

最近では、いくつかの新しい動きは、理論的には彼自身の死を開催しており、マイケルジャクソンの賛成で明らかになっており、世紀の最も偉大ないたずらをした。 すでに認識しており、いくつかの矛盾が彼の死の現実は、全体の話に私たちの目を開かされていない場合があります。

私たちは信じていた彼は本当に死んでいる場合は、単にそれを停止する場合は、オープンされている。 例:マイケルジャクソンの自宅で心停止の距離を通過して、緊急時の911と呼ばれていた、彼は救急隊員がして悲しいことに、ピックアップされ死亡が確認発見された。 しかし、皆知っている、それを開閉する場合とではなかったがあまりにも'変な多くの出来事が起きた日には死亡原因不明の出来事でした。

私たちは、与えられたとされているために控えているロンドンのO2はコンサートに行くには4つの時間、彼は合格、医療。 また、夜になる前に聞いたことがあるが彼のエネルギーに満ちていた彼の死は、驚くべきパフォーマンスのリハーサルをする(これだけのためになる動画を録音...偶然の一致)としてだけで心臓発作の翌日死んで何が起こったのかが起こった。

我々は彼の'医師'デメロール容疑者との歌手は注入された約30分前に崩壊し、起きたの彼のベッド' 、彼の死の後に、 30分まで911呼び出していない上、彼を見つけるには、奇妙な話を聞いていることを拒否彼の死亡証明書に署名をした後、救急車で病院にかかった人ジャクソンの瞬間姿を消した。


今では、さらに奇妙なことは、非常に可能であると私たちのいたずら説開催場所を取っているようだ。 私たちはいくつかのポイントを共有しましょう:


デボラロウは、マイケルジャクソンの元妻では、それ以降の星は、 2人の子供の生物学的父親ではないが発表されました。 デボラ'デビー'ロウ、プリンス、 12の母、パリ、 11 、彼女の"偽装結婚"のジャクソンの世界のイギリスのタブロイド新聞のニュースで彼女の最初の公開インタビューで話されました。

ロウ氏は、シェラトンホテルシドニーで1996年11月にジャクソンと結婚、彼女は、匿名のドナーによる人工授精され、 1つの彼女は彼女のカリフォルニアの牧場を維持するの純血種の馬に自ら似ている。

"私だけの船だった。 またマイケルの精子ではなかった"とロウは、世界のニュースに語った。 "私はそれを支払ったが、私に移動した。 私は子供を参照してください私はもう知っていることはありません。 "ロウさんと歌手のスリラーとセックスをしたことを明らかに3年間の結婚生活の中にベッドを共有することはありませんでした、友好労組としてのみを記述する。

ロウはその後9年間で8.4百万USドル支払いの交換で、子供たちに彼女の親の権利を譲った。 ロウは、散弾銃の結婚式をしている。 "彼は、私たちは家族のいるふりをしている。 "彼女は妊娠中だった37と38だった。



第二に、マイケルジャクソンの父親、ジョージャクソンの奇妙な振る舞いをしている。 このメールに引用されました! オンラインでは、 'この時点では、ジョージャクソンの記録よりも、自分のプロジェクトの詳細については知っている彼の息子の葬儀の計画' 。 非常に不安。


ロサンゼルスでは、ベット賞を数日前の晩には、 CNNのドンレモン、息子の死についてのジョージャクソンのインタビューを試みた。 ジャクソン、突然、分離と回答してレモンの質問に答えた彼の広報担当者と弁護士へのマイクを通過し、彼のレコード会社を推進した。

ジャクソンの回答は、バットをした奇妙な右:レモンは、彼の仕事ぶりの彼の要求で、ジャクソンは、 "偉大な応答すると、私はかなり良い"の後に1つだけを失ってしまった自分の息子の言いたいことが変なものをやってるように思える。 その後、ギア氏は、 "本当にタフされているスイッチです。 覚えて、私たちは、世界で最大の星を失った。 "どちらも不思議なようだが、物事の表現としてはかなり公平な方法だと考えます。



彼は彼の息子のマイケルが、実際にはまだ生きているのいずれかを知って彼は金を欲しがって薄情なやつか、彼が構成されているので、気楽です。 もしくは両方!


娯楽、カスタム馬が馬車のような項目は、アンティークな自動車のレプリカ、有名な国際的な賞は、アーケードゲーム、コンサートの衣装、 Disneyana 、ガーデン彫像、家具、描画は、実際の(そしてネバーランドにはかなり)大げさなエントリゲートやジャクソンを象徴する白い宝石グローブ。

このオークションの収益の一部MusiCares 、レコーディングアカデミーの慈善団体は、資金が一括してと言われたストレートは、キングオブポップ自分のポケットに入ると言われた。 このオークションをジャクソンがロンドンのO2はコンサート後には売り切れキャンセルされました。 どうやら、マイケルジャクソンの新しいメディア無料ライフに移行するための余分な現金が生成するために別の方法を発見した。


私たちはここでは彼も認識されている人なら、非信者にはマイケルジャクソンの本を成功させることはできないが、維持していると指摘して、彼のファンにそれを行うことは、言いたいけど、目を覚ます人々 。


彼は今'することができる'私たちみんなが、死んだが、彼は確実に物理的に生きている... 。 どこか。

  1. MJ4ever言った、

    も彼がまだ生きている私を信じて、 1つのことを気にされthats .. もし彼が生きていたスチールの家族はなぜ自分の体を公共の表示になる。 ハードファンなら死ぬかもしれないのを見ることができるとは本当に彼が、 lookalikeはありませんでした。 とはいけないのでしょうか?

  2. Hatenessx言った、

    私の個人的な理論は、マイケルジャクソンが生きていると蹴りが、 Tupac 、エルビス"を隠していない"です。
    マイケルジャクソンくそこのような場合、高圧室で寝ているとのうわさを開始し、象の男性の遺骨を買う。 すべてのファサードだ。

    ナ。 私は、 O2はいくつかの追悼コンサートで出てくるとマイケル自身が明らかになる、と思うのは、詳細に移動し、これらすべての企業の最大の天才としての地位を提示ください。

    誰が彼は' '死から戻ってくることがほしいのですが復帰の見通しを倒せるか?
    ない。 人々は、必然的に腹を立ててと思われるが最大となる。



  3. MJ4ever言った、

    ジャクソン家族だけネバーランド牧場があるとして、以前の報告では公共の閲覧ので、少し期待は、おそらくラで公開され、記念碑はおそらく、私が何を意味するかはよく分からないですすると発表した。 が表示されるかどうか.. ? ではないが、すべてこのことについて何か変なとは何ですか!

  4. MJ4ever言った、

    マイケルの兄ジャーメインは、彼は病院で、マイケルの遺体を見たがまだ生きていたマイケルは、自身togehter開催され、現在もここによると、彼の精神と彼の体だけだったシェル.. それは少し変な音を私に.. おそらくそれは私.. :秒

  5. アリサイード、

    本当に彼が生きている...復活ツアーで来るか? belieiveか? 彼は生きている!

  6. momswordは言った。

    実際にはデビーロウインタビュー偽物であることが証明された。 Radaronline彼女に何が真実を、彼女は数年前には、これらのマイケルジャクソンの子供だという生物学的だったについて話しました。


    私は彼が生きていると思いますか? がチャンスだ。 そして、彼が彼の死は、コンサートの舞台となった、素晴らしいだろう...けれど、私は彼だとは思わない。 悲しそうに とで実際に彼の前に会った。 RIPのMJ 。 私は私は間違っていると期待したい。

  7. edenmalfoy言った、

    僕は、これを実際よりも多くの愛は何もするだろう。 私は私と私の家族のように覚えていることは非常に重要な一員を失った感じて以来、私はその知らせを聞いている限りの、マイケルジャクソンを愛している。



    私はラジオで、今朝の家族のメンバーは、ロンドンに行くと、ファンのために彼のコンサート日程を提供してカバーを聞いた。 彼らの最初のコンサートの1つの場合、信じられないほどだと思わないで歌うことになったビリージーンマイケルへのトリビュートとして、それらの曲のマイケルの段階では、生存中にも歌っていますmoonwalking 。


    私は希望と、この願いが実現されるため、その彼と彼の死を偽装のは数ヵ月後に隠れ家から出てくるだろうが、もし私が真実ではないと思うか私は知らない... 。

  8. カサンドラ言った、

    彼が音楽を正式に、死んでてくるはずがないのは長すぎる... 。

  9. odettebennetは言った。

    SISファイルÑまでも私はこのサイトを見つけたのmjいわゆる死のthot以上のHDがたくさん悩んで... 。でも私はDATの彼はまだ死んでいると、一人はみんな生きていると考えているように見えるが...でもダ1にあるチョッパー...これは我々も想像カントは大きなスキーム...とその完璧な論理です...

  10. wishful09言った、

    まず、デビーロウは、偽の物語です。 そのためには、それだけを残すことができます。 しかし、それは実際にも優れているニュースです。 には、メディアと考えているので、自分に巻き込まれるまでは何も得ている、ということは実証済み。 彼らも、偽の解剖の話と信じていた。 マイケルは、すべてのメディアをラッチするための偽の死をプルすることが可能です。 私の心には、何かの表面のように追悼するだろうと思う。 それは希望的観測かもしれませんが知っている人のことは、控えめに言っても変なフレーズを伴う方法です。 彼らは、そのすべてについて、ファンと言っている。 さて、記念のファンのすべてについてしてはいけません。 ミハエルは、合っていますでしょうか? ジャーメインも気マイケルズ体ネバーランドで埋まって約永続的です。 彼は、マイケルが望んでいると語っている。 マイケルが望んでいることを見ている。 まあ、彼didn'tマイケルネバーランドには決して戻らないとなので、ほとんどの場合、マイケルと彼の気が変わったのだという彼の家族を皆に知らせる。 ネバーランドのように国民の負のイメージを変更しようとしているを参照してください、それを感じている。 場合は、おそらくその場所を愛するあなたの自己を発見したラリーキングライブwathcedしている。 私が知っている。 ジャーメインは話しを聞くだけ。 私は人々はいつも私は心の中で、死ぬときには、ジャーメインに爽快な気分にしているという面白い知っている。 巫女のように彼の妻も左hasn'tそれだと述べた。 と私はまだ、ジャーメインの目を伝う涙を参照してください。 彼は涙目にしているの涙。 とにかく私は私の考えを提供する場合、このサイトでは、自分も何かが起こっていると考えているが誰も怒らせないように期待したい。 申し訳ありませんが、もし私の考えをむちゃくちゃ音。 どこかにしなければならないいくつか、私は本当にこのままの私の考えている。 幸せな休日の人々を。 Remmeber 、メディアですべてとは思わない。 メディアのほとんどは真または偽を知っている。

  11. Happytomato言った、

    私は理解していない中、 2005年の裁判弁護士ジャクソン' ' 、裁判中に自分を殺すと思った

    このレポートテレビ( )は1日に7つの鎮痛剤の服用したMJに学ぶ。
    ( Ⅰ ) 、彼のように、この最後の最終リハーサルビデオリリースを見ることができる可能性があるperforme体にこれらの薬はないとの結果を知っているのですか?


  12. ladylee1979は言った。

    イムafriad私dontマイケルズの最新映像を最後のパフォーマンスにはいずれかのルーチンに同意の歴史を見て同一の世界ツアーをされている歴史ツアー12yrs前とすぐに私はこの新しいリリース番号の映像私でしたので、私は前に見ていたのを見た感じいくつかを比較すると、最新の映像を閲覧して1ビットの両方のケアについて私たちの歴史dont見学と驚きとダンス曲を設定して彼は私たちをū dontケアについては、アメリカの歴史からして車を聞く耳を歌うテーマUは同じですホーンからの彼女は私の野生の行進する兵士たちと一緒にドライブがないので、なぜ変化に12yrギャップ後に同じルーチン?

  13. bexukは言った。


    それだけを追加doesn't 。 もし彼がそれを完全に天才されており、彼自身の死を偽装しているので、すぐに完全にはされているメディアをあざけるsenstaionalで成功を手に入れる物語。 それ'のheydeyの死霊のかぼちゃJacko 'レポートをマスコミにはマイケルマン象の骨を買っていたかはリズテイラー、したいように見えるか、彼は高圧室で寝て流通を思い出す。 一部のマスコミに掲載の記事、今は難しいので、何を、本日は、最新の1つは、彼の脳に埋没マイケルになると信じることを知って競合しています!

    私は誰か、実際には死亡診断書を見たことを意味していますか? たぶん、メモリアルサービスは、回答を開催します

  14. melia8383言った、

    私は、死亡診断書については何も聞いていない。 彼は死んだのとは思わない。 私は人に失礼だと言うかもしれない知ってるんだけど、彼のような感覚をしていない。 ニュースの駅にある別の方法があまりにも多くの記事を、インターネットを含む。 マイケルジャクソンは1984年からは鎮痛剤中毒だったと言うのです。 言ってみれば、と考えているのは難しいため、誰か出てきたが、少なくとも年前に見つけて、彼は痛みクスリにはまっている。

  15. melia8383言った、

    母親のキャサリンは基本的に1日のショッピングを見た後だったのですか? 私は、空気中の飛行中の検視官が拾ったことには、メディアの死体を示すことは覚えていませんか? もし彼が薬物中毒にされたとの解剖をするかは彼が心停止で死亡したとのオープンで、ケースを閉鎖されている。 彼らは家の中には約1時間後にマイケルジャネット所持するようにしますか? と動いていたトラックがかなり早く!!!!!
    また、 O2は記者会見で、明らかにマイケルジャクソンは、彼が"これは"ツアーをやっているのは彼のため、この男性のようにガムを噛むマイケルことはなかったからだのオーディションのためのダンサーだったwathcingなどではなかった!彼泡吹いていたか? 頭のおかしい! と呼ばれる新たな映像が放映されている。 私は実際に私は見られると思うが、 1996年に戻るように! 同じダンス/音楽スタイル! マイケルも、彼のhair.They "と一緒に同じように"明日の朝( )午前8時で火曜日が民間式とします。 そのためには、マイケルの公開記念になるのではありません! 彼は精神的に不安定になったため、正直に言って彼は彼の音楽のキャリアを放棄する場合、どのように公開、それが彼との子供の治療に影響を与えることができると信じています。 911電話は、単なる"ようだ"と私に『 Unreal ! 誰もが、今突然、私は助けを得るには誰も聞いてみましたか? "暗い"うん、マイケル麻薬中毒だと言ってきています。 それはクラップ! 私はそれを"流出"を年前に薬物乱用については確信している。 AEG (保険会社)は、期限を取り出したが覆わジャクソンの不慮の"死" 、などの"薬物の過剰摂取"ではなく、彼が老衰のため死去した。 ので、どうやら彼は" " demeoralや処方薬の過剰摂取で死亡した? また、物語の中で、多くのホールです。 しかし、誰も聞いているbuzy /メディア信じる( )!!!!でたらめされ注目している

  16. melia8383言った、

    ちょうど私の意見! 私は彼をどこかにあるのですが、アメリカでは知らない! もし私が正しいんだ私はこの姫のことは、無理はない。 彼はとてもひどいので、何年も虐待された。 マイケル自身が実際に" "流出の高圧室の話、その1つ。

  17. SkylinexBleedsxRed言った、


  18. bexukは言った。

    なぜ我々は、彼の子供がマイケルの出生証明書を確認できることは誰も死亡診断書を見てもしていますか? 私たちはメディアから分かることだけを受け入れています。

    ただ、マイケルジャクソンがしているのは私には到底受け入れることが何かの記念に、今日が発生すると、期待したい。 戻ってくるとは、死人の中から自分の記念でのパフォーマンスよりも、世界ツアーを開始するには何より良い方法を見ているときに、すべての世界!

  19. wishful09言った、

    今日の記念碑がない場合で発生すると、私は彼にも合格を受け付ける。 私は非常識これに行くことはできません。 しかし、今日は何も発生する場合でも、私は知っている私の心に何かが起こっている。 すべてを追加するだけではありません。 私よりも何も戻ってくる場合は、このサイトにして、すべての場合にどのように何が起こっているすべてを知っていた議論する。 私がこれにいくつかの答えを得ることができないそれは私の心が壊れます。 私は彼は死んでいるとは思わない。 私の前に家族の一員を失っているが否定ではない。 私は、悲嘆プロセスを知っている。 私を追加するだけではない何かを知っている。 私の良さ... 。

  20. wishful09言った、

    あなたの言うとおりです。 なぜ誰もが死亡証明書を問わhasn't ? Isn'tことも、医師の署名というのは奇妙ですか?

  21. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    memorielで、今日は何もhappent 。 悲しい人だった。 一つのことExept 、パリ、唯一の1人は彼女の父親の感情shoedだった。 いずれも価格やブランケットでした。 少し異様に思える。 しかし、私は彼の行っていると思う。 私が彼に、パリの話を見たので、甚大な被害をもたらしさafterwords 、私は、右がそれを知っていた。 彼は本当に失われている。 マイゴッド。 後に壊れていた私は、私の心は、停止とrigth信じられなかった。 私はstomack全体にある巨大な感じで、私が今まではノンストップで泣いている。 なぜミハエル、なぜジョージャクソン? 私は、彼はマイケルのことは、人間嫌い

  22. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    `トン、誰かがこれに署名すると、その紙の上で死んではないdosenしかし、私は、死亡診断書についても知っていただきたいと思います。 私は、マイケル`ボディを期待して見てみましたが、 `トンしなかった

  23. MJ言った、

    何かを確実に何か知っているだろう。 私はhttp://www.mjhoax.comに入力し、世界のインターネット機関のWebサイトに行く。 MJおそらく彼のファンが彼の死をどのように見ていた人気のfakingしたかった。 歴史の中で我々が成功する方法ですゲージには、インターネットのようなツールがありますか? それから彼は、いくつかの秘密の場所でこのサーカスの畏怖の念を取得してより多くのコントロールのばかげたを見ているに違いない。 すべて私は知っている私は"すべての領域にアクセス"を持っている

  24. melia8383言った、

    彼が" "なぜ棺を開いている人たちなのだが本当に死んでいた私は、 "記念碑"は"違う"だ、と考えているか? 実際には家族を引き裂くようではありませんでした。 特に自分の子供たち、それは奇妙だった。 なしでどうやって"死亡した"質問は何ですか?
    彼らは"薬"について、 "撮影は、子供たち"で発生するのだろう? ステープルズセンターの後、霊柩車が行った別のホテルで、停止? それは真剣に意味がない。 彼supposely "死んだ"ほぼ2週間、どこをどのようにしていないことを知っている家族の一員埋葬されている。 プラスでは、誰もが彼の体で知っている... 。 死亡証明書を、私は偽のですが、誰もそれらを作ることができると信じています。 さらには、医師の署名ではない.. は問題ではない場合は、延期の、医師が署名certificxateと思います。
    物事は、アッシャー、その後は"自身の"家族の感情的だったが追加されていません。 約5分後に彼女は彼女の財布のひもが感情的なパリでプレイうん。 それから彼女は、すぐに彼女がマイクには180段でした。 長男も、悲しいようだが、彼は狂ったようにガムだった。 また、最年少は、何も見つめていたが... 。 ある場合には、棺の中にいた私の体の疑問だ。 私はまだ彼のライブだと思う。
    記念の終わりには、 "私はまだ"許アライブを見せている? 誰も、彼らはメディアを信じて何も事情を聞いている!

