Michael Jackson Hoax Death

Je King of Pop zares mrtev?

Michael Jackson dati 6 mesecev, da bodo živeli v januarju 2009

Ta odlomek je vzet iz Fab Life in je bila napisana na 7. januarja 2009. Glej link tukaj: http://bit.ly/EgTAc

"Kljub zavrnitvah iz Michael Jackson, ki jih je utrpela škodo zaradi smrtni bolezni pljuč, Nacionalni prosilec ostane na" Whacko Jacko "smrti gledati. Zdaj virov daje pevec šest mesecev živeli. "Njegovo stanje je tako daleč prišla, sem bil presenečen, če traja šest mesecev ... bolečinam in pijačo so ujeti z njim. Edini način, da je sposobna soočiti s stresom zaradi spola škandali in njegov valja-kozarca življenju je bil, da prikrije bolečino z zlorabo snovi. "

Jacko Biograf Ian Halperin je potrdil njihov vir terjatve iz emfizem in krvavitve gastrointenstinal z njegovim virom. "Michael želi imeti presaditvi pljuč, ampak zaradi drugih bolezni, da je boj, da je prešibek za takšen velik postopek. On je ob enem bolečinam po drugi. "To bi pomagalo razložiti, zakaj hes' ne sveže svoj dražba premoženja, potem pa Jackson je bil slabotnih in denar starved let. No, če so poročila resnična, je King of Pop ne smejo biti približno veliko več. "

Kako zanimivo, da skoraj natanko 6 mesecev pozneje umrl Michael Jackson!

Ta članek in sliko (zgoraj), Zastavlja se vprašanje, če je res, da Michael Jackson je bilo sporočeno, da se "slabotnih" in "kolikor odšla" kot določa člen v januarju 2009, kako za vraga je bil sposoben, da prenese 5 uro Medicinska preskus s "letenje barv", ki je bila izvedena februarja 2009 do London O2 Koncert napoved?

Morda medije je enkrat imaš narobe, objavljanja laži in heresay (ki je vedno verjetno), čeprav je ta razlaga še vedno problem - to ne razloži stran ogromen naključje, da je Michael Jackson res umrl 6 mesecev pozneje.

Morda je številka 1 namig za celotno Michael Jackson Death Hoax leži znotraj tega poročila. Tu je teorija:

Januar 2009 Michael Jackson's zdravje zavzema obratov za najhujše, AEG Live Organizatorji in Michael's Personal doktor vedel ni način, da lahko opravlja 1 koncert, kaj šele 50. Prav tako ve, da smo investirali ogromne količine denarja v "To je To povračilo potovanj, kakor tudi začel še drugo pravo obleko v vmesnem času. (Organizatorji predlagane Jackson Five Reunion koncert vložil tožbo $ 40m očita, da je Jackson 50 London datumi krši pogoje, pod katerimi se pogodba 2008). Edini način, Michael bo opomogla od svoje bolezni in AEG bodo vse denar za MJ za Hoax smrti. Stanje Michael Jackson's zdravje ušli s pritiskom, saj se zavedajo, da bodo poročila. Načrti so vzpostavljeni, in februar, Michael Jackson je zapustil svoje življenje in odšla v skrivanje, s vsakdo drugi nič pametneje.

Oseba, ki je opravila 5 urni medicinski izpit za to je to tura ni bil Michael Jackson. Oseba, ki so se udeležile O2 Koncert Tiskovna konferenca ni bil Michael Jackson. Oseba, ki je udeležila avdicije za plesalke za Tour ni bil Michael Jackson.

Oseba iz Lekarne na 25. junij ni bil Michael Jackson.

Saj lahko sprašuje, kako lahko te ugotovitve je treba izpolniti? Prosimo, dovolite mi, da pojasnim.

Vodenje v mislih članka iz Nacionalnega poizvedovalca omenjeno zgoraj, se zdi, kot da se "presežek uporabi bolečinam" Zgodba je zelo poudarek Michael Jackson zdravje izdaje. Ki omenjajo zadevni navidezno majhna podrobnost nazaj v januarju, je seveda zelo ključno podrobnost, ko pogledamo nazaj na to zdaj po MJ smrti.

Te ljudi v populaciji, ki so lahko vodila (in obstaja veliko) se bo osredotočil na trenutne okoliščine Michael Jackson smrti z vsemi v "zloraba drog" in govori se v celotno zgodbo, ne vprašanje, ker "oh ja, da so poročali nazaj v januarju, da je bil Michael Jackson zlorablja bolečinam vsakdanjega - ni čudno, da je umrl - da je bilo samo vprašanje časa ".

Ko Michael napoveduje njegove koncerte in vaje se začne v marcu, njegov januar zdravja je pozabljeno, saj vseh zadevnih buzz z njegovo povračilo. V svet je potopljen v Michael Jackson Gnjev enkrat.

Po njegovi smrti, zlorabi drog Trditev je ponovno vžgati, saj, kot vsi vemo, srčni napad z uporabo priložnostnih bolečinam v obdobju nekaj tednov, je zelo verjetno, zlasti če MJ je dejal, da je "slika zdravja ", medtem ko dokončanje vaje. Zato poročila o presežni zlorabe drog so zelo pomembni, saj podpirajo trditev, da je njegova naloga je bila v resnici srca, ki jih povzročajo droge.

Prevelikega odmerka droge, je tudi zelo pomemben dejavnik za AEG Live. Njihova zavarovanje terjatev Milijoni dolarjev bo treba plačati, ko se Michael Jacksons toksikologiju in poročil obdukcije dokazati, da drog povzročila smrti. To je tudi del načrta. Preostanek denarja, ki jih AEG Live, bodo izvirali iz prodaje Sklepnega vaja DVD, tribute Tours, nezapadlo skladbe in merchandise.

Jo Jackson je nedvomno da pošteno zmanjšal in bo najverjetneje funneling del svojega denarja, da Michael v svoje novo življenje.

Otroci so znani, da bi bilo to dogaja od februarja, kar je razlog, zakaj jih je treba razkriti. Če bi ostala skrita, svetu bi se dvom, ali so bili Michael otrok. Družina videi so bili sproščeni za nadaljnjo podporo temu zahtevku. V naslednjih 6 mesecih za otroke se bo z očetom.

Jo Jackson bo bogat človek, AEG Live, ki bo imel znatno vsoto denarja, da ne omenjamo vleče dol eden največjih "kaže" kdaj. Michael bo uživajo miren in zdrav način življenja in svoje otroke se bo z njim, proč od pozornosti za dobro.

... Največji Hoax je svet kdaj koli videl.

  1. mjfan Said,

    hmmm. Jaz mislim šestmesečnega napoved je zelo priročno. In MJ je bila na obisku v bolnišnici / zdravnik veliko pred svojo smrtjo, tako da je tudi gorivo. In medtem ko jaz ne mislim tip na O2 je MJ, jaz mislim tip na vaje je Jackson. You're pozabijo tudi sliko o njem in njegovi otroci nekaj mesecev pred njegovo smrtjo, z Jackson obraz nepokritimi. To je definitivno Michael Jackson. Iskreno pusto bolj proti umorom teoriji kot "živa" teorija.

    V živo teorija nima nobenega smisla zame. Lahko bi enostavno imel mirno zasebno življenje, če bi le ostal na Irskem, kjer je to zdeti se v obstati zelo mirno in nizko-ključ za njim. Le Anglijo in Ameriko resnično trpinčeni njim. Mogoče je bilo zaradi dolgov, ampak resnično .. . pretvarja vaše smrti plačati dolgov je tvegan podvig. To je goljufija.

    The "MJ nazaj od mrtvih tura", medtem ko je super ideja, se Izpolnjen s preveč goljufijam / Zagroziti zaporu.

    Plus MJ Ljubio njegov fans. On res ne bi nikoli naredil kaj, da bo povzročil toliko ljudi to veliko žalosti. Mislim, da sramoti človeka, in kdo je bil, da bi naredil kaj takega. On did ne teči od stvari, in to se zdi kot bežijo.

    Kot občutljivi, kot je bil MJ, si res mislim, da bi lahko stati 12 svojega ventilatorji za samomor?

    Jaz še vedno mislim, da je verjetno umrl, in mislim, da je veliko prekršaj igra gre. Obstaja veliko Neobičnost da ne dodamo, ampak jaz ne mislim, da je nekaj MJ proizvedena.

  2. mbc080709 Said,

    Admin wrote:
    Michael bo uživajo miren in zdrav način življenja in svoje otroke se bo z njim, proč od pozornosti za dobro

    Kako lahko on uživa miren in zdrav "novo" življenje, ko je bil (je) to farm uniči telo ??!!! Zelo nerealno, razen če njegovo zdravje pogoji niso bili tako dramatične, tudi 6 mesecev ali leto nazaj ... to smiselno?

  3. Mimi Said,

    dobro bom rekel, da načeloma, medtem ko vse nas so Karakteristiko klepetate oddaljen okoli teorije o zaroti je varno reči:


    Skupno ljudi! odprte oči in voham drek ne kave je sranje realne so se Michael Jackson pravijo Sahraniše ga tukaj Sahraniše ga tam ga v ga vzel ven in ko gremo ven ugotovitev so prišli do on ni bil nikoli je na prvem mestu.

