

作者和贡献者以下邮政是本网站会员的要求He.Is. 活着。 我们要分享您的意见和见解,与大家。


width=550 真正的迈克尔杰克逊从来没有出现在彩排的前一天晚上他的“死”在斯台普斯中心,在黑暗的录像显示了他浮出水面口香糖是不是真正的迈克尔杰克逊,没有,而是他给他的一名双打在排练为“显示”有几分钟。 由于影片已被证明是假的专家,并表示将软件的“固定” ,我们没有任何证据证明任何在所有真正的迈克尔杰克逊出席了在所有排练,但看起来像没有嚼口香糖代替。 因此:它是安全的假设实际迈克尔杰克逊提出了一个等待飞机离开永远再见,因此在所有的概率。 新的信息,他秘密“离开”从洛杉矶国际机场在没有标记的Lear喷气式飞机浮出水面,值得信誉和逻辑。

与此同时,返回大厦,看起来像假的准备和正在编写的“心脏骤停”的展览,并开始滚动球与911电话的来电应该有,但没有透露: “这是Michael Jackson的居住和先生杰克逊需要立即帮助,请快点“ ,而是非常控制和unemotionally以一个”绅士“谁是”呼吸“ ? ? ? ? 所有而真正的迈克尔杰克逊早就去哪里,这解释了为什么救护车“病人”的照片不像,也可能是迈克尔杰克逊,权,以不断其他可疑和有疑问的怪癖的不断雨后春笋般冒出来,从所有方向,没有什么都可以,因为可能增加的阶段另有规定从一开始,即:真正的迈克尔杰克逊是早已不复存在,但在洛杉矶的“迈克尔杰克逊死于心脏骤停” ,表明了他的圈套按计划,虽然有一些漏洞,没有一流的规划或“预演” ,因此,我们到达,并继续回到“没有了”的理论,从而不断提供更多的新兴questionables和猜疑产生从一开始就对整个事件。

这是非常值得怀疑为什么他内圈密切心腹没有显示在“纪念”服务,在斯台普斯:伊丽莎白泰勒,黛安娜萝丝,李萨明里尼,尤里盖勒和奥普拉-谁擦洗所有迈克尔杰克逊数据从她的网站-只是提到这几个谁想到。 为什么迈克尔杰克逊否认的敬爱的朋友来参加他的“ sendoff ” ? 相反,各种各样的“补集”出现,其中一些甚至从来没有会见迈克尔杰克逊,甚至自由指出这样一个热门节目,其他谁没有沟通与他亲自来! 另一个“舞台” ?

詹妮弗哈德森的表现是“支持”的真正迈克尔杰克逊的歌声,在那里,在口语独白的歌曲,她演出,误取代单词“烦恼”与一个S为原始的Word中的文字: “疼痛”不s频宽; 有多少观众注意到这个失言或... 。 没有? 这是一个暗示,故意“来,到群众,看看谁捕获它”提示?

为什么非常特殊的短语“我还活着,并将永远活”从他的歌曲会出现在蓝色字体在背的阶段结束时的服务? 为什么这些文字? 为什么没有任何换句话说,但这些人尤其是?
棺材追悼会在没有发出任何一单Vibe音乐,它包含的尸体迈克尔杰克逊,也没有任何其他机构在该! “节奏” ,我经历 width=425 仅仅是看电视电波公共葬礼的美国前总统里根在2004年? 很简单,黄金棺材说承担迈克尔杰克逊的身体是空的,并在直升机盘旋,非常神秘地消失得无影无踪之后,服务的下落, “身体”新兴媒体的最新旋转,让市民集中在“死亡”的迈克尔杰克逊? 和节拍接着...
是否有足够的时间在一天的国家/文件/博客的许多其它问题/疑问/证据/意见,使雕刻出来在整个疯狂? 问题是迈克尔杰克逊的演出成功逃脱死亡和数量不高的事实然后“确认” ,他真的... 。 “死亡” ?

,世界各地的球迷举行了呼吸的形象, “身体”他们的偶像出现,到目前为止,所有的媒体报道和互联网流量,没有这样的形象,并且可即使是,又如何能得到积极的确定该机构实际上是Michael Jackson的? 我们永远不会知道,我们? 博客张贴的疑虑和意见,等等都支持出色的牵引这一“死”获得了互联网上,并考虑到你,这些事实从来没有这么多所提到的仅仅是一个呼吸的主流媒体? 为什么不呢? 由于所有这些广播新闻与笔记本电脑在他们面前,它不是使他们不知道它,是吗?

我们所知道的绝对肯定是这样的:某人/ s的知道的东西和他们的沉默/ s的已经买了一个合乎逻辑的价格不够高,真正的真理永远不透露他们的,但是,旧的理论,真理不言自明的,并总是永远不会受到损害,甚至以百万计的美元,密封这项协议,这是为什么? 简单:有一个神...

歌词Michael Jackson的歌曲“ Xscape ”清楚地说明他的长期未来的意图,他的意图付诸实践的话很可能有益的帮助下前妻丽莎玛丽普雷斯利谁在婚姻期间的经验教训,他希望“逃离”她的父亲也一样,因此“指导”他如何成功阶段这种情况下,细节问题,她肯定是privvy并因此构成明显的相似之处猫王'上演死亡和逃跑,最适合到迈克尔杰克逊的“死亡”和“失踪” :在“心脏骤停,死在抵达医院时”附带...一个密闭的情况下医院工作人员,医生, EMT的,警察,安全等,以及法医和其他司法当局禁止公开透露任何内容方面的信息和接纳后的病人,所有的,而公众正在抛出咬大小的骨头,信息可能不会被“误解”或“扭曲” ?

在猫王'失踪,他的许多个人物品丢失是最大的全部:他的个人飞机! 这架飞机没有“ poof ”消失得无影无踪,如果你原谅的平底船,故:谁是说,等待,无标志,下令雷达/控制塔工作人员是“忽视”等待飞机在洛杉矶国际机场是迈克尔谁-新兴完全掩盖了一个黑色的SUV登上飞机-是不是属于埃尔维斯普雷斯利? 它可能已被埃尔维斯普雷斯利的私人飞机是最合理的解释,因为它合乎情理的迈克尔杰克逊将永远不会担心或恐惧的手段他的“假期”成为暴露或公共的,因为如果是这样,埃尔维斯和迈克尔杰克逊双方正在将构成实际活着,并成为国际新闻着急!

在杰克逊以及媒体继续保持浮动和纺纱杂波“新闻” ,其中的一些非常荒谬,但目的都是为了转移公众关注的焦点是已成功地建立了一个非常“其他”设想本... '悲剧' ... ..


  1. jazzlvr66赛义德,

    试图找到这'他还活着'的网站,但不能。 有没有人有正确的网址是什么? 此外,谁是女,他是手牵着手呢? 任何证据证明时,采取了事先知情同意? 任何证据证明它实际上兆焦耳? 怎么可能所有的人都理应在这个不能进入任何形式的麻烦,更别说兆焦耳自己? ? ? ? 如果有人能快照他只纳米秒下车后他的“逃亡”飞机,是什么让任何人都认为他将是能够永远留在躲藏?

  2. svangel赛义德,

    该照片,他逃离FROMA平面老BTW ... 。 就像我说的很多人参与这起死亡恶作剧事...我必须缩小了证据... 。 我们知道他并不是死...但他WUDNT及时隐藏龙...我觉得他预计技术如此更新.. 埃尔维斯CUD通过这一飞跃的日子... 。兆焦耳ü插件...现在回来,黄成PLZZZZZZZ

  3. jackoforever91赛义德,

    噢哇... 。 我不知道该说些什么

  4. doonbuggy赛义德,


  5. luvmj赛义德,

    是你们说,上面图片是新的? 原因是当他前往伦敦宣布他的演唱会的日期。

  6. 贝基说,

    我真的很喜欢所有,这是一个骗局某种。 它只是似乎任何情况下,任何人都出台了这样参与。 我不能想象,如果有很多人知道它的人不会说话。 我确实希望他能得到了,终于可以有一些和平。

  7. thriller777赛义德,

    对不起,我不知道任何链接或做什么,但我有一些东西的话。 这是迄今为止最可信的博客我已经阅读。 荣誉给你。 认真对待。 我只是想说即时通讯背后100percent 。 他永远不能隐瞒,我不认为诚实猫王可以。 一天媒体将渔获,希望。 但我也认为他doesn't要被藏起来永远。 他将返回,在他的日记(我忘了链接,只要输入谷歌迈克尔杰克逊死亡日记) ,但将只当他已经准备就绪。 如果他这样做并不是为钱欺诈,我知道多数民众赞成的情况并非如此,那么他不能得到任何法律麻烦。 他知道什么淀粉做的时候,和淀粉做的很好。 它只是他的“工人”和“犯罪伙伴” ,也就是扰乱了整个事情的地方信徒将赶上我们的。 他们不断搞乱然后覆盖它与不同的东西,使更加混淆了。 但老实说,我认为的帮助下,迈克尔斯日记,这博客,真相将在预期的那么早。 它。 它的迈克尔杰克逊,他的名字的意思是“流行病和现象”哈哈。

  8. blanka赛义德,

    为什么所有的图片你有没有时间? ? ? 图片在这种情况下,一张图片的价值不仅仅是话,那家伙可迈克尔杰克逊和女孩可以巴黎但是,没有日期的照片,也许这是一个古老的...而根据他到达你的地方? ? ? 你的理论非常有趣,但简单的话和想法你不能证明他还活着像你说的。 如果双兆焦耳你说真的死于心脏病发作,他有严重的健康问题,对不对? 为什么没有人可以发现,人的死亡不是兆焦耳? ? 如果乔丹是死刑或不只是你必须证明有文字和图像的日期,将让我们确认您的理论是真的!
    如果他还活着,将有益于所有球迷(像我这样的) ,实际上我们并不关心整个大teather ,但如果他真的死你有很多遗憾...显示美国他还活着,证明美国游'可再生能源的权利!

  9. i87赛义德,

    是,石化公司的迈克尔6月25日? ? ? ...或者只是一些随机峰... ... ... ...和@ jazzlvr66 ,我认为女孩是他的女儿...不知道寿

  10. 管理员说,

    *请注意*我们不以任何方式说,图片中这个职位是迈克尔杰克逊摆脱他的生命...这只是一个例子图片进行备份,动态的视觉故事。 该照片是在伦敦几个月前。

  11. luvmj赛义德,

    是你们说你觉得猫王还活着,但仍? :县

  12. wilkesxgurl赛义德,


  13. LadyV赛义德,

    噢关blanka ! 另一方面,证明他是死了! 去寻找他的尸体,使我们事先知情同意。 去...证明这一点!

  14. pammy赛义德,

    @ he.is.alive和管理:
    我喜欢这个网站! 本人不能停止阅读和做研究的自己... 。其所有奇怪的,真正困惑。 它愿意的话,你的理论是正确的,他将回到someboday ,希望他不会进入更多的麻烦,因为他的恶作剧 反正...做ü真的相信猫王也可以还活着吗? ? ?

  15. ejay5131赛义德,


  16. 萨曼莎说,

    如果迈克尔想逃跑,他想任何wouldnt将他拍摄的照片? 但是这让人有些困惑 我只是不知道是谁相信了。 但是,该网站已aome好点。

  17. wozniack赛义德,

    我听到奥普拉是理应有一种心灵交谈迈克尔她的表演。 那岂不是可笑如果这种情况发生,然后个月/年后兆焦耳的地方出现? 如何将她解释说, lmao 。

  18. tatylovesmj赛义德,

    噢,我的善良。 ( :本网站是一些非常好的点,实际意义,但我...这是混乱的,嘿!这就像一个人...故事,你不知道发生了什么情况下一个要去...非常难以预测,对不对? !老实说虽然,我不知道该怎么相信了。但是,我只希望和向上帝祈祷这是真的,我们的迈克尔仍然是有某个地方,任何地方。我只是希望。啊。

  19. 莎拉说,

    尤其是当他说: “烦恼” !
    我还记得坐在那里的脸一样, “什么的... ”

  20. morefiyah赛义德,

    没有时间/日期戳记的照片和兆焦耳正在下飞机没有了。 下一个!

  21. BeenTown赛义德,






  22. BeenTown赛义德,

    我认为迈克尔是穿着下列理应援引Latoya ;

    LaToya杰克逊挑选了迈克尔的衣服穿在观看棺材-两个黑色手套,黑色长裤,黑色珠,珠子,珠,珠他身穿白色外套的格莱美奖和一个过大金矿带类似拳击带。 浮雕的夹克是天使大翅膀。

  23. escepticaYK赛义德,

    宽多库联合国cuerpo llega基地forense ,没有申请supone你乐托曼乌埃拉斯DACTILARES ????? aahhh我的房cierto ,儿子únicas第cada人... ..

    当一个机构达到法医没有指纹? 这当然是独特的每个人

  24. escepticaYK赛义德,

    你怎么解释呢? ? ? ?

  25. dirtydiana赛义德,

    我刚刚看完乔Jackon的美国广播公司采访时约兆焦耳的死亡被犯规。 我不能相信他们的视频显示的O2的新闻发布会结束闭幕学分这个骗子的脸。 你的意思是告诉我,媒体仍然是假装无视这样的事实,这不是兆焦耳? ! 我相信,整个采访编辑后乔杰克逊给它。 但是,即使他认为这与自己不知道它如何被修改的,他不会站出来说这不是乔丹,也不将任何家人或亲密的朋友。 这与其他所有信息关于这个站点推进我国suspisions的有点不对劲。

  26. wishful09赛义德,

    我同意惊悚片。 我不认为迈克尔会远离永远。 是的,他会回来的时候,他已经做好。 但他会回来。


  27. wozniack赛义德,

    这photoshopped 。 有人把他的头对詹姆斯布朗的身体,我想。 = /

  28. Priya78赛义德,

    哇! 整个“烦恼”的事扔我在我的摇杆! 什么是明白我的朋友!!!!!!!!

    在这里,您去: YouTube与抒情诗... 。看5点08大关。 你会听到兆焦耳说单词“疼痛”奇异(你会看到单词“疼痛”在屏幕上)

    现在期待在这里: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5SUjWtpgc8詹妮弗哈德森唱歌兆焦耳的纪念... ..在3:30马克你看到“烦恼”复数和你听到兆焦耳宣布它多元! !

    我想,如果我是一个音乐家,一旦我决定的歌词,我也不会改变它们在一些奇异的歌曲,以复数。 但我看到时艾韦去寻找歌词,歌曲,有时他们的网页已被列为奇异何时应该复数,反之亦然... ..这就是为什么我认为有必要实际上为您提供YouTube视频了字样张贴在视频视觉如你听音频。 这只是疯狂!

  29. 让谈话说,

    棺材。 此外,它肯定不符合了LaToya说,她穿着他英寸虽然听起来像是garrish服装。 唯一的声音很大是皮带扣与天使

    高浓缩铀的家伙,我会感到惊讶,如果迈克尔藻还活着看到他回来。 为什么要他回到所有的戏剧,没有个人生活。 它没有任何意义。 太糟糕了,他如此多的人谁是如此快速判断,他可能会回来如果不是因为他们。

  30. Priya78赛义德,

    哇! 整个“烦恼”的事扔我在我的摇杆! 什么是明白我的朋友!!!!!!!!

    喂: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRqYVFr7sL4
    YouTube与抒情诗... 。看5点08分大关。 你会听到兆焦耳说单词“疼痛”奇异(你会看到单词“疼痛”在屏幕奇异)

    现在期待在这里: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5SUjWtpgc8詹妮弗哈德森唱歌兆焦耳的纪念... ..在3:30马克你看到“烦恼”复数和你听到兆焦耳宣布它多元! !

    我想,如果我是一个音乐家,一旦我决定的歌词,我也不会改变他们从奇异到复数。 因此,我觉得这是十分可信的是“成立” ... 。是骗局,我们都认为,这是。

    但我看到时艾韦去寻找歌词,歌曲,有时他们的网页已被列为奇异何时应该复数,反之亦然... ..这就是为什么我认为有必要实际上为您提供YouTube视频了字样张贴在视频视觉如你听音频。 这只是疯狂!

  31. 安德烈说,

    @肮脏的戴安娜-我认为同样的事情! 即使我的母亲对我说, '为什么他们保持显示,兆焦耳冒名顶替? ' hahahaa我不知道为什么没有人出来说没有等一下,这不是迈克尔!

  32. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE赛义德,

    管理员,我的确认为这是一个伟大的网站。 我知道你不是说你有证据表明他是活的,因为你不能证明是您不知道是肯定的。 您只需给人民的例子,为什么你认为这是恶作剧,人们只是混淆自己,这是相当有趣。 人们只需要考虑积极和讨论这些问题在一个智能的方式,而不是攻击Eachothers意见。 林很肯定多数民众赞成在为什么你创造了这个网站,能够走到一起,并教育Eachother没有媒体干扰。 我有说,谁使这一网站的辉煌。 加上迈克尔杰克逊的光辉智能个人和如果有人能够成功一个骗局,它必须是他。 如果他已经死了,我希望他不是,但如果他是,那么人们所有我们正在做的希望某个人,我们小心深切关注还活着,我们Arent会觉得自己傻,如果他已经死了,我们只是将不得不来对付它,但直到有证据证明他已经死了,我们可以仍然希望这仅仅是一个骗局,这将是历史书中永远的,如果他回来,这是东山再起游览是否有意义,他正版正货他的死,然后回来通过恐怖故事在访问,回到从死? 和提上最伟大的业绩在所有历史。 另外如果他这样做是恶作剧,他也可以这样做,证明给大家,您Shouldn't听取媒体,他只是试图使媒体看起来像傻瓜,他们确实是。 每个人都有自己的意见。 ,每个人都有权播放,这是本网站的目的。 所以,请停止攻击Eachothers意见和走到一起,并教育Eachother证据你可能认为是正确的,我们没有必要为负值。 因此,冷静下来,成为Openminded 。

  33. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    如果您在寻找迈克尔,做他赞成让他独自。 他将面对公众时,他已准备就绪。 但我认为他需要一些时间来“医治” ,他已经通过了很多,在过去的5年。 他知道我们爱他,这就是为什么我们应该给他时间来恢复,他独自离开,如果有人要知道他在哪里。 请,我希望你能表现出我们的天使,尊重

  34. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    这图片是伪造的。 它llok excatly像詹姆斯布朗结束时,他身穿死亡。 如果我们这一次应该相信Latoya ,这只是再一次证明,并为所有迈克尔仍然活着。 为什么,她说,安葬在他的东西,他不会大声笑

  35. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE赛义德,

    加Beentown ,这些照片是假的迈克尔杰克逊棺材,加上进出口相当确信这将是各地的新闻和品牌新闻节目将第一次。 没有网站,从来没有听说过。 请仔细看看照片,他是倒退棺材,其黑白,这将毫无意义,原因是它有可能造假。 他出乎意料的是当时黄金,所以,显示亮度比,它看起来像照片从詹姆斯布朗的葬礼,只要裁切要迈克尔杰克逊头部。 不要相信会有什么您看到只有一半什么你听到。

  36. charliechaplin赛义德,







  37. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE赛义德,

    OH和他还活着不是一个网站,他还活着的成员在本网站上,而且他把自己的意见,成为一个可信的故事,迈克尔杰克逊定会还活着。 但照片看起来老,因为这是巴黎入门飞机身后她看起来非常年轻的照片。

  38. littleEARTHQUAKE赛义德,

    我说,一旦收到和再说一遍, “我怀疑它是Jackson先生都不会回来,即使他没有虚假它。 该名男子为我们提供了一个很好的部分,我们的生命。 我们不能只是...离开他吗? “

  39. littleEARTHQUAKE赛义德,

    相反, “到”我们。

  40. SJlovesMJ赛义德,

    啊! 我也并不认为,该图片(兆焦耳的棺材)是真正的..