  25. bexukは言った。



    1 。 昨日の夜だった場合は、 MJと彼の家族をどのようにそのような感情を表示することも知っている彼自身の死を偽装か?
    2 。 マイケルジャクソンが彼の子供たちからも離れていないにせよ、それは彼が彼のために送信されますか、彼がLAに返されますがfakingです。 慰霊祭には父の試練を通じて子供にすると偽の葬儀がすべてだ。
    3 。 私はこれを追加dont同意に関するいくつかの不審なものがあるけど、全部今までも彼が戻ってくるしている感じている。
    4 。 impostersやおとりのトーク、その信念は、救急車の写真のmjわれわれの多くが実際にどのようwasn't - MJ本当に知っているように、私は意味なく、使用されて終了させるか?

  26. wndrwmn67言った、

    私はマイケルジャクソンのいずれか死んでいるとは思わない。 本当だとそれにはあまりに多くの矛盾することをしている。 最初の呼び出し元のすべての... 911されている場合は非常に落ち着いていた私の雇用者、マイケルジャクソン、彼の呼吸はないが、私は電話でヒステリーだろうか、少なくとも私の声には切迫感を聞くことができます。 彼は、マイケルジャクソン、記載のいずれかであることはない。 私はと思います。 さて、あなたは、長年の経験を持つ医師の表面に、心肺機能蘇生法を実行するには柔らかなベッドのような試みになるのか教えて欲しい? 勘弁してくれよ! 彼らはあなたのハード面...ドクターにしようとして体が多く、心肺機能蘇生法の授業を教えると、非常に最初に撮影した。 911演算子で、この彼は言っていた? ばかばかしい! そして、まるで事故で骨折しているとされていたことが理由で、彼は彼を床に移動したのではなかった! また... ...彼の家族の感情のない彼の死に関するあらゆるタイプを示している。 私は、それらのビデオを見て信じられない。 泣いているのか誰も何も。 マットラウラーネバーランドがインタビューで、ジャーメイン、彼は彼の目から涙が流れているかもしれないが、ほとんどの場合は強制的にしたようだ。 そして、彼は、 "彼は非常に生きているマイケルのマイケルの体のため、彼と彼の最後のステートメントが必要だったと述べた。 " (彼はすべての人々の心の中に意味やその方法ではそれとしているように理解された。

    私は個人的に男性は、ロンドンでの記者会見を与えていたマイケルジャクソンとは思わない。 彼はあらゆる意味で間違っていたので...見た目、サウンド、彼の独特の癖を、彼は歩いても方法です。 あなたは私を説得したが、彼cannnot 。 私はこのことの重要性とは何かわからないのですどのように彼の死との関連性が、まだ非常に奇妙です。

    より多くの矛盾...そこに行くことが最初に公開されているとは実現しなかった。 誰も体を見ている。 死亡した場合でもプレスリーは、棺の中に彼の写真だった。 どのように我々は知っていたにも棺のマイケルの体では? 私たちはとてもよくて、すべてを知るために空がある可能性がある。 と、私は人と人がここには、家族の墓地にある公共の追悼慰霊碑の前にプライベートに同意している変なサービスはあります。 今私たちはマイケルも、墓地には、すべてのburiendているのを耳にしておくつもりはない。



  27. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    私には不思議なbosyているのです! ! ! 私は、森芝生の中に一時的なお墓に行くと、思ったが、背中が追悼した後、メディアによると... 。は少ししていたが良くない理由がある場合を変ね! ロサンゼルス警察は、彼や他のいくつかの墓地に埋葬されていたが、具体的にできないとしている。 全部曖昧さ、秘密を追加しないと異常に巻き込まれるようです。

  28. Sosh言った、

    私は非常に奇妙なのはまだ死んでマイケルジャクソンのイメージしているものとします。 ない彼の棺の中に、森林の芝生では家族の写真。 を考えさせ... paparaziとしては、任意の写真をされているように、これらの人々 vultures次の通りです。

    これは、マイケルが病院に運び込まれ、さらに不審な画像になります。 ほとんど誰もが彼の状況について知っている可能性がどのように現在では、唯一の写真は、正確な場所で行われるその瞬間だけは? これまでは、紳士の名前を明らかにしていない未知の911コールされたとして、マイケルジャクソンが必要です。

    多くのメディアの報道が彼の死を想定であり、この画像をすべて持っている私たちです。 paparazi排他的なイメージのために、必死に戦ってください!

  29. ティファニー言った、

    私は人には、 02アリーナでは、偽者だったと考えている他の人がうれしい。 私とYouTubeのビデオを見て私はすぐにコースを歩くのを見た私は、偽者の瞬間、彼はそれを確信したときに話を聞いた。 しかし、私は"なぜ"マイケルの物まね芸人が必要と考えあぐねている。 私の研究をたくさんやっているし、俺も気づいているように思える2005年からは他のimpostersマイケル..のために働いている あなたの研究は、写真やビデオを比較する。 If you know MJ's face, then you will see the difference. I also think that was am imposter interviewing with Geraldo, and rehearsing on stage for the concert. I believe Michael has been planning this hoax for quite some time now, he is very clever and had the money to hire the best of the best imposters in the world – and probably pay for their plastic surgery. Either MJ has these imposters to do his appearances while he is plotting his get-away,,, or he was murdered way before this and these imposters were trying to cover it up this whole time… I really don't know what to believe.. anyone have a comment on this?

  30. Sosh言った、

    To Tiffany:

    It's possible that Michael died a couple of months ago and imposters took his place. Maybe he was killed for his debt to the Bahrein Princes. All possible..

    But from that point AEG had a problem, as the 'this is it' (doubtfull name) tour was already planned and a lot of monney was involved. So they put an imposter in place and crafted the plan to let him 'die' a couple of days/weeks before the first concert as the imposter was not able to do the shows without being noticed as different. That may also be the reason for a delay of the first concerts.

    After the staged death, they know sales of CD's, DVD's and other merchandising will be sky high, trying to minimize the losses or, as it looks at the moment, make or are going to make lots of money from the 'Last rehearsal DVD', the 'Memorial DVD' and tribute concerts.

    This leaves me with one question: How could the imposter fool Michaels children and family or other relatives. They would easily know the differences. He can look the same, but he won't have the same memory as Michael.

    (However rumours/news in the netherlands is now that the coronor still has Michaels brain for further investigation)

  31. SkylinexBleedsxRed Said,

    After watching the Paris thing over again, It does make sense that it sounds like it is a front. I thought the same thing as to seeing her smiling throughout the memorial and then at the end, She just ups and volunteers for her public speech? 私は思う。 Michael was 5′10Ft, And the first thought that came to my mind when I first seen the coffin rolled out was that it was too small! Never in the history of deaths though have I heard of a body not being buried in two weeks. That is just normally unheard of. Something is up, That I know. I think the memorial was staged. Maybe everyone is paid off in this case. IF, Michael ever does manage to surface again, The police won't arrest him because of a money agreement. 何でも可能です。 After all, If Michael staging everything is possible, Anything is possible. I feel more at ease in knowing he is still alive. A burden has been a bit lifted from my shoulders. I cannot imagine a world without him in it.

  32. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    If foul play were suspected, then why didn't the suthorities keep the body???? If this were Joe public, then they would until all avenues had been explored and then the body would be released for burial. No cremation would be sanctioned because they may need to exume the body for further tesing. I know this as a fact because it happened to my friends Mother who died in the early 90's under suspicious circumstances and they would not allow a cremation. Her body was dug up some months after her death for a second PM.
    I have just been discussing this with a friend who is a police woman and she agrees with me that she is confident that he is still alive and has escaped the “world” to try and gain some semblamce of normality in the later years of his life. She went on to say why she thought they did not have an open coffin like James Brown had or Princess Grace of Monaco. Why couldn't people file past and quietly pay their last repects???? If it was “just a heart attack, then the head would be intact for viewing, even if it just had a voile cloth over it, it would in some way give confirmation of his death.
    Finally I agree with other comments about the sales of his albums and associated merchandising, the estate would once again be worth millions from that alone.

    Still not convinced he's dead!!!!

  33. Sosh言った、

    There is certainly a lot wrong in this case. About the size of the coffin: From pictures i've seen, a body is not lying straight in the box, but there is some kind of 'chair' build in wich lowers the length used for a full body. Maybe thats the reason for the coffin looking too short

  34. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    これは、ビデオでマイケルrehearselsだったdanceing ` sとsining 。 すべて!回、彼はカメラの近くになると、私はビデオを一時停止され、彼の目を見て、誰も、いくらsurguryな美しい目をしていることができます。 siningながらそれを見ている場合は、マイケル何度も話を、聞くことができる、それが彼の声です。 とdamce 、永遠にしたい場合は、マイケルprecticeことができるように誰もが移動します。 私はかなりrehearselsは彼だったが、確信している。 もし彼が再び表示されるはずがないwontあるcoment書かれているのは、警察に逮捕されませんマイケルに同意する必要があります。 彼はお金で解決することができます。 しかし、もし彼が生きている、彼は戻ってくるだろう。 1つのコンサートの日程をProbelyする。 私は、子供たちは彼を知って生きている確信している。 私は、彼は本当に死んで、もし私ヘイデン`トン、文:イムイムここに生きて見られると考えている永遠に"私はサインをした上で賭けをするだろう。 しかし、誰もそれに注目し、一部の人だけでメディアを私たちは何を告げていると考えています。 私は` t.ドン 私はマイケルが生きていると思うし、すぐに十分な世界を見つける。

  35. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    一方、緊急サービスは、呼び出し元に話している私はYoutube "に掲載"と医師からの応答は、 911文字化けして記録を分析している"これは、マイケルジャクソン、来て"と、医者は彼の言う外国人の声は聞こえるが、ヨーロッパのいずれかですやヒスパニック系-ラテンアメリカ-私はその時点で、彼が言っていた記録が鈍化を手にした。 もう一つの興味深い作品の直前には、呼び出し元の床は、別のスピーカ-は、呼び出し元ではなく、緊急演算子で彼をするように求めている-という"床"の彼がなぜ! これは、ほとんどの会話中に特定のことを言えるようにするように求めている。 演算子を"彼が言うには床"!!!!! あなたは冷静な態度では、この情報のような状況で話をされる多くの場合、当事者間のかなりの割合で確実に渡される急いでいる背景には、声に期待の"緊急"としていないようだが" "できるだけ早くに出席している人が負傷しました。 の"黄金の時間"は最初の1時間の出来事は、負傷者の健康に完全復活することができますほとんどの場合、医師は知っているはずですし、すぐ後には、マイケルジャクソンのように残っていると回答した。 しかし、彼の考えられる原因は、この薬を投与されていたが、その後、彼はトラック、または不完全な試みを覆うようにしていた。

  36. Rickster言った、

    私はこの年ほど前、自分の死を読む... MJステージだろう... 。 (メシア症候群) ...それまでの最大のカムバックと返す... ...と、 "どうやってこの"を引く彼のインタビューを許可されるony人... 。オプラウィンフリーです! ! 彼は世界は、 "メディア"間違ったことができます...この子供の性的虐待疑惑を閉鎖することを証明したかった... 。いかれたJacko侮辱...と沈黙は、 CNNのespacially ... ..してから任意のjounalistic intengrity !


    彼の親友の記念...リズテイラーaatされていない... 。ライザミネッリ... ...クリスタッカーオプラ... 。ダイアナロスと他の多くの... ... 。 MJsご家族すべてのいたずらに手を差し伸べている...誰も捨てる!

  37. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Rickster 、完全hornestするためには、私は、あなたが正しいと思う。 それは私の考えは、そのメッセージbackwallステープルセンターでは、ステージ上で見られるapearedされています。 私たちは待機して、ご家族ゴマを参照してくださいを推測し、 " 、 "ジャクソン5レユニオン島のいくつかのコンサートの日程をやっている

  38. bexukは言った。


  39. Synthara言った、

    実際に私は最近ネバーランド牧場でMJとのオプラのインタビューを見た。 牧場では、劇場に何かのような民間MJ "私はしている(当時)私はイエスです"と言っていないことを意味一時停止、イエスをまねる。 彼はこのことについては子供たちを支援しようとしている彼が、なぜある種の"復活"は、イエスを模倣しようとしても... ? 私も単なるうわさは、 O2はコンサートを3Dで撮影され、記事の最後のリハーサルのビデオが表示されますと言っているのを読む"のほとんどのようなので、彼は実際には存在" 。 私は、ジャクソンの家族からはかなりuntasteful彼は本当に死んでいる場合に選択して下さい。 しかし、それだけを考えたのか分かりません..

  40. heisalive言った、

    このブログ上のすべての貢献異なる視点を提供していると見るの観察は、自分以外の皆さんに知って考えている...私たちは一つの共通分母にMJ ' "死"をもたらすことができることです:マイケルジャクソン自身の死を舞台から姿を消したとされている今のところを表示します。 すべての"見る"と完全に消失を取り巻く多くとして実行されていない"と疑問を、この"イベントについての質問を表明している。 これは単に:メディアのマイケルジャクソン"マニア"を含むすべての私たちの誘惑され、まったく新しい情報"に"と一緒に継続的に誘惑され、本当の真実から目をそらさ維持するために行います新興、真実ので、このブログで多くのビットとの作品を提供しています。 私たちは真実を知っている2点は何のこと: 1 。 は自明で、 2です。 常に勝つが、その時間を説得にかかると、我々は再び舞台に、マイケルジャクソンのライブなどで目を留めることがあります。 エルビスは、米国の証人保護プログラムで非表示にすると、 MJと別の課題がある衝撃と畏怖の念復活行動をとるかを決めるかもしれないが、私たちは、真実でいくつかのポイントして、勝つ、それ自体を明らかにする長が表示されます。

    偽造することができますが、それらの循環している私たちの疑問をcuriousityの足を引っ張るために信頼できる証拠はないMJ 、 "死certifiate "死んでいるし、もっとこのような"証拠"は、かなりの仕事をして浮上されるこのすべてを、すべての後に静かにすると、このマイケルジャクソンは... 。 マイケルジャクソンは/以上と世界を愛している場合は再表示"を決定する" 、ではなく、 1つの人は私は彼に対する信頼は自分の死を開催を開催することが、誰もが合計される衝撃/純粋な喜びは、彼が帰ってきた...彼が隠れているということは、彼と彼のあこがれていた秘密の宿泊をご希望の人生を見つけるかもしれないが、我々は、我々が表示されますされませんか?

  41. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Heisalive 。 私はあなたのものの大部分に同意する マイケル"長い間、あなたが言ったように、彼は世界中の誰からも愛されているすべてのことになる彼を責めて"になることはありません。 全体がぎっしりになるだろうが、最大のプラグインが引かれると思います。 もし彼自身を明らかにするdecited私はそのためには、彼の兄弟のコンサートを予定している場合には彼の誕生日で、幸せになる。 しかしunfortiently私も彼が戻ってきたが、私は、死んでしまうだろうamidietly心臓failerロル川があると思う。 だからあなたは私にとっては彼を愛している

  42. dave859言った、

    彼らは、リベリアの少女ビデオからは、最後に多く設定すると、心を決めたアイブは、詳細をMJ生産されたマイケルの画像が表示されているすべてが、撮影。 過去のバブルも、このいたずらを参照してくださいと思います。 多くの手がかりは、全体の2つの記念碑の中に隠している。

  43. heisalive言った、

    MyBelovedMJ ...私はMJ "長くてされません"で、再は触れていないが以前の私の投稿を読んで、私は、言うても意味が表示されますが、私のポイントは全く異なる意味を持つ。 この注意:マイケルジャクソンは、健康な人は、肉体的にも精神的に非常に明らかにされた彼は目に見えるものだからです。 エルゴ:彼は考えられるが、実現は"カムバック"の前に再び彼の軸受には多大な時間とケアを必要とします。


    マイケルジャクソンみんなでできていると同じ汚れを行われると、彼は芸術家のそれ自体としては奇抜なショーに優しい、脆弱な魂に包まれた偉大な才能の付加祝福していた。 私にはちょうど今日の午後は、 MJに生まれ、機能不全家族で育った、虐待の父に耐えることが発生していた(ところで人の人には、悪魔のことを思い出す! )を持つと彼の子供のころ、彼から強制的に盗難が行われたエナジャイザーバニーのように"金のなる木"最後の年は、威圧的負荷を肩にされている人間としては、マイケルジャクソン、 twiceoverの気の精神と魂のために課税を負う。

    繰り返しますが、すべての論理は、 "エスケープをサポートしています/ "死の段階の"理論逃げる" 。 彼は最高の医師が医療の下でリアルされており、 " " 'を十分に" "を取得ゴマを停止しないと、彼は祈りを受けている必要がある場合、安全な場所には誰も彼に神の愛には、祈りを得ることができるの仕方彼を癒す... ..

  44. heisalive言った、

    Dave859 、あなたは絶対的に正しい"と追悼式に隠された手がかり"について。 私は確信しておりますがまず、また、大切な友人のためには、棺体didn't詳細なしだったが、人々が年間で人および/または1回のみ、等などこれはすべての事をしている彼に会った過失MJとの接触を受けていない"監督" 、エルビスの別れ、はるかに複雑かつ細心の注意を払っ上演され、同意dontチャ?