    Rekli michael jackson je mrtev
    Pravijo, da so on in za kaj obstajajo načrti so
    Hranijo javnosti in medijev, kar hočejo
    Slive skozi nas spremljali, ko bomo blizu ugotovitev, kaj pa je bilo le ment da utihneš in verjamejo vsako stvar, mi smo od to tell mi, kot da so mali otroci.

    K tako bomo storiti, je, govori tam Žargon videli, kaj bodo ugotovili, kaj ti ljudje pravijo, in poskusite jo skupaj:

    Joe Jacksons
    jamine jackson
    princ, Parizu in odejo
    miss Kathrine jackson

  4. kto nado Said,

    zelo dobro in logično različico!
    vendar bi morala biti bolj massed reklamno kampanjo svojega težko zdravstveno stanje.
    Kaj pa tretji avtopsije, ki tudi kaj poskuša najti? Zakaj tako igrati za čas?

  5. lets talk Said,

    Mislim, da je zelo sumljivo, kako je avtor knjige vedel bi umrl v 6 mesecih. Jaz bi rad slišal od svojih virov, kako so prišli do tega. Včasih so odgovori pravice iz našega nosu, in ne moremo videti. Nekaj je na tem, čeprav je bilo v javnosti zgodbo nam omogoča prilagoditi, kar je bilo načrtovano, da se zgodi. Vendar sem se nagibala k zgodbi MJ mislila, da je bilo njegovo življenje v nevarnosti, in s pomočjo organov, da je vse pri čemer velja, dokler se razišče. Povej mi zakaj AEG sedaj lastno MJJ Productions, kako bi jih storile, ko je del njegove zapuščine, ter je dobila preko Potrdilo testamenta. Zdaj Colony Capital (del družbe MJ lastnik) želi kupiti njegov Beatlov Katalog. Torej nekaj zelo čudnega se dogaja. V zvezi z njegovo chikdren on bi lahko rekel, da pred in za samo igrajo skupaj, da bo šel za nekaj časa. On je še vedno lahko pogovarjaš z njimi po elektronski pošti ali celic bi nikoli vedel. Tudi on je zelo dober z disguises, ko želi biti, ga nikoli ne bi vedeli, da je bil on. Ker za svoje navijače, če tvoje življenje je v nevarnosti, kar morate storiti, kar imate za
    storiti, da bi preživeli. Tudi MJ poznavalci so sajenje zgodbe v mnogih spletnih strani MJ, da je živ in zdrav. Torej, da govori v svoj fans najemnin jim vedeti, da mnogi ne ubil sebe, on še vedno živi. Zato sem rekel samo sledite denarja in otroke in boste morali svoj odgovor.

  6. Jessie Dai Said,

    Lepo Admin posodobite bolg.
    Ta novica je za nas osupljivo. Mislil sem, da je samo zato, ker Michael želijo uživati v miru in sproščujoče življenje. Ampak zdaj se zdi, da je ponarejanje smrti s AEG! Vsi so vedeli to hoax? Jaz pošteno upanje Michael je živ, vendar sem občutek, da so se stvari tako zapleteno.

  7. charliechaplin Said,

    Jaz sem razmišljal, če je veliko ljudi (ali MJ lastne družine ali pa zelo blizu njegovi prijatelji) vedo o veliki načrt, da je zavezana, da se ujeli prej, ker - morda, nekako-nekdo lahko poda Bloditi ali bi 'drsenju of-the-tongue. A Grand Scheme treba strogo zastražena katere je verjetno, zakaj Jackson družino so zastarala videli MJ pred sakrih 'smrt'. In zato, MJ je bil že povedali Parizu, da ne more narediti, da bi očeta dan in tudi Pariz ni dobil jezen ali razburjen. Kondicioniranje v mislih z "onlookers' in tistimi, ki niso vključeni v Veliki načrt je bil že nastavili, dolgo časa nazaj, mislim.

    Mislim, da je vse od O2 Tiskovna konferenca, ki se jih udeležujejo "MJ", na dan od srčnega zastoja, do prihoda ambulante itd bila ustanovljena z AEG popoln z "akterji", ki so bolničarjev, itd

    Mimogrede, je bilo MJ na telesni, kdo je klical 911. On ni rekel, da je bil MJ, ki je bil ob srčni napad, saj je bila njegova dolžnost kot Tjelohranitelj zaščititi identiteto osebe je varovanje. Prebral sem, da nekje. Sem seznanjen s povezavo na stran, vendar rabim čas za iskanje it.

    Poglej, če MJ je prodal svojo 200 nezapadlo sestavami, on še vedno potrebuje pobudnika, veš.

    Prebral sem nekje tukaj, da je Hollywood film bo funkcija ostalo od zadnjih vaje iz MJ. AEG bo zaslužil od nje, seveda. In, saj funkcije MJ, kralj Pop bo delež denarja, preveč, vendar pa v nekaterih drugih pogledih, saj je že "mrtev". Ali ne misliš, da je dobro začeti? MJ bo še vedno ustvarjal Mogoče zaslužijo več zdaj, da je "mrtev", da ko je bil živ, vendar varno iz tiska, varne od detractors, varna od presoje ljudje, varna od ridicules. Ampak, imamo pričakovati nekaj javnosti kaskade za spodbujanje njegove glasbe. Torej, bi morali pričakovati, da bo zaslišanje kontroverzi kot "je bil umorjen 'ali'12 svojih navijačev na samomor" itd vse zdaj in potem.

    The MJ vemo je genij, je pameten, kajne? In samo on lahko pomisli na veliki načrt, kot je ta. In samo on lahko pull it off.

    Razveseli se, fantje. MJ je živ. Vsaj za mene je. In, če bomo njegove oboževalce, naj samo podporo svoji odločitvi, da ne želijo prikazati kot njegov stari self again. Obstaja toliko naprej, da zanj in za nas, da uživajo svojo nadarjenost.

  8. dirtydiana Said,

    Slišal sem, da veliko ljudi tukaj govorimo o MJ ne bi to v svoj fans. Ta človek je bil človeško bitje tako kot v ostalem od nas. S poti je, da živi večino svojega življenja v spotlite s čemer hounded jih noro ventilatorji, pravo obleko, decievers, napade in laži, ima pravico, kot kdorkoli od nas, da so nekateri miru. Če so ti ljudje dejansko samomor v MJ smrti, potem to ne bi bilo razloga, da bi želeli pobegniti od vsega? On je še živiš depresivno življenje zaradi teh ljudi, ki verjetno je menil, da so nekatere vrste osebnih zvezi z njim in verjetno nikoli izpolnjeni ga želijo ubiti sebe, ker je šlo !!!???? Ti ljudje najverjetneje imel nekaj osnovnih vprašanj, duševnega in zaradi tega, MJ, morajo prihajati iz skrival, ker nečesa ne more nadzor? Ta norost je velik razlog, zakaj naj bi MJ Skrijete. Skozi leta smo vsi videli, kako nora in histerična MJ fans lahko. To je eden od razlogov, da zelo rad ponarejenega smrti. Če ste še živi Michael, ti si zaslužijo vaš mir. Ljubim te kot umetnik in kot človeško bitje. Ne ljubim te, kako nekatera od teh ventilatorjev ne kot če poznam osebno in so se nekatere vrste osebnih povezavo! Upoštevajte, da to nespoštovanje ni za vsakogar, ki so svoje življenje v MJ na prehodu. Spet ti ljudje verjetno potrebno strokovno pomoč. Naj počivajo v miru.

  9. Lou Said,

    Ta objava daje smisel. Zanima me, kolikorkrat ZAKAJ 6 months ago to Ian Halperin je dejal, da MJ je samo 6 mesecev, da živim - in on res umre skoraj natanko 6 mesecev kasneje? Jaz težko verjamem, da je bilo hudo bolanih MJ, iz več razlogov, predvsem zato, ker njegova družina trdila, ves čas, ki je umrl unexpectadely in - tudi, ko je nekdo hudo bolanih in umre, ni potrebe, da razišče vzroke. Druga čudna stvar je, da radijske postaje, je napovedal, da MJ je umrl, v decembru 2008 in pozneje so bili reprimended za to hoax.

    Po njegovi smrti, so bile zgodbe o drogah; kasneje so govorili o prekršaj igra, umor itd in sedaj pravijo: "umor stroški so verjetno". Http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me -jackson-legal19-2009jul19, 0,6908980. zgodbo? tira = rss

    Na žalost, ne vem, če lahko jaz verjamem, da je vse, a hoax, ampak se morajo dogovoriti, da vse te zgodbe zvok čuden ... mogoče en dan fans bo omogočiti, da izve resnico, kdo ve?

  10. blackorwhite Said,

    Najprej nisem želel, da verjamem, da je umrl. Sedaj ne želim verjeti, da je bil umorjen. Glava me boli ...

