Michael Jackson Hoax Death

Je King of Pop zares mrtev?

Digitalno Created ta slika je dejal, da bo Michael Jackson's Končna vaja noč preden je umrl.

Ta slika je sprožilo veliko polemik v zadnjih nekaj tednih. Kaj najprej zdelo, da je "samo" slika, ki obstajajo, da dajo Michael Jackson na vaje za njegov koncert tour noč preden je umrl, zdaj pa se zdi nekaj zelo različne.

Več uporabnikov na tej spletni strani so že opozorili na možnost, da to sliko lahko bile "photoshopped".

V teh suma poudarjeno, smo tukaj na MJHD odločil, da je en korak naprej in so slike, ki so jih analizirali poklicne fotograf.

Poklicni fotograf, ki je analizirala to sliko pod mikroskopom, kot tudi z uporabo digitalnih editing software, žal želi ostati anonimen, njihove ugotovitve pa so none-the-manj zanimiv in bi še vedno želel deliti jih z vami.

Prvič, najbolj očiten problem s to fotografijo, je dejstvo, da je spodnji del od "S" je manjkalo med MJ kraki. Nekateri ljudje so dejali, da je zaradi kota, kjer ima stalni in ploščadi.

Naš strokovnjak ne strinja.

On je analizirala širine zgornjega dela "S" in dejal, da brez dvoma, da bi morali vsaj glej del krivulje na spodnji strani "S" med njegove noge. Drugič, bi prav tako moralo obstajati nekakšno odra ali razsvetljavo med njegove noge, vendar je completly mat črno na tesnem inšpekcije.

Secondl, je začel iskati v ozadju kot celote, in ugotovila, da je popolnoma digitalno, po naših strokovnjakov. To je ključnega pomena manjkajoči elementi svetli in temni. Sence, ni dovolj temno in ni flaring od luči na tla v Gubilište, ali so kovine Gubilište sama. Edina "osvetlitev" prisotna je modrikasto "lensflare", ki se lahko šteje, pa naš strokovnjak soglaša, da je to preprost element, ki ga je mogoče dodati z Photoshop.

Tudi glede na spodnjem levem znanja za strel je zelo topljene, ki očitno, je tudi povedal tale znak digitalnih delo.

Ko smo pokazali naš strokovnjak za "posnetek" Michaela opravljajo "Ne res skrbi za nas", nosim isto obleko, vendar brez "to je to" ozadje, se je strinjal, da je to videti, čeprav njegova podoba je bila vzeta iz tega časa (ki bi lahko bili leti sodim z frizuro) in dano kot plasti, na vrhu te vnaprej izdelane ozadju.

Druga stvar, ki menijo, da je Michael Jackson je bil vadi za svoj koncert v Los Angelesu rezanih Center. Na koncertih so se nikoli ne bo treba opraviti tukaj. Zakaj bi se je treba kakršno koli ozadje na vse, če upoštevamo, da je samo vaje? Ne bi tak dragi in pomembno ozadje treba v londonski O2 Areni?

Bodite drugi pogled na posnetkov tukaj, in dopolnite svoje misli.

Ugotovljeno je bilo z veliko Michael Jackson Ventilatorji na tej strani, da se ta redni je isti kot rutinski Michael je na enem od njegovih ture leti. Menimo, da je to res, in da se ta vaja Posnetki se iz istega turnejo ... leti. Zakaj se mediji "prodajo" je za nas kot posnetek iz 23 junij 2009?

Prepričani smo, da za "Smrt" od Michael Jackson, ki se believeable, je pomembno za vse nas, da se bedastoča v razmišljanje, da je bil vadi pozno v noč 12 ur pred svojo smrtjo. Nekdo hoče, da misliš to, kjer je bil in to je, kaj počne. Po naših strokovnjakov, to sliko bi lahko bila proizvedena v vsakem trenutku .... Zastavlja se vprašanje, ki ... če Michael Jackson ni bil vadi noč preden je umrl v Los Angelesu, kot smo bili od to tell ... potem, če je bil on?

  1. JC.LOVES.MJ Said,

    OMG! i soooo knew it! svoje goljuf! kot sem vedela, da MJ je živ in obstaja veliko točk, ki kažejo, da je ponarejanje njegove smrti, toda kaj pa je to, da bi njegovi smrti se zdi realna?
    kot so:

    - Spomin, Soo veliko bil denar porabljen
    - Kako strasten Latoya, da je približno okoli MJ se "umorjenih"
    - Pravna vprašanja
    -dejstvo, da so ljudje alotta ubil sebe nad njegovo smrt, kot so i dont razmišljati MJ bi želeli, da.

    ive Sorta šel prazen v trenutku, vendar obstajajo stvari alotta, vsakogar, ki se strinjata z mano, ali mislite drugače, id radi vedeli ur mnenje

  2. dianafan Said,

    Canyou zaprosi kamera strokovnjak, da bi dobili polno obraz pic of MJ vadi in primerjati, da je O2 pics od "prave" in "imposter".

    Strinjam se z vprašanjem, zakaj so se vadi v Staples, MJ, ker naj bi prišel UK 8 tednov pred koncertov začeli (Latoya), ampak so izgovori, da ne pridejo - prašičja gripa itd On ni prišel, da Združeno kraljestvo za Udeležijo zaradi svojega načrta za izhod v sili ne bi bil tukaj, bi nam Britanci so ga našli v pol ure vrhovi!

  3. dianafan Said,

    Ne vem veliko o tehnologiji - ampak samo gledaš pozorno na še za vajo, MJs pants zdi malo glej skozi - na dnu, kjer je vase stvar.

    Tudi - na osebo, navedeno v vaji skoraj gotovo tehta več kot 8 kamen, da pridete do izgledal, da bi bilo treba nošenje polnilu.

  4. SITA Said,

    self ubijanje z drogami / bolečinam ubija celoten denar zgodba. zvezda ubije sam beeing sama in dolgčas in tako naprej.
    nič zanimivega v to ..

    vendar: beeing pokončane z umorom teorij dobi denar nazaj, tudi od življenjskih zavarovanj, do družine in celotno proizvodnjo podjetju.

    dont mislim preveč complexe, mislim samo v smeri: kdo ima koristi od?

  5. He.is.alive Said,

    Imam to teorijo, da ponudba: Resnični Michael Jackson nikoli prišla na vajo, da je noč pred njegovo "smrtjo" na Staples Center, vendar poslala svoje namesto podvoji. Ker video je ponaredek, nimamo dokaza, da je realna Michael Jackson je udeležilo vaja na vse, se smatramo, da je realna Michael Jackson izven da čakalna ravnino in levo forevermore zbogom po vsej verjetnosti.

    Medtem, nazaj na dvorcu, na lookalike vaba je bila readied in pripravljeni za "srčnega zastoja" pokazati in žogo je začel valjanja, vsi, medtem ko Michael Jackson je na ravnini, do kje in to pojasnjuje zakaj ambulante "pacient" ne foto ne izgledal in ne more biti Michael Jackson, pravico do continunally in drugih sumljivih vprašljivo quirks popping up iz vseh smeri, nič od tega se morebiti dodajo gor ker fazi je sicer že od vsega začetka, tj.: Resnični Michael Jackson je bil dolg zgubljen, ampak nazaj v LA za "Michael Jackson je umrl od srčnega zastoja" Prikaži z lažnim šla na, kot je bilo načrtovano, vendar brez "vaja" in zaradi tega razloga smo prispe na "nič ne dodaja navzgor" teoriji in so nenehno se vroči več nastajajočih questionables in suma izhaja iz samega začetka te celote zgodovina.

    Ta na kratko iz moje perspektive.

