




“邁克爾傑克遜,像貓王,是厭倦被大於生命和希望得到的生活,說: ”世界著名的心理和metaphysician安迪賴斯博士的時間。

“超級明星邁克爾行被困在夢幻島。 也有一個非常好的機會,他可能會在監獄中,如果他的罪名對兒童性虐待。

“的唯一出路這個爛攤子,他的是假的他去世後,切斷了他的頭髮和轉入地下, ”賴斯博士說,誰擅長名人預測。


“的封面故事將是邁克爾傑克遜遭受了致命的心髒病發作,而騎馬他的摩天輪。 傑克遜的'仍然是'將骨灰和他的骨灰,將分散的,理由是他的財產, “他解釋說。

“的唯一途徑邁克爾開始了新的新的生命是結束荒唐生活,他現在已經。 他學會了從貓王把戲。 “


沒有傑克遜的計劃結出碩果? 是他仍然活著的地方?


  1. 兆焦耳因光明賽義德,

    邁克爾被殺害。 誰殺了他嗎? 這肯定是一個陰謀的水平911與媒體串通一氣。

    在過去6個月內,有人種植“邁克爾傑克遜將死在6個月。 ”這是在1月份'09 。 如何將他們知道的? 它是一種適應市民傑克遜的死之前他的死亡,使之並不令人吃驚,如果發生了什麼?

    邁克爾在練習的主要中心在洛杉磯為他的演唱會前一天,他的死因。 他有充分的音樂會是我certained他錄製的,因為他這樣做是在過去。 因此,我們將看到這個音樂會來檢測他的風采和健康。 您有福克斯新聞稱: “他是昏昏欲睡及無法通過rehersals 。 誰呼籲福克斯這個故事嗎? 誰在那裡的人包括舞蹈演員說,他非常好,樂觀,興奮即將到來的演唱會。

    邁克爾經歷了4小時人身保險公司投保誰的音樂會。 他沒有問題。

    然後,你有他呼籲他的朋友前一天晚上說: “他不舒服。 ”第二天早上,你有這個醫生,醫生默里,誰是他的醫生的最後2個月,他的球隊在他的死亡。 這醫生消失在他死後,還沒有就向傑克遜的家庭,也沒有談過,死因裁判官。

    死因裁判給他的聲明“沒有犯規。 ”他怎麼知道的? 這醫生可以給他投籃要殺死他。 在911 ,這個醫生已經邁克爾的身體在床上給予心肺復甦術。 該調度員不得不告訴醫生把邁克爾地板給他心肺復甦。 什麼是不正確的這個故事。

    我覺得有人死亡邁克爾傑克遜利用他們知道他有問題“的處方藥。 ”他們使用的是什麼,他們認為人們會很容易相信,因為他過去。

    誰種植這個故事與國家詢問關於2009年1月12號的問題,聲稱邁克爾將“死在6個月? ”全國Equirer索賠“好朋友。 ”是“哥兒們” ,美國中央情報局?

    http://www.nationalenquirer.co ... .. 97 ?酸=的RSS
    國家詢問傑克遜首次報導了6個月的活在我們1月12日, 2009年發行

    攝影者: Splash新聞在線



    難以置信的報導出現在12月下旬,傑克遜正面臨一種罕見的,致命的遺傳疾病,需要肺移植手術。 雖然歌手否認了報導,探詢消息告訴他的健康狀況迅速惡化,因為沉重的上癮止痛藥和酒精。

    據一位接近恆星透露: “這是悲慘的。 他的病情只是至今沒有,我很驚訝,如果他持續6個月。

    “止痛藥和喝酒趕上他。 唯一的辦法,他能應付壓力的性醜聞和他的過山車生活掩蓋疼痛的藥物濫用。

    “但最終的結果是一個吸毒成癮,將殺死他。 ”

    國王Bizarro依賴藥物“可以追溯到他的頭髮時,被燒毀使百事可樂商業說, ”密切來源。 二十五年後, “毒品只是蹂躪他。 ”

    邁克爾在“真的,真的不好形狀, ”索賠的家庭朋友。 “他生病的6至8個月,他只是不斷變得更糟。

    “他的肌肉和肺臟正在惡化,他臥床不起的大量時間。 他可以行走,但不是很長。

    “良好的天,邁克爾是能夠採取他的孩子們到書店。 但是他從來沒有為一個多小時。 他很少的力量...這是最終在上帝的手中。 “

    但傑克遜的發言人堅決否認星病,他說: “先生, 傑克遜是在罰款的健康“ ,並正在談判的巡迴演唱和電視項目。

    “邁克爾的戰鬥的一生, ”密切的來源結束。 “這並不好看。 ”

  2. Tejur星Jetur賽義德,

    我不會感到有點意外,如果整個事情是一個放在還清這50億美元的債務,提高銷售記錄及紀念品及/或更改小李的整個身份,這樣他可以有機會看到是什麼感覺像我們生活的正常運轉異常失調人。 但是,由於事實是,藥物或而以一種雞尾酒藥物在很長一段時間就是最終把他的生命或生活而採取的他,我想這是最可信的現實地說。 我很高興他這麼高的精神,即使在結束。

  3. 安東尼托梅說,

    邁克爾傑克遜肯定是假冒他的死亡。 他的所有財物都被轉移到夢幻島,據報導,在移動簽署了一項保密協議。 還...如果我是一個偵探的第一人,我想要交談的將是保羅MCartney ! 但是...

    由於舒馬赫偽造自己的死亡,不會是一個選項。 他的父母是進行他的所有業務,並很快重新開放Neverland農場和新專輯的邁克爾傑克遜下促進喬傑克遜的新唱片公司。 冷眼旁觀!

  4. 安德魯說,

    如果邁克爾傑克遜已經死了那麼為什麼每個故事不斷變化。 首先據報導,傑克遜正在尋找偉大的前一天晚上,他的“死亡” 。 從我在線閱讀關於所謂的屍檢傑克遜無法通話,移動或任何東西,因為他是一個人的骨架。 然後視頻邁克爾傑克遜的“身體”的正文中袋是坐起來像邁克爾邁爾斯在萬聖節水。 向我解釋如何身體看起來像坐起來,如果身體是死了嗎?