  11. PPF Said,

    Kaj mislim, da je potem, ko je vedel, da je le približno 6 mesecev, ki ostanejo, v januar 2009, AEG ljudi pametno si celotno beleženje vseh vaja v HD video, večtirni avdio, nekatere dele v 3D itd .. v pričakovanju njegove smrti pred začetkom turneje. Tako da jih lahko izterja atleast naložbe skozi vse prodaje DVD / video pravice .. itd drugače kdo evidence vaje v HD na več kamer setup? in del v 3D ????? ste f *** ing zajebavaš z mano?
    in zdaj jih potrebujejo, da bi izgledal smrti zaradi drog je bila .. tako da ga sprejme teh zdravil / bolečinam skozi njegov osebni ekipi, njegov prepričljiv ga zdravniki, da sprejme teh (ki bodo dobili dober cut od dobička seveda)
    in morda začetnega avtopsije, ni bilo jasno, kaj je razlog za to (ali pa ne želite, da se odkrijejo) in zdaj toksičnosti poročila preloži za dva tedna .. tako da je v vmesnem času se lahko nekatere, kako oblikovanje poročil za pridobitev želenega rezultata .. potem AEG je vesel, da so okrevali naložbe z nekaterimi čeden dobička. MJ je njegov um je malce razbremenjena pred svojo smrtjo, da ni povsem Goljufala svojo fans in lahko atleast gledal njegove vaje. in vsi ostali vključeni dobi bogata.

    Ampak ne razumem, zakaj vsi blizu njega (poleg njegove družine), je bila odsotna za spomin in Oprah ni dala javno izjavo Še ena!

    Tudi v vaji posnetkov sprosti AEG, rutinsko počne na TDCAU in zgodovina pesmi je točno isto, kar je naredil v času svojega Zgodovina turneje v poznih 90's. ter jaz dont 'pretehtati MJ bo želel narediti točno isto stvar spet v to povračilo koncertov.

    Tudi v MJ na "to je to" novinarska konferenca ni izgledal resnično MJ, obdobje.

    Torej, bottom line, sem resnično počutijo na srce, da MJ je nekako živ (čeprav je moje možgane ni strinjal z njim v celoti)

  12. striggity Said,

    Te vaje trakovi niso niti nedavni ... Verjamem, da bodo od atleast 1997 med Zgodovina turnejo. Ampak vse ostalo dodaja navzgor (o tiskovni konferenci, ambulanta, itd)

  13. quesarasara Said,

    No, moram priznati, da ste administrator. To da tono smislu. Sliši se kot, ko se njegova PR Izbačen je človek slon kosti in hyperberic komora umazanija v teh krpe. Ti si ga na namene, za iskro Rabota za svoje izlete. To je odlična PR Majstorija, odlično hoax, odlično FU družbi. En in isti družbi, da privijemo z njim vse njegovo življenje, ter velik maščobe FU s slavnimi, ki ni pomagalo, če mu je to potrebno. In Joe Jackson lahko star, vendar je prepričan, ni neumna. Še enkrat emotionless, stark izgovaranje, backwoods odnos. On je kurir, da je igra vse nas kot dren. To je popolna nevihta.

  14. Dee Said,

    Sem slišal to abot. Michael PR ljudi rekel, da Michael prumors o sam tam zunaj. To je vedno vedel kako obdržati pozornost na sebe, (npr.: fotografije z njim spanje v kisik komori, Bubble je Šimpanz in poskuša kupiti človek slon kosti). PR je fant odšel na reči, da Michael je razvil odnos z nekom na Enquierer, da je bila njegova želja, da se del rumeni saj njegov dober prijatelj Dame Elizabeth je bila vedno v rag ....

    Onve spet Admin, ste na pravi poti. MJ je, da je sam na svoj narod na Enquierer, v pričakovanju tega hoax. Več kosov prihajajo skupaj.

  15. emmie Said,

    tako pesem Činio imenovane "morfinu" kaj je bilo to približno ... .. Želim si, da bi se na tem mestu, da je znak, da se mu samo, da nam nekaj zaključek, da je v redu in dobro,,, Počutim se tako krivo, da je mrtev in pršico im dvom Pred njim,,,
    Rad coukd so mu je pomagal in bil zvest prijatelj, ki mu je

  16. SITA Said,

    dobro narejeno dobro narejeno in si jo spet s srcem.

    Ena še vedno ostaja vprašanje: kdo je telo je bilo videti, in ki je umrl?

    Great job

  17. SITA Said,

    Spomni se pisanja URI GELLER, MJ opozorilo, da ne zlorabljajo ti bolečinam. Obstajajo tudi druge prijatelje, ki ga posvaril pred.
    Tvoja teorija je najbolj verjetno ena.

    Ampak to nam daje zelo slabo perspektivo za prihodnost. ČE MJ je res, da šibke Dvomim, da kdaj bo dobro. Lahko bi bilo dobro v kratkem času bo uminuti, končno. V miru. V harmoniji s svojimi otroci in z smejal v svojem srcu, ki imajo opravljeno in da je centralna točka za največji hoax, ki je potekalo.
    Nekako sem čutil krvavitev haert ..

    POGLED s srcem

  18. Rachel Said,

    Našel sem te na spletno povezavo v Facebook in sem iz radovednosti bi ga pogledal. Do sem sem prišel na 100% sem bila prepričana, da je Michael umrl, ampak zdaj nisem tako prepričana. Za mene se zdi, da je preveč stvari, ki so brez odgovora in jih ni mogoče razložiti.

    Ne vem kaj naj verjamem več, ampak vem, da bom versko preverjanja na mestu, da vidim, če kateri koli nov poročila prišel skozi. Vsa moja družina meni, da sem nor, ampak nikoli ne misli! Ena stvar, mislim gotovo je, da če to vse je hoax, da Michael ne bo nikoli vrnil. Mislim, da bi imela dovolj pozornosti in da je želel, da ima "normalnega" življenja in to je bil edini način, da bi lahko to naredil. Čeprav njegove navijače bi rad, da se vrnete, preveč ljudi bo jezen, da so bili izdelani za domnevo takšno stvar in protiudarec bi strašnimi. Samo moje mnenje, čeprav. Bi radi vedeli, kaj drugi mislijo.

  19. ejay5131 Said,

    Teorija je dobra razen za otroke zapustijo, da se z njim. Kako za vraga bo Jacksons razložite svojo odsotnostjo? Z vsemi buzz of lažno smrt gotovo bodo ljudje postali vedno bolj sumljivo, ko so ti otroci "manjka."

  20. VanillaCream Said,

    Če bi vedel, da je bilo ldie v nekaj tednih, sem prepričan, da je govorila s svojim otrokom o njegovi smrti, o tem, kaj se zgodi, ko jo happend, kako se bo zgodilo, je prepričan upravljajo stvari za svoje otroke in družino in tako naprej. To je morda razlog, zakaj je njegov otrok (in družino), so bili tako mirno v spomin - so vsi vedeli.

  21. Sosh Said,

    To je eden, če ne celo najbolj verjetno, da scenarije happenend. To je bilo vse v th eplanning mesecev. Cel tour je bil Zataškavanje za Michael stepping v mirnem življenju in bi mnogo denarja z Blokirati admin allready said.

    Admin je tudi prav, ko pravim da večina ljudi bo sledilo, kaj mediji viri in vzemi za samoumevno. V skladu z njimi: Michael umrl ob prevelikega odmerjanja. Vse druge medijske pozornosti, kot morebiti umora ali faul igra je tam, da bi bilo videti manj slaba. Vendar opomnik bo verjamem v prevelik odmerek kot COD. Ta skupina bo nikoli verjameš vseh dejstvih, ki so dokazano sumljivih ali doubtfull.

  22. vargaswife Said,

    Rad bi verjel. To ne bi bila smiselna, spomnim se, da nacionalni poizvedovalca vprašanje in kako prikladno, da je naredil dejansko umrl 6 hoteti kasneje, tik pred začetkom svoje turneje. Poglej, tako kot MJ ljubi svojega ventilatorjev, ima rad svoje otroke in to je najboljši način, da gremo ven iz pozornosti. Plačilo svojih dolgov, pojdi na koncert pospeševalci off hrbtu, določiti njegov otrok za življenje in na koncu dobili od ostre glede na medij. Naredi vsakdo vesel. Dvomim, da bi se lahko predvideva, da bi navijači samomor. Mislim, čeprav je vedel, da je insanely ljubil. Ljudje, ki so samomor, očitno imel težave, da začnete z. Zbegan sem bil in sem jokal in jokala in še vedno ga ljubim tako zelo, toda nikoli ne bi niti pomislila ubijanje sebe, če gre za luči, kar je naredil v resnici umrl. On je to naredil zase in za svoje otroke, če je ponaredek njegove smrti. Nihče več, nas je zapustil zapuščino, ki jo je zapustila več novo glasbo za nas, in če je živa, lahko še naprej ustvarjati glasbo pod izlikom tega je bilo starih stvari nikoli ne sprostijo. On je naredil dovolj za svoje navijače, ki jo je zapustila nas veliko, zdaj po vseh teh letih, čas za njega, da bo na miru. Zato mislim, da sem goljuf smrti, da je čas za njega, da razmišljajo samo o tem, kaj je najbolje za njega.