  6. twan75 Said,

    - Posnetki iz rehearsels so precej nova. Razlog je, da vem Timor Steffens (ki je eden izmed izbranih ozadju plesalke) je nehal vidna. Sodeloval na Nizozemskem kažejo na "Torej misliš, da ti lahko plesal" in je 22 let. On je bil prav tako prisoten na spomin, tako kot drugi ozadja plesalcev, prikazani v rehearsel-posnetkov. Tako lahko rečemo, brez dvoma, da je ta video je od nedavnega datum (in ne več let)

  7. SITA Said,

    so vse potrebe (ed) denarja. Michael tudi.
    Veliko strokovnjakov je bilo veliko dvomov
    MJ, da je lahko do 10 koncertov, ali celo 50.
    veliko prijateljev opazila zlorabo drog / bolečinam
    http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1246443730968&pagename=JPost% 2FJPArticle% 2FShowFull
    Verjamem: MJ ni bila v dobri ustavi.
    tako da (družine in družbe proizvajalke) predstavila nam mj dvojno, Imitator, da bi nas vse
    čutijo, da je dobro in bo bliskavica vse nas.
    Končno mu je bilo trpljenje.

    skriti tega so predstavljene nas
    dobro opravljajo Michael. a photshopped različico, to je to streljanje,
    dobro delaš mj O2 na tiskovni konferenci.
    tako michael je kralj in bo v prihodnje. nobenega dvoma dovoljeno
    od proizvajajo družbe, od družine.

    tam "mora" biti nekdo, ki ga ubil ..
    tako se zgodba še vedno zanimiva za ostali svet. to
    njihovo zemljišče. njihov denar, ki ploskve.

  8. idontknow Said,

    Ne pozabite, da Perez Hilton prvič poročali o smrti 25 jun kot publiciteta? Vzel določitvi članek minut pozneje, vendar je še vedno screencaps ven-tam .... Perez Hilton ni verodostojen vir Seveda, vendar je prepričan, je imel dvome pri prvi.
    In od takrat je TMZ Bog vse novice viri sedaj?

  9. MissC Said,

    Če je video je nedavno, potem ni načina, je slika photoshoped. ali morda je, ampak kako si razloži, da je oblečena v isto obleko?. Tako zmedeno.

  10. SITA Said,

    Moram dodati:
    celo "Debbie Rowe Vbrizgana Jackson z drog"

    ljudi aroud mj vedel njegov probs! javnosti, je bilo bedastoča. včasih z mj-doubles/impersonators!

  11. Funkey Said,

    Moram reči imam nobenkrat been a pahljača od MJ, vendar odkar sem slišal za njegovo smrt sem rekel, da sam nikakor ne, samo še en Majstorija in sem čakala in čakala sem tako kot v ostalem od nas in od takrat sem google, youtube , moje prste na smrt na vse, kar sem lahko najdete na MJ. I ne strinjajo, da obstaja nekaj vprašanj moramo odgovoriti, vendar moje vprašanje je, kaj bo pečat v obravnavo MJ, da je potekel razmišlja bomo izbrali na vse, da so lažni in če MJ je, da je od mrtvih, bi mi verjel, da se MJ?

  12. Smiile1929 Said,

    Ima kdo Tha Link kadar Michael's Narediti Tha Same Rutinska ..??.. Ne najdem je.

  13. Martha Said,

    i popolnoma strinjam s twan75, da dejansko je nedavno posnetkov vzrok vidimo isto blond kitarist dekle v spomin in izgleda nespremenjena do mene. vendar mi dont know prepričani, da je bilo dejansko realno MJ. se mi zdi, da je bilo, ampak kdo ve?

  14. Smiile1929 Said,

    Za IDon'tKnow ..

    I've Heard Tha TMZ Has A Insider V Tha Jackson Family & Thats kako Spoznajte Michael .. Če ne poznate njegove prave Buh Thats Kaj sem slišal.

  15. Copenhagen Said,

    Sem mislila, da preveč MJ pogledal veliko mlajši kot so slike, če so bili Lažne potem pa sem mislil, da je to lahko njegov odziv sliko kot je pogledal leti. MJ pogledal ponarejenega na tiskovni konferenci z zelo temnimi sončnimi očali, ki je nosil tudi med zaslišanjem. Mislim, zakaj nositi temna očala znotraj in med avdicijo, kjer ste, da lahko vidite vse podrobnosti? MJ was a Perfekcionista in ni videti koncentrirane na avdicijo - je bil zaposlen žvečilni gumi ... Ena od naših zelo bister plesalcev na Danskem šla na rehersel, vendar ni bil izbran, ker je bil prevelik. On upravlja s pozdravi MJ - ne vem, če je mislil, če je bila pravica MJ ali ne. Rekel tiska, da je bil zelo zadovoljen, da je MJ moti, da pozdravi vse. Kdo je rekel, da je MJ opravili zavarovanje test?

  16. idontknow Said,

    I don't think so slike ali video se iz davno - oni so tako zelo nedavno.

    Ta slika je lahko photoshopped iz nekega razloga, čeprav. Nekdo je rekel, da bi se lahko "vhod" za plesalke čeprav.

  17. twan75 Said,

    Oglejte si video in zamrznete na 1,37, na desni strani Michael, obstaja Timor (s klobukom). Ko je začasno zaustavljena, pojdite na http://timorsteffens.come2me.nl/1018762/Timor-Mj-verhalen in vidite točno isti tip. Čeprav je v nizozemščini telss zgodba pa se izbere foir turnejo, ki mu daje tudi priložnost za delo z Michaelom za obdobje dveh let (tako jasno svetu turneje je bil čakajo PO 50 kaže v Londonu) Sicer poglej na youtube za "Timor Steffens Torej si lahko misliš, da lahko ples "Upam, da bo dovolj dokazov, ki dokazujejo, da je video na rehearsels je od nedavnega datum (v rehearsels za" To je to "začela konec maja btw)

  18. littlesuemj Said,

    hi did kdorkoli prikaz documentry na kanal 4 lastnight michael jackson, kaj v resnici zgodilo? ifso prosim dajte mi vaše misli hura.

  19. jackoisalive21 Said,

    ja i rekla je lahko vstop na začetku je pokazal mislim, da bi lahko bile uporabljene ob začetku prireditve za različne pesmi in MJ didnt sprememb za druge pesmi, saj njegov kostume wernt pripravljen ali kaj podobnega.

    Mislim, da je posnetek je nedavno in verjamem, da je živ, ampak i dont know, kaj naj rečem o fotografijo. kdorkoli strinjajo?

  20. JC.LOVES.MJ Said,

    jackoisalive21: Strinjam se v celoti in sem preveč popolnoma zmedeni glede fotografij.
    vendar še vedno zelo majhen del mene misli, da je mrtev. danes svoje 13., dan prvi koncert, does kdorkoli kno Wats Goin na?

  21. SITA Said,

    Mogoče so le poskušali
    poudarite s photoshopped različica
    te slike, da je slika
    življenjskih Michael.
    v primeru smo wouldN't Prebral črk
    "To je to" mi bi bilo dvoma, od začetka.

    vendar mora biti zelo, zelo enostavno za AEG: kolikor
    Spomnim se, kot bi morale imeti video posnetkov in fotografij
    posnetki, za več kot 2 uri igrati. evidentiranje teh bi bilo
    narediti dan / tednov pred. zakaj dont tvoje preprosto za javnost
    več stvari o tem?

  22. mysterylady Said,

    Ok, najprej izključite Nisem tako prepričan o celotni MJ hoax teorijo zarote, ampak sem prišel čez nekaj zelo zanimivih in zvečer sem mislil, da bi moral deliti z vami vsemi.
    Stekel sem čez Elizabeth Taylor's Cvrkutati profil nocoj. Sem se spomnil medijev oddajanja ji posodobitev prek ven MJ smrti. Ona tudi napotenim ona ne bi bila obiskuje Mike's memorijalni storitev prek Cvrkutati. I takoj se mi je zdelo čudno za nekoga, njen status glede na njeno starost in ozadje Cvrkutati. Ampak kaj resnično me je bilo ji tweets šest dni pred MJ smrti
    "Nekdo me briga za zelo poslala naslednja opomba k meni z rožami in sem hotel deliti z vami.


    "Najdražja Elizabeth, si bo sonce sijalo, oblaki premakniti in Svet spin. Toliko ljudi, ljubim te in tako naredi I. Love Always ,______"

    __http: / / twitter.com/DameElizabeth/status/2246104618

    To je precej očitno, da je se sklicuje na Mike v teh zadnjih dveh tweets, vendar je to, kjer je dobil čuden. Tri dni kasneje je za tweeting nobene razen Dr Arnold Klein! Kaj je še neznanec je Dr.Klein nima Cvrkutati račun!

    Jaz nikoli ne bo mogel zahvaliti moji dragi prijatelj, Dr Arnold Klein dovolj za omamljanje, ki jih Matisse.