    しっさく実装され、実装は、しかし、それらの私たちの許には、この全体のことをしているだけに認識した。 一方、メディアはすべての"薬もの"と出てくると石の"誘惑"より多くの浮遊する... 。 読むために、バックを投稿してくださいありがとうございました

  45. CuteAngel言った、

    bexuk :私はそれも考えていた。 たぶん彼は彼の全生涯は、中東のどこかの新しい名前を、新しいアイデンティティを前提に、全く新しい生命、生活、平和でいっぱいだよ-何かが彼のあこがれ。

  46. Tiffany1言った、

    私は、相反する情報がマイケルの自宅で最初のイベントの連鎖をしてもいないようですがメディアを開始しているという膨大な量に対応するか、または私が見逃している。 それについては疑問を抱いているときに深くするのは当然の上でパスをケアする。 しかし、これらの競合は少しくらいだと言っている私にとってもいいのですが。 私はそれが会議では彼だったと思うよ。 私は上記のギャルには自分のゲートでの彼のときは車の外から歩いていたが、これは、ジャケットは大の部分に私は考えていないように見えるに同意します。 その段階では、会議で私は彼だったと思うよ。 それが彼の顔、声と彼の手。 彼は頭のおかしいようです。 たぶん彼はほろ酔い何かだったと思う。 このサイト上の別のページに誰かパリについて言及し、私は彼に同意する必要があった。 彼女は怒っていないようだ。 合格のために、最初の衝撃-日間で行ってしまうと、これは多くの可能性があります。 私は1分間は、彼女を深く愛する彼女のパパに疑いはありません。 彼女は世界でどのようにされ、彼が素晴らしいのマイケルすべての不快な人が言っていた。 しかし、それがパリに戻って一歩前進したと考えなるほど... 。かしら...彼はまだ私たちの間で話がされました。 しかし、私は言う...それは、これらの人々のために、このいたずらを成功させるには非常に賢明な事業であることにあります。 私は今回の買収は、家では、医師が何であるかを知っているとしたいのですが。 何かまずいことではなかったが、なぜ世界で彼は直ちに法律上のチームと自分を取り巻くだろう。 マイケルかどうかを物理的には、 1つ確かなのは、行っている...我々は再び彼に会うことはありません。

  47. bw69言った、

    Most people around the world would attest that Michael Jackson is the greatest and most popular entertainer in the world. That said, if anyone could pull off a death hoax, it would certainly be him. 彼はなぜでしょうか? 1) He was in debt. His albums now occupy the top five spots on Billboard album sales and estimates indicate that within the week these sales will have paid off his debt. 2) He is very innovative, which is what keeps him at the top of his game as an entertainer. By faking his death and then reappearing, his popularity and worth will skyrocket. People will feel that they have a “second chance” to witness him perform, and they will not hesitate to pass up that opportunity. 3) The combined publicity from this event and from his future reappearance are quite strategic maneuvers, both career-wise and financially. 4) There was a recent article pointing out that Prince was now “on top” in terms of hit music, when compared to Michael Jackson. Also, Prince played for 21 nights in London last year, yet Michael's shows were already up to 50 in London. Surely, that's a sign of competition between the two.

    Possible evidence: 1) No tears were shed during the “memorial service” by any of the family members. Sure, there were several moments of choking up, but not a single tear — look at the picture from the cover of USAToday. 2) We have a symbolic tradition here in the US that when you are hopefully expecting the return of a loved one you tie or display a yellow ribbon. All of the Jackson brothers were wearing yellow ties at the memorial service. 3) Jackson's shows were scheduled to begin on July 13th and couldn't have gone on much longer before the production having to move to London for those performances. They already had Staples Center rented out for rehearsals, which seems a bit much for just rehearsals in that it just so happens to be the largest indoor venue in one of the largest cities in the US I mean, Pink Floyd practiced in an airplane hangar, not a prime venue at some exorbitant rate. So, having the largest facility in one of the largest cities already rented, they were able to pull off this “memorial service” bit.

    I'd also like to point out that James Brown, Michael Jackson's idol as a performer, died on December 25. Michael “died” on June 25 — exactly six months opposite and surely symbolic. And even JB had an open casket.

    The difference between Michael and Elvis in the suggestion of them faking their deaths is that I don't believe that anyone had suggested that a celebrity would do this until Elvis died. I believe Elvis is dead (though that movie Bubba Ho-tep is pretty funny), but the idea of a celebrity death hoax was born with him and for 32 years Michael has been able to ponder that scenario for himself. I don't ever recall hearing that MJ loathed or disliked his celebrity; from what I understand, he always knew it to be a part of his life, and with the upcoming shows, it is obvious that he intended on staying in the spotlight. Therefore, it is unreasonable to think that he would pull a death hoax to end his career, rather, he would only use it to catapult it to a level beyond where it had been before.

    Crazy? おそらく。 Unrealistic? Not hardly. Will Michael Jackson be back? 私たちが表示されます。

  48. DawneVee Said,

    Good post Rickster…

    Usually Oprah is all over stuff like this and not one word has she spoken about MJ. No bantering to try and get interviews with the family, nothing.

    MJ's true friends were not at the memorial (okay maybe Stevie Wonder and uh, what's his name, I think Lionel Richie or was that Smokey Robinson, I don't remember anymore…lol… but the Jackson family requested Queen Latifah, John Mayer, Jennifer Hudson to be there and they said they had never even met MJ! (I found that out on the Huffington Post).
    Now why would the family invite people whom Michael hadn't met?

    The Huffington Post also mentioned that Usher and Mariah Carey barely knew MJ and that Brooke Shields hadn't seen / talked to him in 18 years.

    What in the world is going on?

  49. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I have just been reading about the “disappearances” of prominent people over the years. One that stood out in my mind was the Premier of Australia – Harold Holt – He “vanished” after going swimming. No body was ever recovered, that was in 1967. There has been speculation about his disappearance since that time. Another is Lord Lucan, who vanished without a trace after, apparently murdering the families nanny back in 1974.



    I read in my local paper just after MJ “died” about one of his security men who comes from North Wales, where I live. He said that MJ had a secret companion, to whom he was absolutely devoted. She was kept from the publics gaze, and was never seen with him, but was in his life and that she may emerge after his death……Well, where is she???? Have they gone off together, has he planned this so well that he would never be alone if she were with him??? あまりにも多くの質問ではなく、十分な回答を紹介します。 Another thing I saw today was on the front cover of The Star newspaper


    about a couple who claim to be the real parents of MJ's children…..They are all jumping on the band wagon now, but it will be interesting to see if the claims are founded!!! No smoke without fire I say. As had been said a couple of times on this forum, he would never leave “his” kids, but if he were to discover that they were not his, then he may be so devastated that this is the sort of thing he would do, the anguise and torment would be too much for him.

    Just a thought!!!!!

    WHERE IS HIS BODY???????? Still no sign of a burial!!!!!

  50. How Does It Feel Said,

    hhhmm i don't know what to say but keep praying for him where ever Mike is.

  51. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    The divine miss jones. The companion you are talking about, that Michael had. Ive heard that she got fired in December last year. But who know`s If they should be together, I hope he is happy

  52. Sosh言った、

    I don't know much about Elvis and his claimed hoax death. But if Elvis faked his death, it would hav been much easier in the 1970's. There was no Internet or Cell phone. It was much easier to cover things up.

    Now Michael possibly tried it again in the 21 century where almost evryone has acces to the internet, cell phone photo camera.

    It would be much more difficult nowadays to pull this off. There are so many things to take into account for such a fake death job. Now it seems there are some loose ends wich they cannot cover up (anymore).

    That may also be the reason why lots of negative stories about Michaels kids, his drug abuse and his debts are in the media. They try to distract people from what really happenend. Most sources of thes articles are close to the family or former employees of Michael. But none of them (OK, some exceptions) is called by name in these articles.

    I hope ther will be a comfirmation the comming days wether he really died or he faked his death.

  53. supermom75言った、

    he did sleep in a hyperbaric chamber that is true

  54. supermom75言った、

    he is not with anyone i know this for a fact i will not give my info out but he is single and was never involved after debbie i do not know where you heard that lol

  55. supermom75言った、

    wow new info mother katherine gets kids and debbie rowe now asked for a delay to decide ok why the change she wanted them she said they are my children now she has to think about it who has talked to her about plans lol who is paying her off she was very determined to get her kids now she needs time to think the plot thinkens why is everything michael wanted unfolding must be for a reason i wonder how many ppl are getting paid off to complete this

  56. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Supermon75, well one of his bodyguards, said it on an interwiev. Don`t remember his name. but he did.. well good to know that he is singel. Cause i think he is sexy

  57. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Former bodygurds, i should say. a few days after michael “died”.

  58. Angel36言った、

    The family was furious that the hearse was drove by a white SWAP member.They wanted it to be an African American who drove the hearse.
    After the memorial there was no body of mj in the hearse.
    What does it matter who drove the hearse.
    You can read it at the following link:

  59. Angel36言った、

    The body of mj is being held in the crypt of Berry Gordy.
    The family has not decided “yet” wher he should be buried.

    If you still don't know that after more than 2 weeks then you'll never know.
    But then you can stretch this as long as possible.

  60. Angel36言った、


  61. Angel36言った、

    my other comment had to be SWAT member.And the link is:
    http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/07/exclusive-swat-team-transported-michael-jackson 's-body-family-battled-cops

  62. Angel36言った、

    They firts said there was no evidence of foul play.
    And now they say it can turn in to a homicide case.
    Can anyone tell me what is the difference.

  63. He.is.alive言った、

    this MJ saga is getting real ugly now with all the drug info coming out and poured all over him. Was it a wonder that MJ was addicted to drugs ? Were drugs his only escape ? This is very very likely. As to his chronic insomnia: this one goes to monster Daddy Dearest Joe Jackson who when Michael was a young boy, appeared with a werewulf mask at his bedroom window to “teach im a lesson” to keep the window closed at nite. Imagine how this “trick” from Daddy Joe must have petrified little Michael at the time this took place. Incidents like this one created irreversible damage to the psyche of a human, especially a young child. This ghoulish experience and fear grew with Michael and the fear part would not let him sleep normally, so he reached for help and over did it.

    As a young child, I had several incidents with a variety of animals who attacked and hurt me, so much so, that I could never shake the fear of them and this fear is still with me very much, so in a way, I can relate to Michael's fear of going to sleep. I deliberately choose a community to live in where housepets are shunned on and are forbidden so that I can feel TOTALLY SECURE to not be attacked by an animal.

    Michael was petrified, fearful of a whole list of things, what better motivator to escape it all .. escape to: SAFETY !!!

    Anyone ?

  64. dikki言った、

    bt dont you think lapd is intelligent enough to check the dna of mj and of that imposter or the police dept. is also involved. i really want to believe that mj is still alive.

  65. dikki言った、

    every day new drug is been published to which( the media claims) that mj was addicted to. i think had mj been doing so many drugs at one go he would have died years ago . come on yaar i really wanna know the reality

  66. dikki言った、

    how can media nt hound upon a single clip of mjs dead body is beyond my understanding

  67. dikki言った、

    how can mj fool the docs the police the media and everything which goes into it. i am hoping for an answer soon..

  68. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    My husband – whose initials are MJ – runs a business from home and yesterday a woman called to ask what the MJ stood for, when I told her she went quiet, then I twigged, and said, “Did you think it stood for Michael Jackson?” to which she slammed the phone down. People are doing some very strange things.

    I have asked around about the “temporary” burial of a body. In Britain that cannot de done because it requires special permission from a Government Department called the Home Office to move the body once a burial has taken place. In order to remove it from one spot to another you would have to be granted an exumation order. I am sure that similar rules apply in the US and if this is the case, you need to be looking at City Hall records and Government Departments to find out if such a request is being made.

    Lsstly, a comment from my 11 year old son…Why did President Obama seem so unmoved by the event, during an interview he had to be prompted to say something about it. Considering MJ's popularity you would have thought that to “humour” his fans a Presidential recognition of the death for have been one of his main topics.!!!!!!

  69. dikki言った、

    i dont know how to put this bt honestly i believe whether he is gone into hiding or god forbaid he is even dead . i think he is in a better position in a better state than he was earlier. out of all this media hooplah the crazy stories.he deserved every bit of peace he wasnt able to get. it hard bt lets face it we never deserved mj we never respected him when he was alive and giving us so much to cherish . and know we are remembering him and wishing him to come back. how stupid of us. he was the best he was like jesus who went into so much of suffering for his children (the world) and what we gave him crucification ditto we have done with jackson.

  70. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Dikki. Do not say, “WE” Never did. Speak for yourself. Some of us actuelly did

  71. dikki言った、

    i said we bcuz we were sitting silent in our homes when allegations were being charged on him. we didnt do anything we could have bought protests or something may bur tryin to over react read my sentence in the context am saying

  72. dikki言った、

    and as for me i have been fighting with my friends and relatives who have been telling me that he was what media framed him to b. i love him and i know it.

  73. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Now here's a thought, and it's just a thought. Thinking back to a personal experience of mine. My step-father died very suddenly from a heart attack about 6 weeks after having a pace maker inplanted. For the 6 weeks that he lived he said he felt great, and he looked fine, then WHAM! いない。 The PM in his case found a blood clot that had been sitting in his blood stream for goodness knows how long, once the pace maker was in place the heart beat regulated and the blood flow increased, accelerating the clot to his heart thus giving him the heart attack. He actually died mid sentence while talking to a friend.

    Now, lets do a “what if” senario for MJ. What if he too had a blood clot. Years of plane travel can apparently cause one of these beasts. “What if” the rigorous dance routines and rehearsals had acclerated the heart beat, thus pumping the clot round to his heart. He may have felt some chest pain prior to dying, he may have asked for pain relief. We don't know, we were'nt there. This could have been missed by a physical, just as my step-fathers (prior to his surgery).

    As I said, it's just a thought, but I feel it is one that I should voice.

  74. licinia09 Said,

    so everybody thinks he faked his death…..
    well to be honest if i could choose i would love that he would still be alive.
    But i got a question…..
    they have that last photo from him on the ambulance, he went to the hospital, that might have happened.
    Let me tell you this, I'm from portugal and before they broke the news in the states that michael was dead, here in postugal that had already done that, in US media there was only the news that he went to the hospital, nothing more, probably an hour later they gave the news that he died… so does this mean anything i don't……
    But why say that he faked his death????? did anyone thought of the possibility that he might be in a coma and and his managers and family faked his death??????
    Well i really don't whta to believe, maybe we all never thought that we would die someday, that he was invincible, maybe he died and just can't cope with that, we are so desperate to believe that he is still alive…..
    To be HONEST i really want him to be alive, it just feels like music died

  75. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Okey. I hear ya. I can only speak for myself here Im not to desperate to think that he might still be alive. But i am pretty sure that he aint dead. Look at sll the facts, all the hints at the memoriel. Nothing adds up. 何もない。 And to be hornest, the one to tank for that is Latoys, she really blew it, at that thing where she was talking. She said: Michael always said, Family 1st fans 2nd. He loves you very much, and he is watching every singel one of you right now. He loves you with all his heart. Let me just say!!! DOHH!!! That was pretty stupid of her.. She should have talked about him in pressence sence. Not like he is still here, if she wanted to keep up his cover. Im glad that she aint my sister, incase i ever needed to fake my own death. That would be bad

  76. tmorris15 Said,

    I am convinced this is a hoax at the 02 arena Michael Jackson said I am serious this is the last curtain call and gave a suspicious look He stated “This Is It”. When Oprah did not make a public announcement. Something was strange when the family managers set up a crisis line and told fans please do not kill themselves. And when his brother said Michael Jackson maybe they will leave you alone. I believe the memorial service was a goodbye to his fans and career as an entertainer. He was saying good bye to his music career to peruse a peaceful life away from the media attention. Michael Jackson if you are out their alive I don't blame you thank you for all the wonderful music. Your music will live forever

  77. He.is.alive言った、

    Well well well, somebody else besides me has FINALLY noticed that the video footage from the rehearsal the night before MJ's alleged “death” is OLD FOOTAGE. NO human as weak as MJ appearing in the media weighing only 112 lbs is physically able to pull off a dance routine like shown in the vido, no way !!!! I am a dancer myself and can say with credible certainty that it is NOT possible ! My “this cannot be MJ”-hunch with this video was right on target. This net of lies being spun and presented to the public is outrageous in that these ppl, AEG and the Jacksons think we are all stupid ???

    Not one single member of the mainstream media has so much as breathed a word that MJ staged his death, with one possible exception: Gerald Hessler from “The daily beast”, a US rag last sunday stated on the Geraldo Rivera Show that Michael “did not want to do this at all” referring to the London gig/s and said further that MJ wanted to use “Swine flu” to get “out of the gig” .. Hessler barely got the last cylable out of his mouth when he was CUT off and the subject was abruptly changed, did anyone besides me see that show ???

    Hessler was on again this evening, 7/12, but this time hummed an altogether different tune and talked “nicely” …'hint'

    LaToya's interview with some british rag is real heavy hitting, have the Jackson's become aware that the public is onto them and gave this interview to up the score ? Very possible !

    I consider it a likely possibility that MJ made away right after his appearance at the rehearsal,that is: if that was him at all OR one of his doubles; that the person in the ambulance was definitely NOT MJ is very obvious as well as the double at the London press conference; that NONE of MJ's close friends like Taylor, Ross, Minelli, Uri Geller and many others did not show at the memorial AND are still NOT speaking out is highly questioable and beyond bizarre; that LaToya “gave” an interview to some british rag to inject a new hit of crack-cocaine into more “these are the facts” media floating ??? How LONG can these ppl keep up this act ?

    What they NEED to do is button up and stay in total seclusion if they want the public to believe that MJ has really “died” …

    This is a conspiracy and whatever “information” is being floated and coming, whatever, I just pray that Michael is under the medical care of doctors he can trust and are are treating him to become well again, mentally and physically so that he can live a life he has yearned for elsewhere. We may never see him again and if that is so, remember: we did have the best of him for years and he is entitled to live a life in peace and safety.

    What is everybody else thinking ?

  78. supermom75言った、

    he was not 112 that was a lie

  79. supermom75言った、

    they said in the autopsy michael was very helthy and no signs of foul play and they ruled out natrual causes already

  80. supermom75言った、

    he wanted air time is is all gossip do not believe anything you here like one of his former house keeper trie to say he locked children in his room feed them wine in baby bottles come on now he would never do that

  81. アンドレア言った、

    I think MJ would have been better of saying he caught Swine Flu to get out of these gigs he so obviously did not want to do and was pressured into! If only he knew what type of circus and media frenzy he would create by instead faking his death.