  41. charliechaplin赛义德,

    当'死刑'的兆焦耳一出来,据称医生默里说,他刚刚在那里发生在家里。 但是,如何来拉爷是说,兆焦耳的博士穆雷的床上?

    这意味着,博士穆雷也有一间屋内的兆焦耳整个大厅。 因此,医生睡在屋内的兆焦耳。 这使我想到我的问题,为什么博士默里说,他恰好是在众议院兆焦耳他的心脏骤停时发生的。


    以及关于开放与兆焦耳棺材中, MediaTake的是说,近亲的杰克逊送给他们把其他所有互联网传言乔丹仍然活着。 你能相信管理的MediaTakeout将马上真的相信这是兆焦耳的棺材内没有第一调查? 如何轻信可他们呢?

  42. loveandpeace赛义德,

    是啊,加上他的头是在错误的一边。 他们通常在左侧。 加上这是一个相当hoaxy网站。

  43. MissC赛义德,


    escepticaYK -罗leíste边查询骰子阿伊arriba ? 。 对,拉斯维加斯乌埃拉斯dactilares儿子únicas恩cada乌诺Pero的obviamente香格里拉警察forence tiene你易达metida恩ésto 。

  44. melluvsmike25赛义德,

    是啊,这不是兆焦耳。 像wonzniack说,这是詹姆斯布朗机构Michaeal的头部photoshopped它。

  45. saeed1237赛义德,




    迈克尔,我知道你在那里,我只希望你的最后快乐= ]

  46. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive赛义德,

    嘿家伙! 以下是一些东西,我发现了...告诉我你的想法...
    老实说,一开始我就开始相信,也许迈克尔真的死了,但是坦白的事情不增加,这不是小事情要么... .. 我们没有被告知整个刻着'的故事!
    -是不是迈克尔给予4小时医疗,以便继续进行O2的音乐会在伦敦,他通过了测试。 此外,他去世的前一天晚上,他精力充沛,他把惊人的排练表演(其中正好是录影...这是何等的巧合) ,然后正好死于“心脏骤停”第二天。 老实说跆拳道? ?
    -请记住他的'医生'谁理应注入歌手与Demerol半小时前,他崩溃,发生在'找到他的床' ,并没有拨打911的TIL 30分钟去世后,然后在'医生'拒绝签署他的死亡证明书和最离奇的事情! 医生失踪后不久救护车了迈克尔医院! 奇怪吧?
    -嗨! 我们不能忽视的行为,乔杰克逊! 这是完全令人震惊! 这是电子商务如何! 在线提出的是, '在这一点上,乔杰克逊更了解他自己的纪录项目比他儿子的葬礼计划' 。 我记得有人说,在评论部分, “如果他们发现,他们的父亲是要去这样做之后,他们的死刑,他们将和困扰他们的父亲的屁股” ! 老实讲我完全同意你的!
    Serioulsy这骗局正在超过迈克尔杰克逊赞成! ... 。 它的宣传,让乔杰克逊,他完全需要... 。 他是以此作为一种方式,以促进他的新唱片公司...如何令人不安! (兆焦耳被证明是明智得多人认为,但我总是很喜欢他,所以这一切都很好)
    乔杰克逊和Al夏普敦是在这个记者招待会上投注奖在洛杉矶和Don柠檬从CNN试图采访乔杰克逊有关的死亡和他的儿子结帐兆焦耳的爸爸! 他没有回答正确的问题,他通过他的发言人,麦克风和律师,然后随机开始推行他的唱片公司。
    一些乔的回答也很奇怪。 柠檬问他怎么样的过程中,和杰克逊回答说: “伟大的,我做不错, ”这是一个如此愚蠢的事情后,有人说,刚才'失去'的儿子。 那么,我想实现当乔杰克逊说,他不理解,他这样做更好的代理waay比,他说, “这是真的艰苦。 请记住,我们只是失去了最大的明星之一。 “坦白有人应提及乔有一个良好的戏剧学校或东西,如果他试图拉这个迈克尔杰克逊死亡虚报了! (我想我联系,作为这项工作的一部分,我会做这样一个伟大的工作! )确定,此外,当唐柠檬问珍妮杰克逊和其余家庭应付的消息,迈克尔的死亡和乔杰克逊的答复, “他们都很好,但我要作此发言...马绍尔群岛和我自己的唱片公司要求牧场记录” ,并通过这一过程中,他表现出很多的热情,他说这一点。
    从这个...要么他只是一个钱饿白痴或他是无忧无虑的,因为他知道,他的儿子迈克尔实际上仍然活着。 再说,这可能是既...考虑迈克尔和他父亲的关系。 其实,你知道我认为,尽管这一切,迈克尔依然是他的儿子和一个父亲,失去你的儿子应该是很痛苦和Umm ...确定这不是决策意义上讲,迈克尔都必须存在, ... 。 他只是要!
    03有是另一回事。 确定并发表了报告说,今年4月说,将拍卖出售的大多数迈克尔的财产,其中包括娱乐,一个定制马车,古董汽车的复制品,著名的国际奖项, Arcade游戏,演唱会服装, Disneyana ,花园雕塑,家具,实际的宏伟入口处向梦幻岛,也是他白宝石手套。 所有这些项目的一部分, Neverland牧场。 别急,还有更精彩的内容! 确定,一些资金从这次拍卖会据说要MusiCares (慈善机构唱片学院) ,但大部分资金将直接进入口袋的迈克尔。 但后来... 。 拍卖会后,取消了所有的迈克尔O2的音乐会在伦敦销售一空。 显然,他发现另一种方式获得一些额外的晚上$ H技术的新媒体的自由生活!
    你知道他们是如何发现毒品和东西在他的房子,以及我认为这正是他们的计划,使每个人都可以很容易地看到,所有这些药物将有一定身体将他打死。 确定我的理解是,他的生活非常紧张,他没有使用止痛药(明显) ,但他是迈克尔杰克逊... 。 如果有谁能够被保存,这是他! 03余DUNNO ? ? ? 我想我只是在拒绝,因为我爱他那么多! 我希望他还活着的某处! 他不能死...他只是不可能! ! 我爱你郑德健...我将永远!

  47. melluvsmike25赛义德,


    我相信这个理论,是上方的这个职位,其中大部分。 但是,我不认为迈克尔刚刚打死人逃脱。

    我认为,他发现有人与他相同的体型是绝症,并把他变成他的家。 我要说的是,他对人,他会照顾他,直到有一天,他死了,他是否会得到整形手术类似于兆焦耳。 如果有人会死无论如何,你得活出你的生活越来越等待手脚,不用担心医院帐单,你将不会随着手术。 我想我会。

    因此,这个家伙一直生活在乔丹的一段时间,照顾了他的私人医生。 兆焦耳知道这将最终发生,并作出了计划,然后逃跑。 然后去世。


    她看见毒品无处不在,氧气罐衬里的墙壁,和静脉滴注。 这听起来不像人吸毒成瘾。 这听起来像一个房间了绝症的人。 另外,不知道这部分是正确的,但我看到的地方,他被发现在房间的医生,而不是兆焦耳的房间。 嗯,迈克尔本来是他的房间。 骗子会在医生房间,照顾。

    完美成立! 现在还记得, Latoya和其他成员的杰克逊家人说,他们远离兆焦耳的兆焦耳的一群人。 也许这是兆焦耳使他们从他身上。 因此,他们不会看到冒名顶替。 就像我们大家都知道,当你没有看到有人一段时间,你看到的任何分歧的人,你只是推迟年龄,或在迈克尔斯情况下,也许一些整形外科手术。 因此,他让他们离开,让他们认为,这是他在白宫的大厅里已经死亡。

    Latoya确定他为兆焦耳。 我的问题是,如果有任何人知道有关取证或法医,指纹,他们的机构,如果一个家庭确定该机构是谁,他们说是。 你让我的意思吗?

    或许是因为他的Latoya确定她的哥哥,他们只是以为她是正确的,并把她和其他家庭成员的话。 如果他们还没有看到他在很长一段时间,他们有可能被骗子所愚弄也。


    我所知道的是,我想念他,并祝愿他能有和平,他的生命。 我看着他是一个少年,爱上了他然后。 一直是自那时以来,专门风扇。 我希望用我所有的是,他仍然与我们联系。 并高兴。

    如果你伪造去世,他将永远不会回来? 我不知道。 但是,尽管他是39 ,他的球迷和媒体不断,我认为兆焦耳已经有一些爱。 我认为他会错过它。 至少我希望他。

    迈克尔如果您看到这一点,对不起为他们做了什么给你。 想念你和爱你!

  48. CosmoKramer420赛义德,

    啊,我只是做了快速搜索的谷歌的图像,它们肯定使用了图片由詹姆斯布朗在他的灵柩。 他们只是改变了形象和放大,使你无法看到这些脂肪酶的首长。


  49. luvmj赛义德,

    确定这样比方说,乔丹还活着(手指交叉)你有什么看法一样卫生组织机构经过尸检时Jermane杰克逊是拉里金是他代理? 当corener人去看过医生了今天...我只是想知道。 你们有很大的点在这个网站我很困惑,不知道怎么想...

  50. jackoisalive21赛义德,

    照片是纯假的,我指的是死亡照片btw ,其完全假冒我的意思是头脚应... 。杜!

    为什么会在世界上,他们让他躺在棺木中的长袍上,跆拳道! 即使他死了,他们wouldnt让他躺在棺木中穿着这样的,什么是负载的废话。





  51. He.is.alive赛义德,





    “ He.is.alive ”

  52. Sosh赛义德,

    事情越来越混乱。 每天。

    事实上,它不应该混淆据媒体。 迈克尔只是死了。 但是,为什么有这么多不同和矛盾的故事有与所有这些松散的目的?

    我一直运行在兜圈子。 有一次,我认为乔丹真的死了,下一次我相信他还活着,并享受他的生命...

    还有一件事,我也开始了对这一话题的论坛(缺乏照片! ) 。 如果他伪造的死亡和从来没有希望表面再次,不能只是采取了一些假照片奠定他在棺材? 整个人会更可信。
    这使你还指出,他也许真的死和太乱显示,或者他没有死,并准备进行大规模的东山再起。 在这种情况下的照片,他在棺材就没有必要。


    我认为这就是确认i'am寻找。 我希望他还活着,但更多的我希望他现在就和平。

  53. He.is.alive赛义德,

    为了BeenTown :

    什么证明呢? 什么证据可我们呢? Somebodys “这样说的话” ? 很抱歉,但还不够好! 我们都知道,这可能是假,木偶或...不管别人想象或fotomontage可以想出?

    我正好有一个专业摄影师的朋友谁说,在我们这个时代的高科技,绝对“任何事情,一切都”可以做到与fotomontage .. 也许这是一个例子吗?

    对于所有的奥秘,混乱,不确定性和半真理围绕这一“事件” ,是不是很可能的形象突然出现这样的在线? 也许这是为了我们,第二guessers ,扣和“消失” ? 我们是如此接近已经知道当时到底发生了什么,只有一个形象的“机构的棺材”将保持沉默,我们的声音? 我不这么认为!


  54. 迪伊说,

    任谁与大家说,他将返回时,他不,他将揭示整个许多放荡。 我不认为他会改变他的期待,我们就会知道它的他,我由于某种原因,认为有一个更深层的原因比已经指出,他退出。

  55. 12fear赛义德,

    “ He.is.alive ” ,我也制定了一个理论...此致类似地雷...但是,我认为他是一个目标,谋杀,和错误的人被打死...他的一个双打/外观相似。 &没有逃过...但在保护性拘留... 。 爱您的帖子的人! 可怕的! 再次入类似,但我们在同一个思维思想... 。 在这里...

    ...我很肯定市payed关闭以及,我只是感到厌倦所有学士学位。 为什么不能再用他们做了DNA测试的假定尸体并获得它的? (他们永远不会,这不是迈克尔) 。 凡地狱是上级? (您好阿诺德! ) ,我发誓,如果上帝做DNA测试的机构,由一个中立的来源,这将是清理垃圾,在一分钟。 为什么不能只照顾这一切照旧? 为什么不呢? 因为这是所有大再用谎言。 F **物将出来,说他被谋杀的得普利麻过量或一些废话。 (但不是真正的迈克尔)我很积极的! 我喜欢迈克尔的好时光和坏的时候,但上帝该死的人...现在我敢肯定你看过他的所有机构双打,因此词组该名男子在镜子,这就像看着他在人的男子,特别是卡利之一。 与许多任何事都是可能的... (其中一人已经死亡)我们都知道,迈克尔还没有在该国的一段时间。 (不! )我知道这...我已经阅读每再用文章有在互联网上每天都在,所有的矛盾,所有的谎言,所有的冒名顶替的,所有的阴谋论,所有的可能性,他没有死,他是怎么“失踪” ,并让我告诉你...这家伙还活着,或许不是选择,而是靠运气...也许他真正的目标...但他的一名双打球员们不小心...到付清心脏医生。 这个理论可以解释为什么... 911是如此奇怪的,没有提到迈克尔杰克逊,但在现实中时,他们给他心肺复苏,他们发现这的确是不迈克尔...医生感到震惊,他杀害了错误的人,不能杰克狗屎做此事,不知道该怎么做,他跛自我。 来电者感到困惑和didn't知道地狱说... ...本能之一将使地址和远程# ,以确保他们能够到达正确的地点和保存流行乐之王吗? 还认为这... 。 可以这样说,实际发生的...在场的迈克尔杰克逊/或他发现的情节,在其租用的房屋,让我们说,警察来到...迈克尔杰克逊迎接他们...告诉他们,他们试图杀死他,而是杀死了他的双...将刺客的失控厨房(如媒体所)从他的房子的心脏医生啊! )迈克尔知道这一企图...要求保持国家的故事,因为它是第一向媒体和公众...这样他的将是杀手相信他真的死...和他的生命可能会受到保护, “因此”让我告诉你迈克尔杰克逊和美国的阿诺德超级亲密的朋友... “相信我” ,将只需要打电话去获得做完。 这也将我的朋友解释延迟救护车抵达熏了Windows和支持的家庭中的延迟时尚,没有必要匆忙,国王还活着,并在“其他”人已经死了。 尸体被放在救护车的是迈克尔太... 。救护车是“护送警局” ,以加州大学洛杉矶分校,尸体留在加州大学洛杉矶分校,它没有就此结束...我们都看到迈克尔杰克逊朝着直升机...事实上,是他...他被送往停尸房...是! (附注:警局留护送停尸长期长很长的时间... ,他们需要的人群和强度,以disipate以迈克尔然后转移到一个秘密地点,迈克尔约瑟夫杰克逊是保护性拘留-这意味着: “把一个人在一个安全的环境让他从危害方式“ ... ,为什么别人运输一具尸体到太平间的直升机...没有任何意义吗? 。 (有一种紧迫感,要照顾的实际迈克尔...多数民众赞成为什么!!!->为什么延迟,他葬? 3尸体解剖的,以弄清楚发生了什么事? ... 。所有他们正在做的是拖延时间,因为它们是清理怎么做的实际尸体的其他人,在同时努力保持和维护的故事流行乐之王仍是死亡,而他们调查及保护迈克尔- “难道你注意到,局正在参与,联邦调查局,国家安全局甚至是再用参与...各位绅士,有更符合比关注这个理解... ... 03局,联邦调查局,国家安全局,不介入,因为处方药的问题, xanax , demerol ,或得普利麻的问题... ..这是更大的...你只是等待和观望... 。

    一些有趣的链接... 。
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... ..重新=相关 (博士穆雷)杀手...心医生,

    有人问我谁可以尽可能想杀死他...继承人乌拉圭回合str8点的答案... 。 (杀害banksters ) , soooo他们认为... )
    http://xymphora.blogspot.com/2 ... .. sters.html

    ... .. “有人多数民众赞成在知道真相”

  56. 超越痛苦赛义德,

    噢,我的天哪我谴责你的管理造成我国成瘾到您的网站(以及我喜欢成瘾) ,但我想我需要恢复lmao .. ps的即时消息在这里这么多,我认为我的眼睛也开始燃烧...抱歉下车主题

  57. He.is.alive赛义德,


    您好Pammy 在回答您的问题“是猫王还活着” ...是的, affirmativ ,我肯定不相信,我100 %确信,猫王还活着。 我从来没有感到“悲痛”来后,他的“ deat ” ,并因此花了许多许多小时的时间研究和阅读,并也有猎犬的网站而其不可否认的证明张贴的猫王无疑是活着。 人们普遍认为他是隐藏在美国政府。 证人保护计划由于他的“卧底联邦主体”地位,但已出现在公众在许多场合和不同的人打电话,声音的呼吁是在其中一个网站,照片上所采取的另一游客的格雷斯兰理由和发展中国家的电影后,发现埃尔维斯游客步行过去看他的“坟墓”在格雷斯兰槽1 glassdoor ! 图片是1000字?


    谷歌“是猫王还活着” ,看看自己的

  58. JC.LOVES.MJ赛义德,

    大声笑球员数据仓库,这是詹姆斯brownn ! LMAO !


    http://www.theage.com.au/ffximage/2006/12/29/svFBROWN_narrowweb__300 × 382,0 。 JPG格式



  59. Synthara赛义德,

    我听到有人可能会规划的纪念音乐会在他的生日在8月,他将请显示(活着的) ? ! 这将是可怕的。 我认为这是非常困惑,所有的脂肪酶在私人仪式谁爱他如此多的看到他在一个开放的棺材,如果他是因为搞砸了尸检有人指出为理由,为什么没有打开棺材在公众追悼会。 我的意思是为什么要脂肪酶谁爱他,知道他本人感觉更好看他搞砸比我们其他人? 这没有什么意义。 但是,同样,这整个“死兆焦耳”或不是很奇怪。

  60. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive赛义德,

    嗨迪进出口同意你... 。 和我有点担心cuz想,如果说他不回来(即时通讯迫切希望的SO ) .. 然后是不是假的死亡违法行为,将有一个途径,使他东山再起,而不是进监狱? ?