  5. wishful09賽義德,

    我認為,不斷變化的故事,因為人們只是搞亂。 如果許多人都參與,然後這個故事有可能會繼續發生變化。 我不認為這是可能的,邁克爾被殺害,但我最相信的事實,他可能偽造去世。 我不想認為他是被謀殺。 它簡化了我的腦海相信他是某個高興看到如此多的人對他悲痛。

    這是一個非常強大的可能性,他偽造的,因為他去世小實在是太持久的事實是,他希望邁克爾的屍體埋在夢幻島。 然而,他doesn't想有一個紀念碑。 他們不斷改變墓地好像他們正在檢查邁克爾本人。 我知道這聽起來瘋狂,但剛聽到我了。 為什麼他們會選擇有紀念在斯台普斯中心? 這太可怕。 我認識的要求,球迷,但在某個時候你會想,這是太多了。 多數民眾贊成在一個奇怪的地方,尤其是因為紀念他只是排練上週。 此外,他們不斷指出,這是紀念所有的球迷,因為如果導致別的東西。 這可能只是我一廂情願的想法,但林假設的東西是去了週二。 如果不是星期二,然後在他的生日。 如果沒有那麼,那麼我會接受,他可能實際上已經過去了。 所有這些人出來說他濫用藥物似乎有點了我。 的方式,對新聞媒體鎖存的一切令人不安。 真的,這是很容易做到這一點,即使你已是邁克爾因為媒體認為任何消息告訴他們。 什麼是不正確的,因此懷疑他正在posssibility活著不是荒謬的。 返回的故事自上週以來,和閱讀。 大家會發現,沒有什麼比賽,直到這個可疑的護士來著。 然後突然有同樣的藥物在他家中發現天后。 因此,非常便利。

  6. Happytomato賽義德,


  7. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    噢,我的上帝! ! 我不能相信,邁克爾actuelly有一個克隆自己.. 他的朋友,誰不得不手術.. 哦,親愛的上帝。 地獄是什麼意思。 他還活著嗎?

  8. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    這是最後,我的愛人走了。 這一切都不在短纖中心今天是偽造的。 巴黎,跟她的父親在麥克風上,答她說,我回复:自從我出生,我的大地一直是有史以來最好的大地,我愛你這麼多。 然後他已經完全崩潰。 她是一名11歲的女孩,怎麼可能,她假的。 他不是還活著。 他走了 我終於得到它今天的一部分,我剛剛去世。 看到棺材邁克爾`屍體,只是硬。 我終於得到它。 我國lovedone現在都不見了。 他不會“ apear ”再次在舞台上。 即使是在倫敦,像一些表示。 他是真的不見了。 我的心是如此打破,我不能相信。 我的郵件邁克爾,是一樣的一個Latoya寫道:邁克爾,經過50年的等待,終於上帝稱為你回家,做自己最擅長的。
    他同意你的extrodenary人才與我們大家對許多decates ,現在'的時候為你展開你的翅膀,以更高水平,這ofcause我知道你會做的事,與其他天使,並為他們提供incredeble性能。 並隨時向天使smileing 。 我愛你深深和我不能等著看您執行一次。 邁克,你將永遠是我的夢想。 我愛你非常,非常,非常,非常,非常

  9. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,


  10. heisalive賽義德,

    我相信100 + %的邁克爾傑克遜上演他自己的死亡逃脫,並繼續與正常居住在其他地方...這是我內心的聲音一直在告訴我,因為目前他的“死亡” ,並宣布它使我不斷加快。 我也是法律專業,我看這件事作為“個案” ,所有的要素,如發現僅舉一個。 邁克爾傑克遜當然有黃銅bleeps ,接觸,資源, loyals和最重要的是資金和wherewithall廣大inscene這樣的“秀”這樣的! 他娶貓王的DNA ,麗莎瑪麗和她結婚的同時,得到了貨物從她如何貓王'死亡是成功舉辦和“賣”給公眾的撒旦媒體早在1977年。 基於廣泛的研究和現有證據的若干可信的個人和成功tripup的記者們的麗莎瑪麗和普里西拉兩個,這是非常清楚地表明,埃爾維斯沒有死在格雷斯蘭,是完全可能藏匿通過美國證人保護方案作為前官方聯邦代理。
    毫無疑問,在我看來,邁克爾傑克遜,他自己的一套理由上演他的“死亡”像貓王沒有和他一樣是有生命的某處,並都在注視著這個“事件”為他喝采有史以來最大的moneymill不斷$固定的和。 如果黛比羅沒有收到監護儀的孩子(以代替以現金當然) ,但它仍然與凱瑟琳傑克遜正如兆焦耳的意願。 這種安排將確保100 %的兆焦耳容易獲得,他的孩子和他們會感到驚訝,他再次返回從“墳墓”探訪他們在某個時刻!
    *新聞情況更新: Starwitness第1號,伊麗莎白泰勒其中兆焦耳喜歡他的心臟和靈魂,和同樣有“下降”到“出現”在“紀念” shindig在斯台普斯中心,說明她“愛他太多。 ” Taylor女士是一個人邁克爾相信含蓄和imaginably的第一人聽到他的詳細計劃,從而逃避證明她的忠誠,他沒有“出現”在這其中他sendoff後,埃爾維斯的“死亡”和葬禮,是目前為止最大的謊言都表示,一個謊言,數十億人都swalloed整個.. 啊是啊小信!
    *新聞情況更新: Starwitness第2號,黛安娜蘿絲通過發表聲明宣布,她是不是“出席” ,講:她也是在這! 這2個人,羅斯和泰勒都是已知的最接近於喬丹的一部分,他的親密圈內的心腹多年。 和所有的可能性計算機輔助他與他的“逃亡” ,而且可能承認其deathbeds某一天,或...不! 讓越來越多的證據和案件不斷增加肌肉。
    *新聞案例更新: 2更多importants的兆焦耳圈內人失踪在斯台普斯中心:尤里蓋勒和喬普拉迪帕克, 2個以上的人在他以及舉辦“死亡逃脫” ? ? 很有可能!
    結束後的“紀念服務” ,沒有人比我的其他通知,請參閱,並宣讀-階段背的斯台普斯中心-這些詞出現在藍色的字樣: “我活著,我在這裡永遠” ? ? ? ? 沒有喬丹離開“的消息”在這裡只有一些自己的“葬禮”上發現,雖然rosedraped ,金棺,可能空或傀儡內坐在那裡沒有發出一個什麼盛傳,它實際上包含了屍體,任何“身體”呢? ... 。 感謝您閱讀,你是怎麼想呢? 我確實有興趣聽取