    Dragi Arnie, Kaj ste bili do saj ste nazaj? Cvrkutati me nazaj. Vse moje ljubezni, Elizabeth


    Nazaj? Kje je DR.go in prišel nazaj le v času, tri dni pred MJ smrti? Še enkrat se ni tweeting Dr.Klein neposredno, saj je pošiljanje posodobitev out!

    Potem naj bi se še bolj sumljivo je tweeting začne en dan po njeni ljubljeni prijatelj umrl! To je ista ženska, ki trdi, Mike je bil njen najboljši prijatelj, in ona ga ljubila z vsemi njeno srce, vendar je najbolje, da lahko narediš, potem ko je odšel je Cvrkutati posodobitve ne obiskuje njegov spomin storitev, ki trdijo, da je preveč nepovezano! Ampak ona še ni dovolj za nepovezano Cvrkutati več obveščati o tem, kako ona pogreša Mike in kako jo svet nikoli ne bo ista brez njega!

    Ne vem, kaj se dogaja! Bodisi vse te ljudi, ki je trdil, da je tako blizu Mike so v bistvu prednji vse skupaj tako lahko bilo umorjenih, ali se lahko zelo dobro živ kot dobro. Ampak samo ne verjamem Mike bi naredil, da njegovi oboževalci in najpomembneje njegovi otroci.
    Ampak mislim, da vsakdo potrebuje resnično pozornost nameniti Liz Taylor's tweets, ji pošlje nekatere vrste sporočila. In to je izven njene tweets!


  23. JC.LOVES.MJ Said,

    kako se mi bo kdaj izvedeli resnico, HAV kdorkoli kakšno idejo?

  24. Sosh Said,

    Strinjam se s SITA in sem omenil, da na forumu tudi.

    AEG trdi, da je približno hundres plus ur video posnetkov. Edina stvar, ki jih javnost je ta kratek posnetek z relativno neznan in ne kot priljubljeno skladbo iz MJ.

    Če bi bil AEG, bi sprostila del Billy Jean za primer (ne vemo, ampak verjetno je v oddaji).

    Ali niso wan't da izjavo z besedilom uporabljeni pesem?

  25. Sosh Said,

    Ali veš, če nekdo MJs tesne prijatelje, kot Dianna Ross in Liz Taylor so na zasebne / družina spomin?

    Če niso, se to lahko dodate več na theorie svojo mrtvo je ponarejanje.

  26. JC.LOVES.MJ Said,

    @ Sosh:
    nopes jih werent, niti je bilo veliko drugih ljudi, in mislim veliko!

  27. SITA Said,

    nemški časopis "FOCUS" naslovov to sliko: 2 dni pred njegovim umirajo Michael did usposabljanja ..

    imajo pogled na to:

    je to tudi od sponke center?

  28. Iznuren Said,

    Pozor fellow Hoax verniki!

    Imam teorijo, in to je precej dober, če smem reči, da sem. Začel sem tipkati ga tukaj včeraj in potem naenkrat se izbrišejo iz comment box! Jaz sem tipkati to še kot govorimo! Verjemi mi, da si ne boš želel, da pogrešam, kaj moram reči ... Se vidiva kasneje & spomnite - verjameš nič, vprašanje VSE!

  29. Wendy Darling Said,

    Mystery Lady, hvala za napotitev, da! Slišal sem nekaj o njem, da ga ljubi, Miguel Angel umetninami. To dokazati, da njegov tesnejše prijatelji imajo neverjetno art zbirke Ali Michael preveč? Zanima me, če ljubi vanguardist slikarji Michael ali francoščini slikanje, kot so fauvist Matisse ali za druge, ampak očitno je del svojega zasebnega življenja. Sem umetnostna zgodovinarka in bi rad vedel, če je bil Michael zanima gostujočih člen Muzeji v Evropi! Bilo bi tako gibljejo me vidite isto lep poveljnik umetninami in zamisliti, če so videti enake lepe stvari in kako bi lahko počutijo pred njimi. (se opravičujem za mojo slabo angleščina)

  30. Sara Said,

    Ta slika je brez dvoma ponaredek.
    Poglej na desni strani si lahko ogledate roko!
    In se, da je glavo vidim na dnu?
    Tudi če vi pogled tesno ob luči stalnica v spodnjem levem kotu in potem na michael, izgleda pot iz kraja ....

  31. Wendy Darling Said,

    Ja, to je res čudno. Ne mislim, da smo morali videti okultno sporočilu, ampak zakaj Liz Taylor Ismijavati to, ni seznanjen z ventilatorjem, da prihaja od nekoga dejansko blizu nje. Bral sem nekje, da je bila sama priprava na potovanje v Londonu in je z Michaelom, je to res?

  32. Nizozemščina Said,

    @ SITA: Zdi se, da je tako. Enako plesalcev v ozadju Kakorkoli že, kot v drugih images / posnetek.

    Nekaj, kar sem opazila (ampak res MJ Tvrdoglavac fans lahko shed bolj dokončne svetlobe da): MJ nosi njegovo slušalke z mikrofonom leftside v zadnjih vaja slike in posnetek, medtem ko se spomnim na posnetek iz druge žive kaže, da nosi to iz pravico. Vem, da precej več glasbenikov osebno (lokalno, ampak tudi mednarodno znana) in tako kot mnoge športne ljudje, vsi so zelo posebno, kadar gre za rutino. Ti nikoli ne bi prekinil rutinske so za leti ... ne brez zelo dobrega razloga za to. Mogoče nekaj zelo nepomembni, ampak nekdo ve več o tem?

  33. CuteAngel Said,

    Vau, zelo fascinantno informacije! Zgodba thickens!

  34. souza81 Said,

    Vau, ne vem kaj naj rečem. Bodisi je to res dobro hoax ali MJ je umorjen in obstaja veliko ljudi, ki vedo o tem. Ne vem več kaj naj verjamem sedaj. In zakaj se ne obstaja (realno) news stran ali program pozoren na te stvari in vprašanja čuden? Jaz ne verjamem ponavadi te vrste teorij, vendar ta zgodba je že strancu in strancu!

  35. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    V prvi vrsti bi želel poudariti, da je Obrazložitev Fotografija Izgleda Photoshopped saj Več kot verjetno je, vendar samo zato, ker če ne poglej desno potem Navada Poglej Dobro in je bil verjetno naj bi bilo plakat in Zakaj želite plakat na Vaš zidu, ki izgleda, kot Dokončati Sranje? Photoshopping Slike so potrebni, da bi Photo Poglej boljši. Im A Freelance Photographer, vem.

    Video je treba Nedavni Ker The Girl igranje kitare Was Petje Na Memorijalna, če tisti video je bil iz let nazaj, kako je ona še mlada? Dajmo ljudje, če vaša Res Raziskovanje vse to, boš vedela.

    Kaj mislim, da je, ker je bil Praznovanje bo About Triler, in ker Rad Predvajaj šale na ljudi, in je želel, da bi to najboljše rezultate v zgodovini človeštva.

    On Lažne njegovi smrti, ne zato, ker mu pustite nas, ne zato, ker je hotel pobegniti, je nikoli ne bi pobegnil od svojega Težave, on preživel Child Molestation Vprašanja in nikoli pobegnil iz njih. On je želel, da dajo na Greatest Show Ever In kaj boljši kot pretvarja njegovi smrti in ko Memorijalna Tours Start Up On skokovima Out Of The Bottom Of The Floor Tako kot v zadnjih koncertov in presenečenj za svet kot še nikoli doslej.

    On je navedel, da smo se ne zdi nič Toda, kaj pa misliš, da to pomeni? Plus, on ne bi nikoli Commit Suicide Or Bodite drog in če je bil Jemanje drog, zakaj ima skrbništvo nad otroki, kar je več kot verjetno bi jih bilo od njega.

    Memorijalna pogledal Fake, The Kovčeg pogledal, manjši od njegove Sta, People didnt Produce Tears Samo Made Crying hrup. Memorijalna naj bi Praznuje Life, spomenikov Dont Vedno morajo biti o smrti.

    Plus V vaje Video Ko Direktor Pravi Hold Za Beifall primerjajte glas Kenny Ortega, ki je Njega.

