Michael Jackson hoax de mort

És el Rei del Pop realment mort?

Dame Elizabeth Taylor i Michael Jackson sovint es descriuen en el Best Friends.

El autor i col laborador d'aquesta entrada és un membre d'aquest lloc anomenat MYSTERYLADY. Ens agradaria donar les gràcies per les seves idees i compartir-les amb tots.

Totes les proves que necessitem saber MICHAEL JACKSON ESTÀ VIU! PER FAVOR LLEGIR!

Tot això és prova de MICHAEL JACKSON no està morta!

És evident Dame Elizabeth Taylor està cobrint alguna cosa, en relació amb la mort de Michael Jackson.

1. Per què a 77 anys d'edat, com Liz Taylor té un compte de twitter?

Liz 2.Why és gràcies a Michael metge, Arnold Klein per un dibuix de Matisse tres dies abans de la mort de Mike, així com demanar Dr.Klein el que ell ha estat fent des que ha estat tornar a Twitter? Per què no se li digui?

3.Dr.Klein era coneguda per al tractament del vitíligo de MJ amb cremes que alleugera la seva pell, així com la reconstrucció del nas. En primer lloc, què dermatòleg sap vostè que també fa de la cirurgia reconstructiva? Dr.Klein està intentant dissimular i reconstruir un nou Michael Jackson, un mai reconèixer?

4. Per què va ser Liz embalatge segons twitter "Jo estava embalatge meva roba per anar a Londres per la seva obertura quan vaig escoltar la notícia. Encara no puc creure. No vull creure-ho. "Http: / / twitter.com / DameElizabeth quan Michael primer concert, dut a començar el 13 de juliol, que tres setmanes abans de l'obertura!

5. Per què no assistir a Liz Michael cerimònia pública o privada, però, ser capaç de tweeter un dia després de la seva mort? Sabia que la premsa seria el seu següent actualitzacions però ella no era massa intel ligent al respecte.

Bé, ara la cosa estranya és la raó per la Senyora Elizabeth Taylor i el Dr Arnold Klein són una referència a un altre sense que citen mútuament.

Per a aquells que no tenen un compte de Twitter, l'única manera en què vostè pot saber que algú s'està referint a que és mitjançant la verificació del seu nom d'usuari + @. Llavors, com no es corresponen d'anada i tornada l'un amb l'altre a menys que el previst al llarg de tots, perquè sigui més real!

Crec que la resposta és tan clara com el dia. Senyores i senyors Michael Jackson no està morta! Fes un cop d'ull a aquests llocs de ARNOLD KLEIN!

"S'ha enviat un enllaç a TMZ. Ridícul. El paparazzi necessitats que es mantingui allunyat dels meus pacients. Període de "http://twitter.com/awkmd

Ara, per què és Mr.Klein TMZ abordar el primer lloc web per confirmar la mort de MJ com ridícul i que es mantingui allunyat dels seus pacients el 18 de juny, 7 dies abans de la mort de Mike!

Es posa fins i tot weird gent! AQUEST ÉS EL NOSTRE DRET DE RESPOSTA AQUI!


"Avui, el món és una mica menys bonica. Ens acomiadem de la encantadora Farrah Fawcett "," Va ser un honor haver conegut a Farrah Fawcett una visió i un visionari, un veritable àngel que es va perdre en tot el món. 3 petons meu amor "," Estic profundament entristit per la mort del meu estimat amic Michael Jackson. Ell va ser realment un ànima que ha dotat amor infinit per a tots. "

Després de 2 dies abans de MJ passa, Dr.Klein diu que està treballant en un pacient, són com tresors de fi art, interessant forma de comparar els pacients a la seva obra d'art, ¿no creu? Senar DR.KLEIN COM PER TORNAR A 2 DIES ABANS DE LA MORT DE MJ! Treballant ... "Els meus pacients són els meus tresors. Com a obra d'art fi, cadascú té la bellesa i el caràcter "

Crec que sé la veritat ara!

Per a aquells que no reben tot el raonament Matisse, permeti'm explicar.

Què fa una pintura de Matisse tenen a veure amb res? Matisse va ser un famós artista les característiques, en la mesura que semblava talent natural Michael Jackson. Casualment Dr Klein envia un dibuix de Matisse a Liz Taylor, tres dies abans de la mort de Michael, en la qual el temps aquest va ser el Dr Klein fora de la ciutat treballant en un pacient. Fins i tot, en comparació als pacients al seu treball d'art !!!!!

Estrany oi??

Aconseguir això, Matisse va morir el 1954 d'un atac de cor. El mateix Mike suposadament havia mort a causa de quan ens va escoltar la notícia de la seva mort.

Anem això és molt casual. També és força estrany per a la majoria dels pacients del Dr Klein per ser Michael Jackson's amics més propers - Jane Fonda, Elizabeth Taylor ...

Sr Klein compte Twitter només ha estat actiu des del 17 de juny. 8 DIES ABANS DE MICHAEL PASSIS. Per què el Dr Klein, senten la necessitat de tenir un compte de Twitter misteriosament tan a prop de la seva estimada la mort del pacient, el que correspon a dos de Michael Jackson's volgut amics? Et diré per què ... Ell sabia que ell hauria d'actualitzar els altres en la seva pròxima entrevista ja que es va exhortar a la llum! Una altra cosa peculiar és que mai Avís Dr Klein mirant trist o angoixada per haver perdut el seu més valuós dels pacients de més de 20 anys en qualsevol de les entrevistes.

Tot això és molt estrany ...

  1. ejay5131 Said,

    Administradors, quin és el seu pensament .. anem a veure de nou MJ?

  2. Banessa Said,

    Gràcies ... Gràcies ... Gràcies! Aquells en els que el meu pensament exacte de la Dra Klein compte de twitter, quan ho vaig veure. És massa coincidència per a ell tenen els mateixos amics propers com Michael? I tot el temps que ell i Dame Elizabeth està enviant missatges als altres és que són, en realitat, parlant en codis.
    Tot aquest calvari s'està weird per minut. Jo només espero i desitjo que Michael està fent bé i és segur aconseguir així.
    Jo també he llegit en algun lloc de pensar sobre Michael del seu rostre com "una obra d'art"! D'aquí la referència a la de Matisse. Té vostè raó i mort a alguna cosa. Gràcies a aquestes observacions Déu els beneeixi

  3. administrador Said,

    Evidentment, crec que la seva mort va ser un engany, per la qual cosa considerant la quantitat de problemes que ha anat a per a que tiri d'ella fora, sembla dubtós que havia de tirar tot per la finestra, només per tornar al punt de mira de nou.
    Honestament crec que l'única vegada que serà vist de nou, serà en forma d'avistaments d'aficionats de tot el món ... la majoria dels quals es considerarà com 'Crazy', per la qual cosa no té res de què preocupar. Pot gaudir d'un relaxat i sense problemes ... la vida, onsevulga que sigui.

    MJHD Admin

  4. sirspencer Said,

    Si tot això és estrany, però aquells articles que no em convencen ara.

  5. kristin514 Said,

    Tant de bo tot això va ser un engany, i ho sento al seu bust TMZ vincle teoria, però anar a la pàgina web TMZ cerca i Michael Jackson ... Aquesta és la raó per la qual es va enviar el 18, no perquè ja sabia el que anava a succeir ... http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/18/michael-jackson-jacko-dr-arnie-klein-arnold-dermatologist-vitiligo-child-jmolestation/
    Jo també sóc un gran fan de Michael, i estrany desesperadament, però
    s ser real amb nosaltres mateixos ... Deixi que l'últim home ... descansi en pau! 4 estimat mai, mai oblidat, Michael descansi en pau!

  6. mysterylady Said,

    Gràcies per enviar-ho! Pel que fa a Michael, no estem més en la negació de la seva mort només volem saber la veritat. I és força evident que és viu i bé, que espero i crec pray.I el Dr Klein i Liz Taylor, han establert aquest escenari perquè volien protegir MJ undanger d'alguns propers a ell o MJ realment volia desaparèixer de la llum de espot per good.In qualsevol cas, desitjo el millor per Miguel, onsevulla que estigui! Vull que sàpigues que t'estimo de veritat i li consideren un regal, una benedicció de Déu! Tot i que està deixant a nosaltres per ara no és per sempre.
    Mai no puc dir adéu al nostre home en el mirall, de tots els temps Suspense!

  7. mysterylady Said,

    a kristin514 Això no és el que entén per la seva teoria TMZ qoute .. he dit que és bastant estrany va esmentar TMZ 7 dies abans de la death.It MJ 's gairebé com si ell o al voltant d'ell some1 punta TMZ fora de la data de 25 de juny de MJ passar. Això és només una petita part de tota la imatge. Si vostè mira més a prop s'entendrà que tots aquests esdeveniments d'actualitat estranya coincidència no quadren! Per què és un DR.Klein per promoure el seu negoci el 22 de maig d'aquest any, així com en twitter 8 dies abans de la seva mort! Coincidència? Crec que no! Metge que sabia que ell seria el centre d'atenció d'un mes abans de temps, va ser tot just escalfat, amb el que la publicitat de la seva empresa en el procés.

  8. smileygirl24 Said,

    OMG això està boig ... que no puc tenir prou de tot això ... i des del dia 1 va ser d'alguna cosa nova.
    és aliiive i espero que més feliç que mai del nostre volgut Michael rei de reis = D
    administrador i realment us admiro per fer aquest lloc un gran


  9. dinamita Said,


  10. dinamita Said,


  11. dinamita Said,

    Em sembla estrany que les dos d'ells són twittering, es mostren quan es van incorporar a twitter?

  12. sita Said,

    de nou una o dues preguntes senzilles:
    els comptes
    són propietat de qui?