  11. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    我看到thhat書面2 ,我剛才檢查了。 噢,我的上帝,我得到了寒意。 誰寫的地獄呢? 這是邁克爾給我們發送郵件? 為什麼家庭,以便打破然後,我講的巴黎,和馬龍。 他們背後邁克爾在所有這一切的? 這是2不寒而栗。 我很傷心yeasterday ,我一直在不停的哭2個星期,但yeasterday只是2該死的硬盤上了我。 為什麼地獄陪伴孩子們玩去,我們在這裡看到他的屍體。 很抱歉的宣誓,我通常不`噸做到這一點,但我現在非常不滿。 如果他確實是活著的話,他會回來,我只知道它,它威爾proberly是他的一個演唱會的日期。 可以這麼酷。 他們只是我幼稚,但這些信件陪伴孩子們玩去寫自己和家庭的陪伴孩子們玩去把它們有肯定的,也沒有一些所謂的朋友。 只有1人可以做到這一點。 邁克爾。 他是一個碩士desquises ,他已經能夠進入穩定的中心,而不beeing reganiced 。 林不知道他在那裡了。 但我幾乎可以肯定,他是1 responseble這一消息。 我發誓,我的心對上帝只是停止第二。 如果邁克爾的確還活著,他有一天將能夠讀取此,我希望他知道,我愛他超過任何東西,而不是他的音樂,但他是誰。 我從來沒有誤解了他,或聽或任何東西。 聰明的人曾經說過,我qoute : judegement不及格的人,然後你跟他們一對一,我不關心什麼故事。 男孩是他的權利。 我只想說,邁克爾將使我們的某種標誌,他被活活燒死。 什麼,但是mabye這些話就是這樣。 餘dunno ,混淆,即使我認為比以往任何時候都認為posibillity的himbeeing活著是非常大的。 我想我擁有的一切讓他回來,一切。 愛你邁克爾

  12. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    我還活著,我在這裡永遠。 我會賭我的房子,就這一點。 邁克爾還活著。 沒有人可以書面該消息。

  13. heisalive賽義德,

    MyBelovedMJ .. 你說,你“知道”該機構在棺材.. 噢真的嗎? ? ? 是因為你privvy看到它正在實施的有? ? 和/或您actally看到屍體兆焦耳通過金屬的棺木??????

  14. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    我以為他真的是在那裡當我看到巴黎他講話。 不,我和coulden `噸看穿它大聲笑。 但後來我看到這些話:林還活著,和IM這裡永遠。 然後我開始懷疑,這是一個標誌

  15. heisalive賽義德,

    為了MYbelovedMJ :他自己的損害,埃爾維斯的“身體”是顯示在一個開放的棺材。 但是這不是不貓王'機構在所有的面部特徵的“身體”和那些真正的貓王不匹配,電除塵器。 在獅子鼻的身體與埃爾維斯的完美羅馬鼻子是一個項目,伸出像突兀。 在“身體”是在空調棺材? 現在,這將凍結冷SiTFF需要空調棺材? ? ?

    很可能,而已婚女士普雷斯利,邁克爾傑克遜不但獲得貨物如何階段自己死亡成功,而且還收到了“做的和不要的”列表中,一個項目可能有: “保持棺材封閉在任何時候都“ ...在紀念和/或葬禮上, ”精神“的死者棺材中會釋放出可識別的”節奏“和它同在一個墓地.. 當您訪問華盛頓附近的阿靈頓公墓直流,您將體驗節奏從肯尼迪站在他的墳墓。 我是說,因為我一直在那裡,經驗豐富它。

    以獲得更切合實際的把握什麼是登載在這個網站,我建議你閱讀大量有關埃爾維斯的“死亡”與事實發言反對它。 這樣做會給你一個更好的ojbective的“死亡”的邁克爾傑克遜。 擁有它!

  16. MrsBenjamin賽義德,

    我有,我希望你們中的一些評論。 但是,當我們得到消息報告如何當邁克爾期待醫護人員到了那裡dosent適合描述的圖片時,他在後面的一輛救護車。 他們明確表示邁克爾完全禿頭。 從即時看到在圖片中。 他充分的頭髮...那麼好..你要到醫院做你去把他的假髮? ..嗎?

  17. ejay5131賽義德,

    我很高興其他人相信他仍然在這裡。 我已經遵循了這一兆焦耳的故事如此密切的每一個細節和知道的一切。 正是在這時,我開始懷疑他是否真的死了。 訴狀已非常上演,但我沒有哭整個紀念館。 我無法理解,為什麼他的家人和孩子們如此平靜,沒有哭。 我的意思是在這裡我是一個陌生人這個人,我遭到了徹底破壞,他不見了。 然後在巴黎以我並不認為情感聯繫的悲痛和損失,也沒有眼淚。 為什麼沒有將他的親密的朋友參加,他們說,邁克爾會理解他們悲傷私人。 然後我就成了完全可疑年底時的紀念了大屏幕的話: “我活著,我在這裡永遠” 。 我不買。 為什麼和AEG公司有一個保險政策,包括“過量” ,而不是“自然原因” ? 如果傑克遜聘請移動車來刪除項目的大廈,他們怎麼沒有發現毒品,警方發現後4天一樣? 所有這些言論對親生父親的孩子,這是“證明”他們不是Mjs ,然後他們就會消失的“真正”的父親。 為什麼兆焦耳隱藏他們這些年來,在過去一個月中,他們一直在與他的,沒有口罩。 這麼多的問題是,這麼多沒有要求,我絕不會舉行這次對他的所有,也許他是尋找快樂的媒體再次告訴我們,我們應該想想他。 兆焦耳,如果您在那裡,我覺得你沒有從這個世界。

