Ar Nr.1 Reason aiz Michael Jackson Death mānīšana | Viņa Kids

Jūlijs 17th 2009

Šajā nedēļas kopš Michael Jackson nāvi, ir noticis nebeidzams summa komentāri norāda uz to, ka "iemesls", kāpēc Michael Jackson nāves nav mānīšana ir tāpēc, ka viņš "nekad nav cietis viņa bērniem" un tāpēc, ka viņš "mīlēja viņus pārāk daudz ". Mēs gribētu teikt, ka mēs pilnīgi piekrītu šiem apgalvojumiem, un uzskatām, ka šis ir precīzs iemesls, kāpēc Michael Jackson nāves bija mānīšana. Lūdzu, ļaujiet man paskaidrot.

Dienā, kad Michael Jackson nāves, June 25., mēs teicis gandrīz uzreiz, ka viņa nāves iemesls bija Sirds aresta. Tā kā dienas pēc viņa nāves progresējusi, mēs pēc tam tika sniegta informācija, ka viņa Heart Attack izraisījis pārmērīgu narkotiku lietošanu. Lai gan rezultāti ir divas, iespējams, trīs autopsijas of Michael Jackson ķermeņa ir vēl atmaksā, kā arī toksikoloģijas ziņojums no pirmās sekcijas, mums ir tikai spēj novērtēt informāciju par to, ka mēs esam ir teicis, ko unrelieable avotiem, Mediji un šādas tīmekļa vietnes, kā TMZ.

Tomēr es joprojām vēlētos izpētīt iemeslus, kāpēc es domāju, viņa bērni ir numurs viens iemesls, viņš joprojām ir dzīvs.

Ja Michael Jackson patiešām pieņemt kokteilis narkotiku katru dienu, kas ir tas, kas, savukārt, izraisa viņa sirdslēkme, kā viņš varētu to darīt to par tēvu? Es saprotu, ka addicition ir kaut kas ir ļoti grūti, lai novērstu un cīnītos ar, tomēr, izņemot dažus nelielus starpgadījumi, Michael Jackson ir ziņoja, ka ir bijis ļoti labs tēvs, norādot viņa bērni daudz savu laiku un visiem no lietām, ko viņi varētu kādreiz gribēja. Ja paziņojums "Viņš nekad ievainots viņa bērni" faktiski ir taisnība, ko es esmu pārliecināts, ka tā ir, tad kāpēc būtu viņš kādreiz ir comprimised viņa veselības tādā veidā, ka varētu atstājot tos bez tēva, jo īpaši šādā jauniešu vecums?

Otrkārt, tika ziņots, ka brīžos pēc Michael Jackson paziņoja nedzīvi, UCLA Medical Center, Katherine Jackson ieņēma bērnu redzēt savu tēvu. (Kaut gan nav foto pierādījumu, kas atbalsta šo prasību un Katherine Jackson nebija redzēt ar bērnu slimnīcā vispār.) Mēs arī bija teicis, ka privāto ģimenes piemiņas pirms Sabiedrības memoriāls pie Staples Center, Michael Jackson's meita Parīzē, kas atrodas kaklarotu uz pusi sirds ap viņas tēviem kakla, kamēr viņa valkāja citu pusi.

Ja Michael Jackson patiešām ir miruši, tad kā varētu viņa ģimenes locekļu, uz kuriem viņa bērni ar traumatisku pieredzi redzēt viņu tēvi miruši ķermeņa ne vienu reizi, bet divas reizes? Par otro reizi, kad bērniem būtu redzams viņa ķermeņa, viņš jau ir miruši vairāk nekā divas nedēļas. Personīgi, es nedomāju, ka tas ir kaut kas ir Tēvs, kurš mīl savu bērnu tik daudz būtu appreciated vai kādreiz piekritis.

Mums arī bija teicis, ka iemesls, ka Michael's zārks nebija atvērts zārks pie Sabiedrības memoriālais bija tādēļ, ka viņa sejas bija bruised un bojāts CPR un atdzīvināšana. Paturot prātā, ka šis pamatojums ir absolūti smieklīgs jebkurā gadījumā, ja tā ir taisnība, tad kāpēc uz Zemes jūs veic cilvēka bērniem, lai aplūkotu viņam atkal? Showing viņa bērni viņu miris tēvs ar bashed up sejas ne vienu reizi, bet divas reizes? Es tā nedomāju ... .. viņš mīlēja tos pārāk daudz, lai tos ar kaut kā traumatisks kā. Es patiesi uzskatu, ka jebkurš bērns, ka būtu bijis paciest kaut ko līdzīgu, kas neapšaubāmi ir iedragājuši dzīvei.

Galīgo argumentācija man atpakaļ manu teorija ir tas, kā bērni parādījās tik unbelieveably klusums laikā valsts Memorial. Atvainojiet mani, sakot, jā, bet es pat iet tik tālu, ka saka, ka Prince Michael II, vecākais, pat izskatījās garlaicīgi reizēm. Es zinu, ka daudzi cilvēki saka, ka visi nodarbojas ar lietām, atšķirīgi un, iespējams, tās bija tikai šoks (lai gan man nav vainot tos uzskatot, viņi vienkārši bija paciest redzēt viņu tēva līķis ar kuru otro reizi.) Bet, ja cilvēki ir mēģina teikt, ka trīs bērni nodarbojas ar viņu tēva nāves tajā pašā klusums un iekasē veidā (izņemot runas Paris deva kas šķita ļoti izmēģināt un plānoto, un arī pilnīgi "tear-mazāk"), tad mums ir teikt, ka šis ir absurda prasība. Parādīt mani jebkuru bērnu, kas ir klusums, kas sastāv, un "garlaicīgi" laikā tēva piemiņas bez plīsumi vai sobs, ar zārku priekšā tiem, kas bija turējusi iestādei pēc viņu tēvs ... Es šaubos jūs atrast.

Michael Jackson bērniem pēc viņa Memorial

Es patiešām uzskatu, ka vienīgais veids, kā Michael Jackson bērniem varētu veikt, izmantojot, ka memoriāls tik viegli un "emotionless", kā arī ilgstošu divi "Apskates" viņu tēva līķis būtu, ja viņu tēvs pat nebija miris sākt ar. Viņi zina, viņu tēvs ir ļoti dzīva un labi, viņi ir redzējuši viņam dzīvs kopš viņa nāves ", un viņi zina, tie būs ar viņu vēlreiz tuvākajā laikā.

Kā viņš varētu darīt, lai viņa bērni? Mēs runājam par cilvēku, kurš nav redzēt kaut kas nepareizi ar dangling viņa bērnu no viesnīcas istabas loga, četri stāsti virs zemes. "Mani fani vēlējās redzēt bērnu, tāpēc es parādīja viņiem", Michael Jackson teica, kad uzdod jautājumus par starpgadījumu. Ja Michael patiesi neuzskatīja, kā šis incidents varētu būt problēma, tad nebūtu jārada sajūta, ka viņš, iespējams, uzskata, ka nav problēmu ar pieņemšanas pasaules uzskatu, viņš ir miris, bet viņš turpina dzīvot ilgi un atvieglinātas dzīvi kaut kur citur ?

Sekojiet acu par šiem bērniem nākamo 2,4 un 6 mēnešus. Garantētā tie tiks nosūtīts uz "internātskola" vai dzīvot aizjūras uz "izkļūt no uzmanības" vai daži šādi attaisnojums. Mēs visi zinām, tie būs ar viņu tēvs atkal drīz ... viņš mīl tos, kas daudz un viņš nekad darīt jebko, lai ievainots tiem.

Tags: Death mānīšana, Faked Death
Posted in mānīšana Death | Komentāri (114)

114 Atbildēs uz "Nr.1 Reason aiz Michael Jackson Death mānīšana | Viņa Kids"

  1. jackoisalive21 saka:

    vienošanās, 110% piekrita. esp pēdējā bit i, ka tā par pēdējā ziņa, ka pēc tam, kad plašsaziņas līdzekļos tiek darīts, stāstot par jacksons nāves "ar bērniem būs mysteriously izzūd, un, ja plašsaziņas saņemt sus tie būs tikai atgriezties, lai viņi unsus vēlreiz.

    zīme manu vārdiem. ceru, ka jūsu laimīgs Michael I vienoties ar to, ko jūs darāt un i love you.

  2. dinamīts saka:

    Es piekrītu viss tikai teica neviens no ģimenes shed jebkurā plīsumi, kāda tā kādreiz,
    Es jutos neomulīgs watchin piemiņas tai tikai didn't šķiet man, un tagad autopsijas rezultāti ir atpakaļ 2 nedēļas WTF, kaut kas noteikti ir uz augšu, The patiesība nāks un agrāk vai vēlāk

  3. dinamīts saka:

    lol typo i nozīmēja patiesību nāks, kas agrāk vai vēlāk, es arī uzklausīja ārstu puisis ir pacēlās kaut kur citur atkal hmmmmmm

  4. jackoisalive21 saka:

    arī vienkārši gribēja pateikt welcome atpakaļ admin, priecīgs redzēt jūs atpakaļ saglabāt lielo darbu ar šo vietni un ceram redzēt vairāk amatu tuvākajā laikā.

  5. Anxelica saka:

    Apsveicam par šo lapu. Es pilnīgi piekrītu šim rakstam. Bērni bija ļoti mierīgs, un, ja Parīzē runāja šķita izmēģināt.