    Then again, he probably just didn't care anymore. I hope he is well, wherever he is.

  82. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    私はあなたに同意する。 I don`t care if he ever comes back to perform. As long as he is alive, safe and well. That is the only thing that matters to me

  83. supermom75言った、

    michael would never inject himself i do not belive he was an addict at all and the media is cooking something up cause then they will not get paid if he is not found dead by overdose as it is stated in his insurance claim for the this is it concert they cover over dose but not natrual causes

  84. supermom75言った、

    here is another one for you all xanax if he was taking as much as they say he would be to tired to do anything he would not have sleep ap ok and most of the drugs he was doin are downers so how do they get he can not sleep out of that i do not understand

  85. He.is.alive言った、

    Correction: “The Daily Beast” reporter's name is Gerald POSNER (I am sorry I misunderstood the name and got it correctly the 2nd time) apologies – thanks

  86. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    My 11 year old son has been playing detective regarding MJ. Now here is an observation that he made about MJ's right hand….Follow me with this one because you have to be quick. I am attaching a video of “The way you make me feel” from Youtube. At 3.14 – just after he shouts “Hey”, he extends two fingers and his thumb of his right hand. The thumb is the bit you need to concentrate on…You will notice that the tumb itstself curls at quite an acute angle and the bone just above sticks out to give an almost triangular appearance.


    If you look at other footage ie the press conference in O2 arena London check out his right hand…for the same anomalies that I have already mentioned.


    You could possibly trace his entire career by just looking for that one over-riding physical – dare I say – defect – I am, but not in a malicious way.

    Now look at the “final rehearsal” video…At the end of the routine he extends his right arm and hand…check it out. Unless he had surgery to correct his hands, which could explain gloves and gauntlets in the past…then it looks to me, and this is a personal observation…to be someone else.


  87. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、


    This is the rehearsal footage that I watched. Sorry…repeated the youtube links. Take a look following the thread about the right hand.

  88. divershay Said,

    Mrs. Jones: I agree about the “defect” but if you look at this video at about 45 seconds, he extends his hand and the bump is gone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz_J_do9hzY&feature=related
    But if you look at the O2 Press Conference video, “MJ” calls the guy over and puts his hand on his shoulder and the bump is there!
    However, I do NOT think it was really MJ at the press conference. The chin, smile, moves, etc. MJ would not get up there and talk the way this guy did. He sounded like an idiot. MJ was/is very well spoken in front of the camera. Look at any of his interviews. One thing about his hands, he seems to have the longest hands on a human! 本当に! His fingers are so long! But at the press conf, his hands are shorter and fatter it seems. MJ's hands are so skinny too. Not at the conference, yet he doesn't appear to have put on any weight. I know when most people put on weight, your fingers get fatter too. don't they? Anyway, at the press conference, that is NAVI! Not MJ. Look at Navi's pics. He has a wide smile, and his lips look more like a normal mouth than MJ's (normal?). Whether or not MJ is really dead, that is NOT him at the conference. That is Navi! Your son is very observant! それはまだ続いている!

  89. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Over lunch the family came up with some other theories. One of which is this, MJ borrowed money from a Saudi prince – Yes! He was then asked to repay the money back – If he was as broke as they say, where did the cash come from? Our over lunch theorizing was this – and you have to remember that we were allowing our minds to do overtime on the conspiracy
    theory – what if he borrowed it again from the Mafia, couldn't pay it back and the doctor was paid to see him off. With the so called pain killer adiction, no one would question too deeply what the doctor did…As I said, it was over lunch, and it was a bash at a theory.

  90. bexuk Said,

    I miss him, the world was a much better place with him in it, I only wish I had appreciated him more when he was here.

  91. Mojofi言った、

    I KNOW that was MJ at the 02 confrence.

    Navi has a deeper voice then MJ.

  92. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Hi Divershay, And Hi there everyone from a warm and windy North Wales.

    Now, let us suppose that if you are told something often enough, you start to believe it!

    If we, the fans, are told that the person we are looking at is MJ, then, are we not drawn into the plot to keep the real MJ from prying eyes. A confidence trick.

    During the 2nd World War there was a chap who looked like General Montgomery. A plan was devised to use this man to impersonate Monty and go to North Africa.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Was_Monty 's_Double_(film)

    This makes the impersonator theory a good one, because we do not see the man – MJ – all the time, the person thrust infront of us, who we are told is MJ, we beieve is MJ. We only see photos that are tarted up and made to look enigmatic. We so want it to be him, that we truly believe that it is.

    Tonight, on British Television – Channel 4 – was a documentary about the passing of MJ. I am attaching a link for those who missed it. You may be able to watch it on line. I am making no comments, but will leave the story to unfold and see what you think.

    Another suggestion by Benjamin – my 11 year old – Try this for size…..The gold coffin with the seat like interior was designed so that a “living” Micheal Jacksin could attend his own memorial service. The huge bunch of flowers on the top hid an oxygen tank so that he could breath and the length of time for the service was determined by the amount of oxygen in the cylinder. Daft, but plausible!!!!!

    Hey, you know what, it's more plausible than daft.

    Previous comments about his friends who were mysteriously not at the memorial is strange. If someone of that stature passes and you are asked to attend a memorial, you would put everything on hold, pull out all the stops and turn up. No Oprah, no Liz Taylor just folk who had maybe met him once, if that. Catterwalling some tune out – some of it was terrible – it was dreadful.

    And I still wonder what the hell they did with the coffin afterwards!!!! Is it like a kind of transformer and changed from a coffin into a set of matching suitcases. Carried out so no one noticed.

  93. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、


    The link to Channel 4's documentary about MJ.

  94. ejay5131 Said,

    Here's what I don't get. The Jackson were okay with helicopters flying above Forest Lawn the days before the memorial, the day of the memorial AND even let the helicopters follow the motorcade with the hearse to the staples center BUT would not let the coffin leave staples center being recorded? It's being “said” that the coffin was taken through the tunnels under the Staples center and loaded into an unmarked van and taken away. WHY?? YOU JUST LET EVERYBODY FILM YOU BRING IT THERE!! And seriously…who lends out their family crypt(reporting that MJ is temporarily being held inside the Berry Gordy family crypt) Which he has now denied. MJ IS MISSING!!!!

  95. アンドレア言った、

    @ The Divine Mrs Jones – that last paragraph made me laugh! I could just imagine the coffin turning into a bunch of suitcases. OR MAYBE LATOYA WAS HIDING MJ IN HER DAMN HUGE HAT! (not seriously, but damn that hat needed it's own zipcode!)

  96. divershay Said,

    “And I still wonder what the hell they did with the coffin afterwards!!!! Is it like a kind of transformer and changed from a coffin into a set of matching suitcases. Carried out so no one noticed.”
    HAHAAHAH!!! Priceless!
    And yes, I would have thought Liza, Liz, and several other closest friends would have been there. But no! They couldn't be “bothered” to show. 非常に奇妙な。
    And what ejay5131 says makes us wonder too! The whole thing with the media is weird. Only ONE pic since MJ “died”? Come on, ONE! That's silly considering how many pics they get of everything else related to anyone famous or even a little bit famous.
    This whole thing makes me mad that they think they can pull the wool over everyone's eyes. The fans aren't stupid! We have loved him for too long and scrutinized every physical detail about him through the years.

  97. melia8383 Said,

    Ok everyone I found a song, It's really Crazy unreleased from Michiael Jackson, It talks about how he's “planning” his escape from the “system” and “pressures” he has to find a place to hide away.(thats what he says in the song) the name of the song is xscape(yes, it's actually spelled that way.
    If he faked his death, he's away from the pressures, he has to leave his children behind, if he don't want people to know he's “dead”). If the children is with his family, he will always see them. Latoya said, he didn't want to do the 50 shows, that's probably why it was an impersonator at the O2 conference! It was him rehearsing in the video, if he's planning his get away, he has to cooperate, right? AEG insured for “overdose”? なぜか?

  98. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    This song tells it all. によるOMG 。 It is not a old song. He is sining of how he wants to get away from the media, and just want to be in a place where he dosen`t need to hide from everyone. Where he can be himself. He is telling it all in this song. It can be more clear. Michael has “escaped” The pressure. He just wants to be in peace. I wonder whan he made this song, it can`t be that long ago. MY GOD. Mabye he really is alive? I really hope so. I would make me smile again. I guess we just ahve to leave Michael alone. I just hopes that he is happy and in peace.

  99. supermom75言った、

    now this should answer everything something is wrong i think the women of the family are hiding michael he is alive and his brother and father have been using michael for his money jermaine is broke his brother jermaine said that the jackson 5 were goin to have a reunion but in an interview with michael he said he was never going to sing with them again so maybe latoya knows it was her brothers father and AEG in a plot and they are protecting michael right now in hiding till the truth comes out also new news that there is another will from 2007 he wrote a new will every 5 yrs now michael might have it or they do and they are goin to pull it out saying michael wanted his sister rebbie to mother his children and debbie and katherine have agree to keep joe out of the childrens life cause he is now tryin to get costody of the chikdren and he wants to make them the jackson 3 so the ploy thickins

  100. dikki言った、

    la toya is now saying that there is a big conspiracy behind murder of mj. she is saying that $2 million are missing from his rented home when world believed him to be totally bankrupt.. she is also saying that mj was fed up of taking these drugs which some people were giving to him to keep him submissive. if it was truly there then why the family never protected mj out of all this. why they let him die and are now creating all this fuss and making autopsy over autopsy.

  101. 管理者は言った。

    The Michael Jackson Hoax Death Forum is now up and running and ready for use. Please feel free to start new topics and continue your discussions there, in an easier to manage environment.

  102. He.is.alive言った、

    This is LaToya's biiiiiiiiiiig chance to “shine”, to propel herself into center stage, but most importantly, make some monnnnnnney!

    Her credibility equals Zero as she is insincere and phoney. when Michael was accused of Child molestation, it was LaToya who on national US television spoke out in support of the accusers and against her brother, I remember it well, does anybody else at all ? Shame shame on you big sista !

    LaToya is a diva wanna-be, a sensationalist, an opportunist and extremist. Her only claim to fame is showing her coochie for a few bux to a trashrag like “Playboy Magazine” … and here, she suddenly has turned into and acts like Florence Nightingale ?

    These rags she is talking to are paying her a nice dollar for the drama queen act she's just pulled off here, she makes me sick

    Sister Janet who worked with Michael on videos is surprisingly hush hush, isn't she ? But then again,Jan had a good run in show business and has money and, all she showed was her nipple at the superbowl half-time show and called it “wardrobe malfunction”. Neither one of them has any lady-like qualities.

    The more details emerge, the more ground the 'staged death' gains. These “interviews” are nothing but a mechanism to redirect attention to a new theory they are spinning, Murder … they stop at nothing to create sensationalism and seem to think we are all stupid or something ?

    I pray that Michael is safe and secure. What must he be thinking …. ? ? ?

  103. ejay5131 Said,

    I'll tell you what Michaels thinking…True fans can NEVER be fooled!!

  104. He.is.alive言った、

    ejay, thank you for your reply, I think you are right, great answer

  105. MJJ Said,

    yes maybe michael is still alive. bt i dont think he did this. maybe a threat to him or he was kidnapped to get money? blahblah lol

  106. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I wonder if he's reading this???? Maybe scanning the internet to find what people are saying!!!! If so – Hi Michael.

  107. ejay5131 Said,

    What the heck is this????


  108. He.is.alive言った、

    Divine Mrs. Jones: that not only the Jacksons and other parties, but MICHAEL HIMSElF might be reading the postings on this website occured to me too just today. I also thing the “staged death” concept is gaining traction around the internet, more and more ppl are blogging on different sites expressing their doubts that Michael “died” …

    I am wondering about if anybody is controlling this and will at some point shut websites down who are exclusively dedicated to this hoax, what is your thought on this ?

  109. supermom75言った、

    ejay that was a tv reality show that the men of the family were tryin to start up before his death

  110. supermom75言った、

    or should i say his disaperance

  111. He.is.alive言った、

    Bloggers: have any of you seen this ? This is a “protocol” type order of occurences synopsis of the events surround Michael Jackon's death, take a look and check it out:


  112. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Ok, I've read the Escape lyrics and seen the video on Youtube.

    Now, seeing as we are all open to speculation and possibility. Try this for size…and remember this is just me voicing an opinion…I have listened to his press conference again at the O2 Arena in London from March this year. The person speaking at the podium did NOT sound like MJ, the voice was too deep for my liking. Now, just suppose for a moment that the “This is it” Tour title is actually relating to the fact that he's had enough and by July he be out and gone. The last time he'd be in London – July – Hummmmm!!!!!
    Is he hiding in London? Was the talk at the press conference a metaphor for I'll be back, but you won't know it.

    This thought has just sailed through my head…Here goes…If you want to hide a tree you put it in a forest. If you want to hide an apple you put it with other apples. If you want to hide a person you put them with people. OK…Here it is, just suppose that the people you were hiding with had relinquished all worldly goods and chattles…monks!!!! OR even a Amish community. It may sound silly, but if we are going down hoax road then we have to explore every possible avenue that leads from it, whether it seems daft or has a dead end.

    As it used to say on the X Files – “The truth is out there”

  113. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、


    There is a series of Youtube videos about MJ's home movies. On the first one, at the end, he says he doesn't like to tour because – quote “I go through hell”

    Maybe the thought of 50 shows was enough to start the ball rolling for the disappearing act. Not only the mounting debt to deal with, but being pushed by record comapnies etc to do the tour. It must be very hard work – and that's an understatement – to be consistently good, to be as viberant on day 50 as you were on day 1. Not an easy gig.

  114. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Hands up who believes in the “after life” No joke. I belong to a ghost hunting group – http://www.theorbwhisperers.com and our resident medium has something to say on the MJ subject. If you want to hear what it is I'll tell you. I do not want to offend anyone, because even I am a sceptic, but I do think I should allow for all possibilities that life – and death – has to offer. I you think that this will offend, I will gladly keep it to myself.

  115. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I have just watched a History Channel documentary called Cities of the Underworld, and in this episode it talked about a huge complex of tunnels cris-crossing the underneath of Los Angeles. There was once a subway that ran the length and breadth of LA, but it was closed in the post war period and the “land” was bought up by GM, closing the railways meant that people would have to buy cars…I can seen their point. My point is that maybe they have accessed some of these tunnels whilst building the stadium, and after the so called memorial, have ushered MJ away through them.

    Look at season 3 “Land of Manson”

    You can google LA's underground railways as well.


    http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Downtown 's+forgotten+tunnel-a011766237



    You have to allow for the fact that I am trying to come up with every plausible possibility as to how to “magic” someone away. The memorial was the smoke screen.

  116. divershay Said,

    No, please share! This is a place for our individual opinions and thoughts. So far yours have been so insightful! I can't speak for anyone else on this page, but I would be interested to hear what you have to say.
    And I really want to thank you for posting the link to the home movies. I had not seen that! I am going to watch all the segments now. So far I have watched the first and loved it!
    As for the O2 conf, I tried to say that was Navi who was up there speaking and someone on here said it's not Navi, that Navi's voice is deeper than Michael's. Now you say you think the person's voice was too deep to be Michael. So you confirmed for me what I thought all along. Navi's voice is deeper, the person on stage has a deeper voice. We don't even need to continue on the physical differences of the two. They are clear to anyone who really looks.

  117. divershay Said,

    “Mojofi Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 5:23 am

    I KNOW that was MJ at the 02 confrence.

    Navi has a deeper voice then MJ.”

    Yeah, and uh….that's what we are saying….
    that the person on stage has a deeper voice than MJ. Hence, why we think it is not MJ but his double.

  118. divershay Said,

    As far as trying to “magic someone away” I still like the transformer casket turning into a set of luggage to be carried. I still laugh when I get a visual! This whole thing isn't funny, but the way you put it was. 大爆笑だ!

  119. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I will first set out what Dave, our group medium told me. He said that when some one passes suddenly their spirit is in shock and does not realise that they have died. Dave has a “spirit guide” and has asked from time to time whether the guide can tell him if MJ is “in spirit” and, apparently the guide has told him no, not yet. Dave takes this to mean that he is still alive and has not yet passed.

    I, on the other hand took a totally different tack, and being the EVP (electronic voice phenomena) queen of the group, I took my voice recorder and simply asked the question….”Is Michael Jackson really dead?” To which I got a quick response, a mans voice saying “No”

    If I could find some way to put the voice recording on this site I would post it for you to hear.

    Back to Dave for a moment. His spirit guide often helps him move spirits on into the “light” but it cannot find the spirit of MJ.

    I am a sceptic, but there are those amongst us who feel that some spiritual comfort is required in times like these, and this is mine through Dave…Cheers Dave.

    The “Ghost of Neverland” he says is not MJ…..Too soon, but the house has been standing for many years and has witnessed many families living there. The “ghost” is probably an old one, that has walked the halls and corridors for a long time. OR – my opinion – it's a reflection/shadow from outside. I would love to go with the group and investigate…Get some great EVP's from there.

  120. divershay Said,

    Yeah, I saw that. It was proven to be a crew person walking around in there and passed in front of a light. If you look through the window and the way the walls are on the outside, you can see there looks to be a room over in that area. It looked to me like the person was walking in that room and happened to pass in front of the window with sunlight shining through and the person's shadow was thrown out into the room. At least, that's what they are saying in this video:
    At about 2 minutes, it is clear and sharp. But I tell you what, I did get chills watching the original part in the first half again. Even after I knew they “debunked” the ghost story. Originally it was not as solid of an image so to speak. It was so transparent you almost don't see it. But when they show how it was not real, the image is more solid. I am a big skeptic as well. Then again, I am not so much a skeptic as I have to see it to believe it but I don't necessarily wanna see it! I am a big chicken so I guess it is easier to say oh, that stuff isn't real than to actually think about how I would react if I saw something paranormal.
    I too have had friends who believe in spirit guides and they would totally agree with what both you and Dave are suggesting. These are things we can never truly know.
    I just did a little poll on a website about do you think MJ faked his death and is still alive. After you vote you can see the results. Like 88% (or around there) voted yes!! After watching all of the home movie segments, I really hope he is still alive somewhere. He has the cutest personality I have ever seen. And to hear him giggle while watching the movies in his theater, I hope he is somewhere laughing again. The sweetest sound! Anyone who has not watched them really should. My favorite is the first one where he's all excited over the super soakers. Too cute!

