Michael Jackson kenakalan Kematian

Is the King of Pop benar-benar mati?

Dame Elizabeth Taylor, dan Michael Jackson yang sering dijelaskan di Best Friends.

Penulis dan kontributor untuk posting ini adalah anggota situs ini disebut MYSTERYLADY. Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Anda untuk berbagi wawasan dan mereka dengan semua orang.


Bukti semua ini adalah Michael Jackson TIDAK DEAD!

Ada cukup jelas Dame Elizabeth Taylor adalah meliputi atas sesuatu tentang Michael Jackson kematian.

1. Mengapa yang 77 tahun seperti Liz Taylor memiliki kericau account?

2.Why adalah Liz Thanking Michael dari dokter, Arnold Klein Matisse untuk menggambar tiga hari sebelum Mike kematian, serta meminta Dr.Klein apa yang dia telah sampai sejak ia telah kembali pada berkicau? Mengapa ia tidak hanya memanggil dia?

3.Dr.Klein dikenal untuk merawat MJ untuk vitiligo dengan krim kulit yang meringankan dia serta kembali kepada hidung. Pertama, apa yang anda ketahui dermatolog itu juga rekonstruksi operasi? Adalah Dr.Klein mencoba untuk menyamarkan dan merekonstruksi yang sama sekali baru Michael Jackson, satu kita tidak pernah mengenal?

4. Mengapa Liz kemasan per bercicit "I was packing up pakaian saya untuk pergi ke London untuk membuka ketika saya mendengar berita. Saya masih tidak dapat percaya. I don't want to believe it. "Http://twitter.com/DameElizabeth Michael saat konser pertama adalah mendorong untuk mulai pada 13 Juli, yang tiga minggu sebelum membuka!

5. Mengapa tidak hadir Liz Michael pribadi atau upacara publik, namun dapat menciak sehari setelah kematiannya? Tabloid yang ia tahu akan berikut dia update tetapi dia tidak terlalu smart about it.

Ok, sekarang adalah hal yang aneh mengapa Dame Elizabeth Taylor dan Dr Arnold Klein yang kedua merujuk kepada satu sama lain tanpa menyebutkan sebenarnya satu sama lain.

Bagi anda yang memiliki dont kericau account, satu-satunya cara Anda dapat mengetahui seseorang itu merujuk kepada anda adalah dengan memeriksa @ + nama pengguna Anda. Jadi, bagaimana mereka berhubungan dengan bolak-balik satu sama lain kecuali mereka direncanakan semuanya dari awal, agar lebih nyata!

Saya rasa yang terbaik di sini adalah sebagai jelas sebagai hari. Ladies and Gentlemen Michael Jackson is NOT DEAD! Check out these posting dari Arnold Klein!

"Apakah dikirim link ke TMZ. Ridiculous. Paparazzi kebutuhan yang tinggal jauh dari pasien. Periode "http://twitter.com/awkmd

Sekarang, mengapa Mr.Klein adalah alamat situs web TMZ pertama untuk mengkonfirmasi MJ kematian sebagai ridiculous dan tinggal jauh dari HIS Pasien di Jun 18th, 7 hari sebelum Mike kematian!

Ia mendapat weirder bahkan folks! THIS IS OUR RIGHT ANSWER HERE!

DR. Arnold Klein Saying Goodbye IS TO Farrah Fawcett THE SAME DAY MIKE melewati NAMUN TIDAK UNTUK MIKE! HE sebenarnya menunggu 4 HARI SETELAH MIKE'S KEMATIAN KE ALAMAT YANG KEHILANGAN HIS pasien MJ!

"Hari ini, dunia adalah sedikit kurang indah. Kami mengucapkan selamat kepada Farrah Fawcett lovely "," Adalah suatu kehormatan untuk diketahui Farrah Fawcett visi dan visioner, yang benar Malaikat yang akan tertinggal di seluruh dunia. 3 kisses my darling "," Saya sangat hati oleh kematian my dear teman Michael Jackson. Dia benar-benar adalah seorang yang berbakat jiwa kasih untuk semua tak ada batasnya. "

Lalu 2 hari sebelum MJ lolos, Dr.Klein bilang bahwa ia pergi bekerja pada seorang pasien, they're harta yang bagus seperti karya seni yang menarik, cara membandingkan Anda pasien ke seni bekerja, don't you think? CARA UNTUK DR.KLEIN ODD TO RETURN 2 HARI SEBELUM MJ'S DEATH! Pergi kerja ... "Saya pasien saya harta. Halus seperti karya seni, masing-masing memiliki keindahan dan karakter "

I think I know the truth sekarang!

Bagi anda yang tidak mendapatkan seluruh Matisse reasoning, ijinkan saya untuk menjelaskan.

Apakah sebuah lukisan Matisse yang harus dilakukan dengan sesuatu? Matisse adalah seorang artis yang terkenal karakteristik, sampai bakat alami mirip Michael Jackson. Berketepatan Dr Klein Matisse mengirimkan gambar ke Liz Taylor tiga hari sebelum Michael kematian, di mana saat ini adalah Dr Klein luar kota bekerja pada pasien. Dia bahkan dibandingkan kepada pasien untuk kerja seni rupa !!!!!

Strange kanan?

Dapatkan ini, Matisse meninggal 1954 dalam sebuah serangan jantung. Hal yang sama diduga telah meninggal Mike dari ketika pertama kita mendengar berita orang lewat.

C'mon ini bertepatan TOO. Ada juga agak aneh bagi sebagian besar pasien dari Dr Klein yang akan Michael Jackson dari teman-teman dekat - Jane Fonda, Elizabeth Taylor ...

Mr Klein's kericau account hanya aktif sejak 17 Juni. 8 HARI SEBELUM MICHAEL lolos. Mengapa Dr Klein yang merasa harus memiliki rekening kericau mysteriously sangat dekat kepada kematian dear pasien, terkait dengan dua Michael Jackson's dicintai teman-teman? I'll tell you why ... Dia tahu dia harus memperbarui lain pada wawancara mendatang karena dia akan dipanggil pada lampu sorot! Satu hal yang aneh anda tidak pernah melihat Dr Klein cari sedih atau putus asa atas kehilangan pasien yang paling berharga lebih dari 20 tahun di salah satu wawancara.

Ini semua sangat aneh ...

  1. ejay5131 Said,

    Admin, apa anda akan berpikir .. kita pernah melihat MJ lagi?

  2. Banessa Said,

    Thank You ... Thank You ... Thank You! Mereka yang tepat di mana saya berpikir tentang Dr Klein dari kegugupan, saat aku melihat ini. Rasanya terlalu banyak kebetulan dia mempunyai teman-teman dekat yang sama seperti Michael? Dan seluruh waktu dia dan Dame Elizabeth akan mengirim pesan ke satu sama lain adalah karena pada kenyataannya berbicara dalam kode.
    Seluruh siksaan ini semakin weirder oleh menit. Saya hanya berharap dan berdoa bahwa Michael adalah melakukan okay dan aman mendapatkan baik.
    Saya juga membaca suatu pemikiran tentang Michael dari wajahnya sebagai "a piece of art"! Maka merujuk kepada Matisse. Anda benar dan mati untuk sesuatu. Thanks untuk observasi God bless

  3. admin Said,

    Kami jelas percaya bahwa kematiannya adalah lelucon, jadi mempertimbangkan jumlah kesulitan ia pergi ke dalam rangka untuk menarik keluar, tampaknya ragu-ragu bahwa dia akan melemparkan semuanya keluar jendela, hanya untuk kembali ke dalam menyoroti kembali.
    Kami secara jujur berpikir bahwa satu-satunya waktu dia akan mulai kembali, akan dalam bentuk sightings fans dari seluruh dunia ... kebanyakan dari mereka akan dianggap sebagai 'Crazy', jadi dia tidak perlu khawatir. Dia dapat menikmati kerumitan hidup bebas & santai ... di manapun ia berada.

    MJHD Admin

  4. sirspencer Said,

    ya ini semua aneh artikel thos tetapi tidak meyakinkan saya sekarang.

  5. kristin514 Said,

    Saya hanya ingin semua ini adalah lelucon, maaf dan ke payudara Anda TMZ link teori, tetapi pergi ke TMZ situs pencarian dan Michael Jackson ... INI adalah alasan bahwa ia posted on the 18th, bukan karena dia sudah tahu apa yang akan terjadi ... http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/18/michael-jackson-jacko-dr-arnie-klein-arnold-dermatologist-vitiligo-child-jmolestation/
    I too am a huge fan of Michael, dan saya lewatkan dia mati-matian, tetapi membiarkan
    s be real ... Mari kita dengan orang FINALLY ... REST dalam PEACE! 4 ever loved, tidak pernah terlupakan, REST dalam Michael PEACE!

  6. mysterylady Said,

    Terima kasih atas postingan ini! Adapun Michael, kami tidak dalam penolakan atas kematiannya kami hanya ingin mengetahui kebenaran. And it's agak jelas bahwa ia masih hidup dan baik, yang saya harap dan percaya pray.I Dr Klein dan Liz Taylor telah menetapkan atas skenario ini karena mereka ingin melindungi MJ dari beberapa undanger datang kepadanya Mj atau benar-benar ingin menghilang dari titik terang good.In untuk setiap aktivitas, saya berharap yang terbaik untuk Michael, di manapun dia! Saya ingin Anda tahu kita benar-benar mencintai Anda dan Anda mempertimbangkan hadiah, suatu berkat dari Allah! Walaupun anda meninggalkan kami untuk sekarang ini tidak selamanya.
    Never can say good-bye ke kita manusia di cermin, semua waktu Thriller!

  7. mysterylady Said,

    kristin514 ke That's not what I meant by his TMZ teori qoute .. I said it's rather odd ia disebutkan TMZ 7 hari sebelum MJ's death.It 's hampir seperti jika ia atau some1 di sekelilingnya tipped off TMZ hari Juni 25 MJ's lulus. Itu hanya sebagian kecil dari seluruh gambar. Jika anda melihat lebih dekat anda akan paham bahwa semua ini bertepatan aneh kejadian terkini tidak ADD up! Mengapa untuk satu DR.Klein adalah meningkatkan usahanya pada 22 Mei tahun ini dan juga kericau 8days sebelum kematiannya! Coincidence? I think not! Dokter yang tahu dia akan menyoroti dalam satu bulan ke depan waktu itu, ia hanya mendapatkan tdk atas, membawa publisitas ke dalam proses bisnis.