  6. lillina saka:

    Tas ir ne pierādīt!
    ikviens var reaģēt uz apbedīšanas dažādi ...
    Pārliecināts, ka daudzi no mums raudāt, bet es varu pateikt, un, ka daži no maniem draugiem nepatīk to darīt, un tie saglabā savu emocijas iekšpusē .. bet es varu pateikt, viņi ir tik daudz!

  7. AliaX saka:

    Parīzē ir laba aktrise. Viņa
    dominē valsts
    ļoti labi, 12. Tas nav no parastās. Viņas tēvs bija pilnīgs mākslinieks, kad viņš bija par pusi no viņa vecuma. Girl spēlēja svarīgu lomu šajā attēlā.

  8. Smiile1929 saka:

    Es piekrītu Viss V Said Admin .. I Mean THA Trīs Kids kur tik tuvu Lai Pastāv Tēvs .. Viņš Izlietoti daudz laika ar viņiem & Tās Abit pārdabisks Kā Latoya Or THA Ģimenes locekļi Say THA Paris Bijusi saucošs Daudz & Stuff & Kad U Skatīt Viņas Pēc THA memoriālais Shes Looks Fine .. = S.
    I Mean Esmu pārliecināts, vai jūsu Really Aizvērt ar Jūsu Parent .. Mātes vai tēva pasē & U Tērē daudz Galvojumi Time Together Tad Jūsu Parent Caurlaides Away .. U Vai Oviously Feel Really sāpināt & nekārtība U Know & Kad es Zāģu Šie Kids Pēc THA memoriālais viņi vienkārši skatījās Fine To Me .. Oh & Kad Parīzē Was Making Viņas Speech Viņa Started saucošs bet joprojām Janet & THA Others Glabāts Izstāstiet Viņas runāt .. I Mean I nespiestu A Kazlēns Lai Still Speak Kad Shes saucošs & Stuff U Know ..
    Could Be Just Me Domāšanas tāpat .. Es nezinu, bet tas Jus Really Didn't Feel Right & I Was Domāšanas THA Tieši pašu .. Just tam Good dažus mēnešus Kad Everythings svarīgākas Kids Are Gonna pazudīs .. Tad THA Jacksons būtu Tāpat kā Tie esam gājuši "Boarding School" jebkāda .. Seems Pretty skaidrs, ka tas ir Gonna notikt .. Hmm.

  9. VanillaCream saka:

    Mana vecmāmiņa nomira, kad man bija 10 yrs old. Mans grandpa aizveda mani uz tās atvērtā zārks deatwatch. Es redzēju manu miris vecenīte bez elpošana, balts ādas, mutes atvērt un krampjos nostāju viņas zilgans (nagus un rokai) rokās. Hell Es nekad neaizmirsīšu šos horrible arēnā. Par 3 yrs. Man bija nightmares, es redzēju viņas zārks uz skapis, bija bailes: vecenīte manā gulta satveršanas manu pēdu utt. Bet vispār: mans vecenīte nebija traumu visu un man bija bail tomēr.

    Admin: jūs esat tiesības, bērniem būtu iedragājuši dzīvei.
    Vēl viena iespēja: ar bērniem tika dota sedativum.

    Paris valkāja uz kaklarotu pie memoriāls, tas ir zils plankums uz viņas kleitu, jūs varat redzēt, kad viņa ir uz skatuves. Es pamanīju, jo es domāju, ka tas bija traipu.

  10. VanillaCream saka:

    Un Michael patīk viņa bērni patiesi, godīgi un dziļi, s viņi.

  11. MJISALIVEEE saka:

    hi im jaunu šeit un pilnīgi piekrītu jums par 100% Jūs domas ģimenes būtu par bijis saucošs viņuprāt, kas it īpaši, ja jūs uzklausītu mj beigās, dziesma būs u būt tur, bet bija tomēr kārtot tikai viltotas saucošs īpaši childern tie izskatījās garlaicīgi un tika košļājamā gumija un nebija emociju visos un kad mj teica sāpes, es biju satriekts varu, t uzskatu, cik daudzi cilvēki ir pārliecināti, ka plašsaziņas līdzekļiem un crap viņi nāk klajā ar savu gettin dumjš tagad i kno mj ir dzīvs, kā man ir šī sajūta, un ir kāds uzklausītu viņa unrealeased dziesmu tās sauc par vietu ar neviens vārds tā ļoti dīvaini, ka to panākt, lai tas tagad tagad tas padara vēl nozīmē viņš faked viņa nāves heres saikni ja u havent uzklausīja tas http:// klausoties tai ļoti dīvaini, un piebilst, līdz hoaxing viņa nāves

  12. emmie saka:

    i understand what ur sayin admin, bet darīt un domāju, ka visas thefamily un tuvi draugi, ka bija zināt, viņš ir dzīvs, jo, ja ģimene ir teikts, ka tas ir atvērts zārks kāds bija, ka tur, lai ar citiem cilvēkiem, lai aplūkotu . Es nevaru iedomāties, visi no tiem ir par to. kad lietotājs proformed viņš genuinly izskatījās skumjš un cried.

    Ko jūs plānas Katherine stāstījis par bērniem, tad par bēru un kāpēc tie bija apmeklēt it??

    būtu labi, ja ir bijis attēlotie, ka kāds varētu no redzējuši michael dzīvs, tad tas labi grūti pierādījums

    bet tā ir taisnība, tur nekad nav bijis priekšstatu par bērniem ar katherin vai anyother loceklis fsmily doties uz slimnīcu, un kāds whould ir ieguvuši attēlu ar presi visu, jūs wouldnt garām erm ja tie bija neizcelt.

  13. emmie saka:

    @ lillina
    jā visi cilvēki reaģē dažādi, bet ne visai ģimenei, es domāju, ka ir 2 būt daži emociju ... es domāju, pat ja jermaine bija dziedāšanas "smaids" Gad viņš izskatījās tik skumjš, bet ne plīsumi

  14. Kopenhāgena saka:

    Es esmu patiešām sajaukt par visu lieta. Kādu dienu es domāju, viņš ir dzīvs, un nākamajā dienā es believ viņš ir miris. Es nesaprotu, ko viņi bija meklējat atrodas pie memoriāls? Vai viņi meklē viņam - apskatīt Paris - to, kas ir viņa meklē? Viens šajā vietnē paziņoja, ka infered attēli ir ņemti no MJ pie atm?? Es neesmu redzējis tos - ir kāds šeit dzirdējuši par to?

  15. dirtydiana saka:

    Es pilnīgi piekrītu ar to pie memoriāls. Es zinu, visi reaģē uz nāvi dažādi, bet visi trīs? Neviens no tiem, ieskaitot ģimenes parādīt ne vienu asaru kritumu. Vai jums kidding me? Par zārks sēdes tiesības ar tevi zinot Jūsu tēvs ir dzemdības, ka zārks? Esmu diezgan pārliecināts, Parīzē un vecākā saprast nāvi. Es zinu, mana neices un nephews būtu Balling viņuprāt, kas zinot, vienīgais reālais mātes viņi zināja, un ir ar visu savu dzīvi, ir dzemdības ir zārks miruši. Tie, iespējams, būtu histērisks.

  16. Girl21GER saka:

    Redzot mirušiem iestādei savu tēvu, šķiet, tiešām dīvaini ... un to izdarīt, divreiz ... Es piekrītu Jums, neviens bērns varēs rīkoties ar to.

    Es domāju, par internātskola stuff sevi, un es esmu pārliecināts, ka tie tiks veikti, lai slepenu vietu, piemēram, "iestāde", kas no uzmanības.

    Taču, lai salīdzinātu balkons stāsta faking viņa nāves uzskata veida nepareizi mani ... tie ir completly dažādas lietas

  17. momsword saka:

    Admin, Jums (un visi šeit) var atrast šajā interesantajā:

    Es gribēju pastu šo tēmu, jo man nav jēgas, kāpēc tie aizkavējot to.

    Michael Jackson Autopsijas ziņojumi kavējas vēl 2 nedēļas ... tagad, kāpēc ir tā, ka?

  18. wndrwmn67 saka:

    Es biju patiesi cer, ka tās varēs izrādīt Michael bērniem par datumam īpašu ar Katherine un Joe pie Jackson ģimenes savienojums. Viņi intervēja Joe un Katherine, bet tas bija galvenokārt Joe kurš runāja. Viņi iet iekšā un parāda dažas video no otras Jackson mazbērniem, ka Katherine izvirza, un es domāju, tās varētu īsi parādītu Paris, Prince, un sega, ja pat uz brīdi tikai, lai pierādītu, ka tie ir tur, un dara labi. Tomēr viņi nepamatoja.

  19. dinamīts saka:

    Cik daudz vairāk reizes ir tie gonna izvirzīja rezultātus off, tikai iegūt vairāk un kas notiek ar jau

  20. jackoisalive21 saka:

    cilvēki reaģē uz nāvi savādāk yeah slikti jums, ka, bet ne viens cilvēks, kas visu nopelt ģimenes cried, pat Marlon (nav pārliecināts, vai tas bija viņu) cried, bet runājot par Michael ... iedodiet man pārtraukuma!

    Kad bērni bija uz skatuves viņi ir smaidoši un dziedot kopā tāpat viņa brāļi un māsas tika. Katherine bija vienīgā, kas izskatījās attālināti skumjš.

    Usher WAS VAD! jā, bet i dont think viņš zina par mānīšana.