    Michael Jackson bo edini v zgodovini, ki bi lahko Potegni Nekaj Izključeno Ta Ogromna. On je samo hotel dokazati Svet, da vam ne poslušajte medijev, so Feed Trenutno Sranje. In če sem desno, potem pa mediji bodo predstavljeni kot največji Bedaki v zgodovini in, če je njegova tako imenovane Ventilatorji kupujete, kaj govorijo, potem pa so Arent True Fans. In če Prodaja ton Michael Jackson Sranje Po Bil bi biti Dies, Potem Vaš Res Ni Michael Jackson Fan, Vaša A Fan če imate radi Njegova glasba in on briga kot oseba, Ja. You Dont Need kupiti ton Memorbilia dokazati svojo oboževalec.

    Plus Samo, ker je bil v dolgovih, doesnt Srednja on doesnt imel denarja. To je Michael Jackson mislila, nihče Zaustavljeno Nakup Njegova glasba. On je najbolj Famous Posamezno v zgodovini. Imel ton Prijatelji, to didnt Pokaži Do Njegova memorijalna Tona In ljudi, ki doesnt Ali kaj s Michael Jackson. Zato veliko Pokaži se bo zgodilo. You Just Watch In Če Im Wrong, potem maj Michael Jackson Be Happy v nebesih. Imam več Say Im Ending Ampak to sedaj, če hočeš govoriti z mano Več Is My Yahoo Dragonfire_barbie_sweetheart.

  36. dama princeska Said,

    do mysterylady, di imate točen datum, ko Liz Taylor odgovor?

  37. wishful09 Said,

    mysterylady, obdržimo posodobitev z njo tweets, prosim. Zelo zanimivo.

  38. supermom75 Said,


    OK, poglej ta video na Isprobavanje avdicije za dncers lahko ujemajo z njimi v foto in video Vaja i samo zdi, da bi našli tisto, ki izgleda isto mi povej in ne Liz in Diana niso bili tam v spomin

  39. MrsBenjamin Said,

    DR. ARNOLD KLEINA IMA Cvrkutati račun ...


  40. jetgrrrl Said,

    Našel sem video iz Zgodovina turnejo in kot lahko vidite koreografija in Izmješan uporabljajo za njih dont briga nas pesem je natanko isti kot tisti, prikazani na MJ domnevno zadnja vaja iz 23/06
    Check it out od 2:22 do 3:49


    Samo ne more razumeti, kako bi lahko pomislil ob uporabi istih ples rutinsko kot na svoje prejšnje turneje, ko je napovedal, da njegov odziv turneji bi bila najboljša doslej in polno novih stvari ... Britanski pritisnite bi imela Prikovan njim!
    Prosim povej mi, kaj si misliš.

  41. Sosh Said,

    Wow! da izgleda, da ga res ne bi bili v veliki koncert. Komaj čakam na AEG sprošča DVD za vaje.

    Kot sem primerjati sliko na tako imenovani vaji video posnetek, mislim, da je posnetek ni od končnega-vaja. V ozadju je veliko več livving v tem strel. Ni navaden ozadje.

    Ampak to še enkrat, morda se sprosti le posnetek je končana, ko je Dome Projekt je vključen.

  42. Dweeby Guy Said,

    Ne verjamem v Posnetki iz vaji je bil iz leti, kot twan75 rekel. Kitarista Orianthi ne bi bili usposobljeni, da igra za svojo koncert, če je to leti, ona je šele v zgodnjih 20's. Mislim, da pa se slika je photoshoped, zakaj? Nimam pojma.

  43. He.is.alive Said,

    Elizabeth Taylor je twitting za Zbacivati javnost - Halo? Ona je MJ najbolj intimno, zaupanja vrednega prijatelja, ki je ne kažejo na "spomin", zakaj? vseh ljudi, bi Ms Taylor se ne kažejo ?????? Menim, da vrhunsko verjetno, da vsi njegovi notranji krog confidantes: Diana Ross, Liza Minelli, Uri Geller IN Oprah preveč, so o tem! Da nobeden od njih prišla v spomin in so zdaj deadstoned tihi pošilja sporočilo?

    Ljudi, ljudi, ki: dobil resnično in zaslužiti na trikov ti ljudje so z uporabo plavajočih "info", kakor javne kot Cvrkutati vse namenjene javnosti odvrniti od factfinding in ugotoviti, kaj v resnici zgodilo ..

    To MJ postopne smrti in pobegnil še vedno resno vleke na internetu, vse več ljudi na in da je kopati za obveščanje in objavljanje blogov, vprašanja, "kaj pa če je" povsod .. kjer je dim je ogenj, v ognju so še višje in višje ....

    Živimo v dobi najvišji doslej tehnologijo in everyting lahko kovani za popolnost: kot video posnetkov, fotografij, Sung lyrics "bolečine" vs "bolečine" ni omejitve! Jaz sem začela verjeti, da je Michael Jackson uporablja to tehnologijo za njegovo polno izkoristili, da bi ustvarili množično zmedo! Nazaj Elvis v letu 1977, ko je izginil, to ni bilo možno in ljudi k uporabi drugih sredstev za odkrivanje prave resnice, ampak so naredili .. in resnično resnico o Michael Jackson's smrti ponarejenega in uspešen izhod v sili bo tudi vse razkril nekaj dni, nekega dne, ko, če mene vprašaš ..

    Na vprašanja o njegovi smrti postopne daleč prevladajo nad resničnostjo ima umrl za resnično ...

    Michael življenja!

  44. Little Susie 01 Said,

    teh picures zdi zelo čudno .. drugih slik je to je to v zadnji krog.

  45. Sarah. Said,

    SITA, nisem prepričan o tem. je možno, saj je plesalce se zdi, da so enaki. ampak Michael je videti nekoliko drugačna v to sliko kot v vaji video mislim.

    "AEG trdi, da je približno hundres plus ur video posnetkov. Edina stvar, ki jih javnost je ta kratek posnetek z relativno neznan in ne kot priljubljeno skladbo iz MJ. "
    Je pogosto rečeno, da obstaja veliko ur posnetkov, ampak samo ta kratek posnetek se sprostijo. To je tisto, kar jaz mislim, da je tu nekaj narobe. Ampak imam za povedati sem iz Nemčije in moja mama mi je povedal danes, da je slišal v nekaj novic, ki jih želijo podati dvd vse njegove stvari vaja iz LA, ki se sprosti v december. To je rekel, da tudi pel nekaj povsem novih skladb in jih lahko poslušate na tem dvd ... ne vem, če je to slišala, ampak ne verjamem, da je to dvd bodo sproščena ... Ker če je tako veliko stvari , zakaj pa ne kažejo samo to nam kratek posnetek, in ne nekaj sekund za drugo pesem? je tako čudno ...

  46. MrsBenjamin Said,

    Prav tako sem našel to spletno stran

  47. MrsBenjamin Said,

    Tudi MJ hranijo a hoax smrti dnevnik ... ..
    OP warbler Michael Jackson hraniti na začuđuje "smrt-hoax dnevnik" pojasnjuje, kako bi bil ponaredek njegove smrti srčni napad in povedal, ko bi prišel iz skrivališča, družinski prijatelj, ki trdi, da je ugotovila, da je revija "med Michael's osebni predmeti" pove derekclontz.com izključno.
    ALIVE - ali ne? Trenutno je sodnik.

    ALIVE - ali ne? Trenutno je sodnik.

    "Obstaja preveč pritisk, pritisk, tlak ... tlak povsod se obrnem ..." dnevnik vstop z dne nov 17, 2008 domnevno pravijo v delu.

    "Ne vem, kdo sem, ne anmore (sp). Mogoče sem samo, da je oče mojih otrok. Mogoče sem Upropašćen.

    "Ta zdravila so (nečitljiv) cestnine ... (nečitljivo) ... nisem zasvojene. Ampak ne morem ustaviti ...

    "Če Elvis ... (nečitljivo) ... tako da lahko I.

    "Bolan 'življati a" srčnega napada "od drog, kot je naredil (ja, prav!)

    "Vrnil se bom, ampak samo, če sem pripravljena. Večji kot Elvis v'69.

    "Mogoče 2009 ob Božiču. Ali pa je Novo leto je boljše.