  8. smileygirl24 Said,

    OMG ini semakin crazier ... i can't get enough semua ... saya ini dari hari 1 sampai adalah sesuatu yang baru.
    dia aliiive dan saya berharap ia bahagia maka kita pernah dicintai michael raja raja = D
    admin benar-benar saya kagumi Anda untuk melakukan hal ini situs yang besar


  9. peletus Said,


  10. peletus Said,


  11. peletus Said,

    Aku merasa aneh yang dua di antaranya adalah twittering, tidak muncul ketika mereka bergabung berkicau?

  12. sita Said,

    lagi satu / dua pertanyaan sederhana:
    dimiliki oleh siapa?

    bagaimana kita bisa yakin, bahwa twitteraccounts milik orang yang benar-benar wujud kita berbicara off?

    cukup buat akun dengan kicauan
    nama et bukti yang tidak menggunakan satu extraterresitcal off.

    dan di mana harus menjadi keyrole dari mrs taylor? mengapa penggunaan kicauan untuk berkomunikasi? tcp / ip adresses adalah traceable. sel telepon / ponsel pada saat ini sepenuhnya
    berbahaya. mengapa mereka harus berbicara dengan riddles daripada menggunakan telepon biasa?
    tidak ada investigasi sekitar mereka pada saat ini.
    ingat: tcp / ip adresses bahkan TRACEABLE SEKARANG!

  13. mysterylady Said,

    peletus ke saya menemukan bahwa sulit untuk percaya Liz Taylor tidak akan mendapat tempat duduk di depan audience.Barbara Walters dan Larry King yang duduk tepat di belakang keluarga. Dan selama ia menghadiri upacara peringatan mengapa Liz perawatan jika mereka diundang dia atas layanan lainnya? Dia Michael dari teman, bukan dari Jackson. I don't think ada banyak kebenaran yang artikel! Selain itu mengapa tidak Liz menciak dia packing 3 minggu sebelum pembukaan MJ's show? Last but not least, dia bisa mendapatkan cukup energi dan berkendara ke London menghadiri konser tapi tidak pemakaman itu?

  14. mysterylady Said,

    dinamit ke Dr.Arnold Klein 8 hari sebelum bergabung dengan Mj kematian dgn aneh dan Liz Taylor bergabung 27 Maret sebagai Inilah konser diumumkan 5 Maret.

  15. peletus Said,

    Tepat jika saya meninggal id teman saya pastikan akan ada apapun

  16. mysterylady Said,

    Saya dapat memastikan account Anda lakukan sebenarnya milik Dr Klein dan Liz Taylor sebagai berita disiarkan Liz's tweets sebagai ke mengapa ia tidak akan menghadiri pemakaman Mike juga bahwa ia tidak melihat sebagai bunuh diri di beberapa robekan akan lebih murah kami ada untuk believe.As Dr Klein ia telah meningkatkan usahanya melalui kericau dan facebook.

  17. peletus Said,

    Yah kenapa tidak menggunakan kericau dan ponsel Anda atau email untuk berbicara.

  18. peletus Said,

    Bagaimana aneh keduanya bergabung tidak lama sebelum dia meninggal, lol sangat diragukan

  19. melblue87 Said,

    Saya pertama mulai suspecting ada sesuatu yang aneh ketika saya menemukan Elizabeth belum pergi kepada publik atau swasta peringatan. Serta lainnya terkenal temannya MJ, Maculay Culkin misalnya. I mean, jika teman saya meninggal, saya pergi ke pemakaman, di mana pun atau bagaimana ya, meskipun its a sirkus, saya pergi karena ia adalah teman saya. Yeah, i dont think dia akan membuat cerdas, jika ia ingin menjadi jauh dari lampu sorot, that he's gonna tempat tinggal, jika ia datang kembali, media akan menjadi dua kali lipat lebih banyak dia, sehingga akan lebih buruk . Have a happy sisa hidup anda Michael!

  20. mysterylady Said,

    Ini jelas Liz Dr.Klein dan bekerja sama untuk menutupi MJ kematian. Liz menemukan kericau handal dan kurang lebih umum seperti dia tidak akan mencalonkan diri untuk yang ditampilkan di depan audiens, atau mungkin ia tidak mampu lagi bertindak, dia diberi umur dan kondisi kesehatan. Setiap peristiwa, ada banyak pesan bawah sadar komunikasi antara dia dan Dr Klein. Saya berkata seperti sebelumnya, hanya satu cara akan tahu some1 yang sesuai untuk Anda melalui kericau adalah dengan @ + pengguna tambahnya. Liz tidak hal seperti itu .. Jadi, bagaimana Dr tahu untuk menanggapi menciak dia jika dia tidak melihat! Let me tell you bagaimana caranya, ia berencana untuk membuat lebih nyata. Tetapi mereka tidak cukup pintar.

  21. sita Said,

    i wish semua teori akan menjadi kenyataan
    dan dapat anda ikuti dalam kenakalan dan akan
    ingin melihat michael hidup.

    kericau tidak memberi kenyamanan saya percaya
    apa yang kita ingin lihat.
    i dont sekarang yakin bahwa account tersebut tidak
    memberikan kami hak untuk membangun yang micheal hidup.

    hanya berpikir lebih dari satu aspek: mengapa harus menggunakan cara
    internet platform untuk berbicara dan berkomunikasi, bahkan
    di riddles, dengan mitra, teman-teman intim?

    would u do this? dengan mengetahui, yang mungkin sangat menipu
    di bumi akan terjadi?
    pendapat pribadi saya adalah: jika saya ingin berbicara dan berkomunikasi
    i would mereka dengan menggunakan panggilan telepon biasa.

    i would say: sabar!
    tidak dengan internet bukti palsu!
    untuk ini kami harus lebih berpikir untuk menindaklanjuti.

  22. sita Said,

    @ Mysterylady: Anda dapat memberikan ini pls? Saya ingin beberapa pemeriksaan ini ..
    Saya benar-benar ingin mengikuti u

  23. BeenTown Said,

    Hey Dynamite link baik. I have the answer, setiap orang membaca!

    Saya memiliki sebuah ide tentang kenapa itu snubbed Elizabeth. Saya mendengar bahwa dia sangat menguasai dan bahwa ia mencoba untuk mengambil peran seorang ibu untuk Michael, dan Katherine Jackson tidak seperti ini, sebenarnya ia menjadi cemburu terhadap Elizabeth.

    Michael akan sering berbelok ke Elizabeth keras selama waktu dan tidak Katherine. Anda bisa bayangkan bagaimana setiap ibu akan merasa jika ini yang terjadi?

    Saya akan merasa iri juga. Saya akan iri. Hal ini kemungkinan besar mengapa dia snubbed. Ingat Katherine memiliki semua berkata pada pemakaman dan aturan, dia adalah bos, dan jika dia tidak ingin Elizabeth duduk bersama mereka, maka apa yang dia. Saya telah melakukan hal yang sama.

    Apakah ada juga dipantau Michael pribadi rumah video on youtube anda akan melihat bahwa saat kembali yang dihiasi Elizabeth Michael rumah untuk Natal (dia tidak merayakan Natal pada waktu itu karena agamanya) dan Elisabet tahu dia pergi, namun tetap melawan dan mendapat hadiah pohon, seluruh pekerjaan.

    Michael tidak pernah merayakan Natal sampai hari itu Elizabeth overbearingly memutuskan dia akan ada Natal. Anda bisa bayangkan, seseorang yang melanggar tradisi seperti itu? Agamanya? Ini adalah apa yang ia tahu sejak kanak-kanak.

    Michael mengatakan bahwa ia berseru setelah membuka hadiah dan orang-orang yang berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan Natal karena dia merasa bersalah seolah-olah dia tidak beres.

    I think it was wrong to go kepercayaan terhadap seseorang, agama mereka. Ia harus dihormati his wishes. I too am a Virgo seperti Michael dan jika saya di posisi saya tidak akan berkata tidak kepada Elizabeth dan tema Natal (karena fakta bahwa saya lembut dan tidak ingin menyakiti perasaan dia) tapi saya akan mati dalam (sambil senyum yang di muka, seperti Michael) mengetahui bahwa saya akan menentang sesuatu yang saya percaya in

  24. charliechaplin Said,

    Hey Guys!

    Ini off topic, but I'm just wondering jika anda sudah melihat ini:




  25. peletus Said,

    Saya berharap mereka akan mempunyai sebuah peti jenazah untuk menempatkan saya di tempat yang mati hes kenyataan bahwa mereka didnt membuat saya pikir dia masih hidup dan mereka memberikan alasan yang bodoh sayin wajahnya rusak ketika mereka doin CPR wtf? maka mereka berkata ketika mereka melihat dia dia melihat damai dan melihat michael seperti seolah-olah ia sedang tidur kemudian mengapa mereka didnt marilah kita melihat dia

  26. YouRockMyWorld Said,

    Saya tidak mengerti sama posting ini, karena saya bukan dari negara dan saya tidak akrab dengan kicauan. Tapi saya juga tidak percaya dan berharap bahwa Michael masih hidup.
    Walaupun saya memang tidak pernah belive dia akan membuat cerdas, karena itu seperti complecated strategi dan sumber daya untuk membuat diri-Nya ... Saya rasa yang dilakukan dalam rangka untuk Mike akhirnya ada yang damai dan normal life - the thing that he missed so much (dia mengatakan hal yang hampir di setiap wawancara) ... 50 Dalam artisric karir yang akan datang-nya berakhir, semua yang terbaik telah dilakukan dan datang waktu untuk istirahat dan menikmati hidup, tetapi tidak ada cara untuk melakukannya di bawah tekanan media dan mata ...
    Dengan semua berharap saya tetap mencoba untuk tetap skeptis mengenai setiap bukti pada kenakalan ... Jadi di sini saya poin:

    - I don't belive dalam tubuh duduk di atas helikopter (Karena jika Mike kematian direncanakan - mereka yakin akan melakukannya dengan sempurna tanpa kesalahan)

    - I don't belive in tamasya orang setelah kematiannya (penyebab pasti ia tidak datang ke jalan-jalan, atau apakah ia - seperti yang di deguise yang tak akan pernah berpikir itu dia)

    - Saya tidak percaya ia adalah misteri manusia singer

    - Saya tidak percaya bahwa dokter telah mengambil dia ke tempat menyimpan ketika dia hilang selama 24 jam


    - The membohongi direncanakan hampir sempurna. Dia escape lama sebelum 'serangan jantung' adegan yang diputar.