  18. carelesslove46賽義德,

    但是我嚴重懷疑。 這需要太多的人撤出了這件事,可以成功..大家信任? ? 邁克也絕不會允許他的女兒起床和公正
    謊言像..還我看到的最後畫面邁克爾排練。 不僅
    家庭允許公眾的身體那就仍然有被人會說這不是真的邁克爾..或是蠟假人'理論將再次出現。 我沒種
    天使... xoxoxoxo

  19. Dutch說,

    我不知道是否還活著或兆焦耳真的死了,但是很多事情不增加或非常巧合。 他們大多數都在這裡已經得到解決,但我失踪。 在紀念館前, “我們是世界”的表現,肯尼奧爾特加烏了簡短的發言,他提出了一些錯誤,沒有人注意到。 在談到排練在斯台普斯,他說: “我們在這裡,不到一個星期前” 。 當我聽到這,我不得不像“跆拳道? 不到一個星期前? 這是推動2週! “這不是一個錯誤的一兩天,但他就像一個星期搞錯了。 口誤?

    我不和從未被一個巨大的風扇兆焦耳,我才感興趣,因為密集的媒體報導。 通常人們估計我可以很清楚,我從來沒有辜負我的感覺(其中,據我所知,並不意味著噓!噸的其他人) 。 在這種情況下,我的感覺告訴我世界是故意的。 被拒之門外的一些事情和世界的蓄意餵矛盾的故事。 他們所要做的是告訴媒體ABC和媒體也將彌補和添加D至卓大家都知道媒體的機制,對不對?

  20. Dutch說,

    另外,忘了補充以下。 在紀念館,直升機下面的車隊是說(在覆蓋範圍) ,包括棺材。 至少,這是在有線電視新聞網。 然後車隊停在一個酒店在貝弗利山和imho沒有靈車載著靈柩被提出的。 我被調整到美國,但同時也ETOnline和他們也有另一種流顯示拍攝從直升機下面黑色麵包車(不靈車所使用的道路上的斯特普爾斯)拉低高速公路。 任何人都知道,黑人麵包車去,因為流被切斷,而這表明此車仍然在高速公路。 這黑色麵包車沒有離開湖人,但並沒有通過任何其他車輛。 沒有警察,沒有勞斯萊斯汽車,沒有什麼。 事實上,這將降低高速公路漂亮無名氏,並可能已經沒有人懷疑任何地方是直接連接到兆焦耳的紀念。

  21. bexuk賽義德,

    本人詢問,為什麼大多數兆焦耳的最親密的朋友werent在斯台普斯中心的紀念,但那麼他們也許去了私人葬禮舉行森林草坪殮房前手? 我們不知道是誰去說。

  22. Angel36賽義德,

    你看到, beuatiful圖片上的結束紀念?
    這是圖片liberiangirl ,他背後的攝像頭。

  23. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    Ehh再說一遍。 餘彎下腰whatching當我看見的話apear在舞台上背:林還活著,和林在這裡永遠。 我覺得生病,我得到了冷,所以你必須填寫我`如果你不介意? 。 在結束memoriel ? ?

  24. Angel36賽義德,

    結束時,他們顯示了圖片的邁克爾背後的相機拍攝時,這首歌在利比里亞girl.Where他說: “多數民眾贊成在一次總結。 ”而當他的微笑是如此可愛。
    Why did they choose that picture at the end like he's directed the whole memorial.

  25. He.is.alive賽義德,

    Dutch: I am with you all the way, your posting is not mushy, but pragmatic and dare I say, harshly realistic … Slip of the tongue by ortega during the memorial ? Yes, entirely possible as well a different individuals and “situations” like the “disappeared casket” etc. giving more clues to those of us who are looking for them … The Media however is counting on the masses having swallowed whole the “death” of MJ and seems not too worried about the second guesser's among us.

    I am looking at each and every piece of information through magnifying glasses, piecing it together like a jigsaw puzzle.

    Like another blogger posted, Elvis' staged death was easier to do and get away with because there was far less media impact without internet and cellphones/cameras and so on. All the more reason that a.) the escape routing was not well planned or directed and so we are getting the “sloppy” lose ends as 'clues' .. 或.. b) the entire “production” of is was DESIGNED to leak faux pas so as to alert to “hey, second guess this all” … either or, with the media now floating and spinning all the drugs found in MJ's house, those gullable enough are now being “injected” if you pardon the pun with “dirty secrets” about MJ in an attempt to erase any and all doubt that things might just be OTHERWISE ..

    I am no die-hard, emotional michael jackson fan, but it is for that very reason I can so clearly define the signals from the gut … MJ made the move and disappeared .. I am convinced of it.

  26. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    Angel36 ,任你現在,我只是看著它。 我覺得生病了。 這memoriel有這麼多的隱藏的線索,你幾乎可以`噸相信。 林瘋狂這裡,林思考邁克爾整天都試圖回想,並找到了一些答案在所有這一切。 和這句話:林還活著,和林在這裡永遠。 剛剛被狩獵箱。 我覺得我不知要找到他在哪裡。 這是unbearelble對我來說,這樣的痛苦。 我不能處理。 我希望,我們將獲得更多的答案在他的生日音樂會。 我認為這是非常奇怪的,他們“家庭”希望有一個像全息生命,米歇爾階段,西寧和danceing他們。 嗯另一個線索mabye 。 為什麼他們會在地獄嗎? 或Mabye這將是印邁克爾,我不知道,我不能甚至認為直enymore 。 林如此傷心