  61. YouRockMyWorld赛义德,

    照片中的尸体棺材是Photoshop和一个坏一个。 这张照片是在YouTube上也可以阅读到它的意见... 。他们说,几乎所有...还有其他坏photoshops他的身体在棺材...您不必是一名摄影师看到它..

    以及关于他的复出-我完全与一些人的评论前谁后,我认为蛋白酶(很抱歉,如果我拼写错误) -他说,迈克是真正的国宝,他感到厌倦的所有审判和泥土被放置于他和他的逃跑计划,并举办类似证人保护Programms对高层次和一些强大的人参与了他的消失... 。这将explan -怎么可能欺骗医疗东西,警察和其他人...他们也不会欺骗他们,他们是特殊的人聘请为该...

    我不认为有一些其他看起来像尸体参与尸检的结果,一切都只是在纸上... 。


  62. 炸药赛义德,


  63. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive赛义德,

    嘿Synthara .. 是的,我希望他怎么做即时快速耗尽的眼泪! 你知道他们是如何说,他的脸太乱,以显示公众,以及我不认为任何人在其权利考虑让孩子(我的意思是,巴黎王子和毛毯)看到他们的父亲在该国? ? 和03 ! 显然巴黎并列心脏手镯到迈克尔的手? ? ? 03认真1分钟我认为他已经死了,下次我觉得他还活着! aaahhhh 03郑德健! 走出不论您身在何处! 即时疯狂!

  64. helibr赛义德,

    我相信迈克尔还活着! 我真的,但猫王? ? 来吧!

  65. 炸药赛义德,


  66. 炸药赛义德,


  67. 玛莎说,

    只是想到一件事...也许所有这些双打中出现近几个月来,只是试图看看他们是否可以欺骗公众? 我们当然可以说,他们succeeded.dont你觉得它很可怕,大多数人所愚弄了吗? 这是什么意思? 这意味着对我们大多数人会相信一切饲料我们...我必须说,我不怀疑它在一开始我自己。
    我想知道大约还有一件事...如果乔丹虽然是假的死亡和逃避wouldnt认为比较容易,如果他hadnt宣布所有复出演唱会,并悄悄地做了它几乎没有明显的媒体? 我们都记得过去几年他种不在媒体,生活中的某处爱尔兰大厦。 他安静和wasn't窃听的papparazzis太多。 所以我的问题是...如果他真的伪造他的去世是真的逃避世界,而不是媒体或回来有史以来规模最大的一次,并作出了很多钱,不仅为自己而且也全家? 03告诉我你的想法... ...即时通讯如此混乱?

  68. SITA公司说,

    每次阅读时新的“ trueth ”他
    一个想法:为什么? 为什么迈克尔欺骗公众,
    为什么要他生活在这样的“压力” ,他

    我们有好几个“超级巨星” ,并组织了一个正常的
    崩溃的成功。 其中有些人做到了,回去
    正常生活。 一些著名的名字是: ABBA乐队,披头士, Cat Stevens的。
    他们都做到了不使用任何骗局。 为什么? 他们根本不
    需要它! 告诉你的球迷,公众只需真相。
    ,就是这样。 在哪里呢? 为什么迈克尔杰克逊是多少


    我感觉非常好,全部4 ABBA的成员beeing活着,做
    他们自己的事情。 虽然我也希望他们将执行一些利群
    音乐会等等。 但我可以接受它,因为它是!
    为什么要兆焦耳假他自己的死亡? 和傻瓜所有球迷的喜爱? ?
    可你真的相信吗? 我不能! 。 如果你爱某人,你不去
    今后欺骗他! 每一个真正的运动迷的迈克尔杰克逊将有助于
    周艳偏在哪里点启动恶作剧? ? ?


    你问: “为什么在非常特殊的词组
    为什么这些文字? 为什么没有任何换句话说,
    但这些人尤其是? “

    我不看重这些话。 我不认为他们是
    在离开一会活在我们心中? 是的,听说很多。

    回到您的问题:如果你计划你的消失。 你是否认为这将是
    是长期的计划和你的手是很好? ?
    你不会和乔丹也不会这样的! 如果他真的有一个特殊的原因消失
    那么为什么离开提示和痕迹!?!??!!? 没有理由!


    和“安息”这个世界上的某个地方? 我怀疑。
    我要起飞和道别和多数民众赞成它。 游戏结束,并没有更多的连接。
    因为这可能会打破个人圆圈我的秘密。 我将向后
    起点。 因此,毫无意义的。

    迈克尔真的离开了我们。 我不认为任何其他理由,为什么这是恶作剧

    的概率是:每天我们可以阅读了大量的好故事。 但他们


  69. 炸药赛义德,

    @玛莎,他于2006年在爱尔兰的三个月,他猜想买房子在那里,他录制的音乐将我,我,他说过他喜欢的和平与人hassled他说, YouTube上的视频,我想,也许他想离开的焦点,并有机会过上正常生活

  70. 炸药赛义德,


  71. 玛莎说,


  72. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive赛义德,

    嘿玛莎...我想他宣布复出音乐会他怎么需要钱,他可能知道,他的大部分虎胆龙威球迷不会要求退款。 老实说,我的阿姨了门票,把他们框,跆拳道? ? 她并不是一个巨大的甚至巨大风扇但无论你知道他赚得门票吨的丝瓜!

  73. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive赛义德,

    雅大声笑脂肪酶! 我也相信数据迈克尔仍然活着,但老实说我真的不认为猫王还活着... 。

  74. 麻醉赛义德,

    他的脸上没有搞砸! 在一次采访中,香格里拉爷揭示她领导的巴黎,迈克尔亲王和橡皮布迈克尔一边告别他只是在他去世后。 ( btw ;所有三个孩子,使免受世界,他们不知道,直到最近其父亲是一个超级巨星????)

    “他只是没有像他走了。 他的眼睛半开,就好像他休息。 “

    巴黎买了金属分裂心脏心情挂件,并有一半的心脏病的棺材。 巴黎穿着她半心在追悼会...所以心要上兆焦耳的尸体的棺材中,我们要注意的是'事实' 。 ( ? )

    btw ; '最后图片'的兆焦耳不采取救护车,但在进入加州大学洛杉矶分校的医院的急诊室! 查看图片:

  75. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive赛义德,

    @ ü SITA公司确定了点,但谁知道接着关起门来, ü知道媒体无法获得近一半的东西,他们认为他们这样做(他们喜欢认为他们这样做,这是他们之所以弥补所有说废话) ... 。 反正和03 ,我知道为什么会像迈克尔这样做他的球迷,但也许他将我们带回到他以往任何时候都多了吗? ? ? 03我真的真的很希望他还活着! 他必须是正确的? ?

  76. Sosh赛义德,




  77. charliechaplin赛义德,

    关于这首歌的詹妮弗哈德森在纪念,其中最后一部分兆焦耳应该是说的最后一行宋与S疼痛。 我认为,如果兆焦耳的死确实是一个骗局然后线可能已经记录了乔丹本人的纪念。 这是一个新的记录后,由兆焦耳他自己'死' 。 和喜欢He.Is. 活着指出,这可能是一个线索为球迷所给予乔丹本人。 任何人都同意吗?

  78. kjmj赛义德,

    图片由多式联运经营人确实是假的.. 我只是复制了詹姆斯布朗的灵柩图片打开了它的图片管理器,它很容易旋转图片,而且非常容易翻转图片看起来不同于巴顿。 所有你可以做同样的如果有疑问.. 打开链接早些时候公布的其他,将它保存在一个开放的微软Office图片管理器(其他程序可能也这样做) 。 选择旋转翻盖146/03功能的顶级菜单“职能” 。 它的金塔的黑/白-那里亚去! 也许我们应该起诉多式联运经营人?

  79. kjmj赛义德,

    是有可能上载图片? 我可以传送图片的巴顿-转换成兆焦耳: )很容易

  80. charliechaplin赛义德,




  81. 迪伊说,

    您好MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive ,

    我不知道,我当然希望不是这样,我们应该做的一些案例研究,提供帮助。 其疯狂...我坐在这里,并宣读所有这些惊人的职位,实现有许多像我们的个人;它让我感到理智。 很多时候,当你的洞察力和可以看到的事情,其他国家通过不能,它使你感到种单独...人们要求你持怀疑态度,一个conspiracist ,等等,实在不明白这一点。 它喜欢在矩阵,当孩子想回家的牛排...虽然他不知道其真实的。 我的问题是,如何才能假冒牛排淬火你的胃口?

    迈克尔已经与媒体打交道这么长时间,对UPS的起伏,他的聪明和强大,这是他的世界的性质,无论多么围,这是其他...对于他离开的方式,我感觉它远远超过了我们都谈到了,而这些东西也发挥作用。 在他的失踪,他放弃他的孩子们,他的家人和他的生活,他知道。 虽然他的离开,他将可以自由本人从水蛭和清洗他的心和精神的痛苦,这太好了... 。 yay迈克!

    有很多所谓的权力在那里,这是抵制,并试图让世界一样的,他们想留在控制(即: Bilderburgs , Rockerfellers ,难以实现Illumanati )和我们的人民是睡眠步行者,请唤醒和检查现场。

    迈克尔有联系的人在全球范围内,无论发生了什么,什么是他做了,他仍然拥有巨大的下面。 鸽子被释放的儿童性骚扰线索,我的意思是来吧... 。 他的音乐桥梁一代的差距,有人说,上面... 4岁儿童在2009年被引入兆焦耳和将永远是球迷。 没有其他人在这个星球上有这样一个以下。 他谈到愈合世界,他告诉我们如何“他们”不关心我们,他以metaphysically有关行星调整,使信息的爱,他的人道主义和这样的例子不胜枚举。

    一旦迈克尔,不能再利用(如这么多的人喜欢叫他最大的品牌都) ,他成为危险...他可以团结一颗行星,跆拳道... 。 跨越种族障碍和民族,他的音乐信息爱和团结,和谐的旋律,宇宙是建立在音调和声音。 欧姆! 孩子... .. 迈克尔创造的声音,以在舌头,男童水龙头到您的灵魂。 他的音乐是良好的,我们的生活,确实是一个轻描淡写。

    他知道国家元首和政要,他的纪念阴影一切,就像他的假定死亡。 奥巴马,是一个历史性的访问俄罗斯的一天,他和纪念,但...全世界都在观看和哀悼迈克尔。 这个人的东西,这正反两方面的力量匮乏,迈克尔不得不离开拯救自己的一些真实杂交...

    他将返回与世界要停止了。 我们绝不能看这个表面明智,我们已到核心。

    如果您认为assholes这就是说,它们是新的世界秩序,如果你认为谁真正奥巴马不愿评论,直到两天后,因为它没有期待权,它展示了如何撒尿,他的注意...不是' T对他。 如果您认为这个数字不负责检查了这一点,并说: “如何在F可以迈克尔约瑟夫杰克逊一辆黑色的男孩(他们说,其他文字)由加里,印第安纳,都这个权力。 ”


  82. 炸药赛义德,


  83. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive赛义德,

    哇! 即时回到起点1吧! ! 我想他可能真的死了.. 这篇文章引起我的眼泪再次... http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/showbiz/michael_jackson/402816/They-stayed-with-Jackos-body-for-30-minutes-La-Toya-Jackson-interview 。的HTML

  84. 戈尔迪说,


  85. Smiile1929赛义德,

    For Tha People Who Are Saying Michael's Gonna Come Back As Himself .. I Think Its Very Much Doubtfl Cos Do Remember About 12 People Committed Suicide Because Of Him & If He Comes Back .. He Would Be Put On Trial Or Just Get Taken Straight To Jail .. I Think Its More Like 50/50 He Would Come Back & Even If He Does Then He Won't Be Himself ..
    Oh & About Tha Song .. 大声笑。
    I Thought It Was Jus Be A Minor Little Mistake Wher They Wrote ”Pains” But When I Looked At His Lyrics He Says ”Pain” & Not ”Pains” & Even At Tha Memorial Michael Says ”Pains” .. =/ .
    Now I Found Tha Completely Weird & Fishy Or It Might Be Jus Me Again .. 公顷。

  86. SITA公司说,


    a conference was held by Clonaid, the scientific arm of the Raelian movement, a bizarre sect that believes cloning is the key to eternal life.

    On its website, the group advertises human cloning services for $200,000 and claims to have already replicated several people.

    LAS VEGAS, July 8 – After fielding numerous inquiries
    about the possible cloning of Michael Jackson,
    Dr. Brigitte Boisselier, head of Clonaid,
    today reaffirmed the company's policy of strictly
    respecting the privacy of each of its patients.
    Clonaid reaffirms its privacy policy !!

    folks, wait some years, and we will see MJ coming back to US ALL,
    while we are aged and greyed.
    -> It was Michaels OBSESSION to do this and it was his hope
    with this technique to live for ever!!!!

    maybe michael jackson kids already care for the new born baby michael

    think of it..

  87. nehaheartmj Said,

    now i surely believe tht mj still alive….and wht made me believe tht? well the pain and painS thing….now do you think tht someone who knows the truth is reading the contents of this site????what are your thaughts????btv admin…..you are doing a great job….i guess you should get a job of detective or something….imao
    well….mj, if you are reading….b happy forever….i don't mind if you show up or not…its your life and u hv a right to live it your way…..we love you….and will always do…no matter what……

  88. 戈尔迪说,

    我也认为他是在爱尔兰,因为像你说,他四次3个月,他喜欢,是因为有没有任何媒体或PAPARRATSIES “ ? ?


  89. 麻醉赛义德,


  90. MissC赛义德,

    麻醉-你可以看到反映了一个红色的车存在。 我不认为照片是在急诊室。

  91. minimalany赛义德,

    即使他伪造了daeth theres没有办法回来MJ.he将入狱this.we永远不会知道,如果他还活着或not.but我觉得so.he将永远是recognized.there ;县没有way.i不这么认为。

  92. minimalany赛义德,


  93. 炸药赛义德,


  94. 炸药赛义德,


  95. 赛义德,


  96. 炸药赛义德,


  97. 蒙娜丽莎赛义德,

    也许使用双重在伦敦新闻发布会上(如果确实是一个双)是一个测试的迈克尔,看看球迷们将属于双正在迈克尔。 而且这些人似乎都认为这是他的,或者非常激动地看到他的思想从没想过自己的头脑,这将是一个双,所以他们甚至不认为有任何疑问。 然后再看着它在YouTube或电视,这时候变得更加明显。 但是,也许当迈克尔看到双愚弄大家,他知道的骗局会工作,并继续推进规划它。 只是一个想法。

  98. 蒙娜丽莎赛义德,

    对于我来说,一切都属于它的地方是一个骗局,但部分的尸检/ bodytoxocology报告,他们说他们测试的大脑,以及这部分对我来说是很难想象的。 如在,谁的身体做他们? 我读了后的可能性的期待,都与终端疾病住在迈克尔,直到他去世,这将是唯一的解释我能想象的。 无论如何,我高兴地认为,迈克尔还活着,而且将是惊人的解释后,我们发现它是怎么脱离。 即使他永远留在躲藏。 他们可能会宣布,他们的身体不是迈克尔,然后,他将永远不会被发现的简单,但我们至少知道他还活着。

  99. emo_pinkt赛义德,


  100. bubblesthechimp赛义德,

    尼斯尝试,谁的兆焦耳嚼口香糖确实非常奇怪。 起初我还以为画面提到试镜,而不是彩排。这是原始画面的试镜的蔼益吉将在YouTube上的5月



  101. 麻醉赛义德,

    Minimalany ,你有道理。 但是,您是否确实反映是从一辆汽车? 也许是从外面警报器的医院或使...因为我仍然不认为有玻璃窗,机柜救护车,这是危险的途径。 但不知道,也许你和炸药是正确的...

    刚才看到两个(新的给我)的照片,乔丹的最后排练,他期待allmost高兴,然后他就死? 无法想象,他看上去如此强烈的这一图片...难道他们是真的吗?
    http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/06/30/article-1196369-058968A7000005DC-721_634 × 761.jpg
    http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/06/29/article-0-0588BB36000005DC-816_634 × 770.jpg

  102. MrsBenjamin赛义德,

    他可能只是在爱尔兰,因为在过去的文章我已经张贴在这里谈论“人”谁是这整个事情知道他在那里,他做得很好...有人说,他住在一座城堡! 但据说这是不是在爱尔兰虽然= )

  103. MrsBenjamin赛义德,

    @Narcosis..How did you get that picture? great job!..so we see someone supposedly giving “MJ” CPR with ONE hand..and it is in fact in the back on the ambulance..and i have a stupid question…when someone is put in the back on the ambulance..don't the always go head first??..can someone answer this please

  104. darkfeather Said,

    Somebody put some pictures of Elvis laying his coffin (see a recent post in the forum under 'seven'). Well he is dead for sure no doubt about it. Same for Tupac btw. If you want to believe something realy hard, then you come to actually believe it. We got to stay more objective about this all, also around the death around MJ.

  105. SITA公司说,

    sorry @folks, i also wished the truth is the hoax, but


    if michael is alive would he ever hurt his children with watching him, beeing DEAD!?!??!?!

    look with your heart. Michaels childhood was terrible for him. and he would never hurt his children!!!!

    so all cool down. michael passed away from us!
    Before you judge me, try hard to love me,
    Look within your heart then ask,
    Have you seen my Childhood?

    People say I'm strange that way
    'Cause I love such elementary things,
    It's been my fate to compensate,
    for the Childhood I've never known…

    Have you seen my Childhood?
    I'm searching for that wonder in my youth
    Like fantastical stories to share
    The dreams I would dare, watch me fly…

  106. 玛莎说,

    i agree with monalisa when she says that doubles appearances were just to try and see if the public would fall for it. I wrote almost exact same post before. It was like reading my own, haha

  107. monalisa Said,

    Oh sorry, I didn't see yours, haha – but glad we think alike

  108. MrsBenjamin Said,

    Twitter me


    haha..promoting myself on here..and I LOVE THIS site..seriously!

  109. cathedralfolk Said,

    Dee….re: your post….dont know about death threats or illumuniati MKUltra theories although President Clinton did officially apologise to the victims of MKULTRA in the 1990s…

    but I agree with you everthing else vis-a-vis Michael's sheer global clout (1 billion viewed his memorial service from around the world).

    a friend of mine who has studied extensively the role of US public diplomacy, via the arts and how it is used as a mechanims of foreign policy/national security in promoting the american brand abroad, anyway she recently wrote an Op-Ed and sent it to the NY Times….it follows below….