  23. Shauna Said,

    Njegovo trdo mi verjeti Michael je zasvojen IV drog, kot so mediji hrani nam poveste. Vedno se je zdelo, da je zaskrbljen zaradi svoje zdravje in želijo živeti, da je 150 let star. Mogoče je, da leži preveč. Iskreno ne vem, kaj naj mislijo. Hočem verjeti, da je živi mirno življenje s svojim otrokom, ampak sem samo ne vem. Prišlo je tako veliko povedala o tem leži slaba človeka, ki ve, kaj naj verjamem. Vem za eno stvar, seveda. Nobena od teh dogodkov, ki se je zgodila po tem, ko je umrl, da nima smisla. Zakaj so še vedno njegove možgane? Zakaj ne avtopsije rezultati še prišel nazaj? Zakaj mediji vodijo pravim Diprovan ga je ubil, ko nihče ne ve, dokler se rezultati toksikoloških nazaj? Zakaj družine sprejmejo predmetov iz svoje hiše, ampak pusti drogam zadaj? Ali pa so jim rastlin? Zakaj se je zdravnik deluje tako čudno? Tako sem zmedena. Želim slediti kaj se dogaja, vendar vsak dan je nekaj drugega, da v nasprotju, kaj je rekel prejšnji dan. Kdo ve?
    I love Michael in upam, da je končno našel mir kjer je.

  24. hecjosmen Said,

    Čeprav verjamem, da je Michael Jackson nas živi, jaz sem prepričan, da je ponarejanje smrti za drugega razloga in ne da ima življenje daleč od pega življenja.

    Ključ je slika "on" v rešilca.

  25. Rofibbs Said,

    Sem popolnoma strinjam s Admin, popolnoma. It wuz istem NACIONALNI poizvedovalca MJ imenovani tako, da pred mnogimi leti, naj sprejme snap strel od njega v "hyperbaric chamber", ker njegov prijatelj LIZ TAYLOR imel sloves, da vedno prikazani v NACIONALNE prosilcu. It wuz kasneje odkrila, da je vse wuz jus 4 javnosti ... celo nakupom od Elephant Man's kosti wuz zgodbo kuhani največ 4 javne govoriti "dvoboj. To je isti NACIONALNI poizvedovalca najavili, da je njegova smrt ... Kako priročno ...

  26. terror2k9 Said,

    Jaz si bom načrt kaj takega bi moral imeti ta načrtovana za dolgo časa, on je vedno govoril v svoji pesmi dont verjeti medijev v rumenem narkoman! dejal je on vse kar sem hotel povedati, da ne res briga nas! Če želite nastaviti stopnjo za to je bila kri na plesišču album, morfin in demarol je pesem govori o heartattack v pesmi, morfin! kaj? Nato od zdaj vse domneve drog in jih najprej rekel, da je umrl od demarol. Res misliš to je vse načrtovano, Trdno sem prepričan, ta michael jackson smrt hoax se za nikogar razen MEDIA! Njegova družina je poskrbel za ventilatorje vedel koliko jih je Ljubio! izdelkih, kot je ta National poizvedovalca je tisto, kar je popolnoma naveličal, mogoče je to, zakaj je to naredil, da naučijo lekcijo! Ljubim MJ in čutim da je še vedno govoril, da njegovi oboževalci prek njegovih skladb. Samo verjeti ve medijev bo palica z drogami story.Its veliko bolj okusna za th MEDIA, več kot je še živ!

  27. Rofibbs Said,

    MJ je bin znana zgrabi žarometi s čudno zgodbo, Ima poročena Lisa Presley da dokazati, da wuznt gay n wuznt a pedofila, dobil sem arried 2. Čas n imel otroke z Debbie da dokaže, da je Svet, da Preživanje Oče otroke, da bi Šutnja n sterilty govoricah ... ZAKAJ DO U THINK HE Navada Fake NJEGOVO SMRT, da gremo ven iz Mess MEDIJI N njegov denar MONGERIN FRIENDS HEAPED na njega? On je bin znano ustvariti ripples wheneva obstaja tlak okoli njega. Želim mu lepo življenje KJE EVA je ... Res si zasluži IT.

  28. Helia Said,

    Ja, to je nekako sumljivo, kako je ta revija ni mogel predvideti njegovo smrt, ampak vseeno. Pot Ugovori pretvarja smrti je popolnoma prepričljiva, in da je podvojil je najslabše zahtevka. Oprosti, ampak to je sranje. On je na žalost mrtvih.

  29. Rofibbs Said,

    Fantje počasi ... Wats ta novica, da je govoril z Psychic MJ je duh? OMG! Vsota PPL so Počinjanje za šalo te MJHD stvar ... Tudi Psihologija so Počinjanje da bi prišel do denarja!

  30. Rofibbs Said,

    Admin .. Zavidam U, U prepričani glej n zaslišite lotta stvari na tem blogu. Keep on keepin na ...

  31. MariannaB Said,

    Želim repost moje misli tu:
    Nobenega dvoma ni, potem ko je videl slike, da je oseba na konferenci O2 je MJ.
    V rokah so enaki, vendar je veliko starejše kot v preteklih letih - in sedaj pokazal otečen prst sklepih. Izgledajo zelo paincausing. Zdi se, da je MJ trpijo zaradi revmatizma.

    V tem primeru se lahko usodne krogu je startet.
    Bolj in bolj painrelieve zdravil potekajo, manj bolnika bo obvestilo srčne težave ali bolečine v prsih.
    Vprašanje je, ljudi, ki trpijo zaradi revmatizma so od 2 do 3-krat višje v tveganje za srčne napade ali prijetje.

    Zgoraj navedena vsebnost je iz medicinskih študij izvajajo na Mayo clinik v Rochester, Minnesota v 2000 + letih.

    Poglej svoje roke - Povečaj sliko ..

    Vendar pa je oseba v ambulante 100%, ne smejo biti označeni kot MJ, saj njegov obraz uničen v primerjavi s MJ's Unezveren telesa in obraza od sredine leta 2009.

    Ki so sodelovali na vaje - za moj vtis na vaje od plesalcev, vidjesmo MJ.
    Tudi žvečilni gumi zaporedja prikazuje MJ v moje mnenje. The MJ plesne vaje zaporedje - ne vem kdo je bil ta oseba izgleda, da je eden od ambulante pic.

    MJ je bil veliko več vreden mrtev kot živ, če pogledamo njegove obveznosti do AEG, pravice katalogu in zapuščine. Reakcije in nakupe po vsem svetu so se izkazali kot to.
    Če vsak ventilator samo kupil enega kosa s kavljem na izgubljeno - kar je ogromno podjetje na svetu.
    Izgleda MJ shrani tudi zapis etiketo iz poslovanja umira zaradi interneta prenesete povečuje.
    V zadnjih letih skoraj ni zapisa objave šel v črne številke. S povečanjem legals (in nezakonite) downloads - kdo potrebuje CD anyway? Na svetu je na uncontrolable mp3 / 4 - in izvajalci ne dobijo izplačale več.

    Obstajajo velike interese v poslovanju z MJ. Po celem svetu. Za milijarde dolarjev.

    In - sem za nasmeh nekoliko na to misli - to hoax smrti ali smrti je skupna mrk v
    ", Kot če" življenje tako mnogi od nas živijo.
    Živimo na stroške za okolje ", kot če", bi bilo tukaj za večno.
    Živimo na stroške tretjega sveta ", kot če se" ne bi vedeli, o lakoti in da povzročajo.
    Mi posojila porabljen denar ", kot če" smo zaslužili že.
    Mi shraniti našo dolgov eno kreditno kartico z dolgovi na naši drugi ", kot če" smo imeli denar v nepremičnine.
    To je vse hoax in velik, velik rožnat balon.

    Na koncu sem le upanje, da vsakdo na tem forumu bo izobraževati sebe - nazaj na osnove, nazaj k bistvenim, nazaj do resnice - tudi če boli. Resnično življenje - to je tisto, kar je približno za vsakogar tukaj.

    Za sodnike tukaj: si iz vsaj dveh straneh.
    Da bi policija tukaj: čir je na dejstvih, dejstva, dejstva in dobil resnice ven.
    Na docs in paramedicinski tukaj: pomagati ljudem, ki potrebujejo vašo pomoč - in to ne pomeni nič drugega, ampak daje - in ne sprejema.
    Da bi upravljavci tukaj: upravljanje se sooča z izzivom obrazom v obraz in vse stvari narediti in ne pobegniti in Goljufaš drugim.
    Za prijatelje tukaj: izmenjava in stalne visoke v težkih časih se prijateljstvo ne hoditi.
    Za družine tukaj: ostati skupaj, pomagajo drug drugemu ven. There's a namen zakaj ste skupaj kot družina, ni nesreče.
    Za financiranje profs tukaj: sprejeti, da ste se ukvarjajo z bogastvo in prihodnost ljudi in skrbi zanje ne glede na določbo, ki jo lahko prejme. Si jo zaslužiš?
    S pritiskom profs tukaj: preverjanje vašega besedila vsak drugi - lahko ubije življenje ljudi. Ne storite drugim, kar si ne želijo živeti sami. Drži, da je resnica in zagovarjajo to. Vi ste srečni, da živijo, kjer svobodo govora in misli je zagotovljena. Večina na tem planetu ne more deliti ta dragoceni dar. Skrb za ta zaklad.