    Com podem estar segurs que aquests twitteraccounts pertanyen a la realitat hi ha persones que estan fent ús de la paraula fora?

    simplement crear un compte a twitter
    el nom i no la prova extraterresitcal fa un ús lliure.

    i que ha de ser el de la Sra keyrole sastre? Per què utilitzar Twitter per comunicar? TCP / IP adreces són trazables. telèfon cèl lules / dispositius mòbils en aquest moment completament
    inofensius. Per què parlar amb els enigmes en comptes d'usar els telèfons normals?
    cap investigació al voltant d'ells és en aquest punt.
    recordar: TCP / IP adreces són trazables fins ARA!

  13. mysterylady Said,

    a la dinamita que em sembla difícil de creure Liz Taylor no aconseguir un seient davanter al audience.Barbara Walters i Larry King estaven asseguts just darrere de la família. I mentre ella va assistir a la cerimònia commemorativa per què Liz atenció si la va convidar a qualsevol dels altres serveis? Va ser l'amic de Michael, no el de Jackson. No crec que hi hagi molt de veritat en que l'article! A més, per què va ser Liz tweeter embalatge 3 setmanes abans de l'obertura de la fira de MJ? Per últim, però no per això menys important, pot trobar prou energia i motivació per assistir al seu concert de Londres, però no del seu funeral?

  14. mysterylady Said,

    de dinamita Dr.Arnold Klein es va unir a 8 dies abans de la mort de MJ i estranyament Liz Taylor es va unir a 27 de març com és aquest concert es va anunciar 5 de març.

  15. dinamita Said,

    Exactament si el meu millor amic va morir ID i assegurar d'estar allà sense importar el que

  16. mysterylady Said,

    Les puc assegurar aquestes comptes, de fet, pertanyen al Dr Klein i Liz Taylor com les notícies difoses Liz tweets de les raons per les quals no assistirien al funeral de Mike també que no era sobre el suïcidi veure com alguns dels més barats que els draps ens han believe.As pel Dr Klein ha estat promocionant el seu negoci a través de Twitter i Facebook.

  17. dinamita Said,

    Yah twitter i per què no utilitzar el telèfon mòbil o correu electrònic per parlar.

  18. dinamita Said,

    Què estrany que tots dos es van unir poc abans de morir, lol molt sospitós

  19. melblue87 Said,

    Vaig començar a sospitar que hi havia alguna cosa estranya quan em vaig trobar amb Isabel no havia anat al monument públic o privat. Així com altres famosos amics de MJ, per exemple Maculay Culkin. Vull dir, si el meu millor amic mor, vaig al seu funeral, no importa on o com és, encara que és un circ, me'n vaig perquè és el meu millor amic. Sí, i dont think seria una volta, si vol estar lluny de la llum, que és on va romandre, si el seu retorn, els mitjans de comunicació seria el doble que en tot ell, per la qual cosa seria pitjor . Tenir un feliç resta de la seva vida de Michael!

  20. mysterylady Said,

    És obvi Liz Dr.Klein i estan treballant junts per encobrir la mort de MJ. Liz twitter considera més fiable i menys públic, ja que no han de suportar un espectacle davant d'una audiència, o potser ella no és capaç d'actuar ja, donada la seva edat i estat de salut. En qualsevol cas, hi ha un munt de missatges subliminals intercanviats entre ella i el Dr Klein. Com he dit abans, l'única manera de saber que un és some1 corresponent a través de twitter és que amb el nom d'usuari + @ afegir. Liz no va fer tal cosa .. Llavors, com va fer el Dr saber per respondre a la seva tweeter si no veure'l! Deixa'm dir-com, s'ha previst, perquè sigui més real. Però no van ser prou intel ligents.

  21. sita Said,

    Desitjo que totes les teories realitat
    i i que podria seguir en l'engany i jo
    per veure com Michael viu.

    twitter no em donen tota comoditat de creure
    el que ens agrada veure.
    i actualment no crec que aquests comptes no
    ens dóna cap dret a construir Micheal que està viu.

    simplement reflexionar sobre un aspecte: com pot utilitzar
    una plataforma d'Internet per parlar i comunicar-se, fins i tot
    en els enigmes, amb els associats, amics íntims?

    o seria fer-ho?? amb el saber, que, probablement, el més gran engany
    a la terra es durà a terme?
    la meva opinió personal és: si volgués parlar i comunicar -
    amb ells m'agradaria fer ús de les trucades telefòniques normals.

    Jo diria: refrescar!
    no amb pseudo evidències Internet!
    per això necessitem més pensa fer un seguiment.

  22. sita Said,

    @ Mysterylady: PLS pot oferir això? Vull algunes proves d'això ..
    M'agradaria seguir o

  23. BeenTown Said,

    Dynamite hey bon enllaç. Tinc la resposta, llegiu tot el món!

    Tinc una idea de per què Isabel snubbed. He sentit que era molt arrogant i que ella va tractar d'assumir un paper de mare a Michael, i Katherine Jackson no li agradava això, de fet, ella es va posar gelós de Elizabeth.

    Michael sovint al seu torn, Elizabeth durant temps difícils i no a Katherine. Podria vostè imaginar com se sentiria qualsevol mare, si això arribés a succeir?

    Em sentiria molt gelós. Jo seria l'enveja. Això és més probable va ser la raó per la snubbed. Recordi Katherine tots diuen en el funeral i els arranjaments, és el cap, i si ella no volia Elizabeth seure amb ells a continuació, que és el que tinc. Jo hauria fet el mateix.

    Així mateix, si algú va veure la casa de Michael vídeos a YouTube, veurà que fa algun temps que Elizabeth Michael decorat la casa per Nadal (que no celebrar el Nadal en aquest moment a causa de la seva religió) i Elizabeth sabia però es va anar en contra d'ella i es presenta un arbre, tot funciona.

    Michael mai havia celebrat el Nadal fins aquell dia overbearingly Elizabeth va decidir que hauria Nadal. Podria vostè imaginar, trencant la seva tradició algú així? La seva religió? Això és el que ell coneixia des de nen.

    Michael diu que va plorar després d'obrir els regals i la participació en l'activitat de Nadal, perquè se sentia culpable com si va fer alguna cosa malament.

    Crec que es va equivocar a l'anar en contra de la creença d'algú, la seva religió. Ella hauria d'haver respectat els seus desitjos. Jo també sóc Virgo com Michael i si estigués en la seva posició no m'han dit "no" a Isabel i el tema de Nadal (pel fet que sóc mans i no voldria ferir els seus sentiments), però m'agradaria morir interior (encara que amb un somriure a la meva cara, igual que Michael) sabent que vaig en contra d'una cosa que crec que in

  24. charliechaplin Said,

    Hola Nois!

    Aquest tema està apagat, però em preguntava si has vist ja aquesta:




  25. dinamita Said,

    Desitjo que hagués tingut un taüt obert per posar la meva ment en repòs hes morts que el fet que didnt em fa pensar que ell és viu i va donar l'excusa que era estúpid dient la seva cara quan va ser danyada quan fas CPR WTF? llavors es diu que quan ho vaig veure es veia tranquil i semblava com si Michael estava dormint, per què didnt que li anem a veure

  26. YouRockMyWorld Said,

    Jo no entenc exactament aquest lloc, perquè jo no sóc dels Estats i no estic familiaritzat amb Twitter. Però també crec i espero que Michael està viu.
    Encara que jo realment no creiem que alguna vegada fer un retorn, ja que va tenir una complecated l'estratègia i recursos per fer la seva fugida ... que crec que es va fer amb el fi últim de Mike per a la pau i tenir una vida normal - el que ell perdut molt (que diu sobre que gairebé a cada entrevista) ... En el 50 la cursa artisric està arribant a la seva fi, tot el millor ja estava fet i és un temps per descansar i gaudir de la vida, però no hi ha manera de fer-ho en virtut de la pressió dels mitjans i els ulls ...
    Amb tota la meva esperança de que encara tracten de mantenir escèptics respecte a cada prova en broma ... Així que aquí són els meus punts:

    - No creiem en el cos assegut en helicòpter (Mike Perquè si la mort s'havia previst - segur que ho faria perfectament sense falles)

    - No creiem en la visita d'ell després de la seva mort (causa segurament ell no és entrar al carrer, o si ho és - que, en aquests deguise que ningú mai creurà que és ell)

    - No crec que l'home és un misteri-cantant

    - No crec que el seu metge li estava prenent a guardar el lloc on havia desaparegut durant 24 hores

    Però el que sí crec és:

    - L'engany va ser planejat gairebé perfecte. Es va escapar molt de temps abans que el "atac al cor 'es va jugar escena.

    - El 911 va ser anomenada feelingless i estrany

    - El comportament d'O2 en la conferència va ser molt estrany (l'espesially PASSEIG) (encara que les mans dels impersonater i les seves dents molt simiral a Mike's - així que no sé què pensar)

    I EL PRINCIPAL DE LA Clau per a mi és, per descomptat - La memòria .... Quan estava veient - He tractat de sentir amb ell ... Però d'alguna manera es veia malament. La majoria de totes les altres persones allà i amics propers de Mike van estar absents. El discurs de París .... No és vertadera (o com a mínim sembla no real) .... Príncep de goma, ulleres de sol ...

    Admin, gràcies per aquest lloc de ... I anem a tota esperança ...

  27. mysterylady Said,

    @ Sita


    Quant més proves necessita?