    - The 911 panggilan yang aneh dan feelingless

    - The perilaku pada konferensi O2 adalah SANGAT aneh (espesially di WALK) (walaupun tangan impersonater dan gigi terlihat sangat simiral ke Mike - jadi don't know what to think)

    DAN UTAMA Clue STRANGE FOR ME IS tentunya - THE Memorial .... Ketika aku menontonnya - Saya mencoba untuk merasa dengan itu ... Tapi entah mengapa ia tidak melihat ke kanan. Kebanyakan dari semua orang yang ada LAINNYA dan TUTUP TEMAN dari Mike yang absen. Paris's bicara .... Tidak nyata (atau di leat nampaknya tidak real) .... Pangeran dari karet, kacamata hitam ...

    Admin, thank's untuk situs ini ... Dan mari kita semua berharap ...

  27. mysterylady Said,

    @ sita


    Berapa banyak lagi bukti yang anda perlukan?

  28. mysterylady Said,

    @ sita Exactly my point! Menciak mengapa ketika anda dapat telepon satu sama lain? Berketepatan Liz mengatakan dia tweets karena dia menemukan kenyamanan dalam melakukan hal tersebut dari rumah sakit. Bagaimana Liz dapat menghadiri MJ's membuka jika dia kepada rumah sakit tempat tidur?
    Selain itu, ia menyiapkan Dr.Klein kericau 8 hari sebelum Mj's daeth dan 1 bulan sebelum pada facebook. Masing-masing memiliki alasan untuk memulai situs ini kericau
    1 Liz menemukan lebih mudah untuk berkomunikasi dengan media dan mencurigakan fans yang ingin tahu mengapa dia tidak dapat menghadiri pemakaman teman terbaik dia.
    2 Ia menemukan lebih mudah karena dia ingin doesnt tergelincir di publik kinerja, karena dia tidak sehat dan tidak mengizinkan dia umur dia "bertindak" seperti itu sekali.
    3.Dr Klein menyiapkan sosial situs ini 8 hari dan 1 bulan sebelum ia paling terkenal dan dicintai pasien dari 20 tahun! Mengapa? Karena dia tahu dia akan di lampu sorot, pertanggungjawaban, dan diwawancarai setelah lulus MJ. Dia akan pergi bersama-sama untuk mengatakan ia kembali Mike hidung dan menerima lebih banyak bisnis di seluruh dunia!
    3. Publisitas dan promosi yang menghubungkan kembali ke DR Klein harus telah bagian dari pengaturan ini ke dr setuju dengan itu menjadi bagian dari cerita bohong.
    4 Liz mengirimkan tweets kosong ke bawah sadar ini Dr siapa dia gagal sebelumnya menyebutkan! Yang berhubungan antara kedua suara hampir lucu, staged.She mengatakan terima kasih untuk Matisse menggambar, ia membandingkan pasien nya ke seni rupa sebagai dia klaim dia pergi, kembali 2 hari sebelum Mj kematian!
    5.What jenis pekerjaan itu dokter melakukan pada pasien yang berkaitan dengan seni ketika ia keluar kota?
    MJ 6.Dr Klein dibuat ringan selama 20 tahun dan kembali kepada hidung! Don't you think he dia dapat membuat keseluruhan warna lain serta menyamarkan dia sempurna? Ia bisa dilakukan dengan baik selama ini berada "jauh" bekerja!
    7 Matisse menggambar Liz telah merujuk sangat baik untuk dapat menjadi The NEW Michael Jackson Dr.Klein kembali!

  29. sita Said,

    pendapat saya lagi. dan tidak
    annoy you. pls hanya mempertimbangkan fakta, bagaimana
    ANDA akan bereaksi dalam situasi yang sama?

    Michael Jackson merencanakan untuk mulai yang sangat besar
    kenakalan dari faking / fooling dunia.
    maka dia harus menggunakan teman dan mitra untuk melakukannya.
    would u say at this point: it's a very good idea
    untuk menggunakan internet platform yang teman-temannya,
    dokter dan berbicara melalui mitra berkicau di antara mereka?

    membuat absolutly no sense to me. dan untuk rakyat
    yang harus bertindak dalam plot juga.

    akan would u think of acting jadi orang bodoh
    lelucon yang paling besar di dunia plot?
    mereka yang terlibat dalam (semua) rincian; mereka berbicara di antara
    kericau mereka melalui internet yang lengkap dan publik dapat
    membaca tanda-tanda mereka?

    apa yang akan Anda dari teman-teman?
    i'll tell you: kick asses mereka ke neraka karena risiko
    Anda berencana untuk menjadi membohongi publik.

    @ mysterylady: terima kasih atas pekerjaan Anda. dan sisi lain? dokter ..?

  30. luvmj Said,

    Saya tidak yakin masih ada guys ... Anda benar-benar baik dan bagus poin investigaters lol. Saya sangat berharap ia hidup. Jauhkan kami diperbarui.

  31. peletus Said,

    @ Mysterylady u datang dengan benar-benar baik theorys yang membuat begitu banyak rasa,
    cari maju ke beberapa posting Anda

  32. mysterylady Said,

    @ BeenTown
    Dia mungkin telah merayakan Natal yang pertama di'93 tetapi dia telah diubah ke dalam agama Islam yang'07. Bahkan ada gambar Michael Jackson dan keluarganya merayakan Natal tahun dengan Carrie Fisher dan Dr Klein .. Im sure Katherine telah lama kemudian diampuni Liz. Bahkan Katherine adalah orang yang sangat mudah memberi maaf. Dia bahkan membiarkan Alejandra Jackson pertama yang diproduksi dengan dua anak anaknya menjadi sekitar Randy sehingga dia menikah dan anak Jermaine lainnya serta memiliki lebih dari dua anak-anak mereka sendiri. Bahkan Katherine adalah memperhatikan dari Alejandra dan semua anak-anak itu, termasuk siapa Donte Alejandra Randy dan diadopsi sampai hari ini!
    So I don; t membeli seluruh Liz yang telah snubbed oleh keluarga Jackson sampah!

  33. Mari Said,

    I hope he's alive! Is it true, admin?

  34. JC.LOVES.MJ Said,

    Aku ditambahkan pada kericau liz.
    Mei menanyakan bagaimana cara kita tahu bahwa ini adalah reallt mereka sebenarnya kericau?

  35. luvmj Said,

    menunggu tetapi mysterylady whos orang dalam ambulans jika dia tidak? And if it's a double dia mati? Jackson jermane dan berkata pada anak-anaknya yang Larryking melihat MJ untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal di rumah sakit ketika ia meletakkan di sana tak bernyawa di tempat tidur rumah sakit ... I hope he's hidup dan Anda bisa proove komentar saya salah lol

  36. mysterylady Said,

    @ sita Penyalahgunaan agak aneh, tetapi kemudian kembali seluruh hal ini adalah asing! Ada begitu banyak pertanyaan terjawab! Wartawan media terjadi menjadi terbesar fools ever! Mereka tampaknya untuk mempublikasikan apapun di MJ, cuaca itu kredibel atau tidak. Sebagai contoh, mereka menunjukkan MJ dari resep botol dari Dr Klein pada tmz. Setelah melihat 2 atau 3 botol Xanax saya tahu media ini telah meniup seluruh obat addiction hal jalan keluar dari proporsi! Fist off, Xanax bukan yang sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan narkoba di California, melalui dokter atau dari jalan-jalan! Xanax pil ini dan hanya 0,5 mg 1mg di partai 50 tablet tanpa refills diperbolehkan. Allah melarang mereka resep Mj anti anxiety tranquillizers atas percobaan yang dia bersalah! Mereka membawa laporan Mike 30 sampai 40 pil malam, saya menemukan yang sangat sulit untuk percaya! Setelah melihat botol, ini membuktikan teori saya akan benar!
    Like I said before Dr.Klein dibuat-Nya kericau account 8 hari sebelum Mj kematian! Anda tidak menemukan yang agak aneh dan kebetulan? Dr ini telah siap untuk memulai mendapatkan publisitas dan lalu lintas ke situs seperti semua orang di seluruh dunia yang akan bertanya-tanya ini adalah Dr MJ Klein yang dirawat selama 20 tahun? Ia digunakan sebagai kericau facebook dan promosi situs sebagai Im yakin usahanya adalah dengan booming clientelle baru sekarang!

  37. mysterylady Said,

    Ini adalah bukti Liz Taylor's kericau account melalui cnn dan tmz



  38. mysterylady Said,

    Thank u dinamit! Saya mencoba untuk menumpahkan beberapa cahaya dan make sense of it!

  39. miu Said,

    Aku diposting di forum ini, tetapi saya akan dikirim ke sini lagi seperti yang saya lakukan ingin tahu yang terbaik untuk ini.

    T. Bagaimana, pada peringatan seharusnya buka peti jenazah mereka di Hutan Lawn, 70 + orang yang dapat melihat tubuhnya jika ia adalah sebuah lelucon?

    Seperti, jika aku telah MJ saya ingin memiliki beberapa teman dekat dan keluarga untuk membantu saya selama kenakalan tetapi ada sekitar 70 orang di sana dan 'melihat' tubuhnya ... rasanya weird to me. Bagaimana jika seseorang broke keheningan mereka tentang kenakalan? Jika ada yang menipu.

    Saya mau percaya ia hidup, tetapi, saya tidak tahu, yang buka peti jenazah adalah benar-benar bugging me.

  40. bubblesthechimp Said,

    Anda dapat melihat dokter kericau halaman langsung kepada website.So sangat Nya.


  41. idontknow Said,

    Mengenai hal buka peti mati .... It's just desus, bukan bukti, setidaknya sekarang I mean.

  42. lilpleb Said,

    dengan salam untuk MJ's vitiligo, saya membaca suatu tempat yang pernah Anda melalui proses depigmentation itu tetap, maka dia tidak akan dapat kembali ke yang hitam.