    "A back-od-mrtvih turnejo, pravi Znan. Ampak imam za počitek. Jaz sem utrujen. Nisem (razmišljanje) jasno.

    "It's drog.

    "Veliko navijačev še vedno ljubiš me. (Nekateri) ljudje sovražijo mene. Thing (sp), se bo razlikoval (po tem) ... "

    Jackson poznavalci zavrnil comment - uradno - o poročilu. Ampak kot eno zasebno, ki je, "We love Michael ni važno, kaj."

    Za prijatelja, ki ušli delov dnevnik je tudi tesen usnama, pravim samo, "Obstaja več kot 60 strani (od tega), ki jo bo javnost v družino prek svojega odvetnika in če lahko naredim kaj hočejo s tem. Ne pripada meni. Pripada Michaela in njegove najbližje. "

    Drugi viri potrjujejo, da Jackson, 50, je govorila o smrti hoax "večkrat" v letu 2008 in tudi v letu 2009, čeprav so poročali o odkritju v dnevnik, ki opisuje njegovo načrtov zdi, da pridejo kot presenečenje za vsakogar v stik z derekclontz.com .

    A barve do številke računa od smrti hoax, v superzvezda lastnoročno napisati, lahko privede do resnih pravnih problemih, recimo pravne opazovalce, zlasti če je zaznana list zavarovalnice in organi, ki jih je treba načrt za goljufije.

    "Upam, da Bog dnevnik je zakonit," je dejal Jackson Prizna, ki je zahtevala anonimnost. "Če je Michael res je živ, če Orkestriran vse to, če Lažne lastno smrt, potem nihče ne bo srečnejši od mene. Kot je za goljufijo - Ne, nikakor.

    "Michael ne bi zavezati goljufijam. On ni poskušal zbrati zavarovanja. On je zaščititi sebe. Je to za svoje otroke. Bom zagotoviti. "

    News of Jackson's “death” on June 25 stunned the world. In fact, within hours of the ann0uncement by authorities, fans had already begun to speculate that he was still alive and had gone into hiding. Subsequent reports suggested that he was, indeed, perpetrating a hoax to escape the pressures of life in the public eye.

    Scooping the world, derekclontz.com reported Jackson had been spirited to Asheville, North Carolina and then to Eastern Europe, where it is thought that he might be holed up in Hungary, or even in Russia, where hundreds of people claim to have spotted him in Moscow.

    website is on here

  48. MrsBenjamin Said,

    “NEW DETAILS OF MICHAEL DEATH HOAX REVEALED … and we know where he is hiding”

    On this website

  49. phoenix180 Said,

    I have to say..I honestly believe that Michael has really died. I went back and forth especially since I had discovered this wonderful site, but it doesn't really add up. Everyone has wondered why on earth would the ambulance take so long to get out of the driveway? Well, because they knew that Michael had died. Why rush when you know that the patient has died. The EMTs wanted to call it then but Dr. Murray didn't allow them to. I mean after 30 minutes, Michael wouldn't have survived a full cardiac arrest..you have 3 minutes to possibly survive a cardiac arrest. As for the confusion on where the body will be buried-the family is smart to confuse everyone. We love Michael and die hard fans AND media alike would crowd around his burial site, trying to take a picture. Some might even try to vandalize it. Admittedly there several other inconsistencies but I'm sure there is a rational explanation for it all. Until then!

  50. Mijac Said,

    This rehearsal it's real, look at the dancers, they are new guys, also the guitarist(her name is ORIANTHI) and also Mj's clothes are from his trip to london when he went to see the musical “OLIVER” he was wearing that same shirt and that same jacket.

    Look at this:



  51. phoenix180 Said,

    Pardon .. Pozabila sem dodati nekaj: hvala za to stran. To zagotavlja veliko upanja in ne poskušajo poiskati resnico. Tudi če čutim, da je posredoval, najmanj kar lahko vodi mojem mnenju odprt in tudi zavedati, da je neumnost se spewed na televiziji in drugih različnih spletnih straneh.

  52. MissC Said,

    Kje je on?! Nihče ne ve, če je organ, nekaj časopisov dejal, da je že pokopanih, potem pa nekateri pravijo, da je na področju drog, sedaj Latoya pravi, da je bil umor. To je popolna zmešnjava, ki se srečujejo s preveč težko obdržati ali ne vem. Od vseh njegovih družinskih članov, je edini, ki govori največ je Latoya in da je čudno. Zdaj, to sliko bi lahko photoshoped, da je vse v nered. Vsakdanja sem našel več razlogov za sum, to ni nič, ker njegova družina pravi smisel! Nekega dne je imel srčni napad, potem pa je bil umor, in je drugi dan, je bil na področju drog. Joj, ne morem niti spati razmišljanje o vsem tem. Jaz sem resno tekoč nor.

  53. Usagi Said,

    The picture and video are both recent and definitely not fake. There's a huge screen behind Michael and the dancers (just look at the video, the screen shows something on it in the first part of the video). You can also see the curtain in the video which is in the exact same position on the This Is It picture and the reason why a part of the projected “This Is It” image on the screen is missing.
    Sorry, but I do think that's Michael we're looking at.. doesn't mean he's dead though.

  54. dinamit Said,


  55. dinamit Said,

    michael was suppose 2 have told paris a month before he died that he was dying,
    link dosent seem to be there anymore, i wonder if it was true or just more bullshit

  56. dinamit Said,


  57. dinamit Said,

    Interesting http://www.metrolyrics.com/2009-elizabeth-taylor-snubbed-by-jackson-family-over-friend-michaelaposs-memorial-service-news.html

  58. Priya78 Said,

    To mysterylady: Re: your statement “What makes it even stranger is Dr.Klein doesn't have a twitter account !!!”

    Arnie Klein DOES in fact have a twitter acct: http://twitter.com/awkmd

  59. Ghost Dsc Said,

    Everything seems has a scheme,a perfect frame, media want make us believe it.This image should belong to Michael's Final Rehearsal ,uk press said 2 days 'fore he left, I better think it has some days,but not that long. He need a rest,but not a lifelong rest…If u see the video,in the really end Michael is smiling…like if he would say “ok,this is it”.That is just a frame media wanna show us,we have to focus better on signs,like this and just from Michael eyes we can understand if is old o new one.Eyes are the mirror of a person,do you know really Michael Jackson? Ali si?

  60. Samantha Said,

    12 people commited suicide… Media could of said it? Never beleive them.

  61. Samantha Said,

    So, this means his not going to do some comeback at his concert. Unless his never going to reveal his alive, or his Birthday he'll come back, or at the Jackson 5 Reuinion.

    awww *Crosses fingers*

  62. dorleac Said,

    WE are JUST GENIOUS hahahaha
    PICS june 24 are fake also! (pics june24 are from 2003)

    have u msn?

  63. EverNorton Said,

    STOP THIS stupid expeculation… The rehearsel video is real and recent… Why try to make excuses that everything is a hoax??? Have you Taken a look at the dancers?? they are the same that won the audition a couple of months ago and they were all aproved by michael.. A video of the audition is on youtube.. You can see it..The photo may be fake but the video is recent and real.. About the coreography.. have you look at the Billie Jean coreography since the Bad Tour?? it has always been he same.. He walks in with a suit case.. takes of the coat, the gloves and the hat.. And the Beat it coreography as always been the same too.. Only someone REALLY BLIND couldnt realize this…

  64. Nickname1984 Said,

    The background on the picture looks digital, because it is digital! It is in fact a giant screen. A screen is easy to set-up, or to ship it to London too.

  65. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    He looks sexy . Like always

  66. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    It IS our Michael, at that video. I can reganize one of the dancers, from the orher rehearsel Videos. AND WILL EVERYONE PLEASE STOP WRITING ABOUT THE F***ING DRUGS.? Im so sick and tired of hearing about that. ITS NOT TRUE. Sorry for caps, but it just pisses me off. About this being the day for the first concert. Well we have to wait ans see to his Birthday, where there will be a concert going on. We will get us some kinda surprice i think. Other than the “lifelike” “Hologram” Of Michael on the stage. We will see

  67. serpentina Said,

    Concerning the video footage – I very well believe it is recent. MJ's current guitarist, the wonderful Orianthi Panagaris, has only replaced Jennifer Batten in the last year or so (at least to my knowledge). This footage HAS to be recent (last 6 months or so).