  28. mysterylady Said,

    @ Sita Exactament meu punt! Per què quan vostè podria tweeter telèfon uns als altres? Liz diu que casualment perquè troba tweets en la comoditat de fer-ho des de l'hospital. Com va ser Liz poder assistir a l'obertura de MJ si es limita a un llit d'hospital?
    A més, va crear el seu Dr.Klein twitter 8 dies abans de la daeth MJ i 1 mes abans a Facebook. Cadascú té les seves pròpies raons per a l'inici d'aquests llocs twitter
    1 Liz li resulta més fàcil comunicar-se amb els mitjans de comunicació i aficionats sospitoses que volen saber per què ella no podria assistir al seu funeral millors amics.
    2 Es considera que és més fàcil perquè doesnt voleu lliscar en una execució pública, ja que ni la seva salut ni el seu permís de la seva edat per "actuar" com una vegada ho va fer.
    3.Dr Klein estableix aquests llocs socials 8 dies i 1 mes abans de la seva més famós i estimat pacient de 20 anys! ¿Perquè? Perquè ell sabia que ell seria el centre d'atenció, en dubte, i es va entrevistar una vegada transcorregut MJ. Ell aniria a dir al llarg de Mike va reconstruir el nas i rebre encara més de negocis a tot el món!
    3. La publicitat i la promoció tornar a RD Klein ha d'haver estat part de l'acord per a aquest dr, per tant, d'acord a formar part de la falsa alarma.
    4 Liz envia tweets subliminals en blanc a aquest doctor qui no esmentar abans! La correspondència entre els dos so gairebé còmic, staged.She diu gràcies pel dibuix de Matisse, que compara els pacients a les seves obres d'art com afirma ell estava fora, 2 dies abans de tornar de la mort de MJ!
    5.What tipus de treball que aquest metge, sobre una pacient que fa a l'art quan se li fora de la ciutat?
    Klein MJ 6.Dr fet més lleuger de 20 anys i va reconstruir el seu nas! No creu que ell pot fer-ne un conjunt d'un altre color, així com l'encobriment li perfectament? Ell podria haver fet molt bé durant el seu temps "lluny" de treball!
    7 El dibuix de Matisse es referia a Liz pot molt bé ser el nou MICHAEL JACKSON Dr.Klein reconstruït!

  29. sita Said,

    una vegada més la meva opinió. i la seva no
    molestar. PLS simplement pel fet de pensar, com
    VOSTÈ reaccionaria en la mateixa situació?

    Michael Jackson té previst iniciar una gran
    falsa alarma de fingir / enganyant al món.
    que ha de fer ús d'amics i socis per fer-ho.
    o dir que en aquest punt: és una bona idea
    per a fer ús d'una plataforma d'Internet que els seus amics,
    metges i soci parlar entre ells a través de twitter?

    fa absolutament cap sentit per a mi. i per al poble
    que han d'actuar també en la parcel la.

    que opines de que les persones que actuen de manera tonta
    en el major engany de la parcel la del món?
    se'ls ha involucrat en (tots) els detalls, que estaven parlant entre
    a través de twitter i el públic pot completar a Internet
    llegir els seus signes?

    el que vostè pensa de tal amics?
    Et dic: avaluar la seva puntada a l'infern, perquè corren el risc de
    tots els seus plans d'engany es va fer públic.

    @ Mysterylady: gràcies pel teu treball. i de l'altre costat? el metge ..?

  30. luvmj Said,

    Encara estic segur ... Vostès tenen punts molt bons i són bons investigaters lol. Espero realment que està viu. Mantenir actualitzats.

  31. dinamita Said,

    @ U Mysterylady arribar a bon theorys de fer de manera molt sentit,
    Esperem més del seu lloc

  32. mysterylady Said,

    @ BeenTown
    Pot haver celebrat la seva primera Nadal a el'93, però que havia convertit a la religió en el Islam'07. De fet, les fotografies de Michael Jackson i la seva família celebrant el Nadal de l'any passat amb Carrie Fisher i el Dr Klein .. IM SURE Katherine ha perdonat des d'aleshores llarg Liz. De fet, Katherine és una persona molt Clemente. Fins i tot Alejandra Jackson deixar que per primera vegada dos fills amb el seu fill Randy per tant, la volta i es va casar amb el seu altre fill Jermaine, així com amb dos més dels seus propis fills. De fet Katherine s'encarrega de Alejandra i tots els seus fills, inclosos els que Dont Alejandra i Randy adoptat fins al present dia!
    Així que no, no comprar tot el que Liz es snubbed per la família Jackson escombraries!

  33. Mari Said,

    Espero que ell és viu! És cert, l'administrador?

  34. JC.LOVES.MJ Said,

    He afegit liz a twitter.
    Puc preguntar com sabem que això és real reallt seu twitter?

  35. luvmj Said,

    però l'mysterylady esperar a la persona en l'ambulància si no ell? I si es tracta d'un doble va fer morir? I jermane Jackson va dir en Larryking que els seus fills van veure MJ de dir adéu a l'hospital mentre es trobava sense vida, per la qual es existeix al llit d'hospital ... Espero que ell és viu i pot proove meu comentari malament lol

  36. mysterylady Said,

    @ Sita És bastant estrany, però després una altra vegada tot això és estrany! Hi ha tantes preguntes sense resposta! Els reporters dels mitjans de comunicació resulten ser els més grans ximples mai! Sembla que a enviar qualsevol cosa en MJ, el clima és creïble o no. Per exemple, es va mostrar MJ prescripció ampolles del Dr Klein sobre TMZ. Al veure les 2 o 3 ampolles de Xanax sabia dels mitjans de comunicació bufava tot aquest camí que l'addicció a les drogues fora de tota proporció! Puny fora, Xanax no és una droga molt difícil d'obtenir a Califòrnia, a través d'un metge o del carrer! I aquestes pastilles Xanax només 0,5 mg 1 mg en una quantitat de 50 comprimits sense recàrregues permès. Déu no ho vulgui que la lluita contra l'ansietat MJ prescriure tranquil litzants al seu judici en el que ell era innocent! Eren Mike va prendre la presentació d'informes de 30 a 40 pastilles d'una nit, que em va semblar molt difícil de creure! Després de veure les ampolles, la meva teoria va resultar ser correcte!
    Com he dit abans Dr.Klein va fer el seu compte de twitter 8 dies abans de la mort de MJ! No troba bastant estrany i que coincidència? Aquest dr es preparava per llançar la publicitat i el trànsit al seu lloc com tothom tot el món es pregunten qui és aquest que va tractar el Dr Klein MJ de 20 anys? Solia twitter i promoció de llocs com Facebook IM SURE com el seu negoci està en auge amb les noves clientelle ara!

  37. mysterylady Said,

    Prova d'això és Liz Taylor compte a través de twitter i CNN TMZ



  38. mysterylady Said,

    Thank o dinamita! El meu millor intent de llançar una mica de llum i que té sentit!

  39. Miu Said,

    Em va enviar aquest en el fòrum, però vaig a enviar aquí una vegada més com jo vull saber la resposta a aquesta.

    P. Com, en el supòsit taüt obert monuments que hi havia al Forest jardí, 70 + persones van ser capaços de veure el seu cos si es tractés d'una falsa alarma?

    Igual que, si jo fos MJ m'hagués volgut uns pocs amics propers i familiars a l'ajuda durant la burla de mi, sinó a tenir al voltant de 70 persones allí i punt de vista de 'el seu cos ... és que em sembla estrany. Què passa si algú va trencar el seu silenci sobre la falsa alarma? Si realment existeix una falsa alarma.

    Vull creure que la vida, però, no sé, la cosa és amb taüt obert realment em escolta.

  40. bubblesthechimp Said,

    es pot veure la pàgina del metge twitter està directament relacionada amb la seva website.So és realment seu.


  41. idontknow Said,

    Sobre el taüt obert cosa .... És només de sentides, i no la prova, almenys ara em refereixo.

  42. lilpleb Said,

    pel que fa a MJ del vitiligo, he llegit en algun lloc que una vegada de passar pel procés de despigmentación és permanent, per la qual cosa no seria capaç de tornar a ser negre.

  43. cathedralfolk Said,

    hmmmmmm tot això és molt interessant. Mike era el meu contemporani (la meva generació), nascut un any de diferència (agost 1957) i encara que he escoltat la seva música a través dels anys, mai he seguit la seva vida i els temps fins a la seva sobtada mort va ser anunciada al món. I jo sóc un món de distància dels EUA a l'altra banda del món com un americà expatriat. Però encara així, encara té Michael facturació superior fins i tot aquí. Des de la seva mort es va anunciar, i potser perquè ell és el meu contemporani i sempre ha estat associada amb la meva generació, he vessat més d'hores després d'hores de vídeo de les entrevistes ell inclosos de març de 2009 l'anunci de "This Is It Tour". No va ser fins que vaig veure el videoclip de Londres que tot es va fer molt SEVES. La meva assumir l'anunci de Londres és que no era Michael. La persona que caminava amb un swagger i va ser obertament masculí en comparació amb el MJ I vistos en les diferents entrevistes. En la meva més humil opinió, crec que després de tot el debucle amb el judici de 2005 i els últims 12 anys d'horrible dels mitjans de comunicació i dotzenes i dotzenes de llei de vestits frívola, que probablement havia tingut prou i, per tant, aquest pla va ser en el fa algun temps. L'única manera que podia alguna cosa d'aquesta magnitud fora de és amb l'assistència als més alts nivells de l'Estat nacional i, probablement, Gov. (És, després de tot un tresor nacional, reconeguda per Herbert Walker Bush com l'animador d'Amèrica del Decenio). La gent va en els programes federals de protecció dels testimonis tot el temps. Fins i tot l'Estat de Califòrnia té un programa de protecció de testimonis, que no requereix que el motiu de la relocaiton personatge de ser atribuïbles a una persona que cerca la seguretat d'un possible acte delictiu, i permet reloction com a conseqüència de circumstàncies extraordinàries. En el meu examen de la vida i els temps de nostre estimat Michael, ell és més mereixedor d'una nova vida. Si bé no he seguit la seva vida i fins fa poc temps, he trobat la seva història a ser dolorós gutwrenchingly i pregària per la seva felicitat ja sigui en el cel de camps de verd o d'alguna illa llunyana en el Pacífic Sud. Que mereix tenir una vida lliure i que tots donen per fet. Descansa en pau Miguel i gaudir de la seva llibertat si en el cel o la terra.