  43. cathedralfolk Said,

    kasa ini semua sangat menarik. Mike was my kontemporer (generasi saya), lahir tahun selain (Agustus 1957) dan saat itu saya mendengar musik selama bertahun-tahun, saya tidak pernah diikuti hidupnya dan waktu hingga tiba-tiba mati diumumkan kepada dunia. Dan saya dunia dari Amerika Serikat di sisi lain dari dunia sebagai American expat. Tetapi meskipun demikian, Michael masih mendapatkan tagihan atas bahkan di sini. Sejak kematiannya diumumkan, dan mungkin karena dia adalah contempary dan selalu dikaitkan dengan generasi saya, saya telah dituangkan diatas jam setelah jam klip video yang wawancara dia termasuk Maret 2009 pengumuman dari "Inilah Penyalahgunaan Tour". Ia tidak sampai saya melihat video klip dari London bahwa semua menjadi sangat sus. Saya mengambil pengumuman London adalah wasnt Michael. Orang yang berjalan dengan kesombongan dan terus terang maskulin dibandingkan dengan MJ saya lihat dalam berbagai wawancara. Dalam pendapat saya paling rendah hati, saya berpikir bahwa setelah seluruh debucle dengan 2005 dan percobaan selama 12 tahun dan keterbukaan media horrible belasan dan puluhan hukum sesuai dangkal, bahwa ia akan mungkin sudah cukup dan itu rencana ini pada sehingga untuk beberapa waktu. Satu-satunya cara yang ia dapat dari sesuatu yang besar ini adalah mati dengan bantuan pada tingkat negara dan mungkin nasional govt. (Dia adalah setelah semua harta nasional, diakui oleh Herbert Walker Bush sebagai American Entertainer dari Dekade). Orang yang masuk ke dalam program perlindungan saksi federal setiap saat. Bahkan negara bagian California memiliki program perlindungan saksi, yang tidak mengharuskan alasan relocaiton dapat disebabkan dari orang ke orang yang mencari keselamatan dari potensi tindakan kriminal, dan memungkinkan untuk reloction sebagai akibat dari keadaan yang luar biasa. Saya tinjau dari kehidupan dan waktu kami dear Michael, dia paling pantas ditolong dari kehidupan baru. Sementara saya belum diikuti hidupnya dan waktu sampai baru-baru ini, saya telah menemukan-Nya ke gutwrenchingly akan sakit dan saya berdoa untuk kebahagiaan apakah yang berada di langit dari bidang hijau atau jauh di beberapa pulau di selatan Pasifik. Dia pantas untuk memiliki kehidupan dan KEBEBASAN yang membawa kita semua untuk diberikan. Michael beristirahat dalam damai dan menikmati kebebasan apakah di syurga atau bumi.

    Dan dengan cara Charlie Chaplan ... ... that was a very naughty klip video ... ... OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!

    Love peac dan kepada Anda semua - please dont pencarian terlalu keras untuk dia.

  44. luvmj Said,

    Saya hanya ingin kita memiliki bukti bahwa ia atau tidak itu di ambulans ... Cause maka kita akan mengetahui dengan pasti ... Ughh

  45. Jewell Said,

    Saya tidak akan surpised jika mereka tweets dissapearred sekarang perhatian yang telah membawa kepada mereka!

  46. sita Said,

    pelabuhan yang terbuka untuk peti mati
    bahwa setiap orang dapat melihat ada mj bohong
    would'nt akhirnya mengambil semua keraguan.
    dan akhirnya memiliki satu foto yang akan
    lucienept photoshopped timbul di foto kemudian lamanya.

    menandatangani sebuah deathpaper dengan dilakukan tes-dna
    akan membantu kami lebih lanjut, tetapi akhirnya juga dapat

    terima kasih kepada semua yang membantu saya mendapatkan anti-kericau
    teori bawah.
    it's mencurigakan, atau somethin stinks.
    tetapi akhirnya saya murni otak manusia memberitahu saya:
    seperti teman-teman, yang tahu mj sangat baik dan semua probs
    dengan masyarakat akan dikonversi menjadi musuh yang paling besar
    untuk berbicara atas kenakalan (bahkan hanya dalam riddles) pada sebuah
    internet platform.
    lagi dari saya: jika kita berada dalam situasi seperti ini
    Kami mencoba untuk membuat panggilan telepon! dimanapun Anda berada:
    Anda memiliki mobile Anda dengan Anda. dan begitu mudah untuk membuat panggilan
    jumlah teman Anda!

    maybe (maybe!)
    email pribadi, tetapi tidak pernah kericau atau
    hal ini. no way!

    plot ini tidak memberikan arti, tetapi kami hanya lain
    (disalahgunakan) akun ini untuk mengarahkan orang lain ke arah yang salah.

    no; akhirnya i doubt semakin saya overthink kericau account ..

  47. MissC Said,

    Liz Taylor adalah sekarang di rumah sakit, diduga runtuh akibat penekanan dari Michaels' mati '. Mungkin dia bukan bagian dari ini dan jika dia tidak, Michael tidak akan pernah NEVER menempatkan dia melalui ini. Jeez, setiap hari bahkan semuanya mendapat weirder.

  48. mjfan Said,

    Komentar pada Liz Taylor "sombong" Natal hal. I watched Home Film yang terlalu pribadi. And I've watched it recently. MJ telah DECONVERTED menjadi JW already.

    Yang merasa bersalah telah restan bersalah. Saya mengalami hal yang sama ketika saya deconverted dari agama. Sementara intelektual Anda tidak percaya pada sesuatu, Anda masih sering memiliki emosi menanggapi hal-hal tertentu untuk sementara.

    Ini adalah bagian dari biasa deconversion proses.

    Merayakan Natal tidak terhadap MJ dari kepercayaan pada waktu itu kerana dia tidak lagi menjadi JW saat itu. Liz Taylor tidak menjadi "sombong."

    Adapun Katherine Jackson menjadi cemburu terhadap Liz Taylor, that's just stupid. Michael mencintai ibunya, tetapi ia juga mengasihi Liz. And it's keterlaluan untuk seorang ibu ke anak laki-laki dewasa dia mengharapkan untuk tidak suka siapa saja namun dia. Jika itu terjadi, ia akan menjadi mimpi ibu mertua.

    Walaupun saya telah melihat tidak ada bukti bahwa sebenarnya MJ ibu telah cemburu terhadap Liz, sounds like me-desus.

  49. Jewell Said,

    Saya hanya ingin menambahkan
    yang telah melihat dr's kericau halaman
    dan dia mengirimkan Anderson Cooper yang bercicit ...
    "@ Andersoncooper My dear friend Bryan Lourd menyarankan agar kita menjadi teman. Aku berikut Anda. Awk "

    Sekarang ini membuat saya sebagai aneh,
    karena ketika saya menonton awal peringatan Andersoon Cooper telah berbicara dan beberapa kali dia berkata ... "ini tidak hanya tampak nyata" Saya kira dia menyatakan beberapa kali karena terkena saya sebagai aneh ...
    sekarang saya melihat dr ingin menjadi teman-Nya pada berkicau? Aneh!

  50. emo_pinkt Said,

    OMG ini brilian .. thnx misteri lady. Isnt Liz Taylor's menciak lebih dari 140 karakter yang diperbolehkan untuk berkicau? Anyways berita situs mereka semua mendapatkan info dari TMZ ... Isnt it weird?

  51. Jewell Said,

    alos beberapa info menarik tentang Bryon Lourd ...


  52. sita Said,

    untuk meringkaskan: kami tidak akan pernah melihat mj hidup kembali, walaupun ia masih hidup.

    mungkin beberapa dari kita akan melihat / bertemu peniru yang sempurna, salah seorang dua kali lipat.
    dan pertemuan ini akan menemukan suatu tempat di internet.
    akan tetapi mereka dapat kami bukti yang nyata ini adalah raja? umumnya: NO.

    if mj ist still alive he has “departed” from us.
    these days I was totally reminded of cat stevens. kapan
    he converted to be beeing islamic we all would'nd have had
    one chance again to recognise him. only if he liked too.
    and so it would be the same with michael.
    michael will have some very perfect connection for his hoax
    also in the arabian countries. and we will may see him somewhere
    but won't recognise him!!

    the conclusion is: say good bye to mj, even he is alive!!

    ask yourself: if mj is alive, he faked all and now he comes
    suddenly back somehow: would you still love mj as before?
    or would your heart say: hey, this guy fooled me; i dont trust
    him ever. i don't want to be fooled again from him. dan ini
    was probably all done because of the money??
    give yourself the answer and you will see the door remains

    if michael now is dead: what would give us the
    safety that this is the fact? what do we need?
    an open casket? we still would doubt and think: his skin
    does not look like on tv. or his nose is somehow strange.
    dan sebagainya.
    so finally we need an authority that simply would testify with
    an dna test: yes michael is dead.
    would we really believe in this case?? we are finally not
    ready for the truth!! or?
    somehow i doubt. we are at the moment in the mood to say:
    mj, his family, AEG or anyone else tried to fool us with the press conference
    misalnya. and we believe: they had nearly success with it.
    but we are now clever and broke it all.

    now we have a lot of
    probs and doubtfull reactions in the way he left, simply
    think of the moving dead body in the helicopter. very clever
    twitter signs and hints and so on, a fake background of
    his show with a mj performing 120%. we doubt, that mj was
    in a bad shape. if mj was in a good shape, why would they
    send the impersonator to the press conference? mengapa?
    mj himself loves the audience, loves to perform. why was
    he personally not there? correct: only one possibility resides:
    he was to weak, too sick.
    we can read a lot of people, of his friends
    who gave the advice to mj: keep your hands off
    all these drugs/painkillers and medicine.
    we ignore it.. the same as michael did propably.

    this is the stuff hollywood movies are made off. illuminati
    and friends. your're welcome and directly in the show, just now
    while reading this stuff!

    yes: the jackson family gives us more doubts with their life and their reaction
    and they want money. who wouldnd do this?
    yes: michael loved his children. now he had to leave them alone
    in this very cruel world. this wouldn't mj to know and to see.
    yes: AEG tried to milk the cow as long as she gives some money.
    dan banyak lagi. 10 concerts, 'no thats to less, we must do 50..'
    and so on and on..

    keypoints to get GOOD hints, where mj is:
    I. -> have a special eye on his children.
    the children we can see today, are they the same as in former days?
    where are they? who takes care of them? if mj is still alive, they
    play a keyrole because mj will also take his eye on them!!!!

    II. -> his personal friends and his (former) wives good give hints
    dont forget: names like uri geller and david blaine can be found there.
    these people are living from this business to fool the public.
    thats the job of a magician. and not more are they! magicians, who are
    able to live from this job. and believe me: they dont have
    any overnatural power. it's just an illusion, a trick they are presenting us!