    Whether it is the actual MJ performing is the real question….

    As for the photo, it certainly has the background and foreground photoshopped. Who knows what else isn't factual about it.

    If this was in fact his decision to fake his death, may he be happy and peaceful wherever he is.

  68. HomicidalClown Said,

    I figure this is going to do nothing but fall on deaf ears, but if you look at this picture: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2187167744/nm0001391 you can see that the background is a matte painting, large cut-out, or a large screen. You can also see that in the video when Michael's standing by the guitarist. Different background, but same shape to the one in the picture. Just thought I might bring that to your attention, though I doubt you'll believe me.

  69. dorleac Said,

    hi friend check it. i just add negative effect at the picture (use more zoom) so michael have 'green spots' around him http://img238.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=38168_p122_122_495lo.jpg diferent of anothers dancers http://img252.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=40967_p12_122_213lo.jpg and http://img253.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=38121_p1222_122_572lo.jpg .

    one friend my who loves photoshop exam. the pic, he thinks it have signs showing that the picture was edit. http://img194.imagevenue.com/img.php?loc=loc86&image=38276_recortes_122_86lo.jpg#

    what you think???

    see ya.

  70. saeed1237 Said,

    hey there is a petition going around i was wondering if you guys would sign and it lists all the facts.
    check it out

  71. wozniack Said,

    I'm not sure if this has been discovered yet, but this blog is mentioned on a news site: http://www.foxcharlotte.com/dpp/news/is_michael_jackson_death_a_hoax

  72. svangel Said,

    i believe that the rehersal is real i think we have to stick to one story …this is micheal jackson we talking about…he wud not involve so many people in a death hoax…cuz someone cud crack and spill the truth… i do believe he is alive thought..here is a point for u all …previously u all saw a pic of his imposter speaking at the opening at his tour( thought i donno how his imposter can sound exactly like him) well look at the picture of the imposters hand and in the rehersal video ..it looks the same.. same marks… either 2 things happened…there was no mj on the tour… or that was him all along and we were being paranoid

  73. mysterylady Said,

    To Priya78 He.is.alive MrsBenjamin wishful09 lady princess Wendy Darling

    Please follow my forum post on Elizabeth's role in Michael Jackson's death and all your answers shall be answered !! I also took the liberty of posting everything from forum as a comment here ! But it's all the proof we need ladies and gentlemen !

  74. loveandpeace Said,

    One thing, it doesn't sound exactly like him! He actually sounds nothing like him, until he starts saying i love you at the end.

    Today i watched the first episode of The Wendy Williams Show, and they talked about Michael Jackson. Someone in the audience asked “how does LaToya know he was murdered, is she a psychic?” TRUE. Then Wendy says, “i think LaToya's about ready to spill the beans, whatever the beans may be!”

  75. dinamit Said,

    Svangel i agree they put sound the same and when he is talking about how much he loves his fans he kinda looks emotional like he knew we wouldnt see him again, so maybe it was him afterall idk, even the presenter guy said he got emotional and was looking at him for support

  76. dinamit Said,

    Svangel i agree they both sound the same and when he is talking about how much he loves his fans he kinda looks emotional like he knew we wouldnt see him again, so maybe it was him afterall idk, even the presenter guy said he got emotional and was looking at him for support

  77. dinamit Said,

    And i agree the rehearsal video is real

  78. lucaslight Said,


    I'm also a professional in photoshop and video compositing. i know, it looks weird and artificial on the photo, BUT it's because of a projection on a big canvas in the background. Here you can see a widescreen picture, there you see on the upper left, that it is a canvas.


    In the video you can also see the changing backgrounds of the video-installation. especially, at second 0:25 to 0:36.
    That's why everything looks so digital in the background!!!

    Ok, hopefully everybody is satisfied.

    Nevertheless, it's sad that he died, he was a big performer and a great musician.


  79. dianafan Said,

    Well I'm not keen on the MJ isn't dead site. Ours is way better. The posters are quite rude.

  80. cvet Said,

    take a read of this they have some great photos of mj here ,www.michaeljacksonnotdead.wordpress.com

  81. anka Said,

    Hi,a just wanna say that as much as I wann`t michael is not dead, today I saw this pictures about his ear, tell me what you think. I hate to say it but to me is the same person.Exuses for my english
    so lokk at this http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Y9FS63BF0Tw/SkRq9Xko2rI/AAAAAAAAAPI/4Z0r6O2EHmw/s1600-h/michael-jackson-last-photos.jpeg

  82. dinamit Said,

    It definetly looks like the same ear but the nose looks two flat to be michael

  83. anka Said,

    I hope you`re right, but I have doubts…I hope with all my heart he is alive,i really don`t know waht to think, after I saw this 2 pictures….

  84. artisticflare Said,

    artisticflare did anyone notice any of the 12 dancers picked doing rehearsal with michael in the footage of they dont care about us? just a thought??

  85. mjfan Said,

    While he did this exact choreography on earlier tours, he never wore THIS outfit for it. So I find it a little hard to believe that this is old footage.

    Also, his last tour was over ten years ago. While I think his face looks a little different on stage than in other footage released of him sitting and watching others rehearse and chewing gum, this face is “new enough” that it can't possibly be from an old tour.

    As for the hair, it's a wig. So what he performs in and what he wears ordinarily have nothing to do with anything.

    I think it's a bit of a stretch personally.

  86. mjfan Said,

    @#22, I too thought that Liz was talking about MJ in that post about the flowers and note. I think it's very odd personally that she won't reference his name there, but she'll reference it after he's died.

    I also find it VERY weird that she wouldn't go to the memorial. Supposedly according to her her feelings for MJ were private and MJ wouldn't want her to go to a public memorial. Huh?

  87. mjfan Said,

    #35 yeah cause nobody can buy lots of MJ CDs and be a real fan. *eye roll* Maybe some people just want the CDs they didn't have, it's not a “prove you're a real fan” thing.

  88. shell12 Said,


  89. wozniack Said,

    Okay, I know I shouldn't buy into this, but this really bothers me: http://www.sdparanormal.com/Michael_Jackson.html

    There are two youtube videos of a psychic communicating with Michael, and is relaying his message.

    I found it in these comments: http://parabook.wordpress.com/2009/07/09/michael-jackson-death-hoax-evidence-mounts/

    Also, what do you think of this? Someone who commented said he “appeared” to her several times. Ne vem kaj misliš več.

  90. živ Said,

    i'm pretty sure you are right about mikes headset mic. i always saw him wear it on the right. strange it's on the left anyone else out there ever see him use it on the left?

  91. živ Said,

    do you think that professional photographer could examine the death photo too and see if he can find anyhting that may have been faked in it?

  92. svangel Said,


  93. stephykat Said,

    well, all I can say is..I do believe he's alive and reading and beginning to see who really believes in him and his art..at the end..I can spend many days thinking about him since I felt his presence and still do, but I can't prove anything. I just hope he's better than before and continues with his messages to the world.

  94. dinamit Said,

    Amen to that stephyKat

  95. emo_pinkt Said,

    I do not think that the video is Fake. IF YOU WATCH tmz's videos of MJ coming out of the DR's office. You notice him with straight hair..That is until June. Then his hair is curly. That is definately Michael.

  96. melluvsmike25 Said,

    Well, I've been reading all of your posts for quite some time now, now finally I have joined the group. A lot of you have pointed out several interesting ideas about MJ not being dead. Good work guys! I think after we find out the truth, we should all thing about taking up detective work. I've been setting here reading all the responses, but now I've got to add something.

    First off….when that picture that you guys keep referring to came out, it had no “This Is It” behind it. Am I the only one that saw that? I saw it a while back, I would guess at least a week ago, with nothing behind him but those metal things. No words. But what does that mean? Not being sarcastic, just wondering what does it mean if someone did photoshop in the words?

    Also, the deal with the added “s” at the memorial. I have listened to my own cd and all that youtube how to offer on “Will you be there”, and on the original and all others, the s is not there. He only says it on the memorial. Unless there is another recording of that song that is not on youtube or the original cd, it certainly makes me wonder.