    THE KIDS izskatījās garlaicīgi un tika Košļājamā gumija (The zēniem) THROUGHTOUT kopējai, es zināt, es WOULDNT garlaikoties AT MY FREAKING DADS memoriālais.

    im pārliecināts michael pats paskaidroja, tas, ko tām iepriekš, lai saņemtu viņiem gatavs

  21. Synthara saka:

    Vai kāds zina, kur "iestāde" (??) Ir? Vai varētu būt nedaudz nerespektējošs, kas nav viņu aprok pēc gandrīz mēnesi, un es nezinu, kas ir patiešām labs iemesls, kas nav darīts tā vēl varētu būt.

  22. ilprincipe saka:

    @ # 11: Es dzirdēju dziesmu .... Bet am i wrong? Es saprotu, vienmēr "Paņem mani uz vietu, BEZ no name"
    Tas ir dīvaini. Kas zina, kad šī dziesma tiešām bija rakstveida un sastāv ... Varbūt MJ wrote tā divas nedēļas pirms un kombinētā to ar aptvertajiem melodija no "Amerikas" ... neviens nezina ...
    @ Admnin: Paldies par jūsu pētniecības un cieša uzraudzība un viss, kas saistīts ar MJS "Death"
    @ Momsword: Es dzirdēju par šo rīta. Ja jūs salīdzināt MJS gadījumā Anna-Nicole Smith vai Heath Ledger => abi bija pārdozēšanas par narkotikām / tabletes uc
    Par autopsijas bija tikai veikt dažas dienas un ne vairāk kā 4 nedēļas vai ilgāk ...
    Es esmu ļoti skeptiska.
    Vai kāds zina, rezultāti, autopsie kas tika veikts privāti ar Jackson ģimenes?

  23. Nancy saka:

    Es pilnīgi vienoties ar viss, kas Jums teica šīs teorijas!

  24. grecialove saka:

    i redzēja manas vecmāmiņas beigtas a zārku, un ir bijis 3 gadus vēlāk, un es vēl bail, nemaz nerunājot i bija redzējuši manas citas vecmāmiņas miruši ar automašīnu negadījums ar šķelto galvu .. un tā bija tik daudz painfull .... .

    Es piekrītu ar šo ziņu es domāju, ka tāda bērna beins tik klusas šajā! i nozīmē tie didn't cry visos .. jo visu nakti ...
    brīnums, kāpēc,

  25. VanillaCream saka:

    Tiesības DirtyDiana: "Uz šķirstiņš sēdes tiesības ar tevi zinot Jūsu tēvs ir dzemdības, ka zārks" - un jūs dzirdat dziesmas no Jūsu tēvs jūs pat dzirdēt jūsu tēviem mīļots balss pasakot "Jums tur ..." (ja iepriekš nav tas ir brīdis, kad es sākt cry)?
    Un vēl nav asaru?

  26. dinamīts saka:

    Latoya teica, ka rezultāti būs šokējoši visiem, neatkarīgi no viņa līdzekļus, ka idk

  27. dinamīts saka:

    Viņa bija arī domāt 2 ir teikuši viņš adatas zīmes uz viņa rokām un kakla, ka stāsts bija no saules, tāpēc, iespējams, bullshit

  28. Helia saka:

    Nu, es esmu viens no šiem cilvēkiem, kuri saka, ka viņš ir miris, jo viņš nav ļaujiet viņiem cieš ar izliekoties viņu tēvi nāves, un es vēl darīt, jo apgalvo, šajā tekstā ir pilnībā banāls. Tas ir tāpat kā kāds izmisīgi mēģina pārliecināt mūs, ka viņš ir dzīvs. Es nezinu, ja Jums skatīties piemiņas ar lielu uzmanību, bet sega bija plīsumi viņa sejas gada otrajā pusē es domāju, ka par piemiņas un Parīzes nav posmā viņas runas ... tas ir pilnīgi reāli. Un tu esi redzējis Janet oder Michael māte?? Un Marlon Jackson? Ir cilvēki, kuri nevēlas cry priekšā visa pasaule ... es varu iedomāties, viņi viss apturēt klusums. Es varu iedomāties, ka Michael teicis tos pēc tam, kad viņš nomirst tās nedrīkst raudāt viņam radīt viņš ar eņģeļiem.
    Atvainojiet, bet viņš ir miris.


  29. emmie saka:

    i pat cried, kad es to skatīties un tad, kad kamera, kad par 2 viņa zārku, un es esmu tikai fan.i nozīmē i, kad manas nan mira i devās uz slimnīcu un redzēja viņas, viņa vēl joprojām bija silts kļūst auksti, un tā bija šķidrums nāk no viņa mutes, i couldnt pieturas saucošs un pat pie bēru i bija saucošs tik vienkārši zinot viņa bija tur un i WÜD nekad redzēt viņas vēlreiz. tā kā ir ģimenes didn't parādīt emocija

  30. Narkoze saka:

    Vēl uz jautājumu?
    Saskaņā ar policijas avots, Michael bija plašu drošības sistēmu un ap māju, reģistrēšana 24 / 7, kas tika realitāte. Līdz ar to ir jābūt video materiāls par pēdējo stundu MJ pirms viņš nomira. Tomēr, lentes tiek zaudēta! Arī ir melnā caurumi video materiālu, kas ir uzglabāta par datoriem. Policija darīs visu, lai uzzinātu, ja materiāls palika ...

  31. Brooklyn saka:

    Lai Copenhagen,

    Es esmu ievērojis, ka arī .... Kādas bija tās visas meklējat atrodas?

  32. Sosh saka:

    Tas bija ne tikai uz bērniem, kas nebija skumjas. Arī viņa brāļi ir smejošs pie piemiņas whil visu pastāvīgo uz skatuves ar pēdējo divu dziesmas. Als apskatīt Brooke Shields kad "dejas", kas dziesmas. Šķiet, nav tik bēdīgs kā viņa bija kamēr runāšana.

    Bet ko par baumām, ka Michael nebija messed up bet meklē, piemēram, viņš bija aizmigu. Es domāju, bērni saprata, ka versija organismā.

  33. jackoisalive21 saka:

    versija par iestādi? jā, jo tad, kad cilvēki mirst ir dažādas versijas, OH CMON!

    MICHAEL ir dzīvs!
    visus šos teoriju jēgas, preses ir baroti mums nekas cits crap veido kaudzes no crap par debbie Rowe un labvēlības (turpmāk aukle), un visas šo citu junk.

    nav iespējams michael nomira tai tikai doesn't pievienot augšu. im nav noliegšana im aplūkojot faktus!

  34. emo_pinkt saka:

    Pēc Es noskatījos piemiņas Es atceros stāsta mana māte un māsa, ka es dont think anyone pie memroial šķita autentiska. Viņi taču man bija crazy .. tāpēc es tikai kinda aizmirsāt par to.

  35. MariannaB saka:

    Oh rezultātus apstiprinās ar plašu sabiedrību, ka viņš tika nogalināts ar pārdozēšanu medikamentiem. Par doc būs labākais advokāti, ka ASV un tas būs nelaimes gadījumā beigās. Līdz ar to apdrošināšanu var apgalvoja (kā tas nebija dabas nāves), lai segtu visas monetārās cerības uz Entourage (ģimenes iekļauts). Tātad ikviens tiks izmaksāta off.


    Kā tonnas nezināmas posteņi ir izņemts no māja (nosaukumu "rotaļlietām bērniem" pirms policijas pārbaudījusi māja, būs kilometrus no neatbrīvots dziesmas, video un pietiekami daudz materiāla, lai dzīvotu par to pārdošanas uz visiem laikiem un jebkad.

    Otrs kaujas sāksies par šiem neizpildītie.

    Tikmēr bērnu lieta ir atrisināta, un plašsaziņas līdzekļiem ir calmed leju.

    Vienā gadā, viss, būtu jārisina attiecībā uz klusums nākotnē.

    Par autopsijas droši atklās narkotiku pārdozēšanu.
    Neviena cita rezultātā iespējams, lai saņemtu apdrošināšanas naudu.

  36. emmie saka:

    kad manas nan presformām i vienmēr izskatījās atrodas debesīs. ja viņš ir miris tie, iespējams, meklē atrodas debesīs ja ne i dont nav

  37. ilprincipe saka:

    Es piekrītu, ar lielāko daļu no Jums. Es arī redzēja mana mīļotā vecmāmiņa ir zārks. Tas bija ļoti traumē mani
    BTW šajā grūti laikā pēc tam, i bija pievienots MJS "Jums tur" .... tas bija kritums 1993, un šī dziesma bija liels ar vācu kartes.
    I glabāt uz manu secinājumu. Viņš ir patiešām miris. Ja viņš kādreiz atgriezīsies uz to, kā mēs visi zināja viņu? Es nezinu .. bet es domāt nav.
    Tā sauktajiem "neatbrīvots" dziesmas var būt daži clues par saviem. Līdz ar to skatīties lyrics!
    Nedomāju, ka viss kādi TMZ, CNN uc, mēģiniet veikt jums ticēt.
    Dzeltenā prese ir nevis evaņģēlija patiesības. Neaizmirstiet, ka

  38. barnicals07 saka:

    Sveiki, šis būs mans pirmais amatu Esmu jauns loceklis. Pirmkārt paldies admin izveidei
    forumu šai disscussion, tiklīdz Es dzirdēju
    Jackson miris I automātiski domāja "bollocks to, ka viņš ir dzīvs, kas dzīvo uz salas ar visiem miljoniem no viņa pārdot ārpus ceļojums', tāpēc, pateicoties par mums pessimists vent mūsu neapmierinātību ar likeminded cilvēki, man ir debates ar manu draugu, viņi redz to, ko viņi vēlas redzēt, Es redzu to, ko es vēlos, lai redzētu, too. Visi jūs amatu (labi, galvenokārt) ir milzīgas summas, loģika uz tām, lai viņi barības mana morbid facianation. Lai gan man ir apgalvot daži jūs punktiem, dažas no tām ir tik daudz-ķēriens (vēl plausable), piemēram, ko jūs teikt par to kam ir "oriģināls" mj kuram nomira 1984.gadā, un to aizvietoja ar lookalike un tad veic par zīmolu mj veikt naudas ... plauseable, bet tomēr tik smieklīgs, paturiet prātā, es esmu ne mj obsessive kas mēģina atlaist visus jūs norādes, jo vairums no tiem, šķiet, pilnīgi loģiski, izņemot iepriekš minēto, es zinu messed up sūdi notiek, bet, ka prasība ir tikai ārprāts. Es aiziet no ikdienas beliving, ka viņš ir miris, un tad kaut kas notiek, kas padara mani domāju, ka viņš ir dzīvs, es piekrītu kāds cits, ka kāda veida cietā pierādījumi ir nepieciešami. Ir caurumi Arī šajā "šis ir tas" sludinājumu, es biju fasinated ar pastu, bet, ar ko jūs sevi saprotams, ka kāds bija plastmasas surgary meklēt identiski ar viņu, protams, par cenu, ko tieši tas, ka persona līdz šim ? Sit telpās ar miljoniem dollas meklējat, piemēram, mj? Tas, šķiet, extreamly diez ... bet ar to, kas jums tika teikts, par tie ieguvuši pilnīgi slikti persona, lai saņemtu plastmasas surgary aizpildīt kā viņa ķermeņa ... viņi sūknis, ka persona ar narkotiku mest ar nosūtīts? Bija tas, ka persona ir tā pati persona, kas pēc tam ir tas sludinājumu? Or multipul lookalikes ... kaut ko jūs domājat par ...

  39. goslinger1 saka:

    Es piekrītu šim rakstam! Nice work!

    Es biju saucošs manas acis, kas, skatoties, ka memoriāls. Es parasti Neraudi ļoti viegli, bet tas bija tik emocionāls par mani. Es nevarētu palīdzēt to.

    Es biju satriekts (un samulsu pie sevis), ka man bija vairāk emocionāla nekā savas ģimenes! Brooke Shields bija vienīgā persona, kas bija ieplīsis, kā man bija. Tas nav pārsteigums mani kā es nedomāt Michael saglabātos vecās bērnības draugs viņa "cikla" lietas, ja viņam nebija posmā mānīšana.

    Tā ir mana pārliecība, ka Michael neatstātu viņa bērni-viņš viegli slēptu pats vai ir operācija, lai izveidotu jaunu persona. Šādā veidā viņš varētu apmeklēt viņa bērni, cik vien viņš gribētu, bet pamanīju un atzītas. Ja jūs izskatīt šo iespēju, tad kāpēc ne viņš posmā viņa nāves? Viņš joprojām būs iespēja redzēt savu ģimeni un bērniem, pēc viņa atpūtai.

    Starp citu, viņš nav jādomā divreiz par ņemot ķirurģija. Viņš ir izdarīt tā daudzas reizes pirms un mīl disguises un fooling cilvēkiem!

  40. jackoisalive21 saka:

    vienoties ar pēdējo amatu.

    ** MANA uzņemties NOTIKUMI **

    25 jūnijs Michael lielo dienu, viņš "nomirst" in LA

    Ventilatori šoka stāvoklī, spekulācijas ar nāvi stiprinājumiem, kā to paziņoja nāves cēlonis nav zināms

    Weeks pass, valsts un privātās memoriālus par tajā pašā dienā, nav emocija shown

    Vairāk nedēļas caurlaide, mēs autopsijas rezultātus ... atklāj to, ko mēs jau zinām, .. nāves ar pārdozēšanas

    AEG prasību apdrošināšanas naudu, pasaule ir šoks vairāk spekulāciju kāpumu

    Mags & neto puzzes ar Michael Jackson ziņas mēnešus ierasties līdz brīdim, kad tā beidzot atrisina nosaka, ģimene ir palikusi mieru.

    Kids izzust, kas ar savu tēvu, kas prasa tām visā šīs pateikt viņiem, ka viņš neizmanto viņiem, un tas ir labi, Jacksons uzpilda attaisnojumu kazlēniem nav ap

    Michael ir normāla mierīgu dzīvi ..

    Viņš nedrīkst atgriezties!
    tas būtu pārāk messed up uzticības mani.


  41. jackoisalive21 saka:

    ** Pareizrakstības kļūdām **

    mags & net buzzes, ne puzzes

    viņu tēvs aicina tos visā šajā šie

  42. SITA saka:

    "I Love You ADMIN, no apakšas mana sirds" Michael varētu pastāstīt jums.

  43. dora5132 saka:

    mariannaB, i sakrīt ar visu, kas ir jūsu post.the bērni gatavojas pārcelties, tādējādi Joe Jackson paziņojumu par pasaules tour.while uz šo Tour būs valsts baro daži BS par tiem, kas missing.i nedomāju, ka par vienu minūti ar MJ ir dead.why viņš joprojām nav aprakti? kāpēc ir Tox ziņojumu, ņemot tik ilgi? kaut kas nav pareizi! ģimenes, nav atļauta michael māja bez LAPD.

  44. dora5132 saka:

    mariannaB, i sakrīt ar visu, kas ir jūsu post.the bērni gatavojas pārcelties, tādējādi Joe Jackson paziņojumu par pasaules tour.while uz šo Tour būs valsts baro daži BS par tiem, kas missing.i nedomāju, ka par viena minūte, ka MJ ir dead.why viņš joprojām nav aprakti? kāpēc ir Tox ziņojumu, ņemot tik ilgi? kaut kas nav pareizi! ģimenes, nav atļauta michael māja bez LAPD.

  45. Narkoze saka:

    The Jacksons ir ļoti reliģiskā (kristiešu / Jehovah 's Liecinieki Es uzskatu, lai gan viņa brālis Jermaine bija pāriet uz Islam-) tāpēc, ka "meklē augšu" ir saistīts ar "lūdzot" strengh un lords un ka veida stuff I think. (Atcerieties visu tā saukto Reverends pie piemiņas?)

  46. SITA saka:

    un dont aizmirst: Redzēt ar sirdi

  47. Kopenhāgena saka:

    Tajā pašā attēlu LaToya ir smaidoši zem viņas lielas cepure ... Es arī ievēroju, tā bija gandrīz pārāk tumsā MEM, bet doma ir bija ievērot cilvēku sērojot bet es ievēroju, ka neviens aiz Jackson klana tika saucošs either. Divas reizes es uzklausīt personu, zvanot ārpus Michael. Tā bija viena un tā pati persona becauce balss bija tāda pati ...? Es arī ievēroju, ka tad, kad cilvēki nāk no privātā atm pakalpojumu to bodylanguage neuzrādīja, ka tie bija sērojot. Es redzēju viena sieviete ir vairāk ieinteresēti, norādot citu sievieti, ko viņa bija viņas shoppingbag ..., kas bija ļoti dīvaini,??

  48. hesalive saka:

    oh yeah .. bērni tiks nosūtīts kaut, im 100% sirds rokassprādzi būs pievienojās atkal

  49. Dita saka:

    Sveiki! Tā ir pirmā reize, ka es rakstīt, un vienmēr ievēro vietā katru dienu. Tāpat kā daudzi šeit, es domāju, ka Michael ir dzīvs kaut. Viss ir ļoti dīvaini un noslēpumaini no dienas gada 25. Es izlasīju komentārus un narkoze komentēja par drošības sistēmu, māja Michael: Kur ir lentes no drošības kamerām? Ja viņi ir aizgājuši, ka patiešām ir ļoti dīvaini. Man ir daudz jautājumu: Kādēļ policijas nav apšaubīja darbiniekiem mājā? Pirmais autopsijas rezultātus radās tajā pašā dienā, un ārsts teica viņš nav atradis kaut ko, ģimenes pieprasīja otrās sekcijas, un tas ir ņemot tik ilgi atstāt rezultāts? Viņi saka, ka ķermenis atrodas kapsētā, es uzskatu, ka prese ir komandējumā tur, neviens neredzēja šo tuvākajos zārka? Kāpēc ne policijas aizliedza nams kad ambulance atstājis māja Michael? Dr Murray ir runājuši ar policijas un viņi teica tas netika uzskatīts par aizdomīgu, bet lieciniekam, tagad policija pēc tam, kad viņš atkal un dermatologs Dr Klein. Kas notika? Vai, ka policija ir pat izmeklēt? Kāpēc ir video izbraucienu ar neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības uz slimnīcu? , Ka šī iestāde tika ņemts no helikoptera (Kāpēc nedrīkst vadīt?) Ar biroja izmeklētājs ar pirmo sekciju? Kāpēc autopsijas nebija veikta slimnīcā? Tā kā es uzskatu, ka katrs slimnīcā ir izmeklētājs un ledusskapī, lai saglabātu ķermeņa. Vakar es meklēju pēc viena fotogrāfija Michael "miris", kas attēlu no iekšpuses ambulance un es nebiju viens cilvēks prātā: E'Casanova. Kas tas ir cilvēks, kas, šķiet, ka tā ir seguma Michael parādās pie ceremonija? Es redzēju viņa priekšstatu par dažiem vietā. Šis stāsts par dienu Michael patiešām ir taisnība? Vai policijas neticu, ka Michael varētu būt viltoti viņa nāves? Kurš zināja, ar plānu, lai palīdzētu Michael un kas ka? Es uzskatu, ka ļoti daudz cilvēku, un nodot tās naudas jāizvieto un sadarboties. Atvainojiet, bet tā tiešām ir ļoti neskaidrs un noslēpumains ar mani, un es domāju, ka daudziem šeit. Pakāpeniski mēs visi pievienoties un izdarīt secinājumus. Sorry for the gigants pastu! lols!