    Spremeni vsakdana in storiti vse za svojo najboljšo vsako sekundo svojega življenja. Zbudi se, vstani, živi svoje želje v skrbi za svojega brata in sestro. Naj ljubezen tok za tiste blizu vas - morajo vsako malo iskro svetlobe od tebe - ja, ti. To je zabavno mimogrede. Živi v skladu z resnico. Mehurčki v vašem življenju bo šel stran, se nahaja, je kriva, je ponaredek, je ", kot če", da iščejo srečo zunaj.

    Sreča in resnice so notri. Sedi in jih poslušal.

    MJ je vse, kar je v njegovi lyrics.

    Mike, jaz sem hvaležna za vse vaše darove in ne čutijo sram, da kosti, kar je bilo storjeno, da ste do danes.

    In potem, ko vse - ni pomembno ali več MJ je živ ali ne. On je z nami vsak dan in nasmeh.
    In tako naredi I.

  32. ishealive Said,

    Ne vem kaj misliš, da sem tako krvav zamenjati. Mogoče celo zgodbo zgoraj je res, Leonard Rowe dejal AEG so krmilni Michael proti koncu svojega življenja, morda je to, zakaj, ne vem - prosim dajte mi svoje misli.

    Kaj je zame dvom te hoax je naslednja: - v Združenem kraljestvu v marcu'09 Jade Goody umrl za rakom, vendar pa približno 2 tedna, ali tako, preden je umrl Michael rang njo, ker je slišal da je bil velik oboževalec & poznal njenega iz Big Brother, ko Jermaine je na njej v letu 2007 in je želel, da bi jo tako da jo povabil na njegov koncert, ampak na žalost Jade umrli kmalu po tem, to je vse od njenega PR tip Max Clifford po Michael umrl. Zakaj bi jo povabi, če je ne bo do njih?
    Tudi Mark Lester Michael's tesnega prijatelja tudi v Angliji dejal, da je govoril Michael po telefonu en teden preden je umrla in Michael je boter v eno od hčerk in Michael jo prosila, da se vključijo v njegov koncert za njegov Dirty Diana pesem, on je bil zelo blizu Označi za otroke tako, zakaj jo povabi, če je ne bo do njih?

    Prosimo dokazati me narobe, kaj sem rekel zgoraj, upam Michael je živa in zelo dobro in uživajo svoje življenje.

  33. dinamit Said,

    Jaz šele dont veš kaj mislim več im se začnejo razmišljati, da morda je mrtev, in da je bil umorjen, in verjamem, da je bil on na rehersals

  34. Gospa h Said,

    MJ strjena lava imeti samo ostal na Irskem in je živel mirno življenje. Bil je popolnoma zlomil in milijone v dolg, od kar sem ga prebral, ki živijo na drugih narodov dobrodelnost.
    Tam je, da je denar, ki v sistemu, preden se je "umrli".

  35. svangel Said,

    admin .... dnt skrbite in bo imel več zarote za raziskave wen toksikologiji poročila ven ... jeeze jih res dolgo ob tho .... in u WÜD mnenju WÜD pohiti ... wasn't Anna necole smith toxicolly poročilo prej ....

  36. Ispy Said,

    Prijatelji, jaz sem samo spraševala okoli 2 točki:
    1.too PPL vključenih veliko
    2.LAPD bo zagotovo promptnim resnice o organu, če želijo, so tako DNA in prstnih odtisih vzorca med trial.Is je možno, da je glavni kapital pomagati Jackson družino trik za nas?
    Thx a million!
    --- Iz Daljnem vzhodu

  37. MONij Said,

    To je moja teorija vsi skupaj. Sem omenil, da je dolgo časa nazaj na tej strani, bodisi MJ je bil muredered z AEG zbirati zavarovanja denarja, AEG in MJ postopne te smrti, medtem ko se je MJ nekje umirajo njegove bolezni.

  38. wndrwmn67 Said,

    Še ena stvar ... da je fant iz Brittain's Got Talent, ki je pel na njegov spomin Michael je dejal, da je želel, da ga opravljajo z njim v London (na turneji) in Michael je bil pripravljen "pass baklo" do njega. Videl sem te v intervjuju za spomin. Nisem prepričan, kaj, če sploh, je pomen tega, toda ...

  39. heavencanwait Said,

    ok sem začel verjeti, da je mrtev .. potem JOE JACKSON govori CNN ... ga ni videl BODY (preverite si melodijo CNN Larry King intervju)! on je okleval v svojem odgovore ... Torej, kdo je videl Michaela mrtev? Tito ni, Quincy ni ... razmisli o tem, ko je nekdo umrl ki ga želite plačati vašega zadnjega zvezi z njimi, kajne? .. Smo oboževalce prevoženih kilometrov samo, da se je bilo nekoč in bi radi, da nam belive da ti ljudi, tako blizu, da ga ne skrbi za to? ... Zakaj? dodaja nič gor!

  40. BeenTown Said,

    Hočem verjeti, Michael je živ in za najdaljši čas nisem mogel dobiti sliko iz moje glave mu Sedeči v sobi nekje gledal njegov spomin živih, medtem ko jeste kokice. I think he was really ill and he needed to see what he meant to people before he passed on.

    I want to beleive he is alive but looking at the rehearsal footage, I think he looked a bit sickly. There are many spaces and holes in this story and I just want to know what happened. Also, the ambulance siren was not on which I heard indicates that the person in the vehicle has expired.

    It would be amazing if he were still alive. I would have loved to be a friend to him, me and him being virgos I think we could have shared a lot together. I look at his life and it is a classic case of irony, and it seems so sad. A man with fame and fortune surrounded by vultures and speculation becomes on of the loneliest men in the world. I just wish I could have been there to hold him tightly through it all.

    This man gave the world so much of him and look what they did to him.

    Please be alive Michael, I love you and there are so many more who love you too.

    Admin you are doing a geat job with this site, thanks much.

  41. MariannaB Said,

    Every king consideres handing the crown to the next generation one day or the other.
    I am convinced that Mike had to face serious health problems. You can see that in his face, eyes and hands. Either he is currently undergoing a critical treatment in order to save his life or he died / was killed due to his state. I do not buy one second in “drug abuse” and what else is being twittered. Who is that guy that spread the exorbitant result of the exams? Who is paying him? There is one source.

  42. Little_Susie Said,

    MariannaB – i find your post extremely interesting, i hope people would pay more attention to it.
    Michael is a special man. And so are you

  43. MariannaB Said,

    Thanks Little_Susie.

    To all those who don't know anymore what to think:

    a tiger has black and yellow stripes. zakaj? because only with black and yellow stripes he is save and may hide well in the jungle where light and shadow set patterns of dark and brightness.

    It is clear that now there is a bunch of this and that, truth and lies, facts and theories around. The more, the more the tiger may hide.

    If you want to detect him – get out of the jungle, look from far and reflect where the tiger finds best conditions for surviving.
    Get back exactly there and hide, sit down and wait with patience. Train your eyes to see through the shadows and the beams. He will show up.

    The family is adding a lot to the this and that confusion and acting not normal at all.
    But are they the key ? They are participating. To je vse.

  44. Susie+Me Said,


  45. Samantha Said,

    Be so good, if all of us could go help michael (L)

  46. MichaelJacksonIsStillAlive Said,

    Michael is alive… believe it or not!!! MY HEART TELLS ME THAT HE IS ALIVE….

    and umm one more thing… no offence or anything but uhh those “women” in bikinis on the cover of the mag are just PLAIN DISTURBING!!! way to ruin someone's day!!!

    anyways I LOVE YOU MORE MICHAEL!!!

  47. Narkoza Said,

    Omer Bhatti was on the first row of the memorial service, right next to the family!
    The 25-year-old has many similarities with MJ (and Blanket).

  48. SJ1983 Said,

    Everything I read on this site makes sense in some way!
    AFTER seeing the Joe Jackson (Larry King) interview: I NEVER beaten Michael! He is pretending to be the perfect family Whatever JOE!!
    (Joe wants custody of the children(THE MONEY) soooo bad it disgusts me!!!)
    JOE says: I DONT KNOW WHERE THE BODY OF MICHAEL IS ROGHT NOW, because Joe claimed he didnt want to see Michale dead body, BUT YOU DID SHOW IT TO THE CHILDREN?!
    Joe says: You have to ask some other people where the body is: WHO ARE THOSE PEOPLE JOE?!