    I per la forma en Chaplan Charlie ... ... que era un video clip molt dolent ... ... FORA AMB EL SEU JEFE!

    PEACE i amor a tots vosaltres - si us plau, no buscar massa dur per a ell.

  44. luvmj Said,

    Només desitjo que teníem la prova de que era o no ell a l'ambulància ... Perquè aleshores podríem saber amb seguretat ... Ughh

  45. Jewell Said,

    Jo no se si surpised els tweets dissapearred ara que l'atenció s'ha assenyalat a ells!

  46. sita Said,

    refugi a un taüt obert
    que tots puguin veure mj tirat
    would'nt finalment portar tots els dubtes.
    i, finalment, tenir una foto que
    sorgeixen les imatges photoshopped salvatge que mai.

    signat un deathpaper fet amb una prova d'ADN
    ens ajudaria més, però finalment també es podria

    gràcies a tots els que van ajudar a fer perquè el meu anti-twitter
    en teoria.
    és peix, o alguna cosa apesta.
    però finalment la meva pur cervell humà em diu:
    aquests amics, que saben molt bé mj i tots els Problemes
    amb el públic es converteixen en els majors enemics
    per parlar sobre l'engany (encara que només en clau) en un
    plataforma d'Internet.
    de nou de mi: si estaríem en aquesta situació
    hem tractat de fer trucades telefòniques! onsevulla que estigui:
    vostè té el seu telèfon mòbil amb vostè. i tan fàcil de marcar
    el nombre del teu amic!

    potser (potser!)
    missatges personals de correu electrònic, però mai twitter o qualsevol altre
    coses d'aquest. cap manera!

    aquesta parcel la no dóna sentit, però que altres només
    (abús) aquests comptes per a dirigir a altres en una direcció equivocada.

    no; i finalment el dubte més em comptes de twitter overthink ..

  47. MissC Said,

    Liz Taylor està ara a l'hospital, suposadament a causa de la caiguda de tensió Michaels' mort '. Potser ella no és part d'això i si ella no és, mai Michael MAI posar la seva a través d'aquest. Déu, cada dia tot es fa fins i tot weird.

  48. mjfan Said,

    Comentari sobre l'Liz Taylor "arrogant" de Nadal cosa. He vist al domicili privat Pel.lícules massa. I he vist recentment. MJ DECONVERTED ha de ser una JW JA.

    La culpabilitat es va sentir restes de culpabilitat. He experimentat el mateix quan jo deconverted de la meva religió. Mentre intel lectualment no crec en alguna cosa, encara tenen sovint la resposta emocional a certes coses per un temps.

    Aquesta és una part normal del procés deconversion.

    Celebració del Nadal no està en contra de les creences de MJ en aquell moment perquè ja no era una JW en aquell moment. Liz Taylor va ser no ser "arrogant".

    Pel que fa a Katherine Jackson està gelós de Liz Taylor, que és només una estupidesa. Michael volia a la seva mare, però també éssers Liz. I és raonable que una mare a esperar que el seu fill crescut a ningú, però no el seu amor. Si aquest és el cas, que havia de ser un malson sogra.

    Encara que he vist cap evidència que la mare de MJ estava gelós de Liz, sona com rumors per a mi.

  49. Jewell Said,

    Només volia afegir
    que jo estava mirant el dr la pàgina de Twitter
    i envia un tweeter Anderson Cooper ...
    "@ Andersoncooper meu estimat amic Bryan lourd suggerir que ens convertim en amics. Estic seguint. Awk "

    Ara, aquest em sembla estrany,
    perquè quan jo estava veient el començament de la commemoració Andersoon Cooper estava parlant i em va dir diverses vegades ... "això no sembla real" Crec que va dir que un parell de vegades perquè m'estranya ...
    ara veig el dr vol ser el seu amic a twitter? Estrany!

  50. emo_pinkt Said,

    OMG això va ser genial .. thnx misteri dama. Isnt Liz Taylor tweeter més dels 140 caràcters permesos per twitter? En qualsevol cas el lloc de notícies tots obtenen la informació d'TMZ isnt que estrany ...?

  51. Jewell Said,

    alos interessant informació sobre Bryon lourd ...


  52. sita Said,

    en resum: que mai veurà la vida mj de nou, fins i tot si ell és viu.

    potser alguns de nosaltres es vegi / satisfer les imitador perfecte, un dels seus dobles.
    i aquestes reunions es troben en algun lloc d'Internet.
    però estaran en condicions de prova de que aquest és el veritable rei? en la majoria dels casos: NO.

    si segueix viu mj IST ha "sortit" de nosaltres.
    aquests dies em recorda totalment de Cat Stevens. quan
    he converted to be beeing islamic we all would'nd have had
    one chance again to recognise him. only if he liked too.
    and so it would be the same with michael.
    michael will have some very perfect connection for his hoax
    also in the arabian countries. and we will may see him somewhere
    but won't recognise him!!

    the conclusion is: say good bye to mj, even he is alive!!

    ask yourself: if mj is alive, he faked all and now he comes
    suddenly back somehow: would you still love mj as before?
    or would your heart say: hey, this guy fooled me; i dont trust
    him ever. i don't want to be fooled again from him. i aquest
    was probably all done because of the money??
    give yourself the answer and you will see the door remains

    if michael now is dead: what would give us the
    safety that this is the fact? what do we need?
    an open casket? we still would doubt and think: his skin
    does not look like on tv. or his nose is somehow strange.
    i així successivament.
    so finally we need an authority that simply would testify with
    an dna test: yes michael is dead.
    would we really believe in this case?? we are finally not
    ready for the truth!! or?
    somehow i doubt. we are at the moment in the mood to say:
    mj, his family, AEG or anyone else tried to fool us with the press conference
    per exemple. and we believe: they had nearly success with it.
    but we are now clever and broke it all.

    now we have a lot of
    probs and doubtfull reactions in the way he left, simply
    think of the moving dead body in the helicopter. very clever
    twitter signs and hints and so on, a fake background of
    his show with a mj performing 120%. we doubt, that mj was
    in a bad shape. if mj was in a good shape, why would they
    send the impersonator to the press conference? Per què?
    mj himself loves the audience, loves to perform. why was
    he personally not there? correct: only one possibility resides:
    he was to weak, too sick.
    we can read a lot of people, of his friends
    who gave the advice to mj: keep your hands off
    all these drugs/painkillers and medicine.
    we ignore it.. the same as michael did propably.

    this is the stuff hollywood movies are made off. illuminati
    and friends. your're welcome and directly in the show, just now
    while reading this stuff!

    yes: the jackson family gives us more doubts with their life and their reaction
    and they want money. who wouldnd do this?
    yes: michael loved his children. now he had to leave them alone
    in this very cruel world. this wouldn't mj to know and to see.
    yes: AEG tried to milk the cow as long as she gives some money.
    i molt més. 10 concerts, 'no thats to less, we must do 50..'
    and so on and on..

    keypoints to get GOOD hints, where mj is:
    I. -> have a special eye on his children.
    the children we can see today, are they the same as in former days?
    where are they? who takes care of them? if mj is still alive, they
    play a keyrole because mj will also take his eye on them!!!!

    II. -> his personal friends and his (former) wives good give hints
    dont forget: names like uri geller and david blaine can be found there.
    these people are living from this business to fool the public.
    thats the job of a magician. and not more are they! magicians, who are
    able to live from this job. and believe me: they dont have
    any overnatural power. it's just an illusion, a trick they are presenting us!

    III. -> finally whereever mj is: there must be some kind of moneyflow
    to this place. this focuses much more on very personal and
    bank connections. i doubt that the public will ever get one chance
    to have one sight behind this curtain/wall.

    my personal and good hint is; and i know you dont like
    this version. i also took some days to accept it.
    I know it sounds morbid; it sounds strange:
    mj is dead, they conserved his body with the wellknown
    german plastinator gunther von hagens. one member of his team
    was seen at the press conference of the coroner.
    mj passed away!
    only if you prepare the body of a dead one with formaline and other
    stuff, you are able to conserve him for a longer time!
    medicine students know this very well. when they have to practice
    their doctors life they are often presented bodies, that are prepared
    with similiar stuff.
    hagens team had to do an unplanned visit in the usa around the 26.th of june!
    think of this!

    i would like to see michael alive as you do, believe me.
    he left toooooooooooo early;
    as michaels children would love to see him, and also his friends.
    i believe the hoax plot is too huge to come true, even for the king of pop.

    i still would love mj if he would have decided for him:
    never again i will sing and perform. that WAS it. i'll stay
    somewhere where the public also knows it. but no more singing
    no more shows and so on!
    thats ok for me and for him I believe.

    i would hate him, if he had fooled us all and come back and tell us
    all: hey u stupid people, listen to me and my music, I'm the king.
    no: this isn't what people like to see and here. i wouldnt buy any song
    and any piece of memory from him from this day on.

    so say good bye to him and come back to reality!

  53. A-curious-mind Said,

    Like everyone else here I want to belive Michael is alive and laughing his ass off at the so-called friends that are running to every interview in town.. but although you do have pretty good points and i do think also that there seems to be something fishy going on but some points on this site are a bit too far fetched…(mystery singer, body sitting up in helicopter)…that is a bit out there…lol..but in any case..keep digging…lol

  54. MJ_forever Said,

    hey guys… I found out something strange in Liz taylor words…She is speaking about Mike in present time. Always! Per què? She says constantly :i LOVE him and every time she use the present time. Isn't that strange? Check out carefully all her words on her twitter account.
    Sorry for my bad english. Have a nice day!

  55. sita Said,

    @mysterylady: how can I contact you?

  56. Samantha Said,

    I've read about you said that michael would of probably escaped, while the memorial or even before all this happend like (planned it) but would he leave his kids? Or taken them with him?
    Someone please answer.