  121. divershay Said,

    Also an awesome part is where he is saying he hates touring and they are telling him they have to redo that part. He is so sweet to watch. I know this isn't the place to discuss the home movies and such, I just wanted to throw that out there. 平和!

  122. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Hi Divershay

    I take on board everything that you have said, I to think that the home movies are fun to watch.
    That was then, we have to concentrate on “the now” That entails all of us putting our collective heads together and coming up with a rational explanation as to where the devil he might be hiding.
    On the Channel 4 documentary that I mentioned earlier, one man who knew the Jackson family well said that just before his latest tour “This is it” they had tried to get to Michael to spirit him away to “clean him up” This chap believes that MJ wanted out of the adiction spiral that he was in. His “insiders” who perpetuated the adiction kept the family from him.
    The final rehearsal footage shows some strain on MJ's face, that could be because he has been out of the loop for so long, but it could equally be withdrawal symptoms kicking in!!!! To be honest, he looks like he's in pain, he had apparently suffered from back trouble for some years. Channel 4 also interviewed a doctor who specialised in helping “well known” drug addicts. He said that he thinks that MJ was NOT taking heroin, but he was having a medication usually given to patients who they want to keep in a coma. That could explain the theory that MJ IS in a coma and it has been said that he would not come out of it. This would kind of explain the “death” announcement, and the lack of a body.
    MJ was not pleased about the fact that the tour had gone from 10 dates to 50. Ironically the dancers assigned to work with him were originally contracted for 2 years. Why so long if the tour was supposed to be ONLY 10 dates????? Makes you think what else the record company machine had up it's sleeve.

  123. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Just been looking at the supposed final photo from the ambulance – that photographer has made his annual earnings in one shot – anyway – I saved the picture and set it up so that I could rotate it for a better look.

    Now, to me it seems like he is grimacing a little, his eyebrows are not relaxed, they are furrowed slightly just over his nose, the ventialation contraption in his mouth doesn't seem to be in his mouth, he mouth looks closed. The colour of his skin is that of someone who is relatively healthy. I've someone after a heart attack and they look grey/blue and their lips go blue as well. None of it adds up to a victim of a heart attack. Even the make-up that he wore looks fresh. If I were giving CPR to someone wearing make-up I am sure that it would smudge and they for a time would look a bit of a mess. And if they are supposedly giving CPR in the back of the ambulance why is the paramedics hand on his right shoulder and not his heart. And if he is supposed to have “died” at home, why bother giving CPR at all. They were there for about half an hour or so, if they couldn't get him back in that time thay should just have covered the body and taken him out quietly. I thought then, and still think now that it was a ploy to kick start the disappearance.

  124. アンドレア言った、

    @ The Divine Mrs Jones – your posts make me happy! I, too, am a strong believer in the paranormal! I wish I was a part of a ghost hunting group, though. I tend to just wander on my own and do my own 'personal' ghost huntings, if you will.

    As for MJ – I also believe that if his Family might be reading this website, it's almost quite possible he is reading it as well!

    @divershay – I know, MJ is the sweetest person ever, isn't he? he is such a sweet soul, so gentle and fragile! He would never hurt a fly <3

  125. supermom75言った、

    ok take alook at this statement then i found a statement form dr.thome thome

  126. supermom75言った、


  127. supermom75言った、

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31740617/ns/entertainment-music/page/2/now this guy makes me open my eyes on who jackson really was and that ppl were tryin to hurt him

  128. wilkesxgurl Said,

    http://www.flipkart.com/fade-black-douglas-b-jones/1436352738-uox3f42f2d is not the cheif that worked for michael?

  129. licinia09 Said,

    Dear The Divine Mrs Jones

    I really don't know if i should believe in what you say, even thought i truly want to……..
    But i go a question,
    if he's not dead than why is Latoya always saying that she knows who killed michael?????
    if he was still alive wouldn't they simply be quite????? Not pushing too musch atention from the media?
    if he was still alive shouldn't his kids by now be with me?
    What about those updates where they say michael had needle marks in his neck, how would they make that up????
    To bo honest as time goes by my hopes that michael is still alive keeps geting smaller. What proves that he's still alive????


    Dear The Divine Mrs. Jones if it's true that you can hear taht voice and that Dave guy can't “see” spirits, i want to ask you one thing:
    If he's still alive, is he alright?is he sick?is he safe? is he happy now?

  130. MzMi87 Said,

    I'm sorry but there's more than what meets the eye. To the administrator thanks for this site. When the imposter was at the press conference, not one time did the family step up and say “that's not Michael.” And don't tell me that the Jackson family doesn't know about all the hoax rumors going on saying that Michaek is alive, and yet still no response? Something isn't right.

    And then they have Latoya coming out saying all this stuff about her brother being murdered and that millions dollars and costly jewelry were missing from his home. Now correct me if I'm wrong but how the hell would she know what was missing in his home? Can someone answer that?

    Then she said his kids wanted to see their father when he died at the hospital and that his face was covered up with a towel. Ok, unless something changed over the years, someone who dies doesn't get covered until the medical examiner comes in and take the body and asks everyone in the room to leave. And since when they cover your face with a towel.

    I agree with who ever said they're glad they Latoya isn't their sister. I feel the same way.

  131. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、


    Hope this opens up. Read it and see what you think. The Channel 4 documentary states that MJ did NOT know he was to do 50 gigs until it was too late. The tickets were printed and sold in a flash. AEG jumped on the financial bandwagon and this poor bloke had to turn up, perform and smile like a puppet. Well, it seems that the puppet cut the strings before the puppet masters could dictate the dance. I also think that Joe Jackson is quietly enjoting his new found fame.

    Earlier someone mentioned the “Escape” song from the album “Invincible” I have checked out the lyrics and get this, in one line it says – quote -”Don't have a place to run, but there's no need to hide” And in another it says – quote -”Gotta get away (tell my Mother)I gotta get away” Is there a message in there somewhere. MJ's Mother hailed from Alabama I think…maybe there's family there who would take him in?????

    In a BBC documentary about 4 years ago MJ was asked, while looking at a replica of an Egyptian sarcophagos that was covered in gold leaf – very elaborate – “Would you like to be buried in one of these” MJ ponders for a moment and answers “I'd like to live forever”

    If you take the Peter Pan stories literally, and if you've read them, Peters friend was a girl called Wendy. Wendy grows up and Peter is the perpetual child, remaining in Neverland. He goes back to Wendy's house and is shocked to find that she is a woman, and has a daughter of her own. Peter wants Wendy to be his Mother. He has been searching for his Mother throughout the whole story. Peter returns to take Wendy's granddaughter Margaret back to Neverland to do the spring cleaning…When he remembers!!!!

    Maybe the perpetual child that is Mj has returned to Neverland. Maybe the pull of the place that he loved so much was just too great for him to resist.

    By the way. If “they” turn Neverland into a place of pilgrimage I will start taking prescription meds…LOL The audacity of it all.

    The only good thing about Joe Jackson being on TV is that I can turn him off….LOL AGAIN

  132. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    そのinterrestingだった。 More proof that this so called “Death” Of Michael is a hoax

  133. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    My youngest – Benjamin – the house philosopher – has just said to me “Why don't we give people like him their 'space'” You can only slice a loaf so many times before it runs out. He has a point. We, the “fans” should back down. Although we enjoy what the entertainer is providing us with, there is an aspect of their lives that you really would not swap. He couldn't enjoy being in a crowd without being swamped with well wishers. He couldn't go shopping without about 20 people with him. His kids couldn't go to a regular school because of who he is, imagine how much of that would effect you, and then think of how it effected him. I, personally, would want to run away.

    If I found him, I would not tell any one where he was, I'd let him be. Knowing he was OK would be enough for me.

    More profound stuff from Benjamin. He's been watching me type this….Got to go to school soon hun! He has just said….Could he be hiding out at Althorp Estate…Princess Dianas family home. He and she had a “relationship” that was based solely on friendship. Their parallel lives could only be understood by them. I have to allow him his say because he thinks outside the box, whixh is what we want. To understand a child, you have to think like one!!!!!! And where does a child supposedly feel safe….HOME…..

  134. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Mr/Mrs Administrator… May I ask the question, where abouts in the world are you situated. This time difference is giving me a head ache…You are 8 hours ahead of me. That means, where you are I have already had my job interview….Did I get it? LOL and, here's a thought…If you are 8 hours ahead you can get the lottery numbers for me before they have even been drawn…So whats next Saturday's winning 6 LOL AGAIN

  135. 管理者は言った。

    In regard to the headache…sorry but don't think we can help with that…if we could fix it we would Yes we are ahead of you, but want to keep our location to ourselves if that's ok…trying to keep the nasty non-believers at bay and deter them from banging on the door in the middle of the night with pitchforks and torches (we've had plenty of nasty messages from people such as this already believe me), but in regard to the lottery numbers, I've had enough trouble getting them right myself! Good luck with yours

  136. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I can appreciate your need for anomimity. I really CANNOT understand why people would be so nasty to you. If they were followers of MJ and believed the things that he stood for, then this would not be happening to you.

    Maybe I am being silly, but you know when you get a gut feeling about someone, and you can't shake it off!!! Well with regards to MJ's “death” it's not sitting right with me. I don't have the empty and hollow feeling I got when my parents died, or when my friend was murdered (her name was Caroline and she was beaten to death by a bus driver, who dumped her body) I knew she had gone before they found her because I felt physically sick….Now, if I am to use this as a guage, then I do firmly believe that he is still living because I don't feel anything like I have felt in the past. No hollow feeling, no sick feeling…..in fact, if I were truly honest, I feel elated…I feel that he is where he wants to be and that the “death” thing was a hoax.
    I mentioned in an earlier posting that I had been studying the so called “last photo” of him, he doesn't look ill or dead. No palour, his face looks fairly relaxed, in fact he looks better in the back of the ambulance than I have seen him look recently. Hell, he looked better than I do this morning….I look like death warmed up. LOL….To end with a little black humour, my husbands late Grandmother – Hilda – used to say to us “I'm knocking on deaths door you know” (she was in her 90's) One day I said that he can't have been in because she was still with us, but went on to say 'What colour it was?', she never mentioned it again. Bless you Hilda LOL

  137. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、




    The lyrics are very “telling” Take a listen…..

  138. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、


    This page may disappear becuse it's today's Daily Mirror. Basically it's saying that MJ's body was kept in Berry Gory's family crypt until the police were satisfied that they had covered all avenues of enquiry. They cannot bury him yet – apparently!!!!! It says that thousands of fans have flocked to the crypt because word has just leaked out about it…..I heard about it last week, just after the so called funeral.

  139. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    The coffin looks like an oversized jewellery box. It's a bit tacky…The man had more taste than this…..surely. I still think it's a transformer….Decept a coffin – transforms into Posh Spices matching luggage.LOL

  140. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    OK…I have just watched the footage of the helicopter taking the “body” to a waiting van…


    Dead bodies weigh a ton….no matter how large. they just lifted this one without much effort….were was the rigour mortice???? He should have been as stiff as a board, not flopping around Hummmmmmmmmm!!!!!

    It doesn't appear to me to be a dead body on the trolley….way too thin…It's just a shape, not like a dead person at all. Strange stuff, I am more convinced the more I read and look into it that it is a hoax. Some one commented that his new album was going to be called “Resurrection” co-incidence!!!!

  141. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    That turned out to be a lie. That Gary dude said so himself

  142. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Sorry “BelovedMJ” What turned out to be a lie. I've put so many comments on that I am not sure which one you are referring to.

    Ok, back to rigor mortis….I am now an expert in the field. Now, depending on temperatures etc Rigor Mortis can set in as early as 10 minutes post mortem, up to about 2 hours…Full Rigor is reached at about 12 hours and it can last around 72 hours, or 3 days. Quoting About.com, they say that “Rapid cooling can inhibit the onset of Rigor Mortis” If my memory serves me well, the day that MJ died it was about 33 degrees – give or take, it was HOT – Rigor would not be inhibited. After death the skeletal muscles contract and are unable to relax, hence the body becoming as stiff as a board, heavy and unable to bend. Now, it's the word BEND that is the magic one. Even if someone moved the body in the helicopter, if they were dead as long as MJ was supposed to be, it could not have been bent, if you watch the footage closely when the body is wheeled over to the van, the two men inside just lift the body from one trolley to another it looks like the body bends at the knees!!! Maybe it's just my imagination, but take a look and see if see what I saw.

  143. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    My kids watched the helicopter footage earlier and passed this comment. Considering who the body was supposed to be, and considering the whole episode was being filmed, they did not treat the body with any dignity and unceremoniously dumped it from one trolley to another inside the back of the van. Knowing that the eyes of the world would be watching you would have thought that the men involved at this point would have, at the very least, proceeded with a little more reverence.

  144. charmed6 Said,

    I wonder? Is this why they keep postponing the custody hearing for his children?

  145. Banessa Said,

    To The Divine Mrs. Jones: Your children are very observant, and you are right,(in my own words ) it does seem as if the men are just dumping and passing along a “rag doll” to each other. It even looks as “the body” when being handed down from the helicopter as if the head bumps onto the gurney?
    “It doesn't appear to me to be a dead body on the trolley….way too thin…It's just a shape, not like a dead person at all.” you are right about that! It looks as if they are carrying a stick or something. Now, I think Michael was a thin man but too be as thin as it appeared to have been there? I just don't know!

    I also have a friend who states to be able to perceive when someone's spirit has passed along and she like your friend does not feel in any way MJ's spirit to have passed??? I do think that if he is with us, he needs time to get himself together, and get well. I can only imagine all the pressures he must have had, poor soul!
    I am not trying to sound crazy or anything but I do think that both Michael and his family need our prayers!!! 神の祝福

  146. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Michael will come back to us, and face the public when he is READY! それは確かです。 But he needs time. I just hope he is at some place recocering, from all the shitty things the media did to him, and all the false alligations. My heart is with Michael. I always believed in him, and NEVER once misunderstood him. I just hope that he will get the spark back in his eyes, wivh he havent had for a very long time, and mabye he will smile again soon. I really hope so. I love him so much

  147. dikki言った、

    dear Divine Mrs Jones i totally and completly agree with you that,”If I found him, I would not tell any one where he was, I'd let him be. Knowing he was OK would be enough for me” . bcuz even after knowing what mj has been thru and if people still disclose about his whereabouts or pics then they have to be money and publicity hounding wolves.

  148. ejay5131言った、

    我々は彼に同意するかではない! を見ると、リアルをおいしそう! 特に眉毛。


    http://image.examiner.com/imag ... ..サル( 1 ) 。 jpg

    http://showhype.com/story/ok_m ... .. son_cover /

    眉毛の形を見てください。 "救急車MJ '眉毛は彼の鼻の右の橋方面へ移動している。 " MJ "は、最後は予想以上に(彼らの間に大きなギャップ)です眉毛リハーサルしている。 アーチ型の眉にも異なっている。 彼が"一緒に"私たちは怒っていたかのようにまゆをプッシュしていた眉毛鼻の近くの橋にも参加できる唯一の方法は(私は、わかりやすい名前にするのが正しいと思うことはできません。 )

  149. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    It's 8.30 in the morning here and I have to get Benjamin to school…The older offspring is sick….It is Benjamins last week at this school and the kids are giving a concert with solo performances. For weeks now (even before MJ's death) he had been practicing drumming to “Beat IT” His final performance, he said is, for MJ. Ahhhh!!! Benjamin is very sensitive and feels things really deeply. He often tells me that he does not believe for one minute that MJ is dead. My kids and I are best friends.

    Going back to the “sensitive” theme for a moment…Dave the medium often asks his “spirit guide” about MJ and the guide comes back with a poitive “NO” Not passed yet.

    On the forum of this site someone mentioned “remote viewing” which was used by the powers that be during the Cold War under the title “Stargate” It apparently worked. The government used RV because they found out that the Russians were using psychics to find locations of missiles etc. From what I have read it seems that the RV actually worked.

    I am a skeptic, but, as I have said before, I am open to all possibilities. I have lost too many family members and friends to think that there is “nothing” on the “other side” Now, the theory behind RV is that you lie comfortably some where clear you mind and wait for things to happen…You begin to see images that, at first, seem hazy, but do become clear after a while…The other thing is that you need…or so it seems…is specific geographic coordinates…that's not too hard. Pick a place you think a person will be, find the coordinates and concentrate on those….again the theory is that you can see what is happening in that place, watch the proceedings as the happen. You can see them but they cannot see you.

    The mind is a very powerful tool, we do not fully understand how it works, but if the mind is “energy” then there is no reason to suppose that it cannot be sent elsewhere.

    REad this about RV and tell me what you think!!!!Got to go to school now….We're late.


  150. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Just been talking star signs in the car on the way to school with Benjamin…Ben is an Aquarius, as is my husband. The older one, Adam is a Virgo and I am a Taurus.

    I was trying to explain the characteristics behind each sign to Ben. Aquarians have a thirst for knowledge, Taurians are slow to temper (which he said was not true in my case – hummmm!) And Virgo's were perfectionists…That sums Adam up to a tee.

    Now, Ben said if MJ is a Virgo – which he is – then wouldn't he make sure – absolutely – that his “disappearance” would be planned and timed down to the last nano second.

    Virgo's make lists, then they make lists of those lists, and so on. They like order and they like to be in control of that order. MJ will have planned and devised his escape down to the last detail.

    I think – personal opinion oly folks – that he has said “Right, enoughs enough, I'm off” Despite having numerous people around him I do not think for one minute he trusted them completely and that they only kept quiet decause of water tight contracts that they had to sign. After all, he was their BOSS. He paid their wages, the piper calls the tune so to speak.

    Over the years the British Royals have had advisers, suggesting ideas to the reigning monarchs. Ideas for their own ends – I think so. MJ had “advixers” who suggested ideas to MJ. I think that he has said to them that he is going, they can do nothing about it because of the contracts. Were the contracts binding after death, unlikely, because I think MJ thought that he would go on forever, so he wouldn't need to add that into an agreement. Why hasn't someone from the entourage come forward – post death – and spilled the beans about all that they knew…The could make oodles of cash selling the story to the media. It's because he's not dead. They are still contractually bound.