    MOJ zaradi drugih sumljivih stvari:
    NO čustvene po 30 minutah 911call brez Jacksons ime je navedeno v
    CPR o SOFT postelja primeru Conrad Murray Case in njegov gredo stran
    securitytapes izginil iz Jackson House
    The Jacksons so dovoljena v hiši, ko je bilo prizorišče zločina?
    In potem trdijo, da so bili za tons stvari manjkajo?
    V Elizabeth Taylor / Arnold Klein primeru predvsem condoleance del za Farrah Fawcett in ne Michael samo za 4 dni?! In samo, da je na Cvrkutati od 17., 8days pred MJs smrti
    Memorijalna; resnične prijatelje werent tam, ljudi, ki didnt poznaš mu je govoril.
    Je iskal in od otrok, brez čustev.
    V STORILNOSTNA Paris Jackson, govorite otroku JACKSONS rekel celo, ko je bila supposibly jokaš?!?
    Stavka je pokazala na zaslonu v spomin.
    Zlata škatle, ki je bil znan MJ kupil nekaj v svojem življenju, je bil to le eden od njih!?
    V DISSAPEREANCE v telesu, kako bi lahko na zemlji telo se na Forrest Lawn, medtem ko je bilo 100 na novinarja čaka tam?!
    Oprah hasn't rekel kaj še?
    Katherine Jackson datoteke za zaupanje, ki trdijo, ona didnt vedeti o "novih" zaupanje, potem ko je bil na internetu za 4days že, Joe Torej ne berejo o njem pretepel MJ na internetu, vendar je zamudil na novo zaupanje?! Seveda ...
    "novih" MJ pesem brez nobeno ime, zakaj zdaj, zakaj je ta pesem?
    Zakaj so se rezultati še vedno niso na obdukcijo! v drugih primerih pa je le nekaj dni ?!!!!!!

    I think in this complottheorie many things simply just DONT make sense:
    -The Police are in it, because they were sick of the money that MJ cost them during the years for the security when MJ decided to go into the public,
    -The Children; They could not live with masks on, they are teenagers now, the paprazzi would have caught their faces soon enough, Debbie was affraid of this too , now with MJ supposibly death the problem is gone and they can through live without masks
    -The Mj wanted to perform 1 time, not 50 times!! Not even an Olympics attendend could make it to the end.
    -The debtissues
    -The constant bad press about MJ the last years
    -The why would he recorded 200singles over the last few years in secret!?

    MJ IS ALIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. SJ1983 Said,

    AND why did KAtherine Jackson @ the memorial day goes to a salon to get her nails done?!!Sure…
    And what were the Jackson sisters looking like a fashionshow by donnatella!?
    The no tears at all during the whole ceremony
    and the WAY TOO CONVENIANT sunglasses!?!

  50. SJ1983 Said,

    THE dancer thought to be Michael Jackson's secret lovechild was given a seat in the FRONT ROW at the King of Pop's memorial service, The Sun can reveal.
    Devastated Omer Bhatti, 25, sat with head bowed and wearing dark glasses alongside the star's grieving brothers and sisters during the poignant tribute two weeks ago.

    The eyes have it … Jacko and his lookalike 'son' Omer Bhatti

    It will further fuel suspicion that he is Jacko's fourth child. And childhood snaps show an uncanny likeness to Prince Michael II, seven – known as Blanket – the youngest of the star's three “official” children.

    Michael, who died last month aged 50, is said to have told pals in 2004 that Norwegian Omer was born following a one-night stand in 1984. Omer is now believed to be seeking a DNA test to discover the truth.

    And yesterday his family in the Norwegian capital Oslo refused to rule out Jacko as Omer's dad.

    Familiar face … Michael Jackson's son Blanket,
    who also looks like Omer Bhatti

    After the singer's death, Omer's mum Pia cryptically remarked: “He was the King of Pop. But for us he was so much more.”

    The likeness between Omer and Blanket is remarkable. They have the same dark hair, the same eyebrows and the same facial features.

    Significantly, Omer was granted a special place among the Jackson family for the service at the Staples Center, Los Angeles, on July 7.

    Meanwhile, some of the most famous celebs in the world had to make do with seats in rows behind.

    The Sun can also reveal that wannabe star Omer lived at Jacko's Neverland mansion for several years and mixed with the other Jacksons as if he was one of the family.

    A revealing video shows long-haired Omer, then about 14, unwrapping Christmas presents with Michael at Neverland.

    He plays with an infant, believed to be one Jacko's other kids, as if they were siblings.

    In 2003, Omer was snapped at Jacko's birthday celebration and rode in a limo with the Thriller singer. Omer was even in Neverland when cops investigating child abuse allegations swooped in 2003.

    He said last year: “It was totally sick. It was the whole squad from Santa Barbara Police Department.

    “We didn't know why they were there. Michael was not at home.”

    After Omer was born, Jacko sent two employees to Oslo to help his mum raise him.

    He and Omer are reported to have first met in 1996. Omer, then 12, impressed the dance legend with his own dance moves after waiting for him at a hotel in in Tunisia.

    First contact … Jacko with 12-year-old Omer in Tunisia, 1996

    It is thought Omer's family sold their house in Holmlia, Oslo, and moved to Neverland in 1997.

    They have since returned to Norway.

    Omer had idolised Jacko since he was a child and has performed as a tribute act across the globe.

    From 1996 he began appearing in public with his idol and even performing with him.

    The young dancer was by Jacko's side when he called in a witch doctor to cure him of pain in Aspen, Colorado, in 2004.

    Omer is also said to have had problems with drugs, like his alleged dad.

    He was arrested for possession of a small quantity of cannabis and fined in Norway in 2004.

    Michael even dedicated his 2001 album Invincible to Omer's best friend Benjamin Hermansen, 15, who was stabbed to death by neo-Nazis.

    Omer and Jacko remained close right up until the Thriller singer's death on June 25 after a long addiction to prescription drugs.

    In an interview in 2008, Omer said: “Loyalty is the most important thing for me.

    “I have contact with Michael, and I think my loyalty to him is the reason we still have our contact.


    “He is an unbelievably good human being.”

    Today Omer is trying to make a name for himself in the world of rap and hip-hop, promoting himself under the stage name O-Bee.

    He has remained in LA since the memorial service.

    Yesterday The Sun called at his family home in Norway but mum Pia was unwell. Her Pakistani husband Riz confirmed that Omer sat in the front row at Jacko's service.

    He said: “Yeah, yeah, I know because I was watching. I told my wife, 'Just wait until the press see this. It's not a small thing'.”

    Both Pia and Riz, in their late 40s, worked for Jackson in the US. Riz is believed to have been a driver and Pia a nanny. Both have refused to answer questions about the star.

    Yesterday Riz would neither confirm nor deny that Omer is Jacko's son. He said: “Make what you like. I don't want to discuss anything.”

  51. SJ1983 Said,


  52. mbc080709 Said,

    To Admin:
    if there is anything strange in a death, wouldn't it be one of the first thing to check if DNA of the dead body is the same to MJ's real body? and what about fingerprints, wouldn't it be the same for it?
    Do you think that an insurance company which will have to pay something like 50mil$ to AEG Live in case drugs death will be proven, will ask for more details such as DNA and fingerprints tests of the dead body? Unless the insurance company is part of this BIG HOAX as they are re-insured!!!

  53. SJ1983 Said,



  54. nehaheartmj Said,

    i just wanted to get the attention of everybody on this point that is bugging me like hell……see i don't know weather mj is alive or not……i just hope he is alive….but what i want to point out is that……if you pay attention to the death certificate that latoya gave the media as a proof of michael jackson being dead…..the name there is written 'michael joseph jackson'…..now…..i find something terribly wrong here……
    as we all know(all die hard fans of mj) that……michael jackson got converted into islam in november'2008 and changed his name to MIKAEEL….so what i want to ask is why does the death certificate shows the name to be 'MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON' AND NOT 'MIKAEEL JOSEPH JACKSON'……..sounds like a big blunder….right?
    and by the way….here are the proves that he converted himself to islam….
    2) http://ready2beat.com/current-news/general-news/news-michael-jackson-converted-islam
    what are your thaughts on this??????

  55. SJ1983 Said,


    I'm sure AEG is in it, as well as the LAPD and the Jackson Family

  56. Ispy Said,

    No.52 gives a very good question.
    MJ was either murdered or faked his death.

  57. shyone Said,

    I have no doubt that everything was put in place to pull this off early in the eighties. Everyone remember MJ was a world reknown icon. He was the only person on the planet that was recognized worldwide. MJ was a brilliant man, a genuis in his own right. When he had his time away from the studio early in the eighties he studied books on all of the individuals he thought to be genuis and mysterious. He lived an eccentric live because it was the right thing to do as he was postering his disappearance from the world. He got exactly what he set out to get. He wanted to be the biggest Entertainer in the World. He achieved that. He gave to his fans for 30 years. He gave his music,short films and performances. He gave his all. He had no problem walking away with the aching body, those that still hated him from the accusations and backstabbers he had in his life and trusted that failed him. He had the greatest heart. He may have left family members out of his will, but he set them up to prosper from his untimely death. MJ was an amazing man with a great heart. Something our world will never see again. No one will ever reach the magnitude that he reached. His kids will be fine and they will be with there dad again in due season. Of course, there were players from the beginning and players in the end. I am also convinced he would still be with us hadn't people been so mean spirited and unforgiving. God be with you Michael.