  57. dianafan Said,

    mystery lady – should we start becoming twitter detectives and see if Liz is being contacted by someone “new”? BTW – Liz is definitely in the hospital now – heartbroken I believe.

  58. VanillaCream Said,

    He converted really to islam? I thought it was a hoax?

    My ex hubby is a moslem…

    Is MJ REALLY a moslem??? Can´t believe that: he was suspected as a pedophile and to be gay. They would never accept him as one of them.

    MJ a moslem… It scares me, I have so so so bad expieriences with moslems.

  59. beyond anguish Said,

    http://www.mediatakeout.com/2009/34125-mto_world_exclusive_the_final_pics_of_michael_jackson__we_have_a_photo_of_the_king_of_pop_inside_his_casket.html yall comproveu això .. diuen seu taüt seu pic

  60. sita Said,

    hi there,
    i twittering era només per a alguns de prova.
    per parlar de twitter té sentit. que encara no utilitza un xifratge segur http. això significa: Compte de phishing / hacking "es pot fer molt fàcilment. ja no hem de discutir per què a twitter podem llegir coses estranyes de la dama i el dr.; twitter està sense sentit degut a la manca de seguretat!

    perdó, ho sento.

  61. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Si algú sap amb certesa que és Michael, és Liz Taylor. L'estimo tant, pel suport i l'amor que ella ha Michael tots aquests anys. Només espero que la recuperació d'un lloc i que va a ser feliç de nou. Si algú hauria de veure mai d'ell, crec que en la meva opinió, a continuació, deixar-lo sol. Veure'l, de saber que és viu i bé i, a continuació, li permetrà ser. Això seria el millor. Michael `s bé.

  62. bexuk Said,

    Benvolgut oh volgut ara estem suggerint una fràgil, 77 anys, és que cobreixin fins la conspiració?

    Cadascú ha celeban aquests dies la seva twitter no és gran cosa.

    I find it odd Liz Taylor didnt go the memorial, but hey she is 77 has had a brain tumor, pneumonia, numerous strokes so I

  63. bexuk Said,

    am not surpirsed she didnt want to grieve in public. Fes un cop d'ull a això:


  64. stephyy Said,

    MJ is still alive… I think MJ wil come back… mabey hi is in a coma.. en wassup with latoyo.. She is the only who is speaking.. She is now saying that the kids are with joe en kat,en that paris wright her father a letter every day. Paris also wearing tshirt of MJ..and her room is full with stuff of MJ.. But JOE&KAT dont life toghetter RIGHT???

  65. goslinger1 Said,

    The press is saying that they may the results of the autopsy as early as next week. Tan. . .I'm still wondering WHO they did this autopsy on? Ed Winter is the coroner in charge, I believe. Does anyone know anything about him?

    He would definitely need to be in on the “hoax” if there is one. If AEG wants to cash in on the insurance money, then Ed needs to state Michael died of an overdose. So, is the guy legit? Has he been paid off by AEG. . .by Michael's family (to state he was murdered) or Michael himself (to just state that the singer was indeed “dead.”)

    Or, perhaps Ed Winter is a victim himself. He gets a body that looks a bit like Michael. His family said it was Michael. There is no further DNA or other identity testing necessary–so he conducts the autopsy as normal. Could he be working on an imposter Michael? LEt's be real, Michael's appearance varied greatly! I'm sure Ed Winter wouldn't know the difference visually.

    Will Ed back his findings up with solid DNA evidence or something to prove to the world that it WAS Michael? Or, will they just release a statement to the world and the press will eat it up like they always do!

    How many people (other than the family) have actually VIEWED the body?

    I know this seems a bit morbid, but without solid evidence that the body is Michael's–this hoax thing can go on forever!

    I need to brace myself for these results. I am curious what will be said and what PROOF will be released.

  66. Bee Said,

    Re: open casket; haven't you ever been to open casket funerals? The deceased never truly look 'real' or 'like themselves' completely, and look like they could be made of wax. The open casket with a likeness of Michael made of wax or something else would be the easiest thing to pull off, imo.

  67. stephyy Said,


    MJ is still living. why is latoyo the only one who speaks? She says now that the children are with grandparents in the house. and paris writes a letter every day for her father.Paris also walks in her fathers clothes. The room of paris is full of MJ stuff Posters photo's ect.

    But Grandma and Grandpa do not live together?

    so why is latoyo saying this?

    or am I likely to be crazy. that I think this is an indication.

    sorry if I did not write corect english. I am from the netherlands

  68. He.is.alive Said,

    all of this twitter action on the part of Ms. Taylor and Dr. Klein is a WELL PLANTED destracting technique … the media is running out of props and so, other avenues of floating and spinning are pursued … sheeesh .. get onto it people ..

  69. MJsongfan Said,

    I found this site yesterday, and I read most of the posts that this site offers to explain MJ's death…this is a very good possibility. I also went ahead and did some research of my own as well…and it seems that your story has a high probability of being true.

    I would, as much as anyone else, like to believe that Michael Jackson is alive beyond a reasonable doubt to his fans. But I came across a lot of controversial
    issues during the course of my research. If anyone can clear up these issues, please respond and comment.

    1) I saw that many people are “posing” as Michael Jackson on posts regarding his death, proclaiming that “I am alive”, but the people posing as MJ on these sites, quickly reveal that they are not MJ. Rather, just some teenager playing a prank on us.

    2) A lot of this evidence presented on the site is really circumstantial and really speculative. The picture proclaimed as a fake, may have been used as a promotional tool for Jackson's upcoming London O2 concerts…and may have been photo shopped specifically to promote the tour, and to make him look good.

    3) I think as to the context regarding Dame Elizabeth and Dr. Arnold Klein's conversations on Twitter, it may have some hidden message, or it could be two friends catching up with each other…we will not know unless someone actually interviews her (in the greatest secrecy).

    4) Speaking of circumstantial, a user on this website, closepaltoMJ has admitted that he is alive. However, I question the validity of his statements, purely due to the fact that this person is relatively unknown on this site, and decides to suddenly admit that MJ is alive.

    5) I know MJ has the tendency to joke around with both the media and the general public…which is why I am wondering how his unreleased songs, such as Xscape, have been released to the general public. I would assume that it may be a publicity ploy, or it could be Michael Jackson himself signaling something to those of us willing to listen. Either way, there is only pure speculation on our part to those, who believe that Michael Jackson may be currently in hiding.

    Abans de que vaig veure aquest lloc, jo estava convençut que Michael Jackson és mort ... però a partir d'ara, no sóc capaç de dir el que és pura especulació i el que és la pura veritat. Vull creure que ell és viu, perquè ell va ser la inspiració per a unir la música, i, de fet, ser bo en això (d'acord amb algunes persones). Vaig tenir una depressió greu i els símptomes d'abstinència quan vaig escoltar la notícia de que s'havia anat. Com no menjar o de dormir per un parell de dies, i no vaig poder deixar de cantar qualsevol cosa, a més de cançons de MJ, fins i tot actualment.

    Vaig tenir l'oportunitat de relacionar-se amb ell, perquè m'han passat per moltes experiències també. Especialment per a molts aspectes de la seva vida, per la qual cosa em va fer la pregunta mai els seus actes. Basant-se en l'opinió pública i la creixent pressió dels mitjans de comunicació, no culpo a ell per fingir la seva mort, si ho va fer ... No obstant això, la confusió sobre la seva "mort", no crec que mai s'esborrarà a menys Michael revela a si mateix això. Hi ha massa forats, massa preguntes sense resposta.

    Michael, si estàs llegint això i encara estan vius, llavors li desitjo el millor per a vostè, en els propers anys. Espero que finalment tot aquest temps per gaudir de la llibertat i mereix vacances que vostè desitja. No importa què, vostè sempre serà conegut com el Rei del Pop, sobretot per a mi.

    Michael, si està veritablement mort, espero que el Senyor està amb tu. El cel i que portarà molta alegria a vostè. També espero que estiguis gaudint dels cels, i sé que ho va deixar ni més ni menys que un llegat per a aquells de nosaltres, que et volia. Vostè sempre serà el rei del pop.

    Millors desitjos, allà on estiguis! <3

  70. AliaX Said,

    No crec que Liz és
    mentalment sana. és decrèpit. no es pot confiar en ella si voleu crear un escenari perfecte, encara que ella era l'actriu.

  71. MJsongfan Said,

    Ah, ho sento pel llarg comentari.

    Simplement pregunto si algú ha considerat la possibilitat que Michael Jackson hagi utilitzat una droga, que li va fer aparèixer morts (com crec que ara hi ha aquestes drogues), i que podria haver estat ell a la foto ... però podria haver falsificat la seva "cos" d'entrar a l'hospital, o per als diferents "llocs suposa" quan Michael "suposadament va escapar".

    A més, la investigació i em sembla que també va canviar la seva religió cristiana i també a només un parell de dies / setmanes abans de morir. Algú creu que això pot estar relacionat amb la "falsa alarma" si és cert?

  72. loveandpeace Said,

    Latoya es va pagar a dir que va ser assassinat a l'entrevista!


    Si està encara aquí fora, que probablement va riure de Corey Feldman en el seu vestit de Michael Jackson en el memorial.

  73. loveandpeace Said,

    * A dir que va ser assassinat, oops.

  74. serpentina Said,

    Només volia treure'l ... què és el que sembla tan increïble que la Sra Taylor anava a Londres, diverses setmanes abans de l'esdeveniment? He fet això a mi mateix - anar a un destí amb molta antelació per gaudir de les vistes. Estrany que no podem creure això ...

    També estic d'acord amb el que va dir ... .. lilpleb el vitíligo procés és permanent. Pel que sé (i això és MJ estem parlant, que té els mitjans per fer res) es pot injectar en ell escombraries i fer d'ell un home negre de nou.

  75. Engel Said,

    Hola des d'Alemanya!