  97. melluvsmike25 Said,

    Also, I would like to add that I've noticed several people referring to the ambulance pic. My son, who has been learning detective work since he was 11, and he's 17 now, and I both, think that there is no way that that picture could have been taken from that window in the back of that ambulance. Let's just say that someone had a super dupper camera that can take pictures through a tinted window. And even though, no press was supposed to have been around, the angle is wrong. Picture someone in an ambulance. Here is the one of him in the ambulance.


    Now here is the ambulance


    Even if you could tilt to the side of that window, there is no way that you would get that much of his face in the pic. You would have to have been IN the ambulance. Mostly you would have gotten a shot of the top of his head with a little of the side of his face. So, let's assume that one of the ambulance drivers took a bribe and let them in. It seems awfully strange that no one else was bought off also. Not at the hospital, the coroners office, the funeral home. Nobody but that ambulance driver? Seems strange to me. I think that pic was staged a long time ago.

  98. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Im Pretty Sure Ambulance Drivers, Can Drive Better Than That, Plus They Cant Possibly Be Driving That Slow With Michael Jackson Dieing Inside. I Think The Whole Video Was Staged, Plus If He Was Already Dead, Ive Seen Ambulances Drive Faster Than That With Dead People Inside. Watch The Video Closer And Listen To The Audio Better. It Doesnt Make Any Sense

  99. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    I Would Also Like To Point Out The Part Where Jennifer Hudson Is Singing At The Memorial And Then Michael Jackson Says That Poem Or Whatever, If Seen The Concerts Where He Says The Same Thing And At The Memorial He Sounds Like He Is There And His VOice Is Very Emotional. Heres The Links To SHow You The Differences.

    Michaels Concert

    Michael's Memorial

    I Really Think Alot Of Us Could Be Detectives LOL. We Have Shown More Evidence Then The Media Has, Because They Make More Money On The Lies Than On The Truth. We Arent Getting Paid So We Are Taking Our Time And Finding The Truth Faster Than They Could Possibly Do So.

    This Site Is Also Becoming Huge And I Wouldn't Be Surprised If This Site Ends Up On The News Or Newspapers Or Whatever, Because You Know Some Media Or Paparazzi Has To Eventually Come Across This Website.

    Oh And I Dont Know If Yall Noticed But Almost Everyone At The Memorial Was Looking Up At The Ceiling Alot, Maybe To Look As If They Are Looking To The Heavens, But Its Being Done Quite A Bit.

  100. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,


    I Think Some Of These Psychics Might Be On Some Crack, Or Need To Be In An Insane Asylum. She Is Like Some CrazyNess. Going Back And Forths About His Music Being In Her Head, She Is Just Alot Of Confusion, None Of This Video Made Any Sense And She Just Confused The Crap Out Of Me.

  101. Tiffany Said,

    I really think that the person rehearsing is another imposter. He doesn't move like Michael and he is not as smooth as him, and Michael doesn't shake 2 hands, I thought it was just 1? He seems too tall to be Michael in my opinion… When I seen this, I just didn't get a Michael vibe! I might be wrong, but I feel as though this is new footag with an imposter doing a copy cat version of Michael's old rehearsal. And let me just mention, that Michael has been wearing wigs for the last couple of years that cover his ears… because he had to get cartilige removed fron his ears and inserted into the tip of his nose to rebuild it again, due to the tip of cartilige collapsing.. his plastic surgeon suggested to rebuild the tip because it started to look too thin and unnatrual. Ok so now that we know about the reason why Michael has been hiding his ears lately.. now we see his ears exposed? I think this was totally an imposter doing a horrible rendition of a Michaek Jackson dance.

  102. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    i have to say something, remember his song stranger in moscow? people in moscow supposedly saw him there after his death. im pretty sure he has been planning this for forever. it makes more sense that he is alive than he is dead, if he was really dead, we would see a body and wouldnt have all these people thinking that he isnt dead.

  103. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    If Michael Jackson Is Alive And Came Across This Site, I Think He Would Be Very Happy With Us. Plus We Have To Be Positive, Since He Stated In His Diary He WIll Comeback Only When He Is Ready, So Be Positive And Ask Him To Please Come Back And Give Us A Great Comeback Tour.

  104. Tiffany Said,

    And another thing, that hairstyle of the guy dancing at rehearsal is so 90's for Michael. Michael changed his hairstyle a long time ago, and he hasn't had it curly in years, let alone a poinytail that exposed his ears. That looks more like real hair than a wig if you ask me. hmmm makes you wonder if that really is MJ standing up there or not.

  105. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Oh And Michael If Your On This Website And Sitting Back And Reading All The Comments. We Love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  106. loveandpeace Said,

    It's already been said many times that it was taken on the right side of the ambulance through a small, yes tinted, window. There's even a reflection. There wouldn't be a reflection if they were in the ambulance with him. I wish hollywood.tv would of kept the camera rolling following the ambulance. Wonder if they stopped to get food on the way. Also, someone usually goes with the person. Dr.Murray should of went with them.

  107. ILuvMJ Said,

    Hmmm…where to begin….WELLL, as much as I would love to hear that MJ is still alive, I cant wrap my finger around how he can possibly make this work; someone is bound to slip up and blow his cover. MJ believed in conspiracy theories so I could see him BEING a conspirator and attempting to pull this off but would it be successful? And for those that think that he will “comeback” and have some back from the dead tour, KEEEP DREAMMMINN Even if he did fake his death he wouldnt comeback from it lol…for what?? Everybody knows he wanted to escape, be free, and do the things that all of US do. Even Marlon said it at the memorial.
    Is it just me or did his speech sound insincere? especially at the end when he brought up his twin?

    In regards to post 99, I think everybody was looking up at the megatron screens. They had shown them before the memorial had started and they are really high up in the middle of the building.

    The ambulance picture I believe is legit, If you look carefully youll see a reflection of a red car and youll see the same red car parked in the road just watch the two videos that melluvsmike25 posted or post #97.

    The memorial was extremelly emotional for me to watch I cried the whole way through it, but the MOSTT emotional part was when MJ started reciting the poem…his voice sounded real, not prerecorded, it had a very clear and distinct sound.

    There are soooo many questionable things going on here, but I seem to find a somewhat reasonable explaination for almost all of them. For example, WHY IS NOBODY SHOWING EMOTION?????? I never even met him and I was cryin like I lost my first love!! And I thought, well maybe they are all cried out, or maybe they resent him for refusing to let them help him. I just seems like EVERYBODY around him is fake. Man I could go on, but Ill stop there for now….Share your feedback with me.

  108. dinamit Said,

    Tiffany i agree with you the hair looks real, if it was fake wouldnt the wind machine knock it off or when he put his head back, he looks like mj to me

  109. dinamit Said,

    It is possible the ambulance picture is real my dads car has black tinted windows and on sunny days you can see through the tint into the car, depends on what kind of tint it is, you can get light and really dark tint, but i dont think he would have got that good of a picture

  110. stephykat Said,

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz-G7RsZFL4..this seems to have happened late feb/march 2009..he seems ok with the press..a little ironic like oh are you really interested in my music?aha..and frankly seemed really relaxed and I love that normal manner he's dressed in..plus check him out with Ed Hardy, I really think he was creative, normal and was ready for a show and yes he did look older. I hope he is alive and reading but if not, I do hope he left a ton of music behind.I bet he had a lot of fun during his seclusion and did have many cool friend, I would've loved to have met him to share many musical projects and new sampler rhythms..at your feet as always..

  111. anka Said,

    about the photo taken from the ambulance.Guys take a look at the video, and will see in the right side of the ambulance a window, thru that window was taken than picture, pay attention at this think, and all the mistery wil disapear.I have no doubt, just look …

  112. melluvsmike25 Said,

    Yes, I see the tinted window in the front of the ambulance guys….but don't they put you in an ambulance feet first? So, if they took that shot through that window, wouldn't they have gotten his feet? Any body know about ambulances? I thought they put you in feet first.

  113. melluvsmike25 Said,

    I've been trying to find what is the procedure for when they put you in an ambulance. Feet or head first. Does anybody know the correct way?

    What I am saying is that if they took the picture of him through that back window, they couldn't have got that shot. If they took it through the front window on the right side of the ambulance, wouldn't they have gotten his feet?