  151. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Sorry about the spelling. I am trying to wax lyrical by typing in a small space. It's like Shakespear trying to write a play while sitting in a match box LOL

  152. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I have just been washing the breakfast dishes, and while I was doing so I had a profound thought…Not again I hear you cry! 大爆笑だ

    Lets go deep and spiritual for one minute. MJ's very being, his songs and his credo were that people would learn to get along because they have a common bond. They're all human…
    I am typing away at my computer everyday, passing on ideas and snippets of information to all who subscribe to this site, I don't know you, you don't know me. That, to us, doesn't matter, we have our common bond – MJ. Whether we are black or white, abled or disabled…that hasn't entered into it, what has, is our regard for the welfare of a “fellow human” who has been through hell to bring us joy, and has had only brief glimspes himeself of that joy that he brought to others.

    Thank you MJ for introducing me to some of the nicest, kindest people on the planet.

    (Wipes a tear from her eye) I love you all.

  153. dikki言った、

    VERY TRUE Divine Mrs Jones .INDEED TRUE.

  154. dikki言った、

    now tmz is coming with another one. it says the two docs( murray and klein) arent coperating with the police deptt though earlier they were. the bodyguards and the driver of mj are saying that when mj used to come out of klein's clinic he used to be in sedated condition. he said he talked to mj about it and mj would deny about the drugged condition. i was reading another site which said that yesterday only a suicide note was found in mj's clothes after 25 days of his death.. i am really not getting whats going out there..

  155. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Now then….Another opinion of mine is about to be unveiled….I have just been talking to a lady whose daughter Mara went to junior school with my eldest son, Adam. Four years ago school had closed for the Easter break, and Mara happily played with her friends, right through to the Good Friday. On the Saturday morning her Mother went to wake her to go swimming and found that Mara had died in her sleep. As you can imagine the entire school, children, staff and parents were devastated that someone so young should have passed away. The point I am getting to is coming….The funeral took place about a week later and alot of us attended, it was heart breaking to see such a tiny coffin being attended by her Father and older Brother. I sobbed my heart out…..Mara's Mother told me today that she could not control her overwhelming feeling of inconsolable grief at the funeral and virtually had to be carried into the church. She went on to say that the empty feeling that you get when you lose a child is one that can never be filled. The void it creates is vast and bottomless.

    Michael Jacksons Mother must be made of steel…If I were her and one of my babies had died, I do not think that I could be that composed.

    When my Mother died I just about held it together, but the emptiness is still there, I do not think that I will ever truly get over her dying.

    Were the emotions displayed at the Memorial Service “controlled” or were they the true one's because they knew that MJ was still living….I think that it was the latter.

    Benjamin wanted to ask why the youngest boy “Blanket” was carrying a Michael Jackson doll? Odd, carrying an effigy of one's parent!!!!!

    He is quite right, I have watched the Memorial Service again, and there it is…white arm gauntlet, socks and all. He went on to add that he would not want a doll of me or his Dad, because – quote – “It would be toooooo creepy Mum”

  156. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I have just finished listening to the speech that MJ made in Oxford University in 2001. I think that it's the longest I have ever heard him speak at one time, and because of the audience, he was allowed to speak without interuption – a rare thing I think.

    To hear him talk passionately about the plight of “The Child” “Lost Childhood” and his own up bringing was a pleasure.

    He came across as well read, intelligent and lucid…Not at all what we are supposed to believe in the 'media' He was absolutely sure about what he was saying and didn't stumble through the speech – a daunting thing for anyone – let alone him.

    Hat's off to MJ Well Done!!!!!

    Now, listening to him speak there and then going back to the O2 Arena press conference. Can this really be the same person???? Struggling to speak – I know that the crowd were noisy and he couldn't get a word in edgewise, but – and it's a BIG BUT – what happened to the lucidity, what happened to the speech maker. What happened to MJ??????

  157. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    I think you are right. I really hope that our sweet Michael is still alive. Infact I am praying to God every night, asking him to keep Michael safe. I just hope he is listening. And i will agree with you on the part, where you are talking about Michael`s mother. I wouldent be ablt to keep myself together if i just lost my baby. NOWAY in hell i could have done that, the way she did it. It seems weird. And i wanna know aswell why Blanket had a doll of his beloved father. うーん。 Am i sounding nuts here?

  158. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Hi there MyBelovedMJ,

    I don't think you sound nuts…You, like the rest of us are entitled to your opinion, however far fetched it might sound….Sometimes the most bizarre thoughts and ideas are the ones that bear fruit.

    The idea behind this website is to dig, and dig deep into the “strange” events surrounding the supoosed death of MJ….Thank you for the website Mr/Mrs Administrator – Great Job!!!…..We, the fans, have to ask ourselves -Is MJ dead? Do we believe he's dead? The answer is an emphatic NO. No, he didn't die in LA on June 25th. NO, it was not his body being transported by helicopter. NO, there was not a body in the casket at the Memorial. Way too many NO's and not enough YES'S…We must, as a group, keep digging, spying, prying and theorising as to what happened. Who it is that are keeping the secrets of his actual whereabouts, and, if we ever discover the truth, are bound by a deep loyalty, to keep the truth safe.

    In other words, if we find him, we keep it to ourselves.

    個人的に。 I am the same age as MJ, just 4 months between our birthdays, I'm April 29th and he is Auguat 29th….I have sung and danced to the JAckon 5, the Jacksons and MJ himself. MJ's birthday was on the calander of my friends and I, once mine had elapsed they knew how long they would have to wait until his was here.

    I grew up with him, I can follow the path of my life and it's events by the songs he sung…I hear one and say “Yes, that's when Karen and I got thrown off a dance floor for being too physical while dancing, and taking over the whole space” LOL at the memory…must phone Karen and ask if she remembers!!!!

    We all share personal moments with MJ, and the thought of him not being there for the duration of OUR lives is unthinkable. It's like losing a member of your family…

    Finally….I do believe, most definately that he is still ALIVE and that he has gone into hiding. I'd run away if I couldn't go from A to B without being mobbed. I'd run away if I were being hounded about my life style and behaviour. All MJ ever wanted was the unity of man, to stop man's inhumanity to man and to be himself.

    Nuff said…..

    Keep searching, leave no stone unturned, no corner un-srutinised, no matter haw many dead ends…let's keep looking…As I said before in a previous posting…Just like the X Files…The truth is out there.

  159. divershay Said,

    Yeah I said this last week “However, I do NOT think it was really MJ at the press conference. The chin, smile, moves, etc. MJ would not get up there and talk the way this guy did. He sounded like an idiot. MJ was/is very well spoken in front of the camera. Look at any of his interviews.”
    This speech at Oxford just proves my point. He sounded educated and practiced. The guy at O2-IDIOT! If that really was MJ then I hate to say it, but I am sorry to be offensive. But I just do not feel it was. まさか!

  160. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    To The Divine missJones. ありがとうございました And iI totally agree with you, If people should ever find Michael, keep it to yourself, dont even tell your dog or your cat. Leave him alone, he deserves that. OH GOD, i keep on praying, and have faith. Im sure he is ourthere somewhere. It was a hard day for me yeasterday, as you will see if you look at the 1st page. Thank you again, for giving me my hope back of him beeing alive. I cant imangine my life without him. Who is gonna heal the world if he is gone?

  161. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、


    The latest head I that caught my eye today was that MJ could not have fathered his kids because he had been made sterile by all the beatings he had from Joe Jackson when he was a child!!!!


    It strikes me that MJ's success was to impress his Father and to gain his respect. Perhaps thats why he strived to be the best he could…He IS the best he could be!!!!!

  162. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、


    Someone elsewhere on this site pointed out that at the Memorial Service the children kept looking up at the roof of the building…Was MJ hiding up there?

    Was it a big game that he planned with them and he told them to pretend to be upset, but all he wanted to do was to play a “prank” on everyone. Were they brought into his confidence to that extent…Knowing how loyal kids can be, I can quite believe it. And knowing MJ's passion for practial jokes, I can quite believe it. Did he say to them “I am going to be watching from the roof, so you will know that I'm around and don't be afraid because it's a game”

    In the roofs of most large buildings such as theatre's and stadium's, there are gantries and walkways built in for maintenance purposes. Is it possible that they were told that he would be on one of them watching the “joke” play out, and not to worry…Is that who they were looking at?

  163. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    On last thing…I had a meeting tonight and Dave the medium was there and he had this to say on the “ambulance” picture. Dave is a medic by the way….The aspirator was NOT in his mouth…No way. It didn't even cover the top lip….He should know!!!!

  164. Renee Said,

    I'm just wondering if this were a murder trying to be covered up it would also take all this time and confusion to cover tracks if someone wanted him dead, Does anyone think this may be a murder?

  165. Renee Said,

    I'm sorry ya'll but Michael would not pull this kind of thing on all of us. I know it's hard to accept but he doesn't have it in his heart to do something like that, he's really gone..they are just trying to cover up a murder

  166. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    No, I do not think that he has been “Done in” – a victim of foul play – No, I think that he has been spirited away and the he has had the help of insiders.

    And if I had the means, time and backing to look for him, I would start in the last place you would look for him. In other words – the least obvious!!!!!

    On a lighter note, perhaps he's run away and joined the circus!!!!! Do you know what people????? That's not as silly as it first sounded….He said he liked slapstick comedy, he like Chaplin because of the pathos and the clown like way he acted….Hummmmmm!!!!!!

  167. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    When does people stop with saying “Oh he woulden`t put us through this, or his kids” Im getting pretty sic sick of hearing that. Mabye Michael for the 1st time in his life needed to be selfish, and let me just say, that was about time. He needed a break away from all the pressure, and the media. He just wanted a normal life. Im sure that It broke his heart, that he had to do it, but in my opinion, i dont think he had no other choice, I think he really needed to rest. It could have been Michael at the roof upthere in stables center, noone knows, and yes they kept looking up. And do me another favour, stop saying to us that he is dead. Where is the prove?? Do you have any prove?? NOPE! Thats the problem you dont. Im not in denail, trust me. But I have questions like everyone else about this, and when i see the body, or a final prove that he is dead, I will have a completely breakdown, but i will have to learn to live with it, someday. Im sorry, just needed to get this off my chest. Ohh and 1 last thing. There is NOWAY that the family has been able to get Michaels “body” when the otopsy havent shown cause of death, I mean, that there is noway he could have been in that casket at the memoriel. That is all im gonna say

  168. MsKadiJ Said,

    I've been reading all your comments and I am quite impressed by what I have read. I do believe that the person at the press conference was not Michael. It is my strong belief. I have watch about as much footage as possible of him speaking from youtube and videos posted around the web. That person in no way could have been Michael Jackson. He would have had to have had his entire mouth reconstructed, his voice and vocal patterns.

    To be honest I believe that person to be a female impersonator. Watch again and watch the hand gesture where the person pushes the glasses up.

    Anyway, I think he faked his death. I also think he's died, so I'm torn. But the bigger part of my heart thinks he's alive and sending messages to his fans and leaving clues to this fact. All the stories that have come out in the media are to throw people off. The stories in the beginning came too fast and then they slowed up. They are still coming, but not nearly as fast. However, the song snippet that was released the other day, I think that is a clue. In the song there is a clue. There are some saying this was a plan of Michael's in the making for many years to disappear so if it is, then why not let your fans know you are ok..I think the first clue was at the end of the memorial , I'm not sure exactly what it said but something like “know that I'm alive and ok.. ” or something like that…I agree with the person who posted.. if you see him don't tell anybody and don't acknowledge it's him. let him be. Michael likes disguises too, so it's possible, he could be standing next to you and you wouldn't even know it. Watch some of his home movies on youtube to find out more about his prankster side.

  169. MyBelovedMJ言った、


    I hope people will leave him alone if they should ever see him, and like you said, he can stand right next to us, without us even know. Im sure that the sentence: Im alive, an Im here forever. WAS a clear sign from Michael, if he had to fake his dead, Im sure that it broke his heart to to that to us, but the man is intelligent, he would leave us clues. Wich he have EVERYWHERE if you look closely. Michael`s true fans can NEVER bee fooled, he knew that. Watch the children like someone else said, why were they looking up all the time? He could have been there, trust me noone would know if he was. If you look at the memoriel once again, and listening to the song “will you be there” at the end of it, suddenly Michael was talking, you know the words he is saying. It totally freaked me out. But seriously it sounded like he was there. It didnt sound like something caught on tape. Now you can call me nuts, i really don`t care but the text was on the big screen behind the stage. And normally MIchael would said “Through my pain” But at the memoriel he said “Through my PainS” My heart stopped. I have been listening to that song everywhere, and that was the 1st time EVER that word was changed. I know its a small thing, but think about it, why suddenly change it? Another sign mabye? feel free to comment, and call me crazy, it wouldent be the 1st time. But im trying to find out what is going on. And I know for a fact, that if Michael is leaving us clues, its the smalle onces, nobody else would notice.

    Im just gonna write something ive just saw, mabye you will understand then, why i keep believing, in tha fact that he might still be alive, and wont rest until i find the truth.

    Dreams do come true, if you only wish hard enough.
    You can have anything in life, if you will sacrifice everything else for it.

  170. minimalany Said,

    there's no way he would chnge his face.no way.come on now,what could he change on his face to make him not look like MJ?i dont think so.i think he really died.any where he goes he would be recognized.

  171. Rofibbs Said,

    Hmmmmnn.. Im lovin this site. No other person's death has had so much puzzle as that of MJ's..I mean the fact that his closest of friends were not at his Memorial, no public viewin (4sum1 internationally known like MJ) no final restin place as we speak..the very “emotionless” 911 call??( no panic/ commotion, no background sounds of any1 frantically tryin to save any1's life, d all too perfect curt response..the list goes on). Jus got off a http://www.michaeljacksonsightings.com site where some1 claims to have seen him in the UAE with a middle aged woman n 2 black guys(probably bodyguards) on the 6th of July. Sum of the jacksons have bin seen in the UAE especial Janet n Jermaine..Micheal left the US with a promise neva to return so i wont be at all surprised if he's startin a new life there, n interestinly, AEG is tellin us MJ has well over 200 unreleased songs..how sure are we that he wont be the one releasin these songs in the future?? Ha ha!! this is true life ” THRILLER” n who best can pull it off so well than the master of disguise/thrills himself…Dubai here i come!!

  172. Rofibbs Said,

    My good gracious LORD!!
    if theres any1 that shuldnt be walkin around so carefree is MJ's Dad. Oh LORD, michael really went thru alot from him!!If MJ resurfaces today or in the future, dont think any1 wud prosecute him..hell no?? Wat evidence do U have? Did U see him dead? it could be anybody..did U see him buried?? How, where n wen wuz he buried??? I believe the authorities themselves are confused to sum point thats Y they havent come up with any substantial information yet. They shud get sum1 wit the “Horatio Cane” kick butt investigative attitude or sum1 with “Jack Bauer” interrogative techniques to grill sum truth outta their so called investigation.. With MJ!!..theres definitely neva a dull moment!!

  173. mm04 Said,

    Why on the 911 call didn't the person who called say it was Michael Jackson! Totally agree that the call was emotionless…shame on them! If it was genuine that is.

  174. Rofibbs Said,

    ..2thumbs up to The Divine Mrs Jones..U keep the site rockin with ur in – depth theories..thanks Admin 4givin HOPE where theres none.The time difference calls 4alarm, guess i'l have to google search wat part of the world is 9:30 hours ahead..oh wow!!

  175. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    IF he faked his death, do not tell me he is running arounf in the streats without disgueses. 大爆笑だ。 The man is intelligent, mabye he will come back or show him to us someday, but i can almost gurentee you that he will not walk the streets as himself these days anyway.

  176. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Dear MyBelovedMJ and all of you,

    Lets stay focused people.

    I know that we do not want to believe him dead, I frankly think that he is alive and kicking. I do not feel in my gut that he has died. Tears of anger and frustration, but not sorrow.

    We are all entitled to our thoughts, ideas and opinions – the main reason for us coming together on this site is that we feel, deep down in our hearts, our souls even, that he is still living. Our main objective should be to keep this in mind and scrutinise every shred of news and evidence that comes our way….analyse it and point out discrepencies and log pile it until we have enough to “There you go, he is alive and we can prove it”

    I also think that we should all promise eachother, that if, by some miracle, we come across him on our travels. We keep that information secret.

    We are a great bunch of people who have come together because of one objective – MJ – “GROUP HUG”!!!!!

    What do you say people??????

  177. MsKadiJ Said,

    To Minimalany- Go to youtube. There are videos of Michael Jacksons private home movies of him showing him sitting in a makeup artist's chair getting made over as other people (one as an older white male and one as a young black male with a full beard and mustache) and he goes out and sits in public to watch people. Because if he went out as himself, people won't be themselves. So yes Michael can change the way he looks. I just wanted to point that out.

  178. velvetsilvergirl Said,

    Not only did Michael's mother put up an excellent show of keeping it together, but she was videotaped at Target on June 26th buying sleeping bags and tents! What the hell is going on here? No one is that family has displayed an appropriate reaction to mj's 'death'. Not one. janet seemed emotional at the BET awards but shamone people! She was still AT the BET awards three days after his death. Wouldnt most of us still be hunkered down with our families and in deep mourning. And those kids at the memorial. No emotion at all. We;ve all been to funerals. Kids cry at funerals. The oldest is 14, old enough to be devastated that his dad is dead. He was the coolest of them all. Looked pretty bored to me.

  179. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Okey is this just me, or has anyone else noticed that, many pages are misseing from the web now. Many pages about “Michaels deaath” You know pages like this. They are gone, and some videos from his reherasel, are gone also.. What is happening here?? Someone in the jackson family has to know that we are on this site, talking about Michael, and then informs the rest of the family.. They have to keep remove things, to make it match their stories. Im I makeing any sence? Or am i going crazy here?

  180. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I agree about the missing information on many webpages. Stuff I read and saw a couple of weeks ago has disappeared from the net. I am trying to save as much stuff as I can to my computer and am storing it on an external hard drive.

    Still no word (from the horses mouth I mean) from his close friends. They are toooooo quiet.

    Benjamin suggested that he could be hiding on a yacht. Clever Ben!!!!!!