    III. -> finally whereever mj is: there must be some kind of moneyflow
    to this place. this focuses much more on very personal and
    bank connections. i doubt that the public will ever get one chance
    to have one sight behind this curtain/wall.

    my personal and good hint is; and i know you dont like
    this version. i also took some days to accept it.
    I know it sounds morbid; it sounds strange:
    mj is dead, they conserved his body with the wellknown
    german plastinator gunther von hagens. one member of his team
    was seen at the press conference of the coroner.
    mj passed away!
    only if you prepare the body of a dead one with formaline and other
    stuff, you are able to conserve him for a longer time!
    medicine students know this very well. when they have to practice
    their doctors life they are often presented bodies, that are prepared
    with similiar stuff.
    hagens team had to do an unplanned visit in the usa around the 26.th of june!
    think of this!

    i would like to see michael alive as you do, believe me.
    he left toooooooooooo early;
    as michaels children would love to see him, and also his friends.
    i believe the hoax plot is too huge to come true, even for the king of pop.

    i still would love mj if he would have decided for him:
    never again i will sing and perform. that WAS it. i'll stay
    somewhere where the public also knows it. but no more singing
    no more shows and so on!
    thats ok for me and for him I believe.

    i would hate him, if he had fooled us all and come back and tell us
    all: hey u stupid people, listen to me and my music, I'm the king.
    no: this isn't what people like to see and here. i wouldnt buy any song
    and any piece of memory from him from this day on.

    so say good bye to him and come back to reality!

  53. A-curious-mind Said,

    Like everyone else here I want to belive Michael is alive and laughing his ass off at the so-called friends that are running to every interview in town.. but although you do have pretty good points and i do think also that there seems to be something fishy going on but some points on this site are a bit too far fetched…(mystery singer, body sitting up in helicopter)…that is a bit out there…lol..but in any case..keep digging…lol

  54. MJ_forever Said,

    hey guys… I found out something strange in Liz taylor words…She is speaking about Mike in present time. Selalu! Mengapa? She says constantly :i LOVE him and every time she use the present time. Isn't that strange? Check out carefully all her words on her twitter account.
    Sorry for my bad english. Have a nice day!

  55. sita Said,

    @mysterylady: how can I contact you?

  56. Samantha Said,

    I've read about you said that michael would of probably escaped, while the memorial or even before all this happend like (planned it) but would he leave his kids? Or taken them with him?
    Someone please answer.

  57. dianafan Said,

    misteri wanita - harus kita mulai menjadi kericau Detectives dan lihat apakah Liz sedang dihubungi oleh seseorang "baru"? BTW - Liz adalah pasti di rumah sakit sekarang - heartbroken I believe.

  58. VanillaCream Said,

    Dikonversi ke dia benar-benar islam? Saya pikir sebuah lelucon?

    My ex hubby adalah seorang muslim ...

    MJ adalah seorang muslim REALLY? Tidak dapat percaya bahwa ia telah dicurigai sebagai pedophile dan menjadi gay. Mereka tidak akan menerima dia sebagai salah satu dari mereka.

    MJ seorang muslim ... It scares me, I have so so so bad expieriences dengan Islam.

  59. melebihi derita Said,

    http://www.mediatakeout.com/2009/34125-mto_world_exclusive_the_final_pics_of_michael_jackson__we_have_a_photo_of_the_king_of_pop_inside_his_casket.html yall should check this out.. they say its his casket pic

  60. sita Said,

    hi there,
    i was just twittering for some test.
    to talk about twitter is senseless. they even don't use a secure http encryption. this means: acount phishing/hacking can be done very easily. we should no longer discuss why on twitter we can read strange things of dame and the dr.; twitter is senseless due to insufficient security !!

    sorry for that.

  61. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    If anyone for sure know where Michael is, it is Liz Taylor. I love her so much, for the support and love she has giving Michael all these years. I just hope that he someplace recovering and that he will be happy again soon. If someone should ever see him, I think in my opinion, leave him alone then. See him, know he is alive and well, and then let him be. That would be the best thing to do. For Michael`s sake.

  62. bexuk Said,

    Dear oh dear now we are suggesting a frail, 77 year old is covering up the conspiracy?

    Every celeb has a twitter these days its no big deal.

    I find it odd Liz Taylor didnt go the memorial, but hey she is 77 has had a brain tumor, pneumonia, numerous strokes so I

  63. bexuk Said,

    am not surpirsed she didnt want to grieve in public. Check this out:


  64. stephyy Said,

    MJ is still alive… I think MJ wil come back… mabey hi is in a coma.. en wassup with latoyo.. She is the only who is speaking.. She is now saying that the kids are with joe en kat,en that paris wright her father a letter every day. Paris also wearing tshirt of MJ..and her room is full with stuff of MJ.. But JOE&KAT dont life toghetter RIGHT???

  65. goslinger1 Said,

    The press is saying that they may the results of the autopsy as early as next week. Sehingga. . .I'm still wondering WHO they did this autopsy on? Ed Winter is the coroner in charge, I believe. Does anyone know anything about him?

    Dia akan perlu pada "lelucon" jika ada satu. Jika ingin AEG tunai pada asuransi uang, maka perlu Ed Michael negara yang meninggal overdose. So, the guy is legit? Apakah dia sudah impas oleh AEG. . . oleh Michael keluarga (untuk negara dia dibunuh) atau Michael sendiri (hanya ingin menunjukkan bahwa singer memang telah "mati.")

    Atau, mungkin Ed Winter adalah korban sendiri. Dia mendapatkan tubuh yang terlihat sedikit seperti Michael. Keluarganya berkata ia Michael. Tidak ada keterangan lebih DNA atau identitas lainnya pengujian-sehingga dia perlu melakukan mayat yang seperti biasa. Ia akan dapat bekerja pada sebuah imposter Michael? Let's be real, Michael tampilan sangat bervariasi! I'm sure Ed Winter wouldn't know the difference visual.

    Ed akan kembali temuan itu dengan bukti-bukti kuat DNA atau sesuatu untuk membuktikan kepada dunia bahwa Michael WS? Atau, mereka hanya akan merilis pernyataan kepada dunia dan pers akan memakannya sampai seperti mereka selalu melakukan!

    Berapa banyak orang (selain keluarga) yang sebenarnya dilihat tubuh?

    Saya tahu ini tampaknya sedikit kurang sehat, tetapi tanpa bukti kuat bahwa tubuh adalah Michael's-olokan hal ini dapat berjalan selama-lamanya!

    Saya perlu mengukuhkan diri untuk hasilnya. Saya ingin tahu apa yang akan dikatakan dan apa Proof akan dirilis.

  66. Bee Said,

    Re: buka peti mati; belum pernah anda untuk membuka peti jenazah kematian? Almarhum tidak pernah terlihat benar-benar 'real' atau 'seperti dirinya' sepenuhnya, dan mereka terlihat seperti ini dapat dibuat dari lilin. Peti jenazah yang terbuka dengan Michael seperti yang terbuat dari lilin atau yang lain akan menjadi mudah untuk melakukan sesuatu, imo.

  67. stephyy Said,

    Ooops AGAIN

    MJ masih hidup. mengapa latoyo adalah satu-satunya yang berbicara? Dia mengatakan bahwa sekarang adalah anak-anak dengan kakek / nenek di rumah. paris dan menulis surat setiap hari untuk father.Paris dia juga berjalan di bapak pakaian. Ruangan yang penuh dengan paris adalah MJ stuff Poster foto ect.

    Tetapi Grandma Grandpa dan tidak hidup bersama?

    jadi mengapa latoyo berkata ini?

    atau saya mungkin gila. Aku berpikir bahwa ini merupakan petunjuk.

    maaf jika saya tidak menulis corect Inggris. Saya dari Belanda

  68. He.is.alive Said,

    kericau ini semua tindakan pada bagian dari Ibu Taylor dan Dr Klein adalah WELL ditanam destracting teknik ... media berjalan dari props dan sebagainya, yang lainnya cara apung dan pemintalan yang diikuti sheeesh ... .. mendapatkan ke orang itu ..

  69. MJsongfan Said,

    Saya menemukan situs ini kemarin, dan saya membaca sebagian besar posting yang menawarkan situs ini untuk menjelaskan MJ kematian ... ini adalah kemungkinan yang sangat bagus. Saya juga pergi ke depan dan melakukan penelitian saya sendiri juga ... dan rasanya bahwa cerita memiliki tingkat kemungkinan menjadi kenyataan.

    I would, sebanyak orang lain, seperti percaya bahwa Michael Jackson adalah hidup di luar wajar keraguan kepada fans. Tapi saya datang di banyak kontroversial
    masalah selama pelaksanaan riset. Jika seseorang dapat membereskan masalah ini, silahkan merespon dan komentar.

    1) Saya melihat bahwa banyak orang yang "hal" seperti Michael Jackson pada posting tentang kematiannya, memproklamirkan bahwa "Aku hidup", tetapi sebagai orang hal MJ di situs tersebut, dengan cepat mengungkapkan bahwa mereka tidak MJ. Sebaliknya, hanya beberapa remaja bermain mengibuli kami.

    2) Banyak bukti ini disajikan di situs ini sangat terperinci dan sangat spekulatif. Gambar menyatakan sebagai palsu, mungkin telah digunakan sebagai alat untuk promosi Jackson mendatang dari London O2 konser ... dan mungkin telah photo shopped khusus untuk mempromosikan wisata, dan membuat dia terlihat baik.

    3) Saya rasa untuk konteks tentang Dame Elizabeth dan Dr Arnold Klein dari percakapan pada kegugupan, mungkin ada beberapa pesan tersembunyi, atau dapat menangkap dua temannya atas satu sama lain ... kita tidak akan tahu sebenarnya seseorang kecuali wawancara dia (dalam sangat rahasia).

    4) Bicara soal terperinci, pengguna di situs ini, closepaltoMJ telah mengakui bahwa ia masih hidup. Namun, saya mempertanyakan validitas pernyataan-Nya, semata-mata karena orang ini relatif tidak dikenal di situs ini, dan tiba-tiba memutuskan untuk mengakui bahwa MJ hidup.

    5) I know MJ memiliki kecenderungan untuk joke sekitar baik dengan media dan masyarakat umum ... yang bertanya-tanya mengapa saya bagaimana dia unreleased lagu, seperti Xscape, telah dirilis ke masyarakat umum. Saya akan menganggap bahwa mungkin cara publisitas, atau dapat Michael Jackson sendiri signaling sesuatu untuk orang-orang yang mau mendengarkan kami. Either way, hanya ada spekulasi murni pada kita kepada mereka yang percaya bahwa Michael Jackson mungkin sedang bersembunyi.

    Before I saw this site, I was convinced that Michael Jackson is dead…but as of now, I am not able to tell what is pure speculation and what is the honest truth. I would like to believe that he is alive, because he was inspiration for joining music, and actually being good at it (according to some people). I had serious depression and withdrawal symptoms when I heard the news that he was gone. Such as not eating/sleeping for a couple of days, and I wasn't able to stop singing anything besides MJ songs, even currently.