  50. auntygrace saka:

    Es pilnīgi piekrītu teoriju! kad es esmu dzirdējis par MJ nāves Es uzreiz likās, ka tur bija kaut ko nepareizi. Es domāju es tiešām ne viens no viņa fani, es tāpat kā viņa mūzika, bet tomēr es tiešām bija sajūta, ka kaut kas bija dīvaini ... dažas dienas vēlāk es beidzot piekrita, ka MJ pagājis prom. tad es noskatījos piemiņas un tas ir skaidri man: michael jackson nav miris! i nozīmē Jums ir pilnīga taisnība, sakot, ka bērni rīkojās dīvaina veids, viss Jackson ģimenes izdarīja. Es tikko bija priekšā TV saucošs daudz (un atkal, es neesmu ventilatoru!) Un viņa bērni tika sēdēju kā tad, ja tie bija tikai domāšana ", ja ir tas viss vairāk, tas ir sooo boring, piemēram, matemātikas skolā ! ". tas bija tiešām dīvaini ... Es esmu, lai gan par dažām lietām, un es piekrītu lielākā daļa teorijas par šīs puses, un es domāju, ka MJ ir dzīvs. bet es arī pamanīju, ka, ja memoriāls bija tikai "izrāde", nekā tiešām daudz cilvēki ir zināms, ka MJ ir dzīvs, lai plānu visu, un, lai būtu reāli. I think it must be very difficult to keep such a secret… I mean sooner or later someone must lose a word and reveal everything, don't you think?! and I don't understand because MJ hasn't be buried jet. and the delay of he of the autopsy results is too very, very strange! I seems as if they aren't done with the planning yet. it's just crazy, they all want us to believe that MJ is dead, but with all their actions they just support our theories that something must be wrong. don't they realize that?!
    I mean, OK, MJ faked his death because he didn't want to be in the media anymore, because he probably knew that with the tour starting, the media would only talk about him and so on, but look at the situation now: no matter which channel I am watching at, MJ is the main topic, it's just MJ here, MJ there and every day new stories come up, all kind of stories and some of theme are really personal and so on. I think if I was MJ, I didn't want the media to talk about me like that and inventing such stupid stories about me, that I am gay and that my dad hit me so much that I became sterile. I just couldn't handle all these stories and would try to make a cut. I mean what is MJ thinking about all that?
    however, I will continue following the news and all that, because I want to know what will happen next and to which conclusion they all come. I'll wait and see…

    greetings from Germany (and therefore sorry for the possibly bad English…)

    ps. some of you were wondering what the people and especially the kids were looking up to at the memorial: I just think they looked up to heaven, symbolically for the place where their father is now.

  51. VanillaCream Says:

    Michael´s house was a crime scene, right? So the police had to save the crime scene immediately but they didn´t right? So the evidences against this Doc are not worth the paperbag of transport. Man labi?

    I don´t know the right words, hope you unterstand what i mean.

  52. charliechaplin Says:

    Here's the picture of Paris wearing the necklace at the Memorial:

  53. Nancy Says:

    I can't figure out how you would not cry if you know that your father is lying in his coffin over there….You immediately would start to cry when you turn around and look at his coffin because immediately will come memories in your head and there is no way to don't start to cry but THEY-THE CHILDREN didn't break off ANY TEAR!!!!!!!!!

  54. lovelidae Says:

    Admin, I believe this theory all the way. My sister is in the same age group as Prince Michael I & Paris and she would be more than capable of understanding such a complex plot. As a matter of fact she has come up with some of the same theories as you guys and has studied Michael so closely that she can go through pictures and spot the real Michael from his impersonators. So I definitely believe that the children have some clue as to what is going on. All through the memorial the children kept looking up. I think MJ was at that memorial and told them where he would be in case they needed some courage to be strong (they eldest two knew that daddy wasn't far away). All those reports about the kids seeing their father's body came from Latoya Jackson, COME ON PEOPLE SINCE WHEN HAS LATOYA JACKSON BEEN A CREDIBLE SOURCE OF MJ INFORMATION. I don't trust her as far as I can throw her, she tried to throw MJ under the proverbial bus during the child molestation trials (which I never thought he was guilty of). So, if you are reading this my dear Michael know that I love you and completely support your decision. You have left enough clues for your true fans and I know that you are alive and well. I pray that all this stuff quickly disappears from the media so that you can be reunited with the 3 loves of your life, your children. I love you and pray for you everyday. I have always appreciated your courage, love, kindness, beauty, and bravery. I love you always MJ!

  55. melia8383 saka:

    I think he's still alive, hopefully.
    It doesn't make since that they delayed the autopsy for another 2 weeks? Kāpēc? I think the people that comes on the website saying he's dead! Give it a rest! Those are the people that want to put doubt in your mind, they want you to second guess yourself.Any other celebrity would be open and shut guess, I mean Anna Nicole test did not take this long! And I doubt he was addicted to anything, within the recent years of course. There's so many stories out there about his “death” it's crazy!
    But yeah I do believe that when the autopsy reports come back, it's going to report that it was a drug overdose, I can see it coming, I believe he's alive though.

  56. martha Says:

    emo-pinkt that was exactly what I thought after watching it and I said the very same thing to my boyfriend. but then I thought that sth is wrong with me. Now I see it wasnt only me…

  57. Wendy Darling Says:

    The only point that make me lose hopes about the hoax was the kids at memorial, but maybe the only way to make the plot belivable to everyone was showing the kids.
    In any case, to the media, the public presence of his own kids,so well educated and charming as they are, has cleaned in some way his image as a good father.
    I don´t think Paris was acting, she was really moved because she would know that his father is doing somethig difficult, and she was talking about her love for him. She´s only a child.

  58. Lenora Says:

    Every day I am most certain that MJ is still alive. According to TMZ the autopsy reports will delay again and I wonder why? Is the body which was taken to hospital and than to coroner realy MJ's? I just remember that a couple years ago our media (I am from Slovenia) reported that Michael bought a golden plated casket which was delivered to Neverland- so that makes me beleive that he was planing his own dead long time ago. And there is a picture of memo on TMZ – MJ drug pictures – where some doctor uses words This is it – read it, it is interesting. Everything is so strange.
    With all respect to the Michael's cute kids, I must say they all looks like they are at the baseball game not at their father memorial. Some of Jackson family said that Michael's face was damaged because of CPR he received, and than let the kids seeing him like that. I don't belive it. Unfortunately, I don't beleive a word what latoya said. She was paid for that interwiev, and it looks like she is a money grabber too. She also accused Michael that he is a child molestor, so this don't need any comment.

  59. feyaya Says:

    i have never lost anyone very close to me, and my heart goes out to all of you who have lost a loved one. but i can say with 100% certainty that if i lost a loved one, i would lose it in general. i'm 25 but i cannot fathom seeing someone i love in a casket, let alose losing them to being with. so, how much more these 3 kids, all below the age of 12? it doesn't make any sense. even as prince was sitting there looking bored out of his mind, paris sat there with such a look of serenity; as if everything was fine and ok. i do believe michael is alive, and this is just one of the things that supports the idea.

    it is no surprise that the autopsy results have been postponed yet again. i think it's all part of the ploy; the further things are put off, the more time is bought for the hoax. either that, or time is being bought for a possible case of homicide but nonetheless, i'm not losing hope that michael is alive

  60. fm89 Says:

    I also agree with this,on top of this according to the C4 Doc what happend in the last days aired the other day, they paint the picture that he was taking drugs for long periods, and that he died when he tried to stop taking them days before comming to the uk.

    in the program it also showed him training with the Hulk (sorry i forgot his name) , however before the memorial when sky news were questioning the “Hulk” (his personal trainer who was getting him ready for the concerts, he also got him ready for the history tour) He said there was no injection marks etc and no signs of him being on drugs at all.

    so was he or was he not on drugs, i know in hollywood its very common, but as you said, he has a family etc, and im sure AEG would not be happy with him taking drugs with so much money and reputation on the line?

  61. Smiile1929 Says:

    Okay Some People May Think Mj's Dead ..
    But If U Think About Tha Whole Thing From When It Started Till Now .. Alot Of Things Don't Make Sense .. Somethings Jus Not Right About It .. Yeah I Might Be ”Loosing My Mind” But Its True Though .. At Tha Memorial Something Just Wasn't Right .. Might Be Just Me But When Your Having A Memorial For Someone .. U Feel Each Others Pain & See How Sad They Are U Know But Mj's Funeral .. It Jus Looked Completely Fake To Me .. =S .

