media is poison to our minds.

    And thank you for sharing your opinions and thoughts…and evidence suggestions. Im happy there are so many others out there who also feel like he''s not gone. From the very first second i learned about his “death”, something inside me said straight away “It's not true”. There's hope in me, along with my gut feeling that says its a hoax.

    MJ forever. He is the real Peter Pan. Piękny.

  134. He.is.alive Says:

    To tinydancer:

    About your remark that MJ left his diary behind and why would he ?

    Consider the other side of the coing, why would he n ovt ? He might have deliberately left it behind in hopes somebody would find it and read in it, kinda like a “farewell/this is what really happened”-note and/or to leave a very blunt about exactly what we are all blogging on here: his staged death and successful escape. The more time elapses, the more ground the “staged death” theory gains ground … it makes sense to me .. it does ..

  135. Andrea mówi:

    to irishgirl – ever think that maybe the person in the ambulance..his ear is a little curled due to the tube that is in his nose? it does go around the ears and head. just a thought!

  136. Andrea mówi:

    And, actually, if you think about it…we are all saying that it doesn't look like MJ in the ambulance, but..maybe it WAS Michael Jackson in there..hence the giant vein in the forehead. Obviously that person is alive and you can definitely see some sort of tension in the face/forehead. They could have all easily been acting in there knowing that the paps would be in crazy enough to try and snap at least one photo of him in the ambulance.


  137. admin Says:

    The Michael Jackson Hoax Death Forum is now up and running and ready for use. Please feel free to start new topics and continue your discussions there, in an easier to manage environment.

    MJHD Admin

  138. loveandpeace Says:

    @irishgrl Yes, indeed it looks like his ear, however as one of the many theories on this website claims they brought him back to life at the hospital. If he just died at home, and went straight to the morgue, it could have easily been called murder.

  139. melia8383 Says:

    Maybe that is him in the amubulance, maybe not! If it was him he could of had someone snap the photo to send out?

  140. james44 Says:

    Anyone that's interested in the guitarist, I'd like to clear it up once and for all. Jennifer Batten has played for him in the past but the one in the latest video rehearsal is a new one her name is Orianthi chech out the link -


  141. berkeleygal Says:

    re the private video by MJ2009ThisIsIt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TEcwJBw4LY watch this folks! I have read A LOT of stuff recently and nowhere have I seen mention of the boots “MJ” was wearing ar the press conference. This video, being shot at an angle we haven't seen before shows “MJ” wearing boots with HEELS. Am I wrong but did'nt he always wear flst black loafers? I dunno… seems strange, they look to be about 2 inch heels. You can see it about 5 mins 53 secs into the vid. Also, what's with the “Elvis” karate move thing he does, its not real clear on any video I have seen but it seems to me that this is what he is doing. BTW this site is awesome, thank you!

  142. Andrea mówi:

    @ berkeleygal – all I know is MJ would never do that fist air punch move he did…..wtf was that shit?

  143. żarliwiec Says:

    MJs earlobes looks different throughout this year. Especially in the pictures when visiting the dr. office and at his last rehearsal. In some of the pics, he has a longer earlobe and in other pics, his earlobe appears to look shorter. I noticed his left ear lobe went from being short to being long; and then it changes to appearing short again. Maybe an imposter but he does such a great job at concealing his ears b/c they are very distinctive; it becomes diff. to determine. Here are some links to the pics from the month of June 2009:

    This is his last rehearsal. His left earlobe looks longer on this picture:

  144. ejay5131 Says:

    berkeleygal I also have never seen Michael wear what looks like.. COWBOY BOOTS????

  145. ejay5131 Says:

    I looked again..maybe not cowboy boots but definatly some type of “artist formerly know as prince” looking boot for sure.

  146. purplepen Says:

    isnt there some kind of clip on his ear in the ambulance so wouldnt that make it look different anyway??