  27. wishful09賽義德,

    Mybeloved ,

    聽起來你和我一樣。 我覺得我瘋了這一點。 我只是認為這是必要的人的問題的事情。 與其說是沒有增加,並關閉不存在對我來說。 如果醫生不知道的地址,為什麼didn't他尖叫之一的孩子嗎? ? 他們是在家裡,是否正確? 此外,消息不斷湧現的假定幽靈夢幻島,但他們不會討論任何有關冒名頂替在倫敦記者招待會。 Shouldn't有人已經走上前來,並說是現在是邁克爾。 該發言者的家庭,也許? 在很多事情上都沒有增加了。 我也覺得奇怪,他們將希望邁克爾全息圖。 如果邁克爾已經死了,這個家庭需要幫助。 他們的行為是太奇怪了。 和傑西傑克遜是在哪裡? 他應該已經在舞台上說話。

  28. 薩曼莎說,

    如果你看看棺材它非常小,和任何人都可以的寫道: “林活著...這裡永遠”這意味著邁克爾dosent寫的,我真的不知道是誰相信在這麼晚的階段,因為每個人都不斷變化的故事。 Ahhh ! 即時如此傷心,這是最糟糕的一年!


  29. 薩曼莎說,

    但是, idk ,我不知道該怎麼甚至認為他的唯一事情多數民眾贊成在經歷我的想法。 我只想去底部的!

  30. SilverFlame賽義德,

    我真的不知道了。 一分鐘,我認為他還活著,並在未來我認為他是走了。 什麼最讓我困惑的是,如果他還活著,希望他能回來嗎? 將他犯了罪的偽造他的死亡? 噢,我希望他還活著,但我完全恨他被逮捕或者更糟的偽造他的死亡。 我很傷心這一切!

  31. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    如果邁克爾“偽造”他自己的死亡,沒有人可以判斷他或naything 。 他做了什麼,他不得不這樣做,使自己的安全。 在被逮捕的事情,我不這麼認為。 許多人是fakeing自己deaths.I不認為他會被逮捕。 但它不是importent ,如果他有機會回來。 該importent的事情,如果他還活著和幸福。

  32. ejay5131賽義德,

    所有事件的6月25日,所有發生的事件多達現在指向的方向,邁克爾還活著。 但是,我不認為我們會再次見到他..如果你認為如何媒體和人民對他在1993年和2005年是個壞...想像這將呀! ! 6月09分之25流行樂之王“死亡” ,但一個人免費檢查出生!
    邁克爾,你並不孤單,我們在這裡與你! “ 3

  33. bexuk賽義德,


    看到此鏈接的一個類似的情況發生在英國不久前,網址: Http : / / edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/europe/12/05/missing.canoeist/index.html ? iref = mpstoryview



  34. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    Ejay5131 。 我完全聽你。 我只想說,邁克爾可以讀取所有這一切,所以他能看到多少,我們真的愛他,支持他。 而且沒有人會指責他這樣做。 我們完全理解他。 那麼,如果他有機會回來執行? 只是希望他給我們的一種生活SiGen公司。 HMM的。 然後,他可以在和平中生活,和所有他的球迷仍然loveing他。

  35. dikki賽義德,

    我認為MyBelovedMJ是正確的。 我們沒有人評論這一切。 我也希望在那裡,他永遠是他的福祉和安全。

  36. 管理員說,

    麥可傑克森惡作劇死亡論壇現在是啟動和運行,可以使用。 請隨意發表新主題,並繼續您的討論中,在一個更易於管理的環境。

  37. Banessa賽義德,

    SilverFlame / Bexuk我相信有人已經指出,只要“死亡證明”是沒有簽署任何醫生,它是無效的,因此,兆焦耳不會犯下任何罪行。
    我們也有想像,他必須有一大原因,而做到了這一點。 我不同意,一切都太魚從一開始。 當我聽到這個消息,我第一次衝擊我簡直不敢相信! 然後我的第一感覺是“他不是死了! ”
    某人(我相信是Supermom75原諒我,如果我有錯誤的名稱)的一些環節,這個網站的一篇文章指出,有人接近邁克爾已經確認這是一種騙局。 我不知道有多少可信度的文章,但它指出,舉辦自己的死亡的唯一途徑邁克爾變得更好。 顯然,他已經很難決定這(讓他的歌迷通過這磨難和痛苦) ,但顯然的唯一途徑,他得到的醫療照顧,他的需要。 文章還指出,如果邁克爾沒有做到這一點,他確實是戶主早日嚴重。
    在文章中還指出,邁克爾會回來的! 這是當時他已完全康復,並能執行一次。
    我也同意Angel36我沒有注意到,但你為什麼是正確的... ...為什麼要使用特定的圖片,以非公開的紀念? 和最重要的是,與寫作“我活著,我在這裡永遠” 。
    很多只是沒有任何意義了。 上次的記者,我聽到的內幕是, AEG公司是規劃有一個巨大的銷售從本來的“這是它”之旅。 指控邁克爾已經設計了很多的。 我覺得這是十分投機其代表他們。 如果喬丹真的“死” ,他們只是讓自己看起來像一個“錢飢餓”公司從未有照顧邁克爾。
    也有一些人是推出了一本書, “這所謂”發現所有兆焦耳的秘密和他的秘密生活假定。 請給真正的球迷不兆焦耳饋入這個男人的謊言在這本書。 讓沒有使他豐富的購買一大堆謊言。 (我相信這本書後的媒體將有一個外地一天它試圖使我們相信其所有真實)進出口肯定邁克爾想回來的untarnished形象,有點像一個新的開始了。 因此,讓不饋入所有垃圾媒體和家庭想讓我們相信。 抱歉,我寫那麼多,但我喜歡這個網站,我想了很多你有我自己的theories.Speculations ,也沒有一次相信他是“死” 。
    此外,如果任何人都可以comment.express您的想法在我的評論文章共享( SuperMom75 )我真的很感激它。 我希望我不是唯一的希望在這裡相信或希望認為是真正的文章 上帝保佑!