    Michael Jackson's Contribution to American Foreign Policy

    Music as an art form provides the cultural and anthropological DNA of man in past and present societies. Michael Jackson was the cultural DNA of the United States of the 1980s and 1990s. All one has to do for evidence of this is look at the international records he broke, eg, 100 million world-wide record sales for two music albums recorded in the 1980s and a memorial service viewing audience, as reported by Wikipedia, of 1 billion people from around the world. That's one sixth of the global population.

    In considering the sheer global force of Michael Jackson, as a cultural phenomenon and imprint of American society in the 1980s and 1990s, when American power and influence was at its apex in the 20th century, it must be acknowledged that Michael Jackson was an extraordinarily powerful and useful instrument of United States foreign policy during the Reagan, Bush and Clinton years.

    What traditional public diplomacy could never accomplish, Michael achieved. Through his music, dance and energy, he provided the imagery of American prosperity and freedom that was unknown to millions upon happy millions of his generational peers in the former Soviet Union, China and the Middle East during the 1980s and 1990s. Through mechanisms like the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe and the like, kids in these countries got a taste of Americana. What politicians, industry and the American intellectual elite collectively could not accomplish, a cute little black kid from Gary Indiana was able to single-handedly, and that is to promote an image of American prosperity and freedom to an international youth audience that may have never been otherwise reached.

  110. Dee Said,

    The last pic of Michael is in anambulance, you can see the gut at his forehead sitting on a seat and inside ambulances they do have cabinets with supplies. Many of them with glass doors, its definitely an ambulance photo.

    As for the kids, the other day on Anderson Cooper 360 (I'm sure there is footage somewhere) Anderson asked Rev. Al, how are the kids and Rev. Al said, they NOW understand that their dad is gone. This was several days after the memorial. Huh?….. Were they confused before?

    Also Admin, Please look into the fact that, Jermaine during the memorial was the only one of the siblings wearing a black ear piece. When you see him sitting with the family, watching the memorial you can see it. It wasn't the ear pieces that performers wear to hear their music. When he got on stage to sing Smile, he was using light colored ear pieces for the music and this time in both ears. Who what was he listening to with the black one in.

  111. 温迪达林说,

    I have doubts, From what magazine or source this phto is taken? Perhaps the kid is not Paris, we can´t see her face.
    He looks too skinny here. Michael is broad shouldered i think.

  112. Akasha Said,

    So I'm new here and I have to say first of all I've never been a die-hard MJ Fan (I've listened to his songs, but that's it). But nevertheless I think that he might be alive after all.

    @sita I may be wrong but who says that everything said in that interview is 100% true. IF it is a hoax and the family is part of it as well, don't you think that it's possible that even interviews of that kind are made up? I mean nowadays you can say almost anything and people might take it seriously. Maybe LaToya is just a good actress, prepared for her role and told a fictional story about the kids being with her dead father for a few minutes. I mean there's no proof that this actually happened, is it?

    Stupid example I know, but just skip school today and tell your teacher the next day that you were in bed at home all day since you didn't feel well, although you've been completely fine and were just too lazy to go there. A story thats totally made up, but how should your teacher prove that it's true or basically a lie. I hope it's understandable what I tried to express ^^

  113. elde Said,

    Ppl plz. Are we talking about Michael or about the Lord Himself? Even if it really were a hoax, so what..
    I've always respected Michael as a performer and as an artist (i even have his Thriller LP and several singles with the beer and wine stains on the cover due to heavy partying…those were the days). He was (or is) a human being with his qualities and faults like everyone else. But lately, watching all the coverage, news, rumours, suspicions etc., i get the impression he was (is) some sort of divine creature with one sole purpose to fool the world!!???? C'mon Ppl get real. I for one, if ever I would see him again, i would never ever gave him a second glance because he betrayed me and disrespected me in faking his own death. As a mother of 2 (meanwhile adult) children and having a handfull of real friends (fi people you can call at 3 am…)i would never pull this trick on anyone of them out of respect. Everyting that happened to him (allegations, accusations, trials etc.) happened because he let them happen to him. Same goes for the rest of us : if you don't want something to happen to you, simply don't allow it to happen. Everybody is in control of his own life. How you deal with events that happen is your own choice. If Michael decided to disappear…well, what can i say. But then again, Michael is a Virgo and i'm Sagitarius..
    Anyway, where ever he might be, i sincerely hope he's doing well.

  114. charbour Said,

    That picture of MJ in the casket is 100% FAKE.

    If you look at James Brown in his coffin:

    and MJ supposedly:

    Take a look at the hands, they're in EXACTLY the same place. Also same jacket, same coffin lining (MJ's was meant to be BLUE velvet interior whereas this is clearly white)

    Its obviously in black and white because James Brown was black, and Michael was white and after they photoshopped it in colour you would have seen James' neck coming through. Keep up the great work, admin!

  115. noisehammer赛义德,


    yes… i havent read the whole text, but its really strange… its a good point to have doubts..

    i think we have to talk about this !!!
    what do you all think ??

  116. noisehammer赛义德,

    but imagine, if it IS REALLY a hoax,
    so the whole family (children included!!)
    would do EVERYTHING, really EVERYTHING to cover it !

    woww… now the news on tv are talking about that police is trying to discover who has killed MJ…

  117. blanka Said,

    To reply the comment of LadyV: Oh shut up blanka!! 另一方面,证明他是死了! Go find his dead body and bring us a pic. 去...证明这一点!

    I think we can say whatever opinion the hell we want right?? I just say that I believe he's alive when SOMEONE show a picture with date of MJ, so LadyV don't be such an ass, you can think whatever you want, respect my opinion! Obviously nobody saw the body of MJ but the family. I'm not saying he's dead or alive because I don't know the truth, if he's dead or alive I hope he'll be fine!!!

  118. westin Said,

    think – he kinda be back in tree years – that's a judicial term

  119. odettebennet Said,


  120. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    ok supposedly 12 people committed suicide. 12 people were back up dancers for the this is it concert. did they release the names of the people who committed suicide?

  121. alive Said,

    does anyone else find this strange… latoya identifies his body, takes the children in to see him, signs his death certificate, picks out his clothes, takes the children to see him at the funeral home, goes into his home to look for missing money etc, paris tells latoya she wants to say something at the memorial, latoya knows he was murdered and knows who did it. did i forget anything else? it seems latoya took care of the whole thing. with that big family and all the key moments were handled by her. it sems odd that she did it all. but i think he must be gone. i don't think mj would subject his 7 year old son to go and view an imposters dead body. too tramatic for someone so young to be invovlved in a hoax don't you think?

  122. alive Said,

    oh i forgot ..it was also latoya who ordered the second autopsy… wow amazing ahe took care of the whole thing… yeah right..

  123. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE Said,

    Ok Im Officially Done Trying To Find Out If Michael Jackson Is Alive Or Not. I For One Believe He Is Alive And Dont Need No More Proof. So Have A Nice Life Everyone And When That Comeback Tour Happens, We Will All Be Surprised. Anyone Wanna Chat My Yahoo Is Dragonfire_barbie_sweetheart

  124. elde Said,

    I stand corrected :
    He couldn't avoid this

  125. Amlet Said,

    @sita That's all BULL. Look with your heart? The same children who chew gum and didn't had a tear? Those same papers where writing about traces of needles on his arms and tons of pills in his stomach… Bull Bull Bull. I don't believe nothing from them

  126. ilovemichaeljackson Said,

    when is that michaeljacksonsightings.com site going to update their photos they claim to have? 大声笑... 。

    seriously though, they haven't added any more since the site started nearly a month ago…

  127. loveandpeace Said,

    @MIchaekJacksonIsStillAlive Yea, it's pretty obvious there's a red car in the reflection. If you watch the video of the ambulance, there's a red car on the right side of the ambulance. 解决。 But was it really him, is the main question.

  128. MissC Said,

    Sita – If you truly believe he is dead, then I really don't understand what are you doing on a site that claims MJ might be alive. Sorry if I come of as ab!tch but really, come on.

    Anyway, I think this is one of the best theories so far. Very realistic and possible. Only thing I would rule out, the Elvis thing. I seriously doubt he is alive.

    Not only I notice like what appears to be a red sheep, that golden reflection, I think is the sun's reflection. It was taken while he was on the ambulance, Now the question is: WHEN WAS IT TAKEN?.

  129. svangel Said,

    @ sita… um u do realise that his kids put on a show to right.. have u read the BBC reactions on the behavior of his kids.. only Paris did a little cry thing… hell my 2 yr old cousin can cry on cue…. he is alive…..

  130. MariannaB Said,

    And if secret services would be involved, then this would be a national affaire and much bigger than anybody would imagine to date.

    What about this bioterrorism story? What about hostage-taking?
    What if MJ were just another celebrity being abused for complete different interests?

    Are we short-thinking?

  131. Girl21GER赛义德,

    Wow the open cascet picture really is a fake. The flowers in the back are exactly the same.
    Where did that picture come from?! Who released it to the press? Or did someone just played around with photoshop?

    What about the picture in the article? Where and when was this taken?

    I couldn't find the he.is.alive site either. Anybody has a link?

  132. misskillah24 Said,

    好的。 I've been reading this blog for a coouple of days now and I have to admit it's really gotten into me. At first, all the details were so unbelievably true and after reading a few entires, I ended up almost convinced Michael Jackson isn't dead.
    But contrary to that, I noticed that all the information posted here becomes more and more absurde with every day that passes. I was never a Jackson fan, though I've always know his lyrics and music by heart. That's why I can express my opinion from an objective point of view.
    I believe Michael Jackson is actually death and this blog makes it easier for all his fans to deal with such a loss. Of course it makes you feel better imagining that MJ is alive and well, instead of thinking the world is never gonna see him again, right? It gives you a certain feeling of relieve, it's like a small ray of light that makes you happy. But by posting this anomalous stories, speculations and theories … I believe it's a bit childish.
    I mean, Michael Jackson was know worldwide, he was THE MOST FAMOUS ARTIST ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Do you think he'd pull such a stunt? Come on, we're talking about a planet, not a country, not a few states! Do you think he'd manage to lie to bilions of people in each single corner of the world by “buying” a few doctors and give some acting lessons to his daugher? That's a bit ridiculous.
    And even though ok, let's say you MIGHT be right, he's faked his own death (?!), ok, but how cand you actually say, or even believe or conceive something as amusing as saying he was in the backstage of his own funeral doing backing vocals for Hudson? 来吧家伙! 真正地! I mean, really! I don't want to be mean, but how old are you, like 13-14? How can you say that?
    I got that CNN video, that “no open casket” theory, that HD rehearsal and even that good Photoshop work, but come on, that's enough. I mean, leave the guy alone, now that after 45 years of terror and spotlights, he may actually be in “the better place” he always dreamed about! You tend to be a bit paranoid by posting all this things on a blog. It's amazing how many things human mind can invent.. And if you think about it well, this was actually the main thing that killed Michael: the human mind.
    You should think about it from this perspective: sadly, Michael Jackson is dead. And what are you doing? You, his real fans? Instead of mourning him, cherishing his memory, watching his videoa, buying Tshirts or CDs, you're wasting your time playing detectives on a blog? It's disastrous… Days, months and years will be passing by and people will still think about him. Will respect and honour him as one of the greatest artists in the world. Decades will pass and everyone will talk about him as they do about Elvis nowadays. We should all be proud we were contemporary to such a music genius and try to honour his memory as he deserved, with no speculations, no theories and no more lies about him. He's had enough of that, don't you think? 45 years of stalkings, speculations, stardom and spotlights. Don't you agree he needs some time to rest? Come on…

  133. melluvsmike25 Said,


    The only reason I think this is because we still don't know anything about the coroner's report. Now, if and when they come out with the report and the body had some terrible terminal disease, we know something is up. Because he just passed that physical right before he died. Of course if it's not a terminal illness, then my theory is shot out of the water.

    I watched Larry King last night, and they are saying that the reports should be released at the end of this week or mid next week. Let's all hope for a terminal illness, so my theory is right.

  134. roxy101 Said,

    好吧。 I admit, I very much like this site as it gives me a smidge of hope. I don't want to downplay any of the theories on here, because truly I want to believe them, but will some of you guys please discuss with me how this could really be a hoax? I mean, his body,…or “body” has been autopsied, and his dermatologist has been subpoenad. Please explain to me how all of this legal action could be taking please if he were really faking….
    And what about his kids?…the issue over who has custody over them is a big news story….how could this be happening if he were alive…how could he let this happen?

    Please give your thoughts, and once again I'm not disagreeing to the theories, I just want explanation… I'm open to whatever you have to say….

  135. melluvsmike25 Said,

    Also, I wanted to add that I was thinking the same thing about introducing the double to the public to see if we would fall for it, and get used to him looking that way. The same with his family. They haven't seen him in awhile. Maybe the imposter come pass as him even to his own family.

    The only reason I keep holding on to this theory is because I don't think that he would trust most of his family with the plot. Maybe his Mother, but that's about it. And since MJ is who he is, and wouldn't want to get anyone in trouble, this would cover that. Latoya identified him because it looked like him. So, she wouldn't be in any trouble. Same with the family. They wouldn't get in trouble because they thought it was him.

    Also, there was some posts on the legal issue. Would MJ get in trouble. I have a son who is studying to be a Forensics specialist, so he knows a lot about the law. He said there is no law against lying. He would get in trouble though if by his passing, he collected insurance or something similar. Now as far as the 12 suicides I've heard of, that might be trouble for him. But, again we're listening to that wonderful media, and we don't know if that is true. Just my thoughts! What do you wonderful detectives think?

  136. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    Priya78. I just watched it. OH MY LORD. 1st i would like to say, that is sounds like Michael were there himself, saying it, pretty spooky, i threw up once again. (Im getting a bit sick of it, but i am throwing up every time i hear some kinda “hin” you, about his dead) I have to control myself. Im getting sick becuse im so sick of grief. But you are right about the word, normally it is pronouncced “pain” and not “pains”, this is the first time ive ever heard that. I know i sound crazy, I just love him so much. My heart is with you Michael, whereever you are sweet angel

  137. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    THEY DIDNT SEE MICHAEL, when does people get that. And Latoya just wants her “15 minutes of fame” No offense. I don`t believe he is dead. Somehoe i can feel it in my heart, like you normally can, when someone you loved has passed away. But i don`t have thet feeling. The 4 other things latoys has been saying is not true. Why should this be?

  138. luvmj Said,

    Hmmm I'm kinda thinking he's really dead..There is Photos of his kids going to church on Tmz

  139. Corbett002 Said,

    sorry i thought that person in the red coat was his monkey lol

  140. Francesca Said,


  141. Synthara赛义德,

    Hey melluvsmike25 I you said if the coroners report says anything about terminal disease something is up. But about a year ago MJ was seen in a wheelchair, it was rumoured he had skin cancer or a rare lung condition (look up Ian Halperin's theory). So is it not possible – and everyone please think about it – that he was actually terminally ill? It is a bit disturbing I remember seeing photos of him coming out from a doctors office and his skin (the part not coverede by a mask) looked kind of spooky blueish/red in spots.. LaToya on the other hand is not important because she always talks crazy so I will not believe one single word from her mouth.

  142. Mojofi赛义德,

    Guys am now confuesd by all these TOPICS here . :-s.

    Looks like he is gone for good you know. Why are the Police investigating the matter? How can the family say MJ is dead if he is not? How adn why will Paris cry if she did not know her daddy want dead and gone? Ok now am more confused then ever. I was thinking he is ALIVE but now am very DOUTFUL

  143. twan75 Said,

    Narcosis : The last known pic of MJ is most certainly taken from the ambulance. If you pay close attention to the reflection in the picture, you actually see a RED CAR and (on the lower right part, just beneath the arm of the man holding the sack of air) TREES. Also the man who is 'supposed'to give CPR, is in fact holding something in it's place.


    But respect for your (and the admin's) determenation ! My comments maybe sounds a bit negative, but I'm only trying to seperate the false from the right evidence, so that we have the correct pieces to solve the mystery surrounding the dead of MJ.

  144. luvmj Said,

    @MissC That photo was taken when the ambulance was leaving his home, if you look at the video which you can find on hollywood.tv you can see a guy taking pictures at the side window of the ambulance and you will see a parked red car in the video. And I think someone said why did his legs go in first..They didn't, cause the photo was taken at the side/front of the ambulance which you can see he would have went head first…..But I still have hope?:(

  145. iheartmj Said,

    i know this is off topic
    but check this out


    i don't believe the drug abuse allegations.
    what do you all think???

  146. Mojofi赛义德,

    Ok am here again, and i have seen the SO CALLED Photo od MJ in the CASKET.

    It's not just FAKE but it's actually JAMES BROWN in his Casket and EDITED to a LIGHTER SKIN colour.

    Am a Photographer and imgae mamupulater so i have looked at teh 2 photos.

    Why is it black and white and not coloured? Cos you will see it's the as JAMES BROWN.

    The photo was also rotated which makes his head go to where his legs are meant to be.

    The FLOWERS are same as in JAMES BROWN's photo.

    Now i think i should been doutful but on the other hand again who got the pic if ONLY the FAMILY or RELATIVES of MJ were the only ones who went to teh funeral? HHmm :-S

  147. Mojofi赛义德,

    ************BAD SPELLING so corecting myself ************

    Ok am here again, and i have seen the SO CALLED Photo of MJ in the CASKET.

    It's NOT just FAKE but it's actually JAMES BROWN in his Casket and EDITED to a LIGHTER SKIN colour.

    Am a Photographer and image manupulater so i have looked at thr 2 photos and they are the SAME.

    Why is it black and white and not coloured? Cos you will see it's the as JAMES BROWN, though the coluer could still be changed.

    The photo was also rotated which makes his head go to where his legs are meant to be.

    The FLOWERS are same as in JAMES BROWN's photo.

    Now i think i should not be doutful but on the other hand again who got the pic if ONLY the FAMILY or RELATIVES of MJ were the only ones who went to teh funeral? HHmm :-S

  148. noisehammer赛义德,

    now i got the info there seem to be much more in it.. really bigger than we can imagine!
    apperently there are infrared pictures of MJ attending his owm mem. so this really adds up to the “pain(s)”

    have you ever noticed barack obama calming himself down and giving no real respect to MJ ? i say.. cmon.. either barack obama is the worst president !! (which i doubt) or there seem to be much more in it…

    i still think he is alive..
    but when he will return.. he wouldnt return as the old MJ we know him..

    im gonna rest and watch this story going on with a nice beer in my right hand ..