    I was able to relate to him, because I have been through many of the same experiences as well. Especially to many aspects of his life, so I never did question his actions. Based on public opinion and increasing pressure from the media, I don't blame him for faking his death, if he did…However, the confusion regarding his “death”, I don't think will ever be cleared up unless Michael himself reveals it. There are too many holes, too many unanswered questions.

    Michael, if you are reading this and are still alive, then I wish you nothing but the best for you, in the years to come. I hope that you finally get to enjoy that long deserved freedom and vacation that you wanted. No matter what, you will always be known as the King of Pop, especially to me.

    Michael, if you are truly dead, I hope that the lord is with you. And that heaven will bring much joys to you. I also hope that you are enjoying heaven, and I know that you left nothing short than a legacy to those of us, that loved you. You will always be the King of Pop.

    Best wishes, wherever you are! <3

  70. AliaX Said,

    I don't think Liz is
    mentally healthy. is decrepit. you can not rely on her if you want to set up a perfect scenario, even if she was actress.

  71. MJsongfan Said,

    Ah, sorry for the long comment.

    Just wondering if anyone has considered the possibility that Michael Jackson may have used a drug, that made him appear dead (as I believe there are such drugs now), and that could've been him in the picture…but he could have faked his “body” going into the hospital, or to the different “supposed sites” when Michael “supposedly escaped”.

    Also, I was researching and apparently he also changed his religion as well to Christian just a couple of days/weeks before he died. Does anyone think that this may be related to the “hoax” if it is true?

  72. loveandpeace Said,

    LaToya was paid to say he murdered in the interview!


    If he's still out there, he probably laughed at Corey Feldman in his Michael Jackson costume at the memorial.

  73. loveandpeace Said,

    to say he *was murdered, oops.

  74. serpentina Said,

    I just wanted to get it out…what does it seem so unbelievable that Ms Taylor was going to London several weeks before the event?? I've done this myself – go to a destination far in advance just to enjoy the sights. Strange that we can't believe this…

    I also agree with what lilpleb said…..the vitiligo process is permanent. As far as I know (and this is MJ we're talking about, he has the means to do anything) you can just inject junk into him and make him a black man again.

  75. Engel Said,

    Hello from Germany!

    Michael, if you read the test, then I congratulate you, about you from the dust you've done, what other option for a did you want? No, because you simply have your head across and has set thee 50.Konzerte aufgebrummt is that you never would have done to life and, unfortunately, unfortunately, everyone just wanted your money, even though you are also without money such a valuable human being are, your soul and your thoughts have made you so lonely and I can very well understand, but it can only the people who have felt just like you! you you never would have killed myself, because you have children and they liebst.Ich am increasingly convinced that you live and I wish you so much from the heart that you undetected Be up and you all leave, which is only your money wollten.Ich am sure that if your fans around you had, it would not happen with you, which had so much attention on you, you're not on the the crooked train arrived and also when wert thou wert become so stubborn, because you did not get medication then, did you just gebockt no problem, you do not like you have calmed down again and if not, then I would give you a kick in the ass where ))) I love you and will always do it, you're always with me, which I feel! God bless you and your children

  76. odettebennet Said,


  77. CosmoKramer420 Said,

    Police are investigating suspicious calls being made to the office of Michael Jackson's Beverly Hills dermatologist.

    Police Lt. Tony Lee says an officer responded Friday to a report from the office of Dr. Arnold Klein about harassing phone calls.

    Lee says the calls haven't been threatening but are considered suspicious in nature. He would not elaborate or say if the calls involve the Jackson situation.


    I wonder what that is all about ?

  78. MrsBenjamin Said,

    I had posted a few articles last night…about where MJ really was.. i posted on the other pages as welll….



  79. MariannaB Said,

    Concerning this famous pic of the ambulance – a paparazzi fooled the press here with 3 yr old pics claiming them to be “just before the day MJ died”.
    The pic in the ambulance shows a younger MJ or a puppet. MJ would put puppets of him in an ambulance – why not also for pics – and get in a wheelchair for the press just to laugh about the idiotic stories they produced. He was nerved by the helicopters over Neverland and the paparazzi everywhere. If I'd been in his position, I'd have done the hell to fake stories fot these respectless idiots.
    Oh and the open coffin: a wax puppet. Mengapa tidak.
    Why not open in the memorial? My thought was – somebody as a crazy fan could jump on stage and hurt the body or a desire could be born to steal the body. So my guess was always: they don't open it. The memorial was a show for media, not more.

    LT and Dr. Arnold used the internet to promote whatever they thought necessary. Twitter is not reliable at all. Twitter is a virus. It has a good use for all cases where free speach is limited or prohibited just like the internet access. Thinking of Iran – we would never have known what's going on there.

    Another thought: if cellular phones are under survey (intelligence agencies etc.) – how do you want to communicate without witness? Is any military prof out there to help us out with communication strategies in war times? How do you communicate top secrets? Either on a secret way (and have intelligence agencies on your footsteps) or completly in public where nobody expects secret messages.

    Be assured that the whole entourage of MJ is under surveillance. I just wonder whether the Twitter accounts will continue to send out messages. My guess: no, they won't, they have done their job.

    Michael, time to turn to newspaper ads
    Have a lot of peace with you.
    My birthday is one day prior to yours, I know what doing things right means. Hope it turns out the way you want it to.

  80. Copenhagen Said,

    Sita: Corresponding in codes on Twitter is much more safe than using e-mail or phones. If it comes to a serious investigation you can trace all calls and mails – investigators easily get acess to phone nr. and mail adresses when they investigate criminal matters. Klein and Taylor did the most safe thing by corresponding on Twitter. Look we are all doubting what the code language means and we can't proof anything.

    There is something I don't get – was Taylor at the hospital when Mike died or was she at home packing for his concert ?

  81. MariannaB Said,

    Just to notice: there are data being erased from internet concerning fake: Yahoo deleted a question and comments on a fake death, it is available only on google cache of July 13:

  82. alive Said,

    OMG! what if liz was thanking klein for the matisse drawing he sent her meaning MJ. Maybe MJ is with her and klein was away fixing MJ's face like fine artwork and then MJ goes to liz and liz is sending code to klein that MJ is with her by thanking him for his artwork he sent her. Get it. what do you think? i think this is too much for it to be a coincidence.

  83. alive Said,

    i forgor to mention that klein also said on larry king that he was rebuilding his face for this past year and maybe he totally changed the way he looks and the beginning of his face starting to change could have been at the 02 press conference which is why everyone was shocked at how he looked and couldn't believe that it was him and he had 3 more months to change him even more. i thought he was a dermatologist why was he rebuilding his face? is he also a plastic surgeon?

  84. alive Said,

    did you say klein opened his twitter account 8 days before mj's death? that's the 17th right? well mj also rehired his lawyer/friend who is the executor in his will on the 17th after firing him back in 2003. now he just happened to be lucky and rehired him eight days before he dies so he can carry out his wishes in his will without being contested that he had been fired back in 2003. i don't think so. something is going on here people. you can't i'll say it again, you can't have this many coincidences happening in such a short period of time all surrounding your death. no way!

  85. wndrwmn67 Said,

    Don't forget…tonight ABC is airing a special with Katherine and Michael Jackson and they are allowing the reporter into the Jackson Family Compound. I am so anxious to watch it and see what, if any mistakes the family makes.

  86. dirtydiana Said,

    great research Mysterylady. also Bubblesthechimp confirming the Dr.'s twitter link through his webpage. I don't know why they would take such a risk by twittering throw ufor the public and media to see but obviously they put a imposter in place of MJ at o2 and no one has picked up on it. or should I say chose to pick up on it. either they think the media and public and real dumb or they are trying to

  87. wndrwmn67 Said,

    Oops! In regards to my prior comment, that would be Katherine and JOE Jackson, not Michael. Sorry for any confusion.

  88. Subliminal Said,

    The reason why his Dr wasn't sad, was probably because Doctors have to deal with death everyday.

  89. Sweedishgirl Said,


    This link which show a youtube clip from the last piece of GHOST video. At the end of the clip can you see how MJ is maked-up to completely diffrent people.
    What is intresting is how well you can get a man to see completely difftrent with the help of makeup! What I mean is that MJ could in principle look like anyone… But there will always be be one of his facial features of the person he is disguised as.I thought it would be an interesting clip to watch. If the link does not work you can always search on youtube. “Michael Ghost Video” or similar.

  90. luvmj Said,

    Also I don't believe the family didn't want Elizabeth there because on her Twitter page she wrote “I've been asked to speak at the Staples Center. I cannot be part of the public whoopla.”

  91. Mijac Said,


    Presents make everybody happy. My friend Arnie Klein gave me a Matisse today! Gembira.
    5:10 PM Mar 27th from web



  92. Mijac Said,

    Check this out and look at the date:

    Dearest Elizabeth, You make the sun shine, the clouds move and the world spin. So many people love you and so do I. Love Always,______
    7:06 PM Jun 19th from web

    Somebody I care for very much sent the following note to me with flowers and I wanted to share it with you.
    7:04 PM Jun 19th from web

  93. Mijac Said,


    Spoke with Frank Gehry about rebuilding the beach house and hoping my darling Elizabeth is enjoying her Matisse.
    7:40 PM Jun 17th from web

    Research, research, research.
    7:05 PM Jun 17th from web

  94. Mijac Said,

    What is the obssesion with the “MATISSE”???


    or is Mj the “matisse”

  95. Mijac Said,

    He gave HER the MATISSE ON MARCH 27, THEN HE EXPECTS MORE THAN TWO MONTHS TO CREATE his Twitter account, and the first thing he does is to wonder if Dame Elizabeth is enjoying the mentioned MATISSE…THIS IS REALLY ODD.

    sorry about my english everyone.

  96. LadyV Said,

    You guys have come up with some really good points throughout this site but this post doesn't convince me. I am 50/50 to wether MJ's death is real or not. Like someone said, it isn't strange that someone like Liz Taylor has a Twitter.

  97. pammy Said,

    @luvmj:wait but whos the person in the ambulance if its not him?

    I dunno if u saw this one here posted a few days ago…

    what about this theory? I didnt read anything new after it was posted. Does anyone believe this could be true???

  98. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    This Site Is Brilliant And From The Time I Got A Text Message On My Phone Stating Michael Jackson Was Dead, I Had Doubts.

  99. wozniack Said,

    On the casket, read some of the comments here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QofHF2Z37lI

    One person stated, “This is BS people come on…first of all Mike's casket was gold so it would show up much lighter than that on a picture and the lining was royal blue, second, this shit is in black and white, who takes pictures in black and white and take a good look yall, he's at the damn foot of the casket! Who puts a body in a casket backwards. THIS IS TOTAL BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!”