  62. artisticflare Says:

    i just love this site, i think Michael is alive too, but how awfull to have to go this far for a bit of peace and quiet!! i mean WTF! i was shocked at first when my 23 yr old son told me at midnight Michael Jackson was dead i just couldnt belive it! i was so upset i cried for days i mean come on i am a 56 yr old fan who was 6yrs old when Michaekl was born, i was bought up on Mowtown i lived slept and ate it!! But as the weeks are going by i really do belive it is all a hoax, and i really hope Michael is not dead! I think we probably wouldnt recognise the Michael we all came to know and love, i wouldnt be suprised if he had more plastic surgery to change his face completely! I agree what you are saying about the drug overdose to get the insurance money there is no other way. But i wish they would sort the children out and get them settled with Katherine or Janet already! Now what we have to look forward to is new songs being released on Michaels Birhtday and at Christmas1!

  63. Shauna Says:

    I am about 75% sure Michael isn't dead. I agree with the statements about the children looking bored at the memorial. I think Paris was coached on what to say and do. She was fine before and after her breakdown on stage. I don't blame him at all for faking his death.I would have done it years ago. Maybe he can finally get some peace for once in his life. I love Michael and I wish him the best wherever he is.

  64. jpresley Says:

    At the end of the day, only time will tell if our theories, speculations, and hopes are indeed correct. If the kids end up in 'boarding school' out of the country or just essentially vanish altogether. I also think it's going to be extremely important how all the legal stuff works out. Admin, thanks for addressing my previous query re the kids with your most recent post. Now, what's your take on Conrad Murray (sleazeball that he is) and Dr. Klein? What if they end up facing criminal charges? Also, would someone PLEASE explain (or offer a theory) on how a man who is 5′11, weighing only 112 lbs (for those reading this out of the US – sorry, I don't know the conversion of that to metric, but trust it is considered anorexic by any definition and I would hazard a guess not far from death)and injesting upwards of 50 pills a day in ADDITION to regular injections of demerol and propofol PASSED a rigorous 4 or 5 hour physical?? That simply does NOT, NOT, NOT make sense. I do think that MJ had a dependancy on prescribed meds, not even going to debate that, but COME ON! Seriously??!

  65. nina Says:

    Sorry for my English, but I am from Romania, and although I understand very well, I can 't say the same about my written English , I hope you will understand … Here is what I think about the reasons to MJ hoax deth:
    1.What he can do to return in the attention of all, globally? the concerts were not enough for the attention he need.
    2.How much longer could he hide kids? They are teenagers (2) and want a life of their own …
    3.He's Music… wonderful, brilliant … must heard it again …
    4.Debts must be paid …..
    5.50 concerts are too much even for him ..
    6.Then silence which he need and never known …
    Now evidence:
    -the discourse O2 arena: \ “This is it! This is it! Final curtain call!… I love you , I really do… \”He wanted to announce us …
    -the secret that took place in all though his whole life was in the papers ..
    -Absences memorable from his funeral ….
    -delay funeral …etc.etc … it leads to the same conclusion: he is still alive!
    But above all… :
    Michael, you always say : look with your heart … Our hearts sees, understand, accept and … loves you. THANK YOU for all your life! You need rest and you deserved.
    Take care of yourself wherever you are!
    I love you more !

    Thank you admin. For this hope…

  66. Jessie Dai Says:

    I totally agree with what you said. Your analysis is so reasonable. After seeing the memorial, I thought Paris could not tell a lie. But after looking at your words, I began to understand. It is true Prince looked quite different from others and just like he was bored of it.
    I really hope Michael is still alive!
    I love you!

  67. dani Says:

    These children in public are not his real children. How come they are all so white. I know Mike has vitiligo but that doesn't affect the genes. These children are actors and Mike left America 3 weeks ago with his real children that the world has never seen before. He would never ever show his real kids in public. NEVER. He knows that these sharks would eat them.
    And by the way the eldest boy looks exactly like me. Nav joks. My mother said the same!!
    Have a nice day!

  68. Perfume Says:

    Hello from South Africa all…in response to his kids being behind the “death hoax” one question…children cant keep secrets, and if they are in it then soon or later the truth will come out…speaking of not showing emotions when my Mom died I was 16 and everyday I went to school, came back and nobody knew that I had lost my Mom, I would come home from school expecting her to be there and would sit on her bed weeping my heart out, did this everyday u until her funeral the only time I did cry publicly was when the coffin was being lowered into the ground that is when it hit me the finality of her death…..MJ loved his kids more than anything in this world, I doubt he would of let his kids onto the secret, I am not being negative here dont get me wrong, just stating the obvious, I think he would of told someone very dear to him as to what he was going to do, as he knew the media had a love/hate relationship with him, even know weeks after his “death” they cant get enough of him even if it means they are falsley giving reports, they are even digging up old news cause they dont have much to say about him right now, and wherever he is he must be sitting back and screaming with laughter knowing that the media right now is the biggest fools… observation he wont let LaToya into it cause she is not to be trusted, he wont let his Dad into it cause they did not have a good relationship, if he would let someone into it then it would be either Janet or his Mom, the rest of the family, I cant see him letting them into the biggest secret of his life…just an observation….AEG would be in on it knowing they will get millions off him for the rest of their lives

  69. loveandpeace saka:

    Great post, i agree 100%. Those kids saw how it was in public with him. When they would go to a toystor, they would get bombarded with paparazzi outside, and then they go inside, they get bombarded with fans who want picture or autographs. Neither of them could of liked that, they had no life. They just wanted to be free, and live normal.

  70. Funkey Says:

    MJ realeased this song after his “death” i think the words the media is looping says something. Take a listen

    My question with all the music kept under lock and key why this song?

  71. Bee Says:

    Thanks for posting this, it's been exactly my thoughts as well, that he would do this EXACTLY so he could live and raise his children in relative peace and quiet.

    That thing about his face having been 'too banged up' for an open casket is ridiculous; all funeral homes have Restorative Artists who can put even the worst car accident victims back together in a presentable way! A few bruises would be nothing to touch up.

    Also — I forget where it was, perhaps in a comment thread somewhere here, that Michael had been planning on releasing new music with other artists and also some new music under a pseudonym? It's quite possible, since it's been stated that he has “over 200 unreleased songs”, that he can continue to record and produce music, it can be released as having been recorded prior to his death, but who will know?

    Considering his MESS of a family and all he's been through, I wouldn't blame him one bit for choosing this route for he and his kids! Michael, if you're out there, bless your big ol' heart, I wish you all the best in the world.

  72. bubblesthechimp Says:

    take a look at this article:

    It's originally from E! online ” Paris Jackson Impromptu or Planned?”

  73. hesalive Says:

    take me to a place without no name..weird..maybe it doesnt mean that the place hasn't got the name,maybe the subject of the song wants to go somewhere having no name?

  74. roxy101 Says:

    Okay, I agree partially with some of this. I'm not entirely sure want. I'm beginning to feel that maybe I'm just in denial…
    The points you have are really good, and I agree that it is weird that they didn't show a little more emotion……as I've sat at my grandfather's memorial, front row, and cried uncontrollably….I also have attended funerals for people that I hardly even knew and still cried ….but maybe that's just me…

    Now I know we want to believe that if anyone could pull off a hoax this big, Michael could, but don't you think there would have been a slip by now?
    And even if the kids are in on it…how do you explain the legal action taking place? The court proceedings over who will attain custody over them…etc

    discussion please..

  75. BeenTown Says:

    I love your site. You theories are well thought out and well written. Everything you have just written makes perfect sense.

    It just doesn't seem like he is dead, and all I hear in the media now is how Latoya Jackson was preparing everything. It just seems very odd.

    I think if they would have let us see the body in the casket this speculation might be over (just a bit.)

    The perfect time to open the casket would have been right after all the Jackson's left the stage right after Jermaine's, Marlon's and Paris' speech.

    If they had done it this way, the kids would have already been in the back by then and so they would not have to view their father a third time in front of everyone.

    If the Jackson family could have so easily had a private viewing an hour or so right before the Staples center memorial, then they could have easily done it again.

    I keep looking at the photo of Michael in the ambulance and his nose just looks wider and his skin a bit darker.

    Something is definitely up here.

  76. roxy101 Says:

    Also ADMIN ..I'd appreciate if maybe you could touch on the E'Casanova theory yourself? It's a great theory yet, according to his myspace page, he seems to be very much alive as well as very devastated himself… so I'm confused on this whole theory


  77. saka:

    @@ Mariannna: exactly my sentiments, I so agree with all you are saying.

    As the mainstream has been doing and WILL continue to do is feed the public “information” = 'FILLER information” for the public to focus on in an attempt to “distract” from what has been and still is really going on behind the scenes.

    I cannot recall ONE single other celebrity's death and passing in the past that was/is as controversial as it is the saga of the “death” of Michael Jackson, even Elvis Presley had a “public funeral” and thus convinced the public that he was really “gone” …

    To each of those funerals, the press had a certain amount of privvy access and reported images of the event for the public to gain “closure” of.

    Why ? was that not the case with “superstar” Michael Jackson ? Surely, he is by far in and/or even above the ranks of some some of them … Does the Jackson clain REALLY they think we would swallow tha Staples Center “Memorial Service” whole ? Right along with all other “information” constantly being fed by the media ? Alas ! Some of us have a working brain above the waistline and are effectively using it !