  149. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    Okey, I have to post this one. I just (once again) Watched the rehearsels with Michael, and the song ” Will you be there” When he is starting to talk at the end og the song he is saying “Pain” and not “Pains” Like at the memoriel. This “Mistake” is a very BIG one and can only be done in one way. If Michael attended his memoriel himself. Now, you will proberbly say that I am crazy, and stuff like that. 但想一想。 Why is that the only time EVER that word have changed, and it was Michael saying it, at his own memoriel. Please feel free to stop me at any minute.But i have to do this for myself, until i see a body or any other reliable prove that Michael is dead. And so far i haven`t. This is the only way, i can hinder myself drom falling apart completely. The rest of you should see those rehearsels aswell, and listen carefull when he does that little beat thing. I JUST LOVE THAT It makes me love him even more.

    Roxy101. !st of all, the children are going to be with Janet, Michael closest sibling, that way he can have contact with them everday. If you find this link in another site inhere, about how he has planned this, then you will see that there is about 35-36 people who is devoted to Michael, wich have helped him escape, and keeping him safe until he is ready to face the public again. He had a completely breakdown, and no wonder, if you think of what he has been through. I just hope that he is getting the help he needs, so that he can be well and start smileing again.

  150. luvmj Said,

    Ok I don't know what to think at all…Sadly I'm leaning towards he's not alive…But I do find this video weird cause if you listen in the beginning Latoya Jackson said “He appreciates everything your doing” as present tense…So I don't know, it could be that they're so in denial. Cause I know when someone in my family passed away I didn't want to believe they were gone.

    …But here is the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwVdZrlie74&feature=channel_page

  151. truthseeker1002 Said,

    This just in – a quote from tito jackson:

    “He left Neverland and went on this search to find a comfortable place – somewhere he could relax and get over everything.

    “Sadly, I don't think he ever did find that place. He was searching right up until he died.”

    Heres the link: http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/news/2009/07/16/michael-jackson-was-ruined-after-child-molestation-trial-tito-jackson-115875-21522795/

  152. svangel Said,

    Come on ppl… i cant believe u all turning ur backs on this… HE IS ALIVE… so what if his kids went to church… its just church…i mean if u knew u were saving ur Dad from this cruel world…wats a few tears… @miss killah…. hun..i understand ur point about he being famous… lemme ask u this…Ben Ladin was also the MOST WANTED man on the earth at one point in time… and yet he still managed to be around…Michael was once critised for wearing the female traditionsl wear…which covers everything but ur eyes…yes he cud pull it off…if you were coverd from head to toe and i cudnt see anything but ur eyes den u cud go anywhere in public… he has a feminine voice… it wud be hard for ppl to figure that out….then again.. its just my theory

  153. she_can Said,

    According to LAPD, his death is due to a Propofol overdose.

    Why would MJ ask to be injected Propofol (sedative) at 11am in the morning?


  154. Samantha Said,

    Just leave him be, he wanted to make this escape for a reason, his not going to come back that early obviously. It'll take time.

    Where ever you are michael, i love you so much <3

  155. Jamie Said,

    About the pain/pains lyrics thing. What does this prove?

  156. charliechaplin赛义德,


    This is another off topic again. They're showing Martin Bashir's Living With Michael Jackson interview again. You remember, Martin Bashir? That double faced reporter who jeopardized MJ with that Gavin boy? Well, I hope they don't show MJ in a bad light again. We better be vigilant!!!

    It's showing Thursday, July 16 at 9pm on ITV1.

    Read here:


  157. Dee Said,

    Thanks for that cathedralfolk, that was very insightful, I will be researching into that more. What a wonderful piece your friend wrote, it bringing more pieces of the puzzle together, thanks again. An apology from Bill Clinton…..wow!

  158. fm89赛义德,

    i am a little scepticle to some of the theorys like a very few others on this site, alot of the theorys are pure pure speculation and imagination, while i also feel somting is definatly up with this whole death, i mean he looked perfectly ok physically and mentally 1 moment, and from what i know hes a perfectionist and would not want to let down the fans which would contradict his drug abusive behavior prior to the “death”.

    Also the fact that aig make money if its a drug over dose makes me feel even if he was murderd there pushing for it to be a death by drugs overdose.

    1 element that hasnt been discussed alot i feel is his song Xscape, i found this the most alarming thin about the whole “death”

  159. Dee Said,

    To the people that are convinced of his death due to the autopsies, have you seen the body, are you in contact with the examiner, how do you know the examiner is not on a golf course in Jupiter? The media said there was an autopsy and yet another, the media said that they have Michael's brain and we await a toxicology report with a bunch of numbers and codes that none of lay person would understand and those in the medical worl could easily be interpreting the tox report of another individual.

    We saw the body in the copter move, how in the hell is there a pap photo in an ambulance? The casket when it left the memorial disappeared, yet they have from the moment of his supposed death at his home to the hospital to the morgue, all on tape.

    People will say that we want him back and cant cope(we do want him back) people will ridicule and say that its Elvis and Tupac all over again. That is THE PLAN…. to take away the credibility of those that think outside the box, your freaking TV screen, your square mag or newspaper, your freaking boom box commentary. Lets stop letting the BOX control our minds.

    Latoya said there was a towel on his face, huh…. I saw my grandmother and my bff's Mom at the hospital right after they passed and they were resting peacefully in the their bed, wrapped tightly with linen, faced exposed as if they were sleeping and had gotten tucked in. A towel, Is she serious?Latoya said the children saw him and that she dressed him and that they had a private open viewing. That Paris put half a heart on her Dad and kept the other for herself saying that she will never take it off. I don't know..but did any of you see the other half of the heart on Paris at the memorial? We cannot confirm or deny what Mike was wearing as WE DID NOT SEE HIM. The private viewing with immediate family just before the other short family memorial the morning of the public memorial, could have very well been a farewell. Rev. Al did tell Anderson that the children now know that that their father is gone, huh…. If they saw him at the hospital and at the private open casket viewing and then again at the memorial before the public memorial, shouldn't they already know this.

  160. jinx46 Said,

    我不知道。 I just don't think he would ever leave his children…

  161. jinx46 Said,

    Don't you think that if he did fake his own death, that when he returned his fans would be merciless and furious with him?

  162. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    To Michaeljacksonisstillalive: You are not in denail sweetie. I can see that you love Michael. I do to, very much indeed. And it makes me so happy to see that, cause Michael needs all the love he can get these days, that will help him recover. Im not in denail, i would be if we saw the “real” Body, in the casket, but we havent. Michael changed my life, not with his music or his moves, but with who he is. I would like so much to tell him that face to face, but that is kinda hard, when we don`t know where he is. And yes i know (im talking about him in pressence sence) Why wouldent i, there is no prove that Michael is infact dead. Until that happens, i will continue talking about him, like he is still with us. I just want to say one more thing. If someone in a real way, where ever to find Michael, i would like for you to respect his privacy. Not that Im the oone to deside on that, but im thiking of Michael here, if you know what i mean. I think we owe it to him, to leave him alone, for now. He will come back, and face the public when he feels ready. Until then, i hope that people will leave him alone. If he is alive, i really hope that he is reading this, so he can see how much we love, and care for him. I think that would make Mike very happy. In the mean time, we just have to compford ourselves with his voice, music and dance moves. I love his voice Look at the interwiews. And when he is laughing, It makes me smile. I just love him so much, and i feel it in my heart, that he is not completely gone. Bacuse if were “dead” for real, trust me my heart would be so broken, i would feel it right away. I hope i don`t sound to much like a nut. I will go to sleep now, talk to all of you tomorrow.

    Ohh And Thank you all so much, for the love you are showing Michael, It means alot, i just wish he knew

  163. lovelidae Said,

    嘿家伙。 I have been visiting this site everyday since the 27th of June and I really think most of the people here are on to something. At first I was crushed because I thought our beloved MJ was gone. I cried and grieved and then common sense started to come into play. I think for the most part we are on track. The “Hold Me” part of the memorial stating pains instead of pains is just another clue given by our very own MJ. I truly believe that he is still alive and is just waiting until all the media hoopla simmers down so that he can be reunited with his children on some remote private island. Don't you think it strange that just shortly before his death he allowed the world to see his children (never done before by MJ). I think he was allowing us to get a good look at his brood, because we probably won't be seeing them anytime soon (if we ever see them again, they will probably be full adults or close to adulthood). I for one support that decision, and hope that they are given a life outside of the spotlight with their dad (every parent deserves the right to protect their children). The casket photo is definitely a bad photoshopped version of James Brown, even if taken by a camera phone what camera phone takes pics in black and white? I truly feel that MJ is alive and well and is just waiting to put the pieces of his new life together. I for one am at peace and happy with that. This beautiful man who gave so much of himself to help the greater good deserves to live his life in peace and quiet. I truly love you with all my heart Michael and I know that you had to do this to keep your sanity and finally break out the fishbowl. I truly believe that in time the old Michael will emerge from the ashes of his burdened past like a phoenix rising (only he will look totally different, I don't think we've seen the real Michael Jackson for quite some time now). Just like Marlon said in his closing words at the memorial, now maybe the world will leave him alone (eventually anyway). And if by chance I should ever cross paths with the old Michael Jackson in new form I will simply smile at him and say I glad you got away and I understand why you did it (I don't care about him screwing AEG, they are a bunch of distrustful crooks anyway, and believe me they have been screwing entertainers for quite some time now). I also believe that Michael probably checks this site (we haven't really heard from supermom75 since someone asked was she Michael) or will one day come across it, so I just want to send him my love peace and blessing. Oh yeah, and trust all the Jacksons are not in on this plot (I'm not in the family and even I can see that they can not all be trusted). Latoya Jackson has always searched for the spotlight and likes to suck up the shine whenever and wherever she can and this time is no different (can we not remember that she came out against Michael during the first child molestation trials) she is not on my list of trustful Jacksons. She is trying to grab her 15 minutes of fame as well as some of the others (most notably Tito and Joe Jackson) her story changes little by little everytime (I don't buy her for a second). Anyway I pray that Michael is getting plenty of love, rest, and peace. I love you my Moonwalker man.

  164. lovelidae Said,

    oh yeah and thanks admin for hosting such a great place for all of us MJ fans to come together. Some have stated that MJ would never leave clues he would just go away, then all I have to say is that you don't know Michael like you say you do. True Michael Jackson fans know that he is a genius and people as mischievous as he would always leave clues. He only wanted to die to the media, not his true fans. Michael always knew that we'd find the clues, just like Elvis and Tupac's fans found their clues (Tupac is still sending clues to this day), and yes I still believe they are both very much alive (Call me crazy but I saw Tupac with my own two eyes after he was supposed to be dead, and I stand by that to this day). Even if Elvis has met his true demise, he was very much alive in well for a very long time after the 70's. These people only want to die to the mainstream media and the fickle masses, not to their true die hard fans. I bet you many more MJ clues are to come, he is brilliant. Again, I am glad that for once in his life he did something for him and not to please the world (many of whom only want to be entertained for their own selfish reasons). I'm happy for MJ the man, the father, the brother, and the son for finally making the decision to live a life free of scrutiny, pressure, and public hurts & humiliations. Go on MJ, do your thing boy.

  165. niccih Said,

    Here's something I've been mulling over-If MJ is in fact dead, wouldn't his death be a bit more clear-cut and not allow room for speculation?

  166. SITA公司说,

    correct, everything has been told. and again i repeat: LOOK with YOUR HEART. Michael would never hurt his children. Now we had learn his children saw the dead body, they touched it. This Game is over.

  167. wozniack赛义德,

    According to this link MJ's 'ghost' was spotted in the UK? Also, they said, “Michael Jackson died at his apartment in Los Angeles on June 26, aged 50.”


    The date is June 25th, and I didn't think he dwelled in an apartment? But yeah, I'm not buying it, haha. How many more ghost stories will there be?! = Ť

  168. 麻醉赛义德,

    melluvsmike25, actually the last time the family and MJ met was at the 60th wedding anniversary celebrations for their parents in Beverly Hills three weeks before MJ's death! Michael seemed strong and healthy to his family…

  169. 麻醉赛义德,

    Shocking pictures which show Michael's drug-ravaged legs as police say they are treating his death as homicide,

    The photo's had been released by MJ's father Joe to show his son had vitiligo, the skin-whitening disease, which Jackson had always claimed he'd had…

  170. ejay5131赛义德,

    as long as that death certificate remains unsigned, MJ is in no danger of any type of prosecution.

  171. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive赛义德,

    omg i really don't wanna believe that mj is dead omg omg omg urrgghh sum of the comments are giving me second thoughts…. omg come out mj wherever you are!!! I love you soo much!!!!

  172. seven7seven Said,

    Let me start with this: I love this site and everyhting that is questioned here and brought to my attention. I think there is a lot wrong with the death of mj, all the happenings since the first moment and everything that happened ever since.

    But the more I visit this website, the more ridiculous thoughts and theories I read, and I truely think that's a shame. For a website which goal is to uncover the truth about this, to answer questions or even to ask them more than answering them, the current level of blog items and discussions is not much better than the media is reporting and everyone despises.

    A small summary: body doubles (the more the merrier!), Elvis lives, cloning…

    Of course, it is just theory, just thoughts, but why make life so hard on yourselves? Things like these are nut only hard to believe, but even harder to proove. Impossible if you ask me.
    Elvis sending his lost airplane to pick up MJ at LAX? Arnold Schwarzenegger involved? Protected Witness Program? The murder of a body double? The illuminati (If it wasn't for Dan Brown most of us wouldn't even know they exist or existed!)?

    Ask youself: why? 谁? what for? Where in all theories I read about a body double? Why would he need one?
    And about the painS: sure it was Michael who spoke those words, but not for the memorial but for his O2 shows. Why he changed the lyrics? 我不知道。 But for sure, the visual was made after the recording was done. So there is the S in the lyrics, not as a sign, but because that is what he said. painS, so pains it is. There is nothing more to it. With this I agree to a former poster, name forgotten sorry: If you want to escape, assuming he did, why leave hints? 这毫无意义。 And thus he didn't leave them.

    I admit it is entertaining. I love the stories, and the more fantasy, the better. But as soon as people are repsonding that this could be true, it starts missing the point.

    And with all this gossip you cover up all the great findings made, the true facts that need to be questioned, researched. The imperfections in the interviews with the family, the coincidences in the happenings, the contradictions.

    Like in this piece, where a website claims to have a picture of MJ inside his casket. You explore, you research and finally find out it is a fraud. Like the picture of the rehearsal with the missing S part: same story. Just two examples of good work, snowed under a pile of recent rubbisch. No offense intended.

    If you want to express your wildest theories, go ahead, be my guest and entertain me. But keep them apart from the true findings.

    Question yourself and stick to the facts. Keep a summary somewhere – now really hard to find – of all facts, imperfections, contradictions and (true) questions found so far, ordered in a time frame.

    For me: I don't know if he is still alive or not. And francly, I don't care. I hope he is well and happy, dead or alive, wherever he is. But that there is something fishy about his (so called?) death, it sure looks that way.

    There is so much information I miss, I wonder why it isn't there: Why aren't there more pictures, more witnesses, more stories of what happened on June 25th? Where is the rest of the rehearsal footage? Where is the doctors statement who did the AEG medical?
    And compared with the information that is brought – by tmz mostly – I wonder why, what does it add? All it does is raise more questions, more doubts and most of all: more dirt on someone who is no longer avaiable to defend himself. Easy target, cheap entertainment if you ask me.

    That is why I come here: to enjoy your stories, to get more ideas to question, research. The more we find, the closer we will get to the truth. So keep up the good work, but please: keep it divided.

  173. kjmj Said,

    I also found it very weird that Jermaine(I think?) was the only one wearing an ear-piece during the entire memorial.. check it out-> http://www.usmagazine.com/photos/inside-michael-jacksons-memorial-service?slideshow_id=1146&o=25
    It doesn´t look like the ´normal´one artist usually wears on stage.. Your thought? Was MJ calling the shots via the earpiece?

  174. MrsBenjamin Said,

    You know i really dont know what to think anymore…i saw that pepsi commercial they aired yesterday from that accident…that was terrible when i saw that whole on top of his head…which mad me extremely sad….and all i can think of is when they said they(paramedics) saw “MJ” laying there he was completely bald…that just tell me that maybe he really is gone?….sad again.

  175. MrsBenjamin Said,

    and one more thing..that picture on the front cover of the OK magazine…i remember someone talking about MJ's ear..i believe that's him as well

  176. luvmj Said,

    I cont know want to think anymore…Urrgg

  177. Synthara赛义德,

    Someone wrote “apperently there are infrared pictures of MJ attending his owm mem” Do you have a link to an article about this or something?

  178. Copenhagen Said,

    To noicehammer: Do you have proof about the infrared pictures of MJ attending his owm mem ?

    What I also found weird at the memorial was why did a lot of them look up in the ceiling while performing and while they were making speeches – what were they looking at ? First I thought that they were looking at “the Lord” to give them strenght but know I am confused – Lional Richie also looked up while he shoked his head. Jennifer Hudson looked up, Brooke Sheilds, Paris etc…

  179. protski Said,

    hey, jus wanted to point out, have you guys saw the pictures of mj legs? they were taken in 2002 and shown in ABC, but:


    and there is this other picture:

    just wanted to point out, it's weird that his is facing down on the second picutre and every news about it just mention one black spot in his leg.

  180. 莱诺拉赛义德,

    I realy do not know what to think anymore. I would like to beleive MJ is still alive, but what about his children? Is he capable to do this to his beloved children? Something is not right.. I just read this


    and get more confused. 你怎么看待呢?

  181. jpresley Said,

    Guys, I've been reading all of the theories and posts on this website for two days now and I gotta say that I truly want to believe that MJ pulled off the perfect escape and finally got away from all the vultures in his life. However, there are a lot of things that don't add up. Namely, as roxy101 touched on, the legal issues surrounding his doctors and the custody of his children. These are HUGE news stories and at least one of the docs is very likely to face indictment. I have a hard time believing that MJ would let that happen, he was too kind a person. And as far as the kids are concerned, he loved them more than life itself. I just can't see him putting them through the tramua of losing their father. Can somebody please give me a plausible explanation?

  182. jazzlvr66 Said,

    You know guys, concerning the whole “pain” vs “pains” thingie in the song 'Will You Be There'? —- there could be, and often are more than one finished versions of a recorded song. Many retakes are done during a recording session…maybe they used a 'different' take of Michael's spoken part because it fit in better with the live version they were doing up on stage? 想想看。

  183. jpresley Said,

    Admin: do you have any theories as to my points above? 任何人?

  184. fm89赛义德,

    never buying pepsi again!

  185. melkes86 Said,

    I was just looking through the pictures found 2002 (I think it was 2002) of the raid at the Neverland Ranch. And the letter, the one stated, “This is it” the whole, 5-7 day program for a “solution” before MJ was to start a “second chapter…” Is it slightly possible that maybe Michael was planning on attempting a death hoax sooner?

  186. melkes86 Said,

    Also, here's the link to the medical center listed at the top of the letter…. http://www.arthritisusa.net/procedure.asp . The FAQ section was interesting.