  100. Arual1979 Said,

    The photo of MJ in the casket is photoshopped. Someone photoshopped MJ's head on James Brown's body when James Brown was in the casket? Bagaimana saya tahu ini? Simple… MJ has on the same clothing as James Brown. Compare the pictures.



  101. dynamite Said,

    That picture is fake and yah why the hell is it in black and white and why is he at the foot of the coffin wtf?

  102. svangel Said,

    ppl the key player isnt who Dame.. its Diana… come on…MJ died and she wasnt in his funeral… she gets costudy if MJ's mom cant take care of the kids… oh plz im sure some BS is gonna happen where she gets the kids… and well mj will be reunited with his kids…

  103. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    hi people!!! omg i totally believe that michael is still alive although sum of the stuff said is just over the top… i still believe he is alive…. my msn is “pink__shopaholic@hotmail.com” if u wanna catch me up or sumfin…. this mj hoax thingy gets better by the day doesn't it??? and honestly he can't be gone..i love you michael.. with all my heart!!!

  104. wozniack Said,

    The reason it's in black and white is to cover up James Brown's blue jacket. What bother me is the content on the site,

    “July 14, 2009. The below photo was sent to MediaTakeOut.com by a person close to the family. Apparently there are a number of INTERNET RUMORS going around that Michael may be alive. The insider wished to end all speculation ONCE AND FOR ALL by releasing the photo.”

    A person close to the family sent that, huh? And yeah, most people know about the internet rumours, lol. After seeing photo I got chills, but then I started to realize something was up…

  105. mysterylady Said,

    Well ladies and gentlemen,for those of you who don't believe Michael is in fact alive,I believe the twitter conversations conducted between Liz and Dr Klein are concrete evidence. This isn't here say or a conspiracy theory,it's the quite obvious !

  106. monij Said,

    Good point Miu #39, I want an answer to that question too!!!

  107. serpentina Said,


    If you aren't familiar with Matisse's work…. http://nga.gov.au/exhibitions/Matisse/images/Romainebig.jpg This was drawn in 1938. Looks FAMILIAR right???

  108. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    I Checked Out The Dr.s Twitter And He Has Also Been Sending Messages To Ashton Kutcher About Helping With A Memorial, Which Ashton Kutcher Is A Prankster, Plus He Has Sent Messages To Justin Timberlake Stating The Same Exact Message, And Im Pretty Sure He Has Sent Them To Others As Well. Justin Timberlake Was A Huge Fan Of Michael Jackson And They Performed Onstage Together.

    Either The Media Are Clueless Like Michael Jackson Told Us, Not To Believe A Word They Say, Or The Media Is Too Busy To See The Subliminal Messages, Or They Really Dont Have Any Intelligence, I Know For A Fact They Arent In On The Hoax Because Michael Jackson Hated The Media. I Think This Hoax Was Meant For The Big Comeback Tour And To Prove That The Media Are Stupid And We Should Educate Ourselves, Instead Of Listening To Them, Plus He Wanted Those Kids To Tell The Truth, Which Has Happened.

  109. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Plus Liz Taylor And Dr Klein Could Simply Be Helping Send Out Subliminal Messages, Because We All Know Michael Jackson Believed In Subliminal Messages And Illusions. And They Know That The Media Will Be Watching Their Every Move And Probably Know The Media Are Incoherent To The Truth. They COuld Be Simply Throwing Off The Media And Everyone Else, Which Michael Is Setting Up His Next Moves, Have You All Thought, Maybe Michael Is Making All This Happen, Maybe Liz And Dr. Klein Let Michael Use Their Twitter And Jumble The Stories Up A Little More. And Maybe Michael Told His Family In The Beginning To Keep A Straight Story And Somehow They Screwed It Up, To Either Cover Their Tracks Or Confuse People More. There Is So Much Media Tracking These Stories And They Are Writing Everything They Hear Down. Wouldnt Be Awesome To Make The Individuals That Hurt You So Much, Look Like Fools? Maybe He Is Also Seeing What Might Happen If He Really Did Die. Plus He Wouldn't Leave His Children In The Hands Of His Father Whom He Said Beat Him As A Child. Plus I Read In This Commerative Magazine About Michael Jackson, That His Children Are In The Studio And Has Been In The Studio Making Music. Some People Just Cant Tell A Lie Or Keep The Truth Hidden For Long. Please Remember This Site Is Simply To Help Educate Eachother On Evidence We Find For Ourselves And To Think Positively Without Media Coverage, So Dont Attack Eachothers Opinions.

  110. monij Said,

    To Vanillacream: this site is dedicated to Michael Jackson. We should not use it to voice our hatered to certain people!!!! And to answer your question, I am sorry to tell you that MJ converted to Islam last year and changed his name to Mikaeel. I would like to apologize to all Moslems on this forum for Vanillacream's comment.

  111. demonhybrid13 Said,

    Admin I read what u wrote to another person on here that michael jackson wont throw it all out the window just to show himself again. well what if he were to find out about the Jackson 3? Or about the fact that his father is making his children become famous? It is his worst nightmare.

  112. VanillaCream Said,

    as I wrote: ->myI<- have bad experiences with moslems. It´s MY oppinion and my lessons I´ve learned, so where´s your prob?

  113. sita Said,

    sorry @folks, i also wished the truth is the hoax, but


    if michael is alive would he ever hurt his children with watching him, beeing DEAD!?!??!?!

    NO, no, no.
    look with your heart. Michaels childhood was terrible for him. and he would never hurt his children!!!!

    so all cool down. michael passed away from us!
    Before you judge me, try hard to love me,
    Lihatlah dalam hati Anda kemudian bertanya,
    Have you seen my Childhood?

    People say I'm strange that way
    'Cause I love dasar hal-hal seperti itu,
    It's been nasib saya untuk memberikan kompensasi,
    for the Childhood I've never known…

    Have you seen my Childhood?
    Saya ingin mencari yang di pemuda
    Seperti fantastis untuk berbagi cerita
    The dreams I would dare, watch me fly…

  114. ilovemichaeljackson Said,

    she wasn't put into the hospital for MJ's death. :


  115. westin Said,

    Dr. Arnold Klein gifted Matisse to dame Elizabeth on 27 th of march. I've read it in here – the first mess http://twitter.com/dameelizabeth

  116. mysterylady Said,


    One thing is for sure,I believe if Michael Jackson wanted to disappear and pull off the biggest hoax in history,,it can be done and is more than possible !
    Michael loved his kids but in the last decade or so he really wasn't living. He appeared unhappy and very withdrawn from society,even more than normal. His appearance and personality changed drastically. He didn't look or act like the Michael we knew for more than four decades. One thing I found quite odd after following the abc interview last night with Joe Jackson was the fact Joe was not showing any remorse or sorrow for the loss of his son. He was cracking jokes,saying MJ was too naive and surrounded himself with people who were not looking out for Mj's best interest.Even though he said he believed it was foul play,he didn't sound convincing whatsoever! When the reporter asked how he felt about losing his son,Joe replied that it was a sad loss because of all the work he put into Michael. Joe seemed more concerned with trying to convince the world he was a good father as well as not being the horrible person everyone thought. We can speculate as well as come up with more theories of MJ being alive but the truth of the matter is the Michael Jackson we've known and loved for 45 years is gone,weather he has escaped or is up in heaven looking down at us right now,we will never have the opportunity of seeing and knowing him once agian,as the MJ we once remembered.

  117. MariannaB Said,

    The office of Gunter von Hagens confirmed to have had aninformation request from MJ. They confirmed that they gave respective informations out. They confirmed that MJ is NOT listed on their list of donators. I would never think of MJ seriously getting on their list as an autopsy destroys too much of the body.
    And as MJ is such an important person, an autopsy is 100% sure for him.
    In addition, the donators of bodies always remain anonymous. This would contradict MJ's experience of fame and applause.

  118. iheartmj Said,

    dame elizabeth taylor was also supposed to accompany michael at his london concerts.
    this explains why she was not able to attend the memorial.
    so whereever michael is elizabeth is with him.
    or am i the only one who has thought of this?

  119. kristin514 Said,

    to mysterylady… Thank you 4 clarifying. I am in such a weird place like millions of other people. I WANT to believe he is alive and happy, and you r absolutely right that it is definitely plausible and possible that he is, on the same note, people die EVERYDAY all the time completely unexpectedly and sometimes for etiology unknown… I'm sitting right on top of the fence with this because all of your research is excellent and you're so right that most of this doesn't “ADD UP” but again, what if you ARE absolutely correct, and he did have this “plan” to disappear, but did legitimately “die” before he could carry it out… I sincerely appreciate all of your research, because again, I would LOVE 4 him to be alive and happy, and if he is, I hope no one ever does know for sure, because he deserves some kind of “Peace” in his life. Then again, my mind goes back to the fact, that people DIE… Yes he was young, my dad is alive and well at 58, but it happens, and I'm just so damn torn because I would love to know the truth, but is that REALLY what we would want for Michael? If he wanted to disappear so he COULD be “happy” and we really do love him, shouldn't we leave well enough alone and accept it as the way he wanted it. If he is alive and we somehow do find out, then that screws up his whole game plan, and he goes right back to the absolutely unfair circus that the latter part of his “life” became. IDK MAN, I'm so damn confused, both theories are plausible, death AND disappearance, I'm just really questioning the moral issues of delving too deep into this and not just letting him REST whether he is here or in heaven… Toss me your thoughts on that and point me in the right direction here… Thanks!!!

  120. kristin514 Said,

    BTW, one other thing that's been “bugging” me about this whole body sitting up thing… Look when they pull the stretcher out of the helicopter, WHATEVER is on it, body, dummy, blankets underneath, whatever, the way it is positioned assuming it is a “body” it comes out FEET FIRST… So how in the world does it “sit up” if when they pull it out, it was clearly the foot end we were looking at anyways… What do you think?

  121. kristin514 Said,

    I answered my own question on that one… I was paying so much attention to the “moving” that it took a few more times of watching to see that DUH they turned the body around on the way out of the helicopter… So that was the head end we were looking at, but here goes one more shot at trying to make sense of this in my own mind… There is someone in the helicopter with the “body” what's to say someone else wasn't moving the “body”?

  122. kristin514 Said,

    Hey mysterylady, how creepy is this, and what in the world do you make of it??? http://www.theonion.com/content/news/neverland_ranch_investigators

  123. kristin514 Said,

    I swear this whole thing is more of a circus act than the last few years have been for him… The nice “WHITE” glove still white after supposedly being burried for 20 years, then they use the creepiest pic of Michael to call the “creature” OMG get a grip…

  124. Mijac Said,

    Go there and watch that picture of Michael, and then compare with the “Michael”of the press conference, they are 2 diferent people!!!