  114. melluvsmike25 Said,

    Also, I've noticed in another post that someone said something about MJ having to wait for a tour bus to move out of the way. All I see is an firetruck. So, are they saying that MJ was in that firetruck. I don't think that's possible.

  115. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Trust me on this one. The rehearsel Video where they are doin “They don`t really care about us” . That is Michael, look at his eyes. Trust me thats him

  116. dinamit Said,

    @melluvmike25 I was wondering the same thing, shouldnt they have got his feet?

  117. Ninanina Said,

    OMG – this pic is NOT photoshopped.
    You only see, what you wish to see…
    Have a look at the video AGAIN, and you'll see, that there's a movie going on in the background (soldiers), shown on a HUGE screen.
    This screen shows various pics or movies for the different songs.

    I can't believe you didn't show the fullsized pic to the professional…

  118. KARENM14 Said,


  119. KARENM14 Said,


  120. MrsBenjamin Said,

    I just looked it up…it say Feet first

  121. HomicidalClown Said,

    To dorleac:

    The only thing about the pictures that look fake is the background (because it is) and possibly the lights (not necessarily fake, and if it is could've been added to see how it would all look).

  122. wozniack Said,

    I was in an ambulance 5 years ago, and my feet faced the door once I was in. That's how I always thought it worked.

  123. anka Said,

    I agree with you MyBelovedMj is Michael, I have no doubt, 100% is him.
    About the procedure regarding how they must put a pacient with feet or head first in ambulance, I have no idea.

  124. Goldie Said,

    i really love this site so much all of my friends think im crazy and they all say that michael is “Dead and gone” … But i dont believe in that i belive he is dead and michael has been on this website

    dont you Guys thinks ist weird that “Supermom75″ havent wrote anything since somebody asked her if she was the real michael jackson because the person knew A LOT of michael ??

  125. melluvsmike25 Said,


    I thought so too.

    Where did you find that? I looked all over the net for it and couldn't find it.
    You said you went in head first huh? Are you sure?

    If anyone knows anybody that had rode in an ambulance or knows anybody that drives an ambulance, please ask around. Because if it's feet first, this picture was fake and taken at another time. Please other's investigate this.

  126. melluvsmike25 Said,

    Hey ADMIN maybe you could find out!!!!!!!!

  127. melluvsmike25 Said,

    Never mind. I just found out through my ex-hubby, and finally found it on the net. They put you in head first.

    So, this means that the ambulance pic could be him. It still doesn't look like his nose though. Now I'm depressed.

  128. lillina Said,

    ok u really passed me off
    maybe this picture is a fake and aeg created only for the fans,maybe not…but the fact that u analyze everything about him it's so bad!
    You are always the same?? I don't think so…
    Some times I have curly hairs sometimes no,and i can look different from the other days…and sure this could happen even to Mr Jackson, but that doesn't prove for sure that he was not him

  129. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    Goldie: I don`t think Michael is the person with the name: Supermom75. Ehh nope, and for one reason. Michael woulden`t write anything inhere himself, Im sure he has been reading our posts, but i don`t think he would write anything.

  130. MyBelovedMJ Said,

    They are always outting you in an ambulance with your feet first. Not yout head. So Michael is placed wrong in that ambulance

  131. KARENM14 Said,


  132. ejay5131 Said,

    Okay, I'm not saying this photo is or isn'ta fake BUT, if you watch the rehearsal footage that AEG has released you can clearly see the balding white guy in the bottom right of this picture, in the rehearsal video at the same spot.@1minuute 17 seconds.

  133. emmie Said,

    i think that the person in the ambulance is E'casanova… if you look on his myspace there is a picture of him with no makeup on and his eyes are closed and it kinddalooks like him,the eyebrows are the same aswell have a look and see…

  134. emmie Said,

    i really hope michael is alivebecause if he is dead i will feel so bad that i ever doubted hi

  135. emmie Said,

    it is goin to be easy to get a picture from the tinted winsow, i mean u can see the light coming from in side the ambulance and with the cameras the papz have which are used to catch good pictures,but it still is quiet weird how there is only 1 picture when there was more then 1 paparatzi there….
    also how come there was another ambulance going in2 the house as 1 was leaving ???

  136. Mojofi Said,


    Hey i turly belive MIKE IS REALLY HERE and writing here and reading here with all of us .

    I know how much Mike loves us and always wants to know what we the fans think of him and am sure he will see how we feel about anything to do with him and i know he is more closer to us then peopel think.

    I feel he is a VERY HUMBEL man so he is sure going to say something here with us.
    He can even confuse us just for the fun of it .

    We know he like to play pranks on people so anything can happen you know. I know he is here but am not going to point so pls don't ask hehe .

    Well that is if he is not REALLY dead.

  137. Mojofi Said,


    Ok i have read this post very weel now and i must say if teh family should go for insurance then it REALLY means Mike is TRULY DEAD .

    I know for a fact that if anyone claims inscurance for the dead and if it not true that the person is dead they can be SUED.

    That ia the only way Mike could get into trable if he has faked his death.

  138. Mojofi Said,


    Yes that is really Mike in the Video.
    He is always handsome and smiling and his eyes are uniqe .
    Am too much in love with him hehehe .

  139. popcornscrunchy Said,

    Does anyone think that the performers dont seem to be in synch with each other Orianthi on guitar looks bored if MJ was dancing in front of me and I was blasting my guitar I would have had a bit of expression going on in my face and the dancers as well it looks strange they dont seem to be performing together. Its like MJ did his bit they did their bit and they were superimposed somehow together . I dont know it looked like that for me from the start, something is not right about this last footage. The pic could have been done for publicity promos etc but the footage……

  140. Chubby Bobby Said,

    As from what I know, nothing is coincidental with MJ, neither are his white socks, tape or gloves, which he wears so it's possible for the audience to spot him even from a far.. From other entertainers I know, rehearsal often takes place in the same outfit as you will wear at the concert, just to make sure everything is in the right place, it fits and it's possible to move around in.. I don't see anything in this rehearsal outfit that would make it possible for me to recognize MJ on stage from a far distance…??? Just a thought..!!

  141. TruthSeeker01 Said,

    Zdravo vsem.
    I only just found this site a few days ago through a youtube comment, and i have to say that you have found out some really interesting things and your doing a really good job. I just flicked through the articles on the home page when i saw this one and remembered that the same routine he does 'two days before his death' is very similar to the one he did on his history tour. Not sure if anyone else pointed this out already but heres the link anyway.


    At 2:30 he does the same routine until the end as the one released as rehearsals for the upcoming 'This is it' tour. Obviously he isn't wearing the same clothes and neither are the dancers, but ironicly his hair is the same curly style.
    Dunno, just a thought, but it could just be old rehearsals for the history tour they released, to make it seem like he really was rehearsing for the 'This is it' tour.
    Sorry if this was already mentioned.

  142. atomvseve Said,

    Notice at 1:14 in the video he says, “They dipped me in fire, I'm here to remind you.”

    Those words are not anywhere in the actual song.

    Makes me wonder.

  143. nora Said,

    The rehearsal definitely was the actual rehearsal done by MJ and the back up dancers for that 02 arena this is it tour was real!, AEG are planning to sell the video as a final video of Michael Jackson. So cannot be AEG wanted to published a fake album to Michael Jackson fans as this involved a very big criminal I think – once this hoax story have ended so impersonator performing on that so last rehearsal was not true.

    By the way with all this diary and hiding story review – I just wonder how the media getting nuts on searching Michael Jackson news and location – he he – it could be some of them need to go for rehab – or buried their camera at Memphis at Graceland . Bravo it's a good lesson for them but I just hope this is one for all – as a devoted fan I just do not want to be hurt for a 2nd time.

  144. nora Said,

    sorry Mrs Benjamin i think I already got the clue here, by the way just wanna confirm with you, did you have any idea that Michael Jackson have confirm in to Islam?, hopefully you can find the official news. I know it's so difficult to find a real one but wonder if you have any idea as the memorial doesn't show anything. The hoax story it's ok fans will accept and forgiven but if really he have converted be brave enough to said it out – I'm very sure most of us are educated and respect what he believed but if pertaining of GOD – do not hide from his will – as God (or Allah) was the king among the King – I am not try to be religious here but I just want to know if you have any related news which I can trust so that I can pray for the health of Michael Jackson in my prayer!.

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