  187. lovelidae Said,

    I'm starting to believe that some of you (ie @sita) are here to throw us off track. Sita, this may sound crazy, but I think your sole responsibility in this is to throw us all off with doubt. I can understand that by bringing in doubt and making some people question themselves you are helping to protect Michael. That's cool, I'm sure some of our theories are spot on and it's scaring you guys, but you don't have to worry because the mass media is too stupid to ever catch on. Sita, please tell Michael that we love him and support his decision when you see him next. Again, Supermom75 has been a no show every since someone asked her was she Michael Jackson. My wheels of suspicion just keep on turnin'

  188. ishealive Said,

    I don't know what to believe. I was convinced he faked his death but with all the legal things that are going on like the toxicology tests & police involved and custody battle it makes it hard to believe. If he is alive I don't believe he will be coming back, if it was an open & shut case and no law involved then maybe he would. I wish someone could prove he's alive & if he is I hope people respect his need for privacy.

  189. monalisa Said,

    If he was completely bald, why did he have hair on the ambulance pic? Would they take the time to put a wig on him before taking him to the hospital? I sure hope not! Also, to me, the ear doesn't even look like his…
    Also, on a video of him taken in May & seen on TMZ, you can see the top & back of his head and it's clearly his own hair with a few grey hairs mixed in.

  190. Perfume Said,

    OMGosh after trying for several days now to log in here finally I can…hello everybody….I have been visiting this site every day to read updates and also to read the comments posted….first of all kudos to the admin for starting such a site.

    Ok here goes with my thoughts…first of all what I found strange was the 911 call, secondly the caller not identifying who the person is, and thirdly there was no urgency in the voice of the caller.

    What I found strange was the comment the paramedics made, I cannot remember which site I saw it but that comment has stayed with me ever since, the paramedics said when they entered the house they noticed that something did not look right and they went on to comment further saying that the person they found did not look like MJ at all, as there were scarring on the face as though the person had recent facial or plastic surgery, the said they could not put their finger as to what seemed different with the house and the appearance of the person.

    Also another site commented that MJ's eldest son saw him convulsing in the lounge and he thought that his Dad was messing around as usual, now according to my knowledge children are curious he is 12, my speculation is this, he sees his Dad convulsing so he must of seen the doctor or someone carry his Dad to the bedroom, and also being his Dad he could of been curious as to what was happening, so why did the child not alert 911 as to what was happening in the house, like I said kids are curious but they also have this insight when something is not right.

    Thirdly I saw numerous pics of MJ being posted after his “passing” and then I was surprised to find out that he used body doubles for number of years, so I began to do a bit of google search to see if it was true and I came across quite a few guys that he had used, and when comparing them to the real MJ one would never know the difference, so what makes us all think that it was really MJ in the house, going back to the paramedics comments of the facial appearance of the person they were tending to.

    The I looked at the O2 press conference and the first thing I said to myself MJ never swaggers or bounces like we say in my country, he had the demeanour of a true gentleman, I looked closely and realised the person was way too tan for my liking, I listened to the voice, went back to listen to MJ's voice on Youtube, our local tv stations aired some of the highlights when he visited my country, I heard him speak, he had a very soft manner of speaking which truly showed the type of person he was.

    I noticed that the guy kept on pounding his fists or hitting at something on the side, I noticed that he kept on stuttering “This is it, this is it people, the final curtain call” now the MJ we know has done numerous press conferences in his lifetime he was used to being under the spotlight so he conducted himself in a professional manner being the gentleman that he was. Note the chin of the guy doing the conference and note MJ's chin, MJ's was like Michael Douglas chin.

    A lot of things did not add up for me and still not adding up, I will come back and comment lol…I am just excited that I can be a part of this

  191. lou Said,

    I found interesting what seven7seven wrote, especially this part:

    “Question yourself and stick to the facts. Keep a summary somewhere – now really hard to find – of all facts, imperfections, contradictions and (true) questions found so far, ordered in a time frame”

  192. roxy101 Said,

    To: MyBelovedMJ

    okay you make a good point,
    but what about the autopsied body?

    Don't you think it would have been out by now that the body in fact isn't really his?

  193. jetgrrrl Said,

    Regarding the ambulance pic, I believe now it is real. Check out the link with the full frame pic posted previously, you can see the reflection from a red car parked just outside MJ's house. You can also see the paparazzi that took it snap it on the video that shows the ambulance leaving his house towards UCLA. On that pic you can also see the red reflection of the red t shirt this guy that shot it was wearing.
    He took it from the outside the R side window of the ambulance not the back door. Check the video and you'll see the guy snapping it just before the ambulance speeds off towards UCLA.

    In this last video taken just days before his death leaving a medical center he was already wearin curly hair, listen to 1:57, the paparazzi shouts I love your curly hair ….that explains his looks on the last rehearsal vid doing the choreography for they dont really care bout us.


    I have a theory, he really had terminal cancer and knew his time would come up soon. He was taking all those strong painkillers to relieve the horrible pains he must have been suffering.

    I feel so bad for how terribly the media treated him over his last years …He was such a wonderful person with the biggest heart ever..Please check the documentary where he comments his private home movies…He was constantly misanderstood, All he ever wanted was to be able to live a normal life and tabloids kept putting his reputation down instead of showing his caring and loving side where he used to donate loads of money to charity, visit hospitals and helped as many people he could….I sincerely hope the truth starts coming out now and people can understand him and respect him when they see the other side of the coin they never bothered to show us.

    MJ was a grown up kid with an angel heart aswell as a genious and the biggest artist we or any future generations will ever see.

    So sad… Wherever you are Michael wish you all the peace and joy you can ever have

    Long Live the King

  194. elde Said,

    Well, look at TMZ.com. They just obtained a trackt from Michael's newest unreleased song “A place with no name” based on 'A horse with no name”. Strangely enough the lyrics don't match up with the title coz' he uses double negatives 'Take me to a place without no name'…!!?? hidden message maybe? He may not be with us in the flesh, but his voice sure is….

  195. ilprincipe赛义德,

    When I first heard that MJ had died i was really shocked and didn't believe it. Ok, I'm also a fan of conspiracy theories. So my first thoughts were “No! This can't be true. Either he must have been murdered or he faked it.” Then i searched the web for more facts and finally found this page.
    I'm still torn between.
    Some “facts” are to speculative. But some facts are really speculative…but some really make sense.
    1.) the vain you could see on the forehead.
    2.) the Story with “Pain” and “Pains” is also a mystery and I don't know any solution.
    3.) There are more then 200 unreleased songs. 那太好了。 But who knows if they are ALL really “old ones”.
    Maybe in 2012 one of the unreleased songs will smash the charts….the media will claim it was written and recorded in the late 80`s or beginning 90's. But for real it was written and recordet in 2010….who knows?
    TMZ released a part of an unreleased MJ Song called “A place with no name”. It's partially a cover from the Band America's song “a horse with no name”.
    I cannot really believe that MJ covers..because he was so unique and genious and didn't need it.
    Here you can listen:
    I'm german and i don't understand the lyrics proper…but i think in the chorus he's singing “take me to the place WITHOUT no name”
    without no = minus-minus….
    Maybe another clue. And who can prove if this song is so old. Maybe it was recorded b4 his death. But maybe it was written at a time, where the hoax was already planned. On which place wants MJ to be taken? What will he express with this lyrics?
    No we have point
    4.) We use part of his lyrics eg the song “Xscape” to prove that he's alive.
    And the media, the police investigators orient themselves at the song “Morphine”.
    For me the circumstances are constructed. Especially the story with the drug addiction.
    @ mrsbenjamin: yes, they said MJ was completely balded. But that's for me no evidence for his real death. As you can see in the video an (which was taken 4 weeks after the accident at the pepsi commerical). Mayb he wears a toupee, because he didn't lose his complete hair…but this is no wig.

    One thing which i'm doubt of is the role of his children. He really loved them and i believe also that on the memorial have been his kids. Maybe Michael Prince I und Paris are not his biological kids. But he raised and educated them. Blanket looks totally like MJ in his childhood. I see a big similarity.
    What about his alleged son
    Omar Bhatti from Norway? Does anyone have more precise facts?
    here a video of him. I don't see any similarity to MJ if i compare him with blanket.


    The only thing woh

  196. Ninanina Said,

    The one 'thing', that contradicts every hoax death idea is Michael Jackson himself.

    If he was able to hoax his death, to leave so many people in that much grief, he would have been able to do all the things he was accused for and more.

    Is that the Michael Jackson you love and want?
    Well, it's not mine.

    I'm very sure e died, although it breaks my heart.

  197. phoenix180 Said,

    seven7seven, well said. I agree with your post completely.

  198. Can.You.Feel.It Said,

    Michael is gone you guys

    But I feel that I must put a few things out there that I think that this site has not address or noticed
    First if by some miraculous manner Michael was alive that man lives and breathes his children or did you no listen to the son “You are My Life”
    A he could not an would not do this to his children
    B if he did where ever he is he sure as hell is not happy here oon the news everyday that his children are crying about being gone
    C he would make sure as quick as possible that those kids were returned to his custody because if he was alive he would not survive without those three kids

    Now some of you might say oh he's doing it for the kids so that when all is said and done they will go back to him but Michael dies not look like a patient man to, which brings me to my next point he would go stir crazy by himself especially without his kids and he would be back out there so fast your head would spin to save them if for no other reason

    And hello this is Michael were talking about Michael can't stay out of the spot lie for a short matter of time forget the rest of his life span, he is too well know, yeah you are contradicting me I can already hear you. But whatever it's my opinion.

    But there is one thing I wanted to point out maybe two
    The photos from the last rehearsal and the and the video from the last rehearsal are both from June the 23, Not the 24, all marked 23rd, unless your trying to tell me that he wore the same shirt same jacket, and the same pants 2 days in a row, I don't think so… it think that video is from the 23 and everyone was just making comments that they saw him on the 24 but I truthfully think they didn't release the video from the 24 the some reports state they were practicing the effect for throughout the concert others state they were rehearsing which make me wonder, A why… B what was he doing on the 24 and was he even their because there have been reports he hadn't even been showing up for rehearsals until the 23 and 24. So Was he even there

    Last Latoya just got paid off a handsome sum of Over $100.000 for selling the story that Mj was murdered to the rag and rumor has it Tito's about to get paid as well, so if he somehow is faking this thing and I'm not saying he is the family doesn't need to collect on any damn insurance policy they just need to feed the media and they'll get there cut… that is if he is alive

    But guys he's gone I know it I'm starting to accept it I just wanted to mention that much to feed ya'lls conspiracy theory, I just wanna see what yall are going to do with the information really

    If you want to find the photos with the date next to it search MJSites.com and your going to have to go back through the news archives a bit to the stories posted June 3 or 4th

  199. francisca81 Said,

    the same for me!
    seven7seven i agree with your post

  200. Akasha赛义德,

    Ok did I get that wrong or did that site Lenora posted actually state that the “real” Jackson died about 20 years ago and all albums including “bad” have been released by an imposter?! I mean WTF?!?!

    Sorry for the stupid question but it's late over here in Germany and I'm too tired to think correctly…

  201. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive赛义德,

    @wozniack…. i think it is stated as being the 26th of June because of time difference. I live in New Zealand and for us, Michael died on Friday the 26th and I watched his live memorial on wednesday. Yea… i think that's the reason….

  202. Severin Said,

    I've been following this great site since a few days and I'm so happy to find a lot of my own thoughts here!! I love MJ since 20 years and when I heard that he died I felt totally sick and devastated, but my first doubts came with the memorial service. It felt so strange and “wrong” to look at it, just too many thinks didn't fit together and since that moment I'm trying to find out the truth behind it all. I'm not a person who just refuses to believe he's dead or something like this. I can accept the truth. But I always have the feeling that the truth is NOT what we see and hear from the media and the Jackson family – I'm 100 per cent sure.

    And maybe some of you like to share their opinions about this interesting article:


    Just forget the “adopting a child” thing, I don't know if this is correct or a rumour or whatever. I'm talking about the fact that MJ wanted to come to London 3 weeks before his shows there.The question is : If he wanted to arrive there AT LEAST 3 weeks before the shows, how come that he's been in LA on June 25th?? Could it be that somebody (whoever?)died, but the real MJ was not even in LA and left the town already days before? Just a thought: If I was in his situation with the London shows, then I would arrive in London one month or so before the first show! You have to get familiar with the venue, the stage, the musicians, the light show, in fact with a lot of things, and you need rehearsals there.. and this takes time. Did you ever notice a statement after his “death” about this whole thing? It always seemed strange to me to see rehearsals in LA if the shows were planned for London.

    And by the way, please read this:

    Yes, I know, this is something that already a lot of people were talking about on this page, but it's just one of the facts that I'll never understand: He passed all the medical check-ups and now everybody is trying to tell us he's been a drug addict?? C'mon!!

    And I think it could be possible that if his death is a hoax (and I absolutely think so) that his children are informed? Could be a reason why he didn't stage his own death a few years before. Now these kids are old enough to understand it all. Maybe Janet, his mother and his kids know the truth… and some people at the hospital. 这是可能的。 想想看。

    And one last thing about the photo from the ambulance: If you would have the chance to take this picture, wouldn't you have the time (and a few seconds were enough!) to get much more, at least two or three? But there's only this one, and maybe I'm completely wrong, but for me it looks as if the photographer told them what to do and where to stand and then to hold still, to get such a pic?? It looks too “perfect” for a random snapshot in a situation that should actually completely messed.

    My little contribution for today… take care of yourself and please let me know what you think!

  203. emmie赛义德,

    hi ok what i dont understand and no 1 seems to be giving me there opinion on is the fact that the people doing the autopsy on the so called 'michael jackson' will no that aint the real michael.wont they?
    like when the autopsy results come back they will have the persons DNA wont they??
    so eiter way if that isnt michael they will find out right???
    another thing,latoya said how paris, michaels daughter put a changing colour necklace in with her father and she kept the other half but she was wearing the half befor her father died, inface she was wearing it when her father was with her. do u think she had this necklace from before???
    but im sure in an article they say she brought it after he died????
    soo confused

  204. heavencanwait Said,

    My first contribution.
    WE KNOW HE IS ALIVE BECAUSE OUR INSTINCTS IS TELLING US SO, and that, people, is a force nobody can control! I don't know if I care about Michael that much but something is bothering me and that's why all of us are posting here…if it was just me that will be alright but shamone 450 000 hits!!!…

    ADMIN the forum is getting a little confusing to read with posts everywhere, can't follow a tread and we need that to be coherent in what we're trying to undercover with facts…

    I wanted to post about the Impersonator E'casanona (not sure where the link is now). I think he is the key and the BODY they have. All of this could not have hold up with no body . A good source told me… a friend of friend of friend…he washed his body and tagged his toe. Very reliable source. So they have a body. The answer is WHO'S BODY? Ecasanova dying, probably changed his name to Michael Jackson (and why not?) and Michael Jackson is dead..nobody is lying there. Legally All aspects have been covered I am sure.

    If we can find, have proof of Ecasanova alive today, than it's another theory..but except the mypace update that E'casanova is feeling like “dying inside” ( which can be ANYONE posting it after his death…) has anyone seem him?

    gotta go will post again later

  205. Dee Said,

    Tonight on Larry King, Miko (Michael's best friend and Marlon Brando's son) is back, Larry just said to him its been 3wks to the day that Michael died, Miko how are you dealing with it. Miko said that he goes to so many emotions, some times he gets so emotional when he HEARS his voice or….then he paused and switched thoughts.

    Huh?….. He didn't say when he hears his music, he said when he hears his voice. Now where and how is he hearing his voice?

  206. 12fear Said,

    …There is one way to debunk the Ambulance photo that we have all seen of Michael Jackson…I have been studying the picture closely…this is what i found. (This photo was not taken in Los Angeles and the Patch that is visible on their arm does not belong to LAFD or LAEP. Look at the picture again; Look at the Insignia Patch in their upper arm, pay attention to detail… http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j259/elbuay/80678247.jpg

    Now look at the “Currently Used” LAFD & LAEP Insignia patches used IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY… http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/7118/eyuoghyc2i8ljfi.gif
    (the 1st patch that shows up is the one in the picture), Look at the other two that follow–> those are what they use now in 2009 @ least in LOS ANGELES COUNTY.

    That Ambulance picture of Michael Jackson was not taken recently and most importantly, it was not taken in LA, and much less on June 25th, 2009. Debunked!!!!!!

  207. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE赛义德,

    One Thing I Dont Get, If He Took 50 Or So Pills A Day Or Mixed A Bunch Of Pills In A Cocktail Like They Are Saying, Im Pretty Sure He Would Have Been Dead Sooner If That Was The Truth.

  208. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE赛义德,

    To The People That Are Sceptical. Michael Jackson Can Get Anyone Out Of Anything. Im Pretty Sure That What The Media Is Feeding Us Is Pure Bullshit. I Think All Of This Was Set Up Ahead Of Time. Im Pretty Sure Everyone That Was Really Close To Him Are In On This Too And Since The Memorial Was Screwed And His Family Screwed It All Up And People Began Questioning His Death. He Probably Was Like, Damn Yall Need To Start Doing Better Acting. Im Pretty Sure The CIA And All Those People Are In On This Too. Why Wouldn't They Wanna Be A Part Of Michael Jackson's Plan? They Gotta Make This Look Believable At Least For Now. Im Pretty Sure He Will Be Coming Back Into The Spotlight, I Think He Is Just Taking A Break And He Probably Found This Site And Happy That His True Fans Have Caught On, Unless He Is Under The Names Trying To Make Us Doubt What We Believe. Michael If Your Out There. I Really Want You To Know, This Site And All The People In It Love You So Very Much. I Hope Your Doing Great And We Want You Back.

  209. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE赛义德,

    This Link Is Some Bullcrap

  210. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE赛义德,

    7 。 How Are We Supposed To Keep The Truth Divided From False Findings, When We Dont Even Know If The Media Is Telling The Truth And Apparently Noone Knows The Truth. You Completely Contradicted Yourself And Made Me Even More Confused.

  211. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    To Roxy101. Im gonna answer your question the way i see it, but that dosen`t mean its the truth. That otopsy report, i think its fake. Everyone can make those. Like the part that Latoya has signed the death satificate, well it isent really har job to sign it. A docter has to sign it for it to be legal, if you know what i mean. And all those unproven things, WEll none of it adss up, and i wont belive that Michael is dead, before i see the body. Even though i have had a tough day today, missing him alot, i still somehow in my heart belive that he is alive.

  212. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    Ninanina. Have you been watchin the news lately?? Not to be rude. But why woulden`t Michael be able to do it?? He had enough. And who can blame him. Trust i love MIchael more than you would know. But because i don`t think he is dead, dosent mean i think he did all those things he was accused of. because i know he always was innocent for a fact. Thats just me i don`t know if anyone else inhere feels the same way.