  58. Rofibbs Said,

    Who knew Madoff wuz schemin ppl of their monies, huh?? Nobody. Yes, nobody untill the “insiders” (His sons) called the authorities. Why didnt the authorities know all along?? because they are not as smart as we think they are, same applies to MJ's “death” Hoax saga..we wll never know the truth untill an “insider” starts spillin the beans, with the controversy involvin his estate n the greedy fingers that want to make money from the brand name “MICHAEL JACKSON”…i see the walls crumblin especially with news of a new WILL Ian taked 'bout.

  59. Rofibbs Said,

    …wuznt Joe at the private memorial held 4 MJ at forest lawn?? If he wuz, that means it wuznt an open casket 'arrangement'.. else he wudnt hav said wat he said on Larry King. Either that or he's not sayin the truth..n how in Gods green earth did Latoya know 2million n other valuables are missin from MJ's house?? Alotta ppl are tellin allota lies.

  60. Rofibbs Said,

    That Joe guy is surprisinly appallin, his incesant attachment to makin money is so very sad..on a lighter note i think MJ sang “speechless” 4 Pia, i hear shes an EYE CANDY

  61. Mojofi Said,

    ***SJ1983*** i think the family wanted to look good for Mike what ever the case was. Dobro ali slabo.
    So does anyone here really belive that Mike had a one night stand? I don't belive it at all . I think Mike was too shy to have a one night stand and even now i don't think he would hehe. What a funny think to say and Mike hehehe . I just can't stop myself. They could have side anything apart from one night stand.It's a silly think to say aboud Mike don't you think so guys?

  62. SJ1983 Said,

    @ SHYONE:
    and what about his obsession with Elvis Presley ?! And even marrying Lisa Marie,
    The dead of MJ and Elvis are exactly the same!!!!
    Lisa Marie once admitted that she talked with Michael about twhe way her father died and that he had many questions about this?!!!!!?!
    I think he planned his escape several years ago already and now that the time wa right MJ did it!!!

  63. Shauna Said,

    If he is hiding somewhere I hope he is never found. Look at all he has been through in his life and all he did to make us think he has died. I have mourned him for a month and if he is found, when he really dies I will have to go through all that pain agian. Maybe he just needed to get away and have some privacy with his family. I don't think people should go out and hunt him down. Let him have peace.
    I agree with most of the articles on this site. The family don't seem upset. I have cried my eyes out and I didn't even know him. Dr. Murray and Arnie Klein are acting very strange. Where are Michael's closest friends? None of them attended their best friend's memorial. That doesn't make sense. If you love someone, you support them. The stories keep changing. Joe and Latoya Jackson don't have a clue what to say when questioned. The most honest Jacksons haven't even said anything. (Katherine, Janet, and Rebbie) Why are they so quiet? The kids that have been out in public without masks look the same as the kids that Michael always protected. I believe they are his children. Little Blanket looks just like Michael. I would like to know if he is alive but I guess we will never know.
    Michael if you are out there, take care of yourself and know that you are loved. The world treated you so unkind and you deserved better. The voices of those that love you never got heard.

  64. The Truth Said,

    I don't take anything serious from the NATIONAL ENQUIRER. Did Michael Jackson teach you nothing?!

    To Helia – It was a wide-known fact that MJ has used doubles. It's just a matter of when and where. And regarding your claim that he is, in fact, dead…..I will support that claim once the death certificate is signed by an official. Until then, people should have the right to speculate that he is alive.

  65. MariannaB Said,

    4 weeks later the office of MJ's doc was raided:

    How fishy, incompetent and inappropriate.
    Just like the truckwise taken “toys” right after the 25th.
    Such a house is to be sealed and surveyed 24/7.

    Who is responsible for these orders? Get him / her out. Neverjetno.

    You'll see that there will be excuses for the failures in the process and maybe the boss of all those will have to retire. Pazi ga.

    Welcome SJ1983 and thx for the information (or disinformation ?) on Omer, are you Omer?

  66. Mojofi Said,

    Ok guys am back. I just watch Jermain on Tv saying that the JACKSONS will be going on tour but not as JACKSON 5 but as the JACKSONS, and he also said Mike will be there.

    Do you think he meant in spirit or in flesh?

    Do you guys think Mike will really stay out of the public for good or do you think we will be seeing Mike in flesh soon? hhmmm

    Jermain looked very sad or is he a good actor? I just confused when i see him confirming Mike is dead all the same i want Mike to be with us.

  67. Perfume Said,

    All I have to say is this, nothing stays hidden that cannot be revealed what is done in the dark will come out into the light, if his death is truly a hoax then someone is not going to want to keep their big mouth shuts, money will start talking, dollar signs will be flashed before someone and the love of money will cause whoever it is to speak, and then speaking of O[rah Winfrey this was the biggest news break of all times how come she has not breathe a word on her talk show about MJ's death, she was quick to interview him when the accusations arose, how come she has not even had a show that has paid tribute to MJ I find this odd, as Oprah always wants to be the first to air something on her show mmmmmmmm food for thought… I say again if he really “faked” his “death” then kudos to MJ I applaud him if he is really dead then my heart bleeds =(

    To the Admin “well done” keep on researching, keep on digging, the truth is bound to come out sooner or later, there is too much money involved in this at present

  68. Perfume Said,

    #57 you could not have said it better

  69. Mojofi Said,

    ***nehaheartmj *** if Mike was Muslim, then why did the family conducted a christian funeral for him. If he is really muslim, he should have been buried the same day so i think we should rule that out. So Mike did not convert to Islam though he seemd interested in know much about it.

  70. ishealive Said,

    Dr. Conrad Murray's office is being searched by the DEA. I don't even know what to say about it.

  71. monij Said,

    Omer Bahti is not MJ's son. His mother stalked Michael Jackson while on tour in Tunisa. She showcased her son to him, and MJ took on to this guy. He even offered his parents jobs on his Neverland Ranch.

  72. monij Said,

    Can any one please tell me why did Michael Jackson wear bandaids on his fingers?

  73. monij Said,

    It is true that Omer Bahti looks like MJ, but he does not look like him prior to all the surgeries. Surgeries change the way people look, but not their DNA. Even if we compared the current Michael Jackson's pictures to the Michael Jackson pre-surgeries pictures, we won't find any resemblance. With a bit of make up, anybody can look like MJ, that is why there are so many MJ lookalikes.

  74. persia Said,

    I have to give Number 52 a response: With today's forensic science it would be absolutely impossible to pull a hoax. WE can match a strand of hair or a fiber left on a body to a murderer. There is no way that they would have a wrong Michael Jackson and they wouldn't know it. Unless the whole hospital and the morgue and police are in on it. Which I highly doubt. We are not allowing Michael to have even died. That is how much we assumed we own him. His life was his not ours.
    God bless you Michael in Heavens or Earth!

  75. aseem Said,

    Michael is dead!!! plz don't fool yourself…
    i agree that that the person at the press conference was an imposter..
    i agree that the person that was in the rehearsals was an imposter..
    and he might be doing that to get himself free from the debts..
    but understand one thing if he would'nt have been died then he must have killed someone to replace ..
    and I strongly believe Michael Jackson wasn't killer…by telling he hoax his death you are directly putting the charges of killing to MJ and which can't be true at all … you are michael's admirer and how could you even think that he would do such a vicious act to save himself..
    Sorry but MJ wasn't like that!!!

  76. thelostchildren Said,

    good point bout the Madoff scam; there are many many many more conspiracies that have yet to be known to be public, and preserved that way on purpose. Michael was one of the most well-read and knowledgable talents around, who else would know better of such stuff, and possibly learn a thing or two?

  77. charliechaplin Said,

    “AEG has filed legal papers asking to be part of the Michael Jackson probate hearing on August 3.”


  78. charliechaplin Said,

    “Michael Jackson the freak is better off dead, says Rupert Everett”


  79. Rofibbs Said,

    The Authorities must be kiddin me, are they jus realisin that Dr Murrays offices shud be searched?? What in conspiracy's sake makes them think they can get any information from the search now?? Will Dr Murray leave incriminatin evidence after over 4wks of MJ's “death”?? Are they kiddin?? These guys are jokin with our intelligence,.. sloppy bunch!!

  80. Rofibbs Said,

    AEG…AEG…AEG…wat can i say, they sure are goin for the loot on the other hand SONY is really desperate. Who is more of a freak than Rupett Everett himself??

  81. Rofibbs Said,

    #75..who said MJ killed anyone to hoax his death?? Get ur facts straight bro. First, we've not seen a “corpse” yet to confirm if any1 really died, secondly..it cud be any1 that wuz terminally ill n died naturally, 3rd none of the Family members who have bin interviewed really know where the body is as we speak..n their stories seem to change wit every interview. Get it ??!!

  82. dinamit Said,

    Rofibbs I agree how dare he call mj a freak he should try looking in the mirror who is this guy anyway?? and how can the family not know where his body is? things get weirder by the day

  83. dinamit Said,

    @aseem why are you on this site if u think his dead u most hve your doubts?? and this site is for people who think his alive not dead so take your negativity somewhere else please

  84. STARFISH1 Said,

    He was different and visionary. He taught us how to love and to be a sweetheart. He was a dear and full of love, warmth, and his soul could really see in his eyes.It is easier to see these items …. maybe it's alive? I do not know, maybe! Perhaps in South Africa or Switzerland.
    Only one I know, everyone will miss his presence, he
    was a great, great artist. I do not believe that for a hundred years and maybe more, like him man to walk this planet.