    With Jermaine Jackson wearing a mysterious earpiece ? The “will you be there” PainS faux pas monolog ? Queen Latifah who never even met Michael Jackson and said so on David Letterman show herself ? While best friends never showed ? The list goes on and on and on … as many of discerning and suspicious bloggers have so eloquently posted, including ADMIN'S posting which poignantly outline other profound aspects of the “death and escape” of your dear Peter Pan friend.

    The more time that elapses – as Marianna said “in one year from now”. the world will be back to normal, although I have a feeling that “What about michael jackson's death” will be a never ending source for doubters and 2nd guessers to attempt uncovering what has really happened, just like it happened with Elvis.

    ** To Elvis: in case you are reading these blog entries which I am sure you are, WE DO KNOW THAT YOU ARE ALIVE, BUT UNDER FEDERAL PROTECTION MEANING YOU NEED TO REMAIN IN HIDING. EVEN SO, THOUGH YOU ARE AN OLD MAN NOW, DOESN'T MATTER, you CAN come out anytime, everyone still loves you ….

    ** To Michael Jackson:

    Michael: while you are reading the entries on this blog, I hope and pray you WILL happen upon this one especially:

    You probably don't remember this incident, but I DO quite well and so clearly still! During your Victory Tour back in 1984, you had a show at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC where I was in attendance at a 3rd row seat off the front of the stage. You wore a striped, shiney outfit and boots and, at some point, stepped OFF the stage while singing, to the disdain of security, walked a few feet into the audience. You walked far enough that you were ONLY about 2 FEET away from me when I, quite aware of your presence, noticed your absolutely beautiful hands clutching the microphone, but moreover, WE MADE EYE CONTACT and when I looked into your eyes, I remember the very powerful jolt to my heart when I saw and experienced the undeniable pain your eyes … dear God, I NEVER FORGET THAT as long as I live and it is that same “Pain” (and not PainS) you speak of in the spoken monolog part in your “Will you be there” song.

    I did hear you say “PainS” at Staples arena and I can only imagine that the Pain I saw in your eyes back at RFK in 1984 really grew, so much so, that you decided to “die” for the World to believe, but in the right now reality, you have are at your chosen place, to have escaped a world that in some part has caused you this pain, that same pain that I saw in your eyes, forever lodged in my heart. May the best part of your life now be before you, for you and your 3 brave children who best showed their love for you by their loyalty. May God be with you, whereever you are, and heal that pain … that pain I saw in your eyes 25 years ago …

  78. ishealive Says:

    Just looked up youtube again at his press conference in London in March, he kept saying “this is it the final curtain call” is this just ironic or was he planning his death all along?????????? The way he walked was a dead give away, MJ walked like a gentleman not with a swagger. The more I think about it, it looks like a hoax, to me it looks like he waited 'til he was back in the spotlight again and then died he knew people were thinking about him again and knew he'd make alot of money if he died. Some guy on Larry King said shortly after he died that Michael dying was a brilliant business move but of course he was saying that thinking MJ was dead. Joe Jackson also said MJ would be bigger in death than life. I wish someone had a picture of him or if the family made a big slip up then that would clear this up a bit.

  79. Sosh saka:


    Don't take it to litterary. I mean some people said that Michael look like he was asleep whil others say that his face was prety messed up. Of course I know that if there is a body, there will be only one. But according the stories his children saw the 'good'version of his body. Not the messedup one as stated in the blog article

  80. closepaltomj Says:

    Excellently written. I would like to sponsor this site.

  81. persia Says:

    Yes The family acted strange. I personally was balding my eyes out and I am not a member of the family and I am not even a huge fan. But here is the thing: even if he faked his death we should compare it to a witness protection program. If you have a neighbor who was being harassed or threatened and the program removes him/her out of the area or the country and we all the neighbors know about it, do we go and try to prove that so and so is alive or under protective custody!! Are we being a good friend and a neighbor or are we helping the enemy find our friend.
    From day one I had the Fake theory, but now I think if he has gone as far as to pretend being dead we should leave him alone to get on with his life. But I have been checking your website everyday and thank you for putting this together.
    Like MJ says: peace

  82. zealot Says:

    I was closely watching the video footage of MJ in the ambulance as well as the photo of him in the ambulance and I noticed some interesting things:

    1. Dr. Conrad Murray was quoted as saying that he rode in the ambulance with MJ to the hospital and was trying to resuscitate MJ by administering CPR the entire time in the ambulance.

    – However, I do not see Dr. Murray anywhere in this photo administering CPR. It doesn't even look like he is in the ambulance unless he is at the back giving MJ a foot massage or something.

    2. Closely watch the video footage of the ambulance leaving MJ home. At 1:22 minutes you can see an image of (i think) one of the paramedics from the inside of the ambulance looking out the window. If Mj was in cardic arrest why is the paramedic looking outside the window and not attending to MJ.

    -I thought it could just be a reflection of a man standing behind the ambulance while observing the scene. But I asked myself, why is his reflection the only one showing up because there were a lot of people in that area including the camera man and by-standers but his image is the only one reflecting from the window.

    3. Closely look at 1:33 minutes in the video footage. This is the side window of the ambulance where the photographer suppose to have taken the last photo of MJ. The view is a bit blurry, but it appears that the paramedic man in the ambulance does not have on any gloves. I do not see the oxygen thingy that was on MJ face. Excuse me if I say that I do not even think MJ is in that ambulance. The video footage of that snap shot is not consistent with the photo image that the guy claims he took of MJ while in the ambulance. Maybe that guy photoshopped that photo? I am not a image expert so I can not tell if the photo's real or a fake. Or, the photo could have been taken at an earlier time or day?

    3. Closely look from minutes 1:42-1:47. Mj was already in the ambulance and being rushed to the hospital. The fire truck is on the road in the process of leaving the scene as well. However, you can see an unmarked ambulance entering into MJ home in the background after he is suppose to be on his way to the hospital already.

    - At first, I thought maybe they are just replaying the footage of the ambulance that was taking MJ to the hospital but I noticed that the ambulance that is suppose to be carrying MJ has the ID number 71 on it. The ambulance that is entering his home after the first one left has no ID number on it. I am not familiar with LA paramedics but I thought that all ambulance had ID numbers on them. Then, I thought maybe that ambulance had a communication problem and did not know that a ambulance had already taken MJ to the hospital. However, If MJ was already taken away in the first ambulance, then why are the security guards letting that ambulance enter into the gates? They should have said that MJ was already taken and they no longer need a ambulance, but that is not the case, they let that ambulance enter.

    - Maybe that first ambulance was a decoy or something but if MJ was really in cardic arrest could he afford the time to stage a decoy?

    Here is the link to the video footage:

  83. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive saka:

    okk well i kinda agree with the disguise thingy cuz have you seen the documentary “unmasked”? Well every insider states one way or another that michael was the KING OF DISGUISES and if anyone could pull it off michael could…. HE WAS ABLE TO FOOL ANYBODY WITH HIS DISGUISES!!! so i think there is a possible chance that he could change his appearance, but then again, maybe not… who knows???

  84. A-curious-mind Says:

    I have ralised that my last post about these theories has not been posted but in anycase I have this I'd like to share. Michael seemed to really have been addictted to drugs because if you listen closely to this clip you will hear the woman telling him when he says he's not feeling well that she'll inject him with something….

  85. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive saka:

    THERE IS ANOTHER THING!! Well apparently michael jackson has an official youtube channel “”….. is this able to be confirmed or something… and also, someone clearly updates the channel regularly (check the 'last sign in')….. so whoever is responsible for updating the channel must kno michael or something…. i dunno we shoould look into it or something, lyk try to find an official facebook or myspace or something like that.. don't you think?? maybe that could let us get further with this.. cuz at the moment we only have ideas which can't YET be proven…..

  86. blanka Says:

    As I said before I'ma huge Michael Jackson Fan… and one of the things that I can't understand is if he killed himself with and overdose of propofol or demerol that cause the heart attack, and before the comeback tour he had to take physical tests and he was in great shape and healthy why the doctors didn't see he was consuming prescription drugs and he had a health problem??? is kind of confusing!! That should appear on the test right??

  87. A-curious-mind Says:

    I could be wrong but it sure sounds like that's what she told him and just look at him…he looks totally medicated….it's very sad ….

  88. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Says:

    I Stick With My Theory. He Said That We Aint Seen Nothing Yet And The Concert Was Gonna Be Like You Never Seen Before. He Is Probably Doing All This For His Comeback Tour, Hence Comeback? Plus Im Pretty Sure That Everyone Cant Hold Back Tears. I Cried More Than Anyone At That Memorial. So Im Confused. I Feel He Is Alive And I Hope He Is Fine.

  89. MrsBenjamin saka:

    I have a comment but i may be wrong…im too lazy to get that article…the article that LaToya Jackson had put out not to long ago claiming that her MJ was murdered…well..about that necklaces…she stated something that Paris had a blue necklaces…and she gave her dad the other half..PLEASE PLEASE correct me if i am wrong about this one…but i believe it was said that the necklaces Paris had is a necklaces that CHANGES color from body temperature or something?..sorry im not good at explaining things…but she said the other half( which MJ had) turned purple because he was so cold…but Latoya said his body was warm when she was there with the kids when she first went in the room??….PLEASE COMMENT ON THIS…..Im so -thumbs down- at explain thins…sorry!!

  90. LadyV Says:

    I saw Paris' speech after I was told it was totally real, so I watched it thinking it was real but it just looked fake to me. I don't doubt Paris meant what she said but the cry at the end looks staged.