    He had friends in the Middle East, Princes and Sheiks etc. All of them owning what they call “SuperYachts” You can live on one of these monsters for months. He could be happily sailing the 7 seas as we speak. No one would see him because of this, he wouldn't have to hide away. He could be himself for a while, gather his thoughts and plan the next move. Ben, your idea my love has substance to it….. We are all looking at airports etc when we should have perhaps looked at ports and dock areas…..It's a hummmmmmm!!!!!! 少々お待ちください。

    Ben thinks outside the box and I do listen to him. His friends often think his is being illogical, but because of his lateral thinking he often has amazing ideas…Love you Ben. ニース一

  181. Rofibbs Said,

    MJ definitely wont be walkin around undisguised… accordin to the story he had sumtin like a veil on n had to lift it up wen he wuz comin off a boat. If MJ left the US, he definitely wont be usin the airports, so the sea is 1 sure way of gettin to anywhere he wuz goin.
    I know sum1 who left England n got to his village, i mean his village by sea n he didnt travel in a ship either..he used yachts n boats, stopped at different ports n countries untill he got to his village which is on the coast. Besides there are pics of Mj dressed traditionally like an Arab with covered veil and all. MJ has left Neverland, his family n fame b4, i dont see Y he wudnt do it again, this time 4 gud..with all the piled up dept n wat wuz mummy Katherine buyin camp beds n tents4?? who is campin where?, not MJ's kids i guess

  182. Rofibbs Said,

    MJ's disguise is no news..at the memorial, his brother Marlon told a story of MJ bein disguised as an older black man with crooked teeth n Afro hair in a record store buyin piles of CDs but i guess if U know him, U know him..no matter the disguise.

  183. Rofibbs Said,

    …n come to think of it, elvis presley's daughter wuz said to be cruizin on sea wen the news of Mj's death broke..puttin 2 n 2 together. Who knows??

  184. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I think that the boat idea is a good one.
    Lisa-Marie Presley enjoying a holiday crusing around would have headed for port and to the sevice. If we are to believe that they parted company on good terms, as he said, they have remained friends, she would have been there for sure. Odd, but some strange logic in there….Lets keep up the good work.

    The British tabloids have been busy this week…First they said that MJ could not sire kids because his father had beaten him so badly that it caused damage. NOW, they are saying that he had his sperm frozen…It just gets better and better…

  185. Brooklyn Said,

    The Divine Mrs Jones

    Yes I totally agree with you if anyone does find Michael by some miracle, the most important thing is not to tell anyone at all… Although we would all love to know he is alive, we must put Michael first at all times and protect him from those who may want to harm him… He needs to rest and get strong again before he can even think about his next move…

  186. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Okey Michale made this song a few years ago. ” A Place with no name” Im almost certain that this is THE main clue. He had purmission to make it from the one who made the song “a horse with no name” I just listen to Mjs song, he wrote the text himself. You should listen to that song. Seriously, if we can find that place with no name, we will find Michael. I have that song in my heard all the time now. If someone should come uo with an idea, of what that place could be, please say so. But lets all do him a favout. Lets not look for him or anything, let him be, it is enough for us, to know thet he is alive. This subject has also been posted in one of the Forums, and i listen to teh song. I feel like his telling us something. And the most spooky part is. It just “Jumped” out of the closet duddenly. Its not on a CD or a Singel, noone really knew about it, until some of it was released on Televesion. どう思う? Where is Michael`s place with no name?

  187. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Sorry for my bad spelling again. Im typing to fast. Hope you can read it anyway

  188. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Oh damn forgot something here. Someone in teh forum also mentioned, that when the perramedics arrived at the house, they were almost 100% sure that the BODY they took WAS NOT Michael. That can xplain, why they werent in a ruch. Okey, im sounding crazy, but im happy today havent been for a long time. You poeple in here and on teh forum, gave me hope with these informations. I think we will find the truth very soon. Sorry lol

  189. minimalany Said,

    come on,how long he would live like this-hiding and disguised?ppl know him everywhere.there's no way he would do that.i dont think so.plus who's body was for the autopsy if so?

  190. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I have just been thinking about the possible irrational behaviour of Mrs Katherine Jackson.
    Is it a Mothers way of dealing with grief?
    Is it a ruse to keep the press on their toes?
    What on earth would a woman of nearly 80 years of age want to go camping for???
    A soft warm bed and the comforts of home would be for me at that age, not camping !!!
    I have been speaking to a friend of mine, Joe, who is a sea captain and is currently working off the coast of Africa. I asked him about sea fairing yachts and he said…To get from LA to Europe the yacht would more than likely have to sail around the bottom of South America…Not a wise choice because of the reputation of Cape Horn. One of the most trecherous parts of the ocean to sail in a large vessel, let alone a crusing yacht. He went on to say that it would possibly have sailed straight out into the Pacific and to one of the many islands. Stopping off to refuel. MJ could be dropped off at a predetermined point, or they could sail straight on to South East Asia…China, Japan possibly Australia. It is not unheard of the superyachts doing journeys like this. He has often, on his travels, been in radio contact with these kind of boats and he finished by saying that they could easily make that voyage without getting into too much difficulty.

  191. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Joe has emailed me back and says that the yacht could transit the Panama Canal, but it would have to book in ADVANCE before it used the canal. If this is the case, then the “trip” has been planned in advance.


    The yacht could then sail on to the Atlantic and on to the Uk and Europe. With good whether it would take about 5 days approximately.

  192. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    One last thought. Who from the MJ entourage is missing? He could not have done this by himself. He would have to travel with the bare minimum – we can assume that other items of clothing etc would be in place at appointed destinations – a passport and a small bag perhaps. He would have to have customs checks. In the UK customs officers are bound to have a confidentiality claus in their contracts. Her Majesties Government and all that. So, if they came across him, they would not be allowed to say. As I say, it's a thought.

    Ben just pointed something out. If they are doing tests on MJ's body, why is it taking so long. If the authorities have the body, knowing who it is, you would think that they would have acted a bit quicker, giving closure to the case. Good point Ben.
    You would think that they would have pulled out all the stops and gone the extra mile with this one, wouldn't you.

  193. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Agatha Christie “vanished” without a trace in the 1920's Check this out. There could be a parallel between that and MJ – just a thought.


    I am not saying that he has lost his memory, but the break down theory is plausible.

  194. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、



    Take a look at these videos on youtube. It goes back to 2002, but the comments he made were “brave” to say the least. Taking on the establishment is not the easiest thing to do.


    Could Sony have something to do with his disappearance? Could financial threats have been made? Nearly half a billion dollars in debt, and this on top would push any man over the edge.


    Sony now stand to make a fortune with MJ's “death”, it seems that in recent years they have been struggling and the MJ resurgence will in some way make up for that.

  195. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Take me to the place without no name.


    Now, does he mean a “PLACE without no name” or does he mean that he would have no name….You can take this both ways. It says “The Place” not a place. Meaning that the location is known. “Without no name” means anonimity.


  196. Rofibbs Said,

    “Life is beautiful”, MJ said its the greatest gift of all n Oh yeah! its the best gift given to man by God…i dnt see him diein…it puzzles me that the Queen of Talk hasnt really said anything 'bout the King of Pop, not even a visit to the Family…surely; Oprah isnt that heartless.. ? ?

  197. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I wonder if he checks this site out and thinks, “Hey, THEY – ARE – GOOD!!!” Maybe we have hit more positives than negatives.

    Chin up everyone, give yourselves a big pat on the back for sticking with it.

    Excellent work one and all.

    I believe that a morale boost is needed from time to time.

    MJ liked practical jokes, leaving clues behind, such an MJ thing to do.

    By the way, the original song went – “I've been through the desert on a horse with no name” – is he hiding in a desert somewhere??????


    You have to listen to the words – closely. It's sung by a band called America.

    Odd choice of song, or maybe not.

    Keep digging people.

  198. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    To The devine MIss Jones!

    I have been listening to the song. And you are right about that the clue thing is such a Michael thing to do. Im pretty sure he is reading this site. He knows what we are talking about. His also very proud of us i think, because we look for the facts, and with our hearts, and not believeing the media. I have also been wondering, Michael`s place with no name, is that a place he has, with no name, or is it a place he can be with no name? うーん。 And one of the most importent things I have been wondering about. How did TMZ get that song? From a souce!! Yeah right, who is that souce? Noone else kneew about Michael makeing that song, It wasent recorded yet, and suddenly I jumps out of nowhere. Hmmmm 。 I would Like to know who the souce to TMZ is, i dont think they even know themselves. TMZ is a bullshit Television station, Michael could eassily give us clues through them, they would believe anything. Im just saying, everything is possible in this. But In my opinion, we are getting VERY close to know the trtuth. Like Michael would have said. ” The truth will prevail, and im about truth”

  199. MsKadiJ Said,

    So, again I am torn between what I believe. Nothing I read makes sense. All the stories in the media are confusing and baffling. They are as baffling as the man himself. No two stories are the same. I just wanted to point out a couple of things that still make me wonder about whether he is still alive. There was a tribute to Michael in our paper right after he “died” in the New York Daily News. It was about the Apollo Theater and how the Jackson 5 won Amateur night. Well the last paragraph of this article stated that a few days before he died he and his children had “strolled anonymously through the streets of Harlem for a visit.” Now, if he was rehearsing a few days before he died in LA, how could he be strolling through the streets of Harlem? When I first read it, I didn't give it much thought, until after they released the pictures and the video of those final rehearsals at the Staples Center. So someone is lying.

    I also have issue with his mother's behavior regarding contesting the adminstrator's of the will. それは理にかなっている。 Who is giving her legal advice. Why, when it states there is a “no contest” clause in this will, would you even open up this issue and possibly disenherit yourself? I'm not sure I follow. Also, is there an updated will? Are you mounting a legal issue because you are stalling? Same with custody of the children. Is this a stall tactic? I ask for two reasons. Are these stall tactics because he's not really dead, and to actually have any issues of the will and the children be decided in a court of law could bring about real legal charges? Did Michael appoint his longtime trusted friends because he knew they wouldn't really allow this to go forward?

    Another point, there is supposedly a security video from the house the morning he died. This tape has disappeared. What is on the tape? Who knew it existed? Who removed it? Also, all the people who worked there were fired. None of these people have spoken out. Janet and 8 moving vans showed up the next day to remove Michael's belongings. But they didn't remove any of the drugs that the police found 2 days later. I don't get that.

    I have another questions. Everytime you saw a video of Michael leaving his doctor's office or out in public he was covered from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet almost. Or he was in a wheelchair (mostly in tabloid pictures). But, you would see him at parties uncovered. So how do we know if the person covered up was Michael? Were we being duped? Was the person leaving the doctor's office Michael? There are pictures of Michael at parties, at a lupus fundraiser a few months ago uncovered. Wouldn't he wear his mask out in public?

    I agree about the song. I think it means something. I thought that from the beginning. I wasn't sure what it meant. I don't know all the lyrics, but that was my first thought.

  200. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Okey, i listen to the song called ” A horse with no name” We all know Michael got the purmission to use the melody from that song right? But he wrote his own words. I got a feeeling, and i got the chills when i heard it. Now im gonna say something, and then feel free to call me what you want its just a feeling. But suddenly i remembered something. Its a small thing, but anyway.

    Can Michael be in Saudi Arabia or Barahin? I mean, he lived there for a few years before he want back to teh states. The reason i though of this is because they are sining, og being in a desert, on a horse with no name.. That desert could be one of these places i just mentionned, and the “horse” can be a castle. think about it, Michael knows people there. Am i makeing any sence? I got the chills for some reason, I dunno why

  201. MsKadiJ Said,

    I was thinking about the song again and if there may be some meaning behind it, so if you all could just bear with me for a moment and put on your thinking caps, we may be on to something or at least headed in the right direction.

    I started typing into my web browser “place with no name”. Well of course Michael Jackson's name popped up as the search result for several hundred pages. I kept going through them. So I moved on to typing in Bahrain and the meaning behind the name, and cities and towns in the Middle East. Then i went back to “place with no name”. I came up with an interesting article from the Telegraph.uk ( I will post a link to the article). It made me think about the fact that Michael was in Ireland maybe a couple of years ago, maybe not so long ago with Will.i.am recording music. I went to google and checked the distance between Scotland and Ireland and it's about 9 hours I am assuming from the capital of both cities. So I am asking if this could be a clue? So I don't think the idea is that far fetched that the song itself is a clue. as far as this article states about a place with no name.
    Read the article and tell me what you think…

  202. MsKadiJ Said,

    私は残念に思って.. もう一つの事.. From watching the videos of Michael's concerts from overseas, he did tour through Dublin in Ireland back in 1997. So he would have probably seen some of this countryside I would think.

  203. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Now it is….

  204. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Ok I am going rewrite everything I just wrote and lost, but I am going to submit it in bits, so please bear with me.

    MJ's lyrics

    She said don't you worry my friend,
    I'll take care,
    Take my hand,
    I'll take you there.
    Oooh! Take me to the place without no name.
    Take me to the place without no name.
    She said don't you worry my friend,
    I'll take care,
    Take my hand,
    I'll take you there.

    Americas lyrics…
    On the first part of the journey
    I was looking at all the life
    There were plants and birds and rocks and things
    There was sand and hills and rings
    The first thing I met was a fly with a buzz
    And the sky with no clouds
    The heat was hot and the ground was dry
    But the air was full of sound

    Ive been through the desert on a horse with no name
    It felt good to be out of the rain
    In the desert you can remember your name
    cause there aint no one for to give you no pain
    La, la …

    After two days in the desert sun
    My skin began to turn red
    After three days in the desert fun
    I was looking at a river bed
    And the story it told of a river that flowed
    Made me sad to think it was dead

    You see Ive been through the desert on a horse with no name
    It felt good to be out of the rain
    In the desert you can remember your name
    cause there aint no one for to give you no pain
    La, la …

    After nine days I let the horse run free
    cause the desert had turned to sea
    There were plants and birds and rocks and things
    There was sand and hills and rings
    The ocean is a desert with its life underground
    And a perfect disguise above
    Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
    But the humans will give no love

    You see Ive been through the desert on a horse with no name
    It felt good to be out of the rain
    In the desert you can remember your name
    cause there aint no one for to give you no pain

  205. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Right, now to business.

    The desert and yacht theory work for me. Who looks twice at the crew of a boat…Everyone stares in awe at the glamorous airline pilot. Air travellers are watched, but the crew of a boat….swabbing decks, not glamorous. He could have sneaked off a boat disguised as a crewman with out anyone giving him a second glance. Grow a beard, rough looking clothes…Whose going to pay attention.

  206. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I am on a roller here.

    Now, the song. MJ's version….strange from the man who likes to tell stories with his music, sending out messages was his stock in trade. Messages about war, povety, cruelty and mans inhumanity to man. The MJ version is about 5 lines long and is repetetive. Have another listen and look at the lyrics I transcribed. WHO is the SHE who will hold his hand??? And who is the SHE who will take him THERE????

    All his songs have messages, there is no reason th think that this does not, because it repeats itself is possibly meaning, I am going to tell you and tell you until you get the message.

  207. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Yeah you are right, he is singing that. Who is that women?? 誰ですか?

  208. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    I think the women is LIzz Taylor

  209. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Hi MyBelovedMJ and everyone,

    Greetings from a wet, rainy and miserable North Wales…..I won't the whether deter me. I shall press on regardless.

    Someone on this site mentioned that Liz Taylor had her bags packed ready to go to London to see Michael in concert at the O2 Arena. She said that she had been ready 3 weeks before the concert dates….What on earth for? Does she pack that much that it takes 3 weeks to get ready. Her Twittering back and forth with the doctor about a painting, a Matisse I think….Very expensive and a much sort after artist….Get it.

  210. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Lets be hyperthetical for one moment….Here goes.

    Mj decides he wants out….This is too much for him.

    It is something he has planned in the back of his mind for the last few years…Because of having kids, he wants them to be normal…As normal as humanly possible, having a father like him.

    He trusts Liz Taylor absolutely….He tells her everything. All his plans and ideas.

    Liz Taylor gets the ball rolling, using a series of codes to MJ's doctor about a painting.

    The painting refers to MJ.

    Transportation is arranged, a yacht and finally some road vehicle….Not a plane. Too obvious.

    Mj is spirited away either the night before or the morning of the supposed heart attack….One of MJ's doctors disappears aslo.

    Doctors, as we all know, are bound by the Hypocratic oath and part of that states that they “Have to preserve life” They are also bound by patient confidentiality!!!!

    The doctor gets MJ from the house, perhaps disguised as a nurse or a staff member.

    They go in an un-assuming vehicle to the port where everything is ready. Get on board ship and wait for 48/72 hours.

    While we are concentrating on the media stories, fans flocking to Neverland, the house in LA and any other MJ related place, they will not ne at the harbour.

    The boat quietly slips away and sails down the coast, through the Panama Canal and out into the Caribbean Sea.

    It only takes a few days to get to the UK. Slipping off the boat as a crew man, he could have gone in a car to a safe location for a few days.

    Now, the next part. If he were going back to the Middle East he could have gone on one of the many private jets that the Arab Princes have dotted all over the world.

    Or, the boat has continued on to Europe or through to the Mediterranean Sea and docked in somewhere close to where he needs to be, jump in a car – again dressed like a crew member. Bingo!!!! The plan has worked.

  211. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Michael, if you can read this…..Do you know what!!!!

    You are an OK guy.

    You were pushed up the mountain, not time to admire the view. You were left on the top to fend for yourself. Now, enjoy the “stroll” down the other side. Take in the views and breath the fresh air. Enjoy the life you deserve.

    Find some inner peace.

  212. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    A policeman friend of mine once said “If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck” I said “If it's a parrot trained to quack like a duck, and act like a duck, is it a parrot or a duck”

    What I mean to say is this…If we are told something often enough, we start to believe it.


    Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce Mr Michael Jackson – The crowd pushes and shoves – they cheer – the room is full of noise. Camera flashes are going off. The “man” is trying to speak. The crowd is now part of the mass hysteria and frenzy caused by the appearance of the superstar.

    Now, remember what I said about the parrot.

    The crowd are so blinded by the ferver of the moment that they can't see the wood for the trees. They are told it's MJ when it could be Nigel, an IT expert from Nottingham who has been primed, coached and trained to replace Mj for events such as this.

    We have to stay focused and grounded. There are so many smoke screens that we have to wade through that the going is hard. But we can do it people.

  213. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I love this site!!!!!!

    I think that we have all made friends here, thanks Admin!!! You have attracted a real nice bunch of people. Well done!!!!

  214. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、




    I'm all Googled out

    Take a look at these.