  213. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    KJMJ. yeah i agree with you. Who was jermaine listen to in that ear piece. It wasent his cellphone or an ipod, that is for sure lol. Did someone tell him something?? HMMM

  214. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE赛义德,

    Im Pretty Sure Alot Of Individuals That Want Us To Believe Michael Jackson Has Passed, Found This Site And Decided To Give Us Doubts.

    I Dont Believe Anything The Media Is Saying, Nor Will I Ever Believe Them Again. Im Pretty Sure If The Media Told Us Michael Was Alive Again, I Still Wouldn't Believe Them. You Need To Find Out Stuff For Yourself, Dont Believe Anything The Media Is Saying. Of Course, There Is A Few News Shows, That Do Tell The Truth, But I Have Yet To Find Them.

    I Say Lets Keep Michael Jackson At The Top Of The Charts. Lets Post Every Michael Jackson Music Video We Can Find Here, So People Can Keep Him At The Top. Im Gonna Start Posting Youtube Videos Of Michael Jackson And I Hope You All Go And Get A Youtube Account And Favorite The Videos, Rate The Videos And Watch The Videos All The Way Through. To Keep Michael Jackson Alive And Prove Michael Jackson Will Never Be Forgotten.

    I Dont Care What Anyone Says, I Dont Believe Michael Jackson Is Dead. I Believe This Is For His Comeback Tour Or Just To Get Away From The Media. Either Way, He Is Good At What He Is Doing.

    Plus Janet Jackson Was Michael Jacksons Closest Sibling. So Im Pretty Sure That She Is Gonna End Up Getting Custody. His Parents Arent Going To Get Custody Because What He Accused His Father Of Doing To Him When He Was Younger.

    I Just Hope Michael Jackson Is Still Alive. I Love That Man So Much. Hes The Best Entertainer, Showman, Singer, Actor And Best Of Everything. Noone Will Ever Take His Place.

  215. Priya78赛义德,

    I just came across this. According to this guy MJ has been seen in Ottawa Canada….and states that other people have seen him there too, but i couldn't find anything else on it.

  216. jackoisalive21赛义德,






    ************MY THEORY ON THE KIDS****************

  217. SITA公司说,

    I love ALL, Michael would have said.

  218. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive赛义德,


    omg thank u lol…. finally an uplifting post to read… everyone seems to be giving up on the whole thing and is ready to believe that he is dead (i was kinda slipping towards that side aswell)….. YUP now im gonna stick with the theory that Michael jackson is still alive!!!

    And about the crying Paris thing… there is a chance that the kids are on this hoax aswell cuz i seriously doubt that michael would put his children through all that (even if they aren't his biological kids)… you know how everyone keeps saying that all the children have amazing talents, well what if Paris' talent is excellent acting?? u never know.. and she is 11 for f**ks sake!! my lil sis is ten and she can fake absolutely anything and convince even the best of people!!! What do u think???

  219. 麻醉赛义德,

    Emmie, do you have 'prove' of Paris wearing her half of the heart-pendant before her father died? I've just read that she bought it as a farewell gift for her dad. How do you know she was wearing it long before?

    12fear, you have a point there, where are these insignia patches from?

  220. mysterylady Said,


    I was just looking at Liz Taylor's twitter and guess what ? She is no longer following Dr.Arnold Klein from her twitter and all her tweets referring to this Dr are mysteriously gone ! If she had nothing to hide ,why erase them,what is going on ??? Something very,very fishy is going on here !! Even if she saw our blog ,did that make her feel as if her tweets could really be evidence of Michael really being ALIVE ???

  221. 麻醉赛义德,

    : - ]

  222. 麻醉赛义德,

    Strange: (?)
    Michael had an extensive security system in and around the house, recording 24/7 what is happening. According to a police source, the tapes are lost, however. 也有黑洞的录像资料是储存在电脑。 The police would do everything to find out where the material remained….

  223. asw44 Said,

    I've checked the song Will you be there. It's really scary. Are you gyus sure he didn't record another version when “still” living?

  224. naqy21 Said,

    I'm from Singapore and i am too am very devastated upon hearing the news of his death. and when i discovered this website and reading all the findings, i'm sure and am very convinced that he is still alive..so keep up with all your findings i'm waiting to hear more of it and michael Jackson wherever you are, i hope that you'll be happy! and we miss u so much…Love you..

  225. jackoisalive21赛义德,

    @ MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive

    thanks, i didnt hear about his “death” until hours after it happened, after i heard of it i moonwalked to all my classes and sang his songs during but i did not for onc second believe he actually died.

    I cant remember where i read it but i read somewhere that Blanket is an amazing dance, Prince has a good voice and Paris is the actress in the family, i have to say the memorial act was a good one and i cried when i saw it….but i know he is alive.

    and as his brother said. quote his brother here
    “HOW MUCH CAN ONE TAKE? (no sh*t hinting to all the crap Michael took from the press over the years), MAYBE NOW THEY WILL LEAVE YOU ALONE (i hope they will too darling i hope so too)

    i have a gut feeling that Michael was at the memorial or he recorded the “will you be there” ending before hand because he sounded very very EMOTIONAL when saying it, a lot more then usual wouldnt you agree?


  226. emmie赛义德,


    the top is a close up where u can see what looks like the same necklace


    this is from far and u can see she is with her dad…
    what u think

  227. emmie赛义德,

    hi me again lol
    i was just looking at the picture of the coffin and the flowers on top and i thought ' bloody hell them flowers are pretty tall and big'
    which then made me think that maybe he is in the coffin watching all that was goin on,because i think there would be enought space for him to sit up what so you all think??
    mayb its me being silly
    from london UK

  228. 麻醉赛义德,

    Emmie, You could be right but I can't see her necklace good enough to be sure. It might as well be another one. We have to investigate more 'old' photo's of Paris, searching for the (half) pendant ;-]

  229. emmie赛义德,

    narcosis, i no u cannot see it properly, but i mean it could be the same 1 and she just gave the other bit to her dad. it could be 1 she had before.i have tried looking but will have to look harder.

    what do u think about my coffin theory???

  230. jackoisalive21赛义德,


    I searched for ages but ive found one. ITS NOT HALF A HEART, look closey.


    judge for yourself

  231. 麻醉赛义德,

    However, on a recent picture where Paris went to a Jehovah's Witness service in LA with MJ's oldest sister Rebbie, she is NOT wearing the necklace. Strange…

  232. jackoisalive21赛义德,

    Narcosis, do you have a link to a photo?

  233. emmie赛义德,

    ive seen that and it does look like a heart,there is another part to it, but there is also a picture of her with a neckalce on that looks similar but u cant really see when her dad was alive that s strange

  234. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    大声笑。 That part with him sitting up in the casket is funny. But i think its possible. And whoever said the sing about him recording “will you be there”. 我认为你是正确的。 I think he was there saying it. That can explain why he was aying “Pains” and not “Pain” like usual. Because the text was on the board. And if you look at Jermaine at the memoriel, i wore a ear thingy. It wasent his cellphone, and deffently not his Ipod LOL. Was he listening to someone? Mabye Michael, Am i makeing any sense?? Feel free to call me crazy

  235. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    好的。 To Crazy, i can see the rest of your name, but you know. I will agree with you on the fact, that i also think his family is reading this site, mabye even Michael. And the more we have doubts, the more they have to make there stories better. And Im sure this is also some sort of a comeback thingy, If he ever comes back. Mabye we will get us a surprice on his Birthday who knows?. I love him so much, for who he is. I have been devasteded for 3 weeks. This is unbeareble. And another thing who bugs me. Why does EVERYONE keeps talking about him like hi is here?? Soulden`t they talk about him in pressence sence?? HMM, i was just wondering.

  236. Rofibbs Said,

    For all we know, MJ cud be workin as an undercover 4d CIA or FBI..who knows?? There has bin a lot of such cases where ppl who are assumed dead n buried suddenly show up somewhere. If MJ wuz tired of all the trash n allegations that made his life a livin hell, who's to say he wont go into hidin?? If Mj cud leave NEVERLAND his childhood dream n creation wit the promise never to return (have U guys really seen that place? its sheer PARADISE!!), what wud stop him frm goin into hidin?? I hav followed this blog 4sum days readin comments n there seem to be sum truth in the arguments made here..i bet U'all, Michael got everything he ever dreamed of in life n all he wants now is rest from it all. He didnt escape leavin traces, ppl jus figuerd it out n the Authorities involved are not helpin matters..They shud jus stop the CIRCUS cuz were not in NEVERLAND..the King of Pop moved out, so did his FANS. Theres this news from the INSIDER HD that the tape that supposedly recorded his death in his home is missin. Im a very good Fisherwoman, but i cant seem to throw the net right in MJ's “death” waters..there wuz no public viewin:-really?? for sum1 like him with fans all over the world? No final restin place 4 him as we speak?? Hell no!! Sumtin is definitely not right. U cant juggle the public's intelligence, no ways!! i guess the THRILLER CONTINUES cuz we all know wit MJ, theres neva a dull moment. MJ, where eva U are..dead or alive..spiritual or physical, May the good Lord grant U contentment 4 every want n fulfillment 4 every desire. ROCK ON BROTHER!!

  237. Rofibbs Said,

    …besides MJ's pics in the casket is as FAKE as WORLD PEACE, as 4 Latoya's Story 'bout DOIN EVERYTHING FOR MICHAEL, we all know thats total BS..where wuz Janet, Randy or even Jarmaine that claimed to be his voice. I think she jus wants money her rent, since she claims 2live 3mins away frm Michael

  238. sinisha Said,

    Well I would totally agree with all the story. I didn't belive that he is dead at all. In fact it makes more sense that he's not dead than that he is. There's so many things that just didn't go with Memorial Service, specially behaviour of his family and as is for his kids I found out that he asked that nobody releases his new songs before he dies, becouse he knew that it would be sold fast and for big money after he would 'die', he sad so he could take care of his kids' future with that money.
    That doesn' make sense, how did he know that he would die while his kids were small yet. I don't know but I just can't buy the story that he's gone. And all the things that I saw here just confirm all of things that I've noticed from the very bigining of this all story.

  239. a_guy Said,

    The patches worn by the paramedics in the ambulance are from the LA city fire department.
    Google: Official Black LAFD patch

  240. alive Said,

    i wanted to ask a question that i haven't seen addressed. does anyone know if there is footage of mjs kids going to the hospital? did they follow the ambulance in a car maybe with the security guards? we know they were at home when it happened because they said prince was there and they said they viewed his body at the hospital but we know they didn't arrive with katherine or janet or latoya because we saw footage of them arriving and leaving the hospital but who brought the children? is there any footage of any cars leaving mjs after the ambulance had left? we also never saw them leaving the hospital with katherine or janet or latoya. where were they? and how could they arrive there or leave without any photos of them when there was plenty of photos of all the other family members? just thought this was strange? did the media leave mjs home right away? I would think the kids would have followed immediately behind the ambulance. can anyone answer this question for me? 谢谢

  241. Andrea Said,

    The only way MJ knew he was going to die was if he really did have the Alpha lung thing.

  242. svangel Said,

    thanks…@momsword for clearing up the photo thing… cuz i was skeptical about the pics of his children… but as soon as that thought was over…i was watching e news and i remember they were showing fotage of prince with michael.. the baby has black hair… it wasnt ( blanket) it was prince the 1st… so why does he have blonde hair in the photos before,

  243. terror2k9 Said,

    I knew from the start that things were not normal in this case!the helicopter taking the body from the hospital struck me as odd in itself.I had this strange feeling something was not right.I searchrd the internet and found the body sitting up in the helicopter video and then the diary story also, but what always had me beleiving he might have faked it this was not something I had heard for the first time that he wanted to leave the publics eye I had heard something about that years ago. Then all of a SUDDEN the memorial seemed like a farse,and left me thinking was he there? they were talking like he was not dead! Then now his New songs are leaving messages like telling you his plans maybe he will return when his song named resurrection comes out? But his songs are speaking to the people that believe.Even his speach at the memorial sounded like he was the one speaking live=pain=pains thing is such a slip i believeor is he leaving obvious clues on purpose? He is the best..period this all seems very planned!by the way his new songs are awesome and the world seems to think the media is the final word on this stuff what happens if he returns they would look like the biggest idiots ever!Did he invite only people that he felt said they loved him but he felt betrayed by because i heard barbara walters ask stevie wonder if he just called to say i love you and stevie seemed like he was shocked she asked him that question he did not know what to say!he says i dont know maybe.

  244. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    To Jacksonisalive. The pain and painS thingy. I had the exact same thought when i listen to that. It is a huge slip. To be hornest he could have been there, with noone even notice. We are talking about the master in disgueses.

  245. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive赛义德,

    ok someone mentioned that saying that the government is involved in this hoax is abit far-stretched. People disappear all the time and the government usually assists in this… it's called the witness protection program, here's some sites if you need to read more into it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witness_protection http://people.howstuffworks.com/witness-protection.htm

    Yeaa so just look into that and let me know what you think…. it could be possible right??

  246. emmie赛义德,

    read this article,, dont u thinkthe family are getting on with things abit 2 well??? they have all these things like recording a song and goin autrala. i mean there brother hasnt been buried yet

  247. velvetsilvergirl Said,

    I gotcha. I think Miko is key in this. He has beena round MJ for so long, he's the inside circle. I think he's a bit of a hanger on but, whatever. He's been on Larry King for weeks and he's never shown any emotion. Never got choked up or shed a tear. He's made plenty of goofs like the one you mention, tlaks about MJ in the present tense and such.

  248. velvetsilvergirl Said,

    The more I read this site the more I'm convinced thats he's alive. Watchng the memorial I bawled my eyes out, I was starting to really think he was gone. I caught the 'pains' thing too, and how it sounded like he was crying. But I was so upset I moved past it, thinking I was wrong. Now I know I wasnt. I dont think he'd be careless enought to show up. He was long gone by then, but I think that monologue- along with the message at the end – (I am alive and I am here forever) was meant for his fans. He recorded that recently.

    About the casket. That casket was way too small for a man almost 6 feet tall. No way he could sit up in it. And again, he wouldnt be carelss enough to show up. He was long gone. Not only that, call me crazy but caskets give off some heavy mojo. WE've all been to funerals, theres a tension there, a feeling. There was nothing in that casket. Sure was purdy though.

  249. Mijac Said,

    E' Casanova is ALIVE, in fact he was outside Mj's holmby hills mansion on june 25, with a crowd paying tribute to the king, actually someone interviewed him. I saw it in the news.

  250. He.is.alive Said,

    Anybody, who besides me has noticed what I am about to post – PLEASE comment/respond:

    This is about the “gum chewing” double Michael Jackson sent to the rehearsal to Staples center the night before he “died”. The very darkened video footage of “Michael's” appearnce shows him chewing gum, everybody has seen that, right ?

    WELL ! Of all the video and TV footage that is available on Michael Jackson, this evening 7/18 on the Geraldo Rivera Show (Fox TV in the US), video footage of “Michael” walking into the courthouse during his child molestation hearing/s was shown. I immediately noticed the uncanny similarity between “Michael” walking into the courthouse with “Michael” at the rehearsal at the Staples center the night before he died !

    Wait a minute !!! This IS THE SAME GUY !!!! ie: The “double” Michael”chewing gum ????????????? In all the tons of video / tv footage having been broadcasted, Michael NEVER CHEWED GUM, ever, except on the these 2 occasions I have mentioned here. One more interesting fact I remember is this: before one of those courthearings, Michael's Attorney mentioned to the press that Michael could not “speak” because he had a laryngits infection, in other words, the voice of this “double” would not be heard … and a double it was. WHO else ? has seen these 2 pieces of video footage and has noticed this ???? OR: has anybody else seen the REAL Michael chewing gum on ANY occasion at all ? and if so, what occasions ?

    Is anybody questioning all the “delays” ? The delay of the autopsy report, the delay of the custody hearing, people in on this hoax are buying time while LaToya has piped down, busy spending the money she was paid for the heavy hitting “Michael was murdered” interview with a british rag.

    任何人? Please respond to my post … thanks

    ADMIN – ADMIN – ADMIN – the new version of your website is fabulous, nice looking and posting is much nicer – great job – THANK YOU MUCH

  251. Mijac Said,

    The patches worn by the paramedics in the ambulance are from the LAFD but you can buy them for 6.99 each, so anyone can disguise like a paramedic (very easy), remember “if you have money almost anything is posible” (a huge hoax) and “everyone has a price” (doctors, paramedics,etc…)

    I don't know his reason for doing this, but i totally support him and i love him no matter what.

    Michael we adore you, and we will be here for you ALWAYS!!!

  252. Perfume Said,

    My thoughts exactly, a cardiac arrest patient, and not a normal person but one of Hollywood's most famous celebrities, they send an ambulance to the house but have the body transported by helicopter to the morgue, my thoughts were “why not have him airlifted to the hospital in the beginning why was his “dead” nody being airlifted” just did not make sense to me at the time

  253. Perfume Said,


    Thanks for pointing that out I noticed that as well cause I looked at the “MJ” standing on the car with his bodyguards outside the court and I was like “that is not MJ” and believe u me I only noticed it a few days ago, with the guy at the press conference I knew straight away it was not MJ cause I sent the link to a friend of mine and she said immediately that it was not MJ, we must remember that the MJ we know was very shy, I recalled in a video he said “I am always in the spotlight but I am shy of the spotlight” the swagger thingy with the impostor caused me to sit up straight and take notice, I started goodling “MJ's body doubles” and was surprised at how many he used over the period of years, MJ sure fooled the media, they thought they had dirt on the real MJ kudos to MJ for fooling them all these years. I also remember someone said that since the “accusations” arose MJ was acting erratic that is when people realised that it was not the real MJ but either impostors or body doubles to get the media off his back. In all my years of seeing video footages of MJ I have never seen him chewing gum, please take a look at the pic of the guy as he leaves the courthouse and the guy standing on the car with the bodyguards videoing the crowds u will see that it is in fact the very same guy at the O2 conference, I thought I was the only person to have noticed this. I read yesterday that the autopsy has been delayed for a further two weeks, what are they looking for now, or has it just hit the doctors/families that it is not MJ and secondly when Heath Ledger and Anna-Nicole Smith died autopsy results were released within a few days, “MJ” is “dead” almost a month and still no results

  254. Perfume Said,

    oops spelling error…….”starting googling MJ's body doubles”

  255. velvetsilvergirl Said,

    Heisalive: I have never seen Micahel chew gum either but on youtube you can watch a home video of MJ's where he is shopping in an empty grocery store, his freind closed it for him. He wanted to shop like a regulr person. At one point he picks up a pack of Big Red gum, show it to the camera, and puts it in his basket. It's certainly possible he chewed gum though most singers do not chew gum, especially cinnamon gum. It coats the throat with sugar and goo and can make it scratchy. But if the singer was not planning on singing anytime soon, that may not be a factor. 因此,谁知道。 I havent seen that vid of the gum chewing Michael but I dont think that 02 MJ was really MJ.