    Michael, si llegeix la prova, llavors el felicito, vostè sobre el pols que has fet, quina altra opció que vostè vol? No, perquè només té en el seu cap i s'ha fixat et 50.Konzerte aufgebrummt és que mai no ho hauria fet a la vida i, per desgràcia, per desgràcia, tot el món només volia els seus diners, encara que ho són també sense diners tan valuós ésser humà són, la seva ànima i els seus pensaments han fet que tan sols i no puc entendre molt bé, però és només a les persones que han sentit a l'igual que vostè! you you never would have killed myself, because you have children and they liebst.Ich am increasingly convinced that you live and I wish you so much from the heart that you undetected Be up and you all leave, which is only your money wollten.Ich am sure that if your fans around you had, it would not happen with you, which had so much attention on you, you're not on the the crooked train arrived and also when wert thou wert become so stubborn, because you did not get medication then, did you just gebockt no problem, you do not like you have calmed down again and if not, then I would give you a kick in the ass where ))) I love you and will always do it, you're always with me, which I feel! God bless you and your children

  76. odettebennet Said,


  77. CosmoKramer420 Said,

    Police are investigating suspicious calls being made to the office of Michael Jackson's Beverly Hills dermatologist.

    Police Lt. Tony Lee says an officer responded Friday to a report from the office of Dr. Arnold Klein about harassing phone calls.

    Lee says the calls haven't been threatening but are considered suspicious in nature. He would not elaborate or say if the calls involve the Jackson situation.


    I wonder what that is all about ?

  78. MrsBenjamin Said,

    I had posted a few articles last night…about where MJ really was.. i posted on the other pages as welll….



  79. MariannaB Said,

    Concerning this famous pic of the ambulance – a paparazzi fooled the press here with 3 yr old pics claiming them to be “just before the day MJ died”.
    The pic in the ambulance shows a younger MJ or a puppet. MJ would put puppets of him in an ambulance – why not also for pics – and get in a wheelchair for the press just to laugh about the idiotic stories they produced. He was nerved by the helicopters over Neverland and the paparazzi everywhere. If I'd been in his position, I'd have done the hell to fake stories fot these respectless idiots.
    Oh and the open coffin: a wax puppet. Why not.
    Why not open in the memorial? My thought was – somebody as a crazy fan could jump on stage and hurt the body or a desire could be born to steal the body. So my guess was always: they don't open it. The memorial was a show for media, not more.

    LT and Dr. Arnold used the internet to promote whatever they thought necessary. Twitter is not reliable at all. Twitter is a virus. It has a good use for all cases where free speach is limited or prohibited just like the internet access. Thinking of Iran – we would never have known what's going on there.

    Another thought: if cellular phones are under survey (intelligence agencies etc.) – how do you want to communicate without witness? Is any military prof out there to help us out with communication strategies in war times? How do you communicate top secrets? Either on a secret way (and have intelligence agencies on your footsteps) or completly in public where nobody expects secret messages.

    Be assured that the whole entourage of MJ is under surveillance. I just wonder whether the Twitter accounts will continue to send out messages. My guess: no, they won't, they have done their job.

    Michael, time to turn to newspaper ads
    Have a lot of peace with you.
    My birthday is one day prior to yours, I know what doing things right means. Hope it turns out the way you want it to.

  80. Copenhagen Said,

    Sita: Corresponding in codes on Twitter is much more safe than using e-mail or phones. If it comes to a serious investigation you can trace all calls and mails – investigators easily get acess to phone nr. and mail adresses when they investigate criminal matters. Klein and Taylor did the most safe thing by corresponding on Twitter. Look we are all doubting what the code language means and we can't proof anything.

    There is something I don't get – was Taylor at the hospital when Mike died or was she at home packing for his concert ?

  81. MariannaB Said,

    Just to notice: there are data being erased from internet concerning fake: Yahoo deleted a question and comments on a fake death, it is available only on google cache of July 13:

  82. alive Said,

    OMG! what if liz was thanking klein for the matisse drawing he sent her meaning MJ. Maybe MJ is with her and klein was away fixing MJ's face like fine artwork and then MJ goes to liz and liz is sending code to klein that MJ is with her by thanking him for his artwork he sent her. Descarrega. what do you think? i think this is too much for it to be a coincidence.

  83. alive Said,

    i forgor to mention that klein also said on larry king that he was rebuilding his face for this past year and maybe he totally changed the way he looks and the beginning of his face starting to change could have been at the 02 press conference which is why everyone was shocked at how he looked and couldn't believe that it was him and he had 3 more months to change him even more. i thought he was a dermatologist why was he rebuilding his face? is he also a plastic surgeon?

  84. alive Said,

    did you say klein opened his twitter account 8 days before mj's death? that's the 17th right? well mj also rehired his lawyer/friend who is the executor in his will on the 17th after firing him back in 2003. now he just happened to be lucky and rehired him eight days before he dies so he can carry out his wishes in his will without being contested that he had been fired back in 2003. i don't think so. something is going on here people. you can't i'll say it again, you can't have this many coincidences happening in such a short period of time all surrounding your death. no way!

  85. wndrwmn67 Said,

    Don't forget…tonight ABC is airing a special with Katherine and Michael Jackson and they are allowing the reporter into the Jackson Family Compound. I am so anxious to watch it and see what, if any mistakes the family makes.

  86. dirtydiana Said,

    great research Mysterylady. also Bubblesthechimp confirming the Dr.'s twitter link through his webpage. I don't know why they would take such a risk by twittering throw ufor the public and media to see but obviously they put a imposter in place of MJ at o2 and no one has picked up on it. or should I say chose to pick up on it. either they think the media and public and real dumb or they are trying to

  87. wndrwmn67 Said,

    Vaja! In regards to my prior comment, that would be Katherine and JOE Jackson, not Michael. Sorry for any confusion.

  88. Subliminal Said,

    The reason why his Dr wasn't sad, was probably because Doctors have to deal with death everyday.

  89. Sweedishgirl Said,


    This link which show a youtube clip from the last piece of GHOST video. At the end of the clip can you see how MJ is maked-up to completely diffrent people.
    What is intresting is how well you can get a man to see completely difftrent with the help of makeup! What I mean is that MJ could in principle look like anyone… But there will always be be one of his facial features of the person he is disguised as.I thought it would be an interesting clip to watch. If the link does not work you can always search on youtube. “Michael Ghost Video” or similar.

  90. luvmj Said,

    Also I don't believe the family didn't want Elizabeth there because on her Twitter page she wrote “I've been asked to speak at the Staples Center. I cannot be part of the public whoopla.”

  91. Mijac Said,


    Presents make everybody happy. My friend Arnie Klein gave me a Matisse today! Happy.
    5:10 PM Mar 27th from web



  92. Mijac Said,

    Check this out and look at the date:

    Dearest Elizabeth, You make the sun shine, the clouds move and the world spin. So many people love you and so do I. Love Always,______
    7:06 PM Jun 19th from web

    Somebody I care for very much sent the following note to me with flowers and I wanted to share it with you.
    7:04 PM Jun 19th from web

  93. Mijac Said,


    Spoke with Frank Gehry about rebuilding the beach house and hoping my darling Elizabeth is enjoying her Matisse.
    7:40 PM Jun 17th from web

    Research, research, research.
    7:05 PM Jun 17th from web

  94. Mijac Said,

    What is the obssesion with the “MATISSE”???


    or is Mj the “matisse”

  95. Mijac Said,

    He gave HER the MATISSE ON MARCH 27, THEN HE EXPECTS MORE THAN TWO MONTHS TO CREATE his Twitter account, and the first thing he does is to wonder if Dame Elizabeth is enjoying the mentioned MATISSE…THIS IS REALLY ODD.

    sorry about my english everyone.

  96. LadyV Said,

    You guys have come up with some really good points throughout this site but this post doesn't convince me. I am 50/50 to wether MJ's death is real or not. Like someone said, it isn't strange that someone like Liz Taylor has a Twitter.

  97. pammy Said,

    @luvmj:wait but whos the person in the ambulance if its not him?

    I dunno if u saw this one here posted a few days ago…

    what about this theory? I didnt read anything new after it was posted. Does anyone believe this could be true???

  98. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    This Site Is Brilliant And From The Time I Got A Text Message On My Phone Stating Michael Jackson Was Dead, I Had Doubts.

  99. wozniack Said,

    On the casket, read some of the comments here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QofHF2Z37lI

    One person stated, “This is BS people come on…first of all Mike's casket was gold so it would show up much lighter than that on a picture and the lining was royal blue, second, this shit is in black and white, who takes pictures in black and white and take a good look yall, he's at the damn foot of the casket! Who puts a body in a casket backwards. THIS IS TOTAL BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!”

  100. Arual1979 Said,

    The photo of MJ in the casket is photoshopped. Someone photoshopped MJ's head on James Brown's body when James Brown was in the casket? How do I know this? Simple… MJ has on the same clothing as James Brown. Compare the pictures.



  101. dynamite Said,

    That picture is fake and yah why the hell is it in black and white and why is he at the foot of the coffin wtf?

  102. svangel Said,

    ppl the key player isnt who Dame.. its Diana… come on…MJ died and she wasnt in his funeral… she gets costudy if MJ's mom cant take care of the kids… oh plz im sure some BS is gonna happen where she gets the kids… and well mj will be reunited with his kids…

  103. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    hi people!!! omg i totally believe that michael is still alive although sum of the stuff said is just over the top… i still believe he is alive…. my msn is “pink__shopaholic@hotmail.com” if u wanna catch me up or sumfin…. this mj hoax thingy gets better by the day doesn't it??? and honestly he can't be gone..i love you michael.. with all my heart!!!

  104. wozniack Said,

    The reason it's in black and white is to cover up James Brown's blue jacket. What bother me is the content on the site,

    “July 14, 2009. The below photo was sent to MediaTakeOut.com by a person close to the family. Apparently there are a number of INTERNET RUMORS going around that Michael may be alive. The insider wished to end all speculation ONCE AND FOR ALL by releasing the photo.”