  91. MrsBenjamin saka:

    and anyone knows where “supermom” went?? just curious

  92. charliechaplin Says:

    I agree with jackoisalive21.

    We can't out fingers on it, but our instinct is telling us the MJ is alive. We may not be able to prove it, not now or perhaps in the future, but we know that he is out there safe & starting to enjoy the normal life that he has always wanted.

    For that, I wouldn't wish for MJ to come back into the limelight again and be lambasted again as before. He deserves to be happy having made all of us happy ever since the start of his career at the age of 5.

    If 'dying' is his way of retiring at 50, then we might as well support him on that decision. Like I said, we may never have a proof that he is alive but our hearts tell us that he is.

    For me, out way of supporting him is defending him as much as we can from those who still stain his persona even after his death by calling him a pedophile or molester or a freak.

    Let's show our support by stating from which countries we each belong so that MJ's detractors will be fully aware that he did not belong to his home country alone but to the entire WORLD. And so, if anyone messes up with MJ's image again after death, they will have to face the anger of his supporters WORLDWIDE.

  93. charliechaplin Says:


    We can't out fingers on it, but our instinct is telling us the MJ is alive.


    We can't PUT our fingers on it….


    For me, out way of supporting him is defending him as much as we can from those who still stain his persona even after his death by calling him a pedophile or molester or a freak.


    For me, our way of supporting him…

  94. Jori Says:

    Thanks so much for all of the hard work and thought that has gone into compiling this information so comprehensively and so quickly. I've had my doubts as well, and a number of the issues that have been raised have piqued my curiosity as well.

    I read just today that Janet has split with her longtime beau Jermaine Dupri. How timely.

    I do not believe that Michael is gone. He's pulled a fast one on those greedy hounds at AEG Live, all the while bolstering his bank account, clearing his reputation, and becoming front page news once again.

    Bloodsucking parasites apparently mistook Michael's gentleness and quiet demeanor for weakness. Big kļūda. Michael has always been an astute and formidable business man. This was probably the wisest move he's made yet. Hats off.

    Wherever Michael is I hope he's enjoying the peace and quiet that total anonymity provides. I imagine he's off someplace at the end of the earth, deep in the bush or the mountains of Nepal where no one has ever heard of Michael Jackson…Delicious!

  95. wildchild Says:

    jackoisalive21, I agree with you. I don't think he will return either. I already wrote that on a another post. Imagine what would happen, if he just came back. Not everybody would be as happy as most of us here.

    Thought of another thing. i heard that his kids never had seen him perform, not even at a rehearsal, becasue he wanted to save that for the This Is It shows. Surprise them. Maybe that's just another thing to increase the credibility on this death. But if it's true it's kind of sad. They probably will never see him perform either way now. Not in this life..

    What do you think?

  96. navyblue62643 Says:

    while watching a youtube video of the memorial service for Michael an ad flashed on screen for an underwater memorial park near Key Biscayne, FL 3.5 miles off the coast Is it possible the body has been cremated and placed here. The name of this underwater cemetary is “Neptune Memorial Reef” Also while watching the memorial I observed quite a few people looking upward. Could they have been looking at someone”MJ” standing in one of the boxes ready to trip the sign”I am Alive and Here forever” at the end of Rev. Smith's speech. I also looked at the photo of the open casket and is sure looke Michael bending down and kissing the dead person while Al and Jesse look on. The hand on the body sure looks alot like Michael's.

  97. taylor Says:

    i must admit that during his memorial service i was moved, and especially when paris said “that ever since i was born daddy has been the best daddy and i love him so much”. and then i thought she just spoke in the present tense.

    it is almost automatic how when a person dies that we start to refer to them in the past tense. i am not saying that her tears were faked…i cried everyday that my parents were gone on their 10 day vacation when I was around her age.

    i carefully watched how they especially paris sang all of the songs and clapped her hands and enjoyed the tribute put on in her father's honor.

    i was moved when people spoke of all of the good that michael had done for the world. in my heart i believe that michael jackson is still alive.

    i can not imagine his family completely disrespecting his wishes like that…they would still cover the children, and why on earth would mj want his mother to raise his children if he had such a problem with jehovah's witnesses.

    i was watching entertainment tonight and for the first time mrs. katherine jackson is not going to home school michael's children they will be attending a private school…mrs. jackson has home schooled everyone else.

    another thing about this photo leaked to the press that the children were going to the kingdom hall. being raised as a jehovah's witness i find their dress too casual, and if mrs. jackson is as active as they claim…the boys would have been in shirt and ties and paris would be in a dress, and you usually don't hold a book upside down and backwards…this was done so that people could see that those were jehovah's witness song books…

    which they have changed and gone to paper backs those look hard bound…older models.
    i still believe that michael jackson is alive and well.

    final thought mj is enjoys illusions. He has raised the bar so high within the music indy…what could be bigger than coming back from the dead…NOTHING!!!

  98. lets talk Says:

    I think Prince 1 looks bored, or like “I hate i have to do this”. he could have told them I will be away for a while, but just do this for me. If Michael did this I still am not mad at him, sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

  99. lets talk Says:

    I wonder why is Michael was such a drug addict. Why did'nt anyone threaten to expose him to child protective services, with all of the scandalous people around him, it would have been a easy way for someone to blackmail him, even his family, that would have been a great motivating factor for him to quit using drugs.

  100. MyBelovedMJ saka:

    He LOVE disguises. That is correct, and i don`t care if he should ever return. I just want for him to be in peace, and have the life he so ever longed for. That is all that matters to me.

  101. Samantha saka:

    I Agree on this, but i don't agree that he will come back, the world will hate him for what he did. And already 12 people commited suicide, or the media is making up lies like they always do.

    But who knows, i wont hate him
    I love you michael, where ever you are <3

  102. KARENM14 Says:


  103. KARENM14 Says:


  104. svangel Says:


  105. JC.LOVES.MJ saka:


    i agree, and as much i believe that he is alive, he just isnt the kind of person to make his fans upset, wat about the costs of the memorial and all that stuff, like isnt he just making things worse for himself in a way? please make me understandd;

  106. itsme Says:

    The reason why she look up is because there is a big screen in that hall…so she is looking at herself at that moment.

  107. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive saka:

    ==== PLEASE READ ========
    Ok everyone remebers Macaulay Culkin right?? (the kid from home alone)…. he was really really good friends with michael and he even stood up 4 michael with the child molestation trials…… but macauley hasn't once spoken up about Michael's “death”….. weird ryt??

  108. momsword Says:

    speaking of his kids, has anyone seen these photos??? his kids are beautiful…. such a sweet and caring dad:

  109. Andrea saka:

    Please does anyone know where the body is?? I heard the so called 'body' of MJ is STILL missing?? Please does anyone know anything about this??? Why does no one seem upset that his body is missing for so long?? It just isn't right!!!!
    About the kids Katherine and Janet will maybe get them. Rebbie Jackson is a lovely mother and she could look after them as well?? 'Rebbie' is cool!! Joe Jackson wants to turn the kids into the “Jackson 3″ not sure that will happen? they will probably go to 'boarding school' abroad. Doubt 'Debbie' or the 'Nanny' or 'Diana Ross' will get the kids. 'Kate' (Katherine), Janet and Rebbie are the best bet!! Joe Jackson really should not get the kids as Michael would be upset if Joe got them!! Oh dear who would want Joe Jackson as a Dad? I would rather have Michael Jackson as a Dad as he is/was much kinder!!!!

  110. Mjisalive1 Says:

    Michael…pls come bck…we miss you a lot….music is incomplete without you..

    we want our gem back…we know tht ur alive….somewhere…

    I guess Michael will come back with a bang!

  111. Mjisalive1 Says:

    @ ADMIN- thank you so much…ur website always makes my thoughts alive that maybe MJ is alive yet.Your theories are well written and clarifying.
    Please keep up to the good work….

    I guess you'll keep opening our eyes wide…[:)]
    But whatever, I really really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart…

    Dievs aplaimot jums.

  112. zealot Says:

    re: paris Jackson mood ring/necklace-

    I believe that paris jackson put the mood ring/necklace on “MJ” at the private memorial which could explain why the color was purple. His “body” was cold by then. However, I remember someone saying that his body was already cold b/f paramedics came to his house. wtf? I forgot the source of info but I think it could have came from the 911 call or something. If that is the case, then Latoya claims of his body being warm at the hospital is inconsistent.

    re: MJ passing physical exam-

    If MJ did have any type of medical illness, he could have paid a doctor to say that he passed it. Although it may seem unethical, for the right price I probably would have said that he passed it with flying colors. Sure, the doctor(s) could risk losing his/her license but the money made from that transaction could surpass the average lifetime earnings for any medical doctor. I think Dr. Arnold Klein knows way more than what he is telling. I find it strange that MJ was going to Dr. Arnold's office like 3 time a week throughout this year. On some days, he would leave Dr. Arnold's office carrying a bag that says skin cancer treatment or something (MJJ Pictures, 2009).

    When Dr. Arnold was on CNN, Larry King said that MJ's entire body was as white as a lily flower. Then, Dr. Arnold' s face became full of confusion, shock, or fear. I thought something was sus. par to.

    I'm still trying to figure out how MJ was bald headed unless he shaved his head within a week or so prior to his alleged death. A wig can be easily spotted and sometime he did wear them, but other times he had to have been wearing weave extensions because I could see his scalp in his hair. In order to wear weave extensions, you have to hair a nice length of hair to attach the weave piece to so being bald just doesn't make sense.

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