  38. ejay5131賽義德,

    理論上來說,如果沒有虛假兆焦耳逝世(我認為) ,它是(希望)回來,你認為他如何才能夠避免公眾監督這一特技? 如何才能其中任何..的傑克遜。 我不知道別人在這裡,但是當我來到這個網站,並閱讀所有的帖子,我們每個人都分享我們的理論,所有的事情上我們被告知沒有看到,我真正得到蝴蝶和幸福來了我知道他仍然在這裡,但有時這種感覺正在迅速取代了令人痛心的拖船是讓我想起我們決不會再次光臨,他的存在。 如果他還活著,並考慮對新的生活我希望他最好的和更和平,但同時我會承認我覺得欺騙和搶劫...而不是由邁克爾..但所有haters誰把他帶走我。

  39. Banessa賽義德,

    大家好! First of all to Angel36 Thanks I did not see the idea of the last picture used of him in the Liberian video. It does raise some speculations on if he was directing the whole thing himself? And the final touch the writing on it “I am alive and here forever”…
    I also noticed some people are asking why on the video the media is showing of him on the “last rehearsal” they are showing him him rehearse to the song “They don't care about us”. Well I like everyone have my own speculations. I was listening to it carefully and I notice in the spoken part where Michael is near the girl with the guitar, these words are spoken “In what will go down in History as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation” Again, maybe I am looking too much into it but Michal was tired of the media and all the lies they fed the public about him. Could it be, and I am thinking objectively here, they have chosen this song to let everyone know this is really what is going down right now? I mean,think about by Michael faking his own death and have a come back concert, he will be going down history no doubt about it.
    Michael also wanted to be free of all the lies hence “For freedom in the history of our nation”. Like it or not the media controls a huge if not a lot of our lives. A lot of times we are made to believe what ever they want us to believe, we are chained to the box waiting for the next story that has developed.
    If a publicity stunt, Michael would once again prove that all the lies the media has created and how they distort and make the news to be what it is convenient for them and on what will give them higher ratings.
    The media have been running like chickens w/out heads since the whole story about Michael's “death” came out. How silly would they all look if this indeed was all a publicity stunt. Once again proving they run with what they have and with what it sells the most.
    This would definitely open a lot of peoples eyes and make them see how chained one can be come to the media. It would also be the as the song states “the biggest demonstration for freedom” but freedom from who??? The Media of course.
    I'm sorry if I am babbling on and on but I just found it very interesting when I heard it. And we know Michael apparently liked to leave/have subliminal/hidden messages in his songs. Besides, I think it is safe to say we have been seeing a lot of clues everywhere from day one! Thanks and Please, feel free to comment agree or disagree on this theory. And I do enjoy reading everyone's comment I think together we are slowly but surely putting the puzzle together. 上帝保佑

  40. 炸藥賽義德,

    Banessa Yes it will open there eyes to not believe the shit u hear in the media, I wish people would stop wastin there money on newspapers they just spread lies and get paid alot for it

  41. 炸藥賽義德,

    And dont care who they hurt along the way with there lies

  42. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    Banessa. I think the same way as you do. Im pretty sure, that if Michael “faked” his dead, this is the way for him, to tell us “the fans” That he is still alive. As you might know, Michael loves directing, movies ect. He could eassily have pulled this off. And like he said a few years ago. “You havent seen nothing yet”. Well we just have to wait and see. But i have a feeling that we will get us a BIG surprise at the concert on his birthday. I don`t know why, it`s just a feeeling

  43. dancer1792 Said,

    Banessa, I agree with you totally. Ever since the day he died there have been so many questions that haven't been asked or answered. I thought that as time went on some would be explained, but they haven't. It has just raised more questions in my opinion.

  44. Banessa Said,

    dynamite, I coulden't agree with you more. The media runs around with anything that will make them a lot of $$$. Unfortunetely, all the lies they spread about Michael made them a lot of money and it only protrayed Micahel as a horrible person. When in fact he was a kind and honest human being.
    It is nice to know that we are now more aware of all the BS the media comes up with and tries to sell us on a daily basis. “Good old Yellow Journalis”(Thank you Mr. William Randolph Hearst)

  45. MrsBenjamin Said,

    @ Banessa it was actually me who had posted the article about where MJ really was..and it got deleted? i posted on the other pages as welll….



  46. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    If this is true Michael is in Hungary, in a castle. This is what Michael have said he would do, to make it up to his fans:I'll give them back more than I ever took away. I'll give them a world tour and shows in every country on earth. If people are too poor to buy a ticket, they can come for free. I will bring love to the world … the peace and love the world needs.' He said that because he was afraid that his fans would be disapointet in him. I just wanna say 1 thing to Michael if he should ever see this: Michael, we (your fans) is NOT disapointet in you atall, we don`t want you to think that. You did what you had to do, to make it right for yourself, and to keep yourself safe. When you are ready to face the public, we will wait with all our love for you. But if you don`t get ready to ever face the public again, it dosent really matter. As long as you are safe, happy and healty, that is all we care about. We will always love you. I just hope that you finally have gotten the peace you so ever longed for. You have our total support. Michael, we love you more, dont you ever forget that. You changed the world, and our lifes Be happy!! 和平

    “Make no mistake,” continued the source, “faking his death has saved his life. Michael was at the breaking point. If he hadn't dropped out, he would have gone to an early grave for real.”

  47. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    So if it is true, i just hope he is happy. it is from that
    link above.

  48. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    OHHH I hope this is true, i just hope that people is going to leave him alone, even though they know he is in Hungary. Because he really needs that. I would like people to respect his privacy, for the 1st time in his life, i think we owe him that. He will come back when he is ready. And if he isent going to be ready ever!! SO WHAT!. As long as he is safe and in peace. I don`t even know if it istrue, but that is what that derek guy is saying. read the link above and post what you think

  49. Banessa Said,

    @ MrsBenjamin: I am so sorry I do apologize for the mistake I have read so many posts I don't even know who they belong to.
    I do thank you for the link reading it gave so much hope like MyBelovedMJ said “he will come back when he is ready”. I do hope and pray the article is right. Do you know if it states how much validity it has?
    Again, I am sorry for the prior mistake.