    A person close to the family sent that, huh? And yeah, most people know about the internet rumours, lol. After seeing photo I got chills, but then I started to realize something was up…

  105. mysterylady Said,

    Well ladies and gentlemen,for those of you who don't believe Michael is in fact alive,I believe the twitter conversations conducted between Liz and Dr Klein are concrete evidence. This isn't here say or a conspiracy theory,it's the quite obvious !

  106. monij Said,

    Good point Miu #39, I want an answer to that question too!!!

  107. serpentina Said,


    If you aren't familiar with Matisse's work…. http://nga.gov.au/exhibitions/Matisse/images/Romainebig.jpg This was drawn in 1938. Looks FAMILIAR right???

  108. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    I Checked Out The Dr.s Twitter And He Has Also Been Sending Messages To Ashton Kutcher About Helping With A Memorial, Which Ashton Kutcher Is A Prankster, Plus He Has Sent Messages To Justin Timberlake Stating The Same Exact Message, And Im Pretty Sure He Has Sent Them To Others As Well. Justin Timberlake Was A Huge Fan Of Michael Jackson And They Performed Onstage Together.

    Either The Media Are Clueless Like Michael Jackson Told Us, Not To Believe A Word They Say, Or The Media Is Too Busy To See The Subliminal Messages, Or They Really Dont Have Any Intelligence, I Know For A Fact They Arent In On The Hoax Because Michael Jackson Hated The Media. I Think This Hoax Was Meant For The Big Comeback Tour And To Prove That The Media Are Stupid And We Should Educate Ourselves, Instead Of Listening To Them, Plus He Wanted Those Kids To Tell The Truth, Which Has Happened.

  109. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Plus Liz Taylor And Dr Klein Could Simply Be Helping Send Out Subliminal Messages, Because We All Know Michael Jackson Believed In Subliminal Messages And Illusions. And They Know That The Media Will Be Watching Their Every Move And Probably Know The Media Are Incoherent To The Truth. They COuld Be Simply Throwing Off The Media And Everyone Else, Which Michael Is Setting Up His Next Moves, Have You All Thought, Maybe Michael Is Making All This Happen, Maybe Liz And Dr. Klein Let Michael Use Their Twitter And Jumble The Stories Up A Little More. And Maybe Michael Told His Family In The Beginning To Keep A Straight Story And Somehow They Screwed It Up, To Either Cover Their Tracks Or Confuse People More. There Is So Much Media Tracking These Stories And They Are Writing Everything They Hear Down. Wouldnt Be Awesome To Make The Individuals That Hurt You So Much, Look Like Fools? Maybe He Is Also Seeing What Might Happen If He Really Did Die. Plus He Wouldn't Leave His Children In The Hands Of His Father Whom He Said Beat Him As A Child. Plus I Read In This Commerative Magazine About Michael Jackson, That His Children Are In The Studio And Has Been In The Studio Making Music. Some People Just Cant Tell A Lie Or Keep The Truth Hidden For Long. Please Remember This Site Is Simply To Help Educate Eachother On Evidence We Find For Ourselves And To Think Positively Without Media Coverage, So Dont Attack Eachothers Opinions.

  110. monij Said,

    To Vanillacream: this site is dedicated to Michael Jackson. We should not use it to voice our hatered to certain people!!!! And to answer your question, I am sorry to tell you that MJ converted to Islam last year and changed his name to Mikaeel. I would like to apologize to all Moslems on this forum for Vanillacream's comment.

  111. demonhybrid13 Said,

    Admin I read what u wrote to another person on here that michael jackson wont throw it all out the window just to show himself again. well what if he were to find out about the Jackson 3? Or about the fact that his father is making his children become famous? It is his worst nightmare.

  112. VanillaCream Said,

    as I wrote: ->myI<- have bad experiences with moslems. It´s MY oppinion and my lessons I´ve learned, so where´s your prob?

  113. sita Said,

    sorry @folks, i also wished the truth is the hoax, but


    if michael is alive would he ever hurt his children with watching him, beeing DEAD!?!??!?!

    NO, no, no.
    look with your heart. Michaels childhood was terrible for him. and he would never hurt his children!!!!

    so all cool down. michael passed away from us!
    Before you judge me, try hard to love me,
    Look within your heart then ask,
    Have you seen my Childhood?

    People say I'm strange that way
    'Cause I love such elementary things,
    It's been my fate to compensate,
    for the Childhood I've never known…

    Have you seen my Childhood?
    I'm searching for that wonder in my youth
    Like fantastical stories to share
    The dreams I would dare, watch me fly…

  114. ilovemichaeljackson Said,

    she wasn't put into the hospital for MJ's death. :


  115. westin Said,

    Dr. Arnold Klein gifted Matisse to dame Elizabeth on 27 th of march. I've read it in here – the first mess http://twitter.com/dameelizabeth

  116. mysterylady Said,


    One thing is for sure,I believe if Michael Jackson wanted to disappear and pull off the biggest hoax in history,,it can be done and is more than possible !
    Michael loved his kids but in the last decade or so he really wasn't living. He appeared unhappy and very withdrawn from society,even more than normal. His appearance and personality changed drastically. He didn't look or act like the Michael we knew for more than four decades. One thing I found quite odd after following the abc interview last night with Joe Jackson was the fact Joe was not showing any remorse or sorrow for the loss of his son. He was cracking jokes,saying MJ was too naive and surrounded himself with people who were not looking out for Mj's best interest.Even though he said he believed it was foul play,he didn't sound convincing whatsoever! When the reporter asked how he felt about losing his son,Joe replied that it was a sad loss because of all the work he put into Michael. Joe seemed more concerned with trying to convince the world he was a good father as well as not being the horrible person everyone thought. We can speculate as well as come up with more theories of MJ being alive but the truth of the matter is the Michael Jackson we've known and loved for 45 years is gone,weather he has escaped or is up in heaven looking down at us right now,we will never have the opportunity of seeing and knowing him once agian,as the MJ we once remembered.

  117. MariannaB Said,

    The office of Gunter von Hagens confirmed to have had aninformation request from MJ. They confirmed that they gave respective informations out. They confirmed that MJ is NOT listed on their list of donators. I would never think of MJ seriously getting on their list as an autopsy destroys too much of the body.
    And as MJ is such an important person, an autopsy is 100% sure for him.
    In addition, the donators of bodies always remain anonymous. This would contradict MJ's experience of fame and applause.

  118. iheartmj Said,

    dame elizabeth taylor was also supposed to accompany michael at his london concerts.
    this explains why she was not able to attend the memorial.
    so whereever michael is elizabeth is with him.
    or am i the only one who has thought of this?

  119. kristin514 Said,

    to mysterylady… Thank you 4 clarifying. I am in such a weird place like millions of other people. I WANT to believe he is alive and happy, and you r absolutely right that it is definitely plausible and possible that he is, on the same note, people die EVERYDAY all the time completely unexpectedly and sometimes for etiology unknown… I'm sitting right on top of the fence with this because all of your research is excellent and you're so right that most of this doesn't “ADD UP” but again, what if you ARE absolutely correct, and he did have this “plan” to disappear, but did legitimately “die” before he could carry it out… I sincerely appreciate all of your research, because again, I would LOVE 4 him to be alive and happy, and if he is, I hope no one ever does know for sure, because he deserves some kind of “Peace” in his life. Then again, my mind goes back to the fact, that people DIE… Yes he was young, my dad is alive and well at 58, but it happens, and I'm just so damn torn because I would love to know the truth, but is that REALLY what we would want for Michael? If he wanted to disappear so he COULD be “happy” and we really do love him, shouldn't we leave well enough alone and accept it as the way he wanted it. If he is alive and we somehow do find out, then that screws up his whole game plan, and he goes right back to the absolutely unfair circus that the latter part of his “life” became. IDK MAN, I'm so damn confused, both theories are plausible, death AND disappearance, I'm just really questioning the moral issues of delving too deep into this and not just letting him REST whether he is here or in heaven… Toss me your thoughts on that and point me in the right direction here… Thanks!!!

  120. kristin514 Said,

    BTW, one other thing that's been “bugging” me about this whole body sitting up thing… Look when they pull the stretcher out of the helicopter, WHATEVER is on it, body, dummy, blankets underneath, whatever, the way it is positioned assuming it is a “body” it comes out FEET FIRST… So how in the world does it “sit up” if when they pull it out, it was clearly the foot end we were looking at anyways… What do you think?

  121. kristin514 Said,

    I answered my own question on that one… I was paying so much attention to the “moving” that it took a few more times of watching to see that DUH they turned the body around on the way out of the helicopter… So that was the head end we were looking at, but here goes one more shot at trying to make sense of this in my own mind… There is someone in the helicopter with the “body” what's to say someone else wasn't moving the “body”?

  122. kristin514 Said,

    Hey mysterylady, how creepy is this, and what in the world do you make of it??? http://www.theonion.com/content/news/neverland_ranch_investigators

  123. kristin514 Said,

    I swear this whole thing is more of a circus act than the last few years have been for him… The nice “WHITE” glove still white after supposedly being burried for 20 years, then they use the creepiest pic of Michael to call the “creature” OMG get a grip…

  124. Mijac Said,

    Go there and watch that picture of Michael, and then compare with the “Michael”of the press conference, they are 2 diferent people!!!


  125. Mijac Said,

    Plus, he didn't take his children's with him, because he is “dead”, so he can't take them with him don't you think?? it's most credible leave them with his mother at least for awhile

  126. Goldie Said,

    Omg i am so confused …..

  127. Samantha Said,

    this is driving me INSANE.
    i don't know what to do or think
    ¡Ah! i just want you michael <3

  128. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    hey crazyinsanebarbie…. i also went to justin timberlake's twitter account and read the comments, ok first off, since he is such a huge fan of mj, i noticed that he only slightly mentions michael and he seems more sad or wateva over farrah's death rather than michael's. He says “RIP Farrah” but i haven's seen RIP Michael or something like that (weird huh?? i think there is more to this than we think). I mean honestly, if I was in place of jt i would be really really depressed and stuff… u know??