  125. Mijac Said,

    Plus, he didn't take his children's with him, because he is “dead”, so he can't take them with him don't you think?? it's most credible leave them with his mother at least for awhile

  126. Goldie Said,

    Omg i am so confused …..

  127. Samantha Said,

    this is driving me INSANE.
    i don't know what to do or think
    ah! i just want you michael <3

  128. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    hey crazyinsanebarbie…. i also went to justin timberlake's twitter account and read the comments, ok first off, since he is such a huge fan of mj, i noticed that he only slightly mentions michael and he seems more sad or wateva over farrah's death rather than michael's. He says “RIP Farrah” but i haven's seen RIP Michael or something like that (weird huh?? i think there is more to this than we think). I mean honestly, if I was in place of jt i would be really really depressed and stuff… u know??

    Can someone get back to me on this??

    Here is a link to justin's twitter account: http://twitter.com/JTimberlake

  129. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    ohh WAIT!! Justin Timberlake doesn't even mention michael once i think…. i went back to his page and actually i don't see anything to do with mj??? help someone… is it just me or is something really going on???

  130. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    What a piece of bullshit, that picture is. The real Michael, is the Michael we all know. This has got to stop. What the hell are people doing. And thet officer with the scelet of someone with a while glove, could easilly have been put in that picture, just to fuck up Michael`s life like they always have done. MY GOD, never in my intire life have i seen so much bullshit about 1 person. They need to start show him some respect. I think they Media, press and TMZ owe it to him. The Michael we know is “Dead” yeah offcause i believe that, nothing has proved that he is.

  131. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Sorry for swearing. But im getting pretty upset, when i see that the media is still trasching his name, in evryway. Even after he is “Dead”

  132. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    omg has anyone seen this footage of michael's pepsi commercial?? it made me burst into tears again…. awww why did it have to be michael… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAJLq4hHUjQ

  133. mysterylady Said,


    I was just looking at Liz Taylor's twitter and guess what ? She is no longer following Dr.Arnold Klein from her twitter and all her tweets referring to this Dr are mysteriously gone ! If she had nothing to hide ,why erase them,what is going on ??? Something very,very fishy is going on here !! Even if she saw our blog ,did that make her feel as if her tweets could really be evidence of Michael really being ALIVE ???


  134. emmie Said,

    hmmm tht is true because i last looked at her profile bout 3days ago and i was reading the comment liz was sending to klein and now they have all gone so she must have done that recently. and she took him of her friends… wonder why

  135. berkeleygal Said,

    Liz's very first post is still there…quote “Presents make everybody happy. My friend Arnie Klein gave me a Matisse today! Gembira.
    2:10 PM Mar 27th from web” the rest are indeed gone. anyone check arnies site? for liz msgs?

  136. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    omg omg is it possible to get a psychic or something involved? i used to watch this show on tv and i dunno, they were pretty spot on with most of the information…. ?

  137. emmie Said,

    hi i was just looking on liz taylors twitter

    ”I'm home from the hospital sore, but intact. Of course I'm still grieving for Michael…I always will.

  138. emmie Said,

    hi i was just looking on liz taylors twitter

    ”I'm home from the hospital sore, but intact. Of course I'm still grieving for Michael…I always will But as I said before I went into the hospital, “I am a survivor,
    I've had many tragedies in my life, but I guess they have all taught me something. I have to look at it that way.I have to be stronger and more appreciative of what I do have.
    she sure dont seem all that sad about his death, considering how close they were.

  139. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Something is not right in this. She is not griving, Trust me. She knows Michael is alive.

  140. ishealive Said,

    I think the meda need to back off, why show the Pepsi commercial now??? Leave the man alone, they're like vulchers they make me sick. On another note Michael's friends don't seem that upset, Miko Brando and the Incredible Hulk don't seem too upset at all. Also I was watching Jermaine's interview with Larry King after Michael died and he said he heard the news from CNN and then laughed, if I heard the news that god forbid my brother died from the Media I certainly wouldn't be laughing, I'd be annoyed even pissed off about it. They all seem ok, a little upset but not like you should be. After my Nan died I was inconsolable for weeks.

  141. emmie Said,

    i dont even no how they can be speaking to the media so early.i mean even when latoya went to the house she didnt seem sad. its pretty weird, she got more upset when she talked about her dads violence toward the children in a different interview and even cried,

  142. svangel Said,

    check this out yo…. this is from her twitter account I just don't believe that Michael would want me to share my grief with millions of others. How I feel is between us. Not a public event.2:25 PM Jul 6th from web…. yet she posting she missing hima nd the memories they had… oh plz… why wud she say wat i feel is between us… unless he is alive… shudnt it be… wat i felt form him wud have been between us

  143. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    To ishealive.

    I will agree with you, I think thay commercial is WAY OUT OF LINE. They know how affected Michael was after that, WHY THE HELL ARE THEY KEEP ON TRASCHING HIS NAME. BACK OFF. I feel like sueing them. ASSWHOLES

  144. LEA613 Said,

    This is a very interesting site. Since we are talking about Twitter, here is something I noticed that is a bit strange on Nicole Ritchie's (Michael Jackson's goddaughter) twitter acct: On June 25, she says RIP Farrah Fawcett. No mention of her late godfather? I was like oh, that's odd. No mention of Michael on her twitter even on the day of the memorial. She just tweets about other stuff. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I found it a bit odd.

  145. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    @LEA613.. hi .. yea i noticed that and i also noticed on Justin Timberlake's twitter aswell that he hasn't mentioned Michael even ONCE!!!!

    Ok this is too weird.. one minute im thinking he is dead (usually by wat i see on tv)…. and then i think about it carefully and tell myself that he has to be alive.


  146. emmie Said,

    im the same i dont no what to think,but u no what hopfully he is now out if his pain and anguish.
    weather he is dead or alive. its something we unfortunatly will neva really no…

  147. shyone Said,

    Of course, he's alive. Why would Elizabeth Taylor say Michael's death taught her something. What did it teach her? How to fake your own death? Dr. Klein as far as I am concerned would sell his mother's soul to the devil. All he can see is dollar signs. He could care less about Michael. The money was all he was interested in. The same for Debbie Rowe and LMP. Michael was surrounded by shady people of all sorts from all walks of life and he was smart enough to know that. Yet still, he used them to elude the famous life he had created and wanted to escape. The truth will come out eventually. Omong-omong! why are the Jackson's performing in August at O2 in London? Supposedly, they are going to have a halogram of Michael and play his lost songs. Is it possible Michael will be resurrected on his birthday in August? That short film Thriller just didn't come out of nowhere. That was the largest grossing album he had ever sold during his career. Something will be happening next month? Lastly, if wherever MJ's body is located is being guarded by armed guards 24 hrs; why would Joe Jackson be interviewed from that location on Larry King? Everything will come to a head in the near future. Closer than we think. That you for keeping those of us who think outside of the box in the loop. God Bless!

  148. Solid121 Said,

    When the report came in to an American news agency (I think it was Fox) that Michael was rushed to hospital not breathing and unconscience, they said they had recieved a statement through Elizabeth Taylor's PR that said “Michael IS alive and he IS breathing”

  149. MyBelovedMJ Said,


    I think something will happen at that concert next month, we will just have to wait and see.

    There is NO body. Joe Jackson said in that interwiev, when he was asked where his sons body is he answered ” I dont know”. OMG WTF. How can you not know where your babys body is?? I felt like (no i dont wanna say that word).

    Like Michael always says. The truth will prevail.

  150. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    And I know he is not going to tell it, because of the public, but then he could have said something like. I cant or wont reviel that. Or, Im not gonna say or something, But dont say he dosent know.

    DAMMIT. Whats wrong with that family?

  151. phoenix Said,

    @admin. Do you know if Liz Taylor deleted the message, where she thanks Dr. Klein for that Matisse painting? because to be honest i cant find it…..
    however i want to believe that he is alive- but i disagree, that he is not going to come back: i think he loves the stage too much- why wouldnt he want to show the press, which was so terrible to him, that he is much stronger than media- that he made right in front of the press the hugest fake ever? maybe we just have to wait a bit- like 2-3 years…. i would want him back…or even just alive and happy- not matter where he is.

  152. nora Said,

    I think Michael was with us

  153. blu Said,

    I have been a loyal fan Of Michael Jackson for over forty years. The reason I got on the internet and began looking up things is because something just didn't feel right to me. I think I know Michael about as well as anyone could without being in his circle. There is no dout in my mind that the person in the This is it announcement video was not Michael. Not the real one anyways. I don't know what it all means and I can't say that I am sure of anything else, but I just know that something don't feel right. I just don't want to be like the people in Elvis days that just would not let go of the fact that he was dead and was made the laughing stock of the rest of the world. All I know is that I had a dream about the Michael on June 24th and it is still freaking me out. I wish that I could shake this uneasy feeling that something is just not right.

  154. blu Said,

    Let's say that Michael is alive. If he went though this much to disappear, Do we think that we will ever know the real truth? Or for the rest of our days we will only be guessing? i couldn't torture myself like this for the rest of my life. If he is alive and ever want to return, then he will. If he don't want to return, then he won't. I love Michael sooo much now and always.

  155. elizabethvitale Said,

    Now, they are delaying the autopsy reports another week. I can almost tell the outcome of this. Everything will start to disappear and no more will be heard about the entire case. I don't even know if charges will be brought on anyone. In my opinion it will be stated as natural cause of death or some stupid rhetoric of words, slap the doctors hand, and to try to keep the peace with the public. I don't know. There is just something doesn't fit right in all of this stated death stuff.

  156. elizabethvitale Said,

    There is something strange in this whole story. Watch, no charges will be brought on anyone, the doctor's hand will be slapped and the report will be worded with rhetoric around the stated reason for the stated death. With no evidence and no witnesses how is anyone going to prosecute anyone. Even with doctor records and the alias and the pharmacies these have nothing to do with the final reason for Michael's stated death. So, the drugs were there. Did anyone see the doctor administer anything? Too many loopholes to prosecute. Too many discrepancies in the entire story of Michael's stated death. Too many reasons not to prosecute. I just can't wait for another week. hmmmmm.

  157. elizabethvitale Said,

    Oh, and then the records will be tainted. LA politics. Raids compromized. info leaked to hurt the case. and on and on the saga will go with the news posting little tid bits to keep the public at peace and make it look like something will be done. What a bunch of bull.

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