  50. Banessa賽義德,

    @ dancer1792: Yes! too many questions that no one seem to be asking? It is very frustrating. The media always seem to be on top of the game lol asking all sorts of questions. What happened to them how come they are not asking the obvious but instead keep babbling on and on about the same thing over and over lol

  51. Banessa Said,

    @ MyBelovedMJ I admire the way you care for Michael. I, like you, have a feeling about something happening the day of his birthday! And I agree when you say that the real fans won't be bad we would be ecstatic with happiness knowing he is okay and getting better!

  52. 炸藥賽義德,

    As long as his happy and ok then im happy

  53. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    Banessa 非常感謝你。 You woulden`t know how much i love Michael. Im not just a screaming fan lol. He really changed my life, i just wish i could tell him myself. I think he would be happy to know that. About the fans being ecstatic with happines, INDEED. I would seriously feint, if he appeared on that stage again. I would be so happy about that, i cannot put it into words. But like i said before, I don`t really care if he ever performs again, thats not why i love him. I only want him to get better. That is the most importent thing. 上帝保佑你

  54. lillina Said,

    Is This Michael Jackson's Gravesite?

  55. lillina Said,

    La Toya Jackson Views Michael Jackson's Body

  56. lillina Said,

    non OFFICIAL SOURCE said he was BALD!

  57. lillina Said,


  58. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    I don`t believe that that is Michael`s grave. Why the hell would the family burry him all the way out there? away from the rest of the church. And why burry him before the memoriel? If they did burry him before that memoriel thing, why have a casket inthere? Then it means he was not in it. I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT HE HAS BEEN BURRIED YET. We would have known

  59. velvetsilvergirl Said,

    I love this site! I thought it was just me being hopeful but when this first came on the news I just kind of sat there and felt nothing, I was shocked. Then I thought 'I bet he's not dead at all'. There is too much mystery involved here. Dead is dead, there is nothing mysterious about it. Too many unanswered questions, too many thing dont make sense. The most important people in Michaels life, Quincy, Deepak, Ross, Taylor were absent? I dont buy that for one second. No burial yet? The helicoptors mysteriously lost track of the vacating motorcade witht he coffin? 真的嗎? Helicoptors lost track? No way. There are pictures out there of MJ in the coffin with glasses on but other reports say that Paris put a pair of his glasses in the coffin with him. Who gets viewed in their coffin with sunglasses on? This doctor is shady, Murray. He either killed him or helped him escape. Longtime friend Mico Brandon has not shed one tear and he;s been on CNN for weeks. Not one tear, not one choke up, nothing! Joe Jackson, who is an ass, couldnt be less perturbed if he lost his car keys. Why are these people not devastated? I am ! 我們都。 None of this makes sense. I grew up with Michae but I'm 40 and did not consider myself a raving fan, I just lvoed his music. But his hit me like a bus. I think about it all day. I wake up in the night and think about it and cant believe that he;s gone. I cant accept that we;'ll never see him spin again, never hear his voice. God I hope he's out there and that he comes back to us. I didnt notice the message at the Memorial but I know what picture your talking of from Liberan Girl. Thats Michael being goofy, saying you thought I wasnt here but I've been watchng the whole time. Why woulod they put the words I AM ALIVE and not somehting like MY MUSIC IS ALIVE. Thats a clear message if I ever heard one.

  60. velvetsilvergirl Said,

    I've tried to find the 'I am alive..” message but cant find it. Does anyone know where there is a clip of it out there. ROlling Stone mentioned it in an article but no picture.

  61. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    That sentence you will find at the end of the memoriel, after the song “Heal the world” I dont believe that he is dead either, I love him so much, if you look at the 1st page, you will see what i mean. Im crying everyday all day long, thinking off him, trying to think back, and to get some answers in all of this. I will NEVER accept the fact that he is gone, I cant, i love him to much. In my opinion Michael needed a serious break, and who would blame him. I hope he is out there, and mabye he is even reding this site, who knows. I pray to God everyday, asking him to keep Michael safe, whereever he is. I just want for Michael to be happy, I dont care if he ever comes back to perform again, that is not what matters, what matters to me, is that he has found the peace he so ever longed for. I will not give up haveing faith. My heart is with Michael.

  62. shyone Said,

    好! I must say I had my doubts from the beginning when 106th and Park stopped playing music on June 25th because Michael had died. I was totally devasted. I cried for 3 days. I am not one of those fanatic fans or anything. I grew up listening to the the Jackson 5, Jacksons and then Michael. I always liked their music. I enjoyed Janet's music as well. I felt like part of my childhood had died. 總之! the Memorial service was a dead giveaway for me. The tone of the ceremony seemed off to me. None of his close friends showed up. The entire family was wearing sunglasses and the children seemed to be too relaxed. What sealed the deal for me was when Paris stood at the microphone after Janet whispered in her ear and put on this fake upset cry with no tears. Even Marlon had no tears. The entire family seemed to nonchalant to me. I immediatedly discerned that he was alive. Especially after that quote at the end of the ceremony that he was alive. Then LaToya slipped up and said Michael loved his fans and was watching them. I hope and pray wherever he is he gets long overdue rest/relaxation. I never saw him perform live but since his death I have been watching his videos. He gave his all when he was on stage. I would have loved to have seen him and meet him. Perhaps had lunch at an outside cafe in Pisa, Italy. They have the best ice cream there. Afterall, aside from his stage persona he was just Michael a kind, innocent, intellectual,handsome man with a beautiful soul. I for one am not mesmirized by anyone no matter how famous they are. I look at the person's heart. Michael had a great heart. I could never understand why the world didn't appreciate his love. Perhaps! if more of the world were like him we wouldn't have so much murder of young kids/families/ and people in general happening everyday. I am praying for you Michael, just get some rest. Tomorrow is a new day.