    Can someone get back to me on this??

    Here is a link to justin's twitter account: http://twitter.com/JTimberlake

  129. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    ohh WAIT!! Justin Timberlake doesn't even mention michael once i think…. i went back to his page and actually i don't see anything to do with mj??? help someone… is it just me or is something really going on???

  130. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    What a piece of bullshit, that picture is. The real Michael, is the Michael we all know. This has got to stop. What the hell are people doing. And thet officer with the scelet of someone with a while glove, could easilly have been put in that picture, just to fuck up Michael`s life like they always have done. MY GOD, never in my intire life have i seen so much bullshit about 1 person. They need to start show him some respect. I think they Media, press and TMZ owe it to him. The Michael we know is “Dead” yeah offcause i believe that, nothing has proved that he is.

  131. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Sorry for swearing. But im getting pretty upset, when i see that the media is still trasching his name, in evryway. Even after he is “Dead”

  132. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    omg has anyone seen this footage of michael's pepsi commercial?? it made me burst into tears again…. awww why did it have to be michael… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAJLq4hHUjQ

  133. mysterylady Said,


    I was just looking at Liz Taylor's twitter and guess what ? She is no longer following Dr.Arnold Klein from her twitter and all her tweets referring to this Dr are mysteriously gone ! If she had nothing to hide ,why erase them,what is going on ??? Something very,very fishy is going on here !! Even if she saw our blog ,did that make her feel as if her tweets could really be evidence of Michael really being ALIVE ???


  134. emmie Said,

    hmmm tht is true because i last looked at her profile bout 3days ago and i was reading the comment liz was sending to klein and now they have all gone so she must have done that recently. and she took him of her friends… wonder why

  135. berkeleygal Said,

    Liz's very first post is still there…quote “Presents make everybody happy. My friend Arnie Klein gave me a Matisse today! Happy.
    2:10 PM Mar 27th from web” the rest are indeed gone. anyone check arnies site? for liz msgs?

  136. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    omg omg is it possible to get a psychic or something involved? i used to watch this show on tv and i dunno, they were pretty spot on with most of the information…. ?

  137. emmie Said,

    hi i was just looking on liz taylors twitter

    ”I'm home from the hospital sore, but intact. Of course I'm still grieving for Michael…I always will.

  138. emmie Said,

    hi i was just looking on liz taylors twitter

    ”I'm home from the hospital sore, but intact. Of course I'm still grieving for Michael…I always will But as I said before I went into the hospital, “I am a survivor,
    I've had many tragedies in my life, but I guess they have all taught me something. I have to look at it that way.I have to be stronger and more appreciative of what I do have.
    she sure dont seem all that sad about his death, considering how close they were.

  139. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Something is not right in this. She is not griving, Trust me. She knows Michael is alive.

  140. ishealive Said,

    I think the meda need to back off, why show the Pepsi commercial now??? Leave the man alone, they're like vulchers they make me sick. On another note Michael's friends don't seem that upset, Miko Brando and the Incredible Hulk don't seem too upset at all. Also I was watching Jermaine's interview with Larry King after Michael died and he said he heard the news from CNN and then laughed, if I heard the news that god forbid my brother died from the Media I certainly wouldn't be laughing, I'd be annoyed even pissed off about it. They all seem ok, a little upset but not like you should be. After my Nan died I was inconsolable for weeks.

  141. emmie Said,

    i dont even no how they can be speaking to the media so early.i mean even when latoya went to the house she didnt seem sad. its pretty weird, she got more upset when she talked about her dads violence toward the children in a different interview and even cried,

  142. svangel Said,

    check this out yo…. this is from her twitter account I just don't believe that Michael would want me to share my grief with millions of others. How I feel is between us. Not a public event.2:25 PM Jul 6th from web…. yet she posting she missing hima nd the memories they had… oh plz… why wud she say wat i feel is between us… unless he is alive… shudnt it be… wat i felt form him wud have been between us

  143. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    To ishealive.

    I will agree with you, I think thay commercial is WAY OUT OF LINE. They know how affected Michael was after that, WHY THE HELL ARE THEY KEEP ON TRASCHING HIS NAME. BACK OFF. I feel like sueing them. ASSWHOLES

  144. LEA613 Said,

    This is a very interesting site. Since we are talking about Twitter, here is something I noticed that is a bit strange on Nicole Ritchie's (Michael Jackson's goddaughter) twitter acct: On June 25, she says RIP Farrah Fawcett. No mention of her late godfather? I was like oh, that's odd. No mention of Michael on her twitter even on the day of the memorial. She just tweets about other stuff. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I found it a bit odd.

  145. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    @LEA613.. hola .. yea i noticed that and i also noticed on Justin Timberlake's twitter aswell that he hasn't mentioned Michael even ONCE!!!!

    Ok this is too weird.. one minute im thinking he is dead (usually by wat i see on tv)…. and then i think about it carefully and tell myself that he has to be alive.


  146. emmie Said,

    im the same i dont no what to think,but u no what hopfully he is now out if his pain and anguish.
    weather he is dead or alive. its something we unfortunatly will neva really no…

  147. shyone Said,

    Of course, he's alive. Why would Elizabeth Taylor say Michael's death taught her something. What did it teach her? How to fake your own death? Dr. Klein as far as I am concerned would sell his mother's soul to the devil. All he can see is dollar signs. He could care less about Michael. The money was all he was interested in. The same for Debbie Rowe and LMP. Michael was surrounded by shady people of all sorts from all walks of life and he was smart enough to know that. Yet still, he used them to elude the famous life he had created and wanted to escape. The truth will come out eventually. By the way! why are the Jackson's performing in August at O2 in London? Supposedly, they are going to have a halogram of Michael and play his lost songs. Is it possible Michael will be resurrected on his birthday in August? That short film Thriller just didn't come out of nowhere. That was the largest grossing album he had ever sold during his career. Something will be happening next month? Lastly, if wherever MJ's body is located is being guarded by armed guards 24 hrs; why would Joe Jackson be interviewed from that location on Larry King? Everything will come to a head in the near future. Closer than we think. That you for keeping those of us who think outside of the box in the loop. God Bless!

  148. Solid121 Said,

    When the report came in to an American news agency (I think it was Fox) that Michael was rushed to hospital not breathing and unconscience, they said they had recieved a statement through Elizabeth Taylor's PR that said “Michael IS alive and he IS breathing”

  149. MyBelovedMJ Said,


    I think something will happen at that concert next month, we will just have to wait and see.

    There is NO body. Joe Jackson said in that interwiev, when he was asked where his sons body is he answered ” I dont know”. OMG WTF. How can you not know where your babys body is?? I felt like (no i dont wanna say that word).

    Like Michael always says. The truth will prevail.

  150. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    And I know he is not going to tell it, because of the public, but then he could have said something like. I cant or wont reviel that. Or, Im not gonna say or something, But dont say he dosent know.

    DAMMIT. Whats wrong with that family?

  151. phoenix Said,

    @admin. Do you know if Liz Taylor deleted the message, where she thanks Dr. Klein for that Matisse painting? because to be honest i cant find it…..
    however i want to believe that he is alive- but i disagree, that he is not going to come back: i think he loves the stage too much- why wouldnt he want to show the press, which was so terrible to him, that he is much stronger than media- that he made right in front of the press the hugest fake ever? maybe we just have to wait a bit- like 2-3 years…. i would want him back…or even just alive and happy- not matter where he is.

  152. nora Said,

    I think Michael was with us

  153. blu Said,

    I have been a loyal fan Of Michael Jackson for over forty years. The reason I got on the internet and began looking up things is because something just didn't feel right to me. I think I know Michael about as well as anyone could without being in his circle. There is no dout in my mind that the person in the This is it announcement video was not Michael. Not the real one anyways. I don't know what it all means and I can't say that I am sure of anything else, but I just know that something don't feel right. I just don't want to be like the people in Elvis days that just would not let go of the fact that he was dead and was made the laughing stock of the rest of the world. All I know is that I had a dream about the Michael on June 24th and it is still freaking me out. I wish that I could shake this uneasy feeling that something is just not right.

  154. blu Said,

    Let's say that Michael is alive. If he went though this much to disappear, Do we think that we will ever know the real truth? Or for the rest of our days we will only be guessing? i couldn't torture myself like this for the rest of my life. If he is alive and ever want to return, then he will. If he don't want to return, then he won't. I love Michael sooo much now and always.

  155. elizabethvitale Said,

    Now, they are delaying the autopsy reports another week. I can almost tell the outcome of this. Everything will start to disappear and no more will be heard about the entire case. I don't even know if charges will be brought on anyone. In my opinion it will be stated as natural cause of death or some stupid rhetoric of words, slap the doctors hand, and to try to keep the peace with the public. No ho sé. There is just something doesn't fit right in all of this stated death stuff.

  156. elizabethvitale Said,

    There is something strange in this whole story. Watch, no charges will be brought on anyone, the doctor's hand will be slapped and the report will be worded with rhetoric around the stated reason for the stated death. With no evidence and no witnesses how is anyone going to prosecute anyone. Even with doctor records and the alias and the pharmacies these have nothing to do with the final reason for Michael's stated death. So, the drugs were there. Did anyone see the doctor administer anything? Too many loopholes to prosecute. Too many discrepancies in the entire story of Michael's stated death. Too many reasons not to prosecute. I just can't wait for another week. hmmmmm.

  157. elizabethvitale Said,

    Oh, and then the records will be tainted. LA politics. Raids compromized. info leaked to hurt the case. and on and on the saga will go with the news posting little tid bits to keep the public at peace and make it look like something will be done. What a bunch of bull.

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