  256. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,


    I couldent agree with you more. Éveryone can dress like a paramedic. Ofcause we support Michael, noone would blame him for this. He just has to know that we lov ehim, no matter what

  257. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    Yes i have seen Michael chewing gum. But only rwice. In one of his home videos, when he is out shopping. That is our Michael, and one time when he walked with the press to some thingy, at a place i cant remember lol. But that was it.

  258. emmie赛义德,

    i have never seen him chewing gum but it was so close to his face and it looked exactly the same, E'casanoca does look like michael alot but i think we would no the difference.the is another look-a-like of michael called navi.i think he lives in uk in london as ive seen him on english tele but he has a slightly different nose but when he has a mask on he looks the same sooo much.

  259. michaelismysoulmate Said,

    I just wanted to say that I have been devastated every since I found out about his death michael means so much too me more than words can truely explain. It goes beyond his art I mean I've never in my life seen someone who can bring out so many wonderful emotions that he has for me. Michael was a gift from god I know this to be true the messages he sends out are so powerful they send chills through my entire body. I know there are others who feel the same way. I respect him for all the positive things he was doing and trying to do for this hectic cruel world we live in never in my life have I experienced anyone like him he is for sure one in a lifetime. Michael was misunderstood the things he went through I would not wish on my worst enemy and it just goes too show like god said money is the root to all evil. The media is horrible the tabloids are a joke you can not take what the pathetic excuse for journalists seriously they twist every thing around to benefit themselves for profit and do not care whose life they destroy in the mix of it all just sick. I'm sorry if I sound upset but it's just I really love and care for michael so much and every since the day he was pronounced dead I have been crying none stop over my broken heart. Watching videos of him and listening to his interviews to feel some type comfort. I don't know if michael faked his death or not I would love for it to be true and I would even understand if he did I mean what he went through since the tender age of five no privacy no normal childhood and number of other things I would not blame him too want to escape from the circus that followed his every move. I will end this by saying I love you michael not just for your art but for who you were as a human being caring, loving, empathetic ,selfless individual with a enormous heart full of love you will deeply be missed so I will not say goodbye but I will say see you in heaven someday god bless you children, family, fans, and true friends. Oh and one more thing to anyone who wants to believe the filth that the media spews then think of what michael said do not believe what you hear or judge someone unless you have met them youseleves or seen it with your very own eyes they will always try to tear michael down he had too much of a powerful and positive of influence over us and they can't stand it his true fans can see through the bs that is for sure as I will never let you part for you are always in my heart peace and love too you all.

  260. emmie赛义德,

    another things people are saying that the person at the 02 confrence is and look a like
    i got this link of the man and it is a real close up
    what ya think??

  261. iheartmj Said,

    i'm not understanding.
    in one source it was said that latoya took the children in to see michael at the hospital and said that they stayed with him for about 30 minutes.
    however soon after they pronounced him dead they were transporting his body via stretcher to the helicopter.
    how could they have possibly had that much time to be with him?

  262. mjj29081958 Said,

    for all the people who is asking for pictures of mj chewing gum, here I leave a link where you can view it… is just a few seconds (minute 4:01)…. thanks, and keep the faith!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdcytuKhVQo

  263. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive赛义德,


  264. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    To Michaelismysoulmate.

    What you just wrote, Sounds quite familer to me, I have the extact same feelings for Mike as you do. MY god, you made me cry (No offense) But it just touched my heart, to see that you feel the same way for him as I do. We should meet Your post was very powerful. I want to say Thank you, for writing this, i almost thought that you were my twin. How can you and I have the exact same feelings for Michael. 多数民众赞成在令人敬畏。 Thank you so much for loveing him. He would love to see this. I cant belive you almost wrote the same as me, exept form a few words 凉爽的

  265. velvetsilvergirl Said,

    You know, I've collected a bunch of pics of MJ in last few years off the internet and compared them to the 02 guy and I gotta tell you I think thats the real MJ now. The lower teeth are the same, the upper lip, the tip of the nose, the chin dimple looks biger becasue he is smiling I think. I guess it was just a horrible wig. Maybe he was loopy on something. I dont now. Even more confused.

  266. CrAzYiNsAnEbArBiE赛义德,

    @ Emmie. That Picture Looks Nothing Like Michael Jackson, He Never Wore That Much Makeup Ever. Plus Im Pretty Sure That Was Navi. If You Go To Youtube And Type In Navi, You Will See What I Mean.

  267. ThnxGodIfYouAreAlive Said,





  268. ejay5131赛义德,

    Here's what I was thinking. Maybe this IS MJ and this is what he wanted everyone to remember, how he didn't look, sound, act, walk, like MJ. We could all see this guy on the street and not associate him as being MJ.

  269. twan75 Said,

    He.is.alive Says:
    July 19th, 2009 at 12:27 pm


    Michael in fact chewed a lot of gum in private. Just look in the next movie (taken from the private movies of Michael )
    at 1:54, he's standing next to Elizabeth Taylor, chewing gum.


    In fact there is another clip in this movie/docu wich shows that Michael was also chewing gum. In fact it's like he's almost addicted to it.

    But like smoking and drinking, most stars/public figures know that chewing gum on camera is not the best way to be seen. So therefor Michael always would remove the gum when in public.

    To get back to the video where Michael is watching the rehearsels and chewing gum, it is really MJ that is chewing gum in his own way (really fast chewing that is…. )

  270. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    不要担心。 Michael is happy

  271. michaelismysoulmate Said,

    To MYBELOVEDMJ: I wanted to say thanks for the message it is always nice to see that there is someone who truely understood him and cares for michael they way I do I mean I miss him so much I still cry every time I think about him yes we can meet if you want you can email me at diamondprincess2409@yahoo.com thanks and again michael I don't know if you are alive or not but if not then I will say what I wish I could have said in person. I will always love you with all my heart and you will always have a true friend in me there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you my love for you is 100000000000000000000000000% real no doubt about it the world will never be the same without you and I no I want so again god bless you and your family peace and love.

  272. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    To Michaelismysoulmate.

    OH MY GOD, You made me cry.
    We feel the exact same way for Michael, its amazing. My God, we can keep him alive. I know he is alive, I can feel it in my heart. I wanna write something to you, I hope this will compford you. Its some things i really feel about Michael, and i think you can relate to that. I have been writing you email down, and at the end of this message i will write mine aswell.. We can write to eachother, also on msn if you want. I wanna tank you for loveing Michael so much. You are so sweet. here is the thing i want to say to you:

    I wish i could answer that, but I dont know, I really dont know.
    As you might have notice, Im very devoted to Michael, and I have been for some years now, im not just a screeming fan, (You know what I mean). Im in so much pain, and i miss him more and more each day. He really changed my life. I cant imangine my life without him, what the hell am I going to do? My heart with all my love is with Michael whereever he goes.

    I dont think he is dead, something in my heart tells me that he is alive, and I have a feeling of where he might be, but im not sure though. But if you have heard the song Michael made called “A place with no name” you will know that the original song is called “A horse with no name”. I have listent to that song all day long, and that made me think that he might be in Saudi Arabien, or Baraihn, cause he lived there a few years after the last trial.
    If you listen to that song “A horse with no name” They are sining about the desert, and being on a horse with no name, that made me think og those 2 contries, and the horse can be a castle. I dont why i thought of that, but i got the chills, Its hard to explain, but something went through me, when that happent. Michael knows some pretty powerful poeple in these contries, they could eassily help him.
    For all i know, he really needed to get away from all the pressure, he has been wanting a normal life for so long, where he could concentrate on his art and his kids, and he havent been able to do that before. Like he really wished to, cause they got chased by papparazis whereever they went. Michael needs his peace, and I think we owe it to him to leave him alone, we will know if he is alive, trust me, he will find a way to tell us. There has already been his diary, those things in there sounds like Michael would have put them, and according to the diary he will come back at christmas or January next year.
    But like i said i really dont know.
    I dont think we will ever see him perform again, and to be hornest i really dont care about that, all I care about is Michael, and i only want for him, to be happy, healthy and start smieling again. He really needs that, the last trial destroyed him for good, those idiots marked poor Michael for Life. I wish I could be with him, support him, and tell him that I love him no matter what, and take his lonelyness away.

    In the matter of fact he might be reading this site, he has to, so he can keep track of what we know so far.
    I beg of all of you inhere, do not give up believing, and do NOT listen to the media, we all know they are full of bullshit. Look for the REAL facts, and listen to your heart, always listen to your heart.
    We havent seen any realible prove of him beeing dead, and aslong as that isent happening, I wont believe it.
    By the way, The song Im talking about, it havent been recorded yet, it just got released, and then i was wondering by who?. Who leaked it to the Television, was it Michael, is this his way to tell us something? The song aparrently came from a source, YEAH RIGHT. Who else knew about that song? NOONE.
    Michael have made a lot of songs over the past years, wich arent recorded, for one reason, his children. Michael knew what those songs would be worth with him “death”. With these kinda money he can secure his childrens future.

    最后一件。 Remeber this. Michael belives in magic, and in magic, ANYTHING can happen. He could stand right next to you at the market, and you woulden`t even notice, he is the master of disgueses.

  273. kitkat Said,

    to MyBelovedMJ

    I love wat u said about “do not stop beliving” cause so many ppl have. Im never gona stop beliving. It may get to the point where im the last one that noes hes alive. Hopfully ther will be some of u tt will remain beliving with me. N wat u said bout him “finding away to tell us” i think he has been giving us clues all along. N somtimes when the media n his fam keeps goin on bout how he's dead i remeber wat he said to oprah “if a lie is told ofen enough you start to belive it” n tts exacly wats happening to lots of ppl. He also said to never trust the media its all lies. N at the end of his memorial it said “Im alive n here 4eva” cod it possibly be another msg. Also u said he could be veiwing tis site,well i think he is. Cause if i was a celeb n faked my death id look up these sites to see if anyones catching on. N exspecially if i gave lil msgs 2 my fans here n ther id wanna c if they cought on. N seeing they did id be verry proud.I wod noe in my heart that they really loved me. N we do mj wen i heard u died i felt like i lost a part of myself. I was depressed for weeks untile i started catching on to everything ni looked online top c if other ppl had suspitions,n sure enough. And who noes,maybe mj is (or will be) a person on tis site n no1 wod ever noe. He cod be talkin to us,leading us on wit hope n we wodnt even noe it Anyway i hope he comes bak,but tts up 2 him not me.

  274. ThnxGodIfYouAreAlive Said,


  275. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive赛义德,

    hey kitkat.. again lol…. im never gonna give up on believing that michael is alive aswell….. sumtimes it seems to me that he is dead (always because of wats on tv or mags) but if i ask myself then i always know that he is still alive…..

    ppl add me :::: my msn is – pink__shopaholic@hotmail.com
    and my skype is ::::: xx_priinc3ss_out_of_control_xx



  276. kitkat Said,


    嗨! i was gonna ask em to marry me!! lmaoo!!!! oh well, beter i dont cus then hed really be dead (my bf wod kill em) lol =) and yes the medias trying to put us off and there VERY good at it but just keep remebering mj's words and his lil clues,they will let ur mind bak on the right track (if ALL tis evidance dosent) and DAMN!!!! ITS ONLY BEEN ABOUT THREE WEEKS!?!?!?!?!? ive been losing my mind here! feels like hes been gone 4eva. Im so impatient 4 him coming bak. But like i said tts up to him. But hopfully we'll all get to meet him 1 day. Or atleast talk to him,wow i cant belive i love sum1 so much tt dosent even noe i exsist, but its his fault he gave me millions of reasons to love em. hes my role model =)

  277. 萨曼莎说,


  278. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,


    Read my posts on one of the other sites, You will se how much i love Michael, and what he means to me. He is very special.

    I dont believe hes dead either, and especielly not because Joe Jackson blew it, (once again) yeasterday in an interwiev. He was asked where his sons body was and the answer was ” I dont know” Ehhh WTF.
    How can you not know where your baby are? Comeone its his son. Damn, Michael has to control his family and make them get their stories straight, before someone is gonna blow the cover.
    I know Michael is alive, read my post in the 1st and 3rd site, you will see

  279. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    Trust me I think michael is reading this aswell. He must be very proud of us. And amazed of what we know. 和合。

    Michael if you see this:

    波。 I love you, and I think you are VERY Handsome and sexy. Tihi.

  280. licinia09 Said,

    Dear Michael it doesn't matter if you're dead or alive.
    You'll always be alive in my heart.
    I love you for who you are and for your beautiful soul.
    I'm sorry most of people didn”t understand you, you are one of a kind.

    “Dear Friend, what's on your mind
    You don t laugh the way you used to
    But I've noticed how you cry
    Dear friend, I feel so helpless
    I see you sit in silence
    As you face new pain each day
    I feel there s nothing I can do
    I know you don t feel pretty
    Even though you are
    But it wasn t your beauty
    That found room in my heart

    Dear friend, you are so precious Dear Friend

    Dear friend, I'm here for you
    I know that you don t talk too much
    But we can share this day anew
    Dear Friend, please don t feel like you're alone
    There is someone who is praying
    Praying for your peace of mind
    Hoping joy is what you'll find
    I know you don t feel weak
    Even though you are
    But it wasn t your strength
    That found room in my heart
    Dear friend, you are so precious, Dear Friend”

    I Love You Michael. I hope you have found peace and hapiness

  281. Katrina26 Said,

    First of all i want to apologize for my english. i am not a native speaker.
    The fact he is on the witness protection program is the most realistic and believeable thought that was written here. Because people cant just decide to disappear one day. But is it possible to come back from this program?
    In one article i read, that his children didnt know that their father is a superstar. But MJs sister said, that paris is still wearing his T-shirts and singing his songs. So where does she have the songs from? I think MJs sister is lying.
    I think if he is hiding somewhere he is in Saudi Arabia or in surroundings, because it would be easier to hide here because of being veiled by clothes.
    Michael, dont be afraid to come back one day, if there wont be obstacles such as police or law and so on. We will be waiting for you!
    I am so sorry for people, TV, newspapers that were hurting you so much for many years. It is sad to see that only after your “death” you see how much we loved you. Whatever was said, you must know that you are very good looking man.

  282. emmie赛义德,

    i dont think michael wants a wife,all i think he wants and needs is a loyal and trust worthy friend,but he will never really trust people nomatter how much you try and prove to him,he has been so let down by people he letin to his life and all they did is let him down…all he ever wanted was a friend to talk to and to play with.but he never really got that did he….

    i wish i could have known him and gace him the biggest hug and just forget about his fame and talk to him the way i talk to my friends..because at theend of the day he is just a normal person and has feelings like a normal person.
    i love you michael so very much 年月日

  283. kitkat Said,

    @ MyBelovedMJ

    where are ur other comments? on tis site? or a diff website? and im glad he just noes we love him soooo much. N lol ur right bout the family needing to get the story straight n other ppl in on it. Mj must be pullin his hair out of his head screaming “ur gonna ruin the plan!!” but dont worry mj no one can ruin ur plain cus every1 is so ignorant. They belive ur dead and nothing will change ther minds.

  284. kitkat Said,

    n im sooo glad tt theres others tt wont lose hope wit me. Im sure mjs proud of tt 2

  285. kitkat Said,


    Ÿ ? did sum1 in the press say he was ugly or somthing?


    i feel the same way, u noe wanting to talk to him like a regular person. N yea i noe thanks to stupid asswholes mj cant trust any1,its so sad wat ppl do to each other. N they get joy outa it to!! n mj has alot of friends (us) he just dosent noe it. But ill always be ther 4 him (along wit u guys im sure)

  286. MyBelovedMJ赛义德,

    Yo Kikat.

    I have posts on the first site in here with the helicopter and the site with he faked his death, and the 2 imposter things. 看。 You will see my love for Michael there. And I hope it Can compford you all a bit. Im crying all day long, thinking about him. I feel so empty inside, he took a part of me with him.

    Please comment back, when you have been reading this

  287. kitkat Said,

    @ MyBelovedMJ

    yes i noe how u feel,ive been crying non stop 2…until i found tis site. Cause b4 i thought he was dead, now i NOE hes alive. Somtimes i still tear up because hes dead to the world cause his in hiding. N i can never tell him how much he's loved n stuff, but hey i rather him be in hiding then actually dead. I just hope he decides to come bak. Then i can go bak to living a completly happy life. n if he came back id be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy u have no idea.

  288. Katrina26 Said,

    -maybe i didnt find the right words.
    Nobody said he was ugly ( because he isnt!), but there was still some jokes about his nose, pictures of his changing face and so on and i think this could be unpleasant for sensitive person like he is. Many actresses have so much plastic surgery (much more than MJ has) and nobody cares about them and there are not so stupid articles about them.

  289. emmie赛义德,

    michael looked beautiful no matter what, it not about the outside (even hou he still looked beautiful outside) but its about whats inside that counts and all the love he had to offer the world. the press didnt wanna reflect on how loving he was or how he treated people he loved, they just wanted to talk about his plastic surgery which is none of their buisness at all. michael doesnt have to explain himself to anyone . and im pretty sure the people who are making fun of the plastic surgery michael may of had they probaly had tuns more…
    people all over the world have plastic surgery, michael wasnt the 1st person ever to have it and thats wat bugs me,, many people have there reasons to have surgery… i wanna have a nose job because ive got a little bump which people say is stupid coz its not noticable, but its noticable to me …
    he should have just been left alone for a bit,, no 1 gives any 1 space. look at britney shaving her head, they need SPACE!!!!

  290. kitkat Said,

    @ Katrina26 and @ emmie

    I noe right? ppl r so anoying. And they picked on him all the time 4 getting lil stuff done to his nose, wata bout girls tt walk around with FAKE boobs?? how come no one says ANYTHING to them? but they'll pick on him 4 his nose. And so many other celebs get plastic surgery,wayyyy more then him. N so wat if he got alot? its HIS life and HIS body. N yea ppl over reacted wit Britney, They returned her products n everything. Like wtf???? she cod do wat she wants wit her body. Anyway ilove mj soooo much hes the sweetest person ever. I love him as if he were family.I mean tt wit all my heart to.

  291. Katrina26 Said,



    您好大家! Please read this articles. Its crazy- maybe we are mourning needlesly.
    There are many informations about MJs girlfriends he had before his death on the internet, but on the other side MJ is told not to be very interesred in relationships with girls when he was young. Could this mean that it wasnt MJ who died now?( If he died, because here we believe he is still alive. So dont judge me, its just another interesting theory).



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