  147. purplepen Says:

    or does it just look like theres something on his ear i cant tell

  148. Samantha Says:

    I love the song “Leave me Alone”
    It truly explains alot

  149. Goldie Says:

    what i am going to tell now is very weird…
    maybe you wont belive me and maybe you will i dont know..
    and maybe it isnt true..

    but i live in Denmark and over<? our hous there was a old women who lived there and she died about 2 week´s ago. and now a fat man has moved in he came in a "SUV" car<'? or what they are called in USA. but he seemed wery odd. he wasn´ta "dane" he was speaking english.. but anyway i just think it look like michael. because his eye´s are so … like michael´s but ARHH i dont know i am confused.. he dosn´t look like michael it is only the eye´s that makes me think about michael and his voice.. it is all to weird for me ..

    his name is jack london?
    what makes me belive that is is him in a disguise is 1) he has been in a disguise as a fat man and 2) he did say one time he loved Denmark because we held his b-day here and he was so happy, and he also said in a interview in Denmark that he maybe wanted to live here one time.?

    i am so confused at the moment because of all of this..
    and my nabo "jack london" he didn´t knew where the supermarket where and all off that i told him and he wants all kind of information about this area we are living in… but here where i live its a quiet place not so manny people´s and a really nice place.. i dont want to go up and be stupid and say "are you michael jackson" i would feel so dum..

  150. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Says:

    First Of All I Would Like To Point Out That The Reason The Photo Looks Photoshopped Is Because More Than Likely It Is, But Only Because If It Doesn't Look Right Then It Wont Look Good And It Was Probably Supposed To Be A Poster, And Why Would You Want A Poster On Your Wall That Looks Like Complete Crap? Photoshopping Pictures Are Needed To Make The Photo Look Better. Im A Freelance Photographer, I Know That.

    The Video Has To Be Recent Because The Girl Playing The Guitar Was Singing At The Memorial, So If That Video Was From Years Ago, How Is She Still Young? Come On People If Your Really Researching Any Of This, You Would Know That.

    What I Think Is, Since The Celebration Was Gonna Be About Thriller, And Since He Likes To Play Jokes On People, And He Wanted To Make This The Best Performance In The History Of Mankind.

    He Faked His Death, Not Because He's Leaving Us, Not Because He Wanted To Run Away, He Would Never Run Away From His Problems, He Survived The Child Molestation Issues, And Never Ran Away From Them. He Wanted To Put On The Greatest Show Ever And What Better Way Than Faking His Death And Then When The Memorial Tours Start, He Jumps Up Out Of The Bottom Of The Floor Just Like In Recent Concerts And Surprises The World Like Never Before.

    He Stated That We Aint Seen Nothing Yet, So What Do You Think That Means? Plus He Would Never Commit Suicide Or Take Drugs And If He Was Taking Drugs, Why Did He Have Custody Of The Children, More Than Likely They Would Have been Taken From Him.

    The Memorial Looked Fake, The Casket Looked Smaller Than His Stature, People Didnt Produce Tears Just Made Crying Noises. The Memorial Was Meant To Celebrate Life, Memorials Dont Always Have To Be About Death.

    Plus In The Rehearsals Video When The Director Says Hold For Applause, Compare The Voice To Kenny Ortega, That Is Him.

    Michael Jackson Would Be The Only One In History Who Could Pull Something Off This Huge. He Just Wanted To Prove To The World That You Shouldn't Listen To The Media, They Feed You Bullshit. And If I Am Right, Then The Media Will Be Presented As The Biggest Fools In History And If His So Called Fans Are Buying What They Are Saying, Then They Arent True Fans. And If You Buy Tons Of Michael Jackson Crap After He Supposedly Dies, Then Your Really Not A Michael Jackson Fan, Your A Fan If You Love His Music And Care About Him As A Person Yes. You Dont Need To Buy Tons Of Memorbilia To Prove Your A Fan.

    Plus Just Because He Was In Debt, Doesnt Mean He Doesnt Have Money. This Is Michael Jackson Were Talking About, Noone Stopped Buying His Music. He Is The Most Famous Individual In History. He Had Tons Of Friends, That Didnt Show Up To His Memorial And Tons Of People That Doesnt Have Anything To Do With Michael Jackson. Hence A Huge Show Is Going To Happen. You Just Watch And If Im Wrong, Then May Michael Jackson Be Happy In Heaven. I Have More To Say But Im Ending This For Right Now, If You Wanna Talk To Me Further My Yahoo Is Dragonfire_barbie_sweetheart.