  85. MariannaB Said,

    Thanks to the detailed infos on Omer on this site, European yellow press jumped yesterday on it and published “the” story of the 4th child (which is not true by the way).

    Who else wants to make money and get known in MJ's shade?

    Build and keep a mystery around nothing and the nothing sells well.
    Yellow press is about illusions. Anybody buying such stuff supports lies.
    Yellow press blows everything up from nothing which is sellable.
    We will see Omer being sold as the “new” MJ. Watch out for it.

  86. ishealive Said,

    This could be something or nothing but someone on the forum (sorry can't remember who) brought this to my attention so I looked up Google and the following article was written in 2006:

    Sound Generator has learnt that Michael Jackson is planning a spectacular live return in the New Year with the help of street magician David Blaine.
    A number of Internet news sources are quoting today that the pop superstar plans to silence his critics with a 'dramatic' return to the stage, and has roped in David Blaine for a 'magic and music showpiece'.

    “There is nothing more sacred to Michael than his electricity on stage, press reports claimed he will never sing again like he used to, they are in for a shock,” a source close to Jackson is quoted as saying, reports influential LA gossip site Defamer – which picked the story up from London news insider Pop Revenge.

    “The attacks have personally hurt him, he has always prided himself on his abilities as a live performer. His response will be dramatic and the answer is going to be onstage, it is something nobody else could create.”

    The story goes on to reveal that Jackson spoke to Blaine shortly after his disastrous live return last week at the World Music Awards in London.

    Michael always said “We ain't seen nothing yet”…..

  87. Little Susie 01 Said,

    I must say im tired of the media, there are so many mistakes i have been doing research since he “DIED” i have more evidence to believe he is more ALIVE then DEAD. Explain to me how Janet is On CONCERT and JERMAIN is in Europe?
    What happened to MJ's Body? Hasnt been buried yet and hes brothers are flying around the world. How can they be at peace? Knowing the brother is still not Buried. This is just a big mess.nothing makes sense and the more the days go by the less it makes sense. Now Omer is MJ's son. I highly doubt it Michael doesnt even mention him in he's so Called WILL. Now they go researching dr murrays office and 4 weeks later i mean wow how smart are these ppl. RUPERT. The only nasty freak is you. Im tired of ppl attacking michael im tired of the media. Michael has to be alive….I feel him alive. And hopefully soon will know. And i would want for the true fans who love him to know the rest of the ppl who dont care for him shouldnt know anything. Michael U are the greatest and i love you.!!!!

  88. Little Susie 01 Said,

    Ok GUYs let me poi9nt something out

    JOE Jackson Said he has NOT SEEN MICHAEL”S BODY RIGHT.

    Now they did have a so called VIEWING the morning of the memorial at staples.. and as well they were also caught the night before At a VIEWING.

    Now the KIDS saw MJ'S body right.. Joe Jackson was at the VIEWING as well so how the hell did he not see MJ body?
    They were all there at the VIEWING This doesn't make any sense u Show the Body to the KIDS but the Father or TITO haven't seen the BODY?

  89. aseem Said,

    dynamite… plz check the title of this website given by the admin.. let me remind you… it is
    Michael Jackson Hoax Death… is king of pop really dead?
    its not king of pop is alive… i think you have little confusion in understanding the title….

  90. Hennessy Said,


    i am impressed….I get it, i think…….:-)

  91. charliechaplin Said,

    Notice this pic on MJ's last rehearsal. MJ doesn't have mangled left ear:


  92. dinamit Said,

    @aseem i apologise i was just in a mood y-day cause im sick of people coming onto this site sayin he's dead and to get over it and they cant even see that something is fishy about his death whether he's dead or alive something is definetly odd about the whole thing

  93. Rofibbs Said,

    One thing we fail to understand is that the Authorities are not Psychics or seers who can see n tell the future..these guys work with information, how will they ever find the truth or get evidence if the information given to them are not factual or misleadin?? these bunch hav enabled sum conspiracies n there are many more they dont know 'bout.

  94. charliechaplin Said,


    “The treasure trove of material, along with possible insurance
    proceeds and ticket sales to memorabilia collectors, could help benefit the late singer's estate, which has been burdened by an estimated 400 million dollars in debt.

    “He was our partner in life and now he's our partner in death.” Randy Phillips, president and CEO of concert promoter AEG Live, said so in an interview at Staples Center.”

    ... ..

    “Phillips also remarked that the AEG Live is waiting for Jackson's estate to be settled to see who the company will be dealing with. He said that the estate “would get the lion's share” of any profits from the release of the rehearsal footage.

    Insurance is going to help cover any losses on the London shows if the coroner's autopsy shows that Jackson died accidentally including of a drug overdose but not if he died of natural causes.”

  95. charliechaplin Said,


    “Mr Phillips said, “If we all do our jobs right, we could probably raise hundreds of millions of dollars just on the stuff we have worldwide and then the estate could eradicate its debt.”

  96. Little Susie 01 Said,

    i get so frustrated it makes me want to cry i hate when ppl talk about michael, n about lupus and collagen injections he had on he face that made hes nose fall off? i just saw this on tv WTF man im so tired of hearing things ppl DON'T KNOW there just speculating.. They asked Joe if indeed hes sons body was in the casket the day of the memorial, he had a smile in hes face like he wanted to crack up and said yea. I mean come on. I agree hes dad is a A- Hole. But no matter how much of an ass he is… He still has to feel hurt because he's SON is Suppose to be dead. But he smiles. How RARE and ODD is that. he is not morning. And he he said he knows hes son would love to hear hes show will be phenomenal. ( then he said) if he would of performed it. I mean he keeps messing up … and no one seems to be catching on to things. I mean Fans like us DO.. But the MEDIA doesn't. Or does the media Have some what IDEA and know that its better to talk about him being DEAD then rather saying how many weird things are going on. COME on its going to be One MONTH tomm and WE still do not have a CONCRETE story. And where is the BODY? MICHAEL IS ALIVE.

    My name is SuSy and im from miami,and i been researching this since it happened. I need some piece of mind.. Really i get outraged with so much BULL on the News. Guys keep posting ur conclusions just as i will keep posting mines.

  97. Little Susie 01 Said,

    Hey Admin: I was browsing on youtube and found this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA67QzbBRGw and on Min 2:99 They post Ur website. talking about michael death being a hoax. its a series of news but ur site comes up as well as some other guy who i saw hes video 3 weeks ago bout michael being alive. this is a france tv station the new of michael start at 1:57!!!!
    Ur site has hit the news! how awesome is that

  98. MJSmile4Us Said,

    to Little Susie 01:

    I agree with u in that the media is still preying on dear poor Michael even after his 'death'. When I watch tv or read articles online, I think back on what Marlon Jackson said at the memorial service – 'maybe they will leave you alone now'. Quite the opposite by the loks of things. A swarm of people who called themselves either 'close friends' or 'a part of MJ's inner circle' are giving interviews to state ridiculous and false stuffs about him. Like how Entertainment Tonight show claimed that their 'sources' told them that one of Michael's former employees at the neverland ranch said that he kept a box full of prostheitic noses in his bedroom (like u mentioned above). What a load of bull! I really wated to literally shout into tehir ears till they went deaf that they have no idea what theey are talking about and should stop spreading hurtful and idiotic rumours around.

    Like I posted on other topic, I was so convinced that Michael's family is on MJ's death hoax plan when i watchd Larry King Live in which Joe was interviewed. I looked at his behaviour and facial expression throughout the show. He was a nervous wreck coz he couldn't keep his hands still and he stuttered alot and even dodged some questions. I mean how the heck could a father not know where his son's body is and the most ridiculous answer he gave when asked why he has not demanded to see the private autopsy reports when he was not given one, he replied that it was coz he just assumed that he was going to be contaced some time soon. PLus his eyes looked nercous as he was looking around and Leonard Rowe was not so much of an actor either as he repeated himself when asked different questions. I really believe that Michael is still alive thanx to these two idiots and the way the Jackson family acted in such an obvious way at the memorial to make me believe this way. If I am wrong, then well Joe is nothin but a piece of garbage who couldn't care less about his own flesh and blood and should be sent to a mental facility and locked up! No parent in the world regardless of the turmoil relationship he/she had with his/her children in the past could be so uncaring, ruthless and emtionless at their passings like joe.

  99. Perfume Said,

    #84 I am South African and even if he is in my country I don't think the media here will hassle him when he visited South Africa in 1997 the media gave him his space, and that is why he said when interviewed that he would love to make South Africa his home cause he noted that the media respects celebrities privacy here and that is a fact, we had the late Princess Diana's brother and his family living in South Africa and I am certain that the media did not hassle them but rather gave them their privacy as much as they needed, I can speak of many international celebrities that has graced our shores and the media know how far to go in an interview as well…just thought I should comment on your post ……South Africans would actually think it was his double knowing that MJ had many body doubles over a period of years

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