  63. velvetsilvergirl Said,

    I found a still photo of the message “I am alive…” You know, none of these things happen my chance. Someone deliberately chose those words to roll across the screen and why. Because they want his beloved fans to know the truth? Maybe we're all just crazy on this site and we're not accepting reality. I hope thats not true, but the longer this thing drags out with no answers, the more b/s that surfaces makes me think this is a sham. Janet went to the BET awards three days after his death? 你在開玩笑嗎? Jermaine was interviewing with larry King within a few days, looking none the worse. Joe Jackson, the ass, holds a press conf. with Sharpton and you'd think he was discussing the state of the union for all the emotion he showed. And he even laughed a few times about something ridiculous. What a shmuck, dont ever give that man a microphone. Someone said, if anyone can screw up a death hoax it would be LaToya and I laughed myself off the chair. She's alwasy been a great one for runningher mouth but she has left us a few good clues. And that Kenny Ortega guy who was MJ's choreographer spoke of MJ in the present tense many times on CNN. He had to correct himself. He knew MJ for years and he was not emotional at all either. Just too weird.

    I'm hoping that perhaps his family staged the biggest intervention of all time and they are behind this for his health. MJ was a health nut. Please stop saying he was vegan, many have said how much he loved KFC. But healthy people can become addicted to pain killers. Or maybe he as just ready to have nervous breakdown. He did NOT want to do 50 shows, thats for sure and MJ was know for gettinghimself out of things he didnt want to do.

  64. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,


    I tell you why people didnt apprecite him, Because he dared to be who he is, and he was not affraid to talk about it, or keep beliveing, in everything he stands for. That may scare some people i think. I like you, don`t really care if a person is famous or not, that has nothing to do with who the person is for real. They have their talent, but its not who they are. I have never heard of another celebrity doing so much for children as Michael did, never. And i totally think, people could learn from it. He NEVER did anything wrong, he just wanted to give them that childhood he never had himself, i cant see that there should be a problem with that. I wish i had that kinda money to help Children around the world to get a better life, or atleast trying to help them. God I miss him so much, I dont know what to do anymore. A part of me keeps telling me not to worry, becayse his outthere and his trying to get better. And somehow i feel it in my heart. And then there is other days, where Im totally empty inside, you know the feeling you have inside yourself, when you lost someone you really loved. I think that we have to keep believing. We have no actual prove that he is really dead. And Im sorry for talking about him, like he is still alive, but i have to, Im not ready to let him go yet, and Im not sure Ill ever be ready for that. But then again, why wouldent I??

  65. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    I mean, Why wouldent i keep talking about him, like he is still here

  66. Shauna Said,

    I really want to believe Michael is still alive and this site makes some good points. I hadn't noticed a lot of the stuff this site points out because I was too focused on the greif of losing Michael. Maybe he is out there somewhere and just needed some privacy. I hope so cause the thought of him being dead really hurts. I hope he is never found. If this is a hoax, he did it to get away and get some peace. Look at what this poor man went through in life. I wouldn't blame him one bit.
    Michael if you are out there, take care of yourself and know that you will be missed. I love you and I don't blame you at all.

  67. Mojofi Said,

    Yes you are very right MyBelovedMJ.
    Do you think if he is still alive, will he come back to us?
    Or you think he wants a quite life and wont let us see him ever again?
    I miss him very much, you have i idea

  68. MyBelovedMJ賽義德,

    To Mojofi:

    I wish i could answer that, but I dont know, I really dont know.
    As you might have notice, Im very devoted to Michael, and I have been for some years now, im not just a screeming fan, (You know what I mean). Im in so much pain, and i miss him more and more each day. He really changed my life. I cant imangine my life without him, what the hell am I going to do? My heart with all my love is with Michael whereever he goes.

    I dont think he is dead, something in my heart tells me that he is alive, and I have a feeling of where he might be, but im not sure though. But if you have heard the song Michael made called “A place with no name” you will know that the original song is called “A horse with no name”. I have listent to that song all day long, and that made me think that he might be in Saudi Arabien, or Baraihn, cause he lived there a few years after the last trial.
    If you listen to that song “A horse with no name” They are sining about the desert, and being on a horse with no name, that made me think og those 2 contries, and the horse can be a castle. I dont why i thought of that, but i got the chills, Its hard to explain, but something went through me, when that happent. Michael knows some pretty powerful poeple in these contries, they could eassily help him.
    For all i know, he really needed to get away from all the pressure, he has been wanting a normal life for so long, where he could concentrate on his art and his kids, and he havent been able to do that before. Like he really wished to, cause they got chased by papparazis whereever they went. Michael needs his peace, and I think we owe it to him to leave him alone, we will know if he is alive, trust me, he will find a way to tell us. There has already been his diary, those things in there sounds like Michael would have put them, and according to the diary he will come back at christmas or January next year.
    But like i said i really dont know.
    I dont think we will ever see him perform again, and to be hornest i really dont care about that, all I care about is Michael, and i only want for him, to be happy, healthy and start smieling again. He really needs that, the last trial destroyed him for good, those idiots marked poor Michael for Life. I wish I could be with him, support him, and tell him that I love him no matter what, and take his lonelyness away.

    In the matter of fact he might be reading this site, he has to, so he can keep track of what we know so far.
    I beg of all of you inhere, do not give up believing, and do NOT listen to the media, we all know they are full of bullshit. Look for the REAL facts, and listen to your heart, always listen to your heart.
    We havent seen any realible prove of him beeing dead, and aslong as that isent happening, I wont believe it.
    By the way, The song Im talking about, it havent been recorded yet, it just got released, and then i was wondering by who?. Who leaked it to the Television, was it Michael, is this his way to tell us something? The song aparrently came from a source, YEAH RIGHT. Who else knew about that song? NOONE.
    Michael have made a lot of songs over the past years, wich arent recorded, for one reason, his children. Michael knew what those songs would be worth with him “death”. With these kinda money he can secure his childrens future.

    最後一件。 Remeber this. Michael belives in magic, and in magic, ANYTHING can happen. He could stand right next to you at the market, and you woulden`t even notice, he is the master of disgueses.



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