  215. MsKadiJ Said,

    Hi MyBeloved and The Divine Mrs Jones-
    Remember that MJ's version that was released to the public was just the chorus of the song. So there has to be more. Someone looped it over and over. It was reported that it was a “snippet” of the song. Which to me sounds like a clue. So keep digging for the rest of the clues.

  216. paranoidozzy Said,

    Just found this on MJ's fanclub website: http://www.mjfanclub.net

    (21-7-2009) The body of Michael Jackson is temporarily interred in a basement at Forest Lawn Memorial Park and Mortuary in Los Angeles (USA). His family is reportedly still agonizing over the decision of where he will finally be laid to rest.

    A source close to the family says: “They [still] haven't decided,” but adds that the entertainer's family might be one step closer to an agreement.

    Katherine Jackson had previously objected to making Neverland Valley Ranch Michael's final resting place because “She thinks it's a place of horrible memories. She says that Michael wouldn't want to be there.” However, she has since softened her opinion, according to the source.

    “Katherine is still opposed to Michael being buried at Neverland, but would relent if it could be arranged for Michael's children to gain ownership of the property. If they could have complete ownership, Katherine would approve.”

    How this may play out continues to be seen as there is currently a majority state in the property held by private investors. The source cites that there could be possible income should Neverland become like Graceland, the Memphis home of Elvis Presley.

  217. Rofibbs Said,


  218. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Quite right about the song being only a snippet……If that is the chorus line, then we can speculate as to the rest of it.

    Now with an Ireland theme going on….Try this for size




  219. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Another test…Too many kids using up my broadband

  220. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、



  221. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、


    Now read this

  222. Rofibbs Said,

    Sum of my friends n I were talkin 'bout the stunts Mj had pulled in the past n we all laughed to our heart's content, the mere thought that he cud be sumwhere watchin these events unfold made us laugh even harder…Phew!! He takes my breath away!!

  223. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Now read this – I had to copy and paste.

    I was working with star on Africa gig says Irish surgeon

    The Irish cosmetic surgeon who counted Michael Jackson as a close friend has revealed the star planned to hold a major charity concert in Africa.

    PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 12, 2009 – Plastic surgeon to the stars Patrick Treacy, who was a friend of the pop idol for many years, paid tribute to the late star.

    And he revealed that his friend had cared deeply about the plight of others, despite his misunderstood and lonely life.

    He said: “Michael was largely misunderstood by the world.

    “He was the perfect embodiment of the rags-to-riches story, where celebrity took him from gifted musical child to global superstar.

    “Unfortunately, it also took him to another place of loneliness, continual lawsuits and being surrounded by problems like failed plastic surgery.”

    The founder of Ailesbury Clinic had only recently enlisted Jackson's help in raising aid for African orphans and the pair were planning a concert.


    He said: “We talked many times about the problems of the world, and like myself he had a close empathy with Africa and the problems of that continent.

    “In many ways there was a similarity between them, both resourceful yet impoverished, both exploited by the unsympathetic greed of the white man, both at times facing into an abyss largely beyond their making.”

    The pair had planned to hold a concert to highlight the problem and raise badly needed money for medical treatment.

    He said: “Michael promised to bring me back down to Africa and had found a large place to do a concert in Rwanda, and in doing so try to heal some of the problems of HIV and the other horrendous diseases, which ravished that beautiful land.

    “I felt his gentle words and tender smile were in some way also helping himself.

    “Michael promised me at the time that he would fly me over on his private plane to meet Nelson Mandela, whose son would have been doing the organising on the ground.

    “It could have been fantastic if it had come off.”

    Patrick first got to know the American star after he returned from years of working in war-torn areas around the world and set up his cosmetic surgery clinic in Dublin.

    He soon developed a reputation for pioneering medical techniques and soon attracted star clients, including Jackson.

    He said: “I see a lot of celebrities and I do know half of Hollywood, but as a doctor it wouldn't be right to talk about my patients.”

    This summer will see the Ailesbury Clinic going global with a rollout of 24 clinics in destinations as diverse as New York, London and Moscow.

    - Tom Prendeville
    # # #

  224. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、


    Now read this comment on a forum I found.

  225. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Do you think that a previous comment about the place with no name could be Ireland.?????

  226. Rofibbs Said,

    I remember bawlin my eyes out throughout the memorial, i cudnt even talk 'bout MJ without bein emotional 4days. im not surprised to see this Pics of Blanket with tears in his eyes, Yes he cried, but it might be becuz he misses his dad not becuz his dad is dead. More interestin is this report that Blanket thinks his Dad is on Holiday, didnt Jermaine n Latoya say that a therapist advised that the Kids should see their Father n they did see him after he wuz pronounced dead. Why wud Blanket think the same Dad is on Holiday after bein told hes dead.. maybe we shud ask Blanket..lol

  227. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Was Mj planning more surgery with the good Irish doctor? Had the doctor told him stories about Ireland and Irish folk tales?

    Why would he be in County Cork on “personal business”? House hunting eh!!!!!

    A bolt hole more like. A place where he can be himself and liaise with the doctor maybe. I suspect that the locals would close ranks and not divulge whether he had a place there or not.

    In part of the “Living with Michael Jackson” interview with Martin Bashir they were shopping in Las Vegas. Bashir commented that he had no room in Neverland for all the stuff he was buying and MJ answered that it was for his other home??????

    It's at about 5.50 minutes in.

  228. Rofibbs Said,

    I made up my mind that Mj wuz alive after seein that NAVI guy on TV at the 02 memorial in London, i wuz so shocked that i sat up immediately from the couch i wuz layin on. Men!! that guy cud pass 4 MJ anytime at anywhere.

  229. Rofibbs Said,

    Jermaine wuz caught off guard n made it more obvious by referin to MJ in the present tense in his early interviews with Larry King, Janet even pushed it further by sayin “to U Michael IS a star, to us HE IS family” at the BET awards…more interestinly is paris sayin “i jus want to say, i LOVE him so much”..shudnt she have said “i loved him so much”?? C'mon, these ppl are homeschooled.. dont tell me they dont know the application of these words.

  230. Rofibbs Said,

    ….ni dont think MJ wud leave clues or traces jus yet, i mean they have not even buried his supposed “corpse” na lot of ppl who know him have said hes more intelligent than we think he is. Who knows?? He might be on this site readin wat his Fans think 'bout.

  231. MyBelovedMJ言った、

    Mskajd. I found more clues.

    That thingy you linked Paranoidozzy, I believe its bullshit.
    How can you not know where to burry your baby?
    I still dont believe he is dead. Just funny the fanclub is writing that, they seems to be the only ones who know where Michels body is. Hes family dosent even know lol

  232. Rofibbs Said,

    Lest i 4get, ADMIN U did a great job on the site…Keep it up. 2 thumbs up!!

  233. Rofibbs Said,

    Whoeva paraded as MJ since '06 did a gud job…

  234. MsKadiJ Said,

    Hey, you guys made me remember a video on youtube of Will.i.am and Michael! Will.i.am was talking to access Hollywood or somebody and Michael was sitting right there in Ireland talking about “putting a jolt back into the music industry.” I'm at work, and can't really go find it right now, so I will have to do that later from home, but it was a really good interview. They were collaborating on something. Oh, wow! Getting good! While the drama in the US plays out about lawyers, and wills and autopsies..

  235. Mojofi言った、

    Hey guys have you seen this linke?

  236. MsKadiJ Said,

    I would lean more towards either Ireland or Scotland. There are some articles about Ireland out there from 2006 and 2007. Michael was trying to buy a home in Ireland back in 2007. Also the link from the Martin Brashir youtube video is correct that he made that statement he was buying antiques for his other home (he had already moved out of Neverland). He had a desire to purchase a castle in Ireland and always wanted to live there.
    My story link was about a place in Scotland that at certain times of the year you can name the area because it has no name, so I didn't think I was quite that far off, maybe by about 8 hours. But I did remember that he had been in Ireland with Will.i.am. 記録。 The video is on youtube about them discussing putting a “jolt back into the music industry”. Haven't seen the jolt yet.

  237. How Does It Feel Said,

    Hi Guys just you let you know Mike will be on ITV 1 on SUNDAY at 8P.M. UK Time.
    Just in case you wanted to see it. Am yet to read more here and contribute but in the main time i thought i'lllet you guys know about this TV documentary.

    ありがとう。 Love you all and Mike of'cos

  238. He.is.alive言った、

    Anyone notice how natural a death the “death” of Michael Jackson hysteria died ??? All we are getting is teaspoon bite sized pieces of “legalities” … “Filler-in” media trick …

    Joe Jackson's appearance with this “mouthpiece/frontman” on Larry King Live on CNN was a dog and pony show … although I am totally convinced that Larry King knew what he was up against in a hurry, Larry has been in the business way too long so as to not notice that he was being royally had by these 2 clowns who in all probabiliy crawled back under their respective rocks they live under …

    What comforts me is this:

    ** Michael escaped the trenches of all that burdened him and the more time that elapses since his “death” on 6/25, the more his escape cements itself as TRUE … BE SAFE Michael and enjoy life

    ** Joe Jackson is a primitive creature, substandard lying sack of s**t and will milk this “my-son-died” story until the cows come home and drop dead – BUT: ONE day he WILL find himself before the Judge of Judges where – after stearnly being told “Ok Joe, I am listening… talk” – there is NO escape and the very deamons who've controlled him all his life will be at the ready to escort him to this place: http://www.flairfordesign.com/hell.html where at best, there it NO air/conditioning ….

    What is everbody else thinking at this point ?

  239. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    There's that Ireland theme again!!!!!

    I saw the youtube video about the meeting with Will.i.am and Mj….


    Recording in Ireland, WHY Ireland!!! There are hundreds of studios in the states, why fly all that way to just hear how Will.i.am is proposing musically??????

  240. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    You can tell it's nearly 2 am, I'm typing like a twit.

    Now Ireland and the County Cork lead.

    I am doing my family tree…I have traced my ancestors through my fathers side of the family back to c1550 Bedfordshire, England. My great grandmother Sarah Ellen Lawrence, was (before she married my great grandfather Frederick), Sarah Ellen Rooney from County Cork in Ireland. I have been longing to go and visit the place to see where she came from, visit grave yards etc, and trace my Irish ancestry through her line…Do you get where I'm going with this????

    I could kill 2 birds with 1 stone and do a reccie of the place, ask questions etc. Once the locals realise I'm one of them, they may open up to me…..

  241. MsKadiJ Said,

    How true this is I do not know.. ET Online is reporting that the “drugs that killed Michael” are being traced to Las Vegas.. Dr. Murray had a practice in Vegas. Joe Jackson lives in Vegas. 偶然か?

    Anyway…this link is to ET online, and the picture on the front page is about the concert that AEG bought the rights to for the rehearsals to air sometime in October. I just wanted to point out that I think Michael looked really, reallly, really HOT in those gold pants : )

  242. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Back to my boat theory for one moment….If MJ travelled from the US by boat, he could easily slip off the thing in Ireland. Not going to the Middle East as we first thought. This idea just gets more plausible the more I think about it.

  243. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    MsKadiJ, Hi …..Hi Everyone.

    I have just read the articles that you posted about the Las Vagas connection……Joe Jacksons full of the brown stuff.

    On a recent Channel 4 documentry about MJ's final days the interviewer spoke to several people who knew MJ well and were concerned that the unscrupulous members of the MJ “camp” were manipulating MJ and had taken over his life. They also said that there were those who tried to get MJ off the pain killers….Even that MJ himself wanted off them.. One man said that MJ did NOT know he was to do more thab 10 concerts….It was the elements behind the scenes that pushed it up to 30+ and then 50. I think that this was his que to get out.

  244. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Apparently Joe Jackson doesn't even know where MJ's body is!!!!!!!!!

    “Doh!!! Where did I leave that boy”??????? 大爆笑だ


    “I've lost something. Hang on a minute,,,,,,, got my keys, got my wallet…No, there's something else. Turned the srove off, put the cat out, put the garbage out. Got my coat….Still missing something…No, it's gone, can't remember. WAIT…Now I've got it….My production company paperwork. Thank God I remembered the important stuff?”

  245. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Sorry about that…But I have to see the funny side, otherwise I'd go nuts. And we must maintain a sense of humour.

    Keep Smiling:)

  246. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    The British TV show on Sunday is an interview with Uri Geller. Geller and MJ parted company after the Living with Michael Jackson fiasco of an interview.

    Geller had suggested Bashir as the one to run with because he had interviewed Princess Diana in 1995. Bashir is jinxed…It seems that everyone he interviews who is in the public gaze dies within a few years.

    Geller and MJ were not friends in the end, and MJ did not return phone calls to Geller. I honestly think that Geller has jumped on the financial band wagon by “sharing” his memories of Mj and apparently introducing previously unseen photos etc.

    It is thought that Geller got paid for introducing Bashir to MJ…I can believe it as well. Geller, along with alot of the others is taking advantage of Jackson fever and is lining his pockets.

  247. MsKadiJ Said,

    I went back to look at the video again with Will.i.am. Even though it was a couple of years ago. It seems rather odd now, but what was the jolt they were talking about? They guy interviewing them asked Michael about remixing Thriller and at that point, he had not decided to remix it, but it has been remixed now. So what was the jolt. Will.i.am said “what better person to put a jolt or inspire or aspire the young people today than the man who started all of this than the King of Pop himself.” What were they planning? Or what is going on right now the jolt? Something I have noticed is that since June 25th, a lot of people have gone nostalgice, including myself. We have revisited something we have forgotten as far as music is concerned. I know listening to Michael's music has made me remember what a great humanitarian he is. His music makes me want to go out and save the world, to get involved. All of his music in the later years were teaching us about lending a hand to one another and taking a look at ourselves. Music that reached down deep into your soul and made you stand up and take notice of your surroundings.
    His song Cry on his invincible album has lyrics that he says “I can change the world, I can't do it by myself.” We have totally missed the point. I mean today's music is all about getting with this person and doing this to that person nothing with substance to it.
    何が起こったのか? Most songs all sound the same today. Where is the originaliity in music and artist today? Maybe that's the jolt. 私は知らない。
    Maybe The Divine Mrs Jones can kill those 2 birds with 1 stone.

  248. MsKadiJ Said,

    Joe says he doesn't know where Michael's body is? He is too busy making plans for other things to bother with Michael. Here is a story from Msnbc.com:

    Joe Jackson plans 80th birthday bash

    If Joe Jackson's spate of recent interviews feels like a publicity tour, that might be because it is one. Michael Jackson's father is ramping up for his big 80th birthday bash scheduled for Aug. 22 in the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park.

    He's throwing the party with his record label partner Marshall Thompson, who wrote on his MySpace page that the singer's father is well-known for his “popular birthday celebrations each year.”

    If it seems like a strange way to work through grief, there is this: The celebration will double as a benefit for the new cultural center Jackson plans on building in Gary, Ind.
    “I wanted to give back to the city of Gary,” Jackson said. He added that plans for the cultural center include a large hotel, restaurants, a memorabilia museum, a movie theater, a performing arts theater, and a recording studio.

    However, representatives for the office of Gary's mayor, Rudy Clay, weren't aware of the big birthday party/fundraiser plans.

    “The Jackson family is still grieving the loss of their son, like we all are,” a spokesman said. “We're always talking to the family, but there are no announcements to be made about fundraiser or the memorial.”

    When it was pointed out that apparently Jackson and Thompson were apparently OK with making announcements, the mayor's office said they'd have to look into things further.

    In the mean time, Jackson is in New York, scouting out locations for future fundraisers.

  249. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Read this page quick, before the newspaper removes it.


    In the pictures the boy looks a bit like MJ, but hey, don't his impersonators as well. In a tabloid last week it claimed that MJ could NOT father children because of the beatings he got from Joe Jackson as a child.

  250. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Refering to my last comment. And thinking a little more about it. The child looks as though he has been groomed to look like MJ.

    Maybe MJ did have a one night stand as the paper suggests…He admitted himself that he was only human and not a god. The flesh is weak and all that…However, I do not think that the father is MJ…How about you guys??????

    Perhaps he wanted children so bad that he was willing to believe that he was the boys child…

  251. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I'm talking rubbish again LOL

    The end of the last sentence in the lasy posting should end with the word father….Silly me

  252. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I'm typing with 2 left hands tonight LOL

  253. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I have just heard on the BBC news that Dr Murray's place in Las Vagas has been raided by the police looking for MJ's medical records!!!!!

    I think that the good doctor has cooked the books. He has 2 sets, one's for the real MJ and one's for the “body”


  254. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、


    This has the Ahhh!!! factor…

  255. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I have just remembered something that Ben said today. He was showing his friend the helicopter footage and made this comment to me. The body in the helicopter looks “fatter and thick” than the one one the trolley being taken to the waiting van. “Mum, does that mean that Michael Jackson stayed on the helicopter and a fake body was taken off? Have they flown him somewhere else?”

    I wandered why he would go to such lengths to achieve a get-a-way, but maybe this was the first leg of the journey.

    Remember, he's 11 and makes all sorts of obvservations regarding our detective work. Some of them very good.

  256. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    I have found the studio that MJ was in with Will.i.am in 2006


  257. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    This place is across the road from the studio…It looks beautiful…Proberbly where MJ stayed


    It is accommodation for the people using the studio. On the home page “someone” has commented that it is child friendly….Now, I wonder who that could have been.

    For those of you who may have missed the link to the Will.i.am interview in Ireland…Here it is again


  258. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    One of the UK's famous – or should I say – infamous – tabloids is running with the Son of MJ story…The headlines inplied that the 'son' was going to tell the truth about his father….

    Making money out of the old man eh! Omar…..You and thousands of others…You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  259. 神ミセスジョーンズ氏は、

    Am I talking to myself on here!!!!ROFL….

    Now, I am in the kitchen ironing…I know, but someone has to do it. The TV is on and I'm watching MJ videos from the year dot up to present day…With me so far?

    Regarding the so called son of MJ stories floating about…Somewhere I read that the 'son' has a cleft in his chin like his father……but, if you look back to videos from the late 70's and early 80's -WHERE IS MJ'S CLEFT???? He doesn't have one, they don't appear over night…My brother has one, he's 56 now and has had it since day one. MJ's has been 'manufactured' Said son of MJ cannot have inherited the thing because it's not in the genes….Get where I'm coming from people….

    Any thoughts…

    Watch the “She's out of my life” video and then have a look at “Rock with you” Then come forward 20 odd years and take a look at “In the closet” or “Who is it”….That dimple/cleft in his chin has been man made.



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