    Oh And About The Hairstyles, He Wears Wigs Because Of The Pepsi Commercial Catastrophe. He Was Burned On His Head, So The Difference In Hairstyles Can Happen Because He Has No Hair.

  151. berkeleygal Says:

    I know where MJ is! They have him at Warehouse 13!!! (Good show, watch it on SyFy on Tuesday nights)

  152. martha Says:

    the guy in the 1st part of the vid is not MJ, nor is the guy at the 'This is it' tour announcement…if you've been familiar with MJ for many years you just see that…what do you guys think about it? do you actually think this is MJ in the 1st part of this vid? coz I really dont think so… this is all so wird…

  153. wilkesxgurl Says:

    all this has me so confused trying to figure it out but the one thing i know for sure at 50 Jackson was still smoking hott andwhy wasent i one of the lucky ones that never got to meet him

  154. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    To QUE. I just watched the videos. Michael, seems to be in good health, and very happy a month before his dead. I Think that he is still alive. Even though i still have soem days, where i am crying, alot, and feeling empty inside, like i lost someone i loved alot. But then I am loggin into this site, and most of the time, i can be in a better mood, after being inhere.Something in my heart tells me that. And about latoya signing the death satificate, well that dosen`t really count. A doctor have to do it.

    Michael If you somehow should read this i want you to know that NOONE is blameing you for doing this, you did what you have to do, to make it right for yourself.If you really are out there, don`t worry about ever performing again, it dosen`t really matter, all that matters is that you are safe, happy and healthy. We all love you very much, and we just want you to have some peace. Hope you finlly got, what you so ever longed for. Michael, we love you more. DONT YOU EVER FORGET THAT.

  155. jaded Says:

    Im surprised no one has mentioned this, but how come the person sitting next to Michael is blocked out? am I the only one that finds that suspicious? Also, how is it that the admins of this site are the only ones with this extra 3 mins footage?? Usually CNN and other media networks would have been ALL over this new release. Why havent I seen this footage anywhere else?..hmmmm either this footage is really not new footage OR ….the admins of this site are really AEG Live & Michael himself!!! muahahahahaha excellentttt (Mr. Burns voice) wouldnt that be ironic though?

  156. bghoppy Says:

    Re: The blonde guitarist. The woman called Jennifer Batten was his guitarist on the Bad, Dangerous, & HIStory tours. She put out her own album called 'whatever'. She had not been asked to be on “this” tour, and they were never really close.
    I'm not sure the name of the new one that we saw on LK.

  157. saeed1237 Says:

    hey you guys theres a petition going around on if Michael Jackson is still alive and it lists all the facts
    check it out

  158. svangel Says:

    well i wud have agreed witht he fact that he wore wigs… and maybe he wore the wig wen he was performing… but point to you all the facial structure of the micheals face is differnt…maybe dis decoy sung .. it does matter how long the videos were apart… the facial structures are difo… the one at the beginning seem to be old..he actually looking like my 80 yr old granny

  159. MyBelovedMJ Says:

    That was interresting. I think he is alive. But i would like to know who has seen him in moscow. And why didn`t it get on the news?

  160. berkeleygal Says:

    to love and peace: hmm I can't explain LOL, he probably had a whole closet full o shoes n boots. I guess thst seeing them in that video and being almost sure that this was an imposter, that maybe the imposter was only 5′8 amd the heels made him 5′10 which was how tall MJ was/is. just my 2 cents

  161. nehaheartmj Says:

    im surely believing tht mj is still alive….bt what comes to my mind is that…when elvis died(when he realy died) then also there were many people….his fans saying and finding evidences tht he is still alive…i jst want to know tht are we doing the same now????….im so desprate to believe tht mj is alive….bt i wnt to see him….and mj if you r reading….pls give us a sign tht you are still there…jst a sign